Online aptitude test. Free online testing "Am I a magician or what"? Ability to travel through time

Many people go with the flow of life, get an education and choose a profession without thinking about what abilities nature has awarded them. Having passed the talent test, you will be able to determine the direction that is most promising for realizing your own potential. Some define it intuitively. Such a test can provide a scientific justification for the choice made.

By answering a few questions, you can get a generalized result that determines the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife activity in which the possible percentage of success is highest. At the same time, do not forget that innate abilities are responsible for only part of the positive result. You still have to work on yourself and put in some effort.

A test on the topic of what talent you have is a tool for determining hidden opportunities. Each person may have several. There is an opinion among psychologists and sociologists that the realization of only one deposit can make a person happy. Therefore, having learned about your many talents, it is not always advisable to spray on all promising areas. It is better to opt for the type of activity that is more to your liking.

On our site you can find your talent absolutely free of charge in just a few minutes. The result will help you choose a vector for self-realization, regardless of what potential you have: acting skills or mathematical abilities.

Methods diagnosing the level of development of general and special abilities that determine the success of training, professional activity and creativity. Dyslalia. Dysarthria. Rhinolalia. The Amthauer technique is one of the most popular intelligence tests. An abbreviated version was developed by A. N. Voronin and S. D. Biryukov. The technique is designed to assess the purposefulness of thinking - how much the subject is able to think, obeying the main task. The technique of memorizing ten words was proposed by A. R. Luria. It allows you to explore the processes of memory: memorization, preservation and reproduction. Understanding teenagers. Understanding pedagogical situations. Skill, grip. Moral attitudes. Achievement motivation. emotional stability. Image, self-presentation. Social psychologist. competence. verbal competence. Operational social competence. Ego competence. Communicative competence. Confidence. The stability of human relationships. Approval motivation (lie scale). Communicative and personal potential. The proposed version of “proofreading” is a modification of the well-known proofreading test by V.N. Amatuni, developed in the psychology laboratory of the Institute. V. M. Bekhtereva. Compared to the original methodology, the “alphabet” of symbols (numbers) is reduced in it: only 800 digits. ... Designed to measure the level of intellectual development regardless of the influence of factors environment(culture, education, etc.). It can be used for both individual and group examinations. The questionnaire is designed to assess the ability and control of arbitrary operation and manipulation of spatial representations. It is based on the procedure of self-assessment of the image - the representation and ability to manipulate this or that scene from life. It is used to determine the stability of the representation image in time and represents the execution of the task for the representation of the movement of objects along a graduated segment. The methodology consists of 30 tasks for establishing logical connections between words according to a given pattern. It is designed to assess the features of verbal (conceptual) thinking. Another option is Analogy. In the course of the story, the child's fantasy is assessed on the basis of: the speed of imagination processes, unusualness, originality of images, richness of fantasy, depth and elaboration (detailedness) of images. This technique is intended for children aged 3 to 4 years. The child is shown a drawing and asked, after carefully looking at this drawing, to say what season is depicted on each part of this drawing. The technique is used to study the peculiarities of thinking, the ability to differentiate the essential features of objects or phenomena from non-essential, secondary ones. By the nature of the distinguished features, one can judge the predominance of one or another style of thinking: concrete or abstract. The technique is intended for psychodiagnostics of visual-effective thinking of children aged 4 to 5 years. Her task is to quickly and accurately cut out the figures drawn on it from paper. The six squares into which it is divided depict various figures. Using this technique, the dynamics of the learning process is determined. The child receives a task for several attempts to memorize and accurately reproduce a series of 12 words. The technique evaluates theoretical mathematical abilities. The subjects must find patterns of construction 7 number series and write the missing numbers. The technique is designed to assess the level of development of verbal intelligence in children 6-8 years old. The task of the child is to complete the sentence begun by the psychologist. All sentences are constructed in such a way that they can only end with a certain word. With the help of this technique, the amount of attention of the child is assessed. The technique is designed to determine the amount of short-term visual memory. Children receive pictures as stimuli. The technique is designed to assess the concentration of attention in children. Used in a battery with other