And e yakir short biography. Iona Yakir: “A scoundrel and a prostitute? Participation in the Russian Civil War

Iona Yakir is considered one of the organizers of the Holodomor in Ukraine. In 1920-30s. he headed the Kyiv military district, that is, he was the commander-in-chief of the Red Army in our country, whose forces seized all the available food in the Ukrainian village. But even this terrible atrocity is far from the only one on the bloody list of this leader of the revolution.

Connections are everything

Jonah was born in Chisinau on August 15, 1896 into a wealthy Jewish family. His father Emmanuil Yakir, a respected pharmacist in the city and a very wealthy man, managed to give his son a good education, including abroad. First, the young man graduated from a private real school (as a Jew, the path to the state school was closed to him), and in 1913 he entered the University of Basel (Switzerland), while working there as a laboratory chemist. Having not shown a craving for knowledge at the school, he achieved significant success in the field of inorganic chemistry during two semesters at the university. His teacher, Professor Fichter, spoke of his student as "the most prepared and erudite among all Russian students."

And although Yakir is called a talented commander, it should be noted that during the First World War, when the army Russian Empire they took all the more or less fit fighters, he "dismissed himself" from the service and took certificates of release from the institute. And then, through useful contacts, he got a job as a turner at a military plant. And not at all because of the love of work or lack of funds - just the workers of military factories were not called to the front.

Under the guise of the Chinese

Returning in the spring of 1917 to Chisinau, when political life was seething like a volcano, Iona decided to join the ranks of the CPSU (b). There he was taken by the Bolsheviks of the 5th Zaamur Cavalry Regiment. Yakir actively planted Soviet power in Bessarabia (as Moldova was then called), becoming a member of the Bessarabian provincial committee, and drove the Romanian troops. “I started my career by organizing 2-3 dozen fighters and with them on trucks chasing the Romanians near Chisinau,” the future army commander wrote in his memoirs. Over time, his detachment grew and was replenished with local peasants, soldiers from the Zaamur regiment, and even Chinese who worked for the Moldavian landowners.

By the way, Yakir had a long relationship with the Chinese. His bodyguard numbered 530 people, and consisted exclusively of representatives of the Celestial Empire. According to the documents, these Chinese were real thugs. Interestingly, Jonah paid security out of his own pocket. Where did he get so much money to support a whole battalion of guards, history is silent, and Yakir himself did not talk about it.

During the war, Iona Emmanuilovich got into the troops of the Southern Front, created to fight against the Germans and White Cossacks. True, our hero in every possible way evaded participation in military operations. He sought to get into neutral posts, which almost did not oblige him to anything - he was the commissar of the brigade, the head of the Front's Political Directorate, and then a member of the Revolutionary Council of the 8th Army.

At this time, Yakir made friends with fellow soldiers - Zatonsky, Gamarnik, Golubenko, Levenzon, Kartvelishvili, Garkavy, Kotovsky.

By the end of the war, Yakir was given some command of the 45th Infantry Division. He took part in the defeat of Petliura's troops and Makhno's gangs.

Several times Yakir was sent to suppress popular uprisings. He especially distinguished himself in the repressions against the Don Cossacks, which were ordered by Yakov Sverdlov, Lenin's right hand. Yes, he was so zealous that he even came up with the idea of ​​establishing the percentage of the destruction of the male population.

And in 1920, Yakir and his army for the first time met with a serious enemy - the regular Polish army. The Red Army soldiers suffered a severe defeat and fled. By the way, Iona Emmanuilovich does not recall this shameful episode in his memoirs.

Curious information about Yakir in one of the interviews was given by the son of his close friend and colleague Grigory Kotovsky Grigory Grigoryevich. He said that in the promotion of Iona Emmanuilovich during the Civil War, the key role was played not by his military leadership talents (very mediocre), but, first of all, by family ties with Leon Trotsky. The Kotovites even handed over documents to Grigory stating that Yakir had received the first Order of the Red Banner illegally.

But then the war ended, and Yakir was sent to Ukraine to command the Kiev military district, where he also distinguished himself in order.

