German as a second foreign language Averin. UMK Horizons (Horizonte), German as a second foreign language. Audio courses to UMK

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11 hl "0.) German Language Textbook FOR General educational institutions Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Moscow 2011 .9. ENLIGHTENMENT ed by Comelsen UDC 373.167.1:811.112.2 LBC 81.2Nem-922 H50 The Horizons* series was founded in 2009. Authors: M. M. Averin, F. Jin, L. Rohrman, M. Zbrankova Weimann, head of the Prima project of the Kornelsen publishing house, for help in creating the educational and methodological set of the Horizons* series; Yarmila Antoshova, Panagiotis Gera, Violetta Katinina, Wie Kilblotske, Grammar Rizu, Ildiko Soti for consultations and provided materials. German. Grade 5: studies, for general education. institutions / H50 [M. M. Averin, F. Jean, L. Rorman, M. Zbrankova]. - M.; Education; Cornelsen, 2011. - 104 p. : ill. - (Horizons). - ISBN 978-5-09-016733-8. UDC 373.167.1:811.112.2 BBK 81.2Nem-922 Educational publication HORIZONS Series* Mikhail Mikhailovich Averin Jean Friederike Rorman Lutz Zbrankova Milena GERMAN LANGUAGE Grade 5 * Textbook for educational institutions Center of the German Languages ​​Group Head of the Center VV Kopylova. Deputy leader I. V. Karelin. Project leaders A. A. Bratishka, G. Wyman. Editors A. A. Bratishka, L. Rorman, J. Stankova. Consultants J. Antosova, P. Geru, V. Kotiniene, V. Kibloka, G. Rizu, I. Soti. External design by L. S. Lyuskin. Artists L. Fibrikh, A. A. Khlystova. Artistic editors V. Frausova, £ A Radchenko. Model M. Hartlova, T. N. Raspopova. Computer layout and technical editing O. Yu. Myznikova. Correspondents N.D. Tsukhai, A.V. - ^OO "/". Offset paper. Typeface TextBookSanPin. Offset printing. Accounting edition. 10.79. Circulation 10,000 copies. Order No. 26841 (k-$l). Open Joint Stock Company "Publishing House" Enlightenment " 127521, Moscow, 3rd passage of Maryina Roshcha, 41. Open Joint Stock Company "Smolensk Printing Plant", 214020, Smolensk, Smolyaninova str., 1. ISBN 978-5-09-016733-8 2011 C Corneeer С«nы-1. Berlin 2007 6 Hu, u1i*1-m I «IT» design. in 1 "Ivo> vpelnoy license" "gad OmRN. Berlin Dear friends! The textbook that you are holding in your hands is part of the Horizons educational and methodological kit for grade 5. The "Horizons" line is focused on European levels of language competencies, and teaching materials for grades 5 and 6 will help you reach the A1 level. The line "Horizons" will help you learn step by step German and from the very beginning is designed for immersion in the language environment. The textbook for grade 5 consists of seven chapters, seven regional studies blocks, "Little Change" and "Big Change", as well as a German-Russian dictionary. Each chapter is eight pages long. With the help of a colorful collage on the first page of the chapter, an introduction to the topic is provided. On the next six pages you will find texts, dialogues and exercises aimed at developing all four language skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening. In accordance with the rules for compiling a European language portfolio, students regularly collect information about themselves and their own achievements. Particular attention is paid to country studies. In the green frames "About the country and people" you will find information about Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and after each chapter there is a block dedicated to Russia. Sidebars “And if you think about it?” in orange frames will help you deal with grammatical phenomena on your own, and the rules themselves can be found in a quick grammar reference at the end of the chapter. "Little break" and "Big break" after chapters 3 and 7, respectively, will help in a playful way to review the material covered during the winter and summer holidays. The dictionary at the end of the textbook contains all the lexical units of the active dictionary and links to the pages of the use of the lexical unit in the textbook. The audio CD contains exercises for practicing phonetic skills. We wish you success in learning German with the Horizons line! Authors drei H^ine Pause k^lenkaya iC£filШп^)ern«n 3 J Das i«r prelmetah: say what you like and what you don't Gramniatik/Grammatmka: .personal pronouns er/sie. *v. lg. verbs kommen, heißen, mögen, sein: articles der. das. die. ein. eine: possessive pronouns mein, dein: prepositions in. aus Aussprache/Phonetics: sentence stress, interrogative intonation, vocabulary stress Lerne lernen/Learn to learn: noun flashcards Tiere Animals Das lernst du/You will learn to: talk about animals; conduct class interviews; understand the text about animals; describe animals; name colors Grammatik/rgrammatics: verbs haben, sein; questions requiring a 'Yes' or Lernplakate/Study posters Grammatikspiel/rgrammatic game Aussprache/Phonetics Ein Gedicht lesen und sprechen/Reading and reciting Mein Schultag's poem Das lernst du/You will learn to tell the time and days of the week: describe your daily routine: understand and compose texts about the school Grammatik / Grammar; time indication; word order in a sentence: Hobbys Hobby Das lernst du/You will learn to: talk about hobbies: arrange a meeting; say what you can and what you can't; ask permission; read and describe statistical data Grammatik / Grammar: verbs with inflection - Meine Familie My family Das lernst du / You will learn to: describe a picture; talk about family understand the text about the family; talk about professions Grammatik / Graimatics: possessive pronouns sein, ihr, unser; the designation of masculine and feminine professions "no"; accusative case (Akkusativ) Aussprache/Phonetics: vocabulary stress, short and long vowels Lerne lernen/Learn to learn: ways to memorize articles and plural forms Projekt/Project: what do people in Russia know about Germany, Austria and Switzerland? Spielen und wiederholen / Play and repeat the prepositions um, von... bis, am Aussprache / Phonetics: vowel (short / long) Lerne lernen / Learn to learn: cards for memorizing interrogative words with the root vowel; modal verb können: detachable verbs Aussprache/Phonetics: vowel (short/long), phrases Lerne lernen/Learn to learn: memorize new words with associations Aussprache/Phonetics: endings er and -e Lerne lernen/Learn to learn: computer helps to learn language Was kostet das? How much does it cost? Das lernst du / You will learn: to name the price, to say what you would like to buy; talk about what you like and what you don't, find information in the text Grammatik / Grammar: verbs essen, treffen, ich möchte word order in a sentence; frame construction Aussprache/Phonetics: collocations, diphthongs ei. ai. e Lerne lernen/Learn to learn: types of reading (introductory, exploratory, detailed) Comic/Coix: Die Nervensäge/Hasted Sprechtraining/Learning to speak: fast speech Meine Lieblingsgrammatik/Mon favorite grammar: repeat engravings Wörterbuch/Dictionary 1p den Ferien/Ha holidays Spielen und wiederholen/Play and repeat Hello vie, Das lernst du You will learn how to greet people introduce yourself and say where you live Fill out a form Spell your name Say that you love Guten Morgen Guten Abend CD 3 CD 4 F Kefwief^"men Wie heißt du ,ut- Hör zu und ies. Listen H read the dialogue. Hallo, wie heisst du? ^ Ich bin Anne. Und du? ^ ich heiße Jan, Jan Schwarz. Woher kommst du? Aus Tschechien, aus Prag. Und du? ^ Ich komme aus Deutschland, ich wohne in Keuch. Und wohnst du hier?J"^f^-"-; ^ Da. .T ,. - J- Ich wohne auch da. Dann bis spater! Tschus! Tschus! ^ b Hör zu und sprich nach. Listen and repeat after the speaker. Sprechen üben Learning to speak Hör zu und sprich nach. Listen and repeat after the speaker. heist du? wohnst du? kommst du? Anne, in Koln. aus Deutschland. Wie heist du? Wo wohnst du? Woher kommst du? heiße Anne, wohne in Köln, komme aus Deutschland. Ich heisse Anne. Ich wohne in Koln. Ich komme aus Deutschland. Gespräche Dialogues Fragt und antwortet. Ask and answer. Ich heisse... Hallo! Wie heist du? Rap "Guten Tag, wie geht" s? Denk nach .ä if you think..,sh1 Verben: heißen, kommen, wohnen Hör ZV iMd naarh tl. CiTSH» G>iee Merket. Gu" Abech:! out; -Ä.- ■ ■You. ich heiße du heißt komme kommst wohn... MURF. SÖH 1 bist Hotei Hotel Hör zu und lies. Listen and read. Guten Tag. Guten Tag. Wie heissen Sie, bitte? Petra Neu. Und wohnen Sie? In Köln, Altstraße 2. Hier bitte! Number 5 Danke. Auf Wiedersehen. Auf Wiedersehen. Ein Formulär А^nket Lies und mach dann dein Formular im Heft. Read the questionnaire and fill in your own in the notebook Kenneniernen Denk nach JUGENDHOTEL Wannsee BERLIN Vorname Petroy Familienname Neu, Adresse Straße AUstruiße Z Wohnort KöUv Postleitzahl (PLZ) 504-90 Land DeuZrschlAKci W XV 4 Information Anmeldung Guten Tag ... Auf Wiedersehen Good afternoon ... Goodbye Spielt die Dialoge. Act out the dialogues. Land und Leute About country and people Grüß Gott!* Grüezi! Servus! Ade/Adieu! also in Southern Germany sieben CD 7 CD 8 CD 9 Buchstabieren Spell a Hör zu und mach mit. Listen and repeat. ABCDEFG, Deutsch zu lernen tut nicht weh. HIJKLMH Sag mir doch - was hörst au denn? OPQRSTU Sag mir doch - wie heißt denn du? VWXYZ, Deutsch zu lernen ist doch nett. zu ADi jibftÄ,QÜ in dem ABC-Menu. Am Ende gibt es noch fi. Deutsch zu sprechen das ist nett. Hört und spielt den Dialog. Listen and act out the dialogue. Wie heist du? Maximilian. Wie bitte? Maximilian. Wie schreibt man das? M-A-X-I-M-I-L-l-A-N. Hor zu und schreib. Listen to the dialogue and write it in your notebook. d Buchstabierspiel - Buchstabiert und ratet Namen aus der Klasse. The game "Spell"; spell and try to guess the names. S-A-L Salika, S-A-L-I-K-A L-Y-... Lynda. L-Y-N-D-A S-N-... Kennenlernen Wer bin Ich! Who am I! Schreibt Personen-Karten und spielt. Write personal cards and act out dialogues. Mollner. wo wonnsi Simon. Wie heist du? Wo wohnst du? ... Wie ist dein Nachname? Nachname Vorname Stadt/Land Möllner Christine Köln/Deutschland Pimentei Simon Prag/Tschechien Müller Petra Linz/Österreich Schwarz Stefan Budapest/Ungarn Coppola Mario Rom/Italien Pawlowa Mascha Tomsk/Russland ^lS^/Oeat!(MuU Was magst du! CO 10 Hör zu und lies laut. Listen to the dialogue and read it aloud. Hallo, wie geht "s? Danke, gut, und dir? Auch gut. Was machst du jetzt? Ich spiele Tennis. Ich mag Tennis auch sehr. Und was magst du noch? Ich mag auch Karate und Judo F Sprechen üben Learning to speak 0> 11 Hör zu und sprich nach Listen and repeat after the announcer machst du? Was machst du? Tennis. spiele Tennis, magst du? Was magst du? Musik. mag Musik , noch?magst du noch?Karate.mag Karate.What do you like to do!9 Des like Sammelt in der Klasse.Gather information in class.Ich spiele Tennis.Ich mag Musik. Und was magst du noch? Ich mag Karate. Denk nach D if you think about it! Was magst du, Monika? Ich mag Volleyball und... Verb: mögen ich Ich du Was mag Tennis, mag... du? W Volleyball Kino Basketball Judo Tischtennis Fußball neun wm Kennenlernen Würfeln und sprechen - Ein Spiel Game: roll the die and say Würfle 2-mal und mach einen Satz. Roll the die twice and make up a sentence. Woher kommst du? Ich komme aus ™ Read the texts and match the picture to each of them. Ich heiße... Ich wohne in, □ 0 0 0 « O 0 wo/du wie/Sie woher/du wie/Sie woher/Sie wo/Sie □ heißen kommen wohnen mögen spielen heißen 0 ich du Sie ich du Sie 0 mögen wohnen kommen mögen heißen spielen 0 du Sie ich ich Sie du 0 wie/du woher/Sie wo/du woher/du wo/Sie wie/Sie Internet-Chat Internet chat Lies die Texte und ordne die Bilder zu. Hallo, ich heiße Stefanie Köhler und wohne in München. Ich mag Fußball, Tennis und auch Musik. Grüß Gott, ich bin Matthias Schneider. Ich komme aus Österreich, aus Wien. Ich mag Kino und Partys und auch Internet-Chats. Guten Tag, ich heiße Conny Schröder. Ich komme aus Berlin. Ich mag Radfahren und Schwimmen. hl! Wie geht "s? Mein Name ist Paolo Lima. Ich komme aus Italiea Ich wohne in Köln. Ich mag Fußball und Schwimmen. Grüezi! Ich bin Laura Zwingli. Ich komme aus der Schweiz. Ich wohne in BaseL Ich mag Volleyball und Internet-Chats .SpiU/shpg i .fTUAwwriHuihMirtri 10 b Schreib deinen Chat-Text Write your own message in the chat, zehn f Bilder und Buchstabenrätsel Pictures with riddles a Wie heißen die Länder und die Städte! Which countries and cities are encrypted here! b Welches Foto zeigt weiche Stadt aus 15a! Die Buchstaben helfen. What are the names of the cities in the pictures! The letters will help you. elf 11 Kinder-Russland Einander begrüßen We greet each other Sieh dir die Bilder an. Wer sagt was! Look at the pictures and find the right greeting. Guten Tag! Good evening! Guten Morgen! Good morning! Guten Abend! Good afternoon! Hallo! Markus Nikita Elisabeth 12 zwölf 1 Kinder-Russland Viele Städte - viele Hobbys Many cities - many hobbies Schau die Karte an und erzähle über die Kinder: aus Welchen Stadten kommen Sie! Was mogen sie! Look at the map and tell about the guys: who is from which city! Who loves to do what! Mischa sagt: „Ich komme aus Norilsk und mag ... . Nastja sagt: „Ich komme aus ... und spiele ... . Sergei ... . Katja ... . liningrad ^ Smolensk Computerspiele Schach dreizehn 13 Das kannst du Danke, gut, und dir? Auch gut./Es geht. Greet the people of Guten Morgen. ^ Hallo, wie geht's? Guten Tag. Guten Abend. Auf Wiedersehen. Tschüs./Servus. Bis spater. Introduce yourself and say where you live Wie heißt du? Ich heiße... Wo wohnst du? Ich wohne in... Woher kommst du? Ich komme aus ... Spell the name Ich heiße Salika. Wie schreibt man das? h S-A-L-l-K-A. Guten Tag, wie geht es Ihnen? Danke, gut, und Ihnen? Say you love Was magst du? Ich mag ... und Ich mag auch ... In addition, you can... ... fill out a questionnaire. ... write a message in the chat. ...understand simple information in a text. Grammar: short and clear Personal pronouns and verbs ich komme du kommst Sie kommen wohne wohnst wohnen mache machst machen Ш\ Ich heiße Mati. Ich komme aus Transturien. heiße heißt heißen mag hin magst hist mögen sind Questions with question word and answers First place Wie Ich Wo ich Woher Ich Wie ich wo Ich Verb in second place heißt heiße wohnst wohne kommst komme heißen heiße wohnen wohne du? Anne. du? in Koln, du? aus Deutschland. Sie? George Nowak. Sie? in Basel. 14 vierzehn CD 12 (P CD 13 Die Neue New a Hör zu. Listen to the dialogue. Guten Tag. Das ist Jasmin Bayer. Sie kommt aus München und wohnt jetzt hier in Ulm. Hallo. Hallo, ich bin Andreas. Hallo, Andreas. Jetzt ist Bio. Magst du Bio? Ja, sehr. Ich nicht. Ich hasse Bio. Ich mag Deutsch b Hör noch einmal und lies. Was ist richtig! Lies vor. Was ist falsch! Korrigiere. Listen again to the dialogue and the incorrect sentences. 1 Jasmin Bayer kommt aus Ulm 2 Sie wohnt in Ulm 3 Andreas ist neu in der Klasse Read it Right and wrong Correct 4 Jasmin mag Bio 5 Andreas hasst Deutsch 6 Andreas mag Bio nicht. Sprechen üben Learning to speak Hör zu und dann sprich nach. Listen and then repeat after the announcer. Mathe? Ja, super! Bio? Es geht. Sport? Nein. Englisch? Magst du Mathe? Ja, Mathe ist super! Magst du Bio? Na ja, es geht. Magst du Sport? Nein, ich hasse Sport. Denk nach A emm think er/s/e kommt er/sie heißt! er/sie ist wohn... hass... mag (P Schulfächer School items Fragt und berichtet. Ask each other and tell about yourself. Wie heisst auf Deut Magst du Bio? Ja. / Nein. Und du? Es geht. Bio ist super! Ich hasse Bio, aber ich mag Ich mag Sport. Ich auch. n Ich nicht, aber ich mag Das ist David. Er wohnt in Er mag Geografie. 16 sechzehn from 14 Pause At recess a Hört zu. Lest den Dialog. Listen and read the dialogue. ^ Lisa: Hallo, Jasmin, ich bin Lisa. P' Jasmin: Hallo, Lisa. Lisa: Das ist meine Freundin Lena. Jasmin: Hallo, Lena. Lena: Hallo, Jasmin. Lisa: Und das ist mein Freund Michael. P Jasmin: Dein Freund? P Lisa: Ja - äh - nein, also mein Schulfreund. Wir machen viel zusammen. P Michael: Hey, Jasmin. Lena: Was macht ihr heute Nachmittag? P Jasmin: Keine Ahnung, und du? b Stell deine Freunde vor. Imagine your friends. Das ist mein Freund Sascha. Er kommt aus Estland. Wir spielen zusammen Fussball. Das ist meine Freundin Laura. Sie ist auch in Klasse 5. Wir machen zusammen Musik. Wir mogen Rap-Musik. Denk nach And if you think about it! mein Freund dein Freund mein... dein... Freundin Freundin Meine Freunde My friends Schreib den Text ins Heft und lies vor. Write the text in your notebook and read it aloud. Tennis Radfahren Fußball Judo Freund Meine mein heiße heißt ist mag Ich ... Thomas Brinkmann. Das...Freund Jonas. Er mag Sport. Er spielt gern ... und ... . Mein...David...auch Fußball. ...Schulfreundin Veronica. Sie mag ... und ... . Denk nach D if fi wir spielen gern Fußball. W... hör... gern Musik. W... mög... Rap-Musik. Was macht ihr heute? 