Introductory speech when communicating with the audience. Public staging. Public speaking: preparation rules

Many speakers are faced with the problem - how to start a performance so that they immediately like it? How to appear on stage? How to get up so that it looks natural? How to immediately win the trust of the public? Where to begin? How to make a favorable first impression? It is known that we will never get a second chance to make a first impression - so it is important to use the first and only chance. There are patterns of impression and perception that any person who appears in the spotlight must take into account. There is an important observation, verified many times by experienced speakers:


And after the greeting, you will only supplement the already formed impression of your personality. In psychology, there is the concept of "imprinting" - that is, "imprinting" the image of a person in the minds of the public. If the first impression is positive - it starts to work for you as a kind of "loop", all your words will be supported in a positive way in the minds of the audience. If negative, a negative “trail” will work against you, subconsciously the public will already be skeptical.

The author has repeatedly witnessed situations where competent, intelligent, knowledgeable people could not make a convincing first impression and frankly failed their speech. There was only one reason for the failure - an unsuccessful start, a weak first impression that could not be corrected. As a result, even potentially strong and meaningful speeches and presentations did not achieve their goal, or even the speaker became a laughing stock in the eyes of the public.

And vice versa. The author has observed many times how, after a successful start, reinforced by a further performance, the audience changed its attitude towards a person. He becomes a demigod. Well, if not a demigod, then at least a much more respected person! What causes this effect? Due to the fact that the significance, or psychological weight of a person, becomes much higher in our eyes when we see that he has some kind of skill, talent, rare skill. When we see how the master works, we seem to be present at the birth of a small miracle. But isn’t a beautiful, convincing, captivating, pleasing public speaking a miracle and a masterpiece? Without a doubt, speech is a small (or big) miracle, comparable to the miracle of creating music before our eyes, the miracle of an actor's reincarnation or the birth of a masterpiece painting.

So how do you make a strong and compelling first impression?? What are the patterns of perception? What should happen at the very beginning of a speech? Let's read the title again. There is a double meaning in the very expression "staging in public". The first meaning, direct and literal, comes from the word “put” or “stand” - where and in what position to put oneself, what position of the body to take? And often this is a problem for a speaker who does not know what place on the stage, in the hall he should take, how to stand up, how to sit down, what to do with his legs and where to put his hands? And the second meaning is figurative. There is such a stable phrase in our language - "he put himself in the team." What is meant? That this person has earned respect, authority, a position in the unspoken rank hierarchy of the team. If the speaker is a new person for the listeners, he must earn respect. Straightaway! The speaker has little time to build up! And even if the speaker is known, the position on the stage requires a special role. And in this role - he doesn't care new person for the public.

At the same time, the first and second meanings of the phrase "staging in public" are closely related. The first impression we make on the audience depends greatly on the location in the hall and the posture. And as a result, the further attitude of the audience towards you depends on the first impression - sympathy and trust in your words, or cold neutrality and a desire to argue. And our task, of course, is to use our knowledge and skill to achieve the most convincing first impression.

Credit of trust from the scene. This is an important phenomenon that the speaker must use. In itself, knowing about this credibility should add confidence to you as a speaker! The stage or any place of performance gives not only a test of strength for the speaker, but also has some initial positive effect for the speaker. The main place gives a certain credit of trust and respect to the speaker from the public. The scene raises a person not only physically, but also psychologically, in the eyes of the audience. We are ready to listen to a person who has entered the stage, only because he has taken this central, main place. Maybe you have noticed from your own experience that when you are sitting in the hall and a person comes on stage, he automatically causes a certain "submission" of the audience and an initial share of respect. And this is only due to the fact that he appeared on this main place. This effect of the original credit of trust and respect comes from somewhere else from the subconscious childhood. When we were schoolchildren, a teacher entered the class, she occupied the main place - and we automatically began to respect, listen and be afraid. And whoever forgot to do this was reminded who was in charge here. Moreover, the entire education system consolidated this effect in institutes, colleges, academies, and then at work. The main one is who is on the stage! We learned this with the milk of all our "alma mothers". And it remains in our subconscious. We do not always know who and why entrusted a stage to a person, but since he is entrusted, then it is necessary! So he has the right to stand before us and inspire us with his thoughts! Initially, the stage gives the speaker some power over the minds of people, and people are already ready for this - after all, it is the speaker who is on the stage, and they are sitting in the hall. After all, it is the speaker who is entrusted with broadcasting to the public!

The initial credit of trust and respect is a regularity, but, of course, it does not exclude the possibility that there may be people in the hall who were previously opposed to you, who came specifically to disrupt the performance or mock. How to neutralize them is a separate issue. And it is important to know and use the pattern of the initial credit of trust - that is, to increase, and not to devalue this credit of respect from the audience by your behavior.

The seven second rule. How long does it take for a first impression to form? It's not hours, not tens of minutes, not even minutes. Psychologists have calculated that the first impression is formed in just first seven seconds the appearance of a person in front of people, and then only consolidated. And we already know that the first impression is always the same. Of course, theoretically, you can try to smooth and correct, but it is very difficult. The first impression is like a footprint on still wet soft cement or a bootprint on fresh asphalt - it hardens and fixes for centuries. When a person appears on the stage, in the minds of the audience, in the brain, our image begins to form, an idea of ​​us, or, as I say, a new “file” that did not exist before. And we form this file ourselves precisely by our behavior in this short time. After just seven seconds, people think they understand a lot about us. After just seven seconds, the audience thinks they have already read us. By this time, the viewer has already assessed the speaker and made a conclusion: interesting - uninteresting, cute or not, like - dislike, smart - stupid, sexy - not sexy. In reality, our personality may not correspond to this image in consciousness at all, but this idea is born as a result of our behavior and will be judged by it. At the same time, listeners may know absolutely nothing about either the first impression or the formation of the image, all this works against their will, that is, subconsciously, in addition to consciousness, not obeying a conscious decision. This effect works not only for a public oratorical occasion, but also for personal communication. Surely you once felt on yourself that if you didn’t like a person right away when you met, this trail bears an imprint on your further attitude towards him. And vice versa, if you immediately liked it, arranged it, then you still want to communicate with him and get closer.

  • They say that there is even love at first sight.

The results of the following psychological research. Employers, bosses, personnel officers were interviewed with one question - when, at what moment do you make an internal decision for yourself whether or not a person is hired? And statistically it turned out interesting result. Most employers came to the conclusion that this internal decision matured in them within just the first minute. And what, one wonders, does the employer do in the next twenty minutes of the interview? Correctly. Reassures himself that the decision is correct. And then, if a person is liked, the boss skips the minuses and exaggerates the pluses, does not pay attention to the shortcomings and greedily catches the virtues. Let not seven seconds, but a minute, but in any case, this is a very short period of time.

Were you students? Remember, the same impact of first impressions is often seen in exams. If the student immediately made a positive, pleasant impression, the professor begins to “drag” him: ask good questions, exclude difficult questions, ignore weak answers, forgive mistakes, help formulate, suggest, give a new chance. And if you didn’t like it right away, then it’s a pipe. The professor will in every possible way drown with harmful questions, look for mistakes, skip the good ones, and at the first opportunity will send you for a retake. And all this also happens subconsciously, the boss, as well as the professor, are not aware of this effect, they are, one might say, in captivity of the first impression that governs their attitude and actions.

When does the public performance start? Quite right, when the formation of the first impression began, and not when you open your mouth! When does the seven seconds begin? When the speaker appears in the field of public attention, and not when he begins to speak! When you get up from your seat in the hall and start walking to the stage - seven seconds have already begun. When you go backstage, the impression automatically begins to take shape. Walk down the aisle in the hall - you are already in the field of attention. The attention of the audience automatically reacts to moving and new objects - and the whole audience will turn their heads towards you - “so-a-k, well, who will be performing there now, this one, or something, come on, let's see now, what are you worth ... ”All the spectators involuntarily begin to evaluate you - what is it, who is it, how does it walk, how does it move, where does it go? So remember - the performance begins with getting up from your seat or the appearance of your nose from behind the scenes!

No kitchen! Let's analyze the typical mistakes of an inexperienced speaker. I have seen the following picture many times. The speaker, believing that the speech has not yet begun, gets up from his seat, goes to the stage, straightening his clothes on the way, convulsively moving his shoulders, buttoning up, scratching his head, rubbing his chin and brushing his hair with his fingers. Then he hurriedly wipes his nose, it is good if with a handkerchief, straightens his clothes on the go and almost buttons his trousers. By the time he reaches the place, we can assume that the performance has already ended. What impression is formed in these seven seconds? Any such fuss works against the speaker. People in the hall should not see any "kitchen" and no preparations.

  • Can you imagine if we see the president's preparations for the solemn speech on New Year's Eve - how he is made up, oiled, tinted, repeated in his ear, given instructions, straightened, fastened and combed? We will be disappointed, this reduces the significance of a person.

Therefore - no kitchen in public, you should already be absolutely "OK", with no signs that you may have something wrong.

Owner behavior. This capacious word - the Master - contains all the strongest qualities of a person: confidence, independence from the opinions of others, inner strength, one hundred percent psychological comfort, no matter what. As well as slowness, acceptable imposingness, lack of fuss. Such behavior is associated with power, reliability, courage, leadership, with a leader and even a leader. Confident and inwardly strong man causes respect, people involuntarily obey him, the impression of him is strong, his words have a special significance.

  • If you want success, you must look like you already have it. (Ancient aphorism.)

Unfortunately, the audience forces the speaker to do everything faster and provokes him to fuss, due to the discomfort and psychological pressure that she creates by the very fact of being present. What is the reason for the fuss? The fact is that when we experience unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations, it is understandable that we want to get rid of them as soon as possible. How to do it on stage? Escape, we understand, is impossible. But on the other hand, you can quickly cope with your number and get off the stage out of sight. Therefore, at trainings, I recommend that participants, on the contrary, move in public a little more slowly, unhurriedly, as if slightly slowing down (according to my feelings), and then the fuss will be compensated and there will be a golden mean.

Exit to the stage. Hence the conclusion. We go to the stage confidently and calmly, with the air of the Host and absolutely independently - as if there was no one in the hall. Avoid another common mistake - communicating on the go. This is when the speaker communicates with the audience, before reaching the place of speech, with the help of smiles to the audience, cheerful greetings, waving to the audience, appeals to old acquaintances and bowing. It looks like a burning desire to gain trust in a cheap way, the public will like it and immediately demonstrates dependence on it. Such coquetry will not cause respect from the public, it immediately becomes clear that a person really wants to be liked. On the contrary, the behavior of the Boss inspires respect - absolute confidence, independence from the audience, the fact that the speaker does not seek to gain cheap bonuses, shows restraint and composure, and does not start talking earlier than necessary. No flirting!


