What can you believe. The eternal question: “What to believe? Why do people become distrustful

Let me make it clear that I am not talking about religion. Faith in God is a delicate matter, and talk about this delicate matter is best left aside. It is necessary to talk about God and religion with a priest, lama, imam or rebbe, that is, with those who are in fact His servants and, on the duty of the chosen path, have the right to discuss these issues.

I'm talking about a different faith.

It has long been known that faith is the backbone of a person's life. Only she is able to create guidelines in life, strengthen the spirit and, more importantly, make life meaningful.

Where can you direct your efforts, desires, aspirations? How to build your life? Usually, the answers to these questions are so difficult for a person that they become a stumbling block and often cause depression and crises.

The search for the meaning of life is always driven by a lack of faith. When a person believes, he begins to build, he thinks about how to act, his forces are now directed towards creation. He is active, aspiring, he is driven by inspiration.

That is why faith becomes the subject of speculation, that is why, and, above all, there are so many manipulations of human consciousness in this place, because so many greedy hands are stretched to it. After all, to make a person an active fighter for some idea, a fanatic, isn't there a goal for unscrupulous leaders?

Not a single great idea has brought happiness to people who believe in it, never has such an idea produced the results that it was loudly talking about.

On the contrary, all great ideas have led to trouble. They destroy without building. They promise without giving anything in return except grief and misfortune.

Every great idea is washed in blood. But where are the achievements of the great revolutions now? What did the knights bring from the crusades, besides the now eternal confrontation between east and west? What is now left of the enlightenment of the American Gentiles? The Indians are in reservations, and Spain is on the verge of a split, the lands are owned not even by England and France, but by separatists who have created their own country. Alexander the Great led people under a high idea, but what is left of his empires?

There are many such examples in history, if you just look closely at it. All great ideas have failed. And it was the great ideas that brought the most trouble and destruction! There is no greater misfortune than new person that seeks to make people's lives better. It is these people who brought the world the greatest number of misfortunes.

Please don't believe in great ideas!

Great ideas are enticing. Serving high ideals gives special significance, a little mystery, heroism, and it seems that you are now so special, different from others, you are now better than them, the rest. Now your life is higher than others, you, now, now you are like this - wow, and they are all like that ... pfft.

It lies in every great idea - to be better than others.

great idea calls to fight, it requires sacrifice. For the sake of lofty goals, it is not a pity to sacrifice anything, even yourself.

And that's the trick - sacrifice.

Sacrifice brings everything to the altar of service. private life, free time, friendship, money, home, family. All!

The victim never became happy, it contradicts her essence. No one has ever been happy through sacrifice. A great idea often speaks of freedom, but how can a victim be free, or how can freedom be achieved through sacrifice? Nobody succeeded. This is impossible.

They demand from the victim. They tell her - you serve a great idea, give everything, give yourself without a trace, otherwise you will never achieve what you were called to.

They just don't say that no great idea has achieved what it called for. Even those who spoke about it, those who called, did not reach. Alexander the Great carried with fire and sword a new free happy life. He was buried with his arms wide open - he wanted to show, they say, my hands are empty, I'm leaving with nothing. Napoleon also brought liberation to the oppressed peoples. And many other people whose crazy ideas, called great, left behind only blood, grief and destruction.

Please don't believe in great ideas!

What to believe?

In what a great idea asks for in sacrifice. Believe in simplicity. Yes, there is no special significance and mystery here. Outwardly, it seems that you are a simple, ordinary person. Well, what can be great in a family? What can be super-important in doing your job conscientiously every day? There is nothing enticing about being ordinary person, absolutely nothing.

It is much more interesting to be someone like that, not like everyone else. Special, maybe even great, well, or popular, look prettier, smarter, cooler. It's not a waste of time for this.

Believe in simplicity.

Prince Gautama left his palaces, he became very simple. He became a beggar, an adobe. Then he became a Buddha. Jesus did not enter palaces - he was very simple and communicated with ordinary people. Seraphim of Sarov lived in the forest. He was very simple.

There are many such examples. True spirituality has no great ideas. The spiritual man is not possessed. He doesn't change the world, he changes himself. He believes in simple things. No need for great things, just do what you can do what you believe in.

Simple faith does not require sacrifice. Love thy neighbour. Honor your father and mother. Everything is simple. Understand yourself to be understood. Lend a helping hand, do good, show care - everything is very simple.

Nothing special, just respect yourself and others. Look for the cause of troubles in yourself, do not shift the blame on others and then punish them for it.

This is how self-confidence begins - with respect. From deeds. Do not justify yourself, but act according to your conscience. Very soon you will start to respect yourself.

