Ships of the Caspian flotilla. Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy: composition and deployment

The operational formation Caspian Flotilla is based in Astrakhan and includes surface ships, search and rescue vessels, aviation, units of coastal troops, as well as special, technical and logistical support. Its main objectives are the following: to ensure the national and state interests of the Russian Federation in this region, to counter terrorism.


The Red Banner Caspian Flotilla is almost the oldest operational formation of our country's navy, formed in November 1722 by Emperor Peter the Great. At the same time, a military port was built in Astrakhan to protect the north and west coast of the Caspian Sea. The Caspian flotilla of the Russian Navy participated in almost all campaigns that the country undertook in this region: in 1722, undertaken by the emperor, it was already accompanied by 80 large ships. Since 1867, the main base moved to Baku. In this way, fisheries and trade were protected, and Russia's industrial interests in Iran were represented by the flotilla. The merits were great: the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy won the right to the St. George Ribbon, which was worn by sailors on caps.

In 1918, the flotilla became the Military Fleet of the Astrakhan Territory, then was reorganized in 1931. During the Great Patriotic War, the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy fought near Mariupol, Kerch, Sevastopol and many other fronts; sailors escorted military cargo and oil across the Caspian in transports. For their enormous services in the war against the fascist invaders, many hundreds of sailors and officers were awarded medals and orders, and among them were eight Heroes Soviet Union. The Caspian Flotilla itself was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and became Red Banner.

Basing and composition

When the state of the USSR ceased to exist, and the republics transformed into sovereign countries, in 1992 the forces, assets and ships of the flotilla were also divided. Seventy percent of all funds were transferred back to Astrakhan, where the main headquarters is located, and in addition to Kaspiysk and Makhachkala, the remaining thirty percent went to Azerbaijan - housing stock, coastal infrastructure and ships. In 2010, the Caspian Flotilla is already composed of almost main component, since it includes units of the marine corps, coastal troops rocket artillery and much more, in addition to the main composition - several divisions and brigades of ships.

Today the Caspian flotilla includes about forty ships and various vessels, two patrol ships - "Dagestan" and "Tatarstan", three small missile ships - "Uglich", "Grad Sviyazhsk" and "Veliky Ustyug", four small artillery ships - "Makhachkala", "Volgodonsk" and "Astrakhan". There are also missile and artillery boats, two base minesweepers and five raid boats, six landing boats and much, much more. The Caspian flotilla, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, in 2015 alone participated in more than forty exercises of various types, including counter-terrorism exercises. The flagship is a missile patrol ship"Tatarstan" under the command of Rear Admiral Igor Osipov. Vessels and ships, special purpose units and units are the honor and glory that the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy protects and enhances. Its composition is varied and as complete as possible: it even includes a hydrographic vessel of the Navy service.


The surface component of the Navy protects sea communications, transports and covers landing forces, installs minefields and combats mine danger, ensures the exit and deployment of submarine forces, as well as their return to the base. Underwater ones deliver unexpected attacks on continental and sea targets, as well as reconnaissance ones. The Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy has the most modern weapons: ballistic and cruise missiles. Naval aviation is intended to counter groups of surface ships, to carry out missile and bomb attacks on targets on the shore, to repel attacks by anti-ship missiles and enemy aircraft, and to indicate targets to ships when enemy submarines are detected.

Thus, all the coasts of the Caspian Sea are defended: ports, bases and coastal facilities, and also carried out fighting the entire composition of the airborne assault forces. The Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy, the composition of which assumes high-quality protection of our borders, not only stands guard, but also restrains all the military forces of the rest of the world, pacifies the threats of ill-wishers towards our country, protecting its sovereignty even outside land territories - in internal and territorial waters, as well as the free movement of ships on the open seas and oceans.

For the sake of peace

Conditions are created and maintained to ensure maritime safety economic activity Russian Federation, which is why Russian naval forces are also present in the World Ocean. The flag is displayed, ships and vessels of the Navy pay visits to remote parts of the planet, pursuing the interests of the Russian Federation, and large peacekeeping and humanitarian work of the world military community is also carried out with the participation of the Navy.

Thus, in 2015, although the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy is not based at a point outside the Caspian Sea, twenty-six cruise missile strikes from UKKS were carried out against terrorist bases in Syria, which successfully hit eleven targets. A range of one and a half thousand kilometers is quite accessible to the ships of the flotilla: "Uglich", "Veliky Ustyug", "Grad Sviyazhsk" and "Dagestan" coped with the task perfectly.


All the ships guarding our borders in the Caspian Sea were developed and produced at the country's shipyards: at Zelenodolsk and Primorsky Azov, Astrakhan, Feodosia, Petrozavodsk, as well as the Volga, Zaliv, and Imeni 61 Kommunard shipyards, but we are especially proud of the missile ships boats and minesweepers from the banks of the Neva, which were received by the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy. Address: St. Petersburg, Sredne-Nevsky shipyard. The missile boats are equipped with Kalibr tactical cruise missiles, which are manufactured in Yekaterinburg. On the same basis, underwater, surface, air and ground-based systems, as well as export options, have been developed. These are the weapons that Russia, India and China use.

Data about the export version was officially disclosed, so we can talk about the maximum range of such a missile. It ranges from two hundred seventy to three hundred kilometers. However, back in 2012, a meeting took place between Sergei Akleminsky, vice admiral, who at that time commanded the Caspian Flotilla, and the President of Dagestan, where other figures were presented. S. Akleminsky confidently stated that in its tactical version, the stealth missile of the ZM14 (“Caliber”) complex easily hits targets located at a distance of more than two and a half thousand kilometers. Twenty-six accurate salvoes at a target in Syria and then another eighteen equally successful ones indicate that the vice admiral did not mislead anyone. The ships and vessels from which the attack was launched are the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy, its address has not changed, it has not left the Caspian Sea.

How the Caspian Sea was divided

The shores of the Caspian Sea are shared by five countries: Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Iran. Previously, during the USSR, there were only two countries laying claim to the largest lake in the world - the Soviet Union and Iran. The change in the political map has significantly complicated the situation. This region is extremely important for each of the above countries, it is both biological and energetic resources, there are large reserves of gas and oil, as well as ninety percent of the world's sturgeon. IN this moment The Caspian Sea is not divided between the coastal countries, except for economic zones and territorial waters. This provision does not satisfy either party. Everyone wants to get as much territory as possible by hook or by crook. Our interests in the Caspian Sea are protected by the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy. The photo demonstrates that this protection is quite powerful.

The Russian Federation has long insisted that the Caspian Sea be something like a condominium, the common property of all five states, when the actions of each are coordinated with the others. It was not possible to achieve understanding, and Moscow changed its position, proposing to divide the seabed along median lines that continue the borders on land, and the thickness of the sea would be common. Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan agreed to such a division. However, Azerbaijan wants to take possession of not only the bottom, but also the water area with the airspace of its sector. Iran prefers an equal division - twenty percent for each country. Turkmenistan insists on forty-seven miles of zones of economic interest. In short, there is no agreement yet. This is explained by the fact that several countries are laying claim to the newly discovered deposits. Moreover, it is difficult to draw boundaries along the lake, where the water level is not constant, and the shores change their shape all the time.

