Extracurricular event 100 revolution. Extracurricular event "100 years of the February Revolution." The hymn “God Save the Tsar!” is played.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Kaluga Region

State budgetary professional

educational institution Kaluga region

"Kaluga Cadet Multidisciplinary College"



Developed by:

I.V. Sergeeva, teacher of Russian language and literature,

I.D. Anisimova, history teacher

Kaluga, 2017


Methodological development dedicated to the 100th anniversary Russian revolution 1917,contains recommendations and material for conductingfollowing events:

    extracurricular open historical and literary event “100 years of the October Revolution”,

    quiz, dedicated100 - anniversary of the October Socialist Revolutionyucia,

    conversation with students “Personalities in history. View fromXXIcentury."

Event dataintended forstudentsKaluga Cadet Multidisciplinarytechnical CollegeA.

The study of the October Revolution has not lost its relevance today, since it is directly related to the solution of one of the most pressing problems of our time - the problem of war and peace. The summarized materials contribute to the study and objective assessment of complex and controversial pages of the history of our Fatherland, and the preservation of historical memory about the events and people of those years. Modern politics of our state is aimed at increasing the level of moral and patriotic education of youth. At the disposal of the President Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated December 19, 2016 N 412-rp “On the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the 1917 revolution in Russia” recommendations were given on the preparation and holding of anniversary events.

Purpose of these events isensuring students’ understanding of the events of the Great Russian Revolution.To achieve the goal, the following must be completed:tasks :

    creating conditions for the education of a creative, free, socially and professionally competent personality, adaptive and adequate at the individual, personal, professional and social levels, capable of living in harmony with oneself and having a positive attitude towards the world around us;

    creation of an educational environment that promotes the formation of students' civic responsibility, spirituality, culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, and the ability for successful socialization in society

The events of 1917 have deep roots in history Russian state. A comprehensive and objective study of the October Revolution of 1917 helps to understand the tragedy of the split of society into opposing sides, and to understand the importance for Russia of strong state power, supported by all segments of the country's population.


Music sounds (Collection of revolutionary songs)

Slide 1

“Varshavyanka” sounds like background

Presenter 3(behind the scenes): I'm overgrown with memories

As the wasteland is overgrown with forest,

And the memory birds sing in the morning,

And the wind-memory hums at night,

Memory trees babble all day long...

But in my memory such power is hidden,

What returns images and multiplies...

It makes noise without stopping, memory is rain,

And memory-snow flies and cannot fall... (D. Samoilov)

CLIP “History Tape”

Presenter 1: For more than 70 years, the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution was the main holiday of the Soviet Union. Day November 7 throughout Soviet era was a “red day of the calendar.”

Presenter 2: This day cannot be erased from the history of Russia, since the uprising in Petrograd on October 25 - 26 (November 7 - 8 in a new style) led not only to the overthrow of the bourgeois Provisional Government, but also predetermined the entire further development of both Russia and many other states of the planet . How did it all happen?

Leading 1 : The Bolsheviks headed for an armed uprising in August 1917. Events developed rapidly. On October 16, the Bolshevik Central Committee decided to prepare an uprising. At 10 a.m. on October 25, the Military Revolutionary Committee issued an appeal in which it announced that all “state power had passed into the hands of the body of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies.” At 21:00 a blank shot from the cruiser's gun Baltic Fleet"Aurora" gave the signal to begin the assault on the Winter Palace, and at 2 a.m. on October 26, the Provisional Government was arrested.

CLIP “Aurora Salvo”

Presenter 3 (behind the scenes): The triumphant march of Soviet power across the country began.

SONG “BOLDLY, COMRADES, KEEP IN FOOT” (Words and music Leonid Radin)

Simultaneously with the song - video

Slide 2

Leading 2 : The theme of revolution could not help but sound in the works of poets and prose writers silver age. The attitude towards the revolutionary events of 1917 was ambiguous and contradictory.Mayakovsky was enthusiastic about the revolution.

"Ode to the Revolution"



Laughed at by batteries


Ulcerated by the slander of bayonets,

I exalt with enthusiasm

Over the swearing rheema

Odes solemn


Oh, bestial!

Oh, children's!

Oh, cheap!

Oh, great one!

What other name did you have?

How else will you turn around, two-faced?

Slide 3

Leading 1 : But the writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin had a sharply negative attitude towards the revolution.

Stop, sun!

The flashing knitting needles fly and shine,

I'm sad and trembling,

And all forward from a flying chariot,

And I keep looking ahead.

What's ahead? Cliff, failure, abyss,

Bloody trail of dawn?

Oh, if only for the power and the imperious cry of Navin:

“Stop, sun! Stop, freeze!

Leading 2 : Bunin experienced the tragedy of the Russian people to the point of pain in his heart. He expressed his hatred of the Bolsheviks in his diary “Cursed Days.” The writer was also accused of hatred of Russia. In “Cursed Days” he writes: “There are two types among the people. In one, Rus' predominates, in the other, Chud and Merya. But in both there is a terrible changeability of moods, appearances, “unsteadiness,” as they said in the old days. The people themselves said to themselves: “From us, like from wood, there is both a club and an icon,” depending on the circumstances, on who processes this wood, Sergius of Radonezh or Emelyan Pugachev. If I hadn’t loved this “icon”, this Rus', hadn’t seen it, why would I have gone so crazy all these years, why have I suffered so continuously, so fiercely?”

Slide 4

Presenter 1: The writer Maxim Gorky perceived the October Revolution ambiguously. In his pre-revolutionary works, he expressively reproduced the dark sides of Russian life: peasant savagery, bourgeois indifferent satiety, unlimited arbitrariness of power. He tried (albeit not very convincingly) to find a force capable of resisting this life, first among the rebels - tramps, then among the revolutionary proletariat.

Presenter 2: And then came Untimely Thoughts. In this book, Gorky appears as an exposer of the revolution, Soviet power, a predictor of future national disasters, because... There was a clash of ideals, in the name of which Gorky called for revolution. “Our revolution gave full play to all the bad and brutal instincts that had accumulated under the lead roof of the monarchy, and, at the same time, it threw aside all the intellectual forces of democracy, all the moral energy of the country... the main moral goal of the revolution is to turn yesterday’s slave into personality. But in reality, the October revolution provoked the release of the darkest, basest – zoological instincts. And if initially I tried to perceive the revolution as retribution to the former ruling class, now I believe that we must experience painful and severe retribution for the sins of the past - for our Asian, for this passivity with which we tolerated violence against us.

Slide 5

Leading 1 : The revolution divided poets and prose writers not according to the degree of talent, but according to their ideological orientation. The intelligentsia of the entire Russian people were placed on opposite sides of the barricades, even families. The young Soviet country was surrounded by fronts

“Varshavyanka” sounds like background

Reader: We were led by youth

On a saber march,

Our youth abandoned us

On the Kronstadt ice.

War horses

They carried us away

On a wide area

They killed us.

But the blood is feverish

We rose

But the eyes are blind

We opened it.

A commonwealth arises

Crow with a fighter -

Be strong, courage,

Steel and lead.