Silver Branicki

In the biography of Yakir, in addition to cruel punitive operations, there are many episodes for which it was just right for him to be ashamed. In 1920, during clashes with the White Poles, during the successful offensive of the latter on Kyiv, Bila Tserkva was taken, where the main residence of the Branitsky counts, large landowners, was located. Following the troops, the Branitskys also returned to Bila Tserkva. During the counter-offensive of the Red Army, the Kotovsky brigade was entrusted with the capture of the White Church. Brilliantly carrying out this operation, Kotovsky with the army went further. In the meantime, a convoy of a brigade approached the city, which included a dressing detachment of Kotovsky's wife Olga Petrovna - she was a doctor in the brigade. The convoy was housed in the Branitsky mansion, who left the residence in a hurry and panic, fleeing from the Reds. In the mansion, Madame Kotovskaya went to look for bed linen in order to cut bandages from it for the wounded. When she entered one of the bedrooms, she saw a large leather suitcase filled with lace.

Suddenly there was a cry behind her: "Don't touch it, it's mine!" Olga Petrovna turned around and saw Yakir's wife Sara Lazarevna. A few days later, a scandal broke out: the Cheka discovered that the silverware of the Branitskys had been stolen. Sarah Lazarevna pointed meanly at Kotovskaya, who was the first to visit the palace with her orderlies. To Olga Petrovna's credit, it quickly became clear that she had nothing to do with the loss of the silver.

Years have passed. In 1924, the Kotovsky couple returned from Moscow to Uman via Kharkov, where the Yakirs then lived. They were invited by Iona Emmanuilovich to a dinner party, during which Olga Petrovna drew attention to the silverware with the "B" monogram. “So that’s where the Branicki silver is,” she exclaimed loudly. There was an awkward silence, and Yakir blushed like a cancer.

By the way, later it turned out that when Sarah Lazarevna was always there were two accompanying people who collected valuables from the houses of wealthy citizens, large landowners and the dispossessed. All this stuff was taken by suitcases to Odessa.

As already mentioned, Yakir was among the main organizers of first the most brutal collectivization, and then the Holodomor in our country. Thanks to his zeal, the combat detachments of the Red Army seized everything that could be considered food and mercilessly destroyed it. And then the army commander gave the order for the Red Army soldiers to shoot those convicted of cannibalism. Cannibals were reported by village activists loyal to the authorities, who were given food stamps.

Yakir also had a hand in urban planning in the capital. The building of the current presidential secretariat on Bankova Street was originally intended for the headquarters of the Kiev military district. At the end of 1930, two old headquarters buildings were merged and built on according to the plan of the architect Sergei Grigoriev. He designed the renovated four-story headquarters. But, according to the story of the architect Boris Zhezherin, who participated in the development of the facade, such a modest height outraged Iona Yakir. He demanded that the headquarters should not be lower than the building of the NKVD (the current Cabinet of Ministers). And the authors had to feverishly redo the project.

Traitor and bastards - the death penalty

Then Yakir's career went downhill sharply. Being a bloody executioner, he himself fell into the hands of the same cruel personalities. Shortly before his arrest, at the February-March plenum (1937) of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, there was a discussion of what to do with the traitors Bukharin and Rykov (Lenin's comrades-in-arms and Stalin's opponents in the struggle for power): immediately shoot or continue investigating their "criminal" activities. There were many who spoke in favor of an additional investigation, fearing that they would be the next candidates for execution. There were also those who demanded immediate execution. Among these most bloodthirsty was Yakir. Which, probably, brought the reprisal against himself closer.

The noose around him spun back in 1936, when on July 5, NKVD officers arrested Dmitry Schmidt, the commander of a tank formation in the Kiev military district and one of Yakir's close associates. During interrogations, Schmidt reported that, at the direction of his immediate superior, he was preparing a tank formation for an armed uprising.

In April 1937, they arrested the commander of the Ural Military District, commander Garkavy, with whom Yakir was not only friendly, but also related: their wives were sisters. Iona Emmanuilovich felt the ring rapidly shrinking around him. He knew that something had to be done to save his life. Despising subordination, bypassing the People's Commissar for Defense, he turned directly to Stalin. Contrary to expectations, the General Secretary received Yakir immediately, listened attentively without interrupting. He reassured the commander: the data incriminating Garkavy consisted exclusively of the testimony of persons in custody. If a thorough and impartial check does not confirm their authenticity, the corps commander will be immediately released and reinstated. However, all those arrested, as you might guess, remained behind bars.

