Analysis of the lesson on teaching literacy. Self-analysis of the lesson in the preparatory group. Getting Started: Ways to Motivate Children

Sample self-analysis of a lesson in a preschool educational institution

Target: To form in children an interest in knowledge about vegetables through the integration of educational areas: knowledge, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, health.
- To form children's ideas about vegetables, about the place of germination and harvesting them for the winter;
- To consolidate the ability of children to describe vegetables according to characteristics,
according to the scheme;
- Improve the ability to grammatically correct, consistently build their statements;
- Expand the active vocabulary, activate the names of vegetables in the speech of children.
- Continue to develop in children the ability to distinguish and name colors, exercise in comparing objects by color;
Encourage children to answer questions by speaking the words clearly.

To form the ability of children to coordinate movements with the text, to understand and follow verbal instructions;
- Develop visual perception and memory, motor imagination and coordination of movements;
- Develop fine general and fine motor skills of the hands;
- Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers;
- Create a favorable emotional atmosphere and conditions for active play activities of children.
Organizational activities, preparation for the lesson
The lesson was carried out in accordance with the abstract. The abstract was compiled independently, in accordance with the tasks of the main general educational program appropriate for the age of the children. For the implementation of each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining way.
At every moment of the lesson there were visual aids that stimulated and activated children for mental activity. Benefits of sufficient size, aesthetically decorated. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in the classroom.
Music was used during the lesson to enhance emotional perception.
The organizational reception "Greeting" in poetic form "was aimed at developing communicative qualities, establishing friendly relations both within the children's team and between guests and children.
The occupation is dynamic, it includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation - sitting on chairs, moving around the group while looking for a way out of a problem situation with a hare - going to the garden, working with the test, developing fine motor skills of the hands - sitting on chairs, search activity - standing, working with cereals "Find a vegetable", logarithmic exercise - "walking in the garden." The quick change of techniques and change of postures during the lesson made it possible to avoid the fatigue of children.
Didactic activity of the educator:
All moments of the lesson are logical and consistent, subject to one topic. Moments from the educational areas were integrated into the lesson Cognition: Consolidated the ability to describe a vegetable by characteristic features, according to the scheme; formed the ability to distinguish and name color; Communication: children participated in a general conversation, listened without interrupting their peers; activated the children's vocabulary at the expense of words - the name of vegetables, exercised in coordinating nouns, adjectives; "Socialization" independently express benevolence, empathize. Artistic creativity: Improved the ability of children to roll plasticine between the palms with direct movements, consolidated the indentation techniques, developing fine motor skills of the hands., Physical education; developed motor imagination and coordination of movements; Health: formed children's ideas about vitamins and their importance. Receptions in the lesson were of a game nature, were based on game learning situations,
The use of the "Garden" model helped in an interesting game form to implement the main training task - formation children's ideas about vegetables and where they grow. My role was to learn to give detailed answers. This helped to achieve optimal results.

At every moment of the lesson, I tried to guide the kids to find solutions to the problem, helped them gain new experience, activate independence and maintain a positive emotional mood.
The creation of search, problem situations activated the mental and speech activity of children,
The specifics of working with children in the classroom was reflected in a student-centered approach. She encouraged and praised timid children in order to consolidate their situation of success.
During the lesson, I tried to communicate with the children on the same level, tried to keep the children interested in the lesson throughout the whole time.
The result of the lesson was organized in the form of a game problem situation "Guess the treat?" so that in the course of it to check the quality of assimilation of the material.
Due to the fact that the children are small and there were many choral responses, I plan to pay special attention to individual responses. It is also necessary to achieve a clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound pronunciation, replenish the active and passive vocabulary. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I set during the lesson were solved.

Lesson type: lesson in discovering new knowledge.

This lesson is presented in the course of studying the topic “Consonant sounds [c], [c"]. Letter C” of the literacy course in grade 1 under the program “SCHOOL 2100”. The lesson of learning a new sound and letter is a combination of three factors: learning, development , education, with the priority of developing forms of education.Age and psychological characteristics of students were taken into account in this lesson.Innovative methods and techniques are used as a condition for the successful implementation of the subject content.

To form motivation, various methodological techniques are used: logical presentation educational material, its novelty and unusualness, the creation of a situation of success in the lesson, the approval of the results of activities, the provision of authoritative assistance to children who express a different opinion from others. The lesson is aimed at creating such an atmosphere in the classroom, when everything related to the individuality of each child, his difference from others, is perceived positively and with interest.

It should be noted that the educational goals are fully achieved in the lesson. Connection with life, knowledge of the native land, educates children in love for the near and the world around them.

Also in the lesson I pay attention to the health of students: dosed study load, two physical minutes were held in a timely manner.

This lesson was attended by a friendly, creative atmosphere. When communicating with students, she involved all students in the work, regardless of their knowledge and skills, paid more attention to children who are embarrassed to work in the classroom. The teacher acts as a passive leader, providing an opportunity for communication between children. At the same time, the dialogue in the lesson took place not only between the teacher and students, but students with each other. At the same time, efforts were directed to the formation of communicative literacy in children, the development of speech in students.

The final stage of the lesson is reflection. All student activities during the lesson were evaluated by the students themselves.

The indicator of the fulfillment of all the tasks of the lesson was the correctness and awareness of the students' answers during the conversation and the performance of tasks at certain stages, as well as the active and productive activity of the class as a whole.

Lesson summary

I.Org. moment.

II. Repetition of the material covered. Knowledge update.

a) Classification of letters according to a given attribute.

b) Creating a problem situation.

III. Sound selection [s], [s].

IV. Definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

V. Work on the textbook page 60.

Word reading exercise.

