Presentation on the topic "life in the universe." Presentation life and mind in the universe Is there life in the universe presentation

Does life exist in the universe?

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Does life exist in the universe? Trained by Student 11B class Kuntish Oleksandra (

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Imagine for a moment what would happen to mankind if evidence of the existence of other life could be found outside the Earth. Understanding the origin of extraterrestrial life will change. If life in the solar system arose more than once, then in our system there is a possibility of a new life. Based on this, we can conclude that there are billions of galaxies in the Universe, in which new lives appear in the same way.

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In addition, if we take into account natural selection, as a result of which only the strongest organism survives in the world of worlds, it is most likely that different types of living beings arise in each galaxy. Some people believe that many living organisms have died out long ago, and it makes no sense for mankind to look for traces of intelligent life on the planets. After all, while we were able to build spaceships, began to study space and nearby planets, quite a lot of time passed. However, very few people think so.

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Most are of the opinion that there is extraterrestrial intelligence, it exists. We are simply not ready yet, although we want to see extraterrestrial life, to establish contact with them. Now the chance to meet extraterrestrial intelligence is minimal. And if you take into account all the existing factors, an encounter with a technologically advanced alien species is negligible. But, nevertheless, we should not forget that a more developed species may not want to make contact itself, or, alien beings are waiting for the moment when we grow up to some level, and only after that they will contact us themselves .

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A prime example search for extraterrestrial civilization is a mission to Mars. Scientists have suggested that the presence of oxygen and methane in the atmosphere of the Red Planet is the real proof of life on the surface of this planet. As you know, oxygen is a reactive gas, which, reacting with other gases, very quickly disappears from the atmosphere. If it is present in its pure form, then this is evidence that it is constantly replenished.

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That's why NASA scientists sent the Curiosity rover to Mars. Its main task is to search for confirmation of the existence of life or signs of the presence of intelligent beings on this planet. In addition to Mars, it is quite possible that life is present or was present on other planets. solar system. Mars was the first stage of exploration. It is quite possible that in the near future such spacecraft will be sent to other planets.

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There is nothing more exciting than the search for life and intelligence in the universe. The uniqueness of the earth's biosphere and human intelligence challenges our belief in the unity of nature. A person will not rest until he solves the riddle of his origin. On this path, it is necessary to go through three important steps: to learn the secret of the birth of the Universe, to solve the problem of the origin of life and to understand the nature of the mind. In my essay, I set myself the goal of finding out that we are not alone in the Universe. I want to learn about distant space worlds, about the Universe. In my opinion, the most important thing in astronomy is to find out how the world works, is there life on other planets, are we alone in the vast Universe, or does life exist somewhere, like ours?

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The emergence of the mind

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    The emergence of the mind must be closely associated with a fundamental improvement and improvement in the ways of exchanging information between individuals. Therefore, for the history of the emergence of intelligent life on Earth, the emergence of language was of decisive importance. Can we, however, consider such a process universal for the evolution of life in all corners of the universe? Probably not! After all, in principle, under completely different conditions, the means of information exchange between individuals could be not the longitudinal fluctuations of the atmosphere (or hydrosphere) in which these individuals live, but something completely different.

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    For a long time, attempts have been made to detect and establish contact with other civilizations. In 1974, an automatic interplanetary station"Pioneer-10". Inside the station there is a steel plate with a picture and symbols engraved on it, which provide minimal information about our earthly civilization. This image is composed in such a way that intelligent beings who found it could determine the position of the solar system in our Galaxy, would guess about our appearance and, possibly, intentions. But of course, an extraterrestrial civilization has a much better chance of finding us on Earth than finding Pioneer 10.