At the same time, the head of the military academy. Frunze Commander August Cork. During interrogation, he named the composition of the "headquarters plotting a coup d'état" - Tukhachevsky, Yakir, Uborevich, Putna, Eideman. The entire "headquarters" quickly ended up in the dungeons of the Lubyanka.

An interesting coincidence: on May 10, 1937, Yakir and Tukhachevsky were removed from their posts: the first was sent to command the Leningrad Military District, and the second - the Volga. Shortly thereafter, Iona Emmanuilovich received a phone call from People's Commissar for Defense Klim Voroshilov and ordered him to immediately come to Moscow. Yakir went there in his armored wagon. At night, in complete silence, the Chekists unhooked the car from the train and arrested the sleepy Jonah.

The prisoner was taken to Moscow by car. Here he was torn off orders and insignia. Jonah Emmanuilovich was accused of conspiring with the Nazis and attempting a coup d'etat along with Tukhachevsky. Yakir demanded a meeting with Voroshilov. He was refused. Even more so with Stalin.

Shortly before this, on June 8, 1937, Pravda reported that the editors received a letter from Yakir's ex-wife, in which she renounced her husband and cursed him.

History has preserved Khrushchev's opinion about the arrested commander. Two decades after his death, Nikita Sergeevich spoke of Yakir in enthusiastic terms and blamed Stalin for everything. And then he said something completely different about "a degenerate who intended to open the way for the Nazis."

Yakir and the entire “headquarters of the coup” were shot on June 11, 1937. It is noteworthy in this story that the convicts and members of the court who pronounced the death sentence survived for a short time. Marshal Blucher, army commanders Alksnis, Belov, Dybenko died in the dungeons of the NKVD. Under unclear circumstances, shortly after the trial, Army Commander Kashirin and Commander Goryachev died.

Anti-Soviet family

After the execution, the NKVD also pursued members of the family of Iona Emmanuilovich. So, his son Peter, who at that time was only 14 years old, was arrested on charges of “organizing a horse gang” and sent to a colony for juvenile delinquents. Peter Yakir became a well-known dissident. In 1972, he was arrested again, under the threat of the arrest of his daughter, he began to cooperate with the investigation. At the trial, he pleaded guilty to "anti-Soviet agitation" and repented of his "anti-state activities." Sara Lazarevna served in the camps for 18 years, sister Isabella - 17, Iona's brothers were even less fortunate - they were all arrested and shot.

As they say now, Yakir was a man of his era, when the execution of hundreds of people and cruel repressions were in the order of things, and meanness and lawlessness flourished. To match were his associates. Only after many years we will know the true face of the "heroes" of the revolution.

Prepared by Anna Popenko,
based on materials


This book contains the memories of people who went hand in hand with Iona Emmanuilovich Yakir at various stages of his life. The authors tell how a modest student came to the revolution, to the Bolshevik Party, who was smiling at the fate of a chemist, how he matured in battles with the enemies of workers and peasants on the fronts of the civil war, how he became an outstanding Soviet commander.

The life of Commander 1st Rank I.E. Yakir was tragically cut short in June 1937, when he was a little over 40 years old. His friends and comrades-in-arms paint an atmosphere of arbitrariness that was inculcated by Stalin and led to the death of many faithful sons of the party and the Soviet people.

The collection was prepared with the participation of the Military Scientific Society at the Central Museum Soviet army. Designed for a wide range of readers.

Compiled by: P. I. Yakir, Yu. A. Geller

Literary preparation of the text by B. P. Skorbin


Hero Soviet Union Marshal of the Soviet Union I. Kh. Bagramyan

I was lucky to know Iona Emmanuilovich Yakir, to serve under his command, to meet and talk with him.

For the first time I saw him in 1925 in Leningrad, where I studied at the Improvement Courses commanders cavalry. Iona Emmanuilovich, at that time the head of the Department of Military Educational Institutions of the Red Army, made a short speech about our tasks at the end of the course. A very young man in a modest tunic, without orders, appeared on the podium.

