My professional experience presentation as an English teacher. Presentation: “from the experience of an English teacher at the Bogoroditskaya USSR, L.A. Pankeyeva.” The dialectical teaching method allows

“Teaching children a foreign language” - Goals of teaching a foreign language at an early age. Foreign language at the initial stage. Weather. 9. Food and dishes. 10. 2nd year of study (6-7 years) 1. Our city. Objectives: As a tool for teaching a non-native language. Consider the features of teaching a non-native language at the initial stage. Communication-game technique (CGMT).

"Method of learning English" - Low motivation when studying in English. Relevance of the topic: It must have no mistakes. A) fulfillment of project tasks b) analysis and synthesis of the information received. How to effectively use the project method in English lessons. Problem: List of project evaluation criteria: Stage III - presentation of the project; Stage IV - control.

"Teaching English" - Theater on French. Identify talents; Get rid of complexes; Gain additional knowledge; "Three piglets". Learning effectiveness: Reading control. Drawing up a detailed lesson plan; “The Magic Rainbow of English Fairy Tales” is a medley of five famous fairy tales. Individual and differentiated approaches to teaching English at school.

"Modern English teaching" - Online tests to all textbooks Audio application CD MP3. Soft cover 128 pp., 210x285 mm. Methods of teaching foreign languages: traditions and modernity, edited by A.A. Mirolyubova. English language. New project - a series of books for reading. English language - 2011". Soft cover 120 pp. 210x285 mm.

“Technologies for teaching English” - S. N. Cognition and self-development. B. Responsibility. Adequacy of self-esteem. English-speaking countries. A. Information technology applications. H. L. Modular training.

“Happy English” - Educational, cognitive and compensatory competencies. My favorite books Day off. Names of other English-speaking countries, as well as some countries around the world. Grade 11. Achieving planned results in English in primary school. 11. 2. Sociocultural competence. Lexical side of speech. Reception and refreshment of guests.

There are 15 presentations in total

  2. 2. The methodological problem that I am working on: “DEVELOPMENT OF A STUDENT’S INNOVATIVE PERSONALITY, HIS COMMUNICATIVE ABILITIES, BY USING INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE LESSONS.” Tell me Tell me, and I’ll forget. and I'll forget. Show me Show me, and I'll remember. and I'll remember. Involve me and I'll understand. and I will understand. Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin
  3. 3. Educational - respect and interest in the culture of the country of the language being studied, patriotism, a spiritually developed personality. Educational Developing - - Modern comprehensive acquisition of learning goals, development of knowledge about the culture of the English individual, the country's communities, language. icative language skills. Practical – skills of oral (listening and speaking) and written (reading and writing) speech as a means of communication.
  4. 4. To achieve the set learning goals, I use the following interactive methods and techniques: Theatrical Didactic Student in the role of dialogues, and business games teachers skits Songs and poems Work in small groups Method in English Projects Everyone teaches everyone Use of Brainstorming ICT Interactive lectures, use of video and audio materials
  5. 5. Play is the main activity of primary schoolchildren, so I try to conduct every lesson in the lower grades in the form of an exciting game. The game method makes it possible to involve all children in the class in cognitive activities. Today we have a lesson - travel. I come to the lesson with the children in the capital with “guests”. " On their behalf I am talking with Great Britain. Let's fly! children.
  6. 6. Singing in English lessons is an effective means of introducing new vocabulary and joint activities between teacher and students. Mastery of the Instrument Dramatized Songs - One allows me to supplement my favorite activities with children's music lessons. accompaniment.
  7. 7. Theatrical dialogues and skits develop communication skills, activate passive vocabulary, and create a relaxed atmosphere of play in the lesson.
  8. 8. The presence of a computer connected to the Internet in the classroom provides ample opportunities for using ICT in the classroom. If necessary, you can use electronic characters like these to remember the alphabet and dictionary much faster
  9. 9. WORK IN SMALL GROUPS is one of the most favorite forms of organizing lessons among my students. She allows the guys to choose who they want to work with. The result depends on all team members, so everyone should participate to the best of their ability.
  10. 10. A STUDENT IN THE ROLE OF A TEACHER is a kind of role-playing game, which is one of the most effective teaching methods and requires serious preparation of the student. A more gentle method is EVERYONE TEACHES EVERYONE.
  11. 11. The design method is a learning model that engages students in solving complex problems. Projects put the student in an active position as an adult to solve important issues.
  12. 12. OUR ACHIEVEMENTS The school team took 1st place in the city Olympiad in English. My participants: Mashir Mark, Burykin Denis, 11th grade student, 8th grade student, personal ІІ place personal ІІ place

State government evening (shift) educational institution"Valuiskaya evening (shift) comprehensive school» Belgorod region


SUBJECT : Development of communicative abilities through creative self-realization of students in English lessons.

