Speech clichés in the Russian language for an essay. Types of introductions and conclusions to the composition of part C of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. Conclusion in the Unified State Examination in Russian

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“We are preparing for the Unified State Exam. Russian language. Types of introductions and conclusions."

Introduction and conclusion to the essay-reasoning part C of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

The introduction can begin: 1) with a chain of interrogative sentences “What is the main thing in life: to contemplate or to create?” Admire cultural values, the architecture of palaces, priceless canvases, or work yourself so that an ordinary processed tree seems like a masterpiece? Judge the latest in cinema and literature or always come to the rescue? D. Granin’s text makes us think about this.” Types of introductions

2) from question-answer unity “Is it possible to evaluate a person from the first communication with him? Most likely difficult. Sometimes a person will amaze you with his erudition, sense of humor, sophistication of manners, and then you see that in front of you is a lover of “showing off”, “picking up the heights of “education”, completely forgetting about his main duty - to be humane. This is exactly what the author of the text, D. Granin, makes us remember”;

3) from the rhetorical question “Who among us has not heard what culture is? You've probably met people who consider themselves very cultured. Of course, there are different opinions about what it means to be cultured. This is what D. Granin discusses in the text.”

4) with brief information about the writer “V.S. Rozov is dear to every person who appreciates Russian drama. In his works he raises issues of morality and civic responsibility. His reflections on happiness in this passage made me think about this question too.”

5) from a lyrical digression “Each of us, probably, at least once in our lives admired the work of a master: an artist or a builder. How your heart rejoices when you look at their work, which brings goodness, beauty, and happiness to people. And even though this person is not good at conducting learned conversations, that doesn’t make him any less interesting. It is precisely this kind of person that is mentioned in D. Granin’s essay.”

6) with nominative sentence“Barclay de Tolly. Great commander. This name is dear to everyone who has thought about the historical fate of our Motherland. It is probably difficult to find a person who would not associate this name with the events of the Great Patriotic War. V. Laptev is one of those writers who tries to truthfully portray this image of the commander. The author in his article reveals inner world hero. “The main thing in war is not to die with honor, but to win,” said Barclay de Tolly.”

7) with the definition of the topic “Loneliness of a genius. For centuries, this topic has excited and inspired poets, artists, and musicians. The image of Prometheus, forgotten by people, has appeared in our imagination since the time of Sophocles when comprehending the role of the individual in history. Is it only the impossibility of understanding that is the reason for the loneliness of a genius? Or does this problem lie on the edge of the moral and ethical problems of society?”

8) from the quote “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are!” This saying is familiar from childhood. There is so much purity and simplicity in it - a naive inheritance from other centuries. Tell me who your enemy is, and I will tell you who you are. The enmity of an enemy is more reliable than the friendship of a friend..." These simple and touching lines by Eldar Ryazanov came to mind when I read the text by M. Khudyakov"

9) reflections on the title “The Fates of Great People” - this is the title that I would give to this text. V. Laptev in his text really writes about the destinies of great people, about the difficult trials that befell them. The writer takes us to the era of that time and makes us think about the eternal questions of existence."

10) from the text problem “What makes a person perform feats, climb Mount Everest, descend into the depths of the ocean, experience a fatal disease, fly into space? Louis Pastor, Yuri Gagarin and many, many nameless heroes... Not every one of them will receive a well-deserved reward. But someone must be the first to go into battle, prove that you cannot die in the ocean from thirst, or fly to Mars. In his article, V. Laptev raises the problem of human tragedy.”

11) with an indication of the topic of the essay - personal life spiritual experience “We urgently need to start creating a bright world of the future today” - this is how I. Botov ends his article, who raises the problem of upbringing and education and is of the opinion that education and upbringing are the main thing in life and human activities. It is the quality of people’s education that determines what the world will be like tomorrow. I completely agree with this and believe that eliminating the problems that have arisen in education and upbringing must begin today.”

12) connection with modernity “Despite the fact that some schoolchildren lose interest in knowledge, many still understand that education and upbringing are the main thing in people’s lives and activities. Even those who graduate from school with straight “C” marks strive to enroll somewhere.”

13) dialogue with an imaginary interlocutor “Do you want to talk about who the writer is? You will probably say without thinking that a writer is someone who writes stories, novels and novels. Can every person who puts pen to paper be called a writer? Let’s read together the article by V. Veresaev, where the writer gives us the answer to this question.”

