Russian-German relations. Russian-German youth exchange: hopes and expectations Cooperation in the cultural sphere

Albina Evgenievna, what is the forum?

It was a meeting at the level of burgomasters and mayors of our cities, who exchanged various practices. For example, how to motivate citizens to integrated development territories, energy saving. How to not only develop cities, but also involve local residents in this process. Thus, citizens become investors in their territory. In general, it was an exchange of experience between the authorities and the population.

In what direction of the forum were you directly involved?

I was invited to be part of the Russian delegation to the section on energy efficiency. I took part in discussions working group. German partners care about their ecology and, what I especially liked, they have clear idea, what kind of environment their citizens want to live in, and how to get there.

For example?

Let’s say their goal is to reduce the negative impact of a certain production on one of the lands. At the same time, an action plan has been developed. If the Germans suddenly realize that the goal is unattainable, they change the plan during the period indicated in the program. That is, even in case of failure, the goal setting remains the same, only the implementation plan is revised.

How do German municipalities interact with residents?

The authorities actively involve citizens in the process of environmental protection. Local residents can invest in renewable energy. This is profitable for citizens and reduces the negative impact on environment. Today they are moving from thermal power plants to wind generation, to solar panels, of which there are a lot in Germany. Citizens themselves are installing solar panels everywhere. The development of solar energy is progressing by leaps and bounds. The burgomasters shared useful developments in this area with their colleagues.

Is the placement of solar panels a regulated process or is residents’ own initiative sufficient?

Usually people themselves decide to switch to alternative types of energy. Installing batteries is not too expensive. In some territories, municipalities do this, in others, residents help the authorities. The effect is overall, including financial savings. But the main thing is to reduce the harmful impact on the environment, since more and more electricity is required.

By the way, energy efficiency is not an empty word for Germans. By protecting their homes from heat leakage and installing metering systems, they control energy consumption. Regions share their best practices with each other, trying to increase their productivity

The mayors of several Russian cities were in Berlin, but so far we are only in the process of familiarizing ourselves with renewable energy sources and citizen initiatives. Energy efficiency for us is just a motto for reducing electricity consumption, at the level of calls to turn off the lights where we do not use them. Maximum – we are introducing the installation of energy-saving light bulbs. Our plans and specific technologies, of course, lag behind the German ones.

In what ways do you think the Russian-German Year is useful for both countries?

First of all, because we are getting closer. It was nice to see our mayors and burgomasters exchanging farming methods. Many were interested in whether life-supporting structures, for example, water utilities, were in private hands or in the ownership of municipalities. The genuine interest of Russian and German colleagues in the implemented practices was felt. Even the unsuccessful ones: we were told that Berlin’s water utility was at one time private, but in 2013 it was deprivatized and returned to the city. Business could not cope with the development of the water utility, and technology remained at the same level.

And in what ways are we ahead of the Germans? Do they have any problems at the municipal level?

We also have excellent practices. The St. Petersburg water utility has been burning sludge for a long time. In Berlin, the sediment is disposed of in specialized landfills, which is very harmful to the environment. The Germans have plans to modernize water treatment. The municipality of Berlin must invest 2 billion euros by 2024 to rebuild its water treatment system.

During meetings with German colleagues, common topical issues emerged. Last year, the German capital was flooded after heavy rains. I know that, for example, in Nizhny Novgorod The storm drainage system also does not work well. The situation is similar even in Moscow. Meanwhile, the average bill for water use in Berlin is 220 euros per resident per year, and in Moscow - 120 euros. How to quickly cope with precipitation and set up a storm sewer system during peak load periods - megacities should exchange such experience with each other.

What did you focus on your speech at the forum?

Of course, I called on everyone - both Russians and Germans - to conserve resources. Save water and electricity. She spoke about the need for widespread use of energy efficiency, which is part of resource conservation. I believe the fifth type of fuel is simple economy. Sometimes we don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but just be more careful and careful about preserving what we have. And this works in both Russia and Germany.

And ahead is the Russian-German Year of regional-municipal partnerships!

This initiative of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia S.V. Lavrov and the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Z. Gabriel celebrated the Conference of Partner Cities, which was held in Krasnodar from June 28 to June 30, 2017 and in whichA delegation from the Ivanovo regional branch of the international public foundation “Russian Peace Foundation” took partconsisting of the Chairman of the Board of the PSI IOF RFM Azeeva Galina Timofeevna, member of the Board of the PSI IOF RFA, director of the Interdom Galina Ivanovna Shevchenko, German language teacher of the Garsky school of the Ilyinsky district Olga Nikolaevna Belova, sculptor People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Aleksandrovich Surovtsev, youth activist of the city of Ivanovo Nikita Kurochkin.

