What does a square mean in psychology. Sales geometry: square, triangle, circle and other personality types. The key to solving the problem

The square is a tireless worker! Diligence, diligence, which allows you to achieve the completion of the work - this is what, first of all, the true Squares are famous for. Endurance, patience and methodicalness usually make the Square a highly qualified specialist in his field. This is facilitated by an insatiable need for information. Squares are collectors of all sorts of data. All information is systematized, arranged on shelves. Therefore, the Squares are deservedly known as erudite, at least in their field. Mental analysis is the strength of the Square. If you have firmly chosen for yourself the Square - a linear figure, then, most likely, you belong to the "left hemisphere" thinkers, i.e. to those who process data, in the language of computer science, in a sequential format: a-b-c-d, etc. Squares "calculate" the result rather than guessing about it. Squares are extremely attentive to details, details. Squares love once and for all routine. The ideal of the Square is a planned, predictable life, and he does not like “surprises” and changes in the usual course of events. He constantly “orders”, organizes people and things around him. All these qualities contribute to the fact that Squares can become (and become!) Excellent administrators, performers, but ... alas, they are rarely good managers, managers. Excessive predilection for details, the need for additional, clarifying information to make a decision deprives the Square of efficiency. Neatness, order, observance of rules and propriety can develop to a paralyzing extreme. And when it comes time to make a decision, especially one that involves risk, with a possible loss of the status quo, Squares voluntarily or unwittingly delay its adoption. In addition, rationality, emotional dryness and coldness prevent Squares from quickly establishing contacts with different people. The square acts inefficiently in an amorphous situation.

Life values
: traditions, stability, security, reliability, past.

: Conservative. Hope and support. Pedant. Tradition Keeper. Executor.

"Strong" qualities
: organization, discipline, diligence, punctuality, accuracy, cleanliness, law-abiding, diligence, patience, perseverance, perseverance, fidelity to the word, honesty, caution, prudence, rationality, thrift, practicality.
"Weak" qualities: inertia, inflexibility, inertia, pedantry, dryness, one-sidedness, indecision, stubbornness, conservatism, resistance to the new, fear of risk, poor imagination, isolation, stinginess, pettiness, a tendency to bureaucracy.
: neat, strict, dim, restrained, conservative, "as expected."

: every thing in its place, everything is "parallel and perpendicular."

: slow, monotonous, logical, many reliance on authorities and "as is customary".

bodily manifestations
: Postures are tense, usually symmetrical. The gait is slow, heavy, “solid”. Gesticulation is “not rich”, but accurate. Facial expressions are practically absent - the square is stingy with manifestations of feelings.

Suitable Professions
: Accountant, analyst, deputy director for general or economic issues, district police inspector, head of a bureaucratic organization, "hard" secretary.

How to communicate with a square
. Listen to the square to the end, in no case do not interrupt if you are not his boss. To be in the eyes of the square more competent, more status than he is. Know all the instructions, laws, precedents. Argument your position, best of all with facts and figures; very good use of tables. Make compliments - frank enough for the square to understand them (he is a little slow-witted), but neat, without familiarity and risky passages. Offer innovations in small portions. Refrain from emotional manifestations.


This shape symbolizes leadership, and many Triangles feel this is their destiny. The most characteristic feature of the true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on the main goal. Triangles are energetic, unstoppable, strong personalities who set clear goals and, as a rule, achieve them! They, like relatives - Squares, belong to linear forms and tend to also be "left brain" thinkers, able to analyze the situation deeply and quickly. However, unlike Squares, which are focused on details, Triangles focus on the main thing, on the essence of the problem. Their strong pragmatic orientation directs thought analysis and limits it to the search for an effective (and often effective) solution to the problem under given conditions. A triangle is a very confident person who wants to be right about everything! A strong need to be right and manage the state of affairs, to decide not only for themselves, but, if possible, for others makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing, competing with others. The dominant setting in any business is the setting to win, win, success! He often takes risks, is impatient and intolerant of those who hesitate in making decisions. Triangles really don’t like to be wrong and admit their mistakes with great difficulty, we can say that they see what they want to see, therefore they don’t like to change their decisions, they are often categorical, do not recognize objections and in most cases they will do it their own way. However, they are very successful at learning what fits their pragmatic orientation, contributes to the achievement of the main goals, and absorbs useful information like a sponge. Triangles are ambitious. If a matter of honor for the Square is to achieve the highest quality of the work performed, then the Triangle seeks to achieve a high position, acquire a high status, in other words, make a career. Before taking on a case or making a decision, the Triangle consciously or unconsciously asks itself the question: “What will I get from this?”. Triangles make excellent managers at the “highest” level of management. They are perfectly able to present to the top management the significance of their own work and the work of their subordinates, they feel a profitable business from a mile away and in the struggle for it they can “push their heads off” their opponents. The main negative quality of the “triangular” shape: strong egocentrism, focus on oneself. Triangles on the way to the heights of power do not show particular scrupulousness in relation to moral standards and can go to their goal over the heads of others. This is typical for the “deceitful” Triangles, which no one stopped in time. Triangles make everything and everyone revolve around themselves, without them life would lose its sharpness. Life values Keywords: power, leadership, career, status, victory, future.
Roles: Leader. Punching. Warrior. Prophet. Hero.
"Strong" qualities
: rationality, efficiency, leadership qualities, vigor, charisma, high efficiency, initiative, courage, determination, independence of judgment.

