Virtuous heroes of Charles Perrault's fairy tales. Little Red Riding Hood In the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood virtue Little Red Riding Hood. She went to her grandmother to check on her. Which heroes personify good and evil in Andersen's fairy tales? Virtuous heroes of Andersen's fairy tales

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Virtuous heroes of Andersen's fairy tales H.-K.

It has long been the custom that in all times and among all peoples, on long winter evenings, when a blizzard howled outside the window and the moon shone dimly from behind the clouds, people listened to fairy tales. They listened to them in villages and farmsteads, sitting comfortably by warm fires, and listened to them in cities by fireplaces. And a magical world appeared before the listeners. It was inhabited by elves and mermaids, sorcerers and goblins, gnomes, giants, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal.

Nowadays, children listen and read fairy tales more often, but adults also love them. There is nothing to say about children - they fervently believe everything they hear. The fairy tale teaches children inquisitiveness, develops imagination and fantasy.

The fairy tale talks about the meaning of life, explains natural phenomena, the properties of plants, animals and birds. A fairy tale tells about fantasy worlds and objects that surround a person every day; it takes you into the world of the unknown. Fairy tales intertwine magic with funny jokes and serious moral teachings.

The Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen wrote many fairy tales.

Not always good-natured and harmless, but often ironic and mocking, he did not hesitate to open people’s eyes to their social and everyday vices.

Over his long life, he created many fairy tales. Bright, unique and fascinating, which extolled the noble qualities of man. And isn’t it about devotion, fidelity, nobility that “The Steadfast” tin soldier" and "The Cowgirl and the Chimney Sweep", "Wild Swans" and "The Little Mermaid", and many, many other fairy tales?

Look at this.

In search of her friend Kai, the courageous girl Gerda from the fairy tale wanders along the roads. The Snow Queen“She ends up among the robbers, fights the frost, rides on a deer and still achieves her goal: she saves Kai from the evil spell of the Snow Queen. This is the dignity whose name is love, the great power of love, perseverance and courage.

But look, a stalwart tin soldier is floating along a dirty stream in a paper boat. He was not afraid of either the impudent rat or the toothy, menacing fish. Moreover, he will die with his beloved - a paper ballerina - in the fire-breathing mouth of a blazing furnace. The tin soldier will die, but will not betray his duty, for perseverance is the main quality of his nature.

But a porcelain chimney sweep boldly climbs up his ladder, deciding to show the shepherdess doll the starry world of the night sky. What incredible adventures they experience along the way. And yet the chimney sweep’s courage wins.

Let's remember little Eliza in the fairy tale "Wild Swans", who selflessly fights against magical evil spells to save her brothers, who were turned into wild swans by the evil queen. Or the beautiful Little Mermaid, who sacrifices her life in the name of love for a person. Andersen's heroes usually achieve happiness thanks to their wisdom, kindness, and nobility.

But in the poultry yard, the tragic and beautiful story of the ugly duckling, who turned into a beautiful swan, plays out. The storyteller wants to say with this story that the best virtues and talents can be hidden under poor clothes and an unsightly appearance. He is convinced: sooner or later talent, kindness, strength, courage will win, even if the people who are characterized by them were born in poverty.

The fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” teaches a broad view of the world, teaches us to see the greatness and nobility of the soul, to know the beauty of life, and to love nature. People appreciate and love the tales of this kind, mocking, great storyteller. Andersen always remembered that his duty was to serve the people. He helped people appreciate the beauty of life, love work, kindness, courage and justice.

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Research hypothesis: Virtue is a person’s desire to do good deeds towards other people. Vice is causing harm to yourself and other people. A quality of a person's character that disgraces him. The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen are dominated by virtuous heroes.

Tasks to determine 1) the range of fairy tales by G.Kh. Andersen, selected for the study 2) what virtuous actions do the heroes in the fairy tale do? Why? 3) what vicious actions do the heroes commit in the fairy tale? Why? 4) what virtuous qualities do the main characters have? 5) how is virtue rewarded and vice punished in fairy tales?

Virtue and vice are two opposing characteristics of a person by which other people evaluate him. Virtue Vice Honesty generosity decency hard work modesty kindness Laziness anger impudence greed cunning Deceit A person's desire for good Causing harm to oneself and other people

Fairy tales of H.H. Andersen We get acquainted with Andersen's fairy tales from the very early childhood. They immerse us in a magical world in which the Little Mermaid, Gerda, Kai, the Snow Queen and other heroes created by the brilliant storyteller Hans Christian Andersen come to life. These stories can teach us to be friends, to believe in magic and cope with difficulties, to understand what virtue and vice are.

