Demonstration version of the exam in biology of the year. Evaluation of tests in biology of the Unified State Examination

Final exams not far away. It's time to start intensive preparation. Including those who have decided to take the Unified State Exam as their choice. Quite a few this year, as in previous years, will choose biology for this year. So now we’ll talk about what awaits graduates in the Unified State Examination in Biology in 2018.

Relevance of the discipline

Who is most likely to take the Unified State Exam in biology in 2018? First of all, those students for whom such specialties as biologist or biotechnologist, ecologist, biophysicist, zoologist, paleontologist, and veterinarian are desirable.

The discipline is also considered mandatory for those who dream of becoming a doctor and are planning to storm medical universities. A strong knowledge of biology and a high exam score in the subject are also required for future psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, and defectologists. Another specialized area: universities and departments of sports orientation.

Dates for the Unified State Examination in Biology in 2018

As usual, to the graduates of 2017-2018 school year will have to take the Unified State Exam in Biology, which has three stages.

The preliminary exam, which is expected on April 4, 2018, can be attended by graduates of previous years or current schoolchildren who have documented that they will not be able to meet the main requirements. Unified State Exam dates. There is also a reserve - April 11.

For those who experience force majeure that prevents them from coming to the exam at the usual time, the option of an additional chance is left. Students who can prove that they missed the main stage for a good reason will be able to take this exam in September.

How did past graduates cope with the subject?

About 7% of all graduates choose this subject for the Unified State Exam.. In addition, over the past few years their number has decreased: from 129 thousand in 2016 to 112 thousand in 2017.

There is another alarming figure: 18% of schoolchildren failed the last biology exam in 2017. There were approximately the same number a year earlier, even a little more: by 0.3%.

The main group of graduates passed this exam with a C, gaining an average of 53.2-53.8 final points.

Are there any innovations expected in the Unified State Exam in biology in 2018?

Should this year's graduates and future applicants expect significant changes in the Unified State Examination in Biology in 2018? Hardly. If there are adjustments, they will be minimal and insignificant. Since in 2017, the KIMs on this subject were seriously improved.

The test format questions disappeared from them, where it was enough to choose, even at random, one answer option from those provided in the KIMs.

The number of questions has decreased, and much more: there are now 28 versus the previous 40. You need to master these tasks in 210 minutes. The approximate “storyboard” is as follows: it is optimal to spend approximately 5 minutes on each of the questions in the first section and 10-20 minutes on each task in block 2.

New requirements have appeared for the tasks of the first block; new types of tasks are included here, the implementation of which requires specific skills: skills in working with tables and various graphical diagrams, including charts and graphs. The ability to perform both analysis and synthesis of available information is also desirable.

Contents of examination CIMs

In this test, the graduate is required to show how he has mastered the material on the development and structure of plants, fungi, lichens, and animals. The basics of human structure and functioning will also be presented with ticket questions. Students are also expected to know the basics of the theory of evolution, understand general biological patterns, have a deep understanding of the structure and functions of cells, etc. An important section of knowledge in the subject are topics related to the biosphere and ecology of the planet.

Block No. 1. The maximum points that an 11th grader can score is 39. There are 21 tasks for choosing answers and the ability to produce comparative analysis, solving problems on genetics and the basics of cytology, there will also be analytical work with tables and figures. You need to act quickly, and your answers need to be extremely brief.

In the second block Completing tasks requires voluminous, complete answers. But for these 7 tasks you can get 20 points. Total we get 59 primary points, translated into the final result they will amount to 100 points. And for a satisfactory result you need a minimum of 36 points.

Optimal preparation for the Unified State Exam in biology in 2018

Science is not easy, it requires care and understanding, and not just rote memorization. Therefore, preparation is needed methodically, constantly, and not from time to time, and not in an emergency on the eve of the exam.

Basic training includes the study of terminology; without knowledge of it, it is difficult to navigate biology as a science. To make memorization easier, use visualization techniques, that is, support the theory with illustrative material, look for pictures, graphs, diagrams, which will become the basis for associative memory work.

Ask questions to your teacher and classmates who are knowledgeable about the topic. Practice tests from previous years, as well as new demo versions of the exam. Tune in for a positive result!