attention tests. The study of lability, that is, the ability to switch attention, the ability to quickly move from solving one task to performing another without making mistakes. Scale for assessing the level of development of the generalization operation. The technique allows to reveal the level of processes of generalization and abstraction. Assessment of the level of visual perception. This technique is intended to assess the logical thinking of an adult and adolescents. Subjects are offered to solve 18 logical-arithmetic problems. The technique is designed to determine the features of spatial thinking. The technique is usually used for the purpose of professional selection. This technique is intended for the psychodiagnostics of the thinking of children aged 3 to 4 years. This technique is designed to diagnose the level of development of visual-effective thinking. The method presented below determines the stock of words that are stored in the active memory of the child. An adult calls the child a word from the corresponding group and asks him to independently list other words belonging to the same group. The methodology is designed to assess vocabulary child and fluency of thinking. With the help of this technique, elementary figurative representations of the child about the world around and about the logical connections and relationships that exist between some objects of this world: animals, their way of life, nature are evaluated. With the help of the same technique, the child's ability to reason logically and grammatically correctly express his thoughts is determined. This version of the methodology is intended for children entering school. The child is offered any picture that depicts people and various objects (for example, the one shown below). He is asked for 5 minutes to tell in as much detail as possible about what is shown and what is happening in this picture. The volume of visual memory is estimated. The level of development of conceptual thinking. The task of this technique is to determine the initial motivation for learning in children entering school, i.e. find out if they have an interest in learning. ... The technique is designed to assess a child's long-term memory. It is carried out individually. The child receives the task in 5 minutes to come up with a game and tell about it in detail, answering the questions of the experimenter. In this task, children are shown a drawing and explained that it depicts a labyrinth, the entrance to which is indicated by an arrow located at the top left, and the exit is indicated by an arrow located at the top right. Test in this technique is intended to assess the switching and distribution of the child's attention. The technique is designed to assess the level of development of cognitive representation in a child. Applied individually. The purpose of this technique is to assess the figurative-logical thinking of the child. The imagination of the child is evaluated. The technique is used to identify how the subject is able to understand complex logical relationships and highlight abstract connections. It is intended for subjects of adolescence, youth and adults. This technique belongs to the classical ones, used to master the processes of analysis and synthesis. It can be used to study the thinking of schoolchildren of any age. Purpose: study of operations of comparison, analysis and synthesis in the thinking of children and adolescents. Material: several pairs of words for comparison, printed on a piece of paper. Study of the level, purposefulness of thinking, the ability to understand and operate with the figurative meaning of the text, differentiation and purposefulness of judgments, the level of development of speech processes. This technique is for learning. This type of memory appears and develops in children in ontogenesis one of the first. The formation of other types of memory, including memorization, preservation and reproduction, significantly depends on the development of this type. The level of development of perception is assessed. The methodology is designed to assess readiness for learning. The child is presented with a series of drawings, each missing some essential detail. The purpose of this technique, based on Raven's progressive matrices, is to determine how much a child is able, keeping images of what he saw in short-term and operative memory, to practically use them, solving visual problems. This technique is intended for children from 4 to 5 years. It is designed to explore the processes of figurative-logical thinking, mental operations of analysis and generalization in a child. The technique is intended for an approximate assessment of the level of development of a child's technical thinking. Conducted individually, used in a battery with other tests. This technique is considered within the framework common test managerial abilities (OTUS), developed by domestic psychologists E.M.Borisova, G.P.Loginova, M.O.Mdivani. They identified three main blocks of professionally important qualities of leaders: intellectual (competence, analytical thinking), personal (leadership, resistance to frustrations, activity, business orientation) and dynamic (strength and lability of nervous processes). The technique is used to study RAM in those cases when it carries the main functional load. The program contains four methods aimed at identifying psychosocial maturity, the level of development of analytical thinking and speech, as well as school-required functions in the form of the ability to arbitrary behavior. Learning the basic individual features problem