Causes of tension

All regions are building up their weapons and increasing the combat strength of their navies. Attack missile ships are increasing in number, and submarines are expected to appear. Both sabotage and anti-sabotage units are being developed, as well as coastal missile systems, marines and aviation. Experts at the think tank on the global arms trade speak about this unanimously. The Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy is also increasing its armament: marines, aviation, communications, weapons - all this is receiving replenishment and additions. What should you do if your neighbors answer the question “why?” Russia receives a very vague one, while the quantity and quality of its naval forces is growing non-stop.

The threats from the Caspian Sea are very great, as the Caspian countries believe. This is smuggling, drug trafficking, poaching and, of course, terrorism. Of course, each point of these explanations is quite relevant, especially since modern smugglers, poachers, and especially terrorists are now equipped with the latest science and technology. But how can missile ships and submarines with nuclear warheads on board be used against a poacher? Of course, such weapons are intended for a more serious enemy. This can only mean one thing: the political contradictions that are creating such high tension throughout the region will not be resolved soon.

The intensity has increased

In the summer of 2016, the number of voyages in which ships participated increased significantly Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy. Astrakhan, which is the main base of the flotilla, took part in the development of plans for exercises and the implementation of joint combat training tasks. The composition of the tactical groups was different, artillery and missile firing was carried out with the involvement of up to twenty ships and support ships.

Competitions of the international army games "Sea Derby", "Depth" and "Sea Cup" were held. More than 197 thousand have been covered, that is, over 336,000 kilometers. The time spent at sea by the crews amounted to 2,300 days, that is, the indicators of last year were almost doubled.

Exercises 2016

Only one June training camp in the Caspian lasted two weeks. Detachments of warships and the support vessels assigned to them returned from a sea voyage through the central and southern parts of the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy carried out its assigned tasks for fifteen days. Makhachkala and Astrakhan hosted ships at their bases that traveled almost two thousand miles (3,600 kilometers of sea route) and completed more than fifty naval exercises of various types and themes.

Joint maneuvering and interaction between a detachment of ships have improved, and movement in different formations has been practiced. Artillery firing, mine protection exercises, air defense exercises in cooperation with aviation, search and tracking of sea and air targets, and guidance of aviation with further destruction of the target were conducted. Refueling on the move with fuels and lubricants and replenishment of material reserves with the help of support vessels have been practiced. And this is just one trip. And the exercises continued throughout the spring-summer season.

Good news

The Caspian flotilla was replenished with a rescue tugboat in July 2016. SB-738 passed state tests perfectly: power plants operate reliably, navigation equipment and the other systems showed their best performance. The entire complex of adjustment and control of the emergency and rescue kit was successfully completed, search, survey and diving work was completed at different depths, seaworthiness, controllability, propulsion, stability, and inertia were tested in all driving modes.

The ship took part in shipboard exercises for its main purpose - extinguishing fires on shore and on emergency ships, providing assistance to victims, including medical assistance, and evacuating people. All characteristics of the vessel are confirmed and comply technical specifications. The Caspian flotilla included one more ship unit in addition to the other two, made according to the same project. Now one tug will refloat ships on the Black Sea, and two on the Caspian Sea. And also extinguish fires, supply electricity, keep emergency ships afloat, perform diving work, collect spilled oil products from the surface of the water, carry out survey and search work.

The birth of the Russian fleet

The Caspian Sea was used Slavic tribes even before the appearance of the first state in Rus'. Along it, merchants sailed to Asian countries and exchanged goods with colleagues from another part of the world.

But soon the rich eastern lands attracted the attention of military leaders, as a result of which campaigns began on the Caspian Sea in order to seize rich booty. The last campaign took place in 1174 and ended in the complete defeat of the Slavs. Their fleet was completely destroyed and, as a result, they discouraged sailing in this direction for almost three hundred years.

The next time a delegation of merchants from Rus' set off across the Caspian Sea was only in 1466. The trip turned out to be successful, and permission was received to create his own flotilla. But the process stalled due to the “time of troubles.”

Representatives of the Romanov dynasty who came to power attempted to strengthen their position in the Caspian Sea and built for this warships. But the final victory was achieved by Peter the Great, who in 1722 defeated the Persians and issued a decree on the formation of a naval base in Astrakhan.

After the death of Peter, the power lost access to the Caspian Sea for some time, but new conquests made it possible to regain a strategically important region. The importance of the area especially increased after the discovery of oil fields there. This happened at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, and the flotilla headquarters moved to Baku in 1867.

Caspian Flotilla as part of the USSR Navy

A few decades later, the first tankers appeared and industrial hydrocarbon production began. October Revolution made its own adjustments to the development of the flotilla.

The USSR Caspian Flotilla was formed on October 3, 1918. It became part of the Red Army, and the main task was to protect the state’s borders from foreign invaders. The British fleet was considered one of the strongest in the world, so some ships from the Baltic were transferred to the Caspian Sea to strengthen its position.

By the end of 1918, the fleet consisted of 1,170 sailors. The base returned to Astrakhan, and all forces were divided into river and sea fleets so that operations could be carried out effectively.

The Caspian military flotilla played an important role during the Great Patriotic War. The ships covered the supply of Azerbaijani oil to refineries, where it was used to make fuel for combat vehicles and other needs of the front. And the river fleet took a direct part in the hostilities.

It was the gunboats from the Caspian that covered the defenders of Stalingrad with fire from the Volga. 13 sailors were awarded for successful combat operations highest rank Hero of the Soviet Union. And on August 27, 1945, the flotilla was the first of the naval forces to receive the Order of the Red Banner from the state.

After the war, the flotilla's task was to stabilize the situation in the region. They also did not forget about improving the material and technical base. The convenient location within the country made it possible to safely test the latest weapons.

After the collapse of the USSR, it was necessary to completely withdraw the fleet from Baku and relocate it to Makhachkala. Some of the ships were sent to Astrakhan to the main forces.

How are things going in the Caspian Navy Flotilla these days?

Currently, the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy guards the maritime border of the state and is constantly being improved. Through joint exercises with foreign partners, experience is exchanged and the foundations of collective security in the region are developed.

It was here that the newest warship with stealth technology was first launched and tested. He can covertly approach targets almost closely and complete the assigned task without unnecessary noise. This happened in 2006 and after successful tests mass production began.

The ships of the Caspian Flotilla today are equipped with the most advanced technical means that allow them to effectively combat surface, underwater, air and ground targets.

The high-precision guidance system leaves virtually no chance for enemies to hide. So you don’t have to worry about the safety of maritime borders.

