Classic method of teaching the Russian language. Methods of teaching the Russian language for secondary schools. Goals and principles of teaching phonetics and graphics

Tasks for SRS

Make an entry in a professional dictionary dedicated to the characteristics of concepts: subject of study, object of study, teaching aid, program, educational and methodological complex, knowledge, abilities, skills, educational system, personality, individual, subject.

Formulate the goals and objectives of the subject “Russian Language” at school:

a. with Russian language of instruction;

b. with Kazakh language of instruction.

Make a plan summary from the answers to the questions below:

1. What government documents regulate the organization of training?

2. What information is contained in the curriculum?

3. Why is the program considered the most important component of the educational and methodological complex?

4. What role does the academic subject “Russian language” play in the implementation of educational tasks?

5. What specific features are characteristic of studying Russian as a non-native language in schools with Kazakh as the language of instruction?

6. What indicators determine the quality of teaching the subject?

7. How do the concepts of professional competence, professional skills, and professional excellence relate to each other?

8. Reveal the content of general didactic principles.

Topic 3. Principles, methods and techniques of teaching the Russian language

General didactic principles of teaching the Russian language at school. The basis of teaching any subject is principles– initial theoretical provisions that determine the trajectory of the teacher’s activity. These provisions can be used in teaching all school subjects and are characterized as general didactic, and they can also contribute to the high-quality organization of mastering one of the subjects and are classified as private didactic (general methodological). When working on mastering each linguistic section, it is also assumed to take into account private didactic principles that will be discussed below.

In relation to a specific discipline, the principles of the first group are interpreted. Yes, content scientific principle when mastering linguistic theory, it assumes reliability, exact correspondence of what is presented to what has actually been established in science; The essence of phenomena when relying on this principle is revealed argumentatively, based on the characteristics of relationships and connections. Principle developmental education focuses on the formation of sustainable interest in the subject, creating motivation for learning and activity in children. An extralinguistic approach to working on educational material creates additional opportunities for the formation of moral, social, international, patriotic and labor qualities of the subject and demonstrates the importance of the principle unity of training and education.

The principle of connection between theory and practice also has its own specifics when mastering language disciplines: linguistic theory serves as the basis on which the skills of using language units in various communication conditions are formed. The implementation of this principle finds clear expression in language acquisition: each theoretical position is extrapolated into a speech situation. The degree of consciousness in mastering linguistic theory is determined by the activity of the students and their interest. Principles of accessibility, awareness and activity will be observed if the Russian language teacher knows how to interest children, choosing from the general arsenal of methodological techniques those whose effectiveness is designed to contribute to the high-quality assimilation of information and its transformation into skills.

The principle of consistency gives an idea of ​​ways to connect new information with previously covered material and correlates with the principle continuity: with this approach, there is not just a relationship between topics and sections, but a correlation in the use of those skills cognitive activity, which were formed by the students earlier. Competent and purposeful adherence to the principle plays an important role using visual teaching aids: careful consideration of the content of each of its components and methods of application in various forms of classes is one of the most important conditions for the correct organization of the cognitive process.

It should be recalled that the teacher’s knowledge individual characteristics students, careful observation of each student’s learning activities, the ability to use different approaches and tasks of varying degrees of complexity, accounting psychological characteristics memory, attention, performance are related to the principle individualization of learning, the implementation of which is designed to have a positive impact on the quality of learning the material. Only on the basis of differentiation of training can the principle be implemented accessibility, which is determined by age characteristics students and their level of development.

Private didactic principles give an idea of ​​the general provisions that determine approaches to teaching a particular subject. So in teaching the Russian language the priority provisions will be:

– extralinguistic (comparison of language units and life realities);

– functional (showing the role and function of a linguistic phenomenon in speech);

– structural-semantic (consideration of linguistic phenomena both from the point of view of structure and from the point of view of meaning);

– inter-level and intra-level connections;

– normative-stylistic approach to the use of language units;

– appeal to historical comments.

Classification characteristics teaching methods. A method is a combination of methods and forms aimed at achieving a certain educational goal. The method contains an indication of the method and nature of organizing the cognitive activity of students. In didactics, there are different approaches to characterizing the relationship of concepts method And reception. It would be legitimate to define a method as a way of teaching and learning, aimed at transferring and assimilating knowledge, mastering the skills and abilities to apply this knowledge. When selecting active rational methods, it is recommended to use as a distinctive feature the indicator of the degree of activity of students, as well as the nature of their educational and cognitive activity. The following distinctive features are also taken into account:

– sources of knowledge (verbal, visual, practical);

– methods of logic (analytical-synthetic, inductive, deductive);

– nature of teaching (explanatory, illustrative, problem-based);

– level of cognitive independence of students (reproductive, productive, heuristic);

– the degree of problematic nature of the proposed material (heuristic, research, algorithmic, with a focus on programming);

– didactic goals and functions (methods of stimulation, organization and control);

– type of activity of the teacher (methods of presentation and methods of organizing independent educational activities) etc.

This variety of approaches indicates that the same cognitive actions, considered from different points of view, can be characterized by several parameters. If we talk about the degree of demand, then each of them will be effective under certain conditions for organizing the learning process, in the course of performing specific didactic functions.

In the 60-70s, famous didactics I. Ya. Lerner and M. N. Skatkin identified five main methods: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, method of problem presentation, partially search and research This classification in private methods is adjusted accordingly. So, of the three problem-search methods, according to N.Z. Bakeeva. and Z.P. Daunene, two - problematic presentation and research - do not find significant application in teaching Russian as a non-native language. In Russian language lessons under these conditions, they practically coincide with one of the two methods, which I. Ya. Lerner and M. E. Skatkin call explanatory-illustrative and partially search-based, respectively. At the same time, the reproductive method, highlighted in the same typology, needs further division, since it is associated with different types of mental and speech activity of students.

The classification of active learning methods developed by A. M. Smolkin is of interest, since it turns out to be the most appropriate when teaching non-native languages. The scientist distinguishes between imitation methods of active learning, that is, methods of work in which the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren is based on imitation. All other methods are non-imitation (for example, presenting material in the form of a lecture). Imitation methods, in turn, are divided into gaming and non-gaming. The first group includes conducting business games, game design, performing situational exercises, and for the second - analysis specific situations, solving situational problems.

The classification of methods according to the source of knowledge is presented in the fundamental textbook by A. V. Tekuchev “Methodology of the Russian Language” (M., 1987): 1) the word (story) of the teacher; 2) conversation; 3) language analysis (observations of language, grammatical analysis); 4) exercise; 5) use of visual aids (diagrams, tables); 6) work with the educational book; 7) excursion.

