Kuban in the Great Patriotic War. Krasnodar region during the Great Patriotic War of World War II in the Kuban interesting facts

If it weren’t for you, what would have happened to Russia...

Student essay

10 “B” gymnasium class

Tonkikh Anton

Belorechensk - 2000

War in Kuban

No matter how great geniuses, leaders, heroes are, their mother is higher: they are just her children.

In the close, dear features of our mothers we see the image of the motherland.

Under her gaze we are always and everywhere.

Every business we do is her business.

Each of our songs contains her joy.

In every tear of ours there is her grief.

In every feat of ours there is her feat.

How big her heart must be

To contain all the joy and all the sorrow of the world.

Have you ever asked yourself the question: what is your homeland? Maybe the Motherland is the place where you were born? Or is the Motherland the country where you live? The homeland is the history of your people, with which the history of your family is connected. The homeland gives a person roots, language, education, worldview. Can those feelings that rise in the soul of a person who sets foot on his native land after a long separation from it be explained? Any trials that befall the Motherland are tests of the patriotism of the entire people and the individual.

War is a terrible test in which the strength of love for the Motherland is tested. People stand up to defend the Fatherland, giving their lives for it and for the future of their children.

One thousand nine hundred and forty-one. Millions rose up against the fascist invaders Soviet people: men, women, old people, children. For each of them, the defense of the Motherland was a common cause: it is no coincidence that this war is called the Patriotic War... At the same time, people fought not so much for their lives, but for the continuation of the life of their country, for its independence and freedom... Before the Great Patriotic War in the city of Maykop on Krasnooktyabrskaya Street lived the Popov family, a very ordinary family. But then war broke out. The father went to the front, and the mother and son Zhenya were left alone. On August 9, one thousand nine hundred and forty-two, the Nazis captured Maykop. From the very first days they began to rob, destroy and exterminate local residents. Communication with partisans was especially harshly punished. More than once in the city the telephone connection connecting the Gestapo with the airfield and the Belorechensk railway station was disrupted. On October nineteen, nineteen forty-two, Zhenya Popov once again left home. Here are the reels of wires. Zhenya took out the wire cutters, cut the wires with difficulty, and stood up satisfied. But he didn’t have time to take cover. A German patrol discovered him. The boy was captured. He was kept in the Gestapo for a month, trying to get Zhenya to talk about his connections with the partisans. On one of the cold January days of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the mother saw her son for the last time, when he was led to execution. Zhenya was shot on his birthday, January seventeenth, nineteen forty-three.

It is no coincidence that this war is called the Great - all the states of the world were drawn into it, but it was the Soviet Union, the Soviet people, who won the victory over fascism...

In Kuban, hostilities lasted for one year. It would seem that only one year, which in our modern life flies by unnoticed, imperceptibly, but this was not the case for the residents of Kuban at that difficult time.

At the end of June one thousand nine hundred and forty-two, the Nazis launched an attack on the Volga and the North Caucasus. By the beginning of September, they managed to capture most of the Krasnodar Territory, with the exception of the regions of Sochi, Gelendzhik and Tuapse. The occupiers believed that they would be able to colonize without much difficulty rich in resources Kuban. They tried to establish their own order in this territory, hoping for help from the local population. The Kuban people heroically resisted the invaders. During the months of occupation on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, the Nazis shot, hanged, suffocated with poisonous gases in gas vans and tortured more than sixty-one thousand Soviet citizens in Gestapo dungeons. After the liberation of Krasnodar in February 1943, more than seven thousand of its residents were found poisoned by carbon monoxide on the northern outskirts of the city, among whom were eighty-five infants.

In an effort to break through to the Maikop oil region, the Germans rushed to this direction enormous forces. By August fifteenth, nineteen forty-two, the entire Belorechensky district was occupied by enemy troops. The Nazis ruled the village for only six months, causing irreparable damage: all enterprises, large buildings, the railway bridge and schools were destroyed. But the hour of retribution was approaching, and on January thirty-first, nineteen forty-three, Soviet troops entered Belorechenskaya. During the occupation, the Nazis shot two hundred and seventy-three people.

Ten thousand Belorechensk residents fought bravely on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War; seven thousand six hundred and ninety-six of them did not return home from the battlefields. Their names are listed in the second volume of the regional Book of Memory.

Retreating, the invaders turned Armavir and Novorossiysk into ruins. Enormous destruction was caused in Krasnodar, Yeisk, and Maikop. The beautiful, green gardens of the Kuban villages were devastated. The damage caused by the Nazis to the national economy amounted to more than fifteen billion rubles (in pre-war prices).

In the summer of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the enemy held the Taman Peninsula, and the workers of the Kuban reached for weapons - the enemy stood at the gates and interfered with their peaceful work. Civilians submitted applications to the military registration and enlistment offices with a request to send them to the front. It was then that the Plastun division of the Kuban Cossacks was formed. Village residents came in platoons, hundreds: Gulkevichi residents, Baturin residents, Plastunovites, Kurganin residents. Workers, collective farmers, youth and experienced war veterans came to the assembly points - living witnesses and keepers of Plastun traditions. In the autumn of nineteen forty-three, the formation of the Plastun division was completed.

The Plastun regiments lined up in solemn rows on a wide field. The command sounded. The shelves lined up and froze. Chairman of the regional executive committee Tyulyaev read the “Order”: “Native sons of the free Kuban! Today you have the good fortune to unfurl the centuries-famous banners of the Plastuns and, with honor, dignity, courage and fearlessness, according to the ancient Cossack behests of your grandfathers and great-grandfathers, carry them through new battles.

Seeing you off into battle, your mothers, wives, fathers and brides, sisters and children bless you for feats of arms for the glory of the Fatherland and give their order: beat mercilessly, beat the filthy fascist robbers like the Cossacks, take revenge on them for the blood shed, for the tears and grief of our people, for the senile wrinkles on the faces of our children tortured in fascist captivity.”

The reading of the “Instruction” is over. A solemn, elastic silence settled on the field. Everyone standing in the ranks listened at that moment to the beating of his heart and mentally said: “I swear to you, dear Kuban, not to disgrace the Russian land, the honor of my fathers and grandfathers.”

The Plastun division carried its military banner from the Kuban to the banks of the Elbe.

Year two thousand. Sixty years have passed since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and 55 years since Victory Day! Yes, the war died down long ago. Where there were battles, grain is growing, gardens are blooming, cities, factories and factories are growing. People work and rest, children play. All these benefits were obtained in a difficult struggle, obtained at too great a price, which cannot be expressed in numbers.