VI. Working with riddles.

VII. Sound - alphabetic analysis of the word

VIII. Work with text.

IX. Staged.

Work in pairs.

H. Making a blue bird.

XI. Summary of the lesson.

XII. Reflection.

Plant the children.

Repeat the rules of the lesson.
What is our speech? (oral and written)

What does speech consist of? (Words, sentences)

What do sentences consist of? (from words)

What are words made of? (from letters)

What are letters made of? (from sounds)

What are the sounds? (vowels consonants)

What can be said about these letters?

a K P u o Y and (written) T

  • denote vowels and consonants (a, o, u, i, s), (k, p, t).

  • Headers, lowercase.

  • The letter y is spelled incorrectly, as there is no capital letter y.

  • The letter and is superfluous, since it is written, and the rest are printed.

Divide all letters into 2 groups


Create words from the letters of line 1 (you cannot make words from consonants alone).

How can we complete this task? (take the letters of the second group).

Make up words (kok, whale, like, here).
A) The game "Tell me a word."

^ Guess what bird

Afraid of white light

Crochet beak, piglet eyes

Eared head, but her name is ... .. (OWL)

That's right, in ancient Greece, people called this bird, the bird of wisdom.

What is the first sound you hear in the word SOVA (sound [s]).

Describe the sound [s] (consonant, deaf, hard).

^ Listen to the next riddle.

To the feeder near our window

An amazing bird sat down:

In a black hat and yellow jacket.

The bird is called .... Tit

Name 1 sound in this word.

Describe it (Consonant, deaf, soft).

What unites these words (These are living beings, they start with the same letter, but the sounds are different).

Determine the topic of our today's lesson.
1. Introduction to a new letter.

In the lesson, we will not only study the letter ES and the sounds [c],

[s"], but we will also talk about birds today. There will be questions for the attentive. But before we start studying our letter, let's have a rest.
-What do you think the letter ES looks like? (answer options)

1. Crescent in the dark sky 2. The mouse sat in a corner

The letter C hung over the house. She ate a piece of bagel.

3. The sun set after the village,

Tits sleep, jays sleep

Everyone wants to sleep for a long time.
-Draw a sketch of a man (The sound is deaf, we draw a black hat on the head, paint over one shoe in blue - it is hard, the other green - since it is soft.)
Read the syllables where the consonant is soft


Complete the syllables to the words.

Reading 1 column of words (out loud)





Read aloud the longest word (antennae). What does this word mean (small mustache).

What does the word must mean? (singular, plural)

What part of these words is the same (whiskers)?

And what do we call the same part of the word? (Root.
The common part of the words - relatives is called the root. And words with the same root will be called single-root. The root is highlighted by an arc.

Highlight the root.
Read column 2 (buzzing)

Find an affectionate word - SON.
Read column 3 (girls)

What does the word mean ^ DRAIN is a drain of water.
Read column 4 (boys)

What CABLE? - This is a steel rope.
CHEESE What is the root of these words?

KNOCK Who has a stupa in fairy tales as an object

STUPA of movement? In ancient times, dough for pies was kneaded in a mortar.
TORSO What is a torso?

Read the words where there are two letters ES at once.


There are about 10,000 species of birds on earth.

Bird Day was first organized in the USA. In Russia, this holiday is celebrated on April 1 and is called "World Bird Day".

What birds do you know?

Today we are interested in birds in which where there is a sound C.

Bullfinch, jay, nightingale,

Swift, ostrich, master.
B) The game "Your observations."

Crow - croaks

Owl - hoots

Sparrow - chirps

Magpie - chirp
C) Guess the riddle:

Vereshchunya, white-sided, and her name is SOROKA.

Look at one side there are magpies - birds and on the other magpies - girls.

Why were the girls called MARGIES?

How do you understand the expression?
THE MARKET ON THE TAIL BROUGHT - this is a playful, evasive answer.

There are cards on the tables.

How many vowels are in this word? (3)

What rule do we know? (How many vowels, so many syllables).

Divide the word into syllables.

Read 1 syllable - SO. What color will we light the lanterns?

Read the 2nd syllable -RO. (combination of solid sound)

Read 3 syllables - KI. (Combination of soft sound)

Put emphasis.

Look guys at the picture. You can tell from it what will be discussed with the text. (children's answers)


Did you like the story?


Why was the magpie named BELOBOKA (white sides) (this is a compound word and it has 2 roots BEL and BOK). In high school, we will go through difficult words.

Who remembered what the magpie eats.
Knock on the window (letter from a titmouse).

^ Please! Feed the birds in winter. Now we have autumn, and soon our land will be covered with white snow and we will have nothing to eat.

First of all, what do you need to make for birds? (feeder)
You need to make a menu for the bird's dining room. Connect the words - crumbs and you will get the words that birds eat and love.

Iago SA kru pa but sword

Dy lo pshe se ki
Read the words where the sound met with (fat seeds).

See how many birds have gathered at our feeder.

Reading the poem "Feed the birds in winter."

Feed the birds in winter

Let from all over

They will flock to us like home

Stakes on the porch.

How many die they do not count

It's hard to see

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.
Has anyone heard the birds singing? Close your eyes and listen to the birds singing.
^ PHYSMINUTKA (audio recording of the song of the nightingale)

What advice can we give people?

*to feed birds

*clean the feeders from snow

* do not scare away the birds near the feeder.

*Fly closer to the person's home.

* Do not be afraid of people.
Birds are also weather forecasters.
(On the tables there are sheets of paper with suggestions. Children read.

1 person - the first part, 2 people - the second part).



* OWL SCREAMS - into the cold.

^ CONCLUSION: according to your read observations, where can be letter ES. At the beginning of a word, in the middle, at the end of a word.