M. N. Vyatyutnev proposed a classification of methods used in lessons of a non-native language:

grammatical-translation(selected texts illustrate various grammatical phenomena);

straight(mastering the sounds of foreign speech, practicing pronunciation rules, structuring sentences according to models );

phonetic(reading material is presented in phonetic transcription, isolated pronunciation of sounds and words is practiced);

natural(the technique of guessing and structuring conclusions based on already known );

psychological(a combination of direct and natural methods with playing the studied dialogues);

audiovisual(mastering basic words and constructions, maximum use of visual-auditory technology);

audio-lingual(focus on oral speech, memorization of dialogues and their step-by-step adaptation are organized);

reading method(teaching children analytical and synthetic types of reading);

structural method(focus on building grammatical patterns).

Speaking about training methods in relation to language classes, we should especially highlight speech training methods. So, speech imitation method is designed to form automated speech skills: the learner is required to repeat, imitate what he heard or wrote. Using surgical method students perform any speech actions related to finding, highlighting, adding, changing, introducing or excluding certain units of language. Communicative method involves awareness and independent formation of units of communication - sentences or coherent texts. It uses retelling, construction, translation, writing summaries, essays, reviews, abstracts.

The development of teaching methods is closely related to the emergence of new approaches to language learning. Since any method is focused on teaching a specific language function, the language teaching system involves the integrated use of various methods with the prevailing role of communicative methods, aimed at developing the ability to adequately express other people’s thoughts and express your own in a specific language. Methodological justification of possibilities communicative method given in the works of E.I. Passov, who claims that “the communicative method is based on the fact that the learning process is a model of the communication process.” Communicativeness presupposes speech orientation educational process, since the path to this goal is the practical use of language itself, based on the principle of speech-mental activity. Communicativeness is associated with an important general didactic principle - the principle of an individual approach to the learning process, however, when teaching a language, this principle has its own specifics: since the attitude to the surrounding reality is always individual, then speech is also individual, personal.

In the 90s, A.V. Dudnikov developed another approach to characterizing teaching methods, which is based on the characteristics of the way of thinking. Usage deductive, inductive, deductive-inductive and inductive-deductive methods are organized taking into account the position of the language being studied (native, non-native, foreign). Inductive the method is the movement of thought from the particular to the general, from observations of individual features of the language category being studied to an understanding of the patterns underlying the definition or rule. A heuristic conversation, as well as the teacher’s word, can be used as a technique here. For the inductive beginning, analytical work of thought is typical: isolating parts as part of a linguistic characteristic, observing the elements, identifying their specificity based on comparison and contrast. Deductive the method involves the movement of thought from the general to the specific, from the formulation of a definition or rule to specific features that confirm the starting points. Here, an important place is also given to the teacher’s word, while the teacher moves from conclusions and generalizations to the selection of evidence of their truth. Deduction gives an idea of ​​a new concept in a ready-made verbal formulation, after which this concept is divided into components that are assimilated through comparisons and comparisons. The close contact of inductive and deductive methods, according to A.V. Dudnikov, gives rise to combinations that are used quite often in the practice of language teaching: elements of deduction are connected to the inductive basis, or elements of induction are added to the deductive way of thinking.

In the methods of teaching a non-native language in the last decade, they have become very popular. intensive teaching methods, which served as the basis for the creation of an integral and effective teaching technology, which has its own characteristics:

– techniques are used that activate conscious and subconscious mental processes to create a strong language base;

– the entire system of tasks is aimed at communicative activities;

– conditions are created for collective interaction.

A special place in modern conditions language learning takes block method, which is characterized by the following features: 1) the topic or situation for conversation is proposed to the whole group; 2) preparation for dialogue (polylogue) is underway native language trainees; 3) the process of translating dialogues is organized; 4) dialogues are learned and practiced during role playing games; 5) multi-level creative training exercises are performed; 6) grammatical characteristics of standard constructions are acquired; 7) special tests are used for control; 8) presentations and essays are practiced.

Reception as an integral part of the method. The technique is considered as an integral part of the method, a kind of step to the educational goal. If a method is characterized as a method of mental activity, then the technique serves as a means of implementing the chosen method. In other words, a method is a strategy, and a technique is a tactic for working on language material. Among the techniques, two main groups are most clearly distinguished in the linguodidactic literature: 1) didactic-methodological and 2) subject-based.

Techniques of the first group are methodological types of actions of the teacher and students, leading to the assimilation of the material. Such techniques are of a general didactic nature, since they can be used in mastering any academic subject. Some of them correspond to various goals, stages and methods of work (use of visualization, organization of collective or individual activities, use of educational algorithms); others seem to implement, clarify, and concretize certain educational methods (message from the student or student, performing exercises, etc.).

Didactic and methodological ones include logical techniques of generalization, comparison, comparison, systematization, algorithmization, analysis, synthesis, organization and conduct of a linguistic experiment, etc. Among the methodological techniques in the conditions of studying a non-native language, especially great importance has the technique of juxtaposing (or comparing) the phenomena of languages. It seems inappropriate to assert that this technique is not associated with certain methods due to its universality: to a certain extent, its relevance is manifested in each of the educational methods. Subject-specific methodological techniques are specific to language disciplines. They depend, first of all, on the nature of the material being studied. Examples of such techniques in language classes include techniques for isolating the root of a word, selecting related words, analysis of sounds, distinguishing between adverbs and nouns with prepositions, prepositions and conjunctions, structuring sentences, etc.

When choosing ways to implement the educational process, you should remember that there is no universal methods and teaching methods. Considering that each of the methodological techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages, the teacher cannot give preference to one of them, he uses them in a system, in conjunction, trying to achieve the best results in students’ assimilation of knowledge, the development of their skills and abilities, the development of mental activity. Moreover, each of the methods will include not only general and specific techniques, but also individual (author’s) ones, and the effectiveness of the teacher’s work will be determined by the rationality of their systematic application.

Tasks for SRS

1. Compile a reference table in which to reflect general didactic, general methodological, particular methodological principles, characterize them.

2. Define the concept method, talk about the various classifications of methods. Choose the optimal classification and prove its advantages.

3. Determine the relevance of concepts method And reception, talk about the classification of techniques.

4. Analyzing lesson plans (see appendix), determine the nature of the methods and techniques used in them.

5. Prepare a message-annotation of linguodidactic sources on this topic.

Topic 4. Innovative technologies and modern methods of teaching the Russian language

Education– the main way of obtaining education, the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities under the guidance of teachers and mentors, assimilating social experience, forming an emotional and value-based attitude to reality. The development of individual abilities and interests of schoolchildren in modern conditions is carried out in the process of differentiated learning, which is closely related to education. Reforming the system school education guides Russian language teachers to search for modern and effective techniques, to test and implement rational technologies aimed at developing the communicative competence of graduates. In modern didactics the term is actively used interactive training, but its understanding is not unambiguous: firstly, scientific information from a certain field that enters the organized process of cognition from the outside is called interactive; secondly, that's what it's called interpersonal communication and interaction of subjects – students and educators. Interactive learning technology based on the phenomenon of interaction (eng. interaction – interaction, mutual influence, mutual influence), presupposes competently organized cognitive interpersonal communication.

