Homeschooling in Belarus: pros and cons. Home education (opip) in Belarus Home education for sick children in Belarus

Tatyana Khoruzhaya, deputy head of the department of preschool, general secondary and special education of the Education Committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee, spoke about home education and external exams.

— General secondary (basic) education can be obtained in several ways. Traditional, visiting day school or high school. There are also evening classes in Minsk at general secondary education institutions, but there are few of them left. This form of education is becoming less popular. Perhaps the only evening school that fully enrolls classes and operates stably is No. 127. Another way to obtain an education document is to pass final exams for a basic course or high school as an external student. This option is suitable for children who do not study at any institution due to certain circumstances.

Are there age restrictions for completing the external internship procedure? Can, conditionally, a seventh-grader take exams for a basic school course ahead of schedule?

There have been no such cases yet, but the age of the examinee does not matter, because the main criterion for certification is mastering the program. And if we are talking about gifted children, then they, although infrequently, skipped one grade. Such students, as a rule, are taught according to an individual plan.

What can become the basis for teaching a child according to an individual plan, or, more simply, at home?

Parents have the right to independently educate their children according to an individual plan, but the final decision is made by the school’s teaching council, taking into account the child’s abilities and the reasons for studying at home. Most often, this form of education is used by gifted schoolchildren, young athletes and artists who often go to competitions, training camps, conferences or tours. Family circumstances are also taken into account. For example, mothers and fathers often go on business trips or temporarily leave the country or city with their child. In this case, the educational institution develops an individual plan for the student based on the curriculum, establishes forms and deadlines for certification. But if the students do not cope well with the program or their performance noticeably decreases, then the school has the right to decide to terminate such training.

- Are there any disadvantages to home schooling and are there many children in the capital who receive it?

The vast majority of parents prefer that their children go to school. There are about 300 children in so-called home schooling. We are talking mainly about gifted and talented schoolchildren, as well as those who, for good reasons, cannot attend classes permanently or temporarily. If parents have the opportunity to be with their child during the day, they can transfer him to individual learning. But such cases are rare. Responsibility for such families, as a rule, lies with the school administration, and they must be treated very carefully. For example, parents may belong to non-traditional religious groups, and children who do not attend school become even more isolated from society. Or moms and dads themselves are to a certain extent not socially adapted. But if everything is fine in the family, then the school will not interfere with the individual education of the children.

- Has our system of distance learning at the general secondary education level been developed?

This form of education is not legally established in our country, unlike Russian Federation, where the possibility of distance learning is stated. The draft new edition of the Education Code, which is currently being considered, provides distance learning for children with special needs of psychophysical development. Russian-style educational documents are suitable for admission to Belarusian universities. If the child has successfully completed the Russian language remotely school course and received a state certificate of the Russian Federation, then there should be no problems with the acceptance of the document in Belarus.

For information

In the last academic year, 16 students were externally certified for 9 classes, 274 for 11 classes. As a rule, in each district of the city one school is determined, on the basis of which certification takes place. The exams are administered by a commission consisting of teachers from the institution.

Julia BURDO,
August 31st is just around the corner, and I would like to write about the possibility of homeschooling in Belarus.

First of all, in the Republic of Belarus there is no homeschooling, home education or family education, but there is INDIVIDUAL CURRICULUM.

Once upon a time, the Republic of Belarus adopted the Law “On Education” and it actually contained an article “On education in the family.” In 2006, the law was rewritten. In the new law “On Education”, family education was prohibited. BUT! The law has Article 35, which is what we need.

Article 35. Forms of education

1. Education at the levels of general secondary education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of the individual can be carried out in full-time (day and evening) and correspondence forms, as well as independently with certification as an external student.
2. Training in by correspondence allowed only in evening (shift) schools, as well as in classes, educational and consulting centers educational institutions, in which training is carried out according to the curriculum of the evening (shift) school.
3.Allowed a combination of various forms of general secondary education, as well as training according to individual curricula.
4. Features of obtaining education independently with certification in the order of external studies, according to individual curricula are determined by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. (Girls who are in the know, please provide a link to the relevant document from the Ministry of Education, if there is one).

