List of used literature. Medical biology School textbooks and manuals


1. General biology: Textbook / Ed. Konstantinova V.M.. - M.: Academia, 2018. - 704 p.
2. Vorontsov, N.N. Biology. General biology. Grades 10-11: Textbook for general education institutions: Basic level / N.N. Vorontsov. - M.: Prosv., 2012. - 304 p.
3. Deisha-Sionitskaya, M.A. General and sanitary microbiology with microbiological research techniques: Textbook / M.A. Deisha-Sionitskaya. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2016. - 588 p.
4. Zakharov, V.B. Workbook in general biology: 9th grade: to: Textbook V.B. Zakharova, A.G. Mustafina, V.I. Sivoglazova, N.M. Chernova "General biology. 9th grade" / V.B. Zakharov, E.T. Zakharova, A.D. Kulaev, V.I. Sivoglazov. - M.: Exam, 2010. - 157 p.
5. Hare, R.G. Medical biology and general genetics: Textbook / R.G. Zayats, V.E. Butvilovsky, V.V. Davydov. - Mn.: Higher School, 2012. - 496 p.
6. Kamensky, A.A. Biology. General biology. Grades 10-11: Textbook for general education. institutions / A.A. Kamensky. - M.: Bustard, 2013. - 367 p.
7. Kislenko, V.N. Veterinary microbiology and immunology. Part 1. General microbiology / V.N. Kislenko. - M.: KolosS, 2006. - 183 p.
8. Kislenko, V.N. Part 1. General microbiology. In 2 volumes. Veterinary microbiology and immunology: Textbook / V.N. Kislenko, N.M. Kolychev. - M.: Infra-M, 2017. - 624 p.
9. Kislenko, V.N. Part 1. General microbiology. In 2 volumes. Veterinary microbiology and immunology: Textbook / V.N. Kislenko, N.M. Kolychev. - M.: Infra-M, 2012. - 176 p.
10. Kolesnikov, S.I. General biology (for vocational education) / S.I. Kolesnikov. - M.: KnoRus, 2016. - 416 p.
11. Konstantinov, V.M. General biology: Textbook / V.M. Konstantinov. - M.: Academy, 2019. - 304 p.
12. Konstantinov, V.M. General biology (SSSU) / V.M. Konstantinov. - M.: Academia, 2018. - 320 p.
13. Konstantinov, V.M. General biology. (SSUZ) / V.M. Konstantinov. - M.: Academia, 2018. - 320 p.
14. Konstantinov, V.M. General biology: Textbook / V.M. Konstantinov. - M.: Academia, 2016. - 48 p.
15. Kuznetsova, T.A. General biology. Theory and practice: Textbook / T.A. Kuznetsova, I.A. Bazhenova. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2018. - 144 p.
16. Labinskaya, A.S. Manual of Medical Microbiology. Book 1. General and sanitary microbiology. / A.S. Labinskaya. - M.: Binom, 2008. - 1080 p.
17. Mamontov, S.G. General biology / S.G. Mamontov, V.B. Zakharov. - M.: graduate School, 2010. - 317 p.
18. Mamontov, S.G. General biology (special education) / S.G. Mamontov, V.B. Zakharov. - M.: KnoRus, 2018. - 68 p.
19. Prosekov, A.Yu. General biology and microbiology: Textbook / A.Yu. Prosekov. - St. Petersburg: Prosp. Sciences, 2012. - 320 p.
20. Sivoglazov, V.I. Biology. General biology. Basic level: Textbook for grades 10-11 in general education institutions / V.I. Sivoglazov. - M.: Bustard, 2012. - 381 p.
21. Sivoglazov, V.I. Biology. General biology: Textbook for colleges / V.I. Sivoglazov, I.B. Agafonova. - M.: Bustard, 2010. - 384 p.
22. Sych, V.F. General biology: Textbook for universities / V.F. Owl. - M.: Academic Avenue, 2007. - 331 p.
23. Tupikin, E.I. General biology with basics of ecology and environmental activities/ E.I. Tupikin. - M.: Academia, 2017. - 16 p.
24. Tupikin, E.I. General biology with the basics of ecology and environmental activities: Textbook / E.I. Tupikin. - M.: Academia, 2017. - 16 p.
25. Tupikin, E.I. General biology with the basics of ecology and environmental activities: A textbook for beginners. prof. education / E.I. Tupikin. - M.: IC Academy, 2013. - 384 p.
26. Fadeeva, E.O. General biology: Textbook for students of secondary educational institutions vocational education/ V.M. Konstantinov, A.G. Rezanov, E.O. Fadeeva; Ed. V.M. Konstantinov. - M.: IC Academy, 2012. - 256 p.