Clarification of didactic terminology and the choice of one of the typological characteristics of methods are intended to clarify the concepts interactive training, interactive technologies teaching, interactive methods. Their core component indicates a distinctive feature that characterizes the need to create a situation of joint efforts in the process of cognitive activity and properly organized communication, which contributes to the development of individuality and the cultivation of personal qualities of the subject of learning.

Innovative learning technologies. Technology(from the Greek techne - art, skill, skill) - a set of teaching methods that has a positive impact on changing the properties and states of the subject. Technology is also called a sequence of didactic efforts aimed at developing knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific academic discipline.

Technology for success and high results in the training and development of each student based on sustainable motivation is called acmeological. It is a variant combination of any active forms and methods based on a differentiated approach.

To get acquainted with new material, in full accordance with the principle of consciousness and activity, teachers turn to research technology - learning through discovery: didactic techniques are used that are based on partial search, search, problem methods. The innovative nature of this technology is manifested through the integration of linguistic and literary material, the use of information on speech culture, stylistics, and historical grammar.

Design(design) technology involves teaching schoolchildren collective, group, individual work on projects and developing abstracting skills.

IN modern school received great recognition video technology: it relies on the use of computer support and involves visual-auditory perception of verbal images.

Training technology is extrapolation theoretical knowledge in linguistics into speech practice, in the targeted development of communication skills by performing training exercises with tasks of an analytical, reproductive and constructive nature.

Technology complete assimilation relies on the principle of feedback and determines the need to include various types of tests in the educational process. Test tasks are used in lessons for the purpose of current, midterm and final control.

Methods of innovative teaching. Method(from the Greek methodos - path of research, theory, teaching) is characterized in didactic science as a way to achieve a goal or solve a specific problem. This is the name of a set of techniques or operations necessary for theoretical or practical knowledge of a scientific field or phenomena of reality.

Based on the analysis of the existing typological characteristics of teaching methods, it seems possible to unify the classification in relation to language classes. Based on the source of knowledge, methods can be represented by the following characteristics: dogmatic, reproductive, heuristic.

Dogmatic The method is essentially associated with such varieties as the teacher’s word, story, explanation. The source of information when using this method is the teacher, who is required to have both in-depth knowledge of the linguistic material being presented and the ability to illustrate it speech examples, and the ability to influence student perceptions.

Reproductive The method involves independent assimilation of textbook material. To achieve high quality of learning, the teacher needs organizational skills: he offers a plan for presentation theoretical information or formulates questions to scientific text, gives the task for independent selection of examples, for taking notes of the material, for its compression or presentation in the form of a reference table or diagram.

Heuristic The method correlates with the search or partial search activity of students under the guidance of a teacher; its use presupposes the presence of a problem, for the solution of which a special situation is determined or problematic questions are formulated by the teacher.

Teaching techniques in modern linguodidactics. Techniques as components traditional methods can be used at various didactic stages of a modern lesson. First of all, these are different types conversations(reproducing, heuristic, generalizing). Let us remind you that heuristic(from Greek heurisko - looking for, opening) - a science that studies productive creative thinking, provides didactics with specific teaching methods that lead to discovery through active creative activity aimed at knowledge. The importance of organizing conversations in the learning process is so great that in didactics, addressing them is characterized as a method. Going back to Socrates, this method is aimed at updating, extracting knowledge hidden in a person with the help of leading questions.

Students are required not only to answer the proposed questions, but to move towards the truth, under the guidance of a mentor, reflecting, expressing their own opinions, and formulating more and more new questions. The professionalism of a teacher is manifested in the ability to correctly pose questions, not rush to express one’s own point of view, be sensitive to any search results, and take into account the personal and individual characteristics of students. No less significant is the requirement for targeted formulation of questions and the use of their options.

Close to the Socratic conversation are such techniques for activating creative thinking that correlate with the concept problem-based learning , also driven by the need for effective ways activation of creative thinking. Here, to a greater extent than when organizing a conversation, students show a wealth of imagination, developed imagination, and the ability to abstract themselves. This happens thanks to the teacher’s ability to create problematic situations and competently direct the search. If problem situations are considered as didactic techniques, then the process of such cognition itself is presented in didactics as an independent method. Components problematic The method includes such techniques as using associations, analogies, organizing observations of language, formulating contradictions and finding ways to eliminate them, and asking test questions.

Let's look at the most common techniques for activating creative thinking when using problematic method in relation to the process of mastering the Russian language. Tasks for attracting associations used for collective decision linguistic tasks. Let's look at some sample questions, the answers to which are related to the involvement of associations:

1. What application can you suggest for this linguistic phenomenon?

2. What previously studied phenomenon does this material remind you of?

3. What can be transformed in this text? What components can be replaced?

4. What happens if a) you change the style? b) change the sequence of parts? c) replace agreed definitions with inconsistent ones?

5. What other combinations in using someone else’s speech are possible?

Analogy V cognitive process acts in two main aspects: as a means of mastering knowledge about an object and as a means of synthesizing new knowledge about an object and environment. The scope of analogies is wide. In particular, in Russian language lessons, analogy techniques can be used to:

– identifying the significance of the grammatical category being studied;

– predicting ways of using language material in the practice of developing speech skills;

– demonstration of real ways of functioning of a linguistic phenomenon;

– finding clues for solving a linguistic problem;

– memory training;

– development of skills and techniques of various types of speech activity.

As a technique for organizing interactive learning, they also use Control questions , proposed in the process of organizing various types of surveys. In linguodidactics, control questions are used as heuristic techniques necessary for the formation of a solid theoretical base that shapes readiness to implement communicative tasks. Here are examples of possible control tasks:

1. List all the characteristics of the linguistic phenomenon being studied.

2. Formulate definitions of concepts yourself.

3. Highlight the main characteristics of this grammatical category.

4. Identify the difficulties in mastering the topic, outline ways to overcome them.

5. Make a reference table on a specific topic.

6. Determine the nature of the punctuation rule.

7. Supplement the textbook information with material that reveals the history of the issue.

The techniques described above are aimed at activating students in the format of dialogue communication and are designed to positively influence the development of intellectual abilities necessary in communication conditions.

An adequate and most frequently used model for organizing interactive learning is educational game. Its educational capabilities have been studied comprehensively: the game provides the teacher with opportunities related to the reproduction of learning results (knowledge, abilities and skills), their application, development and training, taking into account individual differences, and attracting students with different levels of preparedness. The game is characterized by an emotional and personal impact, it has a positive effect on the formation of communication skills, value relationships; the use of educational games contributes to the development of individual and personal qualities of students.

