Study of control systems. Research problem - what is it? Examples Statement of the problem of scientific research



Faculty of Economics

Department of Finance


discipline: "Methods of scientific research"

Topic: "The concept of a scientific problem, its formulation and formulation"

Simferopol, 2009

1. The value of modern scientific knowledge. Evolution of the problem of validity of scientific knowledge

2. The essence of the scientific problem

3. Statement of the problem, its formulation

4. Hypothesis

List of used literature

    Wthe meaning of modern scientific knowledge. Evolution of the problem of validity of scientific knowledge

The history of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (its beginning) demonstrates to us the tremendous transformative power and cognitive value of science. Many abstract theoretical constructions were realized in material objects that not only changed the utilitarian-material life of a person, but reflected on the social life of society as a whole. The most odious example of this series is nuclear weapons and the chemical industry, less popular, but no less significant, are electricity, electronics, and medicine.

There is no consensus on what exactly is considered science: according to one approach, science is a method of cognition, according to another, it is a kind of religion. However, there is no doubt that the emergence of scientific knowledge is associated with a sharp increase in human capabilities to influence the environment.

In our time, science can be regarded as a kind of production, but at the beginning of its development it was not so. Isaac Newton, for example, saw no practical use for his work in optics.

The foundations of the scientific worldview were formed in the period preceding the emergence of the natural sciences. This was facilitated by the popularity of Greek philosophy, which would have been impossible without a specific mechanism for the functioning of medieval philosophy. Church scholasticism became the prototype of scientific activity, the first "paradigm", a research program, albeit operating within the framework of a very peculiar theory.

The problem of substantiating knowledge began to be developed most deeply and in detail with the advent of the natural sciences, since the declared goal of the activities of scientists was initially the search for objective truth about the world around them.

The problem of scientific knowledge includes two aspects: determining the source of knowledge and determining the truth of knowledge.

All attempts to determine the source of human knowledge can be divided into two directions. The first can be described as the approach "from within", since it is assumed that all the initial premises of true knowledge are inside the person. At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether they manifest themselves in the form of divine insight, communication with the “world of ideas” or are innate, the main thing is that to receive them there is no need for external activity, only internal spiritual work (rational reflection, introspection, meditation or prayer) . Within the framework of this concept, there are many variants of philosophical systems. For the problem of scientific knowledge, the position of rationalism, formulated by Rene Descartes and called Cartesianism, is important. Descartes seeks to build a comprehensive picture of the universe, in which the universe appears as separate material bodies, separated by emptiness and acting on each other by means of a push, like parts of a once-wound clockwork. With regard to knowledge, Descartes believes that by critically analyzing the content of his own beliefs and using intellectual intuition, an individual can approach some indestructible foundation of knowledge, innate ideas. However, this raises the question of the source of the innate ideas themselves. For Descartes, that source is God. For such a system to work, everyone's innate ideas must be the same, and such that they accurately reflect the outside world. This is the weak point of the “from within” approach as a whole – the unresolved problem of choosing between theories. If the opponents do not come to a consensus with the help of intellectual intuition, the choice of position will turn out to be purely a matter of taste.

The second direction of the search for the source of knowledge is “external”. Human cognition of reality comes exclusively through feelings, experiences. With the advent of the natural sciences, this approach takes on a new meaning. In the development of these views in England, the concept of empiricism is being formed, the importance of which for the development of scientific knowledge cannot be overestimated. In fact, the empirical approach underlies all scientific practice. Its basis is well formulated by Francis Bacon: knowledge is obtained by gradual ascent from facts to law, by induction. Classical empiricism is characterized by treating the scientist's mind as a tabula rasa, a blank slate free from prejudices and expectations.

Consistently adhering to the ideas of empiricism, David Hume also indicates the limits of its applicability. Turning to the origin of facts, Hume discovers that they are based on the relationship of cause and effect, obtained from experience, and in fact - habit. From this follows the restriction, characteristic of empiricism, on the fundamental cognizability of general principles (ultimate causes) and a skeptical attitude towards attempts at such cognition. Trying to resolve those raised by Hume, Kant assumes that sensory experience is ordered with the help of a priori forms of cognition, not innate, but formed under the influence of culture and environment. Kant distinguishes two components of mental activity: reason, as the ability to make judgments on the basis of sensory experience, and reason, always directed at the concepts of reason. Sensory experience is considered as the limit of possible knowledge, beyond which the mind is doomed to fall into contradictions. These views are called positivism.

Through some changes, positivism culminates in the early 20th century in the form of logical positivism. Within the framework of this approach, science is considered as the only way to achieve objective truth, and the distinctive feature of science is its method.

What, according to positivism, is the peculiarity of the scientific method?

First, a clear distinction is made between an empirical basis and a theory. The theory must be proven, verified, and the elements of the empirical basis do not need logical proof. These elements correspond to Hume's "facts", their truth is determined in an extralogical way (in different interpretations they are "given in the senses", "certainly known", "directly observable"). Each such element takes the value "true" or "false". Only such propositions are considered scientific theory that are reducible to an empirical basis by means of certain rules, by which existential logic is usually meant. Everything that is not reducible to sensory experience is declared metaphysics and nonsense. From the point of view of positivism, there is not much difference between religion, all previous philosophy, and most general scientific theories. The task of science is not in explanation, but in the phenomenological description of the totality of experimental facts, the theory is considered solely as a tool for ordering data. In fact, science is identified with an axiomatic logical system, and philosophy is seen as a theory of the scientific method. It is clear that this approach is too narrow.

The first attempt to revise the tradition of knowledge verification is made by Karl Popper. He shifts the emphasis from the logic of scientific action to the logic of the development of scientific knowledge. In his approach, the influence of positivism is felt, in particular, Popper draws a clear line between experiment and theory.

According to Popper, the growth of knowledge proceeds as follows: a certain theory is put forward, consequences are deduced from the theory, an experiment is set up, if the consequences are not refuted, the theory is temporarily preserved, if the consequences are refuted, the theory is falsified and discarded. The task of a scientist is not to search for evidence of a theory, but to falsify it. The criterion for the scientific character of a theory is the presence of potential falsifiers. Truth is understood as correspondence to facts. Later, Popper develops his concept, considers scientific theories as more complex formations with false and true content, but the principle that any change in a theory requires considering it as a completely new theory remains. The cumulative law of the progress of knowledge becomes optional.

To date, a comprehensive concept of substantiating the truth of knowledge does not yet exist. It is clear that such a concept, if it appears, should consider as an objective reality not only the world of things around us, but also our beliefs. But the question of whether it is possible to substantiate the truth of the worldview has to be left open.

    The essence of the scientific problem

The problem forces society to learn, develop knowledge, experiment and observe. Science begins with problems, not observations, although observations can create a problem.

When a researcher embarks on a scientific study, he already has some idea, a concept of what he is going to study. Different researchers have the opportunity to start from different concepts, someone else's or their own. Yu.K. Babansky writes about this that scientific research begins with an analysis of the theory and practice of solving a particular problem, reflected in the scientific literature.

“The correct formulation of the problem is a problem no less complicated than the solution of the problem itself, and there is no need to hope that someone else will do it entirely for you,” this statement belongs to N.S. Bakhvalov.

The conscious task facing a scientist is always to solve some problem by constructing a theory that solves this problem by, for example, explaining unexpected or previously unexplained observations. At the same time, each interesting new theory gives rise to new problems—problems of reconciling it with existing theories—problems associated with conducting new and previously unthinkable observational tests. And its fruitfulness is judged mainly by the new problems it generates. The most significant contribution to the growth of scientific knowledge that a theory can make consists of the new problems it generates. That is why we understand science and the growth of knowledge as something that always starts with problems and always ends with problems - problems of increasing depth - and is characterized by a growing capacity to put forward new problems.

Problem (ancient Greek προβλήμα) - position, condition, question, object that creates uncertainty, difficulty, induces action and is associated with redundancy or lack of a processor (specialist), knowledge, resources, regulations (orderliness, algorithm, program) encourages or restricts action and is therefore not permitted or desirable.