At that time, I knew very little about Yakir's glorious military past, but I listened to his speech with great attention, since he spoke so simply and fascinatingly that we all sat spellbound. And, perhaps, for the first time, I felt sorry that the meeting ended so quickly and that we had to disperse.

After this meeting, for almost ten years, our official paths, as they say, did not intersect. Of course, I heard a lot about Yakir, the commander of the troops of a large district, but in my mind only this kind of impression was preserved from the first meeting: young, charming, witty, energetic, a good speaker - that's all. However, this was far from a complete picture of him. I became convinced of this when I got to know Yakir more closely in 1934, after graduating from the MV Frunze Military Academy.

Actually, a closer acquaintance began even before a direct meeting with him, on the train Moscow - Kyiv. It was at the end of the summer. The approaching autumn reminded me of itself with frequent rains, and cold winds, and yellowed foliage ... Maybe that's why I wanted to quickly leave for Ukraine, where I had to serve, to put into practice the knowledge gained at the academy.

My friends from the academy L. M. Sandalov and V. S. Askalepov rode in the same compartment with me. The fourth passenger in our compartment, who jumped into the car already at the time of the train's departure, was my old comrade in the Advanced Courses for the Commanding Staff of the Cavalry, Vladimir Ivanovich Chistyakov.

As always happens in such cases, there were exclamations of mutual surprise and questions. It turned out that my old friend was in command of a brigade in the Ukrainian military district, to which we were also heading.

A conversation began about army affairs, about the upcoming service.

We asked Vladimir Ivanovich to tell us how people live and serve in the district, about the commander.

Chistyakov was an old-timer in Ukraine: he fought there during the civil war. He admired its boundless open spaces, so favorable for the use of cavalry. When we asked him again about Yakir, Chistyakov thought for a moment, and then spoke excitedly:

Oh, my friends! .. For you, Yakir is just one of the future senior commanders, but for me ... - He paused, looking for the right words, and suddenly finished with enthusiasm: - For me, Iona Emmanuilovich is a completely special person . Do not smile, please, that I, an old horseman, admire him so much. When you get to know him better, you will stop being surprised.

We did not expect such almost youthful enthusiasm from the experienced cavalry brigade commander, and he spoke with increasing enthusiasm about Yakir: how a modest student grew into the largest military leader of the Red Army, became a legendary hero, before whose intelligence, courage and energy even such famous warriors bowed like Grigory Ivanovich Kotovsky.

Talking about interesting facts From the life of Yakir, convincingly testifying to his exceptional courage, fearlessness and rare self-control, the former Kotovite emphasized:

You see, Yakir's courage and composure in battle are different from the courage of other heroes. Take, for example, Kotovsky. Even in the appearance of Grigory Ivanovich, everything somehow immediately emphasized: this is a hero! And Yakir, both in appearance, and in relationships with comrades, and in actions, shows extraordinary modesty. He does the most heroic deeds very simply, imperceptibly, routinely, as a matter of course. And he can't stand it if anyone mentions his merits.

Chistyakov, I remember, especially admired Yakir's amazing natural military talent, his rare personal charm and exceptional willpower. After all, Iona Emmanuilovich, not even knowing the basics military service, managed to become a commander in a very short time. Emphasizing the high military talent of Yakir, the narrator said:

Note, friends, almost all of our major military leaders had some kind of military training by the beginning of the civil war: Chapaev had commanded a platoon on the German front for a long time, Lazo graduated from the school of ensigns, Tukhachevsky, Uborevich, Egorov had a pretty decent military education and have already served in officer positions. And Yakir? No military training, no combat experience! And he fought in such a way that one can only be surprised.

Pay attention to one more circumstance, - Chistyakov continued, pleased that he found attentive listeners in us. - It often happened that the troops fell into a critical situation and retreated; among the fighters, discontent and even distrust of the commanders flared up. Take at least the campaign of the famous Taman army. But Yakir did the opposite. During the campaign of the Southern Group, when the troops now and then found themselves in a desperate situation, Yakir's authority and confidence in him continuously increased. There was an encirclement, death threatened at every step, every kilometer of the way had to be fought back, people moved farther and farther from their native places. And they believed Yakir, followed him and had no doubt that they would come to victory.