So that the earth is harsh

Bleeding out

So that youth is new

It rose from the bones.(E Bagritsky)

SONG " HOW MY DEAR MOTHER SEEKED ME AWAY..." ( Music: D. Vasiliev-Buglai Lyrics: Demyan Bedny)

Leading 2 : We will never know what would have happened to Russia if the October Revolution had not happened. But we know what the communists, Marxists, Trotskyists, Mensheviks, Socialist Revolutionaries, Bolsheviks and others brought to Russia. Yes, among them were different people. There were disputes between them, there was a struggle, they faced difficult tasks, they had many enemies - internal and external.

Leading 1 : As a result, a lot of blood was shed, many people suffered who should not have suffered. Unfortunately, revolution and violence are inseparable. In response to the White Terror, the Bolsheviks did not remain silent. On the night of July 16-17, 1918 in Yekaterinburg, in the Ipatiev house, the royal family was destroyed, as well as Doctor Botkin and the servants in the house.

SONG “PRAYER OF THE ROYAL FAMILY” (author – Yulia Slavyanskaya)

Simultaneously with the song - slide show

Leading 2 : History does not tolerate vanity,

Her folk path is difficult.

Its pages, drenched in blood,

You can't love with thoughtless love

And it is impossible not to love without memory. (Ya.V. Smelyakov)


Leading 1 : Great October Revolution won. On November 7 we celebrate the 100th anniversary of this date. Time will decide who is wrong and who is right. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin said: “Russia has great story and an equally great future." So let's not forget the lessons of the past.

“Varshavyanka” sounds, all participants in the composition go on stage.



The October Revolution of 1917 took place on October 25 according to the old style or November 7 according to the new style. Initiator, ideologist and main actor revolution was the Bolshevik Party - the Russian Social Democratic Bolshevik Party, led by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (party pseudonym Lenin) and Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky). As a result, power changed in Russia. Instead of a bourgeois government, the country was led by a proletarian government. The Bolsheviks put forward slogans"Power to the Soviets", "Peace to the Nations", "Land to the peasants", "Factory to workers."

The goals of the October Revolution of 1917 were:

    Building a more just society than the capitalist one;

    Eradicating the exploitation of man by man;

    Equality of people in rights and responsibilities;

    Fight against wars;

    World socialist revolution.

It should be noted that the goals were achieved. The Bolsheviks won and the dictatorship of the proletariat was established. The results of the revolution were comprehended and rethought within a century after its completion. But all historians are unanimous in one thing: the Great October Revolution Socialist revolution- main eventXXcentury, it influenced the subsequent course of events in world history.

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

Outstanding representatives of the Marxist movement in Russia were V.I. Lenin. Lenin's emergence as a Marxist was facilitated by the exacerbation of class contradictions in Russia on the basis of the rapid development of capitalism, the growth of the labor movement, the further stratification of the peasantry, the crisis of populism, the conquest of Marxist ideology in the dominant position in the Western European labor movement, the beginning of its spread in our country and the first attempts to apply Marxism to the Russian activities carried out by the Liberation of Labor group. Lenin's whole life is closely connected with the events that took place in Russia at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century.

1887 - graduated from high school brilliantly and entered the law faculty of Kazan University

In 1888 he joined one of Fedoseev’s Marxist circles. Here he intensively studies the works of K. Marx and F. Engels and unconditionally takes the position of Marxism.

1891 – passed exams for the course as an external student Faculty of Law Petersburg University, worked in Samara as an assistant to a sworn attorney.

1893 - moved to St. Petersburg and two years later united the scattered St. Petersburg Marxist and workers’ circles “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class.”

1895 - arrested and in 1897 exiled to Siberia (Shushenskoye village).

1900 - Lenin went abroad, where, together with G.V. Plekhanov, he began to publish the newspaper “Iskra”, to develop the ideological and organizational foundations of the future Bolshevik party (works “What to do” 1902; “One step forward, two steps back” 1904) , the final formalization of which took place at the second congress of the RSDLP in 1903.

In November 1905, Lenin returned to Russia, took part in the revolution of 1905-1907, and participated in the work of the 4th (1906) and 5th (1907) Bolshevik congresses. After the defeat of the revolution, he emigrated a second time. Lived in France, Austria, Germany, Switzerland. During the First World War he advocated the defeat of the tsarist government and put forward the slogan of transforming imperialist war to civilian.

After the victory of the February Revolution, Lenin arrived in Petrograd on April 3, 1917 and put forward two slogans: “No support for the Provisional Government” and “All power to the Soviets!” (“April Theses”). On the night of October 24-25, he led an armed uprising, after the victory of which he headed the first Soviet government (until 1924).

On March 3, 1918, at Lenin’s suggestion, the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty was signed with Germany, which made it possible to begin state building and the fight against internal counter-revolution (the Civil War and the “Red Terror”).

03/11/1918 capital Soviet Russia was moved to Moscow.

On August 30, 1918, Lenin was seriously wounded by the Socialist Revolutionary F. Kaplan; Having recovered from his wound, he returned to active political and government activities: in the fall of 1918 he headed the Defense Council (from 1920 the Council of Labor and Defense), initiated the creation of the Communist International (1919), developed a plan for the construction of socialism, which provided for the industrialization of the country, the cooperation of the peasantry, and the cultural revolution; approved the electrification project (GOELRO) and contributed to its implementation.

1921 - took the initiative to transition to a new economic policy.

1922 – unification of the republics of the former territories of the Russian Empire.

1923 - Lenin became Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.

01/21/1924 - Lenin died in Gorki near Moscow.

IN AND. Ulyanov was a purposeful, educated (knew several languages) person, a good speaker and had the talent to convince and lead the masses. He was a professional revolutionary, thinker, publicist, and lawyer.

The execution of his elder brother Alexander in 1887 for his participation in preparing an assassination attempt on the Tsar forced Vladimir Ilyich to think deeply about ways to fight the autocracy.

Lenin's theoretical and practical activities were aimed at creating a Marxist party in Russia, overthrowing the autocracy and establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat, and as the ultimate goal - building a communist society according to the principle "from each according to his ability to each according to his need."

He achieved his goals in all possible ways, such as: propaganda, public performance, agitation, publishing revolutionary newspapers, writing articles and books, participating and creating political parties and so on. While in exile, exile and prison, he wrote many works on the development of Marxist ideas in Russian conditions. In these works, he wrote about the tasks facing the party and the people, and considered ways to achieve the goal set for the revolutionaries. The Leninist Party called on workers to fight for their rights.

After the February Revolution, Lenin began a broad campaign to discredit the Provisional Government. Lenin outlined his policy of peaceful transition to power in the April Theses. But the actions developed so rapidly that in August a decision was made to change the Bolshevik tactics and move to an armed seizure of power.

And as a result revolutionary activities On October 25, 1917, the Bolsheviks came to power and Lenin became the head of the world's first socialist state. The head of state signs decrees on peace, land, and power.

All of Lenin’s further activities as head of state were aimed at restoring the national economy destroyed after the war, eliminating illiteracy among the population and fighting the “enemies” of the revolution.

One of the most important events during Lenin’s reign was the unification of the Soviet republics in 1922 into a single state - the USSR.

