Organization of entrepreneurial activity. Asaul A.N. Asaul Nikolai Anatolievich

Asaul Nikolai Anatolievich

Asaul Nikolai Anatolyevich - Russian statesman, Trade Representative Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus.

Income, property

The amount of declared income for 2011 amounted to 1.714 million rubles.



Born April 21, 1977 in St. Petersburg, Russia.


1999 - graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academy of Engineering and Economics with a degree in Economist-Manager, Master of Management.

December 2003 - January 2004 - passed the doctoral studies at the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

Science degree

Doctor of Economic Sciences.

Subject of doctoral dissertation: "Theory and methodology of institutional interactions between the subjects of the investment and construction complex" .

Topic of Ph.D. thesis: "Methodological foundations for the formation and improvement of the organizational structures of construction enterprises: On the example of St. Petersburg" .


1992 - 1996 - PC operator, accountant, chief accountant of ASVA LLP.

1996 - 1997 - head of the site, chief engineer of JSC "Agrostroy mekhanizatsiya".

1997 - 1999 - head of the shop, deputy general director of OAO PSO "Lenoblagrostroy".

1998 - 2001 - Head of the construction company Firma ACBA LLC, Deputy General Director for Investments at ASI CJSC.

2001 - 2003 - Director for work with large and foreign investors of the St. Petersburg public institution Bank Loan Center.

Since 2002 - lecturer in the Department of Finance, Analysis and Accounting at the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

2002 - 2003 - Executive Director of the Union of Construction Associations and Organizations.

2009 - 2010 - President of the St. Petersburg Sailing Union.

Social and political activity

January 2004 - April 2004 - Advisor to the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg.

April 2004 - July 2007 - Deputy Chairman of the Committee - Head of the Legal Department, Deputy Chairman of the Committee - Head of the Investment Projects Department, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Investments and Strategic Projects of the Government of St. Petersburg.

July 2007 - December 2010 - Chairman of the Committee for Transport and Transit Policy of the Government of St. Petersburg.

Since September 6, 2018 - Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus.

Nikolai Asaul took part in the opening of the second International Bus Salon Busworld Russia 2012

He has the title of professor of economic sciences.

Active State Councilor of St. Petersburg, 3rd class.

Member of the St. Petersburg Union of Scientists, full member of the International Academy of Investment and Construction Economics, European Academy of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Management.

Member of the Board of the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT).

Awards, titles, diplomas

Nikolai Asaul has state awards- medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg", badge "Honorary Builder of Russia".

The absolute winner of the competition "Manager of the Year in State and Municipal Administration - 2008".

2006 - SPIBA 2006 award for efficient work to create a favorable investment climate in St. Petersburg.



  • Methodological principles of institutional interactions of market entities as open "living" systems in the concept of the information society. - M., St. Petersburg: "Volnoe economic society Russia", 2004.
  • Theory and methodology of institutional interactions between the subjects of the investment and construction complex - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg "Humanistika", 2004.
  • Problems of economic assessment of the reconstruction of objects of the historical center of St. Petersburg. / Ed. A.N. Asaula.-SPb: SPbGASU.-2003.
  • The role of corporate associations in the management system of the regional building complex of St. Petersburg: Stroyizdat St. Petersburg, 2003.
  • Formation and evaluation of effectiveness organizational structure management in investment and construction companies St. Petersburg: GASU. -2008.


  • Fundamentals of business in the securities market // St. Petersburg: ANO IPEV, 2008.
  • Institutional interaction of subjects of the investment and construction complex [Text]: scientific and educational-methodical reference manual / N. A. Asaul; Russian Academy of Sciences (M.), Institute for Regional Economic Problems, St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (St. Petersburg). - St. Petersburg. : Humanistics, 2005. - 279 p. : fig., tab. - (Economic revival of Russia). - Zagl. region : Institutional interactions in the investment and construction complex of the region. - Bibliography: p. 220 - 230.
  • Introduction to innovation: tutorial for students of higher educational institutions studying in the direction of training "Innovation" / A. N. Asaul [and others]; ed. A. N. Asaul; Institute for Economic Revival Problems (St. Petersburg), St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (St. Petersburg). - St. Petersburg. : IPEV, 2010. - 275 p.


Sports (running, swimming, skiing).

Family status

Married, has 3 sons and 3 daughters.

  • Wife - Natalia Asaul.
  • Daughter - Sofia Asaul.
  • Daughter - Maria Asaul.


  1. Information on the property status and income of state civil servants of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and their family members for the period from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011

Asaul, Anatoly Nikolaevich(October 31, 1948, Reshetilovka, Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR) - scientist, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, honored builder of Russia, doctor of economic sciences, professor.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Tsar of the Slavs: Chapter 1 (New Chronology)

Labor and scientific activity


Titles and awards

Honorary Professor: Izhevsk State technical university named after M.T. Kalashnikov (2015); Grozny State Oil Technical University named after acad. M.D. Millionshchikov (2014); Rostov State Construction University (2013); Ufa state academy economics and service (2011), Tyvinsky state university, Poltava National Technical University. Y. Kondratyuk, Tashkent Automobile and Road Institute, Lviv University of Business and Law, Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law. Honorary Doctor of Science Khmelnytsky national university, Tashkent Automobile and Road Institute (2010) He is the owner of the honorary title "Founder of the Scientific School".

A.N. Asaul has been awarded more than 50 awards and honorary titles, including international ones.

