Is it necessary to do an internship at school in the summer? Is summer internship at school legal? What is the penalty for refusing to do a summer internship at school?

Many Russian schools Summer work is still practiced, obliging schoolchildren to come to various events to work for the benefit of the institution. Often the work is about two weeks. However, many parents have questions about this event. This is not unfounded, because... such developments were assumed even during the existence of the USSR, which is this moment is not relevant. However, many educational institutions continue to resort to child labor.

Table of contents:

Legislative basis for summer work at school

Based on clause 14 of Art. 50 Federal Law “On Education”, the involvement of schoolchildren or students of organizations involved in their education in labor duties that are not included in school curriculum, is not allowed. A similar rule was in effect on the territory of the USSR until 1992, when it was abolished at the legislative level.


Summer work activities on school grounds are possible only with the consent of the student and his parents.

Summer practice includes the following types of activities: cleaning classrooms and the surrounding area of ​​the school, feasible work on land plots related to the school, etc.

Thus, an educational institution does not have the right to force a student and his official guardians to work, in cases where it is not recorded in the curriculum in terms of practice in the subject.
Practice in an academic subject can be expressed in the following types of activities: working with repair equipment, sewing work, tidying up a workplace in a classroom intended for a labor lesson, etc.

At the same time, the school curriculum does not provide for specially designated hours for work after graduation. school year. It follows from this that summer practice is a voluntary matter for the student and his parents, who must confirm in writing their consent to their child performing work duties. It is also important to understand that such training should not contradict the medical requirements of the student and comply with all safety standards, in accordance with professional training requirements.

What is the penalty for refusing to do a summer internship at school?

It is not legal to force anyone to do a summer internship at school. Consequently, punishment for failure to perform this type of activity is also illegal.
This means that if the student and his parents refuse to perform certain job duties, nothing will happen.

However, in many educational institutions the use of schoolchildren's labor remains widespread. The official way to bring the school into a tidy state is to hire specialists who will carry out the agreed scope of work for the appropriate payment.

Such methods of influence are often used to obtain consent to labor activity after the end of the academic year:

  • threat not to confirm the child's promotion to the next grade;
  • the threat of not providing a child with free printed material for a year;
  • threat to leave the child after class for detention. They often mean cleaning classrooms during the school year after classes end;
  • justification that the child will be in conflict with other classmates who completed the summer internship.

Despite the fact that the requirement for compulsory summer service is illegal, some educational institutions use the following types of manipulations:

  • introducing a provision on mandatory summer work into the school charter. However, such an action directly contradicts the law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. For this fact alone, you can sue the school;
  • introducing a provision on compulsory summer service into the school curriculum. Often such an event is classified as biology, arguing that it will provide schoolchildren with a deeper knowledge of plant growth. However, cleaning classrooms and school grounds cannot be included here;
  • An unpopular method is the creation of special labor groups from schoolchildren. IN in this case payment is expected for the work performed.

All these actions are illegal. There should be no penalty for refusing to undergo summer work. In a case where pressure is put on a student or his parents, they can seriously go to court with a complaint against the school and coercion into illegal activities.

Instructions on how to avoid summer work at school

In order not to officially undergo internship in summer time it is necessary to arm yourself with the Constitution, the Federal Law “On Education”, and, if available, a certificate confirming the ban on performing certain works, as well as a statement to the police.

First of all, you must present to the school a quotation from Art. 50, clause 14 of the Federal Law “On Education”, which states that attracting schoolchildren to work is illegal. Paragraph 16 of the same article also stipulates that all schoolchildren have the right not to attend any events not stated in the school curriculum.

The most effective method of combating coercion to such labor will be to refer to laws. If the school administration continues to insist and, more rarely, issues a punishment in the form of a fine or a written reprimand, it is necessary to file a statement with the police demanding that they investigate forced labor.

