Viktor Romanenko is the general energy-informational field of the earth. Connection to the energy-information field. How to distinguish your imagination from cosmic and subconscious information

Today we will begin to study the most important part in the CTS course. It provides the basis for further progress in the teaching of the Art of Magic. This is both theory and scientific base, and fundamental practice.
We will study according to the manuals written by Dmitry Verishchagin for the DEIR course (further energy-information development), which were used by employees of the USSR law enforcement agencies. Now this information is available to everyone.
Let's get started:

Each of you has probably wondered more than once: why do I get sick all the time when others seem so healthy? Why does luck not come to me, while others succeed easily and quickly? And how do you get out of your many problems and troubles? Why is it that a person seems to be kept from complete contentment and perfect health?

Perhaps you have already experienced all possible and impossible means to achieve well-being? Did you take very expensive medicines, made appointments with the best doctors to get cured? Tried - repeatedly and unsuccessfully - to get a job high paying job to finally improve your financial situation? What did they do to improve relations in the family? And it makes no sense, right?

Do not despair and do not think that you are the only one. This is how most people feel, although not everyone admits it.

All these troubles occur only because most people do not know the most important thing: the path to health, happiness, well-being is open to everyone, but they usually do not see it. One has only to take this path - as diseases, troubles, problems recede, and life begins to shine only with iridescent colors.

Don't believe? I invite you, dear reader, to see for yourself that this is so. The DEIR system is specially designed to help you with this.

First of all, it is necessary to understand why it is so difficult for an ordinary person today. Yes, because all the efforts of modern society (however, it has been from time immemorial) are focused only on achieving economic goals. But on the person himself, on the process of his personal internal development society pays no attention.

A person living in this society can be likened to a prisoner who is looking for a path to freedom, to the true meaning of life, to health, but only stumbles upon the walls of his prison. This prison is like a house with many rooms, which creates some illusion of freedom - after all, the prisoner can open one door after another, move from room to room. But he does not know that no matter how much you open these doors, you can die without seeing the light, without getting a breath of fresh air.

Judge for yourself! Here a man has reached an unprecedented level of technological progress, believing that in this way he will break through to happiness and general well-being. It was not there: technological progress turned out to be just a door to another dark room. Man conquered nature, escaped into space, flew to the moon ... So what? What has changed for him on Earth? Are there more problems in his life? Did he become happy, healthy? Yes, nothing of the sort. The problems are the same as a hundred years ago, and even new ones have been added in the form of AIDS and other incurable diseases, in the form of a decline in the birth rate and the birth of an increasing number of sick children, in the form of environmental disasters, mass stresses, wars, coups, acts of terrorism and violence, an increase in mortality from heart attacks and strokes ...

This is a dead end, and here's why. The world in which we live - the material world - is only a temporary stage that everyone must go through, but from which it is impossible to expect real complete happiness and in which it is impossible to find the true meaning of life. A person who wants to find all this in the material world is very similar to a moth that beats, beats against glass, only breaks its wings, and does not see that a window is open nearby.

Yes, yes, in our prison there is this open window, which, if you do not look for it, the long-suffering prisoner does not see - a person busy opening more and more new doors and not understanding that behind them there is only darkness and emptiness. But it is not for nothing that the Bible says: “He who has ears, let him hear; he who has eyes, let him see.” Through this window the way to freedom is opened. Through this window you will know the true essence of the world. You will understand that the world that surrounds us is not at all what we are used to seeing with the naked eye. You will be convinced that this world is permeated through with energy, that the essence of the world is energy-informational, that your true essence also does not belong to the dense, material world in which our physical body lives. That our goals are easily achievable, you just need to know how.

Rice. 1. Our world with you - it is evenly filled with a living energy-information field.

Rice. 2. Man in the field of the Universe is like a particle of water in a boundless ocean.

What is usually called consciousness (and we must not forget that after all our consciousness is what we are - personality, memory, thoughts) does not belong to our world, it is not a material object and has never been discovered by anyone during autopsy. Consciousness refers to the energy-informational world. The fundamental principle of all life is a single energy-information field of the Universe. The consciousness of each person is only a part of this unified energy-informational field. And the cause of all our illnesses, sufferings, problems is not at all in the physical body, as many mistakenly think. This reason lies in our energy component, or rather, in the wrong circulation of energy - the energy that is the true essence of man.

If you are sick and no doctors can help you, this means only one thing: your energy-informational essence urgently requires attention. It requires you to finally normalize the movement of your energy, clear it, free yourself from pathological short circuits.

Society today generally officially denies the energy-informational essence of the world (however, this does not prevent numerous groups secret by the government from dealing with this issue in almost every country). That's why it can't show you true ways to freedom, to health, to finding the true meaning of life.

When you can understand, accept and feel your true essence, life will be completely different. You will learn to manage your energy, bring it back to normal on your own, get rid of pathological energy connections that lead to illnesses. You are realizing the gigantic possibilities inherent in you by nature, which now you are using only a few percent. You will gain strength and easily get the keys to everything that you are now striving for with incredible efforts and at the same time absolutely to no avail: health, luck, good luck. And even to the fact that so far you probably seem like a fantasy: to the ability to foresee events and control fate. When you achieve all this, it will mean only one thing: you have entered a new stage of evolution, higher than the one you were on before.

The whole world is energy. His phenomena are energy information processes.

Consciousness affects matter

What is this energy that underlies everything - health and illness, good luck and bad luck, well-being and disorder? What is this energy that you have not yet learned to feel with your senses? Here Electric Energy, for example, is another matter: how palpable it is. But, mind you, we don’t feel radiation or radio waves either. Nevertheless, each of us is one hundred percent sure that they really exist. It is the same with the energy-informational field: if you have not yet learned to feel it, this does not mean at all that it does not exist.

It is the energy-information field that governs all biological processes. It is it that ultimately is the bearer of the consciousness and soul of man. The energy-informational field organizes and directs the life and existence of matter, since, as we have already said, it is the fundamental principle of life.

The so-called principles of the evolutionary self-organization of matter, which we were taught by materialistic science, are not true. Matter - from a living cell to celestial bodies - would never have taken the form it has, if there were no organizing principle: an energy-informational field. It is what unites the whole world in single system. Without him, the world would be in chaos.

Recall the theory of probability. After all, the purely statistical probability of such a combination of molecules and atoms, which will eventually give life, is very small, practically equal to zero. It is practically impossible for such a chemical composition air and water, in which living organisms can survive, such a concentration of ultraviolet radiation that will heat, but not burn, such a climate in which a variety of living creatures will be comfortable, etc. Too much<случайных>coincidences, right?

All this<устроило>energy information field. It was it that brought order out of chaos. It gave rise to life on Earth, and hence us. Human consciousness, his soul - the essence of the energy-informational structure.

The nature of the energy-informational field is not known to anyone. But it is and is one of the fundamental and unshakable elements of the Universe.

But the most interesting thing is that with the help of the same energy-informational field, human consciousness can influence the world! Each of us can be the creator of our own universe, create the world around us that we need. Consciousness is an energy structure and is able to influence the surrounding world. But people have not yet realized their power - and therefore they vegetate in the nauseatingly familiar, thoroughly studied physical world, instead of opening the door to the real world - mysterious and boundless, to a world where limitless possibilities await them.

Rice. 3. The human field influences the field of the Universe. It is very similar to a stone thrown into a pond.