  • 1. Adilgazinov, G. 3. Electronic Toolkit“Organization of management of the pedagogical process in the local school” / G. 3. Adilgazinov. - IPK PRO VKO, 2003 [ Electronic resource]. - URL: upravleniya_ pedagogicheskim_pro-cessom.ppt (access date: 02/16/2013).
  • 2. Akperova, I. A. Biology lessons according to the educational and methodological set of N. I. Sonin “Biology” / I. A. Akperova. - Moscow: Bustard, 2005. - 288 p.
  • 3. Arbuzova, E. N. Genesis educational publications on methods of teaching biology: monograph / E. N. Arbuzova. - Omsk: Omsk State Pedagogical University Publishing House, 2008. - 214 p.
  • 4. Arbuzova, E. N. Design and application of teaching aid complexes for methodological training of biology students in the information and subject environment of the university: monograph. / E. N. Arbuzova, L. V. Usoltseva. - Omsk: Omsk State Pedagogical University Publishing House, 2010. - 163 p.
  • 5. Arbuzova, E. N. Design of educational and cognitive tasks for different typological groups of students: dis... Cand. ped. Sciences / E. N. Arbuzova. - Omsk, 1998. - 150 p.
  • 6. Arbuzova, E. N. Design of a reflective learning system using an innovative educational and methodological complex on methods of teaching biology: dis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences: 13.00.02 / E. N. Arbuzova. - Moscow, 2015. - 415 p.
  • 7. Arbuzova, E. N. Reflective system of teaching biology to schoolchildren / E. N. Arbuzova // Biology at school. 2016. No. 7. pp. 42-48.
  • 8. Arbuzova, E. N. Humanitarian technologies in the training of management teachers within the framework of the master's program "Business Development Management" of the Higher Business School / E. N. Arbuzova, O. A. Yaskina // Current problems of natural science education, protection environment and human health. 2016. No. 4. T. 4. P. 40-47.
  • 9. Arbuzova, E. N. Visualization of the educational process in biology using infographics / E. N. Arbuzova // Biology at school. 2017. No. 5. pp. 39-47.
  • 10. Arbuzova, E. N. Development of critical thinking and reflection in teaching biology / E. N. Arbuzova // Biology at school. 2017. No. 3. P. 23-35.
  • 11. Beketov, A. N. On the application of the inductive method of thinking to the teaching of natural history in gymnasiums / A. N. Beketov // Journal. Min-va Nar. enlightenment. 1863. No. 12. P. 10-24.
  • 12. Belkin, E. L. Didactic problems of managing educational and cognitive activities / E. L. Belkin, U. K. Karpov, P. I. Kharnash. - Yaroslavl: B. i., 1974. - 175 p.
  • 13. Belyaeva, E. N. Formation of students’ emotional and value-based attitude towards living nature / E. N. Belyaeva // Biology at school. 2010. No. 10. P. 27-32.
  • 14. Verzilin, N. M. General technique teaching biology: textbook for pedagogical students. Institute of Biology / N. M. Verzilin, V. M. Korsunskaya. Specialist. 4th ed. - Moscow: Education, 1983. - 384 p.
  • 15. Questions, assignments, exercises and tasks on environmental and economic education / comp. D. K. Drakova, V. V. Latyushin. - Chelyabinsk: Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers, 1992. - 35 p.
  • 16. Vsesvyatsky, B.V. General methods of biology: textbook, manual for teachers. Institute / B.V. Vsesvyatsky. - Moscow: Uchpedgiz, 1960. - 331 p.
  • 17. Gerd, A. Ya. Selected pedagogical works / A. Ya. Gerd. - Moscow: Publishing house APN, 1953. - 205 p.
  • 18. Gerd, A. Ya. On the methodology of teaching descriptive natural sciences / A. Ya. Gerd // Teacher. 1866. No. 2-3. pp. 50-56.
  • 19. Gerd, A. Ya. Subject lessons in primary school. Detailed instructions on how to teach children using the book “THE WORLD OF GOD” / comp. A. Ya. Gerd. - St. Petersburg: Type. V. Demakova, 1883. - Part 1: Earth, air and water. - 132 s.
  • 20. Gerd, A. Ya. Zoology textbook. For secondary educational institutions and self-education: 2 hours / comp. A. Ya. Gerd. - Second, correct. ed. - St. Petersburg: Poluboyarinov, 1883. - Part 1: Invertebrates. - 224 s.
  • 21. Dahl, V. Natural history. Botany by V. Dahl. Compiled on the basis of instructions for the education of students of military educational institutions, Supremely approved on December 24, 1848 / V. Dahl. - St. Petersburg, 1849. - 211 p.
  • 22. Demyankov, E. N. Biology. Living and nonliving nature in tasks, problematic issues and interesting facts / E. N. Demyankov, L. L. Timofeeva. - Recommended by MANPO No. 1 dated January 26, 2016 - Orel: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “OGU named after. I. S. Turgenev", 2016. - 191 p.
  • 23. Demyankov, E. N. Biology. Collection of problems and exercises / E. N. Demyankov, A. N. Sobolev. - M.: Education, 2017. - 190 p.
  • 24. Demyankov, E. N. Collection of problems in general biology. 9-11 grades / E. N. Demyankov, A. N. Sobolev, S. V. Sumatokhin. M.: VAKO, 2018. - 272 p.
  • 25. Dmitrieva, M. V. About the new educational and methodological set of the “Life Line” series / M. V. Dmitrieva // Biology at school. -
  • 2008. - No. 5. - P. 44-46.
  • 26. Dewey, J. Psychology and pedagogy of thinking. - Moscow: Labyrinth, 1999. - 458 p.
  • 27. Zagashev, I. O. Critical thinking: development technology / I. O. Zagashev, I. I. Zair-Bek. - St. Petersburg: Scythia, 2003. - 283 p.
  • 28. Zak, A. 3. We learn to think, we try to reason / A. 3. Zak. - Moscow: Forum, 1995. - 152 p.
  • 29. Zverev, I. D. General methods of teaching biology: a manual for teachers / I. D. Zverev, A. P. Myagkova. - Moscow: Education, 1985. - 191 p.
  • 30. Zuev, V. F. Outline of Natural History, published for public schools Russian Empire/ V.F. Zuev. - St. Petersburg, 1786.- 460 p.
  • 31. Ivanova, T.V. General methods of teaching biology at school / T. V. Ivanova, E. T. Brovkina, G. S. Kalinova. - Moscow: Bustard, 2010. - 271 p.
  • 32. History of domestic education: textbook, manual. Reader. Parts I and II: VIII - early 20th centuries. / comp. S. V. Kalinina, V. V. Kashirina. - 2nd ed., add. - Omsk: Omsk State Pedagogical University Publishing House, 2006. - 375 p.
  • 33. Kabayan, N. V. From the classical to the search for the new in the methodology of teaching biology / N.V. Kabayan // Biology at school. 2010. No. 7. P. 55-63.
  • 34. Kartashova, N. S. Methods of teaching biology: textbook, manual for laboratories. - practical classes and independently. student work / N. S. Kartashova. - Tula: Tula Publishing House. state ped. University named after L. N. Tolstoy, 2001. - 119 p.
  • 35. Keiran, L.F. The structure of teaching methods as a science: based on the analysis of biology teaching methods / L. F. Keiran; preface I. D. Zvereva. - Moscow: Pedagogy, 1979. - 166 p.
  • 36. Kodzhaspirova, G. M. Technical teaching aids and methods of their use: textbook, manual for students of higher education. schools, institutions / G. M. Kodzhaspirova, K. V. Petrov. - Moscow: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2001. - 256 p.
  • 37. Kolontaev, V. M. General methods of teaching biology / V. M. Kolontaev, L. M. Drobysheva. - Tambov: Publishing house of TSU named after. G. R. Derzhavina, 2002. - 229 p.
  • 38. Komissarov, B. D. Methodological problems of school biological education / B. D. Komissarov. - Moscow: Education, 1991. - 160 p.
  • 39. Konarzhevsky, Yu. A. Lesson analysis / Yu. A. Konarzhevsky. - Moscow: Center " Pedagogical search", 2000. - 336 p.
  • 40. The concept of biological education in 12-year school (Project) // Biology at school. 2000. No. 3. P. 12-15.
  • 41. Konyushko, V. S. How to prepare a biology lesson / V. S. Konyushko. - Minsk: Nar. Asveta, 1990. -110 p.
  • 42. Konyushko, V. S. Methods of teaching biology: textbook, manual / V. S. Konyushko, S. S. Pavlyuchenko, S. V. Chubaro. - Moscow: Book. house, 2004. - 255 p.
