ICT competence in primary school. Formation of ICT competence in primary school students. The importance of the competence of participants in the educational process

Pedagogical experience of a computer science teacher

MAOU secondary school No. 53 of the city of Tomsk


"Formation of ICT competence

participants educational process"

I've been trying and experimenting for 18 years now. Of these, 12 years - as a computer science teacher.

I love you computer
You are my friend, you are always with me.

It was you who opened the doors for me,
I hold the Earth Ball in my palm.

Nowadays, having a computer at home has become commonplace. Parents believe that if a child goes to school, he must have a computer. But he doesn’t know how to work on it. So children get used to a very smart and expensive toy from childhood: music, cartoons, then films, social networks and just the Internet.

In our school, the study of computer science begins in the 8th grade. At the beginning of the school year, when I see the children for the first time, I give the students a questionnaire “What can I do on a computer (I exclude the answers “I listen to music, communicate on in social networks, watch movies, “surf the Internet”). The answers are simply stunning - " Sometimes typing", " Sometimes I help parents with the text", " Sometimes I make presentations,” a few process photos in Photoshop. And that’s it...

And modern society is characterized by the rapid development of science and technology, the creation of new information technologies that radically transform people's lives. The rate of knowledge renewal is so high that throughout one’s life a person has to repeatedly retrain and master new professions.

I often come across the question in class: “Where will this be useful to me in life?”

Therefore, I consider the main thing in my work to be: increasing the interest of schoolchildren in studying computer science through obtaining a wide range of practical skills in using computer technologies not only in school, but also in life.

To do this, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    create a unified information space for the school;

    to form the information culture of students;

    develop the need to master practical skills in using a computer as a powerful tool for processing information in electronic form;

    create conditions for self-realization of the personality of each student in the learning process.

Information competence can be considered as a complex ability to independently search for, select the necessary information, analyze, organize, present, and transmit it; model and design objects and processes, implement projects, including in the field of individual and group activities using ICT tools. It is fundamental that information and communication competence is of a supra-subject, general educational, and general intellectual nature.

The formation of ICT competence of participants in the educational process can be represented as an informatization ladder:

first stage - ICT literacy;

second stage – ICT competence;

the third stage is the information culture of the individual.

At the first stage, it is very important to show children that a computer is a human assistant in solving various problems.

Over the past 5 years, the number of children who know how to use a computer has increased approximately 10 times. At the same time, educational motives for working with a computer rank approximately in twentieth place.

ICT literacy is the use of digital technologies, communication tools and networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information to function in a modern society.

I implement the first stage with students in grades 2–4 in classes as part of the project and research activity “I am a researcher.” To create and design projects, I have developed and use the Computer Graphics program - drawing in the Paint raster editor.

This program is selected for classes because, firstly, it is the simplest and most accessible graphic editor, and secondly, it is suitable for children primary school very interesting and enjoy drawing classes in general, and thirdly, with a graphic editor it’s interesting, exciting, exciting.

During the classes, an information and educational environment is formed in which the child can express and at the same time teach himself. Children have the opportunity to show their creative potential when performing work. The main condition for each lesson is a positive emotional mood, a disposition to think and a desire to create.

I posted the children's drawings on my blog. Our students are selected by interactive voting best works at the end of each quarter.

Also, at the end of each quarter and at the end of the year, at parent meetings on parallels, I show the children’s work to their parents.

In the 2013-2014 academic year, I developed a lecture on the topic “Multimedia. Media education. Media competence” for parents, students and teachers. This lecture also includes the lecture “Safe Internet”. The purpose of these classes is to make the Internet safe for children. After all, now even preschoolers have gadgets. And therefore, the sooner they know what dangers the World Wide Web is fraught with, the better for the child.

I created a special “Safe Internet” page on the school website. I created the same page on my website in the “For Parents” section. On this same page I plan to post assignments for students and their parents.

I implement the second stage (formation of ICT competence) with students in grades 5–7 at extracurricular activities, with students in grades 8–11 as part of training sessions.

ICT competence implies students’ confident possession of all components of ICT literacy skills to solve emerging issues in educational and other activities.

The elective "Computer Graphics" at the secondary level is divided into two programs: 5th - 6th grades: working in the Paint graphic editor, in the LogoWorlds program, creating presentations using Microsoft Power Point, using OLE technology and 7th grade - "Computer Graphics in the Gimp editor ". Materials for creating presentations are products created by children in class.

Drawings, presentations, crosswords.OLE-technologies.

As part of the educational educational program in computer science in grades 8–11, I pay special attention to practical work in applied programs, because competence can only be developed in practice.

One of the ways to develop ICT competence, increase the effectiveness of the lesson and, especially, acquire the habit of self-control by students, is to use instruction cards or visual written instructions.

The technique of using instruction cards can be attributed to the technology of semantic reading. This technology can also be applied in the context of using information technology.

At first, students have difficulty getting used to this form of work, since many have problems with reading speed, and the main volume educational material available to students in the form of text - continuous and non-continuous (tables, graphs, diagrams). Therefore, the skills of semantic reading in all its manifestations - searching for information and understanding what is read, transforming the text and its interpretation, evaluating information - are necessary to achieve both meta-subject and subject-specific results.

In the process of semantic reading, skills necessary for personal development are formed, such as the ability to analyze a task, text, understand the meaning, and interpret the text.

The technology easily adapts to distance learning.

Working using multi-level maps and algorithms ensures a fairly high pace of students’ work on computers and active work of the entire class.

Work organized in this way allows you to:

    develop students' algorithmic thinking;

    increase the likelihood of success for a weak student;

    give a strong student the opportunity to complete an additional task or task of increased complexity,

thereby developing ICT competence and increasing the level of mastery of educational material.

Usage innovative methods in the activities of a teacher contributes to the successful improvement of ICT competence.

Since 2010, I have been using web 2.0 services to develop interactive tasks for computer science lessons. (testing and online surveys). Example: tests on different topics on the site http://romanenkotn.ucoz.ru/index/testy/0-20 and interactive tasks on the blog and website.

Tests were performed using the service "Create tests in two steps" ( http://test.fromgomel.com/index.html) and the Internet service LearningApps.org ( http://learningapps.org/). The same Internet service allows you to create various interactive exercises: find a pair, find a match, enter text or select text to fill in the blanks from the proposed options. If the text input option is used, then it is necessary to formulate the task extremely carefully, since in order to correctly complete the task the student must enter an answer that completely coincides with the option indicated by the teacher. Examples of tasks: “One-dimensional arrays. Basic definitions" - 11th grade, "Shortcut. Folder. File. Program" - 8th grade.

I posted these tasks on my website and blog, where students can complete them both in class under the supervision of a teacher or independently at home. Students can write their results in the comments to the assignment.

Working with information involves not only performing practical tasks on a computer, but also the following tasks:

Licensed product box

When completing this task, students need to fill out the table:




No information

The product can be used for more than 2 years without additional payments

The product can be used on 2 PCs without additional charges

The product can be used for 2 years and on 2 PCs without additional payments

The product can be used for 2 years OR on 2 PCs without additional payments

Product cost 1,700 rubles

The product can be used on Windows 8

The product is not intended for Mac OS X

This is the professional version of the product

This is a new version of the product

When purchasing a product, 3 bonuses are provided

A special place in the formation of ICT competence is occupied by project activities.

The external result of any project can be seen, comprehended and applied in real practical activities. But the internal result - the experience of activity - becomes an invaluable asset of the student, combining knowledge and skills, competencies and values.

Implementation of projects at the middle level as part of an elective using the presentation creation program and the LogoMira program.

