Aesthetic feeling is responsible for. Aesthetic activity and aesthetic consciousness. Definition of aesthetic feeling in psychology

Not only labor made a man out of a monkey, but also the beauty of the world around. Although the ability to see beauty was inherent not only to Homo sapiens, but also to the most ancient people. But truly aesthetic feelings can only be experienced by a highly developed person.

When you can see beauty in life phenomena and try to match your idea of ​​beauty, you become better and develop as a person.

Aesthetic feelings and appearance

People (especially women) grow their hair, take care of their skin, and dye. Why? Not just to attract a member of the opposite sex, as it used to be. And in order to feel comfortable in your body.

Hierarchy of human needs

Psychologist Maslow's pyramid shows that a person's physiological needs are in the first place, and the spiritual ones are in the last place. But one who cannot realize himself in the spiritual realm turns into a monkey.

This is the main problem of mankind. After all, people are forced to survive, not to read books. Hence the widespread, one might say, animal attitude towards each other, deceit, fraud, desire to profit. Aesthetic on such a basis cannot be formed. Some "chosen ones" still manage to develop, earning their bread every day. They are able to experience real aesthetic feelings, develop in a creative or intellectual direction.

Aesthetic feelings (or - this is a complex of structures. The consciousness of an esthete includes labor, taste, judgment, contemplation, perception, evaluation, ideal, values.

The taste of a person is his direct opinion about some object or phenomenon. If, for example, your boyfriend wears slit jeans that are “in trend” now, but you don’t like them, you like trousers without slits more, then this is a subjective aesthetic feeling.

What is an aesthetic judgment

The concepts of "aesthetic taste" and "judgment" can be confused. But in fact they are different. A judgment is, rather, an assessment of the morality of a particular phenomenon. That is, what you think about the case of a person, how beautiful or ugly it is.

Aesthetic contemplation - the ability to evaluate reality in terms of aesthetics, and not just logic. The ability to make a positive or negative assessment based not only on the details, but also on the whole picture. For example, when you see a picture of an artist painting the life of cats (a humorous genre), you evaluate him in terms of his contribution to art, and not only criticize the color of the cat's shoes in the picture.

Aesthetic perception - what is it?

  • Perception is an opinion about any work of art and its contribution to world beauty. When you look at a beautiful thing and experience positive emotions. For example, buying a set of cups and saucers because the set is 100 years old.
  • Aesthetic evaluation is what a certain person thinks about the beauty of nature, any phenomenon or thing. Or maybe about the beauty of another person.

  • Aesthetic ideal is a generalized concept that characterizes what a person understands by the word "ideal".
  • Aesthetic values ​​characterize a person very much, as they express his attitude to all life spectrums. The attitude of the individual to different spheres of life as a whole constitutes his personality.

Without normal person cannot work if he does not work. He needs work not only to buy food, but also to realize life values, to buy resources that will bring joy to other people (for example, buying toys for a child) or to invest in self-development (watching movies, buying books).

But the ability to feel beauty also does not mean that a person is perfect. For example, Hitler was an artist and also saw beauty. At the same time he became famous as a tyrant.

What is responsible for the development of our aesthetic senses?

The development of aesthetic feelings of human beauty and his intellectual development are directly related. Without sufficient intelligence (or education), an individual will not be able to fully appreciate beauty. To, for example, appreciate a work of art, you need to know its value in the context of the era, to study art history.

How to develop a sense of beauty in yourself?

Information sources will help: books, good films, as well as communication with other people. Conduct developing trainings, appreciate in people not only material well-being, but also spiritual values. Develop the ability to see beauty in small things.

Aesthetic feelings are the need to develop

Let's take a look at what investing in yourself is. These are actions that allow you to form moral and aesthetic feelings in yourself. This is health care and appearance, new knowledge. Without these three components it is impossible to achieve success. All three qualities must be developed in oneself. While you are young, you do not particularly think about morality, aesthetics. That is why psychologists advise developing the aesthetic feelings of preschoolers.

But it is worth considering that if you do not take care of them properly, then in more adulthood there will be many problems. Human life will become very limited.

