Branches of the food industry producing perishable products. Food industry in Russia: development and problems. Production of soft drinks

The food industry is the most important sector of the economy, creating food products based on the processing of agricultural raw materials (grain, potatoes, sugar beets, oilseeds, meat, milk, fish, etc.). It includes a large group (more than 20) of industries and sub-sectors, the main ones (by share in the production of industry products) of which are: meat, dairy, baking, fish, oil and fat, flour milling, winemaking, sugar, canning, confectionery. Using raw materials of plant and animal origin, the food industry (along with light industry) is more associated with agriculture. Hence the unique location of its enterprises, and in some cases their special nature of work (seasonality of production, etc.).

Accommodation Food Industry is generally determined by the action of raw materials and consumer factors.

Depending on the predominant role of the raw material or consumer factor in the food industry, three groups of industries are distinguished.

Industries where it is advisable to locate enterprises near sources of raw materials. These include industries in which the consumption of raw materials far exceeds the weight of the finished product (material-intensive industries). For example, the cost of sugar beets per 1 ton of sugar is 5-7 tons. In addition, sugar beets lose quality during long-term storage or long-distance transportation. For this reason, the places where sugar (sand) is produced geographically coincide with the areas of developed beet growing: the Central Black Earth, North Caucasus, Volga regions, the south of the Central region, the south of Siberia and the Far East.

A similar dependence on raw material bases is observed in the location of oil mills. Since the yield of vegetable oil from sunflower seeds is 39-44% of the weight of processed seeds (depending on the processing method), they are placed in places where sunflower is cultivated - in the North Caucasus (provides more than half of the vegetable oil production in Russia), in the Central Black Earth (Voronezh and Belgorod regions stand out - more than 20%) and Volga (Volgograd, Astrakhan regions - 14%) regions. The canning (canning of fruits, vegetables, milk, fish), starch-molasses, and oil industries are closely related to the sources of raw materials.

Most of the production of food fish products comes from the Far Eastern (Primorsky Territory, Sakhalin and Kamchatka regions) and Northern (Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions) regions and the Kaliningrad region; canned fruits and vegetables - the North Caucasus (Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Rostov region - more than 40% of the country's production), Central Black Earth and Volga regions.

Industries whose enterprises gravitate towards places where finished products are consumed include industries that produce perishable products, the weight of which, as a rule, exceeds the weight of the original raw materials (baking, confectionery, pasta, dairy industries).

The third group consists of production (industries), the initial stages of which are engaged in the processing of agricultural raw materials at their sources, and the final stages (packaging, bottling, etc.) are located at points of consumption of finished products. These include winemaking (primary and secondary winemaking factories), tea (tea and tea-packing factories), tobacco (fermentation and tobacco factories), meat, flour-grinding and some other industries.

The meat industry, the largest (by value of gross output and number of employees) branch of the food industry, produces meat, sausages, canned meat and other meat products. Enterprises specialized in slaughtering livestock (since transporting live livestock over long distances is ineffective), freezing meat, and producing canned meat gravitate towards raw material bases (areas of developed livestock farming). The main regions for this type of production are the North Caucasus, Ural, Volga, Central Black Earth and West Siberian regions. At places of consumption (mainly large industrial centers) there are enterprises specialized in the production of fresh meat, sausages and other meat products. Their production is available in all regions, but on a particularly large scale - in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, etc.

· Soft drink industry

· Wine industry

Confectionery industry

Canning industry

· Pasta industry

Oil and fat industry

· Butter and cheese industry

Dairy industry

· Flour and cereal industry

· Meat industry

· Brewing industry

· Fruit and vegetable industry

Poultry industry

· Fishing industry

Sugar industry

Salt industry

· Alcohol industry

· Tobacco industry

· Bakery industry

The food industry is the largest component of the national economy, numbering more than forty separate industries involved in the production of food products, both in finished form and semi-finished products.

The largest groups of food industry sectors are:

meat, fish,

dairy (includes butter and cheese production),

flour and cereals,

food products.

The group of food industry enterprises producing industrial goods, in turn, is divided into various industries: pasta, bakery, fruits and vegetables, alcohol, sugar, wine, liquor, salt, tea, etc.

There are two main categories of the food industry.

The first is those industries that work with imported raw materials and are focused on railway junctions, ports of entry of products, and large industrial centers. The products produced in them have high transportability. The second category includes industries focused on raw materials and consumers.

Most of the food industry belongs to the processing industries. However, there are enterprises included in the extractive industries: this is the extraction of table salt, fish and several types of edible wild plants.