Chistyakov finished his story late at night, when the passengers of neighboring compartments had already fallen asleep. And we sat for a long time, excited by the story of a man whom we were soon to see.

Later, I had to meet more than once with participants in the campaign of the Southern Group. Their stories enriched my understanding of this truly legendary campaign. In incredibly difficult conditions, cut off from their troops, surrounded by numerous enemies, the soldiers and commanders of the 45th, 58th and 47th divisions, weakened by previous battles, showed extraordinary courage and wrote one of the brightest pages in the history of the civil war. Everyone who spoke about this heroic campaign paid tribute to the members of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Southern Group, Ya.

Born in Chisinau in the family of pharmacist Mendel (Emmanuel) Yakir and his wife Khaya Meerzon.

Studied at the University of Basel and Kharkov Institute of Technology.

In 1915, as a conscript, he was sent as a turner to a military plant in Odessa. In April 1917 he joined the RSDLP(b). Since December 1917 - a member of the executive committee of the Bessarabian provincial council, a member of the provincial committee and revolutionary committee. From January 1918 he commanded the red detachments in battles with the Romanian troops. Then the commissar of the brigade, division, Povorinsky combat area. Since September 1918 - head of the political department of the Southern Section of the curtain detachments. In October 1918 - June 1919 - a member of the Revolutionary Military Council (RVS) of the 8th Army, commanded a group of troops. While in this position, he took part in the terror against the Cossack population of the Don, in particular, he issued an order on the percentage destruction of the male population.

In 1919-1920 he commanded a division and a group of troops. Since October 1920, the head and commissar of the 45th Infantry Division, simultaneously commanded various groups of troops on the Southwestern Front.

In 1921 he commanded the troops of the Crimean region of the Kiev military district. Commander of the Kiev Military District (November 1921-April 21, 1922) (7-p.53; p.59). Commander of the Kiev military region of the Ukrainian military district (June 1, 1922-August 1923) (7-p.59). Commander and commissar of the 14th Rifle Corps of the UkrVO (September 1923-December 1923). Assistant Commander Armed Forces Ukraine and Crimea (December 1923-March 1924). (4c)

In March 1924 - November 1925 - Head of the Main Directorate of Military Educational Institutions of the Red Army. Commander of the Ukrainian Military District (November 1925-May 17, 1935) (7-p. 64; p. 86; 8-p. 763). By order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated May 17, 1935 No. 079, he was appointed commander of the Kiev Military District, a member of the Military Council under the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR (May 17, 1935-1937) (7-p. 64; 4s). Arrested on May 28, 1937 (4s)

Party career and death in 1937

In 1930-1934 he was a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. Since 1930 - a candidate member, since 1934 - a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. At the Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (February - March 1937), when discussing the issue of N. I. Bukharin and A. I. Rykov, he spoke "in favor of expulsion, trial and execution." On May 10, 1937, he was transferred to the post of commander of the Leningrad Military District.

May 28, 1937 arrested. He addressed a letter to I. V. Stalin and K. E. Voroshilov with the assurance that he was absolutely not guilty:

According to another version, the text of the appeal was as follows:

Stalin's resolution: "A scoundrel and a prostitute."

Iona Yakir pleaded guilty to participating in a military fascist anti-Soviet conspiracy. On June 11, 1937, by a special judicial presence of the Supreme Court of the USSR, he was sentenced to death. Shot by the commandant of the administrative and economic department of the NKVD V. M. Blokhin. In 1957 he was rehabilitated.