LogoWorlds is a unique multimedia program. It has a lively, very easy to understand interface and ample capabilities. This is not only work with graphics, sound, video, but also, most importantly, a full-fledged LOGO programming language. This is not just a step in ICT competence, but also a huge step towards further study, understanding and mastery of the topic “Algorithmization and Programming”.

Project in the PervoLogo environment.

What does a modern young man need in order to feel comfortable in new socio-economic conditions?

What role should school play, what should it be in the 21st century, in order to prepare a person for full life and labor?

The third stage (formation of information culture of students) is one of the components of a person’s general culture. Information culture is the most important factor for successful professional activity, as well as social security of the individual in the information society.

When creating an information culture, I solve the following tasks:

    prepare students for professional activities in a highly developed information environment;

    reveal the possibilities of effective use of information environment resources.

I solve these problems with high school students in lessons and as part of the elective course for high school students “Programming Fundamentals” and with school teachers in practical classes and consultations.

The use of ICT should, first of all, be convenient, accessible, interesting and effective. Only in this case will training in these technologies be meaningful and productive.

At this age level I also use the project method.

The ability to present information in a form convenient for perception and use by other people is one of the conditions for a student’s educational competence.

A website is the most popular and accessible means of presenting text, graphic and other information on the Internet.

Therefore, website building lessons help students develop cross-subject skills and provide an opportunity to learn how to create their own web pages, personal sites, and subject-specific sites. Knowledge of Internet technologies is one of the important factors contributing to a person’s relevance in life and in society.

This innovative activity I use it in lessons and in project activities at the senior level of education.

Presenting projects at scientific and practical conferences develops not only ICT competence, but also its highest level - information culture. After all, students at the conference participate in real (non-educational) life - they are the authors of their works, researchers, speakers. To present your work, you need not only to complete it, but also to be able to present it effectively.

project " Small encyclopedia"Historical perspective: from the abacus to the computer" was presented at
scientific and practical conference "Lyceum Spring" in Yurga.

I use this work in class as reference material when studying the topic." Historical stages computer development".

Students carry out Web technology projects with great desire, since this type of activity develops their meta-skills (general skills that are in demand in different subject areas), and also increases the share of independent work.

Integrated project (computer science - physics) - "Use of the regional component in solving problems in physics."

When drawing up the objectives of this project, we used specifications mechanisms of the Yurga Machine-Building Plant.

This work was presented at the school scientific and practical conference, as well as at the XIII regional scientific and practical conference of students and young people "Progressive technologies and economics in mechanical engineering" in Yurginsky Institute of Technology Tomsk Polytechnic University and was awarded a Diploma for the "Best Report" in the section " Current state and problems of science education".

This project is intended for use in physics lessons when solving problems and also has practical use to this day (in Novosibirsk, at school No. 6 in the city of Yurga and in our school).

Organization of extracurricular activities related to the use of ICT - holding competitions, olympiads, participation in conferences - can significantly increase the level of ICT competence of schoolchildren.

As a computer science teacher, I, of course, attract students to participate in creative competitions in the subject, Olympiads, and telecommunications projects.

There are an unusually large number of competitions on the Internet, but, unfortunately, almost all of them are paid. I try to find free ones or not very expensive ones.

The most widespread and, perhaps, the most beloved computer science competitions for children are the All-Russian games-competitions “KIT” and “Infoknowledge”.

For five years now I have been the organizer of the “Infoznaika” and “KIT” competitions at school.

Primary school students also take an active part in these competitions.

Each competition is new knowledge, it is the experience of participation, it is also acquired life experience - victory or defeat.

Our school students take an active part in city programs additional education, which provide for the implementation of projects. I, as a computer science teacher, class teachers and the guys in close cooperation are implementing joint activities in the creation and implementation of projects.

I consider the positive results of my teaching experience:

1. I have stable indicators of positive dynamics of learning in the subject.

Quality of academic performance in the subject by year

(grades 8 - 11)

Academic year

Number of students


Quality of training

2. Student success when passing final exams by subject: Unified State Exam results and GIA.

Type of exam

Academic years

Total students

% participation


Exam results

We managed without "2"

Incl. to “4” and “5” (%) or average score

3. Number of children entering educational establishments for specialties related to information technology.

Academic year

Educational institution

For several years, at school No. 6 in Yurgi, she was the administrator of the school website. Result - Certificate of the regional competition of Web sites of educational institutions of the Kemerovo region in the category "The most presentable site." For two years now, at school No. 53 in Tomsk, I have also been the administrator of the school’s official website. Although the site is constantly being improved, I have not yet been able to achieve the desired result. I consider the problem to be the limitation of the school website in its template design and available quota.

Widespread use of distance learning technologies in school education becomes a requirement of the time, as it allows us to solve problems in developing competencies in schoolchildren, namely:

    educational and cognitive (determine the goals and order of one’s work, independently plan one’s educational activities, exercise self-control);

    communicative (collaborate, participate in group work, exchange information);

    informational (independently search, analyze and select information, transform and transmit it);

    competencies of personal self-improvement (analyze your achievements and mistakes, critically evaluate and re-evaluate the results of your activities).

The personal website of a subject teacher is a powerful tool in increasing ICT competence.

Thanks to the use of distance learning technologies, it is possible to significantly increase the interest in the subject of students of different levels of preparedness.

Replacing the lesson form with independent, projective activities will create conditions for students’ productive creativity.
Distance learning can also be effectively used to fill gaps in skills and abilities or deepen knowledge.

I created the “Distance Learning” page on my website with the goal of deepening children’s knowledge of programming. Currently, interest in programming is reduced.

You can find more detailed materials on my websites.



and my blog http://romanenkotn.ucoz.ru/blog/

I continue to collaborate with school No. 6 in the city of Yurga on the use of distance learning technologies.

This pedagogical experience is used the young computer science teacher of our school, Markova Marina Sergeevna, and my colleague MBOU Secondary School No. 6 of Yurga, Kemerovo Region, Chumakina Elena Valerievna, in lessons and in extracurricular activities, as well as in distance education.

Craig Barrett, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Intel Corporation, said in one of his speeches, “Technological advances mean nothing if teachers do not know how to use them effectively. It’s not computers that create miracles, it’s teachers...”

Therefore, a special place in my work is occupied by interaction with subject teachers: these are integrated lessons, consultations, seminars and workshops.

In December 2014, at the city methodological association of technology teachers, an integrated public lesson in computer science and technology “Using the LeKo computer magazine when creating a shoulder pattern. Performing calculations for construction in the program Microsoft Excel" In the same month, at the city methodological association of young mathematics teachers, I conducted an open practical lesson on the topic "Creating interactive presentations in mathematics. Constructing interactive graphs."

To improve the ICT competence of teachers, courses with the funny name “Young Hacker” were created, where all interested teachers could improve their knowledge and skills in the field of ICT.

Our school works closely with Medical Unit No. 2, and at the request of the administration of this institution, last year I conducted the same courses for their employees.

And the doors of the computer science classroom are always open to everyone. I share with my colleagues everything that I know myself.

My work experience was gained positive assessment and presented on:

    In-person round of the regional competition "IT - teacher of Kuzbass XXI century" in the category "Social services for education" in Kemerovo.

    My developments are posted on the websites: competition.net, infourok.ru, head teacher.info. My presentation on the topic “The connection between an algorithm and a program in the Pascal programming language” became the winner - II degree Diploma, the rest were awarded certificates.

    Student presentations with projects at scientific and practical conferences: at the XIII regional scientific and practical conference of students and young people "Advanced technologies and economics in mechanical engineering" at YUTI TPU. Result - Diploma for the "Best Report" in the section "Current state and problems of natural science education."

