Obtaining grants using the teacher professional development portal. A new stage in the era of teacher professional growth

Constant professional growth is an important aspect successful career and suitability for the position held modern world. For teachers who work with younger generations, staying up to date with current trends in education is especially important. However, not all of them have the opportunity to demonstrate their achievements and develop their own educational projects, due to the inability to devote enough time to them due to their busy work schedule. Therefore, in the Republic of Tatarstan, an online resource called the Professional Development Portal for Teachers of the Republic of Tatarstan has gained popularity, which allows you to apply for a grant.


All portal functions are available only after registration. It is impossible to view it without registering, since the main page, which opens when you enter uchiteltatarstan.ru in the address bar, contains only the login form and no other information. Registering on the resource is no more difficult than on other sites.
To do this, you need to follow the link “uchiteltatarstan.ru/account/register” and follow the instructions:

  1. In the first line you need to enter your name;
  2. The last name is entered in the second line (both fields are filled in in Russian letters);
  3. Next, you need to specify an active e-mail;
  4. Create and enter a password;
  5. Re-enter your password below to confirm;
  6. Place a tick in the checkbox next to the last line, confirming your consent to the processing of personal data;
  7. Click on the “Registration” button:
  8. Wait until a letter with a link to activate your account arrives at the specified email address (the letter usually arrives within a few seconds);
  9. Follow the link;
  10. Enter your credentials in the form that appears.

The teacher professional development website redirects the user to a personal account where you can change your profile settings.

Personal Area

In the personal account of the portal, which the user accesses immediately after entering the site, it is necessary to change or supplement information about yourself. The user can specify gender, middle name, date of birth and phone number. It is also recommended to upload a photo.

By scrolling down the page, the teacher can provide even more complete information about himself. It is worth providing the following information:

  1. Residence address: zip code, city, street, apartment;
  2. Place of work: institution and district;
  3. Data on work experience: length of service, academic degrees and titles, subject or profile;
  4. Awards, qualifications and other additional information.

In the page header personal account The portal for professional growth of teachers presents a scheme of work on the site. Until additional data is filled in, it is not possible to move from the “My Profile” stage to the “Submit a Grant Application” stage. However, after filling out all the data correctly, you will be able to submit an application for a grant in your personal account. You must go to this page and fill out the fields. All lines are required. Only after completing this stage, the “Upload documents” function will appear.


At the stage of uploading documents, it is necessary to pay close attention to their correct preparation and completion. In the upper right corner of each page of your personal account there is a red “Regulatory Documents” button. By clicking on it, the user sees a list of documents required to submit a grant for professional growth. The following forms are required to be completed:

  1. For the “Master Teacher” grant - an order for grant support, a review from the school director and a motivation letter;
  2. For the “Teacher-Mentor” grant - an order for grant support (not the same as for the previous category), a motivation letter, a review from the head of the Institution of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan (the section also contains a list of criteria by which the review is assessed, which can also be taken as a plan for it drafting);
  3. For the “Teacher-Expert” grant - an order for grant support (a form different from the previous two), a motivation letter, a review from the head of the MR RT, a review from a federal or republican level manager (there is also a list of criteria for evaluating the review, different from the one compiled for the “Mentor” grant).

All documents can be downloaded from the portal and filled out on a computer. After this, the materials must be uploaded in the appropriate section.

On the next page the user uploads only the motivation letter. After filling out all the fields in this section, the section for downloading the work plan and feedback will open. These materials are of paramount importance, so you need to be careful when filling out this page. At any stage of filling out forms for a grant for professional growth, you can return to the previous points using the diagram in the header of your personal account to correct inaccuracies.

After checking and sending all the documents, as well as verifying the completion of the fields and forms on the website, you need to go to the last section in the scheme - “Save and send”. Once the grant application has been submitted in this section, it will no longer be possible to return it. All that remains is to wait for the decision, the receipt of which the portal will notify the user by email.




In order to further encourage teachers in general educational organizations Republic to increase the level of proficiency in professional competencies in teaching activities and the development of their creative potential, as well as the dissemination of the best teaching experience, increasing the prestige of teaching work, I order:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on grants for general education teachers.

2. Establish that funding for grant support is carried out from funds provided for in the consolidated budget of the Ministry.

3. I reserve control over the implementation of this Order.

Deputy Prime Minister
Republic of Tatarstan - Minister


By order
Ministry of Education and Science
Republic of Tatarstan
dated January 12, 2017 N pod-33/17

1. General Provisions

1.1. Grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general education organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter referred to as Grant Support) was established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) in order to further stimulate teachers of general education organizations of the republic to increase the level of professional competencies in teaching activities and develop their creative potential. Grant support will be provided in 2017.

Grant support is intended for teachers of the first and highest categories who meet the criteria and requirements established by these Regulations relating to teaching staff of the education system of the Republic of Tatarstan, implementing the basic educational programs general education in general educational organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan in the following subjects: Russian language, Tatar language, literature, Chuvash language, Udmurt language, Mari language, English language, German, French, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, physics, biology, geography, history, social studies, physical education, technology, art(global art culture), life safety teachers, as well as teachers primary classes(hereinafter referred to as the Grantee).