  • 43. A brief guide to the methodological study of natural history in primary schools, real schools, gymnasiums and seminaries, with many tasks and questions of August Luben. From the 15th ed. translated by N. E. Ogorodnikov. - St. Petersburg, 1878. - 115 p.
  • 44. Lamekhova, E. A. Implementation of the developmental function of learning in teaching biology in high school: dis. ...cand. ped. Sciences / E. A. Lamekhova. - Moscow, 1999. - 230 p.
  • 45. Lerner, I. Ya. Cognitive tasks in teaching the humanities / I. Ya. Lerner. - Moscow: Pedagogy, 1972. - 168 p.
  • 46. Lubeck, A. Teaching natural history: collection. translations on pedagogy, didactics, methodology / A. Lyuben. - St. Petersburg, 1872. - T. I. - 302 p.
  • 47. Lyuben, A. Teaching natural history: collection. translations on pedagogy, didactics and methodology / A. Lyuben. - St. Petersburg, 1872. - T. II. - 248 p.
  • 48. Lyuben, A. A Guide to the Systematic Study of Botany for Schools and Self-Study by August Luben, Director of the Teachers' Seminary in Bremen / A. Luben; according to the 4th ed. comp. A. Beketov. - St. Petersburg, 1876. - 544 p.
  • 49. Mavrin, S. A. Pedagogical systems and technologies: textbook, manual for students. - Omsk: Omsk State Pedagogical University Publishing House, 1993. - 120 p.
  • 50. Marina, A.V. School biological education: problems and ways to solve them: textbook, manual on the course of methods of teaching biology / A. V. Marina, P. V. Solomin, V. P. Stankevich. - St. Petersburg: Research Institute of Chemistry of St. Petersburg State University, 2000. - 132 p.
  • 51. Methods of teaching biology: studies for students of higher education, institutions / M. A. Yakunchev [etc.]; edited by M. A. Yakuncheva. - Moscow: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2008. - 320 p.
  • 52. Methods of teaching natural science / P.I. Borovitsky [and others]; under general ed. P.I. Borovitsky. - Leningrad: Uchpedgiz, 1955. - 667 p.
  • 53. Peace of God / comp. A. Ya. Gerd. - St. Petersburg: Type. V. Demakova, 1883. - Book I: Earth, air and water. For students in elementary school. - 104 s.
  • 54. Nikishov, A. I. Theory and methodology of teaching biology / A. I. Nikishov. - Moscow: KolosS, 2007. - 304 p.
  • 55. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: textbook, manual for pedagogical students. universities and teacher training systems. personnel / E. S. Polat, M. Yu. Bukharkina, M. V. Moiseeva [etc.]; edited by E. S. Polat. - Moscow: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2003. - 272 p.
  • 56. About the Modernization Concept Russian education for the period until 2010 // Vestn. education. 2002. No. 6. P. 10-41.
  • 57. Education system"School 2100" Collection of programs. Basic school. High school / under scientific. ed. D. I. Feldshtein. - Moscow: Balass, 2008. - 320 p.
  • 58. Orlova, L. N. Experimental study of the development of components of the scientific worldview of students in the methodology of teaching biology / L. N. Orlova, N. S. Goltsova // Contemporary issues science and education. 2015. No. 2-2. P. 352. Publisher: Publishing House “Academy of Natural Sciences” (Penza).
  • 59. Orlova, L. N. System of modern higher education teacher education/ L. N. Orlova // Current problems of natural science and natural science education: materials of the IV International correspondence scientific and practical conference. - Omsk: Omsk State Pedagogical University Publishing House, 2016. - 89-94 p.
  • 60. Orlova, L. N. Formation junior schoolchildren educational activities self-control and self-esteem in teaching natural science: monograph / L. N. Orlova. - Omsk: Omsk State Pedagogical University Publishing House, 2017. - 182 p.
  • 61. Osmolovskaya, I. M. Organization of differentiated education in modern secondary schools / I. M. Osmolovskaya. - Moscow: Institute of Practical Sciences. psychology; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1998. - 160 p.
  • 62. Pakulova, V. M. A short course in biology methodology: textbook, manual for pedagogical students. universities and biology teachers / V. M. Pakulova [etc.]. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - Krasnoyarsk: RIO KSPU named after. V. P. Astafieva, 2005. - 164 p.
  • 63. Pakulova, V. M. General and specific methods of teaching biology: laboratory. workshop / V. M. Pakulova. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - Krasnoyarsk: RIO KSPU named after. V. P. Astafieva, 2005. - 192 p.
  • 64. Pakulova, V. M. Working with terms in biology lessons: a book for teachers / V. M. Pakulova. - Moscow: Education, 1990. - 93 p.
  • 65. Pedagogy: textbooks for universities / N. Bordovskaya, A. Rean. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 240 p.
  • 66. Pedagogical technologies: textbook, manual / author. - comp. T. P. Salnikova. - Moscow: Sphere shopping center, 2008. - 271 p.
  • 67. Petrishina, O. L. Methods of teaching biology at school: method, instructions for part-time students of the fourth year of biology and soils. fak. state University / O. L. Petrishina. - Moscow: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1968. - 56 p.
  • 68. Petrunko, A.V. What should be the regional content of biological education during the transition to new standards / A. V. Petrunko // Biology at school. 2011. No. 2. P. 30-35.
  • 69. Pidkasisty, P.I. Survey as a teaching tool / P. I. Pidkasysty, M. L. Portnov. - Moscow: Ped. island of Russia, 1999. - 84 p.
  • 70. Polat, E. S. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: textbook, manual / E. S. Polat, M. Yu. Bukharkina, M. V. Moiseev, A. E. Petrov; edited by E. S. Polat. - Moscow: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2003. - 272 p.
  • 71. Polovtsov, V.V. Selected pedagogical works / V.V. Polovtsov. - Moscow: Publishing house APN, 1957. - 132 p.
  • 72. Polovtsov, V.V. Fundamentals of general methods of natural science. Lectures given at St. Petersburg University and at Pedagogical courses at military educational institutions / V.V. Polovtsov. - Moscow, 1907. - 276 p.
  • 73. Polovtsov, V.V. Fundamentals of general methods of natural science. - 4th ed. / V.V. Polovtsov; edited by B. E. Raikova. - Leningrad: Gosizdat, 1925. - 233 p.
  • 74. Polkhanova, N.V. Training and metodology complex in biology as a means of implementing the regional component of biological education: dis... Cand. ped. Sciences / N.V. Polkhanova. - Moscow, 2005. -154 p.
  • 75. Ponomareva, I. N. Methods of teaching biology: textbook, manual for teachers. universities / I. N. Ponomareva, O. Rogovaya V. P. Solomin; edited by I. N. Ponomareva. - Moscow: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2012. - 318 p.
  • 76. Ponurova, G. A. A problem-based approach to teaching geography in secondary school. - Moscow: Education, 1991. - 192 p.
  • 77. Sample programs of the main general education. Biology. Natural science. - Moscow: Education, 2010. - 79 p.
  • 78. Problems and prospects of biological and environmental education in the 21st century: materials of Vseros. scientific - practical Conf., September 17-21, 2001 - Chelyabinsk: Chelyab Publishing House. state ped. University, 2002. - 98 p.
  • 79. Problems of methods of teaching biology in secondary school / ed. I. D. Zvereva. - Moscow: Pedagogy, 1978. - 178 p.
  • 80. Problems of modernizing school biology textbooks // Biology at school. 2005. No. 7. pp. 72-76.
  • 81. Programs of general education institutions. Biology. 6-9 grades. - Moscow: Bustard, 2001. - 234 p.
  • 82. Programs of general education institutions. Biology grades 6-9 / author. V. V. Pasechnik, S. V. Sumatokhin, G. S. Kalinova. - Moscow: Education, 2009. - 28 p.
