Preschoolers about the desert. Deserts: characteristics and types. He has a red flower

Conversation "The desert and its inhabitants"

Target: To form a holistic view of the children about the desert.


Continue to form children's ecological ideas about the diversity of nature, about the desert and its inhabitants;

Summarize children's ideas about the relationship of natural conditions with the life of plants and animals;

Learn to answer questions using complex sentences in speech;

Exercise in the ability to distinguish and name representatives of the animal and plant world of the desert;

Develop cognitive activity, communication skills, the ability to reason, make simple conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to classify;

To form the ability to listen to each other when discussing problematic issues;

To promote the upbringing of independence and activity;

To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature through the formation in children of an understanding of the relationship and interdependence of all objects and phenomena in nature.

Preliminary work:acquaintance with the diversity of nature, flora and fauna of the desert, conversations with children about the desert, looking at lustrations about the animal and plant world of the desert.

Material: layout of the desert, illustrations of animals and plants of the desert, Lesovichok, game "Lotto" Animals ", letter.

The course of the conversation.

Children, someone is knocking on our door, who could it be?

This is our old friend Lesovichok. He brought us a letter that he recently received. Will we read? “Hello, my friend Lesovichok! The guardian of the great desert Sandstone writes to you. I invite you to visit me in the desert. Come quickly." Lesovichok invites us to go on a journey with him. Do you want to go to the desert? Then close your eyes and listen to me:

Garden path They go to the camp

Covered with sand. To the music of calls.

But it's bad if there are a lot of lying trees

The sand is all around. Growing in the sands.

Here is the yellow page - Leafless boughs

Desert country. Bent down to dry ground

The sand is spinning on it, tenacious and prickly

Rushing like a wave. Saxaul shrub.

No one knows where, And the wind carries the clouds

No one knows where Hot sand.

Camels run along it, Flying sand goes

Steppe trains. On the attack, like troops ...

Here we are in the desert. We open our eyes.

We approach the desert layout with the children.

What do you think the word "desert" comes from? - I think that the word "desert" is formed from the word "empty".

Do you know why the natural area was named that way? - Deserts are areas of the earth's surface where, due to the too dry and hot climate, only very scarce flora and fauna can exist.

What are the deserts? - Sandy, clayey, rocky.

The hottest desert is in Africa. Her name is sweet, but not sugar - the Sahara Desert.

Where is the world's largest desert, the Sahara? The world's largest desert, the Sahara, is in Africa.

The desert is in the hottest place on earth. The sky here does not know what clouds are, there is yellow sand all around. The earth is heated by the sun like a furnace.

What do you guys think the desert looks like? The desert is like a sandy sea.

That's right, guys, the desert is like a huge sandy sea. It seemed to be frozen. When the wind blows, dunes “run” along it instead of waves, therefore, outwardly, the desert looks like a frozen sea. When this sea calms down, its surface becomes even and smooth, because the waves settle. When the wind subsides in the desert, its surface remains uneven, "agitated", because the sand retains the shape of waves for some time.

What is the climate like in the desert? - The climate is hot, it rarely rains, the sun shines brightly, sometimes strong winds blow.

Do you know what a sandstorm is? - A sandstorm is when a strong wind blows and raises the sand.

True, but whether this is true or not, we will check.

Conducting experiments.

Experience 1. "The emergence of a storm"

Divide into pairs for the experiment. (They approach the tables) First, one of you will blow into the tube, and the second will observe what is happening in the glass, then you will change.

What did you learn? What did you do for this? What did you see? What can be the conclusion? (children's answers)

Conclusion: a strong wind raises the sand, and so there are sandstorms.

Fizkultminutka.The game "We are grains of sand, we are lumps of clay"

Game progress. A strong wind blew and grains of sand flew in the air (children run freely around the group room). The wind died down and the grains of sand fell to the ground. (Children squat). The wind blew on the clay and it gathered into lumps (the children get up and gather in small groups, closely clinging to each other). We repeat 2 - 3 times.