Sections: School administration

Today, one thing is clear - the school cannot fail to take into account that children who cross the school threshold are already familiar in practice with modern technologies for transmitting and processing information, and in the future they must become citizens of the information society. The Federal State Educational Standard is a reflection of the social order and is a social contract that harmonizes the requirements for education made by the family, society and the state, therefore it must take into account the needs of the developing information society. One of the main provisions of the new standard is the formation of universal learning activities (ULA). Without the use of ICT, the formation of UUD in the volumes and dimensions outlined by the standard is impossible. Thus, ICT competence becomes the foundation for the formation of educational learning in a modern mass school.

That's why purpose programs “Formation of ICT competence of students” We believe: the development of students’ cooperation and communication skills, independent acquisition, replenishment and integration of knowledge; abilities to solve personally and socially significant problems and translate solutions into practice using ICT tools.

We consider achieving the goal possible through decision next tasks:

  1. formation of a unified information space for the school MKOU “Secondary School No. 4 r.p. Linevo”;
  2. increasing the level of ICT competence of teachers of MKOU “Secondary School No. 4 r.p. Linevo”;
  3. formation of information culture of students, increasing their level of general education training in the field of modern information technologies.

The formation of ICT competence of students implements a system-activity approach and occurs in the process of studying all subjects of the curriculum without exception, and its result is an integrative result of schoolchildren’s learning.

1. Principles for the formation of a unified information space

The student should be at the center of the internal unified information space of the school. The school’s unified information space is created so that during the years of schooling a student can acquire the most advanced knowledge, be able to actively apply it, learn to think dialectically, become socialized earlier, more easily adapt to a rapidly changing world and at the same time have time to attend clubs, sections, and read books etc. The school's unified information space should be open and is subordinated to the educational and upbringing process, to ensure and serve, first of all, the educational activities of the school and, as its necessary condition, managerial ones. Thus, along with the student, other participants in the pedagogical process should be at the center: teachers, parents and administration.

The openness of the school's information space involves ensuring the exchange of information between all participants in the educational process both at the internal school level (administration, teachers, students, parents) and at the external level (teaching communities, governing structures, media). An open information space ensures transparency of the school for parents and the public, thereby raising the level of trust in the education system (Diagram 1).

The construction of an open information space in our school will be carried out by improving each component EIP :

1. Hardware: strengthening the material and technical base.

  • 100% provision of teachers' workplaces with computers and projection equipment;
  • creation of a local network with dedicated servers, including wired and wireless segments, providing wireless connection anywhere in the school;
  • ensuring the mobility of teachers and students by increasing the share of laptop computers, replacing obsolete desktop computers with portable ones;
  • increasing the proportion of classrooms equipped with an interactive whiteboard (interactive attachment).

2. Information: development and implementation of network technologies and services that allow the effective use of computer equipment and digital educational resources.

  • purchasing server and other software to improve the efficiency of school information processes;
  • formation and development of a local repository of the central educational center with access through the school web server based on the freely available central educational resources of the federal center for information and educational resources and other sources on all school subjects with the possibility of its use outside educational institution;
  • formation of a bank of control and measuring materials (including KIMs for the Unified State Exam and State Examination) for all school subjects with the possibility of its use outside the educational institution;
  • translation of school and educational videos into a single digital format, placement of this bank on one server;
  • improvement of network technologies for access through a web interface to the entire variety of available data storage facilities (satellite television, video, CD images, other types of data storage facilities) based on the “single window” principle;
  • improvement and expansion of the personal information space of the teacher and educational institution based on the creation of sites on the local network and on the Internet.

3. Personnel: preparing participants in the educational process for activities in the conditions of the Unified IP, the information society.

  • a system of methodological support for teachers in the use of information technology;
  • integration of pedagogical and information and communication technologies;
  • project activities of students based on the use of ICT tools (press center, newspaper “Rainbow”, video studio, class and subject projects);
  • informing parents through IR technologies about the activities of the school, expanding the range of this type of service (school website, the presence of interactive feedback with the school administration, IS “Dnevnik.ru”).

4. Regulatory: a set of rules for interaction between various components of a single information space.

  • local acts of the school (On the system of constant methodological support for teachers in the field of ICT, About electronic journal, About the media library, About the Content Filtering Council, About the school website, etc.);
  • job responsibilities employees responsible for information technology;
  • director's orders;
  • cooperation agreements with universities and schools.

2. Principles of developing ICT competence of teachers

The process of preparing teachers to use ICT in their professional activities cannot be only one-time and short-term in nature. Practice has shown that it is necessary to create a system of regular methodological support for teachers in the field of using ICT in teaching. Teachers who have acquired knowledge in the field of new educational technologies are required to constantly prove themselves in them and have a professional environment for information interaction. To solve these problems it is necessary:

  • continuous training of teachers in the field of using ICT in teaching (and without interruption from work).
  • Hardware and software updating and maintenance of the functioning of equipment and information resources of an educational institution, technical support of ICT and provision of Internet access;
  • information and methodological support for teachers' pedagogical activities using ICT.

At our school, the MC “Implementation of ICT in the educational process” is working in this direction. Based on the experience of the center and having studied theoretical material, the model “Teachers with a high level of ICT competence” was developed (Diagram 2).

Only after this can we say that the teacher has professional ICT competence and can move from isolated cases of conducting lessons in a computer lab to using IT in the educational process in the system. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (requirements for conditions), the entire educational process is displayed in the information environment, in our case this is Dnevnik.ru. This means that Dnevnik.ru contains lesson calendar and thematic planning for each course, materials offered by the teacher to students in addition to the textbook, in particular hypermedia illustrations and reference material. Dnevnik.ru contains homework assignments, which, in addition to textual formulation, may include a video film for analysis, geographical map etc. They may involve the use of links provided by the teacher on the Internet, or free (limited by educational framework) search on the Internet. There the student places the results of certification work, “written” homework, reading text on foreign language, a video filmed by him, a table of experimental data, etc., the teacher analyzes them and informs the student of his comments, posting his reviews in the IOS, current and final grades of students.

In this regard, a training system has been developed based on the requirements of the “State Educational Standard” (higher pedagogical education, approval year - 2005 http://www.edu.ru/db/portal/spe/index.htm), which includes:

1. Continuation of the formation of computer literacy obtained through self-education, providing knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of ICT.

2. Methodological aspects of the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process.

3. Interactive learning technologies.

4. Information and communication technologies in the implementation of a system of control, assessment and monitoring of students' educational achievements.

3. Principles for developing students’ ICT competence

The formation and development of ICT competence of students includes the formation and development of educational and general user ICT competence, including: the ability to collaborate and communicate, to independently acquire, replenish and integrate knowledge; ability to solve personally and socially significant problems and translate solutions into practice using ICT tools.

More effective way formation of ICT competence of students, I think, in integrative interdisciplinary projects, in extracurricular activities. At the same time, mastering ICT competence within a separate subject contributes to the formation of meta-subject ICT competence and plays a key role in the formation of UDD. For example, the formation of general, meta-subject information retrieval skills occurs during the activity of searching for information in specific subject contexts and environments: in Russian and foreign languages, history, geography, and natural sciences, information is searched using specific tools, along with general user tools. In all these cases, the general ability to search for information is formed.

The general principle of developing ICT competence is that specific technological skills and universal learning activities, if possible, are formed in the course of their application, meaningful from the point of view of the educational tasks facing students in various subjects.

Initial technical skills are formed in primary school in the course of Technology and Informatics. Basic skills related to video and audio recording and photography are developed in the field of Art. In this area, students gain an understanding of the transmission of content, emotions, and the aesthetics of the image. Synthetic genres play an important role, for example, hand-drawn and live animation, animation. A significant factor is the ability to improve and perfect your work. In the field of Natural Science (the surrounding world), the greatest importance is the quality of reproduction of details that are significant from the point of view of the analysis of a phenomenon, the combination of visual information with measurements.

