The influence of magnetic radiation on the human body. Impact of emitters on human health. Mechanism of action of electromagnetic radiation" alt="vred-ot-mobilnogo-telefona.jpg" align="left" width="235" height="196" style="margin-top:1px;margin-bottom:2px">!}" alt="Pictures on request electromagnetic field influence on humans" align="left" width="499" height="338 src=" style="margin-top:1px; margin-bottom:2px">!}

Ibragimova Ainur

Electromagnetic field

The human body has its own electromagnetic field, like any organism on earth, thanks to which all the cells of the body work harmoniously. Human electromagnetic radiation is also called the biofield (its visible part is the aura). Do not forget that this field is the main protective shell of our body from any negative influence. By destroying it, the organs and systems of our body become easy prey for any pathogenic factors.

If our electromagnetic field begins to be affected by other sources of radiation, much more powerful than the radiation of our body, then chaos begins in the body. This leads to a dramatic deterioration in health.

Natural electromagnetic background has always accompanied people. Life on the planet originated under the influence of an abundant electromagnetic background. For thousands of years this background has not undergone significant changes. Electro influence magnetic field on various functions of a wide variety of living organisms was stable. This applies both to its simplest representatives and to the most highly organized creatures.

As humanity “matured,” the intensity of this background began to continuously increase due to artificial man-made sources: overhead power transmission lines, household electrical appliances, radio relay and cellular communication lines, and so on. Our brain can be compared to a giant organic computer, inside of which the most complex bioelectric processes are constantly occurring. Exposure to a high-frequency external electromagnetic field cannot occur without consequences.

In search of an answer, we will have to accept the concept that a person not only has a material body consisting of an unimaginably complex combination of atoms and molecules, but also has another component - an electromagnetic field. It is the presence of these two components that ensures a person’s connection with the outside world.

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Impact of electromagnetic fields and radiation on the human body

Effect of electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system:" alt=" the impact of electromagnetic radiation on the human body" align="left" width="204" height="138 src=" style="margin-top:1px; margin-bottom:2px">Иммунная система также подвержена влиянию. !} Experimental studies in this direction they showed that in animals irradiated with EMF, the nature of the infectious process changes - the course of the infectious process is aggravated. There is reason to believe that when exposed to EMR, the processes of immunogenesis are disrupted, more often in the direction of their inhibition. This process is associated with the occurrence of autoimmunity. According to this concept, the basis of all autoimmune conditions is primarily immunodeficiency in the thymus-dependent cell population of lymphocytes. The influence of high-intensity EMF on the body’s immune system is manifested in a suppressive effect on the T-system of cellular immunity.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the cardiovascular system:

Blood quality plays a paramount role in human health. What is the effect of electromagnetic radiation on blood? All elements of this life-giving liquid have certain electrical potentials and charges. Electrical and magnetic components that form electromagnetic waves can cause destruction or, conversely, adhesion of red blood cells, platelets, and cause obstruction of cell membranes. And their effect on the hematopoietic organs causes disruptions in the functioning of the entire hematopoietic system. The body's reaction to such a pathology is the release of excessive doses of adrenaline. All these processes have a very negative effect on the work of the heart muscle, blood pressure, myocardial conductivity and can cause arrhythmia." alt=" influence of electromagnetic radiation" align="left" width="200" height="176 src=" style="margin-left:-1px; margin-right:1px;margin-top:1px;margin-bottom:2px">Воздействие электромагнитного поля на эндокринную систему приводит к стимуляции важнейших эндокринных желёз - гипофиза, надпочечников, щитовидной железы и т. д. Это вызывает сбои в выработке важнейших гормонов.!}

If we evaluate the degree of influence of electromagnetic radiation on male and female sexual function, then the sensitivity of the female reproductive system to electromagnetic influences is much higher than that of men.


Body system


Syndrome of “weakened cognition” (memory problems, difficulties in perceiving information, insomnia, depression, headaches)

“Partial ataxia” syndrome (disorders of the vestibular apparatus: problems with balance, disorientation in space, dizziness)

“Artomio-neuropathy” syndrome (muscle pain and muscle fatigue, discomfort when lifting heavy objects)


Neurocirculatory dystonia, pulse lability, pressure lability

Tendency to hypotension, pain in the heart, lability of blood parameters


EMFs can act as an inducer of autoimmunization in the body

EMFs contribute to the suppression of T-lymphocytes

The dependence of immune reactions on the type of EMF modulation is shown


Increased adrenaline in the blood

Activation of the blood clotting process

Decompensating effect of EMF on the body through reactions of the endocrine system


Pathogenic change in the body's energy

Defects and imbalances in the body's energy

Sexual (embryogenesis)

Decreased spermatogenesis function

Slowing embryonic development, reducing lactation. Congenital deformities of the fetus, complications of pregnancy and childbirth

Sources of electromagnetic radiation

Influence of electromagnetic radiation of various household appliances, μW/sq. cm (power flux density)

We should not forget that the source of electromagnetic radiation is any object operating on electric current. Therefore, electrical wiring in the house, lamps, electric clocks, heaters and boilers are all sources of electromagnetic radiation. All of them have a negative impact on our health. The harm of electromagnetic radiation is equal to the harm of radiation and even more.

What type of radiation has the greatest penetrating power?

What range of electromagnetic radiation is the most dangerous? It's not that simple. The process of radiation and absorption of energy occurs in the form of certain portions - quanta. The shorter the wavelength, the more energy its quanta have and the more trouble it can cause once it enters the human body.

The most “energetic” quanta are those of hard X-ray and gamma radiation. The whole insidiousness of short-wave radiation is that we do not feel the radiation itself, but only feel the consequences of their harmful effects, which largely depend on the depth of their penetration into human tissues and organs.