Have any of you seen the Blue Bird? The blue bird is called the bird of happiness. Whoever sees a blue bird at least once in his life will be a happy and successful person for life.

Today in the lesson we will make a blue bird for your good luck.

While they are doing it, I turn on the song "Bird of Tomorrow's Happiness".
-What letter did you meet? (ES)

What are you going to tell mom and dad at home today?

How many birds are on earth? (10.000)

What did you especially like?

On the tables you have the sun, cheerful - it means that everything worked out for you in the lesson, and something else upset did not work out, but it will definitely work out. Choose your sun and show all the guys.

"Taste the word 'Earth'

Anokhina Yulia Leonidovna

MKOU "Average comprehensive school No. 3 "pos. Chernyshevsky

^ The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Subject-speech theme classes: "FEEL THE TASTE OF THE WORD" EARTH " Tasks of the teacher: to talk, disturb, excite the word of students; enrich the vocabulary with new words; to expand the concepts of schoolchildren about this word from the point of view of moral meaning and formal grammatical positions; to consolidate practical skills and skills of working with the study table "The Way to the Word"; to develop children's speech creativity, to consolidate the skills of writing written texts of various types. Lesson type : the final generalization of the studied sections of the science of language with the help of an educational and entertaining table, which is an Enlarged Didactic Unit (UDE) Methodical reception : from the word - to the author's text Technology : UDE, technique speech development corresponds to the general concept of RO by D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov - V. V. Repkin about learning activities, about the generalization of educational material. Intended Learning Outcomes : work with the table most clearly organizes the mental activity of the student; will provide conscious, solid and systematic knowledge; help avoid learning overload; will form an interest in the semantics of the word, develop a linguistic flair. Equipment : individual support cards on the topic "Lexicology", on the topic "Style", various types of dictionaries. The lesson is based on a conscious-communicative approach to learning - "Learning to communicate by communicating." The teacher relies on theoretical knowledge, practical skills acquired by students in the classroom under the program of the special course “Word. ^ STUDY PROCEDURE. I. EMOTIONAL MOOD : warm-up for students, teacher's introductory conversation "Mood - feeling - speech." This contributes to a good psychological mood, internally disciplines students. - Guys, what do you think, what question can be asked by close people in the very first minutes of the meeting? (How your mood?) How can this object be seen? (Feel) Reveal the secret, the secret of the lexical meaning of the word "mood" (This is an internal state of mind) And what is the character, the soul of this word? (The word is a chameleon, it has a changeable character) Why is it important for us to take into account the mood of the interlocutor? (So ​​as not to offend, not to harm yourself and him) And now I ask you to depict the shade of your mood - you can use words, drawings or gestures. (Drawing - smiling lips, flowers, dancing men. In words - cheerful, upbeat, cozy, bright). So many words have accumulated on earth! There are many shades in itself. The sound is no more than clothes ... Each of the words has its own soul, It looks like the soul of the speaker! (David Kugultinov) I invite you to make an amazing journey to the NATIVE WORD, to the world of its moods, soul and character, to overcome the fascinating WAY TO THE WORD. I suggest you overcome the path to the word EARTH, truly feel, taste this bright, beautiful word. ^ II. WORK WITH EDUCATIONAL - GENERALIZING TABLE "WAY TO THE WORD". LEXICO - SPELLING WORK. Write the topic of the lesson on the board. A large colorful poster-table hangs on the board “Feel the taste of the word“ EARTH ”, printed small tables are given to everyone on their desks. The first part of the table (tasks 1-5) - characterization of the word in the language system, occurs mainly under the guidance of the teacher (he introduces the lexical meanings of the word, its origin. The guys write this information in their tables)^ EDUCATIONAL - ENTERTAINING TABLE "WAY TO THE WORD":


1. ORPHEPIC we correctly pronounce the word and write it SPELLING correctly, put the stress, highlight the spelling. We say: [Z'IML'A], we write down: EARTH, spelling - unstressed vowel E at the root ---- EARTH. 2 .Record PHONETICALLY word, define QUANTITY and QUALITY sounds in a word. Phonetic analysis of the word: there are 2 syllables in the word, since there are two vowel sounds, the stress falls on the first syllable, 5 letters, 5 sounds. Z - [ Z '] - consonant, soft, voiced, paired E - [ AND] - vowel, unstressed M - [ M] -consonant, hard, voiced, sonorant L - [L '] - consonant, soft, voiced, sonorant I - [ A] - vowel, stressed.

3. DETERMINE word: a) by the number of LZ - polysemantic (Using the Explanatory Dictionary, we find out all the meanings of the word: planet, road, soil) Why do we need polysemantic words? (They express the richness, fury and expressiveness of our language). b) by origin - native Russian (Determined by the Etymological Dictionary) c) by use - active, commonly used (Everyone knows this word and is used by everyone, therefore it is common)

^ 4 . We allocate MORPHEMS the words. (Earth - ending A, root - EARTH, base - EARTH) Find related words (NEST of words). Imagine, in the role of which members of the sentence could this word act? What morphemes make a word emotionally charged? ( related words: land - earthen, underground, digger, shrew, farmer, landowner, dungeon, earthling, dugout. In a sentence, they can act as a subject, definition, addition, or circumstance of place. Suffixes can make words emotionally charged)

^ 5 . We find FRIENDS AND ENEMIES the words "earth": (Antonyms - water, air; synonyms - planet, land, path). Why do we need words - synonyms and antonyms? (For special expressiveness of speech). The second part of the table (from 6 to 9 tasks): a description of the word from a moral, aesthetic, human point of view. It is this part that develops speech intuition and children's creativity.

