Education in England in brief. Secondary education in England. Schooling in the UK

School education in England provides education in schools various types– private, public and grammatical. Moreover, each of these schools can be joint or separate (boys and girls study separately). There are more than 1,000 private schools in the UK, many of which accept children from other countries, including Russia.

Features of the UK educational system

Children begin to study in England at the age of 5, but some English people prefer to start their children's education at the age of three. Education in school educational institutions continues until the age of 18, after which the graduate can try to enroll in one of them.

In state-funded schools, children study 9 out of 10 days. Private schools are practically independent of the state educational program and teach according to their own standards. Training in them is paid. Tuition costs greatly depend on the prestige of the private school. In turn, the prestige of such a school is largely determined by the annually published ranking of such schools.

Also in the UK there is summer schools, intended mainly for those who want to strengthen their knowledge in the field in English. Naturally, mostly children from other countries study there.

The general scheme of school education in England is as follows:
1. Institutions for preschool children - children from 3 to 5 years old study there.
2. Primary schools accept students aged 5 to 11 years.
3. Secondary schools are aimed at children from 11 to 18 years old.

Education in public schools is completely free, but it is quite difficult for foreigners to get into them - mainly only if you fall under some special program for student exchange, etc. Therefore, the majority of Russian children studying in England are trained in private boarding schools. Tuition fees are usually published on the website of the educational institution. But in addition to tuition fees, there are also requirements for the level of knowledge, especially in terms of proficiency in English. Usually, those entering private schools first take summer courses to study English and only then are they allowed to study at such a school.

State educational institutions

In public schools in England, mixed education predominates (boys and girls study together in groups), this is especially true in preschool education. How older age students, the greater the chances of getting into a segregated school, but they are still much lower compared to private schools.

Some UK state schools may be religiously oriented. For example, there are educational institutions in which only Catholics or only Anglicans study.

All state schools provide education according to uniform educational standards approved by the government. When moving from a preschool educational institution to a primary school and further to high school All students take mandatory tests, the results of which determine their admission. Previously, in England there was even such an exam as “11+” - every 11-year-old schoolchild took it. The result of this exam radically influenced the fate of the child - if the results were low, then the path to “good” schools and then to universities was closed for the student. All his further education was focused on the primitive everyday level, and if we draw analogies with the education of that time in the USSR, then a student who failed the “11+” could count in the future on studying only in something resembling a vocational school. Fortunately, in modern England there is no longer such a strict exam for 11-year-old students.

For residents of England, enrolling their child in a public school is quite simple - they only need to pass an interview. For residents of foreign countries, everything is much more complicated - the parents of such a child are in the UK on one of the visas with a long period (at least six months). Well, or, as already mentioned, get under some kind of student exchange program between countries. Therefore, children from other countries usually study in private English schools.

In schools in England there are disciplinary measures against students (for violators of discipline) - for public schools this is usually additional homework or calling parents. In private schools, disciplinary measures can be stricter - they say caning is still used in several of the most closed and elite boarding schools in England.

Private boarding schools

Private schools in England operate primarily as boarding schools, providing their students not only with living conditions, but also with quality food. That's why they are usually called boarding schools. These educational institutions are not guided in their work by state educational programs - they use their own training programs. They also independently decide which tests their students should take at the end of the next reporting period. The most famous schools of this type in England include such institutions as Badminton School, Roedean School, Harrow School, Dulwich College and Winchester College.

In private boarding schools, separate education for boys and girls is much more common than in public schools. Also, such schools are usually characterized by small class sizes (no more than 12 people), which intensifies the learning process for each student.

But in addition to private boarding schools, there are also private boarding schools in the UK. A five-day boarding school assumes that students study and live there for 5 days, and go home on 2 weekends.

Academic year in private schools it is divided into 3 semesters. Between each semester there are quite long holidays. Also, in addition to them, there are also various short holidays dedicated to the most significant holidays (Easter, Christmas, etc.). Unlike government educational institutions, in which the school year always ends at the end of July, private schools can set their own start and end times for the school year.

Primary education in public institutions

You can send your child to primary schools in England from the age of 4, the duration of education is 7 years. In some areas of the country there are institutions such as kindergartens, in which children study until the age of 6, as well as junior schools that accept 7-year-old children for a period of study of 4 years. To get into a primary school, you must apply to it at least six months before the start of your studies.

Good primary schools are very popular in the UK, so they cannot guarantee education in them even if the child has completed pre-school classes at this school. Therefore, in order to get into them, it is necessary to clarify in advance the number of vacancies in these institutions. Only children under 11 years of age living in areas close to the school are accepted without a queue. A list of these areas is always available on the school website.

To enroll in a church school, a child must belong to a certain denomination and attend the Sunday church associated with this school. In addition, parents must regularly attend church services for 2 years before the date of application to a church school.

Private boarding houses for children under 11 years old

In this sector of education in England, education up to the age of 7 is called pre-preparatory education, and then from 7 to 11 years of age, children study in preparatory institutions. After passing the test at age 11, they move on to secondary school. In the UK, there are still traditional secondary schools such as, for example, Harrow or Eton, but there are few of them left - they are gradually being replaced by new-style schools.

Private boarding schools, in contrast to state institutions with approximately the same requirements for applicants, differ in terms of admission to them, as well as training programs, the cost of education, the duration of the holidays, the discipline system built at school (rewarding and punishing students).