  • 83. Programs for general education institutions. Biology. 5-11 grades / auto. - comp. I. B. Morzunova. - Moscow: Bustard,
  • 2009. - 254 p.
  • 84. Psychological Dictionary/ ed. V. P. Zinchenko, B. G. Meshcheryakova. - Moscow: Pedagogy-Press, 1996. - 440 p.
  • 85. Rubtsova, A. V. Design and methods of using situational problems in biology / A. V. Rubtsova, E. N. Arbuzova, N. S. Goltsova // Biology at school. 2015. No. 8. P. 36-42.
  • 86. Raikov, B. E. Academician Vasily Zuev, his life and works / B. E. Raikov. -Leningrad: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1955. - 351 p.
  • 87. Raikov, B. E. Valerian Viktorovich Polovtsov. His life and works / B. E. Raikov. - Moscow; Leningrad: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1956. - 355 p.
  • 88. Raikov, B. E. General methods of natural science / B. E. Raikov. - Moscow; Leningrad: Uchpedgiz, 1947. - 300 p.
  • 89. Raikov, B. E. Essays on the history of the heliocentric worldview in Russia. From the past of Russian natural science / B. E. Raikov. - 2nd ed. - Moscow; Leningrad: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1947. - 390 p.
  • 90. Raikov, B. E. Ways and methods of naturalistic education / B. E. Raikov. - Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the RSFSR, 1960. - 487 p.
  • 91. Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia: 2 volumes / ch. ed. V.V. Davydov. - Moscow: Big Russia. encyclopedia, 1993. - T. 1. - 609 p.
  • 92. Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia: in 2 volumes - Moscow: Bolshaya Ross. encyclopedia, 1999. - T. 2. - 672 p.
  • 93. Guide for teachers of the first and second category of public schools of the Russian Empire. - St. Petersburg, 1794. - 57 p.
  • 94. Russkikh, G. A. Technology for the development of critical thinking / G. A. Russkikh // Biology at school. 2004. No. 2. P. 28-33.
  • 95. Romanova, A. N. The use of infographics in teaching management disciplines / A. N. Romanova, O. A. Yaskina // Information technologies: actual problems training of specialists taking into account the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Materials of the IV All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference. Omsk Automotive Armored Engineering Institute, 2017. - pp. 76-81.
  • 96. Sevruk, L. S. Methodology of the initial course of natural science / L. S. Sevruk. - St. Petersburg, 1902. - 226 p.
  • 97. Skvortsov, P. M. Teaching biology in grades X-XI at a basic level / P. M. Skvortsov, O. A. Vorobyova // Biology at school.
  • 2010. No. 2. P. 29.
  • 98. Solomin, V. P. Biological education in high school: current state and development prospects / V. P. Solomin, A. V. Marina, P. V. Stankevich. - Arzamas: AGPI, 2006. - 212 p.
  • 99. Sumatokhin, S. V. Biology. Animals. 7th grade: educational. / S. V. Sumatokhin, D. I. Traitak. - Moscow: Mnemosyne, 2010. - 240 p.
  • 100. Sumatokhin, S. V. Monograph about environmental education in the national school / S. V. Sumatokhin // Biology at school. 2015. No. 6. P. 77-80.
  • 101. Sumatokhin, S. V. Professionally oriented training of teachers of secondary general education in a modular master's program / S. V. Sumatokhin, S. G. Grigoriev // Biology at school. 2015. No. 4 (263). pp. 47-50.
  • 102. Sumatokhin, S. V. Nikolai Mikhailovich Verzilin: the path to science and literary creativity/ S. V. Sumatokhin // Biology at school. 2015. No. 5. P. 16-25.
  • 103. Sumatokhin, S. V. Systems approach to the creation of a school biology textbook: monograph. / S. V. Sumatokhin. - Moscow: Publishing house MGOU, 2004.
  • 104. Sumatokhin, S. V. Textbook of biology in Russian school (late XVIII - late XX century): monograph. / S. V. Sumatokhin. - Moscow: Publishing house MGOU, 2004. -123 p.
  • 105. Sumatokhin, S. V. Biology textbooks today: the problem of choice / S. V. Sumatokhin // Biology at school. 2012. No. 4. pp. 26-31.
  • 106. Teleshov, S. V. Lancaster School in Russia // Pedagogy. 2005. No. 10. P. 73-77.
  • 107. Theoretical basis content of general secondary education / ed. V. V. Kraevsky, I. Ya. Lerner. - Moscow; Pedagogy, 1983. - 352 p.
  • 108. Traytak, D. I. Biology. Plants, bacteria, fungi, lichens: textbook, for grade 6 / D. I. Traitak, N. D. Traitak. - Moscow: Mnemosyne, 2011. - 272 p.
  • 109. Traytak, D. I. Biology Cabinet / D. I. Traitak. - Moscow: Education, 1976. - 142 p.
  • 110. Traytak, D. I. Problems of methods of teaching biology / D. I. Traitak. - Moscow: Mnemosyne, 2002. - 304 p. - (Proceedings of full members International Academy sciences of teacher education).
  • 111. Tretyakov, P. I. Technology of modular learning at school: practical work. - landmark, monograph. / P. I. Tretyakov, I. B. Senkovsky; edited by P.I. Tretyakova. - Moscow: New School, 1997. - 210 p.
  • 112. Tulkibaeva, N. N. Methods of teaching students the ability to solve problems / N. N. Tulkibaeva, A. V. Usova. - Chelyabinsk: ChGPI, 1981. - 97 p.
  • 113. Ulyaninsky, V. Yu. Methods of natural science in labor school/ V. Yu. Ulyaninsky. - 2nd ed., revision, and additional. - Leningrad: Gosizdat, 1930. - 276 p.
  • 114. Charter for public schools in the Russian Empire, laid down during the reign of Empress Catherine II. - St. Petersburg, 1786. - 122 p.
  • 115. Felbiger, I. I. Guidelines for first and second grade teachers of public schools of the Russian Empire / I. I. Felbiger. - St. Petersburg: Type. Shnora, 1783. - 116 p.
  • 116. Friedman, L. M. How to learn to solve problems / L. M. Fridman, E. N. Turetsky. - Moscow: Education, 1999. - 84 p.
  • 117. Khutorskoy, A.V. Key competencies as a component of a personality-oriented paradigm of education / A. V. Khutorskoy // Nar. education. 2003. No. 5. P. 5-62.
  • 118. Chekaleva, N.V. Theoretical foundations of educational and methodological support for the process of studying pedagogical disciplines in a pedagogical university: thesis.... Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Sciences / N.V. Chekaleva. - St. Petersburg, 1998. - 545 p.
  • 119. Shalaev, V. F. Methods of teaching natural science: textbook, for teaching, institute / V. F. Shalaev. - Moscow: Uchpedgiz, 1946. - 206 p.
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  • 123. Sharov, A. S. Culture and education: experience of reflexive analysis / D. A. Sharov // Current psychological and pedagogical problems in science and practice: materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Omsk: Omsk State Technical University Publishing House, 2015. - P. 134-140.
  • 124. Sharov, A. S. Mobility as a factor in training competitive personnel / D. A. Sharov, N. F. Vaskova, S. N. Shirobokov // Current psychological and pedagogical problems in science and practice: materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Omsk: Omsk State Technical University Publishing House, 2015. - P. 391-399.
  • 125. Shirokikh, D. P. Methods of teaching biology: a course of lectures / D. P. Shirokikh, G. S. Noga. - Moscow: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1980. - 177 p.
  • 126. Shmeil, O. Plants. Fundamentals of natural history from a biological point of view / O. Shmeil; authorized lane edited by and with additional prof. V. R. Zalensky. - 2nd add. and corr. ed. according to the 15th ed. “Grundriss der Naturgeschichte. Zweites Heft. - Prof. O. Schmeil.” - Kyiv: Publishing house. Pie, t-va, 1910. - 136 p.
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  • 129. Sharov Anatolii S., Mansson, Daniel H., Marko Frantisek, Bachratd Katarina, Daniskova Zuzana, Zeleiova Jaroslava Gajdosikova & Janis Vladimir.(2016) Young Adults’ Trait Affection Given and Received as Functions of Hofstede’s Dimensions of Cultures and National Origin, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 45:5, 404-418, DOI: 10.1080/17475759.2016.1213181.