This is how gratitude is born. And gratitude gives faith a happy life. After all, you have taken responsibility for your actions on yourself, which means that you manage your life yourself, decide how you should be. You are not dependent on anyone.

This is how responsibility is born. It also gives faith in freedom. She becomes the path to her. After all, now you are able to distinguish where you yourself are the cause of what happened, and where the hand of fate, or divine providence. Eyes open, heart open, you decide, there's no room for fear.

This is how love is born. And she is the way to the true faith. Love, and love alone, is the only way to the highest. A great idea feeds on passions. Love by deeds, it grew out of dignity and responsibility. That is why she is strong. She can give, she won't break. Love cannot bring grief and destruction, it creates and gives. This is its essence.

And you don't have to sacrifice anything!

A giving heart does not need sacrifice. Happy does not require worship. Therefore, he does not need to climb on the throne or pedestal. He has everything. There is the most important happy life filled with meaning.

Believe in simple things. Home, family, loved one, children, parents… to what you will actually protect if trouble comes. Believe in those who are waiting for you. Believe in what you do. Believe in kindness. Believe in the truth and in it, only it will set you free.

Believe in the present, in what is nearby. Somewhere there is just something. And while you're following him, the real is lost. Don't make this mistake. Do not chase ghosts, everything is already there, it is nearby. And there is much more sense in it than in the madness of great deeds.

Believe in simplicity.

All the best to you!

Harmony and prosperity!

It is faith that makes people perform feats, create strong families and achieve success. IN social world everything is built on mutual trust. Commodity-money, love and other relationships will not develop if people suddenly stop believing in the partner's intentions. But, having been burned once, he no longer wants to step on the same rake.

Why do people become distrustful

Everyone experiences betrayal at some point in their life. The one who was shielded from this, most likely grew up away from society. Betrayed not necessarily by relatives, but also by friends and acquaintances. One way or another, a person once encounters a set-up, and then begins to build an erroneous opinion that no one can be trusted.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to have a mentor who will console and tell you that on one a bad person the world did not converge like a wedge. If such a friend was not around, it becomes very difficult to learn to trust again. Then people turn to professional psychologists.

Trust but check

The well-known saying that it is impossible to trust someone unquestioningly is more relevant than ever in our time. “Trust, but verify” is the motto of those who have already received a lesson from life. And indeed, before entering into a frank relationship with a person, it is worth learning more about him, talking closer.

In no case should you arrange experiments and try to bring your interlocutor, friend or friend “to clean water”. It is possible that he does not have a vested interest in you behind his back, and with your suspicion you will simply ruin the relationship. Seeing the catch and bad intentions of all interlocutors is a bad sign. Excessive suspicion can lead to nervous exhaustion and depression.

Information filtering

The degree of human confidence is determined by what they say. You can be quite sociable, but only reveal to people the information they deserve. This is a normal stage of building relationships, which usually ends well. Often, people themselves are to blame for becoming a victim of betrayal, since initially they opened up too quickly to a person who does not deserve trust.

So who in our time can open the soul? Of course, close ones. Native people do not deserve suspicion and distrust, even if one day they let you down. A person has the right to make mistakes, but this is no reason to put him on the list of deceivers and scoundrels without special reasons. Parents, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives are people you can trust without too much suspicion. You should be wary of trusting friends, however, they often turn out to be decent people. You can’t constantly treat people with suspicion, otherwise you can stay alone forever. However, it is undesirable to be frank with unfamiliar people in our time.

What is left to believe in Russians or Russians, I just don’t know how to say it? It’s easier to say Russian, but, Yeltsin, the first president modern Russia once said that it would be right for the citizens of Russia to contact the Russians. True, he did not say what to do with the Russians, that they do not live in Russia.
They believed in the king - how did it end?
They believed in Lenin - how did it end?
They believed in Stalin - how did it end?
They believed in Khrushchev's communism - how did it end?
His son fled from this communism to the USA and stood in line for American citizenship for several years, not worrying about his homeland and his glorious father, who once promised millions of communist happiness by the 80th year.
They believed in Gorby - how did it end?
They believed in Eltsin - how did it end?

What can be believed in modern Russia?
In yourself, that you will survive, no matter what, all the rabble that
calls itself just, liberal, communist, national, federal, etc.


In modern Russia, no one trusts anyone for a long time. Even you do not believe in what you write. You are terribly far from reality. Which Yeltsin? Which Gorbachev? You yourself say that everyone loves and believes in money.

The daily audience of the Proza.ru portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who total amount view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

At all times and in all corners of the world, humanity has always believed in something and continues to believe. Someone accepts Jesus Christ as their savior, someone honors the Prophet Muhammad, some pray to the six-armed Deity, honor animals, make sacrifices, count numbers, look at the stars, in a word, they try to influence their lives with certain actions invisible to the naked eye (thoughts , fantasy, faith). There are many religions, even more of their varieties, scientific and pseudo-scientific currents, and they all have their followers and adherents. Each of them says that it is she who is correct and only thanks to her can one find salvation / purification / peace of mind for the soul.

