Plan abstract for literary reading. Plan and summary of the lesson on literary reading. Checking homework

Plan - lesson summary

"Where the fighter realizes, there is the end for the enemy!"

innovation platform

socialization of schoolchildren.

Spent: primary school teacher

Usacheva Yulia Yurievna


Lesson type:

A lesson in discovering new knowledge.


1 . to introduce students to the work of L. N. Tolstoy "Shark";

2 . to teach expressive reading for a deeper and more subtle transmission of thoughts and feelings embedded by the author in the work;

3 . create conditions for improving the artistic and aesthetic activities of students through the analysis of a work of art;

4 . to form the ability to build inferences;

5 .nurture a culture of communication, universal values;

6 .to develop a recreative and creative imagination;

7 .education of love for the Motherland.

Formation of UUD:

Cognitive UUD : to form the ability to analyze, synthesize. Evaluate what has been read in order to prepare a retelling.

Communicative UUD : to form the ability to express one's thoughts in a value judgment, using various artistic means in accordance with a specific communicative speech situation, to build a monologue demonstrative statement.

Personal UUD: empathy as understanding the feelings of other people and empathy for them.

Regulatory UDD : to form the ability to accept the educational goal and task, to plan its implementation.

Basic concepts : The behavior and experiences of the protagonist, whose actions are determined by his feelings.

Equipment: textbook, multimedia projector (presentation, video file),portrait of L. N. Tolstoy, signal cards, cards - assistants, pictures for applications, an exhibition of books.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity : collective, individual, group.

During the classes:

I. Organizing time

- Good afternoon! I am very glad to see you at the lesson. Smile at each other, sit down.

Meeting with a book, what with a friend,

It's like a holiday for everyone

The book teaches children

All the wisdom of life

How to be human

And to be needed by the Fatherland.

Today in the lesson we will learn to think, reflect, reason, understand the meaning of what we heard and read, and also draw conclusions for ourselves.

1. Checking homework.

- With the work of which writer did we meet in the last lesson?

Let's check our homework.

- Tell us about the life and work of Leo Tolstoy according to the plan.

Plan :

1) Childhood of L. N. Tolstoy . (slide)

2) The life and work of the writer.(slide)

2. Motivational moment

Look at the desk. Read the words.

Yasnaya Polyana.
School for children.
How do these words relate to today's lesson?

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the work of one of the greatest classics of Russian literature - Leo Tolstoy. (The teacher hangs a portrait)

Let's go on a literary journey together to get acquainted with one of his works. The name of which you will learn by guessing the riddle.

Through binoculars I can see the evil

And report to the captain.

They all know very well

It's dangerous to play with her.

Teeth sharp as a knife

You better not touch her!


II. Learning new material

1 . Introduction to the topic. Setting the topic and objectives of the lesson .

Formulate the topic of the lesson? (slide)

- Indeed, today we will work with Leo Tolstoy's work. And what exactly will we do during the trip, determine with the help of reference phrases: (The reference phrases are written on the board, the children read the beginning, continue the phrase on their own) (slide)

Let's continue with the art...

- expand your knowledge about life ...

-We will continue to work on the development of readership ...

Be careful so that the course is correct, and we do not go astray, the whole team must work together and clearly along the entire route.

As an epigraph for today's lesson, I took the proverb: "Where a fighter understands, there is an end to the enemy!" (slide)

How do you understand its meaning?

Guys, who is a patriot? (He who loves his fatherland, is devoted to his people, is ready for sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of his Motherland.)

Can Tolstoy be called a patriot?

(- In his works, one could trace love for the Motherland, for its people, traditions, the desire to make his country even more beautiful.)

2. Exhibition of books by Tolstoy.

- Pay attention to the exhibition of books. Who is the author of these books? (L.N. Tolstoy)

What works did you read on your own? (children go out and show the book)

– What genres of works did Leo Tolstoy write?

(fables, were, stories)

people, children, nature. He also wrote fables

and were. He cares about human feelings, relationships.)

3. Preparation for the perception of the work.

In the lesson about the world around us, we talked about marine animals. What do you know about sharks?

(Slide)A student's story about a shark.

Shark is a terrible predator of the sea. These are very ancient fish. The shark fish is voracious and predatory. The mouth of a shark is lined with several rows of sharp teeth. The skin of many sharks is covered with scales with sharp spikes. Therefore, even a light touch of a shark swimming at a speed of 40 km / h inflicts serious wounds. But not all sharks are predators. Many feed on jellyfish, small fish. Sharks are aquatic animals belonging to the class of fish, to be more precise, to the class of cartilaginous fish, to which their closest relatives, rays, also belong. They should not be confused with mammals living in the seas and oceans - whales, dolphins, killer whales, seals and other aquatic mammals. Sharks are fish. It is worth clarifying here that all sharks are predatory fish. All sharks are carnivorous, whether their food is plankton or giant tortoises, regardless of size or habitat.

