The oldest stage of human development. Historical stages of human development. Topic: The oldest stage of human history

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Modern science has come to the conclusion that the entire variety of current space objects was formed about 20 billion years ago. The sun - one of the many stars in our galaxy - arose 10 billion years ago. Our Earth is an ordinary planet solar system- has an age of 4.6 billion years. Now it is generally accepted that man began to stand out from the animal world about 3 million years ago.

The periodization of the history of mankind at the stage of the primitive communal system is rather complicated. Several variants are known. Most often used archaeological scheme. In accordance with it, the history of mankind is divided into three large stages, depending on the material from which the tools used by man were made. Stone Age: 3 million years ago - the end of the III millennium BC. e.; Bronze Age: end of III millennium BC. e. - I millennium BC. e.; Iron Age - from the 1st millennium BC. e.

At different peoples in different regions of the Earth, the appearance of certain tools and forms of social life did not occur simultaneously. There was a process of formation of a person (anthropogenesis, from the Greek "anthropos" - a person, "genesis" - origin) and human society (sociogenesis, from the Latin "societas" - society and the Greek "genesis" - origin).

The earliest ancestors of modern man looked like apes, which, unlike animals, were able to produce tools. AT scientific literature this type of ape-man was called homo habilis - a skilled man. Further evolution of the habilis led to the appearance of the so-called pithecanthropes 1.5-1.6 million years ago (from the Greek "pithekos" - monkey, "anthropos" - man), or archanthropes (from the Greek "ahayos" - ancient). The archanthropes were already human. 300-200 thousand years ago, archanthropes were replaced by a more developed type of man - paleoanthropes, or Neanderthals (at the place of their first discovery in the Neandertal area in Germany).

During the period of the early Stone Age - the Paleolithic (about 700 thousand years ago), a person entered the territory of Eastern Europe. Settlement came from the south. Archaeologists find traces of stay ancient people in the Crimea (Kiik-Koba caves), in Abkhazia (near Sukhumi-Yashtukh), in Armenia (Satani-Dar hill near Yerevan), as well as in Central Asia(south of Kazakhstan, Tashkent region). In the Zhytomyr region and on the Dniester, traces of people living here 500-300 thousand years ago were found.

Approximately 100 thousand years ago, a significant part of the territory of Europe was occupied by a huge glacier up to two kilometers thick (since then, the snowy peaks of the Alps and Scandinavian mountains have formed).

The emergence of the glacier affected the development of mankind. The harsh climate forced a person to use natural fire, and then to get it. This helped a person to survive in conditions of a sharp cold snap. People have learned to make piercing and cutting objects out of stone and bone (stone knives, spearheads, scrapers, needles, etc.).

Obviously, the birth of articulate speech and the generic organization of society dates back to this time. The first, still extremely vague religious ideas began to emerge, as evidenced by the appearance of artificial burials.

The difficulties of the struggle for existence, the fear of the forces of nature and the inability to explain them were the reasons for the emergence of pagan religion. Paganism was a deification of the forces of nature, animals, plants, good and evil spirits. This huge complex of primitive beliefs, customs, rituals preceded the spread of world religions (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc.).

During the late Paleolithic period (35-10 thousand years ago), the glacier melted, and a climate similar to the modern one was established. The use of fire for cooking, the further development of tools, as well as the first attempts to streamline relations between the sexes significantly changed the physical type of a person. It was to this time that the transformation of a skilled man (homo habilis) into a reasonable man (homo sapiens) belongs. According to the place of the first find, it is called Cro-Magnon (Cro-Magnon area in France). Then, obviously, as a result of adaptation to the environment in the conditions of the existence of sharp differences in climate between different regions the globe the existing races (Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid) also formed.

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Periodization of ancient history

The first stage in the development of mankind - the primitive communal system - takes a huge period of time from the moment a person was separated from the animal kingdom (about 3-5 million years ago) until the formation of class societies in various regions of the planet (approximately in the 4th millennium BC .). Its periodization is based on differences in the material and technique of making tools (archaeological periodization). In accordance with it, in the most ancient era, there are:

Stone Age (from the emergence of man to the III millennium BC);

Bronze Age (from the end of the 4th to the beginning of the 1st millennium BC);

iron age(from the 1st millennium BC).

In turn, the Stone Age is subdivided into the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic), Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic), New Stone Age (Neolithic) and the Copper Stone Age transitional to Bronze Age (Eneolithic).

A number of scientists divide the history of primitive society into five stages, each of which differs in the degree of development of tools, the materials from which they were made, the quality of housing, and the corresponding organization of housekeeping.