Despite the fact that education in the private educational sector is paid, some parents still face a shortage of places in private educational institutions. This is especially true for private boarding houses with a good reputation and a certain degree of “elitism”. Some such institutions begin enrolling children from the moment they are born.

When entering “scarce” private boarding schools, children take special exams, based on the results of which the school administration decides on the child’s enrollment.

Secondary education in public institutions in England

Secondary schools in England teach children from the age of 11. Secondary schools can be either mixed education (boys and girls study together) or separate schools - separate schools for boys and separate schools for girls. Church schools are usually characterized by the strictest procedures in terms of punishing students - there are many of them in modern England.

In addition to them, there are also so-called selective secondary schools. The full classification of secondary public schools in Great Britain can be presented as follows:
1. Gymnasium– in them, recruitment is based on the scores obtained on testing, which the child takes at the age of 11. The written essay is also taken into account. The greatest emphasis in teaching in gymnasiums is given to such subjects as mathematics and logic.
2. General education school– students are enrolled in them based on their territorial affiliation.
3. Religious institution, in other words, a religious school. Conditions for admission are membership of a particular denomination and regular church attendance.
4. General education selective school. Students are enrolled partly based on their territorial affiliation, partly based on the child’s specific abilities - in sports, drawing, music, etc.

There are also specialized boarding schools, where tuition is paid for by the state. The conditions for admission to such a boarding school are usually always available on its official website.

Getting into a good state-funded secondary school is much more difficult than getting into a primary school. educational institution. Gymnasiums are especially popular, competition for which can reach 15 people per place. First of all, especially gifted children go through the competition, and they can later become future Newtons, Turings, Rutherfords, etc.

Private education sector

There are now quite a large number of private schools in England, but it is not easy to get into the best of them - almost always only through competition. Private schools are not required to comply with all educational standards in force for public schools; therefore, for example, some of them accept children not from 11 years old (as is generally accepted for secondary schools in England), but from 13 - the duration of education is from 5 to 7 years . To enter such a school, you need to seriously prepare - to enter you need to pass the “13+” exam, and it is much more difficult than the testing that children take at the age of 11.

Private schools usually have a higher level of discipline compared to public institutions. Punishments for misbehavior can be quite severe, for example for boys this could be a ride to school on a pink bus.

Also, private schools pay more attention to the creative and sports development of the personality of their students. Many of these institutions have compulsory golf lessons, horse riding clubs, tennis fields, etc. To develop the creative skills of students, music is taught, art, vocals, theater.

Prestigious separate educational institutions

The most elite schools in England for boys include such educational institutions as Eton and Winchester. The first of them was founded back in the 15th century as a charitable educational institution for children from disadvantaged families.

Now Eton includes 25 buildings, which have everything necessary for study, living and recreation of pupils. The total number of students at this college reaches 1,200 people, and the cost of study is 12 thousand pounds sterling per year. But for those students who receive a royal scholarship, education is free.


Higher education institutions in the UK are divided into:

– classical universities (University)

– polytechnic universities (Polytechnics)

– University Colleges

– Colleges of Higher Education

Most of them are public universities, which are characterized by their autonomy. They are free to invest their finances at their own discretion and earn income, but at the same time, in order to receive government funding, which, by the way, can range from 30 to 90% of their total balance, they must demonstrate excellence in research and teaching.

And it is worth noting that the state carefully monitors the quality of education. British universities work under the constant supervision of the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). The organization’s responsibilities include monitoring compliance with all mandatory requirements, as well as encouraging universities to continuously improve their programs.

Stages of higher education in the UK:

– Bachelor’s degree (Degree courses or Undergraduate courses)

– Master’s degree (Postgraduate studies)

– Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, bachelor's degree programs last three years, while in Scotland they take four years. After completing this program, applicants are graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree (or First Degree). According to research, the number of foreign students studying in undergraduate programs is 10%.

Types of programs for applicants and students of British universities:


If you have studied for a year or several years at a domestic university and decided to continue, then this program is for you. In 9 months you can master the material of the first academic year of a British university, receive language training and adapt to studying in England. Successful completion of the Diploma program gives you the opportunity to go directly to the second year of an English university without entrance exams. But we recommend that you familiarize yourself in advance with the list of universities that recognize this program and operate according to it.

Next steps master's and doctoral studies. Here, with preparation for admission, things are much simpler. A Russian certificate of higher education is sufficient for enrollment in a British university. But sometimes it happens that the existing knowledge and language practice are not enough to successfully enroll and complete a master’s course in England. And it turns out that preparatory programs are necessary to get used to new system educational process, understand the essence of British education and adapt existing knowledge to it.

Pre-Masters, Pre-MBA

These programs are designed specifically for applicants who speak English as a second language. They provide active language and academic preparation and help students get comfortable in an English-speaking environment and study abroad. Training takes place in universities and colleges and the duration can vary from one to three semesters.

Graduate Diploma

Suitable as preparation for entering a master's program for those wishing to change their specialization. First, students learn English and the basics of their new chosen specialty. At the second stage of preparation, core subjects of specialization are studied in depth. At the end of the program they take exams. If the scores are high, students are guaranteed admission to the master's program of the chosen university.