14) comparisons (past and present, concepts, works) “There are many such writers in life who give a “impetus” to life, make you think about the meaning of life, see the beautiful: this is A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, Turgenev and many others. The same cannot be said about a modern writer of the 21st century. It is rare to find a book that would reflect the inner world of a person, call for something, and cultivate such qualities as kindness, honor, and conscience. This is an article by V. Veresaev"

15) personal impressions, feelings and life experiences related to the topic, main idea or central concept of the text “I love reading books. Previously, there were radio programs where the artist read chapters from the works of Russian writers. But now there are no such programs. So you go through books in the library, looking for the one that would give you true pleasure. Or you could take a book by a writer about whom you have already heard or read something, and about whom they say that he is a “classic”, “a real writer”

You can start with: 1) a quote, if it is a final judgment “Relationships with friends were described by Eduard Asadov in his poem “Conversation with a Friend”: “And then it flashed: isn’t that how I sometimes Praise someone who is not a scoundrel? But how many true hearts are there? And are all friends really friends? These lines make us think about whether we are one hundred percent confident in our friends? Shouldn’t we expect betrayal from them?” Types of conclusions

2) an argument with an imaginary critic “Not everyone will probably agree with D. Granin’s position. There will be those who will say that he judges people harshly. But isn’t it scary that people who have seen the beautiful creations of great masters destroy the nature around us, start wars, abandon their loved ones, and are indifferent to the grief of others. You have to be a stubborn fool to deny that all the tragedies in the world occur because of immoral people."

3) development of the thought expressed in the introduction A) “A person owes all the best in himself to the introduction to beauty. Any person who loves and understands beauty knows this. And until we all realize the role of culture in our lives, tragedies and disasters will occur.” B) “M. Khudyakov’s text about two thirteen-year-old boys did not leave me indifferent. Just like the author, I was struck by the behavior of Seryozhka Leontyev. Although his presentation of all the details of that incident can be considered rash, because he wanted to talk about his heroism. But on the other hand, all his previously performed actions, namely: carrying his friend 8 kilometers on his shoulders across the hot ground, risking his life, can be considered quite conscious and deliberate. He wanted his heroism to look more impressive against the background of his friend’s weakness.”

4) summing up your thoughts “The problems raised by M. Khudyakov are extremely relevant today, and make us think about their solution. After all, a person should see in a friend not a rival, not a traitor, but an ally, a comrade who is ready to lend a shoulder at any moment. And even if he lends his shoulder in difficult times, then don’t talk about it, showing your superiority.”

5) personal attitude to the problem raised in the article “V. Laptev’s reflections on the destinies of great people who managed to find the strength to “go to the end”, but “deprived of sympathy and support” did not leave me indifferent. I agree with the author that the life of a person who honestly fulfills his duty is often tragic. But a fair court of history will certainly give what it deserves. We, grateful descendants, remember the feat of Berkeley de Tolly."

6) a vivid comparison, summing up “What is associated with the feeling of homeland for a Russian person? With birch trees, Antonov apples, off-road terrain, with starlings that we wait for in the spring, with endless fields, forests... And so on endlessly. Some people associate Russia with the names of artists, writers, composers, while others will remember lines from a poem by their favorite poet. Aesthetic attitude and the Russian person’s sense of homeland is connected by invisible threads that are so strong that neither time nor any force can tear them apart (according to the text by N. Aksenova)”

7) an ethically correct objection to the author “It is difficult to disagree with N. Gogol, but there are facts that give hope that humanity is gradually freeing itself from the thirst for profit. Today many people are involved in charitable activities. Ice palaces, playgrounds, and stadiums for children are being built, various foundations are operating that support certain ideas, and financial assistance is being provided to orphanages and orphanages. Of course, it’s too early to paint optimistic pictures, but humanity has begun to distinguish true values ​​from false ones.”

8) a vivid example that summarizes the student’s judgments “After reading the text, I remembered the mask of the two-faced Janus. People who wear this mask, under some circumstances, look strong, assertive, bright, and under others, they suddenly turn into a “little little mouse.” About such people I would like to say: “The appearance of a falcon, but the voice of a raven” (based on the text by N. Gogol)

9) an energetic answer to the question posed at the beginning of the essay (the ending is the answer) “So what is inspiration? The pangs of creativity? A writer's normal working state? Stifling rise? Whatever characterization we give to this concept, one thing is important and valuable: inspiration is a state of internal awakening and rise of the human soul, giving freshness and joy in the perception of reality.”

10) a short expressive saying containing a general conclusion (the ending is an aphorism) “After reading the text, you understand that the problem posed in this text by M. Matveeva is relevant. I agree with the author that serving in Russia today is dangerous. But this cannot be a reason to refuse conscription into the army. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for it.”

We present the text by V. Peskov, types of introductions and conclusions to it (1) In autumn, the forest is silent. (2) Such silence. (3) A hundred steps away you can hear a mouse running away across the dry leaves. (4) In anticipation of the cold weather, the birds fell silent. (5) Not a sound. (6) At such times, the woodpecker’s working music brings special joy to the forest. (7) It seems that a bone hammer is knocking not on wood, but on that string. (8) I walked through the spruce forest for a long time until I saw the only musician in the silent forest. (9) The woodpecker worked tirelessly. (10) The pattern of his “chisel” was visible on the diseased pine tree. (11). Through binoculars, one could see how the woodpecker’s long tongue reached out to the larvae that had settled in the wood. (12) I hid behind a bush, admiring the work. (13) The woodpecker looked down, but continued to work. (14) At that moment a story happened, which, unfortunately, is very common. (15) A shot rang out from the hazel bushes - the shot tore off the worm-eaten bark, and with it the bird fell onto the yellow grass. (16) The woodpecker did not have time to swallow the larva - it remained white in its bloody beak.

