Sample thank you letter to teacher for good work. Texts of letters of gratitude to teachers, parents and students. variants of words in prose

Often a thank you letter is written to teachers. Grateful parents of students express words of gratitude to their children's teacher, for example, in connection with the end of school year, primary school, high school.

Not only parents, but also students themselves can express gratitude by contacting their teacher, to the class teacher. IN in this case You should purchase a printed colored form, in which you just need to enter text with pleasant words for the addressee (teacher).

A letter of gratitude to a teacher or class teacher can be written only by the parent committee, but also by the school administration in the person of its director; gratitude can be expressed for any achievements, participation in events of a various nature, a significant event in the life of the teacher and the school.

Below we offer sample texts of a letter of gratitude for the teacher and class teacher from parents, as well as from the school administration.

Video - ideas for writing a thank you letter (with examples)

Text templates with gratitude to the teacher

1. Text of a thank you letter to the teacher primary classes from the students' parents.

Dear Anna Gennadievna!

We, parents of 4th “A” grade students, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the attention, care and sensitivity shown towards our children. For 4 years, you accompanied our children, helping them overcome difficulties and failures in their studies, empathizing and supporting them in difficult times. Together with your students, you rejoiced at their successes and supported them in difficult situations.

Your professionalism and sensitivity helped our children believe in themselves, discover new abilities and talents, and open up like a flower every day. Thank you for your patience, attention and care towards your students! Thank you for preparing our children for 4 years, putting your soul into them, building them into full-fledged individuals, guiding them to true path improvement!

We wish you new professional achievements and reach new pedagogical heights with your students!

Parents of 4th grade "A" students

2. Text of a letter of gratitude to the class teacher from parents of graduates

Dear Tatyana Evgenievna!

We sincerely thank you for the upbringing and education of our children - students of grade 11 B of school No. 131 in the city of Omsk. Your professional classroom management has enabled our children to achieve amazing achievements in all subjects and prepared them for a new life outside of school. The children went to school every day with interest, attended extracurricular activities with enthusiasm, and solved complex and non-standard tasks assigned to them with a sparkle in their eyes. Thanks to your active participation in the life of each of your students, every day they opened up more and more fully, becoming full-fledged individuals. There was always an atmosphere of mutual support and mutual assistance, respect for each other in the class.

Both at the graduation after 11th or 9th grade, and at the graduation after completing their studies in primary school, students experience special joy and, at the same time, a little sadness. Now they will meet new teachers and pedagogues and will study new sciences. Therefore, high school students, children, and their parents want to express their gratitude to the teacher who supported his students. You can write them yourself or choose from the proposed ideas and examples of ready-made texts with poetry and prose, videos. Beautiful and touching words of gratitude will definitely please both the class teacher of the graduates and the first teacher of the kids.

Nice words of gratitude from students for a primary school teacher - example texts

Kids in primary school They quickly become attached to teachers because they help them overcome stress and get used to new learning conditions. Therefore, it will be very pleasant to hear kind words of gratitude to the teacher from the students. This way he will understand that children really love and appreciate him.

Examples of sweet words of gratitude from primary school students for teachers

Expressions of gratitude by primary school students can include both personal wishes and ready-made thanks. The examples provided are great for quick memorization. They can be assigned to several children who will perform in front of teachers.

Great management -

It's not a simple matter

And, sometimes, dangerous -

Thank you very much!

For work and nobility

Please accept gratitude

After all, your leadership

It's a great joy for us.

Thank you for your knowledge,

For honesty and kindness,

For faith, understanding -

We are lucky to have you!

Our class is like a friendly family,

And this is your only merit,

That we respect each other.

You give us a ticket to life,

For all this - thank you!

You are our friend, you are our teacher,

You are our great leader!

Thank you for the time

They didn't spend it in vain on us,

For intelligence, for honesty and patience,

And they didn’t feel sorry for themselves.

Thank you for your direct words,

Thank you for the science,

For warmth and care,

We couldn't do it without you!

Universal words of gratitude from parents for all primary school teachers

Parents very often worry when sending their child to school that they will encounter an inexperienced or overly strict teacher. But such worries are almost always groundless: usually loving and caring teachers work with children in primary grades. Therefore, you need to choose words of gratitude to a primary school teacher both to express your own gratitude and to express love and respect on behalf of your child.