Paradoxical as it may seem, it is true. Because we respect strong people and admire confident individuals. At this moment, such a person becomes in our eyes a leader, a leader and even a leader.

It is important to know that it is advisable not to go through the center of the hall, because in these seven seconds you will be showing the audience your ... back, which is not entirely correct for the first impression. It is better to exit as if from the side, entering through one of the flanks of the stage. Ideally, it is desirable to leave the scenes and hide there after the performance, but the scenes are now preserved only in theaters. During a confident walk, we only look ahead, assessing how to get to the main place. The main place is always located along the central axis of the hall and at a convenient distance from the first rows, not too far, but not too close - without leaning on the first rows.

We take center stage. It would be a mistake to start talking somewhere on the side, not in the center of the stage. Especially, often this happens when the speech is short and the speaker internally justifies this for himself with a small time for speech. What does he broadcast to the hall in this case? He makes such a non-verbal message to the audience - sorry, I'll stand here on the edge, I'm sorry, not for long, I actually came here by accident, nothing to distract you ...? And this is no longer the Owner - but a small person ... The Owner is always worthy of the main place. Therefore, do not devalue yourself with a speech from the edge, but boldly look for the main place worthy of you!

In addition to the central location, the main location must satisfy the "rule of ninety degrees." That is, the angle of fire, or audience coverage sector, should be approximately 90 degrees if you stretch out, standing in the center, your hands on the flanks of the audience. If you get too close, the viewing angle will already be at 180 degrees, in which case the side viewers will fall out of your influence, and the front row will become too tense. If it is too far, the angle will be 45 degrees and the performance distance will be too far and uncomfortable. Having found the main place with a glance while calmly walking on the stage, we boldly take it, as befits the Host, turn to the hall and fix ourselves on it.

How to get up at this moment? Stand up now in the truest sense of the word - what position to take, what position of the body, arms, legs should be for the best perception of the speaker?

Typical mistakes of inexperienced speakers. The speaker comes out and stand in a pose with his hands behind his back. The impression is that his hands are tied behind his back, but he still cannot be silent. The feeling of closeness, stiffness, gesticulation will not work. There is also the impression that a person is hiding something there. The stone, for example, did not fit in the bosom, but now it will get it ... If the viewer does not see the hand, the appearance of the speaker is subconsciously associated with some kind of danger. Do you know how the handshake gesture was born? In the Middle Ages, this gesture did not yet exist, and when warriors met on the same path, they showed each other their right hand from afar. This meant - I do not have a weapon in my hand, and I'm going with good intentions. Gradually, this gesture was transformed into a handshake when approaching. Therefore, people should see the speaker's hands so that a sense of threat does not emanate from him.

  • Do you know how the hug gesture with a friendly pat on the back was born? Hello, dear, how many years, how many winters ...!!! The warriors converged and in a mutual embrace slapped each other for undeclared weapons behind their backs. The meaning has already been forgotten, but the tradition remains.

Another mistake. The speaker comes out and stands in a pose with his arms crossed on his chest in the pose of Napoleon. This position of the speaker will again be subconsciously perceived as an underlined demonstration of superiority. This is also the pose of a harmful teacher:

- Well, well, young man, give us your record book, still don’t pass ...

It is clear that this is also not optimal for public perception.

Another common mistake. The speaker's arms are not crossed behind, but in front below the waist - "footballer's pose". It also reads stiffness, closeness, plus only the lazy one does not ask himself what he is protecting there. These are not the associations that should be immediately born in the audience.

And one more mistake. Hands in pockets. It looks absolutely vulgar, and for a business audience it is a gross violation of etiquette, after which the speaker will simply fall in the eyes of the public. And if you speak like that at the president's reception, you will never be invited to him again. Even worse, if the hands are in the pockets of the trousers, not the jacket. Sometimes the speaker, not knowing where to put his hands from excitement, hides them in his pockets, thinking that at least he solved this problem, and no one will notice his fidgeting hands now. No matter how! In pockets, fussy hands are even more noticeable. Especially if they continue to play with keys, key chains, and other items there. Any moving object attracts attention much more - and the whole audience will be fascinated to look only at the bottom of the speaker's torso, losing interest in everything else. And this, of course, is also not the impression in which the speaker should be interested.

For the same reason, you should not take with you items that you want to take for complacency - notebooks, cheat sheets, notes on sheets, and also just in case - pens, felt-tip pens, markers. All objects in the hands visually enhance the trembling and playing hands. An exception is if the speech or report is so voluminous that one cannot do without notes, but then they can be taken and put next to a chair, table, podium and peep, and if it is impossible otherwise, read the text.

So in what position is it optimal to start and conduct a speech, where should the hands be and what to do on stage?

Main speaker stand

This is the main stand of the speaker, from which you need to start a speech and spend most of the time on stage. After the start of the performance, you can depart from it from time to time, but it is important not to forget to return. Let's analyze the main stance - for training it is better to perform sequentially, and then automatically and immediately.

Legs shoulder width apart. Exactly on the width, and not more and not less. If there is less than the width of the shoulders (“legs together”) it looks quite elegant from the side, but when you start talking, you will inevitably feel some instability - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport is too small. If the legs are wider than the shoulders, this is, of course, stable and comfortable, but it looks threatening and even aggressive from the side - a person takes up more space than he needs. Still roll up your sleeves - and there will be a complete picture of "an SS man on duty." Sometimes at trainings, girls say - but how, they say, they teach professional models and fashion models stand in the “third position”, just the legs are together, the back is bent ...? Yes, this stand looks beautiful, but keep in mind that if the fashion model starts talking, people in the hall will scatter ... The task of models and other blondes is to decorate the space with their presence, but not to conquer the audience with their speech and intellect. Therefore, it is optimal in the leg stance exactly at the width of the shoulders, even for women.

We pull ourselves by the crown mentally for a virtual long thread into space. The spine is straightened, the posture is straight. Stoop is a problem of a modern person, most people walk bent over - years, worries, anxieties, fatigue, a hard life ... And if we see a stooped person on stage, this will be the impression, plus a feeling of uncertainty and constraint will come from him. Indeed, when we worry or worry, intuitively the human body shrinks and shrinks to become invisible in a moment of danger. And just like that on the stage and perceived. As a result, the first impression will inevitably be blurred. It is very important to demonstrate in public the exact opposite of what was said - confidence, strength, energy, freedom, leadership skills including good posture.

Unfortunately, for most people, slouching has already become a habit, so a straight posture is uncomfortable for many and it is not easy to keep it for a long time. This is true. But any bad habit can be replaced by a new, more constructive habit, just as instead of a cigarette at the moment of excitement, you can accustom yourself to candy. Therefore, it is important to form a habit for yourself of a straight, royal, if you like, posture. Do you know how in the old days the hussars were taught to keep an aristocratic stance? The hussar had to breathe deeply - and so on and stand, live, speak, breathe. And how were future secular ladies accustomed to a noble posture? There was an even more cruel way - a corset. When a woman was pulled into a corset with forty laces, she kept her posture willy-nilly (rather, of course, involuntarily). For women, by the way, it is possible to use not a mental thread into space, but the idea that you are propping up a balcony or vault of heaven with your head - getting ready for caryatids. Another option - you carry a light but fragile object on your head - you cannot drop it. You can train with a book on top of your head, and then give odds to Eastern women, known for their grace and a special article - trained with jugs of water on their heads.

Sometimes a person in my training is uncomfortable to keep his posture, not because he pathologically stoops, but only because he tries too hard and strains. Let's do this experiment together. Tighten your right hand tightly into a fist. Very very. Even stronger! Even stronger!!! Now relax your fingers form leave the fist. It turns out that almost no effort is required to keep the shape of a fist. So our back muscles, responsible for posture, are so strong that in order to keep the carcass in an upright position, they do not even need to strain hard - five percent of their capabilities are enough. Some even know how to sleep standing up - soldiers on duty, horses in the field ... Therefore, we leave the shape of the body - and mentally relieve excess tension, and in general the body is relaxed.

Shoulders on the "hanger", the chest is straightened with a wheel. These rules complement good posture. Shoulders on a mental hanger, as if you were a jacket. In order to hang the “jacket”, we make a circular motion with our shoulders back and fix our shoulders slightly behind. Kiss with your shoulder blades. We straighten our chest while inhaling (remember the hussars) and then we breathe freely, gaining 80% of the capacity of the lungs before speech to fully use our chest resonators and a strong chest voice. Breathing both before and during speech is better (according to sensations) with abdominal breathing, that is, with the “belly”. All the same, only the lungs will be filled, but the volume and efficiency of inspiration will be much higher.

Importantly, deep breathing helps to reduce pre-performance anxiety. Reception "four seconds". Inhale slowly and deeply for four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, exhale slowly and with concentration for the same four seconds.

“When a woman straightens her back and straightens her shoulders, she has breasts”. This aphorism truthfully illustrates the features of the female structure of the body. Sometimes women are embarrassed to straighten their breasts, rightly believing that this makes it visually larger. But I think it's even good. Breasts are a symbol of vitality and beauty for both women and men. And there should be a lot of good people! And a good speaker, even just in appearance, should attract attention and strive to make a strong, vivid impression. In addition, the stage, the distance between the speaker and the audience conceal the dimensions of the speaker, make him small - especially in a large hall. Therefore, on the stage it is desirable to visually appear larger, larger, to occupy all the available space with gestures and movements in order to compensate for this negative factor. Then visually the dimensions of your personality will be larger, you will be associated with greater strength, power. The stage is not a place for modest behavior!

Interestingly, the straight spine closely related to human health. Any physician will tell you that through the spine, through the spinal cord, innervation occurs (stimulation by nerve signals) internal organs. The spine and its spinal cord are a kind of conductor of these signals from the nerve centers of the brain. If a person has chronic stoop, and as a result, scoliosis (curvature of the spine), this gradually leads to innervation disorders and chronic diseases of the internal organs. True, a person often does not notice this, since at a young age this stoop is compensated by the body's reserves. But youth is not an eternal thing, and when the body's reserves are depleted, diseases begin to roll up in a uniform sequence. Therefore, it is important to form a posture not only for the perception of the public, but also for health.

