Directions of personality development fgos. Fgos - what is it? requirements of the educational standard The main directions of personality development according to the federal state


In every society, explicitly or implicitly, there are always ideas about the ideal type of personality, reflecting a set of personal normative characteristics. Such a set of characteristics for a child has always been considered in the context of preschool education. However, the emphasis in it was placed depending on the priorities of society at a particular historical moment, depending on the economic, social and other conditions in which society lives. The priority of school education, which dominated the education system for quite a long time, determined the use of tactics in preschool institutions to speed up or accelerate the pace of development of children and direct adjustment of the socio-pedagogical priorities of preschool education to the requirements of the school. The release of the Federal State Educational Standards determined a revolutionary approach to the status, role and tasks of preschool education. It becomes the most important step public education, no less, and perhaps more significant than the school stage. It is gratifying that today the state is moving from the formal words “children are our future” to making childhood an independent stage of development, for which it is responsible. The GEF of preschool education is a very special document related to supporting the diversity of childhood, and not to its unification. He declares the inherent value of "living" by children of the era of childhood, its uniqueness, the importance of creating a favorable social situation for the development of each child in accordance with his age and individual features and inclinations. These priorities determine the forefront of the tasks associated, first of all, not with the acquisition of school skills by children to read, count and write, but with the formation of psychological stability, high self-esteem, self-confidence and the development of social abilities. All these psychological characteristics underlie the high motivation of children to study at school. That is why they are designated in the standard as targets for all participants in education. In this sense, the Federal State Educational Standards are the standard for the development of the individual, his socialization, which includes the process of the child entering the world. social relations with other children and adults, knowledge of the norms and rules of social interaction, awareness of oneself in the world of people and surrounding objects. Academician A.G. Asmolov defined childhood as the most rapid period of humanization. After all, it is at this stage that children enter the world of people and objects through their understanding and comprehension of enduring human values ​​that are important and valued by the whole society, and not by a certain circle of people. In preschool childhood, the child acquires the foundations of personal culture, its basis, corresponding to universal spiritual values. The basis of the formation of the personality of children throughout preschool childhood should be the idea of ​​enriching their spiritual world, saturating their lives with bright, unusual, interesting events: business, meetings, games, adventures. Kindergarten should become a special space for children, a special microcosm in which a “happy cultural socio-situation for children” (A.G. Asmolov) is created. Their life should be saturated with the world of art, in all its diversity and richness. It spiritually enriches, develops the ability for empathy and decentration, the importance of which cannot be overestimated in the framework of the formation of the emotional sphere, the formation of moral and ethical standards. Federal State Educational Standards solve the problem of reconfiguring the education system in preschool institutions to "adjust" it to the child, to the characteristics of his personal development at a particular stage of childhood and prioritize the emotional, mental and physical development of the child. The main goal set by the standards is to form resistance to stress, to external and internal aggression, to form the ability and desire to learn. The strategic orientation of the standards towards the formation of personal qualities is closely connected with the orientation towards the individualization of education. And if earlier it was understood as the use of a special approach to the achievement of developmental norms by children, i.e. the established optimal level for a particular age, then within the framework of the standard, individualization means that each child has his own path of development and follows it throughout preschool childhood. This is a different value orientation, which implies support for the diversity of childhood, the presence of many programs that support the development of the child in accordance with his characteristics. Probably, there is a discussion of the possibility of creating a specific development route for each child, which will take into account the peculiarities of his neuropsychic, emotional-volitional, physical and intellectual development and, in accordance with this, determine the vector and trajectory of the child's movement forward. It is at preschool age that the basic personality traits are formed, key social skills - polycurrency, respect for others, emotional and volitional reactions, and imagination develop. But speaking about these most important characteristics of the personality of a preschooler, it should be noted that their formation occurs primarily through play activities. However, speaking specifically about this type of activity, we can note a decrease in gaming skills in modern children, which, unfortunately, psychologists and practicing teachers state: 60% of modern preschoolers have a low level of gaming skills, 35% have an average level, and only 5% of preschoolers show high level gaming skills. Along with the marketization of Childhood, the focus on fulfilling parents' requests for direct preparation for school in the form of "training" children in learning skills, one of the most important factors influencing the departure of play from children's practice is the lack of play competence of the educator. "Schoolization" of preschool education has almost completely supplanted gaming activities. The saturation of the day with activities of an educational nature, the artificial reduction of children's time for the most basic needs limit children in play activities. In this regard, the system of preschool education faces the problem of training and retraining teachers who understand the importance and value of the priorities of preschool education - socialization, the development of personal qualities in activities that are adequate to the age of children. Educators must master the art of acting and literally undergo almost acting training when working with preschoolers. Another important problem of the game is the informational acceleration of modern preschoolers. They live in the information world, they breathe it, they are born with it. Several problems follow from this. The first is associated with the risk of an imbalance between the intellectual and personal development of a child who has mastered information technology, but has not yet reached personal maturity. As a result, technology absorbs the child and takes away from reality. The older he is, the more difficult the games become and the more serious the consequences. Typically, such situations can be observed in families where the child is left to himself, they communicate little with him, he is not given enough attention. Therefore, one of the most important problems of the child's personal development is the formation of social interaction skills that will fill the void of communication and, along with the use of information technology, will not allow the child to break away from the world of people. And of course, teachers of the educational system should set the tone in this work. They must become masters of communication, psychologists of the child's soul. Another problem is the lag of educators from the information maturity of preschoolers, which determines the misunderstanding of modern children by teachers. Training and retraining programs for future educators should also take into account this aspect. The development of the child's personality is directly related to the personal value-semantic content of the teacher himself. Only a teacher who has the professional and personal competence of a professional educator, being in direct contact with the child, is able to build an adequate pedagogical position according to the situation, organize activities that are aimed at modeling and creating something new. Therefore, the standard defines the activity of a teacher as an endless professional variation in techniques, methods and technologies to achieve personalization. educational process. The task of developing a new generation of educators is a priority of the Federal State Educational Standards, directly related to the development and formation of the child's personality. GEF preschool education - standards that define a new approach to understanding Childhood as a period of time valuable for children without preparing for school life but by the fact that they live in it. They guide us all to understand the intrinsic value of Childhood in the coordinates of dignity, and not in the coordinates of receiving. Academician A.G. Asmolov said on this occasion: “The intrinsic value of the Childhood period is determined by the postulate - to be many, and not to possess many.” To become children of these many within the framework of their development path and standards help.