Maybe you think that the influence of our energy with you is too weak and insignificant for us to claim the role of a creator and believe that we can influence the world around us? But scientists have long been convinced of the possibilities of bioenergy. Take, for example, the experiments conducted with psychics Kulagina and Davitashvili. And what about Uri Geller, who has been bending spoons and forks without contact for many years now, and now he is also teaching children the same? Numerous open experiments have been carried out here in Russia since about the 1940s. There is even a device for determining a person's extrasensory abilities - it consists of an arrow suspended in a vacuum on a thin quartz thread. Under the influence of a psychic-power engineer, the arrow begins to twist.

Science has also explored such a rather rare phenomenon as telekinesis - the ability of individuals to move objects, as they say, by an effort of will. A powerful psychic can concentrate, look intently, for example, at a matchbox - and the box begins to jump on the table, and then falls to the floor.

Similar experiments were carried out more than once in laboratories, the results were recorded on photographic and videotape: yes, indeed, it is possible to influence the material world with consciousness. In our laboratory, 10-15 people with psychic abilities worked at the same time. Peter Keldorovsky, for example, could hold and move in the air a weight of up to 1 gram (1 kopeck coin) with a glance for 10-15 minutes. We also joked that, carrying diamonds with his eyes, he would become a millionaire in a day. In project<Дружба>involved, according to my calculations, about 500-600 people with a powerful psychic gift.

So what kind of force should this impact be in order to make a quite tangible material object with weight and volume move, to make its constituent molecules move in one direction at once? Moreover, there was no energy in the usual sense of the word, that is, a direct action of force on a moved object! Just a part of the molecules, which in their normal state are in constant random movement, under the influence of a psychic<почему-то>made their next thermal movement not randomly, but in the direction it needed. No law of conservation of energy was violated in this case.

Just imagine what power the energy-information field has released! After all, the molecules of any object at room temperature move at a speed of over hundreds of meters per second. And if they all fly at the will of a psychic in one direction? An object consisting of these molecules will instantly acquire the speed of an artillery projectile.

Science has long since learned not only to fix the strength of the impact of the energy-information field, but also to get its visible image. Most often, a person's field is fixed with the help of a photograph. This method is called the Kirlian effect, named after the Russian researcher who first obtained a photographic image of what is called the aura, or the energy shell of the human body. This method is based on the ability of any living object to glow when placed in an electromagnetic field. We have long learned not only to photograph the aura in this way, but also to diagnose the state of human health by its shape, size and color. Below is a snapshot of the aura of the index finger.

So, scientific evidence of the existence of the energy-information field has been obtained. Today, not only psychics, sorcerers and magicians work with him, but also scientists from most countries of the world. To make this work accessible to everyone, it is necessary to solve the question of how a person's interaction with the energy-information field should be built, how to make this interaction conscious.

The body is a car, the energy-informational entity is a driver

Why haven't you yourself felt the impact of the energy-information field yet? Only because your feelings are still in an inactive state, having been brought into such a state by all previous training. But this is a fixable matter: everyone can make sure from their own experience that the energy-information field exists. So far, the field is always somewhere outside of your perception, because about the same thing happens to you as with kittens, on which one fairly well-known experiment was performed.

Two kittens almost immediately after birth (when they had just acquired the ability to see), the experimenters fixed their heads motionlessly. And in this state they were kept for several months. The head of the first kitten was fixed in such a way that there were only vertical lines in front of its eyes, and if objects came across, they were also located strictly vertically. Before the eyes of the second kitten were only horizontal lines and horizontally oriented objects.

When the kittens were finally released and given the opportunity to move as they wanted, a surprising thing emerged. It turns out that the kittens absolutely did not perceive objects located in directions unfamiliar to them. So, the first kitten kept knocking on the crossbars of the stools and could not cross the threshold - he stumbled over it and fell. He simply did not see the threshold, because he had not learned to perceive horizontal lines! And the second kitten constantly bumped into the legs of chairs and tables and stuffed himself with bumps.

In the same way, we are forced to re-learn to perceive the energy-informational field, because our entire physical, material world is culture and the society that adults accustom us to from birth prefers not to see this field, not to know anything about its existence, to close it eyes. And here we are knocking on millions invisible to us<углов>, and make sickness, and suffer from a lack of freedom, space, light in our lives. But the main thing is that we not only live, but also die in prison. Whereas in freedom - for those who could achieve it - death does not threaten us at all! He who has learned to feel his soul and is consciously one with it will retain control over it forever.

Rice. 4. The square is a template for the perception of the material world; the circle is an energy-informational entity. The circle simply does not fit into the square pattern.

You will soon see for yourself that it is these powerful energy-information interactions that control the matter from which our own body is woven. It is they<заведуют>the work of all organs, tissues, systems of your body.

Your body is a car, and energy-informational entity, consciousness, soul is a driver. Who is driving the car? Of course, the driver. The car does not drive by itself! Did you think that your body exists by itself, manages itself? No matter how! Who fixes the car, troubleshoots? Also a driver. And even if the car completely fails, for example, from old age, and it has to be sent to a landfill, the driver will not be taken to the landfill after him. At the very least, he can walk.

But if the car<возомнит>that he is the most important here, he is his own master and driver - then expect trouble. Having snatched the steering wheel from the real driver and started to travel as he has to, he will ruin both himself and the driver.

So we must realize: the body is only<автомобиль>, only a means of transportation, only a servant of the real owner and driver, which is our energy-informational essence. In no case should the body-servant be given the steering wheel, it should not be allowed to play the role of a master.

Do you still not believe that this is true? Do you continue to believe that the controlling center of a person is not an energy-informational entity, but something else - the brain, for example? But many cases are known when, even with the most massive brain damage, a person remained in his right mind, sober memory and completely retained consciousness. You don't have to go far for examples. We all learned at one time from the works of Lenin. Some of these works were written by him when the leader of the proletariat actually had one hemisphere of the brain inactive!

There are such examples today. Newspapers wrote a lot about one fairly well-known and very talented person, a resident of Yekaterinburg, who, as a result of a street fight with hooligans, received virtually fatal defeats: he was beaten on the head with a heavy cast-iron pipe with the clear intention of killing him. He survived several clinical deaths, spent many months unconscious, but survived - and retained all his abilities and talents, his intellect did not suffer at all, an excellent memory was preserved. He still leads an active lifestyle, is fond of sports, is engaged in a stormy social activities, travels a lot around the country. And few people realize that most of his skull could not be restored and had to be made of: plastic. And under this plastic skull, only the remains of what was once called the brain. Yes, great power will, thirst for life helped him a lot. But where, so to speak, was this will and thirst for life territorially located when the brain was inactive? The answer is simple: in energy-informational spheres.

One of the patients we observed near Novosibirsk was a six-year-old girl who spent more than a month in a hospital bed in a state of cerebral coma, when the activity of all vital body systems was supported only with the help of special equipment. Doctors prepared the parents for the worst, because they were convinced that the girl would most likely not survive, and if she did, she would be clearly inferior. From the point of view of our medicine, such a long stay in a coma cannot pass without a trace for the brain, and as a result, disturbances in mental development will certainly begin.

Now this is a completely normal child, not at all lagging behind in development from his peers. Doctors do not find any deviations and violations in her and believe that a miracle happened, because they cannot give explanations for this phenomenon. But we already know this explanation: consciousness<живет>not in the brain. It does not belong to the material world. It belongs to the energy-informational world. To the very world, the existence of which does not want to recognize any economically oriented society. And therein lies his great and fatal mistake.

Rice. 5

After all, the personal path of human evolution lies not in the sphere of economic relations. This path lies not in society and in general not in the physical world. The path of evolution intended for man lies in the subtle world, in the energy-informational world. A person suffers precisely because he is trying to pave the way for his evolution in society, in society, in the physical world, not realizing that this is a false path. After all, nature itself is intended to develop, grow, evolve the energy-informational essence of a person, and not his body, not his shell, called<человек социальный>. The human body and brain are so perfect that homo sapiens no longer have enemies in the biological world. The external environment has also ceased to be a problem. The body, therefore, has already exhausted its possibilities for further development - there are simply no barriers left to overcome! As a survival device, the body has outgrown itself, and humanity, in an attempt to lead<жизнь тел>, has been stuck for a long time. Now the main enemies of man are his relatives and the products of his own activity: ecology, taxes, overpopulation.