A problem is a rhetorical question that the researcher asks nature, but he must answer it himself. Let us also give a philosophical interpretation of the concept of "problem". “Problem” is a question or set of questions that objectively arises in the course of the development of knowledge, the solution of which is of significant practical or theoretical interest.

The essence of the problem for a person is such that it requires analysis, evaluation, the formation of an idea, a concept for finding an answer (problem solution) with verification and confirmation by experience.

A problem is predominantly a question that does not have an unambiguous solution (degree of uncertainty). The uncertainty of the problem differs from the problem. The set of possible issues interrelated by the object of consideration is called a problematic.

If the problem is identified and formulated in the form of an idea, concept, then this means that you can begin to formulate a problem to solve it. With the introduction into the culture of the Russian language, the concept of the problem has undergone a transformation. In Western culture, a problem is a task that needs to be solved. In Russian culture, a problem is a strategic stage in solving a problem, on an ideological and conceptual level, when a set of conditions is implicit, the list of which can be formalized and taken into account in the formulation of the problem (a list of conditions, parameters, boundary conditions (value limit) of which are included in the problem conditions).

The scientific problem is awareness, the formulation of the concept of ignorance.

The more complex the object of consideration (the more difficult the chosen topic), the more ambiguous, uncertain questions (problems) it will contain, and the more difficult it will be for formulating the problem and for finding solutions, that is, the problems of a scientific work should contain classification and prioritization in the direction .

Statement of the problem is the beginning of any research.

In the unchanging conditions to which a person adapts, the world is unproblematic for him. Problems are generated by the variability of the world and the spiritual activity of people.

The problem of scientific knowledge is a theoretical or factual issue that needs to be resolved. This question must meet two criteria (Figure 1).

Rice. 1 - Criteria for a scientific problem

Problems are distinguished by the degree of their structuring (Fig. 2.).

Rice. 2 - Difference of problems according to the degree of their structuring

In accordance with this, three classes of problems are distinguished (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 - Three classes of problems

Under the scientific problem, scientists understand such a question, the answer to which is not contained in the knowledge accumulated by society. One question never ends the problem. It is a whole system consisting of a central question (the one that constitutes the essence of the problem and which is often identified with the whole problem) and a number of other auxiliary questions, the answers to which are necessary to answer the main question.

The sign that distinguishes a scientific question from a scientific problem is the different nature of the assumption contained in the question. If the knowledge of ignorance contained in the question is transformed as a result scientific research in the knowledge that an unknown phenomenon is subject to an already known, studied law, the question is not evaluated as a problem. If it is combined with an assumption (or contains an assumption) about the possibility of discovering a new law (he applied sciences corresponds to the assumption of the possibility of discovering a fundamentally new way of applying previously obtained knowledge of the laws), then we have a problem statement.

Thus, any problem can be represented as an inseparable unity of two elements (Fig. 4.).

Rice. 4 - The essence of any problem

3. Statement of the problem, its formulation

The question of whether a problem exists is of paramount importance, since putting great effort into solving problems that do not exist is by no means an exception, but a very typical case. Contrived problems mask the urgency of the problem. At the same time, a successful formulation of the problem can be equivalent to half of its solution.

The problem is the basis of all work. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly, clearly, correctly formulate the problem. It can be realized in the form of a problematic situation, an unresolved issue, a theoretical or practical problem, etc.

A problem is a kind of boundary between knowing and not knowing. It arises when the previous knowledge becomes insufficient, and the new has not yet taken a developed form.

If the problem is identified and formulated in the form of an idea, concept, then it means that you can start setting the task to solve it.

The formulation of the problem of scientific research is, in fact, the crystallization of the idea of ​​scientific work. Therefore, the correct formulation of the problem is the key to success. In order to correctly detect the problem, it is necessary to understand what has already been developed in the chosen topic, what is poorly developed, and what no one has touched at all, and this is possible only on the basis of studying the available literature.

Any scientific research is carried out in order to overcome certain difficulties in the process of learning new phenomena, to explain previously unknown facts, or to reveal the incompleteness of old ways of explaining known facts. These difficulties manifest themselves in the most distinct form in the so-called problem situations, when the existing scientific knowledge turns out to be insufficient for solving new problems of cognition. The problem always arises when the old knowledge has already shown its inconsistency, and the new knowledge has not yet taken a developed form. Thus, a problem in science is a contradictory situation that needs to be resolved. Such a situation most often arises as a result of the discovery of new facts that clearly do not fit into the framework of previous theoretical concepts, i.e. when none of the theories can explain the newly discovered facts. The correct formulation and clear formulation of new problems is often no less important than the solution of them. In essence, it is the choice of problems, if not entirely, then to a very large extent, that determines the strategy of research in general and the direction of scientific research in particular. It is no coincidence that it is considered that to formulate a scientific problem means to show the ability to separate the main from the secondary, to find out what is already known and what is still unknown to science about the subject of research.

Unlike everyday, a scientific problem is formed in terms of a certain scientific branch. It must be operational. “Why does the sun shine?” is a question, but not a problem, since the scope of the means and the solution method are not indicated here. “Are the differences in aggressiveness, the personality trait of people, a genetically determined trait or do they depend on the influences of family education?” is a problem that is formulated in terms of developmental psychology and can be solved by certain methods.

The problem, according to Yu.K. Babansky, there is a characteristic of the problematic, i.e. contradictory situation - the inconsistency of the theory about the subject of social practice with this practice - which the researcher discovers in the material studied by him. The vision of a particular problem by a certain scientist is due, firstly, to the limitations of personal experience - the fact that in direct personal experience a scientist always deals only with one or another part of objective reality and, secondly, those of his ideas about this reality, which have developed as a result of all his scientific training. It is clear that each researcher sees different problems and may differently consider which of them is an actual problem. Those. the purpose of scientific research is also defined differently, which, according to Yu.K. Babansky, is the result of solving the problem in an ideal form. The goal in general can be an external necessity for the researcher. For example, there is a social or state order that some part of objective reality is in an unsatisfactory state, therefore, it is necessary to know the reasons for this, identify patterns between the external connections of the system (part of objective reality) and its internal connections, and determine measures to bring the system into the desired state. , satisfactory to ordering condition. There are many problems and goals

In science, the formulation of a problem is the discovery of a "deficiency", a lack of information to describe or explain reality. The ability to detect a "blank spot" in knowledge about the world is one of the main manifestations of the researcher's talent. So, we can distinguish the following stages of problem generation (Fig. 5).

Problem Generation Stages

Rice. 5 - Stages of problem generation

Consider the validity of the stages shown in Figure 5.

The first stage is related to the lack of information to describe or explain reality. The second stage is necessary, since the transition to the level of ordinary language makes it possible to switch from one scientific field (with its own specific terminology) to another. The third stage depends on the amount of objective knowledge accumulated by a particular science.

A good problem statement describes in precise, concrete terms what the data reveals.

The criteria for setting a scientific problem can be represented by the following points (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6 - Criteria for posing a scientific problem

What are the ways to properly formulate problems? A lot of them. This includes the legalization of the obligatory allocation of pre-scheduled study of each topic, and the annual scientific certification of all completed research projects with the involvement of the Russian Academy of Sciences and its institutes, and the competitive form of distribution of topics, funding not teams, but really problematic works.

First, they get an answer to the question is there a problem?

Then the development of the problem (in the past and future), its external connections with other problems are considered, and the question of the fundamental solvability of the problem is raised.

When do scientific problems arise?

A scientific problem arises in a problematic situation, when a contradiction develops and is realized between knowledge about the needs of people in the course of their activities and ignorance of the means, ways, ways of satisfying (realizing) these needs, which ultimately rests on ignorance of certain laws of the objective world.

A problematic situation also arises as a contradiction between existing theories and new facts that need a different theoretical interpretation, or as a clarification of the internal logical inconsistency of existing theories, etc. A contradiction is an indicator that the knowledge fixed in generally accepted provisions is too general, vague, one-sided.