What type of radiation has the greatest penetrating power? Of course, this is radiation with a minimum wavelength, that is:


And gamma radiation.

It is the quanta of these radiations that have the greatest penetrating power and, most dangerously, they ionize atoms. As a result, the likelihood of hereditary mutations arises, even with low doses of radiation.


Router, also known as a router, is a network device that allows you to choose the optimal direction for transmitting data from the provider to computers, laptops and smartphones of users wirelessly. The absence of wired communication means the transmission of information through electromagnetic radiation. Since routers operate at ultra-high frequencies, the question is completely legitimate: is the radiation from a wifi router harmful?

When this frequency affects the cells of the human body, the molecules of water, fat and glucose come together and rub together, accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Such frequencies are provided by nature for the exchange of intracellular information between organs and systems of the body. Long-term, external exposure to this range from wireless local networks can cause dysfunction in the process of cell growth and division.

The harm of wifi radiation is aggravated by the radius and speed of data transmission. An excellent illustration of this fact is the enormous speed of transfer of a large amount of information when downloading videos, photographs and other data. The transmitting medium is air, and the carrier frequency is the mid-wave frequency range. And, since our cells are capable of transmitting and receiving energy at different frequencies, the negative impact of the router’s frequency range is quite acceptable.

Do not forget that the radiation power decreases in direct proportion to the increase in the square of the distance to the “culprit” of the radiation.

Telephone. Unlike other household appliances, a mobile phone is located almost close to the brain and eye during operation. Therefore, the negative impact of cell phone radiation on the human body is incomparably greater than the impact of, say, a computer or TV.

The radiation generated by the mobile handset is absorbed by the tissues of the head - brain cells, the retina of the eye and all visual and auditory structures.

How to reduce the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation

The listed symptoms indicate the strongest biological influence of electromagnetic radiation on human health. The danger is aggravated by the fact that we do not feel the impact of these fields and the negative effect accumulates over time.

Note! We do not suggest that you give up using electrical appliances, transport and cellular communications. Today it is meaningless and will lead nowhere.

But today there is effective protection against electromagnetic radiation, which helps thousands of people stay healthy. This is especially true for children and pregnant women, on whom EMR has the most negative impact.

How to protect yourself and your loved ones from electromagnetic fields and radiation? Implementation of the following recommendations will help minimize the consequences of using electronic devices. household appliances.

1. Buy a special dosimeter.

2. Turn on the microwave oven, computer, cell phone, etc. one by one, and measure the dose recorded by the device.

3. Distribute your existing radiation sources so that they are not grouped in one place.

4. Do not place electrical appliances near the dining table or rest areas.

5. Check the children's room especially carefully for sources of radiation, remove electric and radio-controlled toys from it.

6. Check for grounding in the computer socket.

7. The radiotelephone base emits 24 hours a day, its range is 10 meters. Don't keep your cordless phone in your bedroom or on your desk.

8. Do not purchase “clones” - fake cell phones.

9. Household electrical appliances should only be purchased in a steel case - it screens the radiation emanating from them.

Our everyday life includes more and more diverse technology that makes our lives easier and more beautiful. But the influence of electromagnetic radiation on humans is not a myth. The champions in terms of influence on humans are microwave ovens, electric grills, cell phones and some models of electric shavers. It is almost impossible to refuse these benefits of civilization, but we should always remember about the reasonable use of all the technology around us.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about electromagnetic radiation, to which any modern person is inevitably exposed, especially a resident of a big city. How does electromagnetic radiation affect the human body? How dangerous is it?

What is electromagnetic radiation (EMR)? This is a special form of matter through which interaction occurs between electrically charged particles, a kind of intangible wave propagating in a medium, consisting of an electric and magnetic component.

EMR sources

Sources that create an electromagnetic field can be either natural or artificial.

Natural sources of electromagnetic radiation include the constant electric and constant magnetic field of the Earth, electrical phenomena in the atmosphere (thunderstorms, lightning strikes), radio emission from the sun and stars, and cosmic radiation.

Artificial sources of electromagnetic fields can be divided into sources of electromagnetic radiation of high and low levels of radiation. It should be noted that, first of all, the radiation level depends on the power of the source: the higher the power, the higher the radiation level. Near the source, the radiation level is highest; as the distance from the source increases, the radiation level decreases.

Sources high level AMY:

  • overhead power lines (overhead lines, high and ultra-high voltage power lines 4-1150 kV);
  • electric transport: trams, trolleybuses, metro trains, etc. — and its infrastructure;
  • transformer substations (TS);
  • elevators;
  • television stations;
  • radio broadcasting stations;
  • base stations of mobile radio communication systems (MS), primarily cellular.

Sources of relatively low EMR levels:

  • personal computers and video display terminals, slot machines, children's game consoles;
  • household electrical appliances - refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, air conditioners, hair dryers, TVs, electric kettles, irons, etc.;
  • cellular, satellite and cordless radiotelephones, personal radio stations;
  • cable lines;
  • some medical diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical equipment;
  • power supply system for buildings.
Impact of EMR on the human body

The human body reacts both to changes in the natural geomagnetic field and to the effects of electromagnetic radiation from numerous and varied man-made sources. The body's response may vary as EMR exposure increases or decreases, in some cases leading to significant changes in health and genetic consequences.

Experimental data from both domestic and foreign researchers indicate high biological activity of the electromagnetic field (EMF) in all frequency ranges. The biological effects of EMF exposure on the human body depend on the frequency and wavelength of radiation, the intensity of EMF, the duration and frequency of exposure, combined and total exposure to EMF and other factors. The combination of the indicated parameters can produce significantly different consequences in the body’s response.

