The meaning of Vasily Nazarovich Bozhenko in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE. The meaning of Bozhenko Vasily Nazarovich in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE Zhivotov Matvey Nazarovich


Vasily Nazarovich (1871 - 21.8.1919), hero civil war in Ukraine. Member of the CPSU since 1917. Born in the village. Berezhinka, Kherson province, in a peasant family. For distribution of leaflets RSDLP in 1904 he was arrested in Odessa, where he worked as a carpenter. Participated in the Russo-Japanese War with the rank of sergeant major. In 1907 he was sentenced to 3 years in prison for revolutionary activity. In 1915-17 he worked in mechanical workshops in Kyiv. After February Revolution member of the Kiev Council, from October 1917 he commanded a detachment of the Red Guards, participated in battles against the troops of the Central Rada in January - March 1918 and the German invaders. In 1918 he participated in the organization of partisan detachments in Ukraine, then commanded the Tarashchansky regiment (later a brigade) of the 1st Ukrainian Soviet division (later the 44th rifle division), distinguished himself in battles against the interventionists and Petliurists. Died of illness, buried in Zhytomyr.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what VASILY NAZAROVICH BOZHENKO is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • VASILIY in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
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    (Basileios), emperors in Byzantium: V. I the Macedonian, emperor from 867, founder of the Macedonian dynasty. From Macedonian (more correctly Thracian) ...
    (in Isauria). He was present at the Council of Constantinople (448), where he argued against Eutychius. At the "robber" council in Ephesus, V. served ...
  • VASILIY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    a name very often found in Russian epics and folk stories; the epic heroes belong to: V. Kazimirovich, V. Okulevich, V. Ignatievich, ...
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    I (1371 - 1425), Grand Duke Moscow since 1389. Son of Dmitry Donskoy. In 1392 he received a label in the Golden Horde for ...
    VASILY MIROZHKY (? -1299), abbot of the Spaso-Mirozhsky monastery. in Pskov. Killed by the Livonians, canonized Rus. orthodox …
  • VASILIY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    BASILY THE COPPER HAND (? - c. 932), leader of the cross. restore in Byzantium (c. 932), who took the name of Constantine Doukas. Executed. Restore …
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  • VASILIY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    BASIL THE Blessed (? -1569), Moscow. holy fool. One of the most famous Moscow. saints, whose gift of providence was revered even by Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. …
  • VASILIY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    VASILY IV Shuisky (1552-1612), rus. king in 1606-10. Son of Prince I.A. Shuisky. He headed the secret opposition to Boris Godunov, supported False Dmitry I, ...
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  • VASILIY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    VASILY II the Bulgar Slayer (958-1025), Byzantine. emperor since 976; from Maked. dynasties. Suppressed the resurrection. Asia Minor nobility 976-979 (led by Varda ...
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    Savenko (Peter Nazarovich, 1795 - 1843) - professor of surgery and oculistry at the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy; He received his medical education at the Imperial Medical and Surgical ...
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    (1897-1960) aircraft designer. In aviation since the 1st World War. Member of the Civil War. The first planes were built in the late 1920s. Engaged…
  • KARAZIN VASILY NAZAROVYCH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (1773-1842) Russian educator, scientist. Founder of Kharkov University (1805). Author of liberal projects for the transformation of the state system and the national economy. Proceedings on meteorology, ...
  • BUBKA SERGEY NAZAROVYCH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (b. 1963) Ukrainian athlete (athletics), Honored Master of Sports (1983). Champion of the Olympic Games (1988), world (1983, 1987, 1991, 1995), Europe ...
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  • KARAZIN VASILY NAZAROVYCH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Vasily Nazarovich, Russian and Ukrainian liberal-noble educator, public figure ...
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    Enver Nazarovich (b. 17.4. 1917, Baku), Soviet statesman and party leader, scientist, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor. Member of the CPSU since 1943. ...
  • PETROV MIKHAIL NAZAROVYCH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    historian (1826-1887). He graduated from the course at Kharkov University; received a master's degree in world history for his dissertation "On the character state activity Louis XI" ...
  • MURAVYEV NIKOLAY NAZAROVYCH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (1775-1845) - archaeologist, father of gr. M.-Amursky; He was educated in the Mining Corps, served in the Navy, was Secretary of State of the Emperor. Nicholas I. Works ...
  • KARAZIN VASILY NAZAROVYCH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    remarkable public figure; genus. in with. Kruchik Bogodukhovsky st. Kharkov province. Jan 30 1773, d. November 4, 1842 ...
    ? historian (1826?1887). He graduated from the course at Kharkov University; received a master's degree in world history for the thesis "On the nature of the state activity of Louis ...
  • MURAVYEV NIKOLAY NAZAROVYCH in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (1775?1845) ? archaeologist, father of gr. M.-Amursky; He was educated in the Mining Corps, served in the Navy, was Secretary of State of the Emperor. Nicholas I. Works ...