(17) A guy of about seventeen came out of the blue smoke into the clearing with a new double-barreled shotgun, with a creaking belt full of cartridges. (18) I didn’t swear, but the guy felt: the meeting did not bode well. (19) To top it all off, he didn’t know what to do with the bird. (20) - Why? (21) - And just like that... (22) The guy awkwardly stomped around, then pulled out a cartridge from the second barrel and put it in his pocket. (23) Who should teach boys who, from the age of seven, have been in love with slingshots, homemade pistols and new double-barreled shotguns? (24) Who should take care of them and love nature? (25) Who should explain to them that a forest without birds is boring and inhospitable? (26) Who should teach them to rejoice at the arrival of cranes and take care of the grove that darkens like an island in the field?

1. Chain of interrogative sentences. Why does a person consider himself entitled to treat nature cruelly and consumptively? Where does this indifference, disregard for spiritual values, passion for destruction come from? Who should teach the younger generation to take care of nature, appreciate beauty, and protect all living things? Such thoughts arise... 1. The final part of the essay sums up everything that has been said and makes a generalization. In his article, the author talks about the inner emptiness of today's youth, their indifference and blindness to the beauty that surrounds each of us. Love for nature should be instilled in childhood. It is the task of adults to teach them to truly perceive its beauty. The author calls to protect and love our native nature, to love everything beautiful and living. Conclusion Introduction Types of introductions and conclusions to the text by V. Peskov

2. Question-answer unity. Where do people come from who ruthlessly and indifferently destroy nature? The reason, most likely, is that next to growing boys and girls there is often no person who has a keen sense of the beauty and harmony of all life on Earth, someone who is responsible and capable of teaching children to take care of and love nature. 2. The conclusion can express the student’s personal attitude to the problem being solved in the text. Who, if not you and me, should protect nature? The life of nature follows its own wise, deep laws. Fish need clean water - we will protect our water bodies. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests, steppes, mountains. Only through joint efforts can we preserve our nature. Conclusion Introduction

3 Rhetorical question. 1.Can there be any doubt that with early childhood Should a love for nature be instilled? Of course, education careful attitude to beauty native nature people need to start from early childhood... 2. Can there be any doubt that from very early childhood there should be a person with boys and girls who can develop in children the conviction: preserving nature means preserving life on earth? 3. In conclusion, the idea expressed in the introductory part can be expanded. Indeed, man himself is a part of nature. Nature is the world around us, where everything is interconnected, where everything is important. And a person must live in harmony with the world around him. Nature is powerful and defenseless, mysterious and sensitive. You need to live in peace with her and learn to respect her. Conclusion Introduction

4. Quote as a starting point. 1. “Take care of these lands, these waters, loving even the smallest epic. Take care of all the animals within nature, Kill only the animals within yourself.” These heartfelt lines of E. Yevtushenko came to mind after reading V. Peskov’s article. 2. “Birds, fish, animals look into people’s souls. You have pity on them, people, don’t kill in vain! After all, the sky without birds is not heaven! And a sea without birds is not a sea! And a land without animals is not a land.” These lines from R. Rozhdestvensky’s poem came to mind to me... 4. Conclusion in the form of a vivid comparison, summing up the reasoning. Planet Earth is often compared to a giant spaceship flying across the expanses of the Universe. And humanity is the crew of this ship. A beautiful comparison, and in some ways even wise. But we all must realize that our ship EARTH has no emergency exit. Today the main thing is to solve a pressing problem - the formation ecological culture and environmental awareness of the entire population. And if every person on the planet makes an effort to improve the situation: plant a tree, make a birdhouse, do not trample a wild flower, do not dump dirty, poisonous water into clean rivers, then our ship will become an eternally prosperous, clean spaceship. Conclusion Introduction

5. Lyrical digression. 1. How nice it is in the forest! Heavenly azure pours onto the tops of tall pines, the gentle sun gilds the braids of birches, bells ring in the grass, bees buzz, grasshoppers chirp, birds sing. How interesting it is to observe the life of nature! But how fragile and vulnerable this world of beauty and harmony is! How he needs our support and protection! An article by V. Peskov is about this. 5. The conclusion can be written in the form of a quotation if it is a final judgment reflecting the idea or problematic of the text, but it must be commented on. “Not what you think, nature: Not a cast, not a soulless face - It has a soul, it has freedom, It has love, it has a language...” These lines by F. I. Tyutchev once again remind us of that it is necessary to treat nature as a living being and appreciate beauty. And for this you need to treat it with care and protect all living things. Conclusion Introduction