The first stage is defined as the prehistory of the economy of immaterial culture: from the emergence of mankind to about 1 million years ago. This is the time when the adaptation of people to environment was not much different from animal livelihood. Many scientists believe that East Africa is the ancestral home of man. It is here that bones of the first people who lived more than 2 million years ago are found during excavations.

The second stage is a primitive appropriating economy approximately 1 million years ago - XI millennium BC. e., covers a significant part of the Stone Age - the early and middle Paleolithic.

The third stage is a developed appropriating economy. It is difficult to determine its chronological framework, since in a number of localities this period ended in the 20th millennium AD. e. (subtropics of Europe and Africa), in others (tropics) - continues to the present. Covers the late Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and in some areas - the entire Neolithic.

The fourth stage is the emergence of a producing economy. In the most economically developed regions of the earth - IX - VIII millennium BC. e. (Late Mesolithic - Early Neolithic).

The fifth stage is the era of the producing economy. For some areas of dry and humid subtropics - VIII - V millennium BC. e.

In addition to the production of tools, the material culture of ancient mankind is closely connected with the creation of dwellings.

The most interesting archaeological finds of the most ancient dwellings date back to the early Paleolithic. The remains of 21 seasonal camps have been found in France. In one of them, an oval stone fence was discovered, which can be interpreted as the foundation of a light dwelling. Inside the dwelling there were hearths and places for making tools. In the cave of Le Lazare (France), the remains of a shelter were found, the reconstruction of which suggests the presence of supports, a roof made of skins, internal partitions and two hearths in a large room. Beds - from the skins of animals (foxes, wolves, lynxes) and algae. These finds date back to about 150 thousand years ago.

On the territory of the USSR, the remains of land dwellings, dating back to the early Paleolithic, were found near the village of Molodovo on the Dniester. They were an oval layout of specially selected large mammoth bones. Traces of 15 fires located in different parts of the dwelling were also found here.

The primitive era of mankind is characterized by a low level of development of productive forces, their slow improvement, collective appropriation natural resources and the results of production (primarily the exploited territory), equal distribution, socio-economic equality, the absence of private property, the exploitation of man by man, classes, states.

An analysis of the development of primitive human society shows that this development was extremely uneven. The process of isolation of our distant ancestors from the world of great apes was very slow.

The general scheme of human evolution is as follows:

Australopithecus man;

Homo erectus (formerly hominids: Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus);

Man of modern physical appearance (late hominids: Neanderthals and Upper Paleolithic people).

In practice, the appearance of the first Australopithecus marked the emergence of material culture, directly related to the production of tools. It was the latter that became for archaeologists a means of determining the main stages in the development of ancient mankind.

The rich and generous nature of that period did not contribute to the acceleration of this process; only with the advent of the harsh conditions of the ice age, with the intensification of labor activity primitive man in its difficult struggle for existence, new skills are rapidly emerging, tools are being improved, new social forms are being developed. Mastering fire, collective hunting for large animals, adapting to the conditions of a melted glacier, the invention of the bow, the transition from an appropriating to a productive economy (cattle breeding and agriculture), the discovery of metal (copper, bronze, iron) and the creation of a complex tribal organization of society - these are the important stages that mark the path of mankind in the conditions of the primitive communal system.

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Neolithic revolution. Changes in the way of life and forms of social ties. The origins of agriculture and cattle breeding in the Old and New Worlds. Social consequences of the transition from the appropriating to the producing economy. The emergence of private property. The breakdown of the family structure. The role of the tribal leadership. Slaves and slavery. Division of labor. Prerequisites for the emergence of civilization.

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Section 1. oldest stage the history of mankind. Civilizations ancient world


Natural and social in man and the human community of the primitive era. Isolation of man from the animal world. Dispersal of people around the world.

Habitat. Beginning of social life. Ancestral community. Distribution of social functions between the sexes. Human consequences of global climate change.

Neolithic revolution. Changes in the way of life and forms of social ties. The origins of agriculture and cattle breeding in the Old and New Worlds. Social consequences of the transition from the appropriating to the producing economy. The emergence of private property. The breakdown of the family structure. The role of the tribal leadership. Slaves and slavery. Division of labor. Prerequisites for the emergence of civilization.

Basic concepts:

civilization, anthropogenesis, social life, religion, worldview, art, culture, neolithic revolution, appropriating economy, productive economy, private property, tribal system, slavery, division of labor.

