Analysis of the activities of an educational institution. Educational portal Analysis of any educational institution

B01: 10.12731/2218-7405-2017-4-2-140-146


Konovalova N.V.

OYASGO: 0000-0002-0720-3332, Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics, Taganrog, Russia

The factors of the external environment of frequency educational institution. The article focuses on identifying the main advantages of a private university compared to federal ones. The main difference between a private educational institution and a federal one is that a private university is a structure financed mainly by funds received from students. The positive perception of a private educational institution depends on its positioning and promotion in the educational industry. Analysis of the external environment of a private university involves an assessment of identified opportunities and threats environment competitors of the university, which is the initial conditions for developing its strategy.

The results of the work are that the dominant factors of REBT analysis were identified on the scales of probability and the significance of its manifestation. Experts ranked the factors of REBT analysis according to the strength of the influence of the environmental parameter. Significant parameters on the probability and significance scales are the popularity of the university, the reputation of the university and consumer satisfaction with the quality of services provided. The author offers recommendations for improving the activities of a university based on REBT analysis.

Key words: REBT analysis; educational institution; external environment of the educational institution.


Konovalova N. V.

ORCID: 0000-0002-0720-3332, Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics, Taganrog, Russian Federation

Factors of the external environment of frequency educational institution are considered. In article the emphasis on identifications of the main benefits of private higher education institution in comparison with federal is placed. The main difference of private educational institution from federal consists that private higher education institution - the structure financed in the basic for the account by means arriving from students. Positive perception of private educational institution depends on its positioning and promotion in an educational industry. The analysis of the external environment of private higher education institution assumes assessment of the identified opportunities and threats of the environment of competitors of higher education institution which is original conditions for the development of its strategy.

Results of work are that the dominating PEST-analysis factors on probability scales to a scale of the importance of its manifestation are revealed. Experts ranged PEST analysis factors on force of impact of parameter of the external environment. Significant parameters on scales of probability and importance are popularity of higher education institution, reputation of higher education institution and a consumer satisfaction quality of the rendered services. The author offers recommendations about enhancement of activities of higher education institution on the basis of PEST analysis.

Keywords: PEST-analysis; private educational institution; external environment of an educational institution.

The selection and development of a strategy for a higher education institution begins with an analysis of the external environment. External environment of the organization

represents a set of actively operating subjects and forces that are outside the sphere direct control by the organization's management and can influence its strategy.

Strategic analysis of the external environment helps to determine the potential that a university can rely on in implementing the strategy of an educational institution.

The purpose of strategic analysis of the external environment is:

1. Sign detection possible changes, capable of influencing the life of a higher educational institution;

2. Monitoring specific trends and structures of the macroenvironment;

3. Forecasting the direction of future changes in the macroenvironment;

4. Assess existing and future trends in terms of their likely impacts on the activities of a higher education institution.

Key factors for the success of a university are competitive opportunities, performance results that determine the success of the university. The key success factors are great importance to formulate a university strategy. Clear view about the factors that play a decisive role in achieving long-term competitive advantage, contributes to the development of a successful strategy.

The purpose of the study is to develop directions for improving the activities of an educational institution.

The subject of the study is the strategic potential of a non-profit educational institution, and the object is the activities of the educational institution (using the example of CHOU TIUE).

The research methods are PE8T analysis and expert assessment. The experts were the heads of a non-profit educational institution.

The results of the PE8T analysis showed that in the external environment of a private educational institution it is possible to distinguish not only

political, economic factors, but also the reputation of the university as an economic agent.

Political aspects include changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation in the educational sphere and the expansion of the choice of directions and specialties determined by the Ministry of Education. The initial rules for the participation of universities in the educational space, which are established by the state:

Guaranteeing the right to education throughout life in accordance with educational or professional needs;

Equality and competition of entities engaged in educational activities, including educational organizations of various forms of ownership and individual entrepreneurs, which is based on the explicit principle of civil law;

Openness of the education system to external requests, i.e. the education system will henceforth develop a mechanism for public participation in management and social and professional accreditation, participation in network forms of educational activities.

Changes in the educational sphere include:

Limitation and reduction of the range of specialties;

Limitation budget places certain specialties;

Changing the rules of licensing, accreditation and certification of universities;

Changes in Federal State Educational Standards for specialties.

Economic aspects of REvT analysis are presented:

Level of competition;

Increased demand for services provided;

Expanding scientific and consulting activities in the region and beyond;

Growing income of the population;

Customer satisfaction with the quality of services provided.

The level of competition is predetermined by the number of private and federal universities and their branches. The expansion of scientific and consulting activities in the region and beyond is represented by the participation of its employees at conferences at various levels, receipt of grants, and participation in various funds supporting educational activities. External factors regulating the financial activities of a university require the ability to create comfortable conditions for paying for education, including providing a system of discounts, taking into account legal mechanisms for regulating tuition fees, etc. Also, the development of the activities of an educational institution is influenced by the growth of income of the population and the demand for the services provided.

Social aspects include the reputation of TIUIE; fame of TIUiE; prestige of a higher educational institution (attitude towards the university); the attitude of parents and applicants towards private educational institutions and reviews of school teachers about the work of the university. These aspects reflect the idea of ​​the university and the situation in the region.

