Criteria for evaluating tasks 15 profile. Grading system in the exam. Converting primary scores to test scores. Passing score of the basic level of the Unified State Examination in mathematics

Significant changes have been made to the USE in mathematics since 2015. The exam is divided into two separate ones: the basic level and the profile level.

A five-point grading system has been retained in the basic level. To successfully pass the exam and receive a certificate, a grade of at least the usual three is required. How many tasks do you need to solve for the top three in 2017? This minimum is usually set closer to the exams. And even after.) Therefore, we will focus on the exam of last year. In 2016, the triple was set for 7 - 11 correctly solved tasks. 12 - 16 tasks were rated at 4, 17 - 20, respectively - at 5.

The system is saved in the profile level USE scores previous years. This system is quite complex. But you can tentatively assess your capabilities and the expected result. For rate USE results two scales are used. Scale primary points and scale test scores . First you collect initial points, and then converting primary scores into test scores .

Scale primary scores of the Unified State Examination 2017 known from the CMM specification for conducting the exam in mathematics (profile level). It looks like this:

Any task with a short answer ( former part"B") weighs one primary score. There will be 12 such tasks. Therefore, ideally, twelve primary points can be scored on these tasks.

Tasks with a detailed solution 13, 14 and 15 weigh two primary scores each. Tasks 16 and 17 - three points each. Tasks 18 and 19 - as much as four points each. The maximum number of primary points for completing the entire work is 32.

I note that a partially or incorrectly completed task with a detailed solution is also evaluated! You can get not 4, so at least 3, 2 or 1 point. And you may not get anything. Let me remind you that this primary points.

Converting primary scores to test scores is already underway after exam. Test scores , from 0 to 100 - these are exactly the points that go to the certificate and are taken into account by the selection committees of various educational institutions. The very method of converting primary scores into test scores is quite complicated. The calculation takes into account the actual results of passing the exam throughout the country. It takes 6-8 days to process the results of the exam.

For these reasons, say exactly how much you will receive test scores not possible in advance. However, it is quite possible to focus on the rating scheme from past years. Practical results converting primary scores into test scores didn't change that much.

The conversion of primary points (for completed tasks) into the usual grades and a test scale of 100 points looks like about So:

0 - 5 primary points - mark "2"; 0-26 test scores;

6 - 12 - mark "3"; 27-50 points;

12 - 20 - mark "4"; 50-75 points;

20 - 32 - mark "5"; 75-100 points.

The minimum threshold in 2017 is 6 primary points or 27 test points.

So, the work has been handed over and you are anxiously waiting for the results. Go to sites and finally get results! If all is well, congratulations! And if not?

Is it possible to challenge the USE score? Yes. You have two days to do this after the official announcement of the results. You need to contact your teachers, they will tell you where to find the secretary of the conflict commission. And he will tell you what to do and how to do it. This will appeal based on results(not to be confused with an appeal under the procedure!).

You have the right to be present at the appeal. The conflict commission will review your work, check whether the computer correctly recognized your answers, check the course of the decision and make a conclusion: reject the appeal, increase the number of points, reduce the number of points. Yes Yes! Maybe reduce! Double-edged sword. From here:

Practical Tips:

1. It makes sense to appeal on the results if necessary. This is the case when the evaluation of your work falls short of expectations. Or you have nothing to lose.

For a successful appeal, it is highly desirable to be confident in the correctness of the tasks performed and remember your decisions. Otherwise, even when you see your work, you will not be able to reasonably prove your case. The commission is not a trio! You can practice solving examples and find out your level. Testing with instant verification. Learning - with interest!)

you can get acquainted with functions and derivatives.

The exam in mathematics is a mandatory exam. There are two forms of this exam: basic and profile. Those entering non-math majors can take the core exam and devote more time to studying subjects that are important to them. And for those who enter engineering and economic specialties, preparation for the exam in mathematics profile level just needed. Unified State Examination Mathematics 2019: profile level is a difficult exam. But this subject is needed to solve the problems that graduates will face in their future work.

What is the Unified State Examination in Mathematics at the profile level?

The profile exam in mathematics includes 19 tasks.

  • Of these, 12 are simpler, and only the correct answer is counted in them. But these 12 tasks cover all the topics school curriculum. Getting them right takes practice. You must be able to carefully read the condition, quickly and correctly calculate without a calculator and check the answers from the point of view of common sense.
  • The other 7 tasks of the profile exam in mathematics are complex, and you need to provide not only an answer, but also a correctly designed solution.

Part 1

In fact, the profile exam in mathematics is two exams in one.

  • Part 1 - the first 12 tasks - is final exam per course high school. In the first 12 tasks, all the skills and abilities acquired in mathematics lessons are tested, starting from the third grade. And if a student has problems with arithmetic, then it is impossible to build anything on such a fragile foundation.
  • Therefore, it is not necessary to start preparing for the exam in mathematics by solving typical USE options. Many students make this mistake. It is necessary to start preparing for the profile exam in mathematics by repeating the entire basic course of school mathematics.
  • Please note that in the first 12 USE problems in mathematics there is no “almost correct” answer. He is either correct or not. The answer in these problems must be written as an integer or a final decimal fraction.

Each task of the first part is estimated at 1 primary point.

Part 2

The second part of the profile exam in mathematics includes 7 tasks. These are complex combined tasks that require creativity, logic and attention.