The draft standard was developed by the Institute for Strategic Studies in Education of the Russian Academy of Education. Project development leaders: Kezina.//.//.. Academician of the Russian Academy of Education; Kondakov A.M.. scientific adviser //(IPO RAO. Corresponding member of the RAO.

The structure of the Federal State Educational Standard. GEF is a set of three federal state educational standards:

    for primary secondary education;

    for basic secondary education;

    for complete secondary education.

Each standard includes requirements for:

    to the results of mastering the main educational program middle general education;

    to the structure of the main educational program of secondary general education, including the requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, to the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in the educational process;

    to the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of secondary education, including personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions.

Requirements in different standards - for primary, basic, full secondary education are homogeneous in form (in terms of the composition of requirements), but different in content, taking into account the training, existing subject competence, age characteristics and abilities of students. At the same time, the task is to ensure the continuity of the main educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, vocational education.

If you carefully read the last paragraph of the above requirements, you can immediately notice that this is a requirement for the conditions of education, for the implementation of the educational process, and therefore for the educational environment. That is, the direct relationship between the Federal State Educational Standards and the educational environment is determined. Moreover, this relationship is realized in the form of a complex of direct and feedback:

    the conditions of the educational process, expressed in the educational environment, affect its implementation and the results achieved;

    achievement of the required results specified in the Standard implies the existence of requirements for the conditions for this achievement.

Therefore, the new Standard and the educational environment must be in a balanced combination. This means that their study, study is also interconnected: the study of the educational environment lies in the way of studying the content, features and new opportunities of the Federal State Educational Standard (Fig. 1.2.).

Fig.1.2. The relationship between the requirements of society and education

It should be noted that GEF is part of the educational environment. This is a legal document expressing the order of the company, the procedure and conditions for its implementation. At the same time, it regulates not only the implementation and development of education, but also the development of the educational environment - directly and indirectly. It is in these aspects that we will consider it in what follows.

The first and main feature of the Federal State Educational Standard is the return to general education of the upbringing function, expressed in requirements and expected results:

    in the general provisions of the Standard, which indicates the orientation "to the formation of the personal characteristics of the graduate ("portrait of a school graduate");

    in the results of subject education, including general educational results;

    in the results of personal development.