“Her eyes shone like stars, but there was neither warmth nor peace in them.” “The Snow Queen” The Snow Queen is the embodiment of cold intelligence and perfect frozen beauty. The main value in her kingdom is an icy and absolutely correct mind. In the halls of the Snow Queen is what she believes is perfection - the mirror of the mind. “In the middle of the largest snowy hall, endless and empty, a frozen lake sparkled... she called it the mirror of the mind, the most perfect mirror in the world.”

Virtue is always in the middle between two vices: excess and deficiency One day, Kai sends a challenge to the Snow Queen herself. As a result, fragments of the trolls' devilish mirror fall into the boy's eye and heart and Kai changes. He becomes angry, plays pranks, finds fault with his words, offends his neighbors, Gerda and even his grandmother. One of Kai's pranks ended with him tying his sleigh to the Snow Queen's sleigh. She kissed the boy with an icy kiss and took him to her palace, making him forget about everything that connected the boy with the world of people, with life itself. Harmfulness - friendliness - servility

Virtuous heroes in the fairy tale The sorceress helps Gerda, but under the influence of her witchcraft the girl forgets Kai. Next, Gerda meets a kind raven (magical assistant), who helps her get into the palace. The princess sincerely sympathizes with Gerda and invites her to stay in the palace, then orders Gerda to be given shoes, a muff, a wonderful horse dress and a golden carriage with a coachman, footmen and postilions. The little robber, the chieftain's daughter, takes Gerda under her protection. And having learned the sad story, the robber lets her go, giving the girl her favorite deer, which should deliver Gerda to the kingdom of the Snow Queen. The northern inhabitants (Lapland, Finka) support the brave, selfless girl in time.

“The Steadfast Tin Soldier” A fairy-tale character, the embodiment of unbending courage, fortitude and perseverance. He's a clear loser. There wasn't enough tin to cast it, so it stands on one leg. But he stands on it “as firmly as the others on two.” The main feature of his nature is extraordinary strength of spirit.

“Chimney Sweep” Virtue But the porcelain chimney sweep boldly climbs up his ladder, having decided to show the shepherdess doll the starry world of the night sky. What incredible adventures they experience along the way. And yet the chimney sweep’s courage wins.

“Wild Swans” Good person Let's remember little Eliza in the fairy tale “Wild Swans”, who selflessly fights against magical evil spells to save her brothers, who were turned into wild swans by the evil queen. Or the beautiful Little Mermaid, who sacrifices her life in the name of love for a person. Andersen's heroes usually achieve happiness thanks to their wisdom, kindness, and nobility.

“The Little Mermaid” The Little Mermaid Ariel, the youngest daughter of the sea king Triton, due to forgetfulness, did not show up at the concert organized by the court adviser the crab Sebastian, where she was supposed to perform for the first time and sing the main role in her beautiful voice. Instead she is with her best friend, the fish Flounder, went in search of adventure to one of the shipwrecks. The thing is, Ariel doesn't like life at sea. Her dream is the world of people, and, driven by this dream, she collects a collection of human things from sunken ships.

“The Ugly Duckling” Virtue But in the poultry yard, the tragic and beautiful story of the ugly duckling, who turned into a beautiful swan, is played out. The storyteller wants to say with this story that the best virtues and talents can be hidden under poor clothes and an unsightly appearance. He is convinced: sooner or later talent, kindness, strength, courage will win, even if the people who are characterized by them were born in poverty.


1 Municipal budget general educational institution"Anikanovskaya main comprehensive school» Oryol region, Mtsensk district, village Anikanovo St. Central, 13 “Virtue and vice in the fairy tales of H.H. Andersen” Project work modulo training course ORKSE “Fundamentals of secular ethics” Completed by: 4th grade students Daria Kolesnikova Leader: Tamai Ramazanovna Gamidova, teacher primary classes, 10 years of work experience. year

2 Contents: 1. Introduction Why did we start doing this project? Virtue and vice What virtuous actions do heroes perform in fairy tales? What vicious actions do heroes commit in fairy tales? How are virtues rewarded and vice punished in fairy tales? Survey results Research methodology Analysis of survey results Conclusion Sources Appendix

