Vladimir Petrovich Morozov The Art and Science of Communication: Nonverbal Communication Editor's note. Vladimir Morozov “Non-verbal communication. Experimental psychological research Download free book Vladimir Morozov “Non-verbal communication. Ek

Non-verbal communication. Experimental psychological research

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Title: Non-verbal communication. Experimental psychological research

About the book Vladimir Morozov “Non-verbal communication. Experimental psychological research"

The monograph summarizes the author's many years of experience in the form of selected works (articles, monographs, patents, etc.) on the experimental psychological study of non-verbal communication (NC) in the system of speech communication and vocal art. In accordance with the complex psychophysiological and acoustic nature of the subject of research - human speech and voice - an interdisciplinary, integrated and systematic approach is implemented in the work using acoustic, physiological, psychological methods and computer technologies specially developed by the author.

Represented by the most complete classification different types of NC and their psychological characteristics are given. The features of NC are described in comparison with verbal speech. The theoretical model of the two-channel (verbal-non-verbal) structure of speech communication proposed by the author is substantiated. The work introduces a number of new concepts in the theory of speech communication and vocal art - "emotional hearing", "vocal hearing", "psychological portrait of a person according to the non-verbal features of his speech (voice)", "psychological lie detector", etc.

Based on the research of non-verbal features of the voice of vocalists of different professional levels and qualifications, including outstanding masters of vocal art, the fundamentals of the resonant theory of the art of singing, computer methods for diagnosing and developing vocal talent have been developed.

The developed new methods and research results are focused on a wide scientific and practical application in psychological testing, professional selection, in pedagogy, linguistics, stage speech, oratory, announcer, vocal and other types of art, in imageology, medical psychology, phoniatrics, criminology and other disciplines.

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Vladimir Petrovich Morozov

The Art and Science of Communication: Nonverbal Communication

From the editor

The book offered to readers is the second, corrected and supplemented edition of the author's previously published monograph “Non-verbal communication in the system of verbal communication. Psychophysiological and psychoacoustic foundations. ”-M .: Ed. IPRAN, 1998.

The author of the monograph is Professor V.P. Morozov is well known in the circles of speech researchers as an authoritative specialist in nonverbal and, in particular, in the emotional and aesthetic characteristics of the speech process, its psychoacoustic and physiological correlates.

The problem of non-verbal communication, despite its undoubted importance for the theory and practice of interpersonal communication, is a poorly developed area of ​​science. And very few works are devoted to phonation aspects of the problem, i.e. speech and voice as means of non-verbal communication. This work substantially fills this gap.

The peculiarity of the book is that it was written mainly based on the materials of the author's own scientific research and his staff, as evidenced by the extensive list of articles and monographs of the author, cited along with references to the work of other researchers.

The main idea of ​​the book is a complex of scientific proofs of the two-channel, according to the author's terminology (i.e. verbal-non-verbal) nature of speech communication and the special role of non-verbal communication in comparison with phonetic speech. This basic idea acquires a number of convincing arguments on the pages of the book. Among them are the author's interesting studies on the ability of a person to subconsciously perceive the non-verbal characteristics of inverted speech.

The work implements a comprehensive systematic approach using a large number psychological and acoustic-physiological research, which allowed the author to put forward a number of new original ideas about the psycho-physiological nature of non-verbal communication. In essence, this is an original interdisciplinary study of one of the most curious properties of the human psyche - the property of sociability. Therefore, the book will certainly be of interest to many specialists.

In addition to the scientific and theoretical orientation of the book, it also pursues didactic goals: it can serve study guide on this issue for undergraduate and graduate students.

Compared with the first edition, the book contains an extensive appendix - statements by famous cultural figures about the art and science of communication and, in particular, about its non-verbal aspects (part 3). The selection of such statements of thinkers, poets, writers, philosophers, scientists of different times and peoples compiled by the author can be considered not only as a brief textbook supplement to the book (which is important for a textbook), but is also of certain research interest. First, it illustrates the main sections of the scientific part of the monograph. Secondly, it shows what practical value has a problem of non-verbal communication in the system of verbal communication, according to many authoritative authors (Cicero, Quintilian, Lomonosov, Koni, Likhachev and others), because almost all statements in direct or indirect form contain advice on the practice of non-verbal speech behavior and oratory. Thirdly, the appendix shows how important in non-verbal communication is not only and not so much information as the moral and ethical component. And, finally, fourthly, it gives an idea of ​​the significance of certain aspects of non-verbal communication in a broad historical aspect, from Confucius to the present day.

Thus, the application makes an important contribution to understanding the essence of the problem considered by the author. And here, not only the statements of the greatest thinkers and scientists are of interest to us, but also the ingenuous lines of poets, reflecting the spirit of their era. In addition, the application, quite consonant with the title of the book - "The Art and Science of Communication" - is interesting in itself; and not only for specialists, but also for a wider circle of readers.

Corresponding member of RANV.I. Medvedev

Preface to the first edition 1

Non-verbal (non-verbal) communication is the most important and at the same time little-studied means of communication and mutual understanding of people. This is especially true of the non-verbal expressiveness of a person's voice.

The author of this publication is Professor V.P. Morozov, head of the Nonverbal Communication Laboratory of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the Art and Science Center - most of his scientific activity devoted to the experimental and theoretical study of the human voice as a means of non-verbal communication and, in particular, emotional and aesthetic expressiveness. He is the author of many scientific works on the language of emotions, including a number of monographs: “Vocal hearing and voice”, “Biophysical foundations of vocal speech”, “Language of emotions, brain and computer”, “Artistic type of a person”, etc. His scientific - the popular book "Entertaining Bioacoustics" won the first prize at the All-Union competition "Science and Progress" of the publishing house "Knowledge" and was published in a number of countries. The mass media - radio, TV, print - regularly show interest in research on non-verbal communication carried out by the Laboratory of the Morozov Computing Center

1 VL. Morozov. Non-verbal communication in the system of speech communication. Psychophysical and psychoacoustic foundations. -M.: Ed. IPRAN, 1998.

The edition offered to readers is a summary of the main scientific achievements in the study of non-verbal communication obtained by the author and his collaborators over the past decade. The brochure presents the concept of the two-channel verbal-non-verbal nature of speech communication developed by the author.

This is a new experimental and theoretical work in Russian psychology, which explains the formation in the listener of a subjective image of the objective properties of the speaker. The intermediary between the subject and the object is the voice as a carrier of information about the psychological characteristics of the speaker, regardless of the verbal meaning of speech.