The upbringing of the student is named one of the goals to which this standard (FGOS) is aimed.

Achieving the goal of educating a student involves a significant increase in the requirements for the educational environment.

The second feature of the GEF. The new educational standard introduces a new pedagogical category - the results of mastering the main educational program of primary, basic or complete secondary education (educational results, learning outcomes). The concept of the results of education and training was present in the pedagogical environment even earlier. But these results were perceived as an expression of the achievement of the goals of education and subject training, i.e. were derived from the content of goals, a reflection of purposefulness.

According to the new standard, educational results become an independent concept of pedagogy and an element of the educational sphere. As a conceptual category, they are applicable to subject systems of education - to educational subjects, considered here as learning outcomes. In this capacity, they become the subject of methodological research and constitute an independent component of the methodological system of subject education. "Learning Outcomes".

The content of the results and learning objectives should not duplicate (repeate) each other. Goals should be conceptual, determine the learning strategy, its general direction. Whereas the results of subject education should be more specific, expressing its goals and the concept of educational results of the Federal State Educational Standard - to be a set of specific educational achievements planned in the methodological system of this training.

The component "Learning Outcomes" in the subject methodological system, program, teaching materials allows you to model learning, formulate it in the form information model through determining the relationship between the content of the results, on the one hand, and the goals, methods, content, means and forms of education, on the other hand. That is, learning outcomes are a unifying, systematizing element in teaching an educational subject and in its methodology.

The third feature of the GEF– learning outcomes structured highlighting three main types of results − personal, meta-subject and subject. Each of these types presupposes the presence of a certain direction of education in general and subject-based education in particular, as well as the existence of a certain set of requirements for the educational and educational preparation of students.

The new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES, Standard) puts personal and meta-subject learning outcomes in the secondary education system at the forefront:

“The standard establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of secondary (complete) general education:

personal, including the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination, the formation of their motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity, a system of significant social and interpersonal relationships, value-semantic attitudes that reflect personal and civic positions in activities, social competencies, legal awareness, the ability to set goals and build life plans, the ability to understand Russian identity in a multicultural society;

metasubject, including interdisciplinary concepts mastered by students and universal educational actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative), the ability to use them in educational, cognitive and social practice, independence in planning and implementing educational activities and organizing educational cooperation with teachers and peers, the ability to build an individual educational trajectory , possession of skills in research, design and social activities;

subject, including skills mastered by students in the course of studying the subject area, specific for this subject area, types of activities to obtain new knowledge within the framework of the subject, its transformation and application in educational, educational-project and social-project situations, the formation of a scientific type of thinking, scientific ideas about key theories, types and types of relationships, knowledge of scientific terminology, key concepts, methods and techniques. (FGOS).

Subject learning outcomes no less than personal and metasubject are needed:

Firstly, this knowledge and skills reveal the specifics of the subject being studied and specialization in the subject area, and make it possible to achieve the required level of competence in this area. They are not universal and more specific, but, having the most direct relation to this subject, they create the necessary basis for the formation of other knowledge and skills for the development of the student's personality.

Secondly, subject knowledge and skills are necessary as data for the description of knowledge, elementary knowledge for the formation of knowledge of a higher order: without subject knowledge, it is impossible to count on a student's full perception of meta-subject knowledge.

A special role in the Standard is assigned to the subject results at the integrated (general educational) level:

“Subject results at the integrated (general educational) level should be focused on the formation of a common culture and the implementation of predominantly ideological, educational and developmental tasks of general education, as well as the tasks of socialization of students ”(FGOS).

That is, the subject results at the integrated (general educational) level are designed to create the necessary basis for achieving personal results, increasing its ability to adapt in the social information environment, self-knowledge, self-organization, self-regulation, self-improvement.

Spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of students are named in the Standard among the main areas of secondary education that they provide.

According to the Standard, each educational subject must contribute to the formation of general educational subject results, develop, shape the culture and worldview of students with its specific means and express them at the level of its own forms.

This coincides with the requirements of education itself, an advanced pedagogical environment - teachers, methodologists, etc. That is, this is a condition of education, coming from the depths of education itself, suffered by it. Without a doubt, this should affect the development of the educational environment, its qualitative transformation.