"Weak" qualities
: authoritativeness, self-confidence, selfishness, categoricalness, harshness, causticity, intolerance of dissent, categoricality ("either in my opinion, or not"), inhumanity ("will pass over the corpses").

: depending on the circumstances: if it is necessary for business, then he is dressed brightly and “statusally”, if not, then he tends to dress comfortably.
Workplace: everything is extremely functional, a lot of office equipment - if funds allow, then expensive, but at the same time reliable and convenient.
: fast, clear, clear, concise, everything is only “on business”, often “in a raised tone” and using slang and other “informal” vocabulary.

bodily manifestations
: Loose "wide" poses. Fast, energetic gait. Confident gestures, often similar to blows. Facial expressions are expressive, but not rich.

Suitable Professions
. Managers in hierarchical organizations, including senior ones, project leaders, surgeons, "star" type psychotherapists, especially hypnotists.

How to communicate with a triangle
. Speak only to the point, clearly, confidently, but without "arrivals". Negotiate, while writing agreements, remember that the triangle interprets all controversial points in its favor. Motivate with benefits. You can show your power, but at the same time you should be ready for a “strength test”. To be ready from the side of the triangle for blackmail, for deception "for the sake of the interests of the cause", for the appropriation of general results.


Symbolizes the state of transition and change. This is a temporary form of personality that the other four relatively stable figures can “wear” at certain periods of life. These are people who are dissatisfied with the way of life that they lead now, and therefore are busy looking for a better position. The reasons for a rectangular state can be very different, but they have one thing in common - the significance of changes for a particular person. The main mental state of the Rectangle is a more or less conscious state of confusion, entanglement in problems, and uncertainty about oneself at this point in time. The most characteristic features of Rectangles are inconsistency and unpredictability of actions during the transition period. Rectangles can change a lot from day to day and even within the same day! They have, as a rule, low self-esteem, strive to become better at something, look for new methods of work, lifestyle. If you look closely at the behavior of the Rectangle, you will notice that he uses clothing of other shapes throughout the period: “triangular”, “round”, etc. Lightning, abrupt and unpredictable changes in behavior. Rectangles are usually embarrassing and alarming to other people, and they may deliberately shy away from contact with the "man without a core." Rectangles simply need to communicate with other people, and this is another difficulty of the transition period. However, like all people, Rectangles have positive qualities that attract others to them. First of all, this is curiosity, inquisitiveness, a keen interest in everything that happens and ... courage! Rectangles are trying to do something they've never done before; asking questions that they previously lacked the guts to answer. During this period, they are open to new ideas. Values, ways of thinking and living, they easily learn everything new. True, the reverse side of this is excessive credulity, suggestibility, naivety. Therefore Rectangles are easy to manipulate. "Rectangularity" is just a stage. She will pass!
Life values
: depending on external circumstances.

: Smear. Indecisive. Scapegoat. Jonah. Muddler.

"Strong" qualities
: gullibility, openness, sensitivity, curiosity, willingness to change, high learning ability, "childhood", unambitiousness.

"Weak" qualities
: naivete, spinelessness, uncertainty, indecision, unreliability, mental instability, "problem".

: often inadequate to the situation, but at the same time not extravagant, like a zigzag, but to a large extent dependent on "what was in the wardrobe."

: a mixture of order and disorder.