3 Introduction “We reason not in order to know what virtue is, but in order to become good people» Aristotle. Problem: - how the fairy tales of H.H. Andersen show the manifestation of the moral and negative properties of a person’s character Object: fairy tales of H.H. Andersen Purpose: to study interest in fairy tales and find out the schoolchildren’s assessment of the actions of the main characters of fairy tales by H.H. Andersen Objectives: 1. Expand the definition of the words “virtue” and “vice”. 2. Consider what virtuous and vicious actions heroes perform in fairy tales. 3. Determine how virtue is rewarded and vice is punished in fairy tales. 4. Research and analyze, using a questionnaire, the interest of schoolchildren in the fairy tales of G.Kh. Andersen. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of its use in the lessons “Fundamentals of secular ethics”, literary reading, classroom hours 1.1.Why did we start doing this project? On modern stage actual problem raising children became a problem of morality formation. This problem is raised not only by teachers, it worries both parents and society as a whole. The problem is widely discussed on television and in the press. It is also partially studied at school, but we believe that this is not enough to know how to influence moral education schoolboy. The Ministry of Education of our state is creating new educational subjects, developing new methods, but the eternal question school system and any family: “How to raise a moral person?” remains. 3

4 In 4th grade we study a new subject - “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics.” These lessons give us knowledge about good and evil, virtue and vice. And in the end, we must learn to perform moral actions, i.e. consciously perform virtuous actions, avoiding vicious ones. In the “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics” lessons, we often use examples from fairy tales to consider situations of the struggle between good and evil, and evaluate the qualities of the main characters. And we wanted to find out: - how the fairy tales of G.H. Andersen show the manifestation of moral and negative qualities of a person’s character; - find out which fairy tales by H.H. Andersen are known to our schoolchildren; - and most importantly, we were interested in how students evaluate the qualities of the main characters. For our research, we took students in grades 2 and 3. Virtue and vice Virtue and vice are two opposing characteristics of a person by which other people evaluate him. By doing good deeds, a person learns to be kind, to become virtuous. What is virtue? Virtue is a positive moral quality of a person's character. Please note: this ancient word, which came from the Old Church Slavonic language, is essentially the sum of two words: good + virtue (i.e. action, deed, activity). Thus, virtue is, initially, good activity. Helvetius stated, “Only by the actions of people can society judge their virtue.” Virtue is the ability to do the best in everything. Virtue expresses a person’s desire for good, the desire to be like a moral person who is a model for him. One of these samples could be literary heroes. Virtuous qualities of a person: hard work, efficiency, responsibility, friendliness, politeness, ability to empathize, 4

5 sympathize. Cicero believed that three virtues adorn the soul: beauty, wisdom and love. Vice is a flaw, a flaw that deserves blame, condemnation; a negative quality of someone or something; - actions that result in harm to oneself and other people. A vice can also be called a reprehensible defect in a person, a character trait that disgraces him. For example, greed, laziness, deceit, boasting, arrogance, etc. According to Boethius, the Roman philosopher, vice does not go unpunished, since being vicious is already a punishment. 2. What virtuous actions do heroes perform in fairy tales? It has long been the custom that in all times and among all peoples, on long winter evenings, when a blizzard howled outside the window and the moon shone dimly from behind the clouds, people listened to fairy tales. They listened to them in villages and farmsteads, sitting comfortably by warm fires, and listened to them in cities by fireplaces. And a magical world appeared before the listeners. It was inhabited by elves and mermaids, sorcerers and goblins, gnomes, giants, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal. The fairy tale talks about the meaning of life, explains natural phenomena, the properties of plants, animals and birds. A fairy tale tells about fantasy worlds and objects that surround a person every day; it takes you into the world of the unknown. Fairy tales intertwine magic with funny jokes and serious moral teachings. The Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen wrote many such tales. Not always good-natured and harmless, but often ironic and mocking, he did not hesitate to open people’s eyes to their social and everyday vices. Over his long life, he created many fairy tales. Bright, unique and fascinating, which extolled the noble qualities of man. And isn’t it about devotion, fidelity, nobility that “The Steadfast Tin Soldier” and “The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep”, “Wild Swans” and “The Little Mermaid”, and many, many other fairy tales tell? Look at this. 5