The bases of the Caspian Flotilla are located in Astrakhan, Makhachkala, Kaspiysk, Nikolsky and Labor Front. The main directorate, headquarters, and auxiliary fleet directorate are located in Astrakhan. The garrison here is approximately 5 thousand people, which includes not only sailors, but also service personnel.

The emergency rescue service is located in Nikolskoye. A group of support vessels, a hydrographic service and a special separate detachment are stationed in Makhachkala to intercept underwater sabotage groups and special equipment.

Another group of support vessels was located in the village of Trudfront, and Kaspiysk sheltered the coastal missile division of the Marine Corps, 412th separate battalion Marine Corps, separate radio engineering center.

Today, the flagship of the Caspian flotilla is the Project 11661 missile ship “Tatarstan” (No. 691). Tactical and technical characteristics of the Tatarstan missile system:

  • Displacement - 1500 tons;
  • Crew - 93 people;
  • Cruising speed - 21 knots;
  • Autonomy - 20 days;
  • Maximum range - up to 4000 miles;
  • Draft - 3.6 m.

The armament of the Tatarstan patrol ship includes Kh-35 anti-ship missiles (2x4 Uran anti-ship missile launchers), OSA-MA anti-aircraft systems (20 9M33 missiles), Igla MANPADS, anti-submarine torpedo tubes (533 mm), artillery (1x76 mm and 2x30 mm) and anti-sabotage weapons, as well as electronic warfare systems and other electronic weapons.

The Caspian Flotilla includes the following combat units:

  • near patrol ships maritime zone- 2 pieces;
  • small warships - 8 units;
  • combat boats - 6 units;
  • landing boats - 8 units;
  • minesweepers - 7 units;
  • military transport vessel - 2 units;
  • hydrographic vessel of small and medium class - 12 units;
  • physical field control vessel - 1 unit;
  • demagnetization vessel - 1 unit;
  • water tanker - 1 unit;
  • tugboat - 12 units;
  • fire-fighting boat - 4 units;
  • diving vessel - 5 units;
  • passenger boat - 1 unit;
  • communications boat - 2 units;
  • floating workshop - 1 unit;
  • self-propelled dry cargo barge - 1 unit;
  • oil waste collector - 2 units;
  • large ship shield - 1 unit.

Such an extensive fleet of equipment is designed to perform the following tasks:

  1. Combating terrorism, maritime piracy and extremism on religious or ethnic grounds.
  2. The fight against poachers in the coastal strip and rivers of the Astrakhan region.
  3. Protection of national interests in the region with oil fields and industrial production of hydrocarbons.
  4. Monitoring and elimination of emergencies in river navigation.
  5. Protection of trade routes in the entrusted region.

At the same time, the marines of the Caspian Flotilla are often used in combined units during combat operations. In particular, black berets took part in both Chechen campaigns in the hottest spots.

These days, infantrymen are used for raids on militants in the Republic of Dagestan and surrounding areas.

Combat operations of the Russian Caspian Flotilla in Syria

Since October 7, 2015, the Caspian Flotilla has been taking part in the operation of the Russian armed forces in Syria. The country's leadership decided that it was necessary to prevent the spread of extremism and restore constitutional authority, since the situation threatens the collective security of the entire Middle East region.

The contingent of specialists is limited in number, but the fire support is quite effective, so that the terrorists suffer significant losses.

The missile strike of the Caspian flotilla against ISIS became one of the most successful episodes civil war in Syria. The ships fired 26 medium-range cruise missiles at pre-reconnaissance terrorist positions.

As a result of an accurate hit on targets, militant factories for assembling weapons and explosives, warehouses with ammunition and fuel, and training camps for new extremists were destroyed. Reconnaissance confirmed the exact defeat of all targets.

The missile ships of the Caspian flotilla worked clearly and smoothly on November 20, 2015, when 18 cruise missiles were launched at seven designated targets. All of them were hit, and the enemy suffered significant damage in equipment and manpower. At the same time, no one from the flotilla personnel was at risk, since the targets were located one and a half thousand kilometers from the launch site. The missiles successfully passed over the territories of Iran and Iraq, landing in a precisely designated location.

When is the Caspian Flotilla holiday?

Caspian Flotilla Day is celebrated on November 15th, starting with Peter the Great signing a decree on the creation of a garrison in Astrakhan. On this day, all sailors, officers, service personnel and veterans are congratulated with warm words by the country's leaders.

Representatives of other military formations also convey their kind words. And from the authorities, especially distinguished fighters are awarded awards, certificates and prizes. They also remember their comrades who died during various operations.

The 290th anniversary of the founding of the flotilla was celebrated especially magnificently. The event took place in 2012 and everyone could see the achievements of the unit and the battle path traversed.

The three hundredth anniversary is just around the corner, so we can expect a grandiose performance that the sailors will prepare for the audience. Over such a long period of existence, our own traditions have been developed, which are observed by all generations and sacredly revered by every person who served.

The flags of the Caspian Flotilla will instill fear in enemies for a long time and provide reliable cover for the Motherland. Serving in the navy is not only honorable, but also very interesting, because during your service you can visit distant countries and see many interesting places.

Sea romance attracts only young people who are strong in body and spirit, since alone with the elements in open water you can only rely on yourself and the reliability of your ship. Therefore, it is worth testing yourself for strength and choosing the marine fleet for military service.


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Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy: composition and deployment

The operational formation Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy is based in Astrakhan and includes surface ships, search and rescue vessels, aviation, units of coastal troops, as well as special, technical and logistics support. Its main objectives are the following: to ensure the national and state interests of the Russian Federation in this region, to counter terrorism.


The Red Banner Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy is almost the oldest operational formation of our country's navy, formed in November 1722 by the Emperor Peter the Great.

At the same time, a military port was built in Astrakhan to protect the north and west coast of the Caspian Sea.

Formed on November 15, 1722 by decree of Emperor Peter I, simultaneously with the founding of a military port in Astrakhan, to protect the northern and part of the western coasts of the Caspian Sea.

The Caspian flotilla of the Russian Navy participated in almost all campaigns that the country undertook in this region: the Persian campaign of 1722, undertaken by the emperor, was already accompanied by 80 large ships.

From 1867 the main base moved to Baku. In this way, fisheries and trade were protected, and Russia's industrial interests in Iran were represented by the flotilla.

The merits were great: the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy won the right to the St. George Ribbon, which was worn by sailors on caps.

In 1918, the flotilla became the Military Fleet of the Astrakhan Territory, then was reorganized in 1931. During the Great Patriotic War, the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy fought near Mariupol, Kerch, Sevastopol and many other fronts; sailors escorted military cargo and oil across the Caspian in transports. For their enormous services in the war against the fascist invaders, many hundreds of sailors and officers were awarded medals and orders, and among them were eight Heroes of the Soviet Union. The Caspian Flotilla itself was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and became Red Banner.