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    The emergence of life on earth

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    Nowadays life is not defined through internal structure substances that are inherent in it, and through its functions: a “control system”, which includes a transmission mechanism hereditary information ensuring safety for future generations. Thus, due to the inevitable interference in the transmission of such information, our molecular complex (organism) is capable of mutations, and, consequently, of evolution. The emergence of living matter on Earth (and, as can be judged by analogy, on other planets) was preceded by a rather long and complex evolution chemical composition atmosphere, eventually leading to the formation of a number of organic molecules. These molecules later served as a kind of “bricks” for the formation of living matter.

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    It should be noted once again that the central problem of the emergence of life on Earth - this is the explanation of the qualitative leap from "non-living" to "living" - is still far from clear. No wonder one of the founders of modern molecular biology Professor Crick at the Byurakan Symposium on the problem extraterrestrial civilizations in September 1971 he said: “We do not see a path from the primordial soup to natural selection. One can come to the conclusion that the origin of life is a miracle, but this only testifies to our ignorance”

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    The search for life in the solar system

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    The MOON is the only celestial body where earthlings could visit, the soil of which was studied in detail in the laboratory. No traces of organic life have been found on the moon.

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    Neither cosmonauts nor automatic stations have yet visited the small planet MERCURY closest to the Sun. But people know something about it thanks to research from the Earth and from the American apparatus “Mariner-10” flying near Mercury (1974 and 1975). Conditions there are even worse than on the moon. There is no atmosphere, and the surface temperature varies from -170 to 450 С. Under the ground, the average temperature is about 80 С, and it naturally increases with depth.

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    VENUS in the recent past was considered by astronomers to be almost an exact copy of the young Earth. Alas, due to its proximity to the Sun, Venus is not at all like the Earth. In a word, it is also not the best place to live.

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    MARS, not without reason, was considered a habitable planet. Although the climate there is very harsh (during the summer day the temperature is about 0 С, at night -80 С, and in winter it reaches -120 С), but still it is not hopelessly bad for life: it exists in Antarctica and on the peaks of the Himalayas . However, there is another problem on Mars - an extremely rarefied atmosphere, 100 times less dense than on Earth. It does not save the surface of Mars from the destructive ultraviolet rays of the Sun and does not allow water to be in a liquid state. On Mars, water can only exist in the form of steam and ice.

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    Based on the results of computer simulations, scientists have hypothesized that the polar regions of Mars may be ice-covered reservoirs that can harbor life.

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    GIANT PLANETS. The climate of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune does not at all correspond to our ideas of comfort: very cold, terrible gas composition (methane, ammonia, hydrogen, etc.), there is practically no solid surface - only a dense atmosphere and an ocean of liquid gases. Jupiter

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    Saturn Rings of Saturn in color

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    SATELLITES AND COMETS. There has never been a serious hope of discovering life on these bodies, although the study of organic compounds on them as precursors of life is of particular interest. Europa, satellite of Jupiter

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    Conditions for life in space

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    In space, we meet a wide range of physical conditions: the temperature of matter varies from 3-5 K to 107-108 K, and the density - from 10-22 to 1018 kg/cm3. Among such a wide variety, it is often possible to find places (for example, interstellar clouds) where one of the physical parameters from the point of view of terrestrial biology favors the development of life. But only on the planets can all the parameters necessary for life coincide.

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    Search for extraterrestrial civilizations

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    How to find brothers in mind? The search strategy depends on how people imagine the possibilities and desires of these same brothers.

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    Communication with extraterrestrial civilizations

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    For wireless communication on earth, radio is mainly used. Therefore, the main efforts are now aimed at searching for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations (ECs) in the radio range. But they are also conducted in other radiation ranges. Over the past 20 years, several experiments have been carried out to search for laser signals in the optical range.

