Priority directions and forms of work of club-type cultural institutions with families. Features of the organization of cultural and leisure activities of the population in cultural centers Competition of methodological work in a club institution

On the website "People's Expertise".

Rural clubs began to appear on a large scale in Russian villages and villages in post-war period. At that time, the organization of the club premises corresponded to the basic needs of the population for leisure activities: a large dance floor, a stage for performances, a cinema booth for watching films and a large number of folding chairs assembled in rows - on days of dancing and mass celebrations, these chairs were placed around the perimeter of the room, and at times concerts, film screenings or party and people's meetings, they were lined up in orderly rows so that everyone present could watch the performances on stage. This purpose also resulted in the typical architecture of the building - a one-story rectangular house with an entrance in the center.

Most rural clubs existed in this form until their collapse. Soviet Union, and in the next twenty years it did not undergo any fundamental changes. The author of these lines went to one of these clubs as a child, and this was already in the 2000s. The cinema booth, however, was no longer working at that time; on Saturdays, the sounds of music were heard from a half-dead tape recorder, designed to organize a “disco,” and rural youth used the club as a “transit point” - all the main “movement” took place behind the club building, and was characterized by it is in one succinct word: " Get drunk".

Modern realities

Most rural clubs still exist in almost the same form today. For the most part, they have the status of a “bureaucratic unsubscribe”: since there is a club in the village, it means that it has “social and cultural facilities for the population.” Accordingly, the participation of the state in the lives of modern rural residents (and primarily young people) takes place. But is this true in practice?

Yes, clubs operate in villages and villages. The employees of these cultural centers receive salaries, and with them the obligation to conduct cultural events for the population. Let's not pretend and deceive ourselves - to a large extent this is done for show, but not for a real contribution to the cultural development of the population. Young people are now passionate about completely different interests, and you can’t drag them into a room with a wooden floor and a music center, even if it has undergone “European-quality renovation,” which is what the heads of districts and rural settlements love to flaunt. The older generation is also sitting at home - concerts and film screenings have long moved from movie booths to TV screens. Neither the young nor the old have any interest or motivation to “go to a club in the evening.” The only regulars at these “houses of culture” are tipsy villagers, for whom the club is a place to warm up (in winter).

Meanwhile, the rural club still remains practically the only option for cultural and mass leisure in rural areas. Moreover, it can and should be a platform not just for cultural and modern recreation, but also a basis for the formation of self-awareness of the local population. It is simply necessary to radically reconsider the format of presenting and organizing leisure time. And now, when the Governor of the Belgorod region talks about the “course of de-urbanization” and attracting young people to rural areas, the issue of organizing cultural and leisure recreation in rural settlements should be one of the key priorities, along with providing rural youth with housing and jobs.

Requests from rural youth

What do rural youth want? The answer may seem strange - but she wants the same thing as the city girl. And the primary desire is communication with peers. Through dancing, playing together, or drinking alcoholic beverages and fighting, these communications take place - this is precisely a socio-cultural issue. It depends on the environment and what this environment gives to the youth. If urban youth have options for evening leisure such as going to the cinema or sitting with friends in a pizzeria cafe, then for rural people the options are less prosaic - staying at home or going “to the club”.

The task of “reviving” the socio-cultural role of a rural club is to transfer, as much as possible, the realities of urban leisure to the body of a rural club. Cross out from the program what is an atavism, a relic of the past. For example - discos. A disco in a rural club is attended by at most ten people, nine of whom are drunk. Considering the current population size in villages and hamlets, the very idea of ​​rural discos has become obsolete. Young people need as many peers as possible around them. Now discos are concentrated in regional centers. Again, the realities of the 21st century - a significant number of young people have cars. There is at least one for a company of 3-4 people. Even if it's his father's. And this company would rather travel 10-15 kilometers to the regional center, where a hundred people have gathered for a disco, than remain sitting in a rural club, where there are hardly a dozen people. There is no need for discos in rural clubs.

What is needed? I already noted above about watching movies together - firstly, almost everyone has televisions, secondly, not every club has equipment for watching movies and, thirdly, in the era of copyrights, collective viewing of new films can cost a pretty penny for establishments. That is, we reject dances and films. What remains?