The localization of exposure is no less important - general or local, since with general exposure the risk of negative consequences is higher. For example, the impact from power lines is general for the entire body, and the impact from a cell phone is local (on certain areas of the human body).

The effect of interaction of EMF with the biological environment depends on the radiation dose. It is based on the conversion of field energy into heat; the mechanism that carries out this transformation causes rotation (movement) of molecules. This leads to various negative phenomena in the body.

It should be noted that our body is daily exposed to several different electromagnetic fields simultaneously or sequentially.

This impact primarily affects the nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive systems, changes in the functions of which imply adverse consequences for the body.

The biological effect of EMF accumulates under conditions of long-term exposure, which may result in the development of long-term consequences, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system. nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, hormonal diseases.

EMFs can be especially dangerous for children, pregnant women (in particular, for the embryo), people with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular systems, allergy sufferers, and people with weakened immune systems. Currently, specialists from the USA, Sweden, and Denmark have conducted a number of studies within 150 m of substations, transformers, and electrical lines. railways and power lines, which showed that with prolonged exposure to EMFs, the risk of developing cancer in children, especially childhood leukemia, increases almost 4 times.

Effect of EMF on the human body

The earliest clinical manifestations of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans are functional disorders of the nervous system. Persons who have been in the zone of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) for a long time complain of weakness, irritability, fatigue, weakened memory, and sleep disturbances. Often these symptoms are accompanied by disorders of autonomic functions (breathing, nutrition, gas exchange, excretory function), and various disorders of the cardiovascular system. Typically, these changes occur in people who, due to the nature of their work, were constantly exposed to EMR with a fairly high intensity (power lines, electric vehicles, transformer substations, etc.).

Long-term repeated exposure to above maximum permissible levels of EMR (especially in the decimeter wavelength range, for example from television and radio broadcasting stations) can lead to mental disorders.

In the vast majority of cases, exposure occurs to fields of relatively low levels (fields from industrial frequency objects: electrical wiring, household appliances; computers, cell phones): the consequences listed below apply to such cases.

Effect of EMF on the nervous system. A large number of studies carried out in Russia give grounds to classify the nervous system as one of the most sensitive systems in the human body to the effects of EMFs. In people who have contact with EMF, the highest nervous activity, memory deteriorates. These individuals may be prone to developing stress reactions, such as headaches, constant fatigue, sudden mood swings, depression, skin rashes, sleep disturbances, and loss of appetite.

The nervous system of the embryo exhibits high sensitivity to EMF. The risk of disruption of the development of the fetal nervous system increases.

Effect of EMF on the immune system. When exposed to EMF, the processes of immune formation are disrupted, more often in the direction of their inhibition. A change in protein metabolism may occur, and a certain change in blood composition is observed. It is possible for the body to form antibodies directed against its own tissues.

Effect of EMF on the endocrine system. The works of Soviet scientists back in the 1960s showed that when exposed to EMF, as a rule, the most important endocrine gland located in the brain, the pituitary gland, was stimulated. This leads to an increase in the production of hormones from other glands - the adrenal glands, including the stress hormone - adrenaline, as a result of which the body adapts less well to the physical factors of the external environment (high air temperatures, lack of oxygen, etc.).

Effect of EMF on reproductive function. The sensitivity of the embryo to EMF is much higher than the sensitivity of the mother's body. Low-intensity EMF, which has a negative effect on the body of pregnant women, can cause premature birth, as well as various congenital pathologies in children. The most vulnerable periods are usually the early stages of embryonic development. This primarily concerns women working in conditions of violated electromagnetic safety standards. Your workplace safety engineer should inform you about the electromagnetic safety standards for your workplace. First of all, women working in industries that service powerful sources of electromagnetic radiation - antennas, locators, electrical substations, as well as in industries with a large amount of equipment (machines, etc.) should take care of safety.

Electromagnetic radiation protection

How can you protect your family from such negative impacts? Firstly, we should not forget that all the described studies and the negative consequences of exposure to EMF were given for cases of continuous long-term or periodic long-term exposure. It is also important to remember that maximum harm is caused by combined and cumulative exposure from several sources. General rule for all harmful effects: reduce them as much as possible, minimize the number of sources of exposure, reduce the time of exposure.

To protect the population in the Russian Federation, there is a sanitary and hygienic regulation of electromagnetic fields, based on many years of research and established by law. First of all, there must be a sanitary protection zone around the sources of the electromagnetic field; if necessary, measures must be taken to reduce the electric field strength in residential buildings and in places where people may stay for a long time by using protective screens. The size of this zone is determined by law depending on the type of source. Within the sanitary protection zone it is prohibited: to place residential and public buildings and structures; summer cottages and garden plots; arrange parking areas for all types of transport; locate automobile service businesses.

Here are the simplest safety and preventative measures to protect against EMF.

Be careful, power lines! Stay away from high voltage power lines. First of all, a sanitary protection zone should be designated around sources of industrial frequency electromagnetic fields. The size of this zone is determined by law and is set depending on the voltage running along the power line, from 10 to 55 m. Since it is difficult for the average person to determine what the voltage of a particular power line is, it is best not to approach them closer than 55 m, or even better - stay within a radius of 100-150 m. At the same time, you should not be afraid of power lines running along the roads, since all studies indicate the dangers of long-term exposure to EMFs. So you shouldn’t sunbathe in a forest clearing under a power line and have a picnic there with your children. There is no need to cultivate beds directly below the line or within a radius of 150 m and arrange garden plots there. After all, the permissible time spent in the zone of influence of EMF from “high voltage” is only a few minutes. Do not buy country and garden plots under power lines, in the sanitary protection zone of power lines. If the site borders the sanitary protection zone of power lines, invite specialists from accredited laboratories to take measurements and determine a safe zone for long-term stay of people.