There can be no human evolution in society - it is necessary to understand and assimilate this, and the sooner the better.

By nature itself, a person is destined to develop the ability to communicate with the energy-informational world. For those who want to survive in the 21st century, this is a must.

(To be continued).

Energy information field

universe and our world



Chapter 1. How hypotheses are born

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4. Features of human perception of Our world

Chapter 5 Holographic picture of perception of Our world

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

10.1. Information completeness of the broadcast program

10.2. Goals and objectives of our world

10.3 Laws of the Universe - the laws of Our world

10.4. The development of human intuition and intelligence is a catalyst for fulfillment


10.5. Transfer of information - the way of conscious execution of the program



1. Main physical characteristics of the five sensory systems

human perception

2. “Is there an objective reality or is the Universe a hologram?”

(article from internet)

3. Energy channels (meridians), human chakra system

4. Information about the theory of cycles with comments (from the introduction to the book

"Holy Science"

5. Abstracts of the study of the possibilities of conscious human development

from the book "The Fourth Way"

6. Analysis of the unique ARI message about the creation of the Universe from the point

of the theory of the energy-information field

7. A number of G. Gurdjieff's rules for raising the level of human consciousness


AT adulthood I had a desire to learn. Later I learned that this was a natural stage in human development. The instinct of self-preservation requires answers to the fundamental questions of being that have not been received before. These answers can be obtained through self-knowledge and self-awareness.

In the process of studying scientific and esoteric literature, I gradually created for myself my own model of the Universe, discovering the structure, laws and forces operating in Our world. Given the lack of boundaries of knowledge, I am constantly correcting my own model of the Universe. New questions appear that could not have arisen at the first stages of self-knowledge. These questions give rise to a new, even greater desire to study the Universe and oneself in it. Psychologically, the first successful (from my subjective point of view) answers to the questions of being and my own hypotheses seemed to be a discovery not only for myself, but for all mankind. Numerous new confirmations of the hypotheses led to the conclusion that all my discoveries were known to many generations of people for a long time. The difference was in the symbols (languages, systems) of their presentation and the peculiarities of the perception of the same thing at different stages of human development. Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that the main thing is not the presentation of one's own views on the issues of being, but the transfer of experience (tools) for studying the world. A systematic presentation of one's own views is a catalyst for further self-knowledge.


Scientific and technological progress in modern society more and more accelerates the pace of everyday life and leaves no time for a person to create his own worldview. Throughout an active lifestyle, a person receives education

and education, is active in labor activities, using the experience of various cultural strata of society. The abundance, diversity and accessibility of scientific, esoteric and religious information, its inconsistency bring down the stability of a person's perception of the world around him and his own behavior. In the absence of a stable worldview, a person's mind can make decisions from mutually exclusive principles in a fairly short time. This leads to short-term or long-term chaos of perception and behavior. Consequences - possible violations of the stability of the human psyche, and as a result, failures of natural instincts with all the ensuing consequences.

To achieve a stable worldview, at a minimum, it is necessary:

Self-observation and introspection.

The process of man's knowledge of himself and the world around him is endless. This is due to many factors:

The most complex physiological structure of the human body and the presence

hidden energy structures;

The most complex system of human perception of the surrounding world, its laws

and himself;

Mutual influences of society and man;

The complex structure of matter of all kinds, their wave nature;

The limitation of man's knowledge of his own nature, finite

goals and objectives of existence.

These factors are sufficient, although the list could be continued. Undoubtedly,

that the possibilities of a person's knowledge of himself and the world around him depend on his life experience and the level of knowledge acquired earlier. Since our experience and knowledge

constantly changing, then the perception of the world around us and oneself in it changes. In that

plan, the process of human cognition develops in spirals and is not limited. The dogmatism of the perception of the surrounding world and one's own behavior at any age leads to

"intellectual death" of man.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the hypothesis of energy-informational

fields of the universe. In the process of analysis, it was necessary to study various literature, and, as a result of obtaining additional information, constantly correct what was previously written. The reason is the constant change in my perception. Ultimately, I realized that this process is endless. That is why this study has

the second name is "The Eternal Book of Knowledge".

I hope that the presented material will become for the reader a catalyst for the growth of interest in self-knowledge. Let every man write his own book

knowledge. And then in our life there will be less chaos, stress and depression.


Throughout life, a person receives a large amount of information, the awareness of which can lead to the birth of the most incredible scientific hypotheses about the structure of the world. This information comes to a person not only through other people and literature, but also through personal experience. The brake on understanding this information is not human nature itself, but generally accepted concepts about the priorities of everyday life and the so-called human values. Existing systems of upbringing and education, mass media from infancy to old age introduce scientific and religious norms into human consciousness as proven standards and, ultimately, instructions for existence. That is why most of humanity is limited in scientific thinking.

Every person during his life is faced with the so-called amazing or unexplained phenomena. Many examples of this kind are familiar to everyone. historical sources and personal experience. Names like Nostradamus, Messing,

Dixon, Vanga and many others are known to the whole world, and their predictions have gone down in history.

humanity. In most cases, generally accepted standards of thinking not only do not allow a person to comprehend these phenomena, but also correctly store them in memory for further use.

The impetus for comprehending non-standard information is the questions: “Who am I?”, “Where am I from?”, “By what laws is our world created and exists?” etc. These questions allowed me first to clearly fix specific facts from personal experience, and subsequently to formulate a hypothesis of the energy-information field.

Based on the facts of predicting the future and information about the past, the assumption arose that all information about the past, present and future existed always, everywhere and for everyone.


A person who at least once in his life used the functions of perception and logic, that is, traced the causal relationship of certain events, has no doubts about the existence of information structures. Everything we think about, plan to do and do has information properties. A person initially consciously or unconsciously has information about all the laws of the existence of our world, even if they have not yet been discovered by scientists. Undoubtedly, even without being able to formulate the laws and forces that act on us in everyday life, we unconsciously feel them at various levels of perception.

All the laws of the Universe existed, exist and will exist regardless of whether the majority of humanity has an idea about them or not. All these laws are included in the development program of Our world.

In order to logically perceive the hypothesis of the existence of information about the past, present and future outside of time, it is necessary to realize (understand) what time is.

Time is a conditional concept introduced by mankind. It is necessary in order to come to work “on time”, return home, take medicine, etc. A person needs this to coordinate (synchronize) actions with other people and the surrounding nature. In fact, we do not perceive time, but cycles:

Diurnal - the rotation of the Earth around its axis;

Lunar (monthly) - the rotation of the Moon around the Earth;

Annual - the rotation of the Earth around the Sun.

In addition, there are many micro and macro cycles of the material world,

for example:

Movement of the solar system in the galaxy of the Milky Way and galaxies in the Universe;

Natural spontaneous decay of the nuclei of elements found in nature (radioactivity).

Periodic (cyclic) processes served as the basis for the creation and use of the conditional concept of time, which serves to assess the relative speed of all processes in our world.

Cycles are nothing but wave processes. All processes occurring in our world at the macro and micro levels are of a wave nature, including rectilinear motion any point or material object. The differences between these processes from each other is the difference in their characteristics (frequency, period, amplitude, ...)

All information processes are perceived similarly. All information at all levels is transmitted in a wave way. Appendix No. 4 contains the theory of cycles with comments (from the introduction to the book "Holy Science").