One-time bomb clusters, bomb bundles, cartridges for aircraft machine guns and cannons, various aircraft rockets, aircraft mines, torpedoes, grenades, aviation photographic, signal and other cartridges.

One-time bomb cassettes - thin-walled aerial bombs equipped with aviation anti-tank and other mines or small fragmentation, anti-tank, incendiary and other bombs weighing from 1 to 10 kg. In one cassette there can be up to 100 or more bombs (mines) that are scattered in the air.

Bomb bundles - devices in which several air bombs weighing 25-100 kg each, connected by special devices in one pendant. The separation of the bombs occurs at the moment of dropping from an aircraft or in the air.

Cartridges for aviation machine guns and cannons are distinguished by the type of bullets and shells, which are single-action (fragmentation, high-explosive, armor-piercing, incendiary, tracer), double (high-explosive fragmentation, etc.) and triple action (high-explosive fragmentation-incendiary, etc.) . The most common calibers of aviation bullets are 7.62 and 12.7 mm, shells - 20,23,30 and 37 mm. The mass of shells ranges from 100 to 800 G.

Aviation unguided missiles - projectiles consisting of a warhead (high-explosive, high-explosive, cumulative, nuclear), a jet engine (powder, liquid) and a fuse (impact or non-contact action). Rocket mass - from several kg up to hundreds kg.

Aviation guided missiles - unmanned aerial vehicles with jet engine, equipped with a conventional or nuclear warhead and a control system designed for automatic targeting or flight along a given trajectory. Mass of air-to-ground missiles from hundreds kg up to several thousand kg; flight range from 10 to 1000 and more km. Air-to-air missiles have a mass of 50-200 kg, flight-launch range up to several tens km.

Aviation mines (anti-tank, anti-personnel, sea, etc.) - devices consisting of a warhead, a fuse and additional devices; designed to lay minefields from the air on land and sea.

Lit.: Latukhin A. N., Combat guided missiles, M., 1968; Organization and armament of the armies and fleets of the capitalist states, 2nd ed., M., 1968.

A. N. Dorofeev.

Ammunition bacterial

Munitions "sy bacterial"(foreign), artillery shells and mines of a special design, aviation clusters, bombs, missile warheads, containers and spray devices equipped with bacterial agents and intended to destroy people, agricultural. animals and plant damage. In the target area B. b. can be delivered by artillery, aircraft, rockets and other means. Despite the fact that bacteriological weapon prohibited by international agreements, the military specialists of a number of capitalist countries continue to improve it. They believe that the most effective are B. b., creating a bacterial spray can from suspensions and powders and contaminating the air over a large area. To such B. b. include: explosive ammunition, when triggered, a bacterial aerosol is created due to the energy of an explosion of explosives; mechanical generators that create an aerosol due to the energy of compressed gases or gases released during the combustion of chemicals; spray devices that allow you to create a bacterial aerosol by spraying bacterial agents under air pressure.

Engineering ammunition

Ammunition "sy engineering" rny, means of blasting, explosive charges (HE), mines, pyrotechnic devices and other items of engineering weapons equipped with explosives and pyrotechnic compositions. The means of blasting are blasting caps, electric detonators, electric igniters, fuses, detonating and igniter cords, incendiary tubes, fuses, etc. Explosive charges are used to produce destruction, construct barriers and perform other tasks related to engineering support fighting troops. The main means for these purposes are mines (see. Land mines). To B. and. also include projectiles from engineering cable throwers (devices for throwing cables), and in some armies, nuclear mines (see. Mine-nuclear barriers). Almost all B. and. are capable to operate at a temperature from 50 °C to -50 °C.