Various methods are used to process raw materials in the food industry. They are obliged to ensure complete safety of food consumption for human health, improve their nutritional value, taste and commercial qualities. After all, there are many food products that are not suitable for consumption in their natural form, as they contain components hazardous to human health or are poorly digestible. Conventional production technologies do not fully ensure the safety of ready-to-eat products. However, changes in technological processing can significantly improve the quality of food products and significantly extend shelf life. When processing raw materials, the basis of the technological process is a series of sequential operations.

In the production of food products, processes based on bacterial and non-bacterial fermentation of food raw materials play a major role. The first includes fermentation that occurs during the production of wine, cheese, beer, etc. The second includes processes that occur with the help of its own enzymes, for example, during the ripening of meat. This can also include the use of artificial enzymes.

One of the main methods of processing raw materials is canning.

Recently, other methods of processing food raw materials have become widespread: sterilizing filtration (used in the production of juices and beer), tenderization (use electric current), the use of high-frequency currents for rapid heat treatment.

In order to improve people's health, other food industry production facilities producing special goods are being created in economically developed countries.

The food industry is a set of industries whose enterprises primarily produce food. In almost every relatively large locality there are enterprises in this industry. In some countries, the food industry is an industry of international specialization, in others it satisfies the needs of only its population.

The sectoral structure of the food industry is complex. It includes enterprises producing food products, as well as soap and perfumes and cosmetics.

The location of enterprises in the industry is influenced mainly by two factors: orientation towards the raw material base or towards the consumer.

The location of enterprises near areas where raw materials are produced is explained by the fact that in some industries (sugar, alcohol, canning industries) the consumption of raw materials far exceeds the mass of the finished product. In addition, such agricultural raw materials are difficult to transport.

The attraction of enterprises to areas of consumption is explained by the fact that most branches of the food industry produce mass products that have a limited shelf life and cannot be transported over long distances. Therefore, bakeries, confectionery and pasta factories, breweries are created in areas where products are consumed, regardless of whether there are raw materials for them here.

Sugar factories are located as close as possible to sugar beet or cane growing areas, since these raw materials cannot withstand long-distance transportation. Tobacco as a raw material does not require on-site processing. Therefore, tobacco factories, for example Western Europe, use exclusively imported raw materials.

Cities have a particularly great influence on the location of the food industry, since their population is the main consumer of meat, milk, eggs, and bread.

The main type of food industry enterprises are plants that combine the integrated use of raw materials with complete waste processing. There are sugar, canning, oil and fat and other plants.

For example, at an oil and fat plant they produce vegetable oil, solid fat, mayonnaise, margarine, and from waste - soap, detergents, drying oil, glycerin, etc. Nothing is wasted at meat canning plants. Even the horns and hooves of animals are used in industry, and some animal organs are valuable raw materials in the manufacture of medicines.

The food industry has achieved great success in developed countries. Among them there are those that are famous for their traditions in the production of high-quality food products or are distinguished by the scale of production.

Denmark is called the “dairy farm” of Europe. Switzerland, the Netherlands, and France are famous for the production of hard cheeses. High-quality canned meat is produced by many developed countries in Europe and America, fish - Norway, Iceland, Spain and Portugal, vegetables - Bulgaria and Hungary. Italy is the birthplace of spaghetti and pizza. Germany is famous for its sausages and beer, and France and Spain for its wines. Recently, new industries have developed - the production of ready-to-eat and frozen foods, various food additives.

15 .Forestry industry

Forestry industry- a set of industries related to the procurement and processing of wood. One of the oldest sectors of the economy.

The forestry industry, like the chemical industry, is quite different complex structure. Conventionally, all branches of the forestry complex can be divided into four groups:

· Logging industry - timber harvesting

· Woodworking industry - mechanical and chemical-mechanical processing and processing of wood. Panel production, furniture production, lumber production, etc.

· Pulp and paper industry - mainly chemical processing of wood, production of pulp, cardboard and paper.

· Timber chemical industry - production of charcoal, rosin and turpentine.

As in other industries in Russia based on the extraction of raw materials, in the forestry industry a significant share of revenue is generated through the export of unprocessed raw materials - round timber. For a long time, Russia was the main supplier of wood raw materials to Europe and the Middle East, China and Japan.

In addition to country specifics, there are general features industry development: increasing the market shares of substitute goods and reducing the shares of timber and paper products. For example, the advent of plastic packaging has led to a decrease in paper consumption, and the development of the Internet has led to a decrease in newsprint consumption.

In Russia there is no private ownership of forest lands, which is replaced by long-term lease of forest lands for recreational and logging purposes. However, in a number of countries there is private ownership of land. For example, in the United States, forest land management is a big business worth more than $500 billion. Forest lands in the country occupy about 500 million acres, of which 53% belongs to private non-industrial owners, 30% is publicly owned, 4% is owned by industrialists, and 8% is owned by financial investors.