Extracurricular independent work:

Compile a conceptual dictionary "Civilization" (at least 7-10 sources)


2.1 Early civilizations, their distinguishing features

Chronological and geographical framework of the history of the Ancient World.

Early Civilizations: Egypt. Front Asia. India. China.

Material culture and economy of early civilizations. Social system. Political and military organization. Ideology.

2.2 Rise of civilizations of the Bronze Age and the Iron Age of the East

New Egyptian Empire. Babylon at the time of Hammurabi. Hittites: Indo-Europeans in Asia Minor. Aegean World of the Bronze Age. Minoan civilization in Crete. Achaean states.

Assyrian military power and its successors in Asia Minor. Persian "kingdom of kingdoms". Ancient India. Mauryan Empire. Formation of ancient Chinese civilization. Qin and Han empires.

2.3 Ancient civilization

Ancient civilization. Formation of the polis civilization in Greece: geographical and social background. Alexander the Great and Hellenism.

Ancient Rome: stages of the formation of society and the state. Economy, social system, state apparatus in the Republican and imperial Rome.

2.4 Religions of the ancient world and the cultural heritage of ancient civilizations

Religions of the Ancient World. Paganism in the East and in the West. The emergence of world religions. Buddhism and its spread. Confucianism. Religion of the ancient Jews. Early Christianity.

Basic concepts:

Ancient world, traditional society, aristocracy, priesthood, state, law, material and spiritual culture, mentality, political system, ideology, stone age, bronze age, iron age, polis, democracy, oligarchy, colonization, hellenism, republic, monarchy, empire , science, philosophy, paganism, Buddhism, Confucianism, world religion, Christianity, monotheism, church.

Literature for students:

No. pp



History: textbook for free software

Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N.


Russia and the world. Antiquity. Middle Ages. New time. Grade 10: basic level

Danilov A.A., Kosulina L.G., Brandt M.Yu.

M. Enlightenment. 2010

Story. Russia and the world in the 20th - early 21st century: 11 cells. Tutorial: basic level

Aleksashkina L.G., Danilov A.A., Kosulina L.G.

M. Enlightenment. 2010

General history: textbook 10 cells.

N.V. Zagladin, Simonia N.A.

M. Russian word, 2011

General history: textbook 11 cells.

N.V. Zagladin

M. Russian Word, 2011

History of Russia (electronic textbook)

A.P. Derevyanko, N.A. Shabelnikova

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Conceptual apparatus

The oldest and ancient history. traditional societies.

Theme "Primitive World"

Bronze Age - came at the end of the III millennium BC. It is characterized by the development of new tools, but now from metal.

Chief - military leader in the clan and tribe.

Soul -

iron age - began from the 1st millennium BC, when op at iron labor, which led to the development of new economic relations, committed n cultivation of the land, the emergence of crafts.

Painting - the art of painting objects.

Know - people who are somehow outstanding in the family and tribe (wealth, origin from Mr. e swarms, etc.).

Stone Age - the chronology of the Stone Age covers the period from 3 million years ago (n about phenomenon of people) before the appearance and spread of metal 7-8 thousand years ago in the Ancient East and 6-7 thousand years ago in Europe. Within the period are: Paleolithic - the ancient period of the Stone Age, when the first people arose (3 million years - 10-11 thousand years ago).

Mesolithic - the middle period of the Stone Age (10-11 thousand - 7-8 thousand years ago) when and bow and arrow. Neolithic - new period of the Stone Age (7-8 thousand - 5-6 thousand years ago). character e is shaped by the appearance of new tools of labor; people learned to grind, drill, make clay about court, spin and weave.

Witchcraft - t howl at people and animals.

Magic - a set of rites and spells considered miraculous, calling n nyh to influence nature, people, animals and gods. ( l

matriarchy - under the primitive communal system: the epoch that was replaced by patriarchy n the existing position of a woman in the genus group, when establishing kinship (by the same n line), in economic and social life. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l to

Natural economy -economy, in which almost everything necessary for life is produced h is found within the economy, and not for sale, but for own consumption.

Neolithic revolution -a radical change in the life of primitive society, trans. e move from the appropriating economy to the producing one.

Werewolf -

Social stratification -the process of destruction of the tribal system, during which b layers of the new civilizational society are distinguished.

Tool - a technical device with which work or some action is performed. (

Hunting - search and killing of animals and birds.