1.2. To provide Grant support for teachers with the first qualification category, two nominations are being introduced: “Senior Teacher” and “Master Teacher”.

To provide Grant support for teachers with the highest qualification category, two nominations are being introduced: “Teacher-Mentor” and “Teacher-Expert”.

Teachers can take part in the competition for Grant support in 2017, including the winners of Grant support for the professional growth of teachers of the first category of general education organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2016, teachers - winners of Grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general education organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan in the nominations: "Teacher- mentor" and "Teacher-expert" 2016.

An applicant for Grant support in the category “Senior Teacher” must have the first qualification category received for the first time, provide a description of the project aimed at the professional development of the Grant Recipient in 2017.

An applicant for Grant support in the category “Master Teacher” must have the first qualification category, repeatedly confirmed, have students who are winners of the municipal stage of republican Olympiads, or be a teacher who is a winner and/or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stage of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years , offer a description of a project that could be implemented in a municipal district in 2017 and is aimed at the development of students (in the taught subject area).

An applicant for Grant support in the “Teacher-Mentor” nomination must have the highest qualification category. The applicant, represented by a subject teacher, must have students who have won the municipal stage of the republican Olympiads over the past 3 years (at least one student who is a winner for 2 years in a row, or at least two winners in one year); be a teacher - winner and/or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stage of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years. The applicant, represented by a primary school teacher, must have students who are winners and/or prize-winners of the municipal stage of the republican Olympiads over the past 4 years; be a winner and/or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stages of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years.

An applicant for Grant support in the “Teacher-Expert” nomination must have the highest qualification category. The applicant must have students who are winners and/or prize-winners of republican, and/or all-Russian, and/or international Olympiads for the last 3 years (one student who is a winner and/or prize-winner for 2 years in a row, or at least two winners and/or prize-winners for one year); be a teacher - a member of one of the expert groups at the republican level (certification, state final certification, subject Olympiads) for the last 3 years. The applicant, represented by a primary school teacher, must have students who are winners and/or prize-winners of republican Olympiads over the past 4 years; winners and/or runners-up intellectual competitions"Kangaroo", "Bear Cub" at the republican level for the last 4 years; be a teacher - a member of the republican level expert group for certification for the last 3 years.

Teachers who have studied in the last three years based on the results of a unified state exam(Unified State Exam) had unsatisfactory results; based on the results of the main state exam (OGE), they did not receive a certificate of basic general education (due to poor performance in the designated subject), as well as primary school teachers who have unsatisfactory results of assessment procedures within the framework of the republican system for assessing the quality of education (all-Russian verification work(hereinafter - VPR) in grades 2 - 4, national study of the quality of education (hereinafter - NIKO)).

The applicant for Grant support must be a full-time employee of a general education organization with the position of “Teacher” at the main place of work.

1.3. Grant support in the "Senior Teacher" nomination is a monthly payment in the amount of 4,000 (four thousand) rubles, in the "Master Teacher" nomination - in the amount of 5,000 (five thousand) rubles, in the "Teacher-Mentor" nomination - in the amount of 8 000 (eight thousand) rubles, in the category “Expert Teacher” - in the amount of 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles, excluding taxes on personal income and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Funds allocated for Grant support are intended for monthly payments to Grant Recipients for 11 months.

Grant support is provided to 280 grant recipients in the “Senior Teacher” nomination, 300 grant recipients in the “Master Teacher” nomination; 150 grantees - in the nomination "Teacher-Mentor", 108 grantees - in the nomination "Teacher-Expert".

1.4. The competitive selection of applicants for Grant support is carried out in two stages from February 7 to February 28, 2017 in the manner established by these Regulations. At the first stage, a documentary competitive selection will be carried out, following which the second stage will be held - an in-person interview. The selection is carried out by the Republican Expert Commission for the implementation of grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general education organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan, formed by the Ministry in accordance with Section 2 of these Regulations.

1.5. The decision to provide Grant support is not made if deliberately unreliable or false information about the teacher is identified during the period of his participation in the competition for Grant support and during the period of its implementation.

1.6. In the event of a break in the employment relationship with the Grant Recipient or the Grant Recipient going on parental leave before the child reaches the age of three years, the decision to provide Grant support is canceled and payments are terminated.

The educational organization in which the Grant Recipient worked must inform the department (department) of education of the municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan about the severance of the employment relationship with the Grant Recipient or about the Grant Recipient going on parental leave before he or she reaches the age of three years. hereinafter referred to as the department (department) of education), on the territory of which this educational organization is located. In turn, the department (department) of education of the municipal district is obliged to inform the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan about the severance of labor relations with the Grant Recipient or about the Grant Recipient going on parental leave to care for a child before he reaches the age of three years. dismissal or going on parental leave before the child reaches the age of three.