The didactic literature describes the technique in sufficient detail brainstorming, widely used for systematic training of creative thinking and its activation. This technique is designed to eliminate the fear of criticism when generating an idea and the consequences it causes; it is used to identify possible more original ideas. The emphasis is on relaxing attention to critically assessing the significance of individual ideas. It is not their quality that is important, but their quantity. Criticism of the ideas put forward is carried out later, after the “creative session” is completed. This is how they can be formulated guidelines on organizing the reception brainstorming upon assimilation linguistic concepts, rules, definitions:

1. Formulate the problem based on language examples.

2. Define the main terms needed to solve the problem.

3. Outline ways to solve the problem.

4. Take part in evaluating the ideas put forward by your classmates.

5. Justify the choice of the idea that seems most acceptable to you.

Organizing a brainstorming session involves sequentially performing a number of procedures, the mandatory ones of which are:

– formation of a group of participants in a scientific polylogue;

– creation of a group of experts;

– communication of the task together with the determination of optimal methods;

– its decisions;

– generating ideas according to the rules of direct collective brainstorming.

The most effective methods include the following:

– performing tasks in groups of the same or different levels of training;

– hearing individual reports (the level of independence in preparing them may vary);

– compilation of reference tables and diagrams;

– compression of the material during its presentation, its restoration based on support;

– organization of conferences, discussions, debates.

1. The concept of the method and technique of teaching.

2. Classifications of teaching methods.

3. Problem-based learning as a means of activating students’ mental activity.

4. Project activities of schoolchildren in Russian language lessons.


1. Tekuchev A.V. Methods of the Russian language in secondary school. - M., 1980.

2. Lerner I.Ya. Didactic foundations of teaching methods. – M., 1981.

3. Napolnova T.V. Activation of mental activity in Russian language lessons. – M., 1983.

4. Reader on the methods of the Russian language: Methods of teaching the Russian language in educational institutions: Manuals for teachers / Compiled by M.R. Lviv. – M., 1996.

1. Along with the elements of content and teaching aids, the concept of method and technique are the main elements of the Russian language teaching system.

Method (Greek) – way, way.

Teaching method is a way of interaction between teacher and students in the lesson, aimed at fulfilling educational tasks.

The most complete definition of the method from the perspective of linguodidactics was given by G.A. Anisimov: “The method of teaching the Russian language should be understood as a method of activity for students, organized by the teacher for them to master the language of the functioning system.”

The components of the teaching method are teaching techniques.

A technique is a detail of a method, its individual operations (practical and mental) in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills.

So, the method determines the direction and nature of educational activity, and the technique is a specific action of the teacher.

2. In methodological science and school practice there is no uniform and clear classification of teaching methods. Academician A.V. Tekuchev believes that there cannot be a universal teaching method. The teacher, organizing the process of studying this or that language material, guides it, imparts knowledge, teaches children to observe the phenomena of language and speech, offers a variety of exercises, and instills in schoolchildren the ability to self-assess speech, their own and others. The student perceives, remembers, reproduces speech patterns, solves cognitive problems, masters knowledge, skills and abilities. It is this relationship, the interaction between teacher and student, that should be taken into account when considering teaching methods.

The classification of teaching methods is based on, firstly, sources of knowledge, and secondly, the way of organizing joint activities between teacher and students. Based on the sources of knowledge, the following methods are distinguished:

- verbal(source – the living word of the teacher): lecture, conversation, explanation;

- language analysis(observations of language): grammatical analysis;

- visual: experiment, observation;

- practical: various types of exercises, laboratory work.

Based on the method of organizing joint activities between teachers and students, the following methods are distinguished: conversation, explanation, independent work.

I.R. Paley offers a classification of teaching methods based on the identification of methods by lesson unit, by target:

1) methods for learning new material are implemented using the following techniques: the teacher’s word, conversation, work with a textbook, etc.;

2) fastening methods(techniques: answering questions, doing exercises, etc.);

3) control methods(techniques: survey, testing, independent work, dictation, etc.).

Professor L.P. Fedorenko, offering a classification of methods of teaching the Russian language based on knowledge source, identifies the following teaching methods:

- methods practical language learning– explanation of unclear words, preparation of oral communications and written essays; drawing up plans, theses, notes, correcting grammatical and stylistic errors in students’ oral speech, training in working with reference literature;

- methods of theoretical language learning– message, conversation, reading the rules in the textbook;

- methods theoretical and practical language learning– grammatical analysis, presentation, essay, spelling and punctuation analysis, copying, dictation, stylistic analysis.

The classification of teaching methods is often based on Features of students’ cognitive activity: whether it is reproductive, creative or exploratory. On this basis, a number of didactics (I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin) The following methods are distinguished: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, problematic, heuristic (partially search), research.

As we see, improving the system of teaching the Russian language is possible with the skillful use and harmonious combination of teaching methods based on the use of a variety of methodological techniques in the process of teaching the Russian language.

3. On modern stage In the development of pedagogical science and school practice, much attention is paid to the so-called “active” teaching methods. Let's go into more detail on research and problem methods, when used, students’ activities become more independent and active.

Problem-based learning is widely used in the process of teaching the Russian language. Problem-based learning is the creation of a chain of problem situations and management of students’ activities to solve a learning problem. A problematic situation is a cognitive difficulty deliberately created by the teacher, causing a cognitive need, interest of students, and a desire to obtain information to explain the fact that interests him. A problematic situation is associated with mental difficulty, with “puzzle.” Being the initial stage of the thinking process, it stimulates thought, shows the importance of the material being studied, evokes an active desire to work (if the problem is “accepted” by the students), and ultimately facilitates the memorization of educational material.

Problem-based learning involves:

1) creation of a problematic situation, i.e. such an objective learning situation that leads to a contradiction between knowledge and ignorance (students realize the lack of knowledge they have to solve this problem);

2) the emergence of a problematic issue in students’ thinking and its formulation as a cognitive result of students’ comprehension of a problem situation;

3) finding a solution to the problem;

4) problem solving and verification.

In the process of solving problematic problems, schoolchildren acquire new knowledge as a result of their own search. This indicates a high degree of awareness and strength of their knowledge. The teacher creates problem situations himself during the educational process or borrows them from manuals (examples of problematic problems can be found in the manual by T.V. Napolnova “Activating the mental activity of students in Russian language lessons”). Cognitive tasks can be different: from the analysis of small texts to tasks for long-term research (history of a word or phraseological phrase, analysis of a writer’s language).

So, the problem-based method allows not only to master the program material, but also develops the creative abilities of students.

4. According to leading didactics, psychologists, methodologists, “the leading link in increasing the creative potential of students is the creation special conditions for a purposeful transition in the educational process of their creative activity into research” (Orlova T. Fundamentals of technology for implementing a model of holistic and level-by-level school development. Book 2).

Research activity of students is a special educational activity for mastering the methods of scientific knowledge.

    problem statement;

    selection of research methods and practical mastery of them;

    collection of own material, its analysis and synthesis;

    evaluation of results;

    own conclusions.

The forms of students' research assignments when teaching the Russian language can be varied: a mini-essay, an essay, a workshop, a report, an essay, a public speech, a project defense, a crossword puzzle, a quiz, a script, as well as a collection of tasks and exercises, etc.

One of the forms of research activity is project technology, or project method. The project method, due to its didactic essence, makes it possible to solve the problems of formation and development of intellectual, speech and communication skills.