Master's and MBA programs in the UK generally last for one year, although in other countries they take two years. At this stage, the number of foreigners among future masters reaches 45%. Almost always, upon completion of training, it is necessary to pass written exams in the field of specialization and submit a dissertation.

Third stage higher educationMaster of Philosophy, Ph.D.. This stage consists exclusively of research activities. This period lasts two years and ends with the defense of a dissertation, after which the degree of Master of Philosophy is awarded. Then you can continue your studies for another three years and apply for a Doctor of Philosophy degree. Again, by submitting a dissertation.

The final stage - Scientific research . This level of doctorate is awarded to specialists in the field of jurisprudence, natural sciences, humanities, medicine, music and theology. To obtain the title, you must publish a certain number of research papers.

The variety and choice of preparatory and basic programs is impressive. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand them on your own, and most importantly, to prepare the necessary documents in a timely manner. Therefore, so that your nerves and time are not wasted, it is better in this area.

The education system in England has been developing for many centuries and today is one of the best in the world, meeting high quality standards. Streamlining was achieved after the adoption of the first important legal act in this area, namely the Education Law of 1944. This is where a glorious story began.

Education in England today is compulsory for all citizens of the country aged five to sixteen. The structure of the educational system is divided into two sectors: public and private (paid education). In general, there are two systems in the state on which the educational process is based: one of them operates directly in England, Northern Ireland and Wales, and the second in Scotland.

Secondary education

In England, schools are very diverse. Boarding schools are common, where students not only receive knowledge, but also live. Such educational institutions appeared in Britain back in the period early Middle Ages, they mainly opened at monasteries. And since the twelfth century, the Pope introduced the obligation for all Benedictine monasteries to create charitable schools. Later they began to charge tuition fees.

At first, the prevailing belief in aristocratic families was that it was better for children to study at home rather than in monastery schools, but then the understanding came that, regardless of origin, it was better for children to gain knowledge together with their peers. This opinion became the foundation for the formation and development of privileged boarding schools, some of which operate to this day and have been educating and nurturing the elite of British modern society for more than a thousand years.


The education system in England includes:

1. Preschool institutions.

2. Schools full cycle for children aged three to eighteen years.

3. Institutions for junior schoolchildren, which are divided into Junior Schools and Primary Schools.

  • Junior Schools educate children aged seven to thirteen. They are taught a special general initial cycle of subjects, and their education ends with an exam, the successful completion of which is necessary in order to enter high school.
  • Primary Schools accept children aged four to eleven years. In the second and sixth years of study, SATs exams are taken - they, as in the previous case, are needed for admission to high school.

4. Institutions for senior schoolchildren are divided into Senior Schools, Secondary School and Grammar School.

  • Senior Schools are for children between thirteen and eighteen years of age. In such schools, teenagers first study for two years, then take GCSE exams, after which they undergo another two-year training program.
  • Secondary School provides educational opportunities for children from eleven years of age.
  • The Grammar School also educates children from the age of eleven, but it offers in-depth programs. In such a school you can even get full preparation for entering a higher educational institution.

5. University preparation schools are intended for older teenagers aged sixteen to eighteen years.

Additionally, in the United Kingdom, schools are classified according to the gender of their students. There are separate educational institutions for boys and girls, as well as mixed schools. There are many supporters of separate education for children of different sexes in the country, who argue their position by the fact that boys and girls develop differently physically and emotionally, and in the case of separate education they do not have to adapt to each other.

in England

It can be obtained from both private and public educational institutions. Often the British send their children to nurseries and kindergartens at the age of three or four years. Preschool education in England continues until the child reaches the age of seven and includes learning to read, write, and count. As a rule, children's development occurs in the form of play. Many private schools in the country have preparatory classes for children aged five years and older. Upon completion, children continue to receive primary and secondary education in the same educational institutions.

Primary School

As already mentioned, most parents send their children to school at the age of five (in preparatory classes). In general, in England it begins at the age of seven and continues until children reach eleven years of age. After this, children move on to secondary school classes, usually within the same educational institution. In this sense, education in Russia and England is not much different. Children study mathematics, English, music, geography, history, art and industrial technology. Parents choose the necessary items themselves.

high school

It should be noted that education in England is carried out in English, and for children under sixteen years of age it is compulsory. Secondary schools educate teenagers between the ages of eleven and sixteen and prepare them for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) or National Certificate of Secondary Education. professional qualifications(GNVQ).

Secondary education in England, as one of its most important tasks, is responsible for the formation of independent, self-confident, creative personalities. At school, students master the general special cycle of education in different subjects, followed by passing exams. In order to successfully pass the exams (in seven to nine subjects), which is necessary for admission to high school, schoolchildren begin preparing for them at the age of fourteen.

University Preparatory School

Upon completion of the compulsory educational cycle, sixteen-year-old boys and girls can either go to work or continue their studies at the Sixth Form - a school where preparation for entering a university is carried out. Those interested are invited to take a two-year A-levels course, which involves passing two exams: after the first year of study - AS, and after the second year of study - A2-levels. In the first year, four to five subjects are studied, and in the second, three or four. At the same time, students choose independently from fifteen to twenty proposed options; there are no compulsory disciplines. Thus, young people determine their future specialization, to which they will subsequently devote three to five years of study at a higher educational institution.

Foreign students, as a rule, begin their education in England with a two-year A-levels course.