4. Assumption.

(Slide)Sailing on ships was long, for several months, various entertainments were invented on the ship, sometimes their inhabitants found themselves in the most incredible situations. What came out of it, we will find out today.

Try to guess what could be discussed in a work with such a title?

Is it possible to determine by the name whether it will be serious, comic, funny, instructive?

Whether your assumptions were confirmed, we will find out after listening to it.

III. Getting to know the text

1. Listening to the slide film "Shark" (slide)

2. Questions on the primary perception of the text.

Did you like the work? How?

Were you scared? When?

What episodes do you remember the most?

Who were you worried about?

To what literary genre do we attribute this work?

Name the characters in this story

3. Vocabulary and lexical work

(slide with words)

Look at the desk. Now you will work in pairs.

There are difficult words in the story. Find the meaning of these words in explanatory dictionaries.

    Artilleryman - artillery soldier

    Deck - a horizontal covering in the ship's hull

    Wick - a combustible cord for igniting charges

    Murmur - discontent expressed in a muffled form, in low voices

    Anchor-p vessel holding device, floating lighthouses, etc. as
    attached to a long chain of a metal rod with paws hooked on

4. Slow thoughtful repeated reading (along the chain)

We will now read the text again so that we can proceed to its analysis.

5. Physical minutes (swimming, vigilance)

We quickly went down to the sea,

Bent over and washed.

So nicely refreshed!

And now they swam together:

Together times, it's a brace.

One, the other, it's a crawl.

All as one, we swim like a dolphin.

They swam far and wide and returned to the lesson.

6. Putting questions to the work (to clarify the understanding of the text)

I suggest you answer the following problematic questions.

What feelings does this story evoke in the reader? (anxiety, anxiety, fear, despair, joy)

What are the most moving moments in the story?

Who is the main character of the story?

How did the artilleryman react to his son's amusements?

How does he behave in a moment of danger?

Why, when everyone was trying to save the boys, did the father of one of them stand by and do nothing? (he was shackled by fear and despair for the children, the boys were on the verge of death).

So, what feelings does he experience throughout the story?

(first joy, then anxiety, fear, then relief)

What qualities of the old gunner appeared in this story?







love for son

What could be the consequences of the shot?

Do you think it was easy for the father to make such a decision? (no, but when he realized that the children were on the verge of death, then strong fatherly feelings, courage, responsibility gave him confidence and determination)

Guys, we often talk about responsibility. How difficult it is sometimes to choose the right decision, on which a person's life may depend.

Why did Lev Nikolaevich write his work?

To show the selfless love of parents for children;

How his father's love helped him to act correctly at the decisive moment;

How the irresponsibility of the boys almost led to tragedy.

Who is the main character of the story? Why?

The artilleryman is a strong-willed, courageous man. He saves his son, shows resourcefulness in tragic moments.

In a moment of danger, courage and determination save. When children are on the verge of death, paternal feelings always help to act decisively, not to lose self-control.

Is there a need for such people in our time? (yes, because in our life there are very often situations in which it is required to show resourcefulness and determination, in which the courage and courage of individuals is of decisive importance in difficult extreme situations).

What then is the main idea of ​​the story? (in that character traits (decisiveness, resourcefulness, self-control) help a person in extreme situations).

7. Work on the plot of the work

Let's restore the sequence of events in the story again (on the card board)

What was first? What then?

Shark Appearance

Swimming in the sea

piercing screech

Rescue Boys

Cannon shooting

8. Checking work

Why do you think the story is called "The Shark"? (Because the plot of the story is based on her appearance

What are the plot elements?

Slide(plot elements)

The plot is the episode from which the development of the action begins.

The climax is the most important, tense moment in the work.

The denouement is the episode that completes the development of the action.

What is the plot of the plot (how did it all begin? (The boys swam in the open sea and someone shouted: “Shark!”)

How events developed further (Sailors on a boat sailed to save the boys, but the shark was close to the boys, they noticed it, squealed and swam in different directions, the gunner ran to the gun)

What moment was the most tense, culminating? (gun shot)

What is the denouement of the plot? (joyful cry)

IV. Final conversation. Creative work in groups.

So guys, never get lost in different situations. Always try to find the right solution, as the father of one of the boys did.

