The name of the caveman. Cave people. Their way of life and development. How cavemen used to live

From Greek. τρωγλοδύτης ) - since antiquity the name of wild people who lived in caves. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the term was especially applied to people who lived during the last ice age, whose remains were found in the oldest cave deposits, in layers dating back to the Paleolithic era. In colloquial speech, it is used in relation to uncultured and ignorant people.

The caves were believed to have been the main residence of Paleolithic people. It is now recognized that the Paleolithic hunter-gatherers primarily settled in open areas, and the caves were mainly used as storerooms and for ritual purposes.

In popular culture

The image of the "caveman" became widespread in popular culture, sometimes it is placed in the era of dinosaurs, such as in the cartoon The Flintstones, which is fiction.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Caveman

With regard to the amusement of the people and the troops with theaters, the matter did not succeed in the same way. The theaters established in the Kremlin and in Poznyakov's house immediately closed because actresses and actors were robbed.
Charity and that did not bring the desired results. False banknotes and non-false ones filled Moscow and had no price. For the French, who collected booty, they needed only gold. Not only were the counterfeit banknotes that Napoleon so graciously distributed to the unfortunate, they had no price, but silver was given below its value for gold.
But the most striking manifestation of the invalidity of the higher orders at that time was the effort of Napoleon to stop the robberies and restore discipline.
That's what the ranks of the army reported.
“Robbery continues in the city despite orders to stop it. Order has not yet been restored, and there is not a single merchant who conducts trade in a lawful manner. Only marketers allow themselves to sell, and even then stolen things.
"La partie de mon arrondissement continue a etre en proie au pillage des soldats du 3 corps, qui, non contents d"arracher aux malheureux refugies dans des souterrains le peu qui leur reste, ont meme la ferocite de les blesser a coups de sabre, comme j "en ai vu plusieurs exemples".
“Rien de nouveau outre que les soldats se permettent de voler et de piller. Le 9 October.


The name "cave people" or troglodytes is usually given to: 1) people or peoples who use caves for living, 2) or those whose cultural remains are found in caves, 3) or, finally, those who were buried there, intentionally or accidentally. Most often, the name P. man is used in relation to those people whose remains are found in the oldest deposits of caves, in layers belonging to the Paleolithic era. Few such remains are known to date. The most remarkable are those found in the Noletskaya cave (Trou de la Nauletie) in Belgium, in the Shipka cave, in Moravia (in both cases - fragments of the lower jaws), in the Neanderthal cave (see) near Dusseldorf, in the Spy grotto, in the province of Namur (Belgium). They indicate the existence of a race of small stature, with an underdeveloped skull, a receding forehead and chin, prominent brow ridges, and a savage hunting culture reminiscent of modern Eskimo. Some believe, based on the finds of human skeletons in the caves of Truchère Furfooz in Belgium, that by the end of the Paleolithic era, another type of person appeared, with a wider skull (brachycephals); but most researchers attribute the appearance of this type to the beginning of the Neolithic era. Dolichocephaly, however, continued to predominate in this era, as evidenced by human remains from many deposits in the caves of France, England, Italy, Spain, Bohemia, Hungary and Russia; but in Germany, in the Neolithic caves of Belgium, in the tombs of the Stone Age of Prussia and Denmark, in places a rather significant percentage of brachycephals is found, which at the end of the Neolithic era, in the era of dolmens, begin to occur more and more often also in France and Switzerland. In general, it is impossible to associate the idea of ​​a human being with the idea of ​​a certain definite physical type and a certain stage of culture. Caves served as dwellings and burial places in the most diverse eras and among the most diverse peoples, who were at very different levels of culture - from the Paleolithic to the modern.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

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    This term has other meanings, see Caveman (film). This term has other meanings, see Cavemen (film). Caveman hunt for a bear ... Wikipedia

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    This term has other meanings, see Caveman (film). Caveman Cavedweller Genre ... Wikipedia

    CAVE, cave, cave. 1. adj. to the cave. Cave move. 2. Living in a cave (paleont.). Caveman (same as troglodyte). Cave bear (extinct animal of the ice age). 3. adj., by value. associated with life in caves in ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    CAVE, oh, oh. 1. see cave. 2. Relating to prehistoric times, to life primitive people in the caves. P. man. P. period. Cave painting (on the walls of caves.). Cave customs (translated: rough, wild). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I.… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (Ursus spelaeus) a species of bear that lived at the beginning of the modern geological era and at the end of the previous one, and whose remains are found mainly in caves, which explains the name given to this species (in this respect it is similar to the cave ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Aya, oh. 1. to the cave. P. vault. P. move. P th organisms. P s fish. P th river. P th dwellings. 2. Relating to prehistoric times, when people lived in caves. P o art. P. man. First excavations. P. tiger. 3. Unfold Uneducated, uncivilized... encyclopedic Dictionary

    caveman- oh, oh. 1) to the cave / Cave vault. Cave / rny passage. P th organisms. P s fish. P th river. P th dwellings. 2) Pertaining to prehistoric times, when people lived in caves... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Struggle for Fire, J. Roni Sr. Your attention is presented to the most famous stories about the life of the people of the Stone Age: "The Struggle for Fire", "The Caveman" and "Vamireh" ...