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    Projects for the study of extraterrestrial civilizations Ozma and Serendip

    Observations began in 1960, when Francis Drake tried using an antenna with a diameter of 26 meters to receive signals from the stars  Ceti and  Eridani. His work was called the “OZMA project”. In 1992, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched the SERENDIP project (SERENDIP, Search for Extraterrestrial Radio Emission from nearby Developed Intelligent Populations - “Search for extraterrestrial radio emission from neighboring developed civilizations”). Bowl at Arecibo on the island of Puerto Rico

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    Drake formula

    Francis Drake suggested a simple formula to estimate the number of intelligent communities in our Galaxy ready to make contact with us: n = N * P1 * P2 * P3 * P4 * t / T, where n is the number of civilizations in the Galaxy ready for radio contact; N is the number of stars in the Galaxy; P1 is the proportion of stars with planetary systems; P2 is the proportion of planetary systems in which life arose; P3 is the proportion of biospheres in which life has reached the level of intelligence; P4 - the proportion of intelligent communities that reach the technical level of our civilization (or higher) and wish to establish contact; t is the average lifetime of a technical civilization; T is the age of the Galaxy.

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    So far, we know with relative accuracy only three factors in this formula: the age of the Galaxy T ~ 10^10 years, the number of stars in it N ~ 10^11, and the frequency of formation of planetary systems P1 ~ 0.1. I estimated the rest of the factors in my own way: P2 ~ 1, P3 ~ 0.1, P4 ~ 1, t ~ 100 years. Substituting these values ​​into Drake's formula, we see that several civilizations in the galaxy are now ready to contact us. Therefore, it makes sense to make efforts and finally establish this contact.

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    From this abstract, we can conclude that until now, scientists around the world have not proven, “Are we alone in the Universe?” and whether there is intelligent life on other planets. We often ask very general questions about the existence and properties of the universe as a whole. But if a question is posed, this does not mean that it can be answered.

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    Emergence of Mind
    The emergence of reason must be closely connected with the fundamental
    improving and improving the ways in which information is exchanged between
    individual individuals. Therefore, for the history of the emergence of intelligent life on Earth
    the emergence of language was crucial. Can we, however, such a process
    considered universal for the evolution of life in all corners of the universe? Probably not! After all, in principle, under completely different conditions, the means of information exchange
    between individuals could become non-longitudinal oscillations of the atmosphere (or
    hydrosphere) in which these individuals live, but something completely different.

    Efforts have long been made to discover and contact other
    civilizations. In 1974, the United States launched an automatic interplanetary
    station "Pioneer-10". Inside the station there is a steel plate with
    engraved on it with a pattern and symbols that give a minimum
    information about our earthly civilization. This image is composed like this
    in such a way that intelligent beings who find it can determine the position
    solar system in our Galaxy, would have guessed about our species and, perhaps,
    intentions. But of course, an extraterrestrial civilization has a much better chance
    to find us on Earth than to find Pioneer 10.

    The search for life in the solar system

    The MOON is the only celestial body where earthlings could visit, the soil of which
    studied in detail in the laboratory. There are no traces of organic life on the moon.

    The small planet MERCURY closest to the Sun has not yet been visited by any
    astronauts, nor automatic stations. But people know something about her thanks to
    research from the Earth and from an American apparatus flying near Mercury
    Mariner 10 (1974 and 1975). Conditions there are even worse than on the Moon. There is no atmosphere
    and the surface temperature varies from -170 to 450 C. Under the ground, the temperature in
    average is about 80 C, and with depth it naturally increases.

    VENUS in the recent past, astronomers considered an almost exact copy of the young
    Earth. Alas, due to its proximity to the Sun, Venus is not at all like the Earth. In a word, also
    not the best place to live.

    MARS, not without reason, was considered a habitable planet. Although the climate is
    very severe (in the summer day the temperature is about 0 C, at night -80 C, and
    in winter it reaches -120 C), but still it is not hopelessly bad for life:
    it exists in Antarctica and on the peaks of the Himalayas. However, there are more on Mars
    one problem - an extremely rarefied atmosphere, 100 times less dense than on
    Earth. It does not save the surface of Mars from damaging ultraviolet rays.
    Sun and does not allow water to be in a liquid state. On Mars, water can
    exist only in the form of steam and ice.