We remember the war

Having tested all the feelings with time:

And the bitterness of the very first days, and the glory of military art.

The trail will not be overgrown on the field

To the soldiers' front graves,

We remember those who are not there

We haven't forgotten about the heroes.

Where does the memory of war last?

And the poems are unfinished...

Scattered the inhabitants of Kuban who participated in the Second World War:

The names of Belorechensk residents who distinguished themselves in battles against the enemy can be found in many cities of the country and abroad. In Ukraine in Dnepro-Dzerzhinsk there is a street named after the Guard Major Anishchenko, in Germany in the village of Manshnov high school bears the name of Titov, who was awarded three orders of Glory and died a few days before the victory.

Unfortunately, fewer and fewer participants in the Great Patriotic War come to meet each other on May 9. Our generation knows about the horrors of war only from films, books and the stories of our grandparents.

The victory over German fascism is one of the most striking heroic chapters in the annals of our Fatherland. The time will come, when humanity rejects war, but it will forever honor in the memory of those who defended the independence of their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. Glorious sons of Kuban! They fought with honor and glory on the fronts - in Odessa and Sevastopol, in Leningrad and Brest, in Stalingrad and near Moscow. Kuban is proud that more than three hundred and twenty of its own sons and daughters became Heroes in those terrible years Soviet Union, tens of thousands of Kuban residents were awarded orders and medals.

We will not grieve in memories,

Why cloud the clarity of days with sadness?

Mine good age we lived like people -





Completed by a student of grade 8 “A”

Terekhova Anastasia

Krasnodar city

Introduction. Memory and truth are the basis of the inextricable connection of times.................................................... ........................................................ ...........................3

Chapter I. The worthy contribution of the Kuban warriors to the victory over Nazi Germany.......................................................................................................... 6-17

1.1 Kuban people in the battles for the Motherland, in the battle for Moscow.................................................. .......6

1.2 Sons of Kuban in the battle for the Caucasus.................................................... ............................9

1.3 Occupation of the region by the Nazi invaders - pages of its history.................................................... ........................................................ ....................10

1.4 Kuban during the period of liberation from fascist occupation....................................13

Chapter II. The role of the Kuban Cossacks in the liberation of the USSR and Eastern European countries.................................................... ........................................................ .........................18

Conclusion. The feat of the fallen and the living is immortal....................................................23

Literature................................................. ........................................................ .........24

Dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War



Memory and truth are the basis of the inextricable connection of times.

The salvos of the war of 1941–1945 have long died down. The peoples of our country live under a peaceful sky, build and decorate their cities and villages, grow grain, and raise children. There are almost no visible war wounds left anywhere. But in the memory and hearts of people they are preserved, they still bleed, they make them suffer.

And let the events of the Great Patriotic War recede further into the past, but they do not become history. The theme of war is relevant at any time. Therefore the choice is mine military theme the abstract is not accidental. Why? After all, I did not see the war, did not experience its horrors. I am a child of peacetime.

Yes, because, firstly, we must not forget about this. This would be a crime against the future. Remembering the war, the heroism and courage of those who passed through it, and fighting for peace is the duty of everyone living on Earth.

Secondly, on this terrible war Two of my great-grandfathers went missing.

Thirdly, when I was selecting materials for the essay, I thought about a lot, looked from the outside at my own life and realized that it is in war that the establishment of those moral norms occurs, without which there is no “peaceful life.”

Therefore, I consider it an honorable task to write about people who fought for their Motherland, for peace, for my happy childhood.

It is necessary to write about this: we have no right to allow the grass of oblivion to grow over the graves of those who endured the incredible hardships of the war, who died a brave death for our Motherland. They completed it honestly and completely

their duty to the Fatherland and deserve to have the grateful memory of their feat live forever.

Memory and truth are the basis of the inextricable connection of times. Today, much in the history of the Great Patriotic War is seen and thought differently. We speak honestly, frankly and, most importantly, with evidence about our successes and failures, victories and defeats, mistakes and miscalculations. But this in no way detracts from the glory of those who, at the cost of their lives, defended our land and people from fascist enslavement.

The names of those who were the first to rise to the attack, covered the embrasures of enemy bunkers with their chests, went on air rams, threw grenades under enemy tanks, and smashed the hated invaders in dashing cavalry attacks will not fade on the tablets of the history of our Fatherland.

The war must not be forgotten. At least for the sake of the memory of those who, at the cost of severe suffering, torment and even own life gave us today.

Yes, we got Victory at a terrible price. The lives of 27 million dead compatriots were laid on her altar.

During the war, the Nazis killed and tortured over six million military personnel on the territory of the Soviet Union. Over four million of our compatriots were deported to Germany. Big number they died in Nazi concentration camps in Poland, Germany, Austria...

The memory of those who died, tortured, poisoned, burned in crematoria, strangled in gas chambers, died of hunger and cold is sacred and inviolable!

We, descendants, must never forget about the great and sacrificial impulse of our grandfathers, fathers, and mothers. Only the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.” More than 16 million people were awarded. Almost 13 million people were awarded for their exploits in battle. Examples speak of the mass heroism of Soviet people: more than 200

soldiers repeated the feat of Alexander Matrosov, 327 crews repeated the feat of Nikolai Gastello, 459 pilots rammed the enemy in the sky. For exploits in

During the war, about 12,000 soldiers, partisans, and underground fighters were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 2,577 privates and sergeants became full holders of the Order of Glory. Among the awarded are 150 thousand women.

The great victory has a worthy contribution from all the peoples of our Motherland. Among the heroes of the Soviet Union: Russians - 8160, Ukrainians - 2069, Belarusians - 309, Tatars - 161, Jews - 108, Kazakhs - 96, Georgians and Armenians - 90 each, Uzbeks - 69, Mordvins - 61, Chuvash - 44. Azerbaijanis - 43, Bashkirs – 39, Ossetians – 32, Mari and Turkmen – 18 each, Lithuanians – 15, Tajiks – 14, Latvians -13, Kyrgyz – 12, Udmurts and Komi – 10 each, Estonians and Karelians – 9 each, Kalmyks – 8 , Kabardians – 7, Adygeis – 6, Abkhazians – 5, Yakuts – 3. Among the awarded front-line soldiers are representatives of more than 100 nationalities.


A worthy contribution of the Kuban soldiers to the victory over Nazi Germany.

