The earth is our common home, as you understand. Synopsis of an integrated lesson on familiarization with others. Event preparation plan

Target: To reveal some environmental problems occurring on our planet, in our country, to give knowledge of environmental patterns to prevent the disappearance of all life on Earth.


Educational - generalization of students' knowledge about environmental problems, the ability to explain the causes of violations.

Developing - the development of thinking and cognitive activity.

Educational - education of respect for nature and love for the Motherland.

Equipment: presentation on the topic, video "Ecology of the Earth"

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Watch the video "Earth is our home"
  3. Generalization.
  4. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Lesson progress:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Lesson topic message. Setting goals and objectives.

- If you guess the riddle and then, I think, you will understand what we will talk about today.

No beginning, no end

No back of the head, no face.

But everyone knows: both young and old,

That she is a huge ball. (Earth)

- So, the topic of our lesson is “Earth is our common home!”.

Today we will talk about the nature of our planet Earth, about how to protect all life on Earth.

  1. Talk about environmental pollution.

- I'm talking about

That the whole Earth is our common home,

Our good house, spacious house,

We all live in it from birth.

The earth does not sleep, and every day

Looks into the eyes of his children.

- Why do you think the planet Earth is our common home? (The earth is a home for people and animals, as we live on it.)

- Guys, how do you imagine our planet, what is it rich in? (The earth is rich in its nature: forests, meadows, seas, rivers ...)

- Is the nature of our planet beautiful? How? (children's answers). The planet Earth we live on is huge and beautiful! It is always a pleasure to listen to the birds singing in spring, to see the rays of the sun at dawn, to watch the first snowflakes fall in winter...

Is it possible to say that man and nature are one? (Children's evidence).

Conclusion: Man is a part of the whole world around him. And nature became our home, and we became masters in it.

- Probably, there is no such person who was not at all worried about the fate of the surrounding nature. The ecological crisis threatening our planet makes us think about this problem.

What environmental problems can you name? (children's answers)

  • pollution of rivers, lakes;
  • deforestation;
  • air pollution;
  • garbage accumulation;
  • soil poisoning;
  • lack of drinking water;
  • the disappearance of some species of plants and animals from the face of the Earth.

We have long lived with the notion that nature is eternal, infinite, inexhaustible, generous and will always shower free gifts on man. However, sometimes both adults and children act thoughtlessly towards her.

Unfortunately, not everyone wants to protect the planet Earth.

– Every year, 8,000 people die from environmental pollution.

For a year, one inhabitant of the Planet throws out one thousand kilograms of garbage. Thus, it pollutes the air and groundwater.

80% of all diseases are transmitted through drinking contaminated water, which kills 25 million people.

- It is estimated that 8 million people by 2040 will die from the smog that hangs over our planet.

The man has reached the sea. Here, right up to the horizon, the sea is covered with black pieces of fuel oil the size of a pea and even a potato. The inhabitants of the ocean are dying. But people do not pay attention to beauty.

- Wonderful forests are disappearing in hot countries. This is one of the wonders of nature. More than half of the animals, plants and fungi that are on Earth live here. People destroy forests for timber, to pave the way, to plow the field.

Every day, 5 million trees die under sawing.

– People on Earth are different – ​​good and evil, attentive and inattentive, caring and indifferent, selfish and generous. What people have done to nature is terrible! What are we without nature? Without air? Without water, birdsong, the scent of meadows, the rustle of leaves? And all this is given to people by nature. All that is required of us is to treat her with care and kindness.

  1. Watch the video "Ecology of the Earth"
  2. The game "If I come to the woods."

– We are used to believing that nature is omnipotent, while forgetting that it is fragile and vulnerable. Often, walking in the forest, sunbathing on the beach, we leave behind an unextinguished fire, throw garbage, make noise and do not at all think about the fact that we came to visit nature, and we need to behave culturally when visiting.

Now we will check if you know the rules of behavior in the forest.

To do this, we will play with you the game "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, we say yes, ”if it’s bad, then we all say “no” together!

If I come to the forest

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie

And throw out the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread

Will I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,

Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If I make a fire,

Am I not going to simmer? (No)

If I mess up a lot

And I'll forget to remove (no)

If I take out the trash

Shall I dig a bank? (Yes)

I love my nature

I help her! (Yes)

  1. A conversation about the destruction of the animal and plant world.

A few years ago, they decided to destroy the wolves so that they would not touch livestock.

- The wolves were destroyed, and the number of sick wild animals increased 15 times. Wolves also cannot be destroyed, because they are the orderlies of the forest!

- Once in China, they decided to destroy the sparrows because they pecked at the grain in the fields. Sparrows were killed, aphids and insects appeared and destroyed the fields.

- On one island, they decided to destroy mosquitoes. Used pesticides.

Mosquitoes died, there was nothing to eat for other animals.

Everything in nature matters! Everything is interconnected.

- Guys, who knows what the Red Book of Nature is? (children's answers )

That's right - it's a book that lists rare species of plants and animals. Red color is a signal of alarm, prohibition, understandable to people all over the world. Representatives of nature listed in this book must be protected with particular care. After all, all these inhabitants are of great benefit to people.

An owl kills about 1,000 rodents a year. If we take into account that each mouse can eat one kilogram of grain a year, then one owl will save a ton of bread a year!

The cuckoo has an extraordinary appetite: in an hour it can eat a hundred caterpillars. If a large number of insect pests appear in the forest, she deals with them within a few days.

- During the summer, a swallow catches from half a million to a million of all kinds of mosquitoes, midges, aphids.

- Toads destroy not only harmful insects, but also slugs, and these are the most dangerous enemies of fields and gardens.

Bats clear the area of ​​malarial mosquitoes. During an hour of night hunting, a bat can catch and eat 160-170 mosquitoes.

- If a person always guarded what surrounds him, perhaps all those animals and plants that we will never see again would still live on earth - after all, people destroyed them.

But it is not only rare, endangered species that need to be protected. All animals, birds, insects, as well as plants that are found on Earth need protection.

- Look how many flowers there are. Do you guys know them?

Guess which flower it is.


1. Ears rye in the field.

There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy
Just a shame it's not fragrant.


2. The blue bell is hanging,

He never calls.


  1. This blue flower
    Reminds us of you

About the sky - pure, pure,
And the sun is radiant.


4. In the spring they are cleared of snow

Both needles and deadwood.

And the first to appear

In the thaw ... (Snowdrop)

  1. Grown from an onion

But it's not good for food.

On a bright glass

It looks like a flower. (Tulip)

  1. On leaves here and there

Purple salute.

It's on a warm May day

Dissolved ... (Lilac)

  1. In the meadow and in the field

We meet him

white petals

We count on it

Core yellow

At the flower of that

Like a little sun

Got into it. (Chamomile)

  1. I am a fluffy ball

I whiten in a clean field,

And the wind blew -

The stalk remains. (Dandelion)

  1. Generalization.

- Nature is of great importance for a person, because this is our common home and only people themselves can correct their mistakes. What can we do so as not to destroy our home, to save nature? (children's answers)

  1. Don't catch wild animals and don't take them home.
  2. Do not break branches of trees and bushes.
  3. Do not pick flowers in nature.
  4. Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects.
  5. Don't kill frogs and toads.
  6. Don't destroy bird nests.
  7. Do not litter, I saw garbage - collect it.
  8. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

– Today we talked a lot about the need to protect nature, protect our Earth. Take care of every tree, every bush! Do not pick flowers, do not break trees, do not destroy nests, do not litter.

- How has your attitude to nature changed after this lesson? What have you decided for yourself?

A.E. Buzauova


Zhambyl regional

special correctional

boarding school "Meyirim"

for deaf and hard of hearing children,


1. To acquaint with the diversity of flora and fauna, with its significance for all life on the planet.

2. Arouse in children the desire to protect their common home as a condition for preserving the life of mankind and all natural inhabitants.

3. To consolidate the concept that we - people - are part of nature, that the growth and development of living objects requires the same thing - water, light, air.

4. To bring up a responsible and careful attitude to the world around, native nature.

Material: ball, symbols (human, animals, fish, birds, insects, plants), earth map, globe, poems, riddles, symbols (sun, air, water),

preliminary work: looking at illustrations from the album “Take care of the living”, didactic games, guessing riddles, memorizing proverbs, reading fiction about nature.

Lesson progress:

Guys! I suggest you go to the wonderful world of nature.

What do you think the natural world is? (these are animals, fish, birds, insects, plants).

This world is so diverse and unique.

And now we will play with you. To do this, you need to stand in a circle.

The game is called "Living and inanimate nature."

Children stand in a circle and take turns passing the ball to each other, while naming objects of living (birds, plants, fish, etc.) and inanimate (sky, earth, stones, etc.) nature.

Every person has a home, every animal has a home. And insects, flowers and trees have a home (I post symbols on the board).

Guys, what can we call our common house? (Earth).

I'm posting a map of the Earth.

Our common home is the planet Earth, which revolves around the sun.

What it is? (the globe)

A globe is a model of our planet Earth. The globe was invented and made by people. By looking at it, we can learn a lot about our planet, such as what shape is the Earth? (Children's answers) (round, like a ball)

Is there land on our planet? (Yes)

What color is it marked on the globe? (brown, light brown, yellow, green)

Is there a lot of water on our planet? (more than sushi)

What color is it marked on the globe? (blue, cyan, white)

Our planet is the most beautiful of all planets.

What other planets do you know? (Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, etc.), but there is no life on these planets, because there is no air and water.

