How to recognize your talents and not bury them in the ground. How to unleash your creativity How to develop your talents

There is a tale in the Bible about how one man gave money to his slaves for safekeeping - then they were measured by talents (this is a measure of silver). Two of the slaves put the talents given to them into circulation and doubled the amounts given to them. And the third buried his talent in the ground so that no one would steal it. Soon the owner demanded his money back, and the slaves brought him talents and income from them. The first two slaves received praise and a reward from the owner for increasing wealth. And the third, who buried his talent in the ground, was punished for laziness and stupidity and lost the talent entrusted to him.

This parable teaches us something very important: if you have been given a skill from above, your talent, in no case should it be buried in the ground, on the contrary, it must be multiplied, otherwise the Universe that gave you will take its gift back.

But in order to multiply your talents, you must first discover them.

How to discover your talent

It is not so difficult to understand what your “soul lies” for. You just need to stop limiting yourself for a moment, such as the desires and expectations of others, family, parents, colleagues, acquaintances, as well as judgments imposed from outside, and listen to your heart. For example, parents want their son to graduate from an aviation academy and become a pilot - his father served in aviation for a long time in administrative positions, but he never realized his dream of flying. Friends say that it is prestigious and quite profitable from a financial point of view, plus numerous benefits from the state. The girl dreams of how she will be the wife of the pilot, and how he will carry her around different countries. And the guy becomes a pilot. But he is unhappy, because he dreamed of something completely different. He plays the guitar really well and writes beautiful, soulful songs, he has his own band, and the public loves them, they even go on tour. But due to work with music, I had to quit. And this pilot falls into depression, because his talent is buried in the ground. And he could show courage and become a legendary musician.

How often do we choose what was imposed on us - parents, environment, teachers ... An accountant instead of a florist, a lawyer instead of a writer, an auditor instead of a dancer, a politician instead of an artist. Unrealized talent corrodes us from the inside and does not allow us to become happy. If you feel a talent in yourself - have the courage to declare it, develop it, do not bury it in the ground.

How to develop your abilities

Talent development is not a “now I understand: I will be a brilliant filmmaker” solution. It's a decision that "I want to learn how to make brilliant films." This is work. The development of abilities is a constant work, daily, hourly. It is letting go of the fear of not being able to. This is a sequence. It's a series of failures. It's ups and downs.

If you want to develop your talents and increase them - do not give up your favorite business, learn new things, improve your skills. Then one day you will realize that you have doubled or tripled the gift that the Universe has given you.

Finally, watch a video on how to find and develop your abilities.

How often do you say "I'm not given" when refusing something exciting? Many, for example, never pick up brushes, because they are sure that drawing is a gift from God that they did not get.

Carol Dweck's Five Tips to Help Develop Your Installation

  1. Think about who you consider your hero. What is he? Do you think that he has exceptional abilities and easily achieves everything? Now find out how things are in reality. Find out what an incredible effort it cost him to achieve it. And start admiring him even more.
  2. Recall times when other people outperformed you in something, and you decided that they are smarter or more talented than you. Now consider that they may have simply adopted better tactics, prepared harder, practiced harder, and worked harder to overcome adversity. You can do it yourself if you want.
  3. Do you sometimes feel like you're acting stupid, like you've lost touch with your intellect? The next time you find yourself in a similar state, just use the growth mindset—think about learning and improving, not about being judged—and turn your intelligence back on.
  4. Do you often label your children? “This one is an artist, and this one is a scientist.” The next time you are about to say something like this, remember that you are not helping them at all - even if you say it as a compliment. Find another way to express your approval—one that aligns with the growth mindset.
  5. More than half of the members of our society belong to some group of people that are negatively stereotyped (for example, women). Because of them, the representatives of the group are a priori considered unsuitable for something. Give them a growth mindset. Create an environment in your life that teaches the growth mindset to both children and adults, especially those who are subject to negative stereotypes. And then, even when faced with negative labels, they will continue to defend their right to development.
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Resentment is not an incorrigible, pathological character trait, it can and should be corrected. Resentment is a person's reaction to a discrepancy with his expectations. It can be anything: a word, an act, or a sharp glance. Frequent grievances lead to bodily illnesses, psychological problems and the inability to build harmonious relationships with others. Do you want to stop being offended and learn to understand your grievances? Then let's look at how this can be done.

Life does not always provide an opportunity to develop all your talents, but this does not mean that you need to “score” on what you have a craving for and do only what is prestigious, highly paid, accepted in your family or social circle, fashionable? One way or another, one day your gift of God will come in handy for you, and perhaps it will become your source of income or simply make you a more charismatic person. But how to discover talent in yourself if you are already many years old and the environment has already dictated its own rules?

Do not wait

Don't wait for your gift to show itself. The Internet is full of stories about how retirees become ballerinas or diving champions in old age, but the fact is that before old age you may not live to see it, besides, the heroes of motivating publications have probably tried themselves in different guises over a long life.