Thousands of years ago, people did not know how to build houses and therefore lived in stone caves. However, it should be noted that the very first inhabitants of the caves did not even look like us. These creatures are called Neanderthals by modern scientists.

In 1856, the remains of several people were excavated from a limestone cave in the Neander Valley in Germany. So for the first time the skeletons of primitive people were discovered, preserved entirely due to the fact that the ancient inhabitants of the caves buried their dead. As you might guess, they were called Neanderthals in honor of the Neanderthal area, where their remains were found.

According to scientists, Neanderthals lived for about 70,000 years in Central Asia, the Middle East and many regions of Europe. They appeared on Earth about 100,000 years ago.

What did a typical Neanderthal look like? He was a strong, stocky man. His face was very different from the face of a modern person: flat cheekbones, a heavy, far protruding jaw, a low forehead and an almost absent chin - such is the portrait of a normal Neanderthal. It is possible that early Neanderthals lived outdoors during the warming period between ice ages. However, after a new cold snap, they moved under the arches of the caves and learned to fight the cold.

Many hearths found in caves prove that these people used fire to keep them warm and protect them from predators. It is also very likely that they cooked food on it.

Neanderthals knew how to make not only hand axes, but also flint tools. The latter were wide fragments of stones with well-honed edges. Some of them were in the form of irregular triangles and, apparently, were used as knives for skinning and cutting the meat of slaughtered animals. It is possible that Neanderthal hunters also had wooden spears pointed at the end.

And, finally, one very interesting detail about the Neanderthals: their brains were larger than the brains of modern humans!

At the end of the ice age, the Cro-Magnons - the descendants of the Neanderthals, whose appearance was already much more similar to the appearance of modern people - began to move to Europe. They are so named only because the remains of these cave dwellers were found in the town of Cro-Magnon in southern France. Also interesting is the fact that specialists who studied the remains, the skeletons of these cave dwellers, found that they were quite civilized and smart people. If they lived today, they could become scientists, statesmen or businessmen.

These people lived in turbulent times, surrounded by wild animals and other dangers. But despite this, they found time to make beautiful drawings on the walls of the caves. These drawings have survived to our time, are well preserved and delight us with their beauty and skillful technique.

These people had a well-developed social life. They lived in families. But since they began to hunt in groups, they had to unite in tribes. They believed in the afterlife: that the dead could be resurrected and reborn in the other world.

Gradually they created more advanced stone tools and new weapons. They learned how to carve a spear and a harpoon from horn and bone. They also invented arrows for guns. Women learned how to process skins and sew clothes from them with bone needles. As we can see, these people had intelligence and reached a high stage of development.

The name "cave people" or troglodytes is usually given to: 1) people or peoples who use caves for living, 2) or those whose cultural remains are found in caves, 3) or, finally, those who were buried there, intentionally or accidentally. Most often, the name P. man is used in relation to those people whose remains are found in the oldest deposits of caves, in layers belonging to the Paleolithic era. Few such remains are known to date. The most remarkable are those found in the Noletskaya cave (Trou de la Nauletie) in Belgium, in the Shipka cave, in Moravia (in both cases - fragments of the lower jaws), in the Neanderthal cave (see) near Dusseldorf, in the Spy grotto, in the province of Namur (Belgium). They indicate the existence of a race of small stature, with an underdeveloped skull, a receding forehead and chin, prominent brow ridges, and a savage hunting culture reminiscent of modern Eskimo. Some believe, based on the finds of human skeletons in the caves of Truchère Furfooz in Belgium, that by the end of the Paleolithic era, another type of person appeared, with a wider skull (brachycephals); but most researchers attribute the appearance of this type to the beginning of the Neolithic era. Dolichocephaly, however, continued to predominate in this era, as evidenced by human remains from many deposits in the caves of France, England, Italy, Spain, Bohemia, Hungary and Russia; but in Germany, in the Neolithic caves of Belgium, in the tombs of the Stone Age of Prussia and Denmark, in places a rather significant percentage of brachycephals is found, which at the end of the Neolithic era, in the era of dolmens, begin to occur more and more often also in France and Switzerland. In general, it is impossible to associate the idea of ​​a human being with the idea of ​​a certain definite physical type and a certain stage of culture. Caves served as dwellings and burial places in the most diverse eras and among the most diverse peoples, who were at very different levels of culture - from the Paleolithic to the modern.

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"Caveman" in the books

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"Cave" lion and cave bear There was a time when lions lived not only throughout Africa, but also on the Arabian Peninsula, in Persia, northwestern India and even in Turkey, Greece, the Caucasus and in the lower reaches of the Don! Drawings and bones of cave scientists found lions in the grottoes of Spain,


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Chapter 1

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