  • In 2000, the Presidium Russian Academy natural sciences A. N. Asaul was awarded the honorary title and the sign “Knight of Science and Arts”.
  • In 2003 he was awarded the honorary medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "For Achievements in Economics" named after. V. V. Leontiev, as well as the European Academy of Natural Sciences - the Order of the Golden Eagle with a Crown for outstanding contributions to science, new technologies and economics.
  • In 2004, Honorary Citizen of the city of Vsevolozhsk and the Vsevolozhsk District of the Leningrad Region.
  • In 2006, Honorary Citizen of the Reshetilovsky district of the Poltava region (Ukraine).
  • In 2007, the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology and Life Safety was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science" and was awarded the "Star of the Scientist".
  • In 2008, for his contribution to the creation and development of the scientific school headed by A.N. Asaul "Methodological problems of the effectiveness of regional investment and construction complexes as self-organizing and self-governing systems", Asaulu A.N. awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science and Education of the RANH", as well as the honorary title "Founder of the Scientific School".
  • In 2009, RAE awarded the medal to them. Nobel for contribution to the development of invention.
  • In 2003, he was awarded the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences with the honorary medal "For Achievements in Economics" named after. V.V. Leontiev.
  • In 2003 he was awarded the Order of the Golden Eagle with a Crown by the European Academy of Natural Sciences for his outstanding contribution to science.
  • In 2004, the winner of the Mikhail Lomonosov Prize with a gold medal for outstanding contribution to the development of science, education, culture and art.
  • In 2005, he was awarded a certificate of honor by the Union of Construction Associations and Organizations for many years of conscientious work in the field of construction.
  • In 2006 he was awarded by the Council public organizations Petersburg and Moscow with the Order "Heart of Danko" for personal contribution to the development of Russian science
  • In 2007, he was awarded the honorary title of "Honored Scientist" and the "Star of a Scientist" by the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology and Life Safety.
  • In 2008 he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science and Education of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences" (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences).
  • In 2008 he was awarded the silver medal of the VEO of Russia for long-term and fruitful cooperation with the Free Economic Society of Russia, a great contribution to its activities, active participation in the implementation of projects and programs in the field of socio-economic development of Russia, for the creation of outstanding socio-economic media projects at the interstate and regional levels, for objective and professional coverage of events in the field of economy, finance and business.
  • In 2008 he was awarded the Order of Honor and Dignity "Sovereign Russia" and a memorable prize bronze sculpture "GUARDIAN ANGEL" for the highest professionalism and teaching activities.
  • In 2008, he was awarded a diploma by the Governor of St. Petersburg for many years of conscientious work, a great personal contribution to the development of the construction complex of St. Petersburg and the system of higher professional education.
  • In 2009 he was awarded the medal. Nobel Prize for Contribution to the Development of Invention (RAE).
  • In 2010 he was awarded the medal of V.I. Vernadsky for success in the development of domestic science (RAE).
  • In 2011, he was awarded the “Golden Department of Russia” badge for lecturing and achievements in the development of education in Russia.”
  • In 2012 he was awarded Order III degree "For professional honor, dignity and honorable business reputation".
  • In 2013, the winner of the award of the head - the chairman of the government of the Republic of Tuva in the field of science for 2012.
  • In 2013, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences for achievements in the development of higher education pedagogy was awarded the gold medal "For innovative work in the field of higher education».
  • In 2013 he was awarded the Order of the II degree "For professional honor, dignity and honorable business reputation".
  • In 2013 he was awarded the order "Labore et scientia - labor and knowledge" by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
  • In 2013 he was awarded the Order of Merit in Construction for many years of fruitful work, high achievements in industrial and scientific pedagogical activity for the benefit of the development of the construction industry in Russia and in connection with the 65th anniversary of his birth.
  • In 2014 he was awarded the K. Ushinsky medal for personal merits in improving and shaping knowledge in the field of pedagogical sciences.
  • In 2014 he was awarded the VDNH Gold Medal for participation in the 27th Moscow International Book Fair.
  • In 2014, he was awarded the order "PRIMUS INTER PARES (FIRST AMONG EQUALS)" for a significant contribution to the development of world science, for outstanding scientific work, discoveries and inventions.
  • In 2015 he was awarded the 70th Anniversary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs commemorative medal.
  • In 2015, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences was awarded the Order of Peter the Great "Unbelievable happens" for a significant contribution to the development of world science, education and social activities.
  • In 2015, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences was awarded the Order of Alexander the Great "For Scientific Victories and Accomplishments" for a significant contribution to the development of world science.
  • In 2015 he was awarded a certificate of honor "For many years of fruitful work on the development and improvement of the educational process, active work in the field of scientific research, a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists."
  • In 2015, the President of the VEO of Russia was awarded a diploma "For a great contribution to the activities of the Free Economic Society of Russia, aimed at strengthening the economic power and prosperity of the Motherland."
  • In 2015 he was awarded a commemorative anniversary medal"250 years of the VEO of Russia".
  • In 2015 he was awarded the red copper medal "In memory of the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty 1613-2013" in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the end of the Troubles, the restoration of Russian Statehood and the popular calling to the kingdom of the Romanov dynasty on February 21, 1613.

International recognition:

Scientific conferences and participation in scientific and editorial boards

Professor A.N. Asaul is the initiator and organizer of the scientific conferences in Russia: member of the organizing committee of the international scientific and technical conference "Reconstruction - St. Petersburg-2005"; the initiator and chairman of the organizing committee regularly holds the Russian scientific and practical conference "On the way to revival: prospects for the development of the Russian economy" (2006-2009).

Member editorial board"Region: economics, politics, sociology" (2001. to the present);), "Bulletin of Civil Engineers", "World of Change" (IERAN-2005). “Bulletin of the Khmelnytsky National University: Economic Sciences” (2008), “Regional Economics (NAS of Ukraine” -2009), “Economics of Construction and Urban Economy” (2011 – present); "Free Economic Society of Russia" (2013), publishing house "NOTABENE" (Theoretical and Applied Economics) (2015), etc.

In 2004, on the initiative and with the direct participation of Professor A. N. Asaul, the publication of the scientific journal "Economic Renaissance of Russia" was resumed. He is its chief editor, and also the founder of a series of scientific publications (currently 37 volumes have been published).

Development of an educational standard

Professor A.N. Asaul actively participated in the development of the State educational standard higher professional education of the second generation. Under his leadership and with direct participation, the Department of Educational Programs and Professional Education Standards of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation developed and subsequently approved exemplary programs for the disciplines "Organization of Entrepreneurship" and "Real Estate Economics". Subsequently, according to these programs, Professor A.N. Asaul prepared and published textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. According to the results of the competition among teachers of higher educational institutions, held by the Foundation for National Education, A. N. Asaul was recognized as a laureate for the textbook "Economics of Real Estate". In 2009 the textbook "Organization of Entrepreneurial Activity" was submitted for the award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education. At present, A.N. Asaul is working on the creation of a training and educational kit for the preparation of bachelors in the newly opened direction 220600 - innovation.

scientific school

Asaul Anatoly Nikolaevich - founder of the scientific school: "Methodological problems of the effectiveness of regional investment and construction complexes as a self-organizing and self-governing system."

The scientific school was recognized by the Russian and international scientific community and achieved the following theoretical and practical results:

In 2013, in accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the Scientific and Technical Council under the Government of St. Petersburg, the Committee for Science and high school approved the Register of leading scientific and scientific-pedagogical schools of St. Petersburg, which included a scientific school headed by Anatoly Nikolaevich Asaul.

Based on the materials of research in the scientific school, 25 candidate dissertations, 8 doctoral dissertations were defended. Over the past five years, 20 monographs and more than 100 scientific articles have been published.


Parents - Asaul Nikolai Sergeevich (1926-2003); Asaul Maria Alekseevna (1924-2012).