In my opinion, it is impossible to evaluate Lenin with a “+” or “-” sign. Even 20 years ago, the majority of the population of our country spoke of him in superlatives. But immediately after the collapse of the USSR and the beginning of perestroika, we, adhering to the Bolshevik rules of “destroying everything to the ground,” began to criticize everything that happened in the country for 70 years, including Lenin, as an integral part of the Communist Party, elevated to the rank of idol . Russia is famous for its extremes, although it is known what the break with the past leads to. However, it can undoubtedly be said that Lenin was an extraordinary person, whose ideas and plans led to the revolution and the formation of a socialist state, which determined the further course of Russian history for 70 years, and probably influenced the history of the whole world. It is impossible to unambiguously assess Lenin’s activities, for example, on the one hand, in 1919, the decree “On the Elimination of Illiteracy among the Population of the RSFSR” was issued and the construction of schools began, and on the other hand, in 1922, the Soviet government expelled 160 of the largest Russian scientists and philosophers from the country . Against the backdrop of the creation of social protection for the population, there is the most severe censorship and dictatorship of the ruling party.

Perhaps after some time, when passions about criticism of the Soviet era have subsided, people will more impartially evaluate this person based on documents and the chronology of events.

Emperor Nicholas of Russia II

Russian Emperor Nicholas II, his wife Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, their children and associates were shot on the night of July 16-17, 1918 in Yekaterinburg in the basement of the house of mining engineer Nikolai Ipatiev.

On the night of July 16-17, 1918 in the city of Yekaterinburg in the basement of the house of mining engineer Nikolai Ipatiev Russian Emperor Nicholas II, his wife Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, their children - Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, heir Tsarevich Alexei, as well as physician Evgeniy Botkin, valet Alexei Trupp, room girl Anna Demidova and cook Ivan Kharitonov.

Due to the concealment of facts by the Bolsheviks, a number of alternative versions appear. For a long time there were rumors that turned murder royal family into a legend. There were theories that one of his children escaped. What really happened in the summer of 1918 near Yekaterinburg? You will find the answer to this question in our article. Background Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century was one of the most economically developed countries in the world. Nikolai Alexandrovich, who came to power, turned out to be a meek and noble man. In spirit he was not an autocrat, but an officer. Therefore, with his views on life, it was difficult to manage the crumbling state. The revolution of 1905 showed the insolvency of the government and its isolation from the people. In fact, there were two powers in the country. The official one is the emperor, and the real one is officials, nobles and landowners. It was the latter who, with their greed, licentiousness and shortsightedness, once destroyed great power. Strikes and rallies, demonstrations and bread riots, famine. All this indicated decline. The only way out could be the accession to the throne of an imperious and tough ruler who could take complete control of the country. Nicholas II was not like that. It was focused on building railways, churches, improving the economy and culture in society. He managed to make progress in these areas. But positive changes affected mainly only the top of society, while the majority of ordinary residents remained at the level of the Middle Ages. Splinters, wells, carts and everyday life of peasants and craftsmen. After the entry of the Russian Empire into the First World War, the discontent of the people only intensified. The execution of the royal family became the apotheosis of general madness. After the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II and his brother from the throne, soldiers, workers and peasants began to take the leading roles in the state. People who have not previously dealt with management, who have a minimal level of culture and superficial judgments, gain power. Small local commissars wanted to curry favor with the higher ranks. The rank and file and junior officers simply mindlessly followed orders. Time of Troubles, which came during these turbulent years, brought unfavorable elements to the surface. The execution of the royal family still remains an unsolved mystery of Russian history. Responsibility for this atrocity may lie both with Lenin and Sverdlov, for whom the Urals Soviet simply provided an alibi, and directly with the Siberian revolutionaries, who succumbed to general panic and lost their heads in wartime conditions. However, immediately after the atrocity, the government began a campaign to whiten its reputation. Among researchers studying this period, the latest actions are called a “disinformation campaign.” The death of the royal family was proclaimed the only necessary measure. Since, judging by the ordered Bolshevik articles, a counter-revolutionary conspiracy was uncovered. Some white officers planned to attack the Ipatiev mansion and free the emperor and his family. The second point, which was furiously hidden for many years, was that eleven people were shot. The Emperor, his wife, five children and four servants. The events of the crime were not disclosed for several years. Official recognition was given only in 1925. This decision was caused by the release of Western Europe books containing the results of Sokolov’s investigation. Then Bykov is instructed to write about “the current course of events.” This brochure was published in Sverdlovsk in 1926. However, the lies of the Bolsheviks at the international level, as well as hiding the truth from the common people, shook faith in power.

Questions for students:

    When history is made, do you think one person's life matters?

    Can any end justify the means?

    Is the manifestation of revolutionary cruelty and class hatred a forced necessity or a pattern? Can this be justified?

Of course, history “thinks” in certain categories, studying the fate of nations, millions of people. Literature explores the fate of one person against the backdrop of events of a specific time. Historical science analyzes complex contradictory processes in society, which are both subjective and objective in nature, and literature, like any other form of art, studies primarily “the life of the spirit and soul”, inner life person. This fundamental difference needs to be understood.

Certain prerequisites have developed for the emergence of a revolutionary situation in Russia. The revolution took place and was ultimately victorious. This is a historical objective reality that we must accept. But we must not forget about the tragic phenomena that accompanied this process.

There are fundamentally opposite assessments of the October Revolution: from perceiving it as a national tragedy to realizing it as the greatest progressive event in the history of mankind, which had a huge impact on the whole world, and allowed Russia to choose a non-capitalist path of development.

It is impossible to approach the assessment of the past from categorical, unambiguous positions. History must be accepted, respected and known. Knowledge helps to better understand historical processes and avoid repeating mistakes in the future.



Conditions quizzes: studentsmust complete the assigned tasks and submit answershistory teacher.The first group to submit answers receives + 1 point to the result obtained.

    What event happened on this day?

    Who carried out the general leadership of the armed uprising

    Who led all the actions of the rebels

    What was the signal for the storming of the Winter Palace?

    Armed forces of the proletariat during the October Revolution?

    It is known what was done with historical monuments after the October Revolution. But even before her, one famous emperor wanted to destroy the TempleSt. Basil's in Moscow. TOwas that it?

    What largest state was formed instead of the Russian Empire?

    What war started as a result of the revolution?

    First decree Soviet power .

    The highest body of state power in Russia after the October Revolution?

    Indicate the most popular slogan in Russian society in October 1917.

    What is the difference between the February Revolution and the October Revolution?



    On November 7, Russia celebrates a memorable date - the Day of the October Revolution of 1917.

    This day was celebrated in the USSR as the main holiday of the country - the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

    The general leadership of the uprising was carried out by V.I. Lenin from Smolny.

    All actions of the rebels were directly led by L.D. Trotsky.

    Idleshot from the cruiser Aurora.

    KrasnaI'm a guard.


    A military parade on Red Square, for which the entrances to the main square of the capital were specially reconstructed. This canon was strictly observed, and even November 7, 1941, when the Germans were advancing on Moscow, was no exception: the regiments that marched through Red Square went straight to the front. The 1941 parade in terms of its influence on the course of events is equal to the most important military operation.


    Civil War.

    John Reed.

    Peace Decree.

    All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.

    All power to the Soviets.

    Unlike the February Revolution of 1917, which began spontaneously, the new uprising is moreevikov was carefully planned.As a result of armedThe uprising in Petrograd on the night of October 25-26, 1917 in Russia begins the period of rule of the Bolshevik Party.Created soviet government- Council of People's Commissars.