An educational project is the result of students’ activities within the framework of research activities and, of course, an integrative didactic means of development, training and education, which allows one to develop and develop universal skills and abilities, namely to teach:


    goal setting and activity planning;

    searching and selecting information and assimilating the necessary knowledge;

    conducting research (analysis, synthesis, generalization);

    presenting the results of their activities.

As we can see, the research and project activities of schoolchildren make it possible to solve a number of problems that are relevant for the modern pedagogical process, including allowing them to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice.

Teaching methods are a didactic category, which is interpreted as a way of interrelated activities of teachers and students aimed at achieving an educational goal. To professionally solve the problem of choosing ways to interact with students in Russian language lessons, a teacher needs to have a systematic understanding of the multidimensional classification of methods of teaching the Russian language, methods of their application and conditions for choice.

Depending on the stage of the learning process, all teaching methods are divided into teaching methods and control methods. Based on the types of educational material, the methods of teaching themselves are divided into methods of presenting knowledge (cognitive), methods of forming knowledge and skills (practical), and control methods - in turn, into methods of monitoring the assimilation of knowledge and methods of monitoring the formation of skills.

Cognitive teaching methods can provide both the acquisition of ready-made knowledge and the acquisition of knowledge based on observations of language material. In the first case, the teacher has two explanatory methods at his disposal: 1) the teacher’s message; 2) independent analysis by children of the linguistic text of the textbook; in the second there are two heuristic methods: 1) conversation; 2) independent analysis of language material.

Practical teaching methods organize the process of consolidating knowledge and developing skills. Consolidation of knowledge is carried out by two practical methods: 1) the method of monologue statement on a linguistic topic; 2) the method of asking questions. These methods of consolidating knowledge have various methods of implementation, developed by the practice of teaching the Russian language at school. For example, the most common technique for implementing the method of asking questions is a frontal survey. If the methods of consolidating knowledge themselves have a stable composition, then the methods of their implementation are constantly changing. The higher the level of the teacher’s pedagogical skill, the more diverse the methods of incorporating knowledge consolidation methods into the lesson.

Cognitive and practical methods The teachings in Russian language lessons are used separately and in combination with each other. The choice of one or some combination of them depends on a number of conditions of a psychological, pedagogical, methodological and linguistic nature.

The problem of classifying teaching methods is one of the acute problems of modern didactics. Currently there is no single point of view on this issue. Due to the fact that different authors base the division of teaching methods into groups and subgroups on different criteria, there are a number of classifications. The earliest classification is the division of teaching methods into teacher methods (story, explanation, conversation) and student work methods (exercises, independent work). A common classification of teaching methods is based on the source of knowledge. In accordance with this approach, the following are distinguished: a) verbal methods (the source of knowledge is the spoken or printed word); b) visual methods(the source of knowledge is observed objects, phenomena, visual aids); c) practical methods (students gain knowledge and develop skills by performing practical actions). The teacher’s word is “a general name for all types of more or less detailed statements by the teacher in the lesson with the aim of explaining new material, clarifying something incomprehensible, answering students’ questions, adding to the textbook material, expanding the range of information on a particular section of the textbook.” . Conversation is one of the most common teaching methods, which is used when studying all sections of the course and at the stage of familiarization with new material, and at the stage of consolidation, and at the repetition stage. This method is widely used by all teachers because it allows you to involve all (or almost all) students, which helps to enhance the learning process. The connection between the theory being studied and the process of skill formation is achieved through the use of the method of language analysis in teaching. This method is rich in methodological techniques, which makes it possible to use it when studying almost all sections of the Russian language course, both at the stage of acquaintance with new linguistic phenomena, and at the stage of primary consolidation (recognition of language facts), and at the stage of consolidation and generalization (various types of analysis). The method of observing linguistic phenomena is used for the purpose of better understanding of the subject being studied. language theory. This method has long been a way of studying language both in linguistics and in school course. The modeling method is closely related to the method of language analysis and observations of language phenomena. Educational language models are given to the student in a ready-made form and are a tool of cognition for him. Problem-based teaching is defined as the teacher’s activity in creating a system of problem situations, presenting educational material with its (full or partial) explanation and managing students’ activities aimed at mastering new knowledge - both traditionally and through self-study educational problems and their solutions.

Effective teaching methods and techniques in the light of the new Federal State Educational Standards

In Russian

In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the work of a teacher is changing: the teacher moves from an explanatory and illustrative method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which each child becomes an active subject of motivated, conscious learning activity.

One of the effective means of promoting cognitive motivation is the creation of problem situations in the classroom. This lesson implements a research approach to learning, the meaning of which is that the child does not receive knowledge in a ready-made form, but “obtains” it in the process of his work. In the process of such systematic work, regulatory, cognitive, and communicative actions are formed.

In order to form universal educational actions, the teacher uses new educational technologies: technology of perspective-problem learning; modular technologies; information and communication technologies. technology development critical thinking

The teacher also uses new techniques in his work: “True-false statements”, “Prediction”, “I know - I want to know - found out - learned”, “Thick” and “thin” questions (Bloom’s Chamomile).

Teachers began to use clusters and syncwines. To combine elements of various technologies that create a comfortable lesson environment, the teacher uses an adaptive lesson.

Using modern technologies, working in modeling technology, schoolchildren develop the ability to independently obtain new knowledge, collect the necessary information, draw conclusions, inferences, i.e. Students develop skills of independence and self-development.

A teacher cannot do without a technological map in every lesson. A technological lesson map is a way of graphically designing a lesson, a table that allows you to structure a lesson according to parameters chosen by the teacher. Such parameters may be the stages of the lesson, its goals, the content of the educational material, methods and techniques for organizing the educational activities of students, the activities of the teacher and the activities of students.

Technological maps reveal general didactic principles and algorithms for organizing the educational process, providing conditions for the development of educational information and the formation of personal, meta-subject and subject skills of schoolchildren that meet the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard for educational outcomes.

Methods and techniques of teaching in the light of the new Federal State Educational Standards
Teaching methods
– these are ordered ways of interconnected activities of teachers and students aimed at achieving educational goals.
Zverev I.D. Status and prospects for developing the problem
teaching methods in modern school // Problems of teaching methods
in modern secondary school. – M., 1980.

Reception training
- this is an element of a method, its component, a one-time action, a separate step in the implementation of a method, or a modification of a method in the case where the method is small in scope or simple in structure.
Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy. Textbook for students of higher education. textbook establishments. –
M.: Enlightenment: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 1996. – P. 319.

In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the work of a teacher is changing: the teacher moves from an explanatory and illustrative method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which each child becomes an active subject of motivated, conscious learning activity.

One of the effective means of promoting cognitive motivation is the creation of problem situations in the classroom. This lesson implements a research approach to learning, the meaning of which is that the child does not receive knowledge in a ready-made form, but “obtains” it in the process of his work. In the process of such systematic work in the lesson, regulatory, cognitive, and communicative actions are formed.