What does posture mean? It means to train it in life. In life, as you know, there is always a place for a feat. And to form a new habit, you need to tie a knot in memory and remember your posture several times a day. Come up with “anchors”, “hooks”. For example, I see people - I straighten my spine, I do the main stance.

To check your posture from time to time, you can use this method. Lean back against the wall. There should be four points of contact: the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels. You will be surprised, but real straight posture. Many on this test will feel it for the first time. And the real straight posture is straighter than it usually seems to a person.

If your case is running and the stoop is clearly noticeable and poorly corrected, then there is another radical method. In pharmacies, a posture corrector is sold - an elastic design that is fixed on the shoulders and back and keeps posture no worse than a corset.

Front foot half a foot forward. This is the next rule of the speaker's main stance. The body weight is transferred 60 percent to the front leg. There is a slight tilt of the body forward, a vector to the public. As if you were walking forward, but stopped. The front leg is the leg on which it is more convenient for you to carry the weight of the body. This has to be done by feel. Usually, for most people, the front leg is the pushing, strongest, the one that you pushed off in the long jump, in PE class in 8th grade. Why is this forward vector needed? This position of the body is read by the public as a readiness for dialogue, a readiness to meet people halfway, the absence of fear and excitement. Compare. If the tilt is back, then the sensation will be as if the audience is pushing the speaker away and he takes a step back. And then back again. And then back again. And hides in the fog behind the scenes. Tilt back - the audience seems to push the speaker away. Vector forward - the speaker goes towards people and is ready for dialogue!

Hands thrown along the body, elbows slightly pressed, palms slightly turned to the public. There is no fuss in the hands, the hands are thrown and relaxed, only the elbows are slightly pressed. Spectators perceive this position of the hands as the absence of a threat, as self-confidence and in their rightness. And those are good associations! It happens that the speaker's hands are poorly controlled, live their own lives and throw them down at the beginning of the speech does not work. This is called "hands get in the way." Indeed, in such cases, the speaker does not find a place for his fussy hands, and they really begin to interfere with him.

Remember, there is such an episode in the movie "The Beginning" with Inna Churikova in leading role. She plays the actress who plays Joan of Arc. Jeanne is kneeling in front of the icon praying to her saint. But suddenly Churikova leaves the image and she begins to become hysterical, she jumps up and begins to beat herself on the hands:

- I can't, I can't! My hands are in the way, I can't, I can't, I can't! They interfere with me, interfere, I can’t do anything with them!!!

The director didn't hesitate.

- Drink to me!!! Which is more disturbing - right or left ?!

The actress, coming out of hysterics:

- So, that's all ... They don't interfere anymore. Everything is fine. Let's work! Camera, turn on, camera, let's work!!!

So we are at trainings, just in case we keep a saw. But seriously, the use of weights during speech helps to get rid of the fuss in the hands. You can eliminate the fuss with solid books, weights or other heavy objects.

Note that the arms are thrown along the body only at the beginning, while you have not yet begun to speak. When speech is turned on, then the hands should support it with expressive gestures, helping the speaker express his thoughts.

Head into a position of acceptable arrogance. That is, the chin is slightly above the horizon line. If the chin is too high, a feeling of contempt will appear from the person. If the chin is below the horizon line, there will be a feeling of a menacing look "frowningly". The eyes are fixed on the audience. On the face of the “Gioconda smile” is a readiness for a smile, a half smile. If the facial expression is relaxed and neutral, it will be perceived as sullen. Therefore, it is better to add a half-smile, that is, the corners of the lips are slightly raised. If he performs in America, then he must smile with all his might with all 33 teeth, with all his Hollywood smile, otherwise they will not contact you (“is he a loser?”). But in our culture, an accentuated smile will irritate people (“what is grinning?”). Still, they say, he didn’t say anything funny, but he’s already grinning. Therefore, it is optimal - the corners of the lips are raised, the smile of the Mona Lisa.

These are the main rules regarding the main stand of the speaker. This is the basic, basic, dominant stance. Doesn't mean you can't get away from it from time to time. This means that it is necessary to return to it from time to time.

What are the associations for this rack? This is an ancient Greek or ancient Roman monument. At that time, it was in this pose that all the heroes, winners of competitions and others were sculpted. the best people. If it was a thinker, he held a scroll in his hand. It was this pose that reflected their fortitude, dignity and greatness. This is Lenin on an armored car. Only the proletarian leader uses a gesture pointing to a bright future, and everything else is similar. And it was not for nothing that Ilyich was depicted in this pose - after all, he was supposed to be imprinted in the mass consciousness as a tribune, a leader and a strong man. It is also the pose of the Statue of Liberty in the USA - a symbol of all generations of Americans. This is our worker and collective farmer at VDNKh - they only make a step more powerful. This is a ballet dancer entering the triumph to a standing ovation and bouquet rain. All these images reflect success, strength, leadership qualities. And all this is not accidental - these are the right associations, and in this stance the speaker corresponds to them.

The main speaker stand has two useful properties. First, it gives the audience the right first impression of the speaker. And, secondly, if you stand in this stance for thirty seconds, you will feel a surge of confidence, strength, some pathos, a desire to say something powerful:

- Romans! Fellow citizens!

Or at least:

- Russians!

By itself, the main stance creates the necessary internal state of dignity, greater confidence, strength. Why is this happening? Because not only the internal state is reflected in the external appearance and posture. But the opposite is also true. The outside shapes the inside. The posture itself also has a formative effect and is reflected in the internal psychological state. Therefore, I do not get tired of repeating to the participants at the trainings - even if you are nervous before the performance, do not forget to simply put yourself in the main stance by willpower and the excitement will decrease!

What if you have a seated performance? For example, during a meeting, negotiations, conference. Anyway, the rules are the same, just sitting. As if the monument sat down. Of course, “who will plant him, is he a monument?”, But sometimes the speaker has to speak while sitting. And then - the body is moved forward, and not thrown back on the back. Chest expanded. The spine is straight. The head is raised. Feet shoulder-width apart, one foot slightly in front. Hands are thrown down on the knees or placed on top of the table - and later, during the speech, the appropriate gestures are turned on. It is undesirable to wrap your legs around the legs of a chair - it looks pathetic. And speaking of sitting, it is better to sit on a relatively hard seat, which helps the energy of the speaker. There is such a cunning trick among the negotiators - to slip an easy chair or sofa to the opponent. And then the person becomes completely fine, he relaxes, and it is already much more difficult to turn on speech and logic in this state - the tone disappears.

No fuss! This should be combined with the speaker's main stance. Especially at first, when relations with the audience are established, when any unnecessary movement will be subconsciously interpreted by the public as excitement. The rule is. You go out, lock yourself in the main seat in the speaker's stance, and pause. In a pause, you behave like a rock man, like a monument to yourself. No flirting, antics, twitching shoulders, squeezing hands, playing with fingers, moving lips, tapping feet. We exclude it! Vice versa. Man is a rock! This is strength, confidence, composure. This is the impression the audience will have.

Let's pause before we start. Why is a pause needed? What role does she play? Why not just start talking? The pause has a very important function. First, it attracts and captures the attention of the public. And even if you pause in the middle of your speech, the attention of the audience will return to your performance. Secondly, in a pause, in fact, the so-called “staging in public” takes place, that is, the relationship between the speaker and the audience is finally established, “who is in charge” - the speaker speaks, the audience listens. Of course, a pause is a test for the speaker's nerves, but if you pass this test, the public respects you. The audience will accept your right to be the leader for the duration of this presentation.

How long should the pause be? Let's evaluate it on the example of the theater. Before the start of the performance in the theater there is always some fuss in the hall, noise, discussion of programs, rustling of wrappers. Everyone is already seated, but the audience's attention is still scattered. And imagine such a picture. The curtain opens, the stage is illuminated and we see a man standing in our main speaker stand facing the audience and holding a pause. And the more the artist, the more he has a pause ...

What will happen to the public? Gradually she will calm down and gather attention on this actor. Those who are not ready yet, the neighbors will push - quietly, shhh, put away the sweets, it has already begun ... The attention of the theater audience will gather in an increasing parabola. And after a while, a maximum will be established - the peak of public attention. There will be dead silence in the theater with the full attention of the audience - what's next?

This is reminiscent of such a plot in Yeralash. Spring. The boy is standing in a puddle. The puddle is big and deep. Adults gather around - boy, why are you standing here, you'll catch a cold !? He stands, is silent, pauses. Even more adults are gathering - boy, why are you standing here, why are you standing, you will catch a cold, what, why, you will catch a cold ... He stands imperturbably, pauses. There is already a crowd of adults, everyone is reaching out to him - boy, why are you standing here, you will catch a cold, what, why, why are you standing here, why are you standing here ... !!!??? And, finally, with the words “And here it is!” he jumps on the spot in a puddle, a fountain of spray, all passers-by are wet. Here are the strong nerves of the boy! He just doesn't waste his energy. He gathered attention, paused, and the efficiency of his hooligan actions became much higher! Likewise in public. You go out, fix yourself in the main speaker's stand, pause - and all the attention of the audience will be on you:

- And why are you standing here? And why are you standing here? And why are you standing here???

And aerobatics - at the peak of attention - but that's it! My speech is here! And your first words are heard. If this is the Bolshoi Theatre, I estimate the time from appearance to the peak of the public's attention to be about 12-15 seconds. If this is an ordinary conference room for fifty people, then the maximum attention time will be about 5-7 seconds. This is the time to navigate. If the audience is very small, you can reduce the pause to 3 seconds, but there must be a pause!

If the pause is overexposed - what will happen to the audience? That's right, when the peak of attention is passed, it will inevitably weaken and the noise will go again:

- What is it? And what are they? Are they making fun of us?

Therefore, it is important for a good speaker to feel the time and start speaking at the peak of attention!

What to do in a pause? The pause itself should also not be empty - an empty pause disappoints the audience. She must be filled inner life. There is a story about Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky, who, at acting training, gave tasks to his students just to pause on stage in front of the audience. Almost everyone could not stand it, smiled, giggled, hesitated on the spot, played with facial expressions. And, finally, Stanislavsky himself came out and began to look attentively into the hall - and all the students felt the fullness, the significance of the pause, even his inner reflections. He silently looked into the hall for two minutes, and the audience did not get bored - a rich pause held their attention.

So this is the rule. In a pause, you collect the views of people from different sectors of the hall, assess their readiness, think about their faces and internal state:

- So, well, are you ready or not? What do we have here? Good. And who do we have here? OK. And in the gallery? So far it's not okay...