Primitive communal system -the first socio-economic formation in the history of mankind. Covers the era from the appearance of the first people to the emergence about vision of class society. characterized by common ownership of the means of production in labor and consumption, due to the low level of development of the producer b nyh forces. The main unit of the primitive communal system, according to the majority of e nyh, there was a maternal clan, which was replaced under patriarchy about t tsovskaya large-family, and then the neighboring community. The growth of productive forces, the development of social division e labor education led to the emergence of private property, indus and visual economy and the disintegration of the clan, the separation of the prosperous elite, which first turned the military into slaves about prisoners, then impoverished fellow tribesmen, which caused the emergence of classes and states t va. ( A.M. Prokhorov. Soviet encyclopedic Dictionary, M.: 1988).

Primitive society -the first stage in the development of society, in which people live in camps or in villages, the society consists of tribal communities and tribes, the management of the at There are popular assemblies, councils of elders and elected leaders, knowledge is stored and transmitted from generation to generation in oral form.

Tribe - the union of tribal communities, which are united by a single elected leader, a common protected territory, the custom of marriage, common beliefs.

Appropriating economy -farming hunters and gatherers who do not grow a whether food, but with the help of tools, they mined and appropriated what was grown in the and kind.

Producing economy -agriculture and animal husbandry, an economy in which people on at we wanted to produce (grow) food, and not appropriate what is grown in the and kind.

Genus (clan community) -a collective of relatives (an association of families descended from one ancestor) who lived together, had common property and jointly ran a household t in, as well as managed by tribal elders.

tribal structure - type of society that exists at a primitive stage of development, with about Torus people are divided into clans and tribes.

Gathering -picking up edible plants, fruits, roots, bird eggs.

Neighborhood community -the union of unrelated families living in the same settlement (village, village), which are united by joint ownership of land.

The elder is the head of the community.

Totem - among primitive peoples: a deified animal (sometimes a natural phenomenon, plant, object), considered the ancestor of the people. ( about new dictionary of the Russian language, M.: 1997)

Totemism - primitive cult of totems. ( With language, M.: 1997).

Fetishism - among primitive peoples: the cult of inanimate objects endowed with supernatural properties. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory Dictionary ru With language, M.: 1997)

The human herda collective of ancient people engaged in the search for means of subsistence.

Theme "The Rise of Civilizations"

Agrarian Society -the first kind of human-made civilization. The basis of the economy is agriculture. The vast majority of people live in with e lah, leads natural economy. Commodity-money relations develop, as a rule, only in the mountains. about dah. Society consists ofseparate estates, the rights and obligations of a person depend on his origin. Majority the population is usuallyhas no political rights.The government can only be influenced bylandowning nobility. Culture and m and the outlook of most people is subordinatedreligion, traditions and custom ancestral pits. In society few literate and educated people.

Agricultural production (from the word agricultural) -land-related production, rel about related to land ownership, land use.

City - a special type of settlement in which the inhabitants, at least in part, were about devoid of rural labor.

State - organization of the management of society, people who live in a certain territory (within the borders of the state). In every state there is a management apparatus, i.e. professional rulers-officials; system of laws (pr a in); law enforcement services (city guards, police, militia); army to protect the borders, independence and interests of the state; collection of taxes from the population about keeping the army, police, officials and performing other state tasks.

Law - independent of anyone's will, objectively existing immutability, a a given that has developed in the process of the existence of a given phenomenon, its connections and relations e with the surrounding world. For example, the law of nature. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l Decree of state power, norms a tive act adopted by the state power; general educational rules established by the state authorities. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M.: 1997).A universally binding and immutable rule. For example, the laws of morals veins. (About The general name for the basic principles and ideas of a religious creed, a set of rules for a religion. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M.: 1997).

Irrigation - field irrigation system using artificial canals, reservoirs, etc.

People - a community of people who are united by a self-name (the name of the people); one language about b scheniya, a special way of life, customs.

Exchange - change from one thing to another.

Primary civilizations -ancient civilizations that originated at the dawn of human history e qualities and grown directly from the primitive.

Writing - signs with which you can write words.

Early State -association of tribes resulting from the collapse of the tribal system. The state apparatus is born tax system, but there are not many and signs of a mature state (written laws, a standing army, etc.).

Craft - manufacturing products by hand.

Estate - established on the basis feudal relations a social group with its hereditary rights and obligations, enshrined in customs and law and mi. In pre-revolutionary Russia: a group of people united by professional inter e yourself.

Theme "Civilizations of the Ancient World"

The Ancient East

"Valley of the Kings" - the place of mass burial of the pharaohs near the city of Cairo.