In order to form universal educational actions, the teacher uses new pedagogical technologies: technology of perspective-problem learning; modular technologies; information and communication technologies, technology for the development of critical thinking

The teacher also uses new techniques in his work:

"True - false statements"

“Forecasting”, “I know - I want to know - I found out - I learned”,

“Thick” and “thin” questions (Bloom's Chamomile).

Game "Did you know that...?" - an effective technique that helps get students ready for work and interested in the topic being studied.

"Finish the sentences" technique. Goal: developing the ability to evaluate the object being studied, express your own judgment and attitude. For example, “The most interesting thing in the lesson for me was...”.

Technique “Reflective Questions”.

We use knowledge of the Russian language in other lessons

Turning to the Internet

We use Russian language dictionaries

We conduct independent mini-research (individual, pair, group work)

Preparation of the OGE, Unified State Exam

Techniques aimed at developing critical thinking.

“Thick and thin questions” technique.

Goal: formation of competent questioning and awareness of their level of complexity. It can be used for independent study and homework. “Thin” questions are simple, monosyllabic questions that require a yes/no answer. “Thick” questions lead students to more high level thinking: comparison, analysis, synthesis, evaluation.

"Thick" questions

"Subtle" questions

Explain why...?

Why do you think...?

What is the difference…?

Guess what will happen if...?

When…? Maybe…?

Will…? Could...?

Was it...? Do you agree…?

Is it true…?

Technique “We use knowledge of the Russian language in other lessons”

For example, in a literature lesson. Determine in what meanings the word “thin” is used in an excerpt from the story of I.S. Turgenev "Mumu".

Foreign language. Tell us which parts of speech stand out in the foreign language you are studying at school. What are the similarities and differences in the composition of the parts of speech of Russian and foreign languages?

In biology. The picture shows different varieties of cabbage. Explain what role adjectives play in these names. Two varieties of cabbage are named by indeclinable nouns - broccoli, kohlrabi. Make up adj. phrases. + noun

“Cluster” is a technique for graphically organizing material. The author of the technique is Goodlat. It involves highlighting semantic units of text and graphic design in a certain order in the form of a cluster.

Positive motivation is the basis for the success of the lesson, the impetus for self-realization of each student in the lesson, the main driving force, creating interest in the lesson.

Reception “Conducting an independent mini-research”

Description: Read aloud and determine what sounds differ between the words of each pair. Transcribe all the words. Draw a conclusion about the meaning-distinguishing role of sound. Try to supplement the list of words with similar examples.

Description: Conduct a mini-research. Why sounds [m]? Are [p], [b] called labial, the sounds [t], [z], [s] – dental, and the sound [r] – tremulous? Justify your answer.

Description: Conduct a mini-study in a group. Try to establish which sounds - vowels or consonants - are more common in Russian speech. After completing this task, draw a conclusion.

Preparation for the OGE

Description: Read the epigraph to the “Graphics” section (Writing is a necessary addition to the language, the strongest lever of knowledge.). Write a miniature essay on how you understand the meaning of the statement of the 19th century scientist and linguist Y.K. Grota

Description: Explain in writing why you need to know the alphabet. Don't forget about the ability to send SMS messages using modern mobile phones.

Techniques and strategies for educational reflection.

Technique “Plus-minus-interesting” (by Edward de Bono).

Goal: developing the ability to consider phenomena from the point of view of strengths and weaknesses, positive and negative sides.




This technique is used when obtaining the first analytical material or for feedback.

Reception “Reflective Questions”

Goal: obtaining an emotional response from one person to the experiences of another. Used at the reflection stage at the end of the lesson.

A set of reflective questions:

What did you find difficult today?

What is the most important thing for you in what you learned today?

What seemed unconvincing, what do you disagree with?

What new thoughts and feelings did you have?

Have you ever had moments of joy and satisfaction from your successful answers?

Were there any moments of dissatisfaction with yourself?

How did you benefit from this lesson, the text you studied?

Have you noticed your progress...?...

Development of universal study skills


Work with sources of information, with modern means of communication;

Critically comprehend current social information coming from different sources, formulate their own conclusions and value judgments on this basis;

Solve cognitive and practical problems that reflect typical situations;

Analyze modern social phenomena and events;

Master the typical social roles through participation in educational games and trainings that simulate situations from real life;

They give reasons for defending their position and oppose other opinions through participation in discussions, disputes, and debates about modern social problems;

Execute creative works and research projects.

An important characteristic of the activity approach in the work of teachers is consistency. The system-activity approach is carried out at various stages of the lesson. Thus, universal learning skills develop independence and self-development in schoolchildren.

Methods of innovative teaching of the Russian language:

Problem visualization method,

Method of linguistic allusion,

Method of activating associative connections;

3. Techniques for working in Russian language lessons:


- "silent" question,

The method of compiling a thematic grid of the finished text and the method of calculating it when creating the text.

A technique for drawing up a diagram for the deployment of micro-themes of a future text and a technique for isolating it from the finished text, etc.

"Brain attack" technique

Reception "Group discussion"

Reliance on science and innovation made it possible to develop a methodology for teaching the Russian language at the level innovative technology, ensuring the functioning of the search and technological model simultaneously at the organizational, material-didactic and structural levels.

The organizational side of innovative technology is ensured by the implementation of a method of innovative learning, functioning in two of its varieties:

In the method of metaphorizing linguistic information (in the lesson didactic game),

In a way innovative development speech (in a research lesson).

Thus, the organizational side of innovative technology used in Russian language lessons includes the concepts: method of innovative teaching, lesson-didactic game and lesson-research.

"Organizing homework"

My approach to organizing homework for schoolchildren involves teaching teenagers the techniques of independent learning activities.

The creative idea is to increase cognitive activity by expanding information and using adequate tasks for the stated purpose.

At the first stage it is assumed self-study theory, where I use the following working methods: read the text carefully; determine how many parts it has; come up with questions for each part of the text and answer them using the textbook; supplement questions if there is unclaimed information in the text; highlight keywords in the text; find the meanings of unfamiliar words in the dictionary, relying only on key words: retell the text, testing yourself in the textbook; build or develop an algorithm using keywords. I offer non-traditional homework:

Clarification of definitions school textbook;

Study of the linguistic text of the textbook;

Coming up with linguistic problems;

Multidimensional analysis of the word.

With homework organized in this way, the student develops an interest in dictionaries and reference literature, and develops the ability to use them independently. The children also develop an interest in the word, its history, a desire to write correctly and speak correctly, expressively, and beautifully.

At the second stage, I teach children non-standard ways to solve problems, search for missing problems, develop fantasy and imagination, and arouse interest not only in the result, but also in the process of educational activity. Here I use the following tasks:

Development of visual aids, tables, diagrams, algorithms, supporting notes

Correcting mistakes

Preparation for thematic lessons: searching for texts, writing out proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, catchphrases, quotes, dictionary entries from the Explanatory Dictionary.