It remains to return to the original meaning English word"club" - a meeting place for people with common interests (business, educational, developmental, entertainment), cultural and entertainment in nature. Ideal modern example Such an organization of the population are “anti-cafes”, which are gaining popularity among young people, where the space is organized in such a way that a person (company) is provided with a wide choice of options for conducting cultural leisure in a pleasant environment.

Why are coffee shops so popular in Belgorod? Is it really because a whole generation of “gourmets and connoisseurs” of the real taste of coffee has grown up? Not at all. Coffee shops and anti-cafes have become interesting and popular places for joint cultural leisure; these are the “clubs” of the 21st century. Therefore - yes, if it is exaggerated - a rural club should take the model of modern “anti-cafes” as the basis for its structure.

Organization of the club space

So, the main goal that we set for the premises of a “modern club” is comfortable accommodation of the population for leisure activities. What problem should this room solve? The club's opening hours are evening. By this time, schoolchildren are finishing their studies at school, adults are returning from work. The very first target audience is young people. The club must offer this category of the population a worthy alternative to languishing in front of TV screens or aimlessly wandering through gateways.

The main hall of our club should accommodate armchairs (sofas) with coffee tables between them. Up to six people can gather around one such table. Here a group can play board games ("Mafia", "Elias", "Activity", "Svintus", "Monopoly", even classical chess - now there are a thousand of them, and they are a worthy replacement for an alcoholic feast - tested from our own experience many times! ), read books and magazines, watch videos from a laptop - I’m telling you everything that young people do in city institutions of this format.

Next to the main hall there is a children's playroom. It can be separated from the main hall by a transparent partition similar to plastic windows - on the one hand, children's noise and squealing does not penetrate into the main room and does not distract adults, on the other hand, parents always see what their children are doing.

The club must have a toilet (yes, now in the vast majority of cases there are none). First of all, children are children. Secondly... hmm, is it really necessary to make arguments in favor of having a toilet in a public institution in 2014?!

Next to the children's room and toilet there should be a small room - a “kitchen”, as I called it. Here, again, the principle is “anti-cafe” - anyone can pour themselves a cup of tea and snack on cookies. People can bring tea bags from home and something sweet here. I agree that at first it will be something outlandish and partly unthinkable - but people’s consciousness is capable of changing under the influence of the example of others (changing both for the good and for the bad). People need to be shown that this is real, that it is as natural as receiving guests in your home, like drinking tea in your kitchen. In the villages, almost everyone knows each other - it’s just that, due to the lack of consolidating moments, everyone is used to living separately, according to the principle “my house is on the edge.” Spending leisure time together, buying tea together for evening gatherings - isn't this a step towards the formation of a “solidary society”?

The club premises should have an office for the manager. After all, the manager’s job is not only “open a club, turn on the music, turn off the music, close the club.” These are also reports (where would we be without them!), work planning, etc., etc.

The technical room is a communications room. Water and light meters. Heating system. In terms of area (and also in structure), the premises of a rural club should be similar to a large and comfortable residential building - all communications should be provided in accordance with this.

I called another room in the diagram below “conference room”. Behind the Loud a foreign word there is a room hidden, the essence of which is a large table and chairs around. Here you can gather big company for any discussion, presentation, meeting, or just an intimate conversation over a cup of tea. During the day, master classes (or, in the native language, “creative circles”) can be held here, and in the evening, companies of the older age category can gather here. Play dominoes or discuss the latest village news over gatherings - and not be distracted by the noise from the next room.

Schematically, all of the above looks like this:

The main motive of the “new rural club” is to gather people under one roof, provide them with a comfortable place to communicate and spend leisure time, and let them feel “at home.” This is a platform designed to return to people in villages what has been lost for decades - a sense of unity and community. This is not a formal "unsubscribe" about successful work socio-cultural cluster in rural areas is a source of culture and an environment for the comfortable development of society.

Organization of leisure time for the population

The basis for the successful functioning of such an establishment, especially at first, when it will be “a novelty” for most visitors, is a clear regulation of the rules of behavior and awareness of the responsibility of each visitor for the premises. There is no longer the principle “Everything around is collective farm - everything around is mine,” and if you break or steal something, you will bear the corresponding financial or criminal liability. Came to the establishment with a passport, sign with the manager that “I am familiar with the rules of conduct, I am aware of the level of responsibility”- and then use the entire “infrastructure” for your health.