Much of this publication is original and innovative. For example, the hierarchical scheme-classification of various types of non-verbal information developed by the author (clause 1.3.), the concept of "emotional hearing of a person" (clause 3.2.), For the first time experimentally and theoretically substantiated by V.P. Morozov and introduced by him into the scientific lexicon and everyday life, as well as “Psychological portrait of a person by his voice” (p. 3.12.), “Psychological lie detector” (p. 3.15.) and a number of others.

The author is distinguished by broad erudition in many scientific disciplines related to psychology, clarity of presentation of complex scientific questions, the desire not only for their scientific and theoretical interpretation, but also for the practical use of scientific knowledge. So, for example, the non-verbal psychoacoustic test for emotional hearing developed by B.IL Morozov is successfully used in the professional selection of people in artistic professions, in particular, in the Moscow Conservatory, and also in the interests of pedagogical and medical psychology to diagnose the development of the emotional sphere or its disorders in a number of cases. diseases. The research results are widely used by prof. Morozov in lecture courses on non-verbal communication for psychologists, sociologists, teachers, vocalists, phoniatrists, etc.

The book can serve as a textbook for these categories of students, and is also of undoubted interest to scientists, graduate students and practical psychologists engaged in research in this relatively new theoretically and practically important interdisciplinary field of knowledge.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.V. brushlinsky

Part I. Introduction

Art in circulation. Through this, a person declares about himself, what he deserves .. It is everyday and such a matter in our life, on which a great loss or gain of honor depends.

emotional information

Emotional information characterizing the emotional state of an individual in the process of communication (joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, various complex feelings) is one of the most important. S.L. Rubinstein wrote: “For a true understanding of not only the text of speech, but also the speaker, not only the abstract “dictionary” meaning of his words, but also the meaning that they acquire in the speech of a given person in a given situation, it is very important to understand the emotional and expressive subtext, and not only text” (Rubinshtein, 1976).

It is necessary to distinguish between the orientation of the emotional expressiveness of the speaker: a) on the partner (partners) in communication, b) on the subject of the conversation, c) on himself, which, of course, implies a completely different psychological nature of the impact of the expressed emotion on the communicant and, accordingly, his reaction. Perception emotional information depends on the degree of expression of emotion in the voice and its type. Studies have shown greater reliability of adequate perception of emotions such as anger and fear compared to the emotion of joy. From an evolutionary-historical point of view, this can be explained by the greater socio-biological significance of the emotions of anger and fear (as signals of threat and danger) compared to the emotion of joy (as a signal of comfort and pleasure). From an acoustic point of view, the emotions of anger and fear are encoded by more expressive and reliable means than the emotion of joy (Morozov, 1977). The individual abilities of people to perceive emotional information are significantly different.

Emotional hearing.

To characterize emotional impressiveness, i.e. the ability of a person to adequately perceive emotional information, the concept of emotional hearing was proposed (Morozov, 1985, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1994). If phonetic speech hearing provides a person's ability to perceive the verbal semantic content of speech, then emotional hearing (ES) is the ability to determine the emotional state of the speaker by the sound of his voice. AT musical art ES is the ability to adequately perceive and interpret subtle emotional shades of musical sounds.

In theoretical terms, ES is defined as a sensory-perceptual part of the non-verbal communication system, specialized for an adequate assessment of emotional information in sound form. Unlike speech hearing, the center of which is located in the left temporal zone of the brain (Wernicke's center), the center of emotional hearing is located in the right temporal region. Violation of this zone (for example, in stroke, etc.) leads to an inability to adequately perceive and recognize familiar melodies, voices, emotional intonation of speech (Balonov, Deglin, 1976; Baru, 1977).

Emotional hearing test.

To assess individual and typological differences among people according to the degree of development of ES, the author developed special psychoacoustic tests, which are sets of emotionally colored fragments of sound speech, singing, music, obtained with the participation of professional actors, singers, musicians (Morozov, 1985, 1991, 1993, 1904 ; Morozov, 1996; Morozov, Zhdanov, Fetisova, 1991; Morozov, Kuznetsov, Safonova, 1994; Fetisova, 1991, 1994; Serebryakova, 1994, 1995, etc.).

Rice. 8. The language of emotions is independent of the meaning of the word. One of the proofs of this is the ability of a person - an actor, singer, musician - to express emotions when pronouncing (or singing) not only a phrase with words, but vocalizing it without words (vocalization to the melody of the phrase "Sleep my child"), while singing one vowel on one note and even with the sound of a violin. In the latter case, the violinist was given the task of expressing joy, anger, fear, etc. while playing an excerpt from the Rondo capriccioso of Saint-Saens. On a vertical scale - the probability of correct perception by listeners of different emotions (%) (Po Morozov, 1989).

Rice. 9. Emotional hearing - the ability to perceive the emotional shades of someone else's voice - is not the same for different people. The height of the scale bars on the graph shows the probability of correctly determining the nature of the emotion expressed by the voice. Categories of students are indicated by numbers: 1 - schoolchildren of the 1st grade; 2 - schoolchildren of the 2nd grade; 3 - adults; 4 - schoolchildren of the 5th grade; 5 - students primary school children's music school; 6 - vocal ensemble "Tonika"; 7- student vocalists of the conservatory. Dashed lines indicate "limits" - the limits of individual differences among listeners of each category (Po Morozov, 1983).

The research procedure allows with enough a high degree objectivity to identify the ability of any person to adequately perceive emotional intonation and to quantify this ability in points, more precisely, in percentage of the correct identification of all emotionally colored fragments of speech, singing, music heard by the individual. The advantage of such non-verbal tests over verbal questionnaire tests that dominate in psychological science is that they can be used to obtain more adequate assessments of the abilities and properties of the people being examined, in particular, their emotional and aesthetic perception.

The average normal individual has an emotional hearing of 60-70 points. But there are people with emotional hearing of only 10-20 points, which can be characterized as emotional hearing loss or even deafness, found, in particular, in children brought up without parents in an orphanage (according to A.Kh. Pashina, 1991), in persons suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction (according to the study of E.I. Serebryakova, 1995). On the other hand, there are those with ultra-high emotional hearing (up to 90-95 points) among musicians, choir conductors, vocalists, leading ballet dancers (Fetisova, 1991). Children in grades 1-2 secondary school have emotional hearing from 26% to 73%, on average 45-60% (points).

Studies have shown a statistically reliable correlation of ES with such a psychological characteristic as empathy (tested according to the Megrabyan questionnaire), a high repeatability of test results for similar age and professional groups of people (Morozov, 1994), which indicates the validity and predictability of the ES test.

aesthetic information.