6. Connection with modernity. Human civilization has reached such a level today that it can “squeeze” almost everything out of nature: energy, medicine, etc. But, paradoxically, civilized man makes every effort to destroy the source and condition of his existence. This is unlikely to be explained by a person’s ignorance or lack of understanding of simple truths. Unfortunately, this is due to the spiritual degradation of society, and the younger generation must be saved. Who should do this? Here is the main question posed by the author of the text... 6. The conclusion can be written in the form of a generalizing judgment. To destroy an innocent bird and not find words to explain your action can be regarded as the destruction of a person’s personality. For such a person the system life values consists of a new double-barreled shotgun with a creaking belt full of cartridges. Isn't this an example of how cruel a person can be? Therefore, it’s worth thinking: “Will this act be the beginning of the end for a seventeen-year-old guy?” Conclusion Introduction

7. Statement of your own position. I think that the author of the text raises an important problem: who should raise a person who subtly senses the beauty and harmony of all life on Earth, who is able to teach this to others. In my opinion, the leading role here belongs to parents and teachers. And for this it is necessary that the mentors themselves value beauty, understand nature and protect all living things, for, as the outstanding teacher and humanist Sh. A. Amonoshvili believes, “knowledge is brought up by knowledge, kindness is brought up by kindness, beauty is brought up by beauty.” 7.The conclusion can be written in the form of a dispute with critics about the author’s position. Probably, not everyone will agree with V. Peskov’s position, and one will hear the phrase: “Well, what boy didn’t shoot with a slingshot?” However, it should be remembered that production is not always a weapon, and protection is the destiny strong in spirit people. But what kind of spirituality can we talk about if an innocent bird becomes a victim of an act without explanation? In my opinion, instilling a love for nature does not mean breaking the dreams of boys, but being able to clearly explain the essence of the concepts of “good” and “evil.” Conclusion Introduction

8.Formulation of the problem raised in the text. Who is responsible for the spiritual - moral education the younger generation? Who should develop in children the noble qualities of the soul: love of nature, a sense of beauty, mercy and compassion? Who should explain to children that by destroying nature, a person dooms himself to death? The author of the article poses such questions to the reader... 8. Conclusion in the form of an ethically correct objection to the author. It is difficult to disagree with V. Peskov that in his essay he raised topical and topical issues. Maybe in the above example there is a moment that carries positive motivation, a meeting of people in a majestic autumn forest- the author and a seventeen-year-old guy - this moral lesson. For a mature person, this is an opportunity to convey a share of morality and love, and for a young man - to draw conclusions and accept the priceless gift of goodness and beauty. The author’s description of the meeting of two generations allows us to once again be convinced that a silent reproach and the expression on a person’s face are often more compelling arguments compared to shouting and edification. A young man, capable of feeling awkward and embarrassed in this situation, is still able to appreciate that fate showed him in time that he had made a mistake. Conclusion Introduction

9. Personal impressions, feelings related to the topic of the text. I cannot imagine my life without communication with nature. She makes me happy and delights me at any time of the year. The delicate greenery of newly hatched leaves compresses the heart with defenseless beauty, and the lush flowering of nature fills us with new strength for life. Autumn attracts with the abundance of shades of gold and copper, the transparency of the air and fog, the smell of mushrooms and rotten leaves. And the snowy silence of the plains makes you think about the mystery and incomprehensibility of life. How unique and how beautiful this amazing, great, mysterious nature is! How to save it? The author of the article makes us think about this... Conclusion Introduction

10. Comparison, comparison of phenomena, concepts, works, etc. There was a time when huge territories The lands were occupied by virgin forests; there were tens of thousands of different species of fauna, varieties of birds, and fish. Today the picture has changed a lot. Endangered species of birds and animals are listed in the Red Book, many forests and lakes are declared nature reserves, otherwise they cannot be saved from human cruelty. How and who can change the situation for the better? This question worries the author of the article, V. Peskov... Conclusion Introduction

11.Indication of the topic through personal spiritual experience. Among the sayings of Academician D.S. Likhachev, an outstanding humanist, scientist and thinker, there is this: “The greatest value in the world is life...”. I think these lines correspond main idea text. Indeed, what could be more valuable than life, what could be more important than instilling responsibility for all life on Earth? Conclusion Introduction

12. In the introductory part, the topic of the text is determined. In the text, V. Peskov raises important issues: this is the preservation of nature for the future generation, the harmful influence of man on nature, our role in nurturing a caring attitude towards nature in the younger generation, humanity as a whole. Introduction Conclusion

I believe that the role of the Russian language is determined by the great significance that the Russian people, the creator and speaker of this language, had and still have in the history of mankind.

The Russian language is the single language of the Russian nation, but at the same time it is also the language of international communication in the modern world. The Russian language is becoming increasingly important internationally. It has become the language of international congresses and conferences, and the most important international treaties and agreements are written in it. Its influence on other languages ​​is increasing. Back in 1920, V.I. Lenin proudly said: "Our Russian word“Sovet” is one of the most common, it is not even translated into other languages, but is pronounced in Russian everywhere.” The words Bolshevik, Komsomol member, collective farm, etc. have entered many languages ​​of the world.