^ 6 .Reflecting about CHARACTER, SOUL words (these can be synonyms, epithets, artistic definitions). - Every word - creature which can be happy, sad, offended. Like people, each word has its own temper and character, its own soul. It helps us to distinguish a good word from an evil word. lexical meaning, you can find it by looking at the Explanatory Dictionary. Kind words will be marked with a plus sign, evil words with a minus sign. (With the help of the teacher, the children find out that the word "earth" can be positive or neutral, but it can be negative). (SOUL of the word: Earth - warm, big, kind, brown, spherical, snow-covered, blooming, nurse, fertility, Motherland, mother, cradle, mother's warm palms ...) 7 . word and RHYME(exercise "Burime"): (Earth - fields, my own, mine, seas, wings, my cradle). Compilation of quatrains with found rhymes.

I love my native side, the Earth is my cradle. Take care of your planet! Lakes, fields and seas. I live happily on it! After all, the other is the same native nature There is nothing more beautiful than her, no! Our beloved Earth! There is no one better than her!

^ 8 .Word and IMAGE: there is a search for words through the mood, feeling, intuition, fantasy of the child. - We are already well acquainted with the visual means of language - comparison. We live and constantly compare something with something. What would you compare the word to? (Earth is like a wheel, a globe, a ball, a flower, a house, greenery, a flowering garden, forests and flowers, the Sun, mother ...). You can draw your image of the word "Earth".

^ 9 . And now let's fantasize a little: imagine that the word we spoke and wrote down turned into MAGNET. It can attract, attach other words to itself. "Attractive" words can be different parts of speech and even phrases, only they need to be written in the initial form. Everything good, positive, is attracted to good, everything is like in life. We imagine that the word "earth" is a magnet that can attract and repel words, for example: (Pedestrian, forest, plants, animals, birds, seas, fish, people, children, parents, happiness ...) So you got an unusual " field of words. These words are supporting ones, they are intended for writing small texts, this is the field of words on which our texts will grow. Be sure to name your text and get ready to defend it.

^ III. INDEPENDENT WRITING AND DEFENSE OF YOUR PROJECT (PRACTICE OF CREATING WRITTEN TEXTS OF DIFFERENT TYPES). 10. Writing according to key words (words from all nine points of the table are used) Independent creative work for 15 minutes (about 10 sentences) WHAT DO THE WORDS SMELL? (Composition - reflection) There are a lot of words! Everyone has their own mood and color. But there is also a smell. For example, when you pronounce the words EARTH, MOTHER, SUN, HOMELAND, your soul becomes light and joyful. Everything around is changing, the air is filled with pleasant smells. But there are other words - WAR, DEATH, SORRY. These words have a taste of misfortune, the sun fades, the Earth and all living things on it die. Therefore, I believe that only good and bright words should be spoken. Then the planet Earth will be the most beautiful and fragrant. NAMEDAYS AT THE EARTH. (Composition - narration) Scientists - environmentalists call our Earth - the Green House. They came up with a holiday for her - Earth Day. It is celebrated every year on April 22nd. It is celebrated by people of all countries. On this day, people take to the streets to remove garbage from the streets of cities, hang birdhouses for birds, plant young trees and beautiful flowers. After a hard day, all participants can say with pleasure: “How beautiful our Earth, our Green House!” And you need to love and protect your home, as we are its owners. After all, the Earth screams at us, asks us for help. Let's take care of her! WHAT IS HOMELAND? (Composition - reflection). Motherland is native land, my parents and I were born here. Homeland is a place where we admire a forest, a field, a river or a lake. You, like a magnet, are drawn to your native land. “Heart”, “mother”, “Motherland”, “native land”, “Fatherland” - these are the most important words in life, because they have great meaning. After all, without a native land there is no mother, and without a mother there is no heart. That's why the word "Earth" and the word "Motherland" are equal for me, they are synonyms. 11.Protection author's texts goes through analysis: the mood of the text - the feelings of the reader and the author; theme - idea - type of text - style of speech - language means - visual means of language. Work with the text goes according to memos. On the back of their sheet, the children write an analysis of their text, selectively - checking aloud. Comprehensive analysis of the author's text "Name Day at the Earth". I. Determine the general spirit of the text: 1. Find out the general mood of the text, answer the questions: a) What feelings do you have after the first acquaintance with this text? Explain your answer. Use the “Mood Dictionary” memo (Feelings are pleasant, joyful, cheerful, festive, cheerful, bright) b) What helps you determine the general mood of the text? (The mood helped to determine - the general meaning of what was read, intonation, final punctuation marks, emotionally colored words). 2. Find the main thing: A) Determine the main idea, if you find it difficult, underline the key words. (Earth is our common Home). b) Is the topic broad or narrow? Name her. (The topic is narrow. About love for nature in general). C) Name the idea of ​​the text (why was it written?) (We need to take care of the Earth, of all life around us). D) Name the language means by which the sentences are connected (Repetitions of the word "Earth", pronouns, synonyms, chain connection of sentences, since sentences are connected with the help of verbs. A single tense field of verbs is preserved - the past tense). E) Determine the type of text (description, narration or reasoning), give your evidence, use the “Types of Tests” memo. (This text is a narrative with elements of reasoning; it talks about successive events, a general question can be posed to it - WHAT IS HAPPENING? The text describes events that cannot be seen in one picture, as they replace each other. Many verbs are used in the text and nouns. The order of words in sentences is direct). II. Explore the language of the text: 1. Briefly describe the vocabulary in terms of use. Give examples of commonly used (active) and obsolete (if any) words. (Common words are house, earth, people, flowers, birds, trees. Vocabulary is common because most words are used by all people.) 2. Describe the words in terms of origin. Remembering signs, try to find native Russian, Old Slavonic, borrowed words in the text. (Originally Russian words are the names of birds, plants, actions - these words are used only in Russian. The Old Slavonic word - pleasure - to give expressiveness, because it has a suffix - STVIE. A professional word - a term - ecologists.) 3. Give examples of pictorial means of language (Epithets, comparisons, metaphors, etc.). (Synonyms, pronouns, single-root, emotionally colored words are used to enhance the impression on readers. Personification is used - the earth screams, asks for help. The EVP is changed so that a vivid picture appears before the eyes of readers. Direct speech is used. Metaphor - Green House , epithets - young trees, beautiful flowers, work day Pronouns - they, he, his, this Repetitions - the word "house", a form of the word "earth", emotionally colored words - a birdhouse, a participant, where the suffix NIK denotes a noun male.) III. Explore the speech style of this text, use the “Speech Styles” memo: the name of the style - in what setting it is used - where it is used - for what purpose. (Artistic style, because the text plays the role of communication, is used in fiction in an official setting, in order to influence the feelings of the reader. The character of the description is colorful, the tone of reading the text is friendly. Exclamatory sentences are used for emotional coloring.) What genre is this written in? text? (The text is written in the genre of the story). IV. Additional tasks: explain the spelling of words (indicate the studied spellings in the words), punctuation marks. oR RR