Olga Vasilievna

English teacher

State Public Institution "Valuyskaya evening (shift)

comprehensive school"


Belgorod region



    Experience Information 3

    Relevance of experience 4-5

3. Theoretical basis of experience 6-7

4 . Technology experience 8-12

5. Effectiveness of experiment 13-14

6. Literature 15

7. Applications

Experience information.

Conditions for the occurrence of experience.

For modern life, with the acceleration of social rhythms and an increase in the volume of information, the intensification of social and professional contacts between individuals, social groups and professional communities, quick decisions are required. Any person can very often encounter communicative, professional and social situations that are unusual for him.

Integration into the world community, expansion of connections and contacts set the goal for Russian teachers - raising a generation aware of its role and responsibility in global human processes.

This increases the requirements for students’ linguistic culture, communicative competence, and the creation of conditions for self-determination and self-realization.

The effect of socio-economic and political factors is manifested primarily in society’s attitude towards foreign languages, as well as in the requirements that society places on the level of education in a foreign language of its citizens. These factors determine priorities in choosing a foreign language and the need for its practical use as a means of everyday communication.

Knowledge of a foreign language becomes modern society necessary in a person’s personal and professional life. All this creates a need for a large number of citizens who practically speak one or more foreign languages ​​and therefore receive real chances to occupy a more prestigious position in society, both socially and materially. From here it is clear that the social order of society in relation to a foreign language is expressed not simply in practical knowledge of the language, but in the ability to use this language in real communication.

Relevance of experience.

Before modern school There are tasks related to creating conditions for the intellectual, spiritual and moral development of students, nurturing in every student the need for self-education, self-education and self-development.

The system of classroom and extracurricular work at school in all academic disciplines is aimed at solving these problems. In this regard, a foreign language has great educational, educational and development potential.

Working with students for more than 20 years, I have constantly strived to consider the process of teaching a foreign language as an interaction between the teaching system and the learner. To ensure this, I use modern pedagogical technologies: developmental, personality-oriented and cooperation technology in the process of assimilation educational material. I consider ease and pleasantness of learning to be the most important principle of didactics.

Over the course of my many years of work, I have encountered many problems:

- lack of a clear vision by students of immediate and long-term prospects and ways to achieve them;

Insufficient time for intensive study of a foreign language;

Unsystematic knowledge of linguistic and regional studies;

Lack of ability to apply one’s knowledge and willingness to communicate.

In modern methods of teaching this subject, the main emphasis is on developing the ability to communicate, on the formation of communicative competence. I have been dealing with this exact problem since 2008.

The formation of communicative competence of students is a general didactic problem. In world practice, there are various ways to solve the problem of developing students’ communicative competence. Communicative competence is multicomponent and is considered as a set of linguistic, speech and sociocultural components operating in federal foreign language programs.

Communicative competence can rightfully be considered as leading and core, since it is the basis of all other competencies. It must be consistently formed in close connection with educational and information skills, readiness to solve problems in the native and foreign languages ​​in a single logic.

Requirements for the formation of communicative competence can be presented in the following form:

    Adequately perceive oral speech and be able to convey the content of the listened text in a compressed or expanded form in accordance with the communication situation;

    Select and use language means in accordance with the communicative task and communication situation;

    Proficient in monologue and dialogic speech, observing accepted ethical standards of communication;

    Possess the skills of conscious, fluent reading of texts of various styles and genres, and conduct their information and semantic analysis;

    Create written statements, adequately conveying the content of the text listened or read with a given degree of specificity;

    Make a plan, theses, notes;

    Know at least one foreign language at the level of functional literacy.

The content of the training is focused on developing students’ motivation to learn foreign languages ​​and on developing skills in all types of foreign language speech activities, developing general educational skills and abilities, and students gaining experience in educational, cognitive, communicative, practical and creative activities. The main purpose of teaching a foreign language is to develop communicative competence, that is, the ability and readiness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers. The teacher can most fully solve this problem using the communicative competence of students.

The essence of my experience is in creating conditions for creative self-realization of students through the development of their abilities and readiness to engage in communication.

Experience Range

The forms, techniques and methods proposed in the experiment are acceptable for use in the work of foreign language teachers when organizing and conducting extracurricular activities, lessons, organization of research work.

Theoretical basis of experience

Modern education should be conducted in such a way that students awakeninterest in knowledge, developedinitiative andindependenceat work. In the learning process, students must not only master a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also develop their abilities and creative powers. To do this, it is necessary that a special place in school be occupied by such forms of classes that provideactive participation inlesson for each student.