For example, the health of the body begins with psychological, mental health. All mental illnesses or clamps, one way or another, are reflected on the body, make themselves felt by ailments of various degrees of severity. Fear, constant depression, depression, hopelessness "transform" into cervical osteochondrosis, lack of emotions, love, colors of life, spoil a person's eyesight. The inferiority complex, one way or another, is reflected in the posture and spine.

The first thing to start taking care of your health is to acquire peace of mind, the development of such a factor as aesthetic feelings (this is reading all kinds of literature, contemplating beautiful things).

Then you need to pay attention to body care and appearance. If a person does not like himself outwardly, then his self-esteem suffers, and life success not reach. In a woman's life, her appearance and psychological comfort are directly related. Therefore, you need to take care of creating your own style, skin care.

Outdoor walks do not cost money and at the same time have a good effect on a person, they are indirectly responsible for the education of aesthetic feelings in children. Masks made from henna, basma and fermented milk products will help maintain the beauty of hair.

To fully care for the skin (cleanse, moisturize, tone), you need to stock up on facial peeling, moisturizer and tonic. Quality products are available from quite affordable companies.

Aesthetic feelings are knowledge

One wise man said that knowledge is a valuable cargo that does not interfere. You never know what kind of information you will need today or tomorrow. Therefore, there is no extra knowledge.

How to invest in yourself knowledge?

  • Read every day. Giving preference not to the tabloid press, but psychological books or educational literature, a person invests in himself.
  • Chat with new people. You should not hang around in a cafe all day to make acquaintances. Even in social networks there are people who can give advice on this or that occasion, recommend good literature.
  • To take risks. From time to time it is worth leaving the “comfort zone” and trying yourself in some new business. This is how a person develops.

Love and aesthetic feelings

The human psyche is multifaceted. But only a person who is capable of experiencing aesthetic feelings can love. The same quality - the ability to love - in different people may manifest itself in different ways. How much a person is developed depends on his internal development, as well as on how vivid emotions you experience for a person.

The first stage of falling in love is a habit

Emotions, one way or another, require an outlet, but how a lover will realize himself depends directly on his development. Such traits as hysteria, narcissism, selfishness indicate that a person has a strong instinct of fear and a little expressed sense of beauty. Or simply not satisfied with its basic needs. The inability to realize oneself pushes a person to tantrums, selfishness, self-defense.

An individual who is in the first stage of falling in love loves for the status that this or that person gives him. He loves for comfort, for the opportunity to defend himself. Or just for a beautiful thing. He is able to enjoy beautiful clothes, cars. But it is difficult for him to fall in love with a certain person. Surrounding people are evaluated solely by appearance or by material status. The moral qualities and personality of the interlocutor are of little interest to him.

The second stage of love is sympathy

It is love, also based on basic needs. The feeling of love for one's neighbor is still poorly developed and cannot be fully realized. The manifestation of sympathy is limited to coquetry, flirting. If the object of love does not reciprocate, it quickly passes, since attachment to him has not yet formed. It's like the aesthetic feelings of children.

The second stage of love has no creative basis. If a person in love failed on a personal front, did not get what he wanted, then he can become angry with the opposite sex, become a misogynist or man-hater and devote his entire life to a cat or dog. This individual can easily pass by human grief, use someone, he also has a desire to take revenge.

The third stage of the development of love is physiology

A person in the third stage of love is also attracted physical characteristics(pleasant voice, appearance) but he experiences a feeling for a person more deeply and fully than in the second stage. The formation of aesthetic feelings is based on understanding the object of passion. He not only wants reciprocity with a partner, but also respects his environment, tries to decorate his life as much as possible. At this stage, a person is already learning to understand psychology, reading thematic literature, trying to delve into the situation. The individual wants not only to take, but also to give.

An attachment to the object of love is formed, from which it is difficult to get rid of.

The fourth step in the development of falling in love is true love.

A person who is at such a stage of development can not only understand the mood of another, sympathize, but almost physically feels the pain of his neighbor. Attachment and disinterested love for a person is formed, acceptance of all his features, including shortcomings. But do not confuse this feeling with painful addiction, which many lovers confuse with love.

Feelings are the most stable human experiences that arise when social needs are satisfied or not satisfied (love, pride, hatred, worldview feelings, etc.). Distinctive features of feelings are their awareness, objectivity and generalization.