Practice is the basis for the emergence of a problem situation. In the process of practical interaction between a person and the objects of his activity, a contradiction is created and constantly recreated between the rapidly changing qualitative and rapidly growing quantitative needs of society and the means (opportunities) that society has to satisfy them. The need to discover the laws of new, unknown areas of activity is the basis of the problem.

Any scientific research in its essence is always problematic, it is a chain of problems following one after another, constantly being solved and re-emerging in different conditions, at qualitatively new stages in the development of knowledge.

What problem should be chosen to solve?

Science is guided by two inextricably linked principles of selecting problems for solution (Fig. 7.).

Rice. 7 - Principles for selecting scientific problems for solution

In addition, it is important to know the mechanism of the emergence of problems and tasks in science and correctly determine the actions that leave the formulation of the problem and task.

For a problem to fulfill its purpose, it must be properly addressed. To do this, a specialist needs to be at the most advanced frontiers of science and clearly understand what exactly is already known to mankind, and what is really unknown, what remains to be explored. In order to properly pose a scientific problem, a broad outlook is needed. No wonder scientists argue that a problem correctly posed is already a half-solved problem.

A competent statement of the problem involves the following groups of actions (Fig. 8.).

Rice. 8 - The main groups of actions with a competent formulation of the problem

Let's consider presented on fig. the main groups of actions in a competent formulation of the problem in more detail.

1. Formulation of the problem, consisting of questioning (proposing the central question of the problem), constradictation (fixing the contradiction that formed the basis of the problem), finitization (presumptive description of the expected result);

2. The construction of the problem, represented by the operations of stratification (“splitting” the problem into sub-questions, without answers to which it is impossible to get an answer to the main problematic question), composition (grouping and determining the sequence of solutions to sub-questions that make up the problem), localization (restriction of the field of study in in accordance with the needs of the study and the capabilities of the researcher, limiting the known from the unknown in the area chosen for study), variantification (development of a setting for the possibility of replacing any question of the problem with any other and the search for alternatives for all elements of the problem);

3. Evaluation of the problem, characterized by such specialist actions as conditioning (identifying all the conditions necessary to solve the problem, including methods, means, techniques, etc.), inventory (checking the available possibilities and prerequisites), cognition (determining the degree of problematicness, i.e. the ratio of the known and the unknown in the information that needs to be used to solve the problem), assimilation (finding among the already solved problems similar to the one being solved), qualification (assigning the problem to a certain type);

4. Justification, which is a consistent implementation of exposure procedures (establishing the value, content and genetic links of this problem with other problems), actualization (arguing in favor of the reality of the problem, its formulation and solution), compromise (nominating as you like a large number objections to the problem), demonstrations (an objective synthesis of the results obtained at the stage of actualization and compromise);

5. Designation, consisting of explication (clarification) of concepts, recoding (translation of the problem into another scientific or everyday language), intimization of concepts (verbal nuance - subtle transition - expression of the problem and selection of concepts that most accurately capture the meaning of the problem).

Depending on the nature of the study and the experience of the investigator, it is possible to change the sequence of procedures and operations. Some of them can be carried out in parallel with others (for example, stratification (separation) with variant (replacing one question with another)), some - as all the procedures and operations of the problem are deployed (for example, explication (clarification) of concepts or assimilation). All procedures can be represented as a network, which, being superimposed on an unknown (or partially unknown) area, allows us to streamline our ideas about this area, its boundaries, methods and means of comprehending it, etc.

The study of the problem on the material of different sciences shows that three levels of the formulation of a scientific problem can be distinguished:

A common situation is that, once the central question has been identified, little care is taken to further develop the problem. This is, so to speak, the lowest intuitive form of posing the problem.

Statement of the problem in accordance with the rules described, but without a full understanding of their meaning and the need to comply. At the same time, it should be emphasized that all operations are not always fully implemented by one specialist. But each of them is represented in one way or another in some of the real problems of science. This was the basis for compiling a procedural search.

Conscious use of all procedures and operations included in it.

What are the benefits of doing the above?

First, following the rules, scientists are forced to think about the problem in such perspectives, which are most often not discussed in an intuitive formulation. As a result, the understanding of the problem is enriched, new approaches to it are revealed, new points of view on the means and conditions for its solution arise.

Secondly, in some cases, research is abandoned if it is found that the problem posed by the researcher is not really such, or if the gap between the possibilities to solve the problem and the goals set in it is too large.

Thirdly, due to the observance of the requirements of the problem statement, the qualitative planning of scientific research is ensured. After all, the implementation of the rules means that all the pre-scheduled preparatory work has been done. In the presence of such a plan, an effective organization of the work of researchers is ensured.

Fourth, in the case of the implementation of actions, the psychological readiness of a specialist to cognitive activity turns out to be much higher both due to a clear focus, and due to the confidence that arises on the basis of a clear understanding of the essence of the problem, the opportunities that lie in it, and the difficulties that must be overcome. As you know, confidence to a greater extent is a consequence of knowledge. Knowing the problem is no exception in this regard. In general, the “quality” of the problem is significantly improved and the transition from concept to solution is significantly accelerated.

Important for the organization of science is the question of the so-called imaginary problems. The latter refers to problem-like structures that are not problems, but are either mistaken for them or presented as such.

Depending on the nature of the occurrence, all imaginary problems can be divided into two classes:

Extrascientific imaginary problems, the causes of which are outside of science. At the heart of their occurrence are ideological, methodological, ideological and other delusions.

Intrascientific problems, the causes of which are rooted in cognition itself, in its achievements and difficulties.

Essential from a practical point of view is the task of developing criteria for distinguishing between real and imaginary problems, as well as methods for their recognition. The dialectical approach allows us to formulate a number of criteria (existence, adequacy, necessity, prerequisites, continuity, solvability, testability, truth, etc.), which make it possible to separate truly scientific problems from imaginary ones with a sufficient degree of reliability. Lack of systems thinking also leads to the appearance of false problems.

Of fundamental importance in our time has acquired the study of general conditions that ensure a decrease in the number of errors of specialists in working with problematic knowledge. Problem analysis allows you to correctly and clearly formulate the problem for which the system is created. In a number of cases, they come to a negative conclusion, i.e. that the problem does not exist and the system is not needed, which also turns out to be useful. In other cases, such a study leads to the conclusion that the problem was originally formulated incorrectly, that it lies in something else, and, consequently, both the functions and the structure of the conceived system must be different.

The combined application of system analysis and intuitive assessments of the relative importance of problems and assessments of their effectiveness already gives very tangible practical results, in any case better than traditional methods of calculating economic efficiency or cumbersome methods of operations research.

A characteristic feature of modern high school is the study of problems, but it is very important to pay attention to two contradictions that are not recognized by classical science, which studies only consistent thinking. In subject knowledge, it is impossible to make an optimal decision - the most important feature of a person. There are many reasons. One of them is the lack of sufficient information. About 40% of the information a specialist needs to draw from related, and sometimes distant areas of knowledge. In the age of scientific specialization, many even great scientists in their field do not have a general scientific picture of the world, which negatively affects their work. Specialist in the creation of a new scientific theory becomes, in essence, a philosopher, because he is forced to analyze the nature of his activity, the limits of applicability of the scientific concepts used, offers new ways of understanding a person's interaction with the outside world.

4. Hypothesis

The formulation of the problem entails the formulation of a hypothesis. The theoretical stage of knowledge begins with a hypothesis.

A hypothesis (from the Greek gypothesis - foundation, assumption) is a probabilistic assumption about the cause of any phenomena, the reliability of which, in the current state of production and science, cannot be verified and proven, but which explains these phenomena, which are inexplicable without it; one of the methods of cognitive activity.

The hypothesis, like the concept, judgment, conclusion, which are considered in the previous chapters, reflects the objective world. And in this it is similar to the named forms of thinking.