Communicative competence today is considered one of the most important components of the readiness and ability of specialists of any profile to successfully professional activity. The effectiveness of training is largely determined by the level of communication skills. Characteristic feature modern stage development are the requirements for the integration of various components of educational goals to achieve six basic competencies:

1.linguistic competence, which implies knowledge of vocabulary units and grammatical rules that transform lexical units into a meaningful statement;

2.sociolinguistic competence, i.e. the ability to select and use adequate linguistic forms and means depending on the purpose and situation of communication, the social roles of the participants in communication;

3.discursive competence, namely the ability to understand various types of communicative statements, construct holistic, coherent and logical statements of various functional styles;

4. strategic competence, i.e. verbal - non-verbal means (strategies) to which a person resorts if communication does not take place;

5. sociocultural competence - knowledge of the cultural characteristics of native speakers, their habits, traditions, norms of behavior and etiquette, the ability to understand and adequately use them in the process of communication, while remaining a carrier of another culture; competence, namely the ability and desire to interact with others, self-confidence and in one’s abilities to communicate.

It can be concluded, WhatCommunication-oriented teaching of a foreign language must take into account the features of real communication.

The advantage of using a communicative approach in the educational process is that the formation of communication skills helps to increase student motivation and facilitates the establishment of interdisciplinary connections. This promotes the development of cognitive activity, imagination, self-discipline, and teamwork skills.

In foreign language classes, forming communicative competence, the teacher creates learning situations that help students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities in various types of speech activity. Skills and abilities are formed only in activities using the necessary means and in certain conditions, in other words, in a certain environment. Thus, activity is purposeful, motivated actions with units of everyday life and culture in certain conditions or environment, pursuing various goals. Depending on the conditions existing in certain environments, different relationships are formed.

Experience technology

It is impossible to teach speaking without teaching communication, without creating conditions for verbal communication in lessons. Each student achieves his goals through means such as speaking, listening, reading, writing and any joint activity.

In the process of learning a foreign language I also take into accountpersonal qualities of students: temperament, abilities, life experience of students, worldview.

I am sure that the starting point of any activity, and, consequently, speech, ismotive, which encourages and directs activity. Communication motivation has great importance in teaching a foreign language. The famous methodologist, author of the textbook “Happy English” V.P. spoke about this at one time. Kuzovlev.

Communicative motivation is associated, in my opinion, with the satisfaction students receive from using language as a means of communication.

I believe that factors such as:

1) a friendly atmosphere in the classroom;

2) positive emotional climate;

3) trusting relationship between teacher and students

An important factor in ensuring communicative motivation is role-playing play. The game is effective method stimulate activity, creativity and curiosity among students of any age group. As my experience and the experience of my colleagues shows, it develops interest in foreign language communication, expands its substantive content, giving the opportunity to go beyond the scope of one’s own context of activity, and allows one to anticipate the future personal experience of students by playing the roles of people of different professions and characters.

In lessons we often work with dialogues and polylogues. On the topic “Travel” I use the following speech situations: “Imagine that you are in London. You walk down the street and see a beautiful building. You ask a random passerby what kind of building it is, how old it is, who the architect is.” We learn to request information on how to get to and visit the sights of the city, play out the situation with buying tickets, as guides, students talk about cultural and historical places, customs and traditions of the countries of the language they are learning, organize a dialogue of cultures, connecting with the sights and traditions of their country.

We conduct discussions on the topic “Ecology” and round tables, discuss environmental projects, make forecasts for the future.
As part of the “Health” theme, we interview famous athletes, share experiences on how to lead a healthy lifestyle, and recipes for healthy eating.

It is necessary to use a method of activating the individual and the team, which makes it possible for students to simultaneously participate in foreign language communication. I try to pay special attention to the simultaneous collective work of students in small groups - pairs, threes, fours.

I would like to highlight simultaneous pair work. The easiest way to organize it, in my opinion, is to do exercises with a neighbor at your desk. Often, when working in this way, I use supports, for example, substitution tables with a speech task, structural diagrams of dialogue. These are mini-dialogues - congratulations on your birthday or holiday, question-and-answer exercises, dialogues - exchange of opinions.

I am convinced that learning communication skills is facilitated by various forms of working with text, such tasks as: drawing up an outline of the text; express the main thoughts on the plan; determine the correspondence of what was said to what is contained in the text; highlight the main idea of ​​the text; express your attitude to the text; characterize the characters of the text, evaluate their actions and thoughts, agree or disagree with the opinions of classmates;
make up your own statement based on what you read and hear.

In a classroom-lesson system, in the absence of real communicative situations, a reading text can become, on the one hand, an incentive for discussing a variety of problems, on the other hand, provide the necessary factual and linguistic material for the formulation of one’s own statement and serve as a model for it. In addition, the text, having a substantive side, contributes to the acquisition of sociocultural competence.

The formation of grammatical skills plays an important role in teaching English. Mastering grammatical skills is necessary for students, since grammar is the basis for other branches of linguistics and learning English is impossible without developing grammatical skills. Since a grammatical skill is formed in stages, individual difficulties may arise in mastering this skill, which are solved individually.