The listed provisions are applicable in the formation of ICT competence in both primary and secondary schools.

At the same time, the development of ICT within the educational fields of Art and Technology, with all the possible variability of the programs of these subjects, should not replace work with material technologies in the non-digital environment. The share of class time where work takes place only in the digital environment should not exceed 35% in Technology and 25% in Art.

The Informatics and ICT course in grades 7-9 of primary school sums up the development of students’ ICT competence, systematizes and complements the students’ existing knowledge, provides their theoretical generalization, and fits specific technological activities into the information picture of the world. Elements of educational ICT - competence of students are given in Appendix 1 .

An effective model for developing ICT competence when students teach others - both in lecture mode and in small group work mode and in individual consulting mode. In the process, meta-subject and personal results are achieved for all participants. Students can implement various service functions, including servicing equipment and advising users.

Assessment of the formation of the school’s unified information space:

  • growth of material, technical and resource support educational system schools;
  • the share of the number of teachers using information technology in the educational process for an individual approach and in the classroom;
  • increase in the number of teachers using distance learning;
  • the number of winners in virtual competitions, distance and heuristic Olympiads;
  • number of participants and winners in the scientific and practical conference of different levels;
  • number of participants in the educational process involved in integrative creative projects;
  • number of network educational associations of teachers.

Assessment of ICT competence of teachers.

Forming ICT competence in schoolchildren requires teachers to use special methods and techniques:

  • the teacher must be committed to developing this competence;
  • a change in didactic goals will be required typical tasks that you usually give to your students (there will be at least two goals: learning specific educational material and developing ICT competence);
  • During lessons, time should be allocated for independent work with the text, followed by group discussion;
  • the development of ICT competence is helped by the use of active methods training (group or team work, business and role-playing games etc.).

ICT competence of teachers can be assessed through expert assessment of the development of their lessons. For separate topic(separate lesson) in lesson planning of the course (developed by the teacher on the basis of sample course programs and methodological developments), components of students’ educational activities are highlighted in which ICT tools are actively used: preparing a message, searching for information on the Internet, video recording of observed processes, conducting an experiment with digital recording and data processing, etc. After the topic (lesson), a comparison is made with the plan for the actual active use of ICT by each student (as a rule, this does not mean answering multiple-choice tasks or listening to a teacher’s lecture with audio-video accompaniment). The share (percentage) of informatization of the topic is calculated by averaging across students. The rate indicator is calculated by averaging over time. The indicator for an educational institution is calculated by averaging over courses (taking into account the time weights of courses).

Assessment of ICT competence of students.

The main form of assessing the level of ICT competence of students is a multi-criteria expert assessment of current work and a digital portfolio in all subjects. Along with this, students can undergo ongoing certification for mastering technical skills by completing specially designed educational tasks, including in simulation environments. It is important that these tasks do not become the main goal of developing ICT competence. Assessment of the quality of task performance in a simulation environment can be automated.

So, information and communication competence of schoolchildren is defined as the ability of students to use information and communication technologies to access information, search for it, identify it, integrate it, manage it, evaluate it, as well as create it, produce and transmit a message, which is sufficient to successfully live and work in an information society, in an economy based on knowledge. One of the results of the school informatization process should be the emergence in students of the ability to use modern information and communication technologies to work with information both in the educational process and for other needs.

Requirements for test tasks can be formulated as follows:

  • any test is given in the form of a description of a life situation (task scenario). This is done specifically in order to simulate a real environment in which the student has to solve similar problems;
  • Particular attention must be paid to the amount of text that the student must read and process when completing the task. According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the average ninth grader functionally reads text at a speed of 200 words per minute.
  • completing the task does not require knowledge of a specific school discipline: the content of the tasks is based on general cultural issues, “everyday” situations, etc.

When determining the competence of schoolchildren in the field of using ICT, the emphasis should be placed, first of all, on assessing the formation of the relevant generalized cognitive skills (mental skills high level). To assess the development of such skills, a specialized tool is needed that allows one to assess the ability of schoolchildren to work with information while solving specially selected problems (in controlled conditions), and to automate the procedure for assessing the level of ICT competence of students and teachers. The procedure for measuring ICT competence is called testing. During this procedure, students complete a sequence of control tasks that together form a test. Texts (or descriptions) of tasks are naturally called control and measuring materials (CMM). The test usually consists of several types of tasks. Being built into the software shell of the tool, tasks turn into an automated test.

Topic: “Formation and development of ICT – student competencies”


Shatova Zarina Yakhiyaevna,

computer science teacher


    The relationship between ICT - literacy and ICT - competence…………………..5

    Purpose of ICT………………………………………………………………………………...7

    Influence of factors on the level of ICT - competence of students……….8

    Elements of educational ICT - competencies…………………………..10

    Conditions for the formation and development of ICT - student competencies…………………………………………………………………………………12





The 21st century is the century of high computer technology. A modern child lives in a world of electronic culture. Today, a new link has firmly entered the traditional “teacher-student – ​​textbook” scheme - the computer, and computer education has firmly entered the school consciousness.

Nowadays, a modern school must prepare graduates for life in an information society, in which the main products of production are information and knowledge. One of the first tasks that we must solve is to create such learning conditions in which, already at school, children could discover their capabilities and prepare for life in a high-tech competitive world.

The relevance of the work lies in the fact that a modern person must not only have a certain amount of knowledge, but also be able to learn, that is, be able to solve problems in the field educational activities, namely:

    determine the goals of cognitive activity;

    find optimal ways to achieve your goals;

    use a variety of information sources;

    search and find the necessary information, evaluate the results obtained;

    organize your activities;

    collaborate with other students.

According to the new standard, the results of students mastering the main educational program are divided into personal, meta-subject and subject. The subject "Informatics" is part of the subject area "Mathematics and Informatics", the subject results of mastering which should ensure successful learning at the next level general education and include: awareness of the importance of computer science in human everyday life, understanding of the role of information processes in modern world.

As a result of studying the subject "Informatics", students develop various types of thinking, gain an understanding of the basic information processes in real situations. Meta-subject results of mastering the educational program of basic general education should reflect the formation and development of competence in the field of using information and communication technologies.

Goal of the work : increasing the efficiency of the process of formation and development of ICT - the competence of students through the active introduction of information technologies.


    identify the conditions for the formation of ICT competences of students;

    consider the influence of factors on the level of ICT - teacher competence;

    study the elements and basic concepts of ICT - competencies.

The relationship between ICT - literacy and ICT - competence

The relationship between the concepts of computer literacy, ICT competence and information culture of an individual can be represented in the form of a ladder of informatization, where at the first stage ICT literacy is formed, at the second - ICT competence and the final stage - information culture of the individual. The definition of ICT competence is introduced on the basis of the definition of ICT literacy.

In the conditions of intensification of the processes of informatization of society and education for the formation of universal educational activities (hereinafter referred to as UAL), along with traditional methods, it is advisable to widely use digital tools and capabilities of the modern information and educational environment. Orienting primary school students in information and communication technologies (ICT) and developing the ability to use them competently (ICT competence) are one of the important elements in the formation of students’ learning skills at the level of basic general education.

The definition of ICT competence is introduced on the basis of the definition of ICT literacy. The concept of ICT literacy determines what skills and abilities a person must have in order to be called literate in this sense. In order of increasing complexity of cognitive actions required to perform them, these are:

    definition of information;

    access to the information;

    information management;

    integrating information and contrasting data;

    evaluation of information;

    information creation;

    message of information.