Basing and composition

When the state of the USSR ceased to exist, and the republics transformed into sovereign countries, in 1992 the forces, assets and ships of the flotilla were also divided. Seventy percent of all funds were transferred back to Astrakhan, where the main headquarters is located, and in addition to Kaspiysk and Makhachkala, the remaining thirty percent went to Azerbaijan - housing stock, coastal infrastructure and ships. In 2010, the Caspian Flotilla was already part of the Southern Military District. It is perhaps the main component, since it includes units of the Marine Corps, coastal missile artillery troops and much more, in addition to the main composition - several divisions and brigades of ships.

Sergei Mikhailovich Pinchuk(born July 26, 1971, Sevastopol, USSR) - Russian military leader, Commander of the Caspian Flotilla since September 20, 2016. Commander of the Novorossiysk naval base of the Black Sea Fleet (2011-2014), rear admiral (2014).

Today the Caspian flotilla includes about forty ships and various vessels, two patrol ships - "Dagestan" and "Tatarstan", three small missile ships - "Uglich", "Grad Sviyazhsk" and "Veliky Ustyug", four small artillery ships - "Makhachkala", "Volgodonsk" and "Astrakhan". There are also missile and artillery boats, two base minesweepers and five raid boats, six landing boats and much, much more.

The Caspian Flotilla is one of the oldest operational formations of the Russian Navy. Main base - Astrakhan, places of basing and dislocation - Makhachkala and Kaspiysk in Dagestan, the villages of Nikolskoye and Labor Front in the Astrakhan region.

Flagshippatrol missile ship "Tatarstan"(project 11661K, type "Gepard").

TTX SKR pr.11661 “Tatarstan”

Standard displacement is 1500 tons, total displacement is 1930 tons.

Length 102.2 meters, beam 13.76 meters, draft 3.7 meters.

Full speed 28 knots.

Cruising range 3800 miles at 14 knots, 950 miles at 27 knots. Sailing autonomy is 15 days.

Powerplant: 1 x 38000 hp DGTA M-44 (2 x 15000 hp gas turbine, 1 x 8000 hp diesel 86B), 2 fixed pitch propellers.


Navigation weapons:

MR-212 "Vaigach" navigation radar.

Radar weapons: RLK 34K1 “Monolit” or “Mineral-M”;

Radar MR-352 “Positive (-M1)”;

MPZ-301 “Base” (SAM); Fire control system MR-123 "Vympel".

Electronic weapons:

2 × PU complex REP PK-16 or 4 × PU complex REP PK-10 electronic warfare system TK-25(E);

BIUS "Sigma" ("Sigma-E");

GAS "Zarnitsa" or SJSC MGK-335.


1 × 76 mm AU AK-176M;

2 × 14.5 mm MTPU.

Anti-aircraft artillery: 2 × 30 mm AU AK-630M.

Missile weapons:

2 × 4 launchers of the Uran missile launcher;

1 × Osa-MA-2 air defense system;

2 × Igla-M MANPADS.

Currently, the flotilla includes more than 50 ships and vessels, including:

  • 2 patrol ships of project 11661K ("Tatarstan" and "Dagestan"),

  • 3 small missile ships of project 21631 ("Grad Sviyazhsk", "Uglich", "Veliky Ustyug"),

TTX MRK pr. 21631 “Grad Sviyazhsk”

Displacement 949 tons.

Length 74.1 meters, width 11.0 meters, height 6.57 meters, draft 2.6 meters.

Speed ​​25 knots.

Cruising range up to 1500 miles.

Autonomy 10 days.

Crew from 29 to 36 people.

Propulsion: Water jet propulsion.


Artillery: 1x1 100-mm AU A-190 “Universal”,

3x1 7.62 mm machine gun mount.


2x6 30-mm ZAK Duet (AK 630-M2).

Missile weapons:

1x8 Caliber or 1x8 Onyx,

2x4 3M47 “Gibka” launchers with “Igla” or “Igla-M” missiles.

  • 4 small artillery ships of projects 21630 (Astrakhan, Volgodonsk, Makhachkala) and 12411 (MAK-160),

TTX MAK code “Buyan” pr. 21630 “Astrakhan”

Total displacement is 520 tons.

Length 61.8 meters, width 9.6 meters, side height 6.57 meters, draft 2.0 meters.

Full speed 26 knots.

Cruising range 1500 miles.

Sailing autonomy is 10 days.

Crew from 29 to 36 people.

Power plant: 2x8000 hp, M507D diesels, 2 water jets.


Navigation weapons:

1 x radar MR-231 BIUS Sigma.

Radar weapons: 1 x Positive radar,

1 x MR-123 “Vympel” radar for AU and ZAK.

Electronic weapons:

2 x 10 PU PK-10 “Brave”.

Artillery weapons:

1x1 100-mm AU A-190 “Universal”,

2x1 14.5 mm machine gun mount,

1x40 122-mm MLRS A-215 "Grad-M".

Anti-aircraft artillery: 2x6 30-mm ZAK AK-306.

Anti-aircraft missile weapons: 1x4 3M47 "Gibka" launchers with "Igla" or "Igla-M" missiles.

Can carry mines on the upper deck.

  • 1 missile boat (under repair since 2008),
  • 5 artillery boats,

TTX AKA pr. 1204

Displacement, t:

Standard 73.4 - Full 77.4

Main dimensions, m:

Maximum length (according to waterline length) 27.7 (26.8)

Maximum body width (according to design height) 4.3 (3.78)

Average draft 0.85

Crew (including officers), people 14 (1)

Autonomy in terms of provisions, 7 days

Main power plant:

Type diesel

Quantity x type DD, 2 x M-50F (2,200)

Number x type (total power, hp) of propulsors 2 x fixed propellers

Number x type (power, kW) of EPS current sources 2 x DG (25 each)

Travel speed, knots 23

Cruising range 10 knots, miles 320


Name BM-14-17

Number of PU x guides 1 x 17-140 mm

Ammunition 34 NURS M-14-OF

Artillery systems: - number of AU x barrels (AU type) 1 x 1-76 mm (in the turret of the PT-76 tank)

Number of AU x barrels (AU type) 1 x 2-14.5 mm (2M-6),

1 x 2-25 mm (2M-ZM)

Number of AU x barrels (AU type) 1 x 1-7.62 mm (PKT)

Number of grenade launchers x barrels (type of grenade launchers) 4 x 1-30 mm (“Flame” BP-30)

Anti-aircraft missile system:

Name "Strela-2M"

Number of PU x guides (PU type) 1 x 2 (MANPADS)

Ammunition 8 ZR


Navigation radar "Donets-2"

  • 5 raid minesweepers,

  • 6 landing boats,

TTX DK pr. 21820 “Ataman Platov”

Displacement, t:


Dimensions, m:

Full speed, knots:

Cruising range:

Autonomy, days:

Power point:

2x10000 hp, M507A-2-010M3 diesel engines, 2 fixed propellers in nozzles


2x1 14.5 mm MTPU-1

Troop capacity:

3 T-72 main tanks or 5 BTR-80 and 50 people or 1 BTT unit and 90 people or 140 tons of cargo

Crew, persons:

Performance characteristics of the boat of project 11770 “Serna”:

Displacement of an empty boat is 53.8 tons,

full without load 61.0 tons,

full with a load of 99.7 tons.