Yes, guys, the desert is dry, hot, it rarely rains, and the sun bakes strongly and mercilessly. Do you think plants can survive in such conditions?

What plants can survive? Name them. - Cacti, camel thorn, saxaul. - We arrange the silhouette images of plants on the desert layout.

Why do they survive in the desert? - They survive in the desert because they can store water in their stems and leaves, and they have a very long root.

I suggest checking what happens to the water in the desert. (Go to tables)

2. Experience "What happens to the water in the desert"

Take a glass of water and pour it into a glass of sand. What did you see? What can be the conclusion? (children's answers)

Conclusion: water seeps through the grains of sand and goes down.

If there are few plants in the deserts, then what do the animals that live in the desert eat? - they feed on small rodents, insects, and whatever plants they find. And they still try to settle closer to the oasis.

What is an oasis? - An oasis is a place near a reservoir, an island of vegetation in the desert.

What animals can we meet on the banks of the Nile in an oasis? Desert? (children name animals and put toys on the surface of the layout.)

Now guess the riddles:

No ears, no legs

A ball in thorns is ... (Hedgehog)

stone on legs

Crawling along the path


It is all ... (turtle).

A thorn is tastier than a lot of dishes

She is adored by a humpbacked ... (Camel).

What do you know about camels? - This is an animal of large size, adapted to living in deserts and steppes. There are two types of camels: two-humped, or Bactrian, and one-humped, or dromedary. It has long been known that the camel is a very hardy animal and can live up to 40 years. A camel can go without water for almost two weeks and about a month without food, but when it gets to the water, it can drink almost 100 liters. Camel hair is considered a good medicine for various diseases. In the old days, camels were intended for cargo transportation, and during wars they were used to intimidate the enemy. There are 2 types of camels: one-humped and two-humped. The hump of a camel protects its back from the scorching hot sun.

The camel caravan goes through the desert, and we return home.

We're going on a long trip

Kuban, Pereyaslovskaya, the kindergarten is waiting for us.

It's hot in Africa, but warm at home.

Had a good time with friends.

Chorus: Africa, Africa, goodbye, Africa, Africa.

Here we are at home.

And now I invite you to play the game. There are pictures of different animals on the table. And you need to choose only the inhabitants of the desert. Start choosing.

Well done, you have correctly chosen all the animals of the desert.


What new, interesting things did you learn today about the desert, animals and plants of the desert?

The report "Deserts" for children on the subject of the world around them will help prepare for the lesson.

Message on the topic "Desert"

Desert - a natural area characterized by a flat surface, sparseness or lack of flora and specific fauna.
Most often, in deserts, the annual amount of precipitation is less than 200 mm, in extraardinary regions - less than 50 mm, and in some deserts there has been no precipitation for decades.

Deserts can be found on every continent except Europe. They extend through the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere and through the subtropics and tropics of both hemispheres.

The largest deserts- this is the Sahara, Victoria, Karakum, Atacama, Nazca, and the Gobi desert.

Deserts are usually of five types:

  • sandy(vegetation is very rare, mostly thorny shrubs, with roots going deep into the ground, this is necessary for water supply)
  • clay,
  • saline,
  • rocky,
  • snowy deserts(located beyond the polar circles and inhabited by animals resistant to cold).

The climate type in deserts is usually hot and arid. In this natural area, the daytime temperature can rise to +50°C, while at night it can drop to 0°C. In the northern regions, the thermometer can drop to minus 40 °C. For these reasons, the desert climate is considered continental.

Life in deserts is concentrated mainly near oases - places with dense vegetation and reservoirs, as well as in river valleys.

The flora of the desert

The peculiarity of desert plants is that they should evaporate moisture as little as possible and extract water at great depths or have their own supply of water. Plants have small hard leaves or thorns instead of leaves. Roots penetrate deep into the ground. Plants in the desert do not form a continuous cover. They are solitary, often growing in small groups among sands or cracked clay.