2-A" ermm. 5 cells F CD 15 CD U CD 17 F CD 18 1^^ Der Zahlen-Rap Hör zu und mach mit. Listen and sing along. OEP-style figures null 7 sieben 1 eins 8 acht 2 zwei 9 neun 3 drei 10 zehn 4 vier 11 elf 5 fünf 12 zwölf 6 sechs 1-2-3 und 4, Zahlen lernen wir. 5-6-7-8, Zahlen rappen Tag und Nacht. 9 and 10, Zahlen sprechen und versteh'n. 11 - 12-13- komm, mach mit, Zahlen machen fit. 14 and 15, 16-17-18-19, 20 and aus. Undjetzt nach Haus. Ф Sprechen üben - Zahlengruppen sprechen Learning to speak - Saying groups of numbers a Hör zu und sprich nach. Listen and repeat after the speaker. 123 321 o 221 442 5 33 55 779 b Mach Zahlengruppen und sprich die Telefonnummern laut. Wer kann eine auswendig! Make up groups of numbers and say phone numbers out loud. Who can learn one of them by heart! 227772 4141412 1525351 3362240 Telefonnummern Spielt in der Klasse telephone numbers. Act out the dialogue in class. 307772911 - klingelingeling Hier ist Peter. Wer ist am Telefon? Hallo, Peter. Hier ist Monika. Wie geht "s? Land und Leute About the country and people Auto Telefon Internei 0049 ... .de 0043 ... .at 0041 ... .ch Die Schule ist aus After the lessons Hört zu. Lest und spielt den Dialog. Listen, and then read and act out the dialogue, Tschüs, Michael, bis morgen Wie ist deine Handynummer, Jasmin?0157 1788335. Und deine?0164 57711234. b M-E-l-N-C-K. Danke, tschüs, bis morgen. 18 achtzehn J EL f ae 19 Talk about objects Was ist das? Wie heisst das auf Deutsch? Das ist ein Bleistift. Das ist ein Kuli. ^ East das ein Bleistift? Nein, das ist ein Lineal. In addition, you can... ...count to 1111. ...understand short text. Grammar: short and clear Personal pronouns and verbs Initial kommen (Infinitiv) Sing. h. ich komme (Singular) du kommst er/es/sie kommt heißen mögen Mh. Ch. (Plural) Article der Kuli ein Kuli mein Kuii dein Kuii wir ihr sie Sie kommen kommt kommen kommen heiße heißt heißt heißen heißt heißen heißen das Mäppchen ein Mäppchen mein Mäppchen dein Mäppchen mag magst mag mögen meine CD mögt CD egen mö deine CD Prepositions: in, aus Ich wohne in Ich komme aus Deutschland/österreich/der Schweiz. Deutschiand/Österreich/der Schweiz. 24 vierundzwanzig Tiergeräusche tHe^Kaixe^ CD 23 Hör zu und finde das Tier auf Seite 25. A ist eine Katze. (9 Der Wortakzent a Schreib die Tiernamen. die Katze der Tiger die Antilope das Meerschweinchen die Spinne der Kanarienvogel das Lama der Pinguin CD 24 b Hör zu und sprich nach. Markiere den Wortakzent. Wo ist der Wortakzent nicht am Anfang! Die Vokale a- ei-o-u; lang _ oder kurz ,? CD 25 Hör zu und sprich nach. a das Lama e das Meerschweinchen i der Tiger o die Antilope u die Kuh Lama a die Katze e der Schmetterling i die Spinne o der Wolf u der Hund Katze 9 Tiere und Kontinente Woher kommen die Tiere von Seite 25! Fragt und antwortet in der Klasse Nord Woher kommt der Bison?a 4 ien Asien Ich glaube, das Lama kommt aus... Aus Nordamerika. der Klasse Mein Lieblingstier ist die Katze Ozz and Mein Lieblingstier ist das Pferd Huncl (1(1 Katze Hft((^ Hast du ein Haustier? a Lies die Sätze. Hör zu. Was ist richtig! Drina und Milan haben Haustiere 2. Milan fragt: Hast du auch eine Katze? 3. Milan hat keinen Hund 4. Dri on the hat eine Katze. 5. Milan mag Hunde. 6. Drinas Katze ist 20 Jahre alt. 7. Milans Hund ist 3 Jahre alt. 8. Drina mag Spinnen. ^ i Г Denk nach And if you think about it? Verb: haben ich habe wir h... du hast ihr habt er/es/sie ha... sie/Sie h... Hast du Haustiere, Drina? Ja, ich habe eine Katze. Hast du auch einen Hund? Nein, ich habe keinen Hund. Und du? Ich habe einen Hund und einen Papagei. Einen Papagei? Super. East der schon alt? Ja, er ist 20 Jahre alt. Und dein Hund? Denk nach And if you think about it? @ Nominativ Akkusativ der Hund Das ist ein Hund. Ich habe einen Hund, aas Pferd Das ist ein Pferd. ich habe ein Pferd, die Katze Das ist eine Katze. Ich habe eine Katze. Ich habe kein... Hund. Ich habe kein Pferd, ich habe kein... Katze. b Haustiere in der Klasse - Macht Interviews und berichtet. Hast du einen hund? Ich habe kein Haustier. Marie, Sophie und Lea haben eine Katze. in, ich habe keinen Hund. Ich habe eine Katze. siebenundzwanzig 27 (9 Grammatik spielen Würfle 2-mal, frage und antworte. Hast du einen Hamster? Nein, ich habe keinen Hamster. ■ Q*e?-" Hast du einen CD-Spieler? Ja, ich habe einen CD-Spieler. 0 □ 0 ■ 0 mal würfeln das Kaninchen das Lama das Pferd V die CD die Schere die Brille Noch mal würfeln die Uhr Noch mal würfeln die Maus die Kuh die Spinne die Schildkröte die Katze die Antilope F Ja/Nein-Fragen a Wiederhole die Verbformen. sein, kommen, mögen, haben ... du bist... ich bin... b Schreib die Fragen: du-Form und Sie-Form Fußball spielen ein Fahrrad haben einen Computer haben Tennis spielen 12 Jahre alt sein einen MP3- Spieler haben Französisch lernen Klaus/Maria heißen Mathe mögen fie^FottiC SjHAl^dtoFufibalU 28 3 27 a Ja/Nein-Fragen sprechen - Hör zu und sprich nach. Spielen Sie Fussball? Spielst du Tennis? Mogen Sie Mathe? Magst du Mathe? Heissen Sie Maier? Heist du Sabrina? b Frag in der Klasse. Wohnst du in Paris? Spielst du Fussball? Schwimme gern. W Kommst du aus Österreich? c Frag deine Lehrerin/ deinen Lehrer. Sind Sie. Haben Sie .„ Herr/Frau... mögen Sie Hip-Hop? Mogen Sie...? Nomen lernen: der Hund - die Hunde a Lies das Beispiel und schreib zehn Lernkarten; Tiere und andere Nomen. die Msh, Mäuse Ich hahe eine Maus. Ich maj Mause. mouse, mice i / I have mice. i I like mice. ^ mice ________ / veqot a mouse___ IliRemicc b Wie heißt der Lernh "ppi Ergänze. Tip: you will find the plural form in the dictionary on p. 85. Lerne lernen U ""is" - G Tip: learn cyi I with a ... and the form of nouns is always plural. with Tauscht die Karten in der Klasse. Übt die Nomen: mit Artikel und Plural. Ron, wie heißt "dog" auf Deutsch? Der Hund. Ich mag Hunde. Drina, wie heißt "cat" auf Deutsch? Die Katze, die Katzen. Ich habe eine Katze. Sonja, wie heißt "book" auf Deutsch? neunundzwanzig 29 Tiere und Farben a Englisch und Deutsch - Was passt zusammen! Ordne zu. gray black brown red green blue yellow gelb brown weiß rot grün grau b Finde ein Tier für jede Farbe. schwarz blau Schmetterlinge sind, Hunde sind braun oder grau oder Interviews über Tiere a Sammelt Fragen und Antworten. tIasI c/t/ ein behifnjstier^ iieU/n^t/er ict. dii im Haustier? Jä., einen... Hasi einerleinjeine-: f^ein^ich kuLe keinen... Was lYiaej ... (jern^ (sterj e%/Sie (jnjBlk lein ? b Macht Interviews in der Klasse und berichtet. Saskia mag Pinguine. Sie hat eine Katze. Die Katze heißt Mia. Sie ist grau. Sie ist drei Jahre alt. Ein Tier beschreiben Schreib und lies vor. Sammelt die Texte auf einem Plakat. Ic/u kabe eish Hamster. En heißt ToUJc. MtUv Hamster ist iHer Jahne, ak. En ist jnoß. En ist bnasuv shiS lueiß. En Salat. Denk nach ^ And if you think about it! der Tiger - er das Pferd - ... die Katze - ... Mein LieUUißstier ist der Ti^er En ist^noß isKsC itarky. En ia>mmt oms Auen. Ichma.^ Tiger. Ich istag asuh Pjerde^ 30 dreißig 9 Tiere in Deutschland a Lies den Text. Welche Überschrift passt: A oder B! O HAUSTIERE IN DEUTSCHLAND O DIE DEUTSCHEN MÖGEN KEINE TIERE Die Deutschen mögen Haustiere Sie haben über 23 Millionen Haustiere Über 5 Millionen Hunde leben in deutschen Wohnungen und über 7 Millionen Katzen Es gibt auch über 4 Millionen Vögel Aber die D eutschen haben auch andere Haustiere, z. B. Mäuse, Meerschweinchen, Hamster, Ratten, Spinnen, Fische usw. b Was steht im Text? 1. Die Deutschen haben 23 Millionen Haustiere. 2. Sie-haben über 7 Millionen Hunde. 3. Sie haben keine Fische. 4. Sie haben auch Vogel. 5. Sie mogen keine Katzen. 9 Bilderrätsel Land und Leute p country and people Wer hat ein Haustier? 0-29 Jahre: 10% 30-39 Jahre: 23% 40 Jahre +: 57% Wie viele Tiere findest du im Bild? Welche Farben haben die Tiere? Hier sind sieben Antilopen. Drei sind brown. Drei sind rot und eine Antilope ist blau. 31 sh 1% Kinder-Russland f*- (P Bunt und lustig Sieh dir die Bilder an. Schreib die richtigen Farben. (XISH c J 1 4i:^ Tiere in Russland Wer wohnt wo? Schreibe auch die richtigen Farben. bt m der Amurtiger das Eichhörnchen der Hase der Seebär das Wildschwein Eisbär das Eichhörnchen Kinder-Russland Zentralrussland Südrussland der Ural Sibirien Westrussland Ferner Osten Muster: Der Wolf ist grau und lebt in Sibirien. aber habe keine ... Er/sie ist ... (klein, groß, süß ...) UMS£R£ WAUSTI£ß£ Mascha: Ich habe... lafi... ... kein/e/en 4t -Airin, 5 KL. dreiunddreißig 33 glaube, das Lama kommt aus Südamerika. Mein Lieblingstier ist der Tiger. Er ist groß und stark. Ja, ich habe eine Katze. Sie ist drei Jahre alt. Sie ist schwarz. Ich habe einen Hund und einen Hamster. Nein, ich habe kein Haustier. Nein, ich habe einen Kanarienvogel. Er heist Timo. Nein, ich habe keinen Hund. Ja, er ist zehn Jahre alt. Describe people and animals Sophie hat eine Katze. Sie ist zwei Jahre alt. Drinas Lieblingstier ist der Pinguin. Sie mag auch Pferde sehr. Also, you can... ...understand text about animals. ... write your text about animals. ... use some nouns with an article and in the plural. East dein Hund alt? Magst du Mause? Grammar: krrvpyu and clear Verbs Infinitiv Singular Plural haben ich habe du haster/es/sie hat Accusative (Akkusativ) der Hund AL Das ist ein Hund. Siehst du den Hund? Ich habe einen Hund. The article and personal pronouns der Tiger Er ist groß, das Pferd Es ist lieb, die Katze Sie heißt Mitzi. Yes or no questions ja, ich Verb Hast habe du eine Katze? auch eine Katze. Nein, ich habe keine Katze. ich habe einen Hamster ist dein Hamster alt? 34 vierunctdreißig '■""'P"akate ^ ^ Wählt ein Thema: "Wir", "Tiere", Schuirucksack". Arbeitet in Gruppen und *^*4^4zhM/, macht Lernpiakate: Wörter, Sätze und Bilder. "^ ir "H, t dtc"^ eUu"! *■ uf er/b^ t IMl) Dialoge üben Wählt ein Bild aus. Schreibt und spielt einen Dialog. Grammatikspiel Du brauchst I Du würfelst und gehst vor: Dann würfelst du noch einmal: 1 ich, 2 du, 3 er/es/sie, 4 wir, 5 ihr, 6 sie ) Hör zu und notiere die Biidnummer b Hör noch einmal und sprich nach c Sprich "Eine Million (1,000,000)", die anderen raten, welches Bild passt. Hast du neue Idea! d Sprecht den Dialog interessant. Ihr könnt auch ganz leise sprechen oder flustern. 36 sechsunddreissig Eine Verabredung Morgen? Morgen. Nachts um 12. Nachts um 12? Nachts um 12. Eine Million. Eine Million? ^ Eine Million. In der Schule. Nachts um 12. Eine Million. In der Schule. Nachts um 12. n Kleine Pause CD 29 Ein Gedicht lesen und sprechen Was tun! Zum Beispiel: 1. Lesen 2. Laut lesen: Jungen und Mädchen lesen abwechselnd je eine Zeile. 3. Spielen: Probiert verschiedene "Töne" aus - laut und leise, ruhig und nervös 4. Variieren: Ändert Wörter. Sich mögen Mädchen: „Ich mag dich.“ „Ich mag dich sehr.“ Jch mag dich .4ehr gut.“ Jch mag dich sehr gut riechen. “ „Ich „Ich Jch Junge: Jch mag dich auch.“ mag dich auch sehr.“ mag dich auch sehr gut. “mag dich auch sehr gut leiden.” Mädchen: “Nein, ich mag dich doch nicht.” “Ich mag dich doch nicht sehr.” “Ich mag dich doch nicht sehr gern. “Ich mag dich doch nicht sehr gern vermissen.” Junge: Jch mag dich gar nicht. “ „Ich mag dich gar nicht sehr gern entbehren." Aus: Hans Manz, Die Welt der Wöner CD 30 Hören Hör zu. Welche Reaktion passt! 1 a) Guten Tag, Frau Reimer. b) Hi, Frau Reimer. c) Tschüs 2 a) Nein, sie heißt Mimi b) Sie ist drei Jahre d) Ja, ich habe eine Katze 3 a) Ja, ich spiele gern b) Ja, und Bio ist auch super c) Nein, ich bin zwölf. Effektiv wiederholen Sprecht in der Klasse. 1. Was sagt die Grafik? 2. Wie lernt ihr? 3. Wer hat Lernkarten? 4. Macht einen "Lernplan" für zwei Wochen. 1 X 60 Minuten 6 X 10 Minuten L. bJ Kleine f^euse Spielen und wiederholen: Drei Eure Lehrerin / Euer Lehrer erklärt euch die in einer Reihe Regeln. Zähl bis 10. Wohnst du in Berlin? 25 Kontinente: Afrika, Am... As..., Eu..., Au... 27 Zähl von 10 bis 20. 28 Verb: spielen ich spiele, du... r 31 Verb: kommen ich komme.. K 32 33 Artikel + Plural: Hast du ein . „Bleistift, „ Handy? Katze, ™ Was ist dein Lieblingstier? 2 Sätze 29 Artikel: ...Tafel, ™ Füller,... Buch 35 Magst du Rap-Musik? 30 Richtig? Die Deutschen haben keine Haustiere. Projekt Was kennt ihr/findet ihr in eurem Land aus Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz! 38 Deutschland w>e- Österreich Schweiz --.‘^"unddreißio 4 "G. utpgshsh-PAtp "cha Mo 29. April Di 30. April Mi i Mai Do 2. Mai Fr 3. Mai Sa 4. Mai So 5. Mai N von 8 Uhr 30 bis 16 Uhr Mein Schultag Lea, auf stehen! CD 31 a Hör zu und lies. Leaaa, aufscehen! Ich bin so müde! Wie spät ist es? ist schon halb sieben. Aufstehen! Was? Ich bin zu spät! Ich habe heute um Viertel vor acht Fitness-AG. 1 Eben! Lea. Heute ist doch Donnerstag, nicht Mittwoch! b Hör noch einmal und lies 1-5 Richtig oder falsch! 1. Lea ist zu Hause. 2. Die Mutter ist im Bett. 3. Es ist Mittwoch. 4. Lea hat Schule. 5. Lea hat Englisch-AG, Land und Leute Fitness-AG: in German-I KUX schools there are various clubs and sections, such as a fitness club, a computer science club, a theater club and others, as well as in Russia, no marks are put here - sections and circles are visited only for pleasure. um V iertel vor acht Schule um halb neun Schule Wie spät ist es? Es ist sieben Uhr. Heute ist Donnerstag. Wir haben um Viertel vor acht Schule. Wir haben um halb neun Schule. 9 Uhrzeiten CD 33 a Hör zu und sprich nach. 11" 9 ^ 3 6 Es ist 7 Uhr. Es ist 10 nach 7. 9 3 i 9 .6 Es ist Viertel nach 7. Es ist halb 8. Es ist Viertel vor 8. b Notiert fünf Uhrzeiten - Arbeitet zu zweit. Fragt und sagt die Uhrzeiten. Wie spät ist es? Es ist Viertel nach elf. Wie spät...? einundvierzig 41 1" l Mein Schultag Leas Schultag Lies den Text. Notiere die Informationen zu den Zahlen. 13 - 5d - halb 7 (6 Uhr 30) - um Viertel nach sieben (7 Uhr 15) - eine Stunde - bis 13 Uhr 40 Internationale Gesamtschule Heidelberg - ■ vin "Frl9d0nsschut* - , . ,- untseQ-projekt-tchul" Aktuelles Die ICjH 0oe (=) Adressat: timvolkeriSwizz .de Kopie" Objekt: Das bin ich Lieber Tim, ich heiße I,ea. Ich bin dreizehn Jahre alt und wohne in Heidelberg. Me Schule heißt „ Internationale Gesamtschule Heidelberg". Ich bin in Klasse 5d. Wir haben fünf Tage pro Woche Schule: von Montag bis Freitag. Ich stehe jeden Tag um halb sieben auf und gehe um Viertel nach sieben aus dem Haus. Von Viertel vor acht tflir morgens bis vier Uhr nachmittags bin ich in der Schule. Der Unterricht beginnt um halb neun. Wir haben am Vormittag fünf stunden Unterricht, bis 12 Uhr 40, und dann eine Stunde Mittagspause, bis 13 Uhr 40. Nachmittags haben wir drei Stunden. Jede Unterrichtstunde hat 45 Minuten. Um vier Uhr ist die Schule zu Ende. Um halb funf bin ich zu Hause. Die Uhrzeit offisiell CD 34 a Hör zu und sprich nach. Denk nach D if Der Unterricht \ beginnt um halb neun., Um halb neun beginnt der Unterricht Die Mittagspause Um 13 Uhr H- CD 35 b Hör zu und notiere die Uhrzeiten. Lies vor. Land und Leute About country and people Dein Schultag Schreib einen Text wie Lea. Ich habe... Tage Schule, von... bis.. Ich stehe um... auf. Ich bin von fifbis ... in der Schule. Von ... bis ... habe ich Unterricht/ Mittagspause. Um... Uhr bin ich zu Hause. \ “Unified School” (Gesamtschule): in Germany, after primary school (grades 1-4), you can go to one of three types of schools: “basic school” - Hauptschule (up to grade 9 or 10), “real school” - Realschule (up to grade 10) or gymnasium - Gymnasium (up to grade 12 or 13). All three types of schools are represented in the "single school", and students attend lessons of different levels of complexity. 42 zweiundvierzig Leas Stundenplan Lest und klärt die Wörter. Mein Schultag Samstags und sonntags habe ich Freizeit. Da habe ich keine Schule. stunde. Uhrzeit MOKttUf VieKSteuj Mittwoch DoHMtrstesf Freittu] ! 1 1 7AS Lernen, usbt Claudiec Fitness-AQ T 2 8.30 Kunst FrtuizösUck, FrAnzösisch, Englisch Französisch 3 9.15 Musik, desckichte pAMse- 10.00 4 10.20 FroHzösUch Matkeucatik, En^lUch Sport Mathematik be Deutscha HoMupestreM 11.50 6 11.55 Sf>ort Ensüsch BiolMie, Deutsch QeschLckte fuuue 12.40 7 13.40 HamaxißaheK" beireuunA Erdkunde MatkematUc, Erdkunde 8 14.30 Video-Ad Ifvtemet-Ad Ethik/Peli^ion, Klassen-Ad 9 1 ОS.1S" CO 36 Schreib die Wochentage ins Heft. Hör zu und sprich nach. Markiere die Vokale: lang _ oder kurz .. am Montag am Dienstag am Mittwoch am Donnerstag am Freitag am Samstag "am Sonntag Denk nach And if you think about it? @ Schultage a Leas Schultag - Fragt und antwortet, b Euer Schultag - Fragt und antwortet. Wann stehst du auf? ___ Um sieben. Wann gehst du Um halb zur Schule? j acht. Wann hast du. ..? der Montag am Montag montags der Mittwoch ... ... 