The same precautions are given for large transformer substations. If you have a small transformer substation booth in your yard, then it is better not to let your child play within a radius of 10 m from it.

Television towers and transmitting radio engineering objects of various types. It still works the same Golden Rule- we go around. It should be noted that these objects, as a rule, have a sanitary protection zone much larger than power lines. IN in this case we can talk about distances of 1.5-6 km.

Electric transport. The most dangerous zones in this case are in the driver’s cabins and near the edge of the platform. Therefore, when waiting for an electric train or metro train, it is better to move away from the edge of the platform.

Appliances . Since electrical wiring stretches everywhere like a spider's web in our homes, and we constantly use household appliances, we must remember simple rules safety: move away the radiation source, minimize the number of sources, reduce exposure time. One of the main rules of the house is not to turn on all household appliances at once: you should not create an electromagnetic storm. Use household appliances separately whenever possible. For example, when vacuuming, turn off the TV.

After placing the food in the microwave to heat it up and pressing the “start” button, you can retreat to the room and wait a couple of minutes there with your baby while the food warms up.

Also, an electric kettle will do an excellent job of boiling water without your presence. Since it is not always possible to leave the room where household appliances are working, it is better to place the electric kettle and microwave at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the dining or cutting table.

During cleaning, we usually hold the vacuum cleaner by the hose and in the process we move quite far (more than 1 m) away from the very radiating body of the vacuum cleaner.

The compressor emitting element of a conventional refrigerator is also located far enough from us to harm us. But if necessary, you can place the dining table at a distance of more than 1 m from the refrigerator.

If the washing machine is not in a closet or bathroom, where you can safely do laundry when no one needs the room, practice washing while you are away.

Being within 2 m of a running washing machine is unsafe from a radiation point of view - and it doesn’t matter what the person is doing at that moment. Taking a shower or bath while the washing machine is running in the bathroom is also unsafe from an electrical safety point of view. When connecting the washing machine, grounding conditions must be observed; this and all connection rules are described in detail in the instructions for its use. To connect large household appliances (washing machine, stove, dishwasher) for your own safety, it is always better to invite a specialist.

An electric stove is also a source of industrial frequency EMR. When cooking, do not forget that the higher the power, the greater the level of radiation. Therefore, try not to use the maximum heating modes of the burners and oven, choose medium power modes, and do not turn on all the burners and oven at the same time.

It is important to watch TV at a distance of no closer than 2-3 m, and of course, not to abuse the viewing time. Don't use the TV on as a "background" all day.

Electrical wiring. It is better if the electrical wiring is shielded, i.e. made using special shielded cables that have additional windings that prevent EMR from spreading outward, and runs along the floor at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the floor, being exactly at the level of the head of a sleeping person. You should not place sockets with sconces constantly plugged in at the head of the bed. It is recommended that the bed for night rest be kept as far as possible from sources of prolonged exposure; the distance to distribution cabinets and power cables should be 2.5-3 m, even if they are located behind the wall. Therefore, when arranging furniture, look at the house drawings from the developer when entering a new building or from the management company for houses that have been put into operation. If it is necessary to install heated floors, it is recommended to choose electrical systems with a reduced level of magnetic field and multi-level insulation of the cable heating element or a water heated floor system. To make the right choice, you need to compare specifications goods.

Elevator . When the elevator operates, a very high intensity electromagnetic field is created. If possible, you should choose an apartment as far away from the elevator as possible. If such an opportunity does not arise, then you need to understand which room and the wall in this room the elevator borders. Don’t place a bed near this wall, don’t organize a workplace - arrange a green corner there, for example.

Radio and cell phones. The harmful effects of EMR generated by both mobile and conventional radiotelephones depend on the power of the phone. More powerful phones have a more negative impact. There are studies that show an increased risk of brain cancer with cell phone abuse (more than 3-5 minutes of continuous talk, more than 30 minutes a day). Other studies show increased fatigue and nervousness. But in modern world A mobile phone has long become a necessity. Therefore, simple rules are proposed to minimize the impact of electromagnetic radiation from this factor. Try to use a regular phone more often at work and at home, even if it is a radio, but its power is much less than that of a mobile phone. Use a wired headset, thereby removing the source of radiation. You should not use your cell phone as an alarm clock or place it nearby while you sleep; it is better to turn it off or keep it away. It is better to carry a mobile phone in a bag rather than in a pocket.

Personal computers. Video display terminals. When arranging computers in the office, keep in mind that radiation comes not only from the monitor, but also from the system unit. If the PCs are located next to each other, then the minimum distance between them should be 2 m, if side by side - 1.2 m. Workplace should not fall into the radiation zone from the back panel of any monitor, since it is maximum there. It is important to choose a high-quality modern monitor that meets all safety standards. From an EMR point of view, an LCD monitor is safer for the user; there is radiation from the electrical component from the wall, but it is less. The system unit and monitor should be located as far as possible from you. Do not leave your computer turned on for long periods of time when you are not using it. Also remember to use the "sleep mode" for the monitor, since the radiation in this case is less.

Try to take breaks during work, during which you need to be away from computers.

Game consoles are also a source of EMP.

It remains to be said that poison differs from medicine only in dosage. Thus, EMFs are successfully used in medicine for the treatment of many diseases, for example, various tumors, varicose veins, hypertension, treatment of diseases of the ENT and respiratory organs, for cosmetic purposes, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the muscles, joints, peripheral nervous system, and in the treatment of bruises , fractures, spinal osteochondrosis, gynecological and urological diseases and many others. Therefore, the main thing is to be prudent and exercise caution.