Earth is a common wonderful home for all people, animals and birds. Listen to what beautiful poems the poet Daineko wrote (reading):

“There is a huge house on Earth under a blue roof,

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream,

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it

The nature of the native land

This house is called.

Nature is important in the life of every person, because in addition to beauty and good mood, it gives a person something without which it is impossible to live. And what exactly will riddles tell you:

"You warm the whole world

And you don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you ... "(sun)

I post symbols.

Can a person live without sunlight and heat? (children's answers)

Why? (children's answers)

"He is invisible, and yet,

we cannot live without it.

No eating, no drinking, no talking.

And even, frankly,

You can't kindle a fire" (air)

Can we live without air? (No)

Why? (air is needed for breathing, a person can live for several days without food, without water, but without air he can live only a few minutes).

Why is there nothing in the picture? (because air is invisible). The air shell of the Earth is like a blanket. It protects the Earth from strong heating and cooling.

Next riddle:

“They drink me, they pour me, everyone needs me, who am I ...?” (water)

Correctly. Water for everyone today is so ordinary and familiar.

Can we live without water? (No)

Why? (children's answers)

Without water, the existence of all living things is impossible:

"Wherever the water runs,

The land is blooming, the country is blooming ... "

This is what nature gives to all living things for life: air, sun, water. Since the sun is shining brightly, streams are murmuring and there is fresh air around, I suggest taking a break and playing the game "Carousel" with ribbons. To the music and poetry, the children, holding the ribbons, rotate the carousel. The carousel stops at the stations "Wild Animals", "Poisonous Mushrooms and Plants", "Medicinal Plants", etc., where the children name what belongs to each group.

Well done! Relax, now we can move on.

Do you think a person can live alone on Earth, without animals, birds, insects, plants, trees, etc.?

Of course not. Man lives in nature, his life depends on nature.

And what do you guys think, the beauty of nature depends on a person? (people plant forests, protect animals, feed birds, clean rivers, etc.)

Does man always help nature?

Can it destroy nature? How? (pollutes rivers, cuts down forests, traps animals, birds, fish, pollutes the air, etc.)

People can increase nature, or they can destroy the rest. There are many examples in the history of mankind when a person, not taking into account the laws of nature, caused great harm to the animal and plant world.

But a person knows how to correct his mistakes, and reserves have been created in our country.

What is a reserve? This is a place where herbs, flowers, berries, mushrooms, trees, birds, fish are protected by the state. A place where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. These are islands of saving nature from man. This is our wealth, which everyone can be proud of.

What is forbidden to do in the reserve? (pick flowers, berries, fish, hunt animals)

What is allowed to do? (breathe fresh air, come on an excursion, get acquainted and admire the beauty and richness of protected places, walk along the paths)

A person on Earth is smart and strong, and all his knowledge and skills should be directed to the protection and protection of nature on planet Earth.

“I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive,

And the continents whisper to me:

"You take care of us, take care!"

In the anxiety of groves and forests,

Dew on the grass like a tear

And the springs quietly ask:

"You take care of us, take care!"

The deer stopped his run:

"Be a man, man"

We believe in you - do not lie,

you take care of us, take care!

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

So beautiful and dear

And lips whisper: “I will save!

I will save you, I will save you!

To save our planet Earth, we must be smart and kind. Man is a Giant.

And now I will give you cards and we will remember the rules of behavior in nature.

How to behave correctly while relaxing on the river, in the forest, in the meadow (children come out with cards and tell the rules on them).

And also, guys, you and I know a lot of proverbs about nature, let's call them.

Today, guys, I decided to initiate you into "Young Friends of Nature". A friend of nature is a person who loves, cherishes and protects it. I am presenting you with the medal "Young Friends of Nature".

Do you think you will be true friends of nature? Why? What will you do for this?

What do you remember most from today's lesson?

What will be your actions or what will you do if you see that your friends, neighbors are picking flowers in a flower bed, throwing garbage, breaking branches (answers of children).

Well done! Thanks for the activity!



Abstract of the lesson in the senior group

Theme: "Earth is our common home"


1. To acquaint with the diversity of flora and fauna, with its significance for all life on the planet.

2. To arouse in children the desire to protect their common home as a condition for preserving the life of mankind and all natural inhabitants.

3. To consolidate the concept that we - people - are part of nature, that the growth and development of living objects requires the same thing - water, light, air.

4. To bring up a responsible and careful attitude to the world around, native nature.

Material: ball, symbols (human, animals, fish, birds, insects, plants), earth map, globe, poems, riddles, symbols (sun, air, water),

preliminary work: looking at illustrations from the album “Take care of the living”, didactic games, guessing riddles, memorizing proverbs, reading fiction about nature.

Lesson progress:

Guys! I suggest you go to the wonderful world of nature.

What do you think the natural world is? (these are animals, fish, birds, insects, plants).

This world is so diverse and unique.

And now we will play with you. To do this, you need to stand in a circle.

The game is called "Living and inanimate nature."

Children stand in a circle and take turns passing the ball to each other, while naming objects of living (birds, plants, fish, etc.) and inanimate (sky, earth, stones, etc.) nature.

Every person has a home, every animal has a home. And insects, flowers and trees have a home (I post symbols on the board).

Guys, what can we call our common house? (Earth).

I'm posting a map of the Earth.

Our common home is the planet Earth, which revolves around the sun.

What it is? (the globe)

A globe is a model of our planet Earth. The globe was invented and made by people. By looking at it, we can learn a lot about our planet, such as what shape is the Earth? (Children's answers) (round, like a ball)

Is there land on our planet? (Yes)

What color is it marked on the globe? (brown, light brown, yellow, green)

Is there a lot of water on our planet? (more than sushi)

What color is it marked on the globe? (blue, cyan, white)

Our planet is the most beautiful of all planets.

What other planets do you know? (Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, etc.), but there is no life on these planets, because there is no air and water.

Earth is a common wonderful home for all people, animals and birds. Listen to what beautiful poems the poet Daineko wrote (reading):

“There is a huge house on Earth under a blue roof,

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream,

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it

The nature of the native land

This house is called.

Nature is important in the life of every person, because in addition to beauty and good mood, it gives a person something without which it is impossible to live. And what exactly will riddles tell you:

"You warm the whole world

And you don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you ... "(sun)

I post symbols.

Can a person live without sunlight and heat? (children's answers)

Why? (children's answers)

"He is invisible, and yet,

we cannot live without it.

No eating, no drinking, no talking.

And even, frankly,

You can't kindle a fire" (air)

Can we live without air? (No)

Why? (air is needed for breathing, a person can live for several days without food, without water, but without air he can live only a few minutes).

Why is there nothing in the picture? (because air is invisible). The air shell of the Earth is like a blanket. It protects the Earth from strong heating and cooling.

Next riddle:

“They drink me, they pour me, everyone needs me, who am I ...?” (water)

Correctly. Water for everyone today is so ordinary and familiar.

Can we live without water? (No)

Why? (children's answers)

Without water, the existence of all living things is impossible:

"Wherever the water runs,

The land is blooming, the country is blooming ... "

This is what nature gives to all living things for life: air, sun, water. Since the sun is shining brightly, streams are murmuring and there is fresh air around, I suggest taking a break and playing the game "Carousel" with ribbons. To the music and poetry, the children, holding the ribbons, rotate the carousel. The carousel stops at the stations "Wild Animals", "Poisonous Mushrooms and Plants", "Medicinal Plants", etc., where the children name what belongs to each group.

Well done! Relax, now we can move on.

Do you think a person can live alone on Earth, without animals, birds, insects, plants, trees, etc.?

Of course not. Man lives in nature, his life depends on nature.

And what do you guys think, the beauty of nature depends on a person? (people plant forests, protect animals, feed birds, clean rivers, etc.)

Does man always help nature?

Can it destroy nature? How? (pollutes rivers, cuts down forests, traps animals, birds, fish, pollutes the air, etc.)

People can increase nature, or they can destroy the rest. There are many examples in the history of mankind when a person, not taking into account the laws of nature, caused great harm to the animal and plant world.

But a person knows how to correct his mistakes, and reserves have been created in our country.

What is a reserve? This is a place where herbs, flowers, berries, mushrooms, trees, birds, fish are protected by the state. A place where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. These are islands of saving nature from man. This is our wealth, which everyone can be proud of.

What is forbidden to do in the reserve? (pick flowers, berries, fish, hunt animals)

What is allowed to do? (breathe fresh air, come on an excursion, get acquainted and admire the beauty and richness of protected places, walk along the paths)

A person on Earth is smart and strong, and all his knowledge and skills should be directed to the protection and protection of nature on planet Earth.

“I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive,

And the continents whisper to me:

"You take care of us, take care!"

In the anxiety of groves and forests,

Dew on the grass like a tear

And the springs quietly ask:

"You take care of us, take care!"

The deer stopped his run:

"Be a man, man"

We believe in you - do not lie,

you take care of us, take care!

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

So beautiful and dear

And lips whisper: “I will save!

I will save you, I will save you!

To save our planet Earth, we must be smart and kind. Man is a Giant.

And now I will give you cards and we will remember the rules of behavior in nature.

How to behave correctly while relaxing on the river, in the forest, in the meadow (children come out with cards and tell the rules on them).

And also, guys, you and I know a lot of proverbs about nature, let's call them.

Today, guys, I decided to initiate you into "Young Friends of Nature". A friend of nature is a person who loves, cherishes and protects it. I am presenting you with the medal "Young Friends of Nature".