5... und s... hat Lea keine Schule. Wann hat Am Montag Um wie viel Lea Sport? und Donnerstag. Uhr hat sie...? viele stunden sie montags? dreiundvierzig 43 i 4 ■äl Mein Schultag F Der Wortakzent CD 37 a Schreib die Wörter. Hör zu und sprich nach. Markiere den Wortakzent. Französisch Englisch Musik Mathematik Mathe Erdkunde Geschichte Biologie Bio Religion Fitness-AG Internet-AG Physik CD 38 b Welches Wort hörst du? Englisch - Musik Erdkunde - Geschichte Fitness-AG - Mathematik Religion - Französisch Mathe - Physik F Lieblingsfächer CD 39 a Was mag Lea! Hor zu und notiere. b Und ihr! Sprecht in der Klasse. Magst du Sport? Ja, sehr, und du? Ich hasse Sport! Ich mag Mathe. Mathe mag ich nicht, aber Bio ist super. Na ja, es geht. Ich ... Mathe mag ich nicht, aber Bio ist Write questions with a question word (w-Fragen) on cards: on one side in Russian or English, on the other in German. Like meSf! Which chz^ When do woku^ S^olmoute^uroko^^ WOM^______ l^ät Ümc doyoujet Ivfeot äoyoo have- Grerman end? h/hai do you come home?^ WieJf VJk heißt du?^ hJic$ßätistes^ hjie lanqc hast du Schulet VJie y/i nd^ hast du^ 1 stehst du auf? VJaiw hast du Paitsch^ hknn kommst du nach Hause? 44 vierundvierzig Mein Schultag m Phonetik: ü ID 40 a Hör zu. müde müde müde Sprich ein iiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Jetzt mach den Mund rund: üüüüüü. F 41 b Hör zu und sprich nach. iiiiiiiiiiiiüüüüüüüüü iü * iü * iü CD 42 c Hör zu und sprich nach. 9 Müde CD 43 ^ ^ lim uuuuu Es ist sechs Uhr. Mein Weckerklingelt. Und es schrillt mein Telefon. O.k., o.k., ich stehe auf. O.k., o.k., ich komme ja schon. Ich bin müde, müde, müde. Ich mach den Wecker aus. Ich bin müde, müde, müde. Ich bleib heut zu Haus. Viertel nach sechs. Mein Weckerklingelt. Mama ruft: Wann stehst du auf? O.k., o.k., ich komm ja schon. O.k., o.k., ich steh schon auf. Ich bin müde, müde, müde. Es ist halb sieben. Papa ruft: Du kommst zu spät! Und wieder schrillt das Telefon. O.k., o.k., ich stehe auf. O.k., o.k., ich komm ja schon. fünfundvierzig 45 Kinder-Russland Was machen die Kinder! Es ist 8:00 Uhr in Moscow. Schaut auf die Karte und sagt: wer macht was>-MS ärgerlich b Hör noch einmal und sprich nach, c Spielt Minidialoge wie in 7a. müde der Rycksack \ «Opa Martin Karl 7 die Brille das Heft der Kuli Ist das dein Kuli? Nein, das ist Leas Kuli. das Foto F Die Neumanns - Maries Familie CD 58 a Hör zu. Welche Bilder passen zum Text! 62 b Hör noch einmal. Was kannst du über Maries Familie sagen! c Was kannst du über deine Familie sagen! zweiundsechzig Meine Familie Familienreime - Ein Gedicht D 59 a Finde die Reimwörter. kochen Spaghetti Cola Exot Paul Lena Jazz Tennis Mein Papa heißt Dennis. Meine Mama heist Tess. Mein Bruder heißt ... Meine Schwester heißt Lola. Mein Opa heist Jochen. Meine Oma heißt ... Meine Hündin heißt Betty. Mein Kater heißt ... Er mag Judo und ... Sie mag Hip-Hop und ... Er mag Ruhe und ist faul. Sie isst Pizza und trinkt. Er kann essen, aber nicht Sie wohnt jetzt in Jena. Sie frisst gern ... Er ist feuerrot. b Sprecht das Gedicht laut. Immer zwei Schüler eine Zeile, c Schreib das Gedicht weiter: Tino - Kino, Mick - schick, Rolf - Golf Familien in Deutschland a Lies den Text und finde zu jedem Foto einen Satz. H Land und Leute About country and people Die Familien in Deutschland sind meistens nicht sehr groß. Im Durchschnitt hat eine Familie heute 1,3 Kinder. Nur wenige Familien haben drei oder mehr Kinder. Es gibt auch immer mehr nicht verheiratete Paare mit Kindern. Die Großeltern leben meistens nicht im Flaus. Viele Ehen sind geschieden. Das heißt, die Eltern leben nicht mehr zusammen und die Kinder wohnen bei der Mutter oder beim Vater. b Was ist richtig! Was ist false! 1. Drei Kinder oder vier, das ist normal. 2. Die Familien sind klein. 3. Viele Kinder haben keinen Bruder und keine Schwester. 4. Großeltern und Enkel leben zusammen. 5. Viele Kinder haben keine Eltern. 6. "Geschieden" bedeutet: Die Ehe ist zu Ende, c Wie ist es in deinem Land! Wie groß sind die Familien! Wo leben die Großeltern! dreiundsechzig 63 Meine Familie F Berufe CD 60 a Hör zu und lies den Dialog. Was ist deine Mutter von Beruf? Sie ist Verkäuferin. Und deine Mutter? ^ Krankenschwester, aber sie ist zurzeit arbeitslos. b Was sind die Leute von Beruf! Ordne die Bilder den Wörtern zu. Architekt Lehrerin Automechanikerin Verkäufer Sekretärin Tierarzt Informatikerin Fußballspieler Denk if you think about it ! Männer Lehrer Verkäufer Polizist Frauen Lehrerin Verkäufer.. Polizist... 62 b Du hörst je ein Wort aus Gruppe A, B und C. Welches Wort hörst du Gruppe A: Verkäufer. and Sammelt Berufe. Arbeitet mit dem Wörterbuch. Mein Vater ist Busfahrer. Und dein Vater? b Fragt in der Klasse. c Macht ein Klassenposter: Berufe. d Umfrage: Was ist dein Traumberuf) Mein Traumberuf ist Tennisspieler! Ich kann gut Tennis spielen. Mein Traumberuf ist Koch. Ich esse so gern! Ich kann auch gut kochen. Was ist dein Vater (deine Mutter, deine Oma...) von Beruf? Rätsel CD 63 a Hör zu. Welche Berufe sind das! b Welche Berufe sind hier versteckt! KERTERELIK RARZETIT HEILNERR text or CARAMEN Choose a dialogue from the textbook. Make a copy or type on the computer. Now you can erase individual words, such as all verbs, all su4atives, or half of every third word. Then share the exercises in class. "1В* I Vorne rechts sitzt mein Bruder, er heißt Da_____undistac__ Jahre alt. Se____Hobby ist Radf_______. Meine Schwester Be____ sitzt vo___links. S__istsech________und mag Mo_____und Schminken. re____. Sie arbeitet a_ _ Sekretärin bei Adidas. Ihr Hobby ist der Garten. Der Mann hinten links L_ mein Vater. Se_ _ Lieblingssport ist Fuß___. Unser Papagei Co__ ist auch a dem Bild. Wo ist er?____________ 5 -A*«pMH , 5 ¥Ju fünfundsechzig 65 Kinder-Russland (9 Statistik kurz CD 64 a Hör zu und sieh das Diagramm an. Kinder pro Familie in Russland (2010) 6% 12% drei oder zwei Kinder mehr Kinder b Frag und antworte. Sind die Familien in unserem Land heute groß?Heute sind die Familien.... 48% kein Kind 34% ein Kind Wie viel „haben ... Kind? Prozent haben.... 9 Familien in Russland. Ganz verschieden CD 65 a Sieh die Fotos an und hör zu Welches Foto passt zu welchem ​​Text!66 Sechsunds echzig D 65 b Hör die Texte noch einmal und füll die Tabelle aus. Swetlana Tangisthaka ist Ingenieurin von Beruf. Nina Tangischaka tanzt gern. Sonja Kalinina ist 10 Jahre alt. Sonjas Mutter heist Elena. Tschingis Zhalssanows Eltern sind geschieden. Dari Zhalssanova hat einen Sohn und zwei Töchter. Kristina Iwantschenko hat zwei Brüder. Kristinas Vater ist Manager. Marina Schapowalowa hat keine Katze. Marina wohnt zusammen mit ihren Eltern. Polina Karpjuk malt gern. Polinas Bruder Koija möchte noch eine Katze haben. Richtig Falsch Steht nicht im Text c Stell die Personen vor. Muster: Tschingis Zhalssanow ist 13 Jahre alt. Erlebt in Ulan-Ude. Das liegt in Burjatien. Tschingis hat zwei Schwestern. Sie heissen Alima und Olga. Alima ist 19 and Olga ist 14. Tschingis lernt Englisch und Deutsch und tanzt gern Hip-Hop. Kristina Iwantschenko aus Kaliningrad chattet oft. Die Fragen stehen richtig. Die Antworten musst du in die richtige Reihenfolge bringen. Lest den Chat vor. 1 Hallo zusammen! □ Ja, das sind meine Mutter Galina und mein Vater Wladimir. 2 Wer ist da noch auf dem Foto? Deine Eltern? □ Danke! Ich brauche Deutsch und Englisch. Ich reise gern mit meinen Eltern. 3 Schon! Und wo wohnst du? □ Leider keine, ich bin ein Einzelkind. 4 Cool! Dubist aus Russland! Wie alt bist du? □ Ich bin 12. Ich gehe in die 5. Klasse. Ichlerne Deutsch. 5 Super! Dein Deutsch ist ok! □ Hi! Das bin ich, Kristina. 6 ja. klar, hast du Geschwister? . □ Ciao, bis morgen! 7 Tschüs, Kristina, morgen chatten wir wieder. □ In Kaliningrad. Das liegt in Russland. 9 Familienstammbaum Male und schreib die Informationen auf ein Blatt. Oder mach einen Poster. siebenundsechzig 67 Das kannst du Describe the picture Wer ist das da auf dem Bild? Wer ist das da links (rechts, in der Mitte, vorne, hinten)? East deine Schwester da vorne? Das ist mein Bruder, er ... Das ist meine Mutter, sie ... Nein, sie ist ganz hinten./Nein, sie ist nicht auf dem Foto. Talk about family Wie heißt dein Vater/deine Mutter? Wie alt sind deine Geschwister/Großeltern? Wohnen sie? Was machen sie gern? Wie alt ist dein Bruder/deine Schwester? Was ist sein/ihr Hobby? Asking and talking about professions Was ist deine Mutter von Beruf? Was ist dein Traumberuf? Also, you can... ...make a poster with the theme "Professions". ... work with a dictionary. Grammar: short and clear Er/Sie heißt ... Er/Sie ist / Sie sind beide ... Jahre alt. Sie wohnen in ... Mein Vater spielt gern ... und meine Mutter Meine Mutter ist Zirkusartistin. possessive pronouns: nominative Maskulinum Neutrum Femininum Plural ich mein Vater mein Buch meine Oma meine Eltern du dein Bruder dein Pferd deine Tasche deine Großeltern er sein Hund sein Linea! seine Schwester seine Hobbys sie ihr Onkel ihr Hobby ihre CD ihre Tiere wir unser Opa unser Heft unsere Tafel unsere Bücher Possessive ending -s Maskulinum Femininum Papa Mama Papas Rucksack / sein Rucksack Mamas Rucksack/ihr Rucksack Occupational nouns Maskulinum Femininum der Lehrer die Lehrerin der Verkäufer die Verkäuferin der Architekt die Architektin V 68 achtundsechzig j Wii £; sJ2s^? CjiUJihliU DJ"DC/D/J r] di* Playstation die Handy-karte 3,0t Das lernst du You will learn how to name the price brew what you would like to have ■ talk about what you like and what you don't find information in the text 4(Ä LOTTO TOTO M SPIEL 77 das Handy . .,lLb4.^-W 0-Ti. ,r-. l "pi der Apfelsaft ■Hm % B IV v; I die Computerzeitschrift die Jugendzeitschrift 4Ii2iü*iw>v der MP3-Player VJr- 30 Euro für ein Computerspiel. Das ist aber teuer! / 7 Was kostet das! Was machst du gern! Schreib auf and lies vor. ins Kino.^Лusik hören/ machen Süßigkeiten essen viel telefonieren Sport machen Freundinnen treffen Ich esse gern Süßigkeiten. Ich telefoniere viel. Ich mache viel Sport. Ich treffe oft meine Freundinnen. iiTdie Stadt gehen Gehst du gern ins lüno? Isst duiggern Süß? Telefonierst du viel? Machst du viel Soort? Triffst du oft deine Freundinnen? Gespräch in der Klasse a Sprecht zu dritt. Isst du gern Schokolade? Nein, aber ich esse gern Gummibärchen. Triffst du oft deine Freunde? Ja, und ich gehe gern ins Kino. Machst du b Berichtet. Denk nach And if you think b! g essen ich esse wir e... ^ du isst ihr essti er/es/sie /... sie/Sie e... ... j Beate isst nicht gern Schokolade, aber... Alex trifft oft seine Freunde und er... siebzig (9 Wünsche - t. Was kostet das! a Was möchtest du gern haben! Sammle Wörter. b Du hast Geburtstag - Schreib eine Wunschliste. auf Deutsch? . T- ^ eifi "se0 5 aCran tei" f "" C. - f "J Denk nach And if you think about it? ich/er/es/sie möcht... du möchtest wir/sie/Sie möcht.. ihr möchtet Ich möchte einen Ferrari. c Macht Interviews. Was möchtest du gern haben?Ich möchte gern ein Fahrrad, du auch?Nein, ich habe ein Fahrrad.Ich möchte gern ein/eine/einen ... d Berichtet und macht eure Klassen wunschliste an der Tafel.b,cl IIII Ccmpuiir fftflllll^-J- Sha III Beate möchte gern ein Pferdebuch. Carola, Mehmet und Armin möchten einen Computer, einundsiebzig 71 1 Was kostet das? CD 67 (9 Einkäufen am Kiosk a Hör den Dialog. Was kauft der Junge! Was kosten die Sachen! Guten Tag, ich möchte eine Cormputerzeitschrift Die „Computer-B ild-Spiele" kostet Das ist aber teuer! Was kostet die "Computer-Build"? Die ist billig. Die kostet nur ... . Dann möchte ich die „Computer-Build“. Und einen Radiergummi, bitte. Der hier kostet ... Cent. so teuer? Was kostet der da? ... Cent. Dann kaufe ich den. Eine "Computer-Build" und einen Radiergummi - ... Das sind ... Euro. Und... Cent zurück. Danke. Danke, tschus. Tschus. CD 68 b Du hörst zwei Dialoge. Was kaufen die Leute! Was kosten die Sachen! Was macht die Verkäuferin falsch! (P Sprechen üben CD 69 Hör zu und sprich nach. eine Computerzeitschrift ^ möchte eine Computerzeitschrift -*■ Ich möchte eine Compu-terzeitschrift. die da? -»■ kostet die da? -> Was kostet die da? teuer! ^ aber teuer ->■ Das ist aber teuer! einen Radiergummi ->■ und einen Radiergummi ->■ Eine "Computer-Build" und einen Radiergummi. Einkaufsdialoge Variiert und spielt den Dialog von Aufgabe 5 mit Sachen und Preisen von euch. die Statistik Macht Interviews in der Klasse Was kostet das? 69€ \ ■ F "»1 Land und Leute About country and people In German-speaking countries, children and teenagers often receive money for their birthday or Christmas. Some of them pay part of their pocket money for buying clothes and stationery. Bekommst du Bekommst du von Oma oder Opa Gel d? Bekommst du zum Geburtstag Geld? Ja. / Nein, aber von Oma / Opa bekomme ich ... Ich bekomme ... pro Woche / pro Monat. Nein. / Ja, ... pro Woche / pro Monat. Ja, ungefähr ... / Nein, zum Geburtstag bekomme ich Phonetik - Die Diphthonge ei, au, eu CD 70 Hör zu und sprich nach. ei dns - zwei - drd - der Preis - die Zeitschrift - mein Bleistift - ich weiß nicht au kaufen - der Kaugummi - die Maus - auch - eufstehen - zu Hause eu neun - Euro - teuer - der Freund - die Freundin - Deutsch Unsere Ausgaben a Mach deine "Ausgabenliste" für einen Monat. Schreib wie im Beispiel. Kuto 1x CoHUCS Ick koMßt ffft MoiuU:- Das b?td kßstd -■ G "b Sprecht in der Klasse und macht eine Klassenstatistik. Kaufst du gern Süßigkeiten / Comics / ...? Wie viel Geld brauchst du fur...? Brauchst du viel Geld für CDs / DVDs ...? Ja. / Nein, ich kaufe ... Ungefähr ... pro Monat / pro Woche. Ja, ungefähr... / Nein, aber für... Und du? 6 - Av "rim, b KL. dreiundsiebzig 73 Was kostet das! Mein Geld reicht nothing! Geld verdienen, aber wie? a Wie findest du diese Ideen: © @ ©I Land und Leute About protection n In Germany, teenagers can earn money from the age of 13, but only with the permission of their parents and only at light work. Ich finde Ich finde gut / sehr gut / super, nicht so gut / nicht gut / blöd. Das ist interessant / langweilig. Das mache ich gern / nicht gern. Das macht Spaß / keinen Spaß. Ich finde "Rasenmähen" gut. Das mache ich gern. Ich finde "Autowäschen" blöd. Das ist langweilig. b Habt ihr eigene Idean! Sammelt in der Klasse. (Ф Texte verstehen Three Kinds of Reading Reading Fast: Looking Through X -1UUkUuür MariA, 1 b Schreib auch eine Ferienpostkarte. c Eure Ferien - Sammelt in der Klasse. Wer fährt weg? Wohin? Aktivitäten? Wie lange? Wer fährt mit Eltern/Freunden? dreiundachtzig 83 Große Peusft Spielen und wiederholen Eure Lehrerin / euer Lehrer erklärt euch die Regeln In the dictionary you will find all the words from this textbook, indicating the chapter and page where they first appear. , this is your active dictionary. Each noun has an article and a plural ending. If the word is not plural, then „nur Sg." = nur Singular, that is, “only the singular:” nur PI." = nur Plural have only the plural form. If the article is in brackets, then the noun is usually used without the article. In strong and irregular verbs, next to the initial form of the pointer 3rd person present tense singular . Detachable prefixes are in italics. In the workbook you will find separate lists of words for each chapter. Abend, der, -e 4/48 p.m. abends 4/48 p.m. Africa, nur Sg. 3/26 Africa äh 2/17 E... Akkusativ, der, nur Sg. GP/81 accusative Aktivität, die, -en GP/83 occupation alle 5/50 all alles 2/21 all Alpen, die, nur PI. GP/82 Alps also 2/17 bld. i.e. alt 3/26 old Alter, das, nur Sg. 6/60 age am Kiosk 7/72 at the kiosk am Meer GP/82 by the sea (where?) ans Meer GP/82 by the sea (where?) am Mittwoch 4/40 on Wednesday am Wasser GP/82 by the water am Wochenende 5 /51 weekends Amurtiger, der, - 3/32 Siberian tiger andere Verwandte 6/59 other relatives ändern KP/37 change Anfang, der, nur Sg. 3/26 start anfangen, fängt an 5/51 start oosehen 2/21 look at smth. Antilope, die, -n 3/25 antworten 1/6 answer April, der, nur Sg. 4/39 April arbeiten KP/35 work Arbeitsgemeinschaft, die, -en 4/40 circle, section arbeitslos 6/64 unemployed Architekt, der, -en 6/64 architect fünfundachtzig 85 1 Wörterbuch ärgerlich 6/62 exasperated Artikel, der, - 2/?0 article Arzt, der, Ärzte 6/65 physician Asien, nur Sg. 3/26 Asia auch 1/6 also, also auf dem Foto 6/60 in the photo Auf Wiedersehen. 