When developing ICT competence, they are successfully used traditional approaches:

    verbal teaching methods (story, explanation, lecture, conversation, working with a textbook and book);

    visual methods (observation, illustration, demonstration visual aids, presentations);

    practical methods (oral and written exercises, practical computer work).

ICT competence is students’ confident possession of all components of ICT literacy skills to solve emerging issues in educational and other activities, with the emphasis being on the development of generalized cognitive, ethical and technical skills.

Key competencies and universal learning activities (ULA) include skills in planning and goal setting, measurement, analysis and processing of information, collaboration, problem solving, communication skills and a number of others. Students achieve the designated result in the process of classroom and extracurricular activities. At the same time, ICT must be used and, of course, will be used in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard when assessing the formation of universal educational activities. For their formation, the use of an information and educational environment in which teachers and students plan and record their activities and results is of exceptional importance.

ICT goals

    increasing the efficiency of the process of developing all key skills,

    actual skills in using ICT

ICT competence highlights educational ICT competence as the ability to solve educational problems using ICT tools and information sources generally available in primary schools in accordance with the age needs and capabilities of the student. The solution to the problem of developing ICT competence should take place not only in classes in individual academic subjects (where subject ICT competence is formed), but also within the framework of a supra-subject program for the formation of universal educational activities, in extracurricular activities of students.

When mastering personal UUD, the formation is carried out:

    critical attitude to information and selectivity of its perception;

    respect for information about privacy and information results of other people’s activities;

    foundations of legal culture in the field of information use.

When mastering regulatory control systems, the following is ensured:

    ·evaluation of conditions, algorithms and results of actions performed in the information environment; ·

    use of action results posted in the information environment to evaluate and correct the action performed;

    creating a digital portfolio of a student’s educational achievements.

When mastering cognitive learning tools, ICTs play a key role in such general educational universal activities as:

    ·search, fixation, structuring of information;

    ·creation of simple hypermedia messages; ·

    construction of the simplest models of objects and processes.

ICT is an important tool for the formation of communicative UUD. For this we use:

    ·exchange of hypermedia messages;

    ·performance with audiovisual support; ·

    recording the progress of collective/personal communication; ·communication in the digital environment (e-mail, chat, video conference, forum, blog).

The formation of ICT competence of students should take place within the framework of a system-activity approach, in the process of studying all subjects of the curriculum without exception. Including the formation of ICT competence in the program for the formation of educational learning allows the educational institution and the teacher to formulate the appropriate positions of the planned results, helps, taking into account the specifics of each academic subject, to avoid duplication when mastering different skills.

Influence of factors on the level of ICT - students’ competencies

It should also be noted that the level of ICT competence is influenced by factors related to the behavioral activity of students.

For example, students’ attendance at lessons and the uniqueness of their leisure activities show themselves quite clearly in this regard. It should be noted that a certain type of organization of students’ leisure time (for example, the creation of school-based associations, clubs related to the use of ICT, as well as holding competitions and olympiads) will significantly increase the level of ICT competence of schoolchildren.

The educational status of their family also has a significant influence on the level of competence of students in the field of ICT. Research results show that there is a direct relationship between the level of competence of a student and the level of education of his parents - the higher the level of education of the parents, the higher the ICT competence of the student.

So, the formation of ICT competence of students is influenced by many different factors:

    educational institution;

    activities of a computer science teacher;

    socio-demographic factors;

    various aspects of educational activities and leisure.

At the same time, settlement specifics in the level of ICT competence of schoolchildren cannot be ignored. Rural schoolchildren are noticeably inferior in their level of ICT competence to urban students, which is due to a wide range of reasons: shortage of qualified personnel, insufficient material and technical support, lack of developed infrastructure.

The activity of a teacher is and remains one of the main factors determining the success of a student in a particular subject area. The level of ICT competence of students directly depends on the activities of computer science teachers. But with separate teaching of the subject of computer science, achieving the desired goals in the development of ICT competence of students is impossible, even if a high level of ICT literacy is achieved. Computer science teacher, one way or another, especially in rural schools, is a consultant and assistant in the field of informatization of education. The opinion that the main thing is to teach the teacher how to use a computer, and then everything will happen automatically, is fundamentally incorrect. This is confirmed by practice. The main thing is that the use of ICT should, first of all, be convenient, accessible and effective in educational and educational work. Only in this case will training in these technologies be meaningful and productive.

If you ask school subject teachers: “Who is responsible for developing students’ ICT competence?”, I am sure that the vast majority will point to the computer science teacher. Apparently, this connection between the name of the subject and the type of competence turned out to be very strong.

Although the answer to the question is obvious, training in complex information skills is successful where this work is carried out with close interaction between subject teachers, library workers and computer science teachers. Therefore, the theoretical significance of the experience lies in the fact that each teacher can use the described techniques and build his own pedagogical activity so as to form the cognitive competencies of students.

Despite the difficulties of mastering, most subject teachers already use a computer to prepare for lessons, but not yet enough, very few. And there are several reasons for this, including the lack of computers at the workplace in the classroom, and the very little flexibility of the information products offered to the teacher, released on disk. It is important for a teacher to adapt any material to the specifics of his work, to the program within which he works, to the characteristics of the children being taught this year and in this class. Of course, the productive work of any teacher is worthy of respect, regardless of what technologies he uses in his work. After all, everything, even the most difficult path, can be overcome if there is no pressure on a person, if one can go through the steps from simple to complex, if the teacher has a clear task and accessible means of solving it.

Elements of educational ICT - competencies

1.Handling ICT devices; understanding of the basic operating principles of ICT devices; connecting ICT devices to the electrical network, turning devices on and off; basic actions with screen objects; connecting ICT devices using wired and wireless technologies; entering the information environment of the institution, including via the Internet, placing an information object (message) in the information environment; ensuring reliable functioning of ICT devices; outputting information to paper; the use of the basic laws of human perception, processing and storage of information.

2.Fixation, recording of images and sounds, their processing.

digital photography, three-dimensional scanning, digital audio recording, digital video filming; creating animation as a sequence of photographic images; Photo processing; video editing and voice-over of video messages.

Art, Russian language, foreign language, natural science, extracurricular activities.

3.Creation of written texts.

text scanning and recognition of scanned text: input of Russian and foreign language text; basic on-screen text editing; structuring Russian and foreign text using a text editor (page numbers, footers, paragraphs, links, headings, table of contents, font selections); use of spelling and syntactic control tools for Russian text and text in a foreign language; publishing technologies.

4.Creation of graphic objects.

creation of geometric objects; creation of diagrams of various types (algorithmic, conceptual, classification, organizational, relationship, etc.) in accordance with the tasks; creation of specialized maps and diagrams: geographical (GIS), chronological; creating graphic works by drawing arbitrary lines by hand; creating animation in accordance with the tasks; creation of virtual models of three-dimensional objects.

These skills are formed primarily in the following subject areas:

social studies, geography, history, mathematics.

5.Creation of musical and sound objects.

use of music and sound editors; use of keyboards and kinesthetic synthesizers"

These skills are formed primarily in the following subject areas:

art, extracurricular (extracurricular) activities

6.Creating messages (hypermedia).

creation and organization of information objects of various types, in the form of a linear or link-based accompaniment of a speech, an object for independent viewing through a browser; citing and using external links; designing a message in accordance with its objectives and means of delivery;

7.Perception, understanding and use of messages (hypermedia).

understanding messages, using internal and external links, search tools, reference sources (including bilingual) when perceiving;

formulating questions for the message; marking up messages, including internal and external links and comments; deconstruction of messages, highlighting elements and fragments in them, quoting; message description ( summary, author, form, etc.); work with special types of messages: diagrams (algorithmic, conceptual, classification, organizational, kinship, etc.), maps (geographical, chronological) and satellite photographs, selective attitude to information, the ability to refuse to consume unnecessary information;

8.Communication and social interaction.

presentation with audio-video support, participation in discussion (video-audio, text); sending a letter, message (hypermedia), replying to a letter; personal diary (blog); forum; game interaction; theatrical interaction;

interaction in social groups and networks, group work on a message (wiki); video-audio recording and text commentary of fragments of the educational process; educational interaction (receiving and completing assignments, receiving comments, creating a portfolio);

9.Search for information

techniques for searching information on the Internet, search services. Building queries to search for information. Analysis of query results; techniques for searching information on a personal computer; features of information search in the information environment of the institution and in the educational space.