Our journey ended successfully. We return to our port class, animated, joyful that everything ended well.

And now I invite you to do creative work in groups. Collect an application for the story.

I am very glad that you did a great job with this task.

V. Summing up the lesson

Look at the desk. Read the proverb again to yourself. Why did I choose this proverb? (slide)

Who is the fighter in the story? Why?

And who is the enemy?

- It's time to sum it up:

-How do you feel about the act of the artilleryman?

What prompted him to do this act? (Love for son)

Every person in life has such moments when he does not know what to do, what to do next. If such a moment also comes in your life, I advise you to be brave, decisive, think over the situation well and make the right decision, as its main character did in the story.

VI. Homework. (slide)

To the whole class: expressive reading of the story.

Students' choice:

Think of a continuation of the story

draw illustration

Write a poem about a shark


How did this work touch, “melt” your hearts? Show me one of the proposed colors: yellow - cold (did not affect), green - warm (hit it to the quick), red - hot (made a strong impression).

(The quiet music of F. Liszt “Dreams of Love” sounds.)

On the board slide: girl with a candle .

Russian people have a tradition: everything good, bright will come true if you wish it while the candle is burning. (I light a candle)

Wish in your heart to the closest, dearest people what you would like to wish.

And I wish you:

Love your homeland

Become the best among wonderful people.

It was a pleasure for me to talk with you. Thank you for the lesson.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2, Shchigry, Kursk region"

Plan - lesson summary

for literary reading on the topic:

" Where a fighter realizes, there is an end to the enemy! "

(story by L.N. Tolstoy "Shark")

at an open session of the municipal

innovation platform

"Patriotic education as an aspect

socialization of schoolchildren.

Spent: primary school teacher

Usacheva Yulia Yurievna


Thing: literary readingThe date: 03/04/2016

Subject. A.L. Barto "Separation", "In the theater".

Target: introduce students toabout poemsA.L. Barto "Separation", "In the theatre",expand knowledge about the life and work of the poetess; develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, fantasy;develop the ability to express your opinion, prove, listen and hear the interlocutor; foster respect for opposing opinions, a sense of responsibilityfor your actions and words.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson form: travel (theater)

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, books with the works of A.L. Barto for the organization of the exhibition, color cards, tickets, programs.

Literature: Literative reading 3 cells. 2 hours L.F. Klimanov, V.G. Goretsky2nd ed. – Enlightenment, 2015. - 223 p.,

Lesson timing.

    Class organization.1 min.

    1. Introduction to the theatre. (Conversation)5 minutes.

    Speech workout.3 min.

    Checking homework.5 minutes.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.15 minutes.

    . 12min.

    Reflection.2 minutes.

    Outcome of the lesson (Assessment).1 min.

    Homework.1 min.


    Class organization. slide 1)

The cheerful bell rang

He invites everyone to class.

Come on kids, are you all ready?

We start right on time.

Let's all sit quietly.

Let's not break the silence.

Everyone is ready to listen

I'll start the lesson now.

- Hello guys. Smile to each other and wish good mood. Now sit down, let's start the lessonliteraryreading. If you listen carefully to me, you will learn a lot of interesting things today.

Guys, which of you guessed that our lesson today would be unusual? Where do you think we're going today? (To the theatre). How can we get to the theatre? (We need to purchase tickets). Today is a small gift for you. We are giving you tickets to our unforgettable Literary Evening. And read, to whom will our “Literary Evening” be dedicated? (That's right. A.L. Barto). Have you all taken your seats? We will mentally conduct a short excursion to the theater. In order to know what awaits us at the literary evening, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the program. Today we will be both in the role of actors and in the role of spectators. (Slide 2)

1. 2. Acquaintance with the theater. (Conversation)

Guys, have any of you been to the theatre?

Why do people go to the theatre? (Cultural development, recreation).

What theaters of our city do you know? (Dramatic, opera and ballet, puppetry).

- As they usually say, where does the theater begin? (from a hanger).

Spectators enter the hall and what do they do? (show tickets)

Then they take off their outer clothing and go into the auditorium. Find a row with the specified number and sit down.

How to pass by seated spectators? (facing them).

Where can the audience sit in the theatre? (in the stalls).

It is located at the stage level.

What other seats are there in the theatre? (behind the parterre, an amphitheater is placed on a raised platform, a balcony is located above it).

What is the name of the performance area? (scene).

What is the name of the curtains that open in front of the audience? (the curtain).

Are the side curtains called? (backstage).

Okay, let's talk a little about the theater.