1/5 Goodbye. Aufgabe, die, -n 7/72 task oü/fechreiben 7/70 write au^tehen 4/40 get up aus 1/6 from aus Nordamerika 3/26 from North America otysfüllen 1/5 fill in Ausgabe, die, -n 7/ 73 expense Ausgabenliste, die, -n 7/73 list of expenses aysprobieren KP/37 try aussehen, sieht aus 6/62 look like Aussehen, das, nur Sg. 6/60 appearance äußern 7/78 express Aussprache, die, nur Sg. KP/36 pronunciation Oüstragen, trägt aus 7/75 carry Australien, nur Sg. 3/26 Australia auswendig 2/18 by heart Auto, das, -s 7/74 car Automechaniker, der, - 6/64 car mechanic Automechanikerin, die, -nen 6/64 (female-)mechanic I to 86 ■ B ■■ babysitten 7/74 look after (someone else's) child bald CR/35 soon Bär, der, -en 3/32 bear Basketball 1/9 basketball basteln 5/50 make Beachvolleyball, (der), nur Sg. 5/49 beach volleyball beantworten 7/75 answer bedeuten 6/63 mean beginnen 4/42 start begrüßen 1/5 welcome bei 6/61 zd. in bei Adidas 6/61 in Adidas bei euch 7/72 you have beide 6/61 both beißen 5/55 bite bekommen 7/73 receive Berg, der, -e GP/82 mountain berichten 3/27 inform Beruf, der, -e 6/64 profession beschreiben 3/30 describe Bett, das, -en 4/40 bed Bild, das, -er 6/61 picture, illustration billig 7/72 cheap Bio, (die), nur Sg. 2/15 cm. Biologie Biologie, (die), nur Sg. 2/15 biology sechs» ndachtzig bis 4/39 to Bis morgen. 2/18 See you tomorrow. Bis spater. 1/6 See you soon. Bison, der, -s 3/25 bison bitte 1/7 please blau 3/30 blue bleiben 4/45 stay Bleistift, der, -e 2/20 pencil blöd 7/74 stupid Blödmann, der, -männer 5/55 fool Boot, das, -e GP/82 boat brauchen 7/73 need braun 3/30 brown Brille, die, -n 2/20 glasses Bruder, der, Brüder 6/59 brother Buch, das, Bücher 2/20 book Bücher lesen 5/53 read books buchstabieren 1/8 spell Bus, der, -se 7/75 bus Busfahrer, der, - 6/64 bus driver CD, die, -s 2/20 CD CO-Spieler, der, - 3/28 CD player Cent, der, -(s) 7/72 cent chatten KP/36 chat Coi.., das/die, -s 6/63 cola Comic, der, -s 7/73 comics Computer, der, - 2/20 computer Computer spielen 5/53 play on the computer Computerspiel, das, -e 5/50 computer game Computerspiele spielen 5/50 play computer games Computerübung, die, -en 6/65 exercise composed on computer Computerzeitschrift, die, -en 7/72 computer game magazine Cousin, der, -s 6/59 cousin , cousin Cousine, die, -n 6/59 cousin, cousin da 1/6 zd. there dafür 1/15 for that danke 1/6 thanks dann 4/42 later, then Dann bis später. 1/6 See you soon then. Das cannst du. 1/14 You can do it. Das lernst du. 1/5 You will learn it. Das macht mir Spaß / keinen Spaß. 7/74 This gives me (not) pleasure. Das macht nichts. 5/55 No big deal. davon 7/75 building on them dozusagen 7/75 add dein, deine 2/17 yours, your denn 1/8 as Deutsch, (das), nur Sg. 1/8 German siebenundachtzig 87 J Deutsche, der, -n 3/36 German deutsche Jugendliche 5/53 German teenagers Deutschland, nur Sg. 1/6 Germany Deutschlehrerin, die, -nen 6/64 German teacher deutschsprachig KP/38 German Dialog, der, -e 2/17 dialogue Dienstag, der, -e 4/39 Tuesday diktieren 2/19 dictate Diphthong, der, -e 7/73 diphthong dir 1/6 you doch 1/8 h. for Donnerstag, der, -e 4/39 Thursday drei 2/18 three dreißig 2/19 thirty dreizehn 2/18 thirteen du 1/5 YOU du-Form, Sie-Form, die, nur Sg. 3/28 you form, you form du kannst 1/14 you can du magst 1/5 you love Durchschnitt, der 6/63 nur Sg. average value DVD, die, -s 7/69 DVD(-disk) E ■■ eben 4/40 exactly Echo, das, -s 2/19 echo effektiv KP/37 effective Ehe, die, -n 6/63 marriage echt 7/75 building pretty Eichhörnchen, das, - 3/32 protein eigen 7/74 own ein anderes Mal 5/51 another time ein bisschen 5/49 a little einfach 1/14 just (ein)hundert 2/19 one hundred (ein)hunderteins 2/19 one hundred and one (ein)tausend 2/19 thousand e/nkaufen 5/53 shopping einkaufen gehen 5/53 shopping Einkaufsdialog, der, -e 7/72 dialogue between buyer and seller Einrad, das, -räder 5/54 one wheel bicycle eins 2/18 one eintausendeinhundertelf 2/19 thousand one hundred and eleven einunddreißig 2/19 thirty-one einundzwanzig 2/19 twenty-one Eis, das, nur Sg. GP/82 ice cream Eisbär, der, -en 3/33 polar bear Elch, der, -e 3/32 elk Elefant, der, -en 3/29 elephant Elektriker, der, - 6/64 electric elf 2/18 eleven Eltern , die, nur PI. 6/59 parents E-Mail-Adresse, die, -n 2/18 e-mail address Ende, das, -n 4/42 end 88 arihtundachtzig ha Wörterbuch enden 5/51 end Englisch, (das), nur Sg. 2/15 English Englisch-AG, die, -s 4/40 English circle Englischbuch, das, -bücher 2/21 English textbook Enkel, der, - 6/63 grandson entbehren KP/37 lack Ente, die, -n 3/25 duck Erdkunde, (die), nur Sg. 4/43 geography Erlaubnis, die, -se 5/49 resolution erzählen 5/52 tell Es geht. 2/16 Will do. es waren 7/75 it was essen, isst 6/63 is Estland 2/17 Estonia Ethik, (die), nur Sg. 4/43 ethics etwas 7/69 something euer 4/43 your Euro, der, -s 7/69 Euro Europa, nur Sg. 3/26 Europe Europaschule, die, nur Sg. 2/20 European school fahren, fährt 5/50 ride Fahrrad, das, -räder 3/28 bike Fahrrad fahren 5/50 bike falsch 2/16 wrong Familie, die, -n 6/59 family Familienfoto, das , -s 6/60 family photo Familienname, der, -n 1/7 surname Familienreim, der, -e 6/63 family rhyme Farbe, die, -n 3/30 color fast 5/53 almost faul 6/63 lazy fehlen 5/53 be absent Fehler, der, - 3/30 mistake feiern GP/82 celebrate Ferien, die, nur PI. GP/82 vacation Ferner Osten 3/33 Far East fernsehen, sieht fern 5/49 watch TV Ferrari, der 7/71 ferrari (car) fertig 5/50 ready fertig sein, ist fertig 5/50 be ready feuerrot 6/63 fiery -red Filzstift, der, -e 2/20 marker finden 3/26 find Fisch, der, -e 3/31 fish fit 2/18 in shape Fitness-AG, die, -s 4/40 fitness (sports section) Fitnessraum , der, -räume GP/83 fitness room Flöte, die, -n 2/21 flute Flöte spielen 2/21 play flute flüstern КР/36 whisper Form, die, -en 3/28 form neunundachtzig 89 Formular, das, -e 1/7 questionnaire /Ll/setzen 2/19 continue Foto, das, -s 6/60 photograph Frage, die, -n 1/6 question fragen 3/27 ask Fragewort, das, -Wörter GP/81 question word Fragt und berichtet. 2/16 Ask and tell. Franken, der, - 7/75 franc Französisch, (das), nur Sg. 2/21 French Frau, die, -en 1/6 female Freitag, der, -e 4/39 Friday Freizeit, die, nur Sg. 4/43 free time fressen, frisst 6/63 eat (about animals) Freund, der, -e 2/17 friend Freunde treffen 5/53 meet friends Freundin, die, -nen 2/17 girlfriend freundlich 6/62 friendly Fuchs , der, Füchse 3/32 fox Füller, der, - 2/20 fountain pen fünf 2/18 five fünf nach halb 4/48 twenty to five (of time) fünf vor halb 4/48 twenty-five minutes (of time) fünfzig 2/19 fifty für 3/30 for Fußball 1/9 football Fußballspieler, der, - 6/64 footballer ganz 5/50 completely gar 7/75 generally gar kein Taschengeld 7/75 no pocket money at all Garten, der, Gärten 6/61 garden Geburtstag, der, -e 7/71 birthday Geburtstagswunsch, der, -wünsche 7/71 birthday wish Gedicht, das, -e 6/63 poem gehen 4/40 walk Geige, die, -n 5 /52 violin gelb 3/30 yellow Geld, das, nur Sg. 7/73 money genau 7/74 zd. carefully genauso 6/61 likewise Geografie, (die), nur Sg. 2/16 geography Geräusch, das, -e 5/50 sound, noise gern 2/17 willingly Gesamtschule, die, -n 4/42 unified school (type of school in Germany) Geschichte, (die), nur Sg. 4/43 history Geschwister, die, nur PI. 6/59 brothers and sisters Gespräch, das, -e 1/6 conversation Gitarre, die, -n 5/54 glauben guitar 3/26 bld. count, think gleichzeitig 5/55 simultaneously Grad, der, -e GP/82 degrees Grafik, die, -en KP/37 graphics 90 neunzi9 Grammatik, die, nur Sg. 1/14 grammar Grammatikspiel, das, -e KP/36 grammar game grau 3/30 gray grillen GP/82 grilling Grillparty, die, -s GP/82 grill party groß 3/ 30 large Großeltern, die, nur PI. 6/59 grandparents Großmutter (Oma), die, -mütter (-s) 6/59 grandma Großvater (Opa), der, -väter (-s) 6/59 grandpa Grüezi. 1/7 CHF Hello. grün 3/30 green Gruppe, die, -n KP/35 group Gruß, der, Grüße GP/83 greeting Grüß Gott! 1/6 aßcmp., South~German Hello)! Gulasch, der/das, nur Sg. 6/60 goulash Gummibärchen, die, nur PI. 7/70 bear gummies gut 1/9 good Gute Nacht. 1/5 Good night. Guten Abend. 1/5 Good evening. Guten Morgen. 1/5 Good morning. Guten Tag. 1/5 Good afternoon. shnshsh haben 3/25 have halb 4/40 half, half halb sieben 4/40 half past seven Hälfte, die, -n 6/65 half Hallo. 1/5 Hello. Hamster, der, - 3/30 hamster Handy, das, -s 2/15 mobile phone Handykarte, die, -n 7/72 mobile phone card Handynummer, die, -n 2/15 mobile phone number hassen 2/16 hate Haus, das, Häuser 4/40 house Hausaufgabe, die, -n 5/50 homework Hausaufgabenbetreuung, die, nur Sg. 4/43 homework help Haustier, das, -e 3/25 pet Heft, das, -e 2/20 notebook heiß GP/82 hot heißen 1/6 called helfen, hilft 6/69 help Herr, der, -en 3/29 sir (address) heute 2/17 today heute Nachmittag 2/17 this afternoon Neu. 7/78 Hello. Hi. 1/6 Hello. hier 1/6 here hinten 6/60 behind Hip-Hop, nur Sg. 6/63 hip-hop Hobby, das, -s 5/49 hobby hören 5/50 listen to Hör zu. 1/6 Listen. einundneunzig Wörterbuch Hotel, das, -s 1/7 hotel Hund, der, -e 3/25 dog Hündin, die, -nen 6/63 dog (girl) W I ■■ ich 1/6 i ich mag 1/9 me like, I love ich möchte 7/69 I want, I would like Idee, die, -n KP/36 idea Ihnen 1/6 you ihr 2/17 you im Internet surfen 5/53 look for smth. online im Monat 7/73 per month im See GP/83 in the lake im Wasser GP/82 in the water immer 5/51 always in 1/6 in in den Bergen GP/82 in the mountains in den Ferien GP/82 on holiday in der Mitte 6/60 in the middle Infinitiv, der, -e 3/34 infinitive, indefinite form of the verb Informatiker, der, - 6/64 computer scientist Informatikerin, die, -nen 6/64 computer scientist (female) interessant CR/ 36 interesting Internet, das, nur Sg. 5/53 Internet Internet-AG, die, -s 4/43 Internet circle Internet-Chat, der, -s 1/10 Internet chat Internet-Projekt, das, -e KP/38 Internet project Interview, das, -s 5/53 interview with Italien, nur Sg. 1/9 Italy -■ J ■■ Jahr, das, -e 3/25 year Jazz, der, nur Sg. 6/63 jazz je KP/37 by je eine Zeile KP/37 one line jeder 4/42 each jemand 1/5 someone jetzt 1/9 now Job, der, -s 7/75 job jonglieren 2/21 juggle Judo, das, nur Sg. 1/9 judo Jugendhotel, das, -s 1/7 youth hotel, hostel Jugendliche, der/die, -n 5/53 teenager Jugendzeitschrift, die, -en 7/70 youth magazine Junge, der, -n KP/37 boy 92 Kanarienvogel, der, -vögel 3/25 canary Känguru, das, -s 3/25 kangaroo Kaninchen, das, - 3/25 rabbit zweiundneunzig 1 Karate, das, nur Sg. 1/9 karate Karte, die, -n 1/9 card Karten spielen 5/50 play cards Kater, der, - 6/63 cat Katze, die, -n 3/25 cat kaufen 7/73 buy Kaugummi, der, -s 7/72 kein chewing gum, -e 3/27 no, no, no Keine Ahnung! 2/17 I have no idea! kennen lernen 1/5 meet Kennenlernen, (das), nur Sg. 1/5 acquaintance Kette, die, -n 6/61 chain Kind, das, -er 6/63 child Kino, das, -s 1/9 cinema (theater) Kiosk, der, -e 7/72 small shop klären 4 /43 explain Klasse, die, -n 2/15 class Klassen-AG, die, -s 4/43 class hour Klassenposter, das, - 6/65 wall newspaper, poster, poster Klassenstatistik, die, -en 7/73 statistics on class Klassenwunschliste, die, -n 7/71 students wishlist Klavier, das, -e 5/53 piano Klavier spielen 5/53 play piano Klebstoff, der, -e 2/20 glue Kleidung, die, nur Sg. 7/75 clothes klein 3/30 small klingeln 4/45 call Koch, der, Köche 6/65 cook kochen 5/50 cook kommen 1/6 come können, kann 5/49 be able, be able Kontinent, der, -e 3/ 26 continent korrigieren 2/16 fix kosten 7/69 cost Krankenschwester, die, -n 6/64 nurse kriegen 7/75 times, get Krimi, der, -s 5/51 detective Kuh, die, Kühe 3/25 cow Kuli, der, -s 2/20 abbr. from Kugelschreiber, der Kunst ballpoint pen, (die), nur Sg. 4/43 art kurz 2/24 short kurz und bündig 1/14 short and clear Lama, das, -s 3/25 lama Land, das, Länder 1/7 country lang 3/26 long lange GP/82 long langsam 7/ 74 slow langweilig 7/74 boring laut KP/36 loud leben 3/31 live Lehrer, der, - 6/64 teacher dreiundneunzig 93 Wörterbuch Lehrerin, die, -nen 6/64 teacher leiden KP/37 suffer leise KP/36 loud Lernen , das, nur Sg. 4/43 study lernen 1/5 study Lernkarte, die, -n 2/20 vocabulary card Lernplakat, das, -e KP/35 study poster Lernplan, der, -plane KP/37 lesson schedule Lerntipp, der, -s 3/ 29 study advice lesen, liest 5/52 read Lesestrategie, die, -n 7/75 reading type Leute, die, nur PI. 1/7 people lieb 7/75 bld. good lieben GP/80 like Lieblingsfach, das, -fächer 4/44 favorite subject Lieblingssport, der, nur Sg. 6/61 favorite sport Lieblingstier, das, -e 3/27 favorite animal Lied, das, -er 4/45 song liegen 6/62 lie Lineal, das, -e 2/20 line links 6/60 left Liste, die , -n 4/44 list löschen 6/65 erase Lücke, die, -n GP/81 skip Lust, die, nur Sg. 5/52 desire 94 M ■■ machen 1/7 do Mach mit. 1/6 Do it together (with us). Mädchen, das, - KP/37 girl mähen 7/74 cut (grass, etc.) Mal 1/10 times malen 5/50 draw Mama, die, -s 4/45 mama man 1/8 not translated (used as a subject in indefinitely personal and generalized personal sentences) Managerin, die, -nen 6/64 (female) manager manchmal GP/82 sometimes Mann, der, Männer 6/61 male Mäppchen, das, - 2/20 pencil case markieren 3/26 mark Mathe, (die), nur Sg. 2/16 abbr. from Mathematik, (die) Matheheft, das, -e 2/21 mathematics notebook Mathematik, (die), nur Sg. 2/15 math Maus, die, Mäuse 3/29 mouse Mechaniker, der, - 6/64 mechanic Meer, das, -e GP/82 sea Meerschweinchen, das, - 3/25 guinea pig mehr 6/63 more mein, meine 2/17 my, my, my, my mein Bruder 6/59 my brother meine Eltern 6/59 my parents meine Familie 6/59 my family vierundneunzig Bildquellen S. 05, S. 06, S. 07 (oben) - Verlag Fraus /Karel Broz; S. 07 (Mitte) - Lutz Rohrmann; S. 08, S. 09 - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 10 (A) -; S. 10 (B, C, E, F) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 10 (D) - SXC/Carol Gale; S. 11 (unten Mitte) - Stadtmarketing Basel; S. 11 (unten links) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 11 (oben links, unten rechts) - Lutz Rohrmann; S. 11 (oben rechts) - Foto Schweiz Tourismus/Top Shots 2001; S. 11 (Mitte rechts) - SXC/Patrick Swan; S. 71, S. 70 - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 71 (unten) -; S. 71 (oben), S. 70 (unten) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 70 (oben) - Milena Zbrankovä; S. 70, S. 71 (oben links, oben rechts, Mitte rechts, unten links) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 71 (unten rechts) - PhotoDisc, Inc.; S. 71 (Mitte links) - Lutz Rohrmann; S. 71 (1, 12, 16) -; S. 71 (2, 4, 5, 7-11, 13-15, 17) - PhotoDisc, Inc.; S. 71 (3) - Corel Professional Photos; S. 71 (6) - STK/Vladimir Motydka; S. 71 (Mitte) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 72 (unten) - Verlag Fraus/Bohdan StSrba; S. 72 (oben) - PhotoDisc, Inc.; S. 72 (Mitte), S. 73, S. 71 - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 72 (Hamster) - CTK/Vladimir MotyCka; S. 72 (oben) - Corel Professional Photos; S. 72 (Pinguin, Tiger) -; S. 72 (Mitte) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 73 - PhotoDisc, Inc.; S. 71 (1-3) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 71 (Collage) - Milena Zbrankovä; S. 72 (1-5) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 73 - Lutz Rohrmann; S. 74 - STK/Oldfich Vfiriak; S. 74 - Foto Schweiz Tourismus/Top Shots 2001; S. 74 -; S. 74 - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 74 - PhotoDisc, Inc.; S. 75, S. 70, S. 71 - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 72 (oben) -; S. 72 (Mitte), S. 73, S. 74, S. 71, S. 72, S. 73, S. 74 (unten 2x) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 74 (oben 2x) -; S. 75, S. 79 (oben, unten links) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 79 (Mitte links, unten rechts) - Lutz Rohrmann; S. 71 (oben, Mitte rechts, unten Mitte, unten rechts) -; S. 71 (unten links) - PhotoDisc, Inc.; S. 71 (Mitte links) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 72 (unten) -; S. 72 (oben) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 74 (Mitte) -; S. 74 (2) - Lutz Rohrmann; S. 74 (1, 3) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 74 (4) - V6ra Frausova; S. 75 (1) -; S. 75 (2, 3) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 75 (4) - Friederike Jin; S. 78 (b, f) - PhotoDisc, Inc.; S. 78 (d, e, g) -; S. 78 (oben, a, c, h) - Verlag Fraus/Kare" Broz; S. 79 (Collage) - Milena Zbrankovä; S. 83 (DVD, Buch, Zeitschriften) - Lutz Rohrmann; S. 83 (MP3) - Apple, Inc.; S. 83 (Playstation) - Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.; S. 83 (Mitte), S. 70, S. 71, S. 72 (oben) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 72 (Mitte) - Lutz Rohrmann; S. 73 -; S. 74 (1-5), S. 78, S. 80 - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 82 (A, C, F) - Lutz Rohrmann; S. 82 (B) - Milena Zbrankova; S. 82 (D) - Verlag Fraus/Karel Broz; S. 82(E) - SXC/Philip MacKenzie; S. 83 (G) -; S. 83 (H) - Romana Peskovä Für die freundliche Unterstützung bedanken sich Verlag und Autoren sowohl bei Frat Katja Damsch und Frau Burcu Kilig als auch bei den Schülern und Schülerinnen gp Internationalen Ganztagsgymnasium Leonardo da Vinci Campus in Nauen und an Rheingau-Oberschule in Berlin -Friedenau.