2. Republican Expert Commission on the implementation of Grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general education organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan

2.1. The Republican Expert Commission for the implementation of Grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general education organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter referred to as the Republican Expert Commission) is formed by the Ministry for the purpose of selecting teachers to provide Grant support, consisting of the chairman of the commission, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission in the amount of 9 (nine) people .

2.2. The Republican Expert Commission has the right:

request materials and information from the Republican Olympiad Center, the Republican Center for Monitoring the Quality of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, municipal education authorities and other organizations on issues within the competence of the commission;

if necessary, attract specialists to conduct additional examination of competitive materials from the Republican Olympiad Center, the Republican Center for Monitoring the Quality of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, municipal education authorities, 1 representative each.

2.3. Meetings of the Republican Expert Commission are chaired by the Chairman of the Republican Expert Commission, and in his absence - by the Deputy Chairman of the Republican Expert Commission. Meetings of the Republican Expert Commission are considered competent if more than half of its members are present.

2.4. The personal composition of the Republican Expert Commission is approved by order of the Ministry.

2.5. Decisions of the Republican Expert Commission are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Commission present at the meeting through open voting. In case of equality of votes, the chairman's vote is decisive.

2.6. The decision of the Republican Expert Commission is documented in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman of the commission, and in his absence - by the deputy chairman of the commission.

3. The procedure for submitting documents, applications and holding a competition for grant support

3.1. The competition for grant support is held on the basis of an order of the Ministry.

3.2. The Ministry, no later than February 7, 2017, announces a competition for grant support by posting the order “On grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general education organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan” on the official website of the Ministry (http://mon.tatarstan.ru).

3.3. To participate in the competition for grant support, applicants submit to the Ministry the documents specified in paragraph 3.4 of these Regulations and fill out the required fields on the website (http://uchiteltatarstan.ru):

first name, patronymic, last name, date of birth, gender, place of work, name of municipal district, subject, total teaching experience, academic degree, academic title, qualification category, awards, titles.

3.4. For the competition, applicants for Grant support - teachers of the first category submit the following documents:

documents confirming the presence of the first qualification category, received for the first time or repeatedly (extracts from the order);

in the nomination “Master Teacher” - supporting documents on the presence of students who are winners of the municipal stage of republican Olympiads or on becoming a winning teacher and/or prize-winner at the municipal or republican stage of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years;

motivation letter:

in the “Senior Teacher” nomination, based on the five competencies of the teacher’s professional growth model of the Republic of Tatarstan, it is necessary to reflect the problems and prospects for the development of teaching in the subject area with a special emphasis on the personal contribution that the applicant can make to this work if he improves his professional level;

in the “Master Teacher” nomination, based on the five competencies of the teacher’s professional growth model of the Republic of Tatarstan, it is necessary to reflect the vision of problems and prospects for the development of students (in the taught subject area) in schools of the Republic of Tatarstan and the contribution that the applicant can make to this work;

in the category "Senior Teacher" description of the project aimed at the professional development of the Grant Recipient in 2017:

in the “Master Teacher” nomination, a description of a project that could be implemented in the municipal district in 2017, aimed at the development of students (in the subject area being taught);

review of the director of the educational organization in which the applicant works, agreed with the head of the department (administration) of education of the municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan (Appendices 1, 2 to these Regulations).

For the competition, applicants for Grant support - teachers of the highest category - submit the following documents:

in the category "Teacher-Mentor" - no more than 5 documents for subject teachers: 2 - 3 diplomas of students, 1 - 2 diplomas of teachers on the presence of students - winners of the municipal stage of the republican Olympiads over the past 3 years (at least one student who is a winner 2 consecutive years; or at least two winners in one year); on becoming a teacher - winner and/or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stage of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years; no more than 5 documents for primary school teachers: 2 - 3 diplomas of students, 1 - 2 diplomas of teachers on the presence of students - winners and/or prize-winners of the municipal stage of the republican Olympiads over the past 4 years; on becoming a teacher - winner and/or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stage of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years;

motivation letter:

based on the five competencies of the professional growth model for teachers in the Republic of Tatarstan, describe the vision of the problems and prospects for the development of mentoring and tutoring activities in schools of the Republic of Tatarstan and what contribution can be made to this work;

development plan for mentoring/tutoring activities of teachers in the Republic of Tatarstan;

feedback from the head of the department (administration) of education of the municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan (Appendix 3 to this Appendix);

in the category "Expert Teacher" - no more than 4 documents for subject teachers: 2 - 3 student diplomas, 1 teacher document on the presence of students - winners and/or prize-winners of republican, and/or all-Russian, and/or international Olympiads during the last 3 years (one student who is a winner and/or prize-winner for 2 years in a row, or at least two winners and/or prize-winners in one year); on becoming a teacher - a member of one of the expert groups at the republican level (certification, state final certification, subject Olympiads) over the past 3 years; no more than 4 documents for primary school teachers: 2 - 3 student diplomas, 1 teacher document on the presence of students - winners and/or prize-winners of republican Olympiads over the past 4 years; winners and/or prize-winners of intellectual competitions "Kangaroo", "Teddy Bear" at the republican level over the past 4 years; on becoming a teacher - a member of the republican level expert group for certification during the last 3 years;

feedback from the head of the department (administration) of education of the municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan (Appendix 4 to these Regulations);

in the category “Expert Teacher” - a review from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan about the applicant’s work as an expert in his subject area (Appendix 5 to these Regulations).