1. Alberts B., Bray D., Lewis D. J. et al. Molecular biology of cells In 3 vols. Trans. from English M.: Mir, 1994.

3. Bazhora Yu. I., Shevelenkova A. V. et al. Clinical genetics. Uch. practical guide classes. - Odessa: Odes. state honey. univ., 2001. - 145 p.

4. Bazhora Yu. I., Zaporozhan V. M., Kresyun V. I, Godzieva I. M. Clinical immunology.- Odessa, Odessa. state honey. univ., 2000. - 384 p.

5. Balakhonov A.V. Development errors./ 2nd ed., revised. and additional - St. Petersburg: Zlbi-SPb., 2001. - 288 p.

6. Berdyshev G. D., Krivoruchko I. F. Medical genetics. - K.: Higher school, 1993. - 336 p.

7. Bilich G. L., Kryzhanovsky V. A. Biology. / Full course. In 3 volumes - M.: OOO Publishing. house "Onyx 21st century", 2002.-864 p.

8. Yarygin V. N., Vasilyeva V. I., Volkov I. N., Sinelshchikova V. V. Biology: In 2 books. Book.. 1: Textbook. for honey specialists, universities / Ed. V. N. Yarngina. - 4th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Vnssh. school, 2001. - 432 p.

9. Bochkov N. P. Clinical genetics. / Textbook. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: GEOTAR - MED, 2002.-448 p.

10. Buzhievskaya T. I. Fundamentals of medical genetics. - K.: Health, 2001. - 135 p.

11. Bodnar P. M., Priestpupyuk O. M., Shcherbak O. V. and etc./ Ed. prof. P. M. Bodnar. Endocrinology - K.: Health, 2002. -512 p.

12. Zaporozhan V. M., Serdyuk A. M., Bazhora Yu.I. Hereditary diseases and congenital malformations in perinatological practice. -K.: Health, 1997.-360 p.

13. Kozlova S. I., Demikova N. S., Semanova E., Blinnikova O. E. Hereditary syndromes and medical genetic counseling./ Directory. 2nd ed. - M.: Praktika, 1996. -416 p.

14. Komarov F.I., Rapoport S.Y. Chronobiology and chronomedicine. - M.: Triada-X, 2000. -488 p.

15. Kudryavy V. P. Ecology. - Lvov: Mir, 2000. - 500 p.

16. Lazarev K. L., Demidenko L. A. Medical and biological dictionary-reference book. - 2003. - 430 p.

17. Lazyuk G. I., Lurie I. V., Cherstvoy E. D. Hereditary syndromes multiple congenital malformations. - M.: Medicine, 1984. - 204 p.

18. Lenz V. Medical genetics. Per. with him. A. S. Sergeev. - M.: Medicine, 1984. - 447 p.

19. Pawn V. P., Bachok S. S., Kushnir By. S. Medicine of the 20th century in figures. - Chernivtsi: Publishing house BDMA, 2001.-192 p.

21. Pawn V. P., Mislitsky V. F., Pronyaev V. I. Hereditary syndromes. Economic dictionary-reference book.- Chernivtsi: Prut, 1998. - 308 p.