Speaking about the cyclical nature of natural phenomena, one cannot fail to notice the cyclical existence of all types of bioforms. Respiration, blood circulation, and other physiological processes of a person are cyclical. Human perception of our world also has a wave character.

Having information about wave processes, knowing the laws of their development, it is possible to model events, including the past and future, with a certain degree of probability. Thus, the hypothesis of the timeless existence of information from a scientific point of view becomes clearer.

All processes of micro- and macroworlds develop according to a certain program. According to this program, all the laws and forces of our world, in which we are located and perceive them consciously or unconsciously, operate. Since these laws and forces act constantly (at this stage of human development) in all spheres of existence, then, of course, there is information about them as an intention and result of action. System analysis the foregoing led to the conclusion about the existence

energy-information field through which the program of the Universe is broadcast.

The existence of the energy-informational field began to open up to a person since he began to differ from an animal, that is, he had a sense of belonging to the surrounding reality or awareness. Confirmation of this can be found in esoteric teachings:

In Kabbalistic works, this was written in allegorical form, and in later works, modern scientific terminology was used (works by M. Laitman);

The theory of cycles set forth in the introduction of The Holy Science, 1894.

These and many other sources of information confirm the existence of the energy-informational field.

The possibilities for a person to receive information from the energy-informational field are limited by the ranges and discreteness of his perception. Undoubtedly, in addition to the five organs of perception of Our world, a person has other possibilities, thanks to which individual individuals read the information they are interested in about the past and future from the energy-information field. These opportunities appear

with the simultaneous use of three "tools" given to man by nature: instinct, intuition and intellect.

Based on the hypothesis of the existence of an energy-information field, where all information

knowledge exists always, everywhere, about everything and for everyone, we can conclude: any scientific

real discoveries, works of art are a reading of information from the field with subsequent

blowing system processing. Opportunities for obtaining and processing information by a person

values ​​depend on two factors:

Degrees of development of the five senses and additional abilities

perception, that is, own properties;

Desire to receive certain information and specific actions

to fulfill this desire.

The confirmation of the above is the so-called natural wisdom,

when practically illiterate people, having certain innate qualities,

possess information about the laws of the Universe and, moreover, they teach these laws in such a way

called "educated" people.

The use of knowledge about the energy-information field opens up additional opportunities for a person in obtaining answers to the key questions of being.


All matter perceived by man has a wave structure. In the same time

and man himself, being the key figure of Our world, has a wave nature. Scientific

trade-offs about the duality of matter only confuse a person in understanding

devices of the world. Human perception of corpuscularity is a special case of perception

the entire range of wave processes. Corpuscularity of matter is a product of discreteness

properties of human perception. According to the theory of H. Everett, the world can only be described as

wave process, and discreteness appears in connection with the presence of an observer, and in this description there is neither a "wave-particle" duality, nor the need to involve

the principle of complementarity.

Being in the energy-informational field of the Universe, being a product of a broadcast program, a person is a wave structure not only perceiving matter and natural phenomena, but also transmitting information. There is a lot of scientific evidence for the transmission of information by a person in a wave (field) way. One of them

photographs of the Korilian aura of a person, as a result of the direct interaction of the energy-information structure of a person with the energy-information field of the Universe.

A person is an active energy-information structure, can receive and re-

give information only in the similarity of its own properties to the properties of energy information

rational field in the ranges of possible program connections. That's why different people different perception of the same material objects and natural phenomena. Ranges of receiving information of a person are given to him from birth and can change throughout life. Due to the wave nature of the Universe, a person not only perceives and transmits information in a wave way, but also his ability to perceive and transmit information is constantly changing according to wave laws.

Matter of all levels (non-living, vegetative, animal) is also energy-informational structures of different degrees of possibility of contact with the energy-informational field of the Universe.

Scientific studies have shown that the frequency of bioelectrical oscillations of the brain

of a person is able to synchronize with the fields of Our world, if their frequencies coincide. The active activity of the human brain is recorded in the frequency range from 3 to 42 Hz. Different states of human consciousness correspond to the activity of the brain in different frequency ranges. Below is one of the classifications of brain wave activity:

Delta waves: less than 4 Hz - sleep;

Theta waves: from 4 to 8 Hz - a meditative state;

Alpha waves from 8 to 14 Hz - relaxation, passive wakefulness;

Beta waves: from 14 to 42 Hz - vigorous activity.

Modern methods of computer analysis have shown that in all states

consciousness of a person in his brain, wave processes of all ranges occur with

the predominance of waves of current states.

The study of wave processes in the Earth's biosphere showed the coincidence of their frequencies

with brain frequencies. At the same time, resonance phenomena were discovered in the biosphere

Earth at frequencies 7.83 (Schulman frequency), 14,20,26,32 Hz. This match is

evidence of the relationship between the biosphere of the Earth and man, both in terms of the perception of Our

of the world, and at the level of the energy-informational field of the Universe. Resonances reflect

stability of perception of the synchronized picture of Our world by mankind.

Latest Scientific research show a tendency to shift resonant

phenomena of the Earth's biosphere in the direction of increasing frequencies. This process reflects

change in the information content of Our world and the pace of development of the program of the Universe.


Human perception of the world is carried out with the help of five personal sensory systems: vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Of interest is the analysis of human perception of Our world. Let's start with vision.

By sight, a person perceives a range of events from the present to the past. According to the laws of physics, a person sees light emitted by objects or reflected from objects, which has a specific speed in various environments. We can see at the same time:

yourself in the present;

The surrounding world within the Earth's atmosphere (approximately 100 km from

surface of the Earth) in the present and past in time ranges up to 0.0003 sec.

The discreteness of vision does not allow to perceive events separately in the data

time ranges. Thus, the surrounding world within the Earth

atmosphere is perceived linearly, simultaneously;

The world around us within the solar system: the moon in reflected light

after 1.28 sec., the Sun with its radiation after 8.3 min., the planet Pluto

after 5.32 hours. Thus, the visual perception of the location of the Sun,

planets and satellites of planets solar systems non-linear or curved;

Within the Milky Way galaxy, we see space objects through

various huge periods of time. Considering different distances

to these objects, the visually perceived picture of our galaxy

does not correspond to reality. Space is difficult to perceive

twisted. Relative location of objects in this space

can only be determined with the help of special equipment. By virtue of

the operation of the laws of gravity inside the Milky Way galaxy can be made

conclusion that we see the past certain cycle development of the Universe;

Beyond the Milky Way galaxy, we detect the expansion of the universe

("retreat" of galaxies) at a speed certainly lower than the speed of light. Absent-

The effect of gravity between galaxies suggests that the receding

galaxies that are from us reflect the past of previous cycles of development of the World

Thus, with vision, a person perceives the events of the present and the past within the near space linearly simultaneously, within the solar system

non-linearly curved, within the Milky Way galaxy complexly curved, and

outside milky way even more difficult, with violation of the laws of gravity.

The discreteness of a person's perception of Our world is formed by his vision. The maximum threshold sensitivity of the retina is equivalent to an absorption flux from one to tens of quanta electromagnetic radiation light depending on the individual properties of a person. All devices and equipment for studying the extended ranges of wave processes in the micro and macro world have an electromagnetic basis and operate at the same levels of discreteness as human perception.

Let us analyze the human perception of Our world by auditory sensors. We

at the same time we can hear:

Yourself in the present and past (for example, echo);

The surrounding world in the past is non-linear, confusing about the definition

the direction of the sound source, its strength and prescription. It needs to be reminded

that the propagation of sound in different natural environments various: in the air

from 330 to 344 m/sec. depending on temperature, in water approx.