M. P. Goncharov.

Bozhenko Vasily Nazarovich

God "nko Vasily Nazarovich (1871 - 21.8.1919), hero of the Civil War in Ukraine. Member of the CPSU since 1917. Born in the village. Berezhinka, Kherson province, in a peasant family. For distribution of leaflets RSDLP in 1904 he was arrested in Odessa, where he worked as a carpenter. Participated in the Russo-Japanese War with the rank of sergeant major. In 1907 he was sentenced to 3 years in prison for revolutionary activities. In 1915-17 he worked in mechanical workshops in Kyiv. After the February Revolution, a member of the Kiev Council, from October 1917 he commanded a detachment of the Red Guards, participated in battles against the troops of the Central Rada in January - March 1918 and the German invaders. In 1918 he participated in the organization of partisan detachments in Ukraine, then commanded the Tarashchansky regiment (later a brigade) of the 1st Ukrainian Soviet division (later the 44th rifle division), distinguished himself in battles against the interventionists and Petliurists. Died of illness, buried in Zhytomyr.

V. N. Bozhenko.

Bozhenov Petr Ivanovich

God is new Pyotr Ivanovich [b.29.6 (12.7.1904), Karachev, Oryol province], Soviet scientist in the field of technology of building materials, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1953), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR (1965). Member of the CPSU since 1948. Graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (1929). The main works on the integrated use of mineral raw materials for the production of building materials. B. developed new types of binders - nepheline cement, cement based on magnesium silicates. Lenin Prize (1962). Awarded with the Order Labor Red Banner, other orders, as well as medals.

Works: High-strength gypsum, L., 1945; Integrated use of mineral raw materials for the production of building materials, L. - M., 1963; Color cements and their use in construction, M.-L., 1968 (with L. I. Kholopova).

Bozhenko Vasily Nazarovich (born in 1871, the village of Berezhinka, Elisavetgrad district, Kherson province - died August 21, 1919, Slavuta station, Volyn province) - participant in the Civil War of 1918-1922, one of the organizers of the Red Guard and partisan detachments in Ukraine .

Bozhenko Vasyl (* 1871, Berezhynka, Kherson province - † 19 September 1919, Zhytomyr, Volyn province) - the commander of the military commander of the hour of the mass war.

Narray in SIM "ї ї Bіdnyaka Gubernії Khorstinka Khrubernії єlisavyvdvkiy Kimatu. Z 12-Rokiv yoma was the opportunity to pіti for the overwhelming. In the Berezni 1904 ROCK for the sewn of the leaf of the Odea Committee RSDRP Buv ahead of the Zaareviani. Participant of Rosіysko revolutionary work in masks in the Elisavetgrad region, for which in 1907 the freedom of the will for three years.

From 1915 to 1917 he worked as a carpenter at the Kiev mechanical workshops, one of the artisans of the professional sawmill: the head of the professional sawmill of woodworkers. On February 3, 1917, at the meetings of representatives of the factories, that master Bozhenko was going to the Timoshovy Vikonavchy Committee on the organization of Kiev for the sake of the worker deputies, and also joining the Belarusian party.

Under the hour of the Kiev sichnevy zbroynogo insurrection of 1918 fate on the part of the Demіїvsky Chervonogvardіysky corral, taking the fate of the battles against the Central for the sake of. March 1918, the fate of the occupation of Kiev by the German troops - in the Donbas. In the grass of the same fate, on the choli of a small corral, go out of Ukraine into the "neutral zone". As an eyewitness, on the cob the spring of V.N. As a result of yoga robots, 30 times more anger was driven at three days, Bozhenka, Salay and Chernyaka were recognized as commanders of these bulos.

For example spring 1918 appointments as the commander of the 2nd battalion, and in the fall - the commander of the Tarashchansky regiment, in the past - the commander of the Tarashchansky brigade, which was included in the warehouse of the 1st Ukrainian Radianskaya division, zgodom - the 44th rifle division, as commander. The Tarashchansky regiment together with Bohunsky took part in the battle actions against the Directorates and volatilized Kiev on February 5, 1919, for which he was rewarded with the Chervonim Ensign, and the commander Bozhenko - with a golden zbroєyu. For the life of the city of Bozhenkov, it was never awarded.