However, the hypothesis differs from them. Its specificity lies not in what it reflects in the material world, but in how it reflects, i.e. presumably, probably, and not categorically, not reliably. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the term "hypothesis" itself is translated from Greek means "guess".

It is known that when defining a concept through the closest genus and specific difference, it is necessary to indicate the essential features that distinguish this species from other species included in the same closest genus.

The closest genus for a hypothesis as a result of cognitive activity "is the concept of" assumption ". What is the specific difference between this type of assumption - a hypothesis - and other types of assumptions, say guesses, fantasies, assumptions.

Consider the following essential features of the hypothesis (Fig. 9.).

Rice. 9 - Essential features of the hypothesis

These essential features in their totality are quite sufficient to distinguish a hypothesis from other types of assumptions on their basis and determine its essence.

A hypothesis is a system of concepts, judgments and conclusions. At the same time, unlike them, the structure is complex, synthetic. Not a single single concept, judgment, or conclusion in its content constitutes a hypothesis. Let us turn, for example, to the well-known hypothesis of Academician A.I. Oparin on the origin of life on Earth. Its provisions are not limited to any one judgment, for example, that life arose in water or began with the appearance of complex supramolecular protein structures. This hypothesis, like any other, tries to explain the process of the origin of life on Earth in all its complexity. Naturally, this cannot be done by a single judgment or inference. Even a narrower hypothesis concerning a single phenomenon, for example, the hypothesis of the authorship of a newly found artistic painting, does not consist of one judgment, but of a whole system of judgments and inferences that substantiates the probability of the proposed assumption. At the same time, the nature of such judgments is substantiated on the views of various experts (specialists) in their field of knowledge. The following elements are distinguished in the structure of the hypothesis (Fig. 10.).

Rice. 10 - Basic elements in the structure of the hypothesis

Let us consider more broadly the content presented in fig. elements of the hypothesis.

The basis of a hypothesis is the set of facts or reasonable statements on which the assumption is based.

The form of a hypothesis is a set of inferences that leads from the basis of the hypothesis to the main assumption.

Assumption (or hypothesis in the narrow sense of the word) - conclusions from the facts and statements that substantiate the hypothesis.

Being identical in logical structure, the hypotheses nevertheless differ in their content and functions. There are several types of hypotheses for the following reasons (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11 - Main types of hypotheses

A general hypothesis is a type of hypothesis that explains the cause of a phenomenon or a group of phenomena as a whole.

A private hypothesis is a kind of hypothesis that explains some particular side or a separate property of a phenomenon or event.

So, for example, the hypothesis about the origin of life on Earth is a general hypothesis, and the hypothesis about the genesis of human consciousness is a particular one.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the division of a hypothesis into general and particular makes sense when we correlate one hypothesis with another. This division is not absolute; a hypothesis can be particular in relation to one hypothesis and general in relation to other hypotheses.

In addition to general and particular hypotheses, there are also scientific and working hypotheses.

Scientific is a hypothesis that explains the patterns of development of natural phenomena, society and thinking. To be scientific, a hypothesis must meet the following requirements (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12 - Signs of a scientific hypothesis

A working hypothesis is a temporary assumption or assumption that is used in constructing a hypothesis. A working hypothesis is put forward, as a rule, at the first stages of the study. It does not directly set the task of elucidating the real causes of the phenomena under study, but serves only as a conditional assumption that makes it possible to group and systematize the results of observations and give a description of the phenomena consistent with the observations. Working hypotheses, in particular, are successfully applied in sociology.

A hypothesis is a process of thought development. Of course, it is not possible to give a general model for constructing a hypothesis for all cases of life. This is due to the fact that the conditions for developing a hypothesis depend on the specificity of practical activity, as well as on the specifics of the problem under consideration.

Nevertheless, it is possible to determine the general boundaries of the stages that go through the thought process in the hypothesis (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13 - The main stages of developing a hypothesis

Let's consider each stage in more detail.

Putting forward a hypothesis. To put forward a hypothesis, it is necessary to have a certain set of facts related to the observed phenomenon, which would justify the probability of a certain assumption, explain the unknown. Therefore, the construction of a hypothesis is associated, first of all, with the collection of facts that are related to the phenomenon that we explain, and do not coincide with the existing explanation.

Based on the collected facts, an assumption is made about what the phenomenon under study is, i.e. a hypothesis is formulated in the narrow sense of the word. An assumption in a hypothesis is logically a proposition (or a system of propositions). It is expressed as a result of the logical processing of the collected facts. The facts on the basis of which a hypothesis is put forward can be comprehended logically in the form of analogy, induction or deduction. Proposing an assumption is the main content of the hypothesis. The assumption is the answer to the question posed about the essence, cause, connections of the observed phenomenon. The assumption contains the knowledge to which one comes as a result of the generalization of facts.

Assumption is the core of the hypothesis around which all cognitive and practical activity goes. An assumption in a hypothesis is, on the one hand, the result of previous knowledge, the main thing that comes as a result of observation and generalization of facts; on the other hand, it is the starting point for further study of the phenomenon, indicating the path of knowledge, determining the direction in which the study should go. The hypothesis makes it possible not only to explain the existing facts, but also to reveal new facts that have not yet been paid attention to. So, for example, in 1911, the English physicist Rutherford put forward a hypothesis (model) of the planetary structure of the atom. It followed from it that the electrons rotating around the nucleus of an atom, according to the laws of classical mechanics and electrodynamics, had to lose their kinetic energy and fall on the nucleus. In reality, the atom is neutral, and in combination with electrons it represents a fairly stable system. There was a discrepancy that required clarification. In 1915, Niels Bohr supplemented Rutherford's hypothesis with the proposal that electrons move around the nucleus of an atom not along any orbits, but only along those carrying energy equal to an integer number of quanta. In this case, the electron does not lose its energy, the atom remains stable and neutral. Subsequently, the study of the structure of the atom showed that even the refined hypothesis (of Rutherford-Bohr) did not fully agree with experiment and had to give way to the quantum-wave model of the atom. The logical processing of the facts made it possible to put forward the indicated assumption. To become a scientific hypothesis, an assumption must satisfy the following requirements (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14 - Requirements for a scientific hypothesis

This requirement allows one to choose the most constructive of two or more hypotheses explaining the same range of phenomena. The conclusion in which the main assumption of the hypothesis is formed can be built in the form of analogy, incomplete induction, and also a probabilistic syllogism. However, to speak of certain separate types of inference in connection with the construction of a hypothesis means to speak only of the central and final link in the whole of a complex logical construction.

Hypothesis development. The development of a hypothesis is connected with the derivation of a hypothesis from its logical consequences. Assuming the proposition put forward to be true, a number of consequences are deduced from it, which must exist if the supposed cause exists.

The logical consequences derived from hypotheses cannot be identified with the consequences - links in the causal chain of phenomena, always chronologically following the cause that caused them. Logical consequences are understood as thoughts not only about the circumstances caused by the phenomenon under study, but also about the circumstances preceding it in time, about the accompanying and subsequent ones, as well as about the circumstances caused by other reasons, but which are in any connection with the phenomenon under study.

Comparison of the consequences derived from the assumption with the established facts of reality makes it possible to either disprove the hypothesis or prove its truth. This is done in the process of testing the hypothesis. Hypothesis testing always goes through practice. The hypothesis is generated by practice, and only practice decides whether the hypothesis is true or false.

Direct confirmation (refutation) of a hypothesis in science is used quite often. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the alleged individual facts or phenomena in the course of subsequent knowledge are confirmed (or refuted) in legal or economic practice through their direct perception. Examples are the discovery of the planet Neptune; discovery of a number of islands in the Arctic Ocean; discovery of pure natural water in Lake Baikal, etc. But in some cases (historical hypotheses) it is difficult (or even impossible) to test all assumptions in practice. In cases of predictive hypotheses, it is inappropriate to wait for their direct confirmation by practice, since time will be lost for the necessary actions (for example, a hypothesis about the prospects for the development of artificial languages). That is why the logical evidence (refutation) of hypotheses is widely used in science.