1.1. Kuban citizens in battles for their homeland, in the battle for Moscow.

Kuban soldiers made a worthy contribution to the victory over Nazi Germany. They took part in border defensive battles

1941, in the battle for Moscow, repelled the onslaught of the Nazis in the summer-autumn campaign of 1942, defended the borders of the Caucasus. Kuban military formations showed their best side during the offensive operations of the Red Army in 1943–1945 and the liberation of Europe.

About five hundred thousand residents of the Krasnodar Territory died or went missing on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. The ashes of our Kuban warriors rest on the territory of 36 states and more than 50 republics, territories and regions of Russia.

Among those who were the first to take the enemy’s brutal blow were the border guards. The heroic defense of the Brest Fortress is an unforgettable page in the chronicle of the Great Patriotic War. The Nazis sent the 12th Army Corps to Brest. The 45th Infantry Division of this corps operated directly against the fortress.

The defenders of the Brest Citadel stood in the way of the enemy troops. Among them there were many Kuban residents, because the 6th and 42nd rifle divisions, units of which were located in the fortress, received reinforcements from Kuban in the pre-war years.

The fortress garrison stubbornly resisted the invaders for more than a month. The Nazis had already trampled the streets of Minsk, ruled the ancient Russian city of Smolensk, and the heroic Brest Fortress, remaining deep behind enemy lines, did not give up.

Kuban residents will never forget the names of their fellow countrymen - defenders

Brest Fortress Pyotr Gavrilov, Anatoly Bessonov, Nikolai Gaivoronsky, Alexander Fil, Ivan Mikhailichenko, Konstantin

Gorbatkov, Ivan Rybalkin, Vasily Cherny, Dmitry Menzhulov, Vasily Bytko, Ivan Khodko, Fyodor Gaidzhu, Nikolai Tyapchenko, Vasily Rybalchenko, Anatoly Korzh, Victor Bolshakov, Mikhail Smorodin and many other patriots who fought in the ranks of the immortal garrison.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, the 50th separate cavalry division, staffed by Kuban soldiers, met the enemy. She went to the front at a harsh time, when the Red Army was fighting heavy defensive battles and retreating into the interior of the country.

The division opened its combat account in a raid operation to defeat enemy forces in the settlements of Troitskoye and Pronino. On July 24, 1941, having made a night flight over enemy garrisons, the 37th and 43rd Cossack regiments of the division took the Nazis by surprise. The squadrons of Captain Batluk and Senior Lieutenant Lyushchenko, as well as the saber platoon of Junior Lieutenant Krivorotko, distinguished themselves in the battle. They destroyed the personnel of the mortar battery and more than two companies of the enemy's 12th Infantry Division and captured a large convoy of military equipment.

The first successful battles with the enemy strengthened the Cossacks' faith in their strength and raised their military spirit.

In mid-August 1942, a major general's mounted Cossack group was formed from two cavalry divisions. It also included a separate Kuban cavalry division.

The first major operation of the 50th Division was a breakthrough deep behind enemy lines in the area of ​​the settlements of Ustye and Podvyazye in the Smolensk region, which was carried out on August 23, 1941. The Cossacks skillfully acted against superior enemy forces, inflicting unexpected blows on them.

The role of the Kuban residents in disrupting the fascists’ plans for a non-stop advance towards Moscow is invaluable.

In the Battle of Moscow, the 50th Division, under the command of a major general, was among the first to take the enemy's blow.

In February 1945, the Kuban Guards Cavalry Corps crossed the Danube and, together with other Red Army formations, fought for Budapest. He took part in breaking through a heavily fortified enemy line northeast of the Hungarian capital, in battles on Czechoslovak soil. The first major battle on Czechoslovak soil was fought by the fighters of the Kuban Corps for the city of Trnava. In a stubborn battle they pushed back the enemy, on April 1 they broke through to the outskirts of Trnava and captured the city.

On the territory of Czechoslovakia, soldiers of the corps fought across the Nitra, Váh and Morava rivers and, in cooperation with other formations of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, liberated Bratislava, an important industrial centre and the capital of Slovakia.

And in the battles during the liberation of Brno, the Guards anti-tank Cossack artillery regiment under the command of a lieutenant colonel especially distinguished itself. Kostylev himself was seriously wounded in a street battle with the Nazis.

The Kuban Guards Cavalry Corps fought a 700-kilometer route across Czechoslovak soil. This path of the corps was crowned with the Order of Kutuzov, second degree, and three commendations from the Supreme High Command.

For courage and courage during liberation European countries and peoples from fascism, all soldiers and officers of the Kuban Corps were awarded orders and medals of the USSR.

The 197th Rifle Division, also staffed by Kuban soldiers, successfully fought the enemy. She had to take part in heavy defensive battles on the middle Don in December 1942, and then in offensive operations Red Army in Ukraine. The division liberated Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary and Austria.

Nineteen soldiers and division commanders were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The Krasnodar Cossack Plastun Division also wrote a glorious page in the chronicle of the Great Patriotic War. It was created in the days when the flames of war were still burning in part of the Kuban territory, and in the liberated areas the first steps were being taken to restore the national economy.

The glorious path of the Krasnodar Plastun Division is crowned with victories and awards. With the help of the Plastuns, the cities of Kranov, Ratibor, Opava, Ostrava, Olomouc, Prague were liberated, and as part of the troops of the 15th Rifle Corps, the Krasnodar Plastun Division participated in the defeat of the German Army Group Center, which refused to fulfill the conditions of unconditional surrender and sought to break through to west to surrender to Anglo-American forces.

Pursuing the retreating units of Field Marshal Schörner, the division covered 216 kilometers and liberated about 200 settlements in Czechoslovakia.

Plastuns took part in the liberation of the capital of Czechoslovakia, Prague.

The Krasnodar Plastun Division and its regiments were awarded two Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of the Red Star, the Order of Suvorov of the second degree, the Order of Kutuzov of the second degree and the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky. For bravery and courage shown in battles with the enemy, 13,986 soldiers of the division were awarded government awards.

During the war years, not only special Cossack formations were formed in the region. Kuban sent its best sons and daughters to other parts of the Red Army. They all fought bravely against the enemy.

300 Kuban soldiers who glorified their names with military exploits on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War were awarded the title of Hero

Soviet Union, and several of them: air marshal, generals, had the honor of being twice awarded the high rank.

Our fellow countrymen have visited almost all countries of Southern and Central Europe. Many ended their combat journey in the lair Hitler's Germany Berlin, their chests are decorated with awards: “For the liberation of Warsaw”, “For the liberation of Prague”, “For the capture of Budapest”, “For the capture of Vienna”, “For the capture of Berlin”. Not everyone lived to see the desired hour of Victory. 208 village soldiers did not return home, remaining forever in the memory of their fellow countrymen.