Food industry- a set of production of food products in finished form or in the form of semi-finished products, as well as tobacco products, soap and detergents. In the agro-industrial complex, the food industry is closely linked with agriculture as a supplier of raw materials and with trade. Some branches of the food industry gravitate towards raw material areas, others - towards consumption areas.

Food industry branches

    Soft Drink Industry

    Wine industry

    Confectionery industry

    Canning industry

    Pasta industry

    Oil and fat industry

    Butter and cheese industry

    Dairy industry

    Flour and cereal industry

    Meat industry

    Brewing industry

    Fruit and vegetable industry

    Poultry industry

    Fishing industry

    Sugar industry

    Salt industry

    Alcohol industry

    Tobacco industry

    Bakery industry

31. Transport complex, its structure. Main types of transport.

Transport is an important branch of the country’s unified national economic complex and a special sphere of material production. Its purpose is to transport passenger goods. Unlike industry and agriculture, it does not produce finished products, but increases their value. At the same time, the process of material production continues, as it were, but in the sphere of circulation with its final completion. A product of any kind is considered fully produced, ready for consumption only when it is delivered to the consumer.

Transport is a set of communication routes, vehicles of all types, technical devices and structures on communication routes that ensure the process of placing people and cargo for various purposes.

Transport is classified according to its belonging and space environment into groups shown in Fig. 2.

Besides, ground transport includes: road, rail, pipeline, pack, horse-drawn, etc. Water transport includes sea and river transport. These types of transport form the Unified Transport System (ETC).

"A" vehicles include: cars, rolling stock, ships, aircraft, pipelines, etc.

32. Features of the economy of economic regions of the Russian Federation.

33. Main characteristics of the Northwestern Federal District.

The North-Western Federal District (NWFD) is located in the north and north-west of the European part of Russia and includes 11 constituent entities of the Russian Federation: republics Karelia And Komi, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk, Leningradskaya, Novgorod, Pskovskaya, Kaliningrad areas, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, city Saint Petersburg. The center of the district is the federal city of St. Petersburg.

The Northwestern Federal District occupies a favorable geopolitical position - it borders on Finland, Norway, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, and has access to the Baltic, White, Barents, Kara Seas. The area of ​​the district is 1677.9 thousand square meters. kilometers - 10.5% of the territory of Russia. The Northwestern Federal District is home to 14,484.5 thousand people, of which the urban population is 11,844.6 thousand people (81.8%). The region has the highest rate of urbanization among federal districts: more than 80% of residents are urban, with a significant portion concentrated in the country's largest agglomeration, St. Petersburg. The average population density in the district is 8.6 people per 1 sq. kilometer. The national composition is heterogeneous: most of the population are Russians; other nations are dominated by Komi, Karelians, Sami, and Nenets. The considerable size of the district's territory determines the diversity of its natural conditions. The predominant terrain is flat and slightly hilly, turning to the east into the mountainous belt of the Northern, Subpolar and Polar Urals. In the north of the district, within the Kola Peninsula, there are low-mountain massifs of the Khibiny and Lovozero tundras. The territory of the district is located in zones of mixed forests, taiga, forest-tundra, and tundra (in areas adjacent to the coast of the Arctic Ocean and on the Arctic islands). The district's water resources are significant, accounting for almost half of the resources of the European part of the country. The largest rivers are the Northern Dvina with its tributaries the Vychegda and Sukhona, as well as the Pechora. There are an exceptionally large number of lakes, especially in the northwestern part of the district. Here are the largest lakes in Europe - Ladoga and Onega. About 50% of the forest resources of the European part of Russia are concentrated in the district, with coniferous species occupying most of the forested area, mainly in the Arkhangelsk region, the Komi and Karelia republics. The specialization of the district's economy is sharply differentiated territorially. Thus, the north and northeast of the Northwestern Federal District currently retains the role of a large industrial region, specializing in the extraction and processing of various natural resources. It is distinguished by the production of phosphate raw materials, cellulose, paper, cardboard, fiberboards, export of wood, mining of iron ore, oil, coal, fish, production of cast iron, steel, nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers. In the new geopolitical conditions, maritime transport of the region and the main ice-free port of Murmansk are becoming increasingly important. At the same time, the southwest of the district acts as a large industrial region, specializing in the production of high-tech products, primarily complex and precision engineering, production of chemical and forestry products, and consumer goods. The presence of a developed port economy determines the export-import functions of the region on the Baltic Sea. The region ranks second among federal districts (after the Central) in terms of the volume of attracted foreign investment, fourth in terms of tax and fee receipts to the federal budget, fifth in terms of GRP and industrial production. The cash income of the district's population is at the Russian average level. The city of St. Petersburg occupies a leading place in the economy of the district, providing 39% of its GRP, 31% of industrial production, 49% of tax revenues and fees to the federal budget. The four most developed subjects of the Northwestern Federal District (St. Petersburg, Murmansk and Vologda regions and the Komi Republic) concentrate 79% of the district's GRP, 67% of industrial production, 75% of tax revenues to the federal budget. The leading place in the economic complex of the district belongs to industry, which employs over 23% of the total number of people employed in the economy and about 37% of those working in the main sectors of material production. Trade and public catering, construction and transport also play a significant role in the employment structure. In the structure of industrial production, on the one hand, a significant place is occupied by raw materials industries: fuel (more than 9% of all industrial products), ferrous metallurgy (almost 13%), forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper (over 11%). On the other hand, various branches of mechanical engineering and metalworking (more than 15%), as well as the food industry (about 17%) received powerful development in large industrial centers.

