Library environmental local history center experience of libraries.  Libraries and ecology: Regional library - center of environmental information and culture (Ecological and educational activities of libraries). Reading programs have been developed for children

Working with the public, as well as with industrial and
agricultural production, identifying their requests for environmental information.

Multidimensionality of fund disclosure, availability of information base on environmental issues(see Practical lesson).

Thematic electronic databases : (DB “Razdolnaya River”, “DB “History of the ecological life of the region”, etc.)

Reference and information work : (Information Days, Specialist Days, carrying out inquiries, group and individual information, etc.);

Publishing activities : (based on the accumulated array of bibliographic records, the creation of paper and hypertext indexes, reference lists, the creation of electronic products, the formation of full-text databases).

For example, The library's publishing activities can be represented by methodological and information materials: “Psychology of attitude towards nature”, “Earth Day”, “March of Parks”, a guidebook “Through the pages of environmental publications”, a nature calendar, booklets and leaflets for ongoing events, a bibliographic list of materials for working with preschoolers - “May the forest be happy with your actions.” As part of the publishing project “Spassky Natural Attractions,” a series of informational and educational booklets is being compiled and published.

Dissemination of local history knowledge– educational work among readers and the population.

Any environmental event must have a local history component: information covering the history of the issue, the person who took part in the matter, the place where the event takes place, etc. – it is impossible to lead an environmental direction without addressing the local texture.

Propagation of environmental knowledge is carried out in a wide variety of methods and forms. These are quizzes and bioinformins, information clock, literary, musical and thematic evenings (“Enter nature with a kind heart”), environmental lessons (“Take health from nature” (about medicinal plants), on issues of environmental ethics “Nature must be protected from dirt, soot and smoke”; hour poetry “Bow to the earth, man!”

Class hours, matinees, hikes and excursions into nature, environmental inspections of the streets and environs of the city, environmental cleanup days, months on ecology, debates, conferences, meetings with ecologists, role-playing games, competitions, where students’ parents are also invited. All these activities are complex in nature and include environmental, patriotic, labor, aesthetic and moral education of schoolchildren.

New forms of interaction with the population and organizations interested in improving the environmental situation have been developed, such as the “Public Opinion Tribune”, “Ecological Patrol”, “Civil Forum”, etc.

Libraries initiated Scientific research: excursions, development of Ecological Trail routes, essay competitions, drawing up pollution maps settlements; participate in international environmental campaigns.

Today, many libraries in the country use a variety of approaches in their environmental and environmental activities: the use of environmentally friendly colors in the design of library interiors, book and illustrative exhibitions, photo exhibitions, stands and wall-mounted environmental newspapers, posters; phytomodules, living corners, crafts made from natural materials; work of environmental and natural history clubs and lectures; implementation of programs and projects; creation of information and bibliographic aids in small forms; participation in environmental and environmental actions.

In Vologda, for example, the title “Green Leader” is awarded based on the results of participation in the “Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards” campaign. So, on City Day, the head of Vologda was awarded this honorary title and presented with a green metal watering can painted with daisies. Practiced awarding the title “Green Library” and “Green Librarian”, which is comparable to assigning a quality mark for the environmental and environmental activities of a library or an individual librarian.

(Materials project "Green Library" presented on the “Ecological Page” of the website of the methodological department of the Central Children’s Hospital named after. (Moscow) –gaidarovka-method. ru in the “Green Library” section. The goal of the project is to create an environmentally friendly environment in libraries. This includes the local area, the interior of the library, the acquisition of collections, the creation of a full-fledged search system, and the disclosure of sections of the collection. Greening the content of library activities: creating an ecological-educational and ecological-educational environment in it; a systematic approach to planning work on environmental education, awareness and education of readers; using the full variety of library forms and methods, including innovative techniques and modern information technologies. Coverage of all age and other categories of readers.

The traditional April interdepartmental seminar was held in the Intersettlement Library of the Sretensky District. Representatives of various departments took part in the seminar: the administration of the municipal district “Sretensky District”, the education department, the prosecutor’s office, and cultural institutions.

The topic of the seminar was not chosen by chance, because 2017 was declared in Russia as the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas, and this is connected with the centenary anniversary of the first state nature reserve in the country - the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve, created on the coast of Lake Baikal, in the territory of the present Republic of Buryatia.

IN last years the concepts of “ecology” and “local history” are inseparable; it is impossible to study and cover environmental issues or problems without reference to a specific area. During the seminar, an attempt was made to reveal the environmental and local history activities of institutions different levels as one of the resources for preserving the historical memory of the region.

The presentations by the seminar participants were both theoretical and practical in nature, introducing new facts, experience of Russian libraries and sharing their own long-term accumulated experience.

The acting director tried to reveal the ecological portrait of the Trans-Baikal Territory and Sretensky District for everyone. Deputy Head of the Sretensky District Municipal District for Housing and Communal Services A. A. Keruntu. The assistant introduced everyone to the main articles of Russian legislation related to environmental protection

prosecutor, lawyer 2nd class. ME AND. Shulgina. Media play an important role in covering environmental issues. mass media- television, radio, newspapers and magazines are constantly at the center of discussed events. A review of materials on environmental topics from the pages of the newspaper “Soviet Transbaikalia” was prepared by the bibliographer of the inter-settlement library O. V. Darina.

The formation of a fully developed personality begins with the very early age. Love for the homeland, caring attitude towards plants and animals, all this is embedded in the child’s mind in kindergarten.

N.V., teacher of kindergarten No. 8, shared her experience of working with preschoolers. Migulev. The topic of environmental education in educational institutions was continued by teacher E.E., Sretenskaya School. Blinnikova. Significant work with children outside of school hours is carried out by the team of the Children's House of Creativity in Sretensk, which was discussed by educational methodologist L.V. Erofeeva.

Environmental education of all segments of the population has long taken a strong place among the current areas of activity of Russian libraries. Variety of forms and methods mass work, book collections of exhibition libraries, card indexes, thematic folders - all this helps in solving problems of environmental education of users. Theoretical aspects of ecology and environmental local history in libraries were revealed in her speech by the director of the inter-settlement library of the Sretensky district, L. L. Sorokina. Librarian of the Intersettlement Library L. Yu. Krutskikh tried to summarize the experience of Russian libraries in environmental education.