Married since 1971, raised two sons, has 9 grandchildren. Wife - Tatyana Nikolaevna Asaul. She was born on April 10, 1950 in the working settlement of Rudnik Golubovsky, now the city of Kirovsk, Lugansk region. Graduated from Reshetilovskaya high school with a gold medal.

Professor of the Department "Economics of road transport" "Moscow automobile and road state technical university (MADI)".

In 1996 he graduated with honors from the St. Petersburg State Academy of Engineering and Economics (INGECON) with a degree in Economics and Management in Mechanical Engineering (economist-manager), in 2005 - Faculty of Law"St. Petersburg State University" with a degree in "Jurisprudence" (lawyer).

The whole working life of M.A. Asaula is associated with construction, where he went from a worker to the Deputy General Director of the Design and Construction Association Lenoblagrostroy OJSC.

From 2003 to 2011 M.A. Asaul worked at the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (associate professor, professor - part-time).

For the first time in domestic science and practice, Maxim Anatolyevich developed the methodological foundations of secondary leasing.

M. A. Asaul is the creator of the concept of change management for managing the sustainability of an enterprise structure based on diagnosing the economic and financial condition of the organization, the external and internal environment, risk factors that implement organizational changes, measures leading to weakening and overcoming crisis processes. He also developed a methodology for ensuring the sustainability of business structures, based on:

He is a full member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (Hannover) and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Moscow), the International Academy of Investments and Construction Economics.

Winner of the Russian competition "Manager of the Year - 2003".

Married, has a son and a daughter.

Asaul Nikolai Anatolievich

The youngest son is Asaul Nikolai Anatolyevich (b. April 21, 1977). Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Academician of the European Academy of Natural Sciences. Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.

N. A. Asaul is known for his achievements in the implementation of strategic investment projects for the development of St. Petersburg. As chairman of the committee on transport and transit policy of the Government of St. Petersburg. Repeatedly participated in the work of the expert council of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the project for the construction of the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter toll highway in St. Petersburg, was a member working group for the development of the St. Petersburg transport hub, created under the Ministry of Transport of Russia. Under the leadership of N.A. Asaul, such major projects as the creation of an interregional air transport hub on the basis of Pulkovo airport, the construction of outports of the Big Port of St. Vasilyevsky Island other. As the chairman of the committee on transport and transit policy of St. Petersburg, N.A. Asaul implemented the strategy for the development of the TLC of St. Petersburg. Its main task is the uniform development of all types of transport in the city and ensuring their interaction with each other and increasing the share of air cargo by creating a new cargo apron and involving the territories adjacent to Pulkovo Airport in the project. The so-called "cargo frame" of the city was formed. For this, research work was carried out to determine the zones of localization of cargo generating facilities in the city with the designation of routes for the movement of the main part of freight transport. When considering new projects that attract cargo flows, the key role is played by their location within reach of the "cargo frame".

Under the leadership of N.A. Asaula, measures have been developed to increase the speed of cargo passing through sea ​​port St. Petersburg by optimizing customs procedures, developing new port territories, regulating traffic flows and creating so-called "dry ports". The main goal is to reduce the environmental burden on the city by optimizing traffic flows, reducing the traffic density of trucks inside the ring road (KAD), developing "small" transport: small fleet, business aviation, helicopter traffic. For legal support project implementation.

N. A. Asaul took an active part in legislative activities, initiating and developing new legal documents necessary for the city, repeatedly spoke at all-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences, in particular, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the International Real Estate Investment Forum PROEstate and MAIES conferences.

ON THE. Asaul has state awards - the medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg", the sign "Honorary Builder of Russia".

He is married and has four sons and three daughters.

On March 21, 2014, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 163, N.A. Asaul was awarded the Order of Honor.

On May 8, 2015, by the decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, he was awarded the medal "For contribution to the creation of the Eurasian economic union» II degree.


  1. Editorial Council VEO Russia (indefinite) . VEO of Russia.
  2. ASAUL Anatoly Nikolaevich, SPbGASU (indefinite) .
  3. Methodological problems efficiency regional investment-construction complexes as self-organizing and self-governing system - Scientists Russia (indefinite) . Date of treatment February 8, 2013. Archived from the original on February 14, 2013.
  4. ASAUL Anatoly Nikolaevich on portal SPbGASU (indefinite) . Archived from the original on April 19, 2013.
  5. Rating leading economists Russia | non-ergodic economy (indefinite) . Retrieved February 7, 2016.
  6. Tuva State University (indefinite) . Retrieved February 7, 2016.
  7. Professor A.N. Asaul entered the top ten leading economists of Russia - Official site of Asaul Anatoly Nikolaevich (indefinite) . www.xn--80aa7awl.xn--p1ai. Retrieved February 7, 2016.
  8. Asaul Anatoly Nikolaevich - Famous scientists (indefinite) . Retrieved March 8, 2016.
  9. Recognition labor and scientific merits - Official site Asaul Anatoly Nikolaevich (indefinite) . xn--80aa7awl.xn--p1ai. Retrieved February 22, 2016.

1. Asaul A.N. Entrepreneurial activity in the construction complex

(economic problems). - St. Petersburg: ISEP RAN, 1996. - 236 p.

2. Asaul A.N., Golovach L.G., Glushchenko V.F., Krayukhin G.A., Starinsky V.N.

Enterprise economy. Part 1. Basic economic concepts of functional

nirovaniya enterprise: Textbook. allowance. - St. Petersburg: SPbGIEA, 1999. -130 p.

3. Busygin A.V. Entrepreneurship. – M.: Delo, 2000. – 640 p.

4. Doinikov I.V. Entrepreneurial Law. – M.: PRIOR, 1968. – 368 p.

5. Fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Series "Textbooks, teaching aids". -

Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1999. - 512 p.

6. Trenev N.N. Enterprise and its structure: Diagnostics. Control. Oz-

health improvement: Proc. allowance for universities. – M.: PRIOR Publishing House, 2000. – 240p.


1. Set the type of organization (commercial, non-commercial):

a) a business partnership;

d) association;

e) production cooperative;

f) institution;

g) a limited liability company;

h) consumer cooperative;

i) artel.

2. Make a table of the main types of commercial organizations in the following

blowing form:

organizations Founders







3. Match:

Partnership Agreement on establishment Authorized capital is divided into

goes to shares

Open joint-stock


Charter and founding

The authorized capital is broken down

is divided into shares of a certain


liability Memorandum of association Share capital

broken down into contributions

4. Determine which sectors of the Russian economy should be applied

mechanistic approach to building the organizational structure of an organization

tion, and in which - organic.