1450 m/sec., in solid types of matter - several times higher than the speed

sound in the water. So, sitting on the shore of a reservoir, a person can hear one and

the same natural sound effect at least three times - through the air,

water and earth.

Thus, with auditory sensors, a person perceives the events of the present and the past non-linearly, and sometimes repeatedly.

Perception by smell of the surrounding world and oneself takes place in the present. Moreover, it is difficult to determine the nature (source, direction and prescription) of odors.

The perception of taste occurs in the present. Taste sensations have inertia and are perceived as an aftertaste effect.

By touch, a person perceives the world around him and himself at the same time. The most complex human anatomy and physiology are the cause of the simultaneous touch of a huge number of external influences, as well as one's own internal sensations.

At the same time, only those external and internal sensations are recorded every moment, to which the human psyche gives priority.

with basic physical characteristics five systems of human perception

can be found in Appendix 1.

The main conclusion of the analysis of the perception of Our world is that a person receives information about the present through five sensory systems at each future (next) moment.

and past events at the same time. In other words, information from the future

perceived in the present against the backdrop of past events. Human perception is discrete.

The result is confusion and inconsistency, and sometimes inconsistency of information that comes to a person at the same time. Of course, without additional mechanisms (algorithms) for processing information, system integration of perception is impossible. This mechanism is the development program of Our world, broadcast by the energy-informational field of the Universe. A person, being a receiving-transmitting energy-information structure of the energy-information field, has a constant connection with it. Thanks to this constant contact, a systemic integration of perception occurs.

An analysis of a person's perception allows us to conclude that the picture of Our world perceived by a person is transmitted by him through himself. That is, being in the energy-informational field, being a product of his program, a person, in accordance

with this program and its own wave (field) properties, it transmits from itself the whole picture of Our world perceived by itself, including itself. In addition to individual active perception by a person of the program of the Universe in

Our world has nothing. This conclusion removes all questions about the "facts"

violations of the known laws of Our world, including exceeding the speed of light. Exceeding the speed of light is found at the border of human perception of the materiality of the world and the energy-informational levels of the Universe that transmit a person and his perception system. At these information levels, space and time are absent, there is a staging and order of information transfer for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the program.

The proof of these hypotheses is the holographic perception of the Universe by man. The perception of the holographic picture of Our world, space and time is a reality for a person. These are the psychological aspects that allow a person to change his own qualities.

To conclude this chapter, two terms can be defined:

The universe is a multilayer software information system that includes

our world as one of the energy-informational levels of fulfillment


Our world is the world of human perception, one of the energy-information levels

The universe is divided into two parts: its own internal and external

perception of oneself as a personal "I" and perception of the environment

world, which is formed according to the principle of space-time continuum.



Holography is a set of technologies for accurately recording, reproducing and reshaping

wave fields. This method was proposed in 1947 by D. Gabor. He also introduced

term "hologram". Holography is based on the stability of the interference of coherence


In 1995, M. Talbot's book "The Holographic Universe" was published, in which

justification is given that Our world is a gigantic, luxuriously detailed

hologram. Appendix No. 2 contains an article published on the Internet "Existing

Is there an objective reality or is the universe a hologram?

Analyzing the holographic nature of Our world from the point of view of the hypothesis of energy information

mation field, it should be noted that information is not stored in all objects

Our world and is read not from them, but from the energy-informational field of the Universe.

Thus, scientists, exploring various objects of Our world with the help of five sensory systems, study first of all the energy-information field itself. Hence all the wonders of discoveries, including the facts of exceeding the speed of light.

The mechanism for creating a holographic picture of Our world is as follows:

1. The source of the energy-information field broadcasts the entire program of the Universe on all frequency bands, including Our world with all the attributes

tami, including humans.

2. A person is broadcast by the energy-information field as an energy-information

tional structure of this field with certain wave properties.

3. In accordance with the individual wave (field) properties of

part of the information transmitted by the program is interfered with

energy information field. The result is a hologram of a person's perception of his own and the world around him. This hologram is like a trans-

lied by a person from himself, and then perceived as his external and inner world five sense organs.

4. The perception of the program of the Universe by all mankind is synchronized

due to the similarity of the main wave (field) properties of people. Influence

changes in a person's personal perception to a synchronized

picture of the perception of Our world by mankind and the reverse influence

require separate research.

5. Depending on the individual wave differences in each person

perception of the same information personally.

6. A change in the wave properties of a person entails a change in his perception and

vice versa.

7. Of all the choices provided by the Universe program

a person can choose only those that are available to his own


8. Each person is the result of one of the possible combinations.

properties of the general energy-informational structure of mankind. Individual

dual human can be compared with one of the projections of the "integral"

program person - matrix.

9. With the outlined scheme of perception of the holographic picture of Our world

there is no doubt about the coherence of the energy-information field

The universe and its energy-informational structure - a person.

10. The holographic picture of Our world is perceived by others

attributes - inanimate, vegetative and animal in accordance with their

wave properties in the same way.

This scheme of holographicity of Our world allows us to conclude that there is no space in Our world. It is in the absence of space that the effect of "all in all" is possible. From the foregoing, we can conclude: Our world (the world of human perception) is informational, and in material terms “virtual”. Movement - any change in information, energy processes - a consequence of these information changes are the psychological aspects of the perception of program cause-and-effect relationships.

It is man who is the key figure in our world, and his perception and

the possibility of freedom of choice - the key to the conscious fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the program of the Universe. The terms: energy-information field, energy-information structure acquire a specific meaning. Energy is understood as the possibility and result of movement - changes in information and information content.



In the previous chapters, based on the hypothesis of the energy-information field, the main conclusions were drawn:

Our world with all the attributes - inanimate matter, plant, animal and

a person is in the energy-information field through which

development program of the Universe;

The picture of our world perceived by man is transmitted from the energy information

mation field by him through himself - energy-informational structure;

Space and time are psychological aspects of human perception.

com of Our world, in the physical plane are "virtual" (absent) Perception

Our world is holographic.

Man is the key figure of our world. Combining all the properties of other attributes of Our world: inanimate matter, plant and animal, man

at this stage of development has unique intellectual capabilities

receiving, exchanging and storing information. These possibilities are realized in material life through the transmission of information through speech and writing. Inanimate matter, vegetative, animal, just like a person, have properties and opportunities to perceive Our world and carry out actions to change their own properties within the framework of a broadcast program. Inanimate matter can change depending on its own initial properties and capabilities represented by the program - the laws of nature. These changes are possible both as properties predetermined by the program (for example, spontaneous radioactive decay of substances), and under the influence of forced factors: natural elements (fire, air, water, earth), other attributes of Our world (plants, animals,

person). The perception of Our world and the possibility of changing the properties of matter of plant and animal origin are not considered in this work.

The holographic perception of Our World by its attributes is the result of the similarity of their wave properties to the ranges of the transmission of the program of the Universe through the energy

information field. The mechanism of perception is the interference of coherent

On the basis of the conclusions made, we study the structure of matter. The generally accepted dogma is that

matter is made up of molecules, molecules are made of atoms, and atoms are made of elementary particles

become incorrect. The following terminology will be correct: holographic perception of Our world is carried out through system program energy-informational elements - molecules, atoms and elementary particles. Their structure, functions and possibilities of changes are embedded in the program of the Universe transmitted by the energy-informational field. Elementary particles in certain quantitative and qualitative combinations form atoms, atoms form molecules, which are energy-informational elements of holographic constructions of matter in our perception. These conclusions are confirmed by the forces and energies arising from interference in the control of the nuclear processes of the microworld. The wave nature of the perception of Our world can be divided into two levels:

Holographic world of natural human perception by five organs

feelings - conditionally "rough" level of perception;

The microcosm as a tool for creating a holographic picture of perception

tiya, is a conditionally “subtle” level of perception.