3.5. Documents are sent electronically to the official website (http://uchiteltatarstan.ru) no later than February 13, 2017. If documents are submitted later than the specified deadline, the applicant is not allowed to participate in the competition.

3.6. Until February 16, 2017 for teachers of the highest category, until February 18, 2017 for teachers of the first category, the Republican Expert Commission conducts a preliminary examination of the submitted documents. At the same time, in relation to each package of documents, written expert opinions on the compliance of the documents with the requirements of these Regulations are drawn up by two members of the Republican Expert Commission.

3.7. Based on the results of the analysis of the submitted materials, applicants whose documents meet the requirements of these Regulations are selected for further consideration by the Republican Expert Commission at the stage of full-time selection, which will take place from February 20 to February 21, 2017 for teachers of the highest category, from February 22 to 24, 2017 for teachers first category, according to the schedule approved by the chairman of the commission. The schedule no later than February 18, 2017 is sent out in the electronic document management system to the education authorities of municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan.

3.8. The Republican Expert Commission conducts a face-to-face stage of selecting applicants for Grant support in the form of an individual interview.

To select recipients of Grant support on the official website http://uchiteltatarstan.ru, each member of the Republican Expert Commission is provided with a login and password to enter the system. During the face-to-face interview, the commission reviews the teacher’s profile and the results of the document review, including comments made by two experts when analyzing the submitted materials. During the conversation, the applicant is assessed on 5 competencies: successful leader; innovative practitioner; active citizen; competent teacher; responsible mentor. Members of the Republican Expert Commission assign scores from 0 to 5 for all five competencies. As a result, for each teacher it is displayed GPA taking into account the assessments of all experts. Based on the ranking of points scored, winners are determined in the number specified in clause 1.3 of these Regulations, taking into account all items.

3.9. Based on the results of the competition, the Republican Expert Commission, by February 24 and 25, 2017, forms and approves lists of grant recipients for teachers of the highest and first qualification categories, respectively.

3.10. The Ministry publishes the approved list of grant recipients on its official website until February 27 and 28, 2017 for teachers of the highest and first qualification categories, respectively.

4. Final provisions

4.1. Financing of Grant support is carried out at the expense of funds provided for in the consolidated budget of the Ministry.

4.2. Grant support is provided to the budgets of municipalities in the form of other interbudgetary transfers in accordance with the order of the Ministry “On the results of Grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general education organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2017.”

The basis for transferring the subsidy is an agreement between the Ministry and the municipality of the Republic of Tatarstan on the provision of other interbudgetary transfers from the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan to the budget municipality to provide grant support.

4.3. In the event of a break in the Grant Recipient's employment relationship with the educational organization, or going on parental leave before the child reaches the age of three years, the decision to provide Grant support is canceled and payments are terminated. At the same time, the Grant Recipient must return to the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan the funds paid to him after dismissal or going on parental leave before he reaches the age of three years.

4.5. In December 2017, Grant recipients are required to submit to the Ministry a report on the implementation of the project activities specified in the motivation letter. The final report on the effectiveness of the implementation of Grant support in 2017 is posted by the Ministry on its official website (http://mon.tatarstan.ru) no later than February 20, 2018.

4.6. The refusal to provide Grant support may be appealed by the teacher in the manner prescribed by law.

Appendix 1. Feedback

Annex 1

professional development of teachers
educational organizations
Republic of Tatarstan

Chairman of the Republican

support for professional growth

general education teachers

organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan

science of the Republic of Tatarstan "Senior teacher" is sent


(last name, first name, patronymic, qualification (in what year awarded), position,

place of work)

(Based on the five competencies of the Teacher Professional Development Model of the Republic of Tatarstan, please characterize the grant applicant and explain why he/she should receive the “Senior Teacher” grant to implement his/her professional growth).

I confirm that the grant applicant has no students with unsatisfactory results based on the Unified State Exam and who have not received a certificate of basic general education based on the Unified State Exam (due to poor performance in the designated subject) over the past three years.

