Training options for the exam in chemistry online. Recommendations for preparing for the exam in chemistry from fipi

■ Is there a guarantee that after classes with you we will pass the exam in chemistry with the required score?

Over 95% graduates who completed a full annual course of study with me and regularly completed homework, entered the chosen university. Students who passed trial exams in September by 20-30 points, in May they showed results above 80! Your achievements will depend on you: if you are ready to work hard, success will come!

■ We are moving to grade 11, knowledge of chemistry is at zero. Is it already too late or is there still a chance to do it?

There is definitely a chance! I’ll tell you a secret: 80% of the applicants whom I will start preparing for the Unified State Examination in September in September will study in a group for beginners. These are the statistics: 80% of the eleventh-graders did not endure almost anything from school lessons chemistry. But the same statistics say that most of them will successfully pass the exam and enter the university of their dreams. The main thing is to get serious!

■ Preparation for the exam in chemistry - is it very hard?

First of all, it's very interesting! My main task is to reverse the school idea of ​​chemistry as boring, confusing, of little use in real life science. Yes, the student will have to work in class. Yes, he will have to do voluminous homework. But if you manage to interest him in chemistry, this work will be a joy!

■ For what teaching aids you are working?

Basically, on their own. For more than 10 years I have been "polishing" my own system for preparing for the Unified State Examination, and over the years it has proven its effectiveness. You don't have to worry about buying educational literature- I will provide you with everything you need. Is free!

■ How (technically) can I sign up for your classes?

Very simple!

  1. Call me on the phone: 8-903-280-81-91 . You can call any day until 23.00.
  2. We will arrange the first meeting for preliminary testing and determining the level of the group.
  3. You choose the time of classes convenient for you and the size of the group (individual lessons, classes in pairs, mini-groups).
  4. Everything, at the appointed time, work begins.

Good luck!

Or you can just use this site.

■ How effective is group learning? Isn't it better to choose the format of individual lessons?

Classes in groups are the most acceptable in terms of price-quality ratio. The question of their effectiveness is a question of: 1) the qualifications of the tutor, 2) the number of students in the group, 3) the correct selection of the group.

Parents' fears are understandable: the phrase "classes in a group" brings to mind school classes, in which 30-35 children with different levels of training and, to put it mildly, different levels of intelligence study (more precisely, sit back!)

Nothing like that would be allowed by a qualified tutor. Firstly, I observe the sacred rule: "No more than 5 people in a group!" In my opinion this maximum amount people, which can take into account Individual characteristics every student. A more numerous composition is "in-line production".

Secondly, all beginners preparing for the exam undergo mandatory testing. Groups are formed from students with approximately the same level of knowledge. The situation in which one person in the group perceives the material, and the rest are simply bored, is excluded! All participants will receive equal attention, we will achieve a full understanding of each topic by ALL students!

■ But are private lessons still possible?

Certainly possible! Call me (8-903-280-81-91) - we will discuss which option is best for you.

■ Do you make home visits to students?

Yes, I'm leaving. To any district of Moscow (including areas outside the Moscow Ring Road) and to the Moscow suburbs. Moreover, at home, students can conduct not only individual, but also group classes.

■ And we live far from Moscow. What to do?

Practice remotely. Skype is our best assistant. Remote classes are no different from face-to-face classes: the same methodology, the same educational materials. My login: repetitor2000. Contact us! Let's do a trial lesson - you will see how easy it is!

■ Is it possible to start preparing for the exam in the 10th grade?

Of course! And not only possible, but also recommended. Imagine that at the end of the 10th grade, a student is almost ready for the exam. If there are any problems, there will be time in 11th grade to correct them. If everything goes well, 11th grade can be devoted to preparing for chemistry olympiads (and a decent performance at the Lomonosov olympiad, for example, practically guarantees admission to leading universities, including Moscow State University). The sooner you start exercising, the more likely you are to succeed.

■ We are interested not only in preparing for the exam in chemistry, but also in biology. Can you help?

I do not teach biology, but I can recommend a qualified tutor for this subject. The USE in biology is much easier than the USE in chemistry, but, of course, you also need to seriously prepare for this exam.

■ We will not be able to start classes in September. Is it possible to join the group a little later?

Such issues are resolved individually. If there is a free spot, if the rest of the group does not object, and if the testing shows that the level of your knowledge corresponds to the level of the group, I will gladly accept you. Call me (8-903-280-81-91), we will discuss your situation.

■ How much will the USE-2019 in chemistry differ from the USE-2018?

Changes are planned, but they are not structural, but rather cosmetic. If in the 10th grade you already studied in one of my groups and passed full course preparation for the exam, there is not the slightest need to pass it again: you have all the necessary knowledge. If you are planning to expand your horizons, I invite you to the group for preparing for Chemistry Olympiads.