Verbal definitions of the aesthetic information of speech and voice are evaluative in nature: like-dislike, pleasant-unpleasant, gentle-rough, clean-hoarse, etc. The most important feature of aesthetic information is its imagery and metaphor. The aesthetic characteristics of the voice as an acoustic phenomenon are not limited to purely acoustic definitions (voiced-dumb, high-low), but are borrowed from the field of other sensory sensations, for example, visual (bright-dim, light-dark), skin-tactile (soft-hard, warm-cold), or muscle (light-heavy) and even taste (the voice is sweet, sour, bitter), etc., and also characterize the physiological features of sound formation in the human vocal apparatus (thoracic, throat, nasal, tense , free, lethargic) and even the state of health (sickly), fatigue (tired), etc. In addition, listeners are able to endow the voice even with moral categories, for example, call the sound “noble”. This refers rather to a person - the owner of a voice, but such a category - a noble sound - also exists among instrumentalists, for example, violinists, pianists, trumpeters, etc.

Aesthetic information is one of the least studied and, at the same time, undoubtedly significant psychological characteristics of a person. From a linguistic point of view, it does not matter what tone of voice this or that phrase is pronounced. However, its psychological impact significantly depends on the aesthetic characteristics of the voice. This is determined by the stereotypes of the speaker's psychological perception formed in people: listeners tend to attribute great advantages to people with aesthetically perfect sounding speech (pleasant timbre, intonation, etc.) compared to imperfect speech. Specially conducted comparative experimental studies tape recordings of the speech of a group of dramatic artists with aesthetically perfect speech qualities and a group of businessmen, the speech of cohorts was rated aesthetically lower points, showed that listeners statistically significantly ascribe to the owners of beautiful speech not only high intellectual, aesthetic and psychological qualities (sympathy, intelligence, education , benevolence, generosity, self-esteem), but also significantly higher business and partnership qualities (competence, reliability, initiative, energy, confidence, interest), as well as better health (Morozov, 1995a). (see also § 3.12 "Psychological portrait of a person by non-verbal features of his voice").

The above results are confirmed by studies by American and German psychologists, which have shown that people tend to endow more merits on outwardly more beautiful and attractive people compared to less beautiful ones; beautiful people have more trust, respect, naturally, sympathy, they are more likely to forgive extravagant behavior, adultery, beautiful people have higher salaries, successful promotions, courts often acquit them, etc. (Beauty and success, 1995 ).

Biophysical Information

Biophysical information that characterizes the sex and age differences of people, as well as the height and weight of a person, to a certain extent reflects the individual characteristics of people. Its main difference from individual-personal information is that it characterizes a person's belonging to a certain category according to biophysical criteria (gender, age, height, weight), i.e., it carries not purely individual, but typological, group (average) features specified categories of people. According to this criterion, this type of information can be classified as a social group category (see the next §), since at least sex and age groups can also be considered as social categories. The specificity of biophysical information is that it is associated mainly with the biological, physical (anatomical) properties of people, in fact, they are determined by them.

The reliability of determining the biophysical characteristics of the speaker by his voice is quite high and, accordingly, is: for gender - 98.4%, age - 82.4% (7.4 ± 2.9 years), height - 96.7%, (5, 6 ± 2.6 cm), weight - 87.2%, (8.6 ± 3.1 kg) (Morozov, 1993). The accuracy of determining these characteristics significantly depends on the age of the listeners, who best determine the age of the speakers, which is close to their own. At the same time, young listeners (17-25 years old) tend to underestimate the age of the older ones, and even more so, the greater the age difference between the speaker and the listener. Children make significantly (1.5-2 times) larger errors in determining the biophysical characteristics of speakers, as well as persons of a different nationality. Thus, the adequacy of the perception of the biophysical information of speech is determined by the social experience of the auditors.

Medical Information

Medical information reflects the speaker's state of health and is characterized by well-known terms (voice "sick", "sick", etc.). They indicate both specific types of diseases associated with disruption of the vocal apparatus and organs of articulation, and the general morbid state of the body. In this regard, three main subspecies of medical information can be distinguished.

Phoniatric Information

Phoniatric information characterizes the state of the vocal apparatus in terms of the formation of vowels, i.e. voice disorder. For example, with various types of colds (acute laryngitis), the voice acquires a hoarse character (dysphonia) or disappears altogether (aphonia) due to non-closure of the vocal cords. Acute rhinitis leads to a nasal timbre characteristic of a runny nose. Phoniatric information is an important diagnostic indicator of the severity of professional voice disorders (in lecturers, teachers, singers, actors, etc.) and is used by phoniatricians in clinical practice (phonic listening). The use of modern equipment makes it possible to objectify this type of diagnosis by giving it quantitative criteria (violation of the strength of the voice, timbre in terms of spectral characteristics, etc.). A very common occupational disease of this type is phonasthenia, characterized by weakness of the voice, a decrease in pitch and dynamic ranges, etc. Unlike acute inflammatory diseases, phonasthenia is characterized by the absence of their visible manifestations in the ENT organs, which makes it necessary to look for its causes in overworking of the central nervous mechanisms of regulation of the vocal apparatus.

Speech therapy information

Speech therapy information characterizes the degree of violation of the articulatory processes of speech formation. They, in turn, are divided into types associated with peripheral articulation disorders (dysarthria, tongue-tied tongue, burr, etc.) and with central disorders, for example, stuttering, which affects both children and adults (up to 5-8% of the population). The latter type of illness is extremely unpleasant, due to the psychological oppression of the patient, who, since childhood, due to the constant ridicule of his comrades, can form an inferiority complex. For this reason, and also due to the ambiguity of the psychophysiological mechanisms of stuttering and the ineffectiveness of therapy, this speech disorder is among the serious socio-psychological and medical problems.

Information about interference.

Information about the interference accompanying the speech process is also important for the listener. Interference can be of various origins. So, for example, electro-acoustic noises in the telephone path, which are in no way related to the personality of the speaker, are an indifferent interference. Noises in the room from which a telephone conversation is conducted can be a significant interference, i.e., carry already certain information about the speaker, indicating his interaction with other people, his location, for example, at a party (hum of voices, music), or on the street (traffic noise), etc. This type of information can be of particular importance in forensic science to clarify the circumstances of the case related to the identity of this person and etc.