Logical proof (refutation) proceeds indirectly, since phenomena are known that took place in the past, or exist at the present time, but are inaccessible to direct sensory perception. The main ways of logical proof of the hypothesis are (Fig. 15.).

The main ways to confirm the hypothesis

Rice. 15 - The main ways to confirm the hypothesis

Logical proof (refutation), depending on the method of justification, can proceed in the form of direct and indirect evidence (refutation) (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16 - Ways to substantiate a hypothesis

Let us consider the ways of substantiating hypotheses shown in the figure in more detail. Direct proof (refutation) of the hypothesis proceeds by confirming or refuting the derived logical consequences by newly discovered facts. The logical process of deriving consequences from the proposed assumption and substantiating the truth or falsity of the hypothesis, as already noted, very often proceeds in the form of a conditionally categorical inference. From the alleged cause A, the effect B is derived. Logically, this is expressed in such a judgment: "If there is A, then there is B." Then consequence B is tested in practice, whether it really exists. If consequence B does not actually exist and cannot exist, then, according to the rules of conditionally categorical reasoning, from the absence of a consequence, one comes to the conclusion that the alleged cause A also does not exist, i.e. come to a reliable conclusion about the falsity of the hypothesis put forward. In addition to conditionally categorical inferences, categorical syllogism and other logical forms are also used. Another type of logical proof (refutation) of a hypothesis is indirect proof (refutation). It is used when there are several hypotheses that explain the same phenomenon. Indirect evidence proceeds by refuting and eliminating all false assumptions, on the basis of which the reliability of the only remaining assumption is asserted. In this case, the conclusion proceeds in the form of a negative-affirming mode of a divisive-categorical inference. The conclusion in this conclusion can be regarded as reliable if: firstly, an exhaustive series of assumptions is built to explain the phenomenon under study; secondly, in the process of testing hypotheses, all false assumptions are refuted. The assumption pointing to the remaining reason will in this case be the only one, and the knowledge expressed in it will no longer act as problematic, but as reliable.

Thus, the hypothesis is a necessary form of development of scientific knowledge, without which the transition to new knowledge is impossible. A hypothesis plays an essential role in the development of science and serves as the initial stage in the formation of almost every scientific theory. All significant discoveries in science did not arise in finished form, but went through a long and complex path of development, starting from the initial hypothetical provisions that act as the guiding idea of ​​​​research and developing on this factual basis to a scientific theory.

List of sources used

    New Philosophical Encyclopedia. In 4 volumes / Ed. V.S. Stepina and others - M .: Thought, 2000.

    Frolov I.T., Yudin B.G. Ethics of science: Problems and discussions. M., 1987.

    Tarsky A. Introduction to the logic and methodology of deductive sciences. – M.: Trivium, 2000

    Gaidenko P.P. The history of modern European philosophy in its connection with science. - M: Per Se - St. Petersburg: University book, 2000

    Leshkevich T.G. Philosophy of Science: Traditions and Innovations. Tutorial for universities. – M.: PRIOR, 2001.

    Yudin E.G. Methodology of science. Consistency. Activity. - M., Editorial URSS, 1997. - 246 p.

    Ruzavin G.I. Methodology of scientific research. M. 1999.

    Philosophy and methodology of science: Textbook for students of higher educational institutions / Ed. IN AND. Kuptsova. - M., 1999.

The question of whether a problem exists is of paramount importance, since putting great effort into solving problems that do not exist is by no means an exception, but a very typical case. Contrived problems mask the urgency of the problem. At the same time, a successful formulation of the problem can be equivalent to half of its solution.

The problem is the basis of all work. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly, clearly, correctly formulate the problem. It can be realized in the form of a problematic situation, an unresolved issue, a theoretical or practical problem, etc.

A problem is a kind of boundary between knowing and not knowing. It arises when the previous knowledge becomes insufficient, and the new has not yet taken a developed form.

If the problem is identified and formulated in the form of an idea, concept, then this means that you can begin to formulate a problem to solve it.

The formulation of the problem of scientific research is, in fact, the crystallization of the idea of ​​scientific work. Therefore, the correct formulation of the problem is the key to success. In order to correctly detect the problem, it is necessary to understand what has already been developed in the chosen topic, what is poorly developed, and what no one has touched at all, and this is possible only on the basis of studying the available literature.

Any scientific research is carried out in order to overcome certain difficulties in the process of learning new phenomena, to explain previously unknown facts or to reveal the incompleteness of old ways of explaining. known facts. These difficulties manifest themselves in the most distinct form in the so-called problem situations, when the existing scientific knowledge is insufficient to solve new problems of cognition. The problem always arises when the old knowledge has already shown its inconsistency, and the new knowledge has not yet taken a developed form. Thus, a problem in science is a contradictory situation that needs to be resolved. Such a situation most often arises as a result of the discovery of new facts that clearly do not fit into the framework of previous theoretical concepts, i.e. when none of the theories can explain the newly discovered facts. The correct formulation and clear formulation of new problems is often no less important than the solution of them. In essence, it is the choice of problems, if not entirely, then to a very large extent, that determines the strategy of research in general and the direction of scientific research in particular. It is no coincidence that it is considered that to formulate a scientific problem means to show the ability to separate the main from the secondary, to find out what is already known and what is still unknown to science about the subject of research.

Unlike everyday, a scientific problem is formed in terms of a certain scientific branch. It must be operational. “Why does the sun shine?” is a question, but not a problem, since the scope of the means and the solution method are not indicated here. “Are the differences in aggressiveness, the personality trait of people, a genetically determined trait or do they depend on the influences of family education?” is a problem that is formulated in terms of developmental psychology and can be solved by certain methods.

The problem, according to Yu.K. Babansky, there is a characteristic of the problematic, i.e. contradictory situation - the inconsistency of the theory about the subject of social practice with this practice - which the researcher discovers in the material studied by him. The vision of a particular problem by a certain scientist is due, firstly, to the limitations of personal experience - the fact that in direct personal experience a scientist always deals only with one or another part of objective reality and, secondly, those of his ideas about this reality, which have developed as a result of all his scientific training. It is clear that each researcher sees different problems and may think differently which one is topical issue. Those. the purpose of scientific research is also defined differently, which, according to Yu.K. Babansky, is the result of solving the problem in an ideal form. The goal in general can be an external necessity for the researcher. For example, there is a social or state order that some part of objective reality is in an unsatisfactory state, therefore, it is necessary to know the reasons for this, identify patterns between the external connections of the system (part of objective reality) and its internal connections, and determine measures to bring the system into the desired state. , satisfactory to ordering condition. There are many problems and goals

In science, problem formulation is the discovery of a "deficiency", a lack of information to describe or explain reality. The ability to detect a "blank spot" in knowledge about the world is one of the main manifestations of a researcher's talent. So, we can distinguish the following stages of problem generation (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5 - Stages of problem generation

Consider the validity of the stages shown in Figure 5.

The first stage is related to the lack of information to describe or explain reality. The second stage is necessary, since the transition to the level of ordinary language makes it possible to switch from one scientific field (with its own specific terminology) to another. The third stage depends on the amount of objective knowledge accumulated by a particular science.

A good problem statement describes in precise, concrete terms what the data reveals.

The criteria for setting a scientific problem can be represented by the following points (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6 - Criteria for posing a scientific problem

What are the ways to properly formulate problems? A lot of them. This includes the legalization of the obligatory allocation of pre-scheduled study of each topic, and the annual scientific certification of all completed research projects with the involvement of the Russian Academy of Sciences and its institutes, and the competitive form of distribution of topics, funding not teams, but really problematic works.

First, they get an answer to the question is there a problem?

Then the development of the problem (in the past and future), its external connections with other problems are considered, and the question of the fundamental solvability of the problem is raised.

When do scientific problems arise?