2. Speech warm-up.

    1. A set of breathing exercises "Who and how?" (Slide)

In order to speak correctly, expressively and beautifully, each actor conducts a lot of rehearsals before going on stage. And now we will do a little warm-up for our articulatory apparatus. All our actions we will perform behind the scenes. Ready? I will show you breathing exercises, and you will repeat after me. So, along with me.

How do we laugh?

“Ha ha ha…”

How does air get out of the balloon? (inhale and exhale to the end)

"S - s - s ..."

Blow on a dandelion

"F - f - f ..."

2.2. Working on the shorthand. (Slide)

- Read on your ownpatter.

A blackbird gave a bunch of blueberries to a black daw.

The black jackdaw pecked blueberries, just imagine, it did not become blacker.

Did you like the phrase?

What sound is repeated? (Sound [h].)

Read slowly, quickly, expressively.

3. Checking homework.

And now you and I, like real actors, will perform on stage. Read poetry expressively. And who will tell me the name of the poet of these wonderful poems? (S.Ya. Marshak).

Tell me how are they similar?(talks about nature)

And now some guys will read these verses to us.

How do we evaluate the performance of actors on stage?

( Children appreciate each other's reading, applause ).

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

And so, our “Literary evening dedicated to A.L. Barto.

We welcome our presenters Fomina Polina and Khadzhinov Artyom with applause.

4.1. A story about the life and work of A.L. Barto (slide...)

Agnia Lvovna Barto was born in the family of a veterinarian Lev Nikolaevich Volov in 1906.

Agniya Barto did not like to remember her childhood. The family led a typical intellectual life for those times: primary education at home, French, formal dinners with pineapple for dessert.

Lev Nikolaevich, a fan of art, saw his daughter's future in ballet. Agnia was diligently engaged in dancing, but did not show much talent in this activity. The early manifested creative energy directed in another direction - poetic. She became interested in poetry following her school friends.

In 1925, nineteen-year-old Agniya Barto published her first book - "Chinese Wang Li".

During the Great Patriotic War, Agnia Lvovna's family settled in Sverdlovsk.She worked as a turner in a factory. In 1942 she went to the front as a front-line correspondent.

She returned to the capital Barto in 1944.

Agnia Lvovna dedicated many poems to her daughter Tatyana. And with the advent of her grandson Volodya, she wrote a number of poems: "Vovka is a kind soul."

A. Barto could often be seen among the guys. She visited schools, attended classes, met her readers in children's libraries. Often coming to performances, Agniya Barto suggested: "Dear children, I will read only the first line, and you yourself continue the rest." There was no case that the guys did not remember the poem.

A. Barto devoted her whole life to children's poetry and left us many wonderful poems.

4.2. book exhibition .

A.L. Barto wrote a lot. Her works are collected in collections and individual books.

What poems by A.L. Barto do you know? (children recite poems based on illustrations in books)

Oh kom and for whom does she write poetry? (children's answers)

4.3. Work on the poem "In the theater".

4.4. Text Prediction .

Now guys, let's look at the illustrations for the poem with. 113-115. What do you think the poetess could write about in it. (student answers).

Vocabulary work.

In the text of the work you will come across words, the meaning of which we will now clarify.

Thundered - suddenly and forcefully resounded; thundered.

Listen to A. Barto's poem. (The teacher readspoem.)

Have you correctly guessed what this poem will be about?

    1. Analysis of the poem.

Each actor, before playing on stage, rehearses his role for a long time and diligently. In order for him to succeed, he must live this role, be imbued with it (realize, understand). So now we will analyze our poem with you in order to read it with the correct intonation, expressively.

Find the lines that speak of great desiredevochki get into the theater.

Read about what the girls saw in the theatre.

    What happened to one of the girls? Read about it.

    Read how they looked for the number.

    Do you think Barto condemns girls or with a kind smiledoes it tell them something?

    Is this poem funny, mocking or sad?


    1. Expressive reading of the poem by students.

Physical education (intermission)

(Intermission - between actions ).

4.7. Game "Pantomimes"

We transform into actors. I need 3 participants to participate in this skit. One author and 2 actors who will show the actions on the stage without words. Do we all remember the rules of conduct in the theater? And so we begin.

(One of the students will read a poem, and two students will show (perform actions). (Pantomime-a type of stage art in which the main means of creating an artistic image is the plasticity of the human body, without the use of words).

5. Comprehension, generalization and systematization of knowledge .

5.1. Work on the poem "Separation" .

Guys, today we will meet and analyze one morepoemA. Barto.

- What does the word separation mean to you? (Statementsniya children, interpretation in the dictionary. (Separation -life away from loved ones.)