Another common way is to resolve the issue with the help of financial assistance from the school. If the administration offers this option to the student’s parents, they need to clarify where they can get a payment receipt. The issuance of receipts for such matters is not provided for by the school accounting department. If the accounting department does issue a certificate confirming that money has been deposited into the school’s account, such a document will become the main evidence of the school’s unlawful actions.

Also, an absolute exemption from summer work will be a certificate of the student’s health status. In this case, no one has the right to involve him in work.

The detention, familiar to all parents of today's schoolchildren from their childhood, still exists.

In one of the schools in Chelyabinsk, summer work is a mandatory official lesson. When we turned to the class teacher with a question about where its “obligatory” nature was stated, we heard the answer: “In the school charter.”

“I approached our teacher and explained that we were leaving the country for the whole summer,” says Polina, mother of 14-year-old student Natalia. “To which she replied: “Everyone works in June, and your daughter, as an exception, in the last days of August. Will she fly to the city and go to school? Then it will work.” There was no talk of any possibility of not working for the benefit of the school. Only an allergy to flowering is considered a contraindication for treatment, and no other medical withdrawals are accepted.”

Children in the school yard trim the bushes. Photo: / Kuzmina Nadezhda

The children themselves are not happy with this practice.

“I consider this work nonsense and our exploitation,” says Karina, now an 8th grade student one of the Chelyabinsk schools. “I didn’t work last year, and no one said a word to me.” Classmates went to school for two weeks and swept the territory. Everyone was angry because it was summer and we had to work. Our teacher said that this also helps us all make friends. I wonder how? We love to be on duty, even sweeping the school if we are removed from classes for this purpose. But in the summer, during the holidays, I don’t see any advantages. We're not cleaners."

But in one of the schools in Yekaterinburg there is an official loophole for escaping forced labor.

“We have a city camp at our school in June,” says Olga, mother of 13-year-old Kirill. “The shift there lasts two weeks, it’s paid, and those children who go to school camp are exempt from service.” IN primary school I once sent my son to this camp. The cost of the trip is low. Meals are included in it, and I decided that at least at the beginning of the holidays it would be supervised. On the second day of the shift, the child asked me for 500 rubles. They were told to take money because they were going to an amusement park. The next day - 300 rubles. They told me to ask my parents for a movie ticket, popcorn and something to drink. And so every day. When they were campaigning for a school camp, there was no talk of any additional expenses. They promised that there would be a shift full of activities that the children would enjoy. But not a word about money. My husband and I are counting pennies - I’m on maternity leave with my youngest, half of his salary goes to pay the mortgage. We cannot afford such expenses. Apparently, I wasn't the only one disappointed. They stopped registering for the camp and donating money, and the school management decided to lure people in this way: if you go to the camp, you don’t have to work for it. We have detention from the 6th grade, so if you don’t want to swing a rake, you have to pay.”

In schools, June is a busy time: both exams and detention. Photo: / Nadezhda Uvarova

If you don't want to work, pay!

An even more radical method of replacing detention was invented in one of the gymnasiums in Novosibirsk. Students were offered, according to teachers, an official opportunity to “buy off” their detention. How? With parents' money, of course! “None of the teachers now, during the period of struggle against extortion, will take money in their hands,” Diana, mother of 15-year-old Irina, confesses. “But at the meeting they announced to us that you can officially buy yourself off from the service, as well as from numerous duties.” The cost is about 400-600 rubles. No one will clearly tell you the amount, so that God forbid someone pays less. You deposit banknotes through a terminal at a bank with which the school has a service agreement. You need to select the line “Voluntary donations” or “For school repairs.” We handed over the payment receipt to the teacher. At first it seemed strange to us. After all, this is a legal bribe! And then I personally realized that it’s even more convenient. There is no need to ask for time off or excuse the child - all this is humiliating and disgusting. I gave the money and no one owes anyone. Now my daughter is already graduating from school, taking exams for the 9th grade, and this year we were told that there is no work for graduates. We paid our dues, that means.”