    Berdyaev N.A. Spirits of the Russian Revolution. M. 1992

    Berdyaev N.A. Reflections on the Russian Revolution. M. 1992

    Bunin I.A.. Damned days. M., 1991

    Gorky M. Untimely thoughts. Magazine “Literature at School” No. 1, 1991

    Mayakovsky V.V. Works in two volumes, M.: Pravda, 1987 royal family

Mironova Valentina Borisovna
Job title:
Educational institution: MCOO "Prosekskaya Basic School"
Locality: Kostroma region, Antropovsky district, Prosek village
Name of material: methodological development
Subject:"On the roads of the October Revolution"
Publication date: 25.04.2017
Chapter: secondary education

Municipal government educational organization

"Prosek Basic School"

Antropovsky municipal district of Kostroma region

Methodological development of extracurricular activities,

dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Russian Revolution.

"On the roads of the October Revolution"

history and social studies teacher

Prosek 2017

Target: introduce students to the history of the Great October Revolution of 1917


fostering interest in the historical past of Russia;

develop understanding and respect for historical events our






revolution. The hundred-year history of this event is associated with heroic pages




states. The year of the centenary of the revolution is a good occasion to remember that this

the event turned out to be a turning point not only for Russian, but also for world history.

The president


bloody events, but this is what we went through and what we must know.”

And scarlet banners and orchestras,

And military might at the walls of the Kremlin,

And native songs of festive columns.”

(L.P. Maslovsky)




will remain

the most important

events of the 20th century. The October Revolution decisively changed

ways historical development Russia and had a tremendous influence on the development of peoples

the entire planet.

Today we turn over the pages of the Great October Revolution and find out

how it was.




At the Finland Station, soldiers surrounded Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in a tight ring,

who spoke simply and clearly about what worried every worker and

peasant - about land and freedom, about how to end the war.

A history teacher.

N.K. Krupskaya recalled: “The soldiers stood on benches to see better

and hear someone who spoke so clearly about pressing problems. And every minute

their attention grew, their faces became more tense.”

From the memoirs of N.I. Podvoisky: “The wind rushing into the square from the Neva,

picks up



covered in crimson flames. Having descended onto the first step of the carriage, Lenin





Indescribable enthusiasm covers those who greet you. A storm rumbles across the platform

applause, welcoming slogans. When V.I. Lenin said the word “Comrades!”, then

everyone felt in him the depth and strength of his love for the people.


A grandiose night procession to Petrogradskaya began from the Finlyandsky Station

side. During this time, V.I. Lenin spoke several more times with the workers who were greedily catching

every word he says.

A history teacher.

A.A. Andreev wrote: “Lenin was a genius, with extraordinary conviction, which

was felt in his every word and gesture about the revolution that was supposed to win

after a few months".






a report where he outlined his famous April theses. So, barely returning to

Homeland, Vladimir Ilyich became at the helm of the revolution.

May 1917 arrived. For the first time, the working people of Russia celebrated openly and freely

May Day. In July, demonstrations took place in Petrograd. Workers, soldiers and sailors

They walked with slogans, they were greeted by V.I. Lenin.

preparations for the Great October Revolution. Lenin was not in Petrograd, he was not far from





V.I. Lenin conveyed instructions and advice.

whom he called upon to create Red Guard detachments and train ship crews.

apartment in the Vyborg region. The next day Lenin wrote articles in which

the leader once again emphasized that everyone should prepare for an armed uprising.

The decisive days of the revolution have arrived. Signals sounded in factories and

Red Guards.

was leaving









events, sent instructions to Smolny on how to act. Revolutionary headquarters in

Smolny prepared the performance with the greatest energy and determination.

strength On the same day, the Red Guards occupied the Finland Station.




directly at the storm of the uprising.

History will forever preserve the unique picture that this

night great Russian city on the Neva. A damp, cold wind was blowing. Flashed in the fog

rare lanterns. In the darkness of the night, Smolny sparkled with lights - the headquarters of the uprising, the center





suffering workers and soldiers thirsting for peace, land, justice and freedom.

A history teacher.

An exhausted worker in torn clothes stopped in front of Smolny,



mixed with the crowd. This was one of the delegates to the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets,

who came from all over the country to Smolny to talk about the birth

new Russia.


Smolny was buzzing like an excited hive. Everything that night moved or from




Petrograd was in the hands of the rebels. In plants and factories, in barracks and on

On the streets, jubilant workers and soldiers read the first document, which contained the words:

"Long live the revolution!" Deputies gathered in Smolny. Emergency meeting

The council opened at 2:35 p.m.

A history teacher.

N.I. Podvoisky recalled: “When on the podium after a four-month break




burst into thunderous applause. Everyone got up from their seats. Lenin was never like this

solemn and excited, as at this moment. Sounded inspirational and simple

his words: “Comrades! The workers' and peasants' revolution, the necessity of which is all

time they said, it’s done.”


To complete the revolution, it remained to take the Winter Palace. Not far from the palace, near

Nikolaevsky Bridge, there was the cruiser "Aurora". At 9:45 p.m. there was a




the historic salvo of the Aurora, which announced to the world the beginning of a new era.

A history teacher.

N.I. Podvoisky spoke about this historical moment like this: “In the darkness

night, illuminated by pale, foggy smoke, light from all the adjacent streets

and from the nearest corners rushed chains of Red Guards, sailors and soldiers. In the air

there was a continuous victorious “Hurray!”, exciting, unifying.”



The Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets opened. He represented the entire workforce

Russia. There were delegates from provinces and national regions. At the congress Lenin

spoke about the world, about the earth.

A history teacher.

Delegate II


S.A. Aralov


V.I. Lenin’s speech on peace: “The hearts of suffering people were yearning for

to the world. “Well, my brother, will there be peace or not?” - delegates often asked.

Finally the moment came when Lenin stood up and spoke about this. First

the words immediately captivated everyone: “The question of peace is a burning question, a sore point

modernity. A lot has been said and written about him, and you all have probably discussed him a lot

his". Someone exclaimed: “We only think and talk about peace. The truth is yours, comrade

Lenin! And when V.I. Lenin announced the decree on peace, there was such silence, as if people

they even stopped breathing. And then, as if the whole hall breathed a sigh of relief - and after

this is a whirlwind and thunder of applause, joyful shouts.


The II All-Russian Congress of Soviets fulfilled the will of the people - it accepted the historical

standard bearer


determined foreign policy new state. The decision was of great importance

question about land.

I want to end our event with these words:

“Once upon a time it was like this:

It was a red day on the calendar,

But for some reason everything was forgotten

Over the years, but probably in vain!

After all, it was a wonderful holiday

Both for the people and for the country."

I think that a lot of time will pass, and everything will fall into place, and day 7

November, as before, will become one of the main holidays of the country.

V.V. Putin said: “Russia has a great history and an equally great future.” So

let's not forget the lessons of the past.

Materials for extracurricular activities

Presentations for lessons

Average general education

Line UMK I. L. Andreeva, O. V. Volobueva. History (6-10)

The development of an extracurricular event for high school students, dedicated to the centenary of the Great Russian Revolution, allows schoolchildren to assess the causes of the social explosion and feel the problems of the pre-revolutionary situation in specific examples and testimonies of contemporaries of the era.

The material was submitted to the competition “100th anniversary of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917”.