Unified State Examination scores and grades in biology in 2018

To the usual school system Unified State Examination points are translated as follows:

  • “two”, unsatisfactory result, corresponds to 0-35 points;
  • “C” was earned by examinees who scored 36-54 points;
  • “four” – this is how you can translate the sum of points in the range from 55 to 71;
  • “excellent”, a five-star result becomes the property of schoolchildren with an exam result of 72 points or more.

The minimum required for successful, albeit satisfactory, passing of the exam is 36 points. At the same time, to enter a profession that is far from prestigious and not on a budget, you must at least have a certificate with 50 points. High-quality universities have much higher requirements: only those whose Unified State Examination score in biology is 84 points or more will be accepted into the budget form of education.

How will the Unified State Examination in biology be organized in 2018?

All auxiliary materials that are required to work with CMMs will be provided by the exam organizers, You cannot bring anything from reference or illustrative literature with you.

Phones, tablets and other gadgets are also illegal. If anyone is hoping for cheat sheets or tips from a wise neighbor, then do not forget: the examining committee is very vigilant, and 100% of the classrooms in which the Unified State Exam in biology will be held in 2018 are promised to be equipped with online monitoring systems.

In addition, work continues to prevent information leaks. In particular, more and more schools are choosing a format where exam tickets are printed on the spot, and accidents and deliberate fraud during the delivery and transportation of CMMs are excluded. It is believed that already in 2019, all schools will switch to the new algorithm for printing tickets, and examination classes will be equipped with the appropriate equipment.

Answers and solution – Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2018 BIOLOGY project

Part 1

Exercise 1. Hereditary variability can be mutational or combinative. Answer: Combinative

Task 2. A cytogenetic research method is an analysis that can be used to determine existing changes in the chromosomal apparatus. Simply put, this is what we can see under a microscope. We cannot determine 1, 2, 5 using this method. Only 3 and 4 remain. Answer: 3 and 4

Task 3. In a somatic cell - 2n, in a reproductive cell - n. 56/2=28 Answer: 28

OR 50–18=32 Answer: 32%

Task 4. It's clear before us plant cell(large vacuole, platids and cell wall). We need to write down 2 “outliers”, which means 1 is not suitable, because they are shown in the picture, 3 is not suitable because it is a plant cell, it is capable of photosynthesis, 5 is also not suitable, because this is inherent in all cells. 2 is suitable for us, as it is inherent only in an animal cell, and 4 is also suitable, since phagocytosis cannot take place due to the thick cell wall. Answer: 24

OR 1,4 and 5 refer to the DNA molecule. 2 – messenger RNA, 3 – ribosomal RNA. Answer: 2.3

Task 5. Oxygen-free cleavage occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. It is also called anaerobic respiration (glycolysis) or fermentation. The term "fermentation" is usually applied to processes occurring in the cells of plants or microorganisms. At this stage, further breakdown of substances continues with the participation of enzymes. For example, in muscles, as a result of anaerobic respiration, a glucose molecule breaks down into two lactic acid molecules. Phosphoric acid and ADP are involved in the breakdown of glucose and, due to the energy released as a result of their breakdown, ATP molecules are formed.

In yeast fungi, the glucose molecule under oxygen-free conditions is broken down into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. This process is called alcoholic fermentation.

In other microorganisms, the process of glycolysis ends with the formation of acetone, acetic acid etc. In all cases, the breakdown of one glucose molecule is accompanied by the formation of two ATP molecules. During the oxygen-free breakdown of glucose to form lactic acid, 40% of the released energy is stored in the ATP molecule, and the rest of the energy is dissipated as heat.

The third stage of energy metabolism is called aerobic respiration, or oxygen splitting. This stage of energy metabolism is also accelerated by enzymes. Substances formed in the cell at previous stages, with the participation of oxygen, decompose into the final products CO2 and H2O. During oxygen respiration, a large amount of energy is released, which accumulates in ATP molecules. When two molecules of lactic acid are broken down in the presence of oxygen, 36 molecules of ATP are formed. Consequently, aerobic respiration plays the main role in providing the cell with energy. All living organisms, according to the method of obtaining energy, are divided into two large groups: autotrophic and heterotrophic.

Answer: 12121

Task 6.

A AA Ahh
A Ahh ahh

Phenotypic split 3:1. Answer: 31

Task 7.