So, think about how to reveal the talent in yourself, and try and try again. How else? Look for new experiences and try something new every week, whether it's playing the guitar, writing poetry, or inventing. By the way, it will also help keep the brain and mind young for a long time. And further. If physics was not given to you in your school years, this does not mean that you do not have a talent for it. Most likely, your teacher did not have a gift. So, try to study in adulthood and the school curriculum ...

Try everything except self-destruction and don't be afraid to get bumped. Try the simplest thing for you, what gives you pleasure and what you do not think about doing. What can you do day and night without getting tired? What do people admire the most about you?

According to many psychologists, talent is not at all a mysterious spark of God, but the nature of a person’s thinking, as well as the nature of his behavior or feelings, inclining to perform in a certain way in a certain way. Simply put, our most natural predisposition. And in order to find and understand it, you need to experiment.

Answer questions

To understand your abilities a little, try answering the following questions:

  • What type of activity do you most like to do?
  • Are you quick to learn this activity?
  • Do you get satisfaction from this?

If you were able to answer these questions, then you can begin to develop these skills. If you can’t find the answer, do a little meditation. Just close your eyes for a quarter of an hour and sit in silence and darkness alone with yourself.

Now you can ask yourself these questions:

  • What was your favorite game (or toy) as a child?
  • What is the best movie you watched as a child?
  • What do you like very much, but do it very rarely?
  • What would you do if you were always in a good mood?
  • If it wasn't too late, would you...
  • What is your favorite musical instrument?
  • What do you like to read secretly?
  • If success were guaranteed in advance, would you...
  • What stupid thing would you like to do?
  • What kind of music makes you feel better?
  • How do you like to dress?
  • If you always had free time, you would…
  • What gift would you like to receive?

Somewhere in here is the answer to what you are talented at.

There is a lot of this goodness now, but they all impose their own idea of ​​what talent is. And in order to develop talent in yourself, you need at least not to put yourself in a box. Just understand that talent can be anything.

Don't surprise yourself

If you are suddenly drawn to embroider or knit, try it. Talent can be effective communication and the ability to tell interesting stories. So, follow your passions and don't be shy. Try what is easy for you, try what is difficult by challenging yourself. It is also important to celebrate all your successes: if something works out, perhaps this is your talent.

How to develop it

It is important not only to know what one is predisposed to, but also to develop talent in oneself.

Development usually takes place in several stages.

  • So, first we are looking for something that brings a lot of joy and that, the process of creating what you more interesting result. This is your talent.
  • Now your task is to devote time to this business every day. Even if your schedule is too tight, look for half an hour to develop talent. If laziness overcomes or you don’t really believe in your talent, practice it daily for 100 days. And see how you get on.
  • Next stage. Look for inspiration. To do this, go to clubs of like-minded people and master classes, study the methods and techniques of the chosen type of creativity.
  • Repeat. More precisely, feel free to copy. Repeat parts of the creative insights and ideas of the recognized masters of the field to which you have a disposition. Do not be afraid, because you are stuffing your hand.
  • And finally, create and create. And now not a copy, but an interpretation of your world. We live to create and talent is given for this.

"He has a natural talent!" - you can hear about someone. Or: “It’s not given to me!” - sadly emphasizes another. Are these expressions justified? Are talented people born or made?

In psychology, talent is highest degree development of abilities for a certain activity, which is distinguished by originality, perfection and has a high social significance. Therefore, such people are noticeable, always attract attention and cause sympathy. It seems that they do easily and naturally what they are talented in. Is it really? It is worth addressing the nature of talent development.

There is such a structure: "inclinations" - "abilities" - "talent". properties are called deposits nervous system person that are hereditary. Inclinations are considered the basis of abilities.

Abilities are individual personality traits that allow you to successfully perform a certain activity.

Are abilities inherited or instilled in the process of education and training? Why in the families of actors, musicians, doctors, children often follow in the footsteps of their parents in the professional field? It is worth noting that this applies more to social and public professions. In such families, parents regularly perform musical compositions at home, rehearse roles, compose works, discuss significant issues with each other, which is often woven into the upbringing of children. Children watch them, become participants in their activities, often trying to imitate.

Thus, the inclinations are inherited, and talent develops in the process of life, which is influenced by upbringing, and the possession of certain personal qualities, and the actions performed by a person.

Optimistic conclusion of scientists for society: there are no people who do not have talent at all, there are only those who minding his own business due to certain circumstances. Everyone has inclinations, there are only different conditions for turning them into abilities and developing talent from them.

How is talent developed?

The greatest efficiency in this can be achieved if you start practicing from childhood. A great responsibility falls on the shoulders of parents, since it is they who must be able to discern in the child a tendency to this or that activity. Of course, no one forbids trying and giving the child to various circles or sections. So his abilities in a certain area can be more quickly manifested. But the most important thing is to watch your children and listen to their desires and needs, then it will be easier to raise talented individuals from them!

Stages of talent development:

I stage is awareness. There are two ways here.

  1. Or the emergence of a desire to engage in any activity professionally. And there should be exactly a passionate and steady desire, and not just a fleeting impulse.
  2. Or it is the realization that "I do some activity well, perhaps better than others." It doesn't have to be easy to do this. Someone does not make any effort at all, someone spends a lot of effort doing what they love. The main thing at the same time is the result that a person achieves. That's what people around you notice.