Do you think you will be true friends of nature? Why? What will you do for this?

What do you remember most from today's lesson?

What will be your actions or what will you do if you see that your friends, neighbors are picking flowers in a flower bed, throwing garbage, breaking branches (answers of children).

Well done! Thanks for the activity!

(collection of articles on geopolitics and national security)


The Lord gave people unshakable testimonies about Himself:
1) The world created by Him;
2) the Bible as a spiritual guide in communication with God and people;
3) conscience, as a Sign of His Love and help to a person in the creation of Good.

This book is the second in a series of reflections on these testimonies that will benefit everyone, believers and non-believers alike.

Man lives on earth. And if he is not indifferent and takes care of her, then he is quite happy. At the same time, if he sincerely cares about her, then his heart gradually from love for his “small” land, at his “home”, his country - the stronghold of his well-being expands and the anxieties and pains of the whole planet fit into it, like the Houses of people, where both the Earth and Joy are “one for all”.

Where to find help and safety

Human civilization today is experiencing crisis phenomena on all continents, on all continents. These crisis phenomena cover almost all aspects of human existence. We see how many efforts of people are not able to stop the whirlwind of mercantile interests that destroys the purity of the soul, the satisfaction of which is carried out both through violence and through the flooding of worldviews of various kinds with populist teachings about the possible purpose of human existence and his “ways of survival” (think about it, not life, but survival ?) in a given setting. Science, production, and various organs of agitation and propaganda are involved in solving the problem of satisfying material needs. The all-powerful, but difficult to comprehend philosophy of human existence has been discarded and lies in oblivion until the next cataclysm of a global scale. How, after all, to make humanity think about its true security and ways to preserve it for many years? What is true security today or what is the danger of current trends in the development of human civilization?

The most valuable thing in a person is his self, as psychologists say, his beautiful intellectual and physiological originality and individuality. The most important thing for every person (whether he realizes it or not) today is the legal and material (practical) possibility of his self-realization, i.e. realization of his personality. It is this inner feeling that a person does not live in vain, and that in his life he has done (and is doing today) everything he is capable of, and gives a person a sense of satisfaction.

Much is written in the literature about the value of the human personality, but, unfortunately, little is realized in comparison with the ideals presented in it in real practical life. If at first glance, the press and the governing bodies of the state pay much attention to the dissemination of ideas about human rights, then in fact, so far no state can boast of creating real conditions for genuine equality in matters of self-realization of each individual, each member of its community. And although everyone knows that there are more or less successful examples in the history of human development of democratic states and regimes of government, nevertheless, this problem has not been solved either in the past or in the present. Why? Not an easy answer, but let's try to reflect on this topic.

By analogy with other global problems, the problem of self-realization of the individual is a global problem. As environmental issues, for example, cannot be resolved privately, since one region or continent cannot be ecologically clean, because they are all part of the whole system - the planet Earth. In the same way, even the "Bill of Human Rights" cannot be implemented in one single country. This country is not on a separate planet, but among others like and unlike it. Everything is interconnected and true freedom is possible only on the scale of the entire family of states.

Of course, there are no historical possibilities (as well as others) for the simultaneous or one-tempo development of countries and peoples. Some are lagging behind, others are leading in separate (even if many) development processes (spiritual, industrial, legal, cultural, etc.). However, being aware of the common goal of all mankind, every nation and every state is able to determine a number of measures to bring this goal closer. And the more states join this process, the higher the general level of human civilization. The true culture of a nation is to develop itself and not hinder (but rather help if necessary) others to develop in the same direction, i.e. in the direction of approaching the possibility of the full realization of human rights, wherever he lives on Earth.

Looking for approaches to the correct position of individual states and nations, it is necessary to observe not only restraint and tact, but also to promote the search for unique ways to achieve the common goal of mankind. Separate "kickbacks" in the development of some countries and peoples are inevitable, since no one is immune from mistakes. However, a correct assessment of the past and present (objective, not subjective), positions achieved and accumulated values ​​should contribute to a reliable forecast of steps in the near and distant future.

The objectivity and reliability of forecasts, of course, will be tested over time, but at the preliminary stage it is necessary to use all possible and currently available to mankind methods of predicting situations. So far, accounting and selection of material values ​​and economic transformations are being carried out most clearly and strictly. However, it is no less important for science, soothsayers, psychologists and philosophers to invade the universal human realm, the spiritual and legal realm. This is all the more necessary in order to achieve the best results in the field of material production. Only a free person in a free society can live in peace and work creatively, bringing joy to himself and others.

Only a free person is capable of upsurges of spirit, discoveries and creation of cultural masterpieces in his work and in life. And if Roerich claimed that “beauty will save the world”, and Dostoevsky defined this in his literary works, then, apparently, the geniuses of mankind were right. They only concentrated and emotionally fixed the ideas of the ancient philosophers about the necessity and possibility of the striving of the entire Universe and humanity, as its part, to universal harmony (ie, to beauty). And today this postulate is true, and the need for its implementation is even more objectively necessary.

Thus, we all, the people of the Earth, will try to be imbued with the scale and grandeur of this call, and each one, at least with a small part of his soul, will respond with good thoughts and deeds, mutual zeal to ensure that this postulate, which guarantees true global security for all, is realized as fully as possible. on our home planet.

The world is like a living picture

How long will mankind be tormented by the question of the meaning of life and the purpose of the path? Perhaps this question is eternal. And the point is not to find the answer to it, although it is important for each of us. The point is to understand the grandeur and enduring significance of this issue. To understand that he has always stood and will stand before a thinking person and before humanity as a whole. However, at any time, at each stage of the development of human civilization, the answer to it will be different, and it will always be inaccurate, approximate, and completely unsatisfactory. So is it worth worrying about it? I think no. It is necessary to soberly assess the root cause and the necessity of such a situation: we always ask, we always painfully search for an answer, we always seem to find it, but there is always no complete clarity. This means that a special Meaning of Being in general and of human existence in particular is “buried” in this. And, probably, it arose immediately, as soon as a person began to think, and will not disappear until a person forgets how to think. Or maybe it is precisely what is needed in order to encourage a person and humanity to think and, finding the answer to this complex question, as if by chance to perform feats of thought: to make scientific discoveries, create masterpieces in literature and art, to think and strive to educate in the best possible way. their children (they say “we didn’t manage to comprehend something ourselves, let the children find out”). Perhaps the last most logical explanation of the enduring significance of the question and the search for an answer to it by every thinking being.

Life is a living, ever-evolving, illuminating picture of the World, a picture of the unity and interdependence of man on the Earth and the Cosmos as a whole. Everything as a single organism exists and develops, seeking in itself reserves for this existence and development. And these reserves are located just in the energy of thought and not just one person, but all of humanity. That's just the difficulty to understand the need for creative thinking by everyone does not give a greater speed of development of human civilization. It is the unwillingness or inability to think creatively, the fear of sometimes even trying to do so, that leads humanity into various dead ends and crises, forcing it to stagnate for centuries. And if it were not for the everlasting tolerance and kindness of the Cosmos, then, perhaps, this "sloth" - human civilization would no longer have a place in the life of the present World.

However, to rely on the infinite kindness and tolerance of the Cosmos is today not only immoral, but also dangerous. For if, as I hope, readers have understood that we ourselves are the smiths of our future, our very life and its continuation, then it is necessary, apparently, to “roll up our sleeves” and get to work. There are enough blockages in many areas of human life: ecology, morality, culture, medicine, aesthetics, and so on. Everywhere there is a place for the application of the mind, and the heart, and good hands. And it would be good today to outline for ourselves and all of us together a plan for a true restructuring of both our thinking and our whole life in order to move forward towards a goal determined by joint efforts that has matured at this stage of the development of earthlings.

The global nature of the task also determines the necessary global participation of everyone and everyone, all nations and peoples of the Earth, all types of cultural activities (literature, art, press, radio, television), all types of capabilities developed in many people today (unusual before), mental and creative personality abilities. This is the only way to determine the goal and ways to achieve it. Only when they are determined, every nation, country, and then every person will see their own path, their “subtasks” and ... the meaning of their life in this grandiose plan. This is how extraordinary one can consider such a usually and banal even “unanswered” and eternal question about the meaning and purpose of Being.

What do you think, is it possible today to make all of humanity think about this eternal question from these positions proposed by the author? I would like to believe that this is possible. It is this belief that prompts enthusiasts to enthusiastically and repeatedly raise this question in all types of intellectual communication with others, directly or indirectly looking for an answer to it and using all the means now available to a person and his internal reserves. I would like to wish everyone to believe in the existence of these reserves and in the necessity and possibility of using them today. Then a person will realize himself as a part of this majestic living picture of the Universe.

On Faith and Life

The world was created the way God wanted to see it. The Creator's thought "rushed about" in search of a Miracle, the creation of which could bring joy both to Himself and to His creation. When the first impulsive impulse of a realized desire (the will of the Creator) touched the primordial sleeping matter, it came to life and, as if shaking itself from sleep, moved reluctantly and gracefully, as if checking itself: is it really a reality or an unfinished dream. And so, having determined for herself that this was not a dream, she immediately realized that life differs from death by a slight fluctuation of individual areas of this mighty organism, which until then had been filled with the “sleeping thought” matter homogeneous throughout its volume. This organism is the Universe, where a huge and friendly family of numerous living subsystems now lives, kindly cooperating and hoping for the deepening of this cooperation until the complete awakening of matter in all corners of the Universe.