Conditions for the formation and development of ICT competence of students

Rich information environment of an educational institution

A modern school is a school with a high level of informatization, in which the teaching of all subjects is supported by ICT tools, a local network and (controlled) Internet are available in all rooms where the educational process takes place, teachers and other school employees have the necessary professional ICT competence, technical and methodological services.

Thus, school informatization affects not only the content of school subjects and tools educational process, but also the very way of life of its participants, the foundations of professional pedagogical work.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (requirements for conditions), the approximate OOP LLC proceeds from the fact that the entire educational process is displayed in the information environment. This means that the information environment contains:

    lesson-by-lesson calendar and thematic planning for each course,

    materials offered by the teacher to students in addition to the textbook, in particular hypermedia illustrations and reference material.

    homework, which, in addition to textual formulation, may include a video film for analysis, a geographical map, etc.

    the student posts the results of certification work, “written” homework, reading text in a foreign language, a video filmed by him, a table of experimental data, etc.,

    the teacher analyzes them and communicates his comments to the student, posting his reviews in the Information Environment,

    current and final grades of students.

    digital measuring instruments and digital microscopes for natural sciences, global positioning systems for geography lessons, devices for synthesis and input of musical information for music lessons, computer-controlled construction sets, plotters for technology lessons, graphics tablets.

All this equipment is effectively used in achieving the goals of subject ICT competence of students and in improving the qualifications of teachers.

The basis of the information environment is school-wide ICT tools

mobile computer (for example, laptop),

portable projector and screen,

camera, video camera,

digital voice recorder,

noise-absorbing closed-type headphones,


relevant digital educational resources and necessary consumables (voice recorders, microphones, etc., devices for storing, recording and transmitting information - flash memory, CDs, DVDs).

Advantages of ICT technologies

ICT technologies in the classroom:

    activates the cognitive activity of students;

    increases students' motivation for the subject being studied;

    saves time on explaining material;

    allows you to go beyond school textbooks, supplement and deepen their content;

    allows you to differentiate and individualize the work of students;

    makes it possible to increase the accumulation of marks;

    creates comfort in the classroom.


As a result of studying all subjects without exception at the stage of primary general education, the formation of skills necessary for life and work in a modern high-tech society begins. Students will gain experience working with hypermedia information objects that combine text, visual graphics, digital data, still and moving images, sound, links and databases and which can be transmitted orally, via telecommunications technologies or posted on the Internet .

Students will become familiar with various ICT tools, master the general safe and ergonomic principles of working with them; realize the possibilities of various ICT tools for use in learning, development of their own cognitive activity and general culture.

They will acquire primary skills in processing and retrieving information using ICT tools; learn to enter various types of information into a computer: text, sound, image, digital data; create, edit, save and transmit hypermedia messages.

Graduates will learn to assess the need for additional information to make decisions educational tasks and independent cognitive activity; determine possible sources of its receipt; be critical of information and the choice of source of information.

They will learn to plan, design and simulate processes in simple learning and practical situations.

As a result of using ICT tools and tools to solve a variety of educational, cognitive and educational-practical tasks covering the content of all subjects studied, students will form and develop the necessary universal learning activities and special learning skills, which will lay the foundation for successful learning activities in middle and high school.


One of the results of the school informatization process was the emergence in students of the ability to use modern information and communication technologies to work with information. They know how to search for the necessary data, organize, process, analyze and evaluate it, and also produce and disseminate information in accordance with their goals.

This ability (or competence) should provide schoolchildren with the opportunity to:

 successfully continue education throughout life (including receiving educational services using the Internet);

 prepare for your chosen professional activity;

 live and work in an information society, in an economy based on knowledge.

List of sources used

    Federal State educational standard basic general education. - M. Prosveshchenie, 2011.

    Agapova N.V. - Prospects for the development of new teaching technologies. – M.: TK Velby, 2005 – 247 p.

    Guzeev V.V. - Educational technology: from admission to philosophy / School Director, issue 4, M.: September 1996.

    Clarina M.V. Educational technologies. Ideals and reality. – Riga, 1999

    Kulyutkin Yu.N., Mushtavinskaya I.V.. Educational technologies and pedagogical reflection. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg GUPM, 2002, 2003.

    Polat E.S. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system. - M: Omega-L, 2004. - 215 p.

    Polat E.S. and etc.; edited by E.S. Polat - New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Textbook. A manual for students. ped. Universities and higher education systems. qualified ped. personnel - M. Publishing center "Academy", 1999.

    Sovetov B. Ya. - Information technologies in education and society of the 21st century. // Computer science and information technologies in education, 2004, No. 5.

    Tryapitsyna A.P. - Educational program - student’s route. Part 2 – St. Petersburg, 2000.

    Monograph. Main types of educational and cognitive activities of students. Chapter 5 http://www.rae.ru/monographs/76-2774

    Selevko G.K. Educational technologies based on information and communication tools. M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005.

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Mazhitova Milya Rashitovna,


MAOU "Secondary School No. 15 of Chelyabinsk".

Formation of ICT competencies in teaching

subject "Informatics and ICT" at school

The formation of ICT competence of a teacher is one of the priorities in the direction of informatization of education, which allows for the transition from a reproductive model of teaching and learning to research methods.

For a modern teacher, ICT competence lies in his ability to use information and communication technologies to carry out information activities, namely, searching for the necessary information, evaluating it and the ability to structure, analyze and use it, as well as to create and disseminate information knowledge in different areas of their activities depending on the situation. The old model of managing the educational process, based on strict control of learning, hierarchy and repetition, is changing. To use ICT in the classroom, a teacher needs theoretical and practical training to ensure the formation of information competence of students who already know how to independently and actively act and make decisions, and flexibly adapt to the challenges of the information society. Great importance The modern teacher is given the task of optimizing the time in the process of the student acquiring knowledge, reproducing, memorizing and storing it at the level of the school education system.

For the modern student in the XXIcenturyIt is necessary to develop skills in searching, selecting, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating the necessary information for learning in computer science and ICT lessons, starting from the initial stage of education.

Note that an important key point in the potential of ICT learning is the ability of ICT technologies to act as a common network. Therefore, the teacher must be prepared to interact with students in the ICT learning process to enable effective learning, both individual and collective. I propose to expand the understanding of teachers and colleagues working at school. You and I understand that modern child, even if he is a preschooler, he already has the skills to “communicate with a PC” before entering a general education institution. How to apply ICT competencies and ICT technologies in teaching activities in school lessons? In practice, the teacher must try to think, feel, and behave as if “YOU” are the student. The child inside each of us watches with joyful excitement at a series of exciting events that can be actively explored. In Fig. Figure 1 shows ICT competence as a system of competences.

Rice. 1. Components of a teacher’s ICT competence.

Contents of teacher ICT competence:

technological (awareness of the computer as a teaching tool);

algorithmic (awareness of the computer as an executor of algorithms and a means of constructing algorithms);

model (awareness of the computer as a means of information modeling);

research (awareness of the computer as a technical means of automating educational research);

methodological (awareness of the computer as the basis for creating a technological and information-learning environment).