solving: speed of solution, intellectual activity, expressed in the purposeful finding of the most rational ways to solve the problem. Voluntary attention. Rigidity is inertia, inflexibility of thinking when it is necessary to switch to a new way of solving a problem. The inertia of thinking and the associated tendency to prefer the reproductive, to avoid situations in which you need to look for new solutions. The activity of thinking. The technique allows to determine the pace of implementation of the indicative and operational components of thinking. The technique allows to determine the variability of approaches, hypotheses, initial data, points of view, operations involved in the process of mental activity. Can be used both individually and in a group. The amount of RAM. Social intelligence is a professionally important quality for professions of the "man-to-man" type and makes it possible to predict the success of the activities of teachers, psychologists, psychotherapists, journalists, managers, lawyers, investigators, doctors, politicians, and businessmen. Whether the imagination is rich. Preparatory stage of the study. Identification of indicators of upbringing. Search for methods for assessing the quality of upbringing. Preparation of diagnostic tools. Conducting research. Analysis and discussion of the research results. Regulation and correction of the educational process. Reflective-perceptual abilities. The ability to learn self-disclosure. dialogic approach. Designed for expert assessments of the teacher's activities. The method of differentiation of stimulus-objects by N.I. according to the criteria. The technique is designed to identify the ability of the subject to generalize, the level of his conceptual thinking. The ability to find common things in objects and various kinds of phenomena, the ability to express the found common in the form of a specific concept are among the most important methods for assessing the brightness (clarity) of representations by self-ranking. This technique is intended to assess visual-figurative thinking in elementary school student. Here, visual-figurative thinking is understood as one that is associated with operating with various images and visual representations when solving problems. ... Psychodiagnostic technique is designed to assess short-term figurative memory. Can be used for different ages. The work is carried out individually. The technique is designed to determine the level of development of attention. Also "Red-black-blue tables" can be used to assess short-term memory. The technique is designed to identify the ability of the subject to generalize, the level of his conceptual thinking. The ability to find the common in objects and various kinds of phenomena, the ability to express the found common in the form of a specific concept are among the most important. The technique is designed to identify the ability of the subject to generalize, the level of his conceptual thinking. The ability to find the common in objects and various kinds of phenomena, the ability to express the found common in the form of a specific concept are among the most important. The technique is designed to identify the ability of the subject to generalize, the level of his conceptual thinking. The ability to find the common in objects and various kinds of phenomena, the ability to express the found common in the form of a specific concept are among the most important. The technique is designed to identify the ability of the subject to generalize, the level of his conceptual thinking. The ability to find the common in objects and various kinds of phenomena, the ability to express the found common in the form of a specific concept are among the most important. The technique is designed primarily to identify combinatorial abilities, the level of fluency of abstract-logical thinking. The result also has great importance the ability to generalize, the ability to highlight essential features, the volume of the subject's vocabulary. The technique is intended primarily to identify combinatorial abilities, the level of fluency of abstract-logical thinking. The result is also of great importance to the ability to generalize, the ability to highlight essential features, the volume of the subject's vocabulary. The technique is intended primarily to identify combinatorial abilities, the level of fluency of abstract-logical thinking. The result is also of great importance to the ability to generalize, the ability to highlight essential features, the volume of the subject's vocabulary. The technique is intended primarily to identify combinatorial abilities, the level of fluency of abstract-logical thinking. The result is also of great importance to the ability to generalize, the ability to highlight essential features, the volume of the subject's vocabulary. The technique is intended mainly to identify combinatorial abilities, the level of fluency of abstract-logical thinking. The result is also of great importance to the ability to generalize, the ability to highlight essential features, the amount of words. The technique is intended mainly to identify combinatorial abilities, the level of fluency of abstract-logical thinking. The result is also of great importance to the ability to generalize, the ability to highlight essential features, the amount of words. The technique is intended mainly to identify combinatorial abilities, the level of fluency of abstract-logical thinking. The result is also of great importance to the ability to generalize, the ability to highlight essential features, the amount