Length 25.6 meters, width 5.8 meters.

Draft without load: 0.42 meters at the bow, 1.48 meters at the stern; draft with cargo: 1.16 meters at the bow and 1.52 meters at the stern.

Maximum speed 30 knots.

Cruising range 600 miles at 29 knots.

Crew 5 people.

Powerplant: 2 M503A diesel engines, 4000 hp each.


1 main T-80 tank, or 2 infantry fighting vehicles, or 92 landing troops, or up to 45 tons of cargo (in a three-force storm no more than 29 tons).

* Small hydrographic vessel "Anatoly Guzhvin",

The flotilla includes several brigades and divisions of ships, parts of the marine corps, coastal missile and artillery troops, etc.

The Caspian flotilla, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, in 2015 alone participated in more than forty exercises of various types, including counter-terrorism exercises. The flagship is the missile patrol ship "Tatarstan" under the command of Rear Admiral Igor Vladimirovich Osipov.

Vessels and ships, special purpose units and units are the honor and glory that the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy protects and enhances. Its composition is varied and as complete as possible: it even includes a hydrographic vessel of the Navy service.


The surface component of the Navy protects sea communications, transports and covers landing forces, installs minefields and combats mine danger, ensures the exit and deployment of submarine forces, as well as their return to the base. Underwater ones deliver unexpected attacks on continental and sea targets, as well as reconnaissance ones. The Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy has the most modern weapons: ballistic and cruise missiles. Naval aviation is intended to counter groups of surface ships, to carry out missile and bomb attacks on targets on the shore, to repel attacks by anti-ship missiles and enemy aircraft, and to indicate targets to ships when enemy submarines are detected.

Thus, all the coasts of the Caspian Sea are defended: naval bases, ports, bases and coastal facilities, and combat operations are carried out by the entire composition of airborne assault forces. The Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy, the composition of which assumes high-quality protection of our borders, not only stands guard, but also restrains all the military forces of the rest of the world, pacifies the threats of ill-wishers towards our country, protecting its sovereignty even outside land territories - in internal and territorial waters, as well as the free movement of ships on the open seas and oceans.

For the sake of peace

Conditions are created and maintained to ensure the safety of the maritime economic activities of the Russian Federation, which is why Russian naval forces are also present in the World Ocean. The flag is displayed, ships and vessels of the Navy pay visits to remote parts of the planet, pursuing the interests of the Russian Federation, and large peacekeeping and humanitarian work of the world military community is also carried out with the participation of the Navy.

Thus, in 2015, although the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy is not based at a point outside the Caspian Sea, twenty-six cruise missile strikes from UKKS were carried out against terrorist bases in Syria, which successfully hit eleven targets. A range of one and a half thousand kilometers is quite accessible to the ships of the flotilla: "Uglich", "Veliky Ustyug", "Grad Sviyazhsk" and "Dagestan" coped with the task perfectly.


All ships guarding our borders in the Caspian Sea were developed and produced at the country's shipyards: at the Zelenodolsk and Primorsky factories, the shipyards of Azovsk, Astrakhan, Feodosia, Petrozavodsk, as well as the Volga, Zaliv, and "Name of 61 Communards" shipyards, but We are especially proud of the missile boats and minesweepers from the banks of the Neva, which the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy received. Address: St. Petersburg, Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard. The missile boats are equipped with Kalibr tactical cruise missiles, which are manufactured in Yekaterinburg. On the same basis, underwater, surface, air and ground-based systems, as well as export options, have been developed. These are the weapons that Russia, India and China use.

Data about the export version was officially disclosed, so we can talk about the maximum range of such a missile. It ranges from two hundred seventy to three hundred kilometers. However, back in 2012, a meeting took place between Sergei Akleminsky, vice admiral, who at that time commanded the Caspian Flotilla, and the President of Dagestan, where other figures were presented. S. Akleminsky confidently stated that in its tactical version, the stealth missile of the ZM14 (“Caliber”) complex easily hits targets located at a distance of more than two and a half thousand kilometers. Twenty-six accurate salvoes at a target in Syria and then another eighteen equally successful ones indicate that the vice admiral did not mislead anyone. The ships and vessels from which the attack was launched are the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy, its address has not changed, it has not left the Caspian Sea.

How the Caspian Sea was divided

The shores of the Caspian Sea are shared by five countries: Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Iran. Previously, during the USSR, there were only two countries laying claim to the largest lake in the world - the Soviet Union and Iran. The change in the political map has significantly complicated the situation. This region is extremely important for each of the above countries, it has both biological and energy resources, there are large reserves of gas and oil, as well as ninety percent of the world's sturgeon. At the moment, the Caspian Sea is not divided between the coastal countries, except for economic zones and territorial waters. This provision does not satisfy either party. Everyone wants to get as much territory as possible by hook or by crook. Our interests in the Caspian Sea are protected by the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy. The Russian Federation has long insisted that the Caspian Sea be something like a condominium, the common property of all five states, when the actions of each are coordinated with the others. It was not possible to achieve understanding, and Moscow changed its position, proposing to divide the seabed along median lines that continue the borders on land, and the thickness of the sea would be common. Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan agreed to such a division. However, Azerbaijan wants to take possession of not only the bottom, but also the water area with the airspace of its sector. Iran prefers an equal division - twenty percent for each country. Turkmenistan insists on forty-seven miles of zones of economic interest. In short, there is no agreement yet. This is explained by the fact that several countries are laying claim to the newly discovered deposits. Moreover, it is difficult to draw boundaries along the lake, where the water level is not constant, and the shores change their shape all the time.

Causes of tension

All states of the Caspian region are building up their weapons and increasing the combat strength of their military fleets. Attack missile ships are increasing in number, and submarines are expected to appear. Both sabotage and anti-sabotage units are being developed, as well as coastal missile systems, marines and aviation. Experts at the think tank on the global arms trade speak about this unanimously. The Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy is also increasing its armament: marines, aviation, communications, weapons - all this is receiving replenishment and additions.

What should you do if your neighbors answer the question “why?” Russia receives a very vague one, while the quantity and quality of its naval forces is growing non-stop.

The threats from the Caspian Sea are very great, as the Caspian countries believe. This is smuggling, drug trafficking, poaching and, of course, terrorism. Of course, each point of these explanations is quite relevant, especially since modern smugglers, poachers, and especially terrorists are now equipped with the latest science and technology. But how can missile ships and submarines with nuclear warheads on board be used against a poacher? Of course, such weapons are intended for a more serious enemy. This can only mean one thing: the political contradictions that are creating such high tension throughout the region will not be resolved soon.