Spatial Information

Spatial information is information about the spatial location of the speaker in relation to the listener: azimuth (right, left, front, rear), distance, movement (removal, approach, movement around the listener, etc.). The basis of spatial perception is the binaural mechanism of hearing, i.e. perception with two ears. It has been established that the displacement of the sound source to the side in relation to the frontal center of perception, for example, to the right, leads to a delay in the arrival of a sound wave in the left ear compared to the right ear (precedence effect). The magnitude of the delay is determined by the difference in the distances from the sound source to the right and left ears divided by the speed of sound in air (340 7s). In the case of the maximum difference (for the position of the speaker on the side of the listener), the delay is approximately determined by the difference in the distances between the ears, i.e. about 21 cm and is about 0.6 ms. With small displacements of the sound source, close to the frontal location, the delay can be about 0.04 ms (the minimum perceptible difference in time). This delay is enough for a person to identify the source of the sound either slightly to the right or to the left. Another factor is the screening effect of the head, as a result of which the sound to the far ear arrives not only with a delay, but also attenuated in intensity. The threshold for spatial identification of a sound source for human hearing is only 2.5-3.0°. The simplest experience makes it possible to verify the validity of the temporal theory of the spatial localization of sound: if one of the branches, i.e., tubes leading to the ears, is lengthened or shortened in a conventional medical phonendoscope, then the subjective sound image caused by tapping on the membrane of the phonendoscope will accordingly shift to the side , opposite to the elongated branch, or vice versa - towards the shortened tube (Urbanchich's experiment).

An important psychological property of the spatial perception of the speaker by the listener is the so-called cocktail party effect (“party effect”). More precisely, it can be called the "effect of directed attention" or "the effect of spatial psychological selectivity." It consists in the fact that in the presence of many speakers around the listener, a person is able to consciously direct his attention to the interlocutor of interest to him, selectively improve the perception of his speech while suppressing (ignoring) the speech of other speakers. Special experiments have shown that this effect of selective spatial perception (i.e. hearing sharpening) is over 10 dB (Altman, 1983). The effect of directed attention can improve speech perception by up to 10-15% (according to the intelligibility criterion). It is very important that this psychological effect of directed attention is manifested not only in binaural spatial perception, but, to a certain extent, in the perception of monophonic tape recordings, for example, simultaneously sounding voices, and not only in conditions of binaural (i.e., in free sound field), but also monaural listening, such as during a telephone conversation.

Psychological Information

Psychological information covers a wide range of personal characteristics of a person, which, to one degree or another, can be manifested in non-verbal (as well as in verbal) speech features. Attempts to establish by voice such psychological features of the speaker as will, temperament, extraversion-introversion, dominance, sociability, intelligence, insincerity, etc. were made in experimental psychology in the middle of our century (Lickleider, Miller, 1963) and continue to the present. With a certain probability, each of the listed types of psychological information is present in a person’s speech or manifests itself in appropriate communication situations (see § 3.12. “Psychological portrait of a person by his voice”).

1 A typical example is the confession of the "Worm" in the romance of ML. Mussorgsky's "Worm": "... there are rumors that if the count ... my wife ... Count, I say, acquiring, working, I must be blind. Yes, blind and such an honor! After all, I am a worm in comparison with him, with such a face, his excellency himself! The composer's music, reproducing the intonations of living human speech, and the performing skills of the artist-singer colorfully complement the verbal meaning of the monologue of this "worm-man", deprived of honor and dignity, by non-verbal means.

Recent studies have shown that in human speech, such important psychological personality traits as self-esteem and superiority are well distinguished (both linguistically and non-verbally!) (Morozov, 1995). At the same time, if the sense of dignity is assessed by listeners as a very positive property of the speaker (even more highly than, for example, benevolence), then the feeling of superiority, on the contrary, is most often a negative quality. It is known that both a sense of dignity and a sense of superiority are based on a high self-esteem of the individual, which, in general, may not cause a negative reaction, unless, of course, the self-esteem of the speaker in the eyes of the interlocutor is not too high (conceit). However, feelings of dignity and superiority differ according to the criterion of attitude towards another, i.e. to a communication partner: if self-esteem is combined with a respectful attitude towards another, then a feeling of superiority is associated with an underestimation, underestimation of the personal qualities of the communicant, a dismissive attitude towards him (arrogant condescension, etc.). Naturally, for any person, whatever his social status in relation to the speaker, this is humiliating and causes his corresponding overt or covert reaction of protest. Thus, the attitude of the communicant to the communication partner, expressed both verbally and non-verbally, is information of particular importance for the recipient. In this regard, the English definition of the concept of “gentleman” seems to be fair: “A gentleman is a person with whom any other person feels like a gentleman.” The definition, implying well-known, emphasizes the main attributes of the "gentleman's set" - demonstrative courtesy, respect, courtesy in dealing with everyone.

True, it is worth noting that secular courtesy as a demonstration of a respectful attitude towards another can have a different psychological basis: sincere recognition and respect for the dignity of another or, as F. de La Rochefoucauld noted, “the desire to always meet polite treatment yourself (regardless of the recognition of dignity communicator) and be known as a courteous person” (La Rochefoucauld, 1990). At the same time, non-verbal means of communication (intonation, voice timbre, kinesics) will behave differently: if in the first case they form a harmonic ensemble with courteous words, then in the second case they will be silent, i.e. remain neutral or even contradict the words (in the case of a really low assessment of the interlocutor by the speaker). This disharmony of verbal-non-verbal meanings underlies our recognition of the insincerity of an utterance, although false secular courtesy has long taught people to be satisfied when exchanging courtesies with the formal meaning of spoken words. Not without reason, therefore, is it said that there is nothing more intolerable than answering the question "How are you?" in detail. Nevertheless, it must be recognized that politeness in any form is a sign of upbringing, education, culture of a person, and in our time - also remarkable psychological endurance, "gentleman's immunity" against flourishing rudeness.


In the domestic literature, there is practically no data on systematic studies of the human voice as a means of non-verbal communication. The above brief review of modern experimental and theoretical studies and ideas about a person as a carrier of various types of non-verbal information - mainly based on the works of the author and his collaborators - significantly fills this gap. At the same time, kinesics remains behind the scenes - gesture, posture, facial expressions - as well as proxemics - the spatial relationships of people in the process of communication. Data of this kind, although also far from sufficient, are nevertheless reflected in the literature (see Labunskaya, 1986; Jandt, 1976; La France and Mayo, 1978, etc.). Of the translated works, one can point to the works of Nirenberg and Calero (1992), as well as Allan Pease (1992), these publications, which do not claim to be a detailed scientific and theoretical substantiation of the problem, nevertheless, are of some interest to a practical psychologist, as a collection of rather subtle observations behind the involuntary expressive movements of people in different psychological states in the process of communication and undoubtedly important for mutual understanding of people.