The gonad is an organ in which sex cells are formed or (as in higher vertebrates and humans) only reproduce, grow and mature.

Fertilization is the process of fusion of male and female reproductive cells, resulting in the formation of one cell, which is the beginning of a new organism.

Oogenesis is the development of the female reproductive cell - the ovum (egg).

1, 3, 4 refer to sexual disunion. 2.5 are classified as asexual. Answer: 25

Task 8.

Hereditary variability Hereditary variability (genotypic variability) is caused by the occurrence of different types of mutations and their combinations, which are inherited and subsequently manifested in the offspring.

Modification (phenotypic) variability - changes in the body associated with a change in phenotype due to influence environment and are in most cases adaptive in nature. The genotype does not change.

Answer: 11212

1 - ectoderm - the outer germ layer of the embryo in the early stages of development.

The ectoderm forms the nervous system (in vertebrates: the spinal cord, peripheral nerves and brain), tooth enamel and epidermis (skin epithelium). It also forms the sensory organs, the epithelium of the anterior and posterior sections of the digestive system.

2 - mesoderm - or mesoblast - the middle germ layer in multicellular animals (except sponges and coelenterates). Located between the ectoderm and endoderm.

The notochord, cartilaginous and bone skeleton, muscles, kidneys, and blood vessels are subsequently formed from the mesoderm.

Answer: 12221

Task 9.

1 – mammals

3 – reptiles

4 – mammals

5 – reptiles

6 – mammals

1 – microscopic

4 – aerobic

5 – pathogenic organism

Task 10.

The roots of the vast majority of plants perform six main functions:

  1. Roots hold the plant in a certain position. This function is obvious for terrestrial plants; it is especially significant for large trees with large mass branches and leaves. In many aquatic plants, fastening to the bottom allows the leaves to be advantageously distributed in space. In floating plants, such as duckweed, the roots prevent the plant from turning over.
  2. The roots provide soil nutrition to the plant, absorbing water from the soil with minerals dissolved in it, and conducting substances to the shoot (Fig. 1).
  3. In some plants, reserve nutrients such as starch and other carbohydrates are stored in the main root.
  4. Formation occurs in the roots certain substances, necessary for the plant body. Thus, in the roots, nitrates are reduced to nitrites, and some amino acids and alkaloids are synthesized.
  5. Roots can carry out symbiosis with fungi and microorganisms living in the soil (mycorrhiza, nodules of representatives of the legume family).
  6. With the help of roots, vegetative propagation can be carried out (for example, by root suckers). Plants such as dandelion, plum, raspberry, and lilac reproduce by root suckers.

Main functions of the sheet:

  • photosynthesis;
  • breath;
  • transpiration.

Answer: 112212

Task 11.

Plant Kingdom

Department Angiosperms

Class Monocots

Family Cereals

Rod Bluegrass

Type Meadow bluegrass

Answer: 534621

Task 12.

Sympathetic nervous system innervates all organs and tissues (stimulates the heart, increases the lumen of the respiratory tract, inhibits the secretory, motor and absorption activity of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.).

The sympathetic system is responsible for the body's functioning during times of stress.

1 and 2 in the figure coincide, 3 in the figure is not shown at all, 4 indicates a hammer, 5 shows an anvil, 6 also coincides.

Task 13.

Epithelial - forms the outer covering of the skin, consists of closely adjacent cells.

Connective – performs the function of support and nutrition, produces antibodies.

Nervous – has conductivity, forms the gray matter of the spinal cord.

Answer: 321213

Task 14.

The sequence of processes occurring in the human digestive system during the digestion of food: the beginning of starch breakdown (oral cavity) → swelling and partial breakdown of proteins (stomach) → breakdown of all food biopolymers into monomers (duodenum) → absorption of amino acids and glucose into the blood (small intestine) → intensive absorption of water (large intestine).

Answer: 32541

Task 15.

Species criteria are characteristics by which 2 organisms are compared to determine whether they belong to the same species or to different ones.

Morphological - internal and external structure.

Physiological-biochemical - how organs and cells work - sentence 6.

Behavioral - behavior, especially at the time of reproduction.

Ecological - a set of environmental factors necessary for the life of a species (temperature, humidity, food, competitors, etc.) - sentences 1 and 3.

Geographic - range (area of ​​distribution), i.e. the territory in which a given species lives.