Feelings moral (moral) - a person's experience of his attitude to other people, to society, to the rules and norms of society. They arise when comparing the phenomena of reality with social norms after their adoption. Positive moral feelings include feelings of benevolence, pity, tenderness, sympathy, friendship, comradeship, collectivism, patriotism, duty, etc. Negative moral feelings include feelings of individualism, selfishness, enmity, envy, gloating, hate, etc.

Intellectual feelings - feelings associated with cognitive activity and regulating the intellectual activity of the individual. These feelings include feelings of interest, satisfaction from intellectual activity, love of truth, doubt, surprise, humor, etc. Intellectual feelings allow you to overcome difficulties, support the desire to search for truth. Therefore, the efficiency of some scientists is so striking.

Aesthetic feelings are a kind of coloring of sensations that characterize our attitude to the individual qualities of an object. The experience of the beautiful and the ugly in nature, life, art, man, etc. Associated with the understanding of harmony, sublime, tragic, comic. Art has a huge impact on the emotional state of a person. So, the feeling of the tragic is manifested in a person when empathizing with the tragic situations of other people (catharsis).

Catharsis (eng. cathexix - the energy expended on the presentation of concepts, ideas, images, symbols) - originally the concept of catharsis referred to a state of emotional shock, internal purification, which was caused in viewers of ancient tragedies as a result of experiencing the fate of the hero, which, as a rule, ended in death. Catharsis - contact with the suffering of people, empathy with the tragedy.

Practical (practical) feelings (Greek pgaktikos - active) - feelings associated with human activity (annoyance, pleasure, creative upsurge, etc.).

Passions are absolutely dominant feelings that capture a person and own him. This, as a rule, is a strongly expressed passion of a person for something or someone, accompanied by deep emotional experiences associated with the corresponding object.


As we have already noted, a person not only cognizes reality in the processes of perception, memory, imagination and thinking, but at the same time experiences certain feelings towards them. The source of such an internal personal relationship is the activity and communication in which it arises, changes, consolidates or fades away. Patriotism is also called a feeling, which largely determines the position of a person. A feeling is also called a disgust that has seized a person for a liar who deceived someone from petty motives. Feelings are always closely related to human emotions. It is no coincidence that in the literature one can meet the consideration of feelings as a type of emotion, as well as emotions as a result of experiencing a particular feeling.

On the one hand, the experience of feeling acts as a special mental state experienced by the subject, where the perception and understanding of something, knowledge about something acts in unity with a personal attitude to the perceived, understood, known or unknown. In all these cases it is said particular emotional state of a person.

However, the experience of feeling is mental process, having its own dynamics, current and changeable. In particular, for example, to experience the severity of the loss loved one means to actively rethink one's place in life, which has changed after an irreparable loss, to reevaluate life values, to find strength in oneself to overcome a critical situation, etc. The emotional process that is rapidly flowing in this way, as its result, has a certain balance of positive and negative assessments of the situation of loss itself and oneself in this situation. So, the experience is connected with the objective need to endure the situation that has become critical, to endure it, to endure, to cope with it. It means to emotionally experience something.

In contrast to the actual emotions and affects associated with specific situations, feelings distinguish phenomena in the perceived reality that have a stable need-motivational significance for a person. Feelings always have a clearly expressed objective character. It's always a feeling for something. But the subject of feelings can be both very generalized and speculative.

The same feeling can be realized in different emotions. According to V.K. Vilyunas, this is due to the complexity of phenomena, the versatility and multiplicity of their connections with each other. For example, the feeling of love generates a range of emotions: joy, anger, sadness, sympathy, jealousy, etc. In the same feeling, emotions of different signs (positive or negative) often merge, pass into each other. This explains such a property of feelings as duality ( ambivalence).

Historically, feelings are formed in the process of human social development and change depending on specific social conditions. In ontogeny, feelings appear later than emotions proper; they are formed as individual consciousness develops under the influence of upbringing in the family, school, etc. Arising as a result of the generalization of individual emotions, feelings become formations of a person’s emotional sphere that determine the dynamics and content of situational emotional reactions.

The problem of classification of feelings remains unresolved. In any case, there is still no exhaustive classification of feelings, which is explained, firstly, by their great diversity and, secondly, by variability depending on historical conditions.