The local history collections of libraries play a significant role in the promotion of environmental and local history knowledge; they are constantly replenished and accumulate a wealth of local history material. A review of local history publications on ecology from the collections of the Intersettlement Library was made by the head of the acquisition and processing department of the ICB M. Yu. Shaidurova.

In recent years, libraries have begun to actively put into practice new forms of working with users: electronic databases, multimedia publications on CDs and DVDs, presentations of electronic projects, etc. Reading room librarian A.A. Kasyanova of the Intersettlement Library presented in her speech an example of an electronic exhibition, revealing all the possibilities of using computer equipment. As an example of a featured book exhibition, seminar participants were offered a fragment of the exhibition “Pearls of Russia – Nature Reserves.”

The seminar continued with practical presentations. For several years, library readers with. Ust-Narinzor take part in environmental events to clean up the village, as L.N. shared her experience. Ruzanova. And L.G. Gulyaeva, head of the “Crane” club at the Central Children’s Hospital of Sretensk, spoke about the educational activities of the association. Teacher of art disciplines at the Sretensky School of Arts E.A. Fedorova presented everyone with a virtual master class “Stone Painting”.

Summing up the results of the interdepartmental seminar, its organizers noted the following: institutions of all departments, from preschool and general education institutions to cultural institutions, are engaged in the promotion of environmental and local history knowledge in the Sretensky district. But constant and purposeful work in this direction is largely carried out by municipal libraries. Thanks to their activities, there is an increase in interest in the history of their native land, its geography, natural resources, natural monuments, shows concern and concern for the ecological state of the region. There is an increase in demand for local history information. In good alliance with educational and public organizations the events held become more visual, educational, and make you not only think about careful attitude to the environment, but also to personally participate in specific actions to preserve it.

184511, Murmansk region, Monchegorsk, Kirova Ave., 19, building 2

Year of opening of the library: 1982

An ecological library is a specialized informational, cultural and educational cultural institution that provides library and bibliographic services to all categories of users, including readers with disabilities.

The main direction of the library’s work is environmental education of the population of the city of Monchegorsk . More than 28 thousand readers visit the library every year. A special feature of the library is the work of a living corner in which various animals live.

In 2017, the library celebrated its 35th anniversary.

Since 1997, the club of young ecologists-correspondents “UNECO” has been operating at the library. In 2005, the club was transformed into the Children's Public Association “Library Club “UNECO”. Since 2014, the creative platform “EcoKadr” has been organized on the basis of the club. Its participants create social cartoons, including environmental ones.

The library offers readers:

- Reading room;
- Museum exhibition of children's environmental creativity;
- Pets' corner;
- Creative platform “EcoKadr”;
- Public Access Center (PAC) to state and socially significant information;
- Specialized automated workplace for the visually impaired and visually impaired, which provides access to electronic information resources to people with vision problems, including children, and helps blind and visually impaired people work on a computer, independently read printed literature, use information from the Internet, communicate with friends and acquaintances .

Reading programs have been developed for children:

- “Children, books and nature” for preschoolers;
- “We live in the north” for 2nd grade students;
- “Open books - open the world” for 6th grade students.

At the service of our readers:

More than 48,500 thousand copies. books, magazines, newspapers, audio and video materials;
- electronic databases, catalogs and card files;
- Email;
- searching for information on the Internet;
- printed and electronic copies of documents;
- independent work and games on a PC;
- scanning images;
- hosting an event;
- online book renewal;
- delivery of literature in various formats (“talking” books, flat-printed books with large fonts) to the homes of readers who cannot visit the library on their own.

The ecological library provides an opportunity for useful and interesting leisure time: reading for the soul, meeting with interesting people, Birthdays, holidays, electronic expeditions and travel, cartoon creation.

The work of the Ecological Library was awarded with certificates and diplomas from the Murmansk region and the International Fund for Animal Welfare IFAW. In 2015, the library was awarded a Diploma from the Head of the City of Monchegorsk D.G. Staroverov for winning the “Public Recognition” competition in the “Cosy and Clean Monchegorsk” nomination.

The Ecological Library is the winner of the All-Russian review-competition of libraries on environmental education in 2005. In 2006, the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography awarded the library a Laureate Diploma of the All-Russian review-competition on environmental education of the population in 2005–2006 for achievements in the field of environmental education.

In 2014, the library project “Children’s creative playground “EcoKadr” became the winner of the Competition social projects Charitable program “WORLD OF NEW OPPORTUNITIES” of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel, nomination “Pole of the North”.

In 2016, the library project “Colorful Arctic” won the Social Project Competition of the Charity Program “WORLD OF NEW OPPORTUNITIES” of PJSC MMC “Norilsk Nickel”, nomination “Pole of the North”.

Come to our
Cozy, bright house,
Take good books and
Read day after day!
Come to us guys
You will not regret it,
And from true friendship with us
Just get smarter!
We love our work
What we can do, we will implement.
To know
about Us more,
Watch our cartoon!

Ideas, practice, projects

Ecological regional studies in the field of environmental educational activities of Russian libraries
Review of eco-local history activities of Russian libraries

M.S. Linkov,
Head of the sector of the information and consulting center “Library and Youth”,
Russian State Library for Youth

For two decades now, environmental education of the population has firmly taken its place among the important and relevant areas in the activities of libraries in Russia and neighboring countries. The meaning and content of it was to reveal the significance of environmental problems that concern literally everyone living on planet Earth, to substantively show what can actually be done, in particular by the younger generation, who will have to equip it, to save the environment, which should express concern for the native, such a fragile and vulnerable nature.

Despite the apparent “youth” of this area of ​​library work, enormous and completely unappreciated experience has already been accumulated, which is essential not only for further comprehension, but also for moving forward.