Texts with words of gratitude from parents for primary school teachers

You can choose different texts to congratulate teachers and express gratitude to them. But it is important to pay attention not only to the class teacher, but also to the sociologist, psychologist, and physical education teacher. The joint work of these teachers allows children to feel comfortable at school and be interested in learning.

Thank you for your kindness,

Love and affection, warmth.

From all parental hearts,

We wish you happiness palace.

May life bring a lot of light,

Love, happy dawn.

Sincere and bright smiles,

And the feelings are always great and reciprocal.

Dear teachers,

From your parents “Thank you”

We thank you for our children,

For patience, perseverance and strength.

To cope with the kids

You must have nerves of steel,

We will never understand your work,

How do you find language with them?

We wish you strength and health,

Creative and bold ideas,

So that our boys and girls

Turn them into real people.

Thank you for your help, for your efforts,

For faith, sensitivity in difficult moments.

For your precious attention,

For professional advice.

Thank you for the children's successes,

Your merits in this are undoubted.

After all, your knowledge is priceless for everyone!

Touching words of gratitude for the first teacher - from students and parents

For elementary school students, the first teacher becomes the most reliable and faithful “comrade.” He replaces their parents, supports and helps in difficult situations. The mothers and fathers of the students also want to prepare and share words of gratitude to the first teacher. Among the proposed examples you can find excellent options for expressing gratitude, respect and attention.

Touching thanks for the first teacher from students

The most pleasant thing for any elementary school teacher is recognition among students. Therefore, children who move to middle school definitely need to thank their first teacher for the care and love they showed. The considered words of gratitude to the teacher from a child in verse are perfect for easy learning.

We want to say “thank you”

For your work and support,

You are a great leader -

In all senses. And of course,

It would be difficult for us without you,

Maybe even impossible

Study granite science

And solve complex problems.

So please accept my gratitude

For kindness, long-suffering,

Let things bring you joy

And they will cheer you up!

You were with us every day, you loved, you helped.

We bore the pain of our hearts, and you helped us out.

For us, you are always like a good parent,

Our cool, beloved leader.

We want to say thank you today

For your sensitive word and affectionate look.

Every student or parent will say -

You really are a great leader!

You know who is friends with whom and what hobbies they are interested in.

You are trying to understand us, not scolding us.

Thank you for your patience and concern,

We want to express our respect to you!

Examples of touching words of gratitude from parents for the first teacher

Parents are especially grateful to their child’s first teacher. This teacher helped their child become confident, strong and get a lot useful knowledge. You can say words of gratitude to your 1st grade teacher in both poetry and prose. You just need to choose the most appropriate one from the proposed options.

Accept from your parents

Words of gratitude,

We say thank you

And we wish you many blessings,

We are very grateful to you,

They did a lot for us

We wish you that

The fire in my soul did not go out!

For your care and warmth

We sincerely thank the teachers,

Personal happiness, good health,

We want to wish you patience and kindness!

Knowledge was given

Life experience and wisdom,

So that they pass on theirs!

From the parent cohort

We will say thank you.

Calm down for your children

There was only us all the time.

I bow to you today,

Best wishes.

So that you have enough for the children

In the heart of endurance, warmth.

What words of gratitude should you choose from parents to teachers for graduation in 11th grade?

Constant care for children, assistance in education and solving vital issues - all this a real teacher. Class teachers treat students with no less love than mothers and fathers themselves. Therefore, it will be very pleasant to hear words of gratitude to the teacher from parents on graduation day. The beautiful texts suggested below can be used to compose a touching speech. It should include words of gratitude and good wishes for the teacher.

Examples of words of gratitude from parents of 11th grade graduates for teachers

Original texts with words of gratitude will help all parents of graduates to express respect and gratitude to the class teacher. The following text examples and video demonstration of parents’ speech at graduation will help in writing beautiful speeches:

Dear, respected our teachers!

On behalf of all parents, we want to express our extraordinary gratitude to you for everything you have done for our children. Just saying thank you is not saying anything. By entrusting our children to you, we were confident that they were in good hands. And we were not mistaken.