: uncertain, obscure, confused, with long pauses, sudden incomprehensible fluctuations in volume, speed and pitch, "screeching" and "mekane", answering a question with a question.

bodily manifestations
: strange, pinched postures, clumsy, abrupt movements, uncertain gestures, jerky or shuffling gait, running or glassy eyes.

Suitable Professions
. Since the rectangle is a transitional, often “crisis” figure, it is best to send it on vacation or to study for some time. The ideal activity for a rectangle is to study or relax. The rectangle can be a good expert or consultant, but only in those matters where he is a recognized authority.

How to communicate with a rectangle
. Understand what role he is currently playing. Switch it to a state convenient for you. Constantly support and direct with your attention and influence.

A circle

It is a mythological symbol of harmony. The one who confidently chooses it is sincerely interested in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people, their well-being.

The circle is the most benevolent of the five shapes. He most often serves as the “glue” that holds both the work team and the family together, that is, it stabilizes the group.

Circles are the best communicators among the five forms, primarily because they are the best listeners, they have high sensitivity, developed empathy - the ability to empathize, sympathize, emotionally respond to the experience of another person. The circle feels someone else's joy and feels someone else's pain as its own. Circles “cheer” for their team and are highly popular among work colleagues. However, they tend to be weak managers and leaders in business. First, Circles, due to their focus on people rather than business, try too hard to please everyone. They are trying to keep the peace and for this they sometimes avoid taking a “firm” position and making unpopular decisions. For the Circle, there is nothing more difficult than to enter into interpersonal conflict. The circle is happy when everyone gets along with each other. Therefore, when the Circle has a conflict with someone, it is most likely that the Circle will give in first. Secondly, Circles are not distinguished by determination, are weak in "political games" and often cannot present themselves and their "team" properly. All this leads to the fact that Circles are often taken over! Stronger personalities, such as Triangles. However, in one Circles show enviable firmness. When it comes to matters of morality or violations of justice. The Circle is a non-linear form, and those who confidently identify with the Circle are more likely to be "right-brained" thinkers. Right hemisphere thinking is more imaginative, intuitive, more integrative than analyzing. Therefore, the processing of information by Kroogi is not carried out in a sequential format, but rather in a mosaic, in breakthroughs, with the omission of individual links. This does not mean that Circles are at odds with logic, just that formalisms do not receive priority in solving life problems. The main features of their thinking style are an orientation to the subjective factors of the problem (values, assessments, feelings, etc.) and the desire to find common ground even in opposing points of view. We can say that Krug is a born psychologist. However, in order to become the head of a serious, large business, the Circle lacks the “left-hemispheric” organizational skills of its “linear brothers” - the Triangle and the Square.
Life values
: communication, comfort, general well-being, helping people.

: Peacemaker. Dushka. Comfort Keeper. Homebody.

"Strong" qualities
Key words: benevolence, gentleness, delicacy, non-conflict, tolerance, sociability, kindness.

"Weak" qualities
: passivity, conformism, susceptibility to influences, a tendency to compromise, inaccuracy, disorganization, lack of punctuality, indecision, dependence on the opinions of others.

: often sloppy, unfashionable, baggy, the main thing is to be comfortable; clothes are dominated by soft fabrics and styles.

: a cozy mess, sweet pies mixed with business papers, a lot of old things that are "sorry to throw away."

: unhurried, peaceful, often inconsistent or "off the case", rather emotional, compliments and enthusiastic assessments are used quite often.

bodily manifestations
: relaxed posture, smile, head nods in agreement, “yes,” soft gait, facial expressions are quite rich, but mostly peaceful.

Suitable Professions
. "Soft" secretary, HR manager, teacher, general practitioner, family psychologist, priest.

How to communicate with the circle
. Gently, but persistently, return to the essence of the matter, while in no case shouting or swearing. Be prepared for the fact that the circle will promise, but will not do (it is easier for him to agree with you, and then "somehow everything will work out").