IN modern conditions The Russian language is gaining increasing international importance. Many people study it different countries peace.

The Russian language is undoubtedly the language of the richest fiction, global significance which is exceptionally large.


  • 1. Vinogradov V.V. Russian language. (Grammatical doctrine of words).M. Higher school, 1986.
  • 2. Vygotsky L.S. Development oral speech. M.: Education, 1982.
  • 3. Leontiev A.A. Language, speech, speech activity. M.: Education, 1975.
  • 4. Modern Russian language. Works of E.M. Galkina-Fedorchuk Part II. M. Moscow State University Publishing House. 1997.
  • 5. Ushakova T.N., Pavlova N.D., Zachesova I.A. Speech in human communication. M.: Nauka, 1989

1. Introduction. General provisions . 3 2. The role of the Russian language in the world . 5

3. Russian is one of the leading world languages. 7

4. Russian language in international communication. 9 5. Will Russian be one of the world languages ​​in the future? 14

6. Conclusion. 16

7. List of used literature. 17

Introduction. General provisions .

Russian is the official language Russian Federation. Belongs to the eastern group of Slavic languages, part of the Indo-European family of languages. Official language of the UN. Used as a language of interethnic communication in the former union republics USSR. Number of Russian speakers St. 250 million people.

The priceless wealth of a nation is its language - a kind of gene pool of national culture. Language in the life of the people performs ethno-differentiating and ethno-integrating functions, occupying not a side, secondary place somewhere on the periphery, but one of the leading ones, since it acts as a bearer of the spiritual independence of the nation. The loss of language for her is a loss of mutual understanding not only outside, but also within her.

Language is the main spiritual territory of the people. Those who call it the backbone of national culture are right. In Ancient Rus', the word “language” also had a second meaning - “people”. Treasuring one's native speech is a high moral sign of loyalty to the Motherland and nation. These feelings were expressed with great artistic force during the Great Patriotic War by Anna Akhmatova.

“It’s not scary to lie dead on the floor with bullets,

It's not bitter to stay homeless

And we will save you, Russian speech,

Great Russian word

We will carry you free and clean

We will give it to our grandchildren and save us from captivity

The words of the Avar Rasul Gamzatov echo the feelings of the Russian poetess:

"And if tomorrow the language disappears,

Then I'm ready to die today »

Despite the widespread prevalence of national-Russian bilingualism (the proportion of those fluent in Russian as a second language increased from 80.1% in 1970 to 83% in 1979), all nationalities use their native language (93.1% of the total population) .

The Russian language is a familiar and convenient tool for spiritual communication. Pushkin bequeathed a twofold mission to the Russian language - the mission of unity and the mission of preserving other languages ​​and cultures. In the current conditions, it is the most important lever for rapprochement independent states. One remarkable fact should be recalled. In 1948, during the " cold war"Allen Dulles taught: to destroy the USSR, you don’t need atomic bomb, you just need to convince his people that they can do without knowledge of the Russian language. Economic, cultural and other ties are being disrupted. The state will cease to exist.


The Russian language has been and continues to remain one of the world languages. According to estimates, the Russian language in terms of the number of speakers (500 million people, including more than 300 million abroad) ranks third in the world after Chinese (over 1 billion) and English (750 million). It is the official or working language in most authoritative international organizations (UN, IAEA, UNESCO, WHO, etc.).

At the end of the last century, alarming trends emerged in the functioning of the Russian language as a world language in a number of countries and regions for various reasons.

The Russian language finds itself in the most difficult situation in the post-Soviet space. On the one hand, due to historical inertia, it still plays the role of a language of interethnic communication there. The Russian language in a number of CIS countries continues to be used in business circles, financial and banking systems, and in some government agencies. The majority of the population of these countries (about 70%) is still quite fluent in it.

On the other hand, the situation may change dramatically in a generation, since there is a process (recently it has slowed down somewhat, but not stopped) of destruction of the Russian-speaking space, the consequences of which are beginning to be felt today.

As a result of the introduction of the language of the titular nations as the only state language, the Russian language is gradually being forced out of the socio-political and economic life, areas of culture, media. Opportunities for obtaining education there are being reduced. Less attention is paid to the study of the Russian language in general education and professional educational institutions, in which instruction is conducted in the languages ​​of the titular nations.

The narrowing of the scope of use of the Russian language deeply affects, firstly, the rights of millions of our compatriots who found themselves abroad as a result of the collapse of the USSR, and secondly, it does not meet the national interests of the newly independent states. An erroneous language policy can cause serious difficulties in the development of cooperation both within the CIS (economic, scientific and technical integration, the formation of a single educational space, etc.) and in the sphere of mutual bilateral relations.

The problem of giving the Russian language a special status in the CIS and Baltic countries has acquired particular relevance and importance. This is a key factor in maintaining his position.