The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body (abbreviated as EMR, electromagnetic field - EMF) has been studied by specialists since the invention of electricity: large research institutes have conducted studies on children, pregnant women and even entire generations of people.

As a result, according to official data from the WHO (World Health Organization), EMR is considered dangerous if exposed for too long.

Radiation sources include mobile electronics, telephone towers, transformers and many other electronic devices. It is impossible to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation. It is found in natural quantities in the natural field of the earth. For example, the result of EMR in the atmosphere is flashes of ions during the northern lights.

But if the influence of electromagnetic radiation on a person is negative, how to maintain your health and compensate for unpleasant ailments?

Sources of electromagnetic radiation

The more electronics are produced, the more sources of EMR humanity receives. One cannot demand to stop the process of technologization: the scientific and technological revolution has led to the rise of electronics.

Now it occupies an important place in human life. Some electrical devices even support the lives of hospital patients on mechanical ventilation or in a coma, and in these cases the influence of EMR is negligible.

If you need to avoid sources of radiation, the only option is to simply not buy certain items or go near the following number of influencing things:

  • Cell phones;
  • tablets;
  • LCD TVs;
  • energy-saving lamps;
  • transformer booths;
  • large electrical cables;
  • sockets;
  • refrigerators;
  • home electric generators;
  • brain tomography devices;
  • and much more.

The effect on the human body is stronger the longer he uses the device. To limit the effect, it is enough to move a few meters away from the equipment.

results various studies

In the USSR, Spain, USA, Great Britain and other countries, studies were conducted on the effect of EMR on children and adults. Let us present the basic facts about emitting devices that were identified during the experiments.

How does radiation affect the embryo?

Pregnant women who constantly worked at a PC while pregnant were more prone to miscarriages.

80% had prerequisites for its appearance and even full-fledged cases.

Another study group, which did not spend as much time near electronics, had a much lower rate of miscarriages. The study was conducted in the USA in the early 2000s. Now computer technology has stepped forward, and the waves have become less dangerous for humans.

Children who talked on the phone for 20 minutes then showed changes in brain activity for 2 hours. A group of 11-13 years old was taken for testing. The experiment was carried out in Britain in the 90s.

The same experts, but later tested the influence of computers on children and adults. Children about 10 years old showed blood and EEG changes similar to those of cancer patients within half an hour. Teenagers - after an hour, and adults - after 2 hours. The changes faded away over the same period of time.

Experts from the University of Bristol have proven that the reaction speed of children 11-14 years old who constantly use the phone decreases by 1.5-2 times. Similar results were revealed by Finnish studies that studied the effects of electromagnetic fields and radiation on the human body.

Experiments on animals were carried out in the USSR. The offspring of those individuals who were even slightly irradiated during pregnancy turned out to be less viable. It showed abnormalities not only in development, but also at the genetic level.

Based on the above data, EMR actually has an effect on living organisms, including people.

How exactly does the impact process occur, which organs are affected by electromagnetic waves?

The nature of changes under the influence of EMR

Electromagnetic waves are certain vibrations that transmit energy from induction electrical systems and affect living organisms and inanimate objects.

Induction or irradiation occurs when uneven movement electrons inside a closed space. Electrons are also part of the human body, as a result of which a microscopic magnetic and electronic field arises around the person.

Electromagnetic radiation affects a person by changing his natural field. Some vital functions depend on the field. For example, one’s own electromagnetic radiation affects the reaction speed of neurons, brain activity, and reactions.

When external influences lead to disturbances in natural wave levels, functions become disrupted. As a result, the body begins to become ill, exhibiting various EMR-related dysfunctions.

What does radiation affect?

Waves emitted by electrical devices and natural sources affect most parts of the human body:

  • reproductive system;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • endocrine organs;
  • departments responsible for immunity;
  • nervous system;
  • brain.

Each department suffers in its own way from constant doses of radiation. And even though the waves are less dangerous than radiation is commonly considered, the problem of EMR is more pressing: the induction of waves surrounds us at every step, and therefore is more dangerous.

Effect of EMR on the brain

Studies by prestigious English and American institutes of science, Finnish organizations and Russian research institutes have shown that EMR reduces the activity of the nervous system.

Signals from the brain to the periphery and in the opposite direction are transmitted more slowly. Some information is lost along the way, resulting in malfunctions: convulsions, absent-mindedness, incorrect mechanical movements.

Reaction speed decreases, especially in children. This leads to an increased risk of mortality due to accidents and the suppression of a sports career. The waves negatively affect brain activity, temporarily causing a “dullness” effect on a person.

Side effects for the reproductive system

With constant exposure to induction on the reproductive system, reproductive function decreases. A person either becomes completely infertile or partially loses the viability of germ cells.

A man's gametes, called sperm, clump together, making it more difficult to conceive. Women's menstrual cycles are disrupted.

People with “electrical” professions (transformer booth repairman, electrician, IT specialist) are more likely to have children with developmental anomalies.

Cardiovascular depression

The blood vessels, especially in the eye area, become significantly narrower after prolonged exposure to emitting devices. The outflow and inflow of blood slows down, and the brain and other organs suffer from oxygen starvation.

Due to their lack of nutrition, vision deteriorates sharply, and the heart begins to “become naughty.” People who are susceptible to heart attacks are at greater risk of having them when using PCs and mobile devices.