    Based on the results of computer simulation, scientists put forward a hypothesis
    that the polar regions of Mars may be covered with a layer of ice
    reservoirs capable of hosting life.

    GIANT PLANETS. The climates of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are completely
    does not correspond to our ideas about comfort: very cold, terrible
    gas composition (methane, ammonia, hydrogen, etc.), practically no solid
    surface - only a dense atmosphere and an ocean of liquid gases.

    SATELLITES AND COMETS. Serious hope of discovering life on
    these bodies never existed, although the study of organic compounds on them
    as precursors of life is of particular interest.
    Europa, satellite of Jupiter

    Search for extraterrestrial civilizations

    How to find brothers in mind? Search strategy depends on how people
    imagine the possibilities and desires of these same brothers.

    Communication with extraterrestrial civilizations

    For wireless communication on earth, radio is mainly used. Therefore, the main
    efforts are now focused on searching for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations (ECs) in
    radio range. But they are also conducted in other radiation ranges. Over the last 20 years
    Several experiments were carried out to search for laser signals in the optical


    From the information above, we can conclude that until now, scientists around the world have not
    proved, “are we alone in the universe?” and is there intelligent life on others
    planets. We often ask very general questions about
    existence and properties of the universe as a whole. But if the question is posed, it is not yet
    means that it can be answered.

    Lesson topic. Life and mind in the universe. Space exploration.
    Lesson objectives: to consider modern achievements in the study of the Universe and the role
    astronomy in our modern life, problems of extraterrestrial civilization;
    to form a cognitive interest in physics and astronomy, instilling love and respect
    to the achievements of science;
    development of curiosity, the ability to analyze, independently formulate
    conclusions, development of speech, thinking.
    Type of lesson: learning new material.
    Type of lesson: combined.
    During the classes
    I. Organizational moment
    II. Repetition of what has been learned
    Frontal survey
    1. What are the dimensions of the Metagalaxy?
    2. What confirms the theory big bang these days?
    3. What is the age of our Galaxy?
    4. What does the redshift indicate in the spectra of galaxies?
    5. What is the distance to the galaxy if the speed of its removal is 1000 km/s?
    6. What does the Hubble law confirm?
    III. Learning new material.
    Modern educated person should be aware of the problems facing
    mankind and about ways to solve these problems, about further prospects for the development
    social relations, science and technology, the whole civilization as a whole. According to
    most scientists, one of the most promising means and ways of preserving and
    development of the Earth's civilization is the improvement of astronomical knowledge and
    astronautics to attract the resources and opportunities of outer space for
    exit of mankind from the energy and ecological crisis.
    "Civilization is a community of intelligent beings using the exchange of information,
    energy, mass to develop actions and means that support their life and
    progressive development" (V.S. Troitsky). Or "Civilization is a highly stable
    state of matter capable of collecting, abstractly analyzing and using
    information to obtain qualitatively new information about the environment and oneself,
    for self-improvement of the possibilities of obtaining new information and developing
    preserving reactions. The degree of development of civilization is determined by the amount of accumulated
    information, program of functioning and production for the implementation of these
    functions" (N.S. Kardashov)
    Noocosmology complex science, which arose at the junction of the main natural,
    social and technical groups of sciences and using their knowledge, cognitive
    methods and tools for the study of evolution space civilizations, including
    includes earthly humanity.
    The main problems of noocosmology are:
    1) the emergence and development of life, mind and space civilizations on Earth and in
    the universe;
    2) detection and establishment of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations;
    3) consequences of contact, its influence on the development of civilizations and issues of interconnection and
    joint development of space civilizations (CC).
    The study of models of the possible evolution of CC leads to valuable information about