In a joint statement of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Russia S.V. Lavrov and the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Gabriel on holding in 2017-2018. Russian-German Year of Regional-Municipal Partnerships stated that“It is planned to deepen communication, mutual understanding and mutual trust in Russian-German relations by further intensifying cooperation at the municipal and regional levels. A special role is played by numerous partnerships between federal states, regions, districts, cities and municipalities, as well as between public associations, universities and schools. Such ties form the basis of active Russian-German relations. Many of these partnerships in 2017 and 2018 are celebrating their 25th anniversary. We intend to raise public awareness of these partnerships and use the momentum they generate to forge additional partnerships between Germans and Russians, thereby strengthening mutual trust. We are convinced that municipal and regional partnerships are an integral supporting element of bilateral cooperation between Russia and Germany.”

“The year is intended to ensure positive dynamics of interaction and contacts through civil societies Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany. Our common desire is to increase, through numerous intermunicipal and interregional partnerships, the number and intensity of direct contacts between Russians and Germans and thereby strengthen dialogue and mutual understanding between the societies of our countries. It is in politically difficult times that visible signals of cooperation are especially important.” “We have great expectations for the Russian-German Year of Regional and Municipal Partnerships in 2017-2018. Contacts and connections between people from different spheres of civic activity that arise within the framework of municipal and regional partnerships create an invaluable foundation for the future of good neighborly relations between Russians and Germans.”

Our city of Ivanovo is connected with Germany by contacts established since 1990. Over the years, many different events have taken place both at the level public organizations, and at the municipal level. All projects and events were and are being carried out in close cooperation with partners from Germany, the German Embassy in Moscow, and the Goethe Institute in Moscow.

This includes the implementation of international Russian-German projects “Together we overcome borders” and “A world without borders”, this is the work of youth Russian-German Peace Camps, as well as the annual events “Germany. Winter's Tale", campaign "Fascinating German" (publication of documentary and literary-fiction books in 2 languages).

For more than 20 years, we have been holding Days of Russian-German Friendship in Ivanovo and the Ivanovo region. Last years within the framework of the Days of Germany in the regions of Russia with the organizational participation of the German Embassy in Moscow. The Days of Russian-German Friendship annually include more than 25 events that contribute to the development and deepening of Russian-German relations, the development of intellectual and creative activity of children and youth. Concerts, competitions, Olympics, round tables, exhibitions, regional readings, photo competitions, seminars for schoolchildren and students studying German in Ivanovo and the Ivanovo region, including the television competition “Do you know Germany?”, held jointly with the German Embassy in Moscow and partners from Germany.

Azeeva G.T., who spoke at the section “Memory of the past for the sake of the future - the contribution of partner cities to the culture of memory in dialogue.” spoke about the initiative of the Ivanovo regional branch of the Russian Peace Foundation to develop anderect a monument (or memorial sign) dedicated to the victims of fascism - Soviet prisoners of war buried in the town of Stuckenbrock in Western Germany.The idea was especially warmly supported by the Russian participants in the section. Since 1991, Ivanovo delegations have annually visited this mournful place - Stuckenbrock, holding memory actions there and laying flowers and wreaths.


According to various sources, from 65 to 150 thousand Soviet prisoners of war were buried in Stukenbrock. Many of the victims of this sad place were our fellow countrymen, Ivanovo residents. Establishing their names if possible and finding relatives is the task of the search teams. (This difficult work has already been taken on by the long-time partner of the Ivanovo Peace Fund - the Ivanovo youth search team “Poisk” under the leadership of V.V. Egorov, who has been searching for and burying the remains of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War for almost 30 years. It has already been possible to establish the names of almost 100 natives of the Ivanovo region, former prisoners of war at Stalag 326 in Stuckenbrock!) The work ahead will not be easy. But the goal has been designated, and now we need to build step by step plan its implementation throughout Russia.But the monument should be erected in this place where the remains of Soviet prisoners of war are buried!

Today the first one opens in Moscow Visa Center Germany in Russia. It will be possible to apply for a short-term Schengen visa for a stay of up to 90 days within six months. In this case, the personal presence of visa applicants at the interview is not necessary. Last year alone, the German embassy and consulate received about 380 thousand applications for visas. The increase in requests compared to 2011 was about 10%. Among the countries of the European Union, Germany is considered one of the countries with which Russia has the most constructive relations. This is facilitated by trade turnover, personal relationships between politicians, and close cooperation in many areas of business, politics, and culture.