Director (name of educational institution) / /

Head of department (administration) / /

education (name of municipal district)

Republic of Tatarstan MP

Appendix 2. Feedback

Appendix 2
to the Regulations on grant support
professional development of teachers
educational organizations
Republic of Tatarstan

Chairman of the Republican

expert commission

for grant support

professional development of teachers

educational organizations

Republic of Tatarstan

To participate in the competition for a grant from the Ministry of Education and

science of the Republic of Tatarstan "Teacher-Master" is sent



Successful leader
How successfully did the teacher initiate educational and educational activities for students in his school/municipal area? Please describe in detail

Innovative practitioner
Does the teacher have experience in conducting non-standard events in the taught area for students of his school/municipal area (innovative forms and methods of conducting events and/or innovative content of events)? Please describe in detail

Active Citizen
How successfully does a teacher develop spiritual and moral values ​​and patriotic education in students? Please describe in detail

Competent teacher
How successful is the teacher in teaching his subject to the students in his school? Please describe in detail

Responsible mentor
How successful is the teacher as a mentor to students and/or teachers in his or her school? Please describe in detail

Appendix 3. Feedback

Appendix 3
to the Regulations on grant support
professional development of teachers
educational organizations
Republic of Tatarstan

Chairman of the Republican

expert commission on grant

support for professional growth

general education teachers

organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan

To participate in the competition for a grant from the Ministry of Education and

science of the Republic of Tatarstan "Teacher-mentor" is sent



(last name, first name, patronymic, qualification, position, place of work)

Successful leader
Did the teacher show initiative in organizing mentoring activities? Please describe in detail

Innovative practitioner
Does the teacher have experience developing innovative mentoring programs? Please describe in detail

Active Citizen
Does the teacher have experience organizing (or participating) in mentoring programs aimed at developing spiritual and moral values ​​and patriotic education in students? Please describe in detail

Competent teacher
Are the mentoring programs implemented by the teacher appropriate? educational standards Russian Federation and best international practices? Please describe in detail

Responsible mentor
Has the candidate contributed to the professional growth of teachers at the school/municipal/republican level? Please describe in detail

Head of department (administration)


Appendix 4. Feedback

Appendix 4
to the Regulations on grant support
professional development of teachers
educational organizations
Republic of Tatarstan

Chairman of the Republican

expert commission on grant

support for professional growth

general education teachers

organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan

To participate in the competition for a grant from the Ministry of Education and

science of the Republic of Tatarstan "Teacher-expert" is sent



(last name, first name, patronymic, qualification, position, place of work)

Successful leader
How successfully has the teacher previously supervised research projects in your subject area? Please name these projects

Innovative practitioner
Does the teacher have development experience? innovative methods teaching your subject area? Please describe in detail

Active Citizen
Does the teacher have experience in introducing elements of the development of spiritual and moral values ​​and patriotic education into the teaching of their subject area? Please describe in detail

Competent teacher
Is the teacher an expert in teaching and learning in their subject area? Please describe in detail

Responsible mentor
What are the positive results of a teacher working as a mentor for other teachers in the Republic of Tatarstan? Please describe in detail

I confirm that the grant applicant does not have students with unsatisfactory results based on the results of the Unified State Examination and who have not received a certificate of basic general education based on the results of the Unified State Examination (due to poor performance in the designated subject), who have unsatisfactory results of assessment procedures within the framework of the republican system for assessing the quality of education of all-Russian testing works in 2 - 4 grades, national study of the quality of education over the past three years.

Head of department (administration)

formation of the executive committee //


Appendix 5. Feedback on the applicant for the grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan “Teacher-Expert”

Appendix 5
to the Regulations on grant support
professional development of teachers
educational organizations
Republic of Tatarstan

Chairman of the Republican

expert commission on grant

support for professional growth

general education teachers

organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan

Feedback on the applicant for the grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan "Teacher-Expert"



(last name, first name, patronymic, position, place of work)

expert in his subject area, prospects for the development of his expert

activities, availability of strategic planning skills, achieved

results and growth areas).

Job title / /

(Note: the review is signed by the head of the General Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, if the applicant is a member of the expert group for final certification, subject Olympiads at the republican level; the head of the personnel policy department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, if the applicant is a member of the expert group for certification of the republican level)

Individual plan professional development

teacher of Tatar language and literature

MBOU "Secondary school No. 1"

Mendeleevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Smirnova Gulnara Rashatovna

for 2016-2019

Self-education topic:“Research activities as a means of developing students’ linguistic competence.”

Implementation period: 3 years (until 2019)


  • be able to see problems for forecasting, for introducing innovations, for research work, for experimental work;
  • ensure programming of one’s activities, creative reflection, generation of ideas, embodiment of a creative plan;
  • use ICT in the classroom and in extracurricular activities to increase student motivation for the subject and the quality of education;
  • develop the educational and cognitive competence of students through the improvement of general and special educational skills;
  • find new ways to introduce innovative technologies to increase motivation for learning the Tatar language outside the school curriculum.


  1. Continue the introduction of innovative technologies and methods in teaching the Tatar language and literature, thereby increasingscientific and theoretical level in the field of theory and methods of teaching the Tatar language and literature;
  2. Study psychological and age characteristics schoolchildren;
  3. Teach students the basics of writing scientific and research work;
  4. Development methodological recommendations, didactic materials within the framework of the implemented innovation.

Sources of self-education:

Mass media, including: specialized literature (methodological, popular science, journalistic, fiction), Internet; media information on various media, seminars, conferences, lectures, experience exchange events, master classes, advanced training courses, excursions, theaters.

Forms of self-education:

  • individual – through an individual plan,
  • group - through participation in the activities of school and district methodological associations of teachers of the Tatar language and literature, as well as through participation in the life of the school.