22. Peshka V. P., Nechitailo Yu. M. Helminthiasis in children. - Chernivtsi: BDMA, 2000. - 236 p.

23. Romanenko O. V., Kostylev V. V. Fundamentals of ecology. Tutorial. - K.: Phytosociocenter, 2001.

24. Sadler T.V. Medical embryology behind Langman. Switch With English - Lvov: Nautilus, 2001. - 550 p.

25. Singer M., Berg P. Genes and genomes / In 2 volumes. Trans. from English - M.: Mir, 1998.

26. Human teratology AND Hand. under. ed. N. E. Savchenko. - M.: Medicine, 1979. - 440 p.

28. Faller D. M., Shields D. Molecular biology of cells. Guide for doctors. Per. from English M.: BINOM - Press, 2003. - 272 p.

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30. Pawn V. P, Dyakova T. Yes., Chernovskaya N.V. et al. Phylogeny of organ systems. / Textbook allowance - M.: Publishing house BDMA, 2000. - 153 p.

31. Vogel F, Motulski A. Human Genetics In 3 volumes - M.: Mir, 1990.

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1. Bogen G. Modern biology. Per. with him. - M.: Mir, 1970.

2. Bochkov N.P. Clinical genetics. - M.: Geotar-med, 2001.

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4. Lobenko A. Atlas animals of the world's oceans that are dangerous to person. Odessa: OKFA, 1998.

5. Sadler T.V. Medical embryologybehind Langman. Per. from English - Lvov: Nautilus, 2001.

6. Atlas R. M. Principles of Microbiology. -St. Louis: Mosby, 1995.

7. Biological Science: An Ecological Approach, BSCS Green Version. Fifth Edition. - Houghton: Mifflin Comp., 1992.

8. Brum G, McKane L, Karp G. Biology: Exploring Life. Second Edition. - John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1994.

9. Duxbury A. C, Duxbury A. B. Introduction to the world's Ocean. - Dubuque: Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1994.

10. Fox S. I. Human Physiology. Fifth Edition. - WCB McGraw-Hill, 1996.

11. Guttman B. S. Biology. - WCB McGraw-Hill, 1999.

12. Hickman C. P., Roberts L. S., A. Larson Integrated Principles of Zoology. -St. Louis: Mosby, 1993.

13. Hole J. W. Human Anatomy and Physiology. Six Edition. - Wm. C. Brown Publisher, 1993.

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16. Lewis R. Beginning of Life. Second Edition. - Wm. C. Brown Publisher, 1995.

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24. Raven P. H., Jonson G. B. Biology. Third Edition. - WCB McGraw-Hill, 1992.

25. Stern K. R. Introductory plant biology. - Dubuque: Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1994.

26. Toole G, Toole S. Understanding biology for advanced levels. - Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes Publishers Ltd., 1995.

27. Van deGraaffK. M., Fox S. I. Concept of Human Anatomy and Physiology. Fifth Edition. - WCB McGraw-Hill, 1999.

28. Weaver R. F., Hedrick P. W. Genetics. Third Edition. - Wm. C. Brown Publisher, 1997.

Literature on biology

1) Prilezhaeva L.G.

Biology. Grade 10. 44 diagnostic options / L.G. Prilezhaeva. - M.: Publishing house "National Education", 2013. - 96 p.: ill. - (USE. Express diagnostics).

2) Rokhlov V.S.

Biology. 9th grade. 44 diagnostic options / L.G. Prilezhaeva. - M.: Publishing house "National Education", 2012. - 96 p.: ill. - (GIA. Express diagnostics).

3) Rokhlov V.S.

Biology. 8th grade. 44 diagnostic options / L.G. Prilezhaeva. - M.: Publishing house "National Education", 2012. - 96 p.: ill. - (GIA. Express diagnostics).

4) Prilezhaeva L.G.

Biology. 7th grade. 60 diagnostic options / L.G. Prilezhaeva. - M.: Publishing house "National Education", 2013. - 128 p.: ill. - (GIA. Express diagnostics).

5) Skvortsov P.M.

Biology. 6th grade. 44 diagnostic options / L.G. Prilezhaeva. - M.: Publishing house "National Education", 2012. - 96 p.: ill. - (GIA. Express diagnostics).

6) Biology: grades 6-9: thematic and final tests: diagnostic materials/ [G.S. Kalinova, A.N. Myagkova, E.A. Nikishova, V.Z. Reznikova] - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2009. - 288 pp.: ill. - (Certification: school, teacher, student).

7) Biology: grades 10-11: thematic and final tests: diagnostic materials / [G.S. Kalinova, A.N. Myagkova]. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011. - 256 pp.: ill. - (Certification: school, teacher, student).

8) Panfilova L.A., Donetskaya E.G.

Human anatomy, physiology and hygiene. General biology: textbook./Under general. ed. L.A. Panfilova. - M.: "RIPOL CLASSIC", 1999. - 640 pp., illus.

9) Biology. 9th grade. Thematic tests for preparation for GIA-9. Basic, advanced, high levels: teaching aid) A.A. Kirilenko, I.S. Kolesnikov. - Ed. 3rd, additional - Rostov n/d: Legion, 2012.- 256 p. - (GIA - 9).

10) Biology. 9th grade. Preparation for the State Examination 2011: educational and methodological manual/A.A. Kirilenko, S.I. Kolesnikov, E.V. Dadenko. - Rostov n/d: Legion, 2010.- 348 p. - (GIA - 9).

11) Biology. Diagnostic work in GIA format 2013/ Comp. V.B. Salenko, V.S. Rokhlov. - M.: MTsNMO, 2013. -96 p.

12) GIA 2012. Biology. 9th grade. State Final Attestation (in new form). Typical test tasks / G.I. Lerner. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2012. -159 p. (Series "GIA. 9th grade. Typical test tasks").

13) Biology: 1600 problems, tests and verification work for schoolchildren and those entering universities / T.A. Dmitrieva, S.I. Gulenkov, S.V. Sumatokhin et al. - M.: Bustard, 1999. -432 p. - ( A big library"Bustards").

14) Khabarova E.I., Panova S.A.

Ecology in tables. 10(11) grade: reference guide. - 2nd ed. - M.: Bustard, 2001. -128 p.

15) Biology in tables. Grades 6-11: Reference manual / Author - comp. T.A. Kozlova, V.S. Kuchmenko.- 4th ed., stereotype.- M.: Bustard, 2002.- 240 p.

16) Panina G.N.

Biology. Diagnostic work. Grades 6-9 (author’s line by I.N. Ponomareva). - St. Petersburg: Paritet, 2006. - 192 p.

17) Biology. 7th grade: lesson plans based on the textbook by V.B. Zakharova, N.I. Sonina / Author - comp. M.V. Vysotskaya. - Volgograd. Teacher, 2006.- 447 p.

18) Biology. Living organism. Grade 6: Lesson plans based on the textbook by N.I. Sonina/Auth. -composition M.V. Vysotskaya.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2005.- 256 p.