Here are the tasks included in the variant of the profile exam in mathematics:

  • Problem 13 - Equations. In this problem, combined equations are given in which there is trigonometry, and logarithms, and exponential functions. It is estimated at 2 primary points.
  • Task 14 - Stereometry. Prisms, pyramids, cones and other three-dimensional bodies. Here there are tasks for finding angles between lines and planes, distances between lines, between parallel planes and from point to plane, calculation of areas and volumes. Assessed in only 2 primary points
  • Problem 15 - Inequalities. exponential, irrational and logarithmic inequalities, roots and modules, all kinds of solutions. This requires both knowledge and logic. Scored at 2 primary points
  • Problem 16 - Geometry on a plane. Triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, circles and other shapes, as well as their various combinations. Scored at 3 primary points
  • Task 17 - Economic. Here are tasks for optimization, for bank payments, deposits and loans. For tasks on loans, two schemes are considered - an annuity and a scheme with differentiated payments. This task requires a lot of calculations. Scored at 3 primary points
  • Problem 18 is the most difficult algebra. Options. You need to know everything by heart elementary functions, their graphs and transformations, be able to define a circle, a half-plane, any complex curve by an equation or an inequality. Those who have mastered this task will easily pass the exam in mathematical analysis during the first session at a technical or economic university. Scored as much as 4 primary points.
  • And, finally, problem 19 is non-standard. We can say that this is a problem in number theory, but this is not entirely true. If it looks like something, it is only like Olympiad problems. It requires complex, but very logical mathematical reasoning. To solve it, you need a high mathematical culture, developed intuition and logic, and, of course, knowledge of special techniques. This is an expensive task - it is worth 4 primary points.

In each of these seven tasks of the profile exam in mathematics, it is not enough just to write down the answer. It is necessary to correctly and clearly write down each step of the solution so that when checking your work, the USE expert can put maximum score.

How to prepare for the exam?

No changes are expected in the structure and form of the exam in 2018-2019. Therefore, it is very important in order to gain high score at the profile level, to think over the preparation strategy correctly.

  1. First of all, you need to clearly know the criteria for evaluating each task, which can be read in the demo version of the exam.
  2. Solve problems on the FIPI website, where there are open banks of tasks in mathematics.

The most common ways to prepare for a future exam are:

  • help of a tutor;
  • group lessons within the walls of the school;
  • running demos.

We remind you that you cannot use a calculator at the USE in mathematics at the profile level.

What will be the exam in mathematics? Detailed recommendations for graduates are given by the head of the Federal Commission for the Development of the KIM Unified State Examination in Mathematics:

Graduating from high school is not easy these days. In order to say goodbye to the school desk, you need to pass several important exams, and not simple ones, but the Unified State Examination. Good certificate scores decide further fate graduate and give him a chance to enter prestigious university. That is why students seriously prepare for this test, and conscious ones even begin to prepare for it from the beginning of the school year. What will be USE in mathematics 2017 and what changes await graduates in the delivery procedure, this article will tell.

It is worth noting that next year the number of compulsory subjects will not change. The guys, as before, must pass the Russian language and mathematics. The results are still evaluated on a 100-point scale, and in order to pass the exam, you must score at least minimal amount points determined by FIPI.

The mathematics exam will have a basic and profile direction.

Mathematics exam progress

It is not yet possible to say the exact date of the USE in mathematics, but based on past years, it is easy to guess that it will take place around the beginning of June. In order to fully cope with the task, the student will be given as much as 3 hours. This time is enough to solve all the tests and practical tasks. Note that just before the exam, almost all personal belongings are taken away from graduates, leaving only a pen, a ruler and a calculator.

During the exam, it is prohibited:

  • change;
  • get up;
  • to talk with neighbors;
  • exchange materials;
  • use audio devices to listen to information;
  • go out without permission.

Do not forget that independent observers will be present at all times in the classroom, so students must comply with all their requests regarding the correct behavior during the exam!

Future changes

Every graduate who has ever taken the exam will tell you that the most difficult is mathematics. As a rule, only a few understand this subject, and far from many can solve all the test tasks. Unfortunately, no special indulgence in the content is planned, although some pleasant moments in passing the exam in mathematics in 2017 can still be noted. This applies to re-in case of defeat. Moreover, it will be possible to do it 2 times during the next academic year. In addition, if a student wishes to increase their scores, they can also apply for a retake.

The examination program will include not only assignments for grade 11, but topics from previous years. Recall that the basic level differs from the profile level in the knowledge assessment system: the basic one is based on a 20-point system, and the profile level is 100 points each. As statistics show, on average, only half of the students score 65 points at the profile level. Despite the fact that this is a rather low score, it is quite enough to enter an institute or university.

In 2017, they plan to increase the number of independent observers, as well as issue new forms for questions and answers. test form will remain only in the mathematical exam, and then the experts intend to add more practical tasks. This will avoid mere guessing and will help to soberly assess the knowledge of students.

Passing score of the basic level of the Unified State Examination in mathematics

The results of the exam can be viewed on the official portal, just by entering your passport data. To obtain a certificate, it is enough to earn only 7 points, which is equivalent to the usual “troika”. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the table for the basic level:

Passing score of the profile level of the Unified State Examination in mathematics

As mentioned above, to pass this exam, it is enough to score 65 points. This result guarantees the graduate a calm celebration of graduation and admission to the desired university in the country. In order to easily decipher the results of your knowledge, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the points table for the profile level:

Exam Structure

Thanks to the demos that appear every year on the FIPI official website, the guys can go trial exam and see who's what. The exact structure of the exam, identical to the real one, has been developed in a special file. Note that the student will need to remember the program of all past years: trigonometry, logarithms, geometry, probability theory and much more. In 2017 USE structure math looks like this:

All these tasks were compiled on the basis of the program studied during the school years. If the student studied diligently, performed all the work assigned by the teacher, it will not be difficult for him to pass the exam as “excellent”. In addition, going to tutors can increase the chances of a good grade.