Now let’s look at the functioning scheme of a “new rural club” using a specific, albeit hypothetical, example.

I am a young professional who moved to countryside with my family. In terms of housing, there are now several good programs for young families, so we will assume that we are provided with housing. In terms of employment in rural areas, there are also a number of regional programs; as a last resort, we consider that my wife works in the social sector, and I am developing my own business under the small business support program. On the territory of the rural settlement there are also kindergarten, and school - while parents are working, children are also at work.

Evening. The work is finished. Household chores are also allowed. The question of leisure arises. Arriving at the village club, we meet with friends - say, the family of my classmate, who also lives in this village. Adults, that is, we, sit at one of the tables and talk about topics that interest us, and small children can be sent to have fun in the children's room. I clearly know that a child here has entertainment no worse than in Belgorod establishments like Lukomorye or the play area in some Mega-Grinn. There is Wi-Fi in the room (Rostelecom, as far as I know, currently provides high-speed Internet to all settlements region - at least in my village the Internet has appeared for a year and a half already), and out of habit I update the news feed in one of the social networks. And maybe I’ll even write a blog post.

I can get up and make myself a cup of tea (of course I brought a whole packet with me, and biscuits too!). At the next table, older boys are sitting and drawing something in their coloring books. In the next “conference room,” a school bus driver is having a heated discussion with a group of friends. However, I can be calm about the ears of the surrounding children - the club clearly enforces the rule of three NOTs: do not drink, do not smoke and do not swear.

And, most importantly, we all do not feel inferior in the fact that this is a rural club. In the era of globalization, borders simply must be erased, and in a good way it should not make a difference whether we are sitting in a rural club or some institution in the regional center.

Yes, I do not consider all of the above to be a utopia. This could all be reality. The main thing is to want it.

Price issue

According to my rough calculations, even if you build such a club “from scratch,” the total cost will not exceed seven million rubles. Construction of a one-story “box” with an area of ​​up to 250 square meters. m will cost up to 4 million, about three more will need to be invested in the “internal maintenance” of the club. This room can comfortably accommodate up to 50 people at a time.

From a commercial point of view, it will be impossible to “recapture” this money. However, the social sphere is not the field in which money grows. Here grows a much more important grain from a strategic point of view - the culture of society, its consolidating idea, the potential for realizing the growth and development of people.

As a realist, I do not see any immediate implementation of the project I described above in the very near future. However, I considered it my duty to present my vision of the situation. Who knows, maybe not now, but in five or ten years the sphere of socio-cultural life in rural settlements will reach a qualitatively new level, which is required by the changing realities of our world. I believe that someday the system will move from words to deeds, and the declared process of “de-urbanization” in our region will affect not only the financial and material aspects of life, but also the spiritual and moral ones. Someday we will build it.

House of Culture -

1) type of club institution;

2) generalization of the name of various types of state, trade union and departmental club institutions (District House of Culture, House of Culture for Builders, rural trade union House of Culture, etc.)

First of all, in the provinces, where club institutions have fewer competitors in the form of theaters, libraries, museums, cultural centers and clubs to this day remain centers of the most massive, publicly accessible, democratic leisure activities, allowing people to realize their interests and hobbies, their creative potential , to join the culture. And it is very important not to take away this opportunity, not to lose traditions, not to devalue them.

Contents of the work of the methodological center

The methodological center is an integral part of the system of methodological centers that provide methodological support for cultural and leisure activities. The main tasks of methodological departments (offices) are:

    introduction of new forms and methods of work into the practice of cultural and leisure institutions;

    study, generalization and dissemination of best practices

    Participation in the training and advanced training of employees of cultural institutions, leaders of groups and amateur art groups

    providing club institutions with teaching materials, scripts and repertoire collections

    providing methodological assistance on site

The main goal of the methodological center is to improve cultural and leisure activities in the area by improving the forms and methods of work of cultural and leisure institutions.

The successful activities of the methodological center are determined by many factors. These include qualified personnel of methodological workers, the availability of material and technical base.

Each methodologist is responsible for a specific area of ​​work (issues of methodology for cultural and leisure activities of clubs, methodological support for amateur creativity and amateur associations, interest clubs; providing methodological assistance to clubs in working with children and adolescents). Specialists of the methodological center are obliged to ensure a high level of activity of cultural and leisure institutions in assigned areas of work.