    problems facing humanity in the course of its further development.
    The growth of scientific, technical, economic, cultural and political ties between
    individual peoples and states, the unification of mankind into a single earthly
    civilization, the emergence of global problems, the effective solution of which
    impossible without the combined efforts of all people the globe, increase
    the need and importance of short-term and long-term forecasts led to
    the need to create noocosmology as a science about the noosphere, the main provisions
    which were developed by V. I. Vernadsky; these include:
    1) globalism of the approach, consideration of civilization as a holistic, organically unified
    2) the social principle of behavior;
    3) environmental factor.
    The scientific and technical prerequisites for its creation were successes in
    complex development sociological sciences history, economics, sociology, etc.,
    natural and mathematical sciences of astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics
    (development system analysis, synergetics, catastrophe theory, thermodynamics
    irreversible processes, etc.), the creation of astronautics and its growing role in solving
    global problems, the emergence of real opportunities to make contact with
    extraterrestrial civilizations.
    In the middle of the twentieth century, earthly humanity became a Space Civilization (CC)
    a society of intelligent beings whose activities have reached cosmic proportions.
    The purpose of the reasonable activity of the CC is to study, develop and transform
    surrounding world or self-perestroika corresponding to its structure,
    characteristics and properties to preserve and increase the sustainability of its existence
    and further development; development priorities can repeatedly and significantly
    change during the lifetime of the CC. Most modern scientists believe that at the beginning
    of its development, any CC necessarily goes through a technological stage.
    The evolution of CC has an antientropic character and manifests itself in the complication and
    differentiation of internal, social, technological and cultural structure
    civilization. Science is the way and instrument of knowledge of the surrounding world, and
    practical means of his and his own transformation of technology when
    social division of labor as one of the prerequisites for the successful development
    and use high technology.
    The development of models for the possible development of space civilizations was carried out,
    since the 1960s, many leading scientists of the world and research
    organizations (J. Bernal, A. D. Ursul, V. V. Kazyutinsky, S. Lem, L. V. Leskov, I. S.
    Shklovsky, N. S. Kardashev, S.F. Likhachev and others). To build models
    used: extrapolation method based on the study and forecasting
    the most general trends in the development of earth civilization and a systematic approach, consisting in
    the study of the general principles of the structure, functioning and evolution of complex
    self-organizing systems.
    It is assumed that by the beginning of the 21st century the growth rate carbon dioxide in
    atmosphere will exceed its natural decline, the average annual temperatures will increase by
    1.5 0C, amplifying the global warming of the "new climatic optimum" and increasing
    sea ​​level at 68 m, which will cause flooding vast territories, on the
    which are located dozens of capitals and largest cities of the planet. is increasing
    absolute and relative humidity of the air, the distribution of precipitation changes according to
    regions of the earth and seasons. These and many other forms of influence of civilization on
    all the natural shells of the Earth cannot but arouse concern for the future of mankind.
    The year 2000 is considered that earthly humanity has reached maximum level
    life development, the situation will worsen in the future.

    The overall unbalanced growing overpopulation of the globe with increasing
    production and consumption of energy, in the absence of zero-waste technologies with
    the closed nature of the development of civilization by 2020 will lead to a series of
    increasing resource and environmental disasters with irreversible consequences.
    2050 will be a turning point. Pollution environment will be the maximum
    possible and, according to the Forrester model, will further decrease due to
    progressive decline in the level of production and by 2200 with the lowest level
    the life of mankind the situation will stabilize the degraded civilization will
    unable to use the remaining Natural resources waiting for survivors
    primitive existence with a very low standard of living.
    Analysis of various models of noosphere evolution leads to the following conclusions:
    1. The probability of evolution along different phase trajectories is different.
    2. The duration of the technological phase of CC evolution does not exceed (in different
    models) 103105 years.
    3. There are practically no civilizations with an extensive nature of development,
    determined by an unlimited growth in the consumption of energy and material resources.
    IV. Summing up the lesson
    § 12.412.5

    Introduction There is nothing more exciting than the search for life and intelligence in the universe. The uniqueness of the earth's biosphere and human intelligence challenges our belief in the unity of nature. A person will not rest until he solves the riddle of his origin. On this path, it is necessary to go through three important steps: to learn the secret of the birth of the Universe, to solve the problem of the origin of life and to understand the nature of the mind. In my essay, I set myself the goal of finding out that we are not alone in the Universe. I want to learn about distant space worlds, about the Universe. In my opinion, the most important thing in astronomy is to find out how the world works, is there life on other planets, are we alone in the vast Universe, or does life exist somewhere, like ours?