Noble - noble and wealthy dignitary.

tomb - a stone structure in which the coffin with the body of the deceased is kept.

Two Rivers (Mesopotamia, Babylonian Kingdom) -ancient country, Yu chennaya between the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates.

Despotism - translated from Greek means "unlimited power"; Samode form R greedy power; a special type of state, headed by a ruler who had full power and was considered the owner of all the land.

Ancient Egypt - the largest state of the Ancient East in northeast Africa, the territory of which extended in a wide strip along the valley of the Nile River and its pores about gov to delta.

Sacrifice -gifts brought to the deity by people of ancient civilizations. Ying about where it consists of fruits, vegetables or flowers, but could also include the routine killing of animals or people. nick. M., 2000)

Priest - a servant of a deity who performs sacrifices.

Hierarchy - the sequential arrangement of social strata or service ranks from the lowest to the highest, in the order of their subordination.

Hieroglyph - curly sign in writing.

Another world - that world. Other world. The place where the Egyptians and many others thought at some ancient peoples, people live after death.(Large historical encyclopedia schools nick. M., 2000)

Caste - social group among the population with its own rules of conduct and law and mi.

Caste system -a hereditary system that strictly defines social classes in India. At present, a social system based primarily on the profession about principle.

Peasant - a person whose main occupation is tillage.

Mummy - a desiccated human corpse protected from decomposition by embalming.

Rite - special actions showing respect for the gods.

Papyrus - tropical reed or reed writing material.

Pyramid - a large stone structure that served as the tomb of the pharaohs and nobles.

Slave - a person who was the property of another person and was used as a labor force. Like any property, they were sold and bought. They didn't have one a rights and privileges and had to perform any work that was given by their but a businessman. (Big Historical Encyclopedia of Schools nick. M., 2000)

Slavery - condition, position of a slave. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M.: 1997).The state of complete dependence, subordination. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Tolk about new dictionary of the Russian language, M.: 1997)

Scroll - a rolled up strip of paper or papyrus.

Sphinx - a stone statue of a lying lion with a human head.

Pharaoh - ruler in Egypt, who had supreme military, judicial and priestly power a stu.

Temple - building for worship.

ancient civilization Ancient Greece and ancient rome

ancient civilization -civilization created by the ancient Greeks, Romans.

aristocracy - the highest tribal stratum of the nobility. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Tolk Russian Dictionary language, M.: 1997).A privileged part of a class or some social group. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M .: 1997)

Attica - the name of the city-state, consisting of Athens and the surrounding areas on the territory of the southeastern peninsula of Central Greece.(Great historical e n cyclopedia of schools. M., 2000)

Barbarians - by this common name the Romans called all those who lived outside the possessions of the empire. The Romans considered them wild and uneducated, since their way of life was very different from the traditional Roman one. The constant incursions h nyh barbarian tribes became one of the reasons for the collapse of the empire.

Citizen - a person who lives permanently in the state and enjoys all the rights, but also performs all the duties accepted in the state.

Greek Polis -city-state with its own authorities. It consisted of about city ​​and adjacent areas.

Democracy - "power of the demos", a system of government in which all power issues were decided by all free citizens (at a popular assembly).

Demos - "the people", full citizens.

People's Assembly -organ in Athens, which was attended by all free residents (men). "Choose proper persons, judged."

Oligarchy - translated from the Greek "power of the minority."

Olympic Games -sports competitions in honor of the god Zeus, were held in Oli m pii.

Patricians - translated from Latin "having fathers"; privileged part of ri mskogo society.

Plebeians - translated from Latin "common people". One of the classes in Roman society. The plebeians were the poorest citizens, descendants of the first farmers and craftsmen. and kov who once lived in Rome.

Republic - translated from Latin "public business". A state in which power belongs to people chosen by society for a certain period of time.

Romans - people living in the city of Rome, in central Italy. Rome was founded in the 8th century. BC. and became the center great civilization. The Romans created great empire in E in rope and the Mediterranean Sea, having conquered Egypt in 30 BC. Their empire reached and heyday in the 1st century. AD, but the cultural influence has remained great to this day.(Pain our historical encyclopedia of schools nick. M., 2000)

System of values ​​-system of moral norms, ideals that determine behavior e man's attitude, his attitude to himself, to the world around him.

Personal status -current state of the individual. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M.: 1997).The legal status of the individual. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Russian explanatory dictionary about language, M.: 1997)

Tyranny - autocracy, thanks to which the arbitrariness of the nobility was limited. Tyrant - translated from Greek "sole ruler". This word had no negative connotation. Tyrants often contributed to the prosperity of policies.