However, the priority in the Standard is given to personal and meta-subject learning outcomes. Subject results are a necessary basis on which others are formed - personal and meta-subject. But this base should not be self-sufficient - it should ensure development.

metasubject results. Modern knowledge requires not only fundamentalization, but also universalization, or rather, a balanced combination of fundamentalization and universalization. The fundamental nature of knowledge and professional competence is needed by a specialist whose activities are focused on a rather narrow area.

Of course, the fundamentalization of education is necessary in the university. However, the modern constantly expanding world of knowledge requires their generalization, obtaining knowledge of a higher level on their basis. Therefore, in the university, universalization in training is also necessary.

A student is a personal system being formed, the cognitive interests of which have not yet been finally determined. Therefore, he needs universal (meta-subject) knowledge and skills to a greater extent. A certain degree of fundamentalization involves specialized training. However, the fact that the subject of learning has universal knowledge always gives him additional opportunities and brings him to a new, higher level of knowledge. He is better oriented in the educational field, adapts in the educational field, has great abilities to acquire and acquire knowledge, to personal development and self-development. He has relatively large opportunities for productive knowledge of the world, including self-knowledge.

Meta-subject results in the Standard are, first of all:

    interdisciplinary concepts that are used in various subjects, specifically expressed in them, and in fact represent a conceptual category;

    universal learning activities: regulatory, cognitive, communication, also having a wide (interdisciplinary) scope;

    ability for self-organization and educational interaction (cooperation);

    ability to apply their knowledge and skills.

A special role in the formation of meta-subject results is given to educational subjects, the content, methods of which are of general educational importance - logic, language (colloquial and formal), information processes and information interaction, communication (at the level of language and information technologies). These subjects (mathematics, computer science, language) become meta-subjects, sources of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, and occupy a central place in education according to the Federal State Educational Standard (required for education).

For example. General educational philological (language) knowledge is used in computer science when studying the topics “Designation and coding of information”, “Programming languages”, etc. At the same time, this knowledge itself is brought to a new meta-subject level - the implementation of direct and feedback.

Comment. The concept of metasubjectivity has another (no less important) meaning: as a description of the area of ​​a given subject, a general interpretation of its content. This is also necessary: ​​the achievement of meta-subject results presupposes the presence of a meta-subject description and interpretation. Otherwise, metasubject connections cannot arise. In this respect, mathematics, informatics, native language can be considered as universal metalinguistic means, subjects of the same name - as means of implementing their metalinguistic means in other educational subjects.

As we can see, the idea of ​​metasubjectivity, expressed in the Standard, also conceptually coincides with the ideas about it in the pedagogical (scientific and methodological) environment. The implementation of these ideas will make it possible to systematize the educational process and its results (into a single system of learning outcomes), to significantly increase the potential of interdisciplinary and metasubject communication.

With this implementation, much the role of the educational environment is growing, as an area of ​​intersystem (intersubject) relations, a mediator, and hence an active participant in these relations.

personal results. Training is proposed to be carried out in the aspect of the following:

formation of the student's readiness for self-development and continuous education; designing and constructing the social environment for the development of students in the education system.

Therefore, personal results suggest the presence of a combination of social, spiritual, intellectual qualities:

    the formation of “civil identity, patriotism”, love and willingness to serve the Fatherland, a conscious civil law position, responsibility, an active position of the subject, “consciously accepting traditional national and universal humanistic and democratic values”;

    the formation of the worldview in the aspect of the dialogue of cultures, forms of morality, art, religion; perception of the moral values ​​of society;

    "readiness and ability for independent, creative and responsible activity (educational, teaching and research, communication, etc.), education and self-education throughout life."

We did not reproduce here all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for personal learning outcomes (they are extensive - a sign of special attention to these results):

    firstly, they are multilevel (for three levels of education);

    secondly, work with primary sources is always more valuable than with their presentation. We limited ourselves to reflecting the position of the Federal State Educational Standard on this issue, which, like the previous ones (in terms of subject and meta-subject results), expresses the requirements and trends in the development of modern education, the position of advanced pedagogy.

Continuity of personality education means the presence of its ability to self-education, self-education, self-improvement. Accordingly, the main goal of education is teach to learn to form the foundations of a culture of knowledge, cognition, social and legal relations.

Readiness for self-education and self-learning, in turn, means the ability to:

    to self-organization, self-government, self-determination, self-regulation, to self-development;

    to self-knowledge as a spiritual and intellectual person, identifying their interests and needs, abilities and opportunities (potential).