Tree trunks are most often strongly curved. Most common desert plant saxaul bushes. They grow in groups, forming small groves. Instead of foliage, their branches are covered with small scales.
How does this shrub survive in such arid soils? Nature has provided them with mighty roots that go into the ground to a depth of 15 meters.

And another desert plant - camel-thorn its roots can get moisture from a depth of up to 30 meters. The thorns or very small leaves of desert plants allow them to expend moisture very economically when evaporating.
Among the various cacti growing in the desert, there is Echinocactus Gruzoni. The juice of this one and a half meter plant perfectly quenches thirst.

A very amazing flower is found in the South African desert - fenestraria. Only a few of its leaves are visible on the surface of the earth, but its roots are like a tiny laboratory. It is in it that the development of nutrients occurs, thanks to which this plant even blooms underground.
One can only wonder at the adaptability of plants to the extreme conditions of the desert.

In the heat of the day, the desert seems uninhabited. Only occasionally there is a lizard or some kind of bug. But as night falls, the desert comes to life. Animals crawl out of their hiding places to replenish their food supplies.

How do animals escape the heat? Some burrow into the sand. Already at a depth of 30 cm the temperature is 40°C lower than on the ground. kangaroo jumper, may not crawl out of its underground shelter for several days. In its minks there are reserves of grains that absorb moisture from the air. They also satisfy his hunger and thirst.

Jackals and coyotes quick breathing and protruding tongue saves from the heat.

African foxes, hares, hedgehogs excess heat is radiated by large ears.

Long legs of ostriches and camels help to escape from the hot sand.
A camel is more than others adapted to life in the desert. Thanks to his wide, callused feet, he can walk on hot sand. Its thick and dense coat prevents moisture from evaporating. Fat accumulated in the humps, if necessary, is processed into water. Although without water, he may well live for more than two weeks.
Desert insects “thought of it” to reflect the scorching sun rays with the surface of their body.
Some animals ( turtles, jerboas, toads, frogs) can hibernate throughout the hot summer.
In summer, in order not to get burned, desert snakes crawl sideways on the sand, and lizards run so fast that their paws do not have time to warm up.
To find food in the desert, animals must move quickly, have good hearing and eyesight, and be able to disguise themselves.
Desert snakes lie in wait for their prey, completely buried in the sand, only their head with closely spaced ears and eyes looks out.

You can write a report on deserts using this information.

If we got acquainted with the life of the Far North, now, on the contrary, I suggest you go to one of the hottest parts of the world - to the Sahara Desert. If you want the hot sun, and the vacation is not soon, then we are on the way. The main form of education for preschoolers, as you know, is a game, so we will not linger too much on learning the dry facts, but, as usual, we will arrange an adventure with a lot of games. , puzzles and crafts.

In the article you will find many thematic games that are designed for younger and older preschoolers - children from 3 to 7 years old. Suggested ideas are best spread over several sessions. My daughter and I, as a rule, stretch our trip for a couple of weeks, each time beating the lesson in a new way. For example, on the first day we dress up as nomads and, having made a camel out of chairs, play out a difficult life in the heat, on the next day we immerse ourselves in the environment we are studying, looking at the desert in a book, on the third day we play with a sensory box, etc.

Finding the desert on the map

As usual, the first thing to do is figure out where we're going and look for map(and at the same time on the globe) the desert. In addition to the desert you decided to go to (we had the Sahara), find other large deserts, draw the child's attention to how they are indicated on the map. Along the way, you can recall other already familiar places on the map.

Presentation on the theme "Desert" for children

Now that we know where we are, it will be useful to get a first idea of ​​the place where we travelers have ended up. The best way to do this, in my opinion, is a presentation - it contains the most basic facts, not overloaded with unnecessary and poorly remembered details, and, most importantly, it has a lot of photos.

Our presentation about the desert can be DOWNLOAD HERE . It briefly tells about who lives in the desert, how animals manage to survive in such difficult conditions, what is a sandstorm, what is an oasis, etc. Below in the article you will also find a didactic game that will help consolidate all the knowledge gained from the presentation.