The very idea of ​​environmental education using specific and not so small in the aggregate means of the library began to develop quite quickly from the moment the independent environmental department was created in the Russian State Library for Youth (until August 2009 Russian State Youth Library). The initiator of the birth of such a department, which was unusual for the library structure at that time, was the enthusiast Olga Vladimirovna Pokrovskaya (1923-2008). It was not easy for librarians to comprehend “ecology”; the word itself was little familiar to them at that time, its semantic load was not perceived. The emerging trend has its supporters. However, there were those who spoke about its utopianism and irrelevance for library work. And this was not surprising, since there was no literature on this topic. The possible composition of literature on ecology in the library’s collection was not entirely clear; no studies of reader demand for it were carried out. One thing was clear: this direction is directly related to nature, and therefore to local history. But all the literature, to one degree or another covering natural phenomena, was dispersed across different departments of the library (natural science, Russian literature, history, philosophy, industry, etc.). It turned out that it was necessary to look through all the library’s collections, extract publications on the range of issues of interest, concentrating them in one place, and seriously engage in a new unknown and, as it seemed, hardly promising direction. Many librarians were simply not ready to get involved in such an “adventure.” Meanwhile, there were those who began to listen carefully to the words of the first environmental librarian and became with her “at the helm of the ship of environmental knowledge.”

The course was set, however, it soon became clear that only a trained librarian could convey environmental knowledge to the general reader. The fact is that the course “ecology” was not taught (and even now is not taught in full in the first decade of the 21st century) either as part of the school curriculum (only the subject “natural history”, “social studies”), or university (only in general courses). The term “ecology” itself (from the Greek οικος house, dwelling, economy, habitation, habitat, homeland and λόγος concept, doctrine, science) the science of the relationships of living organisms and their communities among themselves and with the environment was first proposed to be used by German biologist Ernst Haeckel in 1866 in the book “General Morphology of Organisms”. Ecology is a multidimensional and multifaceted science, to one degree or another interconnected with other scientific disciplines. It connects with mathematics, physics, chemistry, literature, social studies, history, architecture, and a number of other branches of knowledge. Because of this “patchwork”, difficulties arose in understanding the science of “ecology” as a whole. But gradually the libraries began to study with interest a new direction for them, understanding its organic connection to the usual local history.

Forward-looking libraries became involved in active work. Evidence of this is the growing number of libraries participating in the All-Russian reviews and competitions of libraries on environmental education of the population, which began to be held in the country in 1995. And although libraries serving different segments of the population were involved in the reviews, the “youth” aspect always remained in sight organizers Since 1995, four All-Russian competition, identifying laureates, winners, and creative newcomers in the ecological space of libraries. An invaluable “wealth” has been generated - actual and impressive experience in the work of libraries of the Russian Federation on ecology.

This review examines eco-local history, which is becoming one of the current areas of environmental culture (this can also include ecotourism as an indispensable component of this area). This concept was born as a result of a new vision of local history problems traditional for librarians from the perspective of ecology, which means linking them with environmental situation in a specific area. Many scientific disciplines have offered environmental studies something of their own, some segment of their knowledge, enriching and rethinking their place in the system of sciences. The ecological aspects of one or another region imply a system of interconnected phenomena: from the study of any natural and man-made monuments (for example, the Kivach waterfall in Karelia or the Kachugsky mill complex in Irkutsk) to the acquaintance and preservation of culture and way of life (days of national cultures “Samara Babylon”, Theater of the book “Kornovatka”, Ivanovo) from the point of view of their usefulness or danger for their native land and, most importantly, responsibility to those who will replace us, for preserving the environment.

Already in the materials of the first All-Russian review-competition of the work of libraries on environmental education of the population in 1995–1996. materials devoted to the native land predominated. Completed by 2010, the All-Russian competition-festival of printed and electronic publications, Internet projects and events on environmental topics among public libraries (in more detail below), which was a logical continuation of the reviews and competitions held by the All-Russian Center for Economic Execution, as well as reports from youth and children's and youth libraries for 20082010 allowed us to identify a lot of new things in the work on environmental local history. First of all, this is a clear turn to the reader himself, to his interests, the involvement of mainly young people in socially significant matters for the protection of their native nature. Most printed and electronic publications submitted to competitions by libraries reflect the ecology of the place, no matter what topic is covered. They clearly convey the idea that a person should be a creator, not a consumer, and even more so a destroyer of our planet, and how important it is to unite efforts to preserve it for future generations.

This review does not pretend to comprehensively cover the forms and methods of eco-local history activities of libraries in Russia. It introduces only this area of ​​library work, highlighting the novelty and breadth of the approach that is being established in library practice. From the abundance of forms used, we have identified the most promising ones. Materials from annual reports of libraries are presented and some works sent to the All-Russian competition-festival of printed and electronic publications, Internet projects and events on environmental topics among public libraries are commented on.

Materials from library annual reports

Irkutsk Regional Youth Library named after. I.P. Utkina, with the support of three ministries (natural resources and ecology, culture and archives, education, physical culture, sports and youth policy), the Tourism Office of the Ministry of Economic Development, Labor, Science and Higher School of the Irkutsk Region, as part of the celebration of Baikal Day, with September 2009 to June 3, 2010, held the regional competition “Seven Pearls of the Baikal Region”. The Baikal region is a unique place where different natural landscapes converge - steppes, mountains, taiga, where descendants of different peoples live side by side, where traditions and cultures form a strong fusion. But few people know that in addition to the legendary Lake Baikal, on the vast territory of the Irkutsk region there are many other, no less amazing natural and cultural places.

The purpose of the competition was to instill not only a sense of patriotism, love for the native land, one’s small homeland among the young population of the Irkutsk region, but also an attentive attitude to the preservation of unique historical, cultural and natural sites, and the identification of new places attractive for tourism.

The organizers were partner structures: Regional Youth Library named after. I.P. Utkina (OYUB), Regional Children's Ecological and Biological Center (ODEBTS), Irkutsk regional public organization of the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation.

The jury determined the winners of the competition: seven pearls of the Baikal region, which included four natural sites and three cultural and historical sites in seven districts of the Irkutsk region. At the same time given their general characteristics and attractive tourist routes are named.

