Andrusovo truce of 1667 briefly. As a result of the Andrusovo truce, Ukraine was divided between Russia and Poland (1667). Historical terms of the agreement

The Andrusovo truce ended the Russian-Polish war of 1654-1667, which began after the reunification of Little Russia with Russia (Pereyaslav Rada). At the final stage of the war, the Commonwealth was defeated by Russian troops near Bila Tserkva and Korsun. The agreement was signed in the village of Andrusovo (now Smolensk region) by Afanasy Ordin-Nashchokin and Jerzy Glebovich.

A truce was established between Russia and the Commonwealth for a period of 13.5 years, during which the states had to prepare the conditions for "eternal peace". The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth officially recognized Smolensk, Chernihiv Voivodeship, Starodub Povet, Seversk Land and the entire left-bank Little Russia as Russian lands. Russia returned to the Poles only its conquests in Lithuania: Vitebsk, Polotsk, and Livonia (Dinaburg).

Right-bank Little Russia remained under the control of the Commonwealth. Kyiv was transferred to Russia for a period of two years, but later Russia secured its ownership in an agreement with Poland in 1686 after paying 146 thousand rubles. Zaporizhzhya Sich passed under the joint Russian-Polish administration "for their common service from the advancing infidel forces." The parties pledged to provide assistance to the Cossacks in the event of an attack on Little Russian lands. Crimean Tatars.

Special articles of the treaty regulated the procedure for the return of prisoners, church property and the delimitation of lands. The right of free trade between Russia and the Commonwealth was guaranteed, as well as the diplomatic immunity of ambassadors. One of the articles of reconciliation gave Moscow the right to intercede for the Orthodox inhabitants of the Commonwealth.

The Andrusov agreement marked the beginning of a gradual Russian-Polish reconciliation, which was dictated by the need for joint defense against Ottoman Empire, which has long claimed Little Russian lands. The Commonwealth and Russia decided to send ambassadors to Istanbul and Bakhchisaray with notification of the treaty in order to convince the Sultan and the Crimean Khan to abandon their claims to Little Russia. A steward A.I. was sent from Moscow to Istanbul. Nesterov and clerk I.F. Vakhromeev, and from the Commonwealth - I. Radzievsky. However, the Turks refused to recognize the Andrusov Treaty, which prompted the Poles and Russians to conclude an anti-Turkish defensive military alliance in case of an attack by the Ottoman troops.

The invasion of the Turks into Little Russia began Russian-Turkish war 1672-1681, in which Poland turned out to be a very weak ally and ceded to the Turks a significant part of the right-bank Little Russia. The war ended with the Bakhchisaray peace treaty between Turkey, Crimean Khanate and Russia. The border between Russia and Turkey was established along the Dnieper. Turkey retained Podolia and the right-bank part of Little Russia, but recognized Kyiv with its environs and left-bank Little Russia as belonging to the Russian state.

On April 26, 1686, in Moscow, at the initiative of the Polish government, the "Eternal Peace" was concluded - an agreement between Russia and the Commonwealth, which finally confirmed the terms of the Andrusovo truce.


In 1618, the Moscow kingdom signed a truce with the Commonwealth, which lasted about fourteen years. Polish historians consider him a glorious page, but in Russia they talk little about him. What was behind the Deulino truce? Why is he considered shameful in Russia? And why was a truce concluded, and not a full-fledged peace treaty?

Armistice background

It is difficult to say when the war began, which ended with the Treaty of Deulin. Starting from 1600, Polish agents, including armed ones, one way or another took part in the Russian, and from 1609 there was an open military confrontation between the two states. When the Rurik dynasty came to an end, polish king Sigismund III wished to put his son Vladislav on the throne, and many political forces in Poland supported him. Sigismund even managed to achieve the proclamation of Vladislav the Grand Duke in 1610.

The following year, Polish troops hosted in the capital of the Muscovite kingdom. Every student knows the episode when civil uprising under the leadership expelled the Polish occupiers from Moscow. But the war did not end with their expulsion from Moscow. Fierce confrontation moved near Smolensk. And after four or five years, the troops of Prince Vladislav and his vassal, the hetman of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, Peter Konashevich-Sagaydachny, again stood at the walls of Belokamennaya. The Polish troops did not have the strength to take Moscow, and the Russians did not have the strength to expel the Poles. In such conditions, both sides agreed to a truce.