Most often, when trying to classify feelings, one can come across the allocation of such a concept as “higher feelings”, since they arise when the needs of a higher order are satisfied. higher feelings - this is a special group of feelings that contains all the richness of a person's emotional relationship to social reality. Depending on the subject area to which they relate, the highest feelings are divided into moral, aesthetic, intellectual and practical.

Higher feelings have a number of characteristic features: a large degree of generalization, which they can achieve in their developed forms; connection with a more or less distinct awareness of social norms relating to one or another side of reality. Since the attitude of a person as a whole to the world and to life is revealed to a certain extent in higher feelings, they are sometimes called ideological feelings.

Moral or Moral called the feelings that a person experiences when perceiving reality and comparing these phenomena with the norms, categories of morality developed by society. The objects of moral feelings are social institutions and institutions, the state, human groups and individuals, life events, human relations, the person himself as an object of his feelings, etc.

The question arises: is it possible to consider moral feeling only because it is directed to certain institutions, human groups, individuals? No, since the emergence of a moral feeling presupposes that a person has mastered moral norms and rules, that they appear in his mind as something to which he is obliged, cannot but obey.

Moral feelings include love, a sense of duty, humanity, benevolence, friendship, sympathy, etc. Among moral feelings, moral and political feelings are sometimes singled out separately as a manifestation of emotional attitudes towards various public organizations and institutions, collectives, the state as a whole, to the Motherland, etc. One of the most important features of moral feelings is their effective nature. They act as the motivating forces of many heroic deeds and sublime deeds.

aesthetic feelings - This is the emotional attitude of a person to the beautiful or ugly in the surrounding phenomena, objects, in people's lives, in nature and in art. The basis for the emergence of aesthetic feelings is the ability of a person to perceive the phenomena of the surrounding reality, guided not only by moral norms, but also by the principles of beauty. Man acquired this ability in the process of social development, social practice.

Aesthetic feelings are characterized by great diversity, complexity of the psychological picture, versatility and depth of influence on a person's personality. A person experiences especially deep feelings when perceiving the best works fiction, musical, dramatic, visual and other arts. This is due to the fact that moral, intellectual, and practical feelings are specifically intertwined in these experiences. The huge positive impact that the perception of works of art has on the mental and physiological states of a person was noted by Aristotle, who called this phenomenon “purification” (“catharsis”). Aesthetic pleasure brings emotional shock and emotional insight. This is the basis of aesthetic psychotherapy.

In addition to experiencing the beautiful (or ugly), aesthetic feelings also carry out a kind of reconfiguration of the mental and physiological functions of the human body in accordance with the perceived aesthetic object. As a rule, aesthetic feelings have a sthenic effect on the psyche, activate the functions of the body. This influence of them is manifested in a kind of excitement when perceiving works of art.

Aesthetic feeling cannot be characterized by any one emotion involved in its manifestation. The complexity and originality of aesthetic experiences lie in a specific and unique combination of emotions that are different in their direction, intensity and meaning. N.V. Gogol characterized his humor as laughter visible to the world through tears invisible to the world.

Although aesthetic feelings are specific, different from moral ones, they are directly related to the latter. Aesthetic feelings often influence the upbringing and formation of moral feelings and play in the social life and activities of people a role similar to that played by moral feelings.

intellectual or cognitive feelings are called experiences that arise in the process cognitive activity person. Discovery of new facts and phenomena of reality, their interpretation, reasoning about certain provisions, finding new ways to solve a problem, etc. cause a whole range of emotions in a person: surprise, bewilderment, curiosity, inquisitiveness, conjecture, a feeling of joy and pride about the discovery made, a feeling of doubt about the correctness of the decision, etc. All these feelings, depending on the nature and scale of the problem being solved, on the degree of its difficulty, can appear in a more or less complex form.

One of the most necessary for intellectual activity is a sense of curiosity, a love of truth. It has an effective character, it is expressed in the constant search and struggle for something new, progressive both in the field of knowledge and in practical activity. A. Einstein very aptly called such a desire "flight from surprise."