Without your support, without your attention, without your efforts, we - parents - would not have been able to achieve the main goal towards which we have all gone and continue to go - each of us wants to raise our child to be a Person with capital letters Ch.

You helped and guided our children, you supported us when we failed at something with them. You worried about your students no less, and perhaps even more, than we did.

A low bow to you for your hard work and from the bottom of my heart, sincere words of great gratitude from all the parents!

Thank you!

Our dear teachers!

Many years ago, you began to teach our daughters and sons to carefully make sticks and hooks, add and subtract, and read their first books. And here in front of us stand adult boys and girls, beautiful, strong, and most importantly, smart.

Today their last school bell will ring and the doors to adulthood will open. Everyone will have their own, but thanks to your efforts, they will all walk through life with honor. We know that you didn’t sleep many nights checking their notebooks, didn’t pay much attention to your families in order to spend an extra hour with our children, gave them the warmth of your hearts, spent your nerves on them so that they would grow up into worthy people.

Today we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything, even for the bad marks you sometimes gave them. Both we and our children will never forget everything you did for us.

A low bow to you and a big thank you!

A school is an integral organism that has a unique feature - the ability to push out those who are superfluous, leaving behind those who know how to sincerely love and sincerely empathize, be loyal friends and truly feel another person. School is like a ladder, along which you can only move upward, to the stars.

Once you step on the initial stage, you must go all the way from beginning to end. But what if this is the end? Most likely not, because a person is destined to study all his life - and school Guardian Angels and teachers are called upon to help in this important work.

Thank you, mentors of children's, pure and naive souls, for your inexhaustible hard work and boundless patience, for your bright faith in the capabilities of each student, for great wisdom and willingness to help.

Thank you for the warmth of your kind heart, for your universal understanding, thank you for the great work of a teacher!

Beautiful words of gratitude from students to teachers for 11th grade graduation

The long years passed together hand in hand make each class a small but very close-knit family. And at the head of such a family is a good class teacher. This teacher not only teaches children to be well-mannered and attentive, but also supports them in difficult times. Therefore, before graduation, many students think about what words of gratitude to say to the teacher, and how to express their gratitude to him. You need to select kind, warm and sincere texts for your speech.

Ideas for writing gratitude from 11th grade students for teachers for graduation

Write beautiful words It is not difficult to express gratitude to a teacher from a student; you just need to understand what the graduate wants to say to the teacher. You can simply express your gratitude, or you can talk about your love, respect and affection. The right words can be found in the following text examples:

Today we say “Thank you!”

We are to our school and teachers,

For being loved and taught,

We are eternally grateful to you.

You taught us to think and dream,

Taught difficulties, not afraid of thresholds,

We would like to wish you farewell,

Love, health, joy and happiness.

As we take our first steps into adulthood, I would like to thank all our teachers and administration for their enormous contribution to each of us. Thank you for your knowledge, care, support and eternal incentive. Thank you for believing in us and always helping. We sincerely want to justify your hopes and reach the heights to which you pushed us with all our might. We thank you all and wish you all the best for many years to come!

Thank you for teaching us wisely,

For helping us become people.

And even if it was really difficult for you -

You were in a hurry to pass on your knowledge to us.

We hurried in moments of childish anxiety

Give good advice or just understand.

We wish you a solid path in life,

Walk more, sleep soundly, relax!

From future geniuses, artists, deputies, lawyers, inventors, doctors, travelers, teachers and just good, kind people, our words of gratitude are warm, responsiveness, patience, common truths, discoveries, understanding, answers to questions, help, attention, happiness in the eyes, responsibility, impeccable performance of duties, approach. After all, the most important thing in life is to be a worthy person with an open heart. Thanks for teaching me this.

Kind words of gratitude from parents of high school students to teachers for 9th grade graduation

Caring for children, helping in their education and upbringing are invaluable gifts. And for this, parents should be grateful to all school teachers. Their joint work helped raise brave adults from such small and insecure children. Beautiful words of gratitude to the teacher in prose will help you thank responsible teachers from the bottom of your heart. They will help to most accurately and sincerely express the feelings of moms and dads of graduates.

Examples of words of gratitude from parents of 9th grade high school students for teachers for graduation

Warm and kind words can include not only gratitude, but also good wishes. After all, the hard work of teachers is not so often appreciated. But really good teachers who want to help students in everything need to be respected and supported.