Agreement conditions

According to the Deulino agreement, the Kingdom of Russia recognized the loss of Chernihiv, Severshchina and Smolensk regions and renounced claims to Livonia (present-day Estonia and northern Latvia). Poland, in turn, pledged to withdraw troops from Vyazma, Kozelsk and Mosalsk. In general, the Commonwealth received new territories with a total area of ​​990 thousand square meters. km. At the same time, Vladislav reserved the right to be titled king. Apparently, it was this point that prevented the conclusion of a full-fledged peace agreement. The Deulino truce was established for fourteen and a half years.

Consequences of the world

Each side hoped to get more concessions from the enemy after the end of the truce. But the balance fixed by this treaty turned out to be very stable. Although the Truce of Deulino is considered shameful for Russia, it was it that put an end to the Polish invasion of central Russia and de facto nullified the Polish monarch's claim to the Muscovite throne. The real Polish threat existed for several more decades, because under the new agreement the Russian-Polish border was moved far to the east, so that from the border Vyazma to Moscow it was only two hundred miles.

But the creation of a union between Moscow and Warsaw was no longer possible. According to the Truce of Deulino, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth reached the largest size in its history. It was within these borders for almost forty years, until the Vilna truce of 1656. The Treaty in Deulino strengthened Poland's foreign policy positions and made it possible to gather forces to participate in the impending Thirty Years' War, which broke out on the western borders of the gentry state.

In 1618, none of the neighbors of the Commonwealth could question the power of Warsaw. In 1634, according to the Treaty of Polyanovsky, Vladislav Vaza was forced to renounce his claims to the Moscow throne, but this did little to weaken his position in the foreign policy arena. On the other hand, the war with the Moscow kingdom strengthened the position of the gentry and the Cossacks. It was these groups that began to undermine the Commonwealth from the inside, which led to its decline in the second half of the 18th century.

ANDRUSOV AGREEMENT 1667 on a truce between Russia and the Commonwealth (a united Polish-Lithuanian state). Concluded on January 20 (30), 1667 in the village of Andrusovo near Smolensk, ended the Russian-Polish war of 1654-1667, started because of the lands occupied by Poland in 1609-1611, and its non-recognition of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. The mutual exhaustion of the warring parties led to a compromise agreement. The agreement established a truce for 13.5 years, during which the parties pledged to prepare the conditions for "Eternal Peace" between them. The Commonwealth returned Smolensk and Chernihiv provinces to Russia, recognized the reunification of Left-Bank Ukraine with Russia. Right-bank Ukraine and Western Belarus remained under the rule of the Commonwealth, Kyiv went to Russia for 2 years (until 1669), but she retained it later, paying Poland 146 thousand rubles as compensation, which was formalized by the "Eternal Peace" 1686. The Zaporizhzhya Sich was declared under the joint administration of both states. In the event of an attack by the Crimean Tatars on Ukrainian lands, Russia and Poland pledged to provide assistance to the Cossacks. When the Tatars attacked one of the contracting parties, the other should not have supported them. An exchange of prisoners of war took place. The Andrusov Treaty did not resolve the complex issues facing Russia, but it became an important step towards the unification of the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian peoples. It marked the transition from the ancient enmity between Russia and Poland to their rapprochement on the basis of a joint struggle against the Ottoman Empire, and in early XVIII in. and against Sweden.

Book materials used: Military Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1986.