    The emergence of the mind must be closely associated with a fundamental improvement and improvement in the ways of exchanging information between individuals. Therefore, for the history of the emergence of intelligent life on Earth, the emergence of language was of decisive importance. Can we, however, consider such a process universal for the evolution of life in all corners of the universe? Probably not! After all, in principle, under completely different conditions, the means of information exchange between individuals could be not the longitudinal fluctuations of the atmosphere (or hydrosphere) in which these individuals live, but something completely different. The emergence of the mind must be closely associated with a fundamental improvement and improvement in the ways of exchanging information between individuals. Therefore, for the history of the emergence of intelligent life on Earth, the emergence of language was of decisive importance. Can we, however, consider such a process universal for the evolution of life in all corners of the universe? Probably not! After all, in principle, under completely different conditions, the means of information exchange between individuals could be not the longitudinal fluctuations of the atmosphere (or hydrosphere) in which these individuals live, but something completely different.

    For a long time, attempts have been made to detect and establish contact with other civilizations. In 1974, the automatic interplanetary station "Pioneer-10" was launched in the United States. Inside the station there is a steel plate with a picture and symbols engraved on it, which provide minimal information about our earthly civilization. This image is composed in such a way that intelligent beings who found it could determine the position of the solar system in our Galaxy, would guess about our appearance and, possibly, intentions. But of course, an extraterrestrial civilization has a much better chance of finding us on Earth than finding Pioneer 10. For a long time, attempts have been made to detect and establish contact with other civilizations. In 1974, the automatic interplanetary station "Pioneer-10" was launched in the United States. Inside the station there is a steel plate with a picture and symbols engraved on it, which provide minimal information about our earthly civilization. This image is composed in such a way that intelligent beings who found it could determine the position of the solar system in our Galaxy, would guess about our appearance and, possibly, intentions. But of course, an extraterrestrial civilization has a much better chance of finding us on Earth than finding Pioneer 10.

    At present, life is determined not through the internal structure of the substance that is inherent in it, but through its functions: a “control system”, which includes a mechanism for transmitting hereditary information that ensures safety for future generations. Thus, due to the inevitable interference in the transmission of such information, our molecular complex (organism) is capable of mutations, and, consequently, of evolution. At present, life is determined not through the internal structure of the substance that is inherent in it, but through its functions: a “control system”, which includes a mechanism for transmitting hereditary information that ensures safety for future generations. Thus, due to the inevitable interference in the transmission of such information, our molecular complex (organism) is capable of mutations, and, consequently, of evolution. The emergence of living matter on Earth (and, as can be judged by analogy, on other planets) was preceded by a rather long and complex evolution of the chemical composition of the atmosphere, which ultimately led to the formation of a number of organic molecules. These molecules later served as a kind of “bricks” for the formation of living matter.

    It should be noted once again that the central problem of the emergence of life on Earth - this is the explanation of the qualitative leap from "non-living" to "living" - is still far from clear. No wonder one of the founders of modern molecular biology, Professor Crick, at the Byurakan Symposium on the Problem of Extraterrestrial Civilizations in September 1971, said: “We do not see a path from the primordial soup to natural selection. It can be concluded that the origin of life is a miracle, but this only testifies to our ignorance” It should be noted once again that the central problem of the origin of life on Earth - this is the explanation of the qualitative leap from “non-living” to “living” - is still far from clear . No wonder one of the founders of modern molecular biology, Professor Crick, at the Byurakan Symposium on the Problem of Extraterrestrial Civilizations in September 1971, said: “We do not see a path from the primordial soup to natural selection. One can come to the conclusion that the origin of life is a miracle, but this only testifies to our ignorance”

    The MOON is the only celestial body where earthlings could visit, the soil of which was studied in detail in the laboratory. No traces of organic life have been found on the moon. The MOON is the only celestial body where earthlings could visit, the soil of which was studied in detail in the laboratory. No traces of organic life have been found on the moon.