Let's consider the concepts of competence and competency, ICT literacy.

Competencies - these are generalized and formed qualities of a person, his ability to most universally use and apply acquired knowledge and skills; a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow a subject to adapt to changing conditions, the ability to act and survive in these conditions.

Competence - a special human ability necessary to perform a specific action in a specific subject area, including highly specialized knowledge, skills, ways of thinking and willingness to take responsibility for one’s actions.

What are their differences?

Competence - the result of education,expressed in the subject’s readiness to effectively organize internal and external resources to achieve the set goal.

Competence - the ability to solve problems arising in the surrounding reality using the means of the subject. A competent person is a person who is able to practically resolve non-standard, significant situations for himself, using knowledge, skills, abilities, experience, etc.

ICT literacy is the use of digital technologies, communication tools and/or networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information for functioning in modern society.

ICT - presentation of information in electronic form, its processing and storage, but not necessarily its transmission. Information and communication technology is the combination of information and communication technologies.

The history of computers and information and communication technologies (ICT) dates back to the mid-20th century. From this time on, the process of informatization of various areas of human activity begins, and the formation of an information-oriented society takes place. The problems of the information society are studied by a branch of computer science called social informatics. Currently, almost every field of activity, profession related to information processing has its own specialized software, its own information technology tools. What is information technology?

Information technology - a set of mass methods and techniques for accumulating, transmitting and processing information using modern hardware and software.

The best way for a modern teacher to interact with modern students in the classroom is by conducting practical work, computer workshops, solving various problems - baselocal networkschools, which ensures efficiency and flexibility in decision making.

Nowadays, the level of development of the country and the quality of life of the population significantly depend on the level of education and computer literacy of people. Requirements for the quality of education are constantly growing. We, teachers, understand well that an individual approach is necessary in working with students. Let's consider the concept of ICT competence of the student himself.

ICT competence - students’ confident possession of all ICT skills to resolve emerging issues in educational and other activities.

Rice. 2. Components of a student’s ICT competence.

Contents of the student’s ICT competence:









The Informatics and ICT course in grades 7-9 of primary school summarizes the development of students’ ICT competence, systematizes and complementsknowledge available to students, gives their theoretical generalization, enters a specifictechnological activity into the information picture of the world. It may involve preparing the student for some type of formal ICT competency assessment. Of course, the structure of the educational process of this course in its ICT component will be very diverse, depending on the already formed level of ICT competence. The spectrum here ranges from a complete lack of functional ICT tools (still present in some schools) and the traditional model of Informatics and ICT lessons in the “computer lab” - the only place where ICT tools are presented that students can use, to modern, Federal State Educational Standards compliant model, which is presented as the main one in this Program. The computer science component, which also contributes to the formation of ICT competence, is more invariant in the course, but also depends on the mathematical and computer science training received by students in primary school and previous basic classes, as well as on practical experience students' use of ICT.

The role of a computer science teacher can, if desired, be supplemented by the role of an ICT coordinator, a methodologist on the use of ICT in the educational process, consulting other school employees and organizing their advanced training in the field of ICT.

A modern school is a school of a high level of informatization, in which the teaching of all subjects is supported by ICT tools, a local network and (controlled) Internet are available in all rooms where the educational process takes place, teachers and other school employees have the necessary professional ICT competence, technical and methodological services.

Thus, the informatization of school affects not only the content of school subjects and the tools of the educational process, but also the very way of life of its participants, the foundations of professional pedagogical work.

The need to informatize the entire educational process, develop ICT competence of teachers and students and the requirement to optimize resources leads to a configuration in which, in addition to equipment, workplaces (mobile or stationary) for teachers of various subjects are created, the number of projectors and screens increases (stationary installation is preferable in rooms of regular frequent use), digital photo and video cameras, mobile classrooms with wireless access to the local network are being added, and rooms for independent work by students after school are being equipped (library reading room, etc.). I suggest that teachers, teachers, students and others use ICT technologies in lessons on the subject “Informatics and ICT”.

Happy journey to you (colleagues, students) in the world of ICT competence and excellent results!

UDC 004 37 L. V. REVINA

Municipal average comprehensive school No. 3, Langepas, Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- YUGRA


The article comprehensively analyzes ICT competence using the example of a computer science lesson in order to develop in students the ability to use modern information and communication technologies to work with information.

Today it is very important to learn how to independently acquire new knowledge using the variety of information resources provided to us. In this regard, the task comes to the fore continuing education throughout life, a necessary condition which is the formation of information competence of the individual. By this concept we mean a person’s integrative ability to quickly find information, critically evaluate it and use it in their activities.

One of the indicators of the success of the implementation of the “Informatization of the Education System” (ISE) project carried out by the Government Russian Federation, is its influence on the formation of information and communication competence (ICT competence) of ninth grade graduates who complete their studies in the basic school program.

The structure of ICT competencies is: definition, access, management, integration, evaluation, creation, communication. Cognitive ICT skills - competencies are presented in Table 1.

Let's consider one of the ICT competences presented in Table 1 - “definition”, which is formed from such actions as:

Ability to accurately interpret a question;

Ability to detail a question;

Finding information in the text, specified explicitly or implicitly;

Identification of terms, concepts;

Justification for the request made.

The need to develop these skills determines the need to search for modern forms, methods and means of teaching, the use of information

tion technologies in school education. The use of advances in informatization is one of the innovative components of organizing the educational process in modern school, opens up new opportunities for radical changes in strategies for mastering new knowledge. This indicator allows you to indirectly assess the impact of changes in the content and methods of educational activities.

The formation of such ICT competence as “definition” is possible in any educational lesson and at any stage. Let's look at an example training session studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge (USIPZ).

Construct of the lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge (USIPZZ)

Grade: 7th grade.

Topic: Computer structure: information input and output devices.

Goal: To organize the activities of students to perceive, comprehend and initially consolidate new knowledge and methods of activity in the process of studying the principles of operation of information input/output devices.

1. Ensure students’ perception, awareness, and understanding of the classification and operating principles of information input/output devices.

2. Formation of ICT - “definition” competencies.

3. Fostering a reflective culture among students.

Educational equipment: computer - 10 pcs., multimedia projector, printer - 2 pcs., multifunctional device, scanner - 2 pcs.

Didactic material: task card, control sheet, reflective card.


Stages of the lesson Didactic tasks Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Performance indicators

Organizational stage 1. Provide a normal external environment for work during the training session. 2. Psychologically prepare students for communication during a lesson. Organizes attention. They are listening. Full readiness of students and equipment, quick integration of students into the business rhythm.

Updating the subjective experience of students Updating the subjective experience of students. introduction teachers: defining the problem (in the form of questions). Asks students to answer a series of questions. They listen, answer questions, draw analogies. Students' readiness for active cognitive activity.

Studying new material Ensuring perception, comprehension and primary memorization of knowledge and methods of action, connections and relationships in the object of study 1. Introduces the topic. 2. Communicates the goals and objectives of the lesson. 3. Informs about the subject competencies that will be formed when studying this topic. 4. Explains the topic without giving definitions. 1. Listen. 2. Answer questions. Active and productive activities of students. Correctness, completeness and awareness of students' knowledge.

Primary check of assimilation and consolidation of knowledge Ensuring the assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action at the level of application in a changed situation. 1. Activates students’ cognitive activity based on assignments. 1.Load the file “I/O devices from!OS” 1.Perform tasks. Students' openness to understanding the acquired knowledge.

Monitoring and self-testing of knowledge Identifying the quality and level of mastery of knowledge and methods of action, ensuring their correction. 1. Observes. 2. Monitors and corrects knowledge. 1. Monitor knowledge by comparing it with the teacher’s “standard”. 2. Recorded on the self-control sheet. 3. Draw conclusions. Obtaining reliable information about the achievement of planned learning outcomes by all students.