1. Combined organizations:

a) produce products for various purposes and a wide range of

b) they produce from one type of raw material different in type, structure and chemical

chemical composition of products;

c) are created on the basis of a combination of different forms of ownership.

2. An organization created on the basis of voluntary contributions for the implementation of

tions of socially useful purposes by citizens and legal entities are:

a) a consumer cooperative;

c) institution;

3. The maximum level of the number of personnel of a small industrial

enterprise is:

4. On what basis is the industry affiliation of organizations determined:

a) grocery;

b) administrative and organizational;

c) all of the above.

5. An organization in which all participants are engaged in entrepreneurial activities on its behalf and bear full financial responsibility for its obligations with their property is:

a) a joint-stock company;

b) full partnership;

c) a production cooperative.

6. A limited liability company is:

a) a company whose authorized capital is divided into shares of participants, not-

who are liable only to the extent of the value of the contributions

their contributions;

b) organization on the basis of a voluntary association of citizens and legal

persons in order to meet material and other needs by

associations of property share contributions;

c) an association of citizens and legal entities for a joint economic

activity, the property of which is formed mainly at the expense of

sale of shares.

7. The number of founders of a closed joint stock company is limited

there is ... persons:

8. The main difference between unitary enterprises based on the right of the owner

management, from unitary enterprises on the right of operational management

niya is that:

a) the company is the owner of the property;

b) the owner is not liable for obligations;

c) an enterprise may create subsidiaries.

9. The supreme management body of a joint stock company is:

a) the general manager;

b) board of directors;

c) general meeting of shareholders.

10. Who approves the charter of the enterprise?

a) registration chamber;

b) the founder;

c) tax authorities.

11. The procedure and terms for making contributions to the authorized capital of the share capital

society is determined by:

a) the articles of association;

b) an agreement on establishment;

c) articles of incorporation and articles of association.

12. Can the organization participate in other types of business

activities without changing the legal documents?

a) only on the basis of a license;

b) for some types of activity it is necessary to obtain a license;

c) cannot.

13. The property basis of the activities of a joint-stock company is:

a) share capital;

b) authorized capital;

c) fixed capital.

14. The total value of property contributed by all founders (participants

kami) as payment for the acquired right in the organization is:

a) authorized capital;

b) share capital;

c) all of the above.

15. Types of organizational structures according to the level of interaction with people

century include:

a) corporate;

b) individualistic;

c) all of the above.

16. Individualist structures include:

a) edhocracy;

b) multidimensional.

c) all of the above.

test questions for self-test

1. What criteria can be used to classify organizations?

2. What does the concept of "small business entity" include and

What are the criteria for a small business?

3. Explain the essence of the concept of "diversification".

4. What are the types of non-profit organizations, and what are their features?


5. Name the types of commercial organizations defined by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

6. What are the differences between a business company and business


7. What types of business companies and partnerships exist?

8. Which enterprises are unitary, and what are their main divisions?


9. Name the factors influencing the choice of organizational and legal form

we are enterprises.

10. What information should the company's charter include?

11. What questions fall within the competence of the general meeting of shareholders?

12. What is the difference between a legal and non-legal entity?

13. Tell us about the formation of the authorized capital in a joint-stock company

14. What is the difference between the formation of share capital and the authorized capital?

15. On the basis of what basic approaches is the organizational structure built?

organization tour?

16. Tell us about the main types of organizational structures.


A.N. Asaul

Saint Petersburg

L.F. Manakov

Novosibirsk city


The development of education determines the future of the country for 30-40 years. Management has penetrated into all spheres of human activity and how academic discipline studied at all universities in Russia. Subject field, theoretical foundations and methodological foundations university management have expanded immeasurably and gone beyond the classical management of the last century. However, in recent years, university management is not assimilating new views on the picture of organizational reality, but mechanically borrowing "fashionable" terms, repeating Western management concepts. Such managerial clothes hide a new essence of organizational activity. In the theoretical baggage of university management, according to various estimates, only 5-7% of the “added value (useful value)” falls on university innovators. In the world of management, not the creators of new meanings of organizational activity are in demand, but interpreters of simplified, primitive foundations of management, multipliers of common truths. There is a slip on the surface without immersion in the depth of methodological foundations.

In management, an era of intellectual drive should come, but for now, the “fetters of the prisoner in the cave” are so heavy that they do not allow him to go outside, into the light, to free himself from the captivity of imposed ideas about existence, about organizational reality. The ground for "freezing" management is provided by the structure of educational programs for training managers of our universities. Current position domestic university management can be assessed as a crisis.

In an extremely generalized form, all claims to management merge into one - insensitivity to the intellectual demands of the present and the challenges of the future.

University management is focused on the assimilation and use of knowledge already obtained somewhere and by someone, and therefore becomes an obstacle to the development of its own university management thought, its own scientific research. Thus, by mastering the basics of management, we blocked ourselves from serious management science. All successful undertakings of scientific research in university management perish before reaching the “embryo” stage due to the transformation of management into a verbal-historical discipline, separate performance by management departments of functions - training professionals, conducting research work, mastering the skills of organizational and managerial actions.

In recent years, general management has been subject to dogmatism. Increasingly, the question is: how and where evolutionary

ruet managerial area of ​​knowledge? The evolution of managerial thought over the past 20 years has been a vast graveyard of words and definitions. Initially, they expressed quite vital concepts, then, from frequent superficial use, they turned into worn-out nickels that do not reveal the new meaning and content of organizational reality. Today, after a short paralysis of managerial thought, management is again becoming a system-forming element of organizational activity. Today, management theory, overloaded with outdated ideas (stereotypes), is navigating a stormy sea of ​​challenges and has every chance of moving forward.

There are several reasons for the crisis of university management, the most important of which is that the speed of movement into the future of the main participants in the environment in which quality management is in demand was incorrectly assessed. The pace, the scope of change, the set of trajectories of movement towards success are developing faster than we thought about it.

Modern and future organizational reality cannot be comprehended through the concepts of classical and neoclassical management, it provides only a very general and rough framework for the knowledge of new factors, modern formulations of non-paradigm (cooperative) problems. Traditional management unnecessarily simplifies organizational activity, narrows the range of possible states and ways of development, loses sight of new trends in the formation and self-development of organized systems. There was a huge volume scientific knowledge in the field of complex systems management, which requires systematization and ordering according to fundamental principles.

Fall and fail are similar words meaning "fall" and "failure", they threaten those who ignore new knowledge, trying to hide behind a glorious past, while a new generation of educational consumers has emerged who need competencies, not qualifications. Today, qualification is not a ticket to life, but tightly laced shoes on the swimmer's feet: "We know more and understand less and less."