Bozhenko died at the Slavuta station on 19 April 1919, buried near Zhytomyr. The grave was not spared, for it was splintered.

Bozhenka's team - Feodosiya Martinivna - perished under mysterious circumstances near 1919. Ymovirno was buried in Kiev. Brother - Mykhailo Nazarovich - for the first hours of vigilant zmagan commanded a squadron of the Bohunsky regiment, taking the fate of the Other World War: he was the commander of the corral of the people's militia of the Dniprovsky Metallurgical Plant named after. Dzerzhinsky.

Bozhenko Vasily Nazarovich (1871 - 21.8.1919), hero of the Civil War in Ukraine. Member of the CPSU since 1917. Born in the village. Berezhinka, Kherson province, in a peasant family. For distribution of leaflets RSDLP in 1904 he was arrested in Odessa, where he worked as a carpenter. Participated in the Russo-Japanese War with the rank of sergeant major. In 1907 he was sentenced to 3 years in prison for revolutionary activities. In 1915–17 he worked in mechanical workshops in Kyiv. After the February Revolution, a member of the Kiev Council, from October 1917 he commanded a detachment of the Red Guards, participated in battles against the troops of the Central Rada in January-March 1918 and the German invaders. In 1918 he participated in the organization of partisan detachments in Ukraine, then commanded the Tarashchansky regiment (later a brigade) of the 1st Ukrainian Soviet division (later the 44th rifle division), distinguished himself in battles against the interventionists and Petliurists. Died of illness, buried in Zhytomyr.

  • - Karazin is a remarkable public figure; born in the village of Kruchik, Bogodukhovsky district, Kharkov province, on January 30, 1773, died on November 4, 1842. His father, a colonel, received from Catherine II Kruchik estate...

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  • - a remarkable public figure; genus. in with. Kruchik Bogodukhovsky st. Kharkov province. Jan 30 1773, d. November 4, 1842 His father, a colonel, received from Catherine II the Kruchik estate ...

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  • - Soviet state and party leader, scientist, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor. Member of the CPSU since 1943. Born into a working class family. In 1941 he graduated from the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute...
  • - Vasily Nazarovich, hero of the Civil War in Ukraine. Member of the CPSU since 1917. Born in the village. Berezhinka of the Kherson province in the family of a peasant...

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  • - Russian and Ukrainian liberal-noble educator, public figure and scientist, founder of Kharkov University. From the nobility...

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  • - Ukrainian athlete, Honored Master of Sports. Champion of the Olympic Games, World, Europe, USSR Winner of the World and European Cups in pole vault...
  • - Russian educator, scientist. Founder of Kharkov University. Author of liberal projects for the transformation of the state system and the national economy...

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"Bozhenko Vasily Nazarovich" in books

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From the book Path to Chekhov author Gromov Mikhail Petrovich

Bandakov Vasily Anastasievich, father Vasily (1807–1890) Archpriest, rector of the Archangel Michael Church in Taganrog, spiritual mentor of the Chekhov family. The book by V. A. Bandakov “Simple and Brief Teachings” includes “A Teaching on the Occasion of the All-Night Vigil Performed

Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Fedoseeva Vasily and Lydia, or Love under the red viburnum

From the book The most beautiful couples of Soviet cinema the author Razzakov Fedor

Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Fedoseeva Vasily and Lydia, or Love under the red viburnum Shukshin fell in love for the first time at the age of 15. His chosen one was his compatriot from the village of Srostki, Altai Territory, 14-year-old Masha Shumskaya. He then studied at the motor transport technical school in Biysk,

Chapter XXVII Vasily I and his son - Vasily II "Dark"

From the book History of the Russian State in verse author Kukovyakin Yury Alekseevich

Chapter XXVII Vasily I and his son - Vasily II "Dark" Vasily I was firm in spirit, he subjugated a number of principalities to Moscow. He married a Lithuanian princess, and the Metropolitan sealed their marriage. And then Timur suddenly showed up, the world again eclipsed the world, People prayed along the Don, Vasily gave the country

§ 45. Grand Dukes Vasily I Dmitrievich and Vasily II Vasilyevich Dark

From the book Textbook of Russian History author Platonov Sergey Fyodorovich

§ 45. Grand Dukes Vasily I Dmitrievich and Vasily II Vasilyevich Dark Donskoy died only 39 years old and left behind several sons. He blessed the eldest, Vasily, with the great reign of Vladimir and left him a part in the Moscow appanage; to the rest of his sons

