Liver fluke structure life cycle. Developmental psychology, a complete life cycle of human development Developmental psychology, a complete life cycle of human development

Biologist Pratik Gurkha believes that the price chart of bitcoin repeats the reproductive cycle of Bicteria. According to his observations, based on comparing the behavior of the bitcoin rate with the phases of the development of bacteria, in the near future the rate of bitcoin will resume growth and reach $50,000.

Some traders have been wary of bitcoin price predictions as of late, as well as various interpretations of technical analysis – and with good reason. Over time, the price of bitcoin has shown a clear unpredictability and volatility, and only a few crypto enthusiasts are able to accurately predict the behavior of this asset in the market. While there is no “right” or “wrong” way to analyze the Bitcoin market, trading experience, extensive financial knowledge, and/or cold statistics are certainly valued in this activity.

It is on objective observations and cold statistics that the assumption of the interdisciplinary scientist Pratik Gurkha, who is interested in economics and innovation, is based. According to him, the price movement of bitcoin can be predicted using the life cycle of a simple bacterium in a petri dish.

Gurkha's analysis is not far-fetched, although it is rather unconventional. Gurkha noted that the bitcoin diagram resembles the reproductive picture of a bacterium: lag phase (reproduction delay phase) - log phase (exponential phase) - stationary phase - dying (logarithmic death) phase.

At the first stage (lag phase), bacteria adapt to environmental conditions. The second is characterized by exponential growth (log phase): bacteria divide until they reach the limits at which the environment will not allow maintaining the further viability of the population. After this stage, already existing bacteria feed on available resources (stationary phase) until exhaustion and death occurs (decay phase). It is noteworthy that Gurkha does not mention the last stage in the context of bitcoin, as he believes that this will not affect the cryptocurrency.

The scientist transferred his observations to the bitcoin chart and expressed it in a mathematical formula. Gurkha assumes that the price of bitcoin follows exactly the same life cycle as a bacterium, and is confident that the price of the coin will continue to behave in a similar way in the future.

According to Gurkha's forecast, bitcoin will no doubt rise to $20,000 again as a new bull cycle (exponential phase) starts any day now. Gurcha predicted new phase highs to reach $50,000, and future rallies would allow bitcoin to reach $250,000. Unlike typical technical analyzes, Gurkha used a completely different set of parameters, which, however, also indicated a continued rise in bitcoin .

Kulagina I.Yu., Kolyutsky V.N.

K90 Age-related psychology: Full life cycle human development. Textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - M.: TC "Sphere", 2001. - 464 p.

ISBN 5-89144-162-4

AT study guide the course of developmental psychology (developmental psychology) reflects the full life cycle that a person goes through. The age patterns of development in infancy, early and preschool childhood, primary school and adolescence, adolescence, youth, maturity and late maturity are considered. Variants of personality development depending on its orientation are traced. The theoretical and factual material is presented in the traditions of the psychological school of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin.

The manual is addressed to students of psychological faculties pedagogical institutes and universities, but may be useful to a wider range of readers - school teachers, parents, youth interested in psychology.

ISBN 5-89144-162-4 TC Sphere LLC, 2001


A person lives in the space of time: in the past, in the present, in the future, in parallel time. Sometimes it turns out to be completely out of time. At the same time, no matter what time it is, at every moment of time it contains (is it present?) All three colors of time. The present without an admixture of the past and the future causes fear, horror. Strictly speaking, every moment of human life is an elementary, of course, virtual unit of eternity. If this were not so, man would never have the idea of ​​eternity. This means that a person carries with him all the types of time he endures, mastered and overcome, as well as the types of space mastered by him. Their virtuality should not confuse. They are perceived as more real than reality itself. True, people still guessed to give eternity to the gods. O. Mandelstam once spoke of space as an internal excess. In the same way, there is an internal excess of time in man, even, perhaps, to a greater extent than space. When a person does not know how to tame it, the excess turns into a shortage of time. But this same surplus of time is collected in the "instant - duration", in the "eternal moment"; thanks to it, “states of absolute temporal intensity” arise (G.G. Shpet), a “real future field” arises (L.S. Vygotsky), or a “world of monstrous relevance” (M.K. Mamardashvili), when “less than a year lasts century "(B.L. Pasternak). MM. Bakhtin called such states “timeless gaping between two moments of time”. Time has not only an astronomical, but also an energy dimension: the forces of attraction of the past and the future are not equal. There is a "chain connecting with the past, and a ray with the future" (V.V. Kandinsky). Bl. Augustine said that only through the tension of action can the future become the present. Without the tension of action, the future will forever remain where it is. Augustine, of course, had in mind the necessary future: the obscene comes by itself, becoming just as present.