The task of the educational environment, IEE is to fill all these requirements and positions with content that provides:

    identification and conceptual (semantic, socio-cultural, aspect) interpretation of the terms used;

    formation of knowledge and ideas about the content of the relevant concepts;

    personal perception and “appropriation” by students of basic social and universal values;

    formation of students' motivation and needs for action and interaction in accordance with these values.

Knowledge, skills, competencies of the subject of education can and, in fact, should be formed in subject education as its results, including general education. As for the subculture, personal self-development, they are formed, developed, manifested mainly in the processes of independent interaction in the environment and with the environment, with the educational environment, ISE.

The fourth feature of the GEF. The Standard introduces new concepts of “compulsory subjects”, “optional subjects”, “optional subjects”:

    "mandatory" - study is mandatory;

    "by choice" - a choice from a certain set to a certain number;

    "optional" - a choice is possible on the basis of "educational services". The term "educational services" is also an innovation of the Federal State Educational Standard, although such services already exist in the field of education, and there is a need for them.

To a certain extent, the innovation of the Standard allows you to unload the training program (the total content of the subjects studied) for each individual student, provided that he (with the help of parents and teachers) determines the optimal teaching load in the paradigm compulsory subjects - elective subjects. But he can overestimate his strength by going along the line of "educational services." May occur personal information security problem student - overload with educational activities and information.

Obviously, since we are talking about the security of the personal educational environment, the problem of its security also applies to the educational environment (from general to personal). The choice of subjects studied can be a personal matter. However, personal security is a public matter.

The fifth feature of the Federal State Educational Standard is to achieve the logical closure of requirements. The conditions of education are diverse, and it is quite difficult to achieve complete logical isolation of the requirements for it. However, the Standard makes a serious attempt to achieve a balance of educational, informational and methodological requirements, requirements for IEE, infrastructure, financial, economic, personnel.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, each educational institution creates in accordance with the requirements and structure specified in it own educational program containing the target, content and organizational sections, the system for evaluating the results.

    program for the development of universal educational activities (UUD);

    curriculum of subjects and courses;

    program of spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of students.

The organizational section contains curriculum and system of conditions.

Obviously, the system of conditions is, first of all, the conditions of the educational environment, the IEE of a given (each specific) educational institution, the requirements for their definition, organization, creation, and functioning. The same applies to every educational subject.

Thus, each educational institution (school), each subject training according to the Federal State Educational Standard, each training course in this institution must develop a systematic description, information model, project of the corresponding ITS in the aspect of active interaction with it, relying on it in achieving the planned results.

From September 1, 2011 all educational institutions Russia switched to the new Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES), which focuses education on a new quality that meets the modern needs of the individual, society and education.



GEF as a tool for the formation of a modern personality.

Makeeva Tatyana Vladimirovna, teacher primary school.
MOU secondary school No. 12 with in-depth study of individual subjects "Education Center". Moscow region, Serpukhov.