- Have you ever stayed at home without your mother, but not for a few minutes or hours, but for several days or weeks?

- Was it easy to get over the separation from your mother?

- It was just as difficult for the hero of Agnia Lvovna's poem to be without a mother. About this - the poem "Separation".

- Open your textbooks to page 112 and look at the illustrations for the poem. Who will be the hero of the poem? What can you tell about this boy?

1) Vocabulary work.

In the text of the work you will come across words, the meaning of which we will now clarify. These words are on the screen.

    Children, read the first word.

    Gamma How do you understand the meaning of this word?

(Gamma is a sequence of musical sounds arranged in ascending or descending directions).

    Children read the second word.

    Business trip How do you understand the meaning of this word? (An official assignment related to going somewhere).

What isPryluky ? (city) That's right, this is a city that is located in Ukraine in the Chernihiv region.

- Let's tolerate a little - a little, a little - a little.

2) Work on the text of the poem.

Now I will read a poem. Do you watch, listen and then tell me if you sympathize with the boy?

The teacher expressively reads the poem.

    Did you like the poem?

    What mood did the poem evoke in you?(Sad, sad.)

    Do you sympathize with the boy?


And now we read in parts so that you remember it well. (7 people)

3) Text analysis

1) On behalf of whom is the poem written?

2) Read the first quatrain to yourself and say what did the boy do for his mother?

Read the second quatrain, what was the boy doing?

Read the third passage and say what else did the boy do for his mother?

Guys, you named 6 things that the boy did for his mother.

Look at the first picture. What is shown on it?

(The boy eats carrots, but he doesn’t just eat them, he eats vegetables and fruits that his mother gives, and fruits contain vitamins that are necessary for the growth and health of children. These are carrots, beets, apples).

Now let's look at the second picture, what does it show? Find the answer to this question in the text. Correctly.

Now let's look at the third picture, what does it show?

All that we have listed is when mom was at home.

3) Where is mom now? Read.

4) Has the boy's life changed since his mother's departure? (put aside the gamma)

How else? (looks at TV)

Guys. He sat at the TV for as long as he wanted, and this is bad for his eyesight. You need to watch TV at a certain time and watch children's shows.

What did he see on TV? (There they have one actress walking in her mother's comb)

What does Agniya Barto mean by these lines?

Look at the last picture. What is shown on it?

Look at their mood. They are sad, bored without their mother.

Read the poem to the end in chorus.

1) What is the boy doing?

2) Does the boy do it out of habit or out of boredom?

Discuss with the children that his mother taught him to do this, that everything needs to be done correctly, well and in good faith.

- Find verbs. Read the poem, highlighting them with your voice.

5.2. Composing a syncwine . (slide)

(Card - help me to compose a syncwine )

    Key word: Separation

    Two adjectives (what?)

    Three verbs (what does?)

    One sentence of 4 words (quote, proverb)

    Word, phrase associated with the 1st,synonym, expressioncherishing the personal attitude of the writer)

For example:

1. Separation

2. Long, exhausting

3. Burns, disturbs, torments

4. "Do not part with your loved ones!" (In separation, you love hot.)

5. Infinity (Parting with loved ones.)

5.3. Creative work.

Guys, how can we work on the text so that our mood and the mood of the hero improve? ( Think of a different ending for the poem)

Try to finish the poem in your own way (the children's statement is optional).


Guys, this is the end of our tour of the theater.

- What did you do in class today? (read, think, compose, analyze)

Blue - it was difficult, weltaya - it was nice to work, I managed to do a lot,

helena - knew the answers to all questions.

    Summary of the lesson.

So, guys, let's sum up our trip. What writer, poetess were we talking about? What new interesting things have you learned? What poems have you studied? What else do you wantremembered? Did you like the lesson? Have you reacheds goals?Show your mood.

8. Homework.

Prepare vypinspiring poetry reading pp. 112-115.

Bolshakova E.S.

Teacher DGIT No. 61

The editors of the site are not responsible for the content of the article in this section.

Lesson plan for literary reading in grade 1 “Sounds [g], [g ’], letters G, d, sounds [d], [d ’], letters D, d. The difference is a word - a syllable. Calls"

2013 Lesson according to L.V. Zankov.

Target: to acquaint with the sounds and letters that denote them, to learn to distinguish a syllable from a word.


1. Learn to distinguish a syllable from a word.
2. Acquaintance with incantations - a genre of Russian folk art.
3. Develop speech, thinking, memory, attention.
4. Instill a love of reading.