The dormant giant is beautiful, the awakened one is unknown and may not be understood by individual subsystems. Therefore, those subsystems that have not understood the truth of the fullness and connection of everything living, instinctively reject or fence themselves off from communication with this giant. They can still hardly imagine others like them or more primitive than them, for example, assuming that those (“others”) were nothing more than themselves in the “early childhood” of their development. But, nevertheless, it is simply not desirable or scary to imagine subsystems higher than oneself in terms of the level of development in general, and even more so many times superior to them in terms of the degree of development of all aspects of life.

Fantasy is not able to fully predict the possibilities of other ranks of systems, because any prediction of possibilities is evaluated from positions already realized by this particular subsystem. Thus, the reference point chosen (“a priori”) leads to incorrect results of the forecast itself. Even a system of the type of Earth civilization is not able to imagine its development reliably enough, because a reference point has not yet been found for itself (the questions of the formation of not only large star systems, stars and individual planets, but even the Earth itself and man on it remain controversial , even "reasonable man"). How then to deal with the assessment of the surrounding systems, when people are not able to deal with themselves: neither with the past, nor with the present, nor with the future, all the more so? Maybe “fold your wings” and not even try to fly? .. No, you can’t keep a fidget bird, a human thought, in a cage, it’s cramped there and, willy or not, it breaks out from under the care of human skepticism and conjectures become the peak of its take-off, hypotheses, discoveries, i.e. insights.

So, where and how can insight be formed, where is its primary source? Oddly enough, not far and not close. It is directly in the person. And if he believes in this, then his inquisitive thought will never stop. It will forever awaken a person like the thought of the Creator who awakened the giant - the Universe. In this sense, man is indeed like God. And just as God creates the Universe according to the Will and the Word, so a person is able to create himself, his soul and body according to the will and the word (thought). And from what this word is (good or evil, humane or defective in relation to others), such a person will become.

True, there is a sad option that combines the word (even if very kind) with a weak will. Then the word is not able to awaken a person and he can, generally speaking, sleep through his whole life and be carefree and even (as it seems to him) happy. But every thinking person at the end of his life looks back at his path and, involuntarily evaluating it, decides whether he lived in vain or not, whether he managed everything, whether he achieved what he aspired to. And it’s good for someone who can honestly say to himself: “Yes, he didn’t live in vain, he made mistakes and was mistaken, but he thought, dared, searched, found and lost, but did not sleep and probably did everything he could.” In his soul, in his heart, these thoughts will be both calm and joyful.

But is every person capable of word and will? Yes, we approve, everyone. And can everyone correctly assess what is “good” and “evil” for themselves and for others? This question is more difficult. This is where the task of accurately predicting situations arises again. What is good? This is not a directly good deed and word now (although this, perhaps, in the end, is important), but that deed and word that will respond with a good deed and word both in the life of one (maybe not this one) person, and many people afterwards. And here the assessment of one's deeds can be found only in the peace of one's conscience and in deep faith in the Creator, who can really and fairly evaluate human deeds.

But what is human conscience and is it capable (unlike faith in the Creator) of being a reliable guarantor, a source of support for a person in life? Yes and no. Of course, for a pure soul open to God, such support exists and is reliable. Well, what about the one who is not open to God? You can’t force everyone to become believers and force them to purify their souls. This would not only be immoral, but also dangerous for those who would dare to propagate such a thing. Faith is a voluntary matter, this is its unchanging and eternal power, this is its meaning and essence. Faith is a feeling and a thought at the same time, and therefore it must be born itself like a person born from two elements - the mind (father) and body (mother). But a person becomes completely self-discovered when he has a third point of support - faith. It must be natural, perhaps through suffering, perhaps coming with the realization of oneself and the World in which a person lives.

Love and respect for faith, hope for it can be passed on from generation to generation through lifestyle, traditions, laws, etc. But faith itself comes to a person as a gift to himself, the biggest and most significant of all that Life itself presents to him. She needs to be nurtured, cherished in her soul, protected until the end of her days, only then will she get stronger and lead a person after her.

The stronger a person is physically and intellectually, the more he wants to be independent of anyone and nothing. But there are NO independent living systems and there is more demand from those who are stronger. Therefore, it is by no means weak, but it is the strong who need faith to a greater extent, because it is precisely faith that is able to save a person from unbridled aspirations, desires, passions. And, if faith makes a weak person stronger in spirit in order to survive, then a strong person needs faith to calm the force and direct it for the good of everyone and everyone. However, faith equally strengthens (strengthens) those and others (both weak and strong) in life, inspires their mind, makes it mobile and courageous, and, most importantly, directs them on the path of truth.

So everyone needs faith, and those are happy who have already understood this and are striving to get closer to conscious faith. This miraculous striving is already blessed by the Creator and allows the intuition and creative abilities of the individual to work more fully. This wonderful "advance" to people who are still weakly believing, but who do not change faith, gives them strength for an even more in-depth study of all areas of philosophical and natural sciences, for comprehending the root causes, the necessity and usefulness of the existence of both the person himself - the creator of himself, and the knowledge of the great Creator Universe, whose children are everything that exists in it.

View of the World

There are different points of view on how we see the World around us: is it a reality or just a mirage, is it material or ideal, is it rather complicated or simple, beautiful or ugly, is it benevolent or hostile, etc. But whatever one may say, there is no single answer to any of these questions. But there is an answer that, at first glance, is paradoxical. The world is both this and that: different and all-encompassing, frightening and enchanting. This answer must always be subjective, for this definition is given by a thinking person for himself. And how many people - so many opinions.

In each assessment of the relationship between a person and the world around him, there is subjectivity. And what is the objective assessment of the World and is it possible to give (produce) an unambiguously true picture of the World and each person in it? The complexity of the situation is explained primarily by an objective factor - a change in the picture of the World every second, every minute, hourly. As soon as an assessment of the situation is made, it immediately becomes obsolete, as if implying a change in generations of thought: future "appraisers" and the assessments themselves.

Who will stop this process, so that at least in this moment of deviation from constant vanity, to evaluate the purpose and direction of our life, ourselves, our Universe? Who dares to say: “Stop, a moment, you are beautiful!” Although one can be sure of the sincerity of an artist, philosopher, natural scientist, but, nevertheless, the assessment of “excellent” is always overestimated. Yes, this is true, because there is no limit to perfection: everything convinces us of the constant striving for harmony and beauty, in the search for the ideals of which our Universe “fusses”.

Who “throws” us information for reflection? Who is this Author of gigantic and microscopic experiments on the forms of matter, energy transformations, changes in the directions and speeds of the movement of time and bizarre curvature and openness of spaces where Life itself is created? And no one will say. After all, this is the biggest of all mysteries that humanity has been trying so hard to unravel since the moment it learned to think in general. And more and more complex problems are solved by humanity. More and more bold hypotheses are put forward, but, nevertheless, the answer has not been found and should not be found, because, as soon as it is received, there is no reason for the existence of the Universe itself.

Indeed, if the answer is received, it means that the Source of transformations, the Algorithm of the wheel of life - causes and effects are read and understood, all the ways of improvement are EXHAUSTED and there is no Goal of the Path. This means that we must start from the beginning, but according to a different Algorithm, perhaps coming from another Source. Only one thing is clear that this will no longer be the World in which we live and are painfully looking for answers to the questions whether we evaluate ourselves or someone “from above” looks and evaluates our whole life, all of us together and each individually . Does everyone get what they deserve, is the Appraiser fair, is He objective? I would like to believe so. For if we are temporal, mortal, then He is eternal. And how, in this case, will He look Himself in the eye, how can He say to Himself: “I did everything I could to make the World beautiful!”

How to equip the world of people

When a person builds his house, he always wants it to be beautiful and comfortable. He strives to arrange his future life, which will give him both joy and income, and will be comfortable for many years to come. Our Earth is our common Home, where we are all members of one big Family. And, of course, it is much more difficult to equip a House for all mankind than for one person and his family. However, oddly enough, the problems that arise during this construction are different only in scale, and not in essence. Build a house and think not only about yourself, but also about your neighbors, about the surrounding nature, about the possibility of communicating with various people, institutions, centers, etc. So it is on the earth as a whole. The difference is that the “surrounding nature” is the whole Earth, and the House is also the same, Mother Earth. This is the complexity of the task of the great construction - Home for all mankind. Here, more than ever, such problems are important as: interconnections and at the same time non-interference in the affairs of others, a sense of involvement in any fact and event that occurs on Earth without the knowledge, and sometimes with the knowledge of the observer.

Whether we will live well in our house or not, ultimately depends only on ourselves. To be good, kind neighbors, to provide mutual assistance, to communicate on issues of economy, culture, science - is this not a task? But the trouble is that not everyone, when solving the problems of their development, thinks about the results of the implementation of their plans. And the trouble is not that these plans were made without taking into account these results, but to a greater extent in the lack of understanding among many about the interdependence of everyone and everything on Earth, in their unwillingness to measure their own and others' capabilities in the interests of helping those who are weaker today.

Maybe this stereotype of thinking is already not so strong (“my hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything”), but it is tenacious. And now it manifests itself in a new way, even more rudely and selfishly. How often it seems to peoples and (or) their leaders that, they say, “we, if we did not depend on anyone, would make independent decisions, we would achieve the greatest success for ourselves.” At the same time, unfortunately, this refers to a greater degree of material wealth, less often political (or power) authority, but the moral aspect of the steps taken is excluded.