Census (census) - Accounting for the population. The Roman government collected and statistical data on the population of the empire, mainly for more efficient tax collection.

Theme "Culture of ancient civilizations"

Architecture - the art of designing and constructing buildings, structures, architecture. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, M.: 1997). Building construction style. (y ka, M.: 1997).

Astronomy - the science of cosmic bodies, the systems they form, and the Universe in c e scrap. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M .: 1997)

God - in religion: the supreme omnipotent being who rules the world or (with many about jii) one of these creatures. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M .: 1997)

Buddhism - one of the three world religions, widespread in many countries of the East, which arose in ancient India in the 6th-5th centuries. BC. based on the cult of Buddha as an incarnation on and higher spiritual development. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M .: 1997)

Soul - supernatural and immortal being in man.

Painting - fine arts - the creation of artistic images with the help of paints. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M .: 1997)

Architecture - the same as architecture. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M .: 1997)

Judaism - monotheistic religion with the cult of the god Yahweh. It arose in the 1st millennium BC. in Palestine; common among Jews. Basic provisions of Judaism a us in the Talmud. Judaism is the state religion of Israel.

Witchcraft - mysterious techniques that, with the help of evil spirits, can influence t howl at people and animals.

Confucianism - ethical and political doctrine in China. The foundations of Confucianism were a laid down in the 6th c. BC. Confucius. Expressing the interests of the hereditary aristocracy, which n Futsianism declared the power of the ruler (sovereign) sacred, bestowed by heaven, and ra h the division of people into higher and lower (“noble men” and “small people”) - sun e the general law of justice. Confucianism became the basis of the social structure and lo moral self-improvement and observance of the norms of etiquette ("li").

Culture - a set of industrial, social and spiritual achievements l yu dey. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, M.: 1997)

Literature - works of writing that have a public cognitive sign and chenie. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, M.: 1997). Letter a variable art form, a collection works of art(poetry, prose, drama). (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, M.: 1997). Owls o the totality of works of some branch of knowledge, according to some special th question. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M .: 1997)

Magic - translated from Greek "sorcery", "magic".

World religions -one of the directions of social consciousness, spreading to the whole world, which is important for the whole world. One of the forms of social consciousness is a set of spiritual ideas based on belief in supernatural forces and beings (gods, spirits) that are the object of worship. World r e religions: Buddhism, Islam, Christianity. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, M.: 1997)

Myth - literally translated from the Greek "word". Legend in figurative form, trans. e giving an idea of ​​the world, its origin, gods and heroes.

Monotheism - belief in one single deity, in one god, monotheism. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M .: 1997)

Music - art that reflects reality in sound artistic images, as well as the works of this art themselves. ( o var ru s language, M.: 1997).The performance of such works on instruments, as well as the very sound of these works. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory Dictionary ru With language, M.: 1997).Some kind of melody. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory Dictionary ru With language, M.: 1997)

The science - a system of knowledge about the patterns of development of nature, society and thinking, as well as a separate branch of such knowledge. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M .: 1997)

Werewolf - a person who can turn, according to primitive people, into other people, animals or objects.

Religion - belief in God and supernatural phenomena.

Sculpture - the art of creating volumetric works of art by cutting b would, carving, molding or casting, forging, chasing. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Tolk about new dictionary of the Russian language, M.: 1997).A work of such art, as well as a scoop P the quality of such works. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of Russian language y ka, M.: 1997)

"Land of the Dead" -according to primitive people, the other world, where the soul of a dead person departs.

Theism - religious and philosophical doctrine of God as a being who created the world and control in what lies to them. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M .: 1997)

Totemism - belief in a supernatural connection between a tribe, a community, i.e. group l Yu dey, and any animal, bird, etc.

Christianity - world religion whose followers believe in one God in three and tsah: Father - Creator of the world, Son - Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit.

epic - narrative literature. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory sl about variant of the Russian language, M.: 1997).Folk art works - heroic tales ah, songs. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M .: 1997)

Paganism - common name for primitive non-theistic religions based on plural about devotion. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. That l kovy dictionary of the Russian language, M .: 1997)

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The most common is archaeological periodization, the criterion of which is differences in the material and technique of making tools. According to this scheme, the primitive era is divided into stone, bronze and iron ages. . In turn, each of these epochs is subdivided into a number of stages. We are unable to analyze these stages. All of them constitute the era of savagery of the human community. For the formation of civilization, the Neolithic period (VIII-V thousand years ago) is of fundamental importance, when the formation of an economy based on agriculture and cattle breeding began. This period is an English archaeologist. Gordon Child suggested calling it the Neolithic Revolution. The essence of the Neolithic revolution was the transition of part of the population from appropriating forms of economy(hunting, fishing, gathering) to the manufacturing industry- agriculture and cattle breeding, the emergence of the first civilizations was preceded by the Neolithic revolution.