The features of non-verbal communication in comparison with speech have been repeatedly discussed in this review. In conclusion, we emphasize another very significant feature of the evolutionary-historical nature: non-verbal communication is generally iconic (pictorial) in nature, while verbal speech is inherent in conventionality, i.e. conditional sign-symbolic form The pictorial iconic essence of non-verbal communication is manifested in the fact that its codes and signals seem to reflect the features of the objects and events they signal. A typical example is the development of a child's speech At a certain stage, the child invents his own word forms to designate objects and events in the world around him, depicting objects and events with his voice. So the “car” is represented by the sounds “bee-bee”, the hammer - “knock-knock”, the food - “yum-yum”, the chicken - “ko-ko”, the dog - “bow-wow”, etc., etc. P. And only later, these temporary children's onomatopoeic "words-pictures" will gradually be replaced by words from the language lexicon of adults, in parallel with the child's mastery of the grammatical and phonetic norms characteristic of his native language. Thus, the child's onomatopoeic language is inherently closer to non-verbal communication than to verbal, characteristic of older children and adults.

The iconic nature of non-verbal communication underlies its universal intelligibility, i.e. independence from language barriers. To the same extent, the conventional nature of each of the languages ​​of the peoples of the world is the cause of language barriers.

Non-verbal communication is an immense field of study. In this book, we only briefly touched on a number of its main characteristics, associated, as already mentioned, with the truly amazing properties of sound waves generated by the human voice, to convey to the listener not only the physical image of the speaker, but also his most complex psychological properties and states. There is still a lot of really mysterious and unexplored. If the process of reflection of a person's psychophysical states in the sound of a person's voice is currently researched to a certain extent, then the transformation of a complex pattern of speech acoustic oscillations into the mental image of the speaker - i.e. into his psychological portrait in the mind of the listener - seems to be the most interesting task of further research. This is one of the most difficult aspects of the problem of the subject being developed by the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Brushlinsky, 1996) - the elucidation of the psychological mechanisms of a person's reflection of objective reality.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the study of non-verbal communication, in addition to scientific and theoretical, is of undoubted practical interest for solving a number of problems in the field of communication. social psychology(typology of a person), politics (a psychological portrait of a politician by his voice), art (professional selection of persons of artistic professions), mass media (emotional and aesthetic properties of the speech of radio and TV announcers), engineering psychology (professional selection of operators according to the criterion of adequacy of perception of non-verbal information) , medicine (diagnosis of disorders of the emotional sphere using an emotional hearing test), pedagogy (early career guidance), management (portrait of a businessman by his voice), criminology ("identikit" by voice), etc. These applied aspects are indicated in almost all sections of this monographs, and we developed it in more detail in special publications given in the list of references.


Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K. A. Personal types of thinking // Cognitive psychology. M, 1986.

Altman Ya. A. Localization of sound. - L., Nauka, 1972.

Balonov L.Ya., Deglin V.L. Hearing and speech of the dominant and non-dominant hemispheres. - L.,

Science, 1976.

Baru A.V. Functional specialization of the hemispheres and recognition of speech and non-speech sound signals //

Sensory systems. - L., Nauka, 1977. - S. 85-114.

Bekhtereva N.P. Healthy and sick human brain.- L., 1980

Bloom F., Leyzerson A., Hofstadter L. Brain, mind and behavior / Per. from English - M., Mir, 1988.

Bodalev A. A. Perception and understanding of a person by a person.-M., Moscow State University, 1982.

Bodalev A. A. Psychology of communication. -M., 1996.

Homeschooling is a common name for all forms of receiving school education outside of school: family education, self-education, additional education in the subjects of the school curriculum.

Russian Law "On Education ..." all responsibility for the organization and results of home schooling in school programs imposes on parents and obliges to return the child to school if he did not pass the certification on time.

The Algorithm Home Education Center invites you to share this responsibility with us: to organize and ensure successful home education and certification of your child in the school programs of your choice with the help of our qualified teachers, modern educational resources and technologies, many years of experience and professional knowledge.

We will help solve all the problems of school education outside of school: from choosing the best form of education and an external school from among our partner schools to preparing for the Unified State Examination.


    Galina Z., student's mother

    Oksana K., student's mother

    Maria K., student's mother

    Alexandra P., student's mother

    Maria F., student's mother

    Irina K., student's mother

    My son Pavel graduated from high school, passed the exam and all this thanks to a very well-organized learning process at the Algorithm school. I would especially like to express my gratitude to the teacher of Russian language and literature, Polina Leonidovna, who helped me to comprehend the wisdom of these difficult subjects for a whole year. Tatyana Evgenievna, whose concerns everything was clearly planned. The teacher of mathematics also wants to say a lot of kind words! What a blessing to have such a wonderful school! THANKS!

    Olga K, student's mother

    Anastasia L., student's mother

    Anastasia P., student's mother

    How to combine school and creativity Last year at school, I dreamed of switching to distance learning, since work in the theater and the violin took up most of my time. And in a regular school, I was not satisfied with the attitude of teachers towards students. Distance learning has saved me, allowing me to free up time for my favorite activity. In addition, no school over the years has been able to give me what I received in two years of study in a program compiled by an online school. Education here fully met all my expectations. Thank you!

    Hope S.

    Plenty of time for profile studies! I finished grades 10-11 in one year - I really liked distance learning. I entered the institute with good results the first time! Online learning allowed me to prepare for profile exams without wasting time on non-essential items. True, it is sometimes difficult to force yourself to do it, but then the result is better!

    Anna V.

    Now I can do everything After the 9th grade, I decided to switch to distance learning. After all, I go in for sports professionally: I train a lot, constantly at the training camp and do not have time to attend classes at a regular school at all. My parents and I began to actively look for a school: it turned out that many athletes initially study remotely. Being anywhere in the world, I can study on the Learning Portal and with teachers online, do all my homework remotely, and come to school to hand over all face-to-face work several times a year. The non-daily attendance form of study literally saved me.

    Anna Sh.

    Education is important for athletes for the future life I play for the Russian Youth Rhythmic Gymnastics Team and spend most of my time at sports camps or competitions. In the spring of 2014, we became the winners of the Youth Olympic Games in group exercises! It is almost impossible to go to school with such a schedule, but I understand that studying is very important for my future life. Now I have the opportunity to remotely study with tutors in Russian and mathematics at a convenient time for me and successfully prepare for the mandatory state certification.

    Daria A.

    The opportunity to play your favorite sport and gain the necessary knowledge I have been playing hockey professionally for many years. For several years I have been a player in the Russian Youth Team. This year, together with my team, we won bronze medals at the Youth World Championship! But I don’t want to connect my life only with sports, so studying is also very important for me. In the future, I would like to do journalism. Distance learning for me is an opportunity to play my favorite sport at a high level and gain the necessary knowledge.