The understanding that there is not only no absolutely free people, but also no people absolutely independent of the happiness of other people, is also sometimes dismissed as insignificant. But sooner or later we begin to understand that the development policy of a state (any, large or small, on any continent) is not a private affair of this state. And, if our ancestors nevertheless became convinced that “it is better to trade than to fight” with each other, then really we, modern humanity, will not take one more step towards understanding the world? Is it really not obvious today that only by saving the ecology of the entire planet, humanity will be truly healthy. By protecting world culture, by joint efforts it is possible to achieve a morally higher level of its development, and this, in turn, will give real results in science, and in art, and in the practical life of everyone.

Walking towards each other in understanding the global nature of almost all issues related to the existence of a separate people, nation, state, we are striving to improve the standard of living of all mankind. At the same time, naively trying to egoistically solve for ourselves the issues of material well-being and political neutrality, we thereby degrade spiritually, because isolation from the outside world gives just such a result - the degradation of the cultural and moral development of the nation. Even if you don’t always like what your neighbor does, but still, looking at “what’s what”, you decide for yourself whether to take something from his life experience or reject it and why, and if you need a neighbor, then help not a sin.

What follows from the above reasoning? Is it really impossible to create "Paradise" in a single country? Of course not. And the purity of the air, and the purity of the waters, and the competent use of all the natural resources of the Earth, and the creative achievements of the human mind are impossible in isolation from each other. We are all, whether we like it or not, one Family and the epidemic of selfishness must stop before it “devours” all of us.

The most terrible thing in the world is to be reassured, complacent, to no longer desire anything. This incredibly dangerous symptom began to be observed even in countries that are not so economically developed. There may be many reasons for such apathy, but it is time to eliminate them. There are both forces and material opportunities for this. And the only thing lacking in the offensive of decisive action is the desire to understand and accept as an axiom that very slogan: “The Earth is our common Home!” there would be a desire ... And from here, practical steps will follow to equip our common Home: global problems of ecology, morality, culture, the transformation of healthcare systems, the creation of general educational systems at the interstate level, the definition of a unified legal framework of states that in fact ensures the rights of every person to Earth. You can talk about other issues as well. But we must understand that history will not forgive us for laziness and forgetfulness of the wise commandment: the meaning of human life lies in striving for the beauty and harmony of the whole World.

About the feat of the soul

The meeting with the beautiful is expected by everyone as a moment of revelation of the soul, as a pure delight from the Harmony of the Universe. At such moments, a person is not capable of anything bad, he is exactly what he himself would like to be and see others. But, alas, this feeling passes and a person, plunging into the bustle of days, cannot even remember how and why this sublime feeling of belonging to Eternity has gone. He runs and hurries to solve his big and small problems of being, forgetting the main thing - the Purpose of his life. This terrible "split" personality can only be overcome by systematic work on one's soul, knowledge of oneself, one's personality and the world around. Such complex problems, in view of their weightiness, displace those that previously seemed important, relegating them to the background. And the paradox of the situation lies in the fact that focusing on the main thing allows a person to quickly and more fruitfully solve their petty everyday issues. However, for a person, even an intelligent and honest person, to switch to a new mode of existence is tantamount to a feat of his soul. Think about the word “feat”, it is a progress, a shift, a firm volitional aspect of a decision, a bold step to make a cardinal decision to get out of the impasse into which momentary chores lead a person.

Is man weak? Oh no, but he does not believe in his strength and is afraid to break the usual rhythm of life. Even a physically weak person is capable of a feat of superstrength, because we are talking about willpower, courage, bravery and ... desire, a sincere desire to make at least some effort on oneself. But what can be done to make a person believe in himself? There is the wisdom of the East: “If you want to be strong, reach for the strong” and also “Live as if there are many days ahead, but do not forget that life can end in an instant.” If you delve into these ancient sayings, then every thinking person can find the answer to the question of how to overcome oneself, because the goal is clear and the way to achieve it is clear.

If a person is very weak, his first step is focused on kind and strong people, but, in the end, comprehending life and becoming strong, one has to look for landmarks not only on Earth. And here the cultural and scientific preparation of a person for the knowledge and spiritual acceptance of faith in the Most High, Who can be the Goal and Ideal for all living, is important. If there is no such preparation, a person wanders in the dark for a long time, but if he really wants to, he will still see the Light that does not fade away.

Above all Worlds and Systems

It is necessary to protect the Cosmos in every blade of grass,
if we are ready to become universal citizens.
N.K. Roerich

There are many unresolved problems in the world, but there is one that humanity rarely thinks about. This is the problem of preserving cultural values ​​accumulated during the existence of human civilization after the end of the life cycle of our Universe. There are many Worlds and Systems in the Cosmos, but what is most valuable is what has been developed by the intelligent life forms of all of them combined.

We turn to the Cosmos (more precisely, the Cosmic Mind) for advice and support, we receive free vitality and knowledge, but we do not think about where they come from. Like ungrateful children who, having already become adults, out of habit demand from their parents one or the other, humanity drinks the kindness and warmth of the Cosmos, not considering it necessary to replenish the reserves of these mighty resources of Existence for their use by subsequent generations of intelligent life forms in the Universe. Say: “Is there not enough energy in the Cosmos? And what can one person and even all of humanity as a whole do to preserve this energy in the Universe?” But after all, above all Worlds and Systems is the Law of Justice, which says: when you can’t give, don’t take, but take it - give it back, you can - a hundredfold. Then the conscience is calm and life flows and pleases both you and those who come after you.

And in human life it is distressing when one person does not return a debt to another. Of course, if he cannot for objective reasons (beggar or weak), then this is another matter. On Earth, the divine gift of kindness is called Virtue and Mercy, that is, “active goodness” and “mercy that comes from the heart.” Such is the virtuous and merciful Cosmos to all Systems of life. However, if you scoop without measure, then even such powerful reserves of Energy can run out. Just as a healthy person on Earth, capable of working, creating and giving, should do this in order to live with a clear conscience, so it is ashamed for all mankind to consider themselves poor or weak in relation to the Cosmos.

It is necessary to focus not only on saving the energy resources of the Earth, but also on generating additional energy, which will allow us to continue for a longer period both the life of mankind on Earth and the entire solar system in the Universe. For the first step of such a global task as the preservation of living intelligent systems in the Cosmos, this problem of resource conservation is quite enough. Only by resolving it, it is possible to take the next step: to “bridle” new, cosmic types of energies that are able to more effectively transform into those that consume everything living and intelligent on Earth, in the Solar System and in Space.

A dizzying task, striking in its globality, infinity of perspective, nobility in relation to future generations, living systems, the entire Cosmos. Is humanity able to solve this problem today? Probably not. Even the first step can be difficult and hardly feasible. But it is impossible not to think about these problems. Not a single system of life on the scale of the Earth has stood the test of the evolution of development if it was to a greater extent a “consumer” rather than an “emitter” of energy (in the totality and variety of its forms). Similarly, human civilization as a single living organism, a single living system, if it is not able to produce energy more than (or at least equal to) the amount consumed, will be forced to perish in Space without a trace. Such a "powerful experiment" as biologically intelligent life under conditions similar to Earth's will be considered a failure.

We, people, whether we want it ourselves or not, think about the future. Our imagination is enough for the present and "a little bit" for the future. We say: “What will descendants say about us? What will they remember? Will they remember at all? But this is all on the scale of the Earth. And if you expand the scope of ideas to the Cosmic scale? Really in vain suffered, suffered, built, tried to create and create beautiful many and many generations of people? To whom will our now matured humanity leave and will it leave as a legacy all the richness of the colors of the life of the Earth, the heights of beauty and virtue? I really want to answer this question like this: “No, everything that has been suffered is not in vain, this is the path of truth and goodness.” And the Cosmos, which has helped us for so long, will breathe easy. He has already made us adults. Now, as grateful children, we, the people of the Earth, must repay him not only with love, but also with practical inspiration, the search for ways to preserve life and everything connected with it in the Cosmos. Let the strength of spirit, reason and passion be enough for all of us, so as not to stop on the way to that beautiful Goal that is higher than all Worlds and Systems: the preservation of life in the Cosmos.

Knowledge and forecast - the basis of being
(what the cosmos is talking about)

Knowledge of the unearthly spheres of life allows humanity to measure the milestones of its development with the rhythms of the life of the Cosmos. That action planning, which is commensurate with the Purpose of Being of the entire Cosmos (from Chaos to Harmony), can be recognized as objective and useful. Otherwise, it leads humanity to a dead end, leads to the loss of vitality, resources and time. There is no need to strive for the unattainable at this stage of the evolution of the life of the Earth, but you need to know about the next steps. I would like the length of the path to the future to be seen more and more. Forecasting for a period of several months, years and even decades is outdated due to its inefficiency. Due to the neglect of long-term prospects, the planned steps in the development of peoples and states, of all mankind lead to irretrievable expenditures of human energy for deeds and practical attempts to implement scientific discoveries that do not promise further prospects. Haste in judgments about the promising benefits of this or that act or discovery is not welcomed at all. However, the feeling of helplessness in making long-term forecasts must be overcome in the near future.

Preparing for the exploration of space, it would be good to remember that this is not virgin land. It is not required to conquer it with a multitude and "arrogantly". The elder friend of the Earth - Space is worthy of respect and cooperation. He extends a helping hand to us, condescendingly waiting for our growing up and understanding of the situation. How can we plan for what will be needed in 100, 200 or 500 years? It would seem, who can verify the accuracy of such a forecast? Of course, if we talk about practical confirmation, then future generations. But only this does not mean that the current generation can live under the motto "after us - even a flood ..." After all, people do not live for the sake of the "flood".