The intensity has increased

In the summer of 2016, the number of cruises in which ships of the Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy participated increased significantly. Astrakhan, which is the main base of the flotilla, took part in the development of plans for exercises and the implementation of joint combat training tasks. The composition of the tactical groups was different, artillery and missile firing was carried out with the involvement of up to twenty ships and support ships.

Competitions of the international army games "Sea Derby", "Depth" and "Sea Cup" were held. More than 197 thousand nautical miles have been covered, that is, over 336,000 kilometers. The time spent at sea by the crews amounted to 2,300 days, that is, the indicators of last year were almost doubled.

Exercises 2016

Only one June training camp in the Caspian lasted two weeks. Detachments of warships and the support vessels assigned to them returned from a sea voyage through the central and southern parts of the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy carried out its assigned tasks for fifteen days. Makhachkala and Astrakhan hosted ships at their bases that traveled almost two thousand miles (3,600 kilometers of sea route) and completed more than fifty naval exercises of various types and themes.

Joint maneuvering and interaction between a detachment of ships have improved, and movement in different formations has been practiced. Artillery firing, mine protection exercises, air defense exercises in cooperation with aviation, search and tracking of sea and air targets, and guidance of aviation with further destruction of the target were conducted. Refueling on the move with fuels and lubricants and replenishment of material reserves with the help of support vessels have been practiced. And this is just one trip. And the exercises continued throughout the spring-summer season.

Good news

The Caspian flotilla was replenished with a rescue tugboat in July 2016. SB-738 has passed state tests perfectly: power plants operate reliably, navigation equipment and other systems have shown their best performance. The entire complex of adjustment and control of the emergency and rescue kit was successfully completed, search, survey and diving work was completed at different depths, seaworthiness, controllability, propulsion, stability, and inertia were tested in all driving modes.

The ship took part in shipboard exercises for its main purpose - extinguishing fires on shore and on emergency ships, providing assistance to victims, including medical assistance, and evacuating people.

All characteristics of the vessel are confirmed and comply with technical specifications. The Caspian flotilla included one more ship unit in addition to the other two, made according to the same project. Now one tug will refloat ships on the Black Sea, and two on the Caspian Sea. And also extinguish fires, supply electricity, keep emergency ships afloat, perform diving work, collect spilled oil products from the surface of the water, carry out survey and search work.

The ceremony of raising the St. Andrew's flag and the inclusion of the newest anti-sabotage boat "Yunarmeets Dagestan" (of the "Rook" type) into the flotilla took place at the base of the surface ships formation in Makhachkala. The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Nikolai Evmenov, personally presented Naval ensign to the commander of the anti-sabotage boat, foreman 1st article Reman Alirzaev.

Speaking to the personnel of the formation, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy noted that today the newest patrol boats, bearing the name of the Young Armymen of the Baltic, Arctic, Crimea, White Sea, Kamchatka and Caspian Sea, are performing their service with dignity.

On July 15, the small missile ship of the Caspian flotilla "Uglich" passed through the Bosporus Strait, heading for combat service in the Mediterranean Sea. This is the first voyage to the Mediterranean Sea for the Uglich MRK; the ship has never previously left the Caspian Sea.

Thus, now all 7 MRKs of project 21631 “Buyan-M” available to the Russian Navy have seen combat service in the Mediterranean Sea!

Today the patrol ship of the Black Sea Fleet "Vasily Bykov" left Sevastopol and began the transition to Baltic Fleet to participate in the Main Naval Parade in St. Petersburg.

During the inter-fleet passage, the crew will have to overcome more than 5 thousand nautical miles, pass the Black, Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean, Northern and Baltic Sea, as well as part of the Atlantic Ocean.

The lead ship of Project 22160 was built by JSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after A.M. Gorky" and was transferred to the Black Sea Fleet in December last year.

Simultaneously with the patrol ship “Vasily Bykov”, the Veliky Ustyug MRK of the Caspian Flotilla entered combat service in the Mediterranean Sea from Sevastopol.

  • Photo from
  • Small missile ships of the Caspian flotilla "Veliky Ustyug" and "Grad Sviyazhsk" of project 21631 are making the transition to the Black Sea Fleet.

  • The marines of the Caspian Flotilla received more than 30 BTR-82A armored personnel carriers, Vadim Astafiev, head of the press service of the Southern Military District, told reporters.

    “The marine units of the Caspian Flotilla were replenished with 32 BTR-82A armored personnel carriers, which arrived in a train to Astrakhan from the Kostroma region. ... BTR-82A arrived in the Marine Corps units as part of the rearmament program with modern models of equipment until 2020,” he said.

    After unloading from the railway platforms, the vehicles arrived under their own power at the military unit, where the personnel began preparing new equipment for the upcoming intensive field deployments. Military personnel from the armored personnel carrier crews checked the technical fluids and serviceability of the armored vehicle systems.

    Astafiev recalled that in May, marine units in Dagestan received 29 BTR-82A units. During the summer training period, more than 60 new armored vehicles will be used at combat training grounds.

  • Photo from
  • Artillery boats of the Caspian flotilla AK-201, AK-248 and AK-326 made the transition from Astrakhan to Kerch to protect shipping in the Sea of ​​Azov and the Kerch Strait.

  • Marine units of the Caspian Flotilla were replenished with new armored personnel carriers BTR-82A, which arrived in a train to Dagestan from the Kostroma region.

    About 30 combat vehicles have already arrived at the military unit, where personnel have begun testing the new equipment. The crews were formed in advance and underwent driving training in military training units of the Southern Military District.

    BTR-82A arrived at the flotilla's marine units in accordance with the plan to re-equip the district troops with modern models of equipment.

    Another batch of armored personnel carriers will arrive to the Marines at the end of June this year.

  • Photo from
  • A detachment of ships of the Caspian flotilla, consisting of the artillery boat AK-248, the raid minesweeper RT-234, the raid diving boat RVK-933 and the raid tug RB-410, makes the transition from Astrakhan to Rostov-on-Don, where on May 5, together with the boats of the Black Sea Fleet, it will take participation in the parade in honor of the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Southern Military District, which is the successor to the North Caucasus Military District.

    For the first time in modern history ships of the Caspian flotilla passed the Volga-Don shipping canal, and the transition from Astrakhan to Rostov-on-Don and back will make it possible to practice the transfer of naval forces from one theater to another.

  • Photos from open sources
  • MOSCOW, April 2 – RIA Novosti. The Caspian flotilla will be transferred from Astrakhan to the Dagestan Kaspiysk, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said.

    “We have a huge construction project going on there: piers, berths, service points, housing. The number of our officers and military personnel will increase exponentially,” Shoigu said at a meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Defense.