Stage II - reinforcement. It is important to evaluate the means to achieve the goal and decide next questions: "What do I need to develop talent?" and “What can I do for this?” In this situation, it may be necessary to leave the comfort zone, discard your fears and complexes and follow the intended path.

IIIstage is improvement. A person who wants to achieve the highest talent in anything should have a reasonable degree of craving for self-improvement. Development is always in motion. If we set new, more complex tasks for the brain and perform them, then in this way we increase the level of our skills and strengthen our talent.

What hinders the development of talent?

It is important not only to reveal the precious gift of nature, but also to preserve it.

Factors preventing the manifestation of unique features:

  • underestimation by others;
  • choosing an activity for which there is no vocation;
  • social upheavals, material problems.

Why don't children develop abilities?

Problems of strengthening the natural gift of children often arise due to insufficient preparedness of parents and teachers.

  1. Adults fix the special qualities of babies, but do not develop them.
  2. Devaluation of achievements. Lack or deficiency of praise in a situation of success.
  3. Negative perception by others failed attempts express yourself.
  4. Constant comparison with classmates.
  5. Prohibition of experiments and research activities.
  6. Authoritarianism of older relatives, excessive restrictions.
  7. Categorical requirements for the form and content of training.
  8. Incompetence of teachers (negative attitude towards gifted students and inability to work with them).
  9. Leisure monotony.
  10. Hyper-care.

What prevents adults from realizing their potential?

Not everyone can find their calling. Often the scope of the profession does not allow a person to fully express themselves. Sometimes the fear of inconsistency, formed in childhood, interferes.

Often people do not dare to show their qualities and aspirations, fearing misunderstanding of friends and relatives. A barrier to self-realization can be the belief that employment and age will prevent success.

But the main difficulty in manifesting the potential of a mature person is lack of self-confidence. Fear of failure can be a decisive reason for abandoning your destiny.

Ability Development

In childhood

The most important factor in the realization of natural inclinations is the developing environment. These are intellectual entertainment and smart toys, a psychological mood for active exploration of the secrets of the world. The success of self-realization of talented children largely depends on older family members and teachers.

Exploring the Gift of the Wonder Child

Biographies prominent people help to understand the role of the family in the upbringing of brilliant children. Observing the evolution of a baby from the first days of life and creating the best conditions for education is typical for parents of outstanding musicians, artists, and mathematicians.

Familiarization of children with the masterpieces of culture and clarifying questions help relatives find out what the children like, what they want to do. A variety of tasks allow you to clarify the capabilities of the kids.

Support magic power

A powerful catalyst for growth is the atmosphere of learning in the family. Encouragement of curiosity and active study of the features of objects, sounds, colors, words makes the world of the young researcher bright and meaningful.

Parents' respect for the interests of the child stimulates his desire for excellence. The adult style of communication emphasizes the seriousness of the relationship to creativity.

Evaluation of success and the right to make mistakes

Talent is realized in activity. Need to be encouraged cognitive activity and children's achievements.

Even failure can be turned into an effective motivator by offering to train together to improve performance. So it is easier to learn new skills and improve memory, attention, thinking, speech, imagination. Self-confidence is formed. A mistake is perceived as a natural step in learning new things and does not cause disappointment.

Talented teachers and diverse opportunities

A capable child can be successful in many ways. But geeks usually devote more time to one type of activity.

Without an experienced mentor, classes can turn into an aimless accumulation of information. The time for development is running out. A competent teacher is a mandatory requirement for improving the makings of a future researcher. Art centers, studios, art schools, and tech clubs can also be effective venues for early talent to flourish.

In adults

It's never too late to do what you love. If a mature person decides to expand their resources, 7 conditions must be met.

  • Change of world view. Awareness of your desires and achievements.
  • Setting an actual goal: strengthening the creative potential.
  • Ready for learning.
  • Training the mind and creativity with the help of special systems of exercises.
  • Development of own methods and ways of self-development.
  • Classes with a teacher (trainer) individually or in a group.
  • Maintaining confidence in the result, regardless of age and situation.

The desire to do what you like and get is a powerful incentive for a person. It is motivation that will help to overcome all difficulties and realize dreams.

  • Look at yourself from the outside, listen to the opinions of others, if they convince us that we are talented in something.
  • Do not be afraid to try to get involved in this or that activity. If there is interest and desire to develop, then neither age nor education will be an obstacle! There are cases when people in old age became first-class artists and singers, before that they had never been engaged in such activities.
  • Give yourself a break. In a state of stress or heavy workload of the brain, it is sometimes impossible to adequately assess your abilities. Upon reaching inner harmony we better understand ourselves, what we want and can do.
  • Devote as much time as possible to what you love. This is how the training mechanism works: we gradually turn skills into skills and spend less effort on performing activities.
  • Be able to recognize the talent in yourself and rejoice at the achievements! It always adds enthusiasm and boosts self-confidence.