A scientific problem arises in a problematic situation, when a contradiction develops and is realized between knowledge about the needs of people in the course of their activities and ignorance of the means, ways, ways of satisfying (realizing) these needs, which ultimately rests on ignorance of certain laws of the objective world.

A problematic situation also arises as a contradiction between existing theories and new facts that need a different theoretical interpretation, or as a clarification of the internal logical inconsistency of existing theories, etc. A contradiction is an indicator that the knowledge fixed in generally accepted provisions is too general, vague, one-sided.

Practice is the basis for the emergence of a problem situation. In the process of practical interaction between a person and the objects of his activity, a contradiction is created and constantly recreated between the rapidly changing qualitative and rapidly growing quantitative needs of society and the means (opportunities) that society has to satisfy them. The need to discover the laws of new, unknown areas of activity is the basis of the problem.

Any scientific research in its essence is always problematic, it is a chain of problems following one after another, constantly being solved and re-emerging in different conditions, at qualitatively new stages in the development of knowledge.

What problem should be chosen to solve?

Science is guided by two inextricably linked principles of selecting problems for solution (Fig. 7.).

Rice. 7 - Principles for selecting scientific problems for solution

In addition, it is important to know the mechanism of the emergence of problems and tasks in science and correctly determine the actions that leave the formulation of the problem and task.

For a problem to fulfill its purpose, it must be properly addressed. To do this, a specialist needs to be at the most advanced frontiers of science and clearly understand what exactly is already known to mankind, and what is really unknown, what remains to be explored. In order to properly pose a scientific problem, a broad outlook is needed. No wonder scientists argue that a problem correctly posed is already a half-solved problem.

A competent statement of the problem involves the following groups of actions (Fig. 8.).

Rice. 8 - The main groups of actions with a competent formulation of the problem

Let's consider presented on fig. the main groups of actions in a competent formulation of the problem in more detail.

1. Formulation of the problem, consisting of questioning (proposing the central question of the problem), constradictation (fixing the contradiction that formed the basis of the problem), finitization (presumptive description of the expected result);

2. The construction of the problem, represented by the operations of stratification (“splitting” the problem into sub-questions, without answers to which it is impossible to get an answer to the main problematic question), composition (grouping and determining the sequence of solutions to sub-questions that make up the problem), localization (restriction of the field of study in in accordance with the needs of the study and the capabilities of the researcher, limiting the known from the unknown in the area chosen for study), variantification (development of a setting for the possibility of replacing any question of the problem with any other and the search for alternatives for all elements of the problem);

3. Evaluation of the problem, characterized by such specialist actions as conditioning (identifying all the conditions necessary to solve the problem, including methods, means, techniques, etc.), inventory (checking the available possibilities and prerequisites), cognition (determining the degree of problematicness, i.e. the ratio of the known and the unknown in the information that needs to be used to solve the problem), assimilation (finding among the already solved problems similar to the one being solved), qualification (assigning the problem to a certain type);

4. Justification, which is a consistent implementation of exposure procedures (establishing the value, content and genetic links of this problem with other problems), actualization (arguing in favor of the reality of the problem, its formulation and solution), compromise (advancing an arbitrarily large number of objections to the problem ), demonstrations (an objective synthesis of the results obtained at the stage of updating and compromising);

5. Designation, consisting of explication (clarification) of concepts, recoding (translation of the problem into another scientific or everyday language), intimization of concepts (verbal nuance - subtle transition - expression of the problem and selection of concepts that most accurately capture the meaning of the problem).

Depending on the nature of the study and the experience of the investigator, it is possible to change the sequence of procedures and operations. Some of them can be carried out in parallel with others (for example, stratification (separation) with variant (replacing one question with another)), some - as all the procedures and operations of the problem are deployed (for example, explication (clarification) of concepts or assimilation). All procedures can be represented as a network, which, being superimposed on an unknown (or partially unknown) area, allows us to streamline our ideas about this area, its boundaries, methods and means of comprehending it, etc.

The study of the problem on the material of different sciences shows that three levels of the formulation of a scientific problem can be distinguished:

A common situation is that, once the central question has been identified, little care is taken to further develop the problem. This is, so to speak, the lowest intuitive form of posing the problem.

Statement of the problem in accordance with the rules described, but without a full understanding of their meaning and the need to comply. At the same time, it should be emphasized that all operations are not always fully implemented by one specialist. But each of them is represented in one way or another in some of the real problems of science. This was the basis for compiling a procedural search.

Conscious use of all procedures and operations included in it.

What are the benefits of doing the above?

First, following the rules, scientists are forced to think about the problem in such perspectives, which are most often not discussed in an intuitive formulation. As a result, the understanding of the problem is enriched, new approaches to it are revealed, new points of view on the means and conditions for its solution arise.

Secondly, in some cases, research is abandoned if it is found that the problem posed by the researcher is not really such, or if the gap between the possibilities to solve the problem and the goals set in it is too large.

Thirdly, due to the observance of the requirements of the problem statement, the qualitative planning of scientific research is ensured. After all, the implementation of the rules means that all the pre-scheduled preparatory work has been done. In the presence of such a plan, an effective organization of the work of researchers is ensured.

Fourthly, in the case of the implementation of actions, the psychological readiness of a specialist for cognitive activity turns out to be much higher both due to a clear focus and confidence that arises on the basis of a clear understanding of the essence of the problem, the opportunities that lie in it, and the difficulties that to be overcome. As you know, confidence to a greater extent is a consequence of knowledge. Knowing the problem is no exception in this regard. In general, the “quality” of the problem is significantly improved and the transition from concept to solution is significantly accelerated.

Important for the organization of science is the question of the so-called imaginary problems. The latter refers to problem-like structures that are not problems, but are either mistaken for them or presented as such.

Depending on the nature of the occurrence, all imaginary problems can be divided into two classes:

Extrascientific imaginary problems, the causes of which are outside of science. At the heart of their occurrence are ideological, methodological, ideological and other delusions.

Intrascientific problems, the causes of which are rooted in cognition itself, in its achievements and difficulties.

Essential from a practical point of view is the task of developing criteria for distinguishing between real and imaginary problems, as well as methods for their recognition. The dialectical approach allows us to formulate a number of criteria (existence, adequacy, necessity, prerequisites, continuity, solvability, testability, truth, etc.), which make it possible to separate truly scientific problems from imaginary ones with a sufficient degree of reliability. Lack of systems thinking also leads to the appearance of false problems.

Of fundamental importance in our time has acquired the study of general conditions that ensure a decrease in the number of errors of specialists in working with problematic knowledge. Problem analysis allows you to correctly and clearly formulate the problem for which the system is created. In a number of cases, they come to a negative conclusion, i.e. that the problem does not exist and the system is not needed, which also turns out to be useful. In other cases, such a study leads to the conclusion that the problem was originally formulated incorrectly, that it lies in something else, and, consequently, both the functions and the structure of the conceived system must be different.

Joint application system analysis and intuitive assessments of the relative importance of problems and assessments of their effectiveness already gives very tangible practical results, in any case better than traditional methods of calculating economic efficiency or cumbersome methods of operations research.

A characteristic feature of modern higher education is the study of problems, but it is very important to pay attention to two contradictions that are not recognized by classical science, which studies only consistent thinking. In subject knowledge, it is impossible to make an optimal decision - the most important feature of a person. There are many reasons. One of them is the lack of sufficient information. About 40% of the information a specialist needs to draw from related, and sometimes distant areas of knowledge. In the age of scientific specialization, many even great scientists in their field do not have a general scientific picture of the world, which negatively affects their work. When creating a new scientific theory, a specialist becomes, in essence, a philosopher, because he is forced to analyze the nature of his activity, the limits of applicability of the scientific concepts used, and offers new ways for a person to understand interaction with the outside world.

The purpose of scientific work is the formation of new knowledge. The beginning of the research work is to recognize the fact that the current situation or situation in a certain area is different from the desired one. A clear and correct statement of the research problem largely determines the final result of the scientist's activity.

What is a problem?