Holograms of the microworld: molecules, atoms, elementary particles, we can detect

shoot only with the help of special equipment that provides information about the expanded ranges of perception of Our world.

Copying the creation of perception in Our world is television. Transmission of video-audio information of broadcast programs occurs in encrypted form at different frequency ranges of electromagnetic waves. TV receivers

the information of the broadcast programs is decoded into a video image synchronized with the sound accompaniment. The video image is carried out by means of a narrow beam of fast electrons, controlled by electromagnetic fields, directed at the screen of the cathode ray tube of the TV.

Currently modern technologies allow you to create copies of holograms of perception that are practically indistinguishable from those transmitted through the energy-information field. The three-dimensional image, smell, taste and touch of holography objects are created by scientists using modern computer technologies.

By analogy with the above, a person's perception of himself is formed. Management of energy-information elements - elementary particles, atoms and molecules is carried out through energy channels, "thin" bodies - field structures of a person in the energy-information field of the Universe. Appendix No. 3 contains known information about energy channels, chakra systems as key elements of a person's energy-informational structure. All these elements can be qualified as field frames for creating an energy-information structure - a person.



In the ordinary sense, chaos is understood as disorder, confusion. The concept arose

from the name in ancient Greek mythology of the initial state of the world, a certain

the "opened abyss" (rather than the disordered state) from which the first

deities. FROM Greek the word chaos is translated as unfolding. In early Christian times, this word began to ascribe the meaning of disorder.

In mathematics, chaos means aperiodic deterministic behavior of a dynamical system that is very sensitive to initial conditions. A deterministic process is a process, each step of which is predetermined by certain patterns that we know for sure.

From all of the above, we can conclude that initially the word chaos had a completely different meaning than the modern one, which was given the meaning of disorder. This word denoted some primary state of the world (the Universe) unknown to man. Thus, under the concept of chaos was laid the concept of uncertainty, and not a disorderly state. Chaos from a scientific point of view should be understood as a limitation of the possibilities of human knowledge (understanding).

Chaos theory is a mathematical apparatus that describes the behavior of some nonlinear dynamic systems exposed under certain conditions to the phenomenon

chaos. Examples of such systems are the atmosphere, turbulent flows, biological populations, society as a communication system, and its subsystems; economic, political and other social systems. Chaos theory was created in order to remove the limitation in human understanding of chaos and the behavior of systems subject to chaos. Chaos in chaos theory is order, and not even just order, but the essence of order.

Considering the scientific concept of chaos and chaos theory, it should be noted that on

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The development of clairvoyance.
An article from an online course on clairvoyance.

It has been known since ancient times that there is a certain field in which all thought forms that have ever been created are located. Now this field is called the energy-informational field of the Earth. This is a bottomless ocean of knowledge from which you can draw any information.

Academician Vernadsky believed that the energy-informational field is located in the noosphere of the Earth.
If you remember from school course, the Earth has six shells. I will remind you of only three.
Biosphere - inhabited by living organisms, i.e. is the global ecosystem of the Earth.

The stratosphere is where the ozone layer is located. In the stratosphere, most of the short waves of ultraviolet radiation are retained and their energy is transformed. Under the influence of these rays, magnetic fields, molecules break up, ionization occurs. Gases and other chemical compounds, as a result, we have the opportunity to observe some of these processes in the form of lightning, northern lights and other glows.

And finally, the noosphere, which in Greek sounds like the sphere of the mind. This is the sphere of interaction between society and nature, where the main determining factor is the rational activity of man. According to Vernadsky: “In the biosphere there is a great geological, perhaps cosmic force, the planetary action of which is usually not taken into account in ideas about the cosmos. This force is the mind of man, his striving and organized will, as a social being.

The noosphere contains the energy-informational field of the Earth, which contains all the information that has ever existed on the planet, in its depths and around it.

I will give an interesting example from life, how the influence of the general energy-informational field is manifested.

In Europe, at the beginning of the century, milkmen went around the house in the morning and left bottles of milk at the doorstep. In the English city of Southampton, tits have thought of pecking the caps on bottles to feast on milk. After some time, tits hundreds of kilometers from this city began to “do” the same thing. By the forties, all the birds in Europe began to peck the caps on milk bottles too. Then, the war with Germany began, and the tradition of delivering milk to homes ended. There was hunger. For both humans and birds. But about eight years after the end of the war, milkmen again resumed the tradition of delivering milk. And… the tits started pecking the caps on the bottles again! Tits live on average three years. That is, it was already a completely new generation of birds. How did they learn about the "science" of their ancestors? On their genetics, i.e. the transfer of skills by inheritance, the knowledge of ancestors, for such a short period, could hardly be reflected.

Rupert Sheldrake, a world-famous biologist, conducted a series of experiments that prove the existence of a common field of images that is the same for everyone. He noticed that a person acquires knowledge the better than more people know it.

One day, he asked a group of English college students to memorize three Japanese quatrains. None of the students knew Japanese, so it was supposed to just memorize words and phrases, without understanding the meaning. One quatrain was just a set of hieroglyphs, the second was the work of an unknown poet, and the third was a classic example of Japanese poetry, known in Japan as well as in Russia the most popular poems of A. Pushkin. The students learned it the best! But let me remind you once again that none of them knew Japanese or even the culture of Japan, and had no idea which of the poems was just nonsense, which was by an unknown author, and which was a classic.

Such an experiment was carried out several times, after which Sheldrake suggested the existence of a certain field of images that can be expressed in any form: information, emotions, feelings, behavior patterns. The scientist called this field morphogenic, i.e. affecting the structure and form of things.

So, clairvoyance (clairvoyance, etc.) is one of the forms of entry into the energy-informational field of the Earth. The main key to enter this field is the question. You need to learn how to formulate questions correctly. They should be specific, clear and unambiguous.

When you enter the energy-information field, you ask a question and your energy is directed to give an impulse. The more you are interested in getting an answer, the more energetically your impulse is. In fact, the more you pay attention to yourself or to other people for whom you want to know something, the better your question is.

All human phenomena are based on an attentive (conscious) attitude towards people, oneself, and the world!

Having asked a question, you need to stop the flow of your thoughts (create the effect of an “empty head”) for 5-20 seconds. At the same time, breathing also stops involuntarily.

Let me give you an example from my own practice of how this might look in practice.

Once my eldest son could not find his passport. And I have such a habit, if I notice an important thing “lying around”, that is, not in the place allotted for it, I can automatically take it and “tidy up” it where necessary. I helped my son in search of a passport. But I don't remember if I took it or not. We searched everywhere we could. I was worried, because this is a document! Then I got tired of looking. She sat down in a chair and asked her subconscious: “Where is the passport?” She relaxed and focused her attention on the point between her eyebrows. I didn't think about anything, I didn't expect anything. I just stared at the dot for a few seconds. Then, I got up and went where I wanted to go. She went to the bookcase and began sorting through them, looking for a passport between them. Unintentionally, my elbow touched a large thick book and it fell. I picked it up and put it in place. And she started flipping through the books again. And then, this book again with a roar falls to the floor. I looked at its title and thought that I definitely had not read this book, and therefore there could be no passport in it. And put her in her place. When I went through two shelves of books and was about to give up this “unlucky” business, how that very book, I don’t know how, fell again, but now it’s right on my leg! I picked it up, taking the hard cover of the cover, and then ... a passport fell out of it! How he ended up here, I couldn't imagine.