Since September 1, 2011, all educational institutions in Russia have switched to the new Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES), which focuses education on a new quality that meets the modern needs of the individual, society and education. Let's remember, when we studied, the main task of the school was considered to give good, solid knowledge.
Today, we are focused on change, because the world around us is changing rapidly. The standard of living is growing due to scientific and technological progress, which, in turn, generates a demand for information, education, and culture. All more people participate not so much in productive labor as in the service sector. Their activities increasingly involve solving information problems. A person just needs to learn how to competently conduct a targeted search and selection of the necessary information. Wherein great importance It has:
the ability to correctly formulate the problem;
the ability to select from your intellectual baggage the information that is useful for solving this problem;
the ability to determine what information is missing and where to look for it;
ability to find missing information;
ability to assess whether this information to solve the problem;
ability to use the selected information.
Scientists predict that today's schoolchildren will have to work in specialties that simply do not yet exist, about which we do not even suspect. Therefore, now everyone understands well that the orientation of education is only towards the formation of junior schoolchildren knowledge-skills associated with the development of a subject cannot lead to serious results in the development of a student's personality. It is necessary that the teacher's field of vision is constantly the activity that the child is engaged in - its goal, motive, specific educational actions and operations. Only in this case the student becomes an active participant in the activity or, as psychologists say, its subject. In other words, the child at the end elementary school should be able to communicate, work in a group, present their work. He must also master the skills of working with various information, including those presented in electronic form. The school is obliged to ensure that at the end of the primary stage of education (grades 1-4) the child achieves results not only in subject areas, as it was before, but also in meta-subject and personal results. What is important, first of all, is the personality of the child himself and the changes that occur to him in the process of learning, and not the amount of knowledge accumulated during schooling.
Now the educational system faces a new difficult task - the formation and development of a mobile, self-fulfilling personality capable of learning throughout life. And this, in turn, corrects the tasks and conditions of the educational process, which is based on the ideas of the development of the student's personality.
Teach - learn - the slogan of the II generation standards.
The new standard is distinguished by the implementation of a system-activity approach in teaching, where the position of the student is active, where he acts as an initiator and creator, and not a passive performer.
The education system has abandoned the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of ZUN. The new standard specifies the actual activities that students must master by the end of primary education.
The requirements are formulated in the form of personal, meta-subject and subject results.
An integral part of the core of the standard are UUDs.
UUDs include:
- personal skills - allow you to make learning more meaningful;
- social - the ability to act in society, taking into account the position of other people;
- communicative - the formation of skills of constructive communication with peers and adults.
Already in grade 1, it is necessary to start teaching children to set a goal, draw up a plan to achieve it, search for solutions, reflect on the results of their activities, exercise self-control and give an independent assessment of their work in the lesson. In a non-grading environment, teach children to evaluate the quality of their work. Learn to discuss work in pairs, in a group, adjust the assessment. If this work takes place in the system, then on the basis of a system-activity approach, children will learn to evaluate their activities more objectively.
In the new Federal State Educational Standards, much attention is paid to an integrated approach to teaching, which involves the active use of knowledge gained in the study of one subject in lessons in other subjects.
In his work, the teacher must strive to never give students knowledge in finished form. We must teach them to compare, generalize, draw conclusions. Think carefully about the task system.
Studying the new standard, you involuntarily discover its obvious feature - the emphasis is on the ability to apply knowledge in life, on the development of the personality, its socialization, i.e. modern education must ensure the ability to live in modern society.
Thus, it is necessary, first of all, to strengthen the child's motivation to learn about the world around him, to demonstrate that schoolwork is not about obtaining knowledge abstracted from life, but, on the contrary, is a necessary preparation for life.
The student must become a living participant in the educational process.
Aerobatics in conducting a lesson and the ideal implementation of new standards in practice is a lesson in which the activities of children are organized in such a way that the teacher only guides and makes recommendations, forcing children to think, put forward their hypotheses and argue them. It is difficult, but very important for the harmonious development of the individual.
What are the main results according to the new Federal State Educational Standards primary education? What should a portrait of an elementary school graduate look like?
sincere, benevolent towards the world, towards people
able to apply their knowledge and skills in real life situations
wants to actively express their point of view, to argue it
knows how to organize his own affairs, solving various problems
able to think effectively, extract information and work with it
can evaluate their own and other people's actions, take their own position
able to communicate with different people, negotiate with them, doing something together
In conclusion, I want to say that one of the main criteria for the successful implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is the nature of the teacher, his desire and readiness for change. If a teacher is open to everything new and is not afraid of change, then his first, confident steps in the new conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard will be a good start for the further development of the personality of a modern teacher. After all, as Confucius said, “He who, turning to the old, is able to discover the new, and keep pace with the times, is worthy of being a teacher.”

Modern education in the world is the most massive type of human activity. Education is becoming the main business of life for the vast majority of young and middle-aged people who study throughout their active professional life.
Russian society puts forward a very definite social order for the training of specialists. This order was formulated in the report of the State Council of the Russian Federation “On the educational policy of Russia in present stage”: “A developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make decisions of choice, are capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility, constructiveness, and are ready for intercultural interaction.”
The ongoing changes in modern Russian society require an adequate modernization of the education system to meet the needs of society and the state in the training of new generation professionals.
State pedagogical activity is characterized by the transition to work according to federal state educational standards (hereinafter referred to as GEF), which put forward new social requirements for the education system. What should a school be like in order to fulfill the task assigned to it by the state? A.A. Fursenko defined this with the words: "We must prepare the child for the future life, so that he will be a successful person, no matter how he learns." The introduction of GEF is a new stage of modernization Russian education. Its concept dictates new requirements for the personality of the teacher as a key figure transformative activities in the field of education. Currently significant innovations in the field of organization, content and technology teacher education do not provide the level of personal and professional readiness of the teacher for creativity, making non-standard decisions, interacting with students, showing initiative, being active in activities that would correspond to the process of updating the target, content and procedural characteristics of education. A new teacher should come to the updated education system, with a new type of thinking, capable of realizing the tasks put forward by the Federal State Educational Standard.

