The motor structure of action in psychology. The driving force of the action. The interaction of physical and need-motivational components in students' motor activity

Category. The structure of a motor skill. Specificity. The system of motor operations performed in accordance with the motor task, the final formation of which is possible only in the course of practical training, when the individual style of movements is specified.

Watch value Engine Composition Actions in other dictionaries

Motor- motor, motor (book). 1. App., by value. associated with the movement of the organs of the body, motor (physiol. anat.). motor nerves. motor cortical centers. 2.........
Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Motor App.- 1. Corresponding in value. with noun: movement (5), associated with it. 2. Inherent to movement (5), characteristic of it. 3. Setting in motion, controlling the movement (2-5) of something .........
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Actions Mn.- 1. Military operations. 2. Behavior, actions of someone.
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

composition M.- 1. The totality of individual parts that form smth. whole. 2. Connection, mixture, solution, consisting of any. substances, elements. 3. The totality of people, of which ........
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Motor— oh, oh.
1. to Movement (4 digits). D. act. D. reaction. D skills.
2. Setting in motion smth., controlling the movement of smth. D nerves. D power. D. installation.
Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

War activities- For researchers who view conflict as a hostile relationship, military action is a key concept in distinguishing between states of dispute and conflict. Term........
Political vocabulary

Nonviolent Action Politics- - a type of political activity focused on civil disobedience to the authorities and the overthrow of the moral standards of mutual tolerance in resolving conflict situations .........
Political vocabulary

Acts Regulatory Limits Actions- - cm.
Economic dictionary

Currency Actions — -
conclusion of agreements and (or) performance of other actions, as a result of which
currency accounts (
redistribution of property or possession rights
Economic dictionary

Inclusion of Intellectual Property Objects into Intangible Assets — -
the form
accounting of objects of intellectual property;
objects of intellectual property are included in
the cost of the privatized property of scientific and technical ........
Economic dictionary

Flammable Composition- - chemical compounds found in standard cartridges and
serving to ignite the powder charge. Substances which are not components of B.C., which may
Economic dictionary

Time Until Expiration— The time remaining until the expiration of the financial contract. Also referred to as "time to maturity".
Economic dictionary

Expiration Time of Option Contracts— the established period after the expiration of the option, before which the buyer's notification of consent to exercise the option must be received.
Economic dictionary

Date of expiration— in insurance
the date from which the insurance
policy or
bond terminates
Economic dictionary

Contract Expiry Date- The last day (American style) or the only day (European style) when it can be performed
option. In the case of stock options, it is the first Saturday........
Economic dictionary

Option Expiration Date — -
date after which
the rights associated with the option become null and void. This is the last date
the option can be exercised.
Economic dictionary

Actions- - such legal
facts, the occurrence of which depends on the will and consciousness of people. D. are divided into lawful and unlawful (offences).
Economic dictionary

Actions Exchange Illegal- to illegal
stock market activities include:
misrepresentation; deceit or attempt to deceive
trade order or ........
Economic dictionary

Actions Conclusive- action,
a sign without words, showing a desire, an intention to enter into a deal or start negotiations.
Economic dictionary

Actions at your own risk- the basis for exclusion of liability in case of negligence, negligence, negligence. In legal terms, it can be interpreted as
consent to possible violations of accepted norms.
Economic dictionary

Activities of the Independent Contractor— In liability insurance: independent
the contractor has
the right to carry out his work in the way he chooses, without being subject to direct control by ........
Economic dictionary

Actions Illegal- ILLEGAL ACTS Actions that are contrary to the established law or
The concept of `D.S.` includes such
actions as illegal
Economic dictionary

Working Together, Coordinated Actions- two or more
investor working together to achieve a unified investment
goals, for example, they buy
control over which...
Economic dictionary

Sole Actions of the Referee— procedural
acts performed by a single judge,
without the participation of people's assessors or other judges included in this composition of the court. only allowed....
Economic dictionary

Law on Penalties for Illegal Actions in Connection with the Transfer of Domestic- CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 1984 (INSIDER TRADING SANCTIONS ACT OF 1984). A law that strengthened penalties for persons who profit from the illegal use of `internal` (confidential) ........
Economic dictionary