Let's start with the definition of this biological concept. The sporophyte is the asexual generation of plants. It does not just reproduce without the participation of gametes. This process involves specialized cells of the sporophyte - spores.

Life cycle

Higher spore plants are characterized by a complex life cycle with alternating generations. Consider it on the example of cuckoo flax moss. As a green carpet, it grows on moist substrate: forest floor, roofs, basements and even asphalt. This structure has a leafy structure. The function of the roots in moss is performed by rhizoids, which do not have true tissues. They fix the plant in the substrate, providing additional nutrition.

The green leafy moss plant is its sexual generation. It's called a gametophyte. On it, organs of sexual reproduction are formed, which contain germ cells - gametes. Their fusion occurs only with the help of water, so bryophytes always grow only in wet places.

As a result of fertilization, the asexual generation of the plant develops on the gametophyte. It is a box on a dry leg. It develops controversy. Once in the soil, they germinate and form a green leafy carpet. This alternation of generations is called the life cycle: the sporophyte is replaced by the sexual generation and vice versa.


Spore and seed: features of difference

Among higher plants, another systematic group is distinguished - seed plants. In the process of evolution, they evolved from spores and significantly surpassed them in species diversity. What made this happen. The fact is that the seeds have a supply of nutrients that allow the embryo to develop regardless of conditions. environment. And in the flowering group, they form inside the fruit, which creates additional protection.

The sporophyte develops differently. Cells of asexual reproduction are deprived of a supply of nutrients and an embryo, and the internal contents are protected only by a membrane. And spores germinate only in the presence of moisture.

spore plants

Which organisms naturally reproduce by means of spores? First of all, these are mosses, club mosses, horsetails and ferns. They are combined into a group of higher spore plants. In mosses, the gametophyte predominates in the life cycle. And the rest of the representatives - asexual generation. Their sporophyte consists of roots and shoots. But in the structure of these vegetative organs, there are significant differences.

Ferns have an underground modification of the shoot - rhizome. On the surface, only the lush and spreading leaves of the plant are visible. On their underside, small tubercles can be seen with the naked eye. These are groups of sporangia in which cells of asexual reproduction mature.

What is a sporophyte in club mosses? This is a perennial herbaceous plant with creeping stems, on which small leaves are spirally arranged. Under the ground adventitious roots grow from it. Some leaves at the top of the shoots are modified into scales. On their upper side, sporangia are formed.

Horsetail sporophyte also presents a herbaceous shoot consisting of rhizome and leaves. It comes in two varieties: spring and summer. The first is controversial. It is devoid of chlorophyll and has a pale pink color. Green summer shoot with wedge-shaped leaves. The function of photosynthesis is performed by the stem.

The gametophytes of club mosses, horsetails and ferns develop separately from plants of the asexual generation. They look like flat green plates. This is their main difference from mosses, whose sporophyte is anatomically related to individuals of the sexual generation.

What organisms reproduce by spores

In fungi, asexual cells eventually form on fruiting bodies in sporangia. In their life cycle, there is also an alternation of methods of reproduction. In this case, sporulation most often occurs when unfavorable conditions occur. The fact is that these cells can remain viable for a long time, despite low and high temperatures, pressure, salinity, etc.

The same can be said about bacterial spores. In some species, they develop even after prolonged boiling or dehydration. When conditions become favorable, spores emerge from dense shells, begin to feed and multiply.

For algae, asexual reproduction is the main way. Unicellular chlamydomonas at the same time loses flagella, after which it is divided into 4, and sometimes 8 spores. Each of them comes out of the shell into the water and grows rapidly. Within a day, young chlamydomonas are capable of sporulation. This feature ensures the stability of this species.