In many ways, we still think in “old” categories, we still “sell” disparate knowledge, not competencies, we use outdated ways delivery of knowledge, while the knowledge itself, skills and abilities are changing.

The challenge of the future is that consumers of educational and information services themselves choose any convenient way for them to acquire knowledge, receive it in a convenient form, in the right place and in the right amount.

If before the virtue of a person consisted in fidelity to traditions, now it is in creativity. Save-

ing tradition turns them into a burden, blinkers for self-realization.

Traditional management practically does not pay attention to non-paradigm problems of complexity, chaos and self-organization, synergy effects. Need to move away from research simple systems to the study of complex ones, from the linearity of thinking to non-linearity, from the consideration of processes near equilibrium to the analysis of unstable processes, from the control parameters of functioning to the parameters of order and chaos. New knowledge in management competes with the old, elements of new knowledge undergo a period of maturation, and there is a high probability of its survival.

Former well-developed methods of linear analysis, linearization are of little use for studying the nonlinear dynamics of complex systems, the phenomena of self-organization and self-assembly of complex structures.

An important task of management is to determine the parameters of the organizational order of complex systems and search for structures-attractors (centers of attraction and active force) that allow organizations to enter the mode of sustainable functioning and development. Creating new meanings, new interpretations, new ideas in a broader context is the key task of creative management.

The dominance of pedagogical activity over scientific activity at universities has led to a conservative mood of most management teachers, separation of students from serious research work, pushing it into electives and circles. "Why cheat on yourself when it's easier to break a mirror."

In addition, there is a tacit discrimination of management as an educational and scientific discipline (reducing it to marketing, special issues) in industry universities both by representatives of “useful” technical disciplines and by university administrations, among which there is a surprising ignorance of the fundamentals of the theory and practices of modern creative management.

All this has led to a reduction in the requirements for students in the field of managerial training, a deterioration in the capabilities of universities in the preparation of highly qualified specialists, bachelors and masters of management, and immersion of university managerial thought into suspended animation.

The profession of a management teacher first ceased to be respected, then to feed, and now it threatens to disappear altogether as a prestigious activity. Today it is possible to state, fix the disappearance of intellectual manager-teachers as a professional layer. Management students are obsessed with pragmatism, give them specific, simplified instructions on how to succeed or become a millionaire. An intellectual teacher of management is needed where the business community intends to look into itself. But in our country it does not intend to do this, such an occupation is considered boring and harmful. The stereotypical thesis dominates: “In order to navigate in any situation, you should know only two things: where the sun shines from and where the wind blows.” Traditionally, we ask the question: “good or bad”, although more urgent problem another intellectual level: "true or false."

Today it is believed that only a successful person who has earned a day is capable of judging management.

gee, a management scientist, is a goof and a loser, and business people are not interested in his opinion.

Meanwhile, proper training in management requires a certain distance, a certain distance from everyday practical activities. Only at a distance are the intentions and tendencies “face to face not seen face to face”, and it is possible to meaningfully portray the current reality.

Due to congestion educational process, the lack of free time, the personality of the management teacher is deformed irreparably, the personality is corroded. Therefore, all recently published textbooks, books on management turn out to be badly "digested" Western models, or manuals for "dummies" "screwed" from ready-made blocks, or cheap local amateur performance ("chewing chaff") according to the method of Rec- lem - "cut - glue."

Thus, today's management educator is, by definition, a creature that has nothing to do with quality management. The lack of personalities in management is a consequence of this phenomenon (the dominance of rationality) and "stagnation" in the development of managerial ideas (applications for the future), concepts, decisions.

There are many completely diverse crisis manifestations in the evolution of managerial thought. If you pay attention to the composition of managerial scientists, few of them have primary creative professions, like the first fathers of management (mechanical and electrical engineers). Among them are pure economists, teachers, historians, etc., who have not learned how to build and create materially.

From here, the ship of scientific and real management gives a noticeable list to the humanitarian shore.

There is a radical separation of research approaches from the object and subject of management, economists invade the field of management with their model constructions and frameworks of rational behavior, sociologists with structural functionalism, social structures of the organization, psychologists with the psychology of management, etc. Representatives of these sciences claim to be universal their approaches to the study and cognition of any organized structures and, like a boa constrictor, they try to swallow the entire object (organization) as a whole.

And there seems to be no way back here, the only thing that is possible is to attract new principles of synthesis (synergetics) of useful premises, ideas from related fields of knowledge to management, first to the peripheral belt, and then to the core of management theory, which " are attached" to management "not tightly", but are used in various research programs for understanding organizations from various points of view. So, for example, the economic concept of rationality, freeing itself from connection with selfish interest, turns in management into a simple managerial decision-making when choosing from several options for action.

When formulating the network economy, it is no longer possible in management to dismiss the network interaction of people, where a lot of useful things have been done by representatives social sciences. Today networks have such

as important as institutions and organizational structures.

Economists and sociologists rightly accuse managers of frank pragmatism: they study not so much the external and internal circumstances of the construction, functioning and development of organizations (economic entities), rather, it is about constructing and designing their desired, better, more effective image, replacing the question “what is happening with the question "how to do it". Under these conditions, the manager turns from a “person who knows” into a “person who does”. Therefore, it becomes clear why economists and sociologists are beginning to conquer the empty methodological and theoretical space of management “with trees without roots and buildings without foundations” (V. V. Radaev).

Managers should not indulge in a feeling of annoyance at the intrusion of other disciplines into the field of management and argue with economists and sociologists in the style of "You were not standing here." Although a number of economists and sociologists see management and managers as a common enemy, calling them "constructors of a non-existent reality." We have different initial assumptions, a different set of key variables.

Management already spends a lot of energy on substantiating the obvious, showing its weakness, instead of revealing the essence of things, phenomena and processes in organizational and managerial relations. Economists and sociologists only declare the real problems, and the problems themselves are solved by management. Management should be built on a synthetic principle - we take something positive from economic theory, something from sociology, something from psychology, something from anthropology, something from the general evolutionary theory (“many in one” or “all straightaway"). This implies a holographic display, sliding along many facets with immersion in the methodological provisions of many disciplines. The next reason for the crisis of university management is the wrong pedagogical attitude: we strive to give a lot of disparate knowledge, instead of laying the foundation for the student to build his own system of knowledge. The Internet “knows” many orders of magnitude more than the best management teacher. The time of generalists is a thing of the past, indeed, knowledge of the mind will not teach. An excess of information leads to impoverishment of the soul (A. Leontiev). The main thing is to be able to find a path to knowledge, find a path to a solution and take well-considered actions to achieve success.