Law on Measures of Responsibility for Illegal Transactions and Fraudulent Actions with Securities Inc. INSIDER TRADING AND SECURITIES FRAUD ENFORCEMENT ACT OF 1988
Economic dictionary

Law of Parallel Action- social
the law according to which
influence purposefully exerted on
team, has an impact on each member of the team, and, conversely, in ........
Economic dictionary

Prohibited Actions Regarding War Victims- - attacks on life and physical integrity, including murder, mutilation, cruel
treatment, torture, torment, collective punishment; encroachment........
Economic dictionary

Compound- composition, m. 1. only units. The set of parts, elements that form some kind of. whole. - Can we, Marxists, circumvent the question of the class composition of our society in the Constitution?........
Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Expiration— The time when the option contract ceases to exist.
Economic dictionary

ACTION: MOTOR COMPOSITION - is a system of motional operations performed in accordance with the task of the motional, the final formation of which is possible only in the course of practical training, leading to the refinement of the individual style of movements.

  • Movement coordination- Coordination of movements - a combination of individual specific movements in complex acts - walking, running, etc. The nervous mechanisms of K. movements are laid down mainly in the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata. See walk...
  • Ergograph- Ergograph - an apparatus invented by the physiologist A. Mosso (see) that marks the amount of muscle work of the fingers. The arm up to the elbow is strengthened on a fixed basis and only the middle finger is left free; ...
  • MOTION AUTOMATION- AUTOMATION OF MOVEMENTS (English movement automatization) - one of the ways of forming the response of the operator, characteristic of the last stage of training. At the initial stage of skill development...
  • Apraxia- APRAXIA (from Greek a - negative particle + praxia - action; lit. inaction) - a violation of voluntary purposeful movements and actions that occurs when the cerebral cortex is damaged ....
  • BERNSHTEIN NIKOLAY ALEKSANDROVICH- BERNSTEIN NIKOLAI ALEKSANDROVICH (1896-1966) - an outstanding owl. psychophysiologist. The concept of the physiology of activity, created by B. on the basis of a theoretical and empirical analysis of natural human movements ...
  • VERSION MOVEMENTS- VERSION MOVEMENTS (from lat. versare - rotate) - one of 2 types of macro eye movements. V. d., unlike vergence movements, do not lead to a change in the angle between the visual axes of the left and right...
  • MOTOR TASK- MOTOR TASK (English motor task). 1. An external or imaginary standard (sample) of movement, which the subject must reproduce through motor manipulations; object of manipulation m. b ....
  • MOTOR SKILL- MOTOR SKILL (English motor skill) - the ability mastered to automatism to solve one or another type of motor task, based on a multi-level coordination structure formed in ...
  • ENGINE COMPOSITION (actions)- MOTOR COMPOSITION (actions) (English motor content) - a set of motor operations performed in a certain space-time mode in accordance with the content of the motor task ...
  • DEAUTOMATIZATION- DESAUTOMATIZATION (English desautomatization) - violation of motor skills and higher forms of automated movements (praxis), as a result of which the implementation of each link begins to require them ...
  • ZAPOROZHETS ALEKSANDR VLADIMIROVICH- ZAPOROZHETS ALEXANDERVLADIMIROVICH (1905-1981) - owl. psychologist, student of L. S. Vygotsky. In the 1930s, being a member of the Kharkov School of Psychologists, he stood at the origins of the activity approach in psychology...
  • Monomanual- Monomanual O. (from Latin mono - one + manus - hand) - spatial-tactile discrimination, carried out with one hand. Perception is achieved in the course of active palpation, when the movements of the hand control ...
  • BUILDING THE MOVEMENT- CONSTRUCTION OF MOVEMENT (English formation of movements) - a fundamental concept in the theory of the structure and functioning of human motor skills, developed by N. A. Bernstein. P. d. is the composition of everything ...
  • PRAXIS- PRAXIS (from the Greek. praxis - action) - a collective concept for arbitrary purposeful motor actions of a person (syn. praxia). P. can be disturbed with various lesions of the brain ...