New knowledge appears when there is a need for it. This happens in the following cases:

  • there is a gap in the theory that needs to be filled;
  • traditional knowledge is unable to explain new facts;
  • old methods cannot resolve the contradiction that has arisen.

The search for a problem is the identification of needs and contradictions. Based on existing knowledge or practical experience, there is an understanding that there is a discrepancy between the necessary and the current state of affairs or an unfavorable situation has developed in any industry and this issue needs to be resolved. To resolve a contradiction means to bring the system to a state of equilibrium.

For example, consider the unemployment rate in the region:

  • the real situation is that a large percentage of the population is unemployed;
  • necessary/desired position – high employment;
  • the problem is what to do to reduce the unemployment rate.

Basic criteria for a scientific problem

A scientific problem is usually distinguished according to the following criteria:

  1. relevance. The need for learning at the current time;
  2. scientific character. Ability to define the problem in scientific terms;
  3. significance. The resolution of the request will be a significant contribution to the theory or improvement of applied aspects or will be of practical importance for the country's economy;
  4. objectivity. The controversy exists regardless of the identity of the applicant.

Stages of setting the research problem

The formulation of the problem is the first stage, the foundation, the basis of scientific work. Without such a foundation, the rest of the activity turns into a meaningless, unsystematic set of concepts, calculations and experiments. A systematic approach in analytical work is to create continuity, when, based on the accumulated information, a problem is solved and a reserve for the future is created to continue research.

A prerequisite may be the study of the work of predecessors. Practical experience in a particular area is also useful. Observations often help to see bottlenecks. If the applicant works in a research team, then within the framework of the general problem the group is working on, a specific request can be identified.

The problem statement is a description of the existing this moment unresolved contradictions in the field under study. It is important to formulate the request in the form of a task. You can divide the procedure into a number of sequential steps.

  1. Preliminary. Awareness of the lack of knowledge about a phenomenon or situation. The need is stated in general terms.
  2. Analysis that includes:
  • study of known theories for the existence of solutions;
  • confirmation of the reality of the request;
  • precise statement of goals;
  • the appointment of a framework (temporal, geographical and others);
  • designation of the structure - breakdown into subtopics.
  1. Grade. At this stage, they answer the questions “How significant will the expected results be?”, “Is it realistic to solve the issue with available means?”. The request is identified by the urgency of the permission, application direction, and ownership.
  2. Project promotion. The final step at which organizational and administrative issues are decided. The problem is presented to the scientific community for discussion. At this point, adjustments are possible taking into account the opinions of colleagues, are considered alternatives. In case of a positive result, the revision is approved.

When posing a problem, it is necessary to designate the object and subject of research. An object is understood as a phenomenon or process that generates conflict situation and selected for study. The subject is a specific angle, which will be studied directly in the work. The subject sets the boundaries of scientific research.

Problem Statement Formulation

The formulation of the problem determines the direction of the search and its main idea. The value of the main idea is difficult to underestimate, this is the path along which the research thread will go. On its basis, a hypothesis is put forward, that is, an assumption that explains the essence or causes of the phenomenon under study and requires justification.

It is not easy to formulate the problem, because it should:

  • reveal the essence of specific objects;
  • highlight the direction of work, suggesting continuation;
  • be consistent with all parts of the process of cognition, set the tone for the study.

"How to write an article for publication in publications indexed in Scopus and Web of Science?". The course deals with the topic "Formulation and justification of the problem." Upon completion, students receive a course completion certificate. Those who wish are given free access to the first webinar.

The correct formulation and clear formulation of problematic issues is no less significant than their solutions. The request largely determines the strategy of research work in general and the direction of scientific research in particular. After the problem is identified and voiced, you can begin to formulate the topic of the work.

A dissertation research is a scientific work on a specific topic that allows the applicant to obtain a master's, candidate's or doctoral degree. Depending on the educational institution, the author can count on financial support for experiments and research.

  1. Writing and defending a dissertation - necessary condition for a candidate/doctorate degree.
  2. To determine the object / subject of future research, clear boundaries for the study of the scientific field are set.
  3. Scientific methods are ways of obtaining new knowledge and identifying new ways to achieve goals.
  4. The formulation of the problem is based on a systematic approach (study of available data, relevance of future experiments and identification of their boundaries).

What is the object and subject of research

When compiling a dissertation, the applicant must clearly distinguish between the "object" and "subject" of the study.

The object of the dissertation research

In scientific work, this term often intersects with the theme of labor, but does not repeat it.

Object of study is a phenomenon/object of the material world, a small part of which is chosen for experiments and/or theoretical study. The parameters and exact characteristics of the entire object of study cannot be described in one scientific work.

Dissertation research subject

This term means a specific issue/problem or a set of properties of a particular subject. The applicant is recommended to highlight some of the factors of the subject of research necessary for further experiments.

List of examples of the subject of study:

  1. relationships between people around;
  2. processes and phenomena in any field;
  3. facts and patterns, etc.

Note. For the correct and accurate definition of the object or subject of research, the scope of the studied area is revealed. The next step of the applicant is to draw up the goal of the work and consider in detail the selected aspects of the problem

Types of scientific research methods in the dissertation

The scientific method is a necessary component for any scientific work. It allows you to gain new knowledge and opportunities to solve existing problems in all modern industries.

The main tasks of all scientific methods:

  • correction and systematization of existing knowledge (new and old);
  • the choice of types of research.


This research method is based on a practical (experimental) study of an existing problem.

The mechanism of the empirical method.

  1. Preparation of theoretical information on the subject of research, systematization and collection of information from selected literary sources. The applicant is advised to double-check the accuracy and reliability of the data taken from the Internet.
  2. Analysis of the information received, its verification for relevance and consistency.
  3. observation. For the correct perception of the information received, the author draws up a work plan, clarifies the main working factors and draws up a table for subsequent data entry, adhering to the established deadlines.
  4. Experimental part.


The task of the theoretical method is the systematization and generalization of the information obtained for better assimilation of the necessary information (analysis, synthesis, classification and modeling - depends on the subject of scientific research).


The goals of this methodological group are the analysis of the processes/phenomena of the object, taking into account quantitative indicators. The quantitative method includes statistical and bibliometric components.

  • Statistical methods are suitable for the study of large-scale phenomena. The author collects and measures the necessary data - this approach reveals random deviations that are not related to the topic of the dissertation and the patterns of their work.
  • The task of bibliometric methods is to study the relationship, structure and dynamics of the development of processes/phenomena in different areas of research (analysis of content, number of publications, determination of citation volume, etc.).


The main task is to identify similar characteristics of the selected phenomena. This will help the author to determine the "nature" of the work of the studied social mechanisms. This scheme is successfully used in sociological and marketing research.


The essence of the sociological method is the relationship between empirical and theoretical methods according to the specification of the chosen topic (detailed analysis of literary sources, collection of sociological data, questioning etc.).


It is a set of theoretical and general scientific empirical methods. Depending on the subject of the study, the author is encouraged to experiment or use a modified observation of the problem.

In order to formulate the problem of dissertation research, the applicant for a scientific degree adheres to a systematic approach. If a scientific work is compiled according to, the author carefully analyzes all theoretical and practical information on the topic of the document, carefully separating fundamental data from secondary ones.

List of the main stages of problem statement.

  1. Examining the necessary data and identifying the severity of the study
  2. future experiments, novelty in the chosen scientific field
  3. Definition of boundaries for experiments and their extension (if necessary)
  • dividing the main question into several additional ones
  • systematization of available data, setting the sequence of answers to small questions that describe the main problem
  • identification of studied and unexplored parts of the issue under consideration

Note! Determination of the required scope of work - only after clarifying the potential of future research, calculating the approximate ratio of known / unknown facts on the problem and analyzing the solution of identical questions by scientists of past years.

Additional options for finding a technical research topic and formulating a problem are participation in conferences or the preparation of monographs. If, when compiling scientific articles, it is not difficult to identify the novelty of the problem / determine the purpose of the study / develop a new device, the applicant for a scientific degree can use this information to write a dissertation.