1. Triangle of power Priilimye (Ust-Ilimsk region)

2. Botovskaya cave (Zhigalovsky district)

3. Kachugsky mill complex (Kachugsky district)

4. Swan Lakes (Kazachinsko-Lensky district)

5. Uksky waterfall (Nizhneudinsky district)

6. Cheremshansky obelisk (Taishetsky district)

7. Pikhtinskoe settlement of Golendra
immigrants from Holland (Zalarinsky district)

587 creative works were sent to the organizers from 98 settlements, 28 districts, 12 cities of the Irkutsk region. The competition was held in the following categories:

“The Life of the Forest and the Fate of People” literary works (poems, poems, songs, prose: essays, short stories, stories, fairy tales) about the beauty and environmental problems of their native land, as well as about people who devoted their lives to nature conservation. “Green Planet through the eyes of children” drawing competition.

The best competition drawings were exhibited at a virtual exhibition, on the library website, as well as in one of the halls of the OYL.

In April 2009, a meeting was held with the organizers and volunteers of the Interregional youth public organization “Great Baikal Trail”. The guys from the movement talked about the system of ecological trails around Lake Baikal. The idea was born more than 30 years ago, and the construction of the trail system itself began in 2003 with volunteer efforts. The Great Baikal Trail has not yet completed the construction of the system, but several ready-made routes already exist. Every year, work is carried out to create new ecological trails.

On “Baikal Day”, September 13, the work of the poetry platform “Poetry of Baikal” was organized. The Union of Writers of Russia, the Department of Environmental Protection and Subsoil Use of the Irkutsk Region, OSU “Center for Social and Information Services for Youth”, the Center for the Preservation and Development of the Buryat Ethnicity, the initiative group “Green Dawn”, poets, writers, students took part in the organization and holding of the event Irkutsk Regional College of Culture, IrGUPS, IGPU, representatives of the environmental movement, the environmental department of DOOSiN, the Health Center of a Happy Person, the volunteer movement “World of Fantasy”.

Famous and emerging Irkutsk poets shared their feelings towards the sacred lake with the audience at the poetry platform: Andrey Rumyantsev, Svetlana Mikheeva, Alexander Zhuravsky, Artem Mors, Andrey Sizykh, Igor Dronov, Anna Aseeva, Ekaterina Smoleva, Konstantin Korneev and many others. For the first time, schoolchildren from the village of Pivovarikha and students from IrGUPS, representing the Elegy leisure center, took part. Lyrical mood, which arose as a result of reading poetry, gave way to fun caused by lively songs and dances by the choreographic ensemble “Angara”, the folk ensemble “Ayanga”, as well as the folk ensemble “Vechor” of the Irkutsk Regional College of Culture, the group “Zlaki” presented their musical numbers to the listeners, which sang several songs own composition. It is worth noting that an environmental focus was clearly evident in all the speeches: the enduring value of Lake Baikal was emphasized, and there was a call to unite all forces and gather like-minded people to solve problems threatening the lake.

Actively works in the field of developing among the population a sense of love and responsibility for the nature of their native land Central Universal Youth Library named after. V.M. Bashunova. The presentation of the exhibition “My Motherland is Beautiful Altai...” is dedicated to Altai Day, which is held on September 21. The main goal of the event is to reveal the sights of the native land, tell new things about the past, present the present, and look into the future. Students from schools No. 55 and No. 13 got acquainted with the history and sights of the Altai region, local history literature presented at the exhibition, and also answered quiz questions: “Do you know your native land?” Based on the results of the quiz, the best experts on their native land received prizes with sights of the city of Barnaul and the Altai Territory.

It is worth noting the photo exhibition “Reserve. Pages of History,” which was dedicated to the history of the development of Lake Teletskoye, the village of Yailyu and its inhabitants. The materials for the exhibition were retro photographs of the village of Yailyu, miraculously preserved after the fire. The exhibition was presented by employees of the Altai Nature Reserve.

For the purpose of patriotic education, familiarization with the rich culture and history of the region, and awareness of responsibility for one’s “green” home, the library conducts various eco-local history events. These include:

Video conversation “Russian Hut”; Master class “Protective Doll” at the Museum of Local Lore as part of the “Museum Night” event (May 16); Book exhibition “Tourist Altai”; Exhibition “On the streets of Barnaul”. In connection with the 200th anniversary of the birth of N.V. Gogol, the exhibition contains historical and contemporary information about Gogol Street.

Promoting civic-patriotic education, introducing young people to knowledge of the historical roots of their people, studying, understanding the traditions and origins of the past, and reviving national culture Vladimir Regional Youth Library considers it a priority.

The library participates in the state program of the Russian Federation “On the Patriotic Education of Youth”, striving not only to develop the interest of young readers in studying the history, traditions and culture of the Fatherland, but also to develop respect for them, to see in serving the Motherland the highest manifestation of patriotism.

The traditional local history week was dedicated to Alexander Nevsky, and a series of literary hours was organized as part of it. As part of the Vladimir Book Week “Literary Vladimir”, a meeting was held with Vladimir poets and writers “Writer and Time”. On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian artist I.I. Levitan, who repeatedly visited the Vladimir province, the library organized book and illustrative exhibitions “I comprehended nature with love”, “Levitan’s palette”.

Vologda Regional Youth Library named after. V.F. Tendryakova Since 2008, she has been working on a large, serious creative Internet project “Interactive map of best practices in the field of library services for youth “Libraries of the Vologda Region for Youth”:

The project is an electronic map of the Vologda region, divided into districts in different colors. When you click on a district, a page opens that contains the library’s data and its innovative experience in serving youth.

The main goals of the project include:

increasing the effectiveness of methodological information. development of cooperation between libraries at different levels. systematization of accumulated materials

The project was created for the purpose of patriotic education of young people and the development of a sense of involvement in the fate of their fellow countrymen, love for their native land, their small homeland, preserving the memory of their past and present for future generations, systematizing the accumulated local history material on the history of the settlement.

On the web pages of the electronic map you can find both information about the library itself and full-text materials on the unique experience of a particular library (scenarios, programs, projects, presentations, etc.). Almost every page contains materials on environmental studies. These are ecological and local lore quiz games (for example, the scenario “Excursion trail in the Vashkinsky region”, MCBC of the Vashkinsky municipal district), projects (“Literary map of the Kharovsky district”, Inter-settlement central library of the Kharovsky municipal district), local history hours (“Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky” , Intersettlement Central Library of the Cherepovets Municipal District).