The communicative approach to teaching grammatical phenomena of a foreign language presupposes a communicative-oriented organization of grammatical material and the sequence of its study and training in the communicative activities of students.

When working with grammatical material, the following stages can be distinguished:

1) intuitively familiar;

2) deliberately informational;

3) intuitive speech;

4) consciously analytical;

5) consciously verbal;

6) generalizing analytical;

7) speech-making

I am confident that the development of grammatical skills will contribute to the successful development of students’ communicative competence. To do this, we have developed a system of exercises that contribute to the development of grammatical skills, and, consequently, increase the level of communicative competence.

Exercises are an important stage in working on grammar. It is associated with the accumulation of linguistic means and the practice of using them in various forms of communication.

The range of types of exercises that can be used in lessons are those that ensure that students achieve the communicative goals of the curriculum, involve students in the communication process and involve the use of such communicative processes as information exchange, discussion, interaction:

Substitution exercises;

Creative exercises;

Design work;

Model exercises;

Role-playing games;

Mini-dialogues (work in pairs);

Exercises to transform one form into another.

The proposed exercises are designed for communicative activities that develop fluency, as well as for practicing structures. Therefore, a teacher, preparing for a particular lesson, has an excellent opportunity to use exercises, combining them in such a way as to combine both of these goals, i.e. perform a language and communication task simultaneously. Actively using communication technology to express one’s opinion, evaluate events, present information, exchange personal experience or when organizing activities, students develop grammatical and speech skills.

For example:

1.Make sentences using a substitution table.

2.Make as many sentences as possible using the table.

3.Make sentences from the given words.

4. Open the brackets using the appropriate grammatical form.

5.Listen to the dialogue, reproduce it in pairs and make up a dialogue by analogy.

6. Answer the questions using the sample.

7.Make sentences from the words given in the breakdown.

    transformational (form the skills of combining, replacing, shortening or expanding given grammatical structures)

For example:

1.Translate the sentences into English.

2.Convert declarative sentences into negative, interrogative ones.

4.Convert the dialogue into a monologue.

5. Answer the question and ask the same to your classmate.

6. Guess what questions were posed in the following dialogues (answers are given).

7Make one sentence from two.

8.Choose the sentence in which the underlined word is an adverb (modal verb, etc.)

    reproductive exercises

1.Add, shorten, modify the dialogue containing grammatical phenomena to be reinforced.

2.Fill in the blanks with verbs in…..

3.Pose questions to the text.


1. I have been in London 4 years ago.

2. What present did you get for your birthday this year?

4. They haven't built the bridge yet.

5. Nick didn’t go to the village in summer.


1. I was in London four years ago.

2. What present have you got for your birthday this year?

3. He became a driver last month.

4. They haven't built the bridge yet

5. Nick didn't go to the village in summer.

6. Who brought you this book yesterday?

The class is divided into several groups, each of which receives cards - tasks. In pairs, they discuss options for correct sentences, write them down on a sheet of paper, then exchange sheets with another pair in their group, and at the end they give their sheets to experts (strong students), they correct errors and voice the option, we all analyze the errors together, writing down sentences On the desk.

When learning a foreign language, it is very important to be able to perceive foreign speech by ear, so in the lessons it is necessary to develop the ability to listen. In all classes, in almost every lesson, I use CDs to listen to texts. The advantage of this activity is that students hear not only the teacher’s voice, to which they become accustomed, but also various voices saying individual words, dialogues, texts, capture intonation.

The effectiveness of the experience.

The formation of students’ communicative competence helps develop cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, analyze received information, create new information based on it, and make the educational process creative, concise and focused, and students relaxed and active. Lessons and extracurricular activities indicate that students are capable of active cognitive activity in a foreign language, although the level of language proficiency of the majority of students remains weak, therefore the main factor and incentive in my work is the desire of students to be involved in activities in the lesson, activity, cognitive interest, an atmosphere of cooperation and the desire of students to learn the language.

Thus, we can talk about the effectiveness of using communicative exercises and tasks in the English lesson, since the development of communication skills in the lesson is one of the most important tasks in language teaching. As a result, students experience an emotional uplift, a positive attitude, and they gain confidence in their abilities.

As a result of the use of various teaching methods, it was possible to increase interest in learning a foreign language.


    Teacher to teacher. From the experience of teachers in the Belgorod region, 2006.

    Vitlin, J.L.The role and place of grammar in teaching foreign languages ​​/ Zh.L. Vitlin. - St. Petersburg, 1998.-136 p.

    Galskova, N.D. Modern technique teaching foreign languages ​​/ N.D. Galskova. – M.: ARKTI, 2000. – 165 p.