The feat of the fallen and the living is immortal

The war still breaks into our memory as a short, scorching inscription on mass grave, either a photograph carefully kept in a family album, or a bullet-riddled party or Komsomol card that lies under glass in a local museum. And we again, decades later, speak to the fallen soldiers as if they were alive, because we have no right to forget about the 27 million Soviet people who died, about the hundreds of thousands of Kuban citizens who died in their native land and outside the Fatherland, about the mothers left without sons , daughters, about children who have lost their closest people, about all those who defended their homeland from the enemy.

Tragedy and greatness. Sorrow and joy. Pain and hope. Our sacred memory. Nothing can calm her down - neither events, nor years...

The feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War is destined to remain in History forever.


1. A. Ponomarev. “Return”, Krasnodar, 2010

2. A. Kostenkov, K. Oboishchikov, I. Savchenko. “Kuban Glorious Sons”, Krasnodar, 1985

3. Kuban in the Great Patriotic War... 1941-1945 – Krasnodar: State Unitary Enterprise “Printing House of Kuban”, 2000

4. Kuban, scorched by war - Krasnodar 2015

5. Memory of the battles in Kuban. Krasnodar “Soviet Kuban”, 2000

6. Fate. We must remember about fascism of the 20th century. Krasnodar 2005

« Kuban in the fire of the Great Patriotic War"


1. The beginning of the war.

2. Kuban residents on the country’s fronts.

3. Terrible days of occupation and terror.

4. Partisan movement in Kuban.

5. Liberation of Kuban.

6. Blue line.

7. Small land.

8. “Everything for the front, everything for victory!”

9. Hospital city..

During the classes

Episode 1.

On June 22, 1941, at four o'clock in the morning, German bombs and shells fell on Soviet cities and villages. The Great Patriotic War began - the largest military conflict in human history.

Everyone who could bear arms was drafted into the army, into the people's militia, and joined extermination battalions, partisan detachments, and underground groups. The Kuban people made a huge contribution to strengthening the Red Army.

The defenders of the Brest Fortress offered the most stubborn resistance to the enemy at the very beginning of the war. Among them is Pyotr Gavrilov, whose name is given to one of the streets in the regional center, and many other Kuban residents.

The Kuban people also fought heroically in the battle for Moscow. There is a street named after Sedina in Krasnodar. Here, in a house next to the current medical academy, the family of pilot Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin lived. Pokryshkin came up with the “Kuban bookcase”. Its meaning was that our planes entered the battle at different altitudes and took turns approaching the enemy from the direction of the sun, from advantageous positions. In these battles, victory was always on the side of the red star fighters.

Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin made 600 combat missions during the war, took part in 156 air battles and personally shot down 59 enemy aircraft. He became three times Hero of the Soviet Union. It was in air battles in Kuban, where he destroyed 20 enemy aircraft, that A.I. Pokryshkin became a thunderstorm for fascist aviators.

But our fellow countrymen fought not only in the Kuban skies. Among those who are the pride of Kuban are Vladimir Abramovich Aleksenko, Evgeniy Yakovlevich Savitsky, Timofey Timofeevich Khryukin, who became twice Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Along with men, Kuban women entered the fight against the enemy. Fragile, smart, beautiful, talented Zhenya Zhigulenko. It would seem that she could compare with men in military affairs! She begins service in the night bomber regiment. She spent three years at the front. She had nine hundred and sixty-eight combat missions behind her, after which enemy warehouses, convoys, and airfield structures burned. The star of the Hero of the Soviet Union, many military orders crown the military path of our countrywoman.

And at the Krasnodar airport there is a wonderful monument to the commander of the “night witches” regiment, E. D. Bershanskaya. On Tikhoretsk land, another hero of the last war found a dream of heaven - Zakhar Artemovich Sorokin, “Kuban Maresyev”. Sorokin shot down three enemy aircraft, the last one with a ram. Seriously wounded, with knocked out teeth, the brave pilot spent six days crossing the frozen tundra to reach his own people. But the trials didn't end there. The frostbitten feet had to be amputated. Having mastered prosthetics, Sorokin long and persistently sought admission to flight work. In April 1943, he took off again. Subsequently, the brave pilot successfully fought and was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Having learned about their heroic fellow countryman, Tikhoretsky youth raised funds for the construction of the Tikhoretsky Komsomolets aircraft. It was on this machine that Zakhar Sorokin ended the war, bringing his personal combat tally to 18 enemy aircraft shot down.

Episode 2 . Terrible days of occupation and terror.

During this part of the lesson, students’ attention is drawn to the atrocities of the Nazis in the Kuban, the growing wave of popular anger.

In Krasnodar, the Nazis first used “gas chamber” machines, in which they killed thousands of people. A chain of raids engulfed the houses and streets of the city. “The kit was assembled and the command was given. Saluting, the driver walked around behind him and opened a thick double door high above the wheels. People began to be put inside the van one by one; German soldiers willingly helped the weak or awkward. The door was closed with an automatic lock, the driver climbed into the seat and started the engine, but the car did not immediately go to its destination. The officer began to light a cigarette, the soldiers stood at ease. Everything again looked extremely peaceful: nothing disturbed the silence, not even the crackling sound of the exhaust pipe. And although the car was still standing in place, from time to time the body tilted strangely, as if the very metal was shaking from the role destined for it by the devil. When the cigarette finished smoking and these convulsive swaying stopped, the officer gave a sign, and the car floated through the frozen mud out of town. There was a deep anti-tank ditch where the German city authorities dumped their “products” every day.

In the very center of Krasnodar, the Gestapo was located, where many opponents of the occupation regime were executed and tortured after inhuman torture.

But the fight against the enemy intensified day by day. Our people fought the occupiers and did not cooperate with them. Although traitors also appeared who betrayed their Motherland, their people, they were few. After the liberation of Kuban from the Nazis, they answered for their atrocities. A trial of murderers, rapists and robbers, as well as their accomplices, took place in Krasnodar. They all got what they deserved.

Episode 3. Partisan movement in Kuban.

At this stage, the students’ minds see a picture of the courageous and selfless resistance of the Kuban people behind enemy lines.

By July 1942, when the war came to the land of Kuban, every fifth resident went to the front. During stubborn battles, the Nazis managed to occupy almost the entire territory of the Krasnodar Territory by the beginning of September. Thousands of Kuban residents joined partisan detachments to fight the Nazi invaders in the rear. Not sparing their lives, they brought the liberation of their native land closer.