In addition to innovative interactive forms of work, the Vologda Regional Youth Library named after. V.F. Tendryakova actively uses traditional ones. You can name the exhibition “Our Vologda Land” (introduces products of folk applied art: Vologda lace, products with Mezen painting, birch bark boxes and with painting, linen towel from the Krasavino flax mill); “Vologda Flax”, Memorable places of the Russian North”, “There are silent rows of palaces above the mirror of sleeping waters” (tells about the parks and gardens of St. Petersburg), Along the treasured paths of history”, “Madame Maslenitsa”, “Traveling around Russia: Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region(1000 years since the founding of the city of Yaroslavl)”, etc.

Recently, the activities of libraries in the field of local history and eco-local history have sometimes acquired unexpected and therefore no less interesting forms. So, in Ivanovo Regional Library for Children and Youth The Kornovatka Book Theater was organized. Formed in 1996 as a folk duo, the book theater took its name from the word “Kornevatka [kornovatka].” The etymology of the word takes us to the 18th and early 20th centuries, when this was the name given to a round, deep basket woven from the thin roots of pine or bird cherry, for example, for aging dough (the definition is given according to: Belovinsky, L.V. Encyclopedic Dictionary Russian life and history: XVIII-early XX centuries. / Leonid Vasilievich Belovinsky. M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2003. 912 p.: ill. ISBN 5-224-04008-6.)

In the theater’s varied repertoire, pride of place is given to topics of local history (“We’ll sit at the table, at the conversation table...” from the history of the city of Ivanovo, “A sensible word is worth a ruble” Vladimir Dal on Ivanovo land, etc.), folklore (“Oh, you, Red Summer » ancient summer holidays, “Here in Kuzminki” autumn signs and games, “Larks, fly in!” spring Russian rituals, etc.) and Russian culture (Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry..." Pushkin elective, etc. .). All this allows you not only to get in touch with the unique Russian folklore and Russian customs in general, but also to become familiar with the history of your native land and be more careful about its nature and culture. In addition, there are such thematic performances as “Culture of different countries”, “Fairy tale kaleidoscope”, “Local history”, “Visiting the muses... (theater, poetry, music, cinema)”).

Kemerovo Regional Library for Children and Youth Work is underway to create a thematic database “Ecology of Kuzbass”. As a result, the user will have the opportunity to get acquainted with local history information on environmental topics accumulated in one place, with a detailed abstract of the publication he needs.

Among the events dedicated to acquaintance with the beauties of the region, it is worth mentioning such as “Nature’s delightful sound”: a musical composition representing the protected areas of the region (to mark the 20th anniversary of the formation of the Kuznetsky Alatau state reserve); ecological journey through the native land “Vanishing beauty”.

Komi Republican Youth Library pays constant attention to local history education of the younger generation. Using all the variety of forms of library work, it informs its readers about new local history publications, about anniversaries in the history of the republic, about the destinies of fellow countrymen, about the work of Komi writers and poets.

For the 230th anniversary of the founding of Syktyvkar, the following book exhibitions were organized: “Town Cities of Syktyvkar”, “Travel in Time. The district town of Ust-Sysolsk", conversation-excursion "The Beginning... Pages of the history of Ust-Sysolsk", poetic page "Syktyvkar my love!"

Stavropol Regional Youth Library carries out various events to promote local history. These are the Days of Information for the City Day “Stavropol City of the Cross”; book exhibitions introducing readers to well-known and little-known pages of the city’s history; interactive game “Find out the history of your city”; video tour “Historical Stavropol”.

The above examples reflect mainly the traditional forms of work of libraries in the field of eco-local history and ecotourism, but they also noticeably increase the emphasis on the need not only to know the native land as much as possible, but also to actively act in its protection and preservation of its unique appearance, i.e. the responsibility of those living for his condition is emphasized.

Materials of the All-Russian competition-festival of printed and electronic publications, Internet projects and events on environmental topics among public libraries

The work was awarded a diploma from the International Academy of Informatization “For an original electronic publication in the field of environmental protection using the example of a single region of Russia.” Central City Library named after. A.S. Pushkin(MUK "CBS" Balakhninsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region) "Ecology in digital format: creation of electronic products for improvement information activities in library". The library has developed a large electronic guide to the unique nature of Balakhna and the Balakhninsky region. It is successfully characterized by the compilers themselves: “The second edition of the multimedia disc “Balakhna Reserve” combines three independent electronic products related to the ecological and local history theme: 1. Electronic reference book “Red Book of the Balakhna District. Animals", 2. Electronic reference book "Red Book of the Balakhninsky District. Plants”, 3. Virtual guide “Natural Monuments of the Balakhninsky District”. The directories are a list of protected species of animals and plants with illustrations and a brief description. Each guide comes with an electronic presentation accompanied by video and audio clips. Guide virtual tour of the protected areas of the Balakhninsky district with ample opportunities to get acquainted with audiovisual and text information. The disk “Balakhna Reserve can be useful to teachers of biology, ecology, geography, local history, librarians, students and local historians.”

Central Library named after. I.A. Novikova CBS. Mtsensk.

The film, created by the historical and local history section "Rostock" of the gymnasium scientific society of students "Horizon", tells about the springs of the Mtsensk region - St. John of Kuksha, St. Nicholas of Amchensky, the Blue Well, the Gremyachiy Well. Each of them has its own amazing legend, telling about the origin of the name, the miraculous discovery and the healing properties of the springs, the water from which has amazing beneficial qualities.

MUK Neklinovsky district Intersettlement Central Library. With. Pokrovskoye.

Presentation “Hear the call of the river!” ¶ shining example library activities aimed at increasing readers' interests in their region, aimed at developing feelings of belonging and care for their small (on the scale of planet Earth), but so important green home.

The presentation is dedicated to the Mius (Mius) River, an important water artery of the Azov region. The river, originating on the slopes of the Donetsk Ridge (located on the border of two states Ukraine and Russia), has a total length of 258 meters, a basin area of ​​6680 km2 and has different depth ratios from 0.5 m (on the rifts) to 6 m (in reaches). The presentation pays great attention to the historical, geographical and environmental aspects of the river. The story is told about a five-day expedition - catamaran rafting on the Mius River, carried out in 2004 by the Ecolog association. Water was collected for further research in the laboratory. Conclusions based on the results of the expedition concerned not only the chemical composition of the water, but also the general condition of the river and the reasons for its pollution, and recommendations were given for its protection. The Central Library, together with the Ecologist association, holds annual events with the local population to clean the river banks of garbage.