Class: 6-7.

Form: a journey into the past.

Target: understand the reasons that led the population of the Russian Empire to the revolution and form in students an idea of ​​it as one of the most important events in Russian and world history.



  • find out the causes of the revolution and the attitude of different segments of the population of the Russian Empire to revolutionary events;
  • identify their expectations related to the revolution and change of power;
  • evaluate the results of revolutionary events from different positions.

Educational: formation of emotional and moral responsiveness; ability to comprehensively evaluate the material being studied.

Developmental: develop the ability to extract information from various sources; take into account different opinions, collaborate with peers; correctly build speech structures.

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard or screen, Power Point presentation “100 years Great Revolution"; envelopes indicating the following segments of the population: “Peasants”, “Workers”, “Intelligentsia”, “Royal Family”, “Soldiers”, “Nobles”.

Decor: To conduct the event, it is necessary to prepare workplaces and sets of materials for 6 groups of students.

On each table there should be a group number, an envelope indicating the segments of the population that the group will represent (opened during the event); kits with tasks. Separately 6 hats of different colors.

Select speakers (3), distribute words.

Extracurricular event scenario

1. Organizational moment

Students enter the classroom to the sounds of the 1st movement of “Symphony No. 12” by D. Shostakovich (Revolutionary Petrograd. moderato. Allegro). Slide No. 1

Guys, let’s think about the emotions and feelings that Dmitry Shostakovich’s “Symphony” evoked in you. Raise your hand, those who can say that music caused confusion, fear, uncertainty, apprehension in his soul. Take your seats in the groups on the right.

Raise your hand, those who can say that music caused an uplift, delight, and a joyful anticipation of change in his soul. Take your seats in the groups on the left.

2. Main part.

Teacher's opening remarks: This year marks exactly 100 years since the Great Revolution of 1917.

1917 was a year of great upheaval. The events of 1917 not only changed the history of our state, but also of all humanity. This is a very complex and controversial page in the history of our country.

Slide No. 2

Speaker #1. Once upon a time, Russia was a huge country, not just a country, but an empire, because it united lands not only modern Russia, but also Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Poland, Finland and many other countries. And, although it was called Russia, there were very, very many peoples living in it, besides the Russians - not dozens, but hundreds!

And the tsar ruled this country, because for a long time it had a political system - autocracy, when all power was in the hands of one person - the tsar, the autocrat.

So, not everyone in this country lived equally well.

Slide number 3

Teacher's word: The great Russian writer Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov wrote about the events of February 1917: “Shortly before the revolution, soldiers of World War I went on the attack with the words “For the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland.” Most people considered the emperor to be God's anointed, a mediator between God and them. In February 1917, the tsar was forced to abdicate power, and there was no one to protect him. Why did it happen?"

What do you think we should find out during the event?

Today you and I have to travel back a hundred years, reincarnate as representatives of different groups of the population of our great Motherland and understand why they rebelled and what feelings each of them experienced at this turning point.

Open the envelopes that are on your tables and find out who you are about to transform into.

Introduce youreself.

(One representative announces the name of his group. A sign with the name is placed instead of a number. Slide No. 3 is broadcast on the screen)

Instructions for group work: On the tables of each group there are envelopes with assignments (Appendix 1). Now you have to open the envelopes, work on the assignments, compiling the text of the speech from the answers to the questions, which should begin with the words “We, peasants...”, “We, soldiers...”, “We, the intelligentsia...”, “We, members of the royal family...” , “We, the workers...” and “We, the nobles...”.

The groups open the envelopes, get acquainted with the materials, answer questions and prepare their presentation.

So, you have become acquainted with excerpts from the works of Russian writers and the memories of contemporaries about the Great Revolution of 1917. On behalf of the part of the population that the group represented, speak out about your attitude towards the revolution.

Speeches by group representatives.

(Against the background of the performances, slides No. 4 - 9 are shown, where 5 scenes from the life of each of the presented groups are automatically broadcast in succession.)

Teacher's word. So, you and I saw that at that time in the Russian Empire the nobles, who lived in luxury in palaces, drank and ate on gold, had fun at balls, hunted and had fun for their own pleasure... and there were poor peasants, artisans, workers who they had to work hard to somehow feed their large families.

Speaker #2 There have always been thinkers in Russia educated people who considered this state of affairs unfair and wanted the people to live better; so that all children can study in schools, and not just the children of nobles and landowners; so that the working day becomes a little shorter - not 14 hours, but 8 or 10; so that all Russian citizens have equal rights.

People who wanted to give the people equal rights were called revolutionaries.

In 1914 the First World War. It lasted a long time. Soldiers died in the trenches, and people's discontent grew. Not only the people were dissatisfied, but also the rich, and the military, and students, and ... almost everyone was dissatisfied with something. And no matter how much the government changed, things didn’t get better. The Tsar abdicated the throne, and the Provisional Government began to rule. The revolutionaries could return to the country, many bans were lifted, but there was no improvement! Bread became more and more expensive, soldiers fled from the front and did not want to die in the war “for the capitalists”, the peasants wanted to own the land - by working on it, they hoped to pay off their debts and not starve anymore.

Speaker #3. The revolutionaries, led by Lenin, were preparing an armed uprising, and on October 25, and according to the new calendar - November 7, they captured the train stations and power plant, telephone, telegraph, bridges and banks of the city of Petrograd. The government in the Winter Palace was arrested.

The Bolsheviks told the tired soldiers: “Soldiers, come home, stop sitting in the trenches, drive out your capitalist masters!” They said: “Peace to the peoples, land to the peasants, factories to the workers!” This was understandable for the people, many of whom were illiterate, lived in poverty, were hungry, and tried meat for the first time in the army. These were clear ordinary people who had no rights, knew nothing about the laws, and saw a different, bright, clean, well-fed life from afar.

For the sake of such a life for themselves and their children, millions of people followed the Bolsheviks - to fight, build, kill those who disagree.

Later the Bolsheviks arrested the Tsar and all royal family, and then they were all taken away and killed - even the children who had done nothing wrong to anyone. A villainous act.

Thus, on November 7, 1917, an armed uprising took place in Petrograd. It ended with the proclamation of Soviet power, which existed in our country for more than seventy years.

(During performances, the teacher changes the signs on the tables with hats of different colors)

Teacher's word. Thanks guys for interesting story about this important event that changed the course of history and decided the fate of not only individual people, but also the entire people as a whole, the entire world history.

3. Reflection

You have already noticed that instead of signs, multi-colored hats appeared on the tables. You and I will have to evaluate the event from different angles. Each “hat” has its own meaning.

(The meaning of hats is displayed on slide No. 10)

  1. “White hat” - students working in this group must objectively list the main historical, new information, and main facts.
  2. “Red Hat” - students must express their feelings and emotions about events in any form they choose.
  3. “Black Hat” - the group highlights the negative consequences of the historical events studied.
  4. “Yellow Hat” – students generalize everything positive.
  5. “Green Hat” - the group must present the results of what they have studied in any original, creative form.
  6. “Blue Hat” – formulates general conclusions, reflective thoughts.

Group performances are no more than 1 minute.

The teacher thanks the groups for their work.