Sensory box "Desert"

I used to do it quietly at night, until my daughter sees, because I wanted to show her everything already finished. Now Tasia is interested in taking an active part in the creation of such boxes. So we made our desert layout together. Yes, it's actually quite easy to do.

For the main filler of the box, you can collect ordinary sand. But if you don’t have a sandy coast at your side, and you don’t want to ruin children’s sandboxes, then you can take decorative yellow sand for aquariums, or cornmeal. We used cornmeal.

Well, what is a desert without an oasis? An oasis can be made from hydrogel (aquatic soil), blue glass decorative pebbles, blue fabric or yarn () or - the most inconvenient, but most naturalistic option - from ordinary water. The reservoir in the oasis is surrounded by vegetation. If there is, you can put small houses.

The touch box is a real scope for story games. In our miniature desert, people, languishing from the heat, were desperately trying to get to the oasis, someone rode a camel, someone got on an SUV.

Then our travelers got into a sandstorm, hiding from the raging elements, (we sprinkled cornmeal on them through a sieve)

they dug up the wheels of a jeep that were buried during a sandstorm, etc.

Desert Games

Any new material is best remembered in the game, so try to include as many diverse games as possible in your trip, including mobile ones. Ideas:

  • We play nomads

Like nomads, we dress up in long clothes (imitating Arab clothes - burnus), wrap our heads with a scarf (this will be kufia), and set off on a journey through the desert. A camel can be made from two chairs stacked one behind the other (the backs will be the humps of the camel). If the number of chairs allows, you can organize a whole caravan

We play with all the difficulties that a traveler in the desert faces: we walk along hot sand in search of an oasis, we suffer from heat, we run away from a snake or monitor lizard, we overcome a sandstorm, wrapping ourselves in clothes and hiding behind camels, etc. Tired of the journey, we go to bed at night next to our faithful camels.

    Clothespin cacti

Camels, of course, can do without water and food for a long time, but still it would be useful to feed them before our trip. Camel's favorite dish is camel thorn, something similar can be done with clothespins. Well, or just make cacti.

  • Finger game "Rain, more fun!"

Playing travelers walking through the desert and tired of the heat, we try to make it rain, this will help us with a finger game:

Rain, rain, more fun! alternately with each right finger hands knock on the palm of the left)
Drip, drip, don't be sorry! (alternately, with each finger of the left hand, we knock on the palm of the right)
Just don't get us wet! (fold hands over head)
Don't knock on the window! (knocking fist on fist)
Spray in the field thicker: (depict “splashes” with fingers)
The grass will get thicker! (palms in front of you, fingers look up, spread them out - depict grass)
  • Game "Cacti"

We agree that now we will be cacti. On the “Rain” command, the cacti depict the collection of water and laying it in the stems, and on the “Sun” command, they simply stand with their arms spread apart.

  • Game "Jerboa"

We jump like jerboas: from a deep squat on two legs, we jump forward and up. You can also hang an object at a small height above your head so that the "jerboa" tries to get it during the jump.

Either we prepare a camel scheme for the baby in advance, taking into account the existing set of parts, or we create together what happens

  • Genie from the lamp

If you have a jug at home that looks like Aladdin's magic lamp, you can beat the appearance of the wizard genie. Genie can be dad or some kind of toy (our Genie was Ali Baba from the game "", from the same place the magic lamp).

As usual, appearing from the lamp, Genie promises the fulfillment of desires: for example, he can help get out of the desert or treat him with something sweet. But first you need to surprise him with something. For example, solve his ingenious riddles (see below), put together a puzzle or make some thematic crafts (see below).

  • Assembling the puzzle

Our African puzzle can be DOWNLOAD HERE .

  • Didactic game on the theme "Desert"

To reinforce the basic concepts from the presentation, you can play a simple game. To do this, you need cards with the image of the inhabitants and other phenomena characteristic of the desert (Our cards can be DOWNLOAD HERE , for convenience, it is better to glue them on cardboard in advance).

Before the game, all the cards are stacked face down in a deck. The host takes one card from the deck and shows it to all players. Whoever quickly guesses what is shown on the card, he takes it to himself. The player with the most cards wins.