Outwardly, you don’t need to specially demonstrate anything - this will lead to falsehood. Only inner work makes the pause rich, not empty.

Remember that you must be in the Master of the Hall state. What does the owner do in life? Deed. And so he went on stage and he has a business - he chooses people for his business. The owner is a good psychologist, he observes and evaluates - who will suit him and who will not, with whom you can cook porridge, and with whom only compote, whom to hire and who will not pull. And then the pause becomes meaningful and saturated. The secret of such a pause is in the concentration of attention on the people in the hall.

What text to start with? And only when the audience is already ready for perception, you open your mouth and start talking. I will offer a universal beginning for almost any speech:

- Hello! I am very glad to see you! My name is ... (name)! I am ... (who you are)! The topic of my speech is… (and further on).

Here is everything you need to get started. Universal greeting. A universal compliment to the public. Representing yourself. Presentation of your social role.

The public initially has a natural curiosity - who is it, what is it, what is a person. And the beginning of the speech is an opportunity to satisfy this curiosity and, with the help of the presentation, raise your significance, make yourself a “PR”. Do you know the difference between PR and bragging? Only one position. occasion. If there is a reason - it's PR, in the best sense of the word. If not, this is already boasting and looks unprofitable. The beginning of a speech is always an occasion - they wanted to know who is speaking now? Well, please, I'm not sorry, I'm telling you. Of course, this is only suitable for a new audience. If the public already knows you, then self-presentation is no longer required.

You can look for other beginnings for speech, but this universal beginning is always suitable, even when nothing comes to mind.

If you have staged a successful performance in public, a good start and contribution to the success of the entire performance has already been made and the audience will be ready to redeem you with applause at the end of the speech.

Successful performances!

See also:

© D. Yu. Ustinov, 2009
© Published with the kind permission of the author

Shannon O'Brien is the founder and chief consultant of Whole U., a career and personal counseling service in Boston, Massachusetts. Through counseling, workshops, and e-learning Whole U. helps people find their dream jobs and live balanced, meaningful lives. Shannon was named the number 1 career and personal trainer in Boston, Massachusetts based on reviews on Yelp. Her work has been featured on, Boldfacers, and the UR Business Network. He holds a Master's degree in Technology, Innovation and Education from Harvard University.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Introducing yourself is more than just saying your name. This is a whole way to make a new acquaintance with a person, start a conversation and get into physical contact. Introducing yourself to strangers is not always as easy as it seems, because everything depends entirely on how others understand you. You can introduce yourself different ways(Depending on the audience you're targeting). For example, it can be a performance before a speech, in front of strangers at some event, in front of a girl or guy at a party. It is important to introduce yourself in a way that is appropriate for this situation in order to please and be remembered by people.


How to introduce yourself at a social event

    Make eye contact. Eye contact means that your attention is directed to the interlocutor. Looking into the eyes is one of the ways to interact with a person. This is how you show him your interest. By making eye contact, you become more open to your interlocutor.

    • If you feel very uncomfortable looking someone in the eye, try looking between the eyebrows of the interlocutor - he may not notice the difference.
    • If you are in a meeting or meeting, periodically look into the eyes of each of those present.
  1. Be mindful of body language. Body language should show the interlocutor that you are confident and feel at ease. Stand straight, raise your head and straighten your back, try not to slouch. Try to repeat the movements of your interlocutor from time to time. In addition, try to speak in the same tone and style as your interlocutor to establish non-verbal contact.

    How to introduce yourself to a stranger

    1. Tell each other your names. If the greeting is meant to be formal, you can say, "Hello, I'm [first name] [last name]." If the introduction is informal, simply say, “Hi, I’m [name]. Immediately after you have given your name, find out the name of your new acquaintance, say: “What is your name?”. Speak in friendly tones. As soon as you know the name of your new acquaintance, repeat it by saying: "Very nice to meet you, [his name]" or "Nice to meet you, [her name]."

      • It is important to repeat the name of your acquaintance in order to remember it better, besides, this will give your acquaintance some kind of intimacy.
    2. be ready shake hands or greet someone you know in a different way. In most cultures, it is customary to greet a person by accompanying the greeting with physical contact. In many countries and cultures, this is a common handshake. Make sure that the hand is moderately firm, it should not hang like a rag, and should not break the bones of your friend when shaking hands.

      Ask questions. It is very important to show interest in the life of your interlocutor. Ask where he or she is from, what they do, start a conversation about some common business or interest. Find out what the person likes, what their hobbies and interests are. Show that you are listening carefully and interested in the conversation.

      Feel free to end the conversation. If you are meeting someone for the first time, you should end the conversation by saying that you were pleased to meet and talk. If the conversation was formal, you should end the conversation with the phrase: “[name] [patronymic], I am very pleased to meet you. I hope we see you again." If the conversation was informal, you can say, “It was great meeting you, [name]. Hope to see you again"

    How to introduce yourself before a speech

      Greet the audience and state your name. If you are giving a speech, it is important to state your first and last name. When you greet everyone and introduce yourself, be sure to speak clearly and confidently.

      • Say, "Hi, I'm [first name] [last name]." Or, “How are you doing today? My name is [first name] [last name].”
    1. Share something about yourself. After you say your first and last name, tell what kind of speech you are going to give and why, try to present yourself correctly. What you need to say to the audience depends on the nature of your speech and the event you are speaking about. If you are going to lecture on the importance proper nutrition, be sure to tell me how you relate to this. For example, say if you are a scientist, a cook, or an environmentalist. If you are talking about the upbringing and development of a child, say that you are a child psychologist.

      • You can provide the audience with any useful information about yourself that is relevant to your presentation. You can briefly list some of your professional merits. For example, you could say, “My name is [first name] [last name], I am a professor environmental sciences. I did research in the Amazon rainforest and then I realized how important it is to look for new ways to protect our planet.”
    2. Move. When giving a speech, stand up straight, with good posture, but move from time to time. Straighten your back, take your shoulders back, do not slouch, your hands should be free, you can even gesticulate if necessary. If you don't have to stand behind the podium, you can sometimes walk slowly from side to side to show the audience how confident and comfortable you feel.

    How to introduce yourself at a business meeting

      State your full name. Say it clearly so that the other person understands and remembers it exactly. You can say, “Hi, my name is [first name] [last name].” Or: "Hi, I'm [first name] [last name]." Your name is more likely to be remembered if you pronounce it clearly.

      Describe what you do in one sentence. If you are in a business meeting, chances are you will tell a few people about what you do. So, what do you do when a new acquaintance asks you: "What do you do?" You will probably start talking about your career for 5-10 minutes. Do you have a desire to read the list of your achievements? Probably not. If you are not planning a serious conversation, you can simply describe in one sentence the essence of your professional activity by conveying the following information to the interlocutor:

      • What is your profession? Teacher, manager, medical worker?
      • Who are you working with? With children, international organizations, small businesses?
      • What are you doing? Do you help children acquire and develop new skills, do you organize various international meetings and negotiations, keep track of the budget, help organizations expand their market base in developing countries?
      • Now put the sentences together. Tell the interlocutor who you are, with whom you work and what you do.
    1. Respect everyone's personal space. If you have some things, do not put them on other people's tables, respect their personal space and do not download them. Be aware that you may accidentally damage their materials, such as knocking over a poster or ruining a booklet. Wait until you are prompted to exchange business cards, resumes, and so on.

    • Focus on the person you are talking to. Show him respect in the same way you would like to be respected.
    • Before the meeting, do not eat anything that could get stuck in your teeth.
    • Do not look away and do not be distracted by foreign objects, otherwise the interlocutor will understand that you are bored.
    • Don't speak with your mouth full.
    • Focus on a positive attitude. When you first meet, this is not the time to say something bad about yourself or about someone else.
    • To lighten the mood, start with a compliment or a harmless joke.
    • If your hands tend to sweat, wipe them down with a tissue before introducing yourself to someone.

    Posted On 06.03.2018

    10 public speaking tips from Dale Carnegie that are relevant today

    Speaking in front of a small group can be intimidating for most people. The following 10 tips from Dale Carnegie in The Art of Public Speaking will help you overcome this feeling and make your presentation a good practice for both you and your audience.

    1. Be confident in front of an audience

    Speaking in front of people can scare you. And some people might also argue that speaking in front of a small audience is even more scary. To overcome the fear of public speaking, Carnegie recommends:

    • Rehearse a few times
    • Dive into your theme
    • Do you have something special to say
    • Count on success
    • Take control of your audience

    2. Theme and Preparation for Public Speaking

    Understand what you are saying and keep your thoughts organized. If there are studies and facts, then supplement your speech with them. Create a public speaking plan, and once you've prepared your presentation, don't be afraid to revise it.

    3. Efficiency by changing the pitch of the voice

    Carnegie advises that for every change in your reasoning, your voice should change in pitch. When speaking, watch how your voice changes as you speak. And remember that when more intonation your voice will sound more pleasing to your audience.

    4. Pause and its Power

    Knowing how to use pauses can greatly help your speaking skills. Pauses can be used for a number of different reasons. For example, let your audience mentally prepare for the next thought, or create suspense, or let your message be consumed by the audience.

    5. Feelings and Delight

    Put feelings into your speech and express them. Don't be afraid at first, even if you feel like you've overdone it. Get excited about your topic, it will help your audience get excited about it too. Greater excitement and engagement of your audience with your presentation and more likely your message will resonate with them.

    6. Voice

    Spoken voice has great importance for public speaking, but how do you train yourself to master it? For starters, you must relax. Don't let yourself be nervous, because there is no reason to be nervous. Watch your breath and try vowel sounds to relax and prepare for your speech.

    7. Match Gestures to Your Speech

    Gestures should be a reflection of how you feel, helping you convey what you want to convey to your audience. They should be natural and should be one single unplanned part of speech. Make sure your movements are constantly changing and match what you are saying at that very moment.

    Influence on the crowd

    Every crowd needs a leader. Be the leader for your audience! Lead your audience through your thoughts and keep them engaged. Establish yourself as a leader and earn the respect of your audience. This will help you lead them and get them to take the actions you need.

    9. Expand your vocabulary

    Every word in your vocabulary means three things: you know its meaning; you know how it combines with other words; and you know how to use it correctly. When you hear a new word, do whatever it takes to learn these three things about it. If you hear a word that you already know but is used in a different way, then this is also a great way to increase your vocabulary. If you do not understand the meaning of its use, then look in the dictionary and remember its meaning.