Computer, screen, projector.
. Nechaeva N.V., Belorusets K.S. ABC: literacy textbook for grade 1.
. Nechaeva N.V., Belorusets K.S. I am reading. Notebook for reading to the "ABC" No. 2.

1. Work on the topic.

1) Acquaintance with the sounds [g], [g ’] and the letters G, g.

Today we continue our tour of the zoo. (slide 2)

Mystery.He walks solemnly across the meadow, Comes out of the water dry, Wears red shoes, Gives soft duvet covers.(goose)

How does a goose cackle? (ha-ha-ha)

Name the first sound in catches. What is he?

To the goose looked into the aviary - a hippopotamus. Why? After all, we met him in an aviary with the letter b? (slide 3)
- How are the sounds [g] and [g '] similar?
- Acquaintance with the letter. (slide 4)
- Name the words in which there are sounds [g] and [g '].
What does the letter g look like? (slide 5-6)

The letter "G" is beautiful!

This is "B" - no belly.

Reading syllables and words (slide 7)

ha mountain
th head
Gu Galina
gi a lot
gee mushrooms

Reading words, division into syllables, stress.
How is a syllable different from a word? What word is missing?
Printing 2 columns in a notebook. Which word can be misspelled?


Swing, spin around
Stretch, straighten up
Sit down, sit down
Walk, walk.
Stand on the toe, on the heel,
Jump on a squat
Take a deep breath now
Sit up straight, don't make noise.
Put everything in order.

2) Acquaintance with the sounds [d] and [d '], the letters D, d.

Traveling around the zoo with us ... (slide 8)

Mystery. The hedgehog grew 10 times, it turned out ... (porcupine)

And who settled with the porcupine?

Mystery. In the forest, under the chirping and whistling, the forest telegraph operator knocks: “Great, thrush-buddy!” And signs...(woodpecker) (slide 9)

What do the words porcupine and woodpecker have in common? What is this sound?

To whom did the woodpecker send a telegram? What is 1 sound? How are the sounds [d] and [d "] similar? How are they different? (slide 10)

Introduction to letters. (slide 11)

Name words that contain these sounds.

Reading syllables and words. (slide 12)

before the house
yes smoke
dy oak
doo dog
di year

Complete syllables to words. How are the words in columns 2 similar? What word is missing?

2. Fixing.

Working with the textbook 44

1) Acquaintance with invocations. (slides 13-15)
We learn the first call in the lesson.
Underline the letters G, d, D, d in the invocations.

2) Work with schemes. Coloring schemes for the words geese, mushroom, sofa.

3) Underline the words, complete the syllables to the words:

Smoke road gu goal in you was zhu lived winter

3. Bottom line. (slide 16)

What new did you learn in the lesson?


Name: Balandinskaya Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Place of employment: municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 21", Engels, Saratov region.

Position: Primary school teacher.

Subject: literary reading

Textbook: L. A. Efrosinina

Lesson topic: "E. Perm. Kite".

Type of lesson: lesson "discovery of the new"

The purpose of the lesson: to create conditions for students to understand and comprehend new information.



- ideas about literary genres;


- develop speech (the ability to formulate one's thoughts orally), thinking (to establish analogies; generalize and classify according to signs);

- develop the ability to plan their activities, correlate the work done in the lesson with an earlier plan, evaluate the results of activities;


- to cultivate accuracy;

- to form the ability to work in pairs, listen and understand the speech of others, jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication.

Teaching methods: system-activity method, problem-based learning method (solving a problem situation), ICT.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity of students: frontal, steam room, individual.

Necessary technical equipment (learning aids): textbooks, workbooks, computer, projector.

Structure and course of the lesson:

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

Self-determination to activity.

- Good morning and have a nice day!

We will start our lesson with a smile.

What lesson are you ready for?

What do we do in these lessons?

Children smile at each other.

- Literary reading.

We read, answer questions, analyze.

Regulatory (ability to predict future work)

Personal (motivation for purposeful cognitive activity)

Knowledge update. Fixing difficulties in activities.

The task is to compare the title of the work and the author.

Children need to find an extra work.

In what section did we read these stories?

Why is it called this section?

What should be the new work if it is in the same section?

What do you have to do to find out what the piece teaches?

Good horse - Plyatskovsky

On the rink - Oseeva

About who Vovka studies for - Golyavkin

- "Learning the mind"

The name remains "Kite"


Activity planning.

Cognitive (the ability to extract information from diagrams, present in the form of a diagram)

Statement of the educational task.

Information about the creation of Permyak.

Try to predict from the title what this text is about.

What is a snake made of?


Children's statements.