(English) motor content) - a set of motor operations, performed in a certain space-time mode in accordance with the content motor task and the external and internal means of its solution available to the subject. D. s. is determined by the biomechanical properties of the body kinematics, innervation resources, the available inventory of sensory corrections, as well as the tool that is used to perform actions. D. s. "there is a function of both the task and its executor" ( Bernstein N.BUT.). D. s. m. b. defined a priori only partially, in general terms, accessible to verbal or figurative description; its full identification by the subject occurs only during exercises and training, in which the individual style of movements is worked out. Cm. . (A. I. Nazarov.)

Big psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .

See what "ENGINE COMPOSITION (action)" is in other dictionaries:

    Engine Composition Actions- a system of motor operations performed in accordance with the motor task, the final formation of which is possible only in the course of practical training, in which the individual style of movements is specified ... Psychological Dictionary

    Category. The structure of a motor skill. Specificity. The system of motor operations performed in accordance with the motor task, the final formation of which is possible only in the course of practical training, when it is specified ... ...

    It is a system of motional operations performed according to the task of the motional, the final formation of which is possible only in the course of practical development, leading to the refinement of the individual style of movements. Vocabulary… … Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    ENGINE COMPOSITION- (actions) a set of motor operations performed in a certain space-time mode in accordance with the content of the motor task and the external and internal means of its solution available to the subject. D. s. ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    Category. Skill form. Specificity. The ability to carry out a particular movement without conscious control over it, formed in training, due to the automation of movement. . Psychological dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    - (action and operation) Any complex action consists of a layer of actions and a layer of operations that are subject to them. The boundary of the layers of actions and operations is mobile: its upward movement means the transformation of certain actions, mostly elementary, into operations: ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    In its significance it goes beyond the problem of the organization of movements; there are numerous attempts to apply its provisions to the processes of perception, attention, thinking, etc. As a result of studies of the quality of afferent signals, it was found that in ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    MUSCLES- MUSCLES. I. Histology. General morphologically, the tissue of the contractile substance is characterized by the presence of differentiation in the protoplasm of its elements specifically. fibrillar structure; the latter are spatially oriented in the direction of their contraction and ... ...

    NERVOUS SYSTEM- NERVOUS SYSTEM. Contents: I. Embryogenesis, histogenesis and phylogenesis N.s. . 518 II. Anatomy of N. s ................. 524 III. Physiology N. s................ 525 IV. Pathology N.s................. 54? I. Embryogenesis, histogenesis and phylogenesis N. e. ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    Nervous system*- characteristic of all multicellular animals, with the exception of sponges, an organ system that controls the activity of other organs of the animal and unites this activity, perceives changes occurring in the external world or the body of the animal, and ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

The motor composition of the action is a system of motor operations - performed in accordance with the motor task - , the final formation of which is possible only in the course of practical training, in which the individual style of movements is specified - .

  • - a neurophysiological system that analyzes and synthesizes signals arising in the organs of movement ...

    Dictionary of trainer

  • - neurophysiological system, due to the work of which the analysis and synthesis of signals coming from the organs of movement is carried out. Takes part in maintaining a constant tone of the muscles of the body and coordination of movements ...
  • - a physiological system, due to the work of which movements are built and performed. It consists of a skeleton, muscles, tendons, nerve centers and pathways - afferent and efferent ...

    Great Psychological Encyclopedia

  • - is a system of motional operations performed according to the task of the motional, the final formation of which is possible only in the course of practical development, leading to the refinement of the individual ...

    Great Psychological Encyclopedia

  • - is a system of motor operations performed in accordance with the motor task, the final formation of which is possible only in the course of practical development, leading to refinement ...

    Great Psychological Encyclopedia

  • - A., manifested by repetitive stereotypical movements ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - A., providing perception and analysis of the position of the body in space, as well as passive and active movements of individual parts ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - ...

    merged. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - MOVE, -ay, -aesh and move, move; moving; carry...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - ENGINE, motor, motor. 1. adj., by value. associated with the movement of body organs, motor. motor nerves. motor cortical centers. 2. Driving, guiding...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - engine adj. 1. ratio with noun. movement I 5., engine 2. associated with them 2. Peculiar to movement, characteristic of it. 3. Setting in motion, controlling the movement of something. 4. transfer...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - dv"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - motorized, running,...