This figure symbolizes creativity, if only because it is the most unique of the five figures and the only open figure. If you have firmly chosen the Zigzag as the main shape, then you are most likely a true “right-brain” thinker, a dissenter, since the linear shapes outnumber you. So, like your closest relative - the Circle, only to an even greater extent, you are characterized by education, intuitiveness, integrativity, mosaicism. Strict sequential deduction is not your style. Zigzag's thought makes desperate leaps: from a... to... z! Therefore, it is difficult for many linear, “left hemispheric” people to understand Zigzags. “Right hemispheric” thinking is not fixed on the details, therefore, by simplifying the picture of the world in some way, it allows you to build holistic, harmonious concepts and images, to see beauty. Zigzags usually have a developed aesthetic sense. The dominant thinking style of ZigZag is most often the synthetic style. Combining completely different, dissimilar ideas and creating something new, original on this basis - that's what Zigzags like. Unlike Circles, Zigzags are not at all interested in consensus and achieve synthesis not by concessions, but rather by sharpening the conflict of ideas and building a new concept in which this conflict is resolved, “removed”. Moreover, using their natural wit, they can be very caustic, “opening the eyes of others” to the possibility of a new solution. Zigzags tend to see the world as constantly changing. For this reason, nothing is more boring to them than things that never change, a routine, a pattern, rules and regulations, the status quo, or people always agreeing or pretending to agree. Zigzags simply cannot work productively in well-structured situations. They are annoyed by clear vertical and horizontal connections, strictly fixed responsibilities and constant ways of working. They need to have a lot of variety and a high level of stimulation in the workplace. They also want to be independent of others in their work. Then the Zigzag comes to life and begins to fulfill its main purpose - to generate new ideas and work methods. Zigzags are never content with the way things are done now or have been done in the past. Zigzags look to the future and are more interested in possibility than reality. The world of ideas is as real to them as the world of things is to the basic ones. They spend a considerable part of their lives in this ideal world, hence the origin of such traits as impracticality, unrealism and naivety. Zigzag is the most enthusiastic, the most excitable of all five patterns. When he has a new and interesting idea, he is ready to tell it to the whole world! Zigzags are tireless preachers of their ideas and are able to motivate everyone around them. However, they lack politics: they are unrestrained, very expressive (“cut the truth in the eye”), which, along with their eccentricity, often prevents them from putting their ideas into practice. In addition, they are strong in working out specific details (without which the materialization of the idea is impossible) and not too persistent in bringing things to the end (because with the loss of novelty, interest in the idea is also lost).

Life values
Keywords: creativity, novelty, risk, speed, self-expression.

: Lover of outrageous. Artist. Extreme. Extremist. windy type. Heartbreaker.

"Strong" qualities
Key words: spontaneity, creativity, pressure, wit, easiness.

"Weak" qualities
: uncontrollability, inconstancy, unpredictability, intemperance, eccentricity, excitability, individualism, insecurity, recklessness and recklessness.

: extravagant, demonstrative, fashionable, often sloppy, a penchant for eclecticism, for a combination of "incongruous".

: a fantastic mess in a complex with a flashy-decorative design.

: bright, fast, galloping, figurative, associative, incendiary, many jokes and witticisms.

bodily manifestations
: frequently changing postures, various movements, lively gestures, swift, sometimes loose gait, rich lively facial expressions, mannerisms.

Suitable Professions
. Creative artist, artist, freelance artist, insurance agent or seller "on a percentage".

How to communicate with a zigzag
. Motto: "Firmness, goodwill, infinite patience." It is almost impossible to influence the zigzag. Sometimes the trick “on the contrary” works - to offer something to the zigzag so that he wants to do the opposite. The main thing in this case is to quickly agree with him. You can win ZigZag over to your side by admiring his ideas, but it still won't last long. You should always be prepared for sudden changes in decisions and topics of conversation.

    Relationships of some figures
  • "Square - Square". It is possible, but only if the worldviews of both partners completely coincide: rules, traditions, habits.
  • Triangle Triangle. Only if it benefits both of them. And only until one triangle crushed the second one. In most cases, the triangles are "friends" according to the principle "two bears in one den".
  • "Circle - Circle". Everything is cute, but boring and unproductive. Plus it's such a mess!
  • Zigzag Zigzag. If they hit resonance, if the direction of the “throw” coincided, then the results are fantastic. But usually it's not for long. In all other cases - the battle is not for life, but for death. After that, one zigzag lies dead, and the other is tired.
  • "Rectangle - Rectangle". Only under the supervision of a strong figure (square or triangle).
  • "Square - Circle", "Triangle - Circle". Eternal claims and grievances.
  • "Square - Zigzag". Only for the purpose of self-development of both of them. And preferably under the guidance of a mature triangle.
  • "Square - Triangle". Good "western" couple (house). The triangle sets the direction, the square provides the rear. A typical example is the “boss secretary”.
  • "Circle - Zigzag". A good "eastern" pair (yin-yang). Zigzag gives the circle novelty and impressions. Circle - provides warmth and comfort to the zigzag. A typical example is "an artist and his faithful wife."
  • "Rectangle - Triangle", "Rectangle - Square". Possibly, but labor intensive. Although very useful for a rectangle.