of words. The technique is intended mainly to identify combinatorial abilities, the level of fluency of abstract-logical thinking. The result is also of great importance to the ability to generalize, the ability to highlight essential features, the amount of words. The technique is intended mainly to identify combinatorial abilities, the level of fluency of abstract-logical thinking. The result is also of great importance to the ability to generalize, the ability to identify essential features, the amount of words. The technique is intended mainly to identify combinatorial abilities, the level of fluency of abstract-logical thinking. The result is also of great importance to the ability to generalize, the ability to identify essential features, the amount of words. The technique is intended mainly to identify combinatorial abilities, the level of fluency of abstract-logical thinking. The result is also of great importance to the ability to generalize, the ability to identify essential features, the amount of words. The technique is intended mainly to identify combinatorial abilities, the level of fluency of abstract-logical thinking. The result is also of great importance to the ability to generalize, the ability to highlight essential features, the amount of words. psychological test designed to diagnose analytical mathematical abilities. Analytical mathematical abilities are academic. That is, first of all, they allow a person to better absorb educational material, in this case - mathematics. This psychological test is designed to diagnose analytical mathematical abilities. Analytical mathematical abilities are academic. That is, first of all, they allow a person to better assimilate educational material, in this case, mathematics. This psychological test is designed to diagnose analytical mathematical abilities. Analytical mathematical abilities are academic. That is, first of all, they allow a person to better assimilate educational material, in this case, mathematics. This psychological test is designed to diagnose analytical mathematical abilities. Analytical mathematical abilities are academic. That is, first of all, they allow a person to better assimilate educational material, in this case, mathematics. The technique is designed to study the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to identify essential features. The technique is designed to study the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to identify essential features. The technique is designed to study the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to identify essential features. The technique is designed to study the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to identify essential features. The technique is designed to study the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to identify essential features. The level of general awareness of the subject is of great importance for the result. Therefore, this technique is a chorus. The technique is designed to study the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to highlight essential features. The level of general awareness of the subject is of great importance for the result. Therefore, this technique is a chorus. The technique is designed to study the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to highlight essential features. The level of general awareness of the subject is of great importance for the result. Therefore, this technique is a chorus. The technique is designed to study the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to highlight essential features. The level of general awareness of the subject is of great importance for the result. Therefore, this technique is a chorus. This psychodiagnostic technique is designed to study the level of concentration and attention stability of the subject. This psychodiagnostic technique is designed to study the level of concentration and attention stability of the subject. This psychodiagnostic technique is designed to study the level of concentration and attention stability of the subject. This psychodiagnostic technique is designed to study the level of concentration and attention stability of the subject. Individual psychological characteristics that determine the success of an activity or a series of activities, not reducible to knowledge, skills and abilities, but causing the ease and speed of learning new ways and methods of activity (B.M. Teplov). If the number of points matches your age, then everything is in order. For those who prefer creative activity, it is desirable that psychological age not ahead of the passport. Do you have significant creative potential that presents you with a wide range of possibilities. If you can actually apply your abilities, then a wide variety of forms of creativity are available to you. There are people who are always on the alert - nothing can surprise them, stun them, confuse them. Their opposite is scattered and inattentive people, lost in the simplest situations. What is your management style: directive, collegial or conniving. If you are a pedestrian, then this test is not for you. Otherwise, it will not hurt you to find out for yourself whether you are a good driver or not. The proposed test, compiled by a French psychologist, is at the same time an exercise that will allow parents to better understand the issues of raising boys and girls. Communication tendencies. organizational tendencies. It is designed to assess the productivity of non-verbal imagination. This test is designed to assess the level of development of visual-motor integration. The