Central City Children's Library named after. A.V. Hansen MUK "Central Bank named after. L.A. Malyugin." Kasimov.

The electronic publication “Meshchera region as a gift to generations” is dedicated not only to the local history of the native land, but also to the library’s activities in the field of environmental education and upbringing. The project can be divided into two sections: “My favorite city” and “Libraries + ecology”.

The first section tells about the emergence of the ancient city of Kasimov the historical center of the Meshchera region, about its historical and cultural monuments. Particular attention is paid to the surrounding area of ​​Kasimov: numerous rivers and small reservoirs, the rich flora and fauna of the Oka, the main water artery of the region. The beauty of the city of Kasimov and the Meshchera region is captured in numerous photographs that complement the text of the first section.

Not bypassed ecological problems city ​​of Kasimov. First of all, the greatest concern is the release of waste from industrial enterprises into the atmosphere and water environment. Unfavorable environmental conditions affect the situation in the region.

Section two reveals the extensive experience of the Central City Library named after. A.V. Hansen on the development of environmental culture and its education in children. The original individual events evolved into event cycles. The Living Planet program began in 2003 and continues to this day. It is designed for children, teachers, educators, parents and aims to contribute to the formation of a comprehensive system of knowledge about the basics of ecology among the younger generation. The “Young Ecologist” club has been operating in the library for more than 15 years. It covers children of primary school age from secondary schools in the city. The children have a library fund at their disposal, consisting of books, periodicals, as well as audio and video materials on ecology. The club participates in city environmental events, holds quizzes, exhibitions of children's drawings, competitions on ecology and the nature of their native land

Many library departments carry out work on environmental education. They organize citywide competitions: photographs, drawings, crafts, as well as round tables, conferences, quiz games, environmental auctions, and use many other forms of work with young readers. All this is clearly reflected in photographs documenting several similar events. Scenarios for a number of environmental events are also given here: the relay game “In the Kingdom of the Web,” the educational game “In the Kingdom of Wild Cats,” the environmental press conference “We are the children of the earth,” and others.

The library has produced interesting creative and research. It will undoubtedly arouse interest among ecologists, local historians, and librarians involved in environmental issues.

MUK "CBS". Taganrog.

Creative project “Taganrog. My city is a drop of Russia” reveals the versatility and breadth of the activities of libraries in environmental education and public education in a single city in Russia. The material on the disk has six large sections.

2. “Ecological calendar” talks about the main environmental dates. Each date is supported by a brief description with musical accompaniment. You can find out when this or that holiday first began to be celebrated, what are the prerequisites for including it in the eco-calendar. Some dates come with a mini-presentation, e.g. creative work“Forests Decoration of the Earth” talks about the diversity of Russian forests, their great importance for the planet as a whole, about methods of their study and protection, about the role of man in the life of the forest.

3. “Eco-local history” tells about the presentation-excursion “Monuments of the living nature of Taganrog”. The excursion begins with a story about the Botanical National Park of Rostov-on-Don, recognized as a unique natural monument, which contains a collection of six and a half thousand species of flora from different parts of the world. The central place in the presentation is given to relict trees and shrubs. The most relict tree growing on the territory of the city of Taganrog is, of course, ginkgo; it appeared in those distant times when dinosaurs ruled the Earth. You can also learn about other relict trees - living natural monuments, such as the English oak, the mulberry, which is already more than 270 years old, and the Dubki grove, planted more than 40 years ago and received the status of a natural reserve.

Here you can find interesting information about another natural monument - the Sea of ​​Azov. A separate presentation is devoted to its origin, biodiversity, significance in human life, as well as environmental problems and ways to solve them. In conclusion, an electronic version of the Red Book of the Rostov region is provided, which unites on its pages animals and plants that need human protection, otherwise they will disappear forever .

4. The section “Our Taganrog” is dedicated to the city of Taganrog - a city with a rich 300-year history, which has given world culture many outstanding names (among them A.P. Chekhov, F.G. Ranevskaya, A.K. Kuindzhi, K.G. Paustovsky, A.A. Durova, E.V. Obraztsova and others).

5. The section “Ecology + Children + Library” reveals the work of the Taganrog Central Library Library libraries on environmental education and enlightenment of children and youth. Secondary school No. 24 (“Into ecology through books and creativity”), introducing primary schoolchildren to environmental knowledge, explains basic environmental terms, organizes environmental events together with the library at school (for example, a competition of crafts made from natural materials “FANTASY AND NATURE”; an essay competition “My pet. I take care of him”; the library asset “BOOK GROVE”, environmental landing and the quiz “Winged Questions” on the topic “Flourishing Earth Prosperous Russia!”, the environmental campaign “Lilac Garden”, etc.).

6. The “Photo Gallery” section completes the introduction to this electronic publication, presenting the nature of Taganrog in colorful photographs.

The material on the disc will certainly be of interest to university students when preparing abstracts and term papers on environmental topics, primary school teachers, and librarians involved in the development of environmental culture and environmental education of the population.

City Library of the Vyshnevolotsk Central Library

The presentation with multimedia content “Vyshnevolotsk Reservoir Blue Book” tells in a fascinating and educational way about the most important hydraulic structure of the Vyshnevolotsk district of the Tver region. 12 km wide. and with a total area of ​​108 km2, the reservoir was created by the outstanding self-taught hydraulic engineer M.I. Serdyukov in 1791 to maintain the navigable level in Vyshnevolotskaya water system, which connected two seas according to the idea of ​​​​Emperor Peter I. On its shores are located Vyshny Volochyok, Kasharovo, Ermakovo, Rvenitsa, Yazvikha, etc. In the water area of ​​the reservoir there are many islands: Alekhina Relka, Bolshoi Val, Derguny, Zhernovka, Lisiy, Sosnovy Rog, Sterzhenets . This presentation talks about all this and much more. Here you can find information about the diverse avifauna of the reservoir, about the mammals inhabiting its banks, and about the richness of the ichthyofauna. Some pages from the herbarium collected from plants growing along the banks of the reservoir are presented. Separate presentation slides are devoted to current environmental problems of the Vyshnevolotsk Reservoir. Not only the causes and main factors of pollution of the main water complex of the Tver region are named, but also ongoing environmental actions.