Externship in Belarus is allowed only in high school, 11-12 grades (or 10-11? How long do people go to school now? I’m already completely confused with these reforms). For primary school - only an individual curriculum.

In order to study at home, you need to write an application addressed to the school director at the school where your child is studying (or where you have applied) before August 31st about the child’s transition to an individual curriculum. The director's order is written based on the decision of the teachers' council. Moreover, the teaching council cannot refuse you, but without its decision you have no right... Such is the Belarusian play on words. Theoretically, you can write a statement in the middle school year, but then it will really be “at the discretion of the administration.”

A student who is studying individually curriculum, is registered in the class, is entered in the class register, and can attend any lessons and electives at his discretion. When writing an application, parents indicate which subjects their child plans to study at home and which at school, and for “home” subjects, current grades are not given in the class register, but only final grades: for laboratory tests, tests, quarter grades and annual grades. The test plan (tests, workbooks, oral examination) is usually drawn up by the head teacher.

With this form of homeschooling, to be honest, it’s a mystery to me why 100% of parents don’t write an application to switch to individual education. You are not limited in any way in the consumption of school services, but you can refuse them at any time. You can, for example, go to school for one quarter, and then sit out all the flu at home, without being bothered by medical certificates, and then go again; you can go to school only on foreign language(the case of my friends) and/or favorite electives. In general, electives are an interesting thing. Teachers are paid money for electives, and to open an elective, you need at least 5 interested children, so an elective is usually a very intimate event: why teach 20 people if you can teach 5, and the payment is still the same.

But this is a theory. Practice, as always in our country, is much more interesting.

Due to the fact that in the old law there was a family form of education, and in the new law it was banned and due to the fact that there is no clear legislative basis for the procedure for passing certification for individual entrepreneurs, the fantasies or outright lies of educators flourish and bloom in full bloom. Moreover, they do this not always out of malicious intent, but rather out of ignorance, fear of doing “something wrong” and “concern” about the future of children who do not attend school.

For example, on the website of the Ministry of Education, when asked by a citizen whether he has the right to educate his child at home, officially stated: “...we inform you that in accordance with Article 35 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 5, 2006. “On general secondary education”, teaching a student independently (in the family) will be prohibited.”

I collected the experience of several mothers about transferring their children to an individual plan. The result is the following picture.

So, you come to school and stutter that you would like to teach your child at home, or are you wondering if it’s possible to teach the child yourself? You’ve heard something like this somewhere, but you’re not sure that so much freedom is given in one hand. Error! In response, you can hear, for example, (in a strictly edifying tone): - “Well, this is only possible if your mother is a teacher”; or - “Externship can only be taken for the entire course of basic or secondary school”; or - " New law does not provide for education in the family."

So, instead of wondering whether it is possible to teach your child at home, you need to immediately hit the spot with the phrase: “Where do you sign up for training according to an individual curriculum?” Do not pay attention to the hysterics and intimidation of teachers and officials, but simply stupidly and politely refer to Article 35 of the Law “On Education”. And remember that they have no right to refuse you.

Here's an example of a story:

“We came to the school at our place of registration and told them that we would come to them in the first grade, but in September we would leave until April, so we ask you to provide us with an individual plan and tell us what requirements will be presented to us upon arrival in order to consider the 1st grade completed. They We immediately began to smile and called the city government, they told us to come to them ourselves.

We went to the city police department, they wrote down our data, they said they would contact Gomel (and we are in Mozyr), and then Minsk, and they would call by the end of the week. That evening they called! They asked to come “to look at the conditions in which the child is being raised.” They came, looked, and asked a bunch of questions. They began to persuade me to formalize guardianship for my grandmother and go quietly without my son. “It would be better for him this way, not to run around and go to school with his grandmother.” I must say that my grandmother really liked this plan, but for me this option is not discussed. Then they said that individual plan training, it is necessary to “attend school at least once a month.”

After that, the city administration finally decided (our question) regarding the form of certification. From possible options an interview or test upon arrival was discussed. "

Here's another story:

“As luck would have it, we were transferred to an individual plan. Spachatka was scared - we are the first in the region, but 59 - for, 1 - suprac. On the side of the school administration, we are the most kind-hearted people in the world. At the pedagogy of Adzina, the voice would suprat us - the voice of the satsyalnaga teacher (psychologist padtrymala).