Intellectual feelings reinforce, make pleasant the activity associated with overcoming difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. They provide the energy for the work necessary to advance knowledge from the existing level to new heights. It is the strength of intellectual feelings that can explain the amazing ability of some scientists.

practical feelings or praxis (from the ancient Greek "praxis" - an act, activity) - this is an emotional response to all the richness and diversity of human activity. These feelings are generated by activity, its change, success or failure, difficulties in its implementation, its completion. Practical feelings are characterized different content and varying degrees of intensity of experience, depending on the forms, the complexity of the activity that a person performs.

When the usual simple work is performed, the process of which is sufficiently automated, the emotional response relates more to the very result of labor than to its process. The complication of activity, the introduction of creativity into it generates a response to the very process of its implementation in the form of so-called creative feelings.

AESTHETIC FEELING - not a mediocre emotional experience by a person of his aesthetic attitude to reality, fixed by aesthetic activity in all its forms, including art. creativity, and accompanying them as an active energy basis. As soon as this experience is lost, the person goes out to reality or passes into the plane of reflective judgment. In Ch. e. in the filmed form, the entire spiritual world of a person, his and his social experience is presented. It always has a selective-evaluative character. Despite Ch. e. (like - dislike), positive emotion always prevails in it, even in relation to the terrible and ugly. The prevalence of a negative emotional tone extinguishes it. H. e. inherent subject-situational character. It is always directed at the object and aesthetically reproduces it in the imagination as an image of the desired reality. In the depth and intensity of aesthetic experience and creative work of the imagination, “completing” the situation to the desired one, the law of the double expression of Ch. e. described by Vygotsky finds manifestation, when Ch. flows into the plane of imagination, and imagination induces it. H. e. can have a different degree of awareness: it can be both unconscious and reflective, rising to a detailed judgment of taste ( Judgment). Being the emotional plan of the aesthetic relation and developing synchronously with it, Ch. e. has its own dominant development. It begins with a preliminary emotion, an involuntary aesthetic reaction (“ah!”, “Suddenly!”), which takes a person’s consciousness beyond the limits of everyday life and includes it in an aesthetic relationship. On its basis, a stable, positively colored feeling of joy, spiritual comfort is formed. Its culmination Ch. e. reaches in catharsis. Possessing innate prerequisites and being subjective, Ch. e. socially conditioned. It is the product of both purposeful and unintentional aesthetic education. Hence Kant's marked universality: what pleases me is the object of universal pleasure. Social determinism Ch. e. determines its historicity: each historical era is characterized by its own historical type of Chest e., which finds expression, including in art (tearful, heroic-ironic, reflective, etc.). Stability and social significance Ch. e. is fixed in an aesthetic need, which, having formed, finds a way out into various types of activity and a person's relationship to reality. In this sense, Lunacharsky said that "the aesthetic feeling is the feeling of enjoying life."

Aesthetics: Dictionary. - M.: Politizdat. Under total ed. A. A. Belyaeva. 1989 .

See what "AESTHETIC FEELING" is in other dictionaries:

    feeling- restless (Avseenko); blissful (Dal); cheerful (Ropshin); inspirational (Pushkin); sublime (Kozlov, Pushkin); enthusiastic (L. Tolstoy); all-devouring (Orlov); bitter (Nemir. Danchenko); hotter (Lermontov, Nadson); creepy (Andreev); ... ... Dictionary of epithets

    AESTHETIC DEVELOPMENT- (from the Greek aisthesis sensation, understanding) the development of the ability to experience various phenomena of reality as beautiful. E. r. takes place in the process of perceiving objects that can cause experiences, and during one's own artistic ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    Aesthetic development- development of the ability to perceive the aesthetic aspects of what is happening and create them yourself (beautiful, ugly, solemn, majestic, harmonious, etc.) Children, notes K. Chukovsky, love music, sing, dance, recite, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    feeling- noun, s., use. max. often Morphology: (no) what? feelings for what? feel (see) what? feeling what? feeling about what? about feeling; pl. what? feelings, (no) what? feelings for what? feelings, (see) what? feelings what? feelings about what? about feelings 1. ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    feeling- [u / stv], a, p. 1) The ability of a living being to feel, perceive the world, external influences. Sense organs. Feeling pain. Sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste are the feelings with which we perceive the world around us. 2) Condition, ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    Aesthetic education- one of the directions of the content of the upbringing of the younger generation. It consists in developing students' aesthetic perception of the world around them and the ability to create beauty. It is based on emotions, feelings and natural, ... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture ( encyclopedic Dictionary teacher)