The only ones not working are those at the school camp. Photo: / Kuzmina Nadezhda

The amounts paid to the cash desk vary from several hundred to several thousand rubles. In one of social networks there's even group(, which describes examples of how teachers demand detention, but parents and children resist it. There are also stories about cases of threats from teachers, and about schoolchildren’s fears that those who did not work will be given bad marks, will be “spread” or will not be given textbooks.

“And here, parents work for their children,” says Veronica, mother of 15-year-old Natalia. — The school is small, we are not rich, we live in a small town. At the meeting, the teacher outlined the problem: the school needs help. Money, hands, paint, seedlings, paper and so on. We split into groups: someone washes the desks, another pays for cleaning the corridor, a third brings seedlings, a fourth plants them. The children can rest peacefully, the teacher confirmed. I chose the library. Believe it or not, there were two days off from work. There was a lot of work to do at home, and I sat with glue and tape and glued covers to textbooks, and erased bad words on the pages with an eraser. But the child can rest in peace.”

Teachers' headaches

“Working out is another one of mine headache, - confesses Nadezhda Gennadievna, teacher at one of the gymnasiums in Chelyabinsk.— We have a section of school territory assigned to each class. The director demands that he be clean and well-groomed. It is these areas that we sweep and clear of leaves, plant flowers there, we field them, and chase the dog walkers away. Summer is the time to take care of the seedlings. Now you write - and no one will come to work it out. They will say, I don’t want to and I won’t. What will I do? Never mind! Every meeting I appeal to the conscience of parents, and every Classroom hour- students. I’m talking about the obligations to help the school, and about labor education; many of their children do not teach their children to work at all, they are afraid that they will overwork. The director will see that our site is not well-kept. Should I go weed myself? IN Soviet time everything was worked out. They went to the collective farm and plowed like slaves. At least someone would be indignant!”

The children are still weeding and removing weeds. Photo: / Kuzmina Nadezhda

Parents of one of the schools in the city of Troitsk two years ago appealed to the prosecutor’s office with a demand to recognize illegal work in vacation time. The supervisory authority sided with the applicants. The heads of schools where drills were organized without the consent of parents and students were given notices to eliminate the violations and were given warnings. All educational institutions in the city took note of the information about the inadmissibility of forming so-called summer labor teams. The prosecutor's office referred to the inadmissibility of forced labor in Russia.

“The school can’t force you”

“Clause 4 of Article 34 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” establishes a ban on the involvement of students without the consent of their parents (legal representatives) in work not provided for educational program, - speaks Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law of Volgograd State University Oksana Sharno. — Accordingly, if child labor is not provided curriculum, the school cannot force a child to come for so-called “summer work.”

At the same time, despite the legally established prohibition of involving students in work without their consent, in schools, local acts (statutes, regulations) often include rules for the compulsory completion of summer labor internships for students in grades 3-4, 5-9, 10 ). They are organized for the purpose of effectively maintaining the school grounds, flower beds or vegetable gardens, improving the quality of labor education, training, vocational guidance for schoolchildren and organizing socially useful work.

Local acts in which the organization of children’s labor is carried out with their consent are legal. Accordingly, school regulations that do not contain such references are illegal and violate the rights of students.”

Sometimes these are pleasant duties. Like this one - to paint a dull school fence. Photo: / Kuzmina Nadezhda

Oksana Sharno says that she has come across examples of local acts in which labor practice was included in the curriculum. For example, as a workshop in biology. However, the lawyer notes, according to such curricula, students should be involved, for example, in cleaning classrooms, corridors, school grounds, i.e. those jobs that are not related to the study of biology are not allowed.

“In any case, the school must approve the class schedule and curriculum, and everything that is not provided for by them cannot be mandatory,” notes Oksana Sharno. — It is also worth noting that federal legislation guarantees students the right to vacations in accordance with the academic calendar. This right is enshrined in Art. 34 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. At the same time, as a rule, “works” are assigned to students mainly during their summer holidays. And this is already a violation of the student’s right to rest.”

Oksana Charno emphasizes that no sanctions should be applied to students for refusing to work in the summer for the benefit of the school. This is directly at odds with federal law.