Psychogeometry was formed as a system in the USA, and its creator is Susan Dellinger. The psychogeometric test allows you to instantly determine the typology of a person's personality, characterize personal qualities and create a scenario for a person's behavior in standard situations. You can pass the Dellinger psychogeometric test online in a few minutes, and the diagnostic accuracy will be about 85%.

Psychogeometric psychology test

Look carefully at the five shapes: rectangle, square, circle, triangle, zigzag. Choose from them the one that best suits you. Try to become aware of your form. If you cannot choose, then mark the figure that first caught your eye. Now rank the remaining figures by writing their names under the correct numbers.

Interpretation of the Dellinger psychometric test

The figure that you chose first will determine the main, dominant features of your character and behavior. The other four figures are modulators that influence the main line of your behavior. The figure to which you assigned the last fifth number will characterize the person with whom it is most difficult for you to find a common language.


Tireless workers who have chosen this figure, they are characterized by perseverance, zeal, a desire to bring any work begun to the end. These people love to collect all kinds of data, the constant need for information, patience, diligence and endurance make them highly qualified specialists in their field. The strength of the Square is the ability for mental analysis, the ability to give out the necessary information almost instantly. People who choose a square are most often left-brained, that is, those who process information sequentially. They are very attentive to details, love order, dream of a planned life. Such people can be excellent technicians and administrators, but the work of managers is not for them, the need for accurate and detailed information deprives these people of efficiency in making decisions. Emotional dryness, rationality and conservatism in decision-making prevent Squares from establishing contacts.


This is a symbol of a leader, such people are able to highlight the main goals, set specific goals for themselves and, as a rule, achieve them. Triangles are also left hemisphere and are able to deeply and quickly analyze the situation. But unlike Squares, who are interested in details, Triangles are focused on the essence of the situation. The need to manage the situation, to be always right makes such a person constantly competing with others, working only to win. Triangles quickly learn new things, absorbing knowledge like a sponge. Such people are often impatient and do not like those who hesitate in their decisions, they are extremely ambitious. Squares want to achieve the best quality of their work, and Triangles strive to achieve high status. The main negative quality of these people is egocentrism, which does not allow them to be especially scrupulous on the way to the top.


This figure symbolizes the transitional state of the individual, so they are characterized by inconsistency and unpredictability. These people can change a lot in one day. They often have low self-esteem, but they need to communicate with other people, although others may shy away from interacting with such a malleable person. At the same time, Rectangles are inquisitive, bold, open to everything new. Such people are easily suggestible, the mime is easy to manipulate.

A circle

This symbol speaks of harmony and the desire to establish good interpersonal relationships, the highest value for the Circle is people. He is the one who holds the work team together, knows how to listen, has a high degree of empathy, perceiving someone else's pain as his own. Such people do not like conflicts and tend to be the first to give in, their motto is "If only there was no war." Those who choose the Circle belong to the right hemisphere, they rely more on intuition, most of all they pay attention to subjective moments - feelings, values. Such people can find common ground even in opposing points of view; they are born psychologists. But the lack of organizational skills inherent in the Triangle and the methodicalness of the Square will prevent the Circle from becoming the head of a serious business.


Those who choose such a symbol have creative, creative thinking. If a person firmly chooses a zigzag, then he is a dissident, he is characterized by intuitiveness, imagery. Zigzag thoughts are often misunderstood by left brain rational Triangles and Squares. Such people do not concentrate on details, they see beauty as a whole, their aesthetic sense is very developed. But the Zigzags do not seek to reach a consensus, they want a conflict of ideas, contradictions, in order to bring something new out of there. They don't like routine monotony, people trembling because of status or agreeing for the sake of appearance. Zigzags cannot work where there is a clear structure, they need independence like air. This sign is the most excitable and enthusiastic, it is a symbol of idealists, such people are expressive and eccentric. But specific details and trifles are not for them, they cannot be too persistent, which prevents them from bringing all their ideas to life.

It may happen that no figure suits you completely. In this case, a combination of two or even three figures can describe your personality.