    Nina P.

    For health In the 7th and 8th grades, I was constantly sick, often skipped school, this, of course, caused a lot of questions at school, I don’t even want to talk about big gaps in knowledge. I decided to switch to distance learning in the 9th grade - to improve my health, try to fill in the gaps in knowledge and, of course, prepare for the OGE. After switching to online learning in all classes, both independent and with online teachers, I quickly received answers to difficult questions without leaving home. I significantly improved my results and successfully passed the OGE :)

    Angelica K.

    In "Algorithm" it is easier and more interesting to study than in a regular school In distance learning, I have to do everything on my own, and I have already learned this. But without the skills of self-discipline, nothing will work. Now I can count my own time. I think that students in a regular school with self-discipline have much more problems. But for me, this is a necessity. In this form of training, there is nothing superfluous, knowledge is better absorbed. The lessons of mathematics and physics are especially exciting for me - they are accompanied by excellent video materials.

    Rama Z.


Galina Z., student's mother

My son Rama has been studying at Algorithm since elementary school. And we have never regretted our choice. Distance learning frees up time for additional education - and this has become a determining factor for us.

In my opinion, the school has three main advantages: excellent organization of the educational process, professionalism of teachers, comfortable learning for children with a low stress component.

We are very satisfied with the education system and the high level of professionalism of the teaching staff and the school administration. The quality of teaching here, in my opinion, is one of the best in Moscow. Children like teachers, they skillfully motivate them to achieve high results in their studies. The most important quality of teachers, besides professional qualifications I consider their obvious sincerity and goodwill in dealing with children.

The control of children's learning is carried out here daily, this is facilitated by a conveniently designed glider. Every six months, children take exams. We learn about the success of children both by marks in the glider, and by the curator's reports, and by test scores. Curators know their students, their rhythm of learning and are very attentive to all the problems and tasks of children. We see the success of our son, and we are very pleased with his studies at the Algorithm school.

We would like to especially note the Russian language teacher Elena Petrovna. Her professionalism and pedagogical skill had an exceptionally favorable effect on our child. Elena Petrovna managed to motivate Rama's desire to study Russian language and literature. Being professional teachers ourselves, we evaluate the work of Elena Petrovna as worthy of an example to follow. Each lesson was carefully prepared by her. All were taken into account individual characteristics child, homework is always selected taking into account the possibilities and specifics of thinking.

Rama before Elena Petrovna had a rejection of the subjects “Russian language” and “literature”. Now the child reads a lot and with pleasure, he has an interest in writing essays. Rama aspires to online classes conducted by Elena Petrovna, communicates with pleasure on the topics of the subjects she teaches. We express our sincere gratitude to Elena Petrovna for her love and care for our child.


Oksana K., student's mother

The main advantage of distance learning in Algorithm compared to a traditional school is the ability to independently plan and manage time. Alternative education should be chosen by those parents who are ready to seriously invest in the education of children, in their future. At the same time, the children themselves should understand that this form of education will require a lot of independent work, they should set a clear goal related to the choice of a profession that they dream of acquiring.


Maria K., student's mother

Dear teachers and school leaders! I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for the tremendous work that you are doing so that modern, effective and interesting educational tools are available to children. Children are different, everyone has their own characteristics, their own strengths which the current education system does not always allow to open up. And your technique helps to focus on knowledge that is really important for each child. Thanks from me and my son! If today I myself were so old as to go to your school, I would go without hesitation! To everyone who wants education to become not an imposed boring and unpleasant obligation, but an interesting and valuable thing, to which it is worth instilling love for life, I recommend sending the child to your school.

I am sure that this is the only way to learn today - saving time, effort and working at your own pace. Before joining Algorithm, we changed several schools, we even had the experience of studying abroad, but it was in your school that we found what we were looking for - a high level of teaching, a comfortable format and strong programs in the necessary disciplines. Children are interested in learning here, and your teachers are truly authoritative teachers for children.


Alexandra P., student's mother

We chose the Algorithm school 2 years ago, respectively, we studied the 9th and 10th grades, this year we will finish the 11th and take the exam. My daughter is professionally involved in sports, and training is our priority, which is why distance learning attracted us. But knowing how difficult it is for a child to organize himself, I chose a part-time form of education.

In the ninth grade, 6 subjects were taught full-time, in the 10th grade - 4, those that we take for the exam. For the last two years, we chose the 10+ form, that is, in a year we completed the program of grades 10 and 11, and this year we will prepare only for those subjects that are needed for admission.

I really like that not only school teachers who are USE experts, which means they can prepare students well for the USE, but also university teachers who can prepare the child for additional university entrance tests, teach. You can always choose convenient groups for classes or go to a group with a teacher you like. To be honest, I was afraid that studying would be just a formality, but it's not. There are also homework assignments that are checked, tests and tests for each subject. Due to the small number of students in groups, everything is under the close attention of the teacher. At the same time, classes are not every day, homework is given for a week. That is, it becomes possible to plan your own time.

The administration resolves all issues promptly, both remotely and in person. Always ready to help, offer different options for solving emerging issues. In total: the ability to plan your time, a clearly defined scope of tasks, a new level of independence and responsibility of the child, since the format is more reminiscent of a university one, there are no nannies, but they will help, if there is a desire.


Maria F., student's mother

"Algorithm" fully met our expectations, and we would like to continue to study with you next year. We express our gratitude to the administration for the excellent work. We are very pleased that for a whole year we were together with such wonderful teachers as Elena Petrovna, Tatyana Viktorovna, Sergey Pavlovich.

I want to thank your team! We spent the academic year in a calm environment and were able to achieve our goals. Communication with you has always been constructive. All issues that arose were resolved promptly. We were also pleased with the results of such training. We will recommend you to friends and acquaintances. Good luck, patience and further success in your work!


Anastasia L., student's mother

I thank you and the entire RBS Algorithm team for fruitful cooperation. You have helped us a lot. Thanks to your technologies, Serezha was able to catch up with the entire elementary school program and now it will be much easier for him to continue his studies in high school. I wish prosperity and success to your project!


Anastasia P., student's mother

I am the mother of Polina, a student of the 1st grade. We like you! We will continue to study with you next year (2nd grade) in the same form of study. Thanks to the approach, methods and teachers of your school, I have a healthy, inquisitive child who likes to learn.

Polina is registered at the local school, and what she learned in the first grade is taught in the second grade at our school. So we go on an accelerated program and pass the exams three times: 1) when moving from elementary to high school 2) then to high school 3) final exams.