“According to paragraph 3 of Art. 43 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” discipline in an organization carrying out educational activities, is supported on the basis of respect for the human dignity of students. The use of physical or mental violence against them is not permitted. Refusal to participate in work organized during summer internship does not count as violations or misdemeanors. Accordingly, a student who did not agree to perform work as part of a summer internship cannot be held accountable, says Oksana Sharno. — The school can offer those who wish to participate in summer work, but does not have the right to threaten and punish. This is a direct violation of the law and the rights of the child.”

What to do?

Art. 45 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” regulates the right to protection of students and their parents, who can independently or through their representatives:

1) send requests to the school to apply disciplinary sanctions to teachers who violate or infringe upon the rights of students. Such appeals are subject to mandatory consideration with the involvement of students and their parents;

2) contact the commission for resolving disputes between participants in educational relations;

3) use other methods of protection. For example, you can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office, the education committee, or the ombudsman for children's rights.

“It is advisable to submit appeals to the school principal regarding forced labor in writing in writing. It must indicate a refusal to work or be on duty due to the fact that such requirements contradict the provisions of Article 34 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” advises Oksana Sharno.

Labor practice was an integral part educational process Soviet school. Children were involved in school duty, in school work, and in other jobs. Let us find out how legal this practice is today based on modern legislation regulating the rights of minor children to work. Legislative provisions on the work of minor students are enshrined in Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015 ) (hereinafter referred to as the TC), in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989) (came into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990). The Convention on the Rights of the Child prohibits the exploitation of child labor or any work that violates the rights of the child (Article 32 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child). If the work entrusted to a child may pose a danger to his health and physical development, then this will be considered a violation of the child’s rights.

Can involvement in school work practice be considered a violation of the rights of a child?

Today it is not often in schools that you can find students who work as part of the summer labor practice. Should my child undergo a summer internship?

For minor workers, a reduced salary is established work week. For example, for workers under 16 years of age studying at any educational institution work time should be no more than 12 hours per week. And for workers aged 14-16 years who study at school no more than 18 hours a week (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

There is also a list of jobs for which minor workers cannot be hired (Article 265 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • hard work;
  • work that may harm health and moral development;
  • working in harmful or dangerous working conditions; overtime work;
  • night shift work;
  • work on holidays and non-working days.

Organization of work practice for persons with disabilities.

It is especially necessary to note the importance of labor education and labor practice for students with disabilities from special schools. Letter of instruction Ministry of General and vocational education RF dated September 4, 1997 No. 48 “On the specifics of the activities of special educational institutions of types I-VIII” pays a lot of attention to labor training. Labor training for persons with disabilities is a necessary condition training and subsequent employment. Some of the tasks of this work are:

  • inclusion of students in home, economic, applied and pre-professional work;
  • expansion of social contacts in order to develop social skills, moral behavior, knowledge about oneself, about other people, about the surrounding microsociety.

In senior classes (groups), students receive knowledge in general education subjects that have a practical orientation and correspond to their psychophysical capabilities, and skills in various work profiles. Students are taught skills independent work, for this purpose they are included in labor activity in educational workshops, subsidiary farms, enterprises, institutions and organizations. Labor training includes a system of occupational therapy aimed at restoration, compensation and development of labor skills and abilities, and is the basis for vocational training. In a correctional institution of the VIII type with 10-11 years of education, labor training in grades 10-11, if there is a production base, is in the nature of in-depth labor training for students. To organize labor training, workshops are provided with the necessary equipment and tools with special devices that take into account special educational needs students with disabilities. The length of the working day during practical training is determined by law Russian Federation about work. The management of industrial practice is carried out by a labor training teacher. Pupils who have completed the 9th (10th) grade are accepted into classes (groups) with in-depth labor training.

Training in a correctional institution of the VIII type ends with a certification (exam) on labor training, consisting of two stages: practical work and an interview on issues of materials science and product manufacturing technology. Pupils of a correctional institution of the VIII type may be exempt from certification for health reasons in the manner determined by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.