test refers to non-verbal psychodiagnostic methods for intellectual abilities. The level of development of visual-motor integration is one of the important characteristics of visual-active thinking. This test will help assess both the level of fluency in visual-effective thinking and the amount of attention. ... ... ... This test is designed to assess the level of development of visual-motor integration. The test refers to non-verbal psychodiagnostic methods for intellectual abilities. The level of development of visual-motor integration is one of the important characteristics. This test is designed to assess the level of development of visual-motor integration. The test refers to non-verbal psychodiagnostic methods for intellectual abilities. The level of development of visual-motor integration is one of the important characteristics. This test is designed to assess the level of development of visual-motor integration. The test refers to non-verbal psychodiagnostic methods for intellectual abilities. The level of development of visual-motor integration is one of the important characteristics. This test is designed to assess the level of development of visual-motor integration. The test refers to non-verbal psychodiagnostic methods for intellectual abilities. The level of development of visual-motor integration is one of the important characteristics. The test consists of nineteen tasks for the logic of judgments. Having two judgments and relying only on them, one should derive a third one, relying on the relationship of concepts to each other. This test is widely used in America to diagnose the entrepreneurial spirit. Questionnaire aimed at self-assessment of observation. "Who is looking for a treasure - rarely finds it. And who is not looking - never finds." It is persistent people who clearly see goals and stubbornly strive for them to achieve some kind of success in life. Is this perseverance enough for you? Unprofessional test to study the level of motivation for personal wealth. Designed for self-testing. Assessment of own entrepreneurial abilities. A short questionnaire consisting of twelve pairs of judgments. It will help to determine the level of rationality of a person. Alert and meticulous, or dreamy and distracted? Sometimes it's good to be a tough leader. Here, however, a sober assessment of the characteristics of your leadership style and your character is necessary. To help you with this self-assessment, American management experts have developed a simple but useful test. It is based on the thesis that every leader has two types of mental resources: D-resources and B-resources. Are you a good diplomat? Do you lead the discussion in an authoritarian, overbearing and unceremonious manner? Your behavior does not receive an unambiguous assessment in the team? The Caesar test is designed to diagnose the amount of RAM. RAM is designed to store working information for a certain, short time. In a given short period of time, a person performs certain actions or operations using the information stored in RAM. The main metric characteristic of RAM is its volume. The speed of mental operations, as well as their quality, depends on the amount of RAM. Within the framework of the diagnosed cognitive style (CI), first of all, the stylistic features of thinking are evaluated, which are inextricably linked with the peculiarities of perception and the personality as a whole. The Benton test is usually used in pathopsychological diagnostics for suspected organic brain damage, as well as for clarifying their severity. This test is a kind of achievement test, that is, it is built according to the type of task that has the correct answer. Assertiveness is the ability not to act to the detriment of anyone, respecting the rights of other people, but at the same time not allowing "to twist ropes out of oneself." This test will help assess your own ability to achieve well-being in life, prosperity. The test is intended for self-testing, but with certain reservations it can also be used in the professional work of a psychologist. This test is designed to study the level of language flair of the subjects. This is not a Russian language test. Moreover, this is not a literature test. Linguistic flair means a clear understanding of the meaning of the words of Russian speech and possession of its various nuances. ... ... This test is designed to assess the level of intellectual development of persons aged 13 to 61 years. The test has 9 groups of tasks that allow you to determine the level of development of various components of intelligence. The test is designed to diagnose the level of development of "effective intelligence", that is, the general ability to solve practical intellectual problems. Most common intelligence tests have a "tendency" to diagnose "academic and" The test is designed to diagnose the level of development of "effective intelligence", that is, the general ability to solve practical intellectual problems. Most common intelligence tests have a "tendency" to diagnose "academic and" The test is designed to diagnosing the level of development of "effective intelligence", that is, the general ability to solve practical intellectual problems. The test is designed to diagnose the level of development of "effective intelligence", that is, the general ability to solve practical intellectual problems. Most common intelligence tests have a "tendency" to diagnose "academic" 6-8 grades (this corresponds to 7-9 grades in modern terms) The STU consists of 6 subtests, each of which can include from 15 to 25 homogeneous tasks.