Polina's main success is this: Polina herself decided to learn English, chose the courses herself, passed the test herself and signed up for classes, left the phone. They called me from the English school and said: “Are you Polina's mother? She passed the test with us and left your phone. I didn't know anything about it. I liked the act, free and fearless (I know other opinions on this subject, but I would have done the same in her place).

What is family education

Family education is the education of the child according to the programs of the general school, organized by the parents. At the end of the basic school or upon reaching the age of 18, you can master the program of grades 10-11 on your own - in the form of self-education. In Moscow schools, since 2013, it is also possible to study full-time, part-time and part-time, reducing the number of full-time classes at school. Regardless of the form of education, all students have the right to free intermediate school assessment (externship), the right to use the school library and other general rights of schoolchildren.

Homeschooling at Algorithm Center

Depending on the choice of the form of education and relations with the school and the Algorithm programs you have chosen, you can study with us completely, online (at an online school), full-time - in one of our training centers located in the center of Moscow, or by combining face-to-face classes in these learning centers with online classes on our learning portal. All classes are held individually or in groups of up to 12 people.

Our programs are online and offline.

We offer:

  • school curriculum from grades 1 to 11
  • preparation in all subjects for the OGE and the USE
  • additional and in-depth coursework in individual subjects,
  • with the final certification for the GSCE and A-level programs in our examination center in Moscow (international external student)
  • parallel training in Russian and international British and American school programs (for example, preparation for the OGE and GSCE)

All programs are accompanied by a personal curator.

About certification

All "homeworkers" undergo mandatory regular intermediate certification by an external student at the Center's partner schools - in all subjects included in the mandatory component of the curriculum. "Algorithm" provides constant consulting and organizational and legal support in all relations with the external school, on all issues of training and certification. We take the British international exams GSCE and A-level in Moscow, in our examination center for the international external study "Algorithm", accredited by Pearson Edexcel International.

How to switch to family education

According to the Law “On Education…” it is only necessary to “notify the local self-government body of the municipal district or urban district”. However, of course, serious preparation for this crucial step - the organization of the "parent school" - requires careful planning and consultations in the center of family education - for example, in our "Algorithm".

Vladimir Morozov

Non-verbal communication. Experimental psychological research

© Institution Russian Academy Sciences Institute of Psychology RAS, 2011

V. P. Morozov, speech at the Second All-Russian Interdisciplinary Congress "Voice". Moscow, May 15, 2009

The author of the monograph is Vladimir Petrovich Morozov, chief Researcher Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor - the most prominent specialist in the field of psychophysiology and psychoacoustics of human speech and voice, non-verbal communication, the scientific foundations of vocal art, a student of the famous psychophysiologist, member. - corr. RAS, Professor V.I. Medvedev.

In 1955, Morozov graduated with honors from the Leningrad State University in the department of higher nervous activity, and in 1958 - postgraduate studies at Leningrad State University. In 1960 he defended his Ph.D. thesis "Study of the role of vibrational sensitivity in the regulation of human voice function", in 1970 - doctoral thesis - "Biophysical characteristics of vocal speech". In 1982, he was approved as a professor.

Since 1959, Morozov worked at the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology. I. M. Sechenov of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR as a researcher, and since 1982 - head of the laboratory of bioacoustic communication systems. At the same time, he became the organizer and head of the laboratory for the study singing voice Leningrad state. conservatory them. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, and in the same place at the Department of Solo Singing, he completed an internship course in vocal methodology under the guidance of the head. department prof. E. G. Olkhovsky.

In 1987, Morozov, at the invitation of the Director of the IP of the USSR Academy of Sciences B.F. Lomov and the decision of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, moved to Moscow as a transfer and became the head of the newly organized non-verbal communication laboratory at the Institute. At the same time, he directs the Interdepartmental Center "Art and Science" (Art and Science Center) of the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. From 1991 to the present, Morozov has been a professor at the Department of Interdisciplinary Musicology at the Moscow State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory, as well as a chief researcher at the Research and Educational Center for Music and Computer Technologies of the Moscow Conservatory.

He is a member of two academic councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations: the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky and the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2003, he was elected a member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for vocal art.

Morozov - active member International Academy of Creativity (since 1991) and New York Academy of Sciences (1999). In 1971 he was invited to the International Association for Experimental Research in Singing (USA), elected a member of the Publishing Committee international magazine"Journal Research in Singing" (USA). Academician of the Imageology Academy (since 2003), honorary member of the Presidium of the Russian Voice Academy (2008). Awarded with prizes, certificates of honor of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, medals.

The scientific work of Vladimir Petrovich is characterized by a pronounced innovation, an interdisciplinary complex approach to the development of psychophysiological problems, a combination of original theoretical ideas with the solution of urgent practical problems.

The main directions of scientific activity are the experimental and theoretical development of the psychophysiological foundations of non-verbal communication (NC), the artistic type of personality, musical and vocal creativity. Morozov created the most complete and adequate classification system for various types of NK and revealed their psychological characteristics; features of NC are described in comparison with verbal; the theoretical model of the two-channel (verbal-non-verbal) nature of speech communication proposed by him is substantiated; a number of new ideas and concepts have been introduced into the theory of speech communication, including: "emotional hearing of a person", "psychological portrait of a person according to the non-verbal features of his speech", "psychological lie detector", etc.

1 One of the main areas of Morozov's work in the field of social psychology is the experimental and theoretical substantiation of the possibility of constructing psychological portrait a person according to the features of his non-verbal behavior in the process of speech. The theoretical basis of such a possibility, as shown by the author, is the reflection of many mental and physical properties and states of the speaker both in the acoustic characteristics of his speech and in the features of expressive movements (gesture, posture, facial expressions).

The psychological portrait is considered by the author as a subjective image of the speaker in the mind of the recipient. The degree of adequacy of the psychological portrait to its real prototype was analyzed by comparing the assessments of the psychological qualities of the speaker in his voice with the assessments according to the traditional questionnaires of Cattell, Eysenck, Megrabyan (for empathy), etc. The individual and typological characteristics of speakers and listeners as subjects of behavior in the system of non-verbal communication were studied. The results of constructing psychological portraits of people of different professional groups (businessmen, artists, politicians) using the method of psychological scaling showed: the higher the non-verbal aesthetic qualities of speech (timbre, intonation, orthoepy), the higher the positive psychological properties (positive, convincing, competent, reliable etc.) is inclined to attribute the speaker to the listener. Conversely, negatively assessed speech qualities are positively correlated with negative personality traits.