Repression of relatives

  • Brother - Maurice Emmanuilovich Yakir (1902, Chisinau - October 26, 1937, Moscow). Got higher education. He became a candidate member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1932. He served as a military representative of the Military Clothing Supply Department of the Red Army Air Force, a military engineer of the 3rd rank. On July 23, 1937, he was arrested and sentenced on October 26, 1937 by the All-Union Military Commission of the USSR on charges of counter-revolutionary terrorist activities. Shot on the same day. He was buried in Moscow at the Donskoy cemetery. Rehabilitated June 2, 1956 VKVS USSR. Son - Evgeny Morisovich Yakir - lives in Israel;
  • Sister - Isabella Emmanuilovna Belaya-Yakir (February 20, 1900 - September 13, 1986), the maximum term under Article 58 is 10 years in the Magadan camp.
  • Her husband is Semyon Zakharovich Korytny (1900-1937 or 1939), secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. In 1937 or 1939 he was shot.;
  • Then all the brothers of Semyon Zakharovich Korytny were shot:
  • In 1940, Leonid Zakharovich Korytny (1903-1940) was shot;
  • Alexander Zakharovich Korytny (1905-1943) was shot in 1943;
  • In 1944, Yakov Zakharovich Korytny (1894-1944) was shot.
  • Son-in-law - poet and sound engineer Yakov Evgenievich Kharon. In the late 1930s he was arrested (for being related to Iona Yakir), was in the camps for more than 10 years until 1947 and in exile, and then another 6 years in exile (in 1948-1954). Rehabilitated in the mid 1950s.
  • Wife - Sarra Lazarevna Yakir (nee Ortenberg, 1900-1971), secretary of the State Committee for Literature and Publishing of the Ukrainian SSR (in 1937-1955 in labor camps);
  • The husband of her sister Emilia Lazarevna is commander Ilya Ivanovich Garkavy. In 1937, he was arrested along with his deputy, commander M. I. Vasilenko. On July 1, he was convicted and shot on the same day at Kommunarka. Completely rehabilitated in 1956.
  • Son - Russian dissident Pyotr Ionovich Yakir, served 17 years in camps.
  • Cousin - Yakov Solomonovich Meerzon - a prominent surgeon, transfusiologist, senior assistant to S. I. Spasokukotsky, creator of the first domestic blood substitute. He was arrested as a participant in the impending assassination attempt on Stalin. While imprisoned, he continued to work as a surgeon at Dalstroy (in the central hospital, 29 km from Magadan).

Iona Emmanuilovich Yakir(August 3, 1896, Chisinau, Bessarabian province - June 12, 1937, Moscow) - Soviet military leader, commander of the 1st rank (1935). A prominent military leader during the Civil War. Shot during the Stalinist purge (1937). Posthumously rehabilitated (1957).


Born in Chisinau in the Jewish family of the pharmacist Mendel (Emmanuil Abramovich) Yakir and his wife Khaya Meerzon. His grandfather, Abram Yakir, was a native of Yass.

He studied at the University of Basel and the Kharkov Institute of Technology.

In 1915, as a conscript, he was sent as a turner to a military plant in Odessa. In April 1917 he joined the RSDLP(b). Since December 1917 - a member of the executive committee of the Bessarabian provincial council, a member of the provincial committee and revolutionary committee. From January 1918 he commanded the red detachments in battles with the Romanian troops. Then the commissar of the brigade, division, Povorinsky combat area. Since September 1918 - head of the political department of the Southern Section of the curtain detachments. In October 1918 - June 1919 - a member of the Revolutionary Military Council (RVS) of the 8th Army, commanded a group of troops.

In 1919-1920 he commanded a division and a group of troops. Since October 1920, the head and commissar of the 45th Infantry Division, simultaneously commanded various groups of troops on the Southwestern Front.

In 1921 he commanded the troops of the Crimean region of the Kiev military district. Commander of the troops of the Kiev military district (November 1921 - April 21, 1922) (7-p.53; p.59). Commander of the Kiev military region of the Ukrainian military district (June 1, 1922 - August 1923) (7-p.59). Commander and commissar of the 14th Rifle Corps of the UkrVO (September 1923 - December 1923). Assistant Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Crimea (December 1923 - March 1924). (4c)

In March 1924 - November 1925 - Head of the Main Directorate of Military Educational Institutions of the Red Army. Commander of the Ukrainian Military District (November 1925 - May 17, 1935) (7-p. 64; p. 86; 8-p. 763). by order People's Commissar Defense of the USSR dated May 17, 1935 No. 079 was appointed commander of the Kiev Military District, a member of the Military Council under the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR (May 17, 1935-1937) (7-p. 64; 4s). Arrested on May 28, 1937 (4c)

Party career and death in 1937

In 1930-1934 he was a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. Since 1930 - a candidate member, since 1934 - a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. At the Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (February - March 1937), when discussing the issue of N. I. Bukharin and A. I. Rykov, he spoke "in favor of expulsion, trial and execution." On May 10, 1937, he was transferred to the post of commander of the Leningrad Military District.