Like these ones funny stories can occur when you interact with the energy-information field. I asked the question to my subconscious, but it is with its help that we “get” into the general field. And if you try to be precise at all, then the subconscious is the energy-information field, much more global than the energy-information field of the Earth and containing, among other things, it. But in order to have access to the energy-informational field of the Earth, it is enough to know that it is through the subconscious that this happens.

So, you asked a question, stopped your thought process for a few seconds, having previously relaxed your body as much as possible, and you get an answer.

The energy information field is a cellular structure. By sending your energy (attention) with information in the form of a question, you give this energy some quality (vibration) that is different from others. According to the law “Like attracts like”, the question is attracted exactly to the cell in which the answer is contained, with a vibration of the same quality. Surely you have already heard this expression: “Every question already contains an answer.” That is why the vibration of your impulse-question corresponds to the vibration of the received answer. If a failure occurs, it means that the question is formulated incorrectly or has an emotionally inappropriate characteristic. For example, you feel in danger. You “scream” inside yourself, being highly emotionally aroused, asking the question: “What should I do? How to avoid danger? But the feeling of danger is your subjective assessment of the event and it is quite possible that it does not correspond to the real state of affairs and is overestimated. Accordingly, the vibration of your message to the energy-informational field will not be correct. Your subconscious mind knows that the assessment of the event is incorrect and the danger, in general, is not, as such, and therefore you can get the same answer - not correct and not specifically answering your question. Only in a calm, unemotional state can you count on the answer you need.

If there really is a danger, then it may happen that your subconscious mind will assess the situation faster than your consciousness and react on its own, finding the right answer (output) from the situation. This happens, for example, when something happens to a person, and he is miraculously saved, without even having time to realize the danger of the situation, which means he was in an emotionless state. In such cases, they usually say "the man was born in a shirt."

If during a conscious exit into the information field of the Earth, you enter a state when you stop feeling your body, time, lose your orientation in space, this indicates good concentration, which allows you to receive information in full.

Of course, you know that there are scattered people. They are immersed in themselves and in their head there is an intense dialogue, in fact, this internal conversation is built in the form of questions and answers. They ask, preoccupied with something, and receive answers. This, in general, is also an exit to the energy-information field. So, be careful when plunging into such states. It is better to do this at home, sitting, relaxing, not in a hurry. And then it will turn out, as I once did. I was in such states very often, because by the nature of my activity, I had to accept huge amounts of information. And this could happen throughout the day and even days. And that means not only when I was at home, sitting or lying, but also on the road somewhere. And it happened that I either got into the wrong transport and left for no one knows where, then I passed my stop, and what’s even funnier, I could just walk past my house without even realizing that I was walking. Therefore, “taught” by experience, I highly recommend that you be conscious when you perform some actions. And passive when you receive information. With time and practice, you will learn to combine both.

Hello dear friends. To spite the enemies who want to ban this cognitive resource, I again begin the fight against pseudoscience. As you understand, in this post we will talk about a fairly serious topic. So serious that probably most of you experience the effect of a crab basket and don’t even try to understand what kind of field it is, which is sung by science fiction writers of all ages, futurologists, Scientologists, conspiracy theorists, all sorts of philosophers and other near-scientific figures. Everyone imagines this field in different ways, as far as the flight of fancy is enough. For them, I specially stuck a picture from above so that thoughts would harmonize well with visual perception-)). Let's see how these fantasies come true.

Well, in order to make the following easier to perceive, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the videos and. I do not know who their authors are, but a huge thank you to them. It is about what, in principle, all people who are somehow connected with the countryside know. And not only in our middle lane. I was in Tuva, in the Caucasus from the north and south, in Komi, and everywhere, in every large village there are such specialists. They believe, and not unreasonably, that this method of finding water is hundreds (if not thousands) of years old, and masters pass these abilities and secrets from generation to generation, as well as the tool. Of course, to some extent they are right, but as a skeptic, the thought immediately begins to overwhelm me that the point here is not at all in the human biofield, and even more so not in superpowers. And it doesn't look like a show either. But a fact is a fact. Some indefinite substance pushes the branches of plants, pieces of black and non-ferrous metal in different directions. The weight of these pieces is not microscopic. It is clear that this is not water in some aggregate states. Water simply accompanies this substance or vice versa, but they go out together. What is this substance? Let's remember what water is. Nothing but hydrogen oxide. Where is it formed? I do not claim to be the author of what has now been scientifically proven that there is no water cycle in nature. It is very easy to prove this. The area of ​​the Earth's water surface can be determined with sufficient accuracy, the volume of water evaporation from it can also be calculated with acceptable accuracy, and the volume of precipitation can also be calculated. It turns out that much less precipitation falls than water evaporates. No one delve into this truth, because. learned the water cycle at school and calmed down on this. And when we see such a poster,

then we pass by not believing, but in general in vain. The only conclusion is that the level of water depends only on how intensively something will push it out of the ground. Moreover, history knows cases of the very recent past, when huge rivers in our central region disappeared altogether.

This is the Oka River in 1900 (!) year. More precisely, its bottom, along which they ride on horse-drawn vehicles. There is no river at all. To understand the scale of the tragedy, I will attach a photo of the beginning of the 21st century of the same place, but from the other side.

And where did the river go in 1900, why does no one know? But it didn’t go anywhere, just that year (according to the surviving data, another five years before this year), water did not come out of the ground, and the rivers did not replenish. The water was gone and even from the springs it was barely. This fact has sunk into oblivion just like the mudflow drifts of all the lower floors of buildings half a century earlier. Maybe these are links in the same chain, but it doesn't matter. We have the fact that water flows out of the ground according to some of its own laws, in some years it is plentiful, in some it disappears altogether. In the summer I was in Nizhny Novgorod, I found out that the Oka had become unnavigable for large passenger ships along its entire length. Everything is fine with the Volga, there are a lot of dams upstream and the water level is regulated. And somewhere recently I saw a post that in Venice, due to a drop in the water level, the bottom of the canals was exposed. What happens to water? By the way, in April of this year I was above the Arctic Circle and saw with my own eyes that at a stable negative temperature outside (below -10C), the water from below in the places of streams in the spring begins to come out as scheduled. The feeling that the waters of the north communicate with the waters of the south, although this is not at all the world's oceans and not even rivers flowing from south to north. But speech actually not about it.

Let's take a look at the periodic table, but not the modern neutered one, but the one from the beginning of the 20th century (they say he dreamed about it while he was hungover, our man was).

As you can see, a number of inert gases are on the left, but at the very top there are two elements that are blacked out by censorship and even to this day they are not mentioned anywhere. These are Newtonius and Coronius. These elements are lighter than hydrogen. Even their mass has not been determined. And since they are inert, they do not enter into any combination with anything. And Mendeleev himself was sure until the end of his days that Newtonium was the very ether, the existence of which at that time no one denied, until the relativists came to science and began to turn everything upside down.

And now we get the fact that with water these same chemical elements. Stop. Why with water? If hydrogen stands next to them, then it also comes out with them as hydrogen, only on the way to the surface it is oxidized somewhere, because. in a free form to exist in our conditions for a long time can not. And it comes out either in the form of oil / gas, if combined with carbon, or water, if combined with oxygen. The picture is clearing up. This means that if water does not come out, then the ether does not come out either, they accompany each other everywhere. If there are deserts where there is no water at all, then the ether does not come out of the ground there either. But we will return to this fact separately. And now we have that in different regions of the earth the instantaneous density of the ether is different. But as we already know, the ether has superfluidity and areas with a difference in its density instantly disappear. As discussed in other articles, this is how static electricity appears. And in this case ethereal winds also arise, which go from areas with high density to areas with low ones. But how then does the ether move our vine, frame or golden ring on a thread? If they move in our time, then all the same, these ethereal emissions have not completely weakened. And what kind of energy they carry. It's just that a person does not know how to use this energy for his own purposes, because he does not know about the ether at all. And this knowledge disappeared only a hundred years ago. By historical standards, this is nothing. Let's try to understand for ourselves.