So, from our article you learned what a sporophyte is. This is an asexual generation of plants that reproduces with the help of specialized cells.

In the life cycle of every plant that has sexual reproduction, creatures change the nuclear phases of haploid and diploid. The transition from haploid state to diploid occurs in the result of those sexes of the pr-sa with the image and zygote; from diploid to haploid - as a result of meiosis, usually with spore formation. Fertilization and meiosis are interconnected; these are two aspects of life, maintaining the constancy of the number of chromosomes.

The ratio of haploid and diploid phases varies in different groups. In all fungi and a number of algae, the zygote is the only diploid to-ka; it immediately divides meiotically, restoring the haploid state of the organism.

In higher plants and a number of algae, generations alternate - asexual (sporophyte) and sexual (hemetophyte). On a diploid sporophyte, due to meiotic division, the image of a haploid spore. The spore develops into a haploid gametophyte that produces gametes. When they merge in the zygote, the diploid set of chromosomes is restored. The zygote develops a diploid sporophyte.

If the sporophyte and gametophyte are morphologically the same, then the isomorphic alternation of generations occurred; if they are different, it is heteromorphic. Algae have both forms, while higher plants have only heteromorphic forms.

Gametophyte - a haploid multicellular phase in the life cycle of plants and algae, developing from spores and producing sex cells, or gametes.

Developed from haploid spores. On the gametophyte in special organs, gametangia, having developed sex cells, or gametes. The gametangia that produce male gametes are called antheridia, and the gametangia that produce female gametes are called archegonia. Fertilization of female gametes (ovules) in terrestrial plants, as a rule, occurs in the archegonium, after which the fertilized egg, or zygote, develops a diploid sporophyte, which at first depended on the gametophyte. In different groups of plants and algae, the gametophyte is developed to varying degrees.

The sporophyte is a diploid multicellular phase in the life cycle of plants and algae that develops from a fertilized egg, or zygote, and produces spores.

Unlike mosses, almost the entire body of a flowering plant, with the exception of pollen and ovule, is a sporophyte.

Developed from a fertilized egg, or zygote. On the sporophyte in special organs - sporangia - as a result of meiosis, having developed haploid spores. In many plants (heterosporous club mosses and heterosporous ferns, as well as gymnosperms and flowering plants), sporangia are divided into two types: macro- and microsporangia. Macrosporangia produce macrospores and microsporangia produce microspores. They developed female gametophytes from macrospores, and male gametophytes from microspores.

In different groups of plants and algae, it is developed to varying degrees. In plant flowers, gymnosperms and vascular spores (mosses, horsetails and ferns), the sporophyte is much larger than the gametophyte. Actually, everything that we usually call a plant is its sporophyte. The gametophytes of seed plants spend most of their lives in the spore shell (microspores are pollen, and macrospores are in ovules), while in vascular spores the gametophyte is a small but independent multicellular plant. In mosses, by contrast, the gametophyte dominates the life cycle. The sporophyte quickly dries out and consists only of a stem and a cap-sporangium with spores.

Cycles of solar activity, their significance for the life of man and mankind were considered by the Russian scientist-encyclopedist Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky (1897-1964). A. L. Chizhevsky was a man of great personal courage (during the First World War he became a Knight of St. George), possessed versatile talents in various scientific fields (known as a biophysicist, naturalist, historian, being full member many academies of the world and an honorary professor of foreign universities), as well as in the field of art: he was engaged in painting and wrote poetry, in which the motives of the Cosmos and the infinity of human creative possibilities sounded.


In the poem "Hippocrates", begun in 1915 (Kaluga), continued in 1943 (Chelyabinsk) and completed in 1952 (Karaganda), A. L. Chizhevsky spoke about the secrets of the universe:

We are children of the cosmos. And our dear home So soldered together and inextricably strong,

That we feel merged into one,

That at every point the world - the whole world is concentrated ...

And life is life everywhere in matter itself,

In the depths of matter - from edge to edge Covered for us by still great darkness,

It suffers and burns, never ceasing anywhere...

The fate of A. L. Chizhevsky was dramatic, but even the unjustified repressions to which he was subjected during the years of Stalin's personality cult did not break his creative nature.