6 Let's remember little Eliza in the fairy tale “Wild Swans”, who selflessly fights against magical evil spells to save her brothers, who were turned into wild swans by the evil queen. She even wove shirts from stinging nettles. And the Fairy helped Princess Eliza disenchant the brothers. The beautiful Little Mermaid who sacrifices her life in the name of love for a person. The nightingale, having heard about the emperor’s illness, flew to console and encourage him with his song, thereby saving him from death. In search of her friend Kai, the courageous girl Gerda, from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen,” wanders along the roads. She ends up among robbers, fights the frost, races on a deer and still achieves her goal: she saves Kai from the evil spell of the Snow Queen. This is a virtue whose name is love, the great power of love, perseverance and courage. Thumbelina revived the swallow with her care. But the porcelain chimney sweep boldly climbs up his ladder, deciding to show the shepherdess doll the starry world of the night sky. What incredible adventures they experience along the way. And yet the chimney sweep’s courage wins. The tragic and beautiful story of an ugly duckling who turned into a beautiful swan plays out in the poultry yard. The storyteller wants to say with this story that the best virtues and talents can be hidden under poor clothes and an unsightly appearance. He's 6

7 I am convinced: sooner or later talent, kindness, strength, courage will win, even if the people who possess them were born in poverty. The fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” teaches a broad view of the world, teaches us to see the greatness and nobility of the soul, to know the beauty of life, and to love nature. Andersen's heroes usually achieve happiness thanks to their wisdom, kindness, and nobility. 3. What vicious actions do heroes commit in fairy tales? Every fairy tale has a personification of good and evil. So in Andersen's fairy tales there are heroes who commit vicious acts. In the fairy tale “Wild Swans,” the stepmother immediately disliked the children and decided to destroy them. In the fairy tale “The Little Mermaid,” the sea witch, giving the little mermaid a drink, cut off her tongue, and the little mermaid became mute and could no longer sing or speak! And when the mermaid danced and her feet touched the ground, she felt so much pain, as if she were stepping on sharp knives. In the fairy tale “The Nightingale,” the emperor declared the real nightingale expelled from the country, and the artificial one sang at his bedside. In essence, this was the emperor’s betrayal of the real nightingale. In "The Snow Queen", Kaya had her heart frozen by the Snow Queen. In the fairy tale “Thumbelina,” the old mole always thought only about his own benefit. In the fairy tale “The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep”, there is an old Chinese man who, against the will of the shepherdess, wanted to marry her to the Chief Non-Commissioner General Krieg Commissioner-Sergeant Kozlonog. In the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling,” the entire poultry yard and even the mother duck turned their backs on the ugly duckling, everyone tried to insult him and eventually drive him out. This is how the author in each fairy tale, in comparison with virtuous qualities, shows the manifestation of vice. Sometimes even in one person. An example of the little robber in The Snow Queen. She was unbridled and headstrong, terribly spoiled and stubborn. Every evening she tickled the reindeer under the neck with her sharp knife, she was amused that he was terribly afraid of this. But Gerda's story excited her, and she released both Gerda and the reindeer. And she even brought bread and ham with her. This is how one hero contains both virtue and vice. 7

8 4. How is virtue rewarded and vice punished in fairy tales? Andersen's fairy tales are fantastic, but good always triumphs over evil: - Thumbelina found her happiness in the land of elves; - Gerda, having passed all the tests, found Kai and melted his heart; - the disenchanted brothers returned to Eliza; -the emperor again recognized the real nightingale; - the ugly duckling became a beautiful swan. And the prince, and Kai, and the swan brothers were saved by those who love them. And these heroes don’t need a greater reward; they are ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of their loved ones. Ralph Emerson, an American poet and philosopher, once said: “The only reward for virtue is virtue itself.” This is true, because it is not for nothing that the little mermaid sacrifices her life for the sake of high love. In the name of bright faith in the victory of a good heart over evil. The theme of mute, doomed, but selfless, faithful to the end love, omnipotent in spite of circumstances, in spite of the hero's helplessness and humiliation, is constantly repeated in Andersen's fairy tales. In fairy tales everything is interconnected. This applies to people, animals, and plants. Relationships of love, friendship, and mutual assistance cover the whole world in Andersen's fairy tales. And the force of good ultimately triumphs over the forces of evil. And this victory is the main reward of virtue and the punishment of vice. 5.1 Research methodology. 5. Results of the survey To study interest in Andersen’s fairy tales, together with teacher Tamai Ramazanovna Hamidova, we compiled a questionnaire for students, which was conducted in grades 2-4. A total of 7 students took part in the survey: 2 people from 2nd grade and 3 people from 3rd grade, 2 people from 4th grade. The questionnaire consisted of 2 questions about Andersen's fairy tales.<Приложение 1>. For each question, the number of identical answer options was counted and converted into percentage. 8