Vasily Slepoy and Rurik-Vasily

From the book Crazy Chronology author Muravyov Maxim

Vasily Slepoy and Rurik-Vasily Let's not hurry. Let's first compare Vasily Vasilyevich the Blind or the Dark (1415-1462) with Rurik-Vasily Rostislavich (d. 1211 or 1215), almost the only one described in detail by Vasily in the 12th century ... Both were grand dukes for 37 years:

Alikhanov Enver Nazarovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AL) of the author TSB

Bozhenko Vasily Nazarovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BO) of the author TSB

Karazin Vasily Nazarovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KA) of the author TSB

Bubka Sergey Nazarovich

From the book of 100 famous athletes author Khoroshevsky Andrey Yurievich

Bubka Sergei Nazarovich (born in 1963) Athlete, pole vaulter, Honored Master of Sports, Olympic champion, winner of five world championships. 35 times world record holder. Hero of Ukraine. Member of the Executive Committee of the International Olympic Committee. UNESCO Ambassador for Sport.

Zhivotov Matvey Nazarovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (GI) of the author TSB

Klychev Izzat Nazarovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KL) of the author TSB

Karazin Vasily Nazarovich

From the book of 100 famous Kharkovites author Karnatsevich Vladislav Leonidovich

Karazin Vasily Nazarovich (born in 1773 - died in 1842) Public figure, scientist. The founder of Kharkov University. Vasily Nazarovich Karazin is one of the most respected historical figures in Kharkov. In addition to being considered the founder of the Kharkov

Orazmukhamedov Oraz Nazarovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (OR) of the author TSB

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From the book Computerra Digital Magazine No. 102 author Computerra magazine

Vasily Schepetnev: Sampo-2012. Epidemic of utopia Vasily Shchepetnev Published on January 12, 2012 Films about how glorious American doctors save America from an epidemic of some super-aggressive Ebola or a zombie virus are widely known. Sometimes doctors

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52 0

Bozhenko Vasily Nazarovich (1871 - 21.8.1919), hero of the Civil War in Ukraine. Member of the CPSU since 1917. Born in the village. Berezhinka, Kherson province, in a peasant family. For distribution of leaflets RSDLP in 1904 he was arrested in Odessa, where he worked as a carpenter. Participated in the Russo-Japanese War with the rank of sergeant major. In 1907 he was sentenced to 3 years in prison for revolutionary activities. In 1915–17 he worked in mechanical workshops in Kyiv. After the February Revolution, a member of the Kiev Council, from October 1917 he commanded a detachment of the Red Guards, participated in battles against the troops of the Central Rada in January-March 1918 and the German invaders. In 1918 he participated in the organization of partisan detachments in Ukraine, then commanded the Tarashchansky regiment (later a brigade) of the 1st Ukrainian Soviet division (later the 44th rifle division), distinguished himself in battles against the interventionists and Petliurists. Died of illness, buried in Zhytomyr.

Meanings in other dictionaries

Engineering ammunition

means of blasting, explosive charges (HE), mines, pyrotechnic devices and other items of engineering weapons equipped with explosives and pyrotechnic compositions. The means of blasting are blasting caps, electric detonators, electric igniters, fuses, detonating and igniter cords, incendiary tubes, fuses, etc. Explosive charges are used to produce...


Vasily Nazarovich (1871 - 21.8.1919), hero of the Civil War in Ukraine. Member of the CPSU since 1917. Born in the village. Berezhinka, Kherson province, in a peasant family. For distribution of leaflets RSDLP in 1904 he was arrested in Odessa, where he worked as a carpenter. Participated in the Russo-Japanese War with the rank of sergeant major. In 1907 he was sentenced to 3 years in prison for revolutionary activities. In 1915-17 he worked in a mechanical workshop...


Pyotr Ivanovich [b.29.6 (12.7.1904), Karachev, Oryol province], Soviet scientist in the field of technology of building materials, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1953), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR (1965). Member of the CPSU since 1948. Graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (1929). The main works on the integrated use of mineral raw materials for the production of building materials. B. developed new...