Technological aspects reflect the development of new technologies that support the educational process; technological literacy of consumers, requirements for the level of education and computer literacy of teaching staff. The presented aspects reflect the level of personnel development.

Thus, the PE8T analysis showed that the analysis of the external environment of an educational institution affects the development and establishment of a university not only by the economic state of the population and the region as a whole, but also by constant changes in legislation. Consumer satisfaction with the activities of an educational institution is influenced by both the teaching staff and the support staff of the university.

Reviewed on specific example how the above factors affect the activities of the enterprise. A 5-point scale was used, where 1 is the minimum knowledge, 5 is the maximum knowledge. During the study, 7 experts were interviewed. After averaging the data - 144 -

nykh. The assessment of factors according to REBT analysis is presented in the description of the frequency-percentage analysis of data processing.

The dominant factors of REvT analysis for assessing the likelihood of occurrence are “Reputation of TIU&E” (4.3); “Consumer satisfaction with the quality of services provided” (4) and “Reputability of TIUIE” (3.8). Among these factors, social factors include such as “Famousness of TIU&E” and “Reputation of TIU&E”. The least significant factors were “Requirements for the level of education and computer literacy of teaching staff” (3.5); “Optimization of the price-quality ratio for training” (3.5) and “Development of new technologies to ensure the educational process” (3.3). These factors are considered technical.

According to the assessment of the significance of the manifestation of the factor, the first three places are occupied by “Famousness of TIU&E” (4.8); “Optimization of the price-quality ratio for training” (4.6) and “Consumer satisfaction with the quality of services provided” (4.5). The identified factors mainly relate to the economic parameter. In last place are the factors “Requirements for the level of education and computer literacy of teaching staff” (3.2) and “Development of new technologies that support the educational process” (3.2). The identified factors mainly relate to the technological parameter.

The results of the empirical study allowed us to make the following recommendations for the development of the private educational institution “TIUiE”:

¡.Attracting applicants: expanding geography, increasing quality composition and use modern instruments attraction.

2. Orientation educational process to the requirements of employers and professional standards, as well as integration with the scientific process and innovation activities

3. Ensuring the economic efficiency of the educational process without loss of quality.

4. Development of human resources (attraction, development, retention of personnel).

5. Effective marketing of the market and territories, active positioning and promotion of the educational institution.


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SWOT analysis of the state of the educational system

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 13"

for the 2012-2013 academic year

Assessment of external and internal prospects for school development

All the years, MBOU “Gymnasium No. 13” has been developing dynamically, introducing modern educational technologies and variability into the educational process curricula. For the full and comprehensive development of the gymnasium, a qualitative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the school’s potential is necessary.

A SWOT analysis of the work of the gymnasium for the 2012-2013 academic year is the final form of such an analysis.

The SWOT analysis was carried out in the form of an open individual interview with members of the gymnasium administration, as well as heads of subject departments.

SWOT – analysis of the development potential of the gymnasium:

  1. "New quality of education"

(Federal State Educational Standard - updating the content of education,

in-depth study of subjects, educational and methodological complexes)

Assessment of the internal potential of the gymnasium


Weak side



  • IN primary school Since the 2010-2011 academic year in the 1st grade, the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education has been introduced in pilot mode general education(1st grades), since 2011-2012, the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO has already been introduced in four 1st grades (1 a, b, c, d), in 2012-2013 academic year The first grades who have entered are also trained according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Education (1 a, b, c). Thus on this moment in the gymnasium, 8 grades of primary school are taught according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Education (1-a, b, c; 2-a, b, c, d; 3-c);
  • Conditions have been created for the implementation of Federal educational standards for primary general education;
  • The gymnasium has potential and all conditions have been created for a gradual transition to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC from the 2013-2014 academic year;
  • The gymnasium has selected a professional staff of teachers capable of working according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and forming the knowledge and development of students according to the new standard;
  • With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO, there is a constant development of students and the formation of various subject and meta-subject skills in them;
  • With the use of teaching materials, students' knowledge is systematized, reducing the time of searching for the necessary information for both the teacher and the student;
  • With the introduction of updated educational content, students develop abstract thinking, students strive for self-improvement, occurs personal growth, as well as growth in development;
  • Students quickly adapt to school, requirements, and the team;
  • The presence in the gymnasium of an automated teacher's workstation and modern classroom equipment allows teachers to make the learning process more intense, interesting, motivating, and also embracing the full potential of students;
  • The saturation of classroom and extracurricular activities, potential overload of students, combined with undeveloped healthy recreation outside of school can cause fatigue in some students;
  • When updating the content of education, there is no full support from the parent community, reduced activity and interest in participating in the life of the school is partially manifested, as well as during the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • Not all students are ready to study according to the Federal State Educational Standard (the necessary competencies are absent or have not been developed);
  • Teachers have a habit of working according to a well-known familiar model of presenting knowledge, there is a fear of entering into the experiment of Federal State Educational Standards LLC;
  • Introduction of innovative technologies for developmental education;
  • Implementation into the system educational work schools of social design technology;
  • Creation of a system for increasing the level of pedagogical awareness of parents;
  • Involving parents in participation in school-wide events;
  • Introduction of the social design method.