But what lies behind all this, which of the religions is the best, what is worth believing in and is it worth believing at all?

Key first. To begin with, perhaps, we must admit that faith, first of all, is a way of dealing with the fear of death. After all, all religions talk about afterlife, and even more, subject to certain rules, it is possible to significantly improve your life after death.

Rules are the second key. Different religions and beliefs have different ones, but still there is a t.s. the main ones, which are the same in all: “Do not kill your neighbor”, “Love your God”, “Do the will / rules of your God”.

The third key is the fulfillment of the will of the Lord, which was given/given to a certain circle of people (priests, priests, shamans, prophets, gurus, etc.)

So, let's say that many, many years ago there was a society primitive people who did not believe in anything, but simply lived according to certain rules, getting food, multiplying, etc. At a certain moment, something happened and people began to develop imagination, and with it, probably, the ability to invent non-existent images. So, for example, when they saw lightning, they could now decide that it was something stronger than a man, and since the strongest in the flock has always been the main and respected one, by analogy they decided to act with lightning, the Sun, the Moon, etc.

So the leader (later a shaman, or priest) of the pack was now also assigned the representative functions of the elements (great-Gods). And the rules that existed earlier were improved over time, adding new interests of people, Gods and their representatives. I think that's how the first religion was born.

After centuries, millennia, representatives of the Gods came up with new rituals, rules, requirements, as well as miracles - a manifestation of the strength and power of the Almighty. Some peoples borrowed traditions from others, some planted their beliefs by force. But in general, religion began to be used not only as an interpretation of the inexplicable and control over the implementation of rules, but also as a reason for conquering peoples who did not share the faith of others.

And even then, from the spiritual, religion turned into a powerful political tool, and eventually into a financial one. Thus, the same Crusades were organized, religious wars in the Middle East, the colonization of entire countries and peoples, and many other not very pleasant events. Hiding behind religiosity and "faith" in our time, it is especially noticeable how people deceive other people from their own selfish motives, extorting money, killing, enslaving, seeking carnal satisfaction.

Of course, every nation, every God, every prophet deserves to be considered separately, but even one book is not enough for this, and not just articles. Almost every religion and movement has its own "indisputable" facts, on which all faith is based. But, as you know, looking at the same object, two people can describe it in completely different ways, interpret and convey information about it. But what happens if several billion look at the same object? Probably, what is happening in today's world is thousands of currents of different religions.

As for which of them is correct and which is not, then you need to be careful. Unfortunately, most, if not all, religions in this moment more like commercial structures than temples of the Lord. And their representatives are sales agents, for whom the main thing is not so much your salvation as your commitment to their beliefs. Nevertheless, if we look at the world from an objective point of view, we can conclude that faith does not play a big role against the backdrop of global events. After all, if, for example, there is an epidemic of influenza, everyone gets sick, both adherents of one religion and another, both atheists and infidels, everyone gets sick.

Atheists become rich and successful to a greater extent, because for them there is no God's law, and moral prejudices, they are ready to go "over the corpses" in order to increase their fortune. The exception is the Jews, who, using belonging to a single faith, are very good at doing business together, while earning on representatives of other religions.

In general, everyone dies: children, teenagers, men, women, the poor, the rich, in the dawn of strength or in pain, and it seems that religion does not play any role here. Just when, for example, a Muslim dies, his community will say: “Oh, Allah called him to himself,” while Christians will say something like: “If I were a Christian, I would live longer.”

But still, what would the world be like without faith and religion, if right now at this moment, everyone would stop believing and fearing their Gods? Anarchy, complete lawlessness and panic, the poor mercilessly rob the rich, thus taking revenge for the years of slave life. People are afraid to go out, because anyone can be a killer, because whoever is stronger survives. Do we need such a world?

I don't know God, He never came to my house and said: "Here I am - your Creator." Being a person, all I know is that I need faith in something, this is as much a part of my life as the ability to think, to learn new things. But I see the world around me, and I don’t want to believe that after death we are waiting for non-existence, and the Earth is an incredible accident (as the theory of evolution says). But still, what is faith - an integral part of me (the so-called soul), or a feeling developed over thousands of years, along with love, fear and fantasy?

In my life, I adhere to the principle of the "golden mean", one side of the coin is always wrong, at least in relation to the other side. Therefore, most likely faith is a feeling man-made millennia and became a full-fledged part of it, called the soul.