    AESTHETIC EDUCATION- the process of formation and development of aesthetic. emotionally sensual and value consciousness of the individual and the activity corresponding to it. One of the universal aspects of personality culture, ensuring its growth in accordance with social and ... ... Russian pedagogical encyclopedia

    - (from the Greek aistheti kos feeling, sensual) the original category of aesthetics as a science, which gave it a name and determines the specifics of its subject in all its manifestations: E. feeling, E. attitude, E. taste, E. ideal, E. value, claim in kind… … Aesthetics: Dictionary

    feeling- a; cf. 1. The ability of a living being to perceive psychophysical sensations, to respond to external stimuli. Sense organs (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste). H. Hunger. H. pain. Ch. chills. Experience hours of fear. Ch. Orientation in birds ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    feeling- a; cf. 1) The ability of a living being to perceive psychophysical sensations, to respond to external stimuli. Sense organs (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste) Sense of hunger. Chu / vstvo pain. Chu/vstvo chills. To experience a feeling of fear... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Aesthetic feeling and a work of art, LG Yuldashev. Aesthetic sense and a work of art…

Looking at a person - his appearance, behavior, conversation, you can understand whether he has developed aesthetic feelings for the beautiful and sublime.

Does he have a sense of taste and style, a sense of beauty and beauty, aesthetic ...

All people behave and look different, everyone has a different taste and sense of style (as they say: “there are no comrades for the taste and color”), everyone brought up their own aesthetic sense of beauty ...

You are invited to take an online style test to understand whether you have developed an aesthetic sense of taste for beauty or not.

And not just to understand, but also to learn how to develop a sense of taste in yourself, because. if a person has developed aesthetic feelings, then this says a lot ...

Test for a sense of style, aesthetic sense of taste of beauty

Before passing the test for a sense of style and taste of beauty, i.e. to determine how developed aesthetic feelings you have, you should understand what is at stake (a little digression before testing).

According to German philosopher Immanuel Kant, taste is the ability to judge beauty.
Only a developed sense of taste in a person can bring a person to harmony with himself, other people, the world and the universe.

For example, is considered to be the presence of a sense of aesthetic taste in a person in appearance, i.e. if a man or a woman is dressed with taste and style, when their clothes, other accessories and elements of appearance (including makeup, perfume smells, jewelry, hairstyle ...) are selected taking into account the features of the figure, face, etc. - that is, they emphasize the dignity and hide flaws.

Aesthetic taste and style presupposes the selectivity of a person, his commitment to any direction, and personal preferences with his own opinion about things (I emphasize - with my own, and not taken from someone else).

Those who do not prefer something specific, do not have their own "I" (imitates, copies someone), who are omnivorous and promiscuous - do not have a sense of taste and style. They do not have developed aesthetic feelings.

Look at the people around you on the street. How many people have a sense of taste and style? So - how many are harmonious inside, in life, in relationships?

The psychological aspect of the aesthetic taste of beauty

A few more words, and you can pass the test for a sense of style and taste.

You have probably seen people dressed with taste, while others have no aesthetic taste, bad taste in style, no sense of beauty.

For example, it's nice to look at a beautiful girl with a beautiful figure, whose tight-fitting clothes emphasize her dignity - her clothes, accessories, jewelry, good makeup, manicure, a slight pleasant smell of perfume shows her sense of taste.

Or, a girl with folds, stretch marks on her stomach, cellulite and excessively full legs, also dressed in tight or these parts of the body are open, plus the smell of her perfume cuts her nose, and her makeup is artificially bright and not harmonious - clearly speaks of disharmony in the soul and lack of a sense of taste and beauty.

Both can be dressed in stylish and fashionable clothes of the same brand, but is it an indicator of both of them having a sense of style?

Probably, if a girl does not have a very chiseled figure, then she should wear things that level out her shortcomings, and not show them ...

The psychological aspect of the sense of taste and style, or its absence, just not in the clothes themselves, accessories, perfumes and makeup.