/ Teaching aid

Audio courses to UMK

  • Averin M.M., Gene F., Rorman L. et al. “German language. Second foreign language. Grade 5 Audio course for a textbook, workbook and teacher's book (1 CD mp3) (Complete with a workbook) "(Audio courses for textbooks included in the current Federal List)
  • Averin M.M., Gene F., Rorman L. “German language. Second foreign language. 6th grade. Audio course for a textbook, workbook and teacher's book (1 CD mp3) (Complete with workbook) (Audio courses for textbooks included in the current Federal List)»
  • Averin M.M., Gene F., Rorman L. “German language. Second foreign language. 7th grade. Audio course for a textbook and workbook (1CD mp3) (Complete with a workbook) (Audio courses for textbooks included in the current Federal List)»
  • Averin M.M., Gene F., Rorman L. et al. “German language. Second foreign language. 8th grade. Audio course for a textbook, workbook, teacher's book and control tasks (1CD mp3) (Included with a workbook) "(Audio courses for textbooks included in the current Federal List)
  • Averin M.M., Gene F., Rorman L. et al. “German language. Second foreign language. Grade 9 Audio course for a textbook, workbook and teacher's book (1CD mp3) (Included with a workbook) "(Audio courses for textbooks included in the current Federal List)

Choose series

Assortments of Videos Cambridge ESOL BEC Cambridge ESOL CAE Cambridge ESOL CPE Cambridge ESOL FCE Cambridge ESOL IELTS Cambridge ESOL YLE English for Specific Purposes Happy Hearts Type I Idioms Type II Type IV Practice Exam Papers Prepare and Practice for the TOEFL iBT Readers Resource Books Skills Books Upstream VIII view. The program of V.V. Funnel VIII species. Program I.M. Bgazhnokova Welcome Academic school textbook Academy English in focus Archimedes Teacher's library Quickly and efficiently Extracurricular activities Magic workshop Meetings Geeks Horizons State final assessment Rakes of history Grammar in tables Preschool world United State exam Behind the pages of the textbook Problems Starry English Golden series of French fairy tales From childhood to adolescence History in faces. Time and contemporaries So, German! Final control in elementary school Final control: GIA Final control: Unified State Examination To the top five step by step Classic course Krokha Labyrinth Vocabulary in pictures Linguistic simulator Life line Literature for educational organizations with Russian (non-native) and native (non-Russian) language Lomonosov Moscow State University School Mosaic On facets of the world German language. Preparing for the exam Perspective Polar star Speech therapist portfolio Programs Profile school Five rings We work according to new standards We work according to the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education Rainbow Tutor We solve non-standard problems Russian culture Blue bird Soon to school Difficult topics Unified State Examination Second generation standards Literacy steps Fate and creativity Spheres 1-11 Yours friend French Your horizons Current control Universum Russian lessons Success Successful start (Math) Study cards Tutorials for Universities Learning with Enlightenment Federal State Educational Standards: Assessing Educational Achievements French in Perspective Reading, Listening, Playing Step by Step to the Five School of Russia School Dictionaries Elective Courses Encyclopedic Dictionaries I live in Russia “English” author. Kuzovlev V.P. and others.