Acquaintance with the founder of theoretical cosmonautics Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935) had a huge impact on the worldview of A. L. Chizhevsky. The ideas of the close interdependence of man and the rhythms of the Universe are reflected in the works of A. L. Chizhevsky. In his book "Physical Factors of the Historical Process" (Kaluga, 1924), it is said that inner life The sun is constantly experiencing rhythmic fluctuations associated with changes in its activity. The full cycle of these fluctuations covers from 7 to 16 years (usually from 9 to 13). According to the scientist, electrical processes in the Sun have an impact on the inorganic and organic nature of the earth: "People have always felt their dependence on the Sun, they guessed that the fate of the Earth is closely connected with the fate of the Sun." Chizhevsky argued that the dependence of mankind on the fate of the universe is not a poetic thought, but an indisputable truth, which is based on the achievements of exact science.


A. L. Chizhevsky put forward the assumption that the development of mankind is associated with the periodic activity of the Sun.

In order to prove his ideas, the scientist analyzed a huge layer of time: from 500 c. AD to 1914. He found that the saturation of important historical events coincides with the moments of the highest activity of the Sun. According to his calculations, “in every century the general cycle of historical events is repeated exactly 9 times.<...>each cycle of universal historical, military or social activities humanity is equal to the arithmetic average of 11 years<...>More or less long historical events, lasting for several years and receiving a decisive manifestation in the era of maximum solar activity, as well as the evolution of ideologies, mass moods, etc. accompanying these events, proceed along a general historical cycle, undergoing the following clearly detectable stages:

I - period of minimal excitability;

II - increase;

III - maximum;


A. L. Chizhevsky compiled historiometric tables confirming his assumptions. Thus, in relation to certain periods of human development, there was an obvious correspondence between an increase in the "spot-forming" activity of the Sun and an increase in military-political activity.

According to the views of L. L. Chizhevsky, historical time “is measured using specific physical units. Temporalism socio-historical process, which is largely the result of its subjective discrepancies, correlates with a completely objective metric scale and thereby acquires stability and unambiguity. In other words, every cycle of the world socio-historical process is a certain measuring unit of the flow of time of this process, i.e. turns out to be a measure of time in a person's social life. Due to the fact that solar periods are more or less regularly distributed in time, it should be considered that historical events have the most chance of occurring precisely at certain intervals of time.

The development of an ethnic group begins with passionary push associated with the beginning of the formation of the ethnos and the emergence of a small number of passionaries and subpassionaries. After incubation period ethnogenesis is in phase rise accompanied by a steady increase in the number of passionaries. She is replaced akmatic phase, the number of passionaries reaches a maximum, and a new superethnos grows out of disparate ethnic groups. Subsequent phase fracture testifies to a sharp decrease in the passionary charge, entailing a split in the ethnos. During inertial phase, passionarity decreases gradually, the life of the ethnic group acquires a calm character, and people get the opportunity to enjoy material and cultural benefits. When is the phase obscurations, subpassionaries strive to get rid of passionaries and harmonious people, the disintegration of the ethno-social sphere is brewing, decline and degradation are observed, as a result of which either the death of the ethnos occurs, or the offensive memorial a phase that retains only memories of the past. On phase homeostasis this memory disappears and a period of man's return to natural harmony begins. The process of formation and extinction of the ethnic group lasts approximately 1200-1500 years.

According to L. N. Gumilyov, “changes in passionarity in the course of ethnogenesis create historical events. Thus, history does not proceed in general, but specifically in specific ethnic groups and super-ethnoses, each of which has its own reserve of passionarity, its own stereotype of behavior, its own system of values ​​- an ethnic dominant. And therefore, it makes no sense to talk about the history of all mankind.<...>Therefore, all the talk about the “priority of universal human values” is naive, but not harmless. In reality, for the triumph of universal human values, it is necessary to merge all of humanity into a single hyperethnos<...>But even if we imagine the hypothetical merging of mankind into one hyperethnos as a fait accompli, then it will not be “universal values” that will triumph, but the ethnic dominant of some particular superethnos” (see also Chapter 3, paragraph 3.5; Chapter 6, paragraph 6.5 ).