Speaking about plans for the coming year, German Ambassador to Moscow Ulrich Brandenburg said that “Green Week will be held first.” We expect, as always, that representatives of many Russian regions, governors and other representatives from the Russian side, famous people will come.
A security conference will take place in Munich on the first weekend of February. Here, traditionally, Russia will also be represented by a wide range and number of participants. An international tourism exchange will be held, and there will also be a lot of participants from the Russian side, not least because the Olympics are coming up in Sochi.
The President of the Russian Federation has been invited to participate in the fair in Hannover, which will take place in early April, where Russia will be a partner country.
The Federal Chancellor received an invitation to participate in the economic forum in St. Petersburg.”

As for economic relations between Russia and Germany, 2012 can be called a record year. According to the ambassador, “in 2011, the volume of foreign trade between Russia and Germany amounted to approximately 75 billion euros, and last year we expect an increase of 10-12%, i.e. we can assume that trade amounted to 82-83 billion euros Approximately 6,300 companies with the participation of German capital are actively operating in Russia, these are not all purely German companies, but with the participation of German capital, and 800 of them are members of the foreign trade German-Russian Chamber of Commerce. As for the close economic relations between Russia and Germany, trust plays a big role here, of course - not only the trust with which German business is treated in Russia, but also the trust and confidence, the opportunities that it brings economic development in Russia.
Approximately 670 partnerships exist between universities in Russia and Germany, and approximately 4,000 scholarships are awarded to students and young scientists from Russia. These scholarships are distributed primarily by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). In Russia, interest in learning the German language is constantly maintained. It is not supported by itself; for this, of course, you need to do something.
Over the years, we have become closer again, and all this, of course, should be considered in a historical context. Soon marks 70 years of surrender Nazi Germany near Stalingrad. I myself will take part in the events that will take place in Volgograd. This, of course, is a terrible, terrible part of our joint historical experience in the 20th century, but our joint history is much longer than these few decades, so it is very joyful to state that the beginning of the cross-year of Germany and Russia was an exhibition about the thousand-year joint history of German and Russian peoples It is still taking place in Berlin, and I know that about 270 thousand visitors visited this exhibition, so we can state how great the interest of the Germans is in relation to Russia.”

“As for individual events within the framework of the Year of Germany in the first half of 2013, they will primarily take place in Russian regions - approximately 700 events that will take place in 50 Russian cities, says the director of the German Cultural Center. Goethe in Moscow Rüdiger Bolz. - As for the very beginning of this cycle of events, this will be an event of historical and political significance - this is the end Battle of Stalingrad February 3, cultural event. The symphony orchestras of Volgograd and Osnabrück will perform together. Part of the program will be devoted to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, and the second part will be devoted to a work that was written to order - the Osnabrück Symphony Orchestra ordered a work called “Waiting” from the Russian composer Elena Firsova, who lives in London. This concert will also be broadcast live in Germany.
As for the second half of the Year of Germany in Russia, a group of 12 cellists from Berlin will perform. An exhibition of Sigmar Polke, who is considered one of the most significant people art in Germany. The Stuttgart State Ballet will perform at the Bolshoi Theater. There will be a photographic exhibition called “Photographing the Future” - this was a competition that was announced for Russian and German photographers and was dedicated to the theme of the future. There will be an exhibition about Frederick the Great and Catherine the Great. And then, on June 19, the official closing of the Year of Germany will take place: this year will close with a powerful final chord, which will be played for us by the brass orchestra from Munich. This will be the end of the Year of Germany, which awaits us this year, as well as the 20th anniversary of the existence of the Institute. Goethe."

In 1242. There were extensive trade relations between northwestern Russia and northern Germany, and Novgorod and Pskov participated in the trade of the Hanseatic League. In 1410, Smolensk regiments took part in the Battle of Grunwald as part of the troops of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Germans in Muscovite Rus'

On January 29, 1894, a Russian-German trade agreement was concluded for a period of ten years, according to which both countries lowered duties on each other’s goods. The signing of the agreement was preceded by a tense trade war.

World War I

This was the first interstate agreement regulating relations between Germany and Russia after the end of the First World War. It was subsequently confirmed and expanded by other treaties, in particular the Berlin Treaty of 1926. By signing the Treaty of Rapallo, both the Weimar Republic and Soviet Russia, who were in international isolation, hoped to strengthen their position in the international political arena. Important the signing also had benefits for the economies of the two countries: for Germany, Russia was a good market for industrial products that were boycotted by other European countries; For Russia, cooperation with Germany meant the only opportunity to build its own industry. For example, Germany supplied equipment for the development of Caspian oil fields. The benefit was mutual: Russia independently, without the help of other countries, develops oil fields; Germany is reducing its dependence on the UK and US oil cartels.