Test: psychological geometry

It is always extremely interesting to learn something new about yourself, something special and, all the more, pleasant. It is no less interesting to suddenly understand the main character traits of a loved one, or not very close, but still interesting ... This partly explains the general interest in psychology in recent years. And psychology, in turn, willingly shares its discoveries and scientific developments in the field of psychodiagnostics with the broadest masses.

The test that I want to offer you today was developed by specialists specializing in a new and extremely fashionable direction in the psychology of psychogeometry. Of course, the reader is offered a simplified version of it, because, in fact, this test is very serious and time-consuming in processing the results, it requires psychological preparation. But this, simplified, version, in my opinion, is extremely interesting. In any case, you have the opportunity to check.

Draw four shapes on four small sheets of paper (it is better to draw with a felt-tip pen or a pencil of the same color): a circle, a triangle, a zigzag and a square. Make sure that the figures are the same size and drawn with lines of the same thickness. Now mix the drawings and invite the one whose character you want to know better to decompose these geometric shapes in order of preference. That is, you need to lay out the sheets with the drawings in one line: in the first place put the figure that for some reason causes great sympathy compared to others, in the second place the one that you also like, but smaller, and so on. In the last place, therefore, gets the figure that you like the least. And it doesn’t matter at all: why exactly, the only thing that matters is which figure was in the first place. Well, now let's do some diagnostics.

If the square is in the first place, then in front of you is, first of all, a tireless worker. Diligence, zeal, an almost manic need to bring any work begun to the end, perseverance, which allows you to achieve completion of the work, this is what true Squares are primarily famous for. Endurance, patience and methodicalness usually make the Square a highly qualified specialist in his field. Add to this the constant need for new information. Moreover, all incoming information is immediately systematized and sorted out. Squares are deservedly known as erudite, at least in their field. In general, mental analysis is the strong side of the Square. They are extremely attentive to details, details, which sometimes still prevents them from seeing the big picture. And most importantly: Squares are real pedants. It is very important for them that everything lies in its usual places, and that events proceed according to a once and for all established scenario. Any deviation from this scenario can unsettle the Square for a long time, make him confused, helpless. Neatness, the order of observance of the rules of decency can develop to a paralyzing extreme. And when the time comes to make a decision, especially one associated with risk, with the possibility of losing status, Squares voluntarily or involuntarily delay its adoption. In addition, rationality, emotional dryness and coldness prevent squares from quickly establishing contacts with different people. This person is unlikely to admire the lovely shape of a flower or a beautiful melody for a long time: the aesthetic side of this life is not his forte. And even if it seemed to you that the face of the Square took on a dreamy, unearthly expression at that moment, then, be sure that in his head at that moment the working plan for tomorrow is simply scrolling in all details.

Did your counterpart put the figure of a triangle in the first place? This shape symbolizes leadership. And many Triangles feel their destiny in this. The most characteristic feature of the true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on the main goal. Triangles are energetic, unstoppable, strong personalities who set clear goals and usually achieve them. A triangle is a very confident person who is used to being right about everything. A strong need to manage the state of affairs and be the first, to decide not only for themselves, but also, if possible, for others, makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing, competing with others. The dominant setting in any business is the setting for victory, winning, success. He often takes risks, is impatient and intolerant of those who hesitate in making a decision or are not ready to follow us. It is very traumatic for the Triangle to be wrong in something, to admit their mistakes, especially in public. If a matter of honor for the Square is to achieve the highest quality of the work performed, then the Triangle strives to achieve a high position, acquire a high status, or, in other words, make a career. The main negative quality of Triangles is strong egocentrism, focus on oneself. They make everything and everyone revolve around them, without them life would lose its sharpness. Triangles on the way to the heights of power do not show particular scrupulousness in relation to moral standards and can go to their goal over the heads of others. But this, however, is typical for presumptuous Triangles, which no one stopped in time.