Thanks from the parents

Let's talk to teachers!

If only we could -

I wish everyone would give you medals:

For calmness and severity,

For perseverance and talent,

And for everything that has happened over the years

You taught the guys.

You taught them to study,

Don't give up, win

I express my sincere gratitude for serving your chosen cause, tireless creative search, responsiveness and spiritual generosity! Sincerely, Director of Secondary School No. 118 Yu. Ch. Chizhikova October 2018 Recommendations for design

  • At the top of the sheet (in the “header”) indicate the name of the document - “Letter of Thanks”.
  • Under the “header” you can indicate who it is from (name or name of organization), however, this is not a prerequisite (if the letter is not issued from the administration of a district, city, region or other government organizations).
  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page.
  • At the bottom of the page (after the main text) the position of the author is indicated.

Thank you letter to teacher

Biryusinsk expresses its gratitude and heartfelt gratitude to you for your selfless work and active life position! Your practical experience, professionalism and dedicated work continue to serve the interests of their native school, city, and country. Are you trying to help a young person learn the world, teach how to improve it, grow up as a worthy citizen of your Fatherland and protect its interests. We admire your tireless energy, wisdom and love for your chosen business and children.

Your authority is for many guys a shining example efficiency, exactingness and dedication. Congratulations on the upcoming New Year, we wish you health, happiness, prosperity to your family and loved ones, new achievements in work! School director I. Ts. Semenova, Biryusinsk December 22, 2018

Text of a thank you letter to the teacher

Our class is graduating, this year it will leave the building of its native school, but the fact that more than ten students are collecting documents for admission to educational establishments a chemist by profession, speaks for itself. My son Evgeniy is also included in this top ten and we, his parents, will sincerely thank you for your professionalism, work and ability to instill in children a love for their subject. Thank you very much, happiness and health! 3. Letter of gratitude to the primary school teacher Dear you are our Olga Vasilievna! Now our children are finishing their first grade, how much change it has brought not only in their lives, but also in ours, their parents’ lives. Thanks to you, their first class teacher, our children have acquired the basics of knowledge, are accustomed to collective action, and are accustomed to studying school subjects.

How lucky we are that our children received a wise and professional teacher.

Texts of a letter of gratitude to the teacher from the school administration

Option No. 2 Dear Lyudmila Danilovna! In honor of Teacher's Day, the administration of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School - Boarding School No. 10 expresses gratitude to you for your creative approach, professionalism and brilliant results in teaching and educating students. Let each of your students become a worthy person and your personal pride. Thank you for your noble work! Joy and success to you in professional activity and beyond! Director V.

Y. Grechkina, Belomorsk 2018 Option No. 3 Dear Tatyana Borisovna! Administration of MBOU " high school No. 415 with in-depth study of chemistry" Belebey expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your active participation in the scientific session of high school students, for your support and joint work to attract students to research activities in the field of chemistry, for your attention, enthusiasm and desire to help every child find their path in life.
Sukhanova 2018 Option No. 10 Angarsk Administration state university expresses gratitude MBOU teacher gymnasium No. 451 Andrey Vitalievich Serdolyubov for actively attracting students to participate in research work, instilling cognitive interest in physical phenomena nature and ability to independent decision tasks different levels difficulties. Rector of AnSU I. Zh. Konstantinov Dean of TKZZH G. Sh. Skvortsov Option No. 11 Department of Education of the Administration of the Azov Municipal District Thanks Ella Anatolyevna Samokhina, mathematics teacher of the municipal educational institution "Secondary" educational school city ​​of Azov No. 333”, for professionalism and pedagogical excellence in educating the younger generation and in connection with International Women’s Day. Head of the Education Department N. T. Loshadnikov
Azov Order No. 127 of 03/02/2018
Home → Sample documents → Business letters → Letter of gratitude to teacher Contents

  1. How to write a thank you letter to a teacher
  2. Sample thank you letter to class teacher
  3. Words of gratitude to the teacher
  4. Download

A letter of gratitude to a teacher is a business letter that expresses gratitude to the teacher, class teacher for their work in raising and educating children on behalf of the director of the educational institution or parents of child students. How to write a thank you letter to a teacher A thank you letter to a teacher has the details of a business letter:

  1. The header of the document - it indicates the name of the teacher to whose address the words of gratitude are sent. An optional structural element of a thank you letter - written as necessary.
  2. Appeal – contains the name of the teacher to whom gratitude is expressed.