So, we have a vine, steel pieces of wire and a golden ring. What can unite them? Probably just what they can hold electricity. The vine is the same conductor, maybe with slightly worse qualities. I have never seen dry sticks used to search for water. Iron conducts very well a magnetic ethereal field moving in one direction or in a circle. It is obvious that the point here is not in these properties of iron, because. non-ferrous metal and wicker do not have such properties, but everyone moves. What then moves all these objects? In one of the videos, you can see that the steel wires, entering some kind of field, begin to turn, as if the field does not allow them to pass through itself, and turns towards each other. Why to each other? If you go with wires along the water channel, then they also turn, but from each other. Very interesting. There is also a video where some craftsman adapted these wires to dielectric handles with ball bearings, and they also work. So, in this case, the human body does not affect the process. It is obvious that the wires do not move by themselves, they use the energy of a person's movement, but it turns into a counteraction. Opposition to what? Another interesting point is that if the water is standing, there is no pushing effect. Maybe it's time to move on to GIF modeling.

To be continued.

The energy-information field can be general (universal scale) and individual (field of one person).

The general EIP is the fundamental principle and the primary cause of the existence of life, the physical vacuum. It works as an organizing principle, creating and folding the smallest elements into a harmonious system. It is due to the EIP that life was born: without it, only endless chaos would exist. The global EIP stores all the information about the past, present and future of the world. This is a kind of macrofield, the physical vacuum is a single energy-informational field of the Universe.

Its miniature copy - a minifield - exists in every person. It creates his body, soul, consciousness and controls his entire life. The individual EIP is connected with the global energy-information flows. The place of the soul in the energy-informational field can be called central. Properly working with EIP, you can achieve some goals:

  • Change your life in the right direction, creating your own Universe;
  • Find out information about anything, incl. about the past and the future;
  • Influence the world around;
  • Exchange information with the Universe and other people.

It is worth noting that views on the biofield change over time. Once all knowledge was hidden from prying eyes and was known only to experienced magicians and members of the great occult orders, as well as, according to some, the builders of the pyramids. Later, information became much more accessible, but it began to be hidden behind a veil much more reliable than secret societies- for distrust. In our time, the powers that be divided people into 2 groups: those who do not believe in esotericism at all, and those who are afraid of it, hiding behind religious prejudices. To break free from the chains that fetter the man of the earth, and to join the great knowledge of akash, you need to have a really strong spirit.

It is believed that EIP is a broader concept than the aura. Aura is a concept that includes only the human field, but not the universal biofield. Therefore, the development of clairvoyance, the ability to see the aura and understand its meaning is an integral part of working with energy. However, for the full development of a person, it is necessary to understand a broad concept, i.e. a common energy-informational field: to be able to read information from it, to understand its structure and ways of interaction.

Errors when working with EIP

People who do not know anything about energy-information fields make mistakes at almost every step. Wrong interactions with the field lead to illnesses, misfortunes and complete destruction of life and soul. To avoid this, you should carefully study this topic. But even those who understand EIP often make mistakes, so it’s worth citing the main ones.

  1. Life for the benefit of the material world. Trying to change their own or someone else's life, people work on the physical world. This is the wrong approach: you need to work on energy-information fields, give energy to this area. If a person constantly puts forces into the material world, then he loses them: matter tenaciously grabs him in its paws and sucks out all the forces.
  2. Thoughts about matter as about the essence of the world. Most of humanity is sure that the physical world is the foundation of the foundations, and everything must be done for its good. Wrong approach, from which the first error follows. Matter is only a part of the vast Universe, a completely insignificant part. Would people put all their energy into cleaning if they knew that they could become great composers or artists? No. This example illustrates that people who know about the EIP will not work for matter.
  3. Life according to the concepts of society. There are people who know about the EIP, but continue to live as before. The reason for this strange behavior is fear and dependence on people. It seems too hard to move away from the usual patterns of life, stop chasing pseudo-values ​​and go your own way. These are extremely unreasonable thoughts, characteristic of undeveloped people who have not reached the proper degree of spirituality. You should fight dependence on the opinions of others and move to a new level, because the path that others follow is a direct road to misfortune. You can disconnect from the requirements imposed by society with the help of self-development.

Reading the energy-information field of a person

It is extremely difficult to acquire the skill of reading energy information fields. Firstly, undeveloped people of the 21st century are not accustomed to feel subtle matters, although this gift is inherent in them from birth. The material world smothers these skills with early childhood. Secondly, you need to learn to read 2 spheres at the same time: energy and information. Although they are merged together and represent a special combination, they are still more complex than many esoteric practices. But still, everyone can understand how to read information from a person.

The basis of reading EIP is knowledge from the fields of bioenergetics and extrasensory perception. Here are the main methods by which you can obtain information about the EIP:

  • In a dream (including lucid dreams);
  • Meditation;
  • According to the human aura (you need to learn to see it);
  • falling asleep;
  • Hypnosis and trance;
  • Akash field.

The first step towards opening access to the EIP will be the development of the gift of clairvoyance. Everyone has it, but it is not easy to develop it. However, this should be learned. This is the main method that allows you to read a person's EIP. Reading a person's aura allows you to recognize his whole essence, past and future, his thoughts, feelings and desires. Clairvoyance will answer the question of how to enter the energy-information field of a person. Additional skills will also be required: working with photographs, developing hand sensitivity.

The second step is meditation and lucid dreaming. This stage of development allows you to feel the strength in yourself and get distracted from matter, and most importantly, to gain skills in working with subtle bodies and energy.

The third step is either going into a trance, or working under hypnosis, or working while falling asleep. It is recommended to give preference to the third option. The first two are not so effective and rather rude, they can do harm and close the portal to the EIR forever. The third option is quite safe, and most importantly - as effective as possible. It will allow you to change your own energy-information field. Here is a description of an exemplary work with falling asleep.

Going to bed, do not worry about whether it will work out. Better not to think about it at all. Excessive anxiety will not allow you to transmit the necessary data. When falling asleep, channels are opened that connect the EIP of a person with the universal ones.

The process of falling asleep is similar to a white screen in a cinema, projecting the necessary information onto which you can create your own life movie. When immersed in sleep, one should be able to see an abundance of white light. It is difficult, but quite realistic, provided that the first 2 steps are completed qualitatively. Seeing this light, one should begin to actively imagine the desired events, their key moments. A flash in consciousness, speaking of a transition to a new spiritual level; signing an agreement on the purchase of your own mansion; the meeting of the wife from the maternity hospital with the desired first-born in her arms - these are examples of what scenes need to be presented. Such a generator own life help change everything.

Remember that the main method of influencing the fields is your own consciousness. It, being an important part of the macro- and microplans of the field, gives access to information and energy. Therefore, you should constantly develop: read esoteric literature, devote time to spiritual practices, read mantras, fast and starve, work with your body, etc. It is also important to monitor the purity of one's own aura and chakras, to carry out cleanings in time in order to prevent clogging of energy-information channels. This is the answer to the question of how to clean the energy-information field for yourself.

In our time, a person gives himself to the physical component of the world, not realizing that the main part of his existence takes place outside the body - in the universal EIP. Everyone should study and understand the information on this topic and learn to see the aura and read information from the field surrounding a person. This is the way to solve all problems. Having learned to see the EIP, a person learns the truth about the world, humanity and himself. He leaves the deceitful material path to the side of spiritual development. Good luck!