Involving social partners in solving school development issues;

  • No significant professional support when mastering the Federal State Educational Standards from external partners, it is necessary to implement the Federal State Educational Standards within the organization, as a result of which there may be threats of acceptable mistakes;
  • Limitations on the development of the Federal State Educational Standard and in-depth study of subjects are introduced by the physical unwillingness of some students to perceive the updated content of education; some students do not have or are not sufficiently developed competencies for their mastery;
  • The conservative approach of some teachers in relation to changing the education system may cause difficulties in mastering the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC;
  • The risk of increased workload borne by members of the administration and teachers;
  1. Implementation of the project “Talented Children:

technologies for high-quality support and support"

Assessment of school development prospects based on the external environment


Weak side



  • A system of working with gifted and talented children has been built;
  • Conducted elective courses, individual consultations, intra-school Olympiads, conferences, “small academy”, participation in intellectual games, field projects “Talented Children”;
  • Participation in olympiads and conferences at the city and all-Russian levels;
  • There is support and training for students by teachers;
  • Insufficient preparation of students by external professionals, consultants, and scientists due to the lack of financial resources to pay for the involvement of these specialists;
  • Lack of time resources for both the teacher and the student;
  • There are not enough facilities in the school for the maximum development of children (for example, sports training grounds, classrooms);
  • Insufficient systematic support from the educational part (there are no systematically conducted activities aimed at involving in participation in olympiads, conferences, etc. - for example, in the form of intra-school competitions, quizzes, brain rings, etc.);
  • Not all teachers are involved in identifying and supporting talented children; there are teachers who do not pursue this goal in the learning process;
  • Improving the effectiveness of work with gifted and talented children with the involvement of social partners;
  • Systematization of classroom and extracurricular activities of students;
  • Involving school teachers to participate in the development and improvement of students’ knowledge and talents;
  • Creation of systematically conducted events aimed at involving students in participation in olympiads, conferences, etc. – for example, in the form of intra-school competitions, quizzes, brain rings, etc.);
  • Involving students and graduate students of universities, for patronage and creation of micro-groups, for the implementation of project activities;

The biggest dangers for the school:

  • A decrease in the number of students, or a change in the level of enrollment of children due to the distribution of students to schools by region;
  • Financing of the education system, which causes a lack of opportunity to attract professionals, consultants, and scientists for the high-quality and full development of talented children;
  • Changing the status of the gymnasium.
  1. The quality of life of a student: the boundaries and possibilities of a gymnasium.

Assessing the internal potential of the school

Assessment of school development prospects based on the external environment


Weak side



  • Schedule, lesson and extracurricular activities, offices, equipment comply with SanPIN;
  • In-depth medical examination, monitoring and tracking of students’ medical indicators;
  • Implementation of the city target program “School Milk”;
  • Fortified meals, a well-functioning schedule for the school canteen;
  • Sports work (sports events, relay races, health days, sports days);
  • Involving social partnership in preserving the health of students (conducting physical education lessons in large sports complexes);
  • Organizing medical examinations for school students and teachers;
  • The use of health-saving technologies during lessons (use of multimedia technologies, exercise, physical education;
  • Insufficient use of health-saving technologies in lessons, periodically inappropriate seating of students in the classroom (students with poor vision do not always sit in the first desks);
  • For students in special education medical groups do not have special physical education classes with a medical specialist (due to lack of funds);
  • There are no additional facilities or resources for organized sports activities (e.g. playground for outdoor sports);
  • Limited opportunity to attract social partners for swimming, skating, skiing and other sports activities;
  • Attracting social partners, philanthropists, sponsors to organize students’ full physical sports development (creating a site for outdoor sports, organizing turnstiles on the school grounds, conducting classes in the pool, skating rink, skiing, etc.);
  • Overload of students with class and extracurricular activities;
  • Inability to expand the area (premises) suitable for health savings;
  • Unhealthy and uncontrolled lifestyle of families;
  1. The quality of a school’s work is a component of the achievements of the teachers working in it.

Assessing the internal potential of the school

Assessment of school development prospects based on the external environment


Weak side



  • The presence in the gymnasium of a professional team of teachers who have regalia at the local, regional and all-Russian levels;
  • Regularly held decades of pedagogical excellence, methodological associations, departmental meetings;
  • Teachers head the city's methodological associations;
  • The team is professional and creative;
  • Teachers regularly participate in city and regional competitions “Teacher of the Year”, “Coolest Class”, and receive prizes in these competitions;
  • The teaching staff regularly attends refresher courses and exchanges experience;
  • The team is rarely updated with young specialists;
  • The work of some class teachers is partially not carried out properly, as a result of which professionalism in general, as well as the behavior of students, suffers;
  • Participation in various competitions at the city and regional level requires large physical and financial costs;
  • Some of the teaching staff are not psychologically ready to change to work with students according to new standards, there is conservatism, fear of mastering the Federal State Educational Standards LLC;
  • Redistribution of responsibilities of team members;
  • Replacement of personnel, or elimination or fight against conservative views on the functionality of the gymnasium of some teachers;
  • Reluctance to work properly with classroom teams leads to the collapse of both pedagogical and educational in general;
  • Due to the underestimation or omission of educational work in the school, disintegration occurs educational activities All in all;
  1. The quality of social partnership: state-public management in a general education institution: activation of opportunities, search for new resources.