Under these conditions, the task of the teacher is not so much to give the student (student) knowledge as to teach him to acquire, if necessary, this knowledge; constantly replenish and complete your personal knowledge system. “It is better to have a well-organized head than a head filled with numerous knowledge” (E. Morin). From an omniscient person to a person who can know, to a person with the potentiality of the mind. The key goal of the teacher is to reveal the potential of the student, his creative and constructive possibilities, to help him find his own way in the professional environment and in life in general.

Today's training of managers is carried out from the standpoint of hyperspecialization - a process leading to

dramatic growth of fragmentation and fragmentation of organizational and managerial knowledge, to the destruction of the integral intellectual space of managers. Each discipline included in the educational program of managers has a closed and closed character, its own perspective, not associated with methodological support, and is not connected or cooperated with other academic disciplines.

In recent years, in the leading foreign and domestic universities for the synthesis (linking) of various disciplinary knowledge, skills and abilities, fundamental and applied, knowledge and activities, conceptual ideas and patterns of synergetics - a new scientific direction - are widely used. From the standpoint of synergetics, educational programs for managers should have system properties: interdisciplinarity, polydisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity.

Interdisciplinarity means the cooperation of various academic disciplines, the use of a common conceptual apparatus for understanding and providing the main phenomena and processes in management activities. It is also an exchange of results of interdisciplinary research.

Polydisciplinarity, which is a characteristic of the educational program, means that any phenomenon of the object and subject of management, the processes of their functioning and development is studied simultaneously from different angles by several academic disciplines. For example, the development of organizations is considered from the standpoint of the theory of progress > the theory of economic growth > the theory of evolutionary development > the theory of infrastructure development > the theory of strategic decisions > the theory innovative development> the theory of nonlinear dynamics.

Transdisciplinarity is the transfer of cognitive schemes from one disciplinary field to another, going “beyond” specific disciplines, passing “through” disciplinary boundaries, for example, transferring cognitive schemes of biology, psychology, cultural studies, co-evolution into the theory of organizational change. Thus, each academic discipline included in the inter-, poly- and trans-disciplinary complex is both open and closed, conjugated, interconnected and localized. Studied in a wider context, constantly self-renewing, it acquires flexibility.

The postulate of objectivity is replaced by the postulate of pro-activity, the first steps are being taken towards the synthesis of disciplines, the formation of a single intellectual and educational space of managers. Synergetics in education today is considered as an approach, method and content of education. Here, the learning procedure, the method of communication between the teacher and the student is mutual formation and development, the creation of conditions for the generation of knowledge by the student himself, an open dialogue, joint activity, direct and feedback, life at the same pace.

As a result, the student acquires not so much “know what” as “know how”. The teacher and the student become partners in cooperation, they are in a synergistic relationship, the one who does not know turns into the one who knows, the one who knows into the one who understands. Not only does the walker pave the way, but the road makes the walker. The expenditure of the teacher's spiritual energy is at the same time its increment,

ensuring the disclosure and growth of the soul (V. P. Zinchenko). Our students influence us, our work builds us (M. Buber). The main problem is how to manage the learning process without managing it, how to overcome the chaos in the head without overcoming it, but through small resonant stimulating and stimulating influences, to ensure self-governing and self-sustaining learning and development of the student, to awaken deeply hidden impulses and desires in him ( including the inherent in each craving to comprehend the new).

This is achieved on the basis of inactive situational cognition. The subject and object of learning are in mutual and synchronous formation, awaken each other in the process of interaction, there is an interweaving of direct and feedback connections, they mutually determine each other and use the mutually provided opportunities.

The most important thing in modern education It is teaching the method and art of knowledge. Modern management education is the transfer of integral blocks of information, non-linear thinking in alternatives, the transition to visual thinking and effective ways of transferring knowledge: “text + image”, “formula + visualization”, the course of the organizational and managerial process described by it.

This is the simultaneous use of logical-conceptual and visual-figurative thinking, comprehension of the organizational world through image and number. Especially great is the role of synergetics as a method in forecasting and constructing an achievable future self-development of organizational systems, scenarios for their evolution.

Synergetic thinking, oriented towards the future, allows you to see the real features of the future organization, personality from the following positions:

The future is open and unpredictable, but not arbitrary, due to the law of co-evolutionary prohibition, there is a certain range of possible future states;

The present state of affairs is built from the future and in accordance with the future;

Possible changes own properties of complex systems can lead to the transformation of a set of possible paths in the future;

To achieve the future, a certain typology of resonant influences is needed, where it is not the intensity that is important, but their exact configuration (soft wins hard, weak wins strong);

The art of soft management lies in the ways of self-management, self-development and self-control (small causes of big events);

In order to correctly construct the future, it is necessary to take into account the broad context of the studied potential phenomena and events.

According to T. Kuhn, we are facing the birth of a new scientific management paradigm. It's time to "shake up the whole casket of scientific knowledge about management to the bottom." In this work, we must rely on the conclusion that there are no timeless theories in management sciences, since no assumptions about the organizational and economic behavior of business entities can be absolutely correct and no theoretical conclusions are true everywhere.

As Yu. Yakovets rightly notes, “any field of science is heterogeneous, multiform, it implies the simultaneous coexistence and struggle of paradigms: relic, outgoing, dominant, incoming, affirming”. Everything that undergoes changes by its nature, but does not change, as time requires, turns into stagnation.

The French historian Jacques Le Goff argued that two factors are the condition for successful development - continuity and change. In the absence of the first, defeat awaits us, in the absence of the second, death in a slow fire. The slogan of the day is “live in the present, do not part with the past and rush into the future. Change time and space.

An important task for further research is to trace how the theoretical foundations of management have changed, how to harmonize the diverse theoretical approaches used in describing, interpreting and explaining the phenomena and processes of growth, evolution, development of complex nonlinear systems, enriching the theoretical provisions, the conceptual apparatus and the logic of evidence in the development of a strategy for sustainable functioning and dynamic development of organizational entities. The more diverse the theoretical provisions, the deeper their content, the more conscious are the strategic decisions and actions to change.