The transition to new forms of economy associated with it contributed to cardinal changes in culture, lifestyle and spiritual sphere. Now, in the boundless world of hunters, fishermen and gatherers, who have mastered almost all the natural and climatic zones of the Earth, societies of farmers-cattle breeders are moving to the forefront of history. It is in their midst that a significant surplus product is created and, accordingly, material and spiritual values ​​are accumulated.

The origins of the first civilizations go back to the period of existence of early agricultural societies. Thanks to the construction of irrigation facilities, grand for those times, the productivity of agriculture increased dramatically. In societies that have embarked on the path of civilization, handicraft separated from agriculture. Cities appeared - a special type of settlements in which the inhabitants, at least in part, were freed from agriculture. Monumental structures began to be erected: temples, tombs, pyramids, etc., which had a direct economic purpose.

Began social stratification of society. Different social groups appeared in it, differing from each other according to professional characteristics, social status, according to the financial situation, according to the volume of rights and privileges. Formed states- systems of organs for organizing and managing the life of society, protecting the social interests of some groups and suppressing others. Was created writing, thanks to which people could fix in material form the achievements of their culture: ideas, beliefs, traditions, laws and pass them on to posterity.

The oldest stage in the history of mankind.

Natural and social in man and the human community of the primitive era. Changes in the way of life and forms of social ties.

The history of mankind as a whole is characterized by the growing dynamics of changes taking place both in various spheres of public life and in the complex of relationships between society and nature.

Traditional for the materialistic traditions of European science was the consideration of history from the point of view of man's conquest of nature. It really acts as a source of resources for the development of civilization. At the same time, a person is in constant interaction with his environment, he himself is its product and an integral part.

Human society and natural communities

The most ancient stone tools appeared about 2.5-3 million years ago. Consequently, at that time in East Africa there were already living creatures with the rudiments of reason.

The origin of the mind is explained by the action of natural laws of evolutionary development, interspecies struggle for survival. The best chances in this struggle were those species that, to a greater extent than others, could ensure their existence in the changing conditions of the natural environment.

Live nature demonstrated an infinite variety of both dead-end and viable variants of evolution. One of them was associated with the formation of rudiments social behavior that showcase many kinds of animals. Uniting in herds (flocks), they could defend themselves and protect their cubs from stronger opponents, get more food. In the interspecific and sometimes intraspecific struggle between herds that needed similar food, those who had better developed communication, the ability to warn each other about the approach of the enemy, and better coordinate their actions on the hunt, won. Gradually, over hundreds of thousands of years, among the predecessors of man, primitive sound signals expressing emotions began to acquire an increasingly meaningful character. Speech was formed, inseparable from the ability to abstract, abstract thinking, which meant a complication of the structure of the brain.

Thus, the emergence and improvement of speech, abstract thinking became the most important factor in the development of the human race itself. It is no coincidence that each new step along the stage of human evolution was associated, on the one hand, with the development of the brain, and on the other hand, with the improvement of hunting and fishing tools.

The accumulation of knowledge and practical skills in their application has provided man with decisive advantages in the struggle for survival in comparison with other species. Armed with clubs, spears, acting together, primitive hunters could cope with any predator. The opportunities for obtaining food have expanded significantly. Thanks to warm clothes, mastering fire, acquiring the skill of preserving food (drying, smoking), people were able to settle in vast territory, felt relative independence from the climate and the vagaries of the weather.

The accumulation of knowledge was not a constantly evolving, progressive process. Many human communities perished due to starvation, disease, attacks by hostile tribes, the knowledge they received was completely or partially lost.


Approximately 1.0 million - 700 thousand years ago, a period begins, which is called the early Paleolithic (from the Greek "paleo" - "ancient" and "lithos" - "stone"). Excavations in France, near the villages of Shell and Saint-Achel, made it possible to find the remains of caves and ancient settlements, where successive generations of predecessors of modern man lived for tens of thousands of years. Subsequently, such finds were discovered in other places.