Professional and higher education

Great Britain has more than six hundred private and state universities and colleges where young people can acquire a profession. Educational institutions offer a variety of options. Completing the A-levels preparatory course gives students the opportunity to receive either professional or higher education in England. The first is to master the course vocational training in the chosen specialty, and the second already includes bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and MBA programs.

Tuition payment

Education in England is paid for both its citizens and foreigners, but for the latter its cost is much higher. Citizens of the country have the opportunity to study in debt, and the state requires its repayment only if, after receiving a diploma, a person can get a job with a salary of at least 21 thousand pounds a year. Otherwise, there is no need to repay the debt. Recently, debates have continued in the English Parliament about whether or not to increase tuition fees, and many deputies are inclined to believe that it should be increased.

International assessment of the quality of educational services

Conducted international studies indicate that in the last decade the quality of secondary education in England has had a negative trend in relation to the preparation of school graduates for universities. As for higher education, the UK traditionally ranks second or third in international rankings of higher education institutions.

Recently, education in the UK has become more and more popular throughout the world. Why is this happening? How is it that the knowledge provided by a modest, by modern standards, northern country is held in such high esteem? In this article we will try to answer all these questions. In addition, readers will learn in more detail about school education in the UK, about its levels and principles of organization. In fact, our country has something to strive for.

general description

It just so happens that the education system in Great Britain is a kind of standard for many countries. Although not everyone knows that it appeared many centuries ago and, in fact, in its original form arose back in the 11th century, far from us.

It should be noted that in a British school, like no other, to this day there is “iron” discipline, the educational process occurs at every educational level, and the established teaching methodology deserves special respect. Yeah... Here we can say with confidence that the centuries-old history of education in Great Britain has left its mark on almost every area of ​​the modern process of acquiring knowledge.

Among other things, it is in British schools that students are given the opportunity to receive not only first-class knowledge, but also an elite education, which at the same time means the acquisition of secular manners and useful connections with the powerful and famous of this world.

It's no secret that almost all wealthy and eminent families interested in a successful future career for their children, first of all, try to enroll them in prestigious English schools.

At the same time, despite the effectiveness of training, the characteristics of education in the UK imply a certain flexibility. What does this mean? The thing is that in the country today there is a huge variety of training courses, and pupils and students are given the opportunity to choose exactly what they are really interested in. In addition, if desired, the selected items can be changed; this does not require much time and does not require filling out a bunch of documents. After weighing all the pros and cons, the student must simply write an application and begin classes according to the newly approved schedule.

There is some misconception that education in the UK in English is of better quality than what can be obtained in, for example, German or French. Not at all. Local teachers approach their work with full responsibility, which means that regardless of language, students will be provided with the entire necessary set of knowledge in their chosen field.

Preschool education

Primary education in Great Britain for little Englishmen and Englishwomen begins at the age when Russian children are just starting school. kindergarten. The classes of three-year-old students are not much different from kindergarten ones - the same educational creative games and the same group work are present here. However, they study there only 3 hours a day. Longer lessons are prohibited by law. Why? The thing is that local experts unanimously decided that a child of this age should have time for games, fun and walks in the fresh air.

For a child to enter a preschool class with a proven primary school, it is necessary to pass a series entrance examinations, which, by the way, are different in each individual region of Albion, which means that you will have to prepare for them separately and in advance.

The education system in the UK is such that almost everywhere the authorities require parents to apply for enrollment one year before the age of three. If, for any reason, documents are submitted in the wrong time, the child will most likely not receive a place in the class and will be placed on the so-called waiting list.

It is unthinkable that in some regions of England a child can begin education at the age of two. However, this applies mainly to private preschool classes. However, the requirement to apply to such a private institution can be quite a shock! In some classes, parents must submit documents even before the baby is born! For us, this is difficult to even imagine, not to mention the fact that some modern parents from Russia may consider such “care” a bad omen. We even try not to purchase necessary hygiene items before giving birth.

Education system in Great Britain. Primary state educational institutions

Despite the diversity of principles primary education, in public schools the most common education is for children aged 4 to 11 years.

The first year of school is called preparatory class. If parents submit an application in a timely manner (six months before the start of the semester), then the child from the preschool class enters the primary school.

Despite the great number of good primary schools, getting a place in one of the institutions is not so easy. Even studying in a preschool class at an elite school does not guarantee that a child will be admitted to it. Education in the US and UK is very different regarding this point. In America, a child who graduates from an elite kindergarten is automatically enrolled in the same school.

Another important criterion for admitting a child to school is the family’s place of residence: the closer the house is to the institution, the greater the likelihood of admission to this educational institution. But this is not the key point on the path to a good education. Existing admission criteria for each school may vary significantly. Therefore, parents should first find out the admission rules.

Education in the UK at primary school involves certain stages, which are worth talking about in more detail:

  1. Stage I - between the ages of 4 and 6 years. The preparatory class is replaced by the first class, and at the age of six children move to the second.
  2. Stage II - begins at age 7 and continues until the child graduates from sixth grade.

Elementary education. Private schools

In the independent education system, the concepts of preschool and preschool are almost the same, but the names are somewhat different. Thus, preschool classes are called pre-preparatory classes, and primary schools are called preparatory classes.

Admission rules for different schools can differ radically. Thus, to enroll in a number of pre-preparatory classes, you can get by with simply registering your child at school (although this must be done in advance); in other institutions, the procedure for passing entrance exams is strictly mandatory.