Select UMK line

UMK Yu.M. Kolyagin, 9th grade UMK Yu.M. Kolyagin, 8th grade UMK Yu.M. Kolyagin, 7th grade UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 9th grade Depth UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 9th grade UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 8th grade (deep). UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 8th grade UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 7th grade UMK Yu. M. Kolyagin, 11th grade (basic / professional). UMK Yu. M. Kolyagin, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK Yu. V. Lebedev, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK E. M. Rakovskaya, 8th grade UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 9th grade UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 8th grade UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 7th grade UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 11th grade (bases). UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 10th grade (bases). UMK Reading. S.Yu. Ilyina, 4th grade (VIII view. VV Voronkov) UMK Reading. S.Yu. Ilyina, 3rd class (VIII view. VV Voronkov) UMK Reading. S.Yu. Ilyina, 2nd grade (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) EMC Reading, 9th grade. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Reading, 8 cells. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Reading, 6 cells. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) EMC Reading, 5th grade. (VIII view. I.M. Bgazhnokov) EMC Reading, 5th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) EMC Reading, 4th grade. (VIII type. I.M. Bgazhnokov) EMC Reading, 4th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Reading, 3 cl. (VIII view. I.M. Bgazhnokov) EMC Reading, 3rd grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) EMC Reading, 2nd grade. (VIII type. I.M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Reading, 1 class. (I type) UMK Artistic work/T. Y. Shpikalova, 4th grade UMK Artistic work/T. Y. Shpikalova, 3rd grade UMK Artistic work/T. Y. Shpikalova, 2nd grade UMK Artistic work/T. Y. Shpikalova, 1st grade UMK Oral speech, 4 cl. (VIII view of I. M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Oral speech, 3 cl. (VIII view of I. M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Oral speech, 2 cl. (VIII view of I. M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Oral speech, 1 class. (VIII view of I. M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Technology, 4th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Technology, 3rd class. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Technology, 2nd class. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Technology, 1 class. (VIII view. VV Voronkov) UMK T.Ya. Shpikalova, 8 cells. UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 7th grade. UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 6th grade UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 5th grade UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 4th grade. UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 3rd grade UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 2nd grade UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 1 class. UMK T. G. Khodot, 6th grade UMK T. G. Khodot, 5th grade UMK T. A. Rudchenko, 4th grade UMK T. A. Rudchenko, 3rd grade UMK T. A. Rudchenko, 2nd grade UMK T. A. Rudchenko, 1 class. UMK T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, 5th grade UMK Solodovnikov, 11th grade (bases). UMK Solodovnikov, 10th grade (bases). UMK S. N. Chistyakova, 8th grade UMK S. N. Chistyakova, 10th grade UMK S.K. Biryukov, 8th grade UMK S. D. Ashurova, 5th grade UMK S. V. Gromov, 9th grade UMK S.V. Gromov, 8th grade UMK S.V. Gromov, 7th grade UMK Russian language. Speech development, preparatory class. UMK Russian language. Speech development, grade 3 UMK Russian language. Speech development, grade 2 UMK Russian language. Speech development, grade 1 UMK Russian language. Literacy education, grade 1 (II type) UMK Russian language, grade 9 (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 8th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 7th grade. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 6th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 5th grade. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 4th grade. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 4th grade. (I type) UMK Russian language, 3rd class. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 3 cl. (II type) UMK Russian language, 2nd class. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 2nd grade. (II type) UMK Russian language, 1 class. (II type) UMK Revyakin, 8th class. UMK Revyakin, 7th grade UMK R. B. Sabatkoev, 9th grade UMK R. B. Sabatkoev, 10th grade UMK Pronunciation, 4 cells. UMK Pronunciation, 3 cells. UMK Pronunciation, 2 cells. UMK Pronunciation, 1 class. UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 8 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 7 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 6 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 5 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 4 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 3 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 2 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 1 class UMK Acquaintance with the outside world, 2 cl. (I type) UMK Acquaintance with the outside world, 1 class. (Type I) UMK Acquaintance with the outside world (prepared). (I type) EMC Teaching literacy, grade 1. (I. M. Bgazhnokova) Teaching and reading materials, 1st grade. (VIII species. V. V. Voronkov) UMK O. S. Soroko-Tsyupa, 9th grade. UMK O. E. Drozdova, 7th grade (electronic) UMK O. V. Afanasiev, 9th grade. (deep). UMK O. V. Afanasiev, 8th grade (deep). UMK O. V. Afanasiev, 7th grade (deep). UMK O. V. Afanasiev, 6th grade (deep). UMK O. V. Afanasiev, 11th grade (deep). UMK O. V. Afanasiev, 10th grade (deep). UMK N. Ya. Vilenkina, 9th grade (deep). UMK N. Ya. Vilenkina, 8th grade. Depth UMK N. S. Rusin, 6th grade UMK N. A. Kondrashova, 9th grade (deep). UMK N. A. Kondrashova, 8th grade (deep). UMK N. A. Kondrashova, 7th grade (deep). UMK N. A. Kondrashova and others, 11th grade. (deep). UMK N. A. Kondrashova and others, 10th grade. (deep). UMK World of History, 6th grade UMK Mathematics, Preparatory class (VIII type. VV Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 9th grade. (M. N. Perova, VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 8th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 7th grade. (VIII type. VV Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 6 cells. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 5th grade. (VIII species. V. V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 4th grade. (VIII type. VV Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 3 cl. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 2nd grade. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 1 class. (VIII view. V. V. Voronkov) UMK M. Ya. Pratusevich, 11 class. (deep). UMK M. Ya. Pratusevich, 10th grade (deep). UMK M. Ya. Vilensky, 5th grade. UMK M. T. Baranov, 7th grade UMK M. T. Baranov, 6th grade UMK M. G. Akhmetzyanov, 5th grade UMK L. S. Atanasyan, 9th grade UMK L. S. Atanasyan, 8th grade UMK L. S. Atanasyan, 7th grade UMK L.P. Anastasova, 3rd class. UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 9th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 9th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 8th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 7th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 7th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 6th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 6th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 5th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 5th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 11th grade (prof). UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 11th grade (bases). UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 10th grade (prof). UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 10th grade (bases). UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, "Law", 11th grade. (prof). UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, "Law", 10 cells. (prof). UMK L. N. Aleksashkina, 11th class. (elekt). UMK L. M. Rybchenkova, 9th class. UMK L. M. Rybchenkova, 8th class. UMK L. M. Rybchenkova, 7th class. UMK L. M. Rybchenkov, 6th grade. UMK L. M. Rybchenkova, 5th class. UMK L. M. Zelenina, 4th grade UMK L. M. Zelenina, 3rd class UMK L. M. Zelenina, 2nd grade UMK L. M. Zelenina, 1 class. UMK L. I. Tigranova, 6th grade. UMK L.I. Tigranova, 5th grade UMK L.I. Tigranova, 2nd grade. UMK L. I. Tigranova, 1 class. TMC L. G. Sayakhova, 9th grade UMK L.V. Polyakova, 4th grade UMK L.V. Polyakova, 3rd class UMK L.V. Polyakova, 2nd grade UMK L. V. Polyakova, 1 class. UMK L.V. Polyakov, 11th grade UMK L.V. Polyakov, 10th grade TMC L. V. Kibirev, 8th grade UMK L.V. Kibirev, 7th grade. TMC L. V. Kibirev, 5th grade UMK L. A. Trostentsova, 9th grade UMK L.A. Trostentsova, 8th grade UMK History of the Fatherland, 8th grade. UMK History of the Fatherland, 7th grade. WMC art . 2 cells (VIII view of I.M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Fine arts. 1 class (VIII view of I.M. Bgazhnokov) UMK I.A. Viner, 2nd grade UMK I.A. Wiener, 1 class. UMK I. O. Shaitanov, 9th grade (elekt). UMK I. O. Shaitanov, 11th grade (elekt). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, III class. (deep). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, II class. (deep). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 5th grade (deep). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 4th grade. (deep). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 3rd grade (deep). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 2nd grade (deep). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 1 class. (deep). UMK I. L. Bim, 9th grade UMK I. L. Bim, 8th grade UMK I. L. Bim, 7th grade UMK I. L. Bim, 6th grade UMK I. L. Bim, 5th grade UMK I. L. Bim, 4th grade UMK I. L. Bim, 3rd grade UMK I. L. Bim, 2nd grade UMK I. L. Bim, 11th grade (basic) UMK I. L. Bim, 11th grade. UMK I. L. Bim, 10th grade (basic) UMK I. L. Bim, 10th grade. UMK I. K. Toporov, 5th grade UMK I.K. Kikoin, 10th grade UMK I. V. Metlik, A. F. Nikitin, 11th grade (bases). UMK I. V. Metlik, A. F. Nikitin, 10th grade (bases). UMK I. V. Anurova and others, 6th grade. (deep). UMK Z. N. Nikitenko, 3rd grade UMK Z. N. Nikitenko, 2nd grade UMK Z. N. Nikitenko, 1 class. UMK Living World, 3rd grade (IIIV view of I. M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Living World, 2nd grade. (IIIV view of I. M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Living World, 1 class. (IIIV view of I.M. Bgazhnokov) UMK E.A. Bazhanova, 1 class. UMK E. Yu. Sergeev, 9th grade UMK E. S. Korolkova, 7th grade UMK E. E. Lipova, 5th grade (deep). UMK E. D. Kritskaya, 4th grade UMK E. D. Kritskaya, 3rd grade UMK E. D. Kritskaya, 2nd grade UMK E. D. Kritskaya, 1 class. UMK E. V. Efremova, 7th grade. UMK E. V. Agibalova, 6th grade UMK E. A. "Agricultural labor", 5th grade. UMK D.K. Belyaev, 11th grade (basic) UMK D.K. Belyaev, 10th grade. (base) UMK Geography, grade 9 (VIII view. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Geography, 8th grade. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Geography, 7th grade. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Geography, 6th grade. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkov) UMK G.P. Sergeev. Art, 9th grade UMK G. P. Sergeev. Art, 8th grade UMK G.P. Sergeev, 7th class. UMK G.P. Sergeev, 6th grade UMK G.P. Sergeev, 5th class. UMK G. P. Sergeeva, 1 class. UMK G.E. Rudzitis, 9th grade UMK G.E. Rudzitis, 8th grade UMK G.E. Rudzitis, 11th grade UMK G.E. Rudzitis, 10th grade UMK G. V. Dorofeev, 9th grade UMK G.V. Dorofeev, 8th grade UMK G. V. Dorofeev, 7th grade UMK G.V. Dorofeev, 6th grade UMK G. V. Dorofeev, 5th grade UMK G.V. Dorofeev, 4th grade UMK G. V. Dorofeev, 3rd grade UMK G. V. Dorofeev, 2nd grade UMK G.V. Dorofeev, 1st class. UMK Vedyushkin, 6th grade UMK V. Ya. Korovin, 9th grade. UMK V. Ya. Korovin, 8th grade. UMK V. Ya. Korovin, 7th grade. UMK V. Ya. Korovin, 6th grade. UMK V. Ya. Korovin, 5th grade. UMK V.F. Chertov, 9th grade UMK V.F. Chertov, 8th grade UMK V.F. Chertov, 7th grade UMK V.F. Chertov, 6th grade UMK V.F. Chertov, 5th grade UMK V.F. Grekov, 11th grade. (bases). UMK V.F. Grekov, 10th grade (bases). UMK V.F. Butuzova, 9th class. UMK V.F. Butuzov, 8th class. UMK V.F. Butuzov, 7th class. UMK V.F. Butuzova, 10th class. UMK V.P. Maksakovskiy, 10th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 9th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 8th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 7th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 6th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 5th grade (1st year of study) EMC V.P. Kuzovlev, 5th grade. UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 4th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 3rd grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 2nd grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 11th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 10th grade UMK V.P. Zhuravlev, 11th grade (basic / professional). UMK V. N. Chernyakova, 5th class. UMK V. L. Baburin, 11th grade (elekt). UMK V.K. Shumny, 10th grade UMK V. I. Ukolov, 5th grade UMK V.I. Ukolov, 10th grade UMK V.I. Lyakh, 8th grade UMK V. I. Lyakh, 4th grade UMK V. I. Lyakh, 10th grade UMK V. I. Lyakh, 1 class. UMK V.I. Korovin, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK V. G. Marantsman, 9th grade UMK V. G. Marantsman, 8th grade UMK V. G. Marantsman, 7th grade UMK V. G. Marantsman, 6th grade UMK V. G. Marantsman, 5th grade UMK V. G. Marantsman, 11th grade (basic / professional). UMK V. G. Marantsman, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK V.V. Zhumaev, 9th grade. (VIII view. V. V. Voronkov) WMC V. B. Sukhov (prepared). (I type) UMK V. A. Shestakov, 9th grade. UMK V. A. Shestakov, 11th grade (prof). UMK Biology, 9th grade (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Biology, 8th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Biology, 7th grade. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Biology, 6th grade. (VIII species. V. V. Voronkov) UMK BDD / Ed. A.T. Smirnova, 5th grade UMK BDD / Ed. A. T. Smirnova, 10th grade UMK BDD/P.V.Izhevsky, 1st class UMK A.O. Chubaryan, 11th grade (prof). UMK A.G. Gein, 9th grade UMK A.G. Gein, 8th grade UMK A.G. Gein, 7th grade UMK A. Ya. Yudovskaya, 8th grade UMK A. Ya. Yudovskaya, 7th grade UMK A.F. Nikitin, 9th grade UMK A.F. Nikitin, 10th grade (right). UMK A. T. Smirnov, B. O. Khrennikov, 11th grade (basic/professional) UMK A. T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov, 10th grade (basic/professional) UMK A. T. Smirnov, grade 9 UMK A. T. Smirnov, 8th grade UMK A. T. Smirnov, 7th grade UMK A. T. Smirnov, 6th grade UMK A. T. Smirnov, 5th grade UMK A.P. Matveev, 8th grade UMK A.P. Matveev, 6th grade UMK A.P. Matveev, 5th grade UMK A.P. Matveev, 3rd grade UMK A.P. Matveev, 2nd grade UMK A.P. Matveev, 1st class UMK A. N. Sakharov, 7th grade UMK A. N. Sakharov, 6th grade UMK A. N. Sakharov, 10th grade (prof). UMK A. N. Kolmogorova, 11 cells (bases) UMK A. N. Kolmogorov, 10 cells. (bases). UMK A. L. Semenov, 4th grade. UMK A. L. Semenov, 3rd class. UMK A. L. Semenov, 7th grade UMK A.L. Semenov, 6th grade UMK A.L. Semenov, 5th grade UMK A.K. Reading, 7th grade. (VIII view. V. V. Voronkov) UMK A. I. Gorshkov, 11 class. (elekt). UMK A.I. Vlasenkov, 11th grade (basic / professional). UMK A.I. Vlasenkov, 11th grade (bases). UMK A.I. Vlasenkov, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK A.I. Vlasenkov, 10th grade (bases). UMK A. I. Alekseev, 9th grade UMK A.D. Alexandrov, 9th grade (deep). UMK A.D. Alexandrov, 9th grade UMK A.D. Alexandrov, 8th grade (deep). UMK A.D. Alexandrov, 8th grade UMK A.D. Alexandrov, 7th grade UMK A.D. Aleksandrov, 11th grade (professional / deep). UMK A.D. Aleksandrov, 11th grade (basic / professional). UMK A.D. Alexandrov, 10th grade (professional / deep). UMK A.D. Alexandrov, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK A.G. Gein, 9th grade UMK A.G. Gein, 8th grade UMK A.G. Gein, 11th grade (basic / professional). UMK A.G. Gein, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK A.V. Filippov, 11th grade (bases). UMK A.V. Filippov, 10th grade (bases). UMK A.V. Pogorelov, 9th grade UMK A.V. Pogorelov, 8th grade UMK A.V. Pogorelov, 7th grade UMK A. V. Pogorelov, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK A. A. Ulunyan, 11th grade UMK A. A. Preobrazhensky, 6th grade UMK A. A. Murashova, 11th class. (elekt). UMK A. A. Levandovsky, 8th grade UMK A. A. Kuznetsov, 8th grade UMK A. A. Danilov. Peoples of Russia, 9th grade. UMK A. A. Danilov, 9th grade UMK A. A. Danilov, 8th grade UMK A. A. Danilov, 7th grade UMK A. A. Danilov, 6th grade UMK A. A. Danilov, 10th grade (elekt). UMK A. A. Voinova and others, 4th grade. (deep). UMK A. A. Voinova and others, 3rd grade. (deep). UMK A. A. Voinova and others, 2nd grade. (deep). UMK A. A. Vigasin, 6th grade UMK A. A. Vigasin, 5th grade UMK "I am a citizen of Russia" L.V. Polyakov, 5th grade (electronic) UMK "School of Russia" M.I. Moro, 4th grade. EMC "School of Russia" M.I. Moro, 3rd grade EMC "School of Russia" M.I. Moro, 2nd grade EMC "School of Russia" M.I. Moro, 1st grade EMC "School of Russia" L.F. Klimanov, 4th grade EMC "School of Russia" L.F. Klimanov, 3rd grade EMC "School of Russia" L. F. Klimanov, 2nd grade EMC "School of Russia" L.F. Klimanov, 1st grade UMK "School of Russia" E. A. Luttseva, 4th grade UMK "School of Russia" E. A. Lutseva, 3rd grade UMK "School of Russia" E. A. Luttseva, 2nd grade UMK "School of Russia" E. A. Luttseva, 1 class. EMC "School of Russia" V.P. Kanakina, 4th grade EMC "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 3rd grade EMC "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 2nd grade UMK "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 1 class. UMK "School of Russia" V. G. Goretsky, 1 class. EMC "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 4th grade EMC "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 3rd grade EMC "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 2nd grade EMC "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 1st grade EMC "School of Oleg Gabrielyan", 10th grade UMK "French in perspective" E. M. Beregovskaya and others, 4th grade (deep). UMK "French in perspective" N.M. Kasatkina and others, 3rd grade. (deep). UMK "French in perspective" N. M. Kasatkina and others, 2nd grade. (deep). UMK "French in perspective" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 9th grade. (deep). UMK "French in perspective" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 8th grade. (deep). UMK "French in perspective" A. S. Kuligin, 7th grade. (deep). EMC "French in perspective" A. S. Kuligin, 6th grade (deep). EMC "French in perspective" A. S. Kuligin, 5th grade (deep). UMK "French in perspective" G.I. Bubnova and others, 11th grade. (deep). UMK "French in perspective" G.I. Bubnova and others, 10th grade. (deep). EMC "Universum" S.V. Gromov, 11th grade EMC "Universum" S.V. Gromov, 10th grade UMK "Technology. Sewing business" 7 cells. UMK "Technology. Plumbing" 6th grade. UMK "Technology. Agricultural labor" 9th grade. UMK "Technology. Agricultural labor" 8th grade. UMK "Technology. Agricultural labor" 7th grade. UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, grade 9 UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, 8th grade. UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, 7th grade. UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, 6th grade. UMK "Your friend is French" A. S. Kuligina and others, 5th grade. UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, 4th grade. UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, 3rd grade. UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, 2nd grade. UMK "Spheres". Yu.A. Alekseev, 11th grade UMK "Spheres". Yu.A. Alekseev, 10th grade UMK "Spheres". E. A. Bunimovich, 6th grade UMK "Spheres". E. A. Bunimovich, 5th grade UMK "Spheres". D.Yu, Bovykin, 8th grade UMK "Spheres". D.Yu, Bovykin, 7th grade UMK "Spheres". IN AND. Ukolova, 5th grade UMK "Spheres". V. P. Dronov, 9th grade UMK "Spheres". V. P. Dronov, 8th grade UMK "Spheres". V. I. Ukolova, 6th grade UMK "Spheres". A. P. Kuznetsov, 7th grade UMK "Spheres". A. A. Lobzhanidze, 6th grade UMK "Spheres". A. A. Lobzhanidze, 5th grade UMK "Spheres" Chemistry, 9 cells. UMK "Spheres" Chemistry, 8 cells. UMK "Spheres" Social science 5 cells. UMK "Spheres" L.S. Belousov, A.Yu. Vatlin, 9th grade UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 7th grade. UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 6th grade UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 5th grade UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 11 cl. (prof). UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 10-11 cells. (base). UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 10 cells. (prof). UMK "Spheres" V. S. Kuchmenko, 9th grade UMK "Spheres" V. S. Kuchmenko, 8 cells. UMK "Spheres" V.V. Belaga, 9th grade UMK "Spheres" V.V. Belaga, 8th grade UMK "Spheres" V.V. Belaga, 7th grade UMK "Spheres" A. A. Danilov, 9th grade UMK "Spheres" A. A. Danilov, 8th grade UMK "Spheres" A. A. Danilov, 7th grade UMK "Spheres" A. A. Danilov, 6th grade EMC "Blue Bird" E. M. Beregovskaya, 5th grade EMC "Blue Bird" N. A. Selivanova, 9th grade EMC "Blue Bird" N. A. Selivanova, 7th grade EMC "Blue Bird" N. A. Selivanova, 6th grade EMC "Agricultural labor", 8th grade EMC "Agricultural labor", 7th grade. EMC "Agricultural labor", 6th grade UMK "Continuity" UMK "Polyarnaya Zvezda". Yu. N. Gladky, 11th grade UMC "Polar Star". Yu. N. Gladky, 10th grade EMC "Polar Star" A.I. Alekseev, 9th grade EMC "Polar Star" A.I. Alekseev, 8th grade EMC "Polar Star" A.I. Alekseev, 7th grade EMC "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 6th grade EMC "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 5-6 cells. EMC "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 5th grade UMK "Perspective" N.I. Rogovtseva, 4th grade UMK "Perspective" N.I. Rogovtseva, 3rd grade UMK "Perspective" N. I. Rogovtseva, 2nd grade UMK "Perspective" N. I. Rogovtseva, 1 class. UMK "Perspective" L.F. Klimanov, 4th grade UMK "Perspective" L.F. Klimanov, 4th grade UMK "Perspective" L.F. Klimanov, 3rd grade UMK "Perspective" L.F. Klimanov, 3rd grade UMK "Perspektiva" L. F. Klimanov, 2nd grade UMK "Perspektiva" L. F. Klimanov, 2nd grade UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanov, 1 class. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanov, 1 class. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanov, 1 class. UMK "Perspektiva" A. A. Pleshakov, 4th grade UMK "Perspektiva" A. A. Pleshakov, 3rd grade UMK "Perspektiva" A. A. Pleshakov, 2nd grade UMK "Perspektiva" A. A. Pleshakov, 1 class. UMK "Fundamentals of Cooking", 10th grade UMK "Fundamentals of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia", 5th grade. EMC "Fundamentals of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia", 4th grade. EMC "Fundamentals of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia", 4th grade. UMK "Objective" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 11th grade UMK "Objective" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 10th grade UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 9th grade (deep). UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 8th grade (deep). UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 7th grade (deep). UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 6th grade (deep). UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 5th grade (deep). UMC "Mosaic". L. N. Yakovleva, 11th grade (deep). UMC "Mosaic". L. N. Yakovleva, 10th grade (deep). EMC "MSU - school" S. S. Berdonosov, 9th grade. EMC "MSU - school" S. S. Berdonosov, 8th grade. EMC "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 9th grade. EMC "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 8th grade. EMC "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 7th grade. EMC "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 6th grade. EMC "MGU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 5th grade. EMC "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 11th grade (basic / professional). EMC "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 10th grade. (basic/prof.). EMC "MSU - school" S. V. Novikov, 10th grade (prof). EMC "MSU - school" N. S. Borisov, 10th grade (bases). - A. A. Levandovsky, 11th grade. (bases). TMC "MSU - School" L. S. Atanasyan, 11th grade (basic / professional). TMC "MSU - school" L. S. Atanasyan, 10 cells. (basic / professional). EMC "MSU - school" V.P. Smirnov, 11th grade. (prof). EMC "MSU - school" A. O. Soroko-Tsyupa, 11th grade. (bases). EMC "MSU - school" A. A. Levandovsky, 11th grade. (bases). EMC "Lomonosov" A. A. Fadeeva, 9th grade EMC "Lomonosov" A. A. Fadeeva, 8th grade EMC "Lomonosov" A. A. Fadeeva, 7th grade EMC "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 9th grade (deep.) UMK "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 8th grade. (deep.) UMK "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 7th grade. (Deeper) UMK "Line of Life". V. V. Pasechnik, 9th grade UMK "Line of Life". V. V. Pasechnik, 8th grade UMK "Line of Life". V. V. Pasechnik, 7th grade UMK "Line of Life". V. V. Pasechnik, 6th grade UMK "Line of Life". V. V. Pasechnik, grades 5-6 of the TMC "Line of Life". V. V. Pasechnik, 5th grade UMK "Labyrinth" I. Yu. Aleksashina, 5th grade UMK "Labyrinth" I. Yu. Aleksashina, 11th grade UMK "Labyrinth" I. Yu. Aleksashina, 10 cells UMK "Contacts" G.I. Voronin, 11th class. EMC "Classic Course" G. Ya. Myakishev, 11th grade EMC "Classic Course" G. Ya. Myakishev, 10th grade UMC "So, German!" N. D. Galskova, 11th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, grade 9 EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 8th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 7th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 6th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 5th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 4th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 3rd grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 2nd grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 11th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 10th grade UMK "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 1 class. UMK "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva et al., 9th grade EMC "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva et al., 8th grade EMC "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva et al., 7th grade EMC "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva and others, 6th grade EMC "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva and others, grades 5-6 of the EMC "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva and others, 10th grade of EMC "Business French" by I. A. Golovanova, 10th grade. (elekt). UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 9th grade UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 8th grade UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 7th grade UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 6th grade UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 5th grade UMK "Geeks" G.V. Yatskovskaya, 5th grade TMC "Geeks Plus" O. A. Radchenko, 8th grade UMK "Geeks Plus" O. A. Radchenko, 7th grade UMK "Geeks Plus" O. A. Radchenko, 6th grade UMK "Meetings" N. A. Selivanova et al., grades 8-9 UMK "Meetings" N. A. Selivanova et al. (Electr.) UMK "Archimedes" O. F. Kabardin, 9th grade. EMC "Archimedes" O.F. Kabardin, 8th grade EMC "Archimedes" O. F. Kabardin, 7th grade EMC "Archimedes" K. Yu. Bogdanov, 11th grade EMC "Archimedes" K. Yu. Bogdanov, 10th grade UMK "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 9th grade. UMK "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 8th grade. UMK "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 7th grade. UMK "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 6th grade. EMC "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 5th grade EMC "English in Focus", O. V. Afanaseva, 11th grade EMC "English in Focus", O. V. Afanaseva, 10th grade UMK "English in focus", N. I. Bykova, 4th grade EMC "English in focus", N. I. Bykova, 3rd grade EMC "English in focus", N. I. Bykova, 2nd grade UMK "English in focus", N. I. Bykova, 1 class. UMK "Academy" A. A. Pinsky, 11th grade (ang.). UMK "Academy" A. A. Pinsky, 10th grade (ang.). UMK "ABC bookbinder", 5 cells. Russian language. Literacy education. (1) Russian language. Literacy education. (0) Russian language and literary reading, grade 4 Russian language and literary reading, grade 3 Russian language and literary reading, 2nd grade Russian language and literary reading, 1st grade Russian language (9) Russian language (8) Russian language (7) Russian language (6) Program edited by BM Nemensky. Visual arts, 5 years Program edited by B. M. Nemensky. Visual Arts, 4 years Program edited by BM Nemensky. Visual arts, 3 years Natural history. (5) Continuity Acquaintance with the outside world. Preparing, 1st and 2nd grades. Guidelines (Types I and II) Young Learners" Portfolio Wuthering Heights Wishes B2.2 Wishes B2.1 White Fang Welcome Starter b Welcome Starter a Welcome Plus 6 Welcome Plus 5 Welcome Plus 4 Welcome Plus 3 Welcome Plus 2 Welcome Plus 1 Welcome 3 Welcome 2 Welcome 1 Upstream Upper-Intermediate B2+ Upstream Proficiancy C2 Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1 Upstream Level B1+ Upstream Intermediate B2 Upstream Elementary A2 Upstream Beginner A1+ Upstream Advanced C1 Upload 4 Upload 3 Upload 2 Upload 1 Treasure Island The Worms The Wonderful Wizard of Oz The Wind in the Willows The Wild Swans The Ugly Duckling The Time Machine The Tiger Shark The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Teacher's Basic Tools The Story of Santa Claus The Stone Flower The Speckled Band The Snow Queen The Shoemaker & his Guest The Shepherd Boy & the Wolf The Selfish Giant The Prisoner of Zenda The Prince and the Pauper The Portrait of Dorian Gray The Phantom of the Opera The Octopus The Nightingale & the Rose The Mysterious Island The Merchant of Venice The Maori People The Man in the Iron Mask The lost world The Loggerhead The Little Red Hen The Little Mermaid The Lion & the Mouse The Last of the Mohicans The Humpback Whale The Hound of the Baskervilles The Hare & the Tortoise The happy prince The Hammerhead Shark The Great White Shark The Golden Stone Saga II The Golden Stone Saga I The Giant turnip The Ghost The Frog Princess The Fisherman and the Fish The Father & his Sons The Creeping Man The Cracow Dragon The Canterville Ghost The Bottlenose Dolphin The Blue Scarab The Ant & the Cricket The Amazon Rainforest 2 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World The 7 Engineering Wonders of the Modern World Teaching Young Learners Swan Lake Successful Writing Upper-Intermediate Successful Writing Proficiency Successful Writing Intermediate Storytime Storyland Spark 4 (Monstertrackers) S park 3 (Monstertrackers) Spark 2 (Monstertrackers) Spark 1 (Monstertrackers) Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs Sleeping Beauty Skills First: The Magic Pebble Skills First: The False Smile Skills First: The Castle by the Lake Skills Builder STARTER 2 Skills Builder STARTER 1 Skills Builder MOVERS 2 Skills Builder MOVERS 1 Skills Builder FLYERS 2 Skills Builder FLYERS 1 Sivka-Burka Simon Decker & the Secret Formula Set Sail 4 Set Sail 3 Set Sail 2 Set Sail 1 Romeo & Juliet Robinson Crusoe Robin Hood Reading Stars Reading & Writing Targets 3 Reading & Writing Targets 2 Reading & Writing Targets 1 Pygmalion Puss in Boots Pride & Prejudice Practice Tests for the PET Practice Tests for the KET Practice Tests for the BEC Vantage Practice Tests for the BEC Preliminary Practice Tests for the BEC Higher Peter Pan Perseus and Andromeda Orpheus Descending On Screen B2+ On Screen B2 Oliver Twist (illustrated readers) Oliver Twist (classic readers) New Patches for O ld Mowgli Moby Dick Mission IELTS 1 Mission 2 Mission 1 Merry Christmas Macbeth Little Women Little Red Riding Hood Life Exchange Letterfun Kidnapped Journey to the Center of the Earth Jane Eyre Jack and the Beanstalk Interactive 2 Interactive 1 IELTS

German. Grade 5 (Horizons) Averin M.M., Gene F, Rorman L., Zbrankova M.