An equally interesting project that received a diploma from the Organizing Committee of the competition-festival “For the best publication in the field of environmental studies and the development of patriotic education” “Natural monuments of the Vyshnevolotsk region: an electronic guide. It was made by the Center for Children and Family Reading Vyshnevolotsk Central Library. The disk was created within the framework of the “Dad, Mom, Me and Ecology” program, under which the library has been operating since 2006. Among the unique natural monuments are lakes and rivers (the Belaya River, the ancient valley of the Msta River, Lake Borovno, etc.), parks (“ Rudnevka”, “Afimyino”, “Berezki”, etc.), trees (Leschiniki Voibutskie, Sosnovy Bor “Serebryaniki”, etc.), springs (Martussky, Glubokovsky and Voitbutskie), swamps (Afimyino, Bystroe, Lonnitsa, Revenka, etc. .), boulders and mountains (Glubokovsky boulder, Orchid Hill, etc.) Each natural monument is described and photographed in detail.

The disk allows you to get a comprehensive idea of ​​the natural diversity of the Tver region, its geographical and topographical features. At the end there is a bibliographic list of references (38 titles), covering literature on the basics of ecology, ecosystems, geology, geodesy, and ecotourism.

This disc is of great value when working with junior and senior schoolchildren to instill in them a love for the nature of their native land and the development of their ecological culture. It will be useful in preparing eco-excursions and field trips, and will help organize an ecological route through a city or an entire region with stops at the most remarkable natural monuments. Following the example of a disk, it is easier to design an exhibition and introduce various ecosystems.

Children's Library named after. MM. Prishvina. Pereslavl-Zalessky

A multimedia disc telling about the Russian Soviet writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (January 23 (February 4), 1873, Khrushchevo-Levshino village, Yeletsky district, Oryol province January 16, 1954, Moscow) one of the great singers of his native nature. The main section of the disc is dedicated to the life and work of the writer. His works are a symphony of the Russian Forest, in which you can hear the sound of every musical instrument and the crunch of snow under the hunter’s feet, and the early evening chirping of cicadas, and the rustle of falling leaves, and spring drops, and the grouse current in the deep thicket, and the extraordinary, inexplicable beauty of the setting sun. You can listen to this symphony many times, and each time will be like the first.

On the disk you can find information about the life of Mikhail Mikhailovich, a bibliography of his works from the Children's Library. Here you can also get acquainted with the material “Prishvin and Pereslavl Region”. The writer lived here for 20 years, lovingly calling it Berendey's kingdom. Many of his works were written here (essays “The Calendar of Nature” and “Peat”, the fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun” and its continuation “The Ship Grove”, etc.)

A separate section of the disk is dedicated to the game library. Here you can not only consolidate your knowledge by playing a quiz based on the works of M.M. Prishvin “Through the Pages of Books” and having solved the “Guess” riddles, but also to test yourself in your knowledge of the animal and flora Pereslavl region "Who's the odd one out here?" (quiz).

An interesting large creative work “The Amber Region of Russia. Ecology". Electronic presentation of the comprehensive work to promote the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens, especially young people, to free access to environmental information that is in the public domain" completed Information Center MUK Baltic urban district "CBS". This presentation was awarded a diploma from the Interregional Library Cooperation Center “For the best electronic presentation of a set of works on the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens to free access to environmental information.”

The presentation highlights the activities of the Centralized Library System, all departments of which participate in the formation of an environmental culture. A variety of events are held: from conferences (“Ecology of the city of Baltiysk and the Kaliningrad region”) and thematic exhibitions (“Ryabinka Name Day”) to environmental holidays (“Water Day”) and theatrical productions(Ecotheater).

The Information Center places great emphasis on providing broad access to environmental information. Indicators of requests indicate the population's interest in this kind of knowledge. The center publishes recommendatory bibliographic manuals on ecology and environmental calendars. In addition to traditional forms of providing the population with access to resources on environmental issues, the Center uses and has become familiar with such relatively new forms as the Internet, legal databases on ecology (“Garant”, “ConsultantPlus”, “Etalon”, “Russian Legislation”, etc. .). All kinds of trainings on reference and legal systems are conducted among young people. Close interaction with schools has been ensured (thematic exhibitions, round tables, photo exhibitions, conversations with schoolchildren, information days, etc.), as well as with local governments, public organizations, houses children's creativity. The following original forms of work have been developed for primary school students: exhibition-window, exhibition-advice, exhibition-vernissage, exhibition-portrait, conversation-workshops and a number of others.

Various environmental events and extensive environmental and local history work are carried out jointly with students by all employees of the Central Bank (hiking, trips to the Curonian Spit). On the Curonian Spit, schoolchildren visit the Biological Station, where, together with ornithologists, they monitor the number of migratory birds.

These events help the younger generation master environmental culture. Schoolchildren begin to better understand and correctly assess the significance of environmental problems: what is ecology, why is it important to protect it, how can they themselves help in preserving it? Finding answers to these and many other questions allows, on the one hand, theoretical information obtained in the library (conferences, exhibitions, theatrical performances, etc.) and practical knowledge (the ability to search for environmental information, environmental events, eco-tourism, etc. .d.) on the other.

The presentation is perhaps somewhat overloaded with theoretical and factual data, which may make it a little difficult to understand. The material should have been divided into two presentations, but in general, the very large and multifaceted work done rightfully takes its rightful place among other works of the competition. It will be useful for both primary school students and university students.