It is also interesting to mix several sets of cards to repeat other themes. For example, add to the "Desert" set also " Arctic»

  • "Ali Baba and the Naughty Camel" (My shop, Ozone)

During our trip to the desert, I accidentally remembered the previously purchased game, and it came in handy for us. The game does not carry any educational function, it is purely entertaining.

The idea of ​​the game is to put as much luggage on the camel as possible, while trying to do it so carefully that the restive camel does not begin to show its character and scatter all the things along with Ali Baba sitting on it. The camel tends to jump up from its place with any inaccurate movement, as well as with too many things. So the emotions in this game are guaranteed. The only thing to keep in mind is that younger children (up to 3-4 years old) may be afraid of a camel with its sudden movements.

Riddles about the desert for children

The whole day goes in the heat
Eats thorns and doesn't drink.
Tea, carpets, silks and melons
Carry through the desert
After - the pond will drink moisture
Nomad's friend - ... (camel)
Here comes the house on legs,
Who lives - I do not know - in it!
What kind of animal? - I saw a paw!
Papa reassured me
There is no room for fear!
This is ... (turtle)
In the mink, after waiting out the heat,
At night, like a kangaroo,
He jumps briskly on two paws,
Small animal - ... (jerboa)
Runs up the hillside
He steers with a rudder tail.
Grab the ponytail, only - ah!
Run away! ... Tail in hand.
Rope creeps on the ground
Here is the tongue, open mouth,
Bite everyone, I'm ready,
No ears, no legs, no eyes,
But, but thorns class!
He has a red flower
How beautiful blooming ... (cactus)

Crafts on the theme "Desert" for children

A few craft ideas that may come in handy during your trip to the desert.

  • Paper plate turtle . First, we paint the plates, trying to depict a "turtle" pattern on the shell, then we glue all the other (pre-painted) parts of the body from below.

  • Egyptian pyramid made of paper blocks . We draw blocks on a sheet of colored paper in advance, invite the child to cut them out and glue them in the form of a pyramid.

  • . Older children can be offered to make a three-dimensional cardboard pyramid. To do this, prepare scheme. After the layout is cut out, all that remains is to bend it along the lines and glue it.

  • Cactus from plasticine and pieces of a match

"Desert Exploration".


Expansion and consolidation of children's knowledge about life in the desert, about the properties of sand.

Encourage the development of fine motor skills in children's hands,using an unconventional drawing method.



Deepen and systematize children's ideas about the animal and plant world of the desert;

- Teaching children to create patternscolored sand on paper.


Develop the skills of cooperation in a team and in pairs, follow the rules and norms of behavior in joint activities;

Develop cognitive interest in the inhabitants of the desert, curiosity, imagination;

Develop interest in experimental activities;

- Develop fine motor skillsby painting with colored sand.

Vocabulary enrichment: Sahara desert, oasis, dunes, camel caravan, jerboa, camel thorn.


Cultivate an interest in nature.

- Cultivate independence, accuracy in work.

Integration of educational areas Keywords: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Equipment: Computer, screen, projector, music center, music discs, presentation for the lesson, sandbox, magnifying magnifiers, sand scoops, funnels, three-liter jars with lids, tubes for juice, deep plates.

OOD progress:

Educator: Hello guys!

Today we have guests. Look at the kind, affectionate faces of our guests. Let's say hello.

Gather the children in a circle

You are my friend and I am your friend

Hold hands tightly

And smile at each other.

Our hands joined, conveyed warmth and kindness to each other. They made us friends!

(Sound of the wind)

Educator: What is it? What is this sound? It suddenly became cold.

Children: it's the wind

Educator: But this is not a simple wind, north, cold. Guys, look at the screen, magic lights lit up. Let's find out what happened.

Video letter from Umka:

Educator: Guys, where do you think you can find a lot of sand.

Children: In desert.

Educator: That's right, in the desert. To help Umka and learn as much as possible about the sand, we need to go to the desert. But how do we get to the desert? (children's answers)

Educator: I suggest you go on a journey on a modern transport - Bystrolet.