    Synonym dictionary

"Propulsion Composition Action" in books

author Anokhin Petr Kuzmich

Comparative study of the effect of complete long-term starvation AND protein deficiency on the composition of the peripheral blood of CC57 Br mice I. L. POVERIY and V. I. PRILYATSKY (Moscow)

From the book Problems of therapeutic starvation. Clinical and experimental studies [all four parts!] author Anokhin Petr Kuzmich

Comparative study of the effect of complete long-term starvation AND protein deficiency on the composition of the peripheral blood of CC57Br mice I. L. POVERIY and V. I. PRILYATSKY (Moscow)

Musical motor reflex

From the book Free Movement and Plastic Dance in Russia author Sirotkina Irina Vadimovna

The Musical-Motor Reflex The task of “being faithful to the music in movements” had to be solved not only in theory, but, above all, in practice. Duncan left no method, no instructions on this score. True, in her memoirs she describes how, listening to music,

Musculoskeletal system

From the book Home Medical Encyclopedia. Symptoms and treatment of the most common diseases author Team of authors

The musculoskeletal system The bulk of the human body, about 75% of the total weight, is the musculoskeletal system, which includes muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. The musculoskeletal system gives the human body a certain shape, thanks to it

Motor Analyzer

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (DV) of the author TSB

Musculoskeletal system

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (OP) of the author TSB

Musculoskeletal system

From the book 365 health recipes from the best healers author Mikhailova Ludmila

Musculoskeletal system Saber-galangal tincture will help. It is necessary to take 200 g of dry rhizomes of cinquefoil, 100 g of galangal rhizomes, pour into a 3-liter glass jar, pour 3 liters of cold vodka, put in a dark place for 3 weeks. Then strain and take 1 tbsp. l.

Musculoskeletal system

From the book Atlas: human anatomy and physiology. Complete practical guide author Zigalova Elena Yurievna

Musculoskeletal system Skeletal system One of the most important functions of the human body is movement in space. It is performed by the musculoskeletal system, which consists of two parts: passive and active. The first includes bones that connect between

Wrong motor stereotype

From the book Get rid of the pain. Pain in arms and legs author Sitel Anatoly Boleslavovich

Incorrect motor stereotype Until now, physical activity in physical education classes in schools, in sports sections, with therapeutic exercises is evenly given to all muscle groups. This has always been considered a positive development. However, today it turns out

Lacrimal and motor apparatus

From the book Eye Diseases author author unknown

Lacrimal and motor apparatus The lacrimal organs are represented by lacrimal and lacrimal apparatus.

From the book Illness as a way. The meaning and purpose of diseases the author Dalke Rudiger

11. Motor apparatus and nerves

Musculoskeletal system

From the book A healthy man in your home author Zigalova Elena Yurievna

The musculoskeletal system All the endless variety of external manifestations of brain activity is finally reduced to a single phenomenon - muscle movement. Does a child laugh at the sight of a toy, does Garibaldi smile when he is persecuted for excessive love for

musculoskeletal system

From the book All About Pigeons author Bondarenko Svetlana Petrovna

The musculoskeletal system As a result of adaptation to flight, the skeleton of pigeons acquired a number of features: a significant part of the bones inside are hollow, contain air, but these bones are thin, hard and strong. Bone tissue contains many mineral salts, plentifully

Motor way of perception

From the book Psychology of Body Types. Development of new opportunities. Practical Approach author Troshchenko Sergey

Motor way of perception People endowed with a motor way of perception tend to interact with the world through movement. Since childhood, they have a better ability to learn new movements, interact with surrounding objects and have a high degree of

locomotive apparatus

From the book All About Horses [A Complete Guide to Proper Care, Feeding, Maintenance, Dressage] the author Skrypnik Igor

The motor apparatus Almost all the conditioned reflexes developed in the horse during the training process are associated with its movements. The movement of the horse is carried out by moving the center of gravity of the body with various changes in the position of the limbs and body. In move