19) D.D. Uteshinsky

Biology: Dictionary. - M.: "Baghira", 1995.- 224 pp., ill.

20) Levitina T.P., Levitin M.G.

General Biology. Dictionary of concepts and terms. - St. Petersburg: "Parity", 2002.- 544 p.

21) Sementsova V.N.

Network planning. Biology. Grades 5-11: method. allowance. - St. Petersburg: "Parity", 2001. - 96 p.

22) Biology. Additional materials to lessons and extracurricular activities in biology and ecology in grades 10-11 / author - comp. MM. Bodnaruk, N.V. Kovylina.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.- 167 p.

23) Subject week biology at school. Comp. Malashenkov A.S. - Volgograd: ITD "Corypheus", 2006. - 128 p.

24) Olympiad tasks in biology. 6-11 grades/automatic - comp. L.M. Kudinova.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2005.- 119 p.

25) Biology Olympiads. 7-8 grades / Comp. A.S. Malashenkov.- Volgograd: ITD "Corypheus" .- 96 p.

26) Biology Olympiads. 9th grade / Comp. Naumenko A.V. - Volgograd: Teacher - AST, 2005.- 96 p.

27) Biology Olympiads. 11th grade / Comp. T.V. Zarudnyaya.- Volgograd: Teacher - AST, 2005.- 96 p.

28) Biology lessons with application information technologies. 6th grade. Methodological manual with electronic application / auto. - comp. S.N. Lebedev.- M.: Globus, 2008.- 108 p.- ( Modern school).

29) Biology: 11th grade: a basic level of: methodological manual / I.N. Ponomareva, O.A. Kornilova, L.V. Simonova; edited by prof. I.N. Ponomareva.- M.: Ventana-Graf, 2009.- 112 p.

30) Biology. Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens. 6th grade - Lesson plans based on the textbook by I.N. Ponomareva, O.L. Kornilova, V.S. Kumchenko. - 2nd ed., stereotype / author - comp. T.V. Zarudnyaya.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.- 137 p.

31) Lerner G.I.

Animal biology. Tests and assignments. 7th grade. - M.: Aquarium, 1997. - 240 p.

32) I’m going to a biology lesson: Man and his health: A book for teachers. - M.: Publishing house "First of September", 2001. - 256 pp.: ill.

33) Tarasov A.K.

Botany, zoology, chemistry. A book for students and teachers. - Smolensk: Rusich, 1999. - 256 p. ("Fun Lesson").

34) Alekseev V.A.

300 questions and answers about animals. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997. - 240 pp., ill.

35) M.G. Levitin., T.P. Levitin.

Biology: Botany. Zoology. Human anatomy and physiology: To help school graduates and applicants. - Ed. 2nd, corrected - St. Petersburg: "Parity", 2001. - 512 p. (Series "Exam without problems.")

List of used literature

1. Agadshanyan N. A., Gorshkov M. M., Kotelnik L. A., Shevchenko Yu. V. Your performance today. – M.: Russia, 1978.

2. Altshuler V. M., Gurvich V. M. Lunar rhythms. – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1981.

3. Atkinson R. Human memory and the learning process. – M.: Mir, 1980.

4. Baev A. A. Human genome: some ethical and legal problems of the present and future // Man. – 1995. – No. 2.

5. Batuev A. S., Gulenkova M. A., Elenevsky A. G. and others. Biology: A large reference book for schoolchildren and those entering universities. – M.: Bustard, 1999.

6. Batyrev S. The Vatican condemns // Echo of the Planet. – 1997. – No. 11.

7. Green N., Stout W., Taylor D. Biology. – M.: Mir, 1993.

8. Darel J. Meatloaf. – M.: Mysl, 1989.

9. Dilman V. M. Large biological clock. – M.: Knowledge, 1981.

10. Doskin V. A., Lavrentieva N. A. Biological rhythms. – M.: Medicine, 1980.

11. Dubinin N.P. Genetics yesterday, today, tomorrow. – M.: Soviet Russia, 1981.

12. Ivanov V.V. Even and odd (asymmetry of physics and sign systems). – M.: Soviet radio, 1978.

13. Eskov E.K. Sound language and man // Life. – 1976. – No. 8.

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15. Kapten Yu. Basics of meditation. – Samara, 1992.

16. Karuzina I. P. Biology. – M.: Medicine, 1972.

17. Castaneda K. A separate reality. – M.: Myth, 1991.

18. Castaneda K. Teachings of Don Juan: The Way of Knowledge of the Yaqui Indians. – M.: Myth, 1991.

19. Cyberstern F. Genes and genetics. – M.: Paragraph, 1995.

20. Lazarev A., Mironov A. Is a genetic Chernobyl possible? // Echo of the planet. – 1997. – No. 11.

21. Levi V. The art of being yourself. – M., 1972.

22. Moiseeva N. I., Sysuev V. M. Temporal environment and biological rhythms. – L.: Nauka, 1981.

23. Morozov V. P. A language understandable to everyone on earth // Science and life. – 1980. – No. 10.

25. Ognev S. I. Forest life. – M., 1962.

26. Panov E. N. Signaling and language in the animal world. – M.: Knowledge, 1970.

27. Petrov V. M. This mysterious cyclicity // Number and thought. Vol. 9. – M.: Knowledge, 1986.

28. Protasov A. N. Fish behavior. – M., 1978.

29. Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. – St. Petersburg, 1998.

30. Speech, emotions and personality: Collection / Ed. V. I. Galunova. – L.: 1978.

31. Sviyash A. How to shape the events of your life with the power of thought. – St. Petersburg: MIM-Delta, 2001.

32. Simonov P.V. Emotional brain. – M.: Nauka, 1980.

33. Stepanova S. I. Current problems of space biorhythmology // Problems of space biology. T. 23. – M.: Nauka, 1977.

34. Tinbergen N. Animal behavior. – M.: Mir, 1978.

35. Tikhomirova M. M. Genetic analysis. – L.: Leningrad University, 1990.

36. Williams D. Crossing the Border: A Psychological Portrayal of Carlos' Path of Knowledge. Amazing things about animal life. – Saratov: SSU, 1976.