Already today, any organizational and managerial activity is becoming practically creative and constructive activity, and here we need a conceptual shift, a change in the conceptual structure of thinking, a transition from the categories of being to an event, from existence to the formation and coexistence of elements of the past, present and future (to the art of living together) , from independence to connectedness, from evolution to co-evolution, from dimension to co-dimension, from similarity to scale invariance of ISD participants, from actual to potential. At the same time, the former categories do not disappear, but acquire a new meaning with a shift in the focus of attention. We need a generalization and a new interpretation of the vast empirical material, the entire sum latest facts about the organizational dynamics of complex systems in a non-linear environment, ambiguous ways of their development, predetermined on this environment. The evolution of organizations is determined not by their initial conditions and not by their past (they are “forgotten”), but by the future, by new structures-attractors, to which the processes of self-building come out. Today, the main problem is how to govern without managing, i.e., to ensure not externally controlled, but self-governed development by attractors, to give scope for the self-organization of effective structures, to promote the choice of the shortest paths for accelerated development. These resonant impacts on the investment and construction environment (in right time and in the right place), their "timeliness" and "relevance" are verified and tested by the contours of the future, rather than by imperfect over-organizational structures of the investment and construction complex.

In our opinion, the core of positive management pragmatism should be not only better knowledge of organizational reality, but also the development of ways

active formation of organizational formations, which are interpreted as a kind of "mental activity", and in the training of new generation managers - the formation of a professional "knowing, thinking and doing". The intrusion into management of methods and approaches that have long been inherent in other related sciences is becoming not only a fashion, but also a desire to find a new explanation for the familiar and newly emerged realities of organizational and managerial activity. “If you want to solve a problem, think not about it, think about it” (A. Poincaré).

At the same time, in this case, problems of other sciences invade management - not management. In the development of management as a scientific discipline, several periods can be distinguished: “pre-disciplinary” (until 1950), “disciplinary” (until 2000); "interdisciplinary" and today "polydisciplinary-transboundary" or within the framework of another topological scheme: "dispersed", "concentrated", "divided", "integrated", "harmonious".

Thus, management is turning into an area of ​​interdisciplinary and cross-border intersection of many scientific disciplines, and only with further deepening of the synthesis of this polydisciplinarity can one count on obtaining models of effective behavior and effective development of complex socio-economic systems that are adequate to organizational reality. This implies a transition to the fundamental level of systemic, co-evolutionary and synergistic laws and patterns of organization, self-organization and chaos of complex systems, when special attention is paid to their non-linear properties that are responsible for the processes of organizational change. We have touched upon only a part of the theoretical and methodological problems in university management. There is still a whole layer of problems associated with the justification of the applicability of certain laws, the principles of synergetics and co-evolution in the knowledge of socio-economic systems. On the one hand, they become a stimulus for the development of new scientific directions(for example, systemic non-linear organizational dynamics), on the other hand - an obstacle, an object of criticism, misunderstanding and rejection, to repeat the fate of the first stages of development as everything new, not previously implemented. These new laws, regularities and principles of cognition of complex systems will become the basis, imperative criteria for socio-economic and organizational sustainable development, provided that they are brought into the paradigm scheme of a system-synergetic approach. Therefore, our statement that there is a gap between the pace of development of the theoretical and methodological basis of university management and the growth of complexity, uncertainty, non-linearity of organizational dynamics, the movement of future challenges and responses to them, and concrete knowledge about them is quite fair. Hence the growth of distrust in the capabilities of traditional management. This situation has developed in accordance with the “principle of organizational degradation” (G. Hilmi), “a system operating in a chaotic environment or in an environment with an organization level lower than the level of the system itself is doomed: constantly losing its structure, it

dissolves after a while in the surrounding, more chaotic environment.

The presence of a conceptual gap in the vision of the prospects for resolving the crisis in university management is a serious obstacle to the development of consistent unified approaches to the disclosure (knowledge) of the patterns of creation, functioning and development of effective organizational entities. In a broader context, this is due to the general scientific process of shifting the methodological focus in the study of socio-economic complex, open, non-linear systems towards the system-synergetic paradigm. The new methodological setting in management makes it possible not only to remove linear points, but also to single out a fairly small number of order parameters (variables) that describe the behavior and dynamics of such systems, which make it possible to carry out diagnostic and predictive procedures and overcome the "curse of dimensionality".

Thus, further development of management is possible only on the basis of natural-science argumentation of its conceptual foundations within the framework of the synthesis of traditional systemic, structural-functional, co-evolutionary and systemic-synergetic approaches, as well as system-simulation modeling data.

For example, consider one of the properties of complex systems - regeneration, that is, the ability of systems to restore deformed structures and functions. This property is reflected in the processes of self-organization, self-regulation, self-healing, self-purification, self-completion, self-assembly, which should be considered as the most important components of the organizational potential in a particular direction of socio-economic development, as a way out of the crisis. With all the ideological and methodological richness of these approaches, the dominant features recent years are "separation" and "stopped" development of university management.

The undeveloped systemic-coevolutionary-synergistic paradigm, inaccurate (often incorrect) interpretation of the features of modern organizational reality leaves serious gaps in the intellectual space of organizational issues and causes a feeling of natural incompleteness of organizational and managerial knowledge, hinders decision-making in the practice of internally effective and externally efficient management of companies and company networks. Textbook work is a thing of the past. Managers must learn to think, act, and achieve effectively without visible hierarchical props when a large number potential centers of power. The ability of managers to succeed depends more on the number of partnerships in which they are at the center than on their position in the hierarchy.

The era of splitting management into separate areas is coming to an end, it is necessary to search for generally valid principles linking the disciplinary areas of management. Another reason for the crisis of university management is that it fell into a rigid dependence on the previous development (path depedence) or into the “development trap” (R. Chambers, R. Nu-

riev, K. Polterovich), when the past determines the present and he is at the bifurcation point (critical node, critical junction), when there is a favorable opportunity to choose a qualitatively new theoretical and methodological basis for management. This means a revolutionary change in the content essence of management as an object of study, which ultimately determines the competencies and structure of the behavior of managers - university graduates.

The search for the optimal dependence on the previous development is a maneuver between the "unification trap" (the dominance of one paradigm to the detriment of the "Occam's razor" applicable to most organizational and managerial problems), and the "fragmentation trap" that occurs when there are many still insufficiently developed qualitatively new paradigms (sociocultural, synergetic, anthropic, co-evolutionary and other approaches). Obviously, in the first case, the activity of the teacher is excessively limited by the path of management, and in the second, it requires the need to develop "new approaches and methods" that are on the periphery of management theory.

The transfer of peripheral concepts to the core of management theory is possible on the basis of the ideas of methodological complementarity: the effectiveness of a particular concept directly depends on its comparative advantages, attractiveness and conjugation with the concepts of the core theory. This problem is also solved by dividing the concepts into "fast" and "slow" and taking into account the rate of change of each other. The properties of "slow" concepts determine the rate of penetration of "fast" concepts into the core of the theory on the basis of collective selection, the latter reinforce the character of the slow ones. The “selectorate” is a circle of scientists and teachers who are able to take part in the development of non-traditional concepts that are trusted and able to weaken the theoretical and methodological inertia in the management sciences, remove the “blockade” of changes in university management. In this case, all concepts turn out to be co-evolutionarily related to each other, with a competitive manifestation of each.