Despite the widespread belief that secret additional protocols on military cooperation were also signed at Rapallo, no additional or separate agreements were concluded. However, even before the Rapallo meeting, the Weimar Republic, which militarily had the right only to troops for “internal needs,” collaborated with Russia in this area. With the establishment of diplomatic relations, work in this direction was intensified: Germany received the opportunity for military research activities and to train its military specialists for aviation and tank troops which she was prohibited from doing after World War I under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles; Russia gained access to German military developments and the opportunity to train its military personnel.

As part of military cooperation, in 1925, a joint flight and tactical school was organized near Lipetsk on the basis of an existing airfield and facilities, the rental of which was free. Funding for the school's activities, as well as the reconstruction and construction of infrastructure, was carried out by the German side. Under the leadership of German specialists, over the 8 years of its existence, about 120 pilots for Germany and a comparable number of military specialists for the Soviet Union were trained and retrained.

On October 3, 1926, a document was signed on the creation of a joint tank school near Kazan, but practical training there began only in the spring of 1929. No more than 12 people studied at the school at a time. On June 20, 1933, the school was disbanded. During the operation of the school, up to 30 Reichswehr officers were trained for the German side. One of the Soviet graduates of the school was Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General of Tank Forces S. M. Krivoshein.

Also in 1926, an agreement was signed on the creation of a joint chemical laboratory for military purposes (Tomka Object). IN Saratov region at the Tomka facility " methods of using toxic substances in artillery and aviation were tested, as well as means and methods for degassing contaminated areas».

Relations with the Third Reich

However, against the backdrop of events in 1938 (Anschluss of Austria, Munich Agreement, Anglo-German and Franco-German declarations of friendship and non-aggression, Vienna Arbitration) and 1939 (local war with Japan, failure of mutual assistance negotiations with England and France) Soviet Union forced to reconsider my foreign policy, going to restore relations with Germany. A trade agreement was concluded between the USSR and Germany in 1939, a Non-Aggression Treaty and a Treaty of Friendship and Borders were signed. After this, for the next two years from Soviet propaganda Anti-German themes disappeared. At negotiations on November 12-13, 1940 in Berlin, Hitler invited V. M. Molotov to consider the issue of the USSR joining the Tripartite Pact and becoming a member of the Axis powers, although on the same day, November 12, Hitler gave the order: “ Regardless of the outcome of these negotiations, all previously envisaged preparations for the East should be continued.", and the development of the operation to attack the USSR entered its final stage. According to Molotov, " the meeting initiated by the fascist side was only an ostentatious demonstration" And " the inevitability of German aggression has increased incredibly, and in the near future» .

The Great Patriotic War

Cold War era


After defeat in the war, Germany was divided between the Allies into four occupation zones. On September 7, the Federal Republic of Germany was founded on the territory of the occupation zones of Great Britain, the United States and France, with its capital in Bonn. A month later in the Soviet sector - the German Democratic Republic with its capital in East Berlin. The Federal Republic of Germany joined NATO, and the German Democratic Republic joined the Warsaw Pact. On 13 August, a wall was erected between East and West Berlin. Thus, "East Germany" became the USSR's main outpost in the Cold War.

The Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, which was considered one of the most combat-ready in the Soviet Army, was stationed on the territory of the GDR. Germany also became, perhaps, the most important center of activity for the State Security Committee in its confrontation with Western intelligence agencies. It was mainly in Germany that the exchange of arrested spies took place between the USA and the USSR (in this regard, the Glienicke Bridge became famous).

Current situation

Political relations

Economic cooperation

Germany is Russia's most important trading partner, accounting for 13.6 percent of all Russian foreign trade. Russia for Germany, based on absolute financial indicators, is the 10th most important trading partner and trade with it accounts for about 3% of the total. However, the import of Russian energy resources is of a strategic nature for Germany. Already today, Germany imports more than 30% of natural gas and 20% of oil from Russia, and according to experts, this share will increase even more in the future. Russia imports many mechanical engineering products from Germany.

Cooperation in the cultural sphere

Culturally, there is close cooperation between both states. 2003 was the year of Russia in Germany, and the year of Germany in Russia. Russia was the main country at the Frankfurt Book Fair. One of the periodically arising issues related to the cultural sphere is the question of the return to Germany of captured art taken by Soviet soldiers after the end of World War II.

The humanitarian direction of interaction between Russia and Germany is regulated by the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany on cultural cooperation of December 16, 1992, the Intergovernmental Agreement on the study of the Russian language in the Federal Republic of Germany and the German language in the Russian Federation of October 9, 2003, and the Intergovernmental Agreement in area of ​​youth cooperation dated December 21, 2004, as well as a number of interdepartmental documents.