Andrusovskoe peripierie - a peace treaty between Russia and the Commonwealth for 13.5 years, which completed the Russian-Polish. war (1654-1666) for Ukraine and Belarus. Signed 30 Jan. 1667 A. L. Ordin-Nashchokin (Russia) and Yu. Glebovich (Poland) in the village of Andrusovo near Smolensk. At first, the parties wanted to conclude an “eternal peace”, but, as it turned out, it was too difficult to do this, and above all because of the Cossacks, who did not want to go under the rule of Poland again, did not stop military uprisings against the Poles, and if such a world were signed, would soon become the reason new war between the Commonwealth and Russia. TO the same , Mosk. state-woo after recent military successes, it would be extremely difficult to give up once and for all the rights to Russian. lands still under Pole rule. Tsar. The Government strongly opposed this. At the end of the negotiations, Kyiv became a stumbling block: Ordin-Nashchokin urged Alexei Mikhailovich to cede Kyiv as well, which he looked upon only as a border town - and nothing more. As ch. he cited a decrease in income in the state-ve and therefore a lack of money for the army as an argument; he further said that otherwise the Turks and Tatars threatened to seize Little Russia, and the loyalty of the Cossacks (whom he could not stand) could not be relied upon in any way. And that's when in con. 1666 Nashchokin reported that if at least a truce was not concluded, then the Polish. troops will enter Smolensk district, the tsar agreed to concessions. At this time, the hetman of the Right-Bank Ukraine Doroshenko, who unsuccessfully tried to prevent a truce between Moscow and Warsaw, together with the Crimean Khan, began a fierce struggle with the Poles. The Tatars ravaged the Polish. land and took away up to 100 thousand prisoners. This event was recognized by the Polish. side as Ch. obstacles to the "eternal peace", because the Poles feared that if such a peace was concluded, it would embitter the Turks and Tatars. So, a truce was concluded until June 1680. Poland returned the resins to Russia. and Chernig. land and recognized the reunification with Russia of the Left Bank. Ukraine. Pravoberezh. Ukraine and Belarus remained under the rule of Poland. Kyiv was to remain with Russia only until 1669. The Zaporozhian Sich was declared under the joint control of Russia and Poland. Now the border between the powers was along the Dnieper. In addition, the king promised to pay the Polish. gentry compensation of 1 million zlotys for the economy destroyed by the Cossacks. A. m. was considered at one time the success of Moscow. diplomacy. And indeed, Russia returned what belonged to her before the Time of Troubles, and even a little more; but these acquisitions, according to N. I. Kostomarov, “were too insignificant, compared with the loss of the moral significance of the state. Having achieved the goal of striving for many centuries, having mastered almost voluntarily those ancient regions where Russian life began and developed, to lose all this was a great loss and humiliation. The Andrusov treaty carried in itself the germ of severe disasters, bloodshed and people's suffering for the future. The unfortunate Little Russia experienced, first of all, its pernicious influence. This country, escaping with such efforts from under alien power, having voluntarily united with the other half of Russia, and, despite the fierce struggle with the Poles, which cost it a lot of blood, is still quite populated and flourishing in some areas, did not want to return under the rule of the Poles for anything. and suffered such devastation that after a few years its fruitful fields, from the Dnieper to the Dniester, seemed like a completely deserted desert, where only the ruins of human settlements and human bones indicated that it was inhabited. Poland itself only temporarily and outwardly won, and not in reality, as events showed. All this, however, was a consequence not so much of the Andrusovo Treaty itself, as of those previous mistakes that led to the need to conclude the Andrusovo Treaty. In history, as in life, once a mistake is made, a number of others follow, and what is spoiled in a few months and years is corrected for centuries. Bogdan Khmelnitsky foresaw this when he went to his grave when Moscow politics did not want to listen to his advice. Cossack ambassadors were not allowed to come close to Andrusovo, and only after the conclusion of the truce, Little Russia and Zaporozhye learned about this from a messenger sent on February 12. to the hetman Bryukhovetsky steward I. Telepnev. The news of this struck everyone in Ukraine like a thunderbolt: without the will and without an announcement to the people, the country was divided into 2 parts, and in one part the Polish were introduced. order, in the other - royal. Without the consent and without notification of the Cossacks, Zaporozhye was immediately declared dependent on Poland and subordinate to Russia. In this case, nothing good could be expected from the Ukrainians and the Cossacks when this truce was announced to them. And so it happened: as soon as Hetman Bryukhovetsky found out about the results of the negotiations in Andrusov, he demanded from the king through Telepnev. pr-va enter Moscow. military people in Kremenchug and Kodak, to deprive the Cossacks of grain deliveries and save Zaporozhye from crowds, “because great indignation should be expected from the Cossacks” by this truce.

Vladimir Boguslavsky

Material from the book: "Slavic Encyclopedia. XVII century". M., OLMA-PRESS. 2004.

An armistice agreement for 13 years and 6 months between the State of Russia and Poland, made at a congress in the village of Andrusov by plenipotentiary ambassadors on January 30, 1667


11. Others are also all the tangles from the conception of the current war, caught, so spiritual, as if worldly, gentry and military people, older and younger and servants of all ranks and gender and pilgrimage people, also Ukrainian Cossacks, Tatars, living under the Royal Majesty, earthlings and others all serving, although in their youth being, so in the Polish korun, as in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, in localities, or in houses, or in battle, in castles, in places, and wherever there are those caught, even if now , were in knitting, or in the service of His Royal Majesty and with the Lord Boyars, even if they got married there in the State of His Royal Majesty with Russian persons, or crossed themselves into the Russian faith, or in the courtyards of the Princes, in the possession of His Royal Majesty being, or burghers in the cities were found in work, also the Jews of those who were not baptized into the Russian faith, all with their wives and children and their bellies, not hiding anyone, and not forcing them to be caught, by good faith in the direction of His Royal Majesty and the Commonwealth to allow and release His Royal Majesty will indicate; and which of them would like to voluntarily stay in the direction of His Royal Majesty, then it is free for them to be. And those of the Polish and Lithuanian people, the female gender and Zhidovka, married the Russian people: and thus remain in the direction of His Royal Majesty with their husbands (...)