Changes in the endocrine system

The thyroid gland has recently shown dysfunction mainly in adolescents. This is caused not only by natural reasons (their fast growth and hormonal changes), but also the influence of electronic devices.

With constant exposure to EMR, the risk of developing iodine deficiency, excess thyroxine production, and delayed physical development increases.

Regular computer users show increased rates of ankle swelling, even if they took the breaks and exercises necessary to compensate for it while working. This is also associated with hormonal imbalances.

Conclusion about the effect of radiation on humans

It cannot be said unequivocally that we should abandon all electronic devices at once and move on to healthy image life. It is impossible to refuse their use. It is easier to follow simple recommendations that will reduce the negative effects of electronics.

Children should use phones and computers as little as possible, about 30-60 minutes a day. Adults should limit themselves to 2 hours. When working with electronics, you need constant breaks.

With constant development high technology everything appears large quantity sources of harmful rays surrounding humans and nature from all sides. Issues of electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the human body are today being discussed by world-class scientists.

It is not possible to completely limit yourself from exposure to harmful radiation, but it is possible and necessary to prevent their excess, just understand what it is.

One of the proven facts of the impact of the electromagnetic field is its negative impact not only on human health, but also on his thoughts, behavior and even the psychological component. Scientists came to this conclusion after studying the long-term interaction of waves with the human body. The sources of these waves are all kinds of electronic devices, computers, WI-FI, power lines and much more.

Thus, based on research, experts have identified the theory that developing diseases and pathologies in the human body occur due to exposure to rays from the outside. Moreover, decay products can even cause poisoning of body cells. Fortunately, a person can protect himself and his loved ones from harmful waves by knowing basic ways to protect against electromagnetic radiation.

Types of electromagnetic radiation are divided into radio waves, infrared (thermal) radiation, visible (optical) radiation, ultraviolet and hard radiation. IMPORTANT: in this case, the answer to the question “does visible light belong to electromagnetic radiation” is positive.

Radio wave disease

By the beginning of the 60s, specialists managed to discover a new trend in medicine - radio wave disease. The spread of this disease is very wide - 1/3 of the population. It must be said that in most cases a person is exposed to waves against his own will. However, radio wave disease is already indicated by a number of symptoms, including:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • depression;
  • absent-mindedness.

Since such symptoms relate to many types of diseases, diagnosing the above becomes extremely problematic. But, like any disease, radio wave disease is capable of developing and progressing.

As a result of its spread throughout the body, a person risks developing cardiac arrhythmia, chronic respiratory diseases, and even fluctuations in blood sugar levels. This happens through the destruction of a person’s electromagnetic field, affecting even the cells of his body.

This disease manifests itself differently depending on the organ or system it affects:

  • Nervous system - we are talking about the deterioration of the conductivity of neurons - nerve cells of the brain that are susceptible to the influence of electromagnetic radiation that affects humans. Thus, deformation occurs in their work, which leads to a violation of conditional and unconditioned reflexes, deterioration in the functioning of the limbs, the appearance of hallucinations, irritability. There are known cases of suicide attempts against the background of a developing disease.
  • Immune system – in this case, the immune system is suppressed. And the cells responsible for its protection are themselves influenced by electromagnetic waves, thus creating additional negative influence from all sides.
  • Blood – electric frequencies provoke adhesion of blood cells to each other, contributing to the deterioration of blood outflow and the formation of blood clots. This can result in an excess release of adrenaline into the body, which in itself is detrimental to health. There is no need to talk about disruption of the cardiovascular system - obvious arrhythmia, the development of plaques in the heart muscle and other types of heart failure, as a negative effect of electromagnetic waves on the human body.
  • Endocrine system – Since this system is responsible for controlling the functioning of hormones in the body, the influence of electromagnetic fields speaks for itself. The result of this effect is liver destruction.
  • Reproductive system - women are often more susceptible to electromagnetic radiation than men. Having increased sensitivity to external influences, the female body is able to literally “suck in” harmful radiation. This effect is especially dangerous during pregnancy. In the first weeks, the fetus is not firmly attached to the placenta, so there is a high probability of losing contact with the mother during a sudden release of radiation. Regarding later dates, the statistics are that electromagnetic radiation affects changes in genetic code child, DNA deformation.
  • Consequences of EMR

    Radio wave disease takes on new forms every year, expanding and progressing, depending on the number and level of radiation sources. Experts have identified a number of consequences not only individually, but also in a large-scale sense:

    • Cancer - it is no secret that oncological diseases manifest themselves under completely different conditions. However, scientists have proven the increased negative impact of electromagnetic radiation on cancer cells. Thus, studies in Japan have confirmed the presence of an increased risk of childhood leukemia in people whose bedrooms literally “glow” from the presence of electrical appliances and their components.
    • Mental disorders - in last years Cases of deterioration in the perception of the surrounding world in those exposed to excessive levels of electromagnetic radiation have become more frequent. We are talking not only about the so-called classic symptoms, but also about the developing fear of EMR. Such fear often develops into a phobia; a person begins to panic at the thought that any emission of radiation can provoke painful sensations in one or another organ or part of the body.
    • Stillbirth - according to official data, today the risk of fetal death increases by 15%, provided that the mother is in constant contact with sources of electromagnetic radiation. In addition to stillbirth, the likelihood of developing pathologies in the unborn child, slowdown in development, premature birth, and miscarriage increases. This is the impact of electromagnetic radiation on human health and the health of future generations.

    In addition to the enormous negative effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body, these waves can poison the environment. The most susceptible areas include areas with a large concentration of high-frequency power lines. They are often located far from residential buildings, but in individual cases there are such power transmission lines near populated areas.