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Nowadays, various superheroes are incredibly popular. Still, each of us would also like to have cool superpowers, such as being invincible or moving in time. What superpower do you think is the most amazing?


So, in our test, each superpower means human qualities, abilities and resources that are quite available to us in real life.

The first superpower that you chose symbolizes the resources and qualities that you have, but you do not recognize this, you deny their existence. You should awaken these abilities in yourself.

The second superpower - the one that interested you the least - symbolizes the abilities that you do not possess, but subconsciously look for them in other people. You would like to have a friend or partner who has these qualities, and he would perfectly complement you. Start looking for such a person.

1. Ability to see the future

This superpower in real life symbolizes qualities such as the ability to predict the course of events, well-developed intuition and insight. These qualities will warn against rash acts and bad influences.

2. Ability to be invisible

3. Ability to move in time

4. Great physical strength

5. Ability to fly

6. The ability to heal any wounds and raise the dead

This superpower is a symbol of compassion, mercy, the ability to support other people, inspiring them to believe in themselves.

The IQ test uses exercises for arithmetic counting, handling logical series, the ability to complete geometric figure, the ability to identify a fragment, remembering facts, the manipulation of letters in words, remembering technical drawings. After passing the test, you will see a graph with average values ​​for different ages and a mark on your IQ value, and you will also be able to find out the correct answers.

Logic, intuition and intelligence.

Many people think that the intellect is the same as the mind. Psychologists interpret intelligence more broadly. It is not only the ability to logical thinking but also the ability to correctly assess the situation and find the right solutions. Intelligence is also the ability to adapt to life and not get lost when it throws up surprises. As for logic and intuition, these are faithful assistants of the intellect in solving various problems. And it is the intellect that determines what to give preference to. Use the test to check how well logic and intuition help you solve mental problems.

Are you an attentive person?

There are people who are always on the alert - almost nothing can surprise them, stun them, confuse them. Their complete opposite is scattered and inattentive people who get lost in the simplest situations. The proposed test is more of a game than a reason for serious conclusions, but still, maybe it will make you think about something. Answer "yes" or "no" to next questions:

General verbal test

Verbal talent - possession of lexicographic skills - understanding the meaning of words and the ability to use them effectively. People with high level verbal skills often succeed in the professional field associated with the written word (writer, journalist, editor, critic), in teaching, in the legal industry, as well as actors, psychologists, translators and interviewers.

Eysenck test No. 1

Dr. Eysenck developed the IQ test in the middle of the 20th century. His tests give the most accurate IQ measurement. When tested on a typical modern intelligence test, about 50% of the population has an IQ between 90 and 110, with 25% below 90. (A score of 100 is the sample average). And only 14.5% of people have an IQ of 110 to 120, 7% - from 120 to 130, 3% - from 130 to 140. And no more than 0.5% of the population have an IQ of more than 140.

Think logically! Can you?

The concept of "logical", i.e. analytical, or deductive, can be used in relation to a person who is characterized by the ability to reason or the ability to build an orderly and convincing proof.

IQ Test #1 (Brain Explosion)

IQ (translated from English intelligence quotient) - the amount of intelligence (KI), intellectual art, mental alertness, the work of thought. In Russia, the term IQ has taken root - a quantitative assessment of the level of a person's intelligence relative to the average person of the same age. IQ tests determine thinking ability, not the level of knowledge ("erudition"). The IQ test uses exercises in arithmetic counting, handling logical series, the ability to complete a geometric figure, the ability to identify a fragment, memorizing facts, manipulating letters in words, memorizing technical drawings. Tests not only show your CI, but reveal your preferred way of thinking (logical, figurative, mathematical, verbal). The lower the score you get for one of the strategies, the more reserves are hidden in you. By identifying the gaps in your strategies, you can then train them and raise your CI.

diagnostic test

"School Abilities"

teacher primary school MOU "Secondary School No. 13", Vorkuta

Test Rules

Interviewed schoolchildren are given checklists with question numbers, next to which you need to enter a “+” sign if the answer is positive, and a “-” sign if the answer is negative. The content of the questions is read by the teacher.


Content of the questions :

Is it true that you loved very much as a child?

1. Do you play outdoor games for a long time?

2. Invent games and lead them?

3. Play checkers, chess?

4. Break toys to see what's inside?

6. Talk to strangers or ask questions?

7. Listen to music and dance rhythmically to it?

8. Draw yourself or watch others draw?

Do you like it now?

10. Do you attend physical education classes or sections?

11. Voluntarily take on the duties of the organizer of the case?

12. Help the guys solve math problems?

14. Participate in amateur performances?

15. Help other people figure out their problems?

17. Engage in an art studio, in a fine circle?

18. Write essays on a free topic?

Do you get special pleasure?

19. From participating and fighting in sports competitions?

20. From your ability to arrange people, distribute work?

21. From solving difficult math problems?

22.From fixing household electrical appliances or radio appliances?

23. From playing on stage?

24. From communicating with people?

25. From acquaintance with new musical instruments, musical works?

26. From visiting an art exhibition?

27. From a retelling of some event, read or seen?

Are you often drawn?

28. To long physical exercises?

29. To matters in a group that require your initiative or perseverance?

30. To solve mathematical charades?

31. To the manufacture of any products (models)?

32. Participate in the performance?

33. Help people, sympathize with them?

34. Play on musical instrument?

35. Draw with paints or pencils?

36. Write poetry, prose, or just keep a diary?

Do you love a long time?