    10. Memory training

    You probably won't or won't be able to memorize your entire speech word for word, but the main ideas that are important to the smooth running of your presentation should be noted. It's as simple as memorizing your plan. Memorize the key points of your speech and some of the words associated with them, and work towards that direction.

    Dale Carnegie may have offered these tips years ago, but they are timeless. Using just a few of them will help you overcome your fear of public speaking, greatly increase your self-confidence and make you a better public speaker.

    More articles

    It's no secret that most people are afraid of public speaking. But if you are a businessman or a team leader, sooner or later you will have to go on stage and give a speech. And so that your performance won't disappoint you or your audience, follow the eight tips below to help you perform well in front of an audience.


    How to start a speech: 10 ideas. What listeners like

    Watch Experienced Speakers

    Watch professional public speakers, such as speakers in public speaking classes. Pay attention to speakers from your field of activity and beyond. See how they deliver their speeches, what they want to convey to the audience, how often they pause, how quickly they speak, how often they make eye contact with the audience.

    2. The tenth performance is better than the first

    No matter how many times you have performed in front of an audience, there is always room for improvement. It's great if you have public speaking experience, but don't get too carried away and think that you can now speak without prior preparation. It may work a couple of times, but sooner or later you will misfire.

    3. Start strong

    To speak well in front of an audience, try to hook the audience from the very beginning of the speech. For example, you can make a witty joke if you have an excellent sense of humor. Other options are to give a shocking statistic, ask the audience a provocative question, or show a funny video.


    Clear speech segments

    Divide your presentation material into separate parts to better convey your thoughts and ideas to the audience. Remember, when leaving the room, the audience, according to the Rule of Three Points, must remember at least three key points from your speech.

    5. Practice your speech

    The day before the performance, meet with a close friend and ask him to listen to your speech, which you are going to give to the public. It will be useful to know how the masters of oratory prepare for performances. So, the night before, you should sleep well and avoid drinking alcohol so that you don’t suffer from a hangover in the morning. Make sure you have a glass of water at room temperature when you speak, as cold water constricts your throat.

    6. Don't be late

    On the day of the speech, do not be too lazy to arrive early, with some margin of time. At least an hour before a public speech, look into the hall in which you will speak and look at its atmosphere. Check if the audio and video equipment and microphone are working properly.

    7. Don't speak fast

    One of the most common mistakes beginners in public speaking make is speaking too fast. In this case, the listeners do not have time to comprehend the words of the speaker. To determine the speed of your speech, record it on a computer and listen to it. If you're talking faster than the newscaster, then you're talking too fast.

    8. Rely on the outline of the speech

    Even experienced speakers, before speaking to the public, compose brief summary speech. It may contain the main issues that the speaker wants to address in the speech, expressed in three to four words. If you write something like this for yourself, it will be of great help to you, but remember, you should not write the entire text of the speech. Outline the main parts, determine how, for example, 8 elements of the speech tempo will be presented.

    Finally, be sincere - people will feel it in your voice and will listen to you more attentively. Speaking in public requires a lot of courage and, like everything in life, experience and practice. So what are you waiting for?

    Experts have found that 80% of rapid career advancement depends on the ability to correctly and beautifully express one's thoughts. Most successful people are fluent in oratory and able to speak in front of an audience. There are special trainings and seminars on oratory. Here are some tips to help you learn how to properly speak in front of an audience.

    1. Try to deal with anxiety. If you are worried, then a beautiful speech will not work. Experience will help to cope with excitement, and at the initial stage, breathing exercises and self-hypnosis will help.

    2. It is important to know well what you will be saying. You must prepare for the speech, know the topic well. You must also be prepared to answer questions.

    3. Try to respect the time frame.

    Every business must start right and end well. Now that the main part of the future speech has been thought out and structured, a solid and exhaustive argumentation of the main thesis has been developed, you should think about the introduction and conclusion. "Do you want to know in what sections of your speech you are most likely to show experience or inexperience, skill or lack of skill? At the beginning and at the end. At the beginning and at the end! They are the most difficult in almost any kind of activity." AT late XIX in. Hermann Ebinghaus established the law of the region: information is best remembered at the beginning and at the end of speech. Creating an introduction and conclusion is a purely compositional problem, since they can only be developed after the main part has been structured and the order of microthemes has been determined. The introduction and conclusion have their own functions and tasks in the general structure of speech, which should now be considered.

    §57. The concept of entry

    Section 57. Introduction. All the classics of rhetoric wrote about the tasks of the introduction: “And only after all this [argumentation of the main part] is taken into account, I finally begin to think about how to use my introduction; for if I try to compose it in advance, nothing comes to my mind , except for either insignificant, or absurd, or cheap, or vulgar. opening remarks should always be not only specific, sharp, meaningful and foldable, but also relevant to the subject. After all, the first concept of speech and the disposition towards it are achieved precisely by its beginning, and therefore it should immediately attract and lure the listener.

    Thus, the introduction is the first part in the composition of the speech, which is a few introductory remarks, which largely determines the success of the speech, since it depends on it whether the audience will listen and listen to the speaker. Whether an introduction is necessary in a speech depends on the situation and the audience: how much the listeners know about the subject of the speech, how ready they are for communication, etc. Aristotle wrote about this: “If the matter is clear and short, you should not use the introduction ... Listeners know what is at stake, and the matter itself does not need a preface at all. For example, you can do without an introduction in a consultation speech, when the consultant responds to a received request for information, sometimes in a consultative speech, if it is not pronounced first, but, as it were, continues the general conversation, etc. situations. Usually, the introduction is necessary so that "the listeners know in advance what will be discussed, and so that they are no longer at a loss, because the indefinite is misleading."

    In the introduction, the speaker must solve the following tasks: 1) show himself as a person who can be trusted ("morals"), interested in the matter, convinced, etc.; 2) tune in yourself and set up the audience for communication: a) arouse interest and benevolent attention; b) establish contact; 3) prepare the audience for speech perception: a) clarify intentions; b) formulate a problem; c) list the main issues to be discussed. The specificity of the rhetorical introduction is that it is called upon in a real situation of communication with specific people to establish good relations with them for further conversation and to inform its main direction. The beginning of Quintilian's speech (see Task No. 49) can be considered successful in terms of building an introduction, in which the author formulates a problem ("Is it more useful to teach a boy at home, in a family circle, or is it better to send him to a school?") and reports the task of speech ( "The most famous legislators and prominent writers spoke out in favor of public education. Let's also offer our opinion") The author, expressing concern for the benefit of the child (pragmatic topos), shows himself to be a benevolent person, caring for the welfare of those to whom he addresses with a speech, which allows him from the first words to unite with them in relation to the subject of speech. And all this took the speaker 4 sentences.

    The structure of the introduction has always attracted the attention of speakers. Should it be divided into parts, and if so, into what parts? M.V. Lomonosov outlines the following micro-themes of the introduction: the presentation of the case, an indication of its importance, the presentation of the topic. K.P. divided the beginning of the speech into two parts. Zelenetsky: attack and main sentence.

    N.N. Kokhtev distinguishes two functions of the beginning of speech (contact-establishing and prospective) and, for their implementation, proposes to divide it into two parts - the beginning and the introduction itself, although he does not very clearly distribute their roles. The beginning is usually understood as etiquette formulas, greetings, a few words of the speaker, relating more to the situation and the situation than to the thesis of the speech. However, etiquette formulas and greetings, firstly, are a phenomenon taken for granted in communicating with the audience, and secondly, not directly related to the content, so it makes no sense to discuss them as a structural element of speech. A few phrases caused by the situation in the audience cannot possibly be included in the speech in advance, since it is not known whether there is a need for them. Perhaps the speaker will not need them, and he will go straight to the point. Engaging “hooks” may well find a place for themselves in the introduction itself, but in this case they will not only have to attract the attention of listeners, but introduce them into speech, since “the value of the introduction is determined by how connected it is with the whole presentation, correlated with the subsequent We often call an introduction any beginning, for example, a lecturer can address the audience with greetings, some organizational remarks, or note how pleasant (or difficult) it is to speak in this audience, etc. However, such an introduction stands out easily.

    Thus, we will not single out the beginnings in the introduction as a special (in terms of function and tasks) structural part. But note that the problem of the speaker's pre-speech representation exists because "even before we begin to speak, we are approved or blamed." (D. Carnegie) Therefore, the speaker must be ready, due to circumstances, to say a few words that are not directly relevant, but necessary for him and the audience in order to tune in to communication. Since these remarks will be made just before the start of the speech, it must be taken into account that they may have an impact on the psychological mood of the listeners. That is why positive remarks about the composition of the audience, the circumstances of the meeting, the attitude to the topic, etc. are used as a start - everything that can become a topos of communication. But in this situation one cannot express completely extraneous judgments, as is sometimes advised: "Such interest may be caused by an unexpected message, the latest news about an event that everyone is looking forward to, a historical anecdote." Extraneous news and anecdotes can only distract the audience, occupy its thoughts with other problems, which the speaker should not allow. The following opening from the same book also looks like complete rhetorical suicide: "Despite the complexity of the topic, I will try to present it in a language understandable to everyone, to decipher the few terms that I will have to use." Such a frank demonstration of the audience of its low cultural level can in no way become a topos and, therefore, will not help to unite with it. It is necessary to recall that the beginning is not possible in all genres. It is allowed first of all popular science lecture(which is primarily discussed in the book by N.N. Kokhtev), and besides report, report etc. However, it is unacceptable in most other genres of business speech: consultation, response, advertising speech, appeal etc.

    Observations on modern business oratory practice show that the introductory part is usually not structured, it is built as a whole. (Although this is possible in lengthy speeches.) Therefore, apparently, it is necessary to recognize the division of the introduction as somewhat redundant, since it usually seems difficult to divide "a few introductory remarks" into parts. It is better to master the methods of organizing the beginning of speech, which allow you to optimally implement its main functions - to attract attention, establish contact, and prepare for the perception of speech. Techniques for organizing entry depend on its type, which in turn is determined by specific situation public communication.

    §58. Intro types

    § 58. Since classical times, two types of beginnings have been distinguished in rhetoric: natural and artificial.