Employees of the methodological center prepare and conduct seminars, organize printing of materials in media mass media, conduct consultations, monitor the implementation of methodological and directive documents, maintain business contacts with public organizations, supervise the work of club institutions, prepare methodological materials, and perform other types of work.

Methodological bodies in the region are the center of concentration of the methodological, scenario plan, therefore, equipping classrooms with relevant publications is of particular importance. Publishing houses produce a fairly large amount of educational, scientific and repertoire literature on cultural and leisure activities, directing public events, holding holidays and rituals, organizing the work of clubs and amateur associations. An important source for staffing methodological centers are the magazines “Cultural and Educational Work”, “Meeting”, “Club”, “Folk Creativity”, “To Help Amateur Artistic Activities”.

The methodological center must be equipped with: audio-video recordings, photographs. And also: slides, posters, posters, invitation cards.

The methodological center should collect materials coming from cultural and leisure institutions. These could be reports on events held, scripts for holidays, repertoires of amateur artistic groups, etc.

The Methodological Center uses certain types of documentary materials in its work. All materials and documents are distributed into specific sections and areas of activity of methodological offices and cultural institutions.

The following may be presented in the methodological center of the District House of Culture: government decrees, orders, regulations, resolutions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, decisions of local bodies, public organizations, documents of scientific and methodological centers. These documents should be collected in special folders and a section should be highlighted, which may be called “Directive documents, instructional and methodological materials.”

The work plans of clubs, houses of culture, small theaters, materials on the activities of leisure centers, youth centers, information on patronage work, reports of cultural and leisure institutions are also useful for work. These documents make it possible to monitor the implementation of what is planned by the methodological center. They can be presented in the “Organizational and methodological work” section.

Important among other materials is the section “ Specialists, network and material resources of cultural institutions" Data on cultural workers, leaders of amateur art groups, amateur associations and interest clubs is concentrated here.

Chapter " Leisure organizations» contains materials about the work of amateur art groups, technical and applied types of folk art, the creation and work of amateur associations and clubs of interest, the organization of cultural and leisure events, family recreation, the activities of leisure centers, etc.

It is advisable in the methodological center to collect materials on specific forms of work: about holidays, rituals, theatrical performances, festivals, competitions, exhibitions, shows, discos, recreational evenings, etc. One of the employees of the methodological center is appointed responsible for the safety of the fund. All materials received in the method room are recorded in a special journal.

It is advisable to create a system of catalogs and filing cabinets for special sections.

The material and technical base is important in the work of the methodological center. Certain requirements for the equipment, furnishings and design of the method room arise from its multifunctional activities. The main fund of materials and documents is concentrated in the club work room

In the folk art hall there is a piano or grand piano, there are folk instruments, materials about the work of amateur artistic groups, and music literature are concentrated. It is advisable to equip the hall with soundproofing.

In the hall of technical and audiovisual equipment, club workers must create conditions for dubbing phonograms, viewing slides, videotapes, listening to music discs and audiotapes.

The lecture and demonstration hall serves as a venue for seminars, round tables, and performances by amateur art groups.

The library of the methodological center can act as a specialized mobile library, and as a book distribution point, and as a branch of the Central Bank. The library is stocked with literature on cultural and leisure activities, amateur performances, music literature, musical and literary recordings.

Methodological centers should be designed in a unique way. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a map of the area, on which populated areas, cultural and leisure institutions are indicated, indicating their departmental affiliation, historical and cultural monuments.

A mandatory accessory of the method room is a stand that reveals the structure of methodological work.

The stand can display job descriptions of employees of the methodological center, the District Organizational and Methodological Center, rural cultural centers and clubs, work plans, schedules of consultations, seminars, orders and instructions of the cultural department, and a work plan for the methodological office.

Along with the indicated stands, the methodological center can prepare materials to help organizers of leisure activities.

The success of the methodological center is determined not only by a good material and technical base, equipment, equipment and design, but also by the presence of advanced forms of work, relevance, creative ingenuity, and initiative of methodologists. Much is also determined by the extent to which the employees of the methodological center master advanced techniques and implement them into practice. Where due attention is paid to this, management companies are popular.