1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”,The Law of the Russian Federation “On Basic Guarantees of Children’s Rights”, the Charter of the municipal budgetary educational institution “Zalesskaya School” (hereinafter -school ).

1.1. Summer practise students in grades 5-8, 10 is organized withthe purpose of creating conditions for organized work, recreation, employment of schoolchildren in the summer and preventing delinquency and crime among children and adolescents.

1.2. Students are involved in summer work practice with the consent of their parents and legal representatives (Appendix No. 1).

1.3. Responsibility for organizing and conducting summer internships rests with the deputy directors for educational work, class teachers, and organizing teachers.

1.4. This provision is a local actinstitutions and determines the main goals and objectives, the procedure for completing summer work practice inschool.

2. Main objectives of summer internship

2.1. The main tasks during the internship are:

    education of love and careful attitude to nature and the surrounding world;

    formation of a conscious need for work;

    during the summer holidays, ensure organized labor participation in the school site, landscaping and landscaping of the school, and nature conservation;

    practical consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the learning process in biology, technology, ecology, and geography lessons.

3. Content and organization of work during summer internship

3.1.The main areas of activity for secondary andsenior classes in practice are:

    work at the school site;

    preparing the school for the new school year;

    work on landscaping.

3.2.Summer practice is carried out according toplanned scheduleapproved by the school director, is promptly brought to the attention of students, their parents, subject teachers,class teachers involved in summer practice.

3.3.The duration of the working day should not exceed 4 hours. The total duration of work of students during the summer holidays should not exceed 1 week for students in grades V - VI and 2 weeks for studentsVII, VIII, X classes. In order to attract to work more schoolchildren can spend summer practical work in 2-3 streams.

3.4. The schedule of summer work practice is promptly brought to the attention of students, their parents, subject teachers, class teachers involved in summer work practice. The scope of work practice is:

    5th grade students – 5 days, 2.5 hours a day with 10-15 min. breaks every hour;

    6th grade students – 5 days, 3 hours a day from 10-15 min. breaks every hour;

    students in grades 7-8, 10 - 10 days, 4 hours a day from 10-15 min. breaks every hour.

3.5.Only healthy students are fully involved in summer practical work. Students with health problems are allowed to work to the extent that they are approved by a doctor. It is prohibited to involve students with significant health problems in socially useful work.

3.6.Changing the dates of summer internship, its postponement for those leavingfor vouchers to vacation spots, temporarily disabled people, according to personal applicationniyamparentsallowedwith the permission of the director.

3.7. The employment of students in socially useful activities or other types of work outside of school does not exempt students from undergoing summer work practice. Students completing summer work practice at other educational institutions, including additional educational institutions, sports institutions, etc. cannot be counted as school summer practice.

3.8. Students who have not completed summer work practice (from June 1 to August 31) may be allowed to undergo it during the academic year in their free time from classes on a voluntary basis.

3.9. Those responsible for conducting summer work practice are appointed by order of the school director.

3.10. The results of students’ summer work experience are summed up in the first ten days of September at a meeting with the director.

4. Labor protection.

4.1. Director, deputy directors, teachersand their replacements organize summer work practice instrict compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety equipmentsafety, sanitation, coordinate types of work, working conditions, carry personalnew responsibility for safety.

4.2. Students are allowed to participate in summer work practice after preliminaryclear medical clearance, training in safe work practices,conducting briefings with them with registration in the established logforms.

4.3. It is prohibited to involve schoolchildren in work that is contraindicated for their duties.growing, at night, on holidayspersonal days associated with the use of pesticides, as well as with the rise andmoving heavy objects in excess of the norms established for teenagers.

4.4. Monitoring the provision of healthy and safe living conditionsIts labor practice is carried out by the administration.

5. Supervision of summer practical work.

5.1. The management of students’ summer practical work is carried out by the school administration.

5.2. The school director, acting teacher, responsible for summer practice, and housekeeping manager are responsible for organizing summer practical work for school students.