4. Final stage.

The Great Revolution of 1917 was the hope of many people that they would study, they would be protected by the law, they would be fed if they worked. The Soviet government, the Bolshevik government, promised them this, but their hopes were not always justified.

I would like to end our event with the words of the poet Valery Yakovlevich. Bryusova ( the teacher himself reads to the sounds of “Symphony No. 12” by D. Shostakovich):


What is a revolution? - Storm,
Hurricane uprooting
Centennial cedars,
Refreshing bowels
By the mountain air,
A hurricane that revives everything,
A storm that destroys many things!
God. hosts,
What, frowning eyebrows,
Expanses of forests
For new seeds,
For the future crops
Clears the lips of the almighty with the breath!
Revolution is a storm. She
Over the ocean
Flies like a hurricane
Scattering the waters to the bottom,
And grief
To the courts,
Caught at sea!
A huge dreadnought and an insignificant boat
Equally fragile
The graves are open for thousands,
No one there
Doesn't foresee fate: everyone is blind!
Our puny forces
Before the will of the elements!
Revolution is a storm...


The reader comes out:

When the kings crown falls;


Waltz “Amur Waves” (3 pairs)

Dancing couples freeze in goodbye (remain on stage)

The presenters come out.

Presenter 1: The brilliant balls and measured lifestyle of the elite of Russian society were interrupted by the First World War, which turned into an unprecedented catastrophe for our country.

The couples leave.

Presenter 2: At the beginning of the war in 1914, the air was saturated with inspired, patriotic thoughts and a feeling of unity between the authorities and the people. The soldiers went on the attack with the words “For the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland!”

On the slides are photos of the first days of the war.

Reader 1.

The Petrograd sky was clouded with rain,

The train was leaving for the war.

Without end - platoon after platoon and bayonet after bayonet

Filled the car behind the car.

On this train a thousand lives bloomed

The pain of separation, the anxiety of love,

Strength, youth, hope... In the sunset distance

There were smoky clouds in the blood.

Reader 2.

And, sitting down, they sang Varyag alone,

And others are not in tune - Ermak,

And they shouted hurray and they joked,

And the hand quietly crossed itself.

Suddenly a falling leaf flew up in the wind,

Swinging, the lantern began to blink,

And under the black cloud a cheerful bugler

The departure signal began to play.

AND military glory the horn cried,

Filling my heart with anxiety.

Reader 3.

Don't save me, dear,
In a fatal battle,
You keep without leaving,
My homeland.
Give her glory, give her strength -
Here is my prayer.
I'll go to my grave without a murmur
I'll lie down if it's fate.

Watch the video (5:49)

Photos from 1916 - early 1917

Presenter 1: At the beginning of 1917, the situation in the country became explosive. Defeats on the fronts, rising prices, government miscalculations, criticism of the tsar led Russia to the inevitable - the idea of ​​overthrowing the monarchy.


A. Blok

Those born in the year are deaf

They don’t remember their own paths.

We are children of the terrible years of Russia -

I can't forget anything.

Sizzling years!

Is there madness in you, is there hope?

From the days of war, from the days of freedom -

There is a bloody glow in the faces.

There is muteness - then the sound of the alarm

He forced me to stop my mouth.

In hearts that were once delighted,

There is a fatal emptiness.

And let over our deathbed

The crow will screech, -

Those who are more worthy, God, God,

Let them see your kingdom!

First presenter: The spark in the keg of gunpowder was just a three-day shortage of black bread in Petrograd. Only with black - white, a little more expensive, lay freely. There were also objective reasons for this - snow drifts that prevented the delivery of flour. Rumors began to spread; that ration cards would be introduced for bread, and the shortage immediately worsened: they began to buy bread for crackers. All larger number the people who stood behind the “tail” - that is, the queue, who already outraged the Russians of that time - were left empty-handed.

Reader 1.

Revolution is the roar of the streets,
it is the tramp of crowds read aloud.
Only in a revolution can you face bullets,
winnowing them away with my breasts like fluff.

Revolution is souls wide open!
The heart has knocked down all the grievances,
and into empty ribs, no matter how blinding your eyes are,
the sky is filled with lumps of blue.

Revolution is a holiday for the idle,
To those who were out of work - hello:
only in the revolution for the cause of execution,
There are no executions for idleness!

Presenter 1: On February 28, Nicholas II left headquarters for the Tsar’s village; on the night of March 1, he was informed that the railway tracks were occupied by rebel troops.

Presenter 2:“The situation apparently does not allow for any other solution,” the high military command responded to the question about the abdication of Nicholas II. The Emperor was shocked.

First presenter: March 2, night - Nicholas II signed a manifesto on the granting of a responsible ministry, but it was too late. The public demanded abdication.

Second presenter: On March 2, at about 3 p.m., Tsar Nicholas II decided to abdicate the throne in favor of his heir, Tsarevich Alexei, under the regency of the younger brother of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich. During the day, the king decided to renounce his heir as well.

He signed an act of abdication in favor of his brother Mikhail.

The slide shows the distribution of newspapers with news about the abdication of Nicholas II


Wide wide, wide open
Royal Doors!
The blackness faded away, subsided.
Pure heat
The altar is burning.
- Christ is Risen,
Yesterday's king!

Fell without glory
Double headed eagle.
- Tsar! - You were wrong.
Will be remembered by posterity
More than once again -
Byzantine treachery
Your clear eyes.

Your judges -
Thunderstorm and storm!
Tsar! Not people -
God has sought you.

Presenter 1st: On March 3, Mikhail abdicated the throne and declared that the fate of the country should be decided by the Constituent Assembly.

Presenter 2: The monarchy has fallen. Nicholas II and his family were initially under arrest in Tsarskoye Selo, and in August 1917 they were sent into exile in Tobolsk. A dual power was established in the country: the Provisional Government headed by Prince Lvov and the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.


A mighty power, a boundless ocean!
Glory to the freedom fighters who dispelled the fog!
Long live Russia, a free country!
The free element is destined to be great!
Forests, fields, and fields, and steppes, and seas,
We are free and happy, the dawn is burning for us all!
Long live Russia, a free country!
The free element is destined to be great!


Extracurricular activity dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the February Revolution

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear colleagues, students, guests! We are pleased to welcome you to our event dedicated to memorable date V Russian history– 100th anniversary of the February Revolution. The year 1917 was a turning point in the fate of Russia. The people, driven to despair, took up arms and put an end to the autocracy. Within the framework of human life, this event occurred a long time ago, but within the historical framework, it happened recently. I invite everyone present to try to comprehend the picture of those days, to understand the causes and consequences of what was happening

The reader comes out:Poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Prediction” (excerpt)

The year will come, Russia's black year,
When the kings crown falls;
The mob will forget their former love for them,
And the food of many will be death and blood...


In his Address to Parliament, the President noted that the coming 2017 is the year of the centenary of the February and October revolutions. “This is a significant reason to once again turn to the causes and the very nature of revolutions in Russia. Not only for historians and scientists. Russian society needs an objective, honest, in-depth analysis of these events. This is ours general history, and must be treated with respect.

The outstanding Russian and Soviet philosopher Alexei Fedorovich Losev also wrote about this. “We know the whole thorny path of our country,” he wrote. We know the painful years of struggle, lack, suffering. But for the son of his homeland, all this is his inalienable, dear.”