We have the Mostovskoy district in our region. Anyone who has been there cannot help but admire the beauty of nature. Scientists call these places Kuban Switzerland. But this region is famous not only for its beauty. In the bowels of the earth here, as they say, is the entire periodic table. This is where the Nazis came in the fall of 1942. They immediately began to develop the local wealth for their needs. But the residents of the area did not want to put up with this. They created partisan detachments and launched a fight against the invaders. The population helped the partisans, gave them food and medicine.

For suspicion of helping a wounded pilot, brutal fascists killed 207 residents of the village of Mikhizeeva Polyana. More than half of those killed were children, the rest were old people and women. They were killed because they hated fascism, did not recognize the “new order” that the Nazis tried to impose, and firmly believed in victory over the enemy. Covering their tracks, the Nazis burned the village to the ground. For a whole week, the Nazis forbade residents of other villages to approach the site of the massacre. They did not suspect that there were witnesses to their terrible crime; they did not know that a severe but fair punishment would overtake the executioners. Miraculously, several people survived, and they spoke about the brutal fascist massacre.

Pyotr Karpovich and Elena Ivanovna Ignatov had three sons.

When the war began, Valentin went to the front, Pyotr Karpovich with Evgeniy and Genya went to the partisan detachment. The day before, Genya had improved his German skills and practiced driving: he was preparing for partisan life. He was sixteen then, he often dressed as a village boy, walked around villages and villages occupied by the Nazis, collecting information for his detachment. Local boys helped him. Genya started a conversation with them, asked them to go and count how many enemy vehicles were in each yard, how many soldiers lived in each hut.

Partisan life is extremely difficult. The partisans made forays from their mountain fortifications.

One day an important operation was being prepared. The partisans learned that according to railway a fascist train will arrive, accompanied by a convoy. It was decided to mine the highway and plant a mine under the train. When the mine was ready, a train suddenly appeared around the bend. He was supposed to pass here only in the morning, but apparently someone warned the Germans. There was no time to break the fuse; all the preparatory work was in vain.

The partisans froze in indecision, watching as the train that disrupted their plans approached.

Later, Pyotr Karpovich recalled this fateful moment: “The steam locomotive was very close. You could hear the whistle of steam, the measured sound of wheels. Evgeniy and Genya ran towards the train. In the dim light of the stars, it was clear that they had torn anti-tank grenades from their belts and planted fuses in them. There was one explosion, then another...

In March 1943, Evgeniy and Geniy ​​Ignatov were awarded the titles of Heroes of the Soviet Union. Today streets, libraries, and schools are named after them.

Together with adults, young defenders of Kuban also fought in partisan detachments, underground, on enemy-occupied land. Based on the typographic collection “Pioneers-Heroes of Kuban”, you can introduce children to the selfless deeds of Krasnodar resident Zhenya Dorosh (student of school No. 66); Anapa resident Vladik Kashirin, Ust-Labinsk schoolboy Musi Pinkenzon, and other brave Kuban children.

Episode 4. Liberation of Kuban. Blue line. Small land.

Children should imagine examples of courage and heroism on Kuban soil during the expulsion of fascist invaders from the territory of the region.

The expulsion of the Nazis from Kuban began in the winter and spring of 1943. In January, the troops of the North Caucasus Front went on the offensive against the Nazis. The republics of the North Caucasus and the Stavropol Territory ( demonstration on the territory map). The enemy hastily retreated. The Nazis began to fear encirclement.

Our troops attempted to liberate Novorossiysk from the sea. This February night, cold and windy, when a special forces detachment consisting only of volunteers, under the command of Major Caesar Lvovich Kunikov, carried out a risky operation to create a bridgehead southwest of Novorossiysk, in the Myskhako region (known as Malaya Zemlya), entered forever Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War.

Here, on Malaya Zemlya, Krasnodar resident Mikhail Kornitsky accomplished a feat. The sailors captured the school building, or rather its first floor, since the Germans fortified themselves higher up. Approaching German tanks opened fire on our soldiers, and grenades were thrown at the sailors from the third and second floors. Kornitsky was wounded twice, but the ambush was destroyed (having pulled out the pin, he jumped straight into the crowd of German soldiers), and the sailors were able to begin their retreat from the school building. For this feat, the deceased soldier was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The struggle on this piece of land (about 30 square kilometers) lasted more than seven months. German aviation and artillery plowed up literally everything here. There was nothing alive left on Malaya Zemlya - even the trees and grass were burned out, and only Soviet soldiers continued to fight.

On February 12, 1943, Krasnodar was liberated. There was no limit to the rejoicing of the people. The Nazis brought a lot of trouble to the capital of Kuban. The city lay in ruins. The most beautiful buildings were destroyed. The Nazis shot, tortured, and killed thousands of people in gas chambers.

But it was not possible to liberate all of Kuban at the beginning of 1943. The Germans built a powerful defensive line from Novorossiysk to Temryuk and the Sea of ​​Azov. They called it the “blue line”. As soon as the Red Army moved, it was not possible to overcome the enemy’s fortifications; heavy, bloody battles began, which lasted for several months.

In October 1943, as a result of the victorious offensive of the Soviet army, the enemy was expelled from Kuban. The fire of war burned for another year and a half. The Great Victory came on May 9, 1945. 500 thousand Kuban residents did not return from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

Eternal memory to them! 356 of our fellow countrymen were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

You can invite groups of students to find and attach red marks on the city map, indicating streets named in honor of heroes who fought on Kuban soil, Kuban heroes, offering cards with their names.

Episode 5. “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” Hospital city.

Students’ attention is drawn to the fact that after the start of the war, the life of the Kuban residents obeyed the principle “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” It was very difficult to make such a turn. The entire burden of this work fell on the shoulders of women, old people and teenagers.

Already in July 1941, a hospital base began to be created in Sochi. By August 1, 1941, 24 hospitals had been opened by city residents, and 5 days later the first wounded began to arrive in Sochi. They arrived in huge numbers and were placed wherever there was free space. After work, Sochi residents looked after the seriously wounded, cleaned the wards, brought dishes and things, prepared chestnuts, nuts, fruits of wild apples, pears, and plums.

During the Great Patriotic War and in the post-war period, life was more difficult for Kuban residents than ever before. The war caused enormous damage to the economy, everything fell into disrepair. It was necessary to restore everything, rebuild it, quickly heal the wounds of the war, restore self-confidence and hope for a good future.

You can summarize and draw conclusions about the courage of your fellow countrymen during the Great Patriotic War, about the need to preserve the memory of this difficult and heroic time, about veterans who did not spare strength and life for peace and victory, together with your students, asking them in groups to discuss the answer to question: “Why, in your opinion, should we remember the events of the Great Patriotic War?”