9 Also during the lesson, the teacher asked to draw your idea of ​​good and evil. 5.2 Analysis of the survey results. To the first question: - Which of the of the listed tales Do you know H.H. Andersen? The responses to the majority of positive responses ranked the fairy tales as follows: 1. “The Snow Queen” - 100% 2. “Wild Swans” - 100% 3. “Thumbelina” - 100% 3. “The Little Mermaid” - 100% 4. “The Ugly Duckling” - 86% 5. “The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep” - 86% 6. “The Nightingale” - 43% This means that most modern schoolchildren know the fairy tales of H.H. Andersen. The second question - the task showed the following results. 9

10 It was necessary to mark with a “+” sign those main characters who, in your opinion, in fairy tales have virtuous qualities, and with a “-” sign those heroes who in fairy tales have vicious qualities. "Wild Swans" + -- "Little Mermaid" + -- Princess Eliza 100% Little Mermaid 100% Fairy 100% Sea Witch 100% Stepmother 100% "Snow Queen" + _ + _ "Thumbelina" Snow Queen 14% 86% Thumbelina 100% Gerda 100% Mole 28% 72% Little Robber 71% 29% Mouse 34% 66% “The Ugly Duckling” + _ “Cowgirl and + Chimney Sweep” Ugly Duckling 100% Shepherdess 100% Poultry Yard 71 29% Chimney Sweep 100% Two wild ganders 86 % 14% Chinese 14% 86% The results show that the majority of students correctly identify the virtuous and vicious qualities of the main characters in fairy tales. It’s good that some were even able to point out the manifestation of one hero’s virtuous and vicious actions. Children appreciate and love the tales of this kind, mocking, great storyteller. Andersen helps people appreciate the beauty of life, love work, kindness, courage and justice. 10

11 6.Conclusion. Andersen's fairy tales teach us more human feelings, teach both children and adults, they are known and loved by children and adults all over the world. While working on this project, we were convinced of this once again. We were interested to find out how the fairy tales of H.H. Andersen show the manifestation of the moral and negative qualities of a person’s character - and we succeeded. Even while working on the project, we re-read the fairy tales we already knew and assessed the actions of the main characters in a new way. We found out which fairy tales by H.H. Andersen are known to our schoolchildren. We were interested to know how students assessed the qualities of the main characters. Of course, with our work we will not solve the problem of educating a moral person, but we managed to show that fairy tales will help to do this. We also offer a reminder “How to become a kind person” and a game “Telling fortunes with a daisy”. We hope they will be useful to teachers and schoolchildren. No person can ever become completely virtuous, but we encourage everyone to strive for it, to try to act virtuously and avoid vicious behavior. And we want to end with the lines of Leopold’s song “If you are kind, it’s good, but when it’s the other way around, it’s bad” 11

12 7. Sources 1. Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. Fundamentals of secular ethics. 4-5 grades: tutorial for general education institutions. M.: Enlightenment, Tales of G.H. Andersen. 3. Survey results. 4.Internet resources 12

13 8. Applications Appendix 1. Questionnaire Purpose: to study interest in the fairy tales of H.H. Andersen 1. Which of the listed fairy tales of H.H. Andersen do you know? (yes, no) “Wild Swans” “Snow Queen” “The Little Mermaid” “Thumbelina” “Nightingale” “The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep” “The Ugly Duckling” 2. Use the “+” sign to mark those main characters who in fairy tales have virtuous qualities, and sign “- “those heroes who in fairy tales have vicious qualities “Wild Swans” “The Little Mermaid” “Nightingale” “The Snow Queen” Princess Eliza Little Mermaid Nightingale Snow Queen Fairy Stepmother Sea Witch Emperor Or Gerda Kay Little Robber “Thumbelina” “Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep” » “The Ugly Duckling” Thumbelina Cowgirl The Ugly Duckling Mole Chimney Sweep Poultry House Mouse Chinese Two wild ganders I am a student of class 13