Published according to the edition: Complete collection of laws Russian Empire. Meeting first. Volume 1. From 1649 to 1675. St. Petersburg, 1830. S. 662.

Reprinted from the address:

National Policy in Imperial Russia

1 Representatives of the parties
2 Terms of the Andrusovo Treaty
3 Meaning
3.1 Significance in Belarusian history
3.2 Significance in Ukrainian history
3.3 Significance in Russian history



Andrusovskoe truce - an agreement concluded in 1667 between Russia and the Commonwealth for 13.5 years. The truce ended the war that had lasted since 1654 over the territories of modern Ukraine and Belarus. The name comes from the village of Andrusovo (now the Smolensk region), in which it was signed.

1. Representatives of the parties

The Andrusovo truce was signed on January 30 by Afanasy Ordin-Nashchekin and Jerzy Glebovich in the village of Andrusovo near Smolensk. Cossack ambassadors were not allowed to sign the truce.

2. Terms of the Andrusov Treaty

· A truce was established between Russia and the Commonwealth for a period of 13.5 years, during which the states had to prepare the conditions for "eternal peace".

· The Commonwealth returned to Russia Smolensk, Chernihiv Voivodeship, Starodub Povet, Seversk Land, and also recognized the reunification of Left-Bank Ukraine with Russia.

· Russia refused to gain in Lithuania.

· Right-Bank Ukraine and Belarus remained under the control of the Commonwealth.

· Kyiv was handed over to Russia for a period of two years. However, Russia managed to keep it and secure its ownership in an agreement with Poland in 1686 after paying 146 thousand rubles.

· Zaporizhzhya Sich passed under the joint Russian-Polish administration "for their common service from the advancing infidel forces."

· The parties pledged to assist the Cossacks in the event of an attack on the Ukrainian lands by Russia and the Commonwealth of the Crimean Tatars.

· Special articles of the treaty regulated the procedure for the return of prisoners, church property and the demarcation of lands.

· The right of free trade between Russia and the Commonwealth was guaranteed, as well as the diplomatic immunity of ambassadors.

3. Meaning

3.1. Significance in the history of Belarus

For the territories of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which included Belarusian lands, the conditions for reconciliation were as follows: Moscow abandoned Lithuania and Belarus, mined by its troops, but retained Smolensk with its surroundings, which were conquered by the Commonwealth in Troubled times. One of the articles of reconciliation gave Moscow the right to intercede for the Orthodox inhabitants of the Commonwealth.

The northern Belarus conquered by the Russian kingdom - Vitebsk region, Polotsk, as well as Livonia (Dinaburg), Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich returned the Commonwealth. The treaty reflected a compromise on both sides: Moscow, although unable to keep everything it had conquered, greatly increased its territory, and the Commonwealth, not being able to win back everything lost, returned some important lands. Both sides also counted on the fact that the Andrusovo truce was only temporary and that its terms would be revised in 13 years.

All the prisoners brought out during the years of the war in Russian kingdom(as, by the way, the exported valuables) remained there for the years of reconciliation. Only the gentry, soldiers, clergy and Cossacks with Tatars - an insignificant part of the total number of prisoners - received the formal right to return, but not everyone was able to use it. The Belarusian gentry served in the distant Siberian outskirts. Ordinary people, who were usually turned into slaves in the Moscow state, no one was going to return. In Moscow alone, after the war, the prisoners withdrawn from Belarus accounted for approximately 10 percent of the townspeople. Many Belarusians lived in other cities of the kingdom - in Astrakhan, Velikiye Luki, Novgorod, Toropets, Tver and others.

3.2. Significance in the history of Ukraine

According to Small encyclopedia Ukrainian Cossacks, having concluded the Andrusovo truce, Russia finally abandoned its obligations of 1654 to assist Ukraine in the fight against the Commonwealth. However, the Andrusovo truce only consolidated the division of Ukrainian lands, which de facto had already taken place since the beginning of the 1660s. This division was finally approved by the Eternal Peace between Poland and Russia.

According to N. I. Kostomarov, the results of the truce were a blow to the Cossacks, the legal confirmation of the actual division of Ukrainian lands occurred without their participation. The terms of the truce caused disagreement among the Cossack elders, which led to the betrayal of Hetman Ivan Bryukhovetsky. At the direction of the hetman, the Russian administration was expelled from the territory of the Hetmanate and a decision was made to transfer Ukraine to the Turkish protectorate. However, right-bank hetman Pyotr Doroshenko soon opposed him. Colonels and Cossacks betrayed Bryukhovetsky, united with Doroshenko's Cossacks and gave him their hetman. By order of Doroshenko, Hetman Bryukhovetsky was torn to pieces by the crowd.

