Federal University of the South. Southern Federal University: faculties. Southern Federal University (SFU (RSU)) FGAU VPO Southern Federal University

People are attracted to this university primarily because here they can get a high-quality classical education. Some people have a great chance to travel abroad and do an internship at leading foreign partner universities. Applicants choosing SFU are interested, first of all, in what faculties there are here. Before talking about them, it is worth understanding the history of the creation of the university and getting acquainted with its multi-level structure.

Creation of an educational institution and its goals

In 2006, a large Russian university, the Southern Federal University, began operating in Rostov-on-Don. It has absorbed the traditions and knowledge accumulated by other universities, since SFU was founded on the basis of 4 united educational organizations:

  • Rostov State University, operating since 1915;
  • Rostov Pedagogical University, which began training personnel in 1930;
  • operating since 1952;
  • Rostov Academy of Architecture and Arts, which appeared in 1988.

The university was created with the aim of preserving and enhancing existing traditions, improving educational services, training highly qualified specialists, and active participation in research and innovation activities.

Structure of the educational organization

Since the Southern Federal University was created on the basis of several universities, it has a multi-level structure. The educational institution has academies, institutes, faculties and other divisions that organize training in specialties.

All existing structural units are combined into 5 large groups related to specific areas of knowledge:

  • physics, mathematics and natural sciences;
  • engineering direction;
  • socio-economic and humanitarian direction;
  • direction of education and science in the field of pedagogy and psychology;
  • direction of education and science in the field of arts and architecture.

Faculties of physics, mathematics and natural sciences

This group of departments includes the Faculty of Physics. This is one of the largest structural units Southern Federal University. This faculty works with schoolchildren. There is a school on its premises. additional education. There are children in it from the very beginning early years study interesting science, immerse themselves in various experiments, and become interested in solving problems. After completing their studies at this school, many enter the Faculty of Physics at Yuzhny federal university, choosing the most suitable and interesting specialties for yourself.

The Faculty of Chemistry also belongs to the physics, mathematics and natural sciences. On it, students study theory, spend time in laboratories chemical research. Applicants are offered one undergraduate course (“Chemistry”) and one specialty (“Applied and Fundamental Chemistry”). In senior years, students improve their acquired knowledge and skills in the specializations that are most interesting to them, of which there are more than 10.

Faculty of Engineering

The engineering department at the Southern Federal University includes the Faculty of Military Training. Its history began in the 20s of the last century. The currently existing faculty has several main tasks. Within the structure of the Southern Federal University, it must:

  • implement military training programs for reserve officers at military departments in military specialties;
  • carry out educational activities and work on military-professional orientation of youth.

Military education, which can be obtained at the faculty in question at the Southern Federal University, is considered additional. University students who undergo a medical examination, the stage of professional and psychological selection, and successfully pass physical training standards are accepted for training.

Management department

The Southern Federal University includes faculties related to socio-economic and humanitarian areas. One of these structural units is the Faculty of Management. It appeared in 2014 due to the shortage of management personnel in the region and country. This structural unit was separated from the Faculty of Economics.

For applicants at the Faculty of Management, one direction of bachelor's degree is offered - “Applied Informatics and Mathematics”. On it, students gain knowledge on the use of information technologies and systems in business, mathematical methods for making important management decisions. The proposed direction is characterized by a large volume project work, students undergo practice, perform research papers and solve important practical problems.

Faculty of Economics

Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don) has an economic structural division. It grew out of the Faculty of Economics and Philosophy, which existed at Rostov State University since 1965. Currently, this is a fairly large structural unit, which includes 8 departments, 6 educational and research laboratories, 5 educational centers. The faculty sees its goals as:

  • in the quality implementation of the educational process;
  • expansion of services;
  • development of human resources;
  • improving the material and technical base;
  • development of the faculty’s research potential;
  • development towards national and international recognition.

On Faculty of Economics Applicants are offered 2 areas of training - “Management” and “Economics”. In the first direction, students study financial and organizational management, business process management strategy, practice and theory of management decision making. At "Economics" students get acquainted with current disciplines. Teachers from different departments may be involved in delivering lectures on one subject. This allows students to develop a systematic vision of ongoing economic processes.

College of Applied Vocational Education

The Southern Federal University aims to train specialists not only with higher education. The structure includes the college of applied vocational education.

This unit began its work in 2015. A college was created on the basis of:

  • economic college related to higher school business;
  • College of Arts and Humanities, which was previously part of the Academy of Architecture and Arts.

Directions of preparation in college

This structural unit of the Southern Federal University implements its educational activities in 6 specialties:

  • "Information Systems";
  • “Folk artistic creativity”;
  • “Organization and law of social security”;
  • "Banking";
  • "Finance";
  • “Accounting and economics (by industry).”