37. Chetverikov V.I. The soul is the feeling of the world. – Saratov, 2001.

38. Chirkov Yu. G. Living chimeras. – M., 1991.

39. Shishkova E. V. Physical foundations of field hydroacoustics. – M.: Food industry, 1977.

40. Shtyastny K. Songbirds. – Prague: Artia, 1986.

41. Yagodinsky V. N. Cosmic pulse of the biosphere. – M.: Knowledge, 1978.

From the book Pranayama. A conscious way of breathing. author Gupta Ranjit Sen

References CHOPRA, MD, Dr. DEEPAK: "Ageless Body - Timeless Mind", 1933, Harmony Books a division of Crown Publishers, Ins., NY. DHIRANANDA ( DHIRANANDA), yogi: "Yogamrita", German edition 1998, Veda, Wallmoden. DEVANANDA, SWAMI VISHNU: "Das Grosse

From the book Amazing Biology author Drozdova I V

List of used literature 1. Agadshanyan N. A., Gorshkov M. M., Kotelnik L. A., Shevchenko Yu. V. Your performance today. – M.: Russia, 1978.2. Altshuler V. M., Gurvich V. M. Lunar rhythms. – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1981.3. Atkinson R. Human memory and the learning process. – M.:

From book Experimental studies animals' abilities to make quantitative assessments of the objective world author Reznikova Zhanna Ilyinichna

References 1. Zorina Z.A., Smirnova A.A. 1994. Relative quantification in pigeons and crows: spontaneous selection of a larger food variety. Journal higher nervous deyt., vol. 44, N3, p. 618-625.2. Zorina Z.A., Smirnova A.A. 1995. Quantitative estimates of hooded crows: generalization from

From the book Our Familiar Strangers author Volovnik Semyon Veniaminovich

Book index of used literature Akimushkin I. I. Animal world: Stories about insects. – M.: Mol. Guard, 1975. – 240 pp. Vasilyeva E. N., Khalifman I. A. Bees. – M.: Mol. Guard, 1981. – 304 pp. Life of animals. – M.: Education, 1969, vol. 3. – 576 pp. Zakharov A. A. Ant, family,

From the book Microbiology: lecture notes author Tkachenko Ksenia Viktorovna

List of used literature 1. Gusev M.V., Mineeva L.A. Microbiology. M.: Medicine, 2003.2. Elinov N.P. Chemical microbiology. M.: Medicine, 1989.3. Podkolzina V. A., Sedov A. A. Medical microbiology. Lecture notes. M.: Prior, 2005.4. Shub G. M. Fundamentals of medical

From the book Breeding Dogs author Sotskaya Maria Nikolaevna

REFERENCES 1. Genetic basis of animal selection. Ed. Petukhova V.L., Gudilina I.I., M., 1989.2. Service dog: a guide to training service dog specialists. M., 1952.3. Wolf. M., 1985.4. All about the dog. Ed. Zubko V.N. M., 1992.5. Hip dysplasia

From the book Electroshock Collar. Controversial issue author Kazharskaya Olga Markovna

List of used literature 1. Anne Lill Kvam. Spurensuche. Nasenarbeit Schritt f?r Schritt. - Bernau: animal learn Verlag, 2005. - ISBN 3-936188-20-3.2. Dorit Urd Feddersen-Petersen. Ethologisches Gutanchten zur Verwendung von Elektroreizgeraten bei der Ausbildung von Hunden // Grundlagen einer tierschutzgerechten Ausbildung von Hunden. - Deutschland, Dortmund: Verband f?r das Deutsche Hundewesen (VDH) e. V. - 2000. - 17–68.3. Winkie

From the book Diagnosis and correction of deviant behavior in dogs author Nikolskaya Anastasia Vsevolodovna

From the book Anthropological Detective. Gods, people, monkeys... [with illustrations] author Belov Alexander Ivanovich

REFERENCES Akimushkin I. I. Entertaining biology. - Smolensk: Rusich, 1999. Balakhonov A. V. Development errors. - St. Petersburg: ELBI, 2001. Varshavsky A. S. Cities reveal secrets. - M.: Znanie, 1966. Vitaliev V.V. From whom did the monkey come? - M.: Revival of the Planet, 1999. Gorbovsky A. A.

From the book Age Anatomy and Physiology author Antonova Olga Alexandrovna

List of used literature 1. Galperin S.I. Human anatomy and physiology. M.: Higher School, 1974.2. Kositsky G.I. Human physiology. M.: Medicine, 1985.3. Matyushonok M.T., Turin G.G., Kryukova A.A. Physiology and hygiene of children and adolescents. M.: Higher School, 1974.4. Nozdrachev A. D.

From the book Pharmaceutical and Food Mafia by Brouwer Louis

References Abet D. Cardiovascular surgery. Service Dr. Pietri, CHV Amyan, Collection of the French College. 1989. Aleksandrovich Zh., Halileokovsky I.B., Academy of Sciences of Krakow. The Lancet, May 6, 1967. American Journal of Respiratory Diseases. 1963. T. 88–3, September. Mattevs,

From the book The Prevalence of Life and the Uniqueness of Mind? author Mosevitsky Mark Isaakovich

References Alberts B. et al. (1994) Molecular biology of cells, volume 1. M.: Mir. Arutyunov V. S. and Strekova L. N. (2006) Stages of evolution. M.: Nauka.Bermisheva M.A. et al. (2003) Polymorphism of human mitochondrial DNA. Genetics, 39, 1013?1025. Bernal, D. (1969) The origin of life. M.:

From the book The Mystery of God and the Science of the Brain [Neurobiology of Faith and Religious Experience] by Andrew Newberg

References Aggleton, J. P., ed. 1992. The Amygdala. New York:, R. 1988. Doorkeeper of the Heart: Versions of Rabia, tran. Charles Upton. Putney, Vt.: Threshold Books. American Psychiatric Association. 1994. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV, 4th ed. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association. Anand, B. K., G. S. China, and B. Singh. 1961. Some aspects of electroencephalographic studies on Yogis.

From the book Evolutionary Psychology. Secrets of Homo sapiens behavior by Palmer Jack

From the book The Blind Watchmaker [How Evolution Proves the Absence of Design in the Universe] author Dawkins Clinton Richard

References 1. Alberts, B., Bray, D., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K. & Watson, J. D. (1983) Molecular Biology of the Cell. New York: Garland.2. Anderson, D. M. (1981) Role of interfacial water and water in thin films in the origin of life. In J. Billingham (ed.) Life in the Universe. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.3. Andersson, M. (1982) Female choice selects for extremetail length in awidow bird. Nature, 299: 818–20.4. Arnold, S. J. (1983) Sexual selection: the

From the book Animals author Bespalov Yuri Gavrilovich

List of used literature 1. Akimushkin I.I. And crocodiles have friends. – M.: Young Guard, 1964.2. Akimushkin I.I. Traces of unseen animals. – M.: Mysl, 1964.3. Astafiev Yu. F. V underwater world. – M.: Education, 1977.4. Boreyko V. E. History of conservation in Ukraine. - TO.,