The backward convoy of university management forms the upper classes of high-aged management professors, burdened with academic degrees in sociological, pedagogical and economic sciences, who have power, but cannot be considered the management elite in terms of competence and efficiency criteria - carriers of innovative achievements. More than 80% of their work does not go beyond one scientific space (structural-functional, systemic, socioeconomic, situational), and the “educated community of ordinary management teachers” does not have independent scientific interests in the field of quality (creative) management and does not have the means of organized public expression of its independence. There are practically no innovative scientific schools in the field of management sciences in universities, which are in the center of attention and are able to lead the community of management teachers, forming role models and guidelines for other schools, departments,

individual educators-scientists. Such scientific schools should act as creators of the space of new meanings, patterns, principles, models in the field of management.

In order to consolidate and manifest its subjectivity, the community of management teachers should unite not on the basis of administrative coercion, but on the basis of a conscious interest in integrating their efforts in the development of university management. The current UMO of management does not perform and cannot perform an essentially unifying function, it “serves itself”, primitives the elements of innovation and does not provide a horizontal network structuring (each with each) of the community of management teachers. It is necessary to create Russian and regional associations, unions of management teachers and practicing managers. Only within the framework of associations is it possible to move from a fragmentary catching up and peripheral trajectory of development to a polyphonic modernization of university management, to its integral renewal, stop the inertial "running in circles", leave the "communal apartment" and get out of the "historical rut" to a qualitatively new intellectual level and integrated management thinking (consciousness), corresponding to the modern civilizational matrix built on the market archetype, competence-based approach and feedback mechanism.

It should be recognized that only management, "covered" by scientific schools and a self-organized network of associations of teachers, can overcome the crisis and develop dynamically, turning from an object of faith into rational multi-paradigm knowledge. Fixation scientific schools and the rootedness of teachers in networks of personal relationships will increase scientific communications at the junction of management paradigms, the intensity and creativity of their interactions, form a single problem field of university management in the process of dialogue and remove the boundaries between conceptual spaces, and representatives of different schools will understand each other, maintaining their reasoned non-fusion, plurality of equal consciousnesses. This will also make it possible to weaken the dependence of young teachers - ordinary citizens of the Republic "Management" on scientific schools. In the meantime, educational management is a “separated” discipline - several weakly interconnected intellectual spaces that use their own categorical apparatus, their own analysis-synthesis methodology, presentation of results and do not have a common system-forming denominator (Esperanto).

In the conditions of the knowledge economy and the information society, our graduate managers should (and so far cannot) act as one of the main carriers of the innovative and creative potential of economic entities, possessing an inalienable resource - special knowledge, skills, formalized in university diplomas and the head of a manager. They are becoming a key link in a new class of information producers (M. Castells, 2000, pp. 497-501) with high reflexivity, i.e., the ability to present various solutions to new, poorly defined problems and make a choice between them. Besides,

the manager must have the ability for multidisciplinary, multifaceted entrepreneurial activity. Creative managers are deservedly included in the core of the "new middle class" that produces economic values ​​(R. Floridi, 2007, p. 85). It is clear that reaching a qualitatively new level of university management is a problem of very large dimensions. But she's completely doable.


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The textbook gives a systematic understanding of the fundamentals of entrepreneurial organization.
activities and contributes to the formation of an innovative worldview. The history of the formation and stages of development of entrepreneurship in Russia, the essence and methods of entrepreneurial activity, the environment and types of entrepreneurial structures are consistently considered.
Much attention is paid to practical issues related to the search for an entrepreneurial idea, the protection of information resources and ensuring the safety of entrepreneurial activity. All problems are considered taking into account the specific conditions for the development of market relations in modern Russia,
It is intended for students of specialty 060800 "Economics and management at the enterprise (by industry)", graduate students, teachers of economic universities and faculties, as well as entrepreneurs in various fields of activity.

The textbook "Organization of Entrepreneurial Activity" marks the transition to a qualitatively new stage, which is characterized not only by the consideration of problems associated with entrepreneurship, but also by bridging the gap between theoretical training and practically necessary knowledge. It was developed in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specialty 060800 "Economics and Management at the Enterprise (by industry)", approved on March 17, 2000 No. 238 ek / sp. The author of the textbook, Professor A. N. Asaul actively participated in the development of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education of the second generation. Under his leadership and with direct participation, an exemplary program of the discipline "Organization of Entrepreneurship" was developed, in accordance with which the textbook was written. It is an integral part of the educational and methodological complex developed by the author in this discipline, including work program, an educational and methodical map of the discipline, a real textbook, a workshop, an electronic version of the textbook and demo slides for the course.

Preface 5
Introduction 9
Thanks 11
1.1. Development of domestic entrepreneurship 15
1.2. Economic nature and content of entrepreneurship 27
1.3. Entrepreneurship as a special form of economic activity 38
1.4. Entrepreneurial environment 49
1.5. Business objectives 61
Tasks 71
Test questions 71
Self Test Questions 77
Recommended Reading 78
2.1. Fundamentals of the formation of entrepreneurial networks 81
2.2. Network associations in the investment and construction sector 87
2.3. Clusters - network territorial associations 95
2.4 Innovative entrepreneurial networks: technology parks, policies 106
2.5. Regional business networks: business centers, business incubators 116
Tasks 129
Test questions 130
Self Test Questions 136
Recommended Reading 137
3.1. The essence of the terms "organization" and "enterprise" 139
3.2. Organizational and legal forms of commercial organizations 145
3.3 Factors influencing the choice of legal form of organization 154
3.4. Basics of building an organizational structure, types of commercial organizations 164
3.5. Forms of company integration 174
Tasks 185
Test questions 186
Self Test Questions 192
Recommended Reading 193
4.1. Principles and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity 195
4.2. Planning the development of business entities, activities 205
4.3. Ethics and culture in entrepreneurship 215
4.4. Innovative corporate culture 225
4.5. Organizational and managerial innovations 234
Tasks 247
Test questions 247
Self Test Questions 254
Recommended Reading 255
5.1. Economic security 258
5.2. Hostile Mergers and Acquisitions 264
5.3. Opposition to raiding (aggressive policy) 273
5.4. Information security 284
5.5. Protecting information resources and improving information security 296
Tasks 308
Test questions 308
Self Test Questions 314
Recommended Reading 315
Conclusion 316
Applications 317.

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