    1. natural start. It immediately, without prior preparation, introduces listeners to the essence of the matter. The content of this introduction is closely related to the content of the speech, represents it. This type is good for business speech and in a friendly audience. The most common varieties of the natural principle in modern oratorical practice in relation to campaign speech can be considered the following:

    a) Message the reasons that forced the speaker to take the podium. Compare: " Dear colleagues! I was forced to rise to this podium by the fact that the proposed amendments to the bill, despite the fact that it has already been adopted in the first reading, in my opinion, do not solve two fundamental questions that, at least in my constituency, voters are constantly asking. V.I. Zhigulin)

    b) Message goals speeches. Compare: " Comrade deputies! I came to this rostrum in order to give some clarifications and, first of all, to express my disagreement with those two colleagues, the judge and the investigator, who have already expressed their attitude towards the creation of this commission. "(A.A. Sobchak)

    c) Rationale Topics speeches. Compare: " There is one word in the world that has been used more and more often to scare people lately: this word is propaganda. So that there are no misunderstandings about my report, I, first of all, must state that I will be engaged in propaganda for peace against the warmongers. "(A.A. Fadeev)

    d) Staging Problems. In the genre speech in debate this type is good when the speaker brings up a new aspect of the issue under discussion or thinks that the audience is underestimating the seriousness of the problem. Compare: " Dear deputies! I would like to draw your attention to the problem legal support economic transformation. I think that this issue is of strategic importance, and I believe that if there is no proper legal support for the reform, then there will be no reform." (V.F. Yakovlev) It is important to pay attention to the fact that outside of this genre, this type of introduction is found in the vast majority of speeches, since an indication of the problem that forced the speaker to take the podium is a mandatory requirement for a campaign speech.

    e) Indication of like-minded people, supporters etc. Sometimes the speaker has to oppose the prevailing opinion, object to high-ranking leaders, etc. In this case, he can rely on the opinion of a large group of people, emphasize the weight of his speech by referring to the instructions of the party, voters, etc. This thought can be organically combined with the message of the task of the speech, cf .: " Dear Comrade Deputies! Today, here I represent about 400,000 residents of Leningrad, of which approximately 270,000 are voters. I am responsible for the decisions that we all have to make today. It is from these positions that I am speaking here. We are not accustomed today to asking questions to the person who will be our president tomorrow. But we all need to understand that today is the time for offensive questions, but not the time to be offended by them. Therefore, Mikhail Sergeevich, I will ask you those questions, the answers to which I want to receive before making a decision, those questions that are in the minds and on the lips of people today. "(A.A. Shchelkanov)

    e) Historical overview. This type of introduction is resorted to in cases where an excursion into the history of the issue can help to better resolve it or indicate long haul decision-making emphasizes its thoughtfulness, weightiness. Compare: " Dear people's deputies! The path to the reform of the system of state bodies, to the introduction of the institution of the President of the RSFSR was quite a long one: a referendum, the third (extraordinary) Congress of People's Deputies, the Supreme Soviet, which carried out the instructions of the Congress and adopted laws on elections, on the President, on the Constitutional Court and on the legal regime of the state of emergency . The election campaign has begun. And now - the fourth Congress of People's Deputies, which should dot the i in this problem. What points can the Congress of People's Deputies put? (S.M. Shakhrai)

    To activate a tired or distracted audience, it is possible to use additional means of attracting attention along with a natural start. These include:

    a) Paradox. A good technique for attracting the attention of a distracted or tired audience. At the heart of the paradox lies some contradiction. Outwardly, it may resemble sophism, but the resemblance here is only external: sophism is a lie dressed up in the toga of truth, and paradox is the truth hidden behind the veils of lies. This means that sophism is plausible only externally, the paradox, on the contrary, only gives the impression of alogism. The main purpose of the paradox is to serve as an indicator of the incompleteness of knowledge. Compare: " Dear colleagues! We listened to the magnificent report of the Chairman of the Supreme Council Khasbulatov. This report, while excellent, has caused me deep regret and deep concern. I warmly congratulate Deputy Khasbulatov on the excellent report and am deeply saddened by the report of the Chairman of the Supreme Council Khasbulatov, because his words are sharply at odds with deeds. "(M.B. Chelnokov)

    b) related to the content of speech. Possibly in a variety of situations, but especially effective when the audience does not like the speaker or the ideas he is presenting very well, or the speaker wants to defuse the tense atmosphere of the meeting. However, it must be remembered that it is best to joke about yourself or the attitude of the audience towards yourself and in no case offend what is dear to the listeners. Compare: " Dear fellow deputies! I would like to start by protesting to the Dnepropetrovsk deputy who claimed from this rostrum that he is a representative of the "homeland of stagnation." The whole world knows that this is absolutely not true. Everyone knows that stagnation has spread its wings on the Moldavian hills.

    in) Question to the audience helping to create a problematic situation. Compare: " Dear comrades! I want to ask you just one question: why do our beautiful, hardworking, endlessly patient women stop having children? What is this, anti-crisis hysteria? The answer, I think, is clear. Our women have stopped having children because they do not have the means to support them, they cannot raise them as people, they do not see their future. The people, Russia was deprived of the future, doomed to extinction and destruction. "(V.A. Tikhonov)

    Of course, other types of natural beginnings are also possible, but in modern oratorical practice for agitational speech, they, according to our observations, are much less common.

    2. Artificial start, or, as the rhetoricians of the past have said, a beginning with precaution. This is an introduction, at first glance, not related in meaning to the main part. However, such an introduction cannot be considered a beginning, since, although there is no formal connection with the main theme, an internal, often metaphorical connection is necessarily present. These are not extraneous remarks about the composition of the audience or about the weather, this is a premeditated and verified part, designed to tune the audience to the perception of speech. With such a beginning, the formulas of natural entry are no longer used. The artificial beginning is more suitable for an unfriendly, critical audience or in cases where the listeners are very inattentive, uncollected. Such an introduction can help focus the attention of the audience or, more importantly, make an attempt to find a common platform that unites the interests and views of the speaker and the audience. The original beginning should also give an emotional key to understanding the whole speech. Here is how the well-known judicial orator of the 19th century A.F. determined the features of the beginning with caution. Koni: "... there can be a lot of these attention-grabbing hooks - introductions: something from life, something unexpected, some kind of paradox, some kind of strangeness, as if not going either to the place or to the case (but on actually connected with the whole speech), an unexpected and intelligent question, etc. ... To discover such a beginning, one must think, weigh the whole speech and figure out which of the above-mentioned beginnings and homogeneous with them, not marked here, can be suitable and to be in close connection with at least some aspect of the speech.

    In fact, all forms of artificial beginning are a means of attracting attention, but in content they usually come down to formulating a problem that will be solved in speech. Now, the following varieties are most often used as varieties of artificial beginning for agitation speech:

    a) Parable, legend, fairy tale. It must be remembered that this should be a parable or fairy tale related to the topic of speech. Her morality should help resolve the problem posed in the speech. Moreover, the speaker is obliged to substantiate this connection himself. Compare: " Fellow Judges! One medieval legend tells of a bell that had a magical property: in its ringing, every traveler heard the tune that he wanted to hear. How often the debate of the parties resembles this bell from the legend: the same facts, the same faces, but how differently, how dissimilar they are seen by the accuser and the defender. "(Ya.S. Kiselev)

    b) Aphorism. It can fulfill the same role as a parable or flatter the vanity of listeners, which is also important in a critical audience. Compare, for example, how Professor Yudin begins his speech at a symposium in Paris from A. Kron's novel "Insomnia": " There is something remarkable about the fact that one of the first international meetings of scientists dedicated to the protection of life is taking place in the city that has inscribed on its shield - wobbles but doesn't sink - a proud motto that in our time could become the motto of our entire planet ... "- Information about the coat of arms of Paris - a ship driven by waves with a Latin inscription "oscillates, but does not sink" - I learned from a guidebook. Not God knows what a beginning, but it The audience instantly appreciated that the person who arrived “from there” speaks fluent French, smiles, jokes, and, it seems, is not going to teach anyone. he's happy with the start."

    in) Analogy. In this case, the speaker uses a figurative analogy to interest the audience, to attract their attention, to emphasize an important idea. Compare: " Dear deputies! I would like to congratulate you on the start of the academic year at the five-year political university at the Faculty of Democratization through Parliamentary Way. We have a good start. A Lithuanian proverb says: "A good start is half the job." In order for her second half to be no worse, and we will work, I think, not a day, not two, not a year, not two, I have two suggestions. "(G.-I.A. Kakaras) Thus, the deputy congratulated his colleagues on the opening of the first Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR and created a positive attitude towards himself.

    G) Ironic remark or joke unrelated to the content of the speech. Compare: " Dear people's deputies! I will not waste your time trying to convince you that agents of international imperialism, foreign spies, have not gathered in the government. I am convinced that the vast majority still do not believe in it, and those who believe can not be convinced anyway. "(Then he talks about the economic situation in Russia) (E.T. Gaidar)

    e) Questions of a philosophical or evaluative nature that are indirectly related to the topic. This principle is often used in jurisprudence. Compare: " Fellow Judges! Our lengthy legal process is coming to an end. However, the thought obsessively haunts - how to remember and take into account all this, how to evaluate the circumstances and conclusions regarding which different, sometimes sharply contradictory judgments and thoughts were expressed. How to cope with all this, to solve it accurately, logically and objectively? Where can one get such an electronic computer, putting in it all the diverse and extensive information, it would be possible to obtain an algebraically exact answer that would satisfy the high ideals of justice and fairness? There is no such computer and never will be, because the complexity of human relations and assessments excludes the possibility of creating such a computer and any perfect systems of social and legal programming!" (I.M. Kisenishsky)

    e) Public or moral assessment the event under discussion. This type of introduction is also more characteristic of judicial speech and to some extent can be considered a variation of the previous type, but unlike it, it is more closely related to the subject of speech: " Fellow Judges! Among the millions of honest citizens, there is hardly a person who would not be overcome by a feeling of indignation, contempt and hatred for criminals who dared to kill or rob a person, or commit another grave crime against health, honor and dignity. The idea that in a society where a person widely enjoys the constitutional right to work, rest and education, where the necessary conditions for the all-round development of the personality have been created, there can be cruel people capable of killing or inflicting grievous bodily injury with a knife stab, or commit any other criminal offence. But, unfortunately, such people exist."(Example N.N. Ivakina)

    and) Audience score. A negative assessment should be very tactful and aimed at overcoming some kind of shortcoming: inattention, omission, etc. However, it is much more often used positive evaluation and even the flattery of the audience, which is usually aimed at overcoming an unfriendly or prejudiced attitude towards the speaker or the issue. Compare: " Fellow Judges! In our country, it is rightly customary to call writers engineers of human souls. It seems to me that you, Soviet judges, should be called engineers of human souls with no less right. What kind of people pass in front of you! What kind of conflicts do you have to resolve! After all, each person standing before the court comes to the court in his own special way. And who, no matter how true engineers of human souls, you need to be in order to be able to penetrate into the souls of these people, to discern their true character during a short communication with the people standing in front of you. "(M.S. Kiselev)

    An excellent example of the beginning with caution is demonstrated by K.I. Chukovsky in the famous Oxford speech (see Appendix). He is the first of Soviet writers, after several decades of a complete absence of unofficial contacts, came to England during the Khrushchev thaw. The writer begins his speech at Oxford University with a simple and kind story about his first encounter with English literature - how in childhood he received books on English language how he could hardly make out the text, constantly looking into the dictionary, how, despite this, with each page he fell more and more in love with the hero, with the author, with literature, with the country and with what came of it - English literature firmly entered his life, influencing his fate. This introduction enabled the orator to gradually gain the confidence of a prim and highly educated public, which must have been wary of some harsh propaganda escapades from a Bolshevik writer from a hostile world.