“I am sure that the absolute majority of our citizens have exactly this feeling of the Motherland. And we need the lessons of history, first of all, for reconciliation, for strengthening the social, political, civil harmony that we managed to achieve today,” Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin emphasized.

The February Revolution began the great turmoil in Russia, during which not only the Romanov dynasty fell and the Empire ceased to be a monarchy, but also the entire bourgeois-capitalist system, as a result of which the elite in Russia was completely replaced.

Summary of extracurricular activities - games -

When holding an event, it is necessary to let students familiarize themselves with the topic at home in advance, prepare presentations of 5-6 slides and view the personalities of this time, the 1917 revolution.

Purpose of the game: generalization and consolidation in a game form of students’ knowledge about the historical period of the XX century - revolution 1917, development of individual cognitive abilities and students' inclinations in the field of history. Instilling in adolescents a sense of patriotism, pride in the country’s heroic past, and improving the general culture of communication.

3. Involve low-performing students in creative activity, educate

they have faith in their own strength.

Planned results:

The game is played between class teams or class teams (you can invite 8-9 students from each class, the rest are spectators and support for their teams).


1. Textbook NV. Zagladin, S.I. Kozlenko, S.T. Minakov, Yu.A. Petrov History of Russia XX - XXI centuries 11th grade, M., Russian word, 2009.

2. Presentation "Why the October events of 1917 happened."

3. Handouts.

4. Documentary. "October 1917", audio recording "Lenin's speech "What is Soviet power".

5. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

Rules of game work:

1. Know how to listen to others.

2. Don't make noise.

3. Express your opinion clearly.

During the classes

Hello guys!

Stage 1: 5 min.

Organizing time.

Our game lesson invited a jury of 9th grade students - 5 students. They will evaluate the groups' work by points and sum up our game. A certain time is allotted to complete the task.

Stage 2: 5 min.

Teacher: 1917 is the time important events in the history of our state. A time about which historians constantly argue and debate. What happened in October 1917? Let's try and figure out these events. Today we will have not just a lesson, but a lesson - a game, since our country is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, you and I will be studying this topic in 9th grade, so the class teams were given the task of independently reading information about the period of the revolution in Russia 1917, and prepare a presentation “The Revolution of 1917”.

The epigraph of the game lesson is the words of V. Ponamarev. A 7th grade student tells the story.

White, red, red, white,

What have you brothers done to Russia?

You have bled your country dry,

Blood was poured over the earthen soil generously.

For land, freedom, a bright kingdom,

You have decided to fight to the death.

In a mortal fight they chopped each other,

Truth to truth, honor to merit.

It’s as if everyone has gone blind this time,

Brother went against brother, father went against son.

Hatred seems to have entered the hearts,

We went to the breach, we went to the end.

There is no worse punishment from God,

Fratricide, the road to the abyss.

Someone painted us these colors,

After all, there is only one truth in the world.

Remember people Great Russia,

What price have we paid for life?

No need to make mistakes again

Russia is our only motherland.

Now each team presents a presentation (5 slides) about the period of the revolution.

For a correct presentation of events, teams receive 3 points and 5 minutes to defend the presentation.

To feel the mood of the population, you need to immerse yourself in the situation of that time, so on the tables there are tasks to present the opinions of each segment of the population; after 8 - 10 minutes, you need to present a conclusion for each group of the population (summarize the pressing problems of each segment of the population.). For the work 3 points and completion time 10 minutes.

Group Landowners and the Bourgeoisie

1. Factory owner: before the war, I had factories and factories in several cities; they produced textiles, clothes, all kinds of dishes, so who will buy all this now? People don’t have money, but all my warehouses are full of goods. It is no good to work at a loss. We will have to close until better times and fire people.

2 Factory owner: You need to know what products to produce. Now the state has a demand for military products. My guns and rifles are selling like hot cakes, some are in war, some have never earned that much for their mother. And if we win, can you imagine how many new sales markets and sources of raw materials will be added, we will become rich.

2 Landowner. In the city you can wait until victory, but in our fields there is no one to work, women, children, and old people come to work as farm laborers and all are horseless. How many times they attack, the men were taken to the front, and returned crippled. Hungry peasants with little land are embittered, often rebel, and threaten to take away their land without permission. No matter where this government looks, it cannot restore order, only promises.


1. They call us evil here!!! - How can we not be angry? There was a piece of land, and a nursing horse, they collected at least some kind of crop, and they worked as laborers for the landowner, even if it was pennies, but they earned money. And now... The men - to the front, the horses - to the front, prepare the fodder, they will take it away, they will torture them with food appropriation.

2. Who should plow now? Women with children? And harness old people instead of horses? How many men returned crippled from the war? How should they live? Why did they shed blood there? Did you get rich because of this war? Who needs it?

3. What kind of government do we have that is ready to starve its own people to death?

4. What is this power to us? He doesn’t give land, he wages war. Down with such power!!!


1. The men who were our breadwinners were taken to the front, what should we feed our children now? I sent my eldest to work, and he is 12 years old, he needs to unload carts, but he will have to carry heavy things, eat, and need something. I earn money doing laundry myself; there are so many soldiers and sailors in the city. Previously, I worked at a weaving factory, and my husband worked at the Putilov plant; I had enough to live on. And now everything is closed, I can’t find work, and I don’t know if my husband is alive, where he’s fighting and for what...

2. And mine - he returned crippled from the front, without a leg... What kind of a worker is he now... They didn’t take a man from the neighbor to the war, and he works, and has some money, although there is some money, and with her yesterday from dawn to dusk in line for They stood there with bread, they didn’t buy anything, they didn’t bring any bread. And what should I bring it with? All railways the trains are packed.

3. And when will this war end! How many people die at the front? How many mutilated people, how many hungry orphans are being robbed around the city!!! Where is this government looking?!

4. The authorities only make promises, but that’s no use. They gave everyone freedom, they opened prisons, it’s scary to go out into the street. Either thieves or looters. There are rallies and showdowns everywhere, in words everyone knows how to live, but what have they given people? Poverty, hunger, unemployment and war that has no end...

Group of peoples of Russia

1. Russia is our homeland and we have no other. So how long will we be guests at home?

Why can’t we develop our language and our national culture as freely as the Great Russians?

2. Why are we not allowed to create our own national local governments and hold public office? We want our children not to forget their native language and to be able to study it in schools.

3. Together with our Russian brothers, we are fighting at the front against a common enemy, and we love our country, and therefore we want true equality and justice.

4. And this government only promises: Wait for the Constituent Assembly after victory in the war. Down with this government and down with the war!!!

TEACHER: So, we have found out the reasons for the impending new revolution. Thanks to the work of teams, the next stage is personalities.

Each team receives a photo portrait and a description; you need to name the name of this person, a participant in 1917. Time 5-6 minutes and 1 point for the correct answer.

1 team - the last Russian emperor from the Romanov dynasty in 1894–1917. Son Alexandra III and Empress Maria Feodorovna. Since 1894 he has been married to Princess Alice of Hesse (Alexandra Feodorovna). He had daughters Olga, Tatyana, Maria, Anastasia and a son Alexei. Received home education. Among the teachers, K.P. stood out for his influence on Nicholas and the entire royal family. Pobedonostsev, who preached preserving the foundations of the autocratic system at any cost. At the beginning of his reign, Nicholas II supported the reform initiatives of S.Yu. Witte. Under the conditions of the revolution of 1905–1907. was forced to agree to sign the Manifesto on October 17, 1905, in which he “granted” the people bourgeois-democratic freedoms and a legislative Duma. Reforms P.A. He supported Stolypin as an inevitable price for getting out of the revolutionary crisis, and then began to hinder the activities of the reformer minister. (Nikolai 2).