The main activities of the methodological center are:

    coordination of the work of district club institutions on issues of traditional culture and amateur creativity;

    methodological support for saving, promoting and popularizing intangibles cultural heritage near;

    organizing and holding holidays, competitions, exhibitions and other cultural events;

    information support for club institutions in the district;

    providing analytical, sociological research, organizing training for specialists from cultural institutions in the region.

Each administrative center of the district has a district cultural center, regardless of the presence of city and other club institutions in this center. The district house of culture is subordinated directly to the culture department of the district administration and organizes a variety of cultural and leisure activities among the population of the district center and settlements located in the district.

The district cultural center is the center of methodological support for cultural and leisure activities of rural cultural centers and clubs in the district. The district house of culture, in addition, carries out methodological work in other cultural institutions that do not belong to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

A unique methodological laboratory of the district cultural center is the methodological room. It ensures the introduction of progressive forms and methods of work into the practice of club institutions. On its basis there is a process of studying, generalizing and disseminating positive experience. The methodological office, together with the cultural department, provides advanced training for club workers and leaders of artistic and technical creativity groups. The Methodology Cabinet sends methodological developments to club institutions, including: script materials, repertoire collections; provides practical help in staging cultural and leisure programs.

The methodological office of the district cultural center has full-time employees, including two methodologists and one instructor. In addition, the RDK staff includes the positions of artistic director and director.

House of Culture-1) type of club institution; 2) generalization of the name of various types of state, trade union and departmental club institutions (District House of Culture, House of Culture for Builders, rural trade union House of Culture, etc.)

Modern priorities in the activities of cultural institutions cannot be determined without taking into account the economic, political, and social characteristics of the country and region. We consider cultural policy as legal and methodological support, training of creative personnel, financing of infrastructure in the regions, preservation of cultural heritage, support for creativity, etc. Cultural policy begins with a clear definition of priority areas that the state most needs and therefore undertakes to support. However, this does not happen everywhere and not always.

A unique school of art education for children and adults has been formed in club institutions; the state created and maintained the system educational institutions training qualified specialists for clubs; Many discoveries have been made in club practice.

First of all, in the provinces, where club institutions have fewer competitors in the form of theaters, libraries, museums, cultural centers and clubs

to this day, they remain centers of the most massive, publicly accessible, democratic leisure activities, allowing people to realize their interests and hobbies, their creative potential, and become involved in culture. And it is very important not to take away this opportunity, not to lose traditions, not to devalue them.

The reduction of the club network, both in cities and in rural areas, has many reasons. So, we can formulate some economic and administrative reasons for the unfavorable circumstances of the development of cultural and leisure activities of rural clubs in market conditions:

    Insufficient funding for club cultural institutions by federal and regional government bodies. management

    Lack of necessary legal support for rural club institutions

    Deterioration of material and technical base

    Unjustified commercialization

    Reduction of the network of club cultural institutions

    Low quantitative and qualification level of staffing, unsatisfactory social protection of club employees

In order to become the center of the spiritual and cultural life of the village, the work of the club institution must undergo significant adjustments:

The organizational and managerial activities of employees of rural cultural institutions are determined by:

    to create programs for the revival, development and preservation of folk culture

    optimization of interaction between initiative groups and other organizations

    development and implementation of a schedule-route and service area for mobile club institutions for the population of small villages, farmsteads, remote production areas

The scientific and methodological activities of the district coordination and methodological center should include the following areas:

    certification of rural settlements

    identifying and providing information and methodological support to socially active groups

    development of scientific and methodological projects

    assistance in organizing clubs and groups

    search and expedition work to identify the historical and cultural uniqueness of a rural settlement

    revival of ancient rituals and customs, introduction into practice of folk holidays, folklore festivals, exhibitions of applied arts and crafts

    advanced training of cultural workers during seminars, workshops, creative laboratories, schools of excellence, advanced training courses.