At this stage I am using a group form of work. The principle of forming groups is as follows: uniting groups of students with approximately the same level of training. For the weak - tasks basic level, and the strong – increased difficulty and creativity. This allows for a differentiated approach. I pay special attention to mutual checking of work, which is an effective means of developing self- and mutual-control skills.

At the third stage, I create conditions for students to unlock their own potential. I stimulate the mental activity of students with various means and techniques: I use methods of a research, heuristic nature, creative tasks that involve long-term independent work (abstracts, creative essays, essays).

My activity is to develop in students the very need for independent work, in self-expression, self-actualization through various activities:

Writing poems, stories, fairy tales, essays on linguistic topics;

Writing essays - miniatures on proverbs (linguistic analysis of proverbs; description of an event indicated by a proverb)

Monologues on behalf of the things that surround us

Assignments based on materials from newspapers, radio, television;

Essays, stories, interviews using a regional component

Checking homework must certainly be accompanied by a mark or grade. The originality is that it is better not to give an unsatisfactory mark; you need to offer to redo your homework, correcting the mistakes made, or give a new one similar to the first one homework. This type of verification is especially useful for creative works.

The peculiarity of the homework system is that it contains original elements:

A) educational information according to the developed system, it includes reference materials, materials from newspapers, radio, television, other school subjects, and a regional component.

B) self-control, mutual control, change in the assessment of creative works.

B) the use of various pedagogical ideas: pedagogy of counter efforts in Russian language lessons, creative interaction between teacher and student, development of students’ creative abilities, joint design of lesson content and independent work.

D) Formation of self-organization of children with the help of independently completed work.

All of the above indicates that the development has an adaptive level of novelty.

The manual offers material designed to facilitate the acquisition by students of specialty 5B011800 of knowledge and the formation of practical skills in the methodology of teaching the Russian language. The content and structure of the manual reflect the basic requirements for organizing training based on credit technology. Priority directions are: taking into account the prospects for mastering the subject, the connection between theory and practice, the scientific nature of the material, the sequence of presentation, the focus on consciousness in the work on the formation of professional knowledge.

Topic 3. Principles, methods and techniques of teaching the Russian language

General didactic principles of teaching the Russian language at school. The basis of teaching any subject is principles– initial theoretical provisions that determine the trajectory of the teacher’s activity. These provisions can be used in teaching all school subjects and are characterized as general didactic, and they can also contribute to the high-quality organization of mastering one of the subjects and are classified as private didactic (general methodological). When working on mastering each linguistic section, it is also assumed to take into account private didactic principles that will be discussed below.

In relation to a specific discipline, the principles of the first group are interpreted. Yes, content scientific principle when mastering linguistic theory, it assumes reliability, exact correspondence of what is presented to what has actually been established in science; The essence of phenomena when relying on this principle is revealed argumentatively, based on the characteristics of relationships and connections. Principle developmental education focuses on the formation of sustainable interest in the subject, creating motivation for learning and activity in children. An extralinguistic approach to working on educational material creates additional opportunities for the formation of moral, social, international, patriotic and labor qualities of the subject and demonstrates the importance of the principle unity of training and education.

The principle of connection between theory and practice also has its own specifics when mastering language disciplines: linguistic theory serves as the basis on which the skills of using language units in various communication conditions are formed. The implementation of this principle finds clear expression in language acquisition: each theoretical position is extrapolated into a speech situation. The degree of consciousness in mastering linguistic theory is determined by the activity of the students and their interest. Principles of accessibility, awareness and activity will be observed if the Russian language teacher knows how to interest children, choosing from the general arsenal of methodological techniques those whose effectiveness is designed to contribute to the high-quality assimilation of information and its transformation into skills.

The principle of consistency gives an idea of ​​ways to connect new information with previously covered material and correlates with the principle continuity: with this approach, there is not just a relationship between topics and sections, but a correlation in the use of those cognitive skills that the students had previously developed. Competent and purposeful adherence to the principle plays an important role using visual teaching aids: careful consideration of the content of each of its components and methods of application in various forms of classes is one of the most important conditions for the correct organization of the cognitive process.

It should be recalled that the teacher’s knowledge of the individual characteristics of students, careful observation of everyone’s educational actions, the ability to use different approaches and tasks of varying degrees of complexity, taking into account the psychological characteristics of memory, attention, and performance are associated with the principle individualization of learning, the implementation of which is designed to have a positive impact on the quality of learning the material. Only on the basis of differentiation of training can the principle be implemented accessibility, which is determined by both the age characteristics of the students and their level of development.

Private didactic principles give an idea of ​​the general provisions that determine approaches to teaching a particular subject. So in teaching the Russian language the priority provisions will be:

– extralinguistic (comparison of language units and life realities);

– functional (showing the role and function of a linguistic phenomenon in speech);

– structural-semantic (consideration of linguistic phenomena both from the point of view of structure and from the point of view of meaning);

– inter-level and intra-level connections;

– normative-stylistic approach to the use of language units;

– appeal to historical comments.

Classification characteristics of teaching methods. A method is a combination of methods and forms aimed at achieving a specific educational goal. The method contains an indication of the method and nature of organizing the cognitive activity of students. In didactics, there are different approaches to characterizing the relationship of concepts method And reception. It would be legitimate to define a method as a way of teaching and learning, aimed at transferring and assimilating knowledge, mastering the skills and abilities to apply this knowledge. When selecting active rational methods, it is recommended to use as a distinctive feature the indicator of the degree of activity of students, as well as the nature of their educational and cognitive activity. The following distinctive features are also taken into account:

– sources of knowledge (verbal, visual, practical);

– methods of logic (analytical-synthetic, inductive, deductive);

– nature of teaching (explanatory, illustrative, problem-based);

– level of cognitive independence of students (reproductive, productive, heuristic);

– the degree of problematic nature of the proposed material (heuristic, research, algorithmic, with a focus on programming);

– didactic goals and functions (methods of stimulation, organization and control);

– type of activity of the teacher (methods of presentation and methods of organizing independent learning activities), etc.

This variety of approaches indicates that the same cognitive actions, considered from different points of view, can be characterized by several parameters. If we talk about the degree of demand, then each of them will be effective under certain conditions for organizing the learning process, in the course of performing specific didactic functions.

In the 60-70s, famous didactics I. Ya. Lerner and M. N. Skatkin identified five main methods: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, method of problem presentation, partially search and research This classification in private methods is adjusted accordingly. So, of the three problem-search methods, according to N.Z. Bakeeva. and Z.P. Daunene, two - problematic presentation and research - do not find significant application in teaching Russian as a non-native language. In Russian language lessons under these conditions, they practically coincide with one of the two methods, which I. Ya. Lerner and M. E. Skatkin call explanatory-illustrative and partially search-based, respectively. At the same time, the reproductive method, highlighted in the same typology, needs further division, since it is associated with different types of mental and speech activity of students.