    Vegetable and animal world also exposed negative impact harmful rays. In turn, a person eats irradiated animals and food products and, as a result, receives an additional dose of radiation-contaminated particles into his body. Such a process is extremely difficult to control due to factors beyond human control, but it is still possible to influence it.

    Video: the invisible enemy is electromagnetic radiation.


    To understand what the effect of electromagnetic fields on the human body is, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the following facts:

  • Changes in the blood and urine of a 9-year-old child 15 minutes after sitting at the computer coincide with changes in the tests of a cancer patient. Teenagers are susceptible to a similar influence after half an hour of being near the computer. And an adult undergoes changes in tests after 2 hours.
  • The signal coming from a portable radiotelephone can penetrate the brain at a distance of up to 37.5 mm.
  • Electricians are 13 times more likely to develop brain cancer compared to other professions. The level of the magnetic field in such workers is practically destroyed.
  • A 13-year-old child who talks on the phone for about 2 minutes undergoes a bioelectrical change in the brain, which takes place several hours after the conversation.
  • Animals, even slightly irradiated with a dose of electromagnetic radiation, began to lag behind in development and acquired pathologies in the body, as with radiation.
  • Electromagnetic radiation limits have the following meanings:

    • Radio waves - ultrashort (0.1mm-1m/30MHz-300GHz), short (10-100m/3MHz-30MHz), medium (100m-1km/300kHz-3MHz), long (1km-10km/30kHz-300kHz), ultra-long (more than 10 km/less than 30 kHz).
    • Optical radiation - ultraviolet (380-10nm/7.5*10 at 14st Hz-3*10 at 16st Hz), visible radiation (780-380nm/429THz-750THz), infrared radiation (1mm-780nm/300GHz-429THz) .
    • Ionizing electromagnetic radiation - x-rays, gamma. A more detailed table for calculating EMR standards includes additional sources of propagation of harmful waves.

    It is not possible to completely protect yourself from the effects of harmful waves. However, today there are a number of factors that can prevent the excessive influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body:

  • Purchasing a special dosimeter. Such a detector will help to identify the most dangerous sources of radiation by calculating the frequency of their waves and, as a result, reduce the time spent near such sources or eliminate them completely. Instruments for measuring electromagnetic fields are available at any hardware store.
  • Separation of radiation sources by area. It is not recommended to operate electromagnetic devices within a close radius of each other, otherwise their negative impact on the environment and the human body increases, causing maximum harm.
  • Isolation of radiation sources. We are talking, for example, about a refrigerator. It is advisable to use it at a distance from the dining table. The situation is similar with a computer or laptop: the distance to the location (sofa, bed) should be at least one and a half meters.
  • Exclusion of toys with EMP. The electromagnetic effects of radio-controlled and electrical accessories for a children's room pose a serious threat to the health of an adult, and are extremely destructive for children. It is recommended to rid the room of toys emitted by EMR.
  • Radiotelephone isolation. This technique is capable of emitting harmful waves over a radius of up to 10 meters. It is extremely important to remove such electronics as far as possible. This method of protection will protect you from the main source of harmful radiation, since the radiotelephone operates 24 hours a day.
  • Eliminate the purchase of counterfeit phones. The low price of such products is primarily due to the harmful radiation of electromagnetic waves on humans.
  • Careful selection of household appliances. In this case we are talking directly about devices with a steel body.
  • In addition to the above factors, there are well-known simple ways to protect against electromagnetic radiation, the observance of which will also allow you to protect yourself from EMR, reducing the risk of exposure to the lowest level:

    • It is not recommended to stay near a working microwave oven, since its waves have an extremely negative impact on the environment, if we compare household appliances.
    • It is undesirable to be too close to the monitor.
    • Avoid being near high-frequency power lines.
    • It is recommended to avoid an increased amount of jewelry on the body, which should be removed before going to bed.
    • The presence of electrical appliances, analogue household appliances, equipment and wiring at a distance of 2 meters from the bed is approved.
    • Recommended minimal amount time near operating electrical appliances and similar equipment.
    • It is undesirable for non-working devices to be switched on.

    Often people do not pay much attention to the harm that electromagnetic radiation can cause from the most common household appliances and other factors surrounding them, since they are not able to see their waves. This feature makes EMR extremely dangerous for the life of all living things.

    Having the ability to accumulate in the body, harmful rays affect vital systems, manifesting themselves in a variety of diseases and ailments. Humanity will be able to see the full scale of this problem a generation later - only then will the specific impact on the health of those who happen to live their lives surrounded by EMR sources be identified.

    The rapid development of science and technology in the 20th century. led to the creation of electromagnetic field generators, which are widely used in industry, communications, military, radio navigation, healthcare, and everyday life. Such widespread use is accompanied by progressive electromagnetic pollution environment posing a threat to public health. Indeed, everyone knows about the dangers of watching television programs for many hours and continuously working at the computer during the working day.

    Electromagnetic fields are biologically active - living beings react to their action. However, humans do not have a special sense organ for detecting electromagnetic fields (with the exception of the optical range). The central nervous system, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems are most sensitive to electromagnetic fields.

    Long-term exposure of a person to industrial frequency (50 Hz) leads to disorders that are subjectively expressed by complaints of headaches in the temporal and occipital region, lethargy, sleep disturbance, memory loss, increased irritability, apathy, heart pain, and heart rhythm disturbances. Functional disturbances in the central nervous system, as well as changes in the composition of the blood, may be observed.

    The effect of an electrostatic field on a person is associated with the flow of a weak current through it. In this case, electrical injuries are never observed. However, due to a reflex reaction to the flowing current, mechanical injury from a snowcock on nearby structural elements, a fall from a height, etc. is possible. The central nervous system and the cardiovascular system are most sensitive to electrostatic fields. People working in the area of ​​electrostatic fields complain of irritability, headaches, and sleep disturbances.