M.: 20 11. - 1 04 p.

The textbook is part of the "Horizons" educational and methodological kit for grade 5. The "Horizons" line is focused on European levels of language competencies, and teaching materials for grades 5 and 6 will help you reach the A1 level. The Horizons line helps you learn German step by step and is designed to immerse you in the language right from the start.

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The textbook for grade 5 consists of seven chapters, seven regional studies blocks, "Little Change" and "Big Change", as well as a German-Russian dictionary. Each chapter is eight pages long. With the help of a colorful collage on the first page of the chapter, an introduction to the topic is provided. On the next six pages you will find texts, dialogues and exercises aimed at developing all four language skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening. In accordance with the rules for compiling a European language portfolio, students regularly collect information about themselves and their own achievements.
Particular attention is paid to country studies. In the green frames "About the country and people" you will find information about Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and after each chapter there is a block dedicated to Russia.
Sidebars “And if you think about it?” in orange frames will help you deal with grammatical phenomena on your own, and the rules themselves can be found in a quick grammar reference at the end of the chapter.
"Little break" and "Big break" after chapters 3 and 7, respectively, will help in a playful way to review the material covered during the winter and summer holidays.
The dictionary at the end of the textbook contains all the lexical units of the active dictionary and links to the pages of the use of the lexical unit in the textbook.

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Rspeech situation as the basis for teaching speakingin 7 class byUMK "horizons»


Chapter 1. Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking

1.1 Psychological features secondary school students school age

1.2 Speaking as a leading type of activity in the middle stage of learning

1.3 Speech situation as a methodological technique for teaching dialogic speech in the works of domestic methodologists

Conclusions on the first chapter

Chapter 2. Using speech situations in German lessons in grade 7

2.1 General characteristics of UMK "Horizons" M.M. Averina and others in German as a second foreign language for grade 7

2.2 Analysis of the first theme "Wie war" s in den Ferien? EMC "Horizons" by M. M. Averin and others in German as a second foreign language for grade 7

Conclusions on the second chapter


List of used literature


school speech training german

IN educational system in our country, one of the priority places is given to teaching foreign languages, in view of the desire modern society to globalization and recognition of the importance of international contacts. In this regard, the state puts forward a set of mandatory requirements for basic general education in the form of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), according to which the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program by basic school graduates are divided into three groups: personal, meta-subject and subject.

From the point of view of a foreign language as a specific school subject the required result in this subject area, first of all, is the development of communicative competence by students, which includes: the leading speech competence, which involves the mastery of all types of speech activity - speaking, listening, reading, writing, as well as the accompanying competencies - linguistic, sociocultural and compensatory. It follows from this that teaching speaking comes to the fore and becomes one of the main educational goals of teaching both the first and second foreign languages. In addition, speaking is not represented without the participation of one or more partners, so moments personal communication and in connection with this personal development should also be taken into account. In its turn, metasubject connections are manifested in the fact that in the process of communication any topic related to various spheres of human activity can be touched upon.

In addition, at the middle stage, communication with peers becomes the leading activity of schoolchildren, so modern education sees the main The purpose of trainingspeaking in a foreign language in preparing students for dialogue cultures, which is based on the speech situation. As part of a foreign language lesson speechesand IsituationsI is artificially created by the teacher in the form of a learning and speech situation, but at the same time, it prepares students for communication with foreign peers outside the school.

Thus, in the methodology of teaching a foreign language, there is a fairly extensive theoretical base for teaching both speaking in general and dialogic speech with a speech situation at its core. At the same time, the practical application of speech situations in foreign language lessons has not received proper distribution.

BUTrelevance this graduation qualification is due to the practical significance of using speech situations for the successful mastery of dialogic speech in a foreign language in the process of learning in a secondary school.

Cspruce this final qualification work consists in the analysis of the teaching materials "Horizons" by M.M. Averina and others in German as a second foreign language for grade 7 on the possibility of using the exercises presented in it as a basis for modeling and using speech situations in foreign language lessons at school.

ABOUTobjectohm of this study are the potential possibilities of exercises from the UMK "Horizons" by M.M. Averina and others in German as a second foreign language for grade 7 to create speech situations that contribute to the formation of the ability to speak a foreign language. As Predmetbut the research examines the exercises of the first topic “Wie war" s in den Ferien? UMK "Horizons" by M. M. Averin and others in German as a second foreign language for the 7th grade.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

- consideration of the psychological characteristics of students of secondary school age;

- consideration of speaking as the leading type of speech activity at the middle stage of education;

- analysis of the work of domestic methodologists who consider the speech situation as a methodological technique for teaching dialogic speech;

– consideration of the general characteristics of the UMK “Horizons” by M.M. Averina and others in German as a second foreign language for grade 7;

- analysis of the first theme "Wie war" s in den Ferien? UMK "Horizons" by M. M. Averin and others in German as a second foreign language for grade 7;

- development of speech situations based on the exercises of the first topic of the EMC "Horizons" by M.M. Averina and others on German as a second foreign language for grade 7 and guidelines for their use.

In accordance with the set goal and objectives, the following hypothesis research: the use of speech situations in German lessons is an effective teaching method.

We used the following methods: study of psychological and methodological literature, analysis of the current school teaching materials "Horizons" M.M. Averina in German, observation and analysis of the work of students in the classroom during teaching practice in the second foreign language, trial training.

Material research: exercises of the first topic, allowing you to use speech situations in the lesson as a method of teaching speaking. The exercises of the first topic were chosen for the following reasons:

Theme "Wie war" s in den Ferien? contains a great communicative potential, because students can not only talk about their holidays or the weather, but also express their attitude to relevant events;

This topic was tested during the passage of psychological and pedagogical practice;

The topic contains a sufficient number of exercises that develop dialogic and monologue speech.

The work was tested during the passage of psychological and pedagogical practice in the 7th grade of the MOU "Secondary School No. 16".

This final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references.

In the introduction the choice of the topic under study and its relevance are substantiated, the goals and objectives of the study, its object and subject, methods and materials are presented, and the level of development of the problem under study in theory and practice is considered.

First chapter is devoted to the consideration of the psychological characteristics of students at the middle stage, as well as the features of teaching speaking, the dialogic form of communication as its component and the speech situation underlying any dialogue.

In second chapter considers the general characteristics of the UMK "Horizons" by M.M. Averina and others in German as a second foreign language for grade 7, analyzes the exercises from the first topic “Wie war" s in den Ferien? and speech situations are developed on the basis of these exercises.

IN imprisonment the results of the theoretical and practical research carried out are summed up and general conclusions on the topic are formulated.

1 . Ttheoretical foundations of teaching speaking

1. 1 Psychological characteristics of students of middle school age

When teaching students to speak a foreign language middle stage it is important to take into account their psychological and pedagogical characteristics, the presence or absence of motivation for learning, interest in mastering the language, the ability to use models of oral communication, taking into account previous speech experience.

The middle level of education involves succession- the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in elementary school, both general and special subject, necessary for mastering the first foreign language, as well as their application and further improvement in teaching not only the first, but also the second foreign languages ​​[Bim, 2001, p. . 7; Mirolyubov, 2010, p. 56].

On the other hand, the interest and motivation for studying in general and for learning a foreign language, which are typical for elementary grades, decrease in the basic school. Psychologists and educators explain this by the emergence of various kinds of psychological difficulties faced by students.

In the 5th grade, schoolchildren enter new conditions for them: not only their environment changes (new teachers, new forms of work, office system), but also the requirements for them. Accordingly, teachers are required to provide support to students, show increased attention to them, organize motivating activities and forms of work, set feasible requirements and objective assessment.

The age of schoolchildren in grades 6-9 covers adolescence, they experience psychological and physiological changes in the body, accompanied, on the one hand, by increased excitability, and, on the other hand, by the development of intellectual, communicative and labor abilities. In adolescence, students strive for independence and self-affirmation. In this regard, they have differences in interests, there is a selective cognitive interest, which is characterized by a spasmodic attitude to the same subject in different years, so the teacher should avoid direct demands, coercion and violation of the neutral style, as this can cause negative attitude towards both the subject and the personality of the teacher himself.

During this period, there is an active development of cognitive processes: perception, Attention, voobdefeat. undergo special changes memory And thinking. While younger students have a correlation between direct memory and concrete-figurative thinking, for students at the middle stage, the process of memorization is reduced to thinking. This is expressed in the establishment of logical connections when memorizing material and the restoration of material from these relationships during recall. Thus, the memory of adolescents becomes logical, and thinking becomes theoretical, abstract. In such a situation, the process of mastering a foreign language becomes more laborious, since the studied material is quickly forgotten, and constant repetition becomes necessary to maintain the achieved level. Nevertheless, the effect of impressions is still stronger than the effect of words, so the use of visual materials remains appropriate. Also, during the lesson, students may get tired and lose interest. For the middle stage, this time interval is 10-15 minutes [SanPiN]. Accordingly, the tasks of the teacher in the lesson are switching the attention of students and providing them with entertaining activities.

During adolescence, the leading activity of schoolchildren is communication with peers, during which students form communicativeand I competence, which includes the ability to make contact with new people, achieve their location and mutual understanding and achieve their goals. In addition, the use of modern means of communication expands the ability of adolescents to communicate in a foreign language with their peers from other countries, as a result of which their speech needs increase significantly, but adolescents do not always have enough means to express them in a foreign language. Consequently, on the part of the teacher, it becomes necessary to properly organize group and pair communication, as well as communicative games and speech situations in foreign language lessons (see details in Chapters 1, 1.3).

1.2 Speaking as a leading type of activityat the middle stage of education

Already at the middle stage of learning a foreign language, speaking becomes one of the leading types of activity. In methodological science, there are various definitions of the term " speaking».

N.I. Gez And R.TO. Minyar-Beloruchev consider speaking as type of speech activity, with the help of which oral verbal communication is carried out [Gez, 1982, p. 242; Minyar-Beloruchev, 1990, p. 154].

N.D. Galskova understands by saying form of oral communication, with the help of which information is exchanged through the means of language, contact and mutual understanding are established, and the interlocutor is influenced in accordance with the communicative intention of the speaker" [Galskova, 2006, p. 190].

I.A. Winter gives the most complete definition concept of "speaking", considering it as complex and multifaceted process, characterized in terms of the activity approach intrinsic motivation, strict organization And activity, and also using as a subject thought, i.e. reflection in the mind of a person of connections and relations of phenomena of the real world, and product- speech statement, message, text, i.e. the embodiment of the entire psychological content of the activity of speaking, all the conditions for its course, as well as the characteristics of the subject of speaking [Zimnyaya, 1985, p. 64].

Based on the above definitions, we can conclude that speaking- this is the viewspeech activity, realizablethin oral verbal communication for the purposeor exchangebutinformation,or installleniyacontactbutAndachievezheniya mutual understandingorimpact on the interlocutorwith the help of izykovyXfunds, framed in a speech statementreflecting the speaker's thoughts.

Like any other activity, speaking has certain functionsAnd, emphasizing it communicative orientation.

N.D. Galskova identifies the following functions of speaking: informative, regulatory, emotional-evaluative and etiquette [Galskova, 2006, p. 190]. E.I. Passov, in turn, gives other names to the same functions: information-communicative, regulatory-communicative and affective-communicative. [Passov, 1991, p. 8].

Regulative The function of speaking is to influence the interlocutors on each other.

Information may also be emotional-evaluative subtext and reflect etiquette side of speech. Choosing the right lexico-grammatical structures, the speaker can establish contact and mutual understanding with the listener, and, conversely, the use of negative manifestations in verbal or non-verbal behavior can push the interlocutors away from each other.

Speaking, as a type of speech activity, also has its own specific signs.

First, it always contains motivating component. Entering into speech activity, the speaker is prompted by some of his internal causes, motives, acting, as he believes. A.N. Leontiev, as a motor of activity [Leontiev, 1974, p. 80]. Moreover, in the process of communication, this motive can either be realized or not realized by the speaker, depending on his needs, which consist either in the desire "to communicate as such, characteristic of man as a social being", or "in the commission of this particular speech act, the need to "intervene" into this speech situation" [Leontiev, 1974, p. 80].

The next characteristic of speaking as a speech activity is purposefulness. Any statement of the speaker has a specific goal: he either wants to ask something, to tell something, or to arouse sympathy or support, to anger or, conversely, to calm down.

According to E.I. Passova, such goals act as communicative tasks subordinate to the hierarchy of goals [Passov, 1991, p. 18-19]. However, since speaking is a holistic process, behind each individual task there is a general goal of activity, which is to try to influence the speaker on the verbal or non-verbal behavior of others, and not just to transfer information.

Such sign as activity contributes to the initiative of the speech behavior of the interlocutor, which is important in achieving the goal of communication. During the process of speaking, as E.I. Passov, the interlocutors show both external activity, reflecting their relationship to the surrounding reality, and more complex internal activity, involving the perception of statements by ear, their passing evaluation and further planning of a response [Passov, 1991, p. 17-18]. At the same time, the importance for the personality of the subject of conversation, which causes an emotional attitude, plays an important role.

Speech activity is closely related to mental. Since speaking is characterized by the presence of complex thought processes based on hearing, attention, memory and forecasting, namely, the transition from a word and a phrase to a whole statement, within the existing models of speech production, most methodologists distinguish three phases of the structure of speech actions: phasesatplanning,phasesatimplementation,phasesatcontrol[Galskova, Gez, 2006, p. 190].

According to F. Kainz, planning phase has a connection with the formation of intention, which, in turn, includes two stages - stimulating experience (drängendes Erlebnis) and judgment (Urteil) [Galskova, Gez, 2006, p. 190]. The basis for the pre-speech phase and the formation of a judgment arises under the influence of our environment (objects, phenomena), as well as internal experiences and ideas, and is expressed in the intention to say something. In its turn, A.A. Leontiev sees the basis for the emergence of a speech intention, mediated by a speech subject (objective) code and formed as an idea (program) of a speech statement, in the motive and some other factors [Galskova, Gez, 2006, p. 190-191]. Consequently, intentions the speaker is identified purpose of communication, and also contribute to the choice and combination of verbal and non-verbal means for its implementation.

Implementation phase speaking, or the formative phase, is reflected “in the form of folded internal mental actions for programming and structuring a speech statement in accordance with the plan” [Zimnyaya, 1985, p. 64]. According to N.I. Zhinkin, the speaker at this stage of generating the statement uses "elements of the subject-figurative code", which include both visual images and reduced words and sentences [Galskova, Gez, 2006, p. 191]. In other words, this stage of the speech-thinking process takes place in inner speech, which is a means of implementing thoughts, a link between intention, internal planning and its disclosure.

Under control phase own statement N.I. Zhinkin And F. Kainz understand the transmission of a message in different afferent ways, that is, the acceptance of what the interlocutor says or does with the help of hearing or kinesthesia, and the presentation of the information received [Galskova, Gez, 2006, p. 195]. This phase begins at the level of defining a general semantic image and then proceeds at all stages of speech production.

Another sign of speaking as an activity is situationality, which implies the influence of the activities of both sides of communication and their relationships on the choice of speech units. Their correct or incorrect selection can change the communicative task, the motivation of the interlocutors, as well as the course of their activities. In turn, non-situational or insignificant units are not able to change the situation, influence the interlocutor, in other words, achieve the goal of communication.

Speaking is also characterized independence, manifested in the absence of any graphic or sound support. When teaching, it can be considered independent if it proceeds without the use of notes and illustrations.

The process of speaking must also take place in tempe not lower and not higher than allowed in communication norms. As noted E.I. Passov, during speaking, the main role is played not by the number of words spoken per unit of time, but by the syntagmatic nature of the statement, which consists in correlating both the tempo within the syntagmas and the pauses that occur between them [Passov, 1991, p. 23-24]. These communication norms are reflected in the European system of levels of foreign language proficiency. The middle stage of education provides for the mastery of a foreign language by students within the levels A1-A2, which assumes elementary proficiency in oral speech and allows both tobrevitystatementyvaniya made up mainly of learned units, and the frequency pauses to search for an appropriate expression, pronounce less familiar words, correct errors or reformulate sentences [Averin, 2015, p. 10; European…: site; Ed. Enlightenment: site].

It should also be noted that, although independence and the optimal rate of speech are of great importance for free speaking, which implies a sufficiently high level of language proficiency and psychological readiness of students, from the point of view of teaching methods, the results of speaking, which are the response actions of the participants in communication, are no less important, regardless of whether this action has an external expression or not, whether it is performed immediately or after a certain period of time. This result can manifest itself both in the actions and behavior of the listener, then we should talk about behavioral reactions, and in the implementation of his practical activities, in this case we will talk about linguistic reactions [Galskova, Gez, 2006, p. 196].

Learning to speak also means teaching various forms of communication [Minyar-Beloruchev, 1990, p. 154]. Depending on the communicative goals of the speaker's statements, communication can take the form of either a dialogue or a monologue. If the speaker expects and provokes a verbal response from the listener, we are talking about dialogic or polylogical forms of communication (depending on the number of interlocutors), but if speaking is carried out without the intention of provoking an exchange of remarks, then speech takes the form of a monologue.

Modern education sees the main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​in preparing students for the dialogue of cultures, where the skills of monologue and dialogic speech play an important role, but since most communication is either dialogical or polylogical, teaching dialogue, which is based on a speech situation, comes first. .

1. 3 Speech situation as a methodical method of teaching dialogic speechin the works of domestic methodologists

Teaching dialogue - as one of the most important goals of teaching a foreign language at the middle stage - involves the development of students' ability to carry out oral speech communication in accordance with their real needs and interests in a variety of socially determined situations [Galskova, Gez, 2006, p. 206]. Based on this, after graduating from basic secondary school graduate should be able to:

- start, conduct, maintain and end a conversation in standard situations of communication, observing the norms of speech etiquette, if necessary, asking again, clarifying;

- ask the interlocutor and answer his questions, expressing his opinion, request, answer the interlocutor's proposal with consent or refusal, based on the studied topics and learned lexical and grammatical material;

- talk about yourself, your family, friends, your interests and plans for the future, provide brief information about your city or village, your country and the country of the language being studied;

- make short messages, describe events or phenomena (within the framework of the topics studied), convey the main content, the main idea of ​​what was read or heard, express one's attitude to what was read or heard, give a brief description of the characters;

– use paraphrase, synonymous means in the process of oral communication” [Mirolyubov, 2010, p. 206-207].