    Neither cosmonauts nor automatic stations have yet visited the small planet MERCURY closest to the Sun. But people know something about it thanks to research from the Earth and from the American apparatus “Mariner-10” flying near Mercury (1974 and 1975). Conditions there are even worse than on the moon. There is no atmosphere, and the surface temperature varies from -170 to 450 С. Under the ground, the average temperature is about 80 С, and it naturally increases with depth. Neither cosmonauts nor automatic stations have yet visited the small planet MERCURY closest to the Sun. But people know something about it thanks to research from the Earth and from the American apparatus “Mariner-10” flying near Mercury (1974 and 1975). Conditions there are even worse than on the moon. There is no atmosphere, and the surface temperature varies from -170 to 450 С. Under the ground, the average temperature is about 80 С, and it naturally increases with depth.

    VENUS in the recent past was considered by astronomers to be almost an exact copy of the young Earth. Alas, due to its proximity to the Sun, Venus is not at all like the Earth. In a word, it is also not the best place to live. VENUS in the recent past was considered by astronomers to be almost an exact copy of the young Earth. Alas, due to its proximity to the Sun, Venus is not at all like the Earth. In a word, it is also not the best place to live.

    MARS, not without reason, was considered a habitable planet. Although the climate there is very harsh (during the summer day the temperature is about 0 С, at night -80 С, and in winter it reaches -120 С), but still it is not hopelessly bad for life: it exists in Antarctica and on the peaks of the Himalayas . However, there is another problem on Mars - an extremely rarefied atmosphere, 100 times less dense than on Earth. It does not save the surface of Mars from the destructive ultraviolet rays of the Sun and does not allow water to be in a liquid state. On Mars, water can only exist in the form of steam and ice. MARS, not without reason, was considered a habitable planet. Although the climate there is very harsh (during the summer day the temperature is about 0 С, at night -80 С, and in winter it reaches -120 С), but still it is not hopelessly bad for life: it exists in Antarctica and on the peaks of the Himalayas . However, there is another problem on Mars - an extremely rarefied atmosphere, 100 times less dense than on Earth. It does not save the surface of Mars from the destructive ultraviolet rays of the Sun and does not allow water to be in a liquid state. On Mars, water can only exist in the form of steam and ice.

    Based on the results of computer simulations, scientists have hypothesized that the polar regions of Mars may be ice-covered reservoirs that can harbor life. Based on the results of computer simulations, scientists have hypothesized that the polar regions of Mars may be ice-covered reservoirs that can harbor life.

    GIANT PLANETS. The climate of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune does not at all correspond to our ideas of comfort: very cold, terrible gas composition (methane, ammonia, hydrogen, etc.), there is practically no solid surface - only a dense atmosphere and an ocean of liquid gases. GIANT PLANETS. The climate of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune does not at all correspond to our ideas of comfort: very cold, terrible gas composition (methane, ammonia, hydrogen, etc.), there is practically no solid surface - only a dense atmosphere and an ocean of liquid gases.

    SATELLITES AND COMETS. There has never been a serious hope of discovering life on these bodies, although the study of organic compounds on them as precursors of life is of particular interest. SATELLITES AND COMETS. There has never been a serious hope of discovering life on these bodies, although the study of organic compounds on them as precursors of life is of particular interest.