The classification of active learning methods developed by A. M. Smolkin is of interest, since it turns out to be the most appropriate when teaching non-native languages. The scientist distinguishes between imitation methods of active learning, that is, methods of work in which the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren is based on imitation. All other methods are non-imitation (for example, presenting material in the form of a lecture). Imitation methods, in turn, are divided into gaming and non-gaming. The first group includes conducting business games, game design, and performing situational exercises, and the second group includes analyzing specific situations and solving situational problems.

The classification of methods according to the source of knowledge is presented in the fundamental textbook by A. V. Tekuchev “Methodology of the Russian Language” (M., 1987): 1) the word (story) of the teacher; 2) conversation; 3) language analysis (observations of language, grammatical analysis); 4) exercise; 5) use of visual aids (diagrams, tables); 6) work with the educational book; 7) excursion.

M. N. Vyatyutnev proposed a classification of methods used in lessons of a non-native language:

grammatical-translation(selected texts illustrate various grammatical phenomena);

straight(mastering the sounds of foreign speech, practicing pronunciation rules, structuring sentences according to models );

phonetic(reading material is presented in phonetic transcription, isolated pronunciation of sounds and words is practiced);

natural(the technique of guessing and structuring conclusions based on already known );

psychological(a combination of direct and natural methods with playing the studied dialogues);

audiovisual(mastering basic words and constructions, maximum use of visual-auditory technology);

audio-lingual(the main attention is paid to oral speech, memorization of dialogues and their step-by-step adaptation are organized);

reading method(teaching children analytical and synthetic types of reading);

structural method(focus on building grammatical patterns).

Speaking about training methods in relation to language classes, we should especially highlight speech training methods. So, speech imitation method is designed to form automated speech skills: the learner is required to repeat, imitate what he heard or wrote. Using surgical method students perform any speech actions related to finding, highlighting, adding, changing, introducing or excluding certain units of language. Communicative method involves awareness and independent formation of units of communication - sentences or coherent texts. It uses retelling, construction, translation, writing summaries, essays, reviews, abstracts.

The development of teaching methods is closely related to the emergence of new approaches to language learning. Since any method is focused on teaching a specific language function, the language teaching system involves the integrated use of various methods with the prevailing role of communicative methods, aimed at developing the ability to adequately express other people’s thoughts and express your own in a specific language. Methodological justification of possibilities communicative method given in the works of E.I. Passov, who claims that “the communicative method is based on the fact that the learning process is a model of the communication process.” Communicativeness presupposes the speech orientation of the educational process, since the path to this goal is the practical use of language itself, based on the principle of speech-mental activity. Communicativeness is associated with an important general didactic principle - the principle of an individual approach to the learning process, however, when teaching a language, this principle has its own specifics: since the attitude to the surrounding reality is always individual, then speech is also individual, personal.

In the 90s, A.V. Dudnikov developed another approach to characterizing teaching methods, which is based on the characteristics of the way of thinking. Usage deductive, inductive, deductive-inductive and inductive-deductive methods are organized taking into account the position of the language being studied (native, non-native, foreign). Inductive the method is the movement of thought from the particular to the general, from observations of individual features of the language category being studied to an understanding of the patterns underlying the definition or rule. A heuristic conversation, as well as the teacher’s word, can be used as a technique here. For the inductive beginning, analytical work of thought is typical: isolating parts as part of a linguistic characteristic, observing the elements, identifying their specificity based on comparison and contrast. Deductive the method involves the movement of thought from the general to the specific, from the formulation of a definition or rule to specific features that confirm the starting points. Here, an important place is also given to the teacher’s word, while the teacher moves from conclusions and generalizations to the selection of evidence of their truth. Deduction gives an idea of ​​a new concept in a ready-made verbal formulation, after which this concept is divided into components that are assimilated through comparisons and comparisons. The close contact of inductive and deductive methods, according to A.V. Dudnikov, gives rise to combinations that are used quite often in the practice of language teaching: elements of deduction are connected to the inductive basis, or elements of induction are added to the deductive way of thinking.

In the methods of teaching a non-native language in the last decade, they have become very popular. intensive teaching methods, which served as the basis for the creation of an integral and effective teaching technology, which has its own characteristics:

– techniques are used that activate conscious and subconscious mental processes to create a strong language base;

– the entire system of tasks is aimed at communicative activities;

– conditions are created for collective interaction.

A special place in modern conditions of language teaching is occupied by block method, which is characterized by the following features: 1) the topic or situation for conversation is proposed to the whole group; 2) preparation for dialogue (polylogue) is in the native language of the students; 3) the process of translating dialogues is organized; 4) dialogues are learned and practiced during role-playing games; 5) multi-level creative training exercises are performed; 6) grammatical characteristics of standard constructions are acquired; 7) special tests are used for control; 8) presentations and essays are practiced.

Reception as an integral part of the method. The technique is considered as an integral part of the method, a kind of step to the educational goal. If a method is characterized as a method of mental activity, then the technique serves as a means of implementing the chosen method. In other words, a method is a strategy, and a technique is a tactic for working on language material. Among the techniques, two main groups are most clearly distinguished in the linguodidactic literature: 1) didactic-methodological and 2) subject-based.

Techniques of the first group are methodological types of actions of the teacher and students, leading to the assimilation of the material. Such techniques are of a general didactic nature, since they can be used in mastering any academic subject. Some of them correspond to various goals, stages and methods of work (use of visualization, organization of collective or individual activities, use of educational algorithms); others seem to implement, clarify, and concretize certain educational methods (message from the student or student, performing exercises, etc.).

Didactic and methodological ones include logical techniques of generalization, comparison, comparison, systematization, algorithmization, analysis, synthesis, organization and conduct of a linguistic experiment, etc. Among the methodological techniques in the conditions of studying a non-native language, the technique of comparison (or comparison) is especially important ) phenomena of languages. It seems inappropriate to assert that this technique is not associated with certain methods due to its universality: to a certain extent, its relevance is manifested in each of the educational methods. Subject-specific methodological techniques are specific to language disciplines. They depend, first of all, on the nature of the material being studied. Examples of such techniques in language classes include techniques for isolating the root of a word, selecting related words, analyzing sounds, distinguishing between adverbs and nouns with prepositions, prepositions and conjunctions, structuring sentences, etc.

When choosing ways to implement the educational process, you should remember that there are no universal teaching methods and techniques. Considering that each of the methodological techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages, the teacher cannot give preference to one of them, he uses them in a system, in conjunction, trying to achieve the best results in students’ assimilation of knowledge, the development of their skills and abilities, the development of mental activity. Moreover, each of the methods will include not only general and specific techniques, but also individual (author’s) ones, and the effectiveness of the teacher’s work will be determined by the rationality of their systematic application.

Tasks for SRS

1. Compile a reference table in which to reflect general didactic, general methodological, particular methodological principles, characterize them.

2. Define the concept method, talk about the various classifications of methods. Choose the optimal classification and prove its advantages.

3. Determine the relevance of concepts method And reception, talk about the classification of techniques.

4. Analyzing lesson plans (see appendix), determine the nature of the methods and techniques used in them.

5. Prepare a message-annotation of linguodidactic sources on this topic.