However, before offering a training system that meets these requirements and specific methodological recommendations, it is necessary to consider the concept and some features of dialogic speech.

R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev shares two concepts dialogical speech as oral speech, realized in the form of a dialogue, and dialogue as a form of learning, expressed in the exchange of remarks between two or more interlocutors [Minyar-Beloruchev, 1996, p. 26].

In the same time V.M. Filatov gives a unified definition of dialogic speech as a communication process characterized by successive replicas [Filatov, 2004, p. 263].

However, a more complete definition is V.L. Skalkin. Under dialogicallyOhspeechYu he understands a combination of oral expressions thatcombined thematically and situationally andindirect act of communication are generatedsuccessivelytwo or more interlocutorstaking into account their communicative motives[Skalkin, 1989, p. 6]. In this WRC this definition suggested to be used as a worker.

Although the definitions presented above reflect various aspects, all methodologists agree that dialogical speech has a number of specific psychological, linguistic and communicative characteristics[Passov, 1991, p. 17-23; Skalkin, 1989, p. 6-20; Filatov, 2004, p. 263-265].

TO Ppsychological The peculiarities of dialogic speech as a constituent component of speaking are, first of all, verbal activity interlocutors, which is a set of processes of perception, forecasting, planning and generation of one's own speech. Since during the speech act the role of each of the interlocutors alternates between the listener and the speaker, dialogical speech can be characterized as receptive-productive type of speech activity. However, when teaching dialogical speaking, it is necessary to take into account the fact that during the dialogue there is a partial overlap of the processes of perception and internal pronunciation of the forthcoming answer, which gives rise to a split of attention.

The dialogue is also based on replication. In live dialogical speech, the exchange of remarks most often occurs quickly, which gives the speech unpreparedness, spontaneity and requires high automation (reactivity) and readiness to master the language material.

According to E.N. Solovova, such a feature of dialogic speech as reactivity is a rather complex element and causes certain difficulties for students in mastering this form of communication [Solovova, 2002, p. 178]. Vo_pfirst, the reaction of the interlocutor can be completely unpredictable - from a change in the thematic course of the conversation to the absence of any reaction at all. Secondly, students may lack the necessary social communication skills, both in their native and foreign languages. Thirdly, the dialogue implies the dependence of partners on each other, in this case we are talking not only about the ability to speak, but also about the ability to listen to the interlocutor. Nevertheless, despite the possible difficulties, the reactivity of dialogic speech involves the use of predominantly ready-made phrases and replicas, the so-called clichés, the number of which is limited by the situation.

This point of view is also held R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev, who believes that the essence of reactivity lies in stimulating the interlocutor's reaction and thereby limiting the number of his answers reproduced automatically [Minyar-Beloruchev, 1990, p. 163-165]. It follows from this that for a given situation there are certain sets of phrases that can be used by the teacher as material for teaching dialogic speech. Such clichés can be: politeness formulas; typical interrogative phrases used to request any information; replicas-motivations of different types (consent, denial, imperative, emotions, questioning), due to the need to establish contact with the interlocutor; situational cliches characteristic of certain social roles in standard situations [Minyar-Beloruchev, 1990, p. 163-165; Filatov, 2004, p. 265].

Thus, in order to form the reactivity of dialogic speech in a foreign language within the school curriculum it is necessary to memorize cliché phrases and bring them to automated use, which is possible when using speech situations in the lesson as a methodological technique.

When teaching dialogue, such a psychological feature as situationality, which determines the nature of the speech behavior of partners and the language design of speech. Without knowing the situation, an outside observer is not able: firstly, to understand who or what is being discussed in the dialogue, and secondly, to take part in it without additional questions about what is happening. This also expresses reproduced the nature of dialogic speech, therefore, in the learning process, dialogue acts not only as one of the most important goals of teaching speech communication, but also as a means of developing speech skills and abilities.

Psychological features cause linguistic characteristics of dialogic speech, including constructions typical for dialogue, types of sentence interconnection, and stylistic features. They include ellipticity of speech, the use of simplified syntactic constructions, the presence of lexical and grammatical clichés, speech standards, the presence of modal words, interjections and other means of expression, speech appeal. In addition, in the process of dialogic communication, to express the emotional component, there are also extralinguisticallye facilities - mimicbut,gestures etc.

TOcommunicativeth the component of dialogical speech is closely related to the other two and includes both a specific communication situation that determines the thematic scope of the conversation, the communicative roles of speakers, the relationship between them and the communicative environment as a whole, and the process of speech interaction of interlocutors using linguistic and extralinguistic means [Skalkin , 1989, p. 6-20]. Based on this, we can conclude that dialogue as a communicative act is tied to a specific communication situation and is its product.

Since communicative situations are the essence of the dialogue and predetermine the logic of this form of communication, the basis of the modern method of teaching speaking is situational approach, involving the creation of situations of speech communication for the organization of dialogic and polylogical communication in foreign language lessons.

The speech situation is based on the concept of the situation as a whole. In the methodological dictionary R.K. Minyar-Belorucheva under situation refers to a real or imaginary segment of reality, characterized by time, place, internal and external environment [Minyar-Beloruchev, 1996, p. 103].

A.A. Leontiev believes that speech situation is a set of speech and non-speech conditions necessary and sufficient to carry out a speech action according to the planned plan [Leontiev, 2010, p. 85].

Thus, systematizing the definitions of the speech situation, we can say that under speech situation should be understood real or imaginary segment of reality, which is a combination of speech and non-speech conditions (timeeni, place, internal and external conditions), necessary and sufficient for the implementation of speech actions according to the planned plan.

Distinguish real And educational speech situations[Minyar-Beloruchev, 1996, p. 103]. As part of the educational process, respectively, the latest, which are a set of factors set by the teacher and further motivating students' speech actions [Leontiev, 2010, p. 85].

In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, there are various classificationeducational and speech situations [ Soboleva, 2009, p. 320-323 ] .

In its turn V.L. Skalkin distinguishes the following educational and speech situations, placing them according to the degree of complexity:

- beforereplenished educational and speech situations involving the request for new information, the completion of a description of something, the formulation of a conclusion, conclusions;

- problematic situations that are systematically and deliberately created by the teacher and are of great importance for teaching unprepared oral speech, contribute to the emergence of the motive and needs of utterance, hypotheses, assumptions, activation of mental activity and speech-thinking activity of students;

IN imagined educational and speech situations based on the imagination of the participants in speech communication and suggesting the existence of a dispute, discussion and upholding one's opinion;

- Rdeer educational and speech situations, involving the indication of the social roles of the participants and setting the students the tasks of entering the appropriate image and independently determining the topic of conversation.

E.N.Solovova identifies three types of learning and speech situations:

- Rreal situations that are limited to the roles of teacher and students in learning environment and them interpersonal communication during the lesson, both among themselves and within the study group;

- conditional situations that act as a way of modeling real situations of communication, allowing to cover various types of speech behavior and contributing to the enrichment of the social experience of students by expanding the range of communicatively played roles;

- problematic situations that appear in the form of some problematic questions, obviously suggesting the presence of various answers and a clash of opinions, which activates the student’s mental and speech-thinking activity and creates educational and cognitive motivation for this communication, which forms the ability to perceive and acquire knowledge, share knowledge with others in the classroom in the conditions of foreign language speech communication.

During the passage of a particular topic at the middle stage of training, the teacher can use both supplemented And role-playing educational and speech situations (V.L. Skalkin), and conditional speech situations (E.N. Solovova). However, the effectiveness of their use in the educational process also depends on other factors discussed earlier: formationAndstudents have the ability to useone hundredstandard language means (situational cliches) , they havecertainsocial experience, as well as ability to use it in standard situationscommunication.

Conclusions onfirstchapter

When teaching students a foreign language middle stage should be taken into account first psychological and pedagogical features: psychological and physiological changes, selective cognitive interest, active development of cognitive processes. In addition, in adolescence, communication with peers becomes the leading activity of students, therefore, in foreign language lessons, the teacher can and should pay more attention to the organization of group and pair communication, as well as communicative games and tasks that stimulate speaking.

Education speaking involves teaching various forms of communication - monologue, dialogue or polylogue, with special attention being paid to the dialogic form of utterance in a foreign language.

At the heart of the construction dialogue lies the ability to replicate, which requires high reactivity and readiness to master the language material, as well as the ellipticity of speech, the use of simplified syntactic constructions, the presence of lexical and grammatical clichés, speech standards, the presence of modal words, interjections and other means of expression, the appeal of speech. Teaching dialogic speech also involves the development of students' ability to carry out oral speech communication in accordance with their real needs and interests in a variety of socially determined situations.

Among speech situations, there are real And educational speech situations. When studying a particular topic, due to the psychological and age characteristics of students at the middle stage, the teacher can use supplemented, role-playing And conditional educational and speech situations at foreign language lessons at school.

2 . Speech situations in German lessons

2.1 General characteristics of UMK "Horizons" M.M. Averina and others in German as a second foreign language for grade 7

In this final qualification work, the educational and methodological set of M.M. Averina and others. "Horizons" in German as a second foreign language for the 7th grade. The choice of this EMC is due to the following factors:

UMK "Horizons" was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education in Foreign Languages;

UMK "Horizons" is used in most schools in the city of Vologda in classes where German is studied as a second foreign language [Vasilyeva, 2014];

UMK "Horizons" is focused on achieving the level of foreign language proficiency A2 in accordance with the European levels of language competence [Averin, 2013, p. 4];

UMK "Horizons" is aimed at learning German as a second language after English and immersion in the language environment [Averin, 2013, p. 4].

In accordance with the educational plan of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, 2 hours per week are allocated for the study of a second foreign language at the middle stage, 34 study weeks in each grade from 5 to 11, a total of 68 hours per year.

UMK M.M. Averina and others. "Horizons" in German as a second foreign language for grade 7 consists of a work program, a book for a teacher, a textbook, Workbook with an audio appendix and worksheets that are used as material for this study.

Rworking program WMC is the basis for the creation of the school curriculum, according to which the teacher works, and consists of an explanatory note, a general description of the course, a description of the place of the subject in the curriculum, personal, meta-subject and subject results, course content, thematic planning (grades 5-9), educational and methodological (general characteristics of teaching materials) and logistics of the educational process, recommendations on the logistics of the subject "German" [Averin, 2012, p. 3].

book forteachers includes a general description of the teaching materials “Horizons”, the results of studying the subject, the content and structure of the teaching materials, the basic principles and features of teaching for this teaching materials, the features of teaching four types of speech activity, the features of teaching the phonetic, lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, monitoring and evaluating the success of training, the structure and procedure for completing tasks to control the formation of competencies, the level of knowledge, skills and abilities, the criteria and tables for assessing the oral and written answers of students in the 7th grade according to the TMC "Horizons" (final control), the table for assessing the level of development of language competence in the German language, methodological principles and lesson structure. In addition, the Teacher's Book includes calendar and thematic planning, detailed content, recommendations for conducting lessons, texts of audio recordings and keys to tasks from the Workbook [Averin, 2013, p. 3].

Material Atchebnik presented in 10 blocks, united in accordance with lexical topics. It consists of seven main thematic chapters, two chapters aimed at repetition (“Little Change” and “Big Change”), a regional study block about Russia and a German-Russian dictionary:

Einheit 1. Wie war "s in den Ferien? - Chapter 1. How was the summer?

Einheit 2. Meine Pldne - Chapter 2. Plans for the future

Einheit 3. Freundschaft - Chapter 3. Friendship

Kleine Pause - Little Change

Einheit 4. Bilder und Töne - Chapter 4. Image and Sound

Einheit 5. Zusammenleben - Chapter 5. Relationships

Einheit 6. Das gefällt mir - Chapter 6. I like it

Einheit 7. Mehr Über mich - Chapter 7. More about yourself

GroЯe Pause - Big change

*LANDESKUNDE|RU - Regional Studies of Russia

Deutsch-russisches Wörterbuch - German-Russian Dictionary [Averin, 2013, p. nine].

Rworkbook includes lexical and grammatical tasks corresponding to the content of the textbook:

Written, aimed at enhancing the skills of writing, reading and listening (with written control), as well as preparing for oral expression;

Additional tasks in the section Fitness Center Deutsch;

Tasks for self-control (in portfolio format) in the section Einen Schritt weiter -- was cann ich jetzt? ;

List of new words on the topic in sections Deine Wörter;

Grammar tables [Averin, 2013, p. 10].

Worksheets contain exercises aimed at consolidating lexical units and grammar, as well as stimulating speaking (exercises for describing a picture, making sentences, etc.).

The content side of the EMC is focused on students of the 7th grade. Taking into account the peculiarities of this age period, the authors offer topics appropriate for this age, questions and tasks of a problematic nature, aimed at developing creative abilities, linguistic and cultural materials, a variety of types of original authentic materials (texts, audio recordings), which enable creative teachers to also come up with various options for teaching and speech situations.

A distinctive feature of the EMC "Horizons" is that during the study of each of the topics, students in the 7th grade learn a certain set of vocabulary and cliché phrases that can be used by them both to participate in teaching and speech situations in German lessons, and in the future in a real situation of verbal communication. At the same time, the focus of this EMC on the generation of elementary short statements, composed mainly of memorized units, facilitates the transition to conditionally free speaking within the framework of the created educational situation.

In addition, students in the 7th grade already own several tense forms of verbs in the active voice (Präsens, Präteritum, Perfekt), due to which the variability of using a particular situation in the present, past and past colloquial tenses increases, and, accordingly, it becomes possible to train not only the lexical side of speech, but also the grammatical one.

Thus, we can conclude that the UMK "Horizons" M.M. Averina and others on German as a second foreign language for grade 7 contains a sufficient amount of materials (exercises, texts, audio recordings) that can be used to organize various options for teaching and speech situations in foreign language lessons.

2.2 Analysisfirstthemes"Wie war" s in den Ferien?UMK "Horizons" M.M. Averina and others in German as a second foreign language for grade 7

In this final qualifying work, only the first topic of the UMK "Horizons" by M.M. Averina and others in German as a second foreign language for grade 7, since it contains a great communicative potential and a sufficient number of exercises that develop dialogic and monologue speech. The topic is called “How did the summer go” (“Wie war "s in den Ferien?”). One of the decisive factors in choosing this topic for teaching materials when writing the WRC is also the fact that it was tested during the passage of psychological and pedagogical practice at the MOU "Secondary School No. 16 "of the city of Vologda. Practice materials are presented in.

IN Teacher's book, according to the calendar and thematic planning, to study the topic "Wie war" s in den Ferien? 9 hours are allotted.Lessons on this topic are proposed to be held in September.During this period, students are expected to learn how to talk about how they spent the holidays, talk about their impressions, talk about the weather, talk about events in the past.

Possessive pronouns in the nominative and dative cases, articles in the dative case, past colloquial tense are declared as grammatical topics for repetition. Perfect and its grammatical participle second (Partizip II) .

As a characteristic of the learning activity of students, the teacher's book offers the following points:

Conducting an etiquette dialogue in a situation of everyday communication (a story about the holidays spent and impressions);

Holiday weather report

A conversation about summer, using the past colloquial tense Perfekt;

The use of active vocabulary in the process of communication;

Listening comprehension of the speech of the teacher, classmates and texts of audio recordings built on the studied language material;

Correlation of audio and visual information;

Pronunciation of country names in German;

Learning words with flashcards and rhythm;

Written description of summer photos;

Reading and understanding texts of a country-specific nature, containing several unfamiliar words, the meaning of which can be guessed from the context, as well as preparing questions and answers to them.

During the practice in the MOU "Secondary School No. 16" of the city of Vologda, all of the above items were used, with the exception of memorizing words with the help of cards and rhythm and a written description of the students' own summer photographs.

According to the recommendations of the Teacher's Book, the following speech patterns are subject to minimum assimilation: Sie ist mit ihrer Schwester zu ihrer Tante und ihrem Onkel geflogen. Ich war total deprimiert. Da war richtig was los! Wir hatten Glck/Pech mit dem Wetter. Es regnet. Die Sonne sketch.

In practice, these speech samples may not be enough, so we can offer an alternative lexical minimum on this topic, dividing it into several subtopics.

"Die Erlebnisse" (Impressions):



1. Eswar gigantisch/cool/super/romantisch/fantastisch/wunderbar/toll/gemtlich/ nicht schlecht.

2 . Wir hatten einen tollen Blick!

3. Da war richtig was los!

Es war(total)blcd/ stinklangweilig/schrecklich/langweilig/nervig/ scheuÄlich.

Ich warsehr mede/total deprimiert.

Da war nichts los!

In the presented subtopic, cliché phrases under paragraph 1 are subject to minimal assimilation by weak students. Students with an average level of academic performance must learn the statements under paragraphs 1-2. Strong and sufficiently motivated students should learn the phrases under points 1-3. It is also worth noting that students with any level of motivation and knowledge are invited to learn both positive and negative lexical units.

"Das Wetter" (Weather):



1. Das Wetter ist gut/ schlecht.

2 . Es ist warm/ heiЯ/ trocken.

3 . Es ist kalt/ windig/ wolkig.

4. Es regnet (nicht).

5. Esschneit (nicht).

6. Die Sonne scheint(nothing).

7. Wir haben viel/ Wenig Regen.

8. Wir habenviel/ Wenig Schnee.

9. Wir haben Glckmit dem Wetter.

10. Wir haben Pech mit dem Wetter.

Das Wetter war gut/schlecht.

Es war warm/ heiЯ/ trocken.

Es war kalt/ windig/ wolkig.

Es hat (stark/ein bisschen/ überhaupt nicht)geregnet.

Es hat (stark/ein bisschen/überhaupt nicht)geschneit.

Die Sonne hat (immer/manchmal/nie) geschienen.

Wir hatten viel/ Wenig Regen.

Wir hattenviel/ Wenig Schnee.

Wir hatten Glckmit dem Wetter.

Wir hatten Pech mit dem Wetter.

This subtopic assumes the minimum assimilation of statements 1-3 by weak students. Students with an average level of academic performance should learn cliché phrases 1-6. Strong students should learn phrases 1-10. Both weak and medium and strong students are invited to learn the lexical minimum both in the form of the present and in the form of the past tense.

"Die Ferien" (Vacations):

1. Ich war … Tage/ Wochen in … (in der Stadt).

2. Ichwar bei …(jemandem) in... (in der Stadt).

3. Ich war mit … (jemandem) auf dem Campingplatz..

4 . Ich bin mit … (jemandem/etwas) zu … (jemandem)/ nach … (nachder Stadt, dem Landagen.

5 . Ich bin mit … (jemandem/etwas) zu … (jemandem)/ nach … (nach der Stadt, dem Land) gefahren.

6 . Ich habebei …(jemandem)/ auf dem Campingplatz Übernachtet.

7 . Ichhabe/bin... (Partizip II der Verben).


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