Children should pay special attention to the fact that there are few people left who achieved victory. And the more important it is to pay attention to them, respect their merits, and help them.

"SAR" Belorechensky district KK » History »

We cannot help but recall that page in the history of the Krasnodar region that is connected with the Great Patriotic War. We cannot help but recall the heroic feat of our people. The war left its terrible bloody trail throughout the region. Our grandfathers remember the cost of victory.

Krasnodar region very advantageously located. It is located in the temperate zone of the eastern hemisphere. From the north-west and south-west it is washed by the Azov and Black Seas, which have a beneficial effect on the climate of the region and serve as excellent routes of communication with neighboring states.

By July 1942, when the war came to the land of Kuban, every fifth resident of the region went to the front. More than 90 fighter battalions and three Cossack formations were created from volunteers: the 50th Separate Cavalry Division, the 4th Kuban Guards Cavalry Corps and the Krasnodar Plastun Division. Those leaving for the front were given the order: “Again you took up blades in your hands and mounted war horses in order, as in previous years, to defend our land, our Motherland from the enemy. We believe in you and are proud of you, you will sacredly fulfill the military oath you took and return to your native villages only with victory... And if any of you have to give your life for your native land, give it up as heroes...”

From August 9, 1942 to February 12, 1943, the fascist occupation of Krasnodar lasted. These six months were the most terrible in his entire history. During the German occupation of the city, the Nazis used death machines - “gas chambers”. During the occupation, more than 13 thousand citizens died. 870 houses were destroyed and burned. 4 highest ones burned educational institutions, with laboratory equipment and libraries, dramatic and musical comedy theaters, the Palace of Pioneers, almost all schools, clubs, cinemas. Valuable tree species in city parks have been cut down and damaged.

The main blow in the Maikop-Tuapse direction was taken by units and formations of the 12th Army under the command of Major General A.A. Grechko and the 18th Army under the command of Major General Kamkov. Trying to break through to the Maikop oil region and reach the Black Sea coast in the Tuapse region, the enemy threw six divisions of the 1st Tank Army in this direction, supported by aviation and artillery and mortar fire. From August 8 to 12, there were strong battles on the borders of the Kuban, Laba, and Belaya rivers.

By the end of August 10, the enemy tried to cross the Belaya River by march. On the left bank, Lieutenant Gorlov’s battery of the 149th mortar regiment stood like a wall in the enemy’s path. She was ordered to cover the retreat of our units to the mountains. In an unequal battle, the fighters destroyed up to two hundred fascists, burned and blew up several cars and three tanks. The mortar men did not retreat and repeated immortal feat Panfilov guardsmen.

Intensifying their actions, strengthening the advancing units, on August 12 the enemy broke into the village of Belorechenskaya. By August 15, 1942, the entire Belorechensky district was occupied by Nazi troops. The bloody occupation of the area lasted until January 31, 1943. Officers of the military commandant's office, field gendarmerie, and accomplices from among the traitors were distinguished by particular cruelty and atrocities in the region. At night, shots rang out on the outskirts of the village.

It was the fascist executioners who, after inhuman torture, shot innocent people, suspecting them of hatred of the invaders. On the western outskirts of the village of Belorechenskaya, between the Kelermes River and the garden of the Lenin collective farm, 50 civilians were shot and tortured. Near the Belaya River, in the area of ​​the old slaughterhouse, the Nazis shot eleven people.

On the road from the station to the village of Vechny, the guards shot 62 prisoners of war and on the road from the Kubansky farm to the village of Belorechenskaya, 26 Red Army soldiers were shot and taken prisoner. At night, in cars and on foot, they were taken to the western outskirts of the village to the Belaya River, where they were shot. In total, in the village of Belorechenskaya, the fascists and their accomplices killed 272 people during the occupation. The Nazis “ruled” the village for only six months. But during this time they caused enormous damage to the area.

The victory over fascism came at a great price to the Soviet people. Kuban laid the lives of almost 500 thousand of its daughters and sons on the altar of Victory. Eternal memory to them! 356 Kuban soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. About 40 war participants were awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees.

We will always remember their feat!!!

"Kuban Cossacks in the Patriotic War of 1812" Black Sea Hundred

Goal: To study and reveal the role of the Kuban Cossacks in the Patriotic War of 1812.

Objectives: 1) Take the Black Sea Hundred as a basis 2) The history of the creation of the Black Sea Hundred 3) The heroic path of the Black Sea Hundred 4) Cossacks in the Battle of Borodino 5) Heroes in artists’ canvases

The history of the creation of the Black Sea Hundred. May 18, 1811 M.B. Baraklay de Tolly “The Emperor wishes to have with him among his cavalry guards one hundred Cossacks from the Black Sea Army from the best people”

The history of the creation of the Black Sea Hundred. March 1, 1812 Composition: 1 staff officer, 3 chief officers, 14 officers and 100 Cossacks. Afanasy Fedorovich Bursak

Black Sea hundred. Heroic path. Afanasy Fedorovich Bursak V.V. Orlov-Denisov F.P. Uvarov

A. F. Bursak From the very first days of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Black Sea Hundred took part in battles with the vanguard of the main forces of Napoleonic army on the Neman River. The hundred took part in the battles of June 14 - at New Troki, on the 16th - near the city of Vilno, on the 19th - near Pivovarki. On June 23, the hundred distinguished itself at Kocherzhishki, where it dashed like a wedge into the enemy cavalry and repelled its attack.

V.V. Orlov-Denisov On June 9, near the village of Voskresensky, a hundred defeated the enemy vanguard (up to 1,500 soldiers), officers and several French soldiers were taken prisoner. On July 15, near Vitebsk, Life Cossacks, Black Sea men and part of the Sumy Hussar Regiment destroyed the 16th Cavalry Jaeger, almost two rifle companies and took the battery, near which Napaleon was surrounded by his retinue. Before the eyes of the French emperor, in one minute all the artillerymen were killed, and the cannons were thrown into the ravine. This forced Napaleon to pause his offensive.