(Flight simulation).

Educator: Well, guys, we are in the desert.

See what vast expanses, and so much sand. The wind blows strongly in the desert, it carries the sands. These sandy hills are called dunes, and the wind is called dry wind. Desert wind causes sandstorms.

Educator: Do you recognize this plant? How did it adapt to life in the desert?

Children: Yes, it's a cactus. The cactus has thorns instead of leaves. And the root goes deep into the sands, where there is water.

Educator: Cacti survive in deserts because they store water in their stems. Instead of leaves, they have sharp thorns! Some cacti have very beautiful flowers. A plant grows - camel's thorn, which the camel feeds on.

Educator: But besides plants, there are also animals and birds, insects and reptiles in the desert.

Let's walk along the hot sands of the desert and see who else lives in the desert?

Children: turtles.

Educator: Guys, where do turtles spend their time?

Children: most of their time is spent in a secluded place.

caregiver: Look guys, here are the lizards. This is the largest lizard, what do you think it's called?

Children: monitor lizard

Educator: Spiders live in the desert. And there I see poisonous scorpions crawling on the sand. You need to walk carefully in the desert, as there are a lot of different poisonous snakes here.

Educator: What are these little animals?

Children: These are jerboas.

Educator: Where do jerboas hide from the sun?

Children: jerboas hide from the sun in sandy burrows.

Educator: But what is it? In the middle of the desert we see a green island - a lake, palm trees. This is an oasis. What is an oasis?

Children: children's answers.

(a place in the desert where there is enough water, palm trees grow there, and the land around the oasis is very fertile).

Educator: Guys, the largest desert in the world is called the Sahara. The Red Sea is located next to the Sahara. It is also called the Dead Sea as it contains a lot of salt and no one can survive there. In the Red Sea, the water is so salty that it is impossible to swim in it, and not a single object sinks.

Educator: The desert is full of dangers. One of them is called quicksand. Have you heard of quicksand. (children's answers).

caregiver: Guys, we promised Umka to find out about the sand. To do this, we need to go to the laboratory, where we will confirm the facts about the desert. But first, let's take a break:

In the morning from the black cloud

It rained for an hour

Damp sand loose

Behind our gate.

I got down to business right away.

And he built a house with a window.

And in the morning the sun warmed

And my house collapsed.

Experience 1. In the desert, we learned about the dry wind, which creates dunes and sandstorms. Let's create a sandstorm too.

Take the tubes, insert them into the lids of the jars and gently blow on the sand. What's happening? - (grains of sand scatter because they do not stick to each other).

Conclusion: loose sand.

Experience 2. We said that the Red Sea is called "dead" because of the high salt content. It is impossible to drown in saline water. Now we will check this fact with the help of experiment.

Chicken eggs are placed in fresh water - the eggs begin to sink. Then a few tablespoons of salt are added to the water, mixed so that the salt dissolves - the eggs do not sink.

Educator: Guys, look, I brought you a picture of the desert. Look, dunes are painted here, but, in my opinion, someone is missing here.

caregiver: Who is missing in our desert?

Children: Camels, turtles, jerboas, etc. live in the desert.

Educator: Exactly! I completely forgot about them. What to do?

Children: do it yourself.

Educator: I propose to make animals for the desert with your own hands! I suggest you do it in a magical way - with colored sand!

Let's remember how to draw with sand:

1. First you need to glue the surface,

2. Then gently sprinkle sand, (with a pinch)

Children paint with sand. Individual assistance and supervision of the educator.

After work, children wipe their hands with a napkin.

Educator: And now it's time for us to return to the group. We now know a lot about sand, about the desert. Children, let's tell Umka what you learned today.

Children list.

Umka: Well done, guys. I really liked that you know so much about the sand, about the desert, so I want to give you gifts. Until we meet again, friends!