In all available areas of training, there is only full-time training. You can enter some specialties not only after 11th grade (i.e. on the basis of secondary general education). Persons who have completed 9 grades can also receive secondary vocational education.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Southern Federal University provides students with excellent opportunities to obtain quality education. Students can use modern computers, technical equipment and laboratory instruments, communicate with highly qualified teachers and receive the necessary knowledge from them theoretical knowledge and practical skills. It is worth noting that SFU students study not only in Rostov-on-Don. The Southern Federal University has branches in Gelendzhik, Zheleznovodsk, Makhachkala, Novoshakhtinsk, and Uchkeken.

Year of foundation: 1915
Number of students studying at the university: 30024
Cost of studying at the university: 20 - 150 thousand rubles.

Address: 344006, Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, Bolshaya Sadovaya, 105/42


Email: [email protected]
Website: www.sfedu.ru


About the university

By Government Order Russian Federation dated November 23, 2006 N1616-r as a result of joining as structural divisions to the state educational institution of higher professional education "Rostov State University"state educational institutions of higher professional education
- "Rostovskaya state academy architecture and art",
- "Rostov State Pedagogical University",
- "Taganrog State Radio Engineering University"
Southern Federal University was founded

State educational institution higher professional education "Rostov State University" was created by Decree of the Provisional Government of Russia of May 5, 1917 N 1227.

The state educational institution of higher professional education "Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art" was created by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR "On the further development of architecture and urban planning in the RSFSR" dated December 25, 1987 N 513.

The state educational institution of higher professional education "Rostov State Pedagogical University" was created by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on June 3, 1930 and by order of the People's Commissariat of Education of October 9, 1930.

The state educational institution of higher professional education "Taganrog State Radio Engineering University" was formed by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated December 28, 1951 N 5389-2346 and by order of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education dated January 9, 1952 N 18.

The university is the legal successor of the state educational institutions of higher professional education "Rostov State University", "Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art", "Rostov State Pedagogical University" and "Taganrog State Radio Engineering University".

The university has a license to conduct educational activities N 16 G-046 dated March 6, 1994, issued by the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia, and is considered to have state accreditation in accordance with Resolution of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia No. 6 dated November 30, 1994.

Southern Federal University, a leading center for the development of education, science and culture, is the highest educational institution federal jurisdiction. The founder of the university is the Government of the Russian Federation.

Southern Federal (Rostov) University is traditionally known for developments and research in various fields of science. Significant progress has been made in the analysis and synthesis of a number of organic compounds, the electronic and spatial structure of their molecular structure, in the development of new highly efficient ferroelectric materials and technologies for their production, non-destructive testing methods, theoretical and applied problems of mechanical engineering, construction and architecture, fundamental and applied problems of cybernetics brain, problems of artificial intelligence, automated medical and biological systems, in the development of a new concept of management in a market economy, problems of the dialectics of material and spiritual culture.

The international activities of the university include work on training students, interns, graduate students and doctoral students from foreign countries, including on a contract basis, conducting joint scientific research, exchange of teachers and researchers.

University scientists are actively working on international cooperation programs with colleagues from foreign countries: the USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Yugoslavia, Poland, China, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, etc.

SFU (RSU) participates in a number of targeted programs within the framework of trans-European projects in the field of education: Tempus2, Tacis, etc. Partners include the University of Dortmund (Germany) and the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (UK), etc.

In accordance with the Law on Education, Rostov State University is certified by the State Inspectorate for Certification of Educational Institutions of Russia in all specialties.

Economics and Management

Informatics and Computer Science

Linguistics and literary criticism


Forms of training


Education levels


SFU Admissions Committee

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 08:30 to 17:00

Latest reviews of SFU

Valeria Dovnar 22:02 12/07/2013

I entered the Russian State University (now it is part of the Southern Federal University) in 2001, majoring in soil science at the Faculty of Soil Biology. Graduated in 2006. I entered the full-time, budget department, I went to soil science because I didn’t get 1 point in biology, although many of the same guys successfully entered the evening and part-time courses. It was interesting to study, there were a lot of good teachers who gave not only interesting lectures, seminars or laboratory works, but for all 5 years they drove us along Rostovskaya...

Natalya Lionova 02:34 07/01/2013

From 2006 to 2011 I was a student at the Southern Federal University, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Religious Studies. This university is the largest and most popular higher education institution in the city. In order to enter the budget, I studied social studies with a teacher at this department for a year before entering, studied Russian myself, and re-read everything on the exam topics for the interview. In the summer I easily passed the exams and became a student. 2 groups were formed...

general information

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution higher education"South Federal University"

SFU branches

SFU colleges


No. 01901 valid indefinitely from 01/29/2016


No. 02602 valid from 05/29/2017

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for SFU

Index2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)5 6 7 7 7 6
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study73.62 73.05 72.96 70.71 70.88 74.14
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget74.33 74.25 73.85 71.37 71.32 75.76
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis70.72 69.63 69.83 67.55 66.67 69.45
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students58.97 59.96 60.53 57.71 58.08 62.95
Number of students22842 22997 23585 26772 30365 24365
Full-time department16028 15959 16172 16822 19218 14580
Part-time department1516 1475 1255 1409 1546 1938
Extramural5298 5563 6158 8541 9601 7847
All data