Topical issues of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard:

- New targets. To achieve results, a new pedagogical toolkit is required. It is impossible to do this using the old pedagogical methods, which means that teachers need not only to change the elements of the pedagogical system, but also to revise the entire system of their activities, learn how to design a lesson in the logic of educational activity: situation - problem - task - result. The teacher should build the lesson in such a way that he teaches how to solve problems. The standard also gives the teacher an understanding of the result, on the basis of which he will build the educational process.
-Manufacturability of activity. The teacher must build educational and educational activities technologically, understand the logic and structure of this activity. The key technologies designed to ensure the achievement of new educational results are the organization technology project activities students, technology of problematic (problem-dialogic) learning, information and communication technologies, technology of evaluating educational achievements. Today, the teacher ceases to be the bearer of "objective knowledge".

Its main task is to motivate students to show initiative and independence in discovering new knowledge, finding ways to apply them in solving various problematic tasks. Thus, on the one hand, students have an interest in new material, disinterested cognitive motivation, on the other hand, students achieve a true understanding of the material. The fact that self-acquired knowledge is especially strong does not require proof.

- The basis of the standard is a system-activity approach to teaching. This forces us to reconsider the ways of interaction with the student in cognitive process. The purpose of education is not to transfer a certain amount of knowledge, but to create conditions for the maximum development of the child's individuality, his abilities, inclinations, and interests. The content of education in this regard is selected on the basis of the allocation of competencies that are necessary for each person. The role of the teacher is also changing: from a "translator" of information, he turns into an organizer of the student's activities. Accordingly, the student does not just sit, listen and reproduce the information received in the lesson, but becomes an active participant in the acquisition and development of this information. The student must become the subject of activity. Teacher and psychologist V.V. Davydov wrote: "It is high time to change the goal of education - not just to give practical skills, but to teach how to learn"

-Organization of control and evaluation activities. A new understanding of educational outcomes determines the need to update the traditional evaluation activities of the teacher. Effective assessment activity requires the following competencies:

Ability to select and apply modern educational technologies and assessment technologies that are adequate to the goals set (Portfolio technology, student learning achievement assessment technology, etc.);

Correctly apply a variety of assessment scales and procedures (comprehensive final work, a tiered approach to presenting planned results, etc.);

Build student self-esteem.

-Organization of extracurricular activities. Due to it, the space of interaction between the participants in the educational process is expanding, it becomes possible to organize design and search work. Extracurricular activities allow you to create conditions for the student to master other non-educational activities that will teach him to solve problems, develop his individual abilities and capabilities. Russian psychologist A.N. Leontiev said: "The grief of our education lies in the fact that in our education there is an impoverishment of the soul when enriched with information."

In the conditions of modernization of the education system, the teacher is still its main driver and, therefore, raising the level of his professionalism is an indispensable condition for this process. teaching profession, although it is mass, it is still a special mass profession. Its role is increasing, and at the same time, the requirements for its professional qualities are growing. In the pedagogical field, not just professionals are needed, but real devotees of their work, bright personalities who are able to overcome the difficulties that arise and work creatively. At the same time, it is necessary that not just a few, not only leaders and innovators become such personalities. It is necessary that the mass teacher rise to a higher level of professional and personal development.

The structure of professionally important pedagogical qualities can be represented as follows:
1. Professional Competence allows the teacher constantly improve, seek new knowledge. He should not be a translator of knowledge, not a "tutor", but a person who is able to

design the educational environment of the child, class, school. Not to mention the fact that he must be an active user of information and communication learning technologies. "Mature" professional competence will make it possible to change the teacher's position from leading to accompanying.

2. Capabilities

Pedagogical abilities provide the accumulation of fruitful information about students, allowing the use of "creative" suggestion, stimulating the formation of self-control and self-regulation, thereby providing the student's need for self-development and self-affirmation.

Pedagogical inability is manifested in the fact that the teacher is insensitive to the needs and abilities of the student, to his most strengths personality, activity, system of relations, abilities. Such a teacher in the learning process does not accumulate fruitful information that provides a "creative" suggestion.