14 Appendix 2. MEMO How to become a kind person 1. Try to see, first of all, the good and kind in people. This makes everyone around you become kinder and nicer. 2. Be kind to people! 3. Learn good things from good people! 4. Don’t be afraid to offer your help to those who need it; help, first of all, people in trouble, the weak, the sick. 5. Do not cause harm, then you will become kinder. 14

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Already the third generation is growing up on the famous stories about little Thumbelina, Little Red Riding Hood and the Ugly Duckling. Every child has read or heard the stories of Andersen, Perrault or the Brothers Grimm. In the list of foreign fairy tales that we have put together in this article, there are stories that have been teaching us morality, family values, kindness, love and beauty for decades. They do not carry evil or aggression, are not filled with slander, but are rich in that spiritual warmth that has helped many adults and children gain faith in themselves, in happiness and in miracles.

It's a fairy tale, but there's a hint in it!

The fairy tale is a favorite genre of generations, telling about fictional characters. The main point folklore is that good always triumphs over evil, and justice will be rewarded. To make it easier to convey the deeper meaning and morality to young and mature readers, writers successfully made comparisons using metaphors and epithets. To better understand this folklore, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the provided list of folk and original foreign fairy tales.

The best fairy tales of all time

So which stories remain your favorites? Let's look at a list of the best foreign fairy tales from the last five centuries, inspiring with their magic.

  1. "Cinderella". Every person knows the story of a young girl who was completely at a young age faced injustice, bitterness and loss. This story was first told by Charles Perrault (17th century French writer). Along with other famous works such as Sleeping Beauty, Puss in Boots or Bluebeard. All the poems, stories, verses and fairy tales of the writer have long been reflected by everyone famous stories. Only now the writer was able to create works in a modern way, which are still popular. Stories famous heroes They love to read and tell stories, and they are also often filmed and staged.
  2. "Ugly duck". Hans created in the 19th century amazing story, which carries the subtlest meaning. The author of the little duckling who grew into a beautiful swan draws comparisons with children who often became outcasts in their society, but, despite everything, were able to overcome difficulties and grow up to be truly wonderful people.
  3. "The Snow Queen". Another fairy tale by H. C. Andersen, which talks about devotion to to a loved one and about magic. Those who know this story can attribute it to the list of foreign fairy tales that talk about friendship, help, cunning and selfishness. "The Snow Queen" is one of the few stories where a clear line is drawn between good and evil.

Filmed fairy tales

Since the advent of cinematography, foreign fairy tale films have become very popular. The list we have provided below will allow you to see filmed pictures from famous writers of the 17th-19th centuries.

  • "Donkey skin." Foreign fairy tale filmed in former USSR, immediately won over viewers of all age categories. The story of Ch. Perrault tells about a little girl whom she accidentally met on life path evil sorceress. The mysterious woman promised the young heroine a difficult life. The Fairy helped the girl cope with difficulties, who gave the heroine a donkey skin and a special ring that changes the appearance of its owner.
  • "The beauty and the Beast". Another story from European authors, which tells about a brave young girl who agreed to stay with a monster to save her father. By the 21st century, more than 10 different interpretations have come down from the world's best writers, but the first version was created by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve in the 18th century. 20 years later famous story was edited by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont. The fairy tale tells about love, which helped the monster find its human form. About selfishness, which sometimes disfigures a person. About a boomerang that returns for bad deeds not only to the culprit, but also to his close people. Over the past 100 years, the fairy tale has been filmed more than 20 times. However, the most latest versions were released in 2014 and 2017. Moreover, this is not just a fairy tale, but a real musical and production.


Everyone knows the story about the wolf and the seven little goats, about Hansel and Gretel, about the king and the three oranges, because they are included in the list of foreign fairy tales. For example, "The Town Musicians of Bremen" is the brainchild of the writers Brothers Grimm. The story of tramps singing about love and freedom was originally folklore that enjoyed success in Germany, England and France.

The list of foreign fairy tales includes the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, which carried the boy to the world of Giants. In Europe, folk music was very popular english fairy tales, such as "The Magic Salve", "Bluebeard", "The Three Bears" or "The Reed Mouse".

The main feature of this folklore is that all the stories have reached our generation unchanged. Thanks to talented poets, linguists and writers, we can watch foreign fairy tales and films, a list of which is provided in our article. All you have to do is enjoy the beautiful, kind stories that have touched the hearts of millions for 5 centuries.

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