In the field of dissemination of the Russian language abroad, the most active activities are carried out by Russian center international scientific and cultural cooperation(Roszarubezhtsentr) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, State Institute of Russian Language and Literature named after. A.S. Pushkin, Center for the Development of the Russian Language and the Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (ROPRYAL).

Of course, in the area of ​​promoting the Russian language abroad, the most pressing problem is still the problem of resources. Despite some positive changes that have emerged, as noted above, financial opportunities remain very limited. Currently, the issue of creating a fund to support the Russian language abroad is being considered, which could partially solve these problems.

Russian language is one of the world's leading languages

The Russian language has been and continues to be one of the leading world languages. According to the latest data, the Russian language ranks third in the world in terms of the number of speakers (more than half a billion people) after Chinese and English. Experts note that Russian is one of those languages ​​whose knowledge meets the interests of almost all states. It is no coincidence that today in about 80 countries of the world the Russian language is considered almost compulsory to study. For example, in the Czech Republic, more schoolchildren choose Russian as a language of study than French. In China only English language We are more loved by students, and in Bulgaria, the Russian language has moved from 14th most popular language studied in schools to second place. And as experts note, the popularity of the Russian language will only increase in the coming years.

First Deputy Executive Director of the Russkiy Mir Foundation Sergei Morgunov agrees with this assessment: “According to our information, the Russian language is becoming more and more popular in various countries. This applies not only to people who come to work with us and have some kind of integration ties with Russia, but also to people who have some kind of relationship through family ties. This refers to our compatriots in some generations - the third or fourth and already forgetting the language. This interest is also increasing due to the fact that Russia, as an active political player in recent years, is very significantly represented on the world stage. Interest in Russian culture has always been quite high, but recent research conducted by our foundation shows a constant, active increase.”

The Russian World Foundation was established by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin to create centers of the Russian language and Russian culture around the world. Today, the foundation has opened over 20 Russian centers in the USA, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Japan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, China, Estonia and Latvia. Important role The Moscow government also plays a role in supporting the Russian language abroad, especially in the CIS, by implementing a number of programs to promote education in the Russian language. For example, the Moscow Mayor's Scholarship program is being implemented in the Baltic countries. During its operation, more than 500 people became scholarship recipients. International Russian language Olympiads are held among schoolchildren from CIS countries, and advanced training courses are organized for teachers of Russian-language schools in neighboring countries. As a gift from Moscow, Russian-language schools in the former Soviet republics receive hundreds of thousands of copies of textbooks every year. But, as experts note, this is not yet enough. It is no coincidence that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has repeatedly emphasized that Moscow’s growing role in the world arouses logical interest in the Russian language and Russian culture. And one of the main tasks of the government is to ensure that the Russian language is one of the main languages ​​in the world, so that in the future over a billion people speak it.