Russian-German relations are not going through the best times today, and there is no arguing with that. The Ukrainian crisis, like a litmus test, passed through German society, capturing the camp of its politicians and diplomats, dividing it into two opposing camps. One of them included opponents of the continuation of a constructive dialogue with Russia, who considered the agreement on the strategic partnership between the EU and Russia, which had been in preparation for many years, to have sunk into oblivion; seeking to return the Germans and Russians to the times of their ice battle on Lake Peipus; for whom Russia is no longer a partner, but a rival.

In another, advocates for the continued development of good neighborly relations between Russians and Germans, who have more than a thousand years of joint history, unite, continue to operate with the criteria and principles of Helsinki, our common home - Europe, recognizing the need to build a common space with Russia from Lisbon to Vladivostok.

The reciprocal sentiments that arose towards Germany in Russian society, which are a reaction to the clearly protracted anti-Russian rhetoric German media, are often also inadequate. Among current Russians there are many who believe that we will be able to do without Germany in the future, making up for the regression in the development of our own bilateral relations with it by speeding up contacts with the countries of BRICS, the SCO and other unions. A short-sighted, frankly speaking, position of little substance! The foreign policy activities of Russia as a Eurasian power should be built on the principles of good neighborly relations both with the states of Europe, among which Germany holds unconditional geopolitical and economic leadership, and with the countries of Asia and other continents.

Observers note that at the same time there is a gradual equalization of Russian-German relations and ways have been outlined for their return to better times. What do the efforts of both politicians contribute to? top level, as well as public organizations participating in the public diplomacy movement. Humanitarian, cultural and youth exchanges between Russia and Germany are regaining their former proportions. Following the cross Years of Russian and German languages and literature, we witnessed the beginning of the long-awaited Year of Russian-German youth exchanges 2016–2017, Grand opening which took place in the Moscow hotel complex "Cosmos" on June 9.

It is gratifying that numerous events of the Year are destined to start on the initiative of the top officials of the two countries - President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, under the auspices of the Foreign Ministers of Russia and Germany. However, given the proper high-profile framing of this long-term action, youth circles in Russia and Germany now rightfully count on holding meaningful, large-scale events that can bring Russian-German youth exchange to the previous level, if not surpass it.

The last task will not be easy. If we realize that the current level of government support for bilateral youth contacts, their scope and diversity are somewhat different, let’s face it, than it was in Soviet period, when youth exchange with Germany was under state control by the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR, seeking to transfer contacts between youth organizations of Russia and other Soviet republics, as well as individual cities and regions with partners in Germany, to a permanent program basis. Long-term cooperation agreements with the Young Socialists and Young Democrats, the Young Christians, the Greens, the Socialist German Workers' Youth, the Pathfinders and the Falcons were not only thematically diverse, but also covered almost all federal states of Germany. Few people regretted the lost volume of bilateral youth contacts at the opening of the Year of Youth Exchanges between Russia and Germany, but the State Secretary (Deputy Minister) of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Youth, Senior Citizens and Sports was among them Germany Dr. Ralph Kleindieck.

According to the German side, over the past twelve months, a total of 17 thousand young people in the two countries have been drawn into the orbit of Russian-German youth contacts, and over 600 different events have been held. In terms of the number of events, of course, there are a lot, but the number of their participants could be greater - taking into account at least the fact that the total population living in Russia and united Germany is almost 228 million people.

As the ancient Greeks said, panta rei ( everything flows, everything changes). The Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR, which had sunk into oblivion, was replaced by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs “Rosmolodezh”. The employees of this government structure must be given credit for their professionalism and enthusiasm, for their desire to bring the Russian-German youth exchange to new shores, in its new capacity.

So who are the direct organizers of the Russian-German Year of Youth Exchanges? The coordinators of the Year's events are the German-Russian Youth Exchange Foundation in Germany and the Russian National Coordination Bureau for Youth Exchanges with Germany in Moscow, whose functions have been performed since 2012 by the International Youth Center, a subordinate institution of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

Those wishing to take part in the Year of Youth Exchange will enjoy a rich program of its numerous events, the main ones of which can be found on the website today. Among the organizers of the events are government and non-governmental organizations: the Federal Youth Circle of Germany, the National Council of Youth and Children's Associations of Russia, as well as the Russkiy Mir Foundation, which is planning to hold two conferences on Russian-German youth cooperation in Moscow and Berlin this fall, together with Union of Russian-speaking organizations in Germany, Russian Embassy in Germany, International Union German culture and the agency "Rosmolodezh".