Assessing the internal potential of the school

Assessment of school development prospects based on the external environment


Weak side



  • Joint activities with the main state university region – North-Eastern State University, other educational institutions;
  • In connection with the involvement and interaction with SVSU, new resources and opportunities for development appear;
  • Interaction with the library department to conduct training lessons, development and self-development;
  • Teachers use subject websites, Internet resources to enrich their experience, communicate with teachers from other cities using Internet portals, and exchange experiences;
  • The resource center is not fully or fully used to enrich the knowledge and experience of teachers;
  • Limited opportunity for on-site training for teachers at the Central Educational Center to enrich and update knowledge, meet teachers from other regions to expand professional connections;
  • The remoteness of our institution from others with whom social partnership is possible (A.S. Pushkin library, museums, etc.);
  • Involving third-party specialists to enrich experience, activate opportunities, search for new ideas and resources;
  • Possibility of on-site training at the Central Distribution Center to enrich experience and update knowledge;
  • The limitation is the geographical distance from the Center for Distribution, since due to this it is not always possible to participate in online conferences;
  • There is no interaction with extra-budgetary organizations and commercial enterprises to activate opportunities and search for new resources;

Results of the SWOT analysis of the school’s work

  • The teaching staff with a high professional level and creative potential is ready to test and introduce innovative technologies into the educational process of the school. educational programs and technologies relevant for the development of the education system.
  • Experience of working with social partners in organizing educational and extracurricular activities of students has significant potential in expanding the conditions for providing affordable quality education to school students in accordance with individual needs.
  • Formed system school government, organized work of state and public school management bodies, work public organizations are the basis for expanding the social openness of the school to the surrounding society and creating a system of effective school management.
  • The school has created conditions for the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for primary general education; the foundation is being created for the experimental launch of Federal State Educational Standards LLC.
  • With the use of teaching materials, students' knowledge is systematized, reducing the time of searching for the necessary information for both the teacher and the student. With the introduction of updated educational content, students develop abstract thinking, students strive for self-improvement, personal growth occurs, as well as growth in development. Students quickly adapt to school, requirements, and the team.
  • A system of working with gifted and talented children has been built. Elective courses, individual consultations, intra-school Olympiads, conferences, a “small academy”, participation in intellectual games, and visiting projects “Talented Children” are conducted. Participation in olympiads and conferences at the city and all-Russian levels. There is support and training for students by teachers.
  • The schedule, classroom and extracurricular activities, classrooms, and equipment comply with SanPINs. In-depth medical examination, monitoring and tracking of students’ medical indicators. Implementation of the city target program “School Milk”. Fortified meals, a well-functioning schedule for the school canteen. Educational work of teachers, class teachers on the topics of health conservation, physical education and life safety teachers. Sports work (sports events, relay races, health days, sports days). Involving social partnership in preserving the health of students (conducting physical education lessons in large sports complexes). Organizing medical examinations for school students and teachers. The use of health-saving technologies during lessons (use of multimedia technologies, exercise, physical education;

Activity analysis educational organization

Assessing the internal potential of the school

Assessment of school development prospects based on the external environment


Weak side



    Conditions have been created for the implementation of the Federal Educational Standards for Primary General Education and the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC;

    The school has selected a professional staff of teachers capable of working according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and forming the knowledge and development of students according to the new standard;

    With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO, there is a constant development of students and the formation of various subject and meta-subject skills in them;

    With the use of teaching materials, students' knowledge is systematized, reducing the time of searching for the necessary information for both the teacher and the student;

    With the introduction of updated educational content, students develop abstract thinking, students strive for self-improvement, personal growth occurs, as well as growth in development;

    Students quickly adapt to school, requirements, and the team;

    The presence in the gymnasium of an automated teacher's workstation and modern classroom equipment allows teachers to make the learning process more intense, interesting, motivating, and also embracing the full potential of students;

    The saturation of classroom and extracurricular activities, potential overload of students, combined with undeveloped healthy recreation outside of school can cause fatigue in some students;

    When updating the content of education, there is no full support from the parent community, reduced activity and interest in participating in the life of the school is partially manifested, as well as during the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard;

    Not all students are ready to study according to the Federal State Educational Standard (the necessary competencies are absent or have not been developed);

    Teachers have a habit of working according to a well-known familiar model of presenting knowledge, there is a fear of entering into the experiment of Federal State Educational Standards LLC;

    Introduction of innovative technologies for developmental education;

    Introduction of social design technology into the system of educational work of the school;

    Creation of a system for increasing the level of pedagogical awareness of parents;

    Involving parents in participation in school-wide events;

    Introduction of the social design method.

Involving social partners in solving school development issues;

    There is no significant professional support in mastering the Federal State Educational Standards from external partners; it is necessary to implement the Federal State Educational Standards within the organization, as a result of which there are possible threats of errors;

    Limitations on the development of the Federal State Educational Standard and in-depth study of subjects are introduced by the physical unwillingness of some students to perceive the updated content of education; some students do not have or are not sufficiently developed competencies for their mastery;

    The conservative approach of some teachers in relation to changing the education system may cause difficulties in mastering the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC;

    The risk of increased workload borne by members of the administration and teachers;

    Implementation of the project “Talented Children:

technologies for high-quality support and support"

A system of working with gifted and talented children has been built;

Elective courses, individual consultations, intra-school Olympiads, conferences, “small academy”, participation in intellectual games, visiting projects “Talented Children” are conducted;

Participation in olympiads and conferences at the city and all-Russian levels;