Daring and dreaming about the future, a person wants to believe and hope for the infinity of the life of the Earth and the Cosmos and for the infinity of the improvement of everything that exists. This means that a person can dream about both thinking and consciousness, and should think about it, as about infinitely improving, really existing things. Then let's try to set the task of the present day as the task of connecting human consciousness and reason with the Cosmic Mind and the Universal Consciousness on the basis of the Law of Justice, protecting the younger, but forcing respect for the greater and older.

Cooperation "on a parity basis" is fair only for equals or it is immoral. However, it is possible to talk about "parity principles" in the World of living systems in the Cosmos in the sense that everyone contributes to the extent of his strength (and there is no reason (!) To humiliate or praise oneself). All are equal in the right to give everything, to the maximum extent possible, that they can for the common good. This cosmic law is not fully implemented on Earth and cannot yet be realized by all living beings equally. The old tradition of maintaining one's positions as "strong" and "weak", violence and dependency, covered, respectively, either by the desire to "preserve one's interests", or "to feel charity and mercy" exist and are not destroyed by common sense.

The development of the Universal Consciousness of thinking humanity is possible only through cooperation with the Cosmos: its teaching and its support. If you take on a difficult task without a Teacher, you can make a mistake in the goal or in the way to achieve it. Therefore, to fence off artificially from the help of the Cosmos is to the detriment of oneself and future generations.

The Cosmos reveals its secrets, as well as the prospects for our development through bilateral contact between the human and the Cosmic Mind. This contact has been proven for thousands of years. And the mass appearance of "contactees" (Conductors of information from the Invisible World to the Visible World) in recent years only confirms the interested desire of the Cosmos to help humanity in solving all its problems. The “small” remains – this is a sincere desire and a reasonable interest in communicating with the Cosmic Mind.

In the world there are many schools of spiritual improvement of the individual, leading to direct and controlled contact with cosmic energies. The development of non-traditional approaches in obtaining information from the information field of the Cosmos (and the existence of such has already been known since the beginning of the twentieth century, let us recall Vernadsky, Tsiolkovsky, Maneev, not to mention the religious practical experiences of communicating with him) is an urgent problem and an urgent task in obtaining long-term forecasts. Only they are able to provide hope and confidence that we on Earth are going our own way, but “in step” with the mighty and kind Cosmos.


These articles are written down (given in Revelation) at the very beginning of the search by the author of himself, more precisely, “better himself”. It is natural that each person strives for self-realization, but the opportunity to know oneself and the World is most fully revealed only in direct contact with the Higher Forces.

Russia is a spiritually rich country. Its moral and spiritual traditions are deeply pure and strong. They have not been interrupted or exterminated to this day, and every Russian person can and should rely on them.

The most direct path to the pinnacle of self-perfection has been provided by the Orthodox Church throughout its existence. This is the way of turning to God as the Teacher and Giver of all blessings.

Thank God for everything!

State educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care "Catherine's Children's Home"

Methodological development open lesson dramatization "EARTH - OUR COMMON HOUSE"
(for children from 7 to 10 years old)

Developed by:
Martynova O. P.
(teacher of the 2nd qualification category)

1. Explanatory note.
2. Methodical recommendations.
3. Scenario.
4. Scenario plan.
5. Preparation plan.
6. Methodological advice.
7. Literature.
8. Application.


The interaction of man with nature is an extremely urgent problem of our time. Every year its sound becomes stronger, since it is already fully clear that the benefits produced by man act as a destructive effect on a huge scale, which threatens to completely destroy all life on Earth, including man himself.

The foundations of a person's worldview are laid at primary school age, his attitude to the world around him, at this stage the child receives emotional impressions of nature, accumulates an idea of ​​​​different forms of life, i.e. he forms the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, elements of ecological culture are laid.

Coercion from the outside can only oppress, and not arouse the child's interest in ecology. The educator must seek and find means and ways to arouse children's interest in environmental problems.

To arouse in children an incentive, interest and attention to the environment, you can use various means and ways:

  • reading fairy tales, myths, legends;
  • taking part in games, observations, excursions, quizzes, scenarios;
  • through music and drawing.

So gradually the child will develop a sense of the beauty of nature, joy and surprise.
This event is held in the form of an open lesson - dramatization, designed for children aged 7 - 10 years.

Target: formation of the foundations of ecological culture in children of primary school age in an orphanage.


  1. formation of initial ecological knowledge and ideas about nature.
  2. fostering a humane attitude towards nature and understanding the importance of environmental protection.
  3. creation of an ecological and developing environment in the orphanage.

This event must be held in a spacious hall to ensure the implementation of the methodological plan (performing poems, songs, dances, performances using a phonogram).

It is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of the pupils, as well as take into account previously accumulated knowledge and experience. When distributing assignments, it is necessary to take into account the wishes and interests of children. For the successful holding of this event, a lot of organizational and well-planned work is needed. With children, it is necessary not only to learn poetry, but also to work out the expressiveness of speech and emotional performance. Not only to learn a song, a script, but also to work out such skills as: confidently behave during a performance, the ability to interact with each other, empathize, form artistic skills, a culture of behavior.

Pupils should provide all possible assistance in the manufacture of visibility, equipment, scenery and costumes.

The teacher takes part in the script together with the children, thereby giving confidence to the children, creates comfortable conditions and emotionally sets the children to perceive this material.

What an event will be bright, joyful, emotional, memorable - depends on those who present it to the audience, implement it, and, finally, on the audience themselves.


1. the inscription on the stage "Earth is our common home"
2. images of birds, flowers decorate the stage.
3. costumes "Red Book", "Nature", "Hare", "Fox", "Wolf", "Tulip", "Lily of the valley", "Lion".
4. tape recorder.
5. fresh flowers.


Members: Teachers and pupils of the orphanage from 7 to 10 years.

Location: Auditorium.

Decor: On the stage there is an inscription “Earth is our common home”, the hall is festively decorated, scenery, chairs for spectators, heroes in costumes are placed.

theatrical performance


(Anxious music plays).

Red Book:
We are talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home.
Our good house, spacious house.
We all live in it from birth.
Also, we are talking about
That we must protect our home.
Let's prove that it's not in vain
The earth is relying on us.

There is just a temple
There is a temple of science
And there is also a temple of nature
With scaffolding pulling hands
Against the sun and winds
Come in here
Be a little heart
Don't defile her!
1st reader: I plucked a flower - and it withered.

2nd reader: I caught a beetle and it died in my palm.

1st reader: And then I realized that you can touch nature only with your heart.

2nd speaker: Oh man! Nature is the mother of neither rivers nor seas.
Doesn't hide from your eyes
No dew grass, no blue skies.
Appreciate this trust of nature, do not deceive her! Oh man!

I am nature. It has been 1 million years since man appeared on Earth. And only in the twentieth century, he finally imagined himself a master. Society considered my resources to be unlimited, so there was no concern for economical use and reproduction. All waste was carelessly thrown into the environment, many animal species were cruelly destroyed.

Nature! Our life is inseparable from it. Nature is generous and disinterested, it gives us everything for life.

Nature: What a wonderful creation of nature. One can only admire them, marveling at how rich she is in inventions.
Red Book: However, sometimes adults and children behave insanely towards her, the subsoil is depleted, rivers and lakes are polluted.

Reader: (The poem "The Gray Ocean." Alarming music sounds).

The gray-haired ocean rings the tocsin,
He hides resentment in the depths,
Black, rocking spots
On a steep angry wave.
People became strong like Gods -
And the fate of the Earth is in their hands,
But black burns darken
At the globe on the sides.
We have long mastered the planet,
The new age is marching on.
There are no white spots on the Earth -
Can you erase black people?

(Song "Forgive the Earth").

Nature: Listen, children! The earth is asking for help!

(The poem is read by Lily of the Valley. Calm music sounds.)

Lily of the valley:
Everything is so wounded in the forest,
As after the days of the war, there is no surviving spruce or pine to be found here.
He stabbed a birch with a knife, some kind of live-eater.
It seems to me that from under the bark my tear flows.
This human callousness hurts my soul,
Under the crippled oak tree, it's not the wind that moans, I
Here is an anthill set on fire by a blasphemous hand.
It seems to me that it is not he who is burning, but my house is burning.
The earth is in burns and scars, as in the days of great trouble.
Intoxicated bravado traces, traces of carelessness.
They left, offending beauty, embarrassing forest comfort
Not hearing what's behind, the trees shed tears.

Hare: The forest is the greatest source of inspiration and health, it teaches us to see and understand beauty. In the forests, the majestic beauty and power of nature appear before us.

Fox: The forest is your most faithful assistant in the fight for the harvest. It softens the climate, stops dry winds, dust storms, blocks the way of free-flowing sands with its green canvases.

Wolf: It is impossible to enumerate all the disasters that the absence of a forest brings us. If you knew about them, then you probably would not have raised your hand to break a branch of a blossoming linden.

Tit: The role of the forest in history and even in the process of human development is extremely important.

Hare: The forest gave you the first tools of labor, introduced you to fire. The forest fed your distant ancestors, gave them shelter, protected them from the sun and wind, rain and frost, and saved them from predatory animals.

Fox: Houses and boats, a spear and a plow, a cradle were made of wood. The true history of modern civilization began with the invention of paper, books, the material for which was provided by the forest.

Wolf: Your distant ancestors treated him with care. They were sure that nature: trees and grasses, forests and clouds are talking. They can warn or threaten, frighten or encourage.