The Black Sea Hundred and the Life Guards Cossack Regiment took part in the Battle of Borodino and attacked the left flank of the French army. F.P. Uvarov

Black Sea soldiers in the Battle of Borodino. The feat of Alexei Danilovich Bezkrovny. A.D. Bezkrovny - “Commander without mistakes”

Expressing his gratitude, Kutuzov said about Bezkrovny: “This is a Cossack without mistakes” M.I. Kutuzov As part of the Bezkrovny Guard, he participates in heavy and almost continuous rearguard battles. Commanding the Black Sea Guards Officer Hundred, in 1812. A. Bezkrovny distinguished himself in the Battle of Borodino, where, with two platoons of his hundred, despite strong grapeshot fire, he cut into a French battery and captured two officers and nine soldiers. During this desperate attack, his horse was killed under him, and he himself was wounded in the left leg by grapeshot. August 28, 1812 Bezkrovny with the Black Sea hundred, as part of a rifle chain, repelled enemy attacks from 3 pm to 7 pm. Nicholas I

Heroes on artists' canvases. Raid of the Cossacks M.I. Platov and F.P. Uvarov to the rear of the French troops. Borodino 1812.

Heroes on artists' canvases. Painting by Viktor Mazurovsky “The Case of Platov’s Cossacks near Mir on July 9, 1812”

Heroes on artists' canvases.

16. Question. Kuban in the Great Patriotic War. Occupation and partisans

“The French in 1812, captured by partisans (I.M. Pryanishnikov)”

PURSUIT OF FRENCH HORSE GUARDS NEAR POLOTSK BY HORSE GUARDS ON AUGUST 6, 1812. 1890 Heroes on the canvases of artists.


Heroes on artists' canvases. FIRST ATTACK ON SEMYONOV FLASHES. 2004 AVERYANOV A.YU.

Heroes on artists' canvases. Council in Gorodnya - A.Yu. Averyanov.

Napoleon in his office. 1812 “Give me only the Cossacks, and I will go with them all over Europe.”

Resources: http://ukr-cazaks.ucoz.ua http://litvik.ru http://ru.wikipedia.org

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Events of the Great Patriotic War in Kuban.

War in Kuban 1941-1943

Kuban is a multinational region
Completed by: Trakhunova Anzhelika Viktorovna teacher primary classes MBOU Secondary School No. 93, Krasnodar
“Let's remember everyone by name” for the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Kuban from the Nazi invaders.
What happened, tell me the wind? What kind of pain is in your eyes. Doesn’t the sun shine the same way, or the grass in the meadows wither. Don’t the stars sparkle like that? Maybe the birds’ voices are quieter. Don’t girls dream more of Happiness scarlet sails. How anxiously the planet groans How gloomily the silence hangs What happened, tell me the wind, is this really war?
June 22, 1941
The battle for the Caucasus was one of the largest during the Great Patriotic War. Fighting they were conducted here from July 1942 to early October 1943. The Nazis planned to encircle Soviet troops from the west and east; in the western direction, they wanted to occupy the entire Black Sea coast from Novorossiysk to Batumi, and unite with the Turks. The operation to conduct military operations against the Germans was headed by Field Marshal General V. List. For several months German troops They launched an offensive in several directions, and only in November 1942 a radical change occurred - Soviet troops switched from defense to offensive.
July-December 1942
War... you say this word - and terrible pictures appear in our imagination. The Great Patriotic War lasted 1418 days and nights... The war entered every family, brought difficult trials and suffering, the bitterness of the loss of relatives and friends. How difficult it was to survive, to provide the army with everything necessary for Victory! Victory at the front largely depended on success in the rear. At the enterprise, both old and young went out into the field, forged weapons of victory, raised grain. 469,255 fellow countrymen, incl. 2952 women did not return to their loved ones, friends, family, or loved ones.
Nazi atrocities on Kuban land
The Nazis on the line from Taman to Krymsk tried to gain a foothold on the so-called “Blue Line” - a chain of complex defensive structures that made maximum use of the elements of the terrain. It was nicknamed “Blue” because there were an abundance of water obstacles. Only in September 1943, troops of the North Caucasus Front liberated Novorossiysk and the Taman Peninsula. The defense of Novorossiysk, the Tuapse defensive operation, the partisan movement, the liberation of Krasnodar, the assault on the Blue Line, the battle for mountain passes are milestones of the famous battle for the Caucasus. These milestones are remembered memorable places, obelisks, memorial complexes, open-air museums created and, most importantly, people. Let's talk about some of them.
A working city, a hero city, named after Russia, a reliable guardian of its borders. In Novorossiysk there is a heroic bridgehead - Malaya Zemlya and the Gallery of Military Glory on Malaya Zemlya, reminiscent of the bow of a ship that burst onto land in an unprecedented rush, the monument-ensemble "Defense Line" on the Novorossiysk-Sukhumi highway,
Krymsk (Hill of Heroes).

Occupation of the Krasnodar region by Nazi Germany

In the summer of 1942, the situation for our country became seriously complicated. Having created a significant superiority in manpower and equipment, the Nazis began an offensive towards the Volga and the Caucasus.

During the days of defensive battles in the summer of 1942, more than 100 thousand Kuban residents joined the ranks of the Red Army.

During the fighting, by the beginning of September 1942, the Germans managed to occupy almost the entire Kuban, with the exception of four districts - Lazarevsky, Tuapse, Adler and Gelendzhik.

August 2, 1942 near the village Kushchevskaya two regiments of the 13th Kuban Division in mounted formation attacked the 101st German Infantry Division "Green Rose" and two SS regiments. The attack was led by the division commander, Colonel Millerov, and the division's military commissar, regimental commissar Shipilov. The commanders on handsome bay horses rushed far ahead of their subordinates so that they could see and follow them (Can you now imagine a division commander running into battle at the front of the line?). Cossack lava flowed along a front two kilometers wide. Cossacks M.F. Grachev and P.G. Together, Kamnev killed 25 Germans.

Krasnodar region during the Great Patriotic War (1941 – 1945)

Cossack Shevchenko hacked to death 17 and killed four occupiers. The steppe was covered with fascists, the remnants of the "Green Rose" fled in wild horror.

Well, the Cossack grandfathers probably turned over in their graves when they learned about Tsapki in Kushchevskaya, where did the current Cossacks look?

Partisan movement in Kuban during the Second World War

At the direction of the regional committee, 86 partisan detachments were created in the Krasnodar region, united into 7 partisan clusters. 3,455 communists, 4 secretaries of the regional committee and 147 secretaries of city and district party committees were sent to the partisan detachments of the Kuban. On August 3, 1942, under the Military Council of the North Caucasus Front, it was created Southern headquarters partisan movement(YUSHPD). Secretary of the Krasnodar Regional Committee P.I. was appointed head of the YUSHPD. Seleznev. The following cluster headquarters were formed: Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Maikop, Neftegorsky, Armavir (until November 27, 1942 Mostovsky), Slavyansky and Anapa.