How to get research materials

  1. Identification of the goals of the work and the requirements of the university for the design of the structure, format and content of the document.
  2. The choice of the necessary topic - the clarity and conciseness of the wording are welcome, without blurring. The task of the applicant is to make a detailed description of the chosen object of study and to find rational solutions to existing problems.
  3. Compiling keywords on the topic of the work is a necessary condition for finding relevant information on the Internet and other literary sources.

Advice! All information from books, websites, etc. recorded by the author in a notebook or notebook. Illustrations, conducted experiments and experiments are scanned with the obligatory indication of the source (the statement also applies to the search for statistical data, survey results, etc.)

The Dissertation Company is eighteen years of experience in successfully writing all types of dissertations, complex technical articles, graduation projects And term papers. The staff employs candidates and doctors of sciences in the humanities and technical specialties - this is a guarantee that each document will pass a multi-stage check for full compliance with the basic requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission and GOST.

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The problem of research is an important and responsible task. It is on how correctly it is chosen that the final result of all the work depends. Let us consider in more detail the question concerning its choice, we will present several specific projects and research works.


It would seem, how is the scientific problem of research connected with the hypothesis? In practice, there is a direct relationship between them. Before you start working on a project, you need to figure out exactly what you will analyze throughout your research. Hypothesis - which is put forward at the beginning of a scientific project or pilot study. As the object or a certain phenomenon is studied, it can be confirmed or refuted.

Finding a problem

Given that the research problem is specific task, which the researcher will have to solve after the completion of the experiment, it is important to take seriously the selection of the topic of work or project.

How to do it right? If we are talking about school or projects, then the selection of the topic is carried out in close cooperation with the supervisor.

Topic Selection Examples

Depending on the scientific field chosen for the experiments, the topic can be both voluminous and specific. For example, if you plan to study the history of one photograph, then as a study of this problem, you can consider the search for relatives, places associated with the picture. For example, as an option for such a project, you can consider an old school photo of the graduating class. The children can find out in the course of their project how the fate of each of the children has developed, learn about their attitude to studying at school.

Working methods

In addition to topics, it is important to choose suitable methods for researching problems. Otherwise, it will be difficult to talk about the relevance and reliability of the results obtained. For example, if the research is carried out in the field of chemistry or ecology, it is advisable to use the experimental method.

During a series of experiments, it is possible to identify average draw conclusions based on the results obtained. Decided to conduct research in the humanitarian field? In this case, a sociological survey can be used.

For example, for adolescence, the choice of a future profession is relevant. You can analyze, using your own methods, how temperament affects the career guidance of the younger generation.

How to conduct such a study? involves the choice of theoretical material, that is, a literature review. To begin with, you will have to find out what methods exist to look for that allow them to be detected in adolescents.

Next, you can select a group of volunteers for whom the selected tests will be offered. Summing up the results of the conducted research, it is possible, as recommendations, to offer the children those professions that were identified as optimal during the test.

Goals and objectives

Problems should be specific, specific, realistic. After choosing a topic, you need to determine the purpose of the project. On its basis, it is possible to single out the tasks that the researcher will solve as he works on the project. Let us assume that the purpose of the experiment is to quantify the content of ascorbic acid in rowan berries. As those tasks that should be set in this case, we single out:

  • the study of scientific literature relating to the research question;
  • selection from a variety of methods of the one that will be optimal and realistic in this case;
  • collection of material for the experiment;
  • experiments;
  • conclusions and recommendations on the research problem.

As an addition to the experiment, one can note applications in which tabular indicators of the content of vitamin C in the studied samples will be indicated.

A young scientist can compare the obtained and tabular values, draw conclusions.

Object of study

How do schoolchildren solve the problems of modern research? The guys choose vitamins, fats, carbohydrates as an object of study when it comes to projects in the field of chemistry and ecology. For example, as an object of study, you can choose the coast of the White Sea. Taking into account the fact that in 2002 there was a serious oil spill from a tanker in the Onega Bay, it is possible to analyze how this situation affected the flora and fauna of this sea.

Subject of study

The problem of research is an important aspect for the formation logical thinking in the rising generation. The direction of the entire project activities.

As part of the implementation in modern school federal state standards of the new generation, the relevance and demand for student research is increasing.

For each child, their own educational development trajectory should be built, which involves the implementation of project activities. The Ministry of Education has set the task for teachers to form a harmoniously developed personality, capable of self-development, successfully socializing in modern society. To accomplish this task, teachers actively use in their pedagogical activity the design methodology.

Novelty and significance

The peculiarity of research, problem solving within the framework of a school project is that the results obtained are relevant and significant. In order to choose the right research topic, you need to take into account several important aspects. If a research problem is a trigger for any project, then its essence is scientific novelty, as well as practical significance.

For example, even when choosing to work with the classical methodology for conducting experiments, one can find an element of novelty. If the work is deprived of this, it loses all meaning. The research problem is the most important point that the research supervisor of the research or design work. Before its nomination, it is necessary to carefully study the scientific literature, existing practices on the research issue.

Problem Criteria

There are certain norms that the research problem must comply with:

  • objectivity of the question;
  • practical significance.

Relevance refers to the importance of the issue at a particular point in time. By identifying relevance in your project or research, you can emphasize the connection between the current state of the issue and the near future.

Example of a school project

We offer, as an example of the design of a school project, a work related to the quantitative determination of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in tea. The introduction analyzes the significance of the topic, provides historical facts application of the object of study.

Even in Russia, an infusion of Ivan-tea was used as a drink and medicine for various diseases. Confirmation unique properties of this tea can be found in the works of the Russian researcher Pyotr Alexandrovich Badmaev. He lived for more than a hundred years, largely due to the use of the infusion of this amazing plant.

Ivan-chai has a unique chemical composition, which can rightly be called the "pantry of nature." Residents of Europe appreciated the merits of Ivan tea, which contains 6.5 times more ascorbic acid (vitamin C) than lemon.

TO early XIX century, this product was the second in the list of export goods from Russia to European countries (after rhubarb). After the British captured the territory of India, plantations of black tea appeared in the colonized territories, which are familiar to all modern Russians. The British, seeking to obtain material profit, "conquer" Russia and "impose" a new product on its inhabitants. Gradually, the traditions of using Ivan tea are lost, and this useful product is undeservedly forgotten.

The difficult economic situation, the complication of relations with European countries, made the issue of reviving the traditions of classical Russian tea drinking, associated with the use of willow tea, important from an economic and political point of view.

Considering the urgency of this issue, in research work we decided to comparative analysis organoleptic and chemical properties Ivan-tea and classic Indian tea, to identify their similar and distinctive parameters.

Determine the quantitative content of ascorbic acid in the original tea samples.

Work tasks:

  • to study the organoleptic characteristics of the samples taken by tasting;
  • carry out a quantitative analysis of the content of vitamin C in the samples by titration.

Subject of study: the quantitative content of vitamin C in the original samples of tea.

Object of study: Ivan tea and classic Indian tea.

Research methods:

  • literature review;
  • iodometry (titrimetric analysis);
  • statistical processing of results.

Hypothesis: in terms of the quantitative content of ascorbic acid and organoleptic characteristics, classical Indian tea is significantly inferior to Ivan tea.

After the completion of the study, conclusions are drawn about the significance and expediency of using Ivan-tea as an alternative to classic black tea.


Design technologies have become an integral part modern education. They are used not only at the senior level of education, but also in preschool institutions.

In order for every Russian schoolchild to have the opportunity to demonstrate their Creative skills, acquire new skills and abilities, they must be involved in the design and research activities. Whatever type of project they create, in any case, its subject matter must be correctly selected, the goal of the study set, tasks defined, and a hypothesis put forward. Even if in the process of work it is refuted or partially confirmed, this does not reduce the relevance and significance of the created project. In the near future, a professional standard for Russian teachers will be introduced. One of the points in it will be conducting research with students, as well as involving the younger generation in project activities.