Tit: Among the ancient people there were legends about a blade of grass, a flower, about every tree.

(Song "Thin Rowan" or "Do not chop men").

Red Book: And the list of destroyed species of animals and plants is replenished throughout the history of mankind.

Reader: We burn, in anything - greedy eyes!
And we chop and we blow up, and we chop.
Nature - mother is waiting for mercy from us
But, alas, we cannot take it from us.
Nature: After all, think about it, every minute one species of living organisms disappears on earth.

Red Book: And it's not so important - it's a solid four-legged or a tiny bug from some island in the Pacific Ocean, they are all equal on the scales of life.

(Y. Antonov's song “Beauty Lives Everywhere” or the dance of butterflies with flowers and birds).

If I pick a flower
If you pick a flower
If everything, me and you
If we pick flowers.
All fields will be empty
And there will be no beauty.

Butterfly: In the last three centuries alone, 36 species of mammals have disappeared from the face of the Earth forever.

Tit: 94 species of birds and hundreds of species of invertebrates, among them the marsupial wolf, passenger pigeon.

Tulip: More and more animals and plants that have disappeared and are on the verge of extinction are being included in the disturbing pages of the Red Book.

Protected by the Red Book
So many rare animals and birds.
To survive the many-sided space
For the light of the coming frontiers.
So that the deserts do not dare to descend
So that the souls do not become empty,
Beasts are guarded, snakes are guarded,
Even the flowers are protected.

Red Book:
The Red Book is a list of species of animals and plants, fungi and even lichens, which are threatened with real extinction from the face of the Earth. The first Red Book is international, it appeared in 1966. Its publication was preceded by the painstaking work of scientists around the world, who for the first time decided to calculate the damage that people caused to nature.
The result stunned everyone, the danger threatened many species of plants and animals. It was then that it was decided to publish this data, to notify everyone about the impending catastrophe. The red binding is not accidental; it seems to warn of a possible disaster. Soon the Red Books of individual countries, regions, and republics came out.
The black page in the book contains the names of extinct species, the red one - endangered species, the yellow one - recovering ones, the green one - little-studied, the white one - unstudied species of animals and plants.

Butterfly: A huge number of butterflies are listed as the hottest spots on the map of life.

Tulip: Several hundred species of plants. Among our close friends, this is May lily of the valley, most orchids, snow-white snowdrop, bluebell.

(Forest clearing. In the center, a lion sits on a throne. Around him are forest dwellers).

A lion: Today in our forest early in the morning the veche bell rang. You know that no one dares to call him for nothing. So who among you calls for justice, who requires judgment and protection.

Tit: We birds call for justice, we demand judgment and protection. Over the past 150 years, 60 species and 67 subspecies have become extinct, and we lose our winged brothers every year. And it's all the fault of man.
Leo: How can a person do this to you? I can't believe this can't be, because we are all part of nature.
We all have one mother, named nature!
She has enough kindness for everyone
And we live, capturing forever
In the soul of her beautiful features -
Fields, meadows, forests, seas and rivers.

Wolf: Man has a direct impact on flora and fauna. This has led to the fact that the extinction of animal and plant species in our time is from one to ten per year. Today, 1,000 animal species and 2,000 plant species are on the verge of extinction.

A lion: Is it so? Does a person really not understand that by destroying you all, he is preparing the same fate for himself. He learned to fly through the air like a bird, to swim under water like a fish, he had only one thing left - to learn to live with dignity, to live on Earth.

Wolf: Human! Do you hear, do you see, anything but death?

A lion:
You listen to the king of patient animals,
And I'm sorry
That my words will not sound royal.
I am the last of the lions
But let them speak for me.
Doe in the arms of a trap,
Creeping smog immensity
And a family of dolphins
For which a week in a row.
You hunted from a helicopter
To unwind a little.
May you meet a dove
Swallowed poison,
An anthill burned
Broken holes of badgers,
stunned salmon,
Giraffe trembling with fear.
And a shot swan
And seagulls up to their throats in fuel oil.
Let them vote
Questioning the punishing age.
Let them bypass any car.
You are the owner!
We do not want to argue with you and cannot,
But imagine without us
Will Earth be Earth?
But without us - you understand
Will the sea remain the sea?
Human cubs will remember us and cry
We are fluffy lumps of heat
We are a living animal.
All yours on the planet
And we don't have anything.
Maybe it's true that day by day
The world is getting uglier.

Butterfly: Human! Through your fault, not only birds die, but all nature.

: However, what is done cannot be remedied by any remorse.

Tulip: Repentance purifies the soul and hardens it against new temptations, but what happened is irreparable!

Wolf: It is not enough not to do evil - you need to do good .. only then you will be happy and calm.

A lion: There is already too much suffering in the world, causing evil even to a small creature, you increase this evil. But the purpose of a person is completely different.

Nature: The problems of ecology and nature protection are of increasing concern to humanity. And this is understandable - the Earth is our common home, and the only abode in the world. We belong to nature with flesh and blood, we are inside it and dependent on it. It is enough to remember, you man, that without food, you will live 5 weeks, without water 5 days, without air 5 minutes. And now the threat of a disastrous ecological crisis hangs over all this.

(Sounds of birds chirping, the sound of the sea).

Reader: Take care of the Earth! take care
Skylark at the blue zenith.
Butterfly on a dodder stalk,
Sunshine on the path.
A hawk hovering over the field
A clear moon over the night's rest.

(Children hold birch, maple leaves in their hands, the rules of behavior in the forest are written on them. They read these rules and throw the leaves into the hall, as if the trees were dropping leaves).
n/a Events Responsible
1 Alarm music sounds, the Red Book and nature enter the stage. Musical worker, educator in the role of the "Red Book" and the child in the role of "Nature"
2 Readers come out, read poetry, conduct a dialogue with the Red Book and Nature. educator
3 Song "Forgive the Earth." Music worker
4 A Hare, a Wolf, a Fox, a Tit appear on the stage, they tell a story about the forest, talk with the Red Book and Nature. Educator, assistants
5 Yu. Antonov's song “Beauty lives everywhere” Music worker
6 They go on stage, Tulip and Butterfly talk about environmental problems. Tutor and assistants
7 All animals, birds and plants come with a complaint to the king of beasts, the Lion. Educator, assistants, music worker


  1. The study of methodological literature on this topic.
  2. Script writing.
  3. A week before the holiday, hold an environmental quiz.
  4. Learning poems, songs, dances.
  5. Development of intonation expressiveness.
  6. Script rehearsal.
  7. Preparation of scenery, visuals, costumes and equipment.
  8. Hall decoration.
  9. Exhibition of children's creativity.
  10. Arrangement of furniture.
  11. Summing up the environmental quiz.



  1. In ancient Russia, this animal was called "Veksha", it is graceful and beautiful. His cubs are born naked, but then they flaunt in red fluffy outfits. The animal is very trusting, loves cones and nuts. (Squirrel).
  2. This insect keeps an amazing secret: sitting on a blade of grass in the Moscow region, it is able to feel even a minor earthquake in Japan. In color, it merges with the grass. (Grasshopper).
  3. These birds are loved for their cheerful disposition. They are excellent onomatopoeia and often sing like a chaffinch, a thrush, croak like a frog, and bark like a dog. They are of great use. In the spring, they walk through the fields, collecting larvae and insects that wintered in the ground. In the spring they eat a large number of caterpillars and beetles. (Starling).
  4. in Russia, this beetle has long been called the "Sun". He is red and round, very good-natured and harmless, not dangerous to anyone, except for aphids. On the bends of the legs, a liquid similar to milk appears, which led people to the name given to this beetle. (Ladybug).
  5. The flowering time of this shrub is April, May. The fruits ripen in August. They are oval, juicy, bright red and sit right on the branches and trunk. The name of this shrub refers to a well-known predatory beast. Poisonous to humans. (Wolfberry).
  6. Who is not surprised by their diligence and patience. Every year they can bring a kilogram of any prey to their home, about 100,000 insects, which is why they are useful for forestry. But they breed, like shepherds, a mass of aphids, This is their harm. (Ants).
  7. What wood is used to make skis? (Birch).
  8. What kind of hunting is allowed at any time of the year? (Photo hunting).
  9. Which tree blooms the latest? (Linden).
  10. Who cuckoos at the cuckoo? (Male).
  11. Which bird is most similar to a duck? (Drake).
  12. Which bird runs faster than a racehorse? (Turkey).
  13. What bird hatches chicks in the rain? (Swan).
  14. Stork's favorite treat? (frogs).
  15. Which birds dig nest holes? (Swallows).
  16. What animals can be said to get out of their skin? (Snakes come out of their skin when they molt.)
  17. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run uphill or downhill? (Uphill, because his front legs are shorter than his hind legs).
  18. Does the tree grow in winter? (Not).
  19. Who sleeps upside down all winter? (Bat).


The inscription on the posters

1. As it comes around, it will respond.

2. Remember! A fish needs water, a bird needs air, a beast needs forests, steppes and mountains, and a man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

3. Forest is our wealth.

4. Do not litter nature!

5. Hello planet!
Hello Earth!
From now on we are your children and friends!
From now on we are together - a big family -
Flowers and trees, birds and me!

6. To live, you need the sun, freedom and a small flower. G. H. Andersen.


Rules of conduct in the forest


Do not break the branches of trees and shrubs. A plant is a living being, and the branches, together with the leaves, help it breathe, release oxygen into the air, and trap dust. Where there are many plants, it is easy to breathe.