Preparation for the exam in chemistry is covered by our experts in this section - analysis of problems, reference data and theoretical material. Preparing for the exam is now easy and free with our sections for each subject! We are sure you will hand over a single State exam in 2019 for the maximum score!

General information about the exam

The exam in chemistry consists of two parts and 34 tasks .

First part contains 29 tasks with a short answer, including 20 tasks basic level difficulty: #1–9, 12–17, 20–21, 27–29. Nine tasks of an increased level of complexity: No. 9–11, 17–19, 22–26.

The second part contains 5 tasks high level Difficulties with a detailed answer: #30–34

Tasks of the basic level of complexity with a short answer check the assimilation of the content of the most important sections school course chemistry: theoretical basis chemistry, not organic chemistry, organic chemistry, methods of knowledge in chemistry, chemistry and life.

Tasks increased level of complexity with a short answer are focused on checking the required elements of the content of the main educational programs in chemistry, not only the basic, but also the in-depth level. In comparison with the tasks of the previous group, they provide for the implementation of a greater variety of actions to apply knowledge in a changed, unusual situation(for example, to analyze the essence of the studied types of reactions), as well as the ability to systematize and generalize the knowledge gained.

Tasks from detailed answer , unlike the tasks of the two previous types, provide for a comprehensive verification of the assimilation at an in-depth level of several content elements from various content blocks.


A new publication on preparing for the exam with tips from the developers of exam tasks is devoted to another subject of choice - chemistry

It is advisable to start preparing for an exam in chemistry by finding out which key concepts, basic patterns, information about substances and reactions between them will be checked during the exam. The answer to these questions is given by the codifier of the checked content elements, which is published on the official website of FIPI.

Particular attention is required to repeat such sections of the chemistry course as " chemical bond and the structure of matter”, “Regularities of flow chemical reactions”, “Methods of knowledge in chemistry”, “Safety rules when working with chemicals”, “Methods of laboratory and industrial production of the most important inorganic and organic matter».

An important condition for effective preparation for the exam is constant training in performing tasks of various types. The success of assignments is largely determined by a conscious understanding of the relevant material, possession of a vast amount of theoretical information, as well as the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in various relationships. You need to be able to analyze the condition of each task: to find key words, to understand what questions will need to be answered, to understand what theoretical and factual material will serve as the basis for answering the questions posed.

Most tasks should be recorded chemical formulas and reaction equations, even if this requirement is not directly spelled out in the assignment condition. This can be considered a guarantee that the task will be completed correctly.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the tasks of the second part of the work. Their implementation involves the independent formulation of the answer, which must be logically built and contain answers to all the questions provided for by the condition. Already at the stage of preparing for the exam, it is important to accustom yourself to fulfilling all the requirements for formatting answers to these tasks. So, for example, when performing tasks that test knowledge of the genetic relationship inorganic substances, it is necessary to write the equations of four reactions that reflect the essence of the processes described in the condition. These equations will be written correctly if both general and specific properties of the substances involved in the reaction are taken into account, the conditions for the reactions between them are taken into account, and the correct placement of the coefficients in each of the equations is checked.

When performing tasks on the relationship of organic substances, the above requirements are also valid. In addition, it becomes mandatory to use the structural formulas of organic substances, which uniquely determine the order of bonding of atoms, mutual arrangement substituents and functional groups in an organic molecule.

"Calculation tasks can be performed different ways. However, in any case, it will be obligatory to provide a detailed answer with the rationale for the chosen course of the decision, containing a record of all the calculations made, as well as an indication of the dimension of the obtained value.- says the chairman of the federal commission of developers of the KIM USE in chemistry Adelaida Kaverina.

Good luck on the exam-2017!

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The video course "Get an A" includes all the topics necessary for a successful passing the exam in mathematics for 60-65 points. Completely all tasks 1-13 profile exam mathematics. Also suitable for passing the Basic USE in mathematics. If you want to pass the exam with 90-100 points, you need to solve part 1 in 30 minutes and without mistakes!

Preparation course for the exam for grades 10-11, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve part 1 of the exam in mathematics (the first 12 problems) and problem 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the Unified State Examination, and neither a hundred-point student nor a humanist can do without them.

All the necessary theory. Quick solutions, traps and secrets of the exam. All relevant tasks of part 1 from the Bank of FIPI tasks have been analyzed. The course fully complies with the requirements of the USE-2018.

The course contains 5 large topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

Hundreds of exam tasks. Text problems and probability theory. Simple and easy to remember problem solving algorithms. Geometry. Theory, reference material, analysis of all types of USE tasks. Stereometry. Cunning tricks for solving, useful cheat sheets, development of spatial imagination. Trigonometry from scratch - to task 13. Understanding instead of cramming. Visual explanation of complex concepts. Algebra. Roots, powers and logarithms, function and derivative. Base for solving complex problems of the 2nd part of the exam.