And not even in the fact that a person knows how to emphasize dignity and hide flaws, due to the ability to dress correctly and apply makeup.

Aesthetic taste inside a person, in his head, in his soul (in the psyche) - the sense of taste is laid down in childhood, in the process of upbringing and socialization.

From a psychological point of view, we can somewhat reverse (but not distort) the opinions of philosophers about the sense of taste of beauty.

Those. not a developed sense of taste leads a person to harmony within himself and in the outside world, but a little vice versa - a sense of harmony within himself leads to the development of aesthetic taste and harmony in the world and the universe.

This is easy to check. See for yourself. If a girl is beautiful both in body and in her soul, then how not to “make up” her, how not to dress her up, how not to perfume her - at least in no way, at least dress her in felt boots, a padded jacket and a hat with earflaps in the summer - she is still beautiful, harmonious, charming and attracts .., something warm, beautiful, good emanates from her ...

Her sense of taste and beauty is inside her, and not in clothes and other accessories

Take a look at another beautiful girl stylishly and tastefully dressed and well-groomed.

If she has disharmony and emptiness in her soul, then no matter what her external gloss and aesthetic taste, she radiates cold, negative, her eyes are empty, she repels spiritually ... (she can attract, except perhaps physically ... out of lust ...).

Summary, before the style and taste test:
You have the right to dress and adorn yourself as you personally think is good. You can follow any direction in fashion and style. The sense of taste is not innate - it is acquired, you can always develop and change aesthetic taste.
The main thing you need to know it's that your personal sense of taste and style is in your head, not on your body. Be harmonious in your soul, and the rest will follow ...

So, take a test for the style and aesthetic taste of beauty online

You may be interested in .. or want to get rid of

Feelings and pleasures experienced by a person are diverse in nature, structure and psychological mechanism. Some of them are very close to animals, while others are specifically human and are inherent only to people. The aesthetic sense belongs precisely to the latter. This is one of the most complex types spiritual experience, perhaps the noblest of human feelings. However, it should be noted that even to him, a man, an aesthetic sense is not given from birth. as show Scientific research, it originates in a child relatively late, or does not arise at all if the child, for some reason, grew up in an animal environment. As K. Marx pointed out, an aesthetic feeling appears only where a person is free from "gross practical need." And if the animal "produces only under the direct control physical need", then a person produces, even being free from physical need, and in the true sense of the word, only then" produces when he is free from it. Developing the theory of human labor improvement, K. Marx found that the wealth of human sensibility and abilities arose and developed under the influence of diverse forms of practical activity.

Many animals have sight, but only man has an eye that can enjoy the beauty of objects. The organ of hearing is also inherent in many animals, but only humans have an ear for music. The formation of external feelings is the result of a long biological evolution of the world, the emergence and development of aesthetic spiritual feelings is the result of all social history humanity. The ability to actively perceive the world around us in the forms of humanly developed sensibility is not inherent in our nature (unlike the sense organs themselves), but is a cultural and historical product. The forms of contemplation and representations are not only not determined by the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the organs of perception, but, on the contrary, are given to them from the outside by various forms of activity, the variety of these forms.

The well-known Soviet philosopher E. V. Ilyenkov describes this process in such a figurative way: The “own form” (physiological form) of the human perception organs is similar to the “form of wax” precisely in the sense that it is structurally and physiologically not “encoded” in advance [a priori] none of the forms of their active functioning. Structurally, they are adapted by evolution precisely to perceive the form of any object, to adjust their activity to any objective form. physiologically, that is, together with the anatomy of the organs of thought and perception. Each time they are reproduced in the individual through the exercise of these organs and are inherited in a special way - through the forms of those objects that are created by man for man, through the forms and organization of the object-human world. The culture created by human labor is the material carrier of forms of thinking and forms of contemplation, through which they are transmitted from one generation to another.

Culture, its objective forms, spiritual content, as well as the human community are carriers of forms of feeling the world and forms of thinking. An individual person masters such forms individually, through various forms of activity and communication, through games and learning. Outside the world of culture and the human community, these generic qualities of a person do not develop. In other words, the way of transferring generic qualities is socio-cultural, and not biological, genetic, as in animals. Biologically and genetically, a person has only the prerequisites for a social form of life. Forming in early childhood, they really turn into psychological mechanisms and act like "natural" human abilities. Therefore, they seem to be the same "natural" features of a human being, as well as the anatomical structure of his body. Moreover, these abilities are characteristic of all people, differing only in the degree of their development and cultural and ethnic originality of manifestation. All this gives the impression that the forms of thinking and the forms of feeling are inherited in the same way as the color of the eyes and the shape of the nose.