An undeniable advantage of independent primary schools is the step-by-step possibility of admission. At the same time, certain proposals are possible for each age, and the existing system of such schools assumes the successful continuation of the educational process for almost every child.

What is it like in the countries of Foggy Albion?

The eleventh birthday for a child means a new period in his life - the stage of high school.

Although there are both public and private schools in the UK, they all adhere to the same educational standards. In addition, the state grants the right to study in secondary school to children under 16 years of age, i.e. it should be noted that free education in the UK it is not only in demand, but also extremely popular among different social strata.

At the end of their studies, students take final exam and receive a certificate, which, however, does not guarantee admission to universities, but does provide the right to work.

State schools are free, and foreigners aged 8 to 18 years can also study there (parents living in England are a prerequisite).

Education at independent schools is prestigious. Mostly English schoolchildren (85%) study there. Good private schools have hundreds of hectares of land, where all kinds of educational, recreational, sports and entertainment buildings are located.

Professional education

Apart from schools, there are also institutions providing education in the UK. The difference between these two systems is similar to Russian schools, the full completion of which requires admission to a technical school, and then to an institute, and vocational schools - institutions in which children receive a specific profession. Such institutions in England are called Tertiary Colleges. They are characterized by particular changes educational programs and qualifications.

The future predestination of the graduate largely depends on the latter. Thus, the NVQ qualification requires exclusively practical work in the fields of business and production. However, it is a multi-level system, and, in principle, provides the necessary knowledge for further continuation of education. Has five skill levels. You can earn each of them by demonstrating yourself in practice, performing work of one level or another.

ND are a kind of colleges of further education, the training in which ends with the issuance of an international diploma. Thus, before receiving vocational education, the child and his parents must carefully consider and choose the right decision.

Higher education in the UK

A bachelor's degree in England and Wales requires three years of study. If the training involves practical training, then, accordingly, the period increases. Specific specialties, such as design and art history, require a basic course of study, followed by three years of specialty training. To obtain a medical education in the UK or become, for example, an architect, you will have to study for at least seven years.

All courses of study are divided into degrees, respectively, the higher it is, the more valuable the graduate.

  1. One becomes a bachelor after 3-4 years of study. It is noteworthy that the English bachelor's degree is highly valued not only at home, but throughout the world.
  2. Intermediate degree. This level is a kind of stepping stone on the path to further education.
  3. The master's degree is divided into two categories (depending on the orientation of the study program): research and professional.
  4. Doctor's degree. To obtain such higher education in the UK, the student must be actively involved in research activities, the duration of which is 2-3 years. The results obtained during the work are published in scientific reports and journals. The doctor's degree is awarded directly after defending a scientific work - a dissertation.

UK boarding schools

The dream of any parent is a successful and educated child. Thousands of loving hearts are ready to give a lot to educate their child in an English private school.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated, because there are a great many private schools in the UK. But here is the main catch! After all, it is not so easy to choose a good institution that will suit not only the parents themselves, but also, first of all, the child.

Today, English schools happily accept children from Russia and the CIS countries. To dispel all doubts regarding the quality of teaching and academic preparation, there are ratings of boarding schools. Most parents adhere to this guideline.

Rankings are compiled based on learning performance. So, if school graduates demonstrate excellent results, then, accordingly, the level of the school increases significantly. However, getting into it is not so easy. The child's abilities must be above average, and to determine them he must pass an entrance exam or test.

An important factor for Russian parents should be percentage Russian-speaking children at school. The fewer there are, the sooner and more effectively the child will speak English fluently (this applies even to those students who studied in schools with in-depth study of the language in their home country).

In Great Britain

The opinion about what is almost the most expensive is very common. However, is this so? Are there any simple student tricks to save money? Is there any way to overcome these educational problems in the UK? Surely!

Before starting the first academic year in England, a student must take care of choosing housing. There are two optimal options: renting a separate room, living in a hostel. Experience shows that renting a room can save a student at least £25! To buy food inexpensively, as in Russia, you need to run around and ask the price, and then the savings are certainly guaranteed.

In fact, if desired, every student can save. Transport, entertainment, shopping - if you are not lazy and try to find the best solution, then success and an extra hundred pounds are guaranteed.

Requirements for foreign applicants

The current education system in the UK does not allow students from Russia and the CIS countries to enroll in colleges and universities immediately after graduating from school in their homeland.

To enter an English university, you must at least complete 2 years of college at home or undergo special training in England.

They are divided into two categories:

  • A-Level lasting 2 years gives the opportunity to enter all universities in the country. Gifted students can complete the same program in just one year.
  • Basic (or Foundation) - term 1 year. The shortened program provides the opportunity to enter a limited number of universities.

Such preparatory systems are key for those wishing to obtain higher education in the UK.

Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) - European country, where the development of education is considered a priority task of the state. It's no surprise that the UK's educational environment is described as one of the best on the planet. Highs are supported here educational standards, and specialists with British diplomas have no problems with employment. A British education is the cherished goal of international students.

Features of English education

British citizens are required by law to have compulsory education between the ages of 5 and 16. You can go through the school process in one of two ways. The first is training in state schools. The second is education in private schools. If in the first case education is free, in the second, as a rule, it is necessary to pay for the services of the teaching staff.