Russian language in international communication

Russian language in international communication. The Russian language is one of the most widespread and rich languages ​​of the world, spoken outside the main territory of their distribution by representatives different nations, communicating not only with the original speakers of these languages, but also with each other.
Just like English and some other languages ​​used outside the countries for which they are state or official, the Russian language is widely used outside of Russia. It is used in various areas of international (interstate) communication, for example. acts as the “language of science” - a means of communication between scientists from different countries, a means of encoding and storing universal knowledge (60-70% of all world information is published in English and Russian languages). Rus. language is a necessary accessory to world communication systems (radio broadcasts, air and space communications, etc.). English, Russian and some others, etc. world languages ​​are characterized not only by the specificity of social functions (for example, the function of lingua franca, i.e. an intermediary in the dissemination of knowledge and equalization of its level in different countries; the function of the language of diplomacy, international trade, transport, tourism; educational function - people study in them youth of developing countries, etc.), but also by the conscious choice of these languages ​​for study and use (recognition as a “foreign language,” i.e., a subject of teaching in schools and universities in most countries; legal recognition as a “working language” in international organizations, especially at the UN, at international congresses, etc.).
Rus. The language ranks fifth in the world in terms of the absolute number of speakers (after Chinese, Hindi and Urdu together, and English and Spanish languages), but this feature is not the main one in determining the “world language”. What is important for a “world language” is not the sheer number of people who speak it, especially as native speakers, but the global distribution of native speakers, its coverage of different, maximum number of countries, as well as the most influential social strata of the population in different countries (for example, scientific, technical and creative intelligentsia, administrative apparatus). Before the collapse of the USSR, Russian the language was studied by 20-24 million schoolchildren, students, and other individuals in 91 countries, ch. arr. in the countries of the East. Europe and other former so-called. socialist states. It was also recognized as the language of interethnic communication among all the peoples of the current “near abroad”, even the “second native language” of non-Russians. peoples living in the USSR. In the 90s 20th century number of Russian students language in the world (excluding the former republics of the USSR) is estimated at 10-12 million people. (a decrease in the number of students studying the Russian language occurred in the countries of Eastern Europe; in developed countries and a number of other countries, the relative number of those choosing the Russian language to study has increased). Cancellation of compulsory study of Russian. language in those countries that provided high statistics, led to an improvement in the quality of mastery of Russian. language by those individuals who study it by free choice, without qualifications. coercion. Improving the level of Russian proficiency. language contributes to the liberation of its teaching from the ideological coloring of the “language of communism”, from the “political and educational function”. Like other languages ​​of wide international study and use, Russian. the language entered the “club of world languages” due to the action of social and linguistic factors. Social factors are associated with the meaning of the carrier people of this language in the history of mankind and its role, authority in the modern world. Distribution of Russian language in Europe and Asia dates back to the 11th century. on an ascending line, Russian plays a large role in this process. a classic literary figure of the 19th century, he was facilitated - often contradictory - by the events of the 20th century, including political, economic, social and other changes in Russia that began in the 2nd half. 80s 20th century
Linguistic factors are derived from historical and social ones, and not self-sufficient, built up to the “natural, innate superiority” of a given language (for example, to the type of its morphological structure, as adherents of the superiority of English analytical grammar believed).Rus. language and other “world languages” are distinguished by their high information content, that is, the ability to store in their system the maximum experience of communication and verbal creativity, proven means and possibilities for expressing and transmitting thoughts. Information value is the quality of the language elements themselves, but, naturally, it is closely dependent on the quantity and quality of information presented in long language in original and translated publications. Information value is associated with the communicative effectiveness of a given language and its ease of use for speakers of other languages.
In specific linguistic terms, the following are essential: the development of semantics, both lexical and grammatical, especially syntactic, stylistic and other differentiation of the dictionary, in particular the presence of special terminologies; the adaptability of language to express the subtlest shades of thoughts; the stability of the generally accepted standard (literary language) and the degree of its normalization; relationship between book and conversation speech, as well as the state of the oral form of lit. language; the degree of internationalization of linguistic units and the preservation of their national identity; the nature of writing, etc. The function of an international intermediary requires a language not to become similar to other or all languages, but to be able to express everything that can be expressed in them (this thesis is related to the concept of “intertranslatability”).
Rus. the language, maintaining its uniqueness and identity over a vast space and a long time, absorbed the riches of the languages ​​of the West and East, mastered the Greek-Byzantine, Latin, Eastern. and st.-slav. heritage. He accepted the achievements of the new languages ​​of the Romance and Germanic areas of Europe. However, the main source of its development, processing and polishing was the creative work of Russians. people, especially generations of Russians. and everyone grew up. figures of science, politics, technology, culture and literature - Russian. the language has become a highly developed, rich, revealed in its potential, ordered, stylistically differentiated, historically balanced language, capable of serving all needs - not only national, but also universal.
The Russian language, like other languages ​​of wide world study and use, is especially intensively studied as a linguistic phenomenon, including from a contrastive and comparative point of view, i.e. from the standpoint of the linguistic consciousness and culture of other peoples: various monographic descriptions appear all its aspects, different types of dictionaries, grammars, stylistics, theoretical and practical grammars for all categories of users, etc. (see Russian Studies). Since 1967, the MAPRYAL International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature has been operating (see), since 1973 - the Institute of Russian Language. A. S. Pushkin (see) in Moscow, since 1967 the magazine “Russian Language Abroad” and other periodical educational and methodological literature have been published in Russia and other countries.

The modern language situation is characterized by the development of processes that negatively affect the state of the Russian language:
- areas of functioning of the Russian language in the territory are being reduced former USSR, as a result of which many millions of people who speak Russian cannot fully use it in the fields of government, education, culture, literature and computer science;
- the concept of the development of national-Russian bilingualism in the former republics of the USSR is changing, which leads to a weakening of the importance of the Russian language in the CIS and Baltic countries; this, in turn, negatively affects the attitude towards the problems of bilingualism in certain regions of the Russian Federation;
- the volume of business correspondence in Russian is decreasing; changes in forms and methods of management in the context of the transition to a market economy are not ensured by new standards and rules of business correspondence, office work and archiving;
- the publication of books in Russian is being reduced, their circulation has decreased significantly, the book market is flawed and primitive, the production of serious scientific and artistic publications, including books on the Russian language, has sharply decreased due to the repurposing of many publishing houses to produce market-oriented literature;
- do not fully meet the needs of modern Russian society mostly translated information systems;
- normalization work has lagged behind: the creation and dissemination of norms of the Russian literary language does not fully meet the needs of modern society;
- serious difficulties have arisen in teaching the Russian language and literature in schools and universities: the existing educational literature doesn't answer modern requirements;
- there is no established system of propaganda of the Russian language in the media, in secondary and higher school, in professional fields.

Will Russian be one of the world languages ​​in the future?

At the beginning of the 20th century, approximately 150 million people spoke Russian - mostly nationals Russian Empire. Over the next 90 years, the number of people who know Russian (actively or passively speaking it) more than doubled - to approximately 350 million people, and 286 million of them lived in a country where Russian was the state language and for the majority of its inhabitants relatives.