There is support and training for students by teachers;

    Insufficient preparation of students by external professionals, consultants, and scientists due to the lack of financial resources to pay for the involvement of these specialists;

    Lack of time resources for both the teacher and the student;

    There are not enough facilities in the school for the maximum development of children (for example, sports training grounds, classrooms);

    Insufficient systematic support from the educational part (there are no systematically conducted activities aimed at involving in participation in olympiads, conferences, etc. - for example, in the form of intra-school competitions, quizzes, brain rings, etc.);

    Not all teachers are involved in identifying and supporting talented children; there are teachers who do not pursue this goal in the learning process;

    Improving the effectiveness of work with gifted and talented children with the involvement of social partners;

    Systematization of classroom and extracurricular activities of students;

    Involving school teachers to participate in the development and improvement of students’ knowledge and talents;

    Creation of systematically conducted events aimed at involving students in participation in olympiads, conferences, etc. – for example, in the form of intra-school competitions, quizzes, brain rings, etc.);

    Involving students and graduate students of universities, for patronage and creation of micro-groups, for the implementation of project activities;

The biggest dangers for the school:

    A decrease in the number of students, or a change in the level of enrollment of children due to the distribution of students to schools by region;

    Financing of the education system, which causes a lack of opportunity to attract professionals, consultants, and scientists for the high-quality and full development of talented children;

    Changing the status of the gymnasium.

    Student’s quality of life: boundaries and possibilities of the school.

The schedule, classroom and extracurricular activities, classrooms, and equipment comply with SanPIN;

In-depth medical examination, monitoring and tracking of students’ medical indicators;

Implementation of the city target program “School Milk”;

Fortified meals, a well-functioning schedule for the school canteen;

    Educational work of teachers, class teachers on the topics of health conservation, physical education and life safety teachers;

    Sports work (sports events, relay races, health days, sports days);

    Involving social partnership in preserving the health of students (conducting physical education lessons in large sports complexes);

    Organizing medical examinations for school students and teachers;

    The use of health-saving technologies during lessons (use of multimedia technologies, exercise, physical education;

    Insufficient use of health-saving technologies in lessons, periodically inappropriate seating of students in the classroom (students with poor vision do not always sit in the first desks);

    For students in special education medical groups do not have special physical education classes with a medical specialist (due to lack of funds);

    There are no additional facilities and resources for organized sports activities (for example, a sports ground for outdoor sports);

    Limited opportunity to attract social partners for swimming, skating, skiing and other sports activities;

    Attracting social partners, philanthropists, sponsors to organize students’ full physical sports development (creating a site for outdoor sports, organizing turnstiles on the school grounds, conducting classes in the pool, skating rink, skiing, etc.);

    Overload of students with class and extracurricular activities;

    Inability to expand the area (premises) suitable for health savings;

    Unhealthy and uncontrolled lifestyle of families;

    The quality of a school’s work is a component of the achievements of the teachers working in it.

The presence in the gymnasium of a professional team of teachers who have regalia at the local, regional and all-Russian levels;

Regularly held decades of pedagogical excellence, methodological associations, department meetings;

Teachers head the city's methodological associations;

The team is professional and creative;

Teachers regularly participate in city and regional competitions “Teacher of the Year”, “Coolest Class”, and receive prizes in these competitions;

The teaching staff regularly attends refresher courses and exchanges experience;

    The team is rarely updated with young specialists;

    The work of some class teachers is partially not carried out properly, as a result of which professionalism in general, as well as the behavior of students, suffers;

    Participation in various competitions at the city and regional level requires large physical and financial costs;

    Some of the teaching staff are not psychologically ready to change to work with students according to new standards, there is conservatism, fear of mastering the Federal State Educational Standards LLC;

    Redistribution of responsibilities of team members;

    Replacement of personnel, or elimination or fight against conservative views on the functionality of the gymnasium of some teachers;

    Reluctance to work properly with classroom teams leads to the collapse of both pedagogical and educational in general;

    Due to the underestimation or omission of educational work at school, educational activities in general collapse;

    The quality of social partnership: state-public management in a general education institution: activation of opportunities, search for new resources.

Joint activities with the main state university of the region - North-Eastern State University, and other educational institutions;

In connection with the involvement and interaction with SVSU, new resources and opportunities for development appear;

Interaction with the library department to conduct training lessons, development and self-development;

Teachers use subject websites, Internet resources to enrich their experience, communicate with teachers from other cities using Internet portals, and exchange experiences;

    The resource center is not fully or fully used to enrich the knowledge and experience of teachers;

    Limited opportunity for on-site training for teachers at the Central Educational Center to enrich and update knowledge, meet teachers from other regions to expand professional connections;

    The remoteness of our institution from others with whom social partnership is possible (A.S. Pushkin library, museums, etc.);

    Involving third-party specialists to enrich experience, activate opportunities, search for new ideas and resources;

    Possibility of on-site training at the Central Distribution Center to enrich experience and update knowledge;

    The limitation is the geographical distance from the Center for Distribution, since due to this it is not always possible to participate in online conferences;

    There is no interaction with extra-budgetary organizations and commercial enterprises to activate opportunities and search for new resources;

Results of the SWOT analysis of the school’s work

    The teaching staff with a high professional level and creative potential is ready to test and introduce innovative educational programs and technologies into the educational process of the school that are relevant for the development of the education system.