In fact, British education is two different systems. One is used in Northern Ireland, England, and Wales. The second is widely used in Scotland. Both systems successfully fit into the way of life of British society. The existing base of educational institutions of primary and secondary education fully meets the needs of society. The UK has a rich variety of school types. However, boarding schools are considered the most popular..

Boarding schools first appeared in the state at the turn of the Middle Ages. As a rule, these educational institutions were part of the structure of British churches and monasteries. The main difference between such institutions and standard educational institutions was that students, along with their education, were provided with full board - accommodation, meals, and household services.

Preschool education system

British system preschool education, in fact, is an integral part educational school full cycle. Preschool educational institutions - nurseries, kindergartens - are usually included in the network of primary school institutions. The period of preschool education in Britain is limited to a period of 2 to 7 years. However, most children stay in nurseries and kindergartens for no more than two years (from 2 to 4), after which they are sent to primary school.

The maintenance of children in nurseries and full-time kindergartens must be paid for. There are also free institutions, but all of them are designed only for temporary 2-3 hour services. The cost of full-time kindergarten services in Britain is significantly higher than in other European countries. Therefore, in order to ease the financial burden of low-income parents, the state has launched a special loan program. For example, in England, under such a credit program, parents who work at least 16 hours a week can receive from 100 to 160 dollars per child, depending on the number of children they have.

The UK pre-school curriculum is built on the principles of supporting children's initiative. In the process of upbringing, the individual characteristics of children must be taken into account. At the same time, at the stage of preschool education, children are actively prepared for primary school - they are taught to read, write, and count. As a result, the bulk of graduates preschool institutions has good primary school education skills. This is one of the factors that allows us to speak of the British preschool education system as one of the best in the world.

...It is very difficult to get into a decent kindergarten. When you decide on a place of residence, immediately register your child, select several at once and hope for luck. Opening hours, conditions and payment are all different, so there will be no general information, unfortunately. Or rather, it exists, but only for some English residents and I don’t think it applies to your case. Please note that kindergartens can accommodate children for half a day. For a morning or afternoon shift, or for the whole day, with or without lunch. Some kindergartens are located in premises without a kitchen, so they do not provide children with hot food...

Primary School

The policy of British primary education in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland determines the enrollment of children in primary school from the age of 4 or 7. In the first case (Primary School), the course of study lasts 7 years (period from 4 to 11). For the second option (Junior School), the duration of study is 6 years (period from 7 to 13). It is worth noting that the principle of enrolling in school from the age of 7 applies in Britain to children of immigrants.

Video: review of an ordinary English school

The Scottish school policy is slightly different. In Scotland, the practice is to form school groups of children born between March of the current year and February of the following year. Children born between March and August are enrolled in school at the age of 5–5.5 years. And children born between September and February are enrolled in studies if they meet the age limit of 4 to 4 years 11 months. Many experts consider the Scottish enrollment system to be more flexible. At the UK primary school stage, the main subjects to be studied are:

  • English language,
  • mathematics,
  • geography,
  • story,
  • industrial technologies,
  • art,
  • music.

Primary School and Junior School school courses include SATS and “11+” exam systems, respectively. The SATS exam is administered twice as part of the Primary School course. Once two years after the start of studies and a second time at the completion of studies. The “11+” exam is the final stage of training within the Junior School course. This type of examination was widely used in schools in Wales and England. It has now been replaced by a standardized test. The results of both exams are required to advance to the secondary school stage.

Schools in England have only 6 semesters, which are separated by holidays. Semesters are called Terms. The academic year in private schools in England lasts from September to July.

UK secondary education

From the age of 11, British children must enter secondary school. In reality, the age of children can be 11–13 years. Education continues until the age of 17 (changes in the law in 2015) and, like in primary school, is compulsory. The final stage of the secondary school course is obtaining a certificate of secondary education GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education. There are also secondary schools that issue upon completion of studies a certificate of professional qualification GNVQ - General National Vocational Qualification.

Foreign children are usually admitted to UK secondary schools between the ages of 11 and 13. The classic scheme for enrolling immigrant children is placing them in boarding schools. All secondary school students take the Common Entrance Examinations, a common entrance exam, after their first two years of study. This test is also called "13+". Students are examined in the following subjects:

  • mathematics (mental test, counting with a calculator, counting without a calculator),
  • English (international, British),
  • latin writing,
  • greek writing,
  • Welsh (for Welsh public schools),
  • Irish (for public schools in Northern Ireland),
  • geography,
  • story,
  • religious studies,
  • physics, chemistry or biology, or other sciences,
  • foreign languages ​​to choose from (French, German, Chinese, Spanish).

The exam results are a pass to further education in secondary school at the stage from 14 to 17 years. During these three years, students purposefully prepare to pass final exams and receive a certificate of secondary education - General Certificate of Secondary Education. Most of the subjects examined in GCSE correspond to the subjects of the “13+” test, but several more disciplines are added to them.

...The school has only 3 residences: Bartlett (Juniors till Year 8), Sanderson (Years 9–11) and Sixth Form. I ended up at Sanderson. The food is excellent: breakfast, lunch, lunch, tea and dinner. Therefore, despite the busy schedule (the school day starts at 8:30 and ends at 18:30), there are breaks to switch gears and relax. The teaching scheme is very similar to teaching at a university...