Genetic - the same number and structure of chromosomes, which allows organisms to produce fertile offspring.

It is necessary to select three sentences describing the morphological (external structure) criterion of the form:

(2) It has a tall slender trunk, the crown is formed only near the top. (4) It has well-developed main and lateral roots, needle-shaped leaves, two needles per node on the shoot. (5) Greenish-yellow male cones and reddish female cones develop on young shoots.

Task 16.

Methods for studying evolution are evidence of the evolution of living nature. Paleontological method: remains of wild-toothed lizards; phylogenetic series of the horse. Comparative anatomical method: cactus spines and barberry spines; multiple nipples in humans; human appendix.

Answer: 21122

Task 17.

The stability of the ecosystem of a humid equatorial forest (any biogeocenosis can be specified) is determined by: large species diversity; branched food webs; closed cycle of substances.

Task 18.

Abiotic (factors of inanimate nature): increase in atmospheric air pressure; change in ecosystem topography caused by an earthquake. Biotic (wildlife factors): change in the population of hares as a result of an epidemic; interaction between wolves in a pack; competition for territory between pine trees in the forest.

Answer: 11222

Task 19.

Evolutionary processes on Earth in chronological order:

the formation of coacervates in water → the appearance of cellular life forms → the emergence of photosynthesis → the formation of an ozone screen → the emergence of organisms onto land.

Answer: 4, 5, 2, 3, 1

Task 20.

Depicted "industrial melanism of butterflies"

type of device: 6) camouflage;

form of natural selection: 4) driving

direction of evolution: 1) idioadaptation

A – mitochondria

B – protein biosynthesis

Task 21.

1) The optimal number of eggs in a clutch, allowing to maintain the number of starlings, is 5. (it is necessary to calculate the number of surviving chicks in each clutch, and make sure that in a clutch of 5 eggs, 80% are 4 chicks)

3) The fewer eggs in the clutch, the more effective the care of the offspring.

Other conclusions CANNOT be made based on this table.

4) in the range from 20 to 36 °C it increases.

5) decreases at temperatures above 36 °C due to the denaturation of some proteins in the bacterial cell.

Sentence 5 is not entirely correct, because Based on the graph, it is impossible to find out the reason for the decrease in the rate of bacterial reproduction

This animal is: 2) a consumer of the second order (since the diet contains only animals); 4) semi-aquatic animal (since the diet includes fish and amphibians; and reptiles)

Incorrect sentences: 1) omnivore (no plants in the diet); 3) producers of organic substances; 5) an inhabitant of the tundra (amphibians and reptiles are not found in the tundra).

Task 22.

Before us are two pictures - A and B. Picture A shows an erythrocyte in an isotonic solution (the salt concentration in the erythrocyte and in the plasma is the same). Figure B shows a red blood cell in a hypertonic solution (the salt concentration in the solution is higher than in the red blood cell). The red blood cell in Figure B shriveled because the salt concentration in the solution was more than 0.9% and water passed from the red blood cell into the solution.

  1. Chromatography method ( method separation and analysis of mixtures of substances, as well as the study of physical and chemical properties of substances. It is based on the distribution of substances between two phases - stationary (solid phase or liquid bound on an inert carrier) and mobile (gas or liquid phase, eluent)).
  2. Substances will settle differently and pass through the sorbent layer, and this way we can separate chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.


Between A and B 5%

Between B and C 6%

Between A and C 11%

The percentage of crossing over is called morganida.

Task 23

1) A – phagocytosis (capture of solid particles by the cell); B – pinocytosis (capture of liquid droplets);

2) the plasma membrane of the cell is involved in these processes;

3) the phagocytotic vesicle will merge with the lysosome, its contents will undergo splitting (lysis); the resulting monomers enter the cytoplasm

  1. Mesozoic, Jurassic
  2. Moved from reptiles to birds
  3. Wings, feather cover, presence of tarsus - birds; jaws with teeth, the presence of paws with claws, a long tail of vertebrae - reptiles.

Task 24.

1) 2 – secretions formed in all exocrine glands enter through the excretory ducts not only onto the surface of the body, but also into the body cavities;

2) 3 – the secretions of the endocrine glands enter directly into the blood, since the endocrine glands do not have ducts;

3) 7 – thyroid hormone – thyroxine, and adrenaline – adrenal hormone

Task 25.