    In space, we meet a wide range of physical conditions: the temperature of matter varies from 3-5 K to 107-108 K, and the density - from 10-22 to 1018 kg/cm3. Among such a wide variety, it is often possible to find places (for example, interstellar clouds) where one of the physical parameters from the point of view of terrestrial biology favors the development of life. But only on the planets can all the parameters necessary for life coincide. In space, we meet a wide range of physical conditions: the temperature of matter varies from 3-5 K to 107-108 K, and the density - from 10-22 to 1018 kg/cm3. Among such a wide variety, it is often possible to find places (for example, interstellar clouds) where one of the physical parameters from the point of view of terrestrial biology favors the development of life. But only on the planets can all the parameters necessary for life coincide.

    How to find brothers in mind? The search strategy depends on how people imagine the possibilities and desires of these same brothers. How to find brothers in mind? The search strategy depends on how people imagine the possibilities and desires of these same brothers.

    For wireless communication on earth, radio is mainly used. Therefore, the main efforts are now aimed at searching for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations (ECs) in the radio range. But they are also conducted in other radiation ranges. Over the past 20 years, several experiments have been carried out to search for laser signals in the optical range. For wireless communication on earth, radio is mainly used. Therefore, the main efforts are now aimed at searching for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations (ECs) in the radio range. But they are also conducted in other radiation ranges. Over the past 20 years, several experiments have been carried out to search for laser signals in the optical range.

    The Ozma and Serendip Observations projects began in 1960 when Francis Drake attempted to receive signals from the stars  Cetus and  Eridani using an antenna with a diameter of 26 meters. His work was called the “OZMA project”. In 1992, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched the SERENDIP project (SERENDIP, Search for Extraterrestrial Radio Emission from nearby Developed Intelligent Populations - “Search for extraterrestrial radio emission from neighboring developed civilizations”).

    The language of brothers in mind Contacts with other civilizations will certainly be associated with very great difficulties, and may even turn out to be fruitless. After all, some texts in the dead languages ​​​​of the Earth have not yet been honored - original messages from the depths of centuries. Even greater difficulties are to be expected if we manage to accidentally overhear radio messages from other worlds intended for internal use, such as snippets of television broadcasts or the call signs of space beacons.

    Drake's formula Francis Drake proposed a simple formula for estimating the number of intelligent communities in our Galaxy ready to make contact with us: n = N * P1 * P2 * P3 * P4 * t / T, where n is the number of civilizations in the Galaxy ready for radio contact ; N is the number of stars in the Galaxy; P1 is the proportion of stars with planetary systems; P2 is the proportion of planetary systems in which life arose; P3 is the proportion of biospheres in which life has reached the level of intelligence; P4 - the proportion of intelligent communities that reach the technical level of our civilization (or higher) and wish to establish contact; t is the average lifetime of a technical civilization; T is the age of the Galaxy.

    So far, we know with relative accuracy only three factors in this formula: the age of the Galaxy T ~ 10^10 years, the number of stars in it N ~ 10^11, and the frequency of formation of planetary systems P1 ~ 0.1. I estimated the rest of the factors in my own way: P2 ~ 1, P3 ~ 0.1, P4 ~ 1, t ~ 100 years. Substituting these values ​​into Drake's formula, we see that several civilizations in the galaxy are now ready to contact us. Therefore, it makes sense to make efforts and finally establish this contact. So far, we know with relative accuracy only three factors in this formula: the age of the Galaxy T ~ 10^10 years, the number of stars in it N ~ 10^11, and the frequency of formation of planetary systems P1 ~ 0.1. I estimated the rest of the factors in my own way: P2 ~ 1, P3 ~ 0.1, P4 ~ 1, t ~ 100 years. Substituting these values ​​into Drake's formula, we see that several civilizations in the galaxy are now ready to contact us. Therefore, it makes sense to make efforts and finally establish this contact.

    The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Astronomy"

    Ready-made presentations on astronomy will help to visually show the processes taking place in the galaxy and space. Astronomy presentation can be downloaded by both teachers, teachers and students. The astronomy school presentations in our collection cover all the astronomy topics that children learn in public school.

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