Bureaucracy is all very simple. YES 31.08 You are obliged to report to school. There is no need to fall. We just want it that way. Ale pa-lyudzku sculpt know the “atmazka” - not enough time for sports and music lessons...

The nearest pedagogical meeting will consider your request. We jumped on it for days. I will pay a lot of attention to the teachers and head teachers. We were caught up in a lot of troubles as we planned to learn the tasks. We, great and young, have shared our knowledge, grandmothers and fathers, that can help us decipher physics and biology...

We do not know the law in which we can be subject to admovism. Ale after the erosion of us, the holektar spoke to the inspectors and lawyers - because we were the first in the area. Narada galasavala for our torture: 59 - for, 1 - suprac - satsyalny teacher. Advice to the socialist teacher - and as well as socialization - it will be necessary to inspect the group.

Respect! Previously written statements You indicate all the subjects that will be learned at home. You can pack something at school. Thank you, we will learn the angelic language at school. In this regard, these important subjects are written in the best magazines - “trained on an individual basis.” What is the magic of the world and the emergency of the school for any day. Verification is carried out - once every day on the skin, written tests are carried out - tests are carried out for 10 hours and for 45 hours - tests are collected from the head teachers. Please note that you only need to install the installation. If they didn't "cut" it. We have little meat - we were killed by dzivakami.

With our parents, we learn angelic language and physical culture from school. For practical purposes, I don’t know what a physical education teacher looks like (the head teacher said that she herself is a lady). Angelic language is posted 2 times per week + faculties. This is the kind of work we are doing with the adventurous people. Sometimes we don’t go to school for a month, sometimes 3 times a week. In the classy magazine, the name of the dacha is written - borrowed from an individual entrepreneur. There’s no sign of any softness there.”

Regarding the certification process, here is a good comment from one mother: “Due to the lack of a clear legislative framework on the procedure for passing certification for individual entrepreneurs, there is a difference in the opinions of school principals regarding the frequency of our children’s appearance before the strict eyes of teachers, in my only memory: from daily(! ) visits to a two to three week marathon in June. Well various options within these limits."

The above stories confirm that the convenience of your stay at the PI largely depends on the disposition of your teacher and school authorities towards you. Teachers need to be explained that you will not add more work and worry to them; on the contrary, instead of, say, 20 children, the teacher will have 19 in the class. But cooperation between teachers on an individual level is very important. And if you cannot find understanding in your school, then perhaps you will find it in the next one, or in the neighboring area.

In general, of course, the transition to home schooling should be easy and routine: at any time of the year, according to the application principle, with the opportunity to spend the money allocated by the state for the education of an individual child on the educational needs of this child at the discretion of the parents. But this is a matter for the future. For now this is the only way - Article 35 of the Law “On Education”, individual curriculum.

Well, in conclusion, another story:

“Yes, we were transferred to individual training! It really turned out to be very simple. The director asked to indicate the reason for the transfer, due to the fact that the application was submitted not before the academic year (until August 31), but in the middle of the year. Well, we indicated that business trips became more frequent. There were no more questions. They promised to provide a study plan next week. They were extremely nice.

The child studies at home with great pleasure, runs after us to get more work done (this has never happened during the school period), we patched up all the gaps and overtook our classmates in the program. In short, everything is not as scary as it seemed before we started acting."

This article was prepared based on forum materials

The purpose of homeschooling is: implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens to education, creation necessary conditions for the education of students who, for medical reasons, cannot attend training sessions in educational institutions, as well as providing students with the most complete and timely social adaptation to life in society, family, learning and work.

The organization of home education in the 2019/2020 academic year is carried out on the basis of:

  • Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education (Art. , )
  • Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education (Article 158, paragraph 17)
  • Instructions on the procedure for organizing general secondary education at home dated August 31, 2011 No. 250
  • Based on the conclusion of the VKK of the clinic, dispensary, application of the student’s legal representatives) and with the permission of the department of education, sports and tourism of the administration of the Frunzensky district of Minsk

EXTRACT from the INSTRUCTIONS on the procedure for organizing general secondary education at home

1. This Instruction determines the procedure for organizing general secondary education at home for students who, for medical reasons, are temporarily or permanently unable to attend educational institutions.