Industry composition of the food industry. Food industry. Production of canned fish. Sugar. Brewery. Bakery. Production of soft drinks. Confectionery. Feed mill. Yeast. Pasta. Starch. Fish. Oil and fat. Fruit and vegetable. Perfumery and cosmetics. Solyanaya. Tea room. Alcohol. Tobacco and shag. Distillery. Production of food concentrates. Winemaking. Meat and meat and dairy. Food flavoring. Flour-grinding and feed milling. Fish. Meat. Flour-cereals. Butter, cheese and dairy. Production of canned milk.

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Economics 9th grade

summary other presentations

“Russia in the global economy” - teacher of geography of the highest category, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 28 Rekut A.S. + The driving force is knowledge, intelligence. It has passed the stage of industrialization. Resource-saving technologies. Target - high quality goods and services. Show Russia's place in the world economy. Debtors use external loans. High population growth – social problems. Determine the most optimal one. Why semi-periphery? Russia's place in the world economy. The world is in the post-industrial stage.

“Chemical forestry industry” - 9th grade. Volga-Uralskaya. Polymer production. Energy. Siberian. Tolyatti. 8. Which of the listed centers does not have a pulp and paper mill? 6. Which of the listed subjects of Russia has the most forest supply? Plywood production. Water. Central. Raw materials. Production of rosin and turpentine. Koryazhma. Republic of Kalmykia. European North. Extraction of chemical raw materials. 7. Which of the listed timber processing complexes is not located in the Siberian base? 3. What does not apply to basic chemistry? 5. Which of the chemical forest bases is resource-deficient:

"Metallurgy of Russia" - Lead-zinc industry. Find the definition of a metallurgical complex. Ore Energy Consumer. The actual metallurgical cycle is the production of cast iron, steel and rolled products. The metallurgical complex includes ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Ferrous metallurgy. Several main bases of non-ferrous metallurgy have been formed on the territory of Russia. Copper industry. To study the features of the Russian metallurgical complex. Non-ferrous metallurgy.

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“Light and food industry of Russia” - The food industry is found almost everywhere where people permanently live. Distillery. Silk. Cotton. Structure of the agro-industrial complex (AIC). One of reasons - problem providing textile and leather production with raw materials. Meat. Brewery. Production of canned milk. Light and food industry. Fishing industry. Using the table, identify the dynamics and trends in the development of individual sectors of light industry. The footwear and apparel industries are positioned with a consumer focus.

“Agro-industrial complex 9th grade” - Study the features of the agro-industrial complex. (Apk). Food industry. Agro-industrial complex. What is APK? Completed by 9th grade student Ekaterina Gruzdova. . Composition of the agro-industrial complex. Target.

Main purpose Food Industry - food production. Its development makes it possible to eliminate differences in the food supply of the population associated with unequal natural conditions districts. Food concentrates, canned food, frozen vegetables and fruits do not deteriorate during transportation and long-term storage. The food industry is closely related to agriculture. Based on the nature of the raw materials used, the industries included in it are divided into two groups.

IN first group includes industries that use unprocessed raw materials: cereals; dairy; sugar; tea room; canning; fish

To the second group includes such industries that use processed raw materials, such as: tea distribution; confectionery; bakery; pasta.

The food industry is found almost everywhere where people permanently live. This is facilitated by the wide distribution of raw materials used and the widespread consumption of food products. Nevertheless, there are certain patterns in the location of the food industry.

Location of food industry enterprises based on taking into account their specific characteristics.

Enterprises producing perishable and non-transportable products are located in areas of consumption.

Enterprises that process raw materials that are not transportable and cannot withstand long-term storage are located in areas where these raw materials are produced (enterprises in the canning, dairy, wine-making, fishing and other industries).

Enterprises that are particularly resource-intensive in production are also located in areas with raw material bases. These include sugar factories and oil mills.