12. The result of the lesson, marking for work in the lesson. Based on the ideological orientation of student texts, the teacher makes ^ GENERAL CONCLUSION on an environmental theme. (Reading a poem by Mikhail Dudin). Take care of the earth. Protect the shadow of the baobab Over the desert, The lark at its blue zenith, The hawk hovering over the field, The butterfly on the leaves of the dodder, The clear moon over the stillness of the river, The sun glare on the thawed patches, The swallow flashing in the life, The playing crab on the stones, Protect the earth! Take care! - We have one land for all. She is very small and fragile. She must be loved and protected. We need to take care of the Earth, the world around us, because this is our home. And the house must always be protected and protected. Why? What for? How can we do this? Write your thoughts on this topic at home. You can illustrate your essays with drawings. After analyzing and correcting the mistakes, we will decorate the natural history stand with your works.











































Usually it is said about successive actions and events:

  1. FIRST

  2. AFTER

  3. THEN

  4. ^ … AND FINALLY.

We are talking about simultaneous signs. are portrayed



NATURE, etc.

The causes of phenomena and events, their mutual connection are stated. Consists of parts: THESIS, EVIDENCE, CONCLUSION. The words are included: BECAUSE, THEREFORE, etc.




Where is it used?

For what purpose?



When meeting, talking with friends, relatives, in friendly letters, messages ...






In science and technology, school (lecture, report, textbook, dictionary ...)

Communication of accurate scientific information



In various documents (certificates, receipts, decrees, orders ...)

Accurate communication of business information



In fiction (verse, story, play, fairy tale…)

Impact on the feelings of readers (listener)



In newspaper (magazine) articles, in speeches at rallies, meetings, on radio and television.

Impact on the reader or listener (call, convince)

"Formation of written speech through writing presentations"

Plotnikova Irina Viktorovna

^ MBOO "Vereshchaginskaya General Education

sanatorium boarding school, Perm Territory

Subject: Russian language. Development of speech (according to the program "School of Russia")

^ Lesson type: practicing skills and reflection

Work time: 60 minutes

Class: 4

Planned results:

  • Personal: the formation of orientation in the moral content and meaning of the actions of both one's own and those around them; formation of the ability to solve moral dilemmas; the formation of self-esteem and self-control.

  • Metasubject:
- regulatory: improving the ability to set goals for their activities, plan and implement learning task, to form skills from / analysis and from / control;

- cognitive: development of thought processes of memory, attention, thinking (analysis operation); the formation of the ability to consciously and arbitrarily build speech statements in oral and written form;

- communicative: the formation of the ability to justify one's position, to adequately use speech means to solve communicative problems; development of information competence (in the process of working with the text to identify reliable information);

  • Subject: learning to accurately and consistently convey the plot of the text, to accurately use and spell correctly write words and sentences; enrichment vocabulary children.
Resources: playing field, explanatory dictionaries, sculpture of a dog, a selection of material about dogs from the Internet, photographs of monuments to dogs (presentation), cards No. 1,2,3, notebook, pen, computer, multimedia projector.
^ Lesson progress

  1. Temo - and goal setting

  • The game "Invisible Fly" - I name the starting letter, you collect the words and memorize them ( words begin with a capital letter - friend, cynologist, dogs, dog).

Write down the words you remember. What did you get?

Do you understand the meaning of all the written words? Look up the definition of this word in a dictionary.

/Cynologist - a specialist in the education, training of dogs/.

What word can be "extra"? Why?

Name synonyms from the written words.

Choose antonyms for the word friend.

Today at the lesson we will write a presentation. Do you remember what kind of work it is? Why do you need to learn to write the content of the text?

Once again, carefully look at the written words and try to determine the theme of the text from them. What will our story be about? ( sculpture of a dog

- Set a goal for each lesson. (children's answers)

  1. ^ Knowledge update
1/ What do you know about dogs? ( children's oral stories )

(Addition of the teacher + photos of monuments to dogs) * Dogs were the first domesticated animals. These animals have many specializations: hunters, shepherds, watchmen, trackers, mountain rescuers, circus performers, guides of the blind, draft, and even "cosmonauts". And, of course, these are, perhaps, the most devoted creatures to the owner. No wonder Charles Darwin called dogs "loving us more than themselves."