The circle is a mythological symbol of harmony. The one who confidently chooses it is sincerely interested, first of all, in good and warm interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the circle is people and their well-being. The circle most often serves as the glue that holds together the work team and the family, that is, it brings harmony, warmth, love. It's about such people, probably, they say the sun has risen. They have high sensitivity, the ability to empathize, sympathize, emotionally respond to the experiences of another person. Naturally, people are drawn to the Circles. Circles are great at reading people and in one minute they are able to recognize a pretender, a deceiver. They are trying to keep the peace, and for this they sometimes avoid taking a firm stand and making decisions that are not supported by the majority. For a circle, there is nothing more difficult than to enter into interpersonal conflict. He is happy when people get along with each other, so when the Circle has a conflict with someone, it is most likely that he will give in first. Circles are not distinguished by decisiveness, are weak in all sorts of intrigues and often cannot present themselves properly by embellishing. All this leads to the fact that Circles are often dominated by stronger personalities, for example, Triangles. The circles don't worry too much about whose hands the power will be, as long as everyone is happy and peace reigns. However, in one Circles show enviable firmness: it concerns violations of issues of morality or justice. The main feature of their style of thinking is the focus on the subjective, human factor of any problem and the desire to find common ground even in opposing points of view. All this and the ability to feel people in the slightest nuances makes Krug a born psychologist.

The zigzag symbolizes creativity and creativity. The dominant thinking style of ZigZag is the synthetic style: combining completely different, dissimilar ideas, creating something new and original on this basis. This is the element of Zigzags. By the way, as testing experience shows, about one person out of fifty chooses a zigzag pattern. Unlike Circles, Zigzags are not at all interested in consensus and reach an agreement not by concessions, but by sharpening the conflict of ideas and building a new concept in which this conflict is resolved, that is, removed. Using their natural wit, they can be quite caustic, opening the eyes of others to the possibility of a new solution. Zigzags simply cannot work in well-structured and controlled situations. They are annoyed by a clear hierarchy and instructions, strictly fixed responsibilities and ways of working. They need to have a lot of variety and a high level of stimulation (the approval of others) in the workplace. If you want to get the maximum profit from Zigzag's work, then give him maximum independence in the workplace and he will surprise you, come to life and begin to fulfill his main purpose of generating new ideas and working methods. Zigzags are looking to the future and are more interested in possibility than reality. The world of ideas is just as real for them as the world of things is for the rest. Zigzags are tireless preachers of their ideas and are able to motivate everyone around them. However, they lack diplomacy: they are unrestrained, very expressive, which, along with their eccentricity, often prevents them from putting their ideas into practice. In addition, Zigzags are not strong in working out specific details (they are bored with this) and are not too persistent in bringing things to the end, since with the loss of novelty, interest in the idea is also lost.

At first glance, this testing looks very simple and accessible to everyone. But this is its uniqueness: despite the seeming simplicity, the accuracy of the obtained psychological characteristics of the personality is amazing! In addition, it is possible to identify not only the most important features of a person, but also those that he has in the minority; for this, it is enough to see which figure the subject put in last place.

Mood: Frisbee game
My music: 190 beats per minute

There are many ways to describe character and destiny of man. Divination by the sounds of names and surnames, analysis of lines in the palm of your hand and astrological calculations no longer surprise anyone. We will bring to your attention a simple test developed by foreign psychologists.

Before you - five geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, zigzag. Choose one of them that you like the most. It is she who will describe your character traits, strengths and weaknesses.

A circle. You are kind and responsive. You have the finest intuition, feeling the interconnections imperceptible to others. Love communication, take an active part in the fate of loved ones. If one of them has problems, then there is no doubt: you will be the first person to help - both in word and deed. At the same time, do not let others sit on your neck and abuse your kindness. You will benefit from learning how to say “no.”

Square- the figure of pedantic, neat people. You are very diligent, diligent, you carry out any assignment conscientiously and on time. Be sure to bring all your undertakings to their logical conclusion. Love to learn something new: it is quite possible that you have several higher educations or have versatile hobbies. Your shortcoming is demanding of yourself and others, often turning into empty pickiness. Do not become a pedantic "cracker" in the eyes of others.

Rectangle says that you are versatile and very inquisitive. You have a wide erudition, friends jokingly call you an "encyclopedia man." Easily change the field of activity: for example, being a professional engineer, you can suddenly go into trade, go to artists or open your own business. It is this lightness that is your scourge: sometimes it is very difficult for you to concentrate on one thing, to understand what you want most of all.

Triangle choose sane, balanced people. You are purposeful, you know what you want from life, you clearly formulate your own thoughts. In the company of friends or a work team, stay confident, feel like a leader, like to be in the spotlight. Problems arise when you have to recognize someone's superiority or put up with someone else's leadership - in this regard, you need to work on yourself.