Summing up the lesson, reflection Provide an analysis and assessment of the success of achieving the goal. Mobilizing students for reflective activities. 1. Hands out reflective cards. 2. Summarizes the lesson. 1. Fill out reflective cards. 2. Summarize the results of their activities. Students' openness to understanding their actions and self-assessment.

Homework Ensure students complete homework. 1. Informs 0 homework. 2. Provides instructions on implementation. 1. Listen. 2.Ask questions. Z. Write down your homework. Implementation of necessary and sufficient conditions for the successful completion of homework by all students in accordance with their learning capabilities. Appeal to the subjective experience of schoolchildren


(Finding information in the text, given in an explicit or implicit form. Identification of terms and concepts.)

Guys, please read the text about various computer-related devices. Write down all the terms of the topic you are studying today. What devices are discussed in this text? If you can, give examples of the most common companies that produce these devices.

A computer includes input and output devices that translate information from human language into a language that the computer can understand.

The keyboard is used to enter numeric and text information. The standard keyboard has 104 keys and 3 indicator lights.

To enter graphic information and to work with the graphical interface of programs, coordinate information input devices are used: manipulators (mouse, trackball), touch panels and graphic tablets. There are optical-mechanical and optical mice. A characteristic of coordinate information input devices is their resolution, usually

resolution is about 500 dpi (dots per inch). This means that when you move the mouse 1 inch = 2.54 cm, the mouse pointer on the screen moves 500 dots. Laptop computers use a touchpad instead of a mouse.

Graphic tablets are used to draw and enter handwritten text. To enter photographs, pictures, drawings, slides, text documents use a scanner. Last years Digital cameras (camcorders, cameras) have become widespread. Web cameras are used to transmit live video. A microphone is used to input audio information.

The monitor is a universal information output device. Desktop computers used to primarily use cathode ray tube monitors, but now liquid crystal monitors, which are more compact and have no radiation, are becoming more common.

To display information on paper, information output devices such as a printer are used. Printers are divided into matrix, inkjet and laser. To listen to sound, use speakers or headphones that are connected to the output of the sound card.--------------

Structure of ICT competences

ICT - competencies Cognitive skills (cognitive actions)

Definition The ability to accurately interpret a question.

Ability to detail a question

Finding information in the text, specified explicitly or implicitly.

Identification of terms and concepts.

Justification for the request made.

Access Select search terms based on the level of detail.

Match the search result to the requested terms

Formation of a search strategy.

Syntax quality.

Management Create a classification scheme to structure information.

Using the proposed classification schemes to structure information.

Integration Ability to compare and contrast information from multiple sources.

Ability to eliminate irrelevant and non-existent information.

The ability to concisely and logically present generalized information.

Assessment Development of criteria for selecting information in accordance with the need.

Selection of information resources according to developed or specified criteria

The ability to stop the search.

The ability to draw a conclusion about the focus of available information on solving a specific problem.

Ability to justify your conclusions

Ability to present a balanced issue in the presence of conflicting information.

Structuring the created information in order to increase the persuasiveness of the conclusion.

Message Ability to tailor information to a specific audience.

Ability to correctly quote sources (to the point and in compliance with copyright).

Ensuring, if necessary, confidentiality of information.

Ability to refrain from using provocative language regarding culture, race, ethnicity or gender.

Knowledge of all requirements (rules of communication) related to the style of a particular communication.

table 2

Evaluation criteria (assessing the complexity of the actions performed)

Observed action Complexity of the action Evaluation of the action depending on the work performed

Enumerates input/output devices Medium Low: does not list all devices Medium: lists all devices in a row, as they appear in the text High: first lists input and then output devices

Conducts a classification of information input and output devices High Low: does not classify information input and output devices Medium: performs a classification, but does not list all devices High: carries out a classification listing all information input and output devices

Gives examples of various companies that produce input/output devices High Low: gives no examples Medium: gives one example High: gives two or more examples of different manufacturers

To measure ICT competence, evaluation criteria have been developed (see Table 2), which will allow you to determine an assessment of the complexity of the actions performed.

To overcome learning anxiety it is necessary open system training, during which the student will be able to advance along an individual trajectory, since he is given the opportunity to:

Determine the individual meaning of learning academic discipline;

Set your own goals in studying specific sections and topics;

Choose the optimal forms and pace of learning;

Use those teaching methods that best suit your individual characteristics;

Be reflexively aware of the results obtained;

Evaluate and adjust your activities.

Recently, reflection has become an integral part of pedagogy; even a new teaching technology has appeared - reflective, which forms reflective competence. Reflective competence is on a par with such competencies as communicative, personal, intellectual, activity, emotional, creative, and is a necessary condition for the success of an individual. To establish feedback, it is necessary to form reflective activities as a way of revealing and promoting the development of the personal potential of each student.

Thus, a new concept of reflection has emerged - this is the ability to monitor and evaluate one’s activities, to anticipate possible consequences their actions, find and eliminate the cause of difficulties that arise, self-esteem, the ability to objectively evaluate their educational achievements and strive to improve them.

Reflective lesson map

Student's FI

No. Polls Answer options

No I don't know

1. Do you think that every computer science classroom should have a scanner and printer?

2. Can you scan a picture or text?

3. Can you print text or pictures?

4. Can you connect a printer or scanner at home yourself?

5. Can you, at home, install a driver for the operation of peripheral input/output devices?

The use of reflection is possible at all stages of the lesson:

At the beginning (topic, goal) - this helps to achieve the goal;

In the middle (preliminary results) - what helps, thanks to what?;

At the end - what helped to achieve the goal (reflective map - table 3).

Within the framework of the ISO project, the result of the process of developing ICT competence should be the ability of students to use modern information and communication technologies to work with information. Students must be able to search for necessary data, organize, process, analyze and evaluate it, as well as produce and disseminate information in accordance with their goals. This ability should provide students with the opportunity to:

“successfully continue education throughout life, using various forms of education, including distance learning using educational resources on the Internet;

"prepare for future professional activities;

"live and work in the information society.


1. Burmakina V.F., Falina I.N. How to prepare for testing to test ICT competence of a schoolchild // Informatics. - 2006. No. 17. - P.3-10.

2. Burmakina V.F., Falina I.N. Description cognitive activities components of the competence “definition of information”//Informatics. - 2006. No. 18. - P.3-9.

3. Utepov M.B. Designing an individual educational route as a means of developing personal achievements of a senior school student: Dis. ...cand. ped. Sci. Orenburg, 2004. - 176 p. (111).

REVINA Lyubov Vladimirovna, computer science teacher.

Date of receipt of the article by the editor: 04/08/2007

© Revina L.V.


Leontyev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality: textbook. manual: Approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia / Ed. D. A. Leontieva. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: IC "Academy"; “Meaning”, 2007. - 352 p. - (Classical educational book).

The publication is dedicated to the centennial anniversary of the outstanding Russian scientist A.N. Leontiev (1903-1979). "Activity. Consciousness. Personality" is one of his main books, from which psychology students still study in our country. The book also includes a number of works from the legacy of A.N. Leontiev, thematically close to this publication.

For students of higher education institutions vocational education.

Orlov A.B. Psychology of personality and human essence: Paradigms, projections, practices: textbook. allowance.

M.: IC "Academy", 2007. - 272 p.

IN textbook methodological paradigms and theoretical principles of modern psychology are presented, variants of practices within the framework of humanistic psychology are considered (“meeting group” and psychological counseling); a trialological approach was formulated in psychological counseling and psychotherapy.

For students of higher education institutions. May be useful to anyone interested in new trends in the development of psychology.