An individual, entering into life, finds ready not only the socio-economic system, but also a certain culture of society, material and spiritual values. For him, they act, first of all, as a condition of real existence. Only in the process of practical appropriation by an individual of social experience, crystallized in the culture of society, his primary biological needs and feelings are humanized, proper human spiritual needs and abilities are formed. Among them is the aesthetic need and the aesthetic attitude as the ability to satisfy it.

Io aesthetic need arises only in the presence of aesthetic feeling-- this foundation of an aesthetic relationship to the world. That is, an aesthetic feeling is such a spiritual formation, which means a certain level of socialization of the individual, the elevation of his needs to truly human ones.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that a person cannot satisfy any need without satisfying himself holistically as a person. The nature of the aesthetic feeling, its value orientation are therefore the most important social characteristic personality.

The existing structure of cultural, in particular artistic, values ​​of each specific era in relation to individual consciousness has a normative character. Assimilated by the individual in the process of social interaction and aesthetic education, the aesthetic values ​​accepted in society act as a guide in his aesthetic attitude to reality, serve as standards and criteria that allow him to form his own spiritual world, the internal structure of the personality.

The mediation of the aesthetic attitude by the previous aesthetic experience of mankind, fixed in culture, is one of the reasons for the commonality of the aesthetic feeling of people. The measure of the generality of the aesthetic feeling is different. The nature of the worldview can be common to an entire historical epoch. This is most clearly manifested in art. The romantic worldview is easy to distinguish from the classic, communicating with works of art representing these trends in art. One can detect the similarity of the aesthetic feeling in the national-ethnic community of people. This depends primarily on the social class position of the human community: the more complex the social, cultural, ethnic, demographic structure of society, the more diverse the aesthetic feelings of people.

The forms of aesthetic worldview that exist in society do not act in relation to an individual in the form of norms prescribing a certain attitude of a person to reality, they rather acquire the value of models on the basis of which a person builds his own worldview. The quality of individual aesthetic feeling depends on what complex of socio-cultural factors will have the greatest impact on the individual development of the individual. The measure of its development is also individual and largely depends on the efforts of the individual himself to master the richness of the aesthetic culture developed by mankind. It is at the same time a measure of the socialization of the individual. The underdevelopment of the aesthetic sense indicates the low spirituality of a person, his inability to rise to the true social reality of any act of life. Inspirituality, baseness, rough utilitarian needs, desires of the individual testify to the underdevelopment of the aesthetic sense.

One should also take into account the objective social conditions that may be unfavorable for the aesthetic development of both an individual and entire social strata or classes. Therefore, the availability of the wealth of aesthetic culture, i.e., the equal rights of all people to education, information, use of libraries, museums and other cultural institutions, is an important condition for social justice.

The degree of development of the aesthetic sense significantly affects the nature and quality of social activities person. This is most clearly manifested in the degree of craving for beauty, perfection, harmony. Moreover, becoming an essential characteristic of a person, the aesthetic feeling leaves an imprint on any act of human activity and his spiritual experience. It ensures not only the harmonization of the external world through activity, but also enriches, diversifies inner world man, his spiritual experiences.

Art has a significant influence on the development of aesthetic feeling. To a certain extent, it is a piggy bank, an experience of world perception and ensures not only the preservation of the culture of feelings, but also the sphere of development, enrichment of it. With the help of art, we not only develop and enrich our personal, individual experience of the relationship of the world, but also the ability to penetrate the inner world of another person, we learn to see and feel the world through the eyes of others, and thereby reveal in ourselves the ability to sympathize with another person, to participate in his joy and misfortune. .

Aesthetic feeling, therefore, is the basis of aesthetic consciousness, on which more complex elements of its structure can be formed, ensuring the aesthetic development and improvement of the individual and society, such as aesthetic taste and aesthetic ideal.