Zigzag. You are an extraordinary person. You are active, cheerful, cannot imagine your life without communication and constantly generate new ideas. Rigid limits, a clear work schedule, a dress code can bring you to depression! You must admit that you never lose heart, you are never bored. True, loved ones often complain about your eccentricity and unpredictability. It is worth listening to yourself more often, not making empty promises and learning to plan your own time - for a day, a week, a month, a year ahead.

Namely, - what is the test with figures at the interview - another common task from this clip.

The shape test refers to psychogeometer ic. A feature of such tests is the difficulty for the candidate to give socially desirable answers. He is in a situation of uncertainty if he does not know the interpretation of the answers.

After reading this article, you will know how this test is interpreted by HR professionals as well.

The test with figures is based on the perception of figures with certain features: the presence of angles, shape, isolation, stability.

You are offered the following set of figures:

Or like this:

The task:

  1. Choose the shape you like the most.
  2. With the rest, do the same - choose the most suitable for you
  3. Repeat the selection until one shape remains.

You don't need to explain your choice. Not so difficult, right?

Interpretation of results


If you chose a square, you are industrious, attentive to details, prefer orderly information.Be wary of, you like stability, orderliness.

Your dominant mindset is left brain. That is, more logical than intuitive.

Qualities of "squares" : diligence, perseverance, perseverance, punctuality, a high level of written communication, following the rules, instructions, organization, attention to detail, focusing more on facts than on judgments.

Squares are good specialists, administrators, less often managers. As Kaltenbrunner said of Kruger:

“He is an excellent serviceman, although his imagination is not enough.” Kruger apparently was a typical "square".

The need for information in decision making creates limitations on autonomy. Passion for details, conservatism. dryness can create problems in communication, establishing contacts.


This figure has a linear shape and corresponds to the "left hemisphere" type of thinking. However, unlike the square, it symbolizes leadership, determination. energy.

Triangles concentrate on the essentials, often leaving out or ignoring the details. Or delegating them to other people.

Qualities of "triangles": confidence, ambition, purposefulness, focus on the essence of the issue, courage, energy, a wide circle of communication, the desire for leadership.

Triangles are ambitious. aspire to a career. They can be good managers, leaders.

Their disadvantage is egocentrism, which can become an obstacle in certain situations, working in groups and in relationships with management.


It is believed that the rectangle is a temporary form of the state of the individual. “Rectangular” state is dissatisfaction, the desire for change.

The other four relatively stable figures can take the form of a rectangle at some periods of life.

The state of confusion, uncertainty, as a result - inconsistency, low self-esteem produces a feeling of "a person without a core."

The desire for change also has positive features: inquisitiveness, interest in new things, curiosity. Openness to new ideas, fast learner.

Qualities of "rectangles": curiosity, inconsistency, volatility, low self-esteem, uncertainty, positive attitude to everything new, mood swings,

We emphasize once again: a rectangle is a transitional form of personality.

A circle

The circle is a benevolent figure, a symbol of harmony. First of all, in interpersonal relationships. Krug knows how to listen, which means they are a good communicator. It has the ability to empathize, they “read” people well. Often the circle is the soul of the team.

This "skew" towards the pursuit of good relationships can create problems if the Circle. The interests of the cause may suffer for the sake of the interests of the people.

The type of thinking is more “right hemisphere”. That is, intuitive, based on the emotional perception of events and people.

Qualities of the "circle": st the desire to find a common interest,developed intuition, the need for communication, empathy, contact, goodwill, orientation to other people's opinions, the ability to convince by persuasion, sensitivity.

The circle is good. Could be great. Less prone to organizational work.


The only one of all the figures is open. This is a symbol of creativity. The type of thinking is pronounced “right hemispheric”. Imaginative, intuitive, creative.

“Right hemispheric” thinking has a peculiarity: omitting details somewhere and simplifying, it allows you to see the whole picture, note beauty, aesthetics.

For a zigzag in work, high motivation and independence from the established orders and rules in the organization are required. With a high interest in work, Zigzag is able to gush with ideas and this is his hallmark and value.

Qualities of "zigzags":creativity, enthusiasm, creativity, intuition, carelessness, daydreaming, impulsiveness, positive attitude to change, obsession with high motivation, spontaneity, mood instability, impracticality.

Zigzags are emotional people and usually need some guidance. At least to get things done.

So, now you know the interpretation with figures. It is up to you to choose the figure that you like or the one that is more suitable for the position you are applying for.

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