Another over 70 million people (mainly in the Union republics of the USSR, Eastern European, Balkan and a number of Asian countries) knew Russian to one degree or another. 14 years after the collapse of the USSR, by 2005, the number of people who speak Russian to varying degrees had decreased to 278 million people, including 140 million people in the Russian Federation itself.

Currently, Russian is the native language for 130 million citizens of the Russian Federation, for 26.4 million residents of the CIS and Baltic republics and for almost 7.4 million residents of non-CIS countries (primarily Germany and other European countries, the USA and Israel), then there is a total of 163.8 million people.

Over 114 million more people speak Russian as a second language (mainly in the CIS and Baltic countries) or know it as a foreign language (in non-CIS countries). In 10 years, by 2015, the number of those for whom Russian is their native language will decrease, according to our estimates, to 144 million (including in Russia itself - to 120 million). In addition, another 68 million people will speak it as a second or foreign language.

Currently, the Russian language still ranks fourth in the world in terms of prevalence. The leading languages ​​are English (it is estimated that 500 million people speak it as a native or second language, and over 1 billion more people speak it as a foreign language) and Chinese (it is spoken almost exclusively as a native language by over 1,350 million people (including Mandarin - over 900 million people) takes third place. Spanish(about 360 million people own it, including an estimated 335 million as their own).

The second most important region in terms of the prevalence of the Russian language outside Russia has traditionally been the states Eastern Europe. The peak of interest in the Russian language and culture in the countries Western Europe was the end of the 1980s, which was associated with the so-called perestroika and certain expectations from it.

The Russian-speaking community, formed from several waves of emigration, can to a certain extent contribute to maintaining interest in the Russian language and culture in Western European countries. Its population, according to our estimates, is 4.3 million people, the largest part of whom live in Germany, France, Greece, Great Britain, Portugal, and Spain


The problems of the Russian language are organically connected with the place of Russian culture in modern society - its great literature and painting, philosophy and history, its role in all spiritual life. They are connected with those new tasks that Russian culture is called upon to solve not only on its own national soil, but also in the context of the consolidation of a multinational national culture.

The question of his protection and defense is acute; alien words that cripple him invade him. The Russian language began to deteriorate, become poorer, lose its riches, and be eroded by the so-called language of the outskirts. In many regions, the teaching of the Russian language is weak. There is a shortage of over five thousand teachers of Russian studies.

Russian is a world language. Little studied (lesser taught), but world-class in the sense that the entire heritage of world civilization has been translated into Russian.

List of used literature .

1. Trushkova Yu. V. Problems of describing modern sociolinguistic terminology (the term " state language") // Problems of language 2. Khaleeva I. I. Language will bring to Europe // newspaper "Trud", February 7, 2010
3. Chelyshev E.P. “The Great and Mighty” is taken under protection // “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, November 17, 2009.

The conclusion is a relatively small part of the essay. But don't underestimate her. No points are awarded for withdrawals. But it is an important part of the work, giving it integrity, improving logical perception and raising general level essays. These few sentences should be as succinct as possible and have a serious semantic load. Want to know how to achieve this?

Output volume

It is enough to write 2-3 sentences. There is no point in giving free rein to your imagination in limited time. And due to stress, which affects the body to a greater or lesser extent, in a text of an impressive length there is a high chance of making grammatical, punctuation, and factual errors.

Ways to Write Output

Message to readers: Express your opinion on a problematic issue in the form of an appeal. For example, you can encourage people to protect nature. You need to briefly explain why this is necessary, why you think this way. With the same success, you can appeal to people with a request to respect their elders, to take care cultural heritage, strive for improvement. The main thing is not to express too radical a point of view in a harsh manner. Write neutrally.

Summarizing the ideas expressed during the discussion: the most logical conclusion to the essay. Briefly, without repeating yourself, tell us about the main content of the essay. Summarize. You can start with the phrase: "Thus, we have come to the conclusion:...". You can just as easily use all the phrases from.

Rhetorical question: a very bright, expressive way. But it must be used skillfully and with caution. It is important to bring up the issue again, making the answer to the question obvious. For example: "Do we need to protect cultural heritage? The answer is obvious." The following can explain why given point view is irrefutable.

Citation: not the most common way. Contact him only if you are completely confident in the correctness of the selected material. Quotes of a general nature should be selected. Moreover, their content must fully coincide with your point of view, otherwise everything will be meaningless.

About the same thing, but in different words: the easiest way. Simply rephrase your most clear and evidence-based reasoning. You can repeat it or (if you agree with it) in other words.

Don't pay attention to conclusion Unified State Exam essays a lot of time. You already have little of it.

Don't treat the conclusion as if it doesn't matter. Remember: an unsuccessful finish can ruin your work.

Strive not for beauty, but for brevity, accuracy, laconism. Little is not always bad, much is not always good.