Regulatory (the ability to evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task, plan activities)

Building a project for getting out of difficulties (“discovery”).

Dictionary work (words are highlighted in the text, a dictionary is below).

Hard-to-read words (underlined).

Reading by the teacher. I will read the text, your task is to remember the information about the snake.

What is the text about?

What did you learn about the kite?

Work in a notebook.

In what weather are kites launched?

Bast, shingles.

Lacked, flutters.

What a snake is made of.

Record materials.

With a light breeze.

Cognitive (the ability to navigate in a textbook, the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects and actions with them)

Reading by children. Your task is to determine the genre, the main idea, remember the heroes of the work.

What is the genre of the work? (prove)

Who are the main characters? (models)

Cover model.

What is the main idea of ​​the story?


Boys. Children.

Release versions. Fixation.

(this work teaches to be:



Communication (the ability to listen and understand others, work in pairs)

Teacher distinguishes semantic version from features heroes.

Available materials for boys. On the slide in the course of the children's answers.

Illustration work.

What do you think the name of the first boy is?

- Find proof in the text.

Who is in the center? Prove it.

What is the name of the third boy?

Prove the put forward versions.

Filling in the table in notebooks.

(work in pairs)

Heroes are defined.

Cognitive (the ability to identify the essence, features of objects)

Cognitive (ability to navigate in a textbook)

Regulatory (the ability to make assumptions based on textbook material)

Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

Whose version is not confirmed?

Has your version changed? How?

Who hasn't changed? Why? Prove it.

What were the boys supposed to do? SLIDE (all together)

What is the main idea?

Work with proverbs: choose the right one for the text.

What situations can you think of when something like this happened to you?

How would you continue the story?

Fixation (minus-plus).


Work in pairs. Prove choice.

Children's stories.

Work in pairs.

Communication skills (ability to work in pairs)

Reflection of activity.

What have we done to learn what the story teaches?

It was interesting to me…

I can…

I was having a hard time...

I liked the work ... (classmate)

Self-esteem. success lines.

The assumptions were made

analyzed the text: singled out the main characters, determined the nature of their relationship, filled in the table.

If the original version was correct - green chip, if wrong - red.

Regulatory (the ability to exercise reflection), personal (the ability to express their emotions)

Outline of a lesson on literary reading in grade 2

The lesson plan for literary reading in grade 2 was created to help teachers working in primary grades. The lesson is designed in such a way as to bring up moral qualities in children by a good example: a sense of responsibility, sincerity, kindness and trust. It is possible to use various types of work with text (reading along the chain, using the technique "I will start, you continue"
Author: Pilimon Ekaterina Andreevna, primary school teacher of the state educational institution "Secondary School No. 40 in Vitebsk"
Subject: L.N. Tolstoy "Bone"
1. to acquaint students with the work of L.N. Tolstoy and his biography;
2. improve reading skills, its correctness, fluency, awareness;
3. to cultivate strong-willed qualities, to promote the development of a good attitude towards people, to cultivate a sense of friendship, empathy.
Portrait of L.N. Tolstoy, illustrations of the covers of his books, words with proverbs (printed on sheets), images of a sad and cheerful sun, rays (for reflection)
During the classes:
1. Organizational moment.
- Hello guys! Let's get ready for work, smile at ourselves and our neighbor and wish each other successful work!
2. Checking homework.
What piece did you learn in the last lesson?
- Who is its author?
- Correctly. Who will expressively read the poem to us? (a survey of several guys + reading analysis)
- And how did you imagine the boy Vitya? Who wants to describe it?
3. Reporting the topic and setting learning objectives.
- Today in our lesson we will get acquainted with a non-fictional story called "Bone". This story is about a boy who first blushed, then turned pale, and about his act. We will find out why this happened. And, of course, we will get acquainted with the author of this work.
4. Curriculum vitae.
- Guys, you probably already know the name of Leo Tolstoy?
- Do any of you know who this writer is? (answer)
- That's right, Leo Tolstoy lived a long time ago, back in the days of your great-great-grandmothers, almost 200 years ago. He was born in the estate of Yasnaya Polyana into a large noble family. He was the fourth child. When the boy was 2 years old, his mother died. My father also died early. The children were raised by a distant relative.
All his life, and Tolstoy lived 82 years, he devoted to literature. He loved to study and independently studied history and medicine, studied music, drawing. L. Nikolaevich opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana and taught them himself. He began working on the "ABC", he wrote more than 100 new fairy tales and stories, including "Three Bears", "Hedgehog and Hare", "Bone", "Philippok", etc.
His works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.
5. Preparation for the initial perception
a). The form of organization is the introductory word of the teacher with elements of a conversation.
- Guys, do you know when and from what people blush and turn pale? (answer)
- Has this happened to you? (answer)
b). Vocabulary work.
Now let's start reading the story. Open your textbooks to page 112.
- There are unfamiliar words in the text, which we will now explain by referring to the dictionary (written on the board, read by 1 student):
Upper room - a room or a clean half of a peasant's hut
6. Primary perception and analysis of primary perception.
a). Method of organization - reading by the teacher
So, get ready to listen carefully to the story. Try to answer the question: “Is the plot of the story invented by the writer, or could it actually be?”
(teacher reads)
- Let's get some rest now. Get up, get out of the desk.