    Galskova, N.D., Gez N.I. Theory of teaching foreign languages: Linguodidactics and methodology / N.D. Galskova, N.I. Guez. – M.:ACADEMA, 2007. – 234 p.

    Golyshkina, I.V. Learning English by playing / I.V. Golyshkina.-Volgograd,-2008.-127p.

    Zimnyaya, I.A.Psychology of teaching foreign languages ​​at school / I.A.Winter. – M.: Education, 2004. – 384With.

    Klyueva, N.V. Educational psychology / N.V. Klyueva. – M.: Vlados press, 2006.-399 p.

    Educational standard of basic general education in a foreign language [Text]. – M.: 2008

    Passov, E.I. Communicative method of teaching a foreign language
    speaking / E.I.Pass. – M.: Education, 1991. – 223With.

    Savchenko,G.A.Development of communication skills in English lessons / G.A. Savchenko. - M.: Panorama Publishing House, 2006.- 62With.

    Skalkin, V.L. Situational exercises/ I.L.Skalkin. – M.: Knowledge, 2004. - 100 p.

    Tkacheva, E.L. Practical vocabulary and grammar in tests and exercises / E.L. Tkacheva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. - 223 p.

Application 1

Plan summary lesson:

Subject : " An apple a day keeps a doctor away"

(6th grade)

Lesson objectives:

Practical : practice the use of lexical units on the topic “Health” in students’ speech;

educational : develop speaking and listening skills; repeat the rules for forming affirmative and negative sentences; improving monologue speech skills, the ability to speak logically and coherently, productively, the ability to analyze and express one’s opinion, and describe current events;

developing : develop creative thinking; speech abilities, the ability to present logically, the ability to compare, analyze, imagine; develop students' language skills; develop skills to work in groups;

educational: teach students to take care of their health; fostering respect for the opinions of others and the ability to listen; fostering a negative attitude towards unhealthy habits.

Speech material:

Lexical - material learned in previous lessons.

Grammatical - modalVerbsmust, should; Present Perfect

(today, this month, this week...)

During the classes

1. Organizational moment .

The teacher conducts a conversation with the class attendant. Then he introduces students to the goals and objectives of the lesson and talks about the order of the lesson.

T: Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you. How are you? Sit down, please.

Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day of week is it today?

What season is it today? What is the weather like today? What’s do you think about today’s weather?

How often do you brush your teeth?
Do you go to the swimming pool?
How often do you wash your hands?
How often do you visit a dentist?
Do you like to visit doctors ?

2. Speech exercise

On chalkboard There is a British proverb about health:

"An Apple a Day Keeps a Doctor Away"

T: Read and translate this proverb.

P1: “Whoever eats an apple a day never sees a doctor.”

Then the teacher asks the question: “What Russian sayings about health do you know?”

T: What Russian proverbs about health do you know?

P1: Healthexpensivemoney. – (Health is better than wealth.)

P2: B healthybodyhealthyspirit. – (A sound mind in a sound body.)

P3: Smoking- healthharm. – (Smoking is dangerous for your health.)

3. Lesson Presentation .

Today we will talk to you about the healthy lifestyle of your peers in Britain and compare them with your opinion. What do we have to do,to be healthy and what not to do.

T: Today we’ll speak about your health. You’ll know what British children think about their health, and compare to your opinions. Do you know how to be healthy?

T.: When do people go to the doctor? Right. When they have some problems with their health. Now, have a look at some children. Say what problems they have and give them some pieces of advice.

Children, listen to the song and say: What problems does Ruth have?

Ruth has a toothache.

Ruth has a toothache. Teddy has a cold. Fred has a headache. Eddie's getting cold.

Sam has a stomachache. Frankie has the flu. Jack has a backache. Tony has one, too.

Ruth has a toothache. Teddy has a cold. Fred has a headache. Eddie's getting old.

Now, let us check up your home- task - dialogues, some conversations between friends:

-Hi, Kate! How are you, my dear?

-Hi, I'm fine, thank you! And you?

-Oh, I feel awful.

-What's the matter?

-I"ve got a backache.

-I'm sorry to hear that. You must consult the doctor.

-Kate, I don't like doctors and I think I can do without the doctor's advice. The doctor will say that you must stay in bed and take some medicine even if you"ve only got a headache.

-Ann, you are not right. When I feel ill, my parents always dial 999. The doctor comes and says what to do.

-I think you are right. That's a good idea.

4. Basic stage lesson .

1) Reading for complete comprehension of what is read .

T: Some British children think a lot about their health. Others don't.

Read the text and answer the questions.( Ex .1 p . 103)

Students read the text independently for 3 minutes. Then they answer the questions asked one by one.

T: Who thinks that doctors are always right? Why do you think so?

P1: Bob does. Because he says that a doctor knows what to advise.

T: Who thinks that he can be healthy without medicine?