May 28, 1937 arrested. He addressed a letter to I. V. Stalin and K. E. Voroshilov with the assurance that he was absolutely innocent:

I am an honest and devoted fighter to the party, the state, the people ... I am honest with every word, and I will die with words of love for you, for the party and the country, with boundless faith in the victory of communism.

According to another version, the text of the appeal was as follows:

Native, close comrade. Stalin. I dare to turn to you, because I have said everything, I have given everything, and it seems to me that I am again an honest and devoted fighter to the party, state, people, which I have been for many years. All my conscious life was spent in selfless honest work in the sight of the party, its leaders - then a failure into a nightmare, into the irreparable horror of betrayal ... The investigation is completed. I was charged with high treason, I admitted my guilt, I completely repented. I believe infinitely in the correctness and expediency of the decision of the court and the government ... Now I am honest with every word, and I will die with words of love for you, for the party and the country, with boundless faith in the victory of communism.

Two days before the execution, he wrote a letter to the Central Committee and NGOs, in which he outlined a number of recent thoughts and proposals regarding the organization of the army.

On June 11, 1937, by a special judicial presence of the Supreme Court of the USSR, he was sentenced to death. In 1957 he was rehabilitated.

1 Biography
2 Party career and death in the 37th
2.1 Repression of relatives

3 Reviews about the personality of I. E. Yakira
4 Awards
5 Remembrance

Yakir, Iona Emmanuilovich


Iona Emmanuilovich Yakir (August 3, 1896, Chisinau, Bessarabian province - June 12, 1937, Moscow) - Soviet military leader, commander of the 1st rank (1935). A prominent military leader during the Civil War. shot during Stalinist repressions(1937). Posthumously rehabilitated (1957).

1. Biography

Born in Chisinau in the family of pharmacist Mendel (Emmanuel) Yakir and his wife Khaya Meerzon. He studied at the University of Basel and the Kharkov Institute of Technology. In 1915, as a conscript, he was sent as a turner to a military plant in Odessa. In April 1917 he joined the RSDLP(b). Since December 1917 - a member of the executive committee of the Bessarabian provincial council, a member of the provincial committee and revolutionary committee. From January 1918 he commanded the red detachments in battles with the Romanian troops. Then the commissar of the brigade, division, Povorinsky combat area. Since September 1918 - head of the political department of the Southern Section of the curtain detachments. In October 1918 - June 1919 - a member of the Revolutionary Military Council (RVS) of the 8th Army, commanded a group of troops. While in this position, he took part in the terror against the Cossack population of the Don, in particular, he issued an order on the percentage destruction of the male population.

In 1919-1920 he commanded a division and a group of troops. Since October 1920, the head and commissar of the 45th Infantry Division, simultaneously commanded various groups of troops on the Southwestern Front. In 1921 - commander and commissar of the rifle corps.

In 1921-1924 he commanded the troops of the Crimean and Kiev military districts. In 1924-1925 he was the head of the Main Directorate of Military Educational Institutions of the Red Army. Since November 1925, the commander of the Ukrainian (since May 1935 Kiev) military district.

2. Party career and death in the 37th

In 1930-1934. member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. Since 1930, a candidate member, since 1934 - a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. At the Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (February - March 1937), when discussing the issue of N. I. Bukharin and A. I. Rykov, he spoke "in favor of expulsion, trial and execution." On May 10, 1937, he was transferred to the post of commander of the Leningrad Military District.

May 28, 1937 arrested. He addressed a letter to I. V. Stalin and K. E. Voroshilov with the assurance that he was absolutely not guilty:

I am an honest and devoted fighter to the party, the state, the people ... I am honest with every word, and I will die with words of love for you, for the party and the country, with boundless faith in the victory of communism

Stalin's resolution: "A scoundrel and a prostitute."