3.3. Significance in the history of Russia

In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the Andrusovo truce, concluded in a difficult external and internal situation, is seen as an important step for Russia towards the unification of the three East Slavic peoples.

Although the Andrusovo truce did not resolve a number of difficult issues (for example, Russia did not receive Livonia and access to the Baltic Sea), thanks to it, Russia managed to return the lands that belonged to it before the Time of Troubles (and even more). It also led to a rapprochement between Russia and the Commonwealth on the basis of a joint struggle against the Ottoman Empire.


1. Boguslavsky V. V., Kuksina E. I. Article "Andrusov truce" // Slavic Encyclopedia. Kievan Rus- Muscovy. - M.: Olma-Press, 2001. - T. 2. - S. 56. - 816 p. - ISBN 5-224-02249-5

2. Ignatoўskі, W. Short narys of the history of Belarus (Trezі period of the XVI - XVIII centuries) (Belarusian).

3. “Ukrainian Cossacks. Mala Encyclopedia” / Ch. ed. F. G. Turchenko. - Kiev: "Geneza", 2002. - S. 15. - 568 p. - ISBN 966-504-244-6

4. Dovidnik from the history of Ukraine.// Andrusiv truce of 1667. Kiev: "Geneza". - 2002. - side. 25.

5. Dovіdnik from the history of Ukraine.// Bryukhovetsky Ivan Martinovich. Kiev: "Geneza". - 2002. - side. 89-90.

6. Kopylov L. N. Andrusovo truce of 1667. Big soviet encyclopedia, 3rd edition .

7. Andrusovo truce. January 30, 1667. Federal system educational portals. Project "Pedagogy secondary school". Publishing house "Enlightenment".

On January 30 (February 9), 1667, in the village of Andrusovo near Smolensk, a truce agreement was concluded between Russia and the Commonwealth for thirteen and a half years.

The Treaty of Andrusov ended the Russian-Polish war of 1654-1667, which was started because of the lands occupied by Poland in 1609-1611 and its non-recognition of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia.

The long-term war between Russia and the Commonwealth went on in the territory of Little Russia, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia. fighting fought with varying success and exhausted the forces of the belligerents, which led to a compromise agreement.

At first, the parties wanted to conclude an “Eternal Peace”, but it turned out to be difficult to do this because of the Cossacks, who did not want to go under the rule of Poland again and because of the unwillingness of the tsarist government to give up rights to Russian lands that still remained under the rule of the Poles.

After lengthy negotiations, on January 20 (30), 1667, A. L. Ordin-Nashchokin from Russia and Yu. Glebovich from Poland signed an armistice agreement for 13.5 years, during which the parties pledged to prepare conditions for the "Eternal Peace" between them.

According to the terms of the agreement, the Commonwealth returned Smolensk and Chernihiv provinces to Russia, recognized the reunification of the Left-Bank Ukraine with Russia. Right-bank Ukraine and Western Belarus remained under the rule of the Commonwealth. Kyiv was supposed to remain with Russia until 1669, but she retained it even later, paying 146 thousand rubles as compensation, which was formalized by the "Eternal Peace" of 1686. The Zaporozhian Sich was declared under the joint control of both states. In the event of an attack by the Crimean Tatars on Ukrainian lands, Russia and Poland pledged to provide assistance to the Cossacks, and in the event of an attack by the Tatars on one of the contracting parties, the other should not support them. An exchange of prisoners of war took place.

The Andrusov Treaty did not resolve the complex issues facing Russia, but it became an important step towards the unification of the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian peoples. It marked the transition from the ancient enmity between Russia and Poland to their rapprochement on the basis of a joint struggle against the Ottoman Empire, and at the beginning of the 18th century. and against Sweden.

In 1686, an "Eternal Peace" was concluded between Russia and Poland, which confirmed the terms of the Andrusovo truce.

Lit .: Galaktionov I. V. From the history of Russian-Polish rapprochement in the 50s - 60s of the 17th century. Saratov, 1960; Galaktionov I. V. Russia and the Commonwealth at the final stage of the Russian-Polish war in the third quarter of the 17th century // Slavic collection. Issue. 5. Saratov, 1993; Malov A. V. Russian-Polish war of 1654-1667. M., 2006.

See also in the Presidential Library:

Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Meeting first. T. 1. From 1649 to 1675. St. Petersburg, 1830. S. 656-669 .