Preparing for higher school studies

After obtaining a GCSE certificate of secondary education, two options open to secondary school graduates. First - work activity. The second is to continue studying at a university or college. If you choose to study at a university, then you cannot do without additional preparatory education. We are talking about two-year A-Levels preparatory courses.

A-Levels courses require compulsory study of 4-5 disciplines during the first year and another 3-4 disciplines during the second year. Each year of study ends with exams. The examination process for the courses differs from generally accepted standards. There are no strictly established subjects for passing the exam. Students themselves select items from the total number proposed for the test. Usually, it is with these preparatory courses that foreign students begin their studies at British universities.

…Here I changed my attitude towards education. In Russia, we most often perceive a diploma as a necessary piece of paper, a formality. Therefore, it is normal to fail in exams, skip classes and wait impatiently for it to end. Perhaps because education here is paid (and, by the way, the students themselves take out loans for it, not parents!) or for other reasons - the attitude is completely different...


Higher education: features and reviews

British citizens, as a rule, begin to receive higher education at the age of 18. General scheme higher education is complemented by a branch of vocational training. More than 600 public and private colleges in the UK offer to provide young people with a professional specialty. Vocational educational institutions prepare technical specialists within the framework of educational programs in a wide variety of areas.

The typical scheme of higher education begins to build from the bachelor's level. At this stage, training lasts 3–4 years. Moreover, if a university bachelor’s program covers 4 years, the last year students receive knowledge of the first level of a master’s degree. All bachelor's degree graduates can continue to improve their knowledge at the next two educational levels.

  1. Master's degree (one year or two years in the case of research activities).
  2. Postgraduate studies (standard period of study is three years).

Higher education in the UK is free for all students, including foreigners. Local students have payment privileges, and Foreign citizens pay the entire cost of study.

Cost of studying in the UK

Higher education institutions, with the exception of Regent's University London, University of Buckingham and BPP University College, are additionally funded by the state. However, the maximum amount of payment per year for students in England is 9 thousand euros. On average, for three years of a bachelor's degree, the cost of training is 26 thousand euros.

Education fees in Northern Ireland are slightly different. There, the maximum cost is limited to 3 thousand 805 euros. Students can apply for an educational loan for the same amount if they are unable to pay in cash. Lending is provided by Student Finance NI. The loan is repaid after studying, when the student begins to work and earn income.

Scotland provides even more attractive conditions. There, tuition fees are paid by the SAAS agency - Student Awards Agency Scotland. The main condition is compliance with the requirements of the “Young Student”:

  1. Age no higher than 25 years.
  2. No children.
  3. Not married (including cohabiting partners).
  4. The break in education is no more than 3 years.

For all other Scottish students over the age of 25, tuition fees range from €1,200 to €1,800 per year. Postgraduate tuition fees can reach €3,400 per year.

Video: Education in Scotland

In Wales, the situation with tuition fees actually replicates the English system (up to €9,000 per year). However, grants of up to €5,100 are available to Welsh university students. These funds can be added to the loan amount of €3,800 and thus cover tuition fees. By the way, these rules apply to Welsh students who go to study in other regions of the UK.

... About five years ago, my daughter graduated from Cambridge, and it came out to about 100 thousand euros. At the same time, she had Overseas scholarships of 4000 pounds per year and plus 1500 pounds per year support from an English company, in which, according to the rules of admission to the university, she had to work for a year before entering. The advantages of Cambridge are the opportunity to easily get a job (depending, of course, on your specialty) right away with a good salary...

Most popular educational institutions

Five best UK colleges:

A college of international importance in London - CATS College London, is an institution of vocational and technical direction. The college is part of the British college system - CEG. The institution offers a wide range of educational programs.

The educational institution Cambridge Tutors College, a derivative of the University of Cambridge, has been at the peak of popularity almost since its founding. Here they give good knowledge, qualifications, specialization. This is an excellent platform to prepare for university education.

St Clares Oxford is a cultural monument of the Victorian era - Oxford International College. Indeed, the educational institution, founded in 1953, occupies the area of ​​buildings whose creation dates back to the 18th century. The proximity of antiquity, however, does not at all interfere with the educational process.

Bosworth Independent College is another well-known and popular international college located in England. A relatively young educational institution provides quality education. Almost half of the college's students are foreigners.

Not far from London there is a cozy town called Market Harborough. Brooke House College is located in this city.. The peculiarity of the educational institution is its highly professional teaching staff. There is the possibility of GCSE certification and preparation within the A-Level program.

...Studying at a college in London provides the necessary social circle and the necessary contacts to build a career in the future; the horizons and opportunities after studying in London will be wider than after graduating from a nameless fence-building university in some small town in Germany. Statistics on the employment of graduates are not closed...


Photo gallery: the best colleges in England

The college offers quality education to international students International College Oxford - this is a prestigious education Cambridge Tutors College - this is good knowledge, qualifications, specialization CATS College London - an institution of vocational education Brooke House College provides training in high level from top class teachers

Oxfordshire is home to the University of Oxford, one of the oldest universities in the world.. The same university is included in the list of the best higher education institutions in the UK. The university accepts about 20 thousand students annually, thirty percent of whom are foreign citizens.

Preferred Charitable Institution - University of Cambridge. The university's activities are partly financed by government grants and partly by donations from charitable foundations. Students are trained in 28 different areas.