In conclusion, I want to say that every person needs faith, but be careful, do not lose your head and do not hide behind it. After all, the world is interconnected, there are objects visible to us, and there are invisible ones (such as energy), and a counteraction can be created for each of your actions.

Remember, if you create good around you, then evil has no place in your life and vice versa. At least believe in yourself, because you are here to create your life.

From time immemorial, man himself has been doing everything to make his life as difficult as possible. And then, looking at the result of his destructive activity, he begins to look for the guilty, asking eternal questions.

"I don't believe in magic,
I don't believe in mantra
I don't believe in Jesus
I don't believe in Kennedy
I don't believe in Elvis
I don't believe in Zimmerman
I don't believe in the Beatles
I just believe in me
Yoko and me."

J. Lennon, who knew what he was singing about

Lennon's most sincere song will run like a thin thread through the entire text, in which he just explained all the things discussed here. Not only is the song good, but it is also wise.

One of the most difficult is the question: “What to believe?” It becomes especially relevant in an era when people do not believe in anything of the principle. The army of cynics is growing, and for them, “believer” has become a synonym for a weak-minded, weak-willed fool who does not believe in anything and only hopes that a bearded man on a cloud or His Majesty Chance will take it and fix everything. It turns out that optimism is the weapon of ever-smiling cretins, and faith in God is the weapon of a stupid mass. But in fact it turns out that it is the believers who are happy. It's somehow easier for them. And all the depressive muttering comes from narcissistic and self-sufficient critics.

If you listen to their arguments, then you need to destroy all adventure novels, films and fantasy. The girl Ellie, like an idiot, hoped for the help of a clown named Goodwin. Optimistic creature. Fate threw her into a fairy tale, and she began to beg a powerful wizard (in some churches they pray to him) to return her home. Live among songstresses and jumpers - so no ... idiot.

God is a concept
which we can measure
our pain."

J. Lennon

However, this does not mean that you can go around and just hide behind faith, like a shield, from all problems. Of course, you can try to steal wallets, screaming heart-rendingly: “Don't touch me, I'm a believer! You have no right!" If there is any higher power in heaven, then she is tired of you. We have already so sickened the Lord God that he does not believe in his own strength. A priest once said: "God believes in man." And Putin believes in man. What are you better than these guys? Theoretically, they can help you, but only once. And do not hope that every time you are in trouble, the firmament will open up, the president in golden armor will descend from it and will not let your grandmother rewrite the apartment for swindlers. This will not happen, only a person can help you. But most likely, you do not have a two-meter bodyguard who follows you on your heels even to the toilet, and therefore the only person, which is constantly in touch with you, is ... You yourself are it. All you have to do is believe in yourself.

What does the abstract phrase mean: "Believe in yourself?" In your existence? I assure you, you exist, a leather skin that wraps around meat and bones and other delights. Convincing yourself that you are a superhuman is much more difficult than it seems. To do this, surround yourself with people who believe in you, remember your past victories, stop focusing on your failures, and most importantly, stop comparing yourself to others. Then, looking at yourself from a different angle, believing in your abilities, you can live in peace. Become your own idol. Dzhigurda convinces everyone that we are our own gods. There is some truth in his sermons (if he did not attribute to this the phalluses, the male mace and the "sacred temples" that women have between their legs). But in a way he is right. Religion was created by people, no matter what anyone says. All definitions and terms were invented by people. Some great scientists believed in technological progress. But it is man who is responsible for technological progress. You hope that you are lucky, and at the exam, the malevolent teacher will give you a positive assessment. But you hope for a person's deed, that higher powers will enlighten him. And what is the best effect on a person? Guessed it's a man. There are too many words for the letter "H", but you can't throw them out of the song.

It's fashionable to hate people these days. However, it was people who created religion, smart books - everything that affects the masses. Everything around, even many diseases, is a consequence of human activity. You don't have to write people off. You are Homo Sapiens yourself. It is foolish to consider yourself helpless when you are the only one who is interested in your fate. It's sad, but what can you do.
The Lord said, "Don't make yourself an idol," and surprisingly, he was damn right. How strange to use the words "God" and "damn" together ... But nevertheless, the ideal to follow will not let you live your story, and you will try to live it.

"I was a dreamer
But today I'm reborn
I was a walrus
But now I'm John
So, dear friends,
You just have to keep on living
The dream is over."

J. Lennon

In the beginning it was said that one cannot live without faith. So now I've refuted everything? No no. Optimism is the foundation of self-confidence. You can believe even in Satan, even in Russell's Teapot, the main thing is not to forget that everything is decided by a person, humanity is behind all this. If you are reading this, most likely you are also a person, not a sheep, which means that you determine your life yourself, not relying on the call of Cthulhu.

Well, the song itself. If I haven't convinced you, maybe John can at least succeed.