    Experience of working with social partners in organizing educational and extracurricular activities of students has significant potential in expanding the conditions for providing affordable quality education to school students in accordance with individual needs.

    The established system of school self-government, the organized work of state and public school management bodies, and the work of public organizations are the basis for expanding the social openness of the school to the surrounding society and creating a system of effective school management.

    The school has created conditions for the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for primary general education; the foundation is being created for the experimental launch of Federal State Educational Standards LLC.

    With the use of teaching materials, students' knowledge is systematized, reducing the time of searching for the necessary information for both the teacher and the student. With the introduction of updated educational content, students develop abstract thinking, students strive for self-improvement, personal growth occurs, as well as growth in development. Students quickly adapt to school, requirements, and the team.

    A system of working with gifted and talented children has been built. Elective courses, individual consultations, intra-school Olympiads, conferences, a “small academy”, participation in intellectual games, and visiting projects “Talented Children” are conducted. Participation in olympiads and conferences at the city and all-Russian levels. There is support and training for students by teachers.

    The schedule, classroom and extracurricular activities, classrooms, and equipment comply with SanPINs. In-depth medical examination, monitoring and tracking of students’ medical indicators. Implementation of the city target program “School Milk”. Fortified meals, a well-functioning schedule for the school canteen. Educational work of teachers, class teachers on the topics of health conservation, physical education and life safety teachers. Sports work (sports events, relay races, health days, sports days). Involving social partnership in preserving the health of students (conducting physical education lessons in large sports complexes). Organizing medical examinations for school students and teachers. The use of health-saving technologies during lessons (use of multimedia technologies, exercise, physical education;

1.3 Specifics of the work of a specialized correctional educational institution

Specialized (correctional) educational institutions are institutions created for persons with disabilities in health and life activities.

Goal: comprehensive development of the child in accordance with his capabilities, maximum adaptation to the surrounding reality in order to create a basis for further schooling(for preschool educational institutions) and secondary or higher education (for school).

The purpose of school education: ensuring the constitutional right to receive free education within specialized educational standard; providing medical and psychological support, social adaptation and integration into society Boryakova, N.Yu. Pedagogical systems of training and education of children with developmental disabilities / Boryakova N. Yu. - Moscow: AST, Astrel, 2008. - p. 44-46.


early diagnosis and early comprehensive care. Properly organized early correction can prevent the emergence of secondary developmental deviations, ensure maximum realization of the rehabilitation potential, and for a significant part of children provide the opportunity to be included in the general educational stream for more early stage age development.

cooperation with family. An important condition for correctional assistance to children is the development of pedagogical and organizational conditions for the inclusion of parents in the implementation of individual programs of correctional developmental education.

There are several approaches to correcting the family situation of the development of abnormal children; important aspects of preventive work with the parents of a problem child are identified, which make it possible to prevent a number of secondary deviations. Directions and organizational forms of work for specialists with families are being developed to help parents develop a positive attitude towards the child and ensure the development of effective and accessible forms of interaction with the child in everyday, emotional, and play situations.

Forms of assistance to parents: "University for Parents", at the laboratory of school education of children with developmental problems, psychological and pedagogical consultation, assistance from a defectologist, psychologist in rehabilitation centers, visits to specialists. services - PMPC, PMS centers.

Integrated learning. In the education system, integration means the possibility of choice for persons with special needs. educational needs: receiving education in a specialized (correctional) educational institution or with equal opportunities in education: a general purpose institution (preschool educational institution, school, etc.).

In the conditions of Russian up to school education integrated learning is being introduced into practice slowly and carefully, since in order to implement it, general developmental preschool institutions must have a lot of conditions - special personnel, material and technical support for carrying out correctional pedagogical and therapeutic work with children. The most realistic is the use of integrated education in relation to children who, despite the presence of one or another developmental disorder, have a level of psychophysical development close to the age norm, and psychological readiness for joint learning with children is normal.

It is easier to create such conditions:

a) in general developmental groups of a combined type, where compensatory groups also function;

b) in child development centers where correctional work with everyone preschool teachers; The charter must be laid down initially.

Early Integrated Care is a fast-growing new area of ​​interdisciplinary knowledge that addresses theoretical and practical basics comprehensive care for children in the first months and years of life from groups at medical, genetic and social risk of developmental delays.

Peculiarities of child development at an early age: the plasticity of the central nervous system and the ability to compensate for impaired functions determines the importance of early comprehensive assistance, which allows, through targeted intervention, to correct primary impaired mental and motor functions with reversible defects and prevent the occurrence of secondary deviations in development. Organization of psychological work in school. - M.: Perfection, 1998. - p. 69.

IN last years Special educational institutions are also being created for other categories of children with disabilities in health and life: with autistic personality traits, with Down syndrome. There are also sanatorium (forest schools) for chronically ill and weakened children.

Currently, the types of correctional schools are determined taking into account the primary defect of students. Each of the eight types educational institutions for children with special educational needs has its own specifics.

A special correctional educational institution of the 1st type accepts deaf children into its walls. The task of teachers is to teach a deaf child to communicate with others, to master several types of speech: oral, written, fingerprint, sign. The curriculum includes courses aimed at compensating for hearing through the use of sound-amplifying equipment, pronunciation correction, social and everyday orientation, and others.