Technologies for integrating related professions have made famous university University of Surrey. The university received full international recognition for unique scientific research in the field of fundamental and applied sciences. This is one of the universities, 90% of whose graduates are successfully employed in their specialty.

Second place in Europe and fourth in the world is occupied by University College London.. The first higher education institution in the capital of Great Britain, among which there are 26 graduates Nobel laureates. The university has 10 faculties, several research centers, and a number of institutes.

The successor to the Hartley Institute is Southampton University, founded in 1862. Since then, it has gained and firmly maintained a leading position in the UK education system. Included in the TOP 100 best educational institutions on the planet.

Photo gallery: the best universities in the UK

University College London is the first higher education institution in the capital of Great Britain The University of Surrey is a guaranteed job for university graduates The University of Cambridge is a privileged charitable institution The University of Oxford is one of the oldest universities in the world The University of Southampton firmly holds a leading position in the UK education system

Scholarship and Grants for International Students

The UK opens up opportunities for foreign students to study through grants and scholarships. However, to receive grants and scholarships, foreign students must meet strict requirements. In addition, the lion's share of all scholarships and grants is applied only at the master's and postgraduate levels. From what is offered today, several programs can be distinguished.

  1. The Hill Foundation.
  2. Scholarship Felix.
  3. Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award.
  4. Grants from Coca-Cola and Shell companies.
  5. Special programs of a number of universities.

Every foreign student under 35 years of age, low-income, from a country outside the European Economic Area, who has successfully completed a bachelor's degree, can apply for a scholarship or receive a grant.

Accommodation for Russian students and more

It is a rare British university that is not ready to provide its students with a place in a dormitory. Most educational institutions in the UK tend to provide rooms on their student campuses. Options for student accommodation in rooms may vary. There are both single rooms and rooms for several people. Individual amenities or shared ones. On average, the price of accommodation on student campuses reaches 150–200 pounds per week. However, there is one caveat: students are guaranteed accommodation in a dormitory only in the first year of study. Then the situation may change.

Video: student life in Host Family conditions

Living conditions for students at Oxford, Cambridge and similar prestigious universities look more stable. There places are allocated immediately for the entire period of study. True, the cost of living is significantly higher - an average of 7 thousand pounds per year. The situation is approximately the same with British colleges at Oxford and Cambridge, since most of these educational institutions are part of the university structure. For other educational institutions - less prestigious ones, tariffs have been reduced by almost an order of magnitude. A place in a hostel can be obtained for 70-100 pounds per week.

In addition to the dormitories, there are two more accommodation options. This is a familiar service for many immigrants - renting an apartment or room, as well as living with a British family. The family version of the device is usually selected by the administration of the educational institution. This is an economical living option compared to renting. Rent of housing per year on average costs 7-9 thousand pounds for the central regions and 5-7 thousand pounds in the periphery.

...I lived with a family. For the first year, this family really “built” me. It was necessary to follow all the rules point by point. At that moment I thought that everything British families such. It was only later that I learned that there are normal families, and that you can change your family if you wish. Although it is still better to live in a family than in a residence. And there is more freedom, and there is no strict curfew or checking of things. But until the age of 16, your family watches you strictly...


What are the requirements for foreigners upon admission?

Since 2012, the UK authorities have tightened the requirements for international students wishing to study in the UK. Now all foreign applicants (including Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Kazakhstanis) are required to follow the following guidelines:

  • the applicant's age is 16 years or older;
  • knowledge of the English language corresponds to the level of knowledge of local citizens who have graduated from high school in the UK;
  • the applicant is from a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA);
  • an educational institution has been selected from the list published on the website of the British Foreign Office;
  • The applicant's financial support fully covers all expenses for studying and living in the country.

Education in the UK is generally available to international students who have a high record of previous education. In addition, every foreign student planning to study in the country must have a sponsor. Compliance with these conditions is determined by the number of control points awarded. So, if a potential applicant scores 30 points in the control test for permission to enroll and 10 points for financial support, he is given access to study. Otherwise, admission will be denied.

Conditions for obtaining a visa

To apply for and obtain a visa to study in the UK, you will need the following documents:

  • application and passport,
  • extracts from financial documents confirming solvency,
  • medical certificate confirming testing for tuberculosis,
  • contact details of parents or guardian (for students under 18 years old),
  • several passport size photographs,
  • an invitation to study from a British university on official letterhead,
  • English language certificate (IELTS, TOEFL).

In addition to the originals of all documents, their copies must be submitted, notarized and translated into English and Welsh. Additional information may be required. For example, duration of training, total cost, conditions and place of residence. The application fee is £89 for a six-month visa, £170 for an 11-month visa.

Summary table: pros and cons of English education



Prestigious education at all levels from primary school

Expensive education for foreigners

Quality English teaching

Basic knowledge of the language at the high school level is required

Wide range of educational institutions and programs

For foreign students, the choice of universities is limited

Intensive training, which reduces study time

There is no time left for part-time work due to the intensity of training

You can get a job while studying and after graduating from school

For first-year students, work time is limited to 10 hours per week. After completion of studies, work permit only for 1 year

British education system originated throughout centuries-old history. The established traditions were preserved and improved. Today the UK represents one of the best models of education. However last years Criticisms are increasingly appearing. Some experts argue that the era of the formation of Great Britain is over. Whether this is true or not is easy to find out. You just need to go to study at a British college or university.