P2: David does. He says that if you do exercises, eat healthy food, you’ll be strong and healthy without doctor.

T: Who thinks that sometimes you can do without a doctor?

P3: Steven does. He says that you should visit the doctor if you’ve broken leg or arm. You should call 999

2 ) Development skills monologue speeches .

T: Do you know how to be healthy?(Do you know how to be healthy?)

Students speak using a modal verb should / shouldn't t according to a speech pattern written on the board.

P: You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.


R1: You should do morning exercises every day.

P2: You should brush your teeth.

P3: You shouldn't watch TV much.

P4: You shouldn’t play a lot of computer games.

Then using a modal verb must / mustn t .

P1: You must consult the doctor.

P2: You mustn’t take medicine without the doctor’s advice.

P3: You must stay in bed.

P4: You mustn’t get out of the house.

3) Automation grammatical skills .

T: What have you done today to stay healthy?(What did you do today to be healthy?)

Pay attention to use Present Perfect Tense (Present perfect tense) when the action took place in an unexpired period of time (today, this week, this month).

T: What does Paul do to be fit?(What does Paul do to stay healthy?)

Reading and listening exercise 1 p.98 in order to extract specific information.

P1: Paul has visited swimming pool this month.

P2: Paul hasn’t played computer games this week.

P3: He has eaten healthy food today.

P1: I’ve visited the dentist this month.

P2: I’ve washed my hands and face, brushed my teeth today.

P3: I’ve played sport this week.

4) Role-playing game "Give good advice."

Role play “Give good advice”.

On the teacher's desk there are cards with the situations described. The teacher invites the students to break into pairs and take one of the cards. Students read the situation to themselves and then act it out after a little preparation.

Pupil Card 1 Pupil Card 2

Perhaps, she/he has got the flu. Ask about her/ his health, give advice. You think she/ he must consult the doctor and she/ he mustn’t use home medicine.

You have got a cold. You don't want to go to the doctor. You want to use some home medicine. You think you'll be OK soon. Give advice to your friend.

Pupil Card 1 Pupil Card 2

Your friend doesn’t look well today.

Perhaps, she/he has got the flu. Ask about her/ his health, give advice.

You have got a cold. You don't want to go to the doctor. You want to use some home medicine. You think you'll be OK soon.

5. Summing up results .

T: So, today we’ve spoken about our health. What should we do to be healthy? We've known what British children think about their health too.

I’m pleased with your work at the lesson today. Your marks are…. . Your homework is…. .

Thank you. The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Application 2


Goal: to learn to identify errors in sentences with predicates in Past Simple And Present Perfect

Time: 15 minutes.

Equipment: for each pair of students a sheet with sentences and a blank answer sheet.

Progress of the game:

Divide students into pairs. Each pair receives a sheet with sentences and a blank sheet for answers. As students read the sentences, they must determine whether there are errors in the sentences. On a blank sheet of paper, they must write down the correct option. At the end of the work, students determine whether they completed the task correctly using this key. The key can be posted on the board or prepared for each pair separately. The pair that makes the fewest mistakes wins.

Suggestions for sheets:

1. I am gone there last week .

2. What have you done yesterday evening?

3. Nick has broken my favorite cup.

4. Who won the game today?

5. We haven't seen this film.

6. My brother rang me up two days ago.

7. They had a good time on Sunday.

8. Who has told you this story?

9. Where did you spend last summer?

10. I didn't hear this song.


1. I went there last week.

2. What did you do yesterday evening?

3. Who has won the game today?

9. Where did you spend last summer?

10. I haven't heard this song.


Optimal group size: no restrictions

Goal: Learn or practice asking questions with D Oh and distinguish actions at the right time ( Present Progressive , Future , Simple Past , Present Perfect )

Required material: no

Description: This game can be called:

What am I doing?

What am I going to do?

What did I do?

What have I done?

The name depends on how long you will repeat and practice.

The present continuous : showing an action, the performer of this action asks: “ What am I doing ? " The one who answers the question correctly (for example, " You are walking ") either becomes the driver or earns a point for himself or his team.

The future tense : ( going to ) The presenter is preparing to perform some action by asking: “ What am I going to do ? " The correct answer could be " You re going to sit down ».

The simple past tense : Having completed any action, the presenter asks “ What did I do ? " The answer could be " You drank some water »

The present perfect tense: Having doneWhat- Thatleadingasks: “What have I done?” pointreceivesThat, Whowill giveanswer, For example, "You have written on the blackboard."

Application 3

Card 1

Expand brackets , using Verbs V Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. I already (to do) my homework. Now I can go for a walk.