Planned results of self-realization:

  • Development of a set of electronic lessons (including those integrated with subject teachers);
  • Development of a package of materials in electronic form, including:

A set of didactics on the subject (independent, practical and test work);

A set of handouts on the subject (cards, assignments and questions on the subject);

Package of materials on one of pedagogical technologies(person-centered learning,project method, research method,individual training, technology for the development of critical thinking, pedagogical workshop);

Bank of creative and design-research works of students;

A package of open lesson scenarios using information and communication technologies and an interactive whiteboard;

A package of psychological and pedagogical materials for teachers;

  • Speaking at seminars, conferences, master classes, publishing articles.

Main sections of self-education work:

Section 1. Study of psychological, pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature

1. Study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature.

2. Review of information on the Internet on the Tatar language and literature, rhetoric, pedagogy, psychology.

3. Study of new programs, textbooks, teaching materials onTatar language and literature,clarification of their features and disadvantages.

3.Improving work with pedagogical technologies.

Within 3 years



Placing links on a portfolio website

Section 2. Development of software and methodological support for the educational process

a) Scientific and methodological work

1. Studying the methodology of writing scientific and research papers: theory, practice, master classes for students, trying out the pen.

2. Studying the basics of rhetorical art: studying the theory of rhetoric, practical exercises in expressive reading, the ability to conduct a reasoned discussion.

3. Development of lesson notes on Tatar language and literature

4. Development of individual and differentiated tasks for students


of the year

every year



of the year

“Memo 5 misconceptions in a dispute”

Training for working with gifted children “Techniques and tactics of argumentation”

b) Experimental work

1. Involving students in research work.

2. Participation in scientific and practical conferences and competitions.



Training work programs

Section 3. Generalization of own experience of teaching activities

1. Participation in conferences, seminars, master classes.

2. Promoting a personal portfolio website on the Internet, adjusting the main sections, posting author’s teaching materials on it.

3. Development of a package of educational materials in electronic form.

4. Publication of articles in scientific, pedagogical and methodological publications, including on the Internet.

5. Summarizing and organizing materials into the school’s methodological collection box.

according to the Moscow Region plan


During a year

Sets of methodological and didactic electronic materials

Electronic portfolio of achievements



Section 4. Participation in the system of methodological work

1. Conducting open integrated lessons as part of teaching activities.

2. Organization of work with gifted children and participation with them in scientific and practical conferences and competitions creative works, Olympics.

3. Acquaintance with new forms, methods and techniques of teaching the Tatar language and literature.

4. Improving knowledge of modern content of education for studentsTatar language and literature.

5. Monitoring the level of development of subject competencies

6. Monitoring the level of development of social and motivational competencies of schoolchildren.



Posting information, notes of open lessons on a personal website - portfolio

Publication of results and projects on the school website.

Section 5. Training in courses in the advanced training system

“Innovative technologies aimed at increasing the effectiveness of teaching in Tatar language and literature lessons in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.”


March 2019

Posting information on your personal website and school website

Section 6. Mentoring work

1. Conducting events and master classes for school and district teachers


Section 7. Peer education

1. Consulting assistance to teachers of the Tatar language and literature on filling pedagogical piggy banks with teaching materials.

Traditionally, at the Institute of Philology and intercultural communication them. Leo Tolstoy passed the next November advanced training courses for teaching staff - teachers in English RT. A group of 20 students was represented by teachers from secondary schools in Kazan and various regions of the Republic of Tatarstan: Aznakaevsky, Aktanyshsky, Alekseevsky, Buinsky, Bugulminsky, Mamadyshsky, Nurlatsky, Sabinsky, Cheremshansky and many others. The program for advanced training of teaching staff implementing basic and secondary general education programs in a foreign language (English) “Improving the professional competencies of an English language teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education” takes into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC. After completing the distance learning stage, as part of full-time training from November 14 to 25, students attended the following courses: “Basic provisions of Federal Law No. 273 - Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation.” Professional standard teacher", "Activities class teacher on the prevention of religious radicalism, extremism and terrorism”, “Workshop on improving listening skills”; “Modern technologies for developing English speaking skills”; “Workshop on improving reading skills in foreign language texts”; “Ethnocultural component in teaching English: intercultural parallels in languages ​​of different structures”; “Technology of integrated subject-language learning - CLIL”; “Project activities of students and teachers in the information educational environment”, “Use of GOOGLE cloud technologies in education” and others, got acquainted with such modern platforms as: “Coursera”, “Edx”, “FutureLearn”, which aroused great interest, as well as Moodle platform on the website website. Teachers of the Department of Contrastive Linguistics Assoc. Mingazova N.G., senior lecturer Shelestova O.V., senior teacher Subich V.G., associate professor Gafiyatova E.V., associate professor Samarkina N.O., associate professor Deputatova N.A., associate professor Fazlyeva Z.Kh., associate professor Shangaraeva L.F., Department of Educational Technologies and information systems in philology prof. Salekhova L.L., associate professor Lukoyanova M.A., senior lecturer Khusainova A.Kh., Art. Rev. Pimenova T.S., teachers of PMC&PPRO KFU prof. Shaikhelislamov R.F., associate professor Osipovskaya M.P. and Assoc. Streter Yu.N. presented meaningful lectures with a practical focus. Representative of the Cambridge publishing house Pushkina A.E. introduced listeners to new teaching aids, and the most active and interested participants received gifts from the publishing house.