2nd team - Lieutenant General, Baron, graduated from the Mining Institute and the General Staff Academy. Participant in the Russian-Japanese and First World Wars. Since 1919 - commander of the Caucasian Volunteer Army. In 1920 - successor to A.I. Denikin as commander of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia. He carried out the so-called left-wing policy with his right hands in Crimea and southern Ukraine: distributing land to peasants on the basis of property rights, introducing free trade, removing national restrictions. After the defeat in Crimea, he emigrated with the remnants of the troops and created the “Russian All-Military Union” (EMRO) in Paris in 1924. (Wrangel Petr Nikolaevich)

Team 3 -

professional military man, admiral (1918). From the family of a naval officer. Graduated from the Marine Corps. Participant in the Russian-Japanese and First World Wars, in 1916–1917. commanded Black Sea Fleet. After the February Revolution until October 1918 he was in Great Britain and the USA. In November 1918 he returned to Russia. Having overthrown the Socialist Revolutionary government in Omsk, he accepted the title of Supreme Ruler of the Russian State and the title of Supreme Commander-in-Chief. After the failure of his offensive in March 1919, he tried to gather forces for a new campaign, but due to the cessation of material assistance from the United States and the Entente countries, his project failed. In January 1920, Kolchak was arrested by the Czechs near Irkutsk and handed over to the Socialist Revolutionaries, who, in turn, handed him over to the Bolsheviks. Shot in February 1920

(Kolchak Alexander Vasilievich)

Team 4 Lawyer. He gained fame for his speeches at trials in defense of revolutionaries. Leader of the Trudovik faction in the IV State Duma. In 1917, he held the following positions in the Provisional Government: March - May - Minister of Justice; May – September – Minister of War and Navy; from July 8 – Minister-Chairman of the Government; from August 30 – supreme commander. After the coup in October 1917, he tried, together with General P.N. Krasnov to organize resistance to the Bolsheviks. Died in exile. (Kerensky Alexander Fedorovich)

The last stage is devoted to summing up the topic. We must understand how the events of the 1917 revolution ended. Work with text, correct historical errors. The work lasts 10 minutes and is worth 4 points.

Russian empire fell, but its place was taken by the Soviet Empire, which for several decades became one of the two countries (together with the USA) that led the world community

The Tsar was replaced by Stalin, who acquired significantly greater powers than any Russian emperor.

The ideology of Catholicism was replaced by communist (Orthodoxy)

Russia (more precisely Soviet Union) within a few years transformed from an agricultural to a powerful industrial power

Literacy has become universal

The Soviet Union achieved the withdrawal of education and medical care from the system of commodity-money relations

There was no unemployment in Germany (USSR)

In recent decades, the leadership of the USSR has achieved almost complete equality of the population in income and opportunities.

In the Soviet Union there was no division of people into castes (rich and poor)

In the numerous wars that Russia waged during the years of Soviet power, as a result of terror, from various economic experiments, tens of millions of people died, the fates of probably the same number of people were broken, distorted, millions left the country, becoming emigrants

In Russia (USSR), in practice, democratic enslavement - speech, conscience, demonstrations, rallies, the press (although they were declared in the Constitution) (freedom) - were completely absent.

Summing up - 10 min.


1. We got acquainted with the topic “October events of 1917”

Yes, in October 1917 there was a revolution, as a result of which the Bolshevik Party came to power, but in Civil War All participants in those events are guilty.

You will learn more about the topic of the October Revolution in 9th grade.

Summing up the results of the event and awarding certificates to the teams.

Self-analysis of extracurricular activities - games:

“History Day (100th anniversary of the revolution) among 7th grade students”

The lesson-event was held as part of the annual Science Day at the school on the theme: “Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the revolution”, History Day - Friday 03/23/2017.

The lesson was held among teams - 10 people from 7 classes A. B, C, the rest of the students in these classes were spectators. The event took place on March 24, 2017.

The purpose of the event is the game: generalization and consolidation in a game form of students’ knowledge about the historical period of the 20th century - the revolution of 1917, development of individual cognitive abilities and inclinations of students in the field of history. Instilling in adolescents a sense of patriotism, pride in the country’s heroic past, and improving the general culture of communication.

Objectives: 1. Teach how to work independently with historical sources,

additional literature, select material on the topic.

2. Develop the ability to work in a team, express and defend your point

vision, quickly and concisely answer the question posed.

4. Involve low-performing students in creative activities, instill in them confidence in their abilities.

Planned results:

Subject: mastering holistic ideas about the historical path of mankind as a necessary basis for world understanding and knowledge modern society; the ability to apply the conceptual apparatus of historical knowledge and methods of historical analysis to reveal the essence and meaning of events and phenomena of the past

Meta-subject: the ability to mobilize one’s strength to solve cognitive problems,

Cognitive: possession of the ability to work with educational information

Communicative: readiness to cooperate with fellow students, to work together, mastering the basics of intercultural interaction at school and in the social environment

Personal: understanding the social and moral experience of previous generations; understanding the cultural diversity of the world

Lesson type: combined lesson

The structure of the lesson included the following elements:

1. Organizational moment (5 min).

2. Explanation of new material (5 min)

3. Teamwork (20 min).

4. Summing up the lesson (10 min)

Lesson organization:

The students were organizationally ready for the lesson. We independently prepared the topic and presented it in the presentation.

A lesson plan was prepared reflecting the interaction

activities of the teacher and activities of students in accordance with

assigned tasks.

To maintain the attention and mental activity of students during

used in presenting new material vivid examples(presentations), facts, students joined in their discussion, and were encouraged to support theoretical positions with their own examples. Tasks for independent work made it possible to carry out primary control over the assimilation of new material. The tasks used for this purpose were of a design nature, which contributed to more deep analysis students covered the material.

The event provided an opportunity to learn and strengthen teamwork skills

Provided an opportunity to apply knowledge in history lessons in the future

Get to know a new period of history

Stronger students solved tasks directly in teams, weaker ones could help supplement the teams to bring to the teams extra points.

Teaching methods allowed students to develop independent search for information

The teacher supervised the work of students, helped from the team if it was difficult with the forms of work

Selection educational material:

Methods and techniques of the teacher’s work in the classroom:

The selection of teaching methods was made in accordance with the goals, objectives, content of the event and taking into account the lack of textbooks for students. The main methods were team work on previously prepared material. The reproductive activity of students was complemented by creativity through the formulation of problematic questions when presenting new material and the use of design tasks in independent work.

Overall rating of the lesson:

The structure and content of the event contributed to the interconnected solution of the main objectives of the lesson. The atmosphere of the lesson can be called psychologically comfortable for students. Dialogue forms of communication were established with the class, in which students freely expressed their point of view. The lesson was completed correctly. The results have been summed up. We accomplished our goals and objectives.

Suggestions for increasing the effectiveness of the lesson:

1. Teach students to work well in groups.

2. Ability to use handouts