The partisans of the Krasnodar bush alone transmitted over 400 intelligence data on the deployment and movement of Wehrmacht troops to units of the 56th Army.

During the occupation of Kuban, the partisans made many successful attacks on Wehrmachm garrisons, in particular: in the villages of Verkhnebakansky, Konoboz, Guamka, in the villages: Novosvobodnaya, Smolenskaya, farmsteads: Novoalekseevsky, Supovsky, the village of Belaya Glina and others populated areas Krasnodar region.

Underground partisans with the participation of the population of the oil regions of the region - Abinsky,Apsheronsky and Neftegorsk— bold sabotage actions thwarted attempts by the Germans to establish oil production in Kuban.

Partisans of Kuban carried out many sabotage actions on the roads, in particular on the highway and railway routes Krasnodar - Novorossiysk. They were active here detachments named after the Ignatov brothers, "Gadfly" and "Groza". The detachment named after the Ignatov brothers managed to deliver the most sensitive blows to the enemy.

During the years of occupation, the Kuban partisans killed about 12 thousand Wehrmacht soldiers and officers, and also wounded about 4 thousand. Partisans of the Krasnodar Territory destroyed 206 vehicles, derailed 14 trains carrying Wehrmacht troops and cargo, blew up 20 railway bridges, 7 ammunition depots, and cut off over 700 kilometers of telephone and telegraph communications.

During the war there was proverb:

The Soviet Kuban gave the Nazis many hot baths!

More than a thousand partisans and underground fighters were awarded orders and medals Soviet Union. Two partisans, the Ignatov brothers, were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

During the war, 356 sons and daughters of Kuban were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Kubantsam V.A. Aleksenko, V.K. Kokkinaki, E.Ya. Savitsky, T.T. Khryukin was twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In 1943, the region was allocated (by decision SNK USSR from 01/23/1943): 3900 tractors, 350 vehicles, 450 combines, 3000 plows, 1000 seeders.

Between February and December 1943, 40 thousand workers were trained on short-term courses. In the region, 11 vocational and railway schools and 16 FZO schools were restored with a total student population of 7,496 people.

As of October 1 1943 year in Krasnodar region 66,770 women worked in industry and rural areas.

By September 1943, 30 restored timber industry cooperatives, 8 sawmills, and 123 various workshops were already producing products.

In 1943, 2,517 km of track, 636 bridges, 4 tunnels, and 25 stations were restored in the region. Oil workers put into operation a compressor station, 8 new wells, laid oil pipeline Khadyzhi - Krasnodar 90 km long, narrow gauge road Khadyzhi – Shirokaya Balka.

We cannot help but recall that page in the history of the Krasnodar region that is connected with the Great Patriotic War. We cannot help but recall the heroic feat of our people. The war left its terrible bloody trail throughout the region. Our grandfathers remember the cost of victory.

The Krasnodar region is located very favorably. It is located in the temperate zone of the eastern hemisphere. From the north-west and south-west it is washed by the Azov and Black Seas, which have a beneficial effect on the climate of the region and serve as excellent routes of communication with neighboring states.

By July 1942, when the war came to the land of Kuban, every fifth resident of the region went to the front. More than 90 fighter battalions and three Cossack formations were created from volunteers: the 50th Separate Cavalry Division, the 4th Kuban Guards Cavalry Corps and the Krasnodar Plastun Division. Those leaving for the front were given the order: “Again you took up blades in your hands and mounted war horses in order, as in previous years, to defend our land, our Motherland from the enemy. We believe in you and are proud of you, you will sacredly fulfill the military oath you took and return to your native villages only with victory... And if any of you have to give your life for your native land, give it up as heroes...”

From August 9, 1942 to February 12, 1943, the fascist occupation of Krasnodar lasted. These six months were the most terrible in his entire history. During the German occupation of the city, the Nazis used death machines - “gas chambers”. During the occupation, more than 13 thousand citizens died. 870 houses were destroyed and burned. 4 higher educational institutions, with laboratory equipment and libraries, dramatic and musical comedy theaters, the Palace of Pioneers, almost all schools, clubs, and cinemas were burned. Valuable tree species in city parks have been cut down and damaged.

The main blow in the Maikop-Tuapse direction was taken by units and formations of the 12th Army under the command of Major General A.A. Grechko and the 18th Army under the command of Major General Kamkov. Trying to break through to the Maikop oil region and reach the Black Sea coast in the Tuapse region, the enemy threw six divisions of the 1st Tank Army in this direction, supported by aviation and artillery and mortar fire. From August 8 to 12, there were strong battles on the borders of the Kuban, Laba, and Belaya rivers.

By the end of August 10, the enemy tried to cross the Belaya River by march. On the left bank, Lieutenant Gorlov’s battery of the 149th mortar regiment stood like a wall in the enemy’s path. She was ordered to cover the retreat of our units to the mountains. In an unequal battle, the fighters destroyed up to two hundred fascists, burned and blew up several cars and three tanks. The mortar men did not retreat and repeated the immortal feat of the Panfilov guards.

Intensifying their actions, strengthening the advancing units, on August 12 the enemy broke into the village of Belorechenskaya. By August 15, 1942, the entire Belorechensky district was occupied by Nazi troops. The bloody occupation of the area lasted until January 31, 1943. Officers of the military commandant's office, field gendarmerie, and accomplices from among the traitors were distinguished by particular cruelty and atrocities in the region. At night, shots rang out on the outskirts of the village.

It was the fascist executioners who, after inhuman torture, shot innocent people, suspecting them of hatred of the invaders. On the western outskirts of the village of Belorechenskaya, between the Kelermes River and the garden of the Lenin collective farm, 50 civilians were shot and tortured. Near the Belaya River, in the area of ​​the old slaughterhouse, the Nazis shot eleven people.

On the road from the station to the village of Vechny, the guards shot 62 prisoners of war and on the road from the Kubansky farm to the village of Belorechenskaya, 26 Red Army soldiers were shot and taken prisoner. At night, in cars and on foot, they were taken to the western outskirts of the village to the Belaya River, where they were shot. In total, in the village of Belorechenskaya, the fascists and their accomplices killed 272 people during the occupation. The Nazis “ruled” the village for only six months. But during this time they caused enormous damage to the area.

The victory over fascism came at a great price to the Soviet people. Kuban laid the lives of almost 500 thousand of its daughters and sons on the altar of Victory. Eternal memory to them! 356 Kuban soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. About 40 war participants were awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees.

We will always remember their feat!!!