  1. The list of medical indications for obtaining general secondary education at home is determined by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
  2. The educational process for receiving general secondary education at home is organized by the state educational institution at the place of residence (place of stay) of the student or the state educational institution in which he studied before the medical indications for receiving general secondary education at home arose.

4. The decision to receive general secondary education at home is made by the education department (department) of the local executive and administrative body at the student’s place of residence (place of stay) based on the application of the student (the legal representative of the minor student) and the conclusion of the medical advisory commission.

5. To make a decision on receiving general secondary education at home, the documents specified in paragraph 4 of these Instructions are submitted by the student (legal representative of a minor student) to government agency education in which he studied before the emergence of medical indications for receiving general secondary education at home or a state educational institution at the student’s place of residence (place of stay).

Normative legal acts

  1. Resolution of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus 06/20/2011 No. 38 RULES for conducting certification of students when mastering the content of educational programs of general secondary education
  2. Abby the current educational plan for the current academic year for the 2016/2017 school year
  3. DECREE OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS dated August 31, 2011 No. 250 On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for organizing general secondary education at home and the recognition as invalid of certain regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
  4. Sanitary norms and rules “Requirements for institutions of general secondary education”

Appeal to parents

Not everything in life works out the way we would like; sometimes circumstances turn out to be stronger than us. In moments of failure, we want our loved ones to understand us, support us, and not let us lose heart. So why do the child’s mistakes and blunders cause us annoyance and irritation, why do we first of all rush to scold and punish him, believing that we are doing this for his own good? Will this protect him from failures, will it teach him to withstand life's difficulties?

Correct relationships between children and adults are the most important factor in a child’s development. When these relationships are violated, the child experiences disappointment and is prone to various offenses.

Focuses on the positive aspects and advantages of the child in order to strengthen his self-esteem;

Helps the child to believe in himself and his abilities;

Helps the child avoid mistakes;

Supports the child during failures.

Supporting a child means believing in him. A child needs support not only when he feels bad, but also when he feels good.

An adult, without knowing it, can offend a child by telling him, for example: “You shouldn’t get dirty!”, “You could have been more careful!”, “Look how well your brother did this!”, “You should have watched it when I did it!” As a rule, negative comments from parents have no effect. Constant reproaches like “You could have done this better” lead the child to the conclusion: “What’s the point of trying? I still can't do anything. I will never be able to satisfy them. I give up".

How can an adult show his faith in a child?

Forget about the child's past failures.

Help your child gain confidence that he can cope with this task.

Allow the child to start from scratch, relying on the fact that adults believe in him, in his ability to achieve success.

Remember past successes and return to them, not to mistakes.

So, in order to support your child, you need to:

1. Rely on strengths child.

2. Avoid highlighting his mistakes.

3. Show that you are satisfied with the child.

4. Be able and want to demonstrate love and respect for the child.

5. Be able to help your child break large tasks into smaller ones that he can handle.

6. Spend more time with your child.

7. Introduce humor into your relationship with your child.

8. Know about all the child’s attempts to cope with the task.

9. Be able to interact with a child.

10. Allow the child to solve problems himself where possible.

11. Avoid disciplinary rewards and punishments.

12. Accept the child’s individuality.

13. Show faith in the child and empathy for him.

14. Show optimism. It should be remembered that some words and phrases of adults support the child, while others destroy his self-confidence. The following words and phrases are supported:

Knowing you, I am sure that you will do everything well.

You do it very well.

Do you have some thoughts on this matter? Are you ready to start?

It's a big challenge, but I'm sure you're up for it.

Words and phrases of "destruction":

Knowing you and your abilities, I think you could do it much better.

You could do this much better.

This idea can never be realized.

It's too difficult for you, so I'll do it myself.

Psychological support is based on helping the child feel needed. Rewards are usually given to the child for doing something very well or for some achievements in a certain period of time.

Tatyana Khoruzhaya, deputy head of the department of preschool, general secondary and special education of the Education