The concept of L. II. Gumilyov became an occasion for scientific discussions and gave rise to various points of view. In particular, the scientist was reproached for arbitrary determination of the content and duration of certain phases of the development of an ethnos. At the same time, according to domestic researchers, L. N. Gumilyov, like his predecessors, came “to the realization of the fact that the world consists of a myriad of events intertwining with each other, the essence of which is often hidden, and an in-depth study of hidden meanings is necessary; that there is no one given orientation of mankind and one clearly expressed perspective of its development”

According to D. Levy, the study of the family life cycle requires a longitudinal approach. This means that the family in its development goes through certain stages, similar to those that the individual goes through in the process of ontogenesis. The stages of the family life cycle are associated with the creation of a family, with the appearance of new family members and the “leaving” of old ones. These changes in the composition of the family largely change its role functioning.

Carter and Mac Goldring(1980) distinguish six stages in the family life cycle:

1) out-of-family status: single and unmarried people who have not created their own family;

2) the family of the newlyweds;

3) a family with small children;

4) a family with teenagers;

5) exit of grown-up children from the family;

6) family on late stage development.

V. A. Sysenko highlights:

1) very young marriages - from 0 to 4 years of marriage;

2) young marriages - from 5 to 9 years;

3) average marriages - from 10 to 19 years;

4) elderly marriages - more than 20 years of marriage.

G. Navaitis considers the following stages of family development:

Premarital communication. At this stage, it is necessary to achieve partial psychological and material independence from the genetic family, gain experience in communicating with the opposite sex, choose a marriage partner, gain experience in emotional and business communication with him.

Marriage- acceptance of marital social roles.

honeymoon stage. Its tasks include: accepting changes in the intensity of feelings, establishing a psychological and spatial distance with genetic families, gaining experience of interaction in solving issues of organizing the everyday life of a family, creating intimacy, and initially coordinating family roles.

Young family stage. The scope of the stage: the decision to continue the family - the return of the wife to professional activity or the beginning of the child's attendance at preschool.

mature family, that is, a family that performs all its functions. If at the fourth stage the family was replenished with a new member, then at the fifth stage it is supplemented with new personalities. Accordingly, the roles of parents change. Their ability to meet the needs of the child in care and security should be supplemented by the ability to educate and organize the child's social ties.

The stage ends when the children achieve partial independence from the parental family. The emotional tasks of the family can be considered solved when the psychological influence of children and parents on each other comes to balance, when all family members are conditionally autonomous.

Family of older people. At this stage, resume marital relations, new content is given to family functions (for example, the educational function is expressed by participation in the upbringing of grandchildren) (Navaitis G., 1999).

The presence of problems among family members may be associated with the need for the family to move to a new stage of development and adapt to new conditions. Usually the most stressful are the third stage (according to the classification of Carter and McGoldring), when the first child appears, and the fifth stage, when the family structure is unstable due to the “arrival” of some family members and the “leaving” of others. Even positive changes can lead to family stress.

Unexpected and especially traumatic experiences, such as unemployment, early death or the birth of a late child, can make it difficult to solve the problems of family development and transition to a new stage. Rigid and dysfunctional family relationships also increase the likelihood that even normal family changes will be experienced as a crisis. Changes in the family are seen as either normal or "abnormal". Normal family changes are those transformations that the family can expect. And the “abnormal”, on the contrary, are sudden and unexpected, such as, for example, death, suicide, illness, flight, etc.

According to D. Levy(1993), there are the following types of changes in the family:

- "dropping out" (loss of family members for various reasons);

- "increase" (replenishment of the family in connection with birth, adoption, arrival of a grandfather or grandmother, return from military service);

Changes under the influence of social events (economic depression, earthquake, etc.);

Biological changes (puberty, menopause, etc.);

Change in lifestyle (solitude, relocation, unemployment, etc.);

- “violence” (theft, rape, beating, etc.).

In the course of psychotherapy, it is checked to what extent the family adapts or does not adapt to these changes, how flexible the family is in adapting. It is believed that an open and flexible family is the most prosperous and functional.

There is a continuum of families from optimal (well organized, relatively open to change) to significantly dysfunctional (chaotic, rigid, closed systems that do not interact well with the outside world).