The school director is responsible for:

    responsibility for compliance with labor laws;

    determination of the content of students’ work;

    selection and placement of personnel for supervisors of summer practical work for students;

    organization of the necessary material base;

    providing assistance to student self-government and (or) parent committee in the management of students’ summer practical work;

    creating safe and healthy working conditions, and, if necessary, living conditions for students;

    establishing the necessary connections with enterprises, institutions, organizations, and the public.

The teacher responsible for summer internship is responsible for:

    planning summer practical work for students, organizing a discussion of the plan at a meeting with the school director;

    management of the formation of work teams of students, their preparation for participation in summer practical work;

    ensuring clear organization and labor protection of students, educational work with students during summer practical work.

    responsibility for the quality and volume of work performed.

The farm manager is responsible for:

    planning, together with the person responsible for organizing summer work practice, practical work for students;

    ensuring clear organization of students’ work;

    provision, inventory;

    creating safe and healthy working conditions.

5.3. Class teachers, subject teachers in close contact with student government and/or parent committee participate in preparation for summer practical work - in their planning, formation of work teams, and training of students.

5.4. Direct supervision of summer practical work is carried out by the head of the student workforce. He is appointed by order of the school director from among the teachers. The manager organizes the work of students, carries out educational work, and bears personal responsibility for the state of affairs in the work team. In organizing production and educational work, he is assisted by teachers and school employees assigned for this purpose.

5.5. Work team leaders maintain documentation:

Safety Magazine;

Attendance log;

Logbook of work done.

6. Responsibility of participants for completing summer practical work

6.1. Students are required to observe safety precautions when carrying out work, strictly comply with all the requirements of the director of summer practical work and other school employees. Completing summer practical work is mandatory for all students, except for the cases specified in clause 3.5.

6.2. Class teachers are responsible for recording and monitoring students’ completion of summer practical work.

6.3. The head of the work collective is personally responsible for the quality of the volume of work performed and for the state of affairs in the work collective.


To the director of the MBOU



(Full name of parent (legal representative)


The student and his parent (legal representative) to attract the student

for summer work practice at school

In order to foster love and respect for nature and the surrounding world, the formation of a conscious need for work, the practical consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the learning process in biology, technology, and geography lessons, we give our consent to the Zalesskaya School MBOU to attract our child____________________________________________________________

A student of _____ class of the Zalesskaya School MBOU to participate in socially useful work during the summer holidays: work in the school area, preparing the school for the new school year, work on landscaping the school grounds.

MBOU "Zalesskaya School" undertakes to ensure that work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of sanitary standards, labor protection and safety standards, under the supervision of responsible persons, in accordance with the "Regulations on summer work practice at MBOU "Zalesskaya School".

This consent comes into force from the date of its signing and is valid during the period of summer work practice at the Zalesskaya School.

This Consent may be revoked at any time upon written request.

_______________________ ___________________________________

(date) Signature of parent (legal representative)

It's winter outside now. But how quickly it flies by and once again there will be a hot summer outside the window, and with it the long-awaited vacation. However, the joy of many students and their parents these days is somewhat overshadowed by school practice. What is she talking about? What responsibilities do students have?

The head of the information service of the Ministry answered our questions in advance about the procedure for conducting summer internships in schools. public education Republic of Uzbekistan Bakhriddin SHAIVALIEV.

- What regulations stipulate the participation of students in summer internships at school?

The basis for this is the Instruction on the procedure for conducting practical labor lessons in grades 5-8 secondary schools, approved by order of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of regulatory documents” dated November 3, 2003, No. 159.

- Which classes undergo practice? And how many days must a student work?

In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of state educational standards secondary and secondary special, vocational education" dated 04/06/2017, No. 187, in grades 5-8 of secondary schools, practical labor classes are conducted:

at 5- 6th grade - 6 days for 3 hours;

in 7th grade- 10 days for 3 hours;

V 8th grade - 16 days, 3 hours each.