The research allowed V.P. Morozov to draw an important scientific and practical conclusion: “Stereotypes of perception of a person by voice incline listeners to give high merits to people with more correct lexical and extralinguistic (non-verbal) speech compared to those whose speech is imperfect. Therefore, the psychological portrait of the voice, i.e., the psychophysical image of the speaker that arises in the listener, although it is of a probabilistic nature, nevertheless, is of great importance in the formation of interpersonal relationships.

2 Emotional expressiveness of speech and voice- a very important part of the overall palette of human social perception, affecting the interpersonal relationships of people. This determines the relevance of the new proposed by Morozov psychological concept emotional hearing(ES) and evaluation test emotional hearing. A significant part of the work of Vladimir Petrovich and his collaborators is devoted to the experimental and theoretical substantiation of these concepts.

The novelty and relevance of this direction lies in the fact that the methods of assessing emotional impressiveness that exist in psychology - personality questionnaires - are not completely objective (for example, due to the factor of social desirability, etc.), but drawing, non-verbal tests (for example, Gilford-Sullivan) are limited only by the visual part of the most complex polysensory human system.

Emotional hearing (ES) is defined by the author as the ability to assess the emotional state of the speaker by the sound of his voice (based on intonation, timbre, etc.). In the theoretical understanding, ES, by definition of the author, is the most important part of the sensory-perceptual system of NC.

To assess individual and typological differences in the degree of development of ES, the author developed special psychoacoustic tests, which are sets of emotionally colored fragments of sound speech, singing, music, obtained with the participation of professional actors, singers, musicians. The ES test has been tested for many years to assess the emotional sphere of people of different age and professional categories.

In 2004, the author received a patent of the Russian Federation for a method for assessing a person's emotional hearing. Section 3 of the monograph presents a number of works on the study of ES and its relationship with other psychological characteristics of a person.

3 Development of the problem of human typology more precisely, the study of the psychological properties artistic personality type seems to be one of the central tasks of Morozov's scientific work.

On his initiative, for the effective development of this problem (on the model of musical and vocal art), the Center "Art and Science" was organized with the active support of the director of the IP of the USSR Academy of Sciences B.F. Lomov and the rector of the Moscow Conservatory - prof. B. I. Kulikova. This Center was approved by the Department of Philosophy and Law of the USSR Academy of Sciences on November 15, 1989 (headed by Professor V.P. Morozov) as a creative union that unites the efforts of specialists from different fields (natural and social) with the aim of a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of vocal and musical art by modern scientific means .

According to the widely used scheme of K. Shannon (1983) (see Figure 7, position A), any communication system, including the nonverbal extralinguistic one we are considering, is an interaction of three main parts: 1) source of information, in this case– a speaking person, generating and transmitting this information, 2) signal, which carries information in a coded form in a certain way (in this case, in the form of acoustic features of speech and voice) and 3) receiver, which has the ability to decode the specified information, in this case, the auditory system, brain and psyche of the subject of perception (listener). In the light systems approach none of these three constituents, taken in isolation, can be understood and explained even by the most careful study. Moreover, each of the three components in an isolated form loses all meaning, as meaningless, for example, a key without a lock or a lock without a key. Each link in the communication chain (source - signal - receiver), due to the same systemic nature, is characterized not only by its own properties, but also reflects the properties of other parts and the system as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to consider specific and common properties not only each of these three parts of the nonverbal extralinguistic communication system, but also their interaction.

In general, the definition of these relationships makes it possible to understand how one or another type of non-verbal information, reflecting one or another psychophysical state of a person, is transmitted to the subject of perception through the acoustics of his speech and voice, and the latter creates a fairly adequate image of the psychophysical state of the speaker, his attitude to the subject of conversation. , the listener, himself and, ultimately, a substantially corrected and refined idea of ​​the essence of his statement.

The given Shannon diagram represents the communication system as a single-channel one (Figure 7, position A). However, bearing in mind the complex verbal-non-verbal nature of the system of speech communication and a number of the above fundamental differences between non-verbal communication and proper speech - verbal, the general structure of the system of speech communication should be presented as two-channel(of course, not in the technological, but in the psychological sense), i.e., as consisting of verbal, proper speech linguistic, and non-verbal extralinguistic channels (see Figure 7, position B) (Speech perception, 1988; Morozov, 1989).

Rice. 7. The traditional communication scheme (A) represented by one channel (Shannon, 1983) and the speech communication scheme (B) emphasizing it dual-channel nature(Morozov, 1989).

The role of the functional asymmetry of the human brain considered above (see 2.3) in the processing of verbal and non-verbal information is manifested both in the processes of perception of speech and other sounds (in listeners) and in the mechanisms of its formation (generation) in the speaker (singer, musician). This circumstance is reflected in the theoretical model (see Figure 7, position B) in the form of a separation of verbal and non-verbal channels not only in the middle link of the communication system (acoustic signal), but also in the initial (speaking) and final (listener) links. Thus, the verbal (proper linguistic) and non-verbal (extralinguistic) channels turn out to be isolated in all links of the chain of speech communication.

At the same time, there is a close interaction and mutual influence between the verbal and non-verbal channels, which is marked by vertical arrows in the diagram. For example, welcoming words uttered in a caustic tone lose their welcoming meaning. Two categories of feedback (FC) in the diagram are: FC1 - the system of sensory self-control by the speaker of the processes of formation of his speech, and FC2 - control by the speaker of the results of the impact of his speech on the listener.

Within the framework of a non-verbal channel functioning in the system of speech communication, up to ten main categories of information about the speaker are transmitted acoustically to the listener, regardless of what the person says (individual-personal, aesthetic, emotional, psychological, social-hierarchical, age, gender, medical, spatial, etc.), including hundreds of varieties of these categories. Brief characteristics of these types of nonverbal information and related aspects of NC research are presented in the next section.

3 Types of non-verbal information and features of their perception

V. V. Rozanov

Believe in the sound of words:
The meaning of secrets is in them ...

V. Bryusov

In the system of verbal communication, up to nine types of non-verbal information (NI) transmitted by the features of sound pronunciation, i.e., means of phonation, can be distinguished: 1) emotional, 2) aesthetic, 3) individual-personal, 4) biophysical, 5) social-group, 6) psychological, 7) spatial, 8) medical and, finally, 9) information about physical interferences accompanying the process of verbal communication. These types of NI can practically be transmitted by means of kinesics, of course, taking into account the specifics of the visual information channel. Each of the listed nine types of NI can be conditionally divided into a significant number of subspecies, so that in general one can count hundreds of varieties of non-verbal information, characterized by a corresponding number of verbal definitions and characteristics. Let us briefly consider the types of NI transmitted by the features of sound pronunciation, i.e., by means of phonation.