2. He (to come) home a minute ago.

3. Nick (to play) football yesterday.

4. She already (to come) from school. Now she is doing her homework.

5. I (to read) this book last year.

6. I (to read) this book this year.

7. Your mother (to promise) to take you to the Zoo.

8. She is not at school today. She(to fall) ill. – When she (to fall) ill? - She (to fall) ill yesterday.

9. The doctor (to examine) the boy carefully last week.

10. The boys (to break) just the window.

Card 2

Expand brackets , using Verbs V Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. We already (to solve) this problem.

2. It (to be) very cold yesterday.

3. He (to come) a moment ago.

4. He just (to finish) this work.

5. The rain (to stop) but a cold wind is still blowing.

6. We (to have) a dictation yesterday.

7. She (to have) a toothache last week.

8. I (to see) never this film.

9. Look at this bird-house. Mike (to make) it himself. He (to make) it last Sunday.

10. The Vikings (to come) to England many years ago.

Appendix 4

Test in 7th grade on the topic “ How do you treat the Earth (Unit 4)

1. Fill in the blanks .

pr. te. t d. m. ge

n.t. re p .ll. tion

red..e re. se

d.s t.oy rec. cle

po ..ute sp .. l

2. Use is or are.

1) Animals... disturbed.

2) Water... polluted.

3) Birds...not fed.

4) Nature...damaged.

5) Trees... cut down.

6) Air... spoilt.

7) Litter...recycled.

3. Make the sentences Passive .

E.g.: People kill animals → Animals are killed by people.

1) Plants and factories pollute rivers and lakes.

2) Children break trees.

3) People throw litter everywhere.

4) Children damage plants.

5) Cars pollute the air.

4. Translate from Russian into English .

1) We are asked to feed the birds.

2) Children are asked to plant trees.

3) People are asked not to leave garbage in the forest.

4) We are asked to take care of nature.

5) Students are asked not to disturb the animals.

5. Make sentiments .

1) must, protect, we, nature

2) think, I, can, children, animals, help

3) is, it, important, the Earth, to save

4) be in charge, should, we, of the planet

5) healthy, people, keep, must, our planet

6. Read the text.

Famous people have their free time too. They spent it at home, at the seaside or traveling.

Danny and Kylie Minogue, pop singers from Australia, are both vegans – they don’t eat any animal product. “I’m very careful about rubbish,” says Kylie. She uses recycled writing paper and toilet paper. Members of the American pop group Kriss Kross are worried about air pollution. “The air in Europe is horrible,” they say. Jason Donovan, a pop singer from Australia, is a member of the Rainforest Foundation.

Right or wrong?

    The text is about pop singers.

2) They are from USA.

3) They eat animal products.

4) Pop singers are worried about pollution.

5) They help nature.

The most difficult, in my opinion, competitive event isself-presentation.It seems impossible to talk about your best qualities in 5 minutes.

How it was...

So guys, your creative homework- write an essay-reasoning on the topic “What (or how) I dream to see myself in the future.” Good luck!

The bell rings.

Hello! A moment - and I indulge in dreams... Probably every person has thought about what will happen tomorrow. And everyone wonders how his life will turn out... Life without a dream would be boring, colorless, joyless and simply useless! A dream is the wings of the soul... All ages are submissive to dreams. To live means to dream, love, create, act, win, appreciate, cherish, believe, feel and expect that dreams will come true!

1.(Charlie Chaplin) I I dream... to have some unusual talent... For example, the talent of transformation, to be artistic, inimitable, serious and slightly ironic, like... Charlie Chaplin ( takes a cane) is a versatile dreamer who has retained his childishness, spontaneity, smile, sense of humor and wisdom of thought.

2.(Queen) Like any woman, I dream of becoming a queen, of being a model and example in everything. And here is the symbol of royal power ( the cane turns into a scepter)… But you need to be born a queen or at least wait for the king’s son…( To love is like a queen, To conquer is like a million... First, a million of your smiles).

3.(Harry Potter) I also dream... to change the world, to make it happier and kinder. But for this I need a magic wand, like Harry Potter's! I, like the famous hero, dream of resisting evil, of committing scientific discoveries, I dream of being as inquisitive and intellectual... And I’m okay with logic: I admit, it was given to me at birth - feminine, iron, invincible.

4.(Santa Claus) Yes, while we are small, our dreams are small. We grow, and our desires, aspirations, goals grow with us...

My dream in the future is to travel around the world in one night ( hits with staff). Like Santa Claus... Santa takes me to the world of childhood, the world of fairy tales. His appearance is always long-awaited. He brings a holiday to people, he lights up colorful lights of life, joy and happiness on the fluffy Christmas tree and in our souls. ( New Year's music sounds, dances around the spruce).

5.(Sherlock Holmes) Santa Claus is surrounded by a mystery that only Sherlock Holmes can solve. I want to be like him. To be as multifaceted, observant, and fair. To be a subtle psychologist, a researcher at heart, like an expert on human psychology Sherlock Holmes, who sometimes liked to play on the strings of the human soul ( the staff turns into a bow, plays an imaginary violin). And just like Sherlock Holmes, eat oatmeal in the morning...