RULE 2. Do not damage tree bark. Understand, it hurts them, they stop growing, and they die painfully for a long time, but they cannot say about it.


Do not pick flowers in the forest and in the meadow. After all, a flower in a vase is a prisoner sentenced to death. May this miracle please the eye, rejuvenate the heart, the soul of all who come after us. It was the long-standing habit of picking flowers that led to the extinction of many plant species.

RULE 4th.

In the forest, try to walk along the paths so as not to trample the grass and soil. Folk wisdom says: one person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred people leave a path, and thousands leave a desert.

RULE 5th. You can not take eggs from nests, destroy anthills, dig holes and disturb forest dwellers.


Do not build a fire in the forest if it is not necessary. Fireplaces are wounds in the ground cover of the forest. They take 15-20 years to heal. A fire can start from a fire.


Do not knock down mushrooms, even inedible ones. Anyone who knocks fly agarics with a stick does not respect the forest, does not understand it. Amanitas help trees grow. They feed on squirrels, moose, magpies.


In the forest, it is forbidden to turn on tape recorders at full power, to raise shouts and noise. From this, animals and birds leave their burrows and nests. It is necessary to appreciate and protect the eternal wise silence, to be able to listen to the magical sounds of the forest.


1. Artyomova L.V. The world around in the didactic games of preschoolers - M., 1992
2. Bogdanets G.P., Smirnova L.Ya. "Formation of ecological ideas among six-year-old first-graders" // Primary school, 1989. No. 5.
3. Velik I. “What a young defender of nature should know and be able to do”, M., 1983.
4. Dmitriev Yu.D. "About nature for big and small", M., 1982.
5. Kozlova S.A. My world. - M., 2000
6. Malashenkova V.A. Program "Nature and Man".
7. Scientific - methodical journal "Education of schoolchildren". - M., 2002 Number 3. With. 69.
8. Scientific - methodical journal "Education of schoolchildren". - M., 2005 No. 4. from 72.
9. Scientific - methodical journal "Education of schoolchildren". - M., 2007 No. 5. p.67.
10. Scientific - methodical journal "Pedsovet". - M., 2002 No. 2.
11. Scientific - methodical journal "Pedsovet". - M., 2002 No. 4.
12. Scientific - methodical journal "Pedsovet". - M., 2005 No. 4.
13. Scientific - methodical journal "Pedsovet". - M., 2007 No. 5.
14. Sizenko-Kazanets Z. Familiarization of preschool children with nature // Preschool education 1990. No. 8.
15. "Environmental education of preschoolers 3%". Omsk. All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature 2001.
16. Eliot D. Children's Encyclopedia. - Rosman, 1994

The purpose of this section is to cultivate interest and respect for people, their activities, culture, and way of life. To form ideas about the Earth and the life of people on Earth, about their country. Cultivate feelings of citizenship, patriotism, tolerant attitude towards the inhabitants of the Earth.

What is Earth

You can see many stars in the sky at night. They seem small to us, because they are very far away. The astronauts saw our Earth from afar, and it seemed to them a blue star, although not a very small one. Our Earth is round, and it constantly rotates around its axis and around the Sun. Therefore, there are day and night, winter and summer, spring and autumn. Therefore, there are cold and hot countries on Earth.

Look at the globe. This is the layout of our Earth. What colors is it decorated with? Most blue is water: seas, oceans, lakes, rivers. Green indicates forests, yellow indicates deserts. Our Earth is colorful.

In the beginning, there were no people on Earth. Fish and other marine animals lived in the seas and rivers, and dinosaurs and mammoths walked on land.

Then a man appeared. How it appeared, no one knows for sure, because it was a very long time ago. But some people think that man is descended from other animals, perhaps from monkeys. Others believe that God created man. When you become an adult, you may be able to answer this difficult question.

What kind of people live on earth

There are many people on earth. They are different and similar to each other. You can always distinguish a person from an animal, because all people have a similar body structure, everyone can speak, they walk on two legs. But people are different from each other. You will not confuse your parents, grandparents with anyone. But people also differ in skin color. There are blacks - they mostly live in hot Africa, there are yellowskins - they live in China, Japan, Korea and some other Asian countries, there are whites, like you and me. Such people live in Europe and here in Russia. People differ in hair color, eye shape.

All people can speak, but each person has his own voice. You can recognize a familiar person by the voice.

People sing and dance differently, even eat differently and, of course, wear different clothes. It's good that people are so different - it's more interesting, so you can learn a lot about each other.

In order to live in peace and friendship, people have agreed on how to behave so that everyone feels good. They came up with rules of conduct, made laws that everyone must obey. They wrote down these rules in a special document - the "Declaration of the Rights of Man". There is even a "Declaration of the Rights of the Child", which refers to the rights and obligations of children. The rights of children should not be violated, although life sometimes happens otherwise.

There are also rules that tell you how to behave at the table, at a party, on the street, in transport, how to be polite. There are a lot of such rules, but you need to know and follow them so as not to offend those with whom you communicate, in order to be pleasant to other people. Many rules of conduct were invented in the old days, and people still follow them.

How did humans populate the earth?

If we look at the globe, we will see that there are 6 huge land areas on Earth - Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Eurasia, Antarctica. They are also called continents. There are many countries on almost every continent. Each country has its own name. Our country is called Russia, and it is located on the Eurasian continent. There are other countries on this mainland: France, Germany, Spain... And the country America (USA) is located on the mainland North America. Many countries in Africa. They are not only in Antarctica - there is eternal cold, snow, ice and penguins constantly live, and people settle only for a short time to explore this mysterious continent.

Each country has its main city and many other cities and villages. For example, the main city of Russia is Moscow, the main city of France is Paris, Italy is Rome.

Each country has its own flag and anthem. The country, city, village where a person was born is called his homeland. Each person loves his Motherland, his people, tries to learn more about him.

People in different countries speak different languages. In America, England and some other countries people speak English, in France they speak French, in Spain they speak Spanish, in Germany they speak German. To communicate with people from other countries, you need to learn their language.

Every country, every nation has its own songs, dances, holidays, rules and traditions, and favorite dishes.

Every country has its own money. We have rubles, the Americans have dollars, the Spaniards have pesetas, the Germans have stamps.

People try to live in peace, but this does not always work out, so every country has an army to protect its people. Courageous and strong people serve in the army... And in our country there are defenders of the motherland.

For a long time, Russian heroes and warriors have defeated the enemies of the Russian land. Soldiers fought under the leadership of great commanders. So, everyone knows the names of Russian commanders Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Georgy Zhukov. People are grateful to their army for their courage and readiness to protect children, women, and the whole country from enemies. We really want there to be no wars in the whole world.

Many countries and peoples differ from each other. But we also have something in common - a common home - our Earth, our planet. Not very clear? But think about it.

The family lives in an apartment - this is her home. And if the house is multi-storey, then it has many apartments and many different families, but for all of them their multi-storey building is common. And everyone who lives in this house must take care of it, not damage the elevator, not dirty the walls and floor, because this is his home. Careful attitude to the house makes it pleasant for everyone: for residents and guests.

We live in a city, there are a lot of people here, but for everyone, this is his city. We live in Russia. There are many cities and villages in Russia, but for all of us Russia is one, ours. In addition to Russia, there are other countries, different people live in them, but we all live on the same planet Earth. And this is our common home. We must protect it, protect it from wars and other troubles, decorate, work, build our own dwellings, plant parks and forests. People of the Earth all together can make their common home beautiful, comfortable, so that each person can live well and calmly in it.

Your country, your people

Our country, the country where we live, is called Russia. Let's find her on the globe. She is big. There are seas, rivers, forests in our country. The main city of our country, its capital is Moscow. Muscovites live in Moscow. Moscow is an ancient city. She is already 850 years old. All the people of our country and other countries want to visit Moscow and get to know it better. Muscovites - the owners of the city - must know it well in order to tell everyone about Moscow. You need to know the main streets, squares, know that there are many theaters, museums, parks in Moscow, there is a zoo, the Moscow River and the Yauza River. Many famous, well-known people lived in Moscow before and now live.

There are other cities and villages in Russia. A lot of them. Everyone should know the name of their city and their address. You need to try to find out more about your hometown (village): why it is so named, what it is famous for, what nature is in the city (village) or its surroundings, what interesting people live here, what the city was before and what it will be.

Russia, like any other country, has its own culture (music, dance, architecture, literature), its own traditions and customs, its own folk crafts, and children have their own games.

In Russia, besides the Russian people, there are many different peoples: Tatars, Jews, Bashkirs, etc. Each people has its own culture, its own language. But everyone who lives in Russia is Russian. Everyone knows Russian.

Never forget your homeland. And even when a person leaves to live in another country, he remembers his Russia.

Each person loves his Motherland, is proud of it and wants it to become even better.


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Theme I

INTRODUCTION TO THE METHODOLOGY……………..…………………………………………………….……..……………….3

Theme II.

HISTORY OF THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROBLEM OF INVOLVING CHILDREN TO SOCIAL REALITY…………………….………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Topic III.


Topic IV.


Theme V


Theme VI.






Theme VII.


Theme VIII. THE OBJECT WORLD AND ITS ROLE IN THE PROCESS OF SOCIALIZATION OF A CHILD’S PERSONALITY……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………72

Topic IX. Education of love for the fatherland AND INTRODUCTION TO FOLK CULTURE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …....86


Application. I AM HUMAN. THE PROGRAM OF INTRODUCING THE CHILD TO THE SOCIAL WORLD………………………………………………………………………………………………….102