Type 2 correctional schools also carry out similar work, but only for children who are hard of hearing or late deaf. It is aimed at restoring lost hearing abilities, organizing active speech practice, and teaching communication skills.

The first and second types of correctional schools carry out the educational process at three levels of general education. However, deaf students take two years longer to complete the primary school curriculum.

The third and fourth types of correctional schools are intended for children with visual impairments. Teachers of these special educational institutions organize the process of training and education in such a way as to preserve other analyzers, develop correctional and compensatory skills, and ensure the social adaptation of children in society.

Blind children, as well as children with visual acuity from 0.04 to 0.08 with complex defects leading to blindness, are sent to a correctional school of the 3rd type. IN educational institution 4 types are accepted for children with visual acuity from 0.05 to 0.4 with the possibility of correction. The specifics of the defect require training using typhoid equipment, as well as special didactic materials allowing you to assimilate incoming information.

A special correctional institution of type 5 is intended for children with general underdevelopment speech, as well as severe speech pathology. The main goal of the school is the correction of speech defects. The entire educational process is organized in such a way that children have the opportunity to develop speech skills throughout the day. If a speech defect is eliminated, parents have the right to transfer the child to a regular school.

Children with musculoskeletal disorders can study in a type 6 correctional school. The correctional institution provides restoration of motor functions, their development, and correction of secondary defects. Particular attention is paid to the social and labor adaptation of pupils.

Type 7 correctional school accepts children with delays mental development, and with opportunities for intellectual development. At school, mental development is corrected, development cognitive activity and the formation of skills in educational activities. Based on the results of their studies in primary school, pupils can be transferred to a comprehensive school.

Type 8 correctional school is needed for children with mental retardation to study according to a special program. The purpose of training is socio-psychological rehabilitation and the possibility of integrating the child into society. In such schools there are classes with in-depth labor training.

Almost all of the listed types of correctional schools educate children for twelve years and have on their staff specialists such as defectologists, speech therapists, and psychologists.

Of course, children who have studied for so many years in a boarding school have certain difficulties in social orientation. A big role in the integration of special children into society belongs not only to correctional schools, but also to parents. A family fighting for their child will definitely be able to help him adapt to the world around him.

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“Technology for making management decisions, organizing and holding meetings in educational institutions”

Analysis of educational institution

    Diagnosis of problems. The first step towards solving a problem is a definition or diagnosis, complete and correct. There are two ways to look at the problem. According to one, a problem is a situation when the set goals are not achieved. In other words, you become aware of a problem because something that should have happened does not happen. By doing this, deviations from the norm can be smoothed out. In another way, a problem can also be considered a potential opportunity.

    Formulation of constraints and decision criteria The manager must impartially determine the essence of the limitations and only then identify alternatives. Some common constraints are inadequacy of funds, insufficient number of workers with the required qualifications and experience, inability to procure inputs at reasonable prices, extremely intense competition, laws and ethical considerations.

    In addition to identifying limitations, the manager needs to determine the standards by which to evaluate alternative options choice. These standards are usually called decision-making criteria. They act as guidelines for evaluating solutions.

    Identifying problem solving options The next stage is the formulation of a set of alternative solutions to the problem. Ideally, it is desirable to identify all possible actions that could eliminate the causes of the problem and thereby enable the organization to achieve its goals. However, in practice, a manager rarely has sufficient knowledge or time to formulate and evaluate each alternative. Moreover, consideration large number alternatives, even if they are all realistic, often lead to confusion. Therefore, the manager typically limits the number of choices to seriously consider only a few alternatives that seem most desirable.

Only after compiling a list of all ideas should you proceed to evaluate each alternative. When evaluating decisions, the manager determines the merits and demerits of each and the possible overall consequences. It is clear that any alternative is associated with some negative aspects. Therefore, almost all important management decisions involve a compromise.

If a model cannot satisfy one or more of the criteria you have established, it can no longer be considered as a realistic alternative.

An important point in evaluation is to determine the likelihood of each possible decision being implemented as intended. If the consequences of a decision are favorable but the chance of its implementation is low, it may be a less desirable choice. The manager includes probability in the estimate, taking into account the degree of uncertainty or risk.

If the problem has been correctly defined and alternative solutions have been carefully weighed and evaluated, making a choice, that is, making a decision, is relatively simple. The manager simply chooses the alternative with the most favorable overall consequences. However, if the problem is complex and there are many trade-offs to consider (or if the information and analysis are subjective), it may be that no alternative is the best choice. IN in this case the main role belongs to good judgment and experience.

    Identification of implementation methods.

The chances of a decision being effectively implemented are greatly increased when the people involved have input into the decision and truly believe in what they are doing. Therefore, a good way to gain acceptance for a decision is to involve other people in the decision-making process. The job of a leader is to choose who should decide. However, there are situations when a manager is forced to make a decision without consulting others. Employee participation in decision making, like any other management method, will not be effective in every situation. Moreover, firm support in itself does not guarantee proper implementation of the decision. Full implementation of decisions requires the activation of the entire management process, especially its organizing and motivational functions.

Problem-oriented analysis of the state of educational


A problem-oriented analysis of the state of the educational institution was carried out in the following areas:

1. State of the external socio-economic environment significant for the school and forecast

trends in its development;

2. State of social order for schools and forecast of trends in changes in needs

subjects of the educational process;

3. Analysis and assessment of student achievements;

4. Analysis and assessment of teaching experience, innovative potential, potential points

growth of the teaching staff.