    According to him, the transfer of the flotilla is a serious component of security in the region.

    From October 9 to October 13, the final exercises of the naval groups of the Caspian Flotilla took place in the northern and central parts of the Caspian Sea. It was interesting and eventful - the sea, ships, firing from various types of weapons, including Caliber missiles.

    A drill!

  • The parade in St. Petersburg has already been covered, and this is an overview of parades in other cities.

    The parade of ships of the Northern Fleet, in which surface ships and submarines took part, as well as a military sports festival took place at the main base of the Northern Fleet in Severomorsk. The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov and the missile submarine cruiser stood in parade formation at the Severomorsk roadstead. strategic purpose"Verkhoturye", nuclear submarine missile cruiser "Orel", large diesel-electric submarine "Kaluga", large landing ship"Kondopoga", small rocket ship "Rassvet", small anti-submarine ships“Snezhnogorsk” and “Brest”, sea minesweeper “Machinist”, base minesweepers, border patrol ship “Polar Star” of the Russian FSB border department for the western Arctic region.

  • At the Adanak mountain range in the Republic of Dagestan, the artillery unit of the Marine Corps of the Caspian Flotilla (CFL) conducted an exercise for the first time using the Strelets reconnaissance, control and communications complex (KRUS).

    This complex entered service with the KFL Marine Corps units in May 2017. About 100 military personnel, a self-propelled artillery battery consisting of Nona self-propelled artillery guns (SAO) and about 20 units of combat and special equipment were involved in the exercises.

    According to the legend of the exercise, a reconnaissance patrol discovered a mock enemy. A reconnaissance officer equipped with the new Strelets KRUS, using a laser range finder from his kit, determined the coordinates of the target and automatically transferred them to a personal tablet to the battalion commander, who makes the decision on the use of artillery.

    The self-propelled artillery battery, having received the order, moved into position and, using the received coordinates, fired at the designated targets, confidently hitting target positions simulating a mock enemy, thereby proving in practice the effectiveness of the use and application of the Strelets KRUS.

    The use of the Strelets KRUS in solving fire missions allows the commander to reduce the time from the moment of target detection to its destruction by half, which is achieved by transferring target coordinates from the reconnaissance officer to the commander in automatic mode without manually entering coordinates and verbally listing them. In addition, the Strelets KRUS interfaces with various reconnaissance equipment, including UAVs, and allows the commander to transmit information about the scout’s health status, text messages (SMS), voice information and information about the location of the serviceman.

  • A new vessel has been accepted into the detachment of support vessels of the Caspian flotilla - the raid tug "RB-410". Representatives of the manufacturer handed over the tug to the command of the naval association. The St. Andrew's flag was raised on the ship to the sounds of the anthem of the Russian Federation, the press service of the Southern Military District reported.

    “RB-410” was built on the stocks of the Astrakhan shipyard and became the fourth vessel of this project, the three previous ones successfully fulfill their intended tasks in the Caspian waters. This river-sea vessel project was designed specifically taking into account the characteristics of the Caspian Sea and the Volga River delta, equipped with the latest equipment, modern GLONASS navigation aids, communication and automation systems.

    The main features of the RB-410 are its high seaworthiness and the ability, due to its shallow draft (280 cm), to pass through the shallow depths of the Volga River, the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Canal and the northern part of the Caspian Sea. The tug is equipped with two powerful engines of 800 horsepower each. It is capable of reaching speeds of up to 12 knots per hour and is designed for towing ships and vessels in coastal sea areas, refloating them, and performing berthing and mooring operations.

  • And I have guests in my city today.

    IN Sea port Aktau (Kazakhstan) on a friendly visit on October 22, the ships of the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy arrived, consisting of the missile ship Tatarstan, the flagship of the Caspian Flotilla, the small missile ship Grad Sviyazhsk and the sea tug MB-58.

    Photos of the ships leaving have been added to the post.

    During the strategic command and staff exercise "Caucasus-2016" the ship's strike group(KUG) of the Caspian flotilla, consisting of small missile ships "Grad Sviyazhsk" and "Uglich", successfully completed a combat training mission to defeat critical coastal objects and naval groups of a mock enemy with the "Caliber" high-precision missile weapon system.

    At the first stage of the exercise, the crew of the Grad Sviyazhsk missile launcher successfully fired missiles with high-precision weapons - the Caliber complex - at a coastal target. As a result of the missile launch, the missile, having flown about 100 nautical miles (180 kilometers), successfully hit a coastal target - a special target position simulating a command post of a mock enemy.

    During the second stage, joint actions of naval groups were practiced when conducting combat with surface ships of a mock enemy. The crew of the small missile ship "Uglich" launched a missile strike with a high-precision weapon against a naval target from the "Caliber" missile system. The missile hit the target - a target ship shield (simulator of a mock enemy ship), located at a distance of more than 70 nautical miles (more than 120 kilometers).

    Russian Navy

    Caspian military flotilla

    Total information

    Number of members

    535 people (as of 1914)

    Technique (as of 1914):

    • Underwater equipment - 0 units;
    • Surface equipment - 7 units.

    Military conflicts

    Persian campaign(1722-1723), Russian-Persian War (1804-1813), Russian-Persian War (1826-1828),

    Caspian flotilla is an operational association of the Russian Imperial Navy in 1722-1917, the Naval Forces of the Red Army and the USSR Navy in 1918-1991. and the Russian Navy from 1991 to the present. In 1722-1867, the main forces of the flotilla were based in Astrakhan, in 1867-1917. in Baku, since 1991 - in Makhachkala and Astrakhan.


    Ancient Rus'

    The first sea voyage of the Russians in the Caspian Sea dates back to 880. Arab chronicle sources mention an attack by Russian boats on the cities of Tabaristan and Aberegun; the attempt ended in failure. But already in the next campaign in 909, the Russians captured the cities of Abesgun and Makale (Mian-Kale), located in the Gulf of Astrabad.

    Russian sea campaigns in the Caspian Sea continued until the end of the 12th century. Then, for almost 300 years, the sphere of interests of the Russian principalities switched to the Baltic Sea.

    Russian State

    Ivan the Terrible annexed the Astrakhan Khanate to the Russian state in 1556. This ultimately made it possible, given that the Kazan Khanate had been conquered before, to open a trade route along the Volga and the Caspian Sea with the countries of Central Asia and Persia. The responsibility for protecting the trade sea route lay with the Cossacks.

    An attempt was made to create a Caspian sea flotilla. On November 14, 1667, ships were laid down, including the first Russian frigate Orel. However, soon the rebel Cossacks led by Stepan Razin burned them and the creation of the flotilla was postponed for 52 years. Among the reasons that prevented the creation of the flotilla, in addition to the Cossack uprising, historians point to the struggle for power after the death of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, Northern War, war with Turkey.