MBDOU "Kindergarten" Rainbow "

"Desert Exploration"

Organized educational


middle group


Mishina Maria Viktorovna

Aksubaevo, 2017

Nature is the only book
each page of which is full of deep content.
I.V. Goethe

Program content: deepen the children's understanding of the animal and plant world of the desert, introduce them to the desert dweller - the camel. Develop imagination, coherent speech, fantasy, activate mental activity, create conditions for the free expression of thoughts. To cultivate an ecological culture, the ability to listen to the answers of peers without interrupting them, a culture of communication and behavior during experiments.

Material: map of the world, picture "Camel", disposable cups, cocktail tubes, sand, wooden sticks, corks, transparent patches, a mirror for each child, a pointer, cling film, a glass of water.

Event progress:

Guys, look what's on our carpet. Maybe this is a hint: what are we going to talk about today? Let's see what it is. What should be done with them? (Collect the picture). Well done, you made it. Yes, there is also an inscription, but come on, read what is written. (Children read).

Desert - from the word "empty". I wonder what she is? Why is she yellow in the picture? Who lives there? What grows there? Is it cold or warm there? Where can you find out about all this? (Children express their versions of where and how you can learn about the desert).

Find out these plants and animals in riddles:

  • Stone above, stone below
  • Four legs and one head. (Turtle)
  • The rope is twisted. Head at the end.
  • That rope hisses, does not order to approach. (Snake)
  • Amazing in appearance - all in thorns,
  • But it doesn't hiss. (Cactus)
  • She, like a snake, flickers in the sand.
  • Tail wags. If the tail comes off -
  • The other will profit. (Lizard)

Desert talk.(I show a desert on a world map. Children talk about the climate of the desert).

    You think that when a strong wind blows and raises the sand. True or not, we will check.

An experience "The rise of a storm »:

    Divide into pairs: boy - girl. (They approach the tables.) First, one will blow into the tube, and the second will observe what is happening in the glass, then you will change.

    What did you learn? What did you do for this? What did you see? What can be the conclusion? (children's answers)

Output: A strong wind lifts the sand, and this creates sandstorms.

I suggest checking what happens to the water in the desert. (Go to tables)

Experience "What happens to the water in the desert":

  • Take each glass of water and pour it into the glass of sand.
  • What did you see? What can be the conclusion? (Answers of children).

Output: water seeps through the grains of sand and goes down.

Well, since you all know, I'll give you a riddle. What animal do you think is being referred to here?

  • I carry bags on my back, I will never unload them.
  • And in those bags there is food, and in those bags there is water,
  • That saves me from the heat and thirst. (Camel)

This is a pet. The camel has served man for many years. It is well adapted to life in the desert. It is also called the ship of the desert. The long, thick coat helps the camel to endure the heat of the day and the cold of the night. There is little food in the desert, and the camel makes do with thorny bushes and herbs.

The most remarkable thing about a camel is its humps. The humps accumulate fat and water, which he will spend in the transitions through the desert. The higher the humps, the longer a camel can go without food and water. At the end of the journey, when the fat reserves are used up, the camel's humps will sag and dangle.

    What do you think, is it easy for a camel to walk in the desert? Let's check? Boys, hand out sandboxes. (They approach the tables.)

An experience"Is it easy for a camel to walk in the desert?":

    Take a stick and walk on the sand with its sharp end. What's happening?

    Now turn it over with the other end and walk on the sand. Does the shelf sink into the sand? Why not? What can be the conclusion?

Output: the camel has a wide webbed foot that does not sink into the sand and helps it to walk in the desert.

I wonder how camels manage to do without water for so long? And this will help another experience.

Experience "Determining the possibility of a camel living in the desert, without water for weeks":

    Invite the children to breathe on the mirror. (Mirror blurred.)

    The air exhaled by a person contains water vapour. Some of this water comes out, and some is retained in the nose. The human nasal passage is short and straight. In a camel, this canal is long and winding. Due to this, a significant part of the water vapor lingers in the camel's nose, and does not go outside. This helps him go longer without drinking, as he loses less water through his breath.

Guys, what new and interesting things have you learned for yourself? (Answers of children).