He was forced to plead guilty to participation in the military-fascist anti-Soviet conspiracy. On June 11, 1937, by a special judicial presence of the Supreme Court of the USSR, he was sentenced to death. He was shot by the commandant of the administrative and economic department of the NKVD V.M. Blokhin. In 1957 he was rehabilitated.

2.1. Repression of relatives

Brother I. E. Yakir - Maurice Emmanuilovich Yakir(1902, Chisinau - October 26, 1937, Moscow) - military engineer of the 3rd rank, military representative of the Logistics Department of the Red Army Air Force. Convicted and executed on charges of counter-revolutionary-terrorist activities.

Sister - Isabella Emmanuilovna Belaya-Yakir (1900-1986);

Her husband is Semyon Zakharovich Korytny (1900-1937), secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks;

Son-in-law - poet and sound engineer Yakov Evgenievich Kharon).

Wife - Sarra Lazarevna Yakir(nee Ortenberg, 1900-1971), Secretary of the Goslitizdat of the Ukrainian SSR (in 1937-1955 in labor camps);

The husband of her sister Emilia Lazarevna is commander Ilya Ivanovich Garkavy.

Son - Russian dissident Pyotr Ionovich Yakir, served 17 years in camps.

3. Reviews about the personality of I. E. Yakir

General A. V. Gorbatov, commanding the cavalry regiment in the mid-20s, recalled I. E. Yakir as follows:

Many times we were involved in military games in the district, and I was always surprised by the ability of the young commander of the district, I. E. Yakir, to conduct analysis in such a way that no one would be dizzy from success and that the authority of any of the commanders would not be undermined. Speaking of the right decision, he used to not only note that it corresponded to the prevailing situation, but also point out unused opportunities; analyzing solutions that did not satisfy him, he will always try to find at least a grain of positive in them, give examples of other possible solutions. He always protected the faith in his own forces among his subordinates. Returning from these games, I felt enriched with new knowledge.

Gorbatov A. V. "Years and wars"

One of the founders partisan movement and the Soviet sabotage school, Colonel I. G. Starinov very much and warmly recalled the personality of Yakir and his commanding and educational abilities:

Iona Emmanuilovich was a wonderful orator. He spoke clearly and figuratively. He was able to expose the noticed errors and advise how to get rid of them. And no spread! Just making sure things go smoothly. Yakir was not considered a good-natured man. He knew the price of exactingness. But when he demanded, everyone felt that he was dealing not just with a “big boss”, that before him was an older, wiser comrade ...

Various specialists were recruited into the partisan detachments at the direction of I.E. Yakir. In addition to improving in the main specialty, they also deeply studied related military professions. Each miner was also a master of disguise. Comrade Yakir took care of putting together a strong, combat-ready backbone of future partisan detachments and brigades. He demanded that these formations be formed in such a way that they included both experienced partisans, accustomed to campaigns behind enemy lines, and young regular commanders. The commander set us the task of improving the already known methods of guerrilla warfare, looking for new opportunities, achieving high maneuverability of guerrilla groups and being able to provide them materially.

Starinov I. G. "Notes of a saboteur"

4. Awards

Three Orders of the Red Banner (1919, 1919, 1930).

5. Perpetuation of Memory

Streets in Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov and a number of other cities, a city microdistrict in Lugansk are named after Yakir.


Soviet military encyclopedia in the 8th volumes, v. 8.

· Babenko P. M. I. E. Yakir. (Feature article combat way). M., 1964;

· Bludov Ya. S. Called by the Revolution. [Ed. 2nd]. Kyiv, 1978;

· Volkovinsky V. Iona Yakir // Politics and Time. 1991. No. 3.

Commander Yakir. Memoirs of friends and colleagues. M., 1963.

· N. D. Roitman, V. L. Tsetlin. Communist Commander. Chisinau, 1967;


1. Oleg Platonov. History of the Russian people in the XX century. Volume 1 (Ch. 39-81)

2. Iona Emmanuilovich Yakir (Russian)

3. Shikman A.P. Figures national history. Biographical guide. - Moscow: 1997.