Material on the topic: thank you letter


A letter of gratitude to a teacher or class teacher can be written only by the parent committee, but also by the school administration in the person of its director; gratitude can be expressed for any achievements, participation in events of a various nature, a significant event in the life of the teacher and the school. Below we offer sample texts of a letter of gratitude for the teacher and class teacher from parents, as well as from the school administration. Examples of thank-you letter texts: 1. Text of a thank-you letter to a primary school teacher from the parents of students.

Dear Anna Gennadievna! We, parents of 4th “A” grade students, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the attention, care and sensitivity shown towards our children. For 4 years, you accompanied our children, helping them overcome difficulties and failures in their studies, empathizing and supporting them in difficult times.

Thank you letter to teacher (samples)

A thank you letter can be written to the teacher on your own behalf, from the student’s parents and from the head of the educational institution. This article describes the features of writing thank you letters: “How to write a thank you letter correctly?” You may be interested in other sample letters: for a student - download, for a doctor - download, for cooperation - sample texts, for a teacher kindergarten. Letter of gratitude to a teacher from the director of an educational institution A letter of gratitude from the director of an educational institution must be written on company or special letterhead and formatted in the style of a regular business letter. The letter is signed by the head or rector of the institution, indicating the position and date of preparation.

Presented at a ceremonial meeting, with personal words of gratitude.

Examples of thank you letter texts to teachers

A thank you letter is often written to a teacher. The author may be the school management, thanks for successful work, for special merits and dedication. Also, a letter can be drawn up from the parents of students; as a rule, it is written when children graduate from school, before graduation, or on the occasion of the end of the school year. Students themselves can be initiators. Below we offer several samples of the text of a letter of gratitude addressed to a teacher (from parents, students and the school principal).

Features of writing thank you letters are discussed here. Other sample thank you letter texts: We recommend using the suggested sample letters only as an example. Add some personality to your thank you texts and highlight features that are unique to your teacher.

Thank you letter to teacher (texts)


Another option for writing a thank you letter to your teacher Dear Anna Nikolaevna! Parental committee Class 3A of school No. 45 thanks you for your sincere attitude towards our children, for your patience and affection. Thank you for helping our children find themselves in this life and developing their potential. Your sincere attitude towards each child allows them to feel more confident in acquiring new knowledge.

Thank you for your caring attitude towards the educational process, for your professionalism and literacy. We wish you not to lose optimism in life, be healthy and successful! A low bow to you, dear Anna Nikolaevna! Sincerely, Parents of class 3A of school No. 45.

Letters of gratitude - website mbou sosh 31 cities

Thanks to their diligence, the too-heavy baby began to talk and was prepared to enter a secondary school. We visited this preschool institution for 1 year, although this time was enough to express words of gratitude to the entire team. Thank you! I’ll use it as a basis in my own work! Valentina Sergeevna, thank you for actually sharing your own material! At first glance, there is nothing easier than signing a letter of gratitude! But. I will be happy to develop our teamwork and mutual understanding! For the full text of the material, see the downloadable file. The page shows only part of the material: an application for the creation of a separate division, a sample. You reveal a unique world to your pets, skillfully lead them along the paths of love and kindness, igniting in their timid hearts a flame of curiosity, faith in justice, and faith in themselves! I would especially like to thank you for your personal approach to any child, professionalism, responsibility and goodwill. I sincerely want success, skillful achievements, respect and awareness from the guardians! With respect and gratitude, Vasilyeva Ira Ivanovna We, the ancestors of grade 1B, secondary educational institution 388, are trying again and again to express our enormous human gratitude to our beloved teacher Shanidze Itta Lvovna. Finally, let's start in order. When and why are messages of gratitude sent? Often the actions of a teacher will indicate the character and life path chosen by their students. Two of my graduates had an old lady as their main assistant, and I expressed gratitude to her as a SUPER GRANDMOTHER.