Archaeological research has made it possible to trace how the tools of labor and hunting changed. Tools made of bone and sharpened stone (points, scrapers, axes) became more and more perfect and durable. The physical type of a person changed: he more and more adapted to moving on the ground without the help of hands, the volume of the brain increased.

The most important achievement of the early Paleolithic was the mastery of the ability to use fire (about 200-300 thousand years ago) to heat the home, cook food, and protect against predators.

The period of the early Paleolithic period ends with a sharp change in the natural conditions of the existence of primitive people. The onset of glaciers began, approximately 100 thousand years ago, covering almost the entire territory of Russia, Central and Western Europe. Many herds of primitive Neanderthal hunters could not adapt to the new conditions of existence. Between them, the struggle for diminished sources of food intensified.

By the end of the early Paleolithic (about 30-20 thousand years BC), Neanderthals completely disappeared in Eurasia and Africa. Man of the modern, Cro-Magnon type has established himself everywhere.

In the same period of time, under the influence of differences in natural conditions, the main races of people developed.

The Mesolithic era (from the Greek "mesos" - "middle" and "lithos" - "stone") covers the period from the 20th to the 9th-8th millennium BC. It is characterized by a new change in natural conditions, which are becoming more favorable: glaciers are retreating, new territories are becoming available for settlement.

During this period, the population of the Earth did not exceed 10 million people.

In the Mesolithic era, rock art was born and became widespread. In the remains of dwellings of that time, archaeologists find figurines depicting people, animals, beads and other decorations. All this indicates the onset of a new stage in the knowledge of the world. Abstract symbols and generalized concepts that arose with the development of speech acquire, as it were, an independent life in drawings and figurines. Many of them were associated with rituals, rituals of primitive magic. The large role of chance in people's lives gave rise to attempts to improve the situation in hunting, in life. So there was a belief in signs, favorable or unfavorable. Fetishism appeared - the belief that certain objects (talismans) have a special magical power. Among them were figurines of animals, stones, amulets supposedly bringing good luck to their owner. Beliefs arose, for example, that a warrior who drank the blood of an enemy or ate his heart acquires special strength. Hunting, treating the sick, choosing a couple (boys or girls) were preceded by ritual actions, among which dance and singing were of particular importance. Mesolithic people knew how to make percussion, wind, string and plucked instruments. musical instruments.

Particular importance was attached to funeral rituals, which became more and more complex over time. In ancient burials, archaeologists find jewelry and tools that people used during their lifetime, food supplies. This proves that already at the dawn of history there were widespread beliefs in the existence of the other world, where a person lives after death.

Gradually, faith in higher powers was strengthened, which could both help and harm. It was assumed that they could be appeased by a sacrifice, most often a part of the booty, it had to be left in a certain place. Some tribes practiced human sacrifice.

It was believed that some people have great abilities to communicate with higher powers, spirits. Gradually, along with the leaders (they usually became the strongest, most successful, experienced hunters), priests (shamans, sorcerers) began to play a prominent role in the life of primitive tribes. They usually knew the healing properties of herbs, had some hypnotic abilities and had a great influence on their fellow tribesmen.

The time of the completion of the Mesolithic and the transition to a new stage in the development of mankind can only be determined approximately. Among many tribes of the equatorial zone in Africa, South America, on the islands of Southeast Asia and the Pacific Ocean, among the natives of Australia, and some peoples of the North, the type of economic activity and culture has practically not changed since the Mesolithic. At the same time, in the IX-VIII millennia BC. in some parts of the world, the transition to agriculture and pastoralism begins. This time of the Neolithic revolution (from the Greek "neos" - "new" and "lithos" - "stone") marks the transition from appropriating to producing type of economic activity.

Human and nature

Man around the X millennium BC. has established itself on all continents as the dominant species and, as such, has ideally adapted to the conditions of its habitat. However, further improvement of hunting tools led to the extermination of many species of animals, the reduction of their population, which undermined the foundations of the existence of primitive people. Famine and related diseases, the intensification of the struggle between the tribes for the increasingly poor hunting territories, the reduction in the human population - such was the price for progress.

This first ever crisis in the development of civilization was resolved in two ways:

The tribes living in the harsh climate of the North, desert areas, jungles seemed to freeze in their development and in the knowledge of the world around them. Gradually, a system of prohibitions (taboos) developed, limiting hunting and food consumption. This prevented population growth, hindered the change in lifestyle and the development of knowledge.

In other cases, there was a breakthrough to a qualitatively new level of development. People moved to a conscious impact on natural environment, to its transformation. The development of agriculture and cattle breeding took place only in favorable natural conditions.