    3. In addition to the natural and artificial beginnings, the so-called sudden the beginning, when the speaker, excited by some event, begins his speech unexpectedly, revealing to the audience the feeling that has gripped him. Compare, for example, how, being strongly impressed by P.A. Alexandrova, N.P. Karabichevsky, who spoke immediately after him, began his speech with these words: " I have to talk, but I'm still listening". Or another example: As lawyers usually do, I read the papers in the present case, talked with the defendant and drew up a program for myself about what, what and why to speak to you. I thought about what the prosecutor would talk about, what he would especially strike at, where in our case there would be a place for a heated argument - and I kept my thoughts in reserve so that there would be an answer to his word, a reflection to his blow. But now, when Mr. Prosecutor has done his job, I see that I must abandon my notes, tear up the program. I did not expect such content of the speech." (F.N. Plevako) Often, the sudden start is not improvisation, but is prepared in advance. But even in this case, it should look like a direct reaction to the events at the moment of pronunciation, and not like homemade. Such, for example, is the well-known attack of Cicero in a speech against Catiline, in the presence of which the orator seemed to lose his temper. " How long, Catiline, will you abuse our patience?"

    It is better for a novice speaker to avoid this type of introduction, since it takes a lot of experience and erudition to create a successful sudden start.

    In conclusion, one circumstance should be noted. For classification purposes, it is important to list the possible types of introductions. However, it must be remembered that their relevance, use in oratory practice is not at all the same. The content of the beginning depends to a large extent on the genre of speech. Yes, for judicial speech relevant introductions containing an assessment of the event or audience, for suggestions only an indication of the social significance of the problem will do. Practically, only in one genre - speech in debate- met all kinds of introductions, which is undoubtedly also an indicator of genre specificity. Aphorisms, parables, analogies are extremely rarely used by speakers, while at the same time, an indication of the reason, the task, one's supporters, the question to the audience are quite widespread.

    §59. The role of topoi in the introduction

    § 59. In any type of introduction to a campaign speech, topoi can and should be used to help the speaker achieve mutual understanding with the audience. The beginning of a speech is the most appropriate place for them, because the sooner the audience feels trust in the speaker, the more likely he is to achieve the desired result. Of course, this task turns out to be more important for a speaker who resorts to an artificial beginning, and, as we have seen, in almost all examples of this group, some kind of topos is used. However, the topos can also find a place in natural introductions, as can be seen from fragments of speeches by V.F. Yakovleva, A.A. Shchelkanova, V.A. Tikhonov. The more difficult the task facing the speaker, the more important it is for him to use a successful topos in the introduction. So Gorgias, starting a commendable word to Elena (see Task No. 16), appeals to the sense of justice of the listeners (moral and ethical topos), which is caused by the negative attitude of the listeners to the subject of speech - the opinion about Elena that has been established in the minds of people as the cause of many troubles of the Greeks, and then he tells the task of the speech: to drop the charge against Elena. But Ostrovsky (see Task No. 16), addressing like-minded listeners, unites with them in a joyful feeling (emotional topos) on the occasion of the opening of the monument to Pushkin ("Everyone is delighted ... It is hardly necessary to talk about the joy of writers") and reports the task of speech ("From the fullness of the overjoyed soul, I allow myself to say a few words about our great poet, his significance and merits, as I understand them") This is precisely the specificity rhetorical introduction that it is called upon in a real situation of communication with specific people to establish good relations with them for further conversation and to inform its main direction. None of the genres of art, scientific literature or journalism is not concerned with such problems. Is it possible to imagine that at the beginning of a story, essay, or novel, the author “briefly” reports its content or explains why it would be useful for readers to familiarize themselves with it? The optimal rhetorical introduction (especially in business communication, where the speech should be short) can be considered one in which the speaker explains to the listeners what they will do (learn new things, learn something, develop a point of view, reflect on a sentence, etc.) while he talks to them and why they need it. This is how a speech-representation can begin when applying for a job: " I read in the newspaper that your firm is looking for an advertising manager. I want to offer my services and in this regard, to say a few words about myself"; congratulation speech: Congratulating our hero of the day today, I want to say about his extraordinary, golden hands"; sentence speech: Now that opinions on the adoption of the budget are divided, I want to make a proposal that will overcome the differences" etc.

    That is why it is difficult to agree with the authors who offer other elements as options for the introduction: "The beginning of the story. Options are possible. a) addressing the addressee: the listener, the reader "..." Do you know what Ukrainian night is? (Gogol) b) The general idea of ​​the story (narration): Our land is rich, there is only no order in it(A.K. Tolstoy) "..." c) The generally accepted truth expressed in an aphoristic form: It's hard sometimes to be a Russian person(Teffi) "..." d) The most common variant of the beginning: place, time, character (where? When? Who?): "..." Count Rumyantsev was walking around his camp one morning.(Pushkin). "It is easy to see that the proposed options for the beginning are suitable exclusively for a literary text, but are not suitable for public speech, which necessarily begins with an address (Dear guys! Colleagues! Ladies and gentlemen! etc.), after which the speaker must establish contact with the audience before he moves on to the story itself. For this purpose, none of the beginnings proposed in the quoted fragment is suitable. Even if we assume that literary texts are the object of study of rhetoric, then indications of where to start a novel or story are all the more inappropriate: a writer can start (and starts) his work with anything. (The reader can easily verify this for himself if he remembers several well-known novels - "Eugene Onegin", "War and Peace", "Fathers and Sons", etc.) As for the speech of the court, then P.S. Porohovshchikov directly calls one of the forms of beginning indicated in the quote (place and time) a mistake: “Gentlemen of the jury! - says the speaker, - on the night of December 28, 1908, in St. "Step into the position of the jury. After a long trial, amid general high spirits and tense expectation, the public prosecutor solemnly declares to them the very thing that they learned at the very beginning of the trial, from the first lines of the indictment. What a pitiful beginning!"

    Thus, the introduction in terms of content - posing a question (in one form or another), in terms of psychological - preparing listeners for the perception of speech, in terms of structural - an introduction to the topic of speech.

    §60. Concept of conclusion

    Section 60. Conclusion. It is equally difficult to successfully complete your speech. A.F. wrote about what the conclusion should be. Koni: “The end is the resolution of all speech (as in music the last chord is the resolution of the previous one; whoever has a musical flair can always say, without knowing the piece, judging only by the chord that the piece is over); the end should be such that the listeners feel (not only in the tone of a lecturer, this is mandatory) that there is nothing more to say.

    In the structure of the speech, the conclusion (like all other parts) has its own special meaning: “The end of the speech is indeed the strategically most important section of the speech. What the speaker says in the conclusion, his last words continue to sound in the ears of the audience when he has already finished the speech and, apparently, they will be remembered the longest." It is in order for this to happen - so that the last words, and with them the main ideas, are remembered for a long time, you should know what and how to do this.

    What are the tasks and functions of the conclusion? The first requirement is that speech cannot be cut off in mid-sentence, cannot remain without end, and it is impossible to start developing a new problem at the end. This determines the specificity of the rhetorical conclusion - to be a speech about the previous speech. This feature of the rhetorical conclusion was noticed by A.F. Koni invented a very precise term - speech should “round off”, that is, return to the beginning with the thought, as if reminding the listeners what they wanted to talk about, what they talked about and what conclusions they came to. The need for just such a conclusion is dictated by the fact that oratory is perceived by ear and listeners cannot “look” at the beginning, where they were explained the meaning of the upcoming conversation. Recalling this after listening to the rationale, dealing with various arguments, etc. helps the listener to tie everything together and experience a sense of satisfaction from productive communication. From the point of view of the arrangement of rhetorical elements, in the conclusion it is necessary to summarize the substantiation of the thesis and clarify the most important task, if it was present in the speech, it is important for the speaker, but he is not very sure that the audience perceived it: the final part of the speech. Everything that the speaker managed to say is summarized briefly, the main thing is highlighted for the sake of which the communication was organized, preferably in a form that is remembered.

    Of course, when we talk about location, we are interested in the form in which the main tasks of the final part will be implemented: summing up, consolidating and strengthening the impression.

    N.N. Kokhtev in the final part of the speech, as well as in the introductory, distinguishes two elements: the conclusion and the ending. At the same time, the conclusion is understood as a meaningful completion of the speech, while the ending is a part that is little related to the content of the speech, containing etiquette formulas, extraneous remarks or information, etc., helping the speaker to complete the speech in the right emotional way. The presence or absence of an ending seems to depend on the actual circumstances in which the speech is delivered. And if so, then it, like the beginning considered earlier, does not make sense to include in the structure of speech. Thus, in the future we will consider only the conclusion as a semantic outcome of speech.

    §61. The specifics of constructing a conclusion

    § 61. Let us now turn to the specific speech forms of the conclusion, the most common in modern social practice, especially in propaganda speech.

    What goals can the speaker set for himself in conclusion and how will he realize them?