It is precisely because of the specific sensitivity to the object, means, conditions of activity and finding productive models for achieving the desired results that human abilities act as the most important prerequisite for the success of pedagogical work.

The level of abilities can be judged by the level of performance.

If several abilities are harmoniously combined in the structure of the teacher's personality with the leading role of pedagogical ones, then we can talk about the talent of the teacher. The combination of abilities ensures the achievement of very high results in pedagogical work.

3. Personal qualities

modern teacher must distinguish the moral and civic qualities of the teacher as a man of his time. Teachers must understand that their key purpose is to educate the citizens of Russia. Let us recall the semantics of the word "education" - the transmission of an image. The teacher himself must be the bearer of the image of a person, people, country and pass this image on to the younger generation.
Hence, it is necessary to recognize as a priority not the tasks of transferring professional knowledge, but, first of all, the upbringing of spiritual and valuable, creative relations of the teacher to the world, the skills of interaction with students on humanistic principles as the basis of his moral culture. Only a morally educated teacher can fulfill the tasks of the moral education of young people. Such a task should be singled out as a priority in the system of professional activity of a teacher in a general education institution.

4 .Professional self-awareness - these are character traits and intellectual abilities necessary for the implementation of professional activities. A particularly important place today is occupied by the psychological readiness and intellectual ability of the teacher to master the necessary innovative competencies and apply them in their professional activities.

Thus, at the present time - the time of rapid informatization of education - the professional self-awareness of the teacher becomes an indispensable condition for his development as a professional.

And here is how the image is formed in the mind of a modern student professional teacher:

A professional teacher combines the traditional approach and brings its own innovations to the learning process.

This is a man who can find mutual language with students, approach to everyone, to interest and fall in love with students in their subject.

Professional teacher means competent, willing to teach, a wise man; he must love his subject and his students.

Primarily, professional teacher should have simple human qualities: kindness, understanding, teach not only the sciences, but also life, be a spiritual mentor.

One cannot but agree that this collective portrait of a teacher

professional through the eyes of graduates fully meets the requirements that not only the new educational standard imposes on the teacher, but also the time. Let us recall the important and correct words of the Russian teacher, the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, “In the matter of education and upbringing, in the whole school business, nothing can be improved without the head of a teacher. The teacher lives as long as he learns. As soon as he stops learning, the teacher in him dies.” I wish all teachers healthy ideas and healthy children's souls!

Key moments of the manifestation of GEF new generation at school

So, how do the new educational standards manifest themselves in school? What innovations have become part of the school life of the new generation? Is there a noticeable difference from the previous standards? To get an idea of ​​the standards of the new generation and compare them with the previous ones, some key points will help - the differences between the old and new GEF:

Previously, it was possible to assess the success of a child only by focusing on school grades. The new standards require the student to have a portfolio with certificates, diplomas, test results and other works. Thanks to this innovation, the achievements of the child become more visible.

The role of the teacher has changed. Previously, it was limited to explaining educational material and testing students' knowledge. Now the teacher is an active actor in the life of the class. The teacher strives to develop the individual abilities of the child, motivates schoolchildren to independence, tries to include everyone in the work.

The former Federal State Educational Standards determined a unified curriculum for schools. New generation standards are revealed to teachers and parents variety of school programs.

You can choose the right one, focusing on the preferences of each.

The educational standards of the past did not affect the extracurricular activities of the child. The new Federal State Educational Standards define 10 hours per week to visit circles, sports sections, excursions, participation in seminars.

(One of the innovations of the second generation standards, which will be noticed by all participants in the educational process, should be considered the appearance of extracurricular activities in the curriculum. It is allocated ten hours a week in the afternoon, i.e. an average of two hours every day. These hours are not included in the mandatory study load.Extracurricular activities are not a continuation, but a deepening of the basic content of education.These are the hours of the curriculum of choice.Now every child, with the approval of their parents, will have possibilitychoose an interesting job according to your talent or desire: sports and recreation activities, drawing, music, etc.)

The purpose of this innovation is to save children from aimless pastime.

Life does not stand still. Computer techologies became an integral part of it. In order for the student to be able to easily maneuver in the modern computerized world, already in the 1st grade he gets acquainted with keyboard typing.

New educational activity involves the development of theoretical knowledge in practice with the help of individual projects where every student can express themselves. They replaced the laboratory work of the former curriculum.