1) the water level changed in accordance with the number of leaves on the branch: the more leaves on the branch, the less water remained in the vessel;

2) measuring the water level allows you to obtain data on the process of absorption and evaporation of water by the plant;

3) S. Hales established a pattern: the amount of water absorbed by a plant is directly proportional to the total surface area of ​​the leaves.

Task 26.

1) during photosynthesis, oxygen concentration is regulated and carbon dioxide: oxygen is released and carbon dioxide is absorbed;

2) during respiration and fermentation, the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide is regulated: oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide is released;

3) as a result of nitrogen fixation by bacteria, it is absorbed molecular nitrogen From the atmosphere, nitrogen is released during denitrification.

Task 27.

1) nucleotide sequence of the tRNA region: TsGAAGGUGATSAAUGU;

2) the nucleotide sequence of the UGA anticodon (third triplet) corresponds to the codon on the ACU mRNA;

3) according to the table genetic code this codon corresponds to the TPE amino acid that this tRNA will carry

Task 28.

1) genotypes of the parents: father - X a Y, mother - X A X A (or X A X a); the trait is recessive, linked to sex (X chromosome), since it appears only in men, and not in every generation;

2) daughter (1) - X A X a - a carrier of the gene, since she inherits the X a chromosome from her father; her son (7) - X a Y, the trait appeared because he inherits the X a chromosome from his mother; daughter (6) - X A X a or X A X A;

3) the probability of having a child with the studied trait in woman No. 6: if her genotype is X A X a, then 25% (boys only); if her genotype is X A X A, then 0%.

The Unified State Exam in biology is taken at the choice of a student who plans to enter a higher education institution with a certain specialization. In terms of popularity, this subject ranks 5th-6th every yearplaces, about 18% of schoolchildren pass it. Which universities require biology? This subject is taken in educational institutions in the following areas: medicine, biology, pedagogy with the specialty “Biology teacher”, Agriculture, veterinary medicine, Physical Culture, psychology, garden design, ecology, technical specialties where biology borders on physics. Professions: psychologist, ecologist, athlete, engineer, doctor.

The work consists of tasks that are conventionally divided into two parts. In 2018, there were 28 tasks: 21 - tests, you need to choose an option from the proposed ones, 7 - increased complexity, you need to give a detailed answer.

The work is given 210 minutes - the student decides independently how to allocate time for answers.

The threshold score for admission to various universities depends on the specific requirement educational institution– this information needs to be clarified at the university.

  • The first part contains tasks on knowledge of theory and the ability to use this knowledge. Types of tasks in the first part: multiple choice (can be accompanied by a picture), establishing a logical sequence, solving problems, adding data to a table, analyzing data.
  • The second part aims to identify the characteristics and depth of knowledge of the subject. The purpose of such tasks is to test the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions, use theory in practice, justify one’s position, and think logically. It is this part of the test that is key in the selection process of potential university students.

The first part is checked automatically using a computer. The second is analyzed by specialists.

How difficult is the biology exam?

  • The main difficulty is the significant amount of information that needs to be repeated. School course begins in grades 5-6, so you will have to “dig deep” when preparing.
  • Difficulties are also associated with the structure of the exam. Not necessarily high quality theoretical knowledge guarantee successful passing the Unified State Exam– you need to learn how to perform certain types of tasks. You can learn this with the help of a professional tutor or by taking an online test. Every year, tasks of a new type are introduced into the structure - you need to be prepared for this.
  • The most difficult topics are: photosynthesis, DNA, energy metabolism. It is better to contact a tutor for these sections and assignments on this topic.

How to effectively prepare for the exam?

  • The main thing is to listen carefully in class and study textbooks. This will provide a solid basis for successfully passing the exam.
  • Planning: systematic preparation requires a stable and thorough study of the material of the Unified State Examination program.
  • Self-education: read reference books,

control measuring materials
single state exam 2018 in BIOLOGY

1. Purpose of KIM Unified State Exam

The Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam) is a form of objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have completed secondary education programs general education, using tasks of a standardized form (control measuring materials).

The Unified State Examination is conducted in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation.”

Control measuring materials make it possible to establish the level of mastery by graduates of the Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education in biology, the basic and specialized level.