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There is an opinion that last years the prestige of the teaching professions has become lower; the main staff of educational organizations is dominated by older teachers with extensive experience in the education system. Young workers come to kindergartens and schools reluctantly; many leave the profession after a year or two, having found more attractive options. So what to do? The profession of a teacher, especially one who works with special child and his family, it is undoubtedly complex, requiring dedication, finding solutions and self-education without allowance for holidays and weekends.
And if this is work with a “special” child and his family, then the range of solving problems that require the intervention of a specialist becomes even wider. But besides the difficulties, there is another side to this activity - the clear eyes of a baby flying towards you as fast as he can along the corridor to class, a mother’s quiet tears when she sees the first results and believes that it is you who can help, timid speeches at methodological councils and conferences when venerable teachers take the position of a young girl in resolving professional issues. But in order to get a taste of this second side of a teacher’s activity, there must be professionals nearby who will support you during the first failures and help compensate for the shortcomings. practical experience and gaps in knowledge not acquired in college. Mentoring is a necessary part of onboarding and upgrading vocational education young specialists.
Precisely because the inextricable connection and professional continuity of generations are a prerequisite for progress in any area of ​​development modern society, on the basis of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center, in the first year of its operation, a Club of Young Professionals of the Psychological and Pedagogical Support Service was created. The main goal of the club was to intensify the activities of young teachers in solving current professional problems and creating conditions for their personal and professional growth. Invitations were sent to all districts of our metropolitan metropolis for those who strive for knowledge, want to improve existing skills and be as effective as possible, taking the first steps at the beginning of their professional journey.
Today we can talk about how we worked with young specialists who responded to our proposal. 324 teachers from 194 educational organizations in Moscow took part in eight meetings of the club.
During the meetings, issues that were significant for young professionals were discussed, allowing them to navigate in the directions of development modern system formation of a metropolitan metropolis: change legal framework, interaction of educational organizations in the capital region, quality of services provided regarding the organization of assistance to children with disabilities and disabilities.
Club leaders and teacher-mentors used various forms of work: workshops, seminars, master classes, business games, trainings.
During the classes, the meeting participants were able to get acquainted with modern pedagogical technologies building relationships in the family (workshop “Harmonization of child-parent relationships”), working with younger schoolchildren with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (master class “Technologies for working with students of primary school age who have behavioral characteristics”), as well as the neuropsychological direction of work in the activities of specialists from the psychological and pedagogical support service (seminar “Neuropsychological technologies in the work of a speech therapist teacher, teacher-defectologist").
The participants were particularly interested in the format business games. Young specialists acted out scenarios of frequently encountered problem situations. It was important to determine how to interact with parents of children with disabilities and disabilities, how to set up teams educational schools(pedagogical, parental, children's) to accept special children into their environment.
Besides active methods work (seminars, practical classes), great attention was paid to individual and group counseling. Young specialists got acquainted with the supervision “Analysis of a complex case from psychological and pedagogical practice” in practice. Supervision is one of the forms of training for beginning special educators and psychologists in the process of exchanging opinions of experienced specialists on how to overcome problematic and non-standard situations.
Also worthy of special attention are trainings on preventing professional burnout and resolving conflict situations V educational organizations. They allow young teachers to build constructive interaction in the process of communication with colleagues, children, parents and find compromise solutions to pressing issues. The moderator of the club was I.I. Fokina. The classes were taught by speech therapists E.A. Ekzhanova, O.V. Egupova, educational psychologists M.V. Malkhasyan, I.V. Voronkova, O.V. Kardashina, S.K. Senatskaya and other leading specialists of the center.
When summing up the results of the club’s work, the participants of the meeting were provided with an “Open Microphone”, which allowed them to hear wishes, suggestions and an assessment of the activities of the employees of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center based on the results of the work performed.
And, of course, GPPC plans to continue the club’s activities in the next academic year. As you know, “Personnel decides everything!” And we really want today’s young specialists, ten, twenty, thirty years from now, to happily go to their favorite job every morning, to discover again and again amazing world teaching profession and never lost the desire to benefit the small and large citizens of our metropolitan metropolis.

Dear leaders!
We inform you that the Club of young specialists in psychological and pedagogical services (educational psychologists, speech pathologists, speech therapists and social pedagogues) operates on the basis of the GPPC.
The club's work continues throughout academic year and consists of 8 meetings on various topics.
Our club is designed to gather young professionals from the city in order to:
- promote their professional development;
- create a professional community;
- contribute to the effective construction of the work of the psychological and pedagogical service of the educational organization.
We invite young specialists from psychological and pedagogical services to take part in the work of the club (participation is free).
At the end of the club's work, a certificate of participation is issued.
Meetings of club members will be held monthly, every third Wednesday of the month.