    Russian empire

    XVIII century. Creation of a flotilla. Persian campaign

    In 1704, the Admiralty was founded in Kazan and the construction of ships for the Caspian Sea began. In the period 1714-1720, several expeditions of Russian sailors compiled a consolidated map of the Caspian Sea. In addition, valuable oak species were discovered near Kazan, which were used in the production of ships and supplied to the Baltic shipyards. Peter I had a goal - to create a flotilla for the war with Persia, the most powerful enemy in the Caspian Sea at that time, in order to gain unhindered access to the resources of the Caspian Sea and trade routes with Central Asia and India.

    On July 18, 1722, Peter I left Astrakhan for the Caspian Sea with a flotilla consisting of 274 ships with 22,000 troops on board under the command of Admiral General Apraksin. The flotilla was commanded by Admiral General Apraksin. The lead detachment was commanded by Peter I himself under the pseudonym Admiral Peter Mikhailov. On the shore of the Astrakhan Gulf in the area of ​​​​what is now northern Dagestan, the landing force joined 9,000 cavalry and on August 23, Russian troops occupied Derbent.

    On November 4, 1722, Peter I, by his decree, created a military port and a military flotilla in Astrakhan. This date is considered to be the day of the creation of the Caspian military flotilla.

    Already in the summer of 1723, the Caspian flotilla carried out a successful operation to capture Baku. The Persian campaign ends with the signing of a treaty on September 17, 1723, according to which Russian Empire Baku and Derbent with adjacent territories, as well as the provinces of Gilan, Mazandaran and Astrabad, are crossing.

    After the death of Peter I, most of his conquests were lost, so in 1781, by decree of Catherine II, three frigates, a bombardment ship and two boats were transferred to the Caspian flotilla. Control of the connection was given to Prince Potemkin. Linking up with several bots from Astrakhan, this flotilla re-established the Russian military presence in the Caspian Sea.

    XIX century. Russian-Persian wars.

    Russian-Persian War 1804-1813

    Russian-Persian War 1804-1813

    In 1804 it began Russian-Persian war. The Caspian military flotilla actively participated in hostilities, bombarded fortresses, restrained the actions of Persian ships, brought food and ammunition to the troops, and accompanied trade caravans.

    A formation of ships consisting of a frigate, a yacht and five galliots under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Veselago approached the Anzeli fortress on June 22, 1805. Under the cover of fire from ships, troops were landed and were able to take possession of the shore. 8 Persian guns and 2 ships were captured. After 9 days, a second landing of 450 people landed and captured the fortification of Pirebazar in the Gulf of Enzel. On August 15, the siege of Baku began, a squadron consisting of a frigate, a yacht, four galliots and a sloop, with a total of 69 cannons, bombarded the Baku fortress, and the landing force stormed the fortress.

    From December 9, 1812 to January 1, 1813, a formation of ships under the command of Captain 1st Rank Veselago, consisting of the 16-gun corvette "Ariadne", the bombardment ship "Thunder", a shkhout and a luger, bombarded the Persian fortress of Lenkoran, and the landing force helped ground forces besieging the fortress. After the capture of the fortress, a direct road was opened Russian troops to conquer Persia. In 1813, with the conclusion of the Gulistan Peace Treaty, Russia acquired a monopoly right to maintain a military fleet in the Caspian Sea, as well as the lands of the western coast of the Caspian Sea to Astara.

    Russian-Persian War 1826-1828

    Russian-Persian War 1826-1828

    The Treaty of Gulistan was unacceptable to the Persians, they began to prepare for a new war to regain the lost land. In July 1826, a 60,000-strong Persian army invaded the territory of the Russian Empire without declaring war and occupied the Karabakh Khanate. The Caspian Flotilla actively helped the Russian army defend itself.

    On July 20, 1826, a flotilla of about 35 ships embarked on a defensive raid near the Lankaran fortress. The flotilla was commanded by Major General P.G. Orlovsky. On July 27, the Persian army attacked the fortress. The flotilla fired at the enemy infantry and cavalry, but the Russians were unable to hold the fortress and on August 1, the flotilla took the soldiers on board and evacuated them to Baku. When the Persians attacked Baku, the Caspian Flotilla provided superiority at sea, thereby depriving Persian ground units of naval support. The brig "Eagle" distinguished itself in these battles.

    From May to September 1827, the naval formation continued military operations against the Persians. In winter, the flotilla was replenished with new ships: 8 brigs, 2 transports and several armed ships hired from private shipowners. With the onset of spring, the renewed Caspian flotilla of 55 ships made a decisive contribution to the victory of the Russian troops under the command of General Paskevich.

    On February 10, 1828, another peace treaty was signed between Russia and Persia. According to it, victorious Russia retained rights to the lands up to the Astara River and received the Erivan and Nakhichevan khanates. Persia paid 20 million rubles in indemnity, and also lost the right to maintain a fleet in the Caspian Sea.

    After conquering the entire Caspian Sea, Russia had no enemies left and the Caspian flotilla began to decline. Offending officers began to be sent here as punishment. The situation improved somewhat with the discovery of oil fields. To protect the deposits, in 1867 the base in Baku was made the main base of the Caspian flotilla.

    Beginning of the 20th century.

    By 1914, the Caspian flotilla included the Baku military port, the Astrabad sea station and only seven ships: two gunboats, two messenger ships, transport, two port ships, as well as a separate naval company. The flotilla included 15 combat officers, 3 mechanical engineers, 13 admiralty officers, 8 medical officers, 1 naval officer, 18 conductors, 67 enlisted personnel, 409 non-commissioned officers and sailors.

    The commander at that time was Rear Admiral V.A. Alekseev, then Rear Admiral E.V. Klupfel, under whose command were both the naval forces and the entire infrastructure, including ports and lighthouses.

    Until 1918, the Caspian Flotilla protected trade and fisheries in the Caspian Sea, as well as Russian commercial and industrial interests in Iran. For military merits the flotilla was awarded St. George's ribbon, which the personnel wore on their caps.

    Most famous ships Caspian flotilla

    The first Russian frigate "Eagle"

    The first Russian frigate "Eagle".

    "Eagle" (1667-1669) - the first Russian sailing ship of the Western European type, is a type of Dutch pinnace. Built by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the village of Dedinovo, Kolomensky district. Intended to protect Russian merchant ships on the Caspian Sea.

    The ship's crew consisted of 58 people, including 23 sailors and 35 archers. The armament consisted of 22 arquebuses (cannons), 40 muskets, 40 twin pistols and hand grenades. The size of the ship was 24.5 m long and 6.5 m wide with a draft of 1.5 meters and a displacement of 250 tons.

    The ship was launched in May 1668, but it never had the chance to enter the Caspian Sea, since it was burned in the roadstead near Astrakhan by the rebel troops of Stepan Razin. The reason was the difficulty of controlling the ship; untrained peasants and Cossacks did not have the necessary knowledge and preferred to burn the ship