Pinocchio stretched:
Once bent over, twice bent over.
Raised hands to the sides -
Apparently the key was not found.
To find the key
You need to get on your toes!
- Sit down, let's continue our lesson.
b). Conversation to test primary perception:
- So, do you think the plot of the story is fictional or could it really be so? (answer)
- Why do you think so, prove (answer)
- Indeed, after all, Tolstoy wrote his stories only about what really happened. And he did not invent anything, like our case with Vanya.
- Think, if our story is not fiction, then what genre of literature can it be attributed to? (true)
- Well done! Tell me, please, what characters of the story do you remember? (answer)
- Who is the main character? Why? (answer)
- Can we say that the main character is a plum? Prove (answer)
7. Preparing for Rereading
- Guys, now you will read the text on your own, but before that, let's prepare.
- Pay attention to the board. On it you see tongue twisters (they are written on the board). Read. (read by 2 students at a normal pace):
A ripe plum is sweet, filled with sweet juice;
I paint the roofs red with red paint.
- Now try to pronounce them with different intonations (surprise, get scared, whisper)
- Well done!
8. Repeated reading and analysis of the work.
a). Type of reading - in paragraphs

b). Reading conversation:
Why did Vanya blush like cancer at dinner? Explain.
- At what point did Vanya turn pale? Why? Read out.
- Why did the boy eat the plum? How is this described in the story?
- How long has Vanya been preparing to eat a plum? Read, think, with what intonation should these lines be read?
- Did he have time to enjoy the taste of plums? Read out. With what intonation shall we read these lines?
- What do you think, did the father guess who took the plum?
- Let's characterize the father. What he was (written on the board, you need to connect):
- Read what the father said to other children?
- So why did Vanya cry?
How else could this story end?
in). Other types of work (planning):
- Well done boys! Did you like the story? At home you have to retell it to make it easier, let's try to make a plan (recorded during the discussion):
- So, how do you think, how many parts can the story be divided into? (for 4)
- That's right, we divide our story into 4 parts.
- What does the first one say? (that Vanya never ate plums and kept looking at them)
- How shall we name it? (Vanya looks at plums)
- What is the second part about? (about the fact that Vanya could not resist and ate a plum, and lied to his father)
- How shall we name it? (Who ate the plum?)
What is the third part about? (about what the father said about the missing plum)
- How shall we name it? (Father's words)
- What do we learn from the fourth part? (the fact that Vanya was very scared and cried)
- How shall we name it? (everyone laughed, and Vanya cried)
- Well done! What a detailed plan we have!
9. Final conversation.
- Guys, here we are reading the story. Think, so what did the boy do wrong?
- What feelings does it evoke in you? Do you laugh at him or do you feel sorry for him?
- How do you feel about his behavior?
What did the author of the story want to teach us? (be patient, have willpower, be honest)
- Pay attention to the blackboard (words from proverbs are written randomly on it, you need to restore the word order. Wrong ones are written, and the correct version is set from the printed words). Proverbs are written here, but the trouble is, while I was preparing for the lesson, the breeze blew and mixed up all the words. Let's try to make them right:
Always, obvious, secret, becomes;
Better than the truth, sweet, bitter, lies.
- How do you understand their meaning?
- How else could we call our story, using a proverb?
10. Creative activity in the wake of what has been read.
- Try to imagine yourself in the place of your father and read his words with the appropriate intonation (several students read).
11. The results of the lesson.
What story are we talking about today?
- Who is its author?
What genre of literature does it belong to?
12. Reflection.
- Well done boys! You all did a good job today, I'm happy with you. Let's evaluate our lesson (open the board, on it are images of two suns - sad and cheerful)
- The one who liked him, let him attach his ray to the cheerful sun
- Well, the one who was bored, let him give his ray to the sad sun.
13. D/Z
- Your home. ass There will be a retelling of the story we read. The lesson is over.