    1. Most often, the speaker seeks sum up what has been said, summarize the ideas of speech. Wed: "... Let's draw conclusions from our terrible past so that this does not happen again in the future. It is necessary to work out constitutional guarantees of the categorical inviolability of peoples as an ethnic whole, the categorical inadmissibility of the deportation of peoples for any political, state, racial reasons and motivations in the name of equal justice for all. The place of every nation should be where it grew up." (Ch. Aitmatov)

    2. Sharpen the problem, enhance the impression of speech. Wed: "... Ecology, along with the economy and national relations, has become one of the main painful problems of the country. We believe that the set of measures outlined in this speech would mark an important step in a dramatic improvement in the environmental situation. If air cannot be breathed, water cannot be drunk, and food cannot be eaten, then all social problems lose their meaning. Both "left" and "right" are in favor of immediately deciding environmental problems. And we must definitely look for ways to consolidate our society." (A.V. Yablokov)

    3. Repeat the main stages of theme development so that it appears as a whole, and not in parts. Wed: "... So, we saw Lomonosov as a fisherman boy, student, researcher, academician. Where is the reason for such a wonderful fate? The reason is only in the thirst for knowledge, in heroic labor and multiplied talent, released to him by nature. All this exalted the poor son of a fisherman and glorified his name. "(A.F. Koni)

    4. Show way out of the problem, outline its possible development. Wed: "... In conclusion, here's what else I want to say. There is considerable tension in society today. It splashes out in discussions, at rallies, even in the work of the Congress. But I am sure that there is a way out, and it is in a respectful dialogue, in a joint search for solutions, in an effort not only to express complaints, but also to listen to each other, in uniting all our forces. "(Z.P. Pukhova)

    5. Submit a specific offer derived from the meaning of speech. The speech in the debate must necessarily contain such a proposal to resolve the problem, otherwise the whole speech turns out to be pointless, and often the place for this proposal is given in the conclusion, this is a kind of summary of what was said in the main part, which justified the importance of the issue raised. Cf .: (talks about the difficult situation of the economy and life in Siberia) "... I ask you to consider my speech as posing the question of raising the belt coefficient for Siberians. I am convinced that the priority rise standard of living of the population in the regions of Siberia not only meets the principles of social justice, but is also necessary condition implementation of the most important all-Union economic programs." (V.V. Kazarezov)

    6. Express the wishes of the audience or contact her directly. Wed: "... And finally, I appeal to all the Soviet people. People, be prudent, you can't feed the country with rallies. It is possible to get out of the created situation only by honest work, a bright mind. In factories, enterprises, organizations, collective farms and state farms, every minute counts. Don't waste time!" (N.A. Kasyan)

    Of course, other types of conclusions are also possible. Moreover, several specific goals can be combined and intertwined in one ending. However, it is important to remember that completely new thoughts and ideas should not be expressed in the conclusion in order to avoid “going out” into a new speech. Everything should indicate that the discussion of the problem is over.

    As for the form of the conclusion, it is first of all important to note that topoi and even direct praise of the audience should appear here. This is especially important in conflict audiences and in cases where the speaker makes an appealing speech, requiring the audience to perform complex or time-consuming actions. These and similar means make it possible to increase the emotionality and capacity of the ending, to make it more catchy and memorable, which is especially important in a campaign speech. Therefore, various means of expression often appear here, which make it possible to strengthen the influencing power of speech. Wed:

    quotes, cf.: "... Those who have a real passion in their hearts and a desire to work for real - they will grow overcoming all and all difficulties that stand in the way of great art. Remember what Mayakovsky said:Where, when, what great one chose the path, so that it was more trodden and easier?"(A.A. Fadeev);

    comparisons, cf.: "... Why did we win the Great Patriotic War? Because we all had both the desire for a common victory and the feeling of a common enemy. Let's not look for enemies in each other now, because we all have common enemies - this is a threat nuclear war, terrible natural disasters, national conflicts, economic crisis, environmental troubles, bureaucratic quagmire. Perestroika is not only our spiritual revolution, it is our Great Patriotic War. We have no right not to win in it, but this victory should not cost us human sacrifices. "(E.A. Evtushenko);

    paradoxes, cf.: "... It is terribly difficult for me to finish my defense. I never ask a jury for anything. I can only point you to the following: there were no tortures here. But the murder still remains. I really don't know what to do with it. Murder is the most terrible crime precisely because it is brutal, because the human image disappears in it. Meanwhile, strange as it may seem, Naumov killed Chernetskaya precisely because he was a man, and she was a beast. "(S.A. Andreevsky);

    slogans and appeals, cf.: "... Never forget that in order to open the doors to light and knowledge for all of you, without exception, and to leave these doors open forever, your ancestors, your grandfathers, fathers and mothers, older brothers and sisters put a lot of effort and shed a lot of blood. Step boldly into the light and love the book with all your heart! She's not only yours best friend but also a faithful companion to the end!" (M.A. Sholokhov

    It is very good if the speaker manages to connect the attention-grabbing hook from the introduction to the conclusion at the end of the speech. This makes the composition even more vivid and expressive. Compare, for example: " Dear people's representatives! Today in the program "Morning" Dr. V.I. Lebedev showed in the experiment with the cat Pashka, how in conditions constant stress the body weakens, falls ill and dies. And he also recommended, in order to avoid exacerbation of the disease, to remove the source of constant stress - and the body will recover. Something similar is happening with our society, where the source of constant universal stress is not so much the relationship between two or three branches of government, but the relationship between the two main figures of our society.... (further speaks about the inadmissibility of confrontation between the president and the speaker of parliament and proposes immediate early parliamentary and presidential elections as a way to resolve the conflict) ... Do not hesitate, early elections will be held, the new Constitution will be adopted, and the market will not die, but the stress state will clearly weaken, and the body of the Russian state will begin to recover. Until then, life is unbearable. It hurts, bitterly and ashamed of the great Russia. Understand it and accept wise advice experienced doctor Lebedev: relieve stress. Russia is waiting for this." (V.N. Egorov)

    Thus, the conclusion should, firstly, be connected with the previous presentation, logically sum up the substantiation of the thesis undertaken in the main part, and secondly, strengthen the impression, "hook passions", give rise to a desire to go towards the speaker's aspirations. It is the resolution of all speech. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully work on the conclusion, choosing the most optimal option, short in form, capacious in content, helping the speaker to solve all problems at once, as M.M. Speransky, "to draw conclusions dry and cold means to lose the fruit of one's word."

    §62. Analysis of an example of a successful introduction and conclusion

    § 62. As an example of a successful composition, consider "a speech that won an award," from the book of D. Carnegie (see Task No. 49). It does not differ in originality of content, and the thesis, containing the praise of Philadelphia, the Americans and the American spirit, perfectly illustrates the idea of ​​Socrates that it is not difficult to praise the Athenians among the Athenians. But then what is its merit? In flawless construction. "First of all, it [speech] has a beginning and an ending. This dignity is rare, rarer than you may be inclined to think. It begins and steadily moves forward, like a flock of wild geese in flight. There are no superfluous words in it, the speaker does not waste time," writes D. Carnegie. Let's add that not only is there a beginning and an end, but they are impeccably "done". The introduction is a single phrase in which the thesis is fully stated, which gives an idea of ​​the future development of the speech: it will be about Philadelphia, the mother of America, about her beauty, about her labor achievements, about the extraordinary wealth belonging to ordinary Americans - about the triumph of the great American spirit (this idea is also a topos, from which it is necessary to begin an agitational speech). And such words: "the foundations of our great country"," the mighty American spirit ", etc. - undoubtedly aroused the audience's disposition, made it possible to establish contact with it. And all this - in one phrase. Further, the speech seems to gain strength in order to end in a triumphant conclusion. Here the main thesis is repeated again, but with amplification: if in the introduction Philadelphia is called the beginning of America, now it is called “mother.” Then the impression is strengthened by enumeration dear to my heart every American's relics. And finally, we have reached the most important task - an indirect call for the spread of the American spirit among all mankind. One can only guess what a thunder of applause fell upon the speaker at his last words. And on merit.

    How to speak correctly and without hesitation Polito Reinaldo

    Greeting the Audience

    Greeting the Audience

    Once in front of an audience, the first words you say should be a greeting to the people who have come to hear you. This is a respectful, polite way to address the audience and get their attention. This may seem obvious, but it is often forgotten.

    It is rare that someone starts talking to a group without addressing its members personally, that is, without greeting them. But there are different types of greetings. Some people utter greetings for show, as a kind of tradition or ritual, while others put their soul into them, trying to be polite and friendly.

    The greeting serves two purposes. The first is to really say hello: to wish everyone good evening, for example. The second is to draw attention to the fact that you are standing in front of an audience. For example, when you say "Wait a minute" to make a toast during a party, it's more than just a greeting; you draw the attention of each participant to the fact of your presence and announce that you are going to speak.

    The salutation is the part of the introduction that you see focuses the attention of the audience, makes people want your talk to be a success, makes them friendly, interested, and wants to pay attention to your message. The introduction also removes the resistance that the audience may have towards you, the subject matter, or the environment due to her discomfort or thoughts about what awaits them after the event is over. In short, the greeting informs the audience that you are ready to begin.

    Being part of the introduction, the salutation also helps to win the audience over to your side.

    Respect formalities and seniority

    The form of greeting should always match the degree of formality of the event, ranging from more formal situations where you address the audience with the words "ladies and gentlemen" to informal situations where just saying "hello!" By the way, the term "ladies and gentlemen" is suitable for almost all situations.

    Women have the right of primacy, that is, they should be greeted first, if they are not on the board of directors and do not sit at the table of honor, when seniority is determined by hierarchy, not gender. For example, if the president of the country and a woman minister are sitting at the table of honor during the ceremony, then the president should be the first to greet the most important person among those present, and not the minister.

    Start by greeting the most important people. Pay attention to this detail, because I know cases where political conflicts and hostility arose because the speaker did not greet the guests of honor or did not greet them in the right order.

    Be careful: the audience may lose interest in you while you greet a large number of guests of honor one after another. If the protocol does not require that each of the guests be welcomed separately, then you can find a great way out of this situation by turning to "honored invited guests." However, if there are government officials or celebrities present who cannot be ignored, then the decision might look like this: "I would like to welcome Mr. President Barack Obama and extend this greeting to all distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen." In this way, you express your respect for an authority figure and do not waste time on endless greetings to other guests of honor.

    Be politically sensitive

    Some meetings are held solely for political purposes to promote some figure. People go to such events not for the sake of the topic of the report, but simply to be seen and to hear the audience pronounce their name. In such a situation, one should not worry too much about the message itself, but it is necessary to mention all those sitting at the table for guests of honor, and in some cases in the hall. You may not say anything meaningful, but everyone will be happy with the performance you put on.

    Does this border on hypocrisy? I think so too, but such is life. If you know the meeting is purely political, either don't come and stick to your principles, or play by the rules. The desire to bring a message of deep meaning to the listeners in such a situation is akin to the desire to preach in the desert, where there are no listeners but camels.

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