Directions of problem analysis and possible situations

Issues identified

Problem solving options

1. The state of the external socio-economic environment that is significant for the school and the forecast of its development trends



Change demographic situation district, which led to a reduction in teenage children

Changes in preferences and values ​​in the family

Increasing the competitiveness of schools in the microdistrict

The need for clear quality criteria and rules for obtaining services.



The existing remuneration system does not affect the quality of teaching work or the growth of teachers’ qualifications

The school is an independent business entity and bears full legal and financial responsibility.

Introducing corporate incentive factors in order to improve a person’s professional qualities.

Indicators of economic efficiency of resources are needed. Autonomy and paid services



The out-of-school information space has changed. The risk of reducing the educational attractiveness and competition of the school.

Increasing the information capabilities of teachers; expansion of the technological base

2. State of social order for schools and forecast of trends in changes in the needs of subjects of the educational process


Contradictions between the social and educational order and the needs of students and their parents and the requirements imposed on school graduates by universities and the labor market

The problem of coordinating the social and educational order and the requirements of the university in the context of the introduction of the Unified State Exam

Improving the system of continuous specialized education. The need to conduct constant project, information, propaganda and theoretical work of teachers in social groups cooperating with them


The practice of building educational process at school according to the scheme of profile differentiation (socio-economic and socio-humanitarian profiles are identified and tested), but the student’s individual educational route is not fully ensured.

In the concept of modernization of education and in the Concept of specialized training at the senior level of general education, the key idea of ​​​​individualizing education through a system that includes pre-vocational training in grade 9 and specialized training in grades 10-11;

A model of a basic curriculum for specialized training conditions has been developed.

3. Analysis and assessment of student achievements


Tracking individual and group achievements at school -

lack of a “portfolio” as a comprehensive assessment of a student’s personal development

Creating a portfolio of students and teachers, creating a school portfolio.


In the development of additional education for children

lack of variability in physical education and recreation services for all children and adolescents who wish to do so

Offer from the paid services sector.

4. Analysis and assessment of teaching experience, innovative potential, potential growth points for the teaching staff


Advanced training for teachers

Insufficient level of information culture; poor use of ICT in the educational process; School teachers use mainly traditional teaching and educational technologies; poor use of health-saving technologies in the classroom.

Continuity of professional development for teachers through courses, seminars, and additional education


Improving educational activities

Lack of a system of work on self-education of students and programs for the development of classroom teams; lack of variability in additional education services to preserve and strengthen the health of students; using only traditional forms of student self-government; students have not mastered methods of self-education; insufficient holding of mass sports events with the involvement of parents

To define as a priority of innovative transformations in the field of education the formation of an educational space favorable for self-determination of schoolchildren in socio-cultural values


In updating the content of education

Weak use educational technologies developmental education; lack of a plan for transition to second generation standards.

Creating a comprehensive implementation of civic education in school

Thus, the identified problems can be grouped into the following areas:

1. In updating the content of education - lack of mastery of educational technologies of developmental education; lack of a plan for transition to second generation standards; lack of a system for comprehensive implementation of civic education in school; weak interdisciplinary integration; insufficient use of the educational potential of educational subjects; lack of psychological support for high school students in preparation for the Unified State Exam; lack of continuity of preschool and primary school education (content and educational technologies).

2. In the development of additional education for children, there is a lack of variability in physical education and health-improving services for all children and adolescents who wish to do so.

3. Advanced training for teachers is not for everyone high level professional position of teachers as educators; low level information culture; ICT is not used enough in the educational process; School teachers use mainly traditional teaching and educational technologies; poor use of health-saving technologies in the classroom.

4. Improving educational activities - lack of a system of work on self-education of students and programs for the development of classroom teams; the content of educational activities in the cultural direction is poorly represented; lack of variability in additional education services to preserve and strengthen the health of students; using only traditional forms of student self-government; students have not mastered methods of self-education; insufficient holding of mass sports events with the involvement of parents; lack of stands with the necessary information from institutions vocational education; lack of development program scientific society school students; low level of information culture of students.

5. Improving school management - lack of innovation and variability in forms of school self-government; the level of social partnership building is low; average level innovative activity of teachers; interaction with parents at the management level in some classes is formal; lack of a family leisure center; lack of system and agreement among specialists on issues professional self-determination students; the need for varied support for children from low-income and large families.

6. Tracking individual and group achievements at school - lack of a “portfolio” as a comprehensive assessment professional development teachers; lack of a “portfolio” as a comprehensive assessment of a student’s personal development.

Basedproblem-oriented analysis and conducting a sociological survey of all subjects of the educational process, the main directions for modernizing the educational space of the school through programs and priority projects were identified:

1. Modernization of the methodological service is a significant factor in increasing the professional competence of school teachers.

2. The problem of the quality of the school education system, ways to evaluate and improve it.

4. The problem of development and improvement of information communicative culture(competence) of school teams.

5. The problem of civic-patriotic education of the younger generation.

6. The problem of cultural education.

7. Development of children's giftedness

8. Health-creating educational space of the school

9. Modernization of the content and technological components of the educational process

10. Safety of the educational process