  • Letters of gratitude to primary school teachers. Letter of thanks from parents of 3rd grade. 2009 - Solomakha E.
  • A former student who went from teacher to director, like no one else knows and.
  • Texts of letters of gratitude to teachers, parents and students. But these are just soulless examples of thank you letters. Actively participate in the educational process of the class or the entire school.
  • Saves our precious time! Graduation is still a long way off, although preparations for this conscious event are now beginning.

    Active and purposeful, she attracted the attention of both her guardians and, naturally, the children at first sight. It is also possible to show the exact instructions that helped you make some fateful decisions. What should guardians do? Teachers of children's secondary art schools will have their workload reduced Neud for Carlson.

    How to gain students' trust? Recommendations for new teachers March promotion: Certificates of publication that were used for nothing! All-Russian distance competition Prefer your own life (videos, demonstrations, etc. 2 years ago she published my eldest daughter, and this year she also released my son. Our auction gives you a unique chance to find this without conflicting with the law. You are reasonable, capable, exclusive and obedient Mentor! I prefer everything you actually do, and thank you for your creative attitude to work, interest, openness and goodwill! Thank you for your conscientious attitude towards the educational (educational, creative) process. With all respect and from all We sincerely ask you to express gratitude from the parents of class 4A 937 secondary educational institutions of the city. The precedent is considered proof of the rise in pathos of our secondary educational institutions, in fact, the number of our upcoming first-graders has increased by 2 times. I assume that your very long skill and the unquenchable light of sincere loyalty to your own business will work the subsequent development of the spiritual and intellectual significance of the growing generation.

    With this manager, like Lena Evgenievna, I want to reach ever newer and fresher skillful heights.

    Amazing! Oksana Gennadievna! A little bow to you! Competitions for March 8th for girls and mothers: 25 ideas for unique games and competitions for a holiday at school Are guardians required to help children do homework? who has cats (all sorts, not very purebred) And already on our website the creator has the opportunity to see the names of the users who thanked him. Would you like to receive information about more tempting materials on our website? 2007 2015 Pedagogical Association of Ekaterina Pashkova PEDSOVET

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    Texts of letters of gratitude to parents, students and teachers

    I express my gratitude and say a huge human THANK YOU for your participation in the upbringing of your child and the life of the school. A person’s success, of course, is the merit of his closest people with seemingly imperceptible daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility. I thank you for your creative approach and active life position.

    With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! I express the hope that your creative activities for the benefit of our school will continue in the future.

    Please accept my sincere gratitude for your success in the field school education, for high professionalism and competence, dedication and hard work!

    Your inherent efficiency, focus on achieving the final result, ability to make decisions, communication skills, goodwill, patience, and willingness to answer any questions from your students are admirable.

    I hope that your many years of experience and the unquenchable fire of sincere devotion to your work will serve the further development of the spiritual and intellectual level of the younger generation. May the kindness and wisdom in the teacher’s heart never dry up!

    I wish you good health and prosperity, patience and optimism, success in your difficult but important work.

    Thank you letter to teacher


    I express my deep gratitude and gratitude for your professional skill, teaching talent, spiritual generosity and education of the students of our school for many years. You open a unique world to your students, skillfully lead them along the paths of love and kindness, igniting in their trembling hearts the flame of curiosity, faith in justice, and faith in themselves!

    I would especially like to thank you for your individual approach to each child, your competence, responsibility and friendliness.

    You are a smart, talented, unique and dedicated TEACHER!

    I appreciate everything you do and thank you for your creative attitude to work, enthusiasm, openness and friendliness!


    Thank you letter to student


    Thank you for your conscientious attitude towards the educational (educational, creative) process.

    I wish you to remain a leader in the area where you succeed, never tired of learning new things, overcoming unprecedented difficulties and obstacles, defeating worthy rivals, the strongest competitors.

    Believe that ours teaching staff and in the future it will be a necessary support for you in achieving and conquering new heights.

    I sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family, our school and the entire Fatherland!


    Thank you letter to parents


    I sincerely thank you and express my deep gratitude for the upbringing of (full name), who has shown himself to be a student capable of thinking deeply, overcoming difficulties, showing excellent results, defeating worthy opponents. Your child’s victories are our common joy.