37. Go in for sports or physical labor?

38. Do you work energetically with others?

39. Engage in drawing or chess combination?

40. Digging into mechanisms, devices?

41. Taking care of younger, weak or sick people?

42. Think about the fate of people, heroes of the books you like?

43. Perform musical pieces?

44. Perform musical pieces?

45. Prepare for a report, message, essay?

Results processing

Each vertical column characterizes one of the directions in the development of personality abilities:

I- physical (sports)

II- organizational

III- mathematical

IV- design and technical

V- emotional-pictorial (artistic)

VI- communicative

VII- musical

VIII- artistic and visual

IX- philological

During data processing, the sum of positive answers for each column is calculated.


"Determination of the creative inclinations of schoolchildren"

primary school teacher, secondary school No. 13, Vorkuta

Test rules:

Read each question carefully. Circle the word "Yes" if you agree with what is written if it is true for you. Circle the word "No" if the wording doesn't apply to you.

Yes. No. 1. I love to compose my own songs.

Yes. No. 2. I like to walk alone.

Yes. No. 3. My dad and mom love to play with me.

Yes. No. 4. I ask a lot of questions.

Yes. No. 5. Writing stories and fairy tales is an empty task.

Yes. No. 6. I like to have only one or two friends.

Yes. No. 7. I don't mind if the rules of the game change sometimes.

Yes. No. 8. I have some really good ideas.

Yes. No. 9. I love to draw.

Yes. No. 10. I love things that are difficult to do.

Yes. No. 11. The sun in the figure should always be yellow.

Yes. No. 12. I like to take everything apart to understand how it works.

Yes. No. 13. I like coloring pictures more than drawing myself.

Yes. No. 14. Easy puzzles are the most interesting.

Yes. No. 15. Sometimes dad or mom do something with me.

Yes. No. 16. I love learning new things about animals.

Yes. No. 17. My dad likes to do something around the house.

Yes. No. 18. I don't like it when other children ask a lot of questions.

Yes. No. 19. It's hard to find something to do when you're alone.

Yes. No. 20. My dad thinks I usually do the right thing.

Yes. No. 21. I love stories about the distant past.

Yes. No. 22. I prefer to play old games than new ones.

Yes. No. 23. When I want to do something, but it's hard for me, I give up this idea and take on something else.

Yes. No. 24. I always play with my friends, but I don't like to play alone.


For every positive answer("Yes") 1 point is awarded for negative answers("Not") – 0 points.

In paragraphs 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 0 points are awarded instead of 1 point, and 1 point instead of 0 points. This is done because in these paragraphs a sign is affirmed that is opposite to the one being evaluated.

1. Variety of interests .

Let's calculate total amount points for answers in items 1, 5, 9, 16. 21.


IIdegree - 2-3 points (medium expressed)

IIIdegree - 4-5 points (clearly expressed)


Let's calculate the total score for the answers in paragraphs 2, 8, 11, 13, 19, 24

Idegree - 0-2 points (weakly expressed)

IIdegree - 3-4 points (medium expressed)

IIIdegree - 4-5 points (clearly expressed)

3. Flexibility, adaptability

Let's calculate the total score for the answers in paragraphs 6. 7. 22

Idegree - 0-1 point (weakly expressed)



4. Curiosity

Let's calculate the total score for the answers in paragraphs 4, 12, 18

Idegree - 0-1 point (weakly expressed)

IIdegree - 2 points (medium expressed)

IIIdegree - 3 points (clearly expressed)

5. Persistence

Let's calculate the total score for the answers in paragraphs 10, 14, 23

Idegree - 0-1 point (weakly expressed)

IIdegree - 2 points (medium expressed)

IIIdegree - 3 points (clearly expressed)

6. Information about the family environment

We calculate the total score for the answers in paragraphs 3, 15. 17, 20

Idegree - 0-1 point (does not contribute much)

IIdegree - 2 points (medium contributes)

IIIdegree - 3 points (obviously contributes, the degree of influence of the family environment for the development of creative inclinations of students)