- What is the procedure for organizing practice at school?

  • Practical labor classes are conducted under the guidance and control of a person appointed by order of the school authorities, as well as leaders directly working with each class;
  • each student must familiarize himself with the safety rules and sign about it in a special notebook;
  • the type and volume of work intended to be performed for each class is planned in advance and approved by the head educational institution. In this case, it is imperative to take into account age, health status, number and physical abilities practice participants. Taking this into account, groups of 8-12 students are organized, and a leader is appointed in each.


- In schools (classes) with non-in-depth study of certain subjects:

  • 50% of the time allocated to grades 5-6 is allocated to putting classrooms in order and preparing equipment for the new school year;
  • 20% - repair of books in the school library;
  • 30% - care of plantings on the school land and other organizational issues;
  • 30% of the time allocated to grades 7-8 is allocated to putting classrooms in order and preparing equipment for the new school year;
  • 30% - current repairs sports grounds on school grounds;
  • 40% - improvement of the school grounds, care of plantings on the school land and other organizational issues.

In schools (classes), boarding schools with in-depth study of certain subjects:

  • 50% of the time allocated to grades 5-6 is allocated to practical classes in subjects studied in depth;
  • 20% - for putting classroom equipment in order, routine repairs of classrooms;
  • 30% - for current repairs of the internal and external parts of the school building, landscaping, care of plantings on the school land and other organizational issues.

- Can schoolchildren do internships at an enterprise?

On the basis of an agreement concluded between the educational institution and enterprises and organizations, 8th grade students can undergo practical training there in compliance with all the rules established by the above-mentioned Instructions. The contract must define the scope of work and the student’s salary.


Students may be exempt from internship in the following cases:

  • based on a certificate from a medical commission;
  • during preparation for republican and international subject and sports competitions, if the time of participation in them falls during the internship (based on a certificate from the relevant organization);
  • if there is a referral to summer holiday homes or health camps;
  • for other reasons, a student may be released from practice only by order of the director of the educational institution.


- Is the hot season taken into account if children work outside?

- There are a number of conditions according to which conducting practical labor classes is prohibited. This:

  • carrying out practice in excess of the daily norm established by the above Instructions;
  • conducting practice outdoors on rainy and very hot days;
  • allowing students to work in rooms with toxic substances, as well as paint and varnish materials in unventilated areas;
  • allowing students to paint in rooms with exposed electrical wiring.

Students are prohibited from working in high-voltage networks, transformers, wells, around reservoirs, on the roof of buildings and basements, as well as lifting loads that do not meet the standards established for their age.

- What can expect a student who did not attend practice for an unexcused reason?

In each class journal, a separate page is allocated for practical labor lessons, where attendance is noted and a mark is given for completion or systematic non-attendance, failure to complete assignments. For students who do not have a medical certificate, who missed classes without a valid reason, or who did not pass tests, before the start of the new school year in August, groups can be created to make up for missed classes.


How many day camps are open this year throughout the republic, in particular in Tashkent? How many children will the camps accept this year?

There are 936 day camps, organized at schools, open and operating throughout the republic; there are 66 of them in Tashkent. Total number children school age in Uzbekistan - 4.5 million, of which camps plan to accommodate about 300 thousand over the summer.

In addition to the 936 camps mentioned above, almost 9 thousand students will be accepted by schools that only organize recreational areas, clubs, and where the Barkamolavlod sector operates. These educational institutions not designed for lunch breaks, afternoon rest, etc. - in such camps children are only in the first half of the day.


The Ministry of Public Education calls on all parents: if your children remain in the city, do not be indifferent to how they spend their summer leisure time. Visit schools located near your homes, familiarize yourself with the program according to which your children can be involved in clubs, sports sections and participate in various interesting events. Prices vary depending on the region and are set by local khokimiyats. If you have any questions, complaints or suggestions, call the “helpline” of the Ministry of Public Education - 1006.

Prepared by Olga FAZYLOVA