The merits of dogs in front of man are enormous. People express their gratitude to their four-legged friends in one way or another. In Paris, there is a monument to the legendary St. Bernard Barry. ( slide 1.) He saved people in the Alps in winter. In the Italian city of Borgo San Lorenzo there is a monument to the faithful dog. ( slide 2). Every day for 14 years he went to the station to meet his master, who died in the war. In Berlin, a monument commemorates the work of dogs to guide the blind. In Leningrad, and now St. Petersburg, in 1935, a bronze sculpture of a dog was installed - an assistant to scientists. ( slide 3).

/Selection of material from the Internet/.
- Whom did a person acquire by taming a dog?
2/ Choose adjectives for the word "dog".

Very often you can hear the words “faithful and faithful” about dogs. How are these words different?

Try to give the exact meaning for each word. You have on your desks card number 1- Read the assignment and complete it.

Card #1

Read the words and match them with the explanation.

Reliable, dedicated

Devotee - loving, constant

Faithful - corresponding to the truth;

Correct, accurate.

What did you get?

Why different options? Where can we check our opinion? Check your version in the explanatory dictionary. Who is right?

Which of the interpretations of the word "faithful" fits our conversation? Why?

What else can you say about the word "faithful"? / polysemantic/
^ 3/ Read the words On the desk . Write down the missing letters in your notebook.

Friend, post_rel, surprised, ch_l_vek, baby, st_r_lived, didn't speak, not easy_to whom, x_zya_na, blunted.

Check your work with key on the slide.

(slide 4)




e, oh


oh oh



oh and


Who didn't make mistakes?

Who allowed? Why? What needs to be repeated?

You will meet these words in the text of the presentation, so pay attention to their spelling.

  1. ^ Formation of knowledge and skills
1/ It's time to get acquainted with the text of the presentation. The story is called "The Old Dog". You listen carefully to the story and match its content with the plan. On the desk.


  1. Faithful dog.

  2. The old age of the dog.

  3. Polkan's oversight.

  4. Friend's advice.

  5. The right decision.

The teacher reads part of the story aloud.

old dog

The man had a true friend. His name was Polkan. For many years he guarded the house. Faithfully served the owner.

Years passed. The dog got old, began to see badly. Even my sense of smell has faded.

Once, on a clear summer day, Polkan did not recognize the owner. He ran out of his booth and started barking at him. The owner was surprised.

One friend of the owner advised to drive the dog out. The owner spoke...
- What can you say about the content of what you heard and the plan?

What solution would you suggest?

What way did the owner find?

Card #2

old dog

The man had a true friend. His name was Polkan. For many years he guarded the house. Faithfully served the owner.

^ Years passed. The dog got old, began to see badly. Even the sense of smell is dulled.

Once, on a clear summer day, Polkan did not recognize his master. He ran out of his booth and started barking at him. The owner was surprised.

^ One friend of the owner advised to drive the dog out. The owner was silent.

But a few days later brought a small puppy. The owner settled him next to Polkan. The old dog made friends with the puppy. Polkan was no longer bored. They often played together. The old dog taught the kid the difficult watchdog business.

  • Text questions:

  1. What happened to Polkan in his old age?

  2. Did a friend give a good advice to the owner of the dog?

  3. How did the owner do it?

  4. What can you say about his decision? Was it correct?

  5. What does this story teach?

  6. Define the text type.

  7. What spelling do you see in the text? (Working with text and a simple pencil).

  8. In a sentence " The dog got old, began to see badly»Explain the use of a comma.

  1. Fizminutka for the eyes(drawing shapes with eyes)
2/ So we come to our main task - to write a statement . I propose to do this work at levels that reflect your ability to write a presentation. The levels are shown on card number 3 .

  • ^ Level selection.
Card number 3

Level I - I still know how to write a presentation according to the plan and supporting words (take card number 4 at the teacher).

II level - I already know how to write a presentation according to a plan.

III level - I can write a presentation according to a plan with a creative task (descriptions are omitted in this story appearance Polkan and a puppy. Try to include them in your story.)
- When can you consider that you have coped with the work? (After writing the presentation, it must be checked and evaluated according to our criteria).

card on the board

  • The correctness of the transfer of the content of the text

  • Sequence of text presentation

  • Correct spelling of words and sentences
3/ Read the text again on your own and memorize it.

Retell the text based on the plan. (Several students retell the text.)

4/ Rereading the text by the teacher.

Be careful, correlate the plan again with the content of the text.

  1. Application of acquired knowledge and skills

  • Independent written work of students.

  • Self-test.

  • Listen to 2-3 works at the request of the guys. Criteria analysis.

  • Text editing.
^ VI. Outcome. Reflection.

What skills did you improve in class?

Who reached their goal?

Who didn't succeed? Why? What should be done?


Level I - in the dictionary, find and write down in a notebook 3 phraseological units with the word "dog" and their explanation.

II level - make sentences using phraseological units with the word "dog".

III level - compose a text with one of the phraseological units with the word "dog".

Saint Bernard Barry Dog Loyal

Assistant scientists
Bibliographic list

  1. Laika.

    Foreign language
    Methodological development of a lesson on English language for grade 2 on the topic "My school bag"

    ^ Yablonskaya Olga Nikolaevna

    MBOU "Lyantor secondary school No. 6"

    Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- Ugra, Tyumen region.

Introspection directly educational activities in the subject "Development of speech and teaching literacy" in middle group MDOU kindergarten "Solnyshko"

Topic: Rooftop Furniture.

Educator: Trifonova Alina Alexandrovna.

Brief description of the group.

My group is called "Dunno". It has 25 members, 12 girls and 13 boys, aged four to five. The group was recruited in 2011, so the children have already been adapted to the teachers and each other.