Instead of a conclusion

Recently, eco-local history activities have acquired a special place in the work of any library. This is due to a number of factors. Firstly, there is an increase in reader demand for local history information (for example, according to research from the Centralized Library System of Lipetsk, the number of entries in the electronic database “Local History” increased from 1569 entries in 2005 to 2966 in 2008). The growth occurred due to the increased interest of the population in the history of their native place, its geography, natural resources, natural monuments that are found in the region, and also, no less important, concern for its ecology. Libraries are expanding their information and educational function, becoming a person’s guide not only to the world of information, but also to the natural world, revealing its beauty to the reader and encouraging him to think, empathize and act. By introducing their readers to the nature of the territory, its history, culture, cultivating in readers a sense of responsibility to the outside world, paying attention to the environmental problems of the regions, proposing and implementing possible ways to solve them, librarians become guardians of global values ​​that are necessary for every person. Secondly, for a closer and more multifaceted acquaintance of readers with local history, libraries cooperate with various educational, public, non-governmental organizations (schools, museums, nature reserves, foundations); organize photo and video exhibitions, hold literary, musical and theatrical evenings with the participation of famous poets, writers, artists; organize various events (for example, “March of Parks”, walking tours with visits to memorable places, excursions to nature reserves): developing various programs, holding conferences and round tables on environmental protection and protection from environmental hazards, etc.

The rapid growth of computer and Internet technologies has had a beneficial effect on the development of local history and eco-local history activities of libraries. They had at their disposal not only a huge platform for creativity in this area, but also an open platform for the exchange of experience with colleagues. Libraries began to actively introduce new, previously unused forms of working with users: electronic databases, multimedia publications on CDs and DVDs, presentations of local history projects, virtual exchange of opinions, etc. New forms of work that libraries are gradually mastering make it possible to establish closer contact with young users, making acquaintance with local history and eco-local history activities more visual, educational and make them not only think about caring for the environment, but also personally participate in specific actions its preservation.

Home page of the Internet project Vologda Regional Youth Library named after. V.F. Tendryakova “Libraries of the Vologda Region for Youth”

Electronic guide “Balakhna Reserve”. Central City Library named after. A.S. Pushkin MUK "CBS" Balakhninsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Film from the historical and local history section “Rostock” in Mtsensk

Presentation “Hear the call of the river!” Intersettlement Central Library MUK Neklinovsky District

Electronic publication “Meshchera region as a gift to generations.” Central City Children's Library named after. A.V. Hansen MUK "Central Bank named after. L.A. Malyugin." Kasimov

Disk partition with game library

“Amber region of Russia. Ecology" electronic presentation made by the Information Center MUK of the Baltic Urban District "CBS".

October 2009 Local history readings “Historical destinies and public service: noble family Zubov in late XIX- beginning of the 20th century” dedicated to the 170th anniversary of Yu.M. Zubova

October 2008. Drinking water: water in the river and tap.

October 2007. For the anniversary National Park Russian North.

August 2006. Nature. Bee. Human. The village of Tarnogsky town.

April 2005. Children's health: problems and hopes for the future.

February 2004. Ecology. Family. Health.

December 2003. Give yourself beauty and health

March 2003. Environment and health of the population of the Vologda region

March 2002. Ecology. Life Health.

October 2001. Ecology. Tourism. Business.

March 2000. The North and ecology: a look into the 21st century.

November 1999. My age is in my hands: information conference dedicated to the Day of the Elderly

September 1999. Libraries and environmental education of the population: interregional scientific and practical conference.

April 1998. Nature. Bee. Human.

June 1998. Woman's world: Health. Beauty. Mental comfort

February 1998. Biosphere and space: 135th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Vernadsky.

October 1997. Nutrition and health: organic products for the table of Vologda residents

May 1997. Water and health: discussion of the problem

February 1996. Libraries in environmental education.

April 1996. Vologda: in search of a way out of a difficult environmental situation.

December 1995. Ecology and local history: facets of interaction.

June 1994. Regional conference of libraries of the North-West and Volga region.

Ecological and local history readings

April 1, 2011 Library as a resource for preserving the historical memory of the region: environmental aspect.

March 24, 2010 Let's save natural environment and cultural heritage of the Vologda region. Sizma Sheksninsky district

August 2009. From the history of estate culture of the Sheksninsky region. Pos. Sheksna.

August 2009. Konichev readings. The village of Ustye, Ust-Kubinsky district.

October 2008. From the history of estate culture of the Vologda region. The estate of the Zubov nobles Pogorelovo.

June 2007. In memory of N.E. Vernadsky. To the 155th anniversary of his birth. The village of Sheybukhta, Mezhdurechensky district.
Everything here breathes with holy history. To the 220th anniversary of the birth of P.A. Mezhakov. The village of Ustye, Ust-Kubinsky district.

August 2005. From the history of Menzhinsky's forest estate. The village of Beketovskaya, Vozhegodsky district.

March 2004. From the history of estate culture of Kadnikovsky district

October 2002. From the history of estate culture of Cherepovets district.

July 2002. Vologda nobility in modern conditions. Estates. Fates. Descendants.

March 2001. From the history of noble culture of Kadnikovsky district

April 2000."Treasured alleys of noble nests" (estate of the family of A. F. Mozhaisky)

September 1999. From the history of estate culture of the Vologda region (Danilovskoye village, Ustyuzhensky district)

December 1998. Memory of the heart: from the history of estate culture in the Vologda region.

December 1997. French culture and spiritual life of the region, Vologda.

March 1996. From the history of noble culture of the Vologda district. The village of Bratkovo, the Endourovs' estate

January 1996. Orthodoxy and Russian nature, Veliky Ustyug.

June 1994. From the cultural history of noble estates of the Vologda region, Kirillov.

December 1993. From the history of Gryazovets district. The village of Pokrovskoye, the Bryanchaninovs' estate.

December 1992. From the history of noble culture of the Vologda district. The village of Spasskoye-Kurkino, the Oleshev estate.

June 1992. Culture of Zaozerye. The village of Ustye-Kubenskoye, the Mezhakov estate Nikolskoye.

Tribune of opinions. Public hearings

December 2008. Problems of implementation of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation in the Vologda region.

November 2008. Problems of specially protected areas of the Vologda region.

February 2007. Problems of rural forests.

December 2006. Water resources of the Vologda region.

June 2006. Bow to the river and forest. Problems of publishing local history environmental literature.

February 2006. sustainable forest management: balance of economic, environmental, social issues.

April 2005. Human. City. Environment.