The students completed an internship at the IFMC KFU on the topics “Teaching EFL: a glimpse into History” (senior teacher T.S. Pimenova), “Preparation for passing international exam on methods of teaching English" (Associate Professor Gafiyatova E.V.), "Use of GOOGLE cloud technologies in education" (senior teacher Khusainova A.Kh.), as well as on the basis of leading educational organizations in Kazan - internship sites, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan: MAOU “Secondary comprehensive school No. 165 with in-depth study of the English language” of the Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan on the topic “Use of a communicative approach in teaching English” (director Shamsutdinov A.I.), and MBOU “ Secondary school No. 132 with in-depth study of foreign languages" Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan on the topic "Use of a communicative approach in teaching English" (director Osipova O.A.).

The courses ended with a final certification, carried out in the form round table, where teachers defended design work on the following topics:

Using technologies for teaching reading when working with texts in English in the Unified State Exam format.

Possibilities and prospects for using interactive teaching methods in English lessons at school.

Technologies for teaching speaking in preparation for the oral part of the Unified State Exam in English.

Interactive teaching methods in English lessons at school.

Master class - quest as a way to increase motivation educational activities students in English lessons.

Students of the program highly appreciated both the organized internship and the program as a whole, which gave them the opportunity to get acquainted with new trends in the development of the English language, learn not only to use electronic technologies in English, but also create blogs to improve their teaching activities. As a result of completing the advanced training course, the students agreed that thanks to the well-organized, effective, highly professional work of Kazan University teachers federal university they managed to understand new trends in the study and teaching of English, create a more streamlined system of their own knowledge in the field of learning English and apply it in practice using innovative methods of teaching it.

We hope that this program will contribute to the development of competitive youth of our republic, will create a new energy information field of interaction, uniting students foreign language and specialist teachers teaching it.

MBOU "Secondary School No. 4"


Professional Development Project

primary school teachers

Mironova Marina Yurievna


Teacher's personal card

Year of birth : 1966

Home address : RT, Mendeleevsky district, Mendeleevsk, st. Fomina, 15.B, apt. 37

contact number : 89172345508

1. Education : higher

2. Item : primary classes

3. Teaching experience : 29 years

Total work experience: 29 years

4. Position: primary school teacher

5. Taking courses : "Modern educational technology teaching primary school children the rules safe behavior on the roads", 72 hours, Kazan

6 . Self-education topic : “Formation of UUD among primary school students in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”

7. Methodological topic:

“Person-oriented approach as a means of forming a harmoniously developing personality junior schoolchildren»

8. The technology the teacher uses : technology of system-activity teaching method.

9. Extracurricular activities : planning, preparation and execution extracurricular activities, Olympiads, participation in school, district and republican competitions, holding events, subject weeks.

10. Social and pedagogical activities : head of the school, member of the school, member of the school's trade union organization.

11. Creative ideas : participation in regional educational institutions, professional competitions, online communities, subject seminars, preparation of presentations for lessons and extracurricular activities.

1. Explanatory note

2. Teacher professional development project

    Sections of the teacher professional development program

    Forms for presenting the results of teaching activities

    Self-assessment scheme for training session

    Methodological products (educational program documentation)

3. Self-education plan

  • List of questions for self-education

    Expected result

    Report forms

4. List of used literature

Explanatory note

The new socio-economic conditions emerging in Russia necessitate a search for effective ways activities educational system when solving new problems. The strategic directions for the development of education are fixed in the concept of modernization of education for the period until 2020. “A developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting them possible consequences; capable of cooperation; characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness; having a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.” The most important condition for the implementation of the concept is the achievement of professional competence by all subjects of education. This priority is key, since the professional competence of a teacher is a decisive factor in ensuring the quality of educational results, which in turn affects qualitative changes in the state of society. Consequently, a modern teacher must have an idea of ​​the variety of approaches to organizing the educational process. the teacher must be proficient in monitoring technology that allows tracking the effectiveness of the approaches being mastered in educational process. In addition, the traditional attitude towards the teacher as a transmitter of knowledge is changing; to the learning process as an impersonal, mechanical transfer of knowledge.

The directions for optimizing and humanizing the domestic education system are updating traditional ones, adapting known ones, and discovering innovative teaching technologies. These processes will naturally require the teacher to master a special professional technology of pedagogical interaction and a constant need for professional and personal growth. One of the means of implementation this direction is to draw up a plan for professional self-development, the purpose of which is to stimulate the growth of qualifications, professionalism and productivity (effectiveness) of teaching work, the development of creative initiative as conditions conducive to the development of the quality of education.