All children are different: there are calm, restrained ones, they make good contact with adults and peers. There are children mobile, hyperactive, with their own psychological features. In the process of educational activities, some of the children quickly get involved in the work, while others need more time to tune in.

The group is large in terms of the number of children, so I conduct direct educational activities in subgroups, as well as conduct individual work.

The place of this lesson in the system of classes, the type of lesson.

The type of lesson is repetition and consolidation of knowledge. In the previous lesson, the children got acquainted with the pieces of furniture, their purpose; What material is the furniture made from? got acquainted with the profession of carpenter.

Formation of goals and objectives.

The development of speech and literacy is a subject with the help of which the educator gives certain knowledge and skills. Mastering speech is a complex, multifaceted mental process.

Your attention was presented to a lesson on the development of speech and literacy, which was developed in accordance with the FGT, during which the integration of the following educational areas was carried out: Communication, Cognition, Artistic creativity, Reading fiction, Labor, Socialization.

Target my lesson: to consolidate the material covered and to identify the level of its development.

To achieve my goal, I set myself the following tasks:

Communication: Refinement and enrichment of the dictionary; develop the ability of coherent speech based on the child's speech experience. Consolidation in speech of a noun with a generalizing meaning furniture. . Develop the articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills of the hands.

Cognition: To consolidate the idea of ​​​​furniture, their purpose and properties; how to take care of your furniture. Activate the cognitive activity of children; develop their thinking, imagination.

Artistic Creativity:Develop aesthetic perception, artistic and creative abilities of children. Develop independence and activity. Strengthen the skills and abilities of constructive activity.

Reading fiction:Cultivate emotional responsiveness to the artistic word, readiness to "assistance" with the text.

Work: Continue to expand children's ideas about professions (carpenter). Cultivate a value attitude towards the work of adults. To form the ability to bring the work started to the end, to strive to do it well.

Socialization: Build dialogue skills. Encourage children to empathize with acquaintances fairy tale characters; cultivate the desire to be useful to others. To consolidate ideas about the rules and forms of cultural and friendly attitude towards people. Encourage children's play independence.

When choosing the topic of the lesson and materials for it, I relied on the basic principles of didactics that underlie the educational program of the preschool educational institution, took into account age features children and their level of development.

Conditions were considered:

  1. The group is ventilated, clean.
  2. The placement of children is thought out, the equipment is arranged.
  3. Prepared appropriate material for joint training activities.

Choice of lesson structure.

The structure and content of the lesson for repetition and consolidation corresponds to the age capabilities of children, consists of 4 interrelated stages: Organizational moment; updating knowledge; repetition and practical application of knowledge gained in the previous lesson; summarizing.

The first stage is the organizational moment. At this stage, it is important to arouse the emotional interest of children, organize attention, prepare children, and prepare for activities. Activated attention with a surprise moment - to guess who will be visiting (riddle).

At the next stage, the knowledge gained in previous classes and knowledge from personal experience children. To prepare the articulatory apparatus, a complex of articulatory gymnastics was carried out. To keep children interested, refer to cognitive activity, I used game situation with a fairy tale character. Playing out the situation, she asked the children questions, made sure that they answered with a full answer, gave a sample of correct speech, tried to make the speech clear, emotional, and competent.

The third stage is the repetition and practical application of knowledge. Here an imaginary situation was played out in expanded form, with the practical application of the knowledge and skills of children. We went to a furniture store, used visuals, an artistic word. The children were invited to transform into masters of a furniture factory and create their own piece of furniture. Conducted complex before work finger gymnastics"Lots of furniture in the apartment." All this contributed to the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

The final stage is summarizing. It summed up the learning activities with the help of answers to questions asked. I also gave moral encouragement.

All stages displayed one theme and were interconnected.

Used forms and methods of work.

In the course of educational activities, she combined various forms of work: with the entire subgroup and used an individually differentiated approach. I also used the following methods and techniques:



Creating a game situation

An imaginary situation in expanded form.


conversation, conversation


Use of art word

Reminder, explanation

Teaching correct articulation

Pedagogical assessment.


Performing finger and articulatory gymnastics



Benefit Demonstration

illustration material

Performance evaluation.

I believe that the variety of equipment and materials used in the lesson allowed me to keep the attention and cognitive interest of the children throughout the lesson.

Throughout the lesson, I tried to create a situation of success for each child. Our communication was emotional, we were partners throughout the lesson.

I believe that I managed to achieve the goal of the lesson, through the implementation of all the tasks.

The structure of thematic frontal literacy classes

1. Organizational moment.

The purpose of the organizational moment: to introduce classes into the topic, create a positive attitude towards learning, arouse interest in learning new sounds, and also carry out correction of psychophysical functions. The main task of the teacher is to include children in the work from the first minutes of the lesson. Organizational moments are carried out in different versions, but in any case it is useful to include relaxation, mimic and imitating exercises. For example, a lesson based on the story “Walking in the Forest” begins with a riddle: “The sun bakes, the linden blossoms, the rye ripens, when does this happen? “Imagine that it is summer. Raise your hands to the sun, turn your face. You are warm and pleasant (relaxation). The sun hid. Squeeze into a ball - cold (tension). The sun shone again (relaxation).

2. Repetition of the material covered.

Purpose: to update the knowledge of children.

Repetition is carried out in a playful way, for example, a ball game. These can be games to distinguish between the concepts of “sound” - “word”, “vowel sound” - “consonant sound”, recalling words with a given sound, etc.

3. Post a new topic.

Purpose: to direct the attention of children to the sound being studied, to the perception of new and repetition of the passed sounds.

In a playful way, through a problem situation, children under the guidance of a teacher determine a new sound.