6.(Mary Poppins) be slim, beautiful, perfect, like Lady Perfection ( music sounds and an umbrella opens)… And as it only happens in a fairy tale, she appeared straight out of thin air, unlike anyone else, a beautiful sorceress nanny. She not only knows better than anyone how to cook, dress, sew, dance, raise children... She has no flaws and she is fabulously beautiful...

Children's dreams, you say. “But whoever has never been a child will never be an adult,” said Charlie Chaplin. So what will I write...

I dream of being... a teacher. Only a Teacher can and is capable of combining all these qualities. A teacher who has the power to make the world perfect!

Problem: Which technologies are likely to be the most successful? How can I, a teacher, teach a child to be not a unit of society, but an active component of it, able to live and work in society?

The goal of my pedagogical work was: the development of the student’s personality, his creativity, interest in learning, formation of the desire and ability to learn; mastering a system of knowledge, abilities and skills, experience in carrying out various types of activities; protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children; formation of communicative competence.

Objectives: to apply such methods and methods of work as to develop in students mobility and the ability to think independently, to teach them to reason and think; provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school, develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life; develop the psychological, personal, psychophysiological and psychosomatic spheres of the child’s personality, forming the ability to self-development and maintain health on their own.

The main idea of ​​my pedagogical concept is the mandatory creation of conditions for the development and self-development of not only communication skills, but also for the development of creative skills.

The purpose of schooling is new type personality with 5 competencies, a competency that realizes the desire to learn throughout life. tolerance information social communication

I try to make the educational research activities of students a constant practice, to involve students in the middle stage of education, to create projects in a foreign language not only for participation in competitions, but also within the framework of the lesson, which allows the formation of communicative, regulatory and cognitive educational systems. During my work in this direction, I have collected sets of student presentations in English based on the Power Point program. For example, in the 6th grade, children presented projects on regional studies topics “England”, “My pet”; in the 7th grade, projects on the topics “My Role Model”, “The Great Athlete of Russia”, 8th grade students defended projects on the topics: “My favorite book”. 5th grade students defended mini-projects on the topic “My Home”. In the process of defense, personal UUDs are also formed.

Classes using computer technology are very popular among schoolchildren. A variety of multimedia games promote expansion vocabulary, introduce you to English grammar, teach you to understand speech by ear, and write correctly. I began to master and implement TRIZ technology into my practice. TRIZ is the theory of solving inventive problems. Author - G. S. Altshuller. The main functions and areas of application of TRIZ: solving inventive problems of any complexity and focus; development of creative imagination and thinking; development of the qualities of a creative personality and the development of creative teams. I use the following techniques: “Riddle”, “Morphological analysis”, “Translators”.

As health-saving technologies in the classroom, I use various forms of relaxation and physical education. Types of relaxation can be various kinds of movements, games, singing, ophthalmic training, interest in something new and unusual.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the main goals of teaching foreign languages ​​at school is to develop the intellectual and creative abilities of students in the process of learning languages ​​and cultures. The training is aimed at introducing foreign songs, poems and fairy tales, the world of games and entertainment.

Joint creativity brings me closer to the children and that's great. In addition, theatrical activities are the shortest way to emotionally liberate a child, relieve tension, and teach feelings and artistic imagination.

Work as a school teacher and not be class teacher, it's like being an orphan. And I am very grateful to the school administration for giving me 4th grade. Now I am a “mother” of not only my two children, but also ten more children. We quickly found mutual language and began to gain school-wide authority, in this academic year our class team took 1st place in the school competitions “Snow Figures”, “Flower Festival”, 2nd place in the competitions “New Year Poster”, “Akiәt Ilenә”, and according to the results of the first half of the year - “The most active Timurov team”.

I created a website: http: //nsportal. ru/isyanbaevazilya-damirovna. Where I communicate, share my experience with colleagues across the country, improve my knowledge and methods in my work, and enrich my methodological repertoire. The site contains notes of lessons and events developed by me.

I also created a group in contact “English teachers of Burzyansky district”. Here we exchange experiences, solve problems that arise during learning, and discuss the intricacies of teaching English. Almost all the teachers joined the group. I have been working as a teacher for 4 years. And believe me, no matter what my mood is, it always improves when I walk into class and say: “Hello, how are you?” “And I hear in response: “Fine.” And how are you? “I answer: “Great!!!” And I really feel good when I see these eyes and smiles... I understand that I made the right choice. I am a happy teacher. I am a happy man.

I also realized that in order to understand a child, you must not sink, but rise to his level, you need to grow with him, learn to discover the world anew each time. This is the secret of the teacher’s work, the secret of his youth.