    Thanks to your support and understanding, we will be able to continue to educate young people full of strength and aspirations for knowledge and creativity.

    I wish you all the best, optimism, health, prosperity and more human warmth.

    Application, Act, International passport, Resume, Characteristics, Receipt, Autobiography, Order ↓

    Letter #1:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    The Institute of Public Administration thanks you for organizing the internship of students of our institute. The academic knowledge of students was significantly supplemented by practical skills in their chosen specialty, which contributes to a deeper and more comprehensive study of jurisprudence. We wish you creative success in your hard work and look forward to further cooperation.

    Letter #2:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    Please accept my sincere gratitude for your worthy contribution to the education of the younger generation and the training of qualified personnel for the city and the country.

    Your many years of fruitful work at the head of the Institute of Public Administration have earned you well-deserved authority among the pedagogical community. In this environment, you are known as a highly qualified person, an initiative and responsible leader, an experienced and talented teacher.

    Expressing my gratitude to you for your professionalism and dedication to a noble cause, I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity and success in all your endeavors.

    Letter #3:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [Title] expresses gratitude to you for your contribution to the development of the training system for young specialists in the financial sector and strengthening the foundations of Russian education.

    During your career, you have trained many generations of highly qualified specialists in many fields, capable of solving fundamental problems modern science. Further growth of key market indicators depends on our joint cohesive work to prepare a personnel reserve, training professional financiers who are competitive in the global economy.

    Your work exemplifies the passion and dedication that is so needed today Russian society. This is confirmed by the outstanding results demonstrated by your students in numerous projects.

    We sincerely wish you new professional achievements and hope to continue mutually beneficial cooperation.

    Letter #4:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We ask you to express our gratitude to the class teacher of 3 “A” class Svetlana Viktorovna Maksimova for organizing and holding a concert dedicated to.

    We would like to note that a huge amount of work was done, all the children in the class were involved, an interesting, original script was invented, and a colossal amount of work was done on the computer design of the event. The concert was accompanied by a computer presentation, which was displayed on an electronic screen that had recently appeared in our classroom.

    Thanks to Svetlana Viktorovna Maksimova, the children of our class live in a friendly community, consider the school their second home, and the class a big friendly family.

    Letter #5:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    The Education Department of the Tomsk City Administration expresses gratitude to you for your assistance in holding the city scientific and practical conference [name]. We thank you for your active participation in cooperation with educational institutions cities.

    We look forward to further cooperation.

    Thank you letter to teacher

    A letter of gratitude is a written word of gratitude addressed to a specific person, for example, a teacher, for any successful event. Gratitude can be expressed by the parents of the students or the senior management of the school.

    How to write a thank you letter so that it looks attractive and beautiful can be read in this article. Below are the texts of a letter of gratitude addressed to the school teacher, from the school principal, and from the parents of the students.

    Sample thank you letter to teacher

    1. Text of a letter of gratitude to the teacher from the students’ parents

    Dear Elena Alexandrovna!

    We express our sincere gratitude to you for your painstaking work, patience and individual approach to each student when preparing for the prom. you have revealed Creative skills every student of grade 11-A, instilled a desire for creation and self-development. You filled our children with self-confidence and directed them to formulate and achieve goals of varying scale. Everyone was able to express themselves at the graduation concert without embarrassment, feeling the support of students, teachers, parents, and guests. The children realized that it was important not only to be a grateful spectator, but also to take an active part in the performances and their organization.


    parent team of class 11-A of school No. 3

    2. Sample text of a letter of gratitude to a teacher from the school principal

    Dear Svetlana Sergeevna!

    Thank you for holding a high-quality, timely cleanup event. Cleaning up the area not only transformed the school yard, but also had a positive impact on children's behavior. The schoolchildren who took part in the cleanup appreciated the importance of community service, the benefits of collective work, and learned mutual assistance. We would like to note that the children have a genuine desire to participate in such events again thanks to your skillfully planned competitive and playful methods of cleaning the territory, as well as further encouragement in the form of an excursion.


    Director of school No. 35 Renker V.A.

    3. Another example of a letter of gratitude addressed to the teacher from the school management.

    Dear Valentina Ivanovna!