    When exposed to magnetic fields, dysfunctions of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the digestive tract, and changes in the composition of the blood can be observed. With the local action of magnetic fields (primarily on the hands), there is a feeling of itching, pallor and cyanosis of the skin, swelling and thickening, and sometimes keratinization of the skin.

    Exposure to the radio frequency range is determined by the energy flux density, radiation frequency, duration of exposure, irradiation mode (continuous, intermittent, pulsed), the size of the irradiated body surface, individual characteristics body. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from minor changes in some body systems to serious damage to the body. The absorption of electromagnetic radiation energy by the human body causes a thermal effect. After a certain limit, the human body cannot cope with the removal of heat from individual organs, and their temperature may increase. In this regard, exposure to electromagnetic radiation is especially harmful to tissues and organs with insufficiently intense blood circulation (eyes, brain, kidneys, stomach, bile and bladder). Irradiation of the eyes can lead to burns of the cornea, and exposure to microwave EMR can lead to clouding of the lens - cataracts.

    With prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range, even of moderate intensity, disorders of the nervous system, metabolic processes, and changes in blood composition can occur. Hair loss and brittle nails may also occur. At an early stage, the disorders are reversible, but later irreversible changes in the state of health and a persistent decrease in performance and vitality occur.

    Infrared (thermal) radiation, absorbed by tissues, causes a thermal effect. The areas most affected by infrared radiation are the skin and organs of vision. In case of acute damage to the skin, burns, sharp expansion of capillaries, and increased skin pigmentation are possible. With chronic irradiation, a persistent change in pigmentation and a red complexion appear, for example in glassblowers and steelworkers. An increase in body temperature worsens well-being and reduces a person’s performance.

    Light radiation at high energies also poses a risk to the skin and eyes. Pulsations of bright light impair vision, reduce performance, and affect the nervous system (light radiation is discussed in more detail in Chapter 2, Section V).

    High-level ultraviolet radiation (UVR) can cause eye burns up to temporary or complete loss of vision, acute inflammation of the skin with redness, sometimes swelling and blistering, and possible fever, chills, headache. Acute eye lesions are called electroophthalmia. Chronic moderate-level UVB causes changes in skin pigmentation (tanning), causes chronic conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids, and clouding of the lens. Long-term exposure to radiation leads to skin aging and the development of skin cancer. UVR at low levels is useful and even necessary for humans. But in production conditions, UVR is usually a harmful factor.

    Impact laser radiation(LI) per person depends on the radiation intensity (laser beam energy), wavelength (infrared, visible or ultraviolet range), the nature of their radiation (continuous or pulsed), and exposure time. In Fig. Table 1 presents the factors that determine the biological effect of laser radiation. Laser radiation acts selectively on various organs, highlighting local and general damage to the body.

    Rice. 1. Factors determining the biological effect of laser radiation

    When the eyes are irradiated, the cornea and lens are easily damaged and lose their transparency. Heating the lens leads to the formation of cataracts. The most dangerous for the eyes is the visible range of laser radiation, for which the optical system of the eye becomes transparent and the retina is affected. Damage to the retina can lead to temporary loss of vision, and at high energies of the laser beam even to destruction of the retina with loss of vision.

    Laser radiation causes various degrees of damage to the skin - from redness to charring and the formation of deep skin defects, especially in pigmented areas (birthmarks, areas with a strong tan).

    Radiation radiation, especially in the infrared range, is capable of penetrating tissue to a considerable depth, damaging internal organs. For example, direct irradiation of the surface of the abdominal wall causes damage to the liver, intestines and other organs; when irradiating the head, intracranial hemorrhages are possible.

    Long-term exposure to laser radiation of even low intensity can lead to various functional disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, endocrine glands, blood pressure, increased fatigue, and decreased performance.

    Pathological changes caused by artificial electromagnetic fields in a living organism

    The severity of the identified disorders is directly dependent on the strength of the electromagnetic field, the duration of its exposure, the combination of certain levels of exposure and exposure time, physical features various ranges of the electromagnetic field, environmental conditions, functional state of the body.

    Most researchers who have studied the clinical picture of diseases arising under the influence of electromagnetic fields agree that the nervous system reacts to electromagnetic waves before others. Survey large number patients made it possible to identify a symptom complex characteristic of the so-called magnetic or radio wave disease. In this case, the changes occurring in the body can be characterized as a functional disorder of the central nervous system, occurring primarily as a type of autonomic dysfunction with asthenic phenomena, less often as a neurasthenic type.

    Systematization of the clinical manifestations of the disease made it possible to identify three main forms: asthenic syndrome, vegetative-vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia and diencephalic (microdiencephalic) syndrome.

    With asthenic syndrome, various disturbances of autonomic functions, lability of pulse and blood pressure are possible. The changes are usually reversible and treatable.

    The basis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is vascular lability: fluctuations in pulse and blood pressure, bradycardia alternating with tachycardia, arterial hypotension, sometimes hypertension, changes in the function of the heart and capillaries. The disease can be protracted.

    Diencephalic syndrome is characterized by complex visceral dysfunctions and vegetative-vascular crises occurring against the background of an asthenic state. Hypokinesia, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal weakness, suppression of sexual and food reflexes are observed. The changes are not always reversible; such patients require specialized inpatient treatment.

    According to the severity of the disease, the following degrees are distinguished: first, or initial (compensated), second (moderate), third (severe). In some cases, the disease becomes chronic. Children are especially affected by radio wave sickness.