4. Characteristics of sounds according to articulatory and acoustic features.

Purpose: to train children to analyze sounds according to acoustic and articulatory features.

At this stage, the following tasks are being implemented:

  • - clarification of articulation - the position of the lips, tongue and teeth when pronouncing the sound being studied;
  • - acoustic signs of sounds are specified: vowel - consonant, soft consonant - hard, voiced - deaf;
  • - Sounds are indicated by colored symbols.

5. Consolidation of new material.

Goal: develop phonemic processes, improve the skill sound analysis.

Children are offered games to select a sound from a number of sounds, syllables, words, sentences; determining the first and last sound in words, determining the position of a sound in a word, naming words for a given sound, selecting pictures with a given sound, differentiating soft and hard consonants. The sound analysis of the word is first performed jointly with the teacher, then independently by the children, then it is possible to offer words to match the given scheme.

6. Physical Minute.

The physical minute is closely related to the topic of the lesson and is a transitional moment to the next part of the lesson. The main tasks of the physical minute are:

  • - in relieving stress fatigue;
  • - in making an emotional charge;
  • - in the improvement of general motor skills;
  • - in the development of clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech.

7. Acquaintance with the letter.

Purpose: to determine the relationship of sound with its graphic image.

Acquaintance with the letter begins with the fact that the children are shown capital and lowercase printed letters. Children look for it at the box office, feel the plastic letter with their fingers, circle it, shade it. Compare lowercase and capital letters. Similarities and differences are noted. Determines what the letter looks like. You can offer to sculpt a letter from plasticine, lay out from buttons, sticks, cereals, draw a letter on semolina, show the letter with your hands, body.

8. Formation of reading and typing skills.

Purpose: to improve the skill of syllabic reading.

Syllables are read, words with only learned letters: from simple at the beginning of the school year to more complex at the end.

Be sure to work with the split alphabet so that the children form a conscious perception of the composed syllables and words.

A wide variety of game techniques are used: insert the missing letter, the letters (syllables) are mixed up, replace one letter with another, what word did you get?

9. The lesson is summed up.

The teacher asks the children what they learned new in the lesson, what games they played, what was difficult, who completed the tasks more successfully, etc.


    The topic of the lesson is "What we know and can do"

    Educational area "Communication"

    Educational: Exercise children in the ability to make sentences according to the picture, in determining the place of sound in a word and conducting sound analysis; consolidate the ability to work in prescriptions; divide words into syllables

    Developing: Develop logical thinking, connected speech; develop fine motor skills of the fingers

    To successfully solve the tasks outlined, I prepared the following demonstration material for the painting "Spring", "Chicken", "Duck", handout chips for sound analysis, picture cards, simple pencils. He helped me to reveal the topic brightly, interestingly.

    To ensure children's interest in the topic, an emotional response to it, I used the motivation to participate in the competition.

    To solve the first problem, I used the following methodological techniques articulation gymnastics, artistic word: riddles, didactic games"Cunning riddles", Relatives", the use of demonstration pictures and cards.

    A differentiated approach to children during the lesson was manifested in the course of the following tasks

    To satisfy motor activity children and the preservation of their health, I organized a physical education session, I constantly monitored the landing of children.

    During the lesson, the children were active.

    The interest remained.

    Were attentive.

    Summing up the lesson, I involved the children in this, asked them to speak and remember what tasks we performed.

    She was able to create a situation of success.

CONCLUSIONS: - The declared topic was fully consistent with the content of the lesson

I believe that I was able to fully realize the tasks set.

GCD introspection

    The topic of the lesson ……………………….

    Educational area…………………………………………

    Duration………………………….. / acc. to the requirements of SANPIN / OR / does not correspond. requirements of SANPIN / Causes………………………………………….

    During the lesson, it was supposed to solve the following tasks:

    Educational ……………………………


    Educational …………………………..

    For the successful solution of the identified tasks, I prepared the following demonstration material……………………………………., handout……………………………………………. He helped me to reveal the topic brightly, interestingly, etc. OR why didn’t it work?………………………………………………………………………………..

    To ensure children's interest in the topic, an emotional response to it, I used motivation…………………………………………………….. OR created a problem situation…………………………… …………………………..

    The lesson consisted of /three, four, five, etc./ Parts First……………………, Second……………………, Third ……………………

    To solve the first problem, I used the following methodological techniques………..they helped me……………… OR ………………

    To solve the second problem, I used the following methodological techniques………..they helped me……………… OR…………… etc.

    I do not forget that the game is the leading activity of children preschool age, so I suggested the following games to the children ... ..? used the following game techniques ... ..?

    During the lesson, to ensure the efficiency of the children's team, I used the following forms of organizing children's activities:

    Work in small subgroups …………WHERE?

    Work in pairs …………WHERE?

    Collective work…………WHERE?

    Individual in …………WHERE?

    Throughout the lesson, she paid attention to the speech of children: she sought complete answers, posed search questions, created conditions for dialogue with children, etc.

    A differentiated approach to children during the lesson was manifested in the course of the following tasks…………………

    To satisfy the motor activity of children and preserve their health, I organized / dynamic pause? physical education minute? /, I constantly monitored the landing of children ... ..

    During the lesson, the children were active ... OR?

    Interest remained... OR?

    Be careful…..OR?

    Summing up the lesson, I involved children in this, asked them to speak on the topic ... ..? She was able to create a situation of success.

CONCLUSIONS: - The declared topic fully corresponded to the content of the lesson OR the topic does not correspond to the content because ...

I believe that I was able to fully achieve the tasks set… OR I was not able to complete the task……………. because………. In ind. and a subgroup of work with children I will plan ………