    As the class teacher of grade 9-B, we thank you for your attentive, patient attitude towards each student. We highly appreciate your pedagogical talent, ability to find an approach to each student, knowledge of any situation that arises and the necessary information relating to each of them. Your friendly attitude towards schoolchildren inspires their trust, a feeling of support and proper guidance.

    Let your work enthusiasm and desire for improvement never dry up. educational process and the belief that every student will receive maximum amount knowledge, both related to school subjects and life.

    Sincerely, the director and staff of teachers of school No. 117

    Thank you letter to teacher from parents

    Example, sample thank you letter to teacher from parents. Author Egen Kurveeva.

    On the eve of Teacher's Day, many parents are wondering how to write a letter of gratitude to their child's teacher. This letter is a good example of how this can be done.

    Dear Svetlana Ivanovna!

    Today it rang last call for our children and your students. We, the parents of yesterday's students of distant 1st grade A, want to express our deep heartfelt gratitude to you.

    Eleven years ago you took 20 brats under your wing. They still did not know how to sit in one place for more than 15 minutes, did not know letters and numbers, and sometimes cried because of broken knees and corrections in notebooks. But you, our first and main teacher in life, taught them to read and write, quote Pushkin and Krylov, distinguish between north and south. Who else but you instilled confidence in our children, told us what friendship and betrayal are?

    We, parents, did not always know what was happening to our child, how difficult it was to acquire new knowledge and skills. But we always felt that everything was fine with the children, that you would not hurt anyone.

    Unfortunately, we were often so busy with our careers and personal lives that we not only never wrote a letter to the teacher from our parents, but even forgot to say a simple but so necessary human thank you. And only today, when our school years are already behind us, we began to realize what you did for us. And no letter to the teacher can express our sincere feelings for you. After all, the first teacher is called that because he is the main one in the child’s life. It is his point of view that the child will consider the only true and correct one.

    Dear Svetlana Ivanovna! We sincerely wish you great health and success in your difficult work. May you always have good and grateful students. And we, parents and students of distant 1st grade. We promise to go through life with your head held high and with pure thoughts and a noble heart, so that you can always be proud of your students!

    Letter #1:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    Institute of Public Administration thanks you for organizing the internship for students of our institute. The academic knowledge of students was significantly supplemented by practical skills in their chosen specialty, which contributes to a deeper and more comprehensive study of jurisprudence. We wish you creative success in your hard work and look forward to further cooperation.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #2:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    Please accept my sincere gratitude for your worthy contribution to the education of the younger generation and the training of qualified personnel for the city and the country.

    Your many years of fruitful work at the head Institute of Public Administration has earned you well-deserved authority among the teaching community. In this environment, you are known as a highly qualified person, an initiative and responsible leader, an experienced and talented teacher.

    Expressing my gratitude to you for your professionalism and dedication to a noble cause, I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity and success in all your endeavors.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #3:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [Title] expresses gratitude to you for your contribution to the development of the training system for young specialists in the financial sector and strengthening the foundations of Russian education.

    During your career, you have trained many generations of highly qualified specialists in many fields, capable of solving fundamental problems of modern science. Further growth of key market indicators depends on our joint cohesive work to prepare a personnel reserve, training professional financiers who are competitive in the global economy.

    Your work is an example of enthusiasm and dedication, which are so necessary in Russian society today. This is confirmed by the outstanding results demonstrated by your students in numerous projects.

    We sincerely wish you new professional achievements and hope to continue mutually beneficial cooperation.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #4:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We would like to express our gratitude to the class teacher of class 3 “A” for organizing and holding a concert dedicated to.

    We would like to note that a huge amount of work was done, all the children in the class were involved, an interesting, original script was invented, and a colossal amount of work was done on the computer design of the event. The concert was accompanied by a computer presentation, which was displayed on an electronic screen that had recently appeared in our classroom.

    Thanks to Svetlana Viktorovna Maximova The children of our class live in a friendly community, consider the school their second home, and the class a big friendly family.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #5:
    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    Department of Education of the City Administration Tomsk expresses gratitude to you for your assistance in holding the city scientific and practical conference [name]. We thank you for your active participation in cooperation with educational institutions of the city.

    We look forward to further cooperation.

    Petr Petrov