The results of the unified state exam in biology are recognized educational organizations average vocational education and educational organizations of higher
vocational education as results entrance examinations in biology.

2. Documents defining the content of the Unified State Exam KIM

3. Approaches to selecting content and developing the structure of the Unified State Exam KIM

The basis for the development of the Unified State Exam KIM is the invariant core of content biological education, which is reflected in the Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education, various sample programs and textbooks recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for use in the implementation of those with state accreditation educational programs secondary general education in biology.
KIM Unified State Exam tests graduates’ mastery of knowledge and skills in the main sections of the biology course: “Plants”, “Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens”, “Animals”, “Man and his health”, “ General biology" This allows the test to cover the main content of the course and ensure the content validity of the CMM. The content of the KIM Unified State Exam does not go beyond the biology course high school and does not depend on what program and what textbook is taught in a particular educational organization.

The examination work is dominated by tasks in the “General Biology” section, since it integrates and generalizes the factual knowledge acquired in basic school, and examines general biological patterns that manifest themselves at different levels of the organization of living nature. These include: cellular, chromosomal, evolutionary theory; laws of heredity and variability; ecological patterns of biosphere development.

Assignments that control the degree of mastery of knowledge and skills cover the most significant issues in the content of the biology course and test the graduates’ level of scientific worldview and biological competence.

4. Structure of KIM Unified State Exam

Each version of the CMM examination paper contains 28 tasks and consists of two parts that differ in form and level of complexity. Part 1 contains 21 tasks:

7 - multiple choice with or without a picture;
6 - to establish correspondence with or without a picture;
3 - to establish the sequence of systematic taxa, biological objects, processes, phenomena;
2 - to solve biological problems in cytology and genetics;
1 - to supplement the missing information in the diagram;
1 - to supplement the missing information in the table;
1 - to analyze information presented in graphical or tabular form.

The answer to the tasks of Part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers written without spaces or separating characters.

Part 2 contains 7 tasks with detailed answers. In these tasks, the answer is formulated and written down by the examinee independently in detailed form. The tasks of this part of the work are aimed at identifying graduates with a high level of biological training.

In part 1, tasks 1-21 are grouped into content blocks presented in the codifier, which provides more accessible
perception of information. In part 2, tasks are grouped depending on the types being tested educational activities and in accordance with thematic affiliation.

After the thematic assignments in biology, start practicing. Because to demonstrate a high level of knowledge, you need to confidently work with diagrams, tables and graphs. Explain biological processes using graphic information.

First of all, download demo version of FIPI, which is a sample and gives an idea of ​​the structure and form of complexity of future tasks on the Unified State Exam.

Based on a new demo version developed 10 training options, register and track your knowledge level in personal account.

Identify, analyze mistakes and practice again. Your success is constantly solving options during preparation!

The Unified State Exam test in biology 2020 includes 28 tasks.

  • Part 1 contains 21 tasks with a short answer (sequence of numbers, number, word or phrase)
  • Part 2 contains 7 tasks with a detailed answer (give a full answer: explanation, description or justification; express and argue your own opinion).

The option is grouped thematically.

  1. The first part contains 21 tasks, which are grouped into content blocks presented in:
    • Multiple choice;
    • To establish correspondences;
    • To establish the sequence of processes or phenomena;
    • Problems in cytology and genetics;
    • To complement the drawings;
    • Analysis of a diagram or table.
  2. The second part contains 7 tasks. To successfully solve them, the student is required to thoroughly master the conceptual apparatus and competently operate with biological terms.

A short analysis of the conditions of some tasks

Tasks from the block of the first ticket:

  • – a biological fragment is presented that requires establishing connections between concepts;
  • – count the number of chromosomes and determine the number of cells formed during various processes;
  • – find examples in the text that correspond to the concepts;
  • – to test knowledge of species properties – select criteria from the test that correspond to the species.

Evaluation of tests in biology of the Unified State Examination

Behind first part maximum ticket – 38 points.
For solving problems second part - 20 points.

The points received for correctly completed tasks are summed up.

Converting points to grades

  • 0-35 points - 2,
  • 36-54 points - 3,
  • 55-71 points - 4,
  • 72 and above points - 5;

For admission to budget place V prestigious university you must score more than 84 points.

Decide! Go for it! Strive for the best!