Teacher professional development project

One of the most important tasks of reforming the education system is to modernize the existing system for assessing its quality. The key condition for improving the quality of education is high level professional competence of teaching staff. Today, the process that determines the creation in the system continuing education conditions for the development of individual style professional activity teacher, knowledge and development of new values, stimulating the creative search of specialists, promoting the approval of promising approaches, technologies, systems for assessing the professional activities of a teacher, is a professional development project.

Sections of the professional development program

    Studying psychological and pedagogical literature.

    Development of software and methodological support for the educational process.

    Mastering pedagogical technologies; building your own methodological system (selection of content, methods, forms, teaching aids).

    Selection of criteria and indicators of educational outcomes, development of diagnostic tools.

    Participation in the implementation of the development program educational institution; in the system of methodological work.

    Training in advanced training courses.

    Participation in the work of creative, experimental groups; conducting individual research and experimental work.

    Generalization of one’s own experience in teaching activities (articles, recommendations, reports, pedagogical workshop, master class, etc.)

Forms for presenting the results of teaching activities

    Series training sessions

    Methodological products



    Creative report

    Presentation of the results of teaching activities

    Master Class

    Creative workshop

    Pedagogical project

    Report on the results (progress) of experimental, innovative activities

    Professional competitions

Self-assessment scheme for training session

    Assessing the effectiveness of classroom activities.

    Assessment of the main characteristics of students’ activities in the classroom.

    Evaluation of the goals and results of the lesson.

6.Scientific nature, accessibility of the educational material being studied;

7. The relevance of the material and its connection with life;

8. Degree of novelty, problematic and attractive educational information;

9. Optimality of the volume of material proposed for assimilation.

Teacher's methodological products (curriculum documentation)

    Work programs for academic subjects.

    Educational and thematic plans, technological maps studying course topics.

    Description of the methodological features of teaching individual issues of the program, topics, sections, training courses.

    Software and methodological support for the course.

    Model of teaching technology, description of the methodological system.

    Projects (notes) of educational and extracurricular activities.

Self-education plan


    education of patriotic feelings, familiarization with national culture and traditions, education of moral and spiritual qualities of the individual;

    use of technology project activities for the purpose of forming a UUD;

    introduction of interactive forms of organization educational process in order to develop key competencies and increase student motivation.

    improving the quality of training sessions based on the introduction of new technologies;

    development of educational and didactic materials.

List of questions for self-education:

    study of psychological and pedagogical literature;

    development of software and methodological support for the educational process;

    project and research activities;

    analysis and evaluation of the results of one’s activities and the activities of students;

    continue to study the teaching experience of other teachers;

    planned and systematic improvement of methods of the educational process.

Expected result:

    development of work programs in subjects in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

    the formation of a student’s internal position at the level of a positive attitude towards school, an understanding of the need for learning, the ability to self-esteem, the ability to plan, control one’s actions, formulate one’s own opinion, cooperate with any partner, and search for the necessary information;

    improving the quality of taught subjects;

    participation in teacher councils, seminars, webinars, and in the work of school and district municipal organizations of primary school teachers;

    ability to provide practical help colleagues.

Form of report on the work done: speaking at meetings of the School of Education and Teachers' Council, participating in competitions, seminars, and conferences.

Self-education form: individual, group, collective

Expected results: professional growth of teachers, improving the quality of teaching; growth of motivation and creative potential of students.



Practical activities


Studying literature on the problem and existing experience

2017– 2022

Advanced training courses for teachers in 2018.

Study of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education.

Studying psychological and pedagogical literature.

Studying new textbooks.


Determining the goals and objectives of the topic.

Development of a system of measures aimed at solving the problem.

Predicting results

2017 – 2022

Participation in the program personal growth in the community of primary school teachers.

Participation in seminars and training sessions for primary school teachers.

Speeches at seminars for primary school teachers and demonstration of master classes.

Training on the basis of MPPS "Paradox"


Introduction of work experience.

Formation of a methodological complex.

Correction of work.

2017 – 2022

Creation of work programs for subjects in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Participation in webinars

Speeches at SMO meetings

Participation in subject weeks(conducting open lessons, round tables for parents).

Participation in Olympiads and competitions.




Participation in the work of the district educational organization of primary school teachers and in district seminars.

Participation and results in municipal, republican and all-Russian competitions and olympiads

Maintaining a personal website http://multurok.ru/mirmar/

Participation in the work of the school website

Open lessons at the school and district level.

Advisory assistance to teachers and students.

Analysis of methods, forms, methods of activity on the topic of self-education. Summarizing.

Creation and replenishment of a “bank of projects and research works”

Maintaining a professional portfolio.

Presentation of work results.


Dissemination of work experience


Participation in competitions for primary school teachers.

Seminar “Main directions of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education, planned learning outcomes, new system assessment and diagnostics of educational activities of junior schoolchildren"

Participation in teacher testing (USE)

Speech at the teachers' meeting on the topic “Testing results for second grade students”

Checking the regional Olympiad works of 4th grade students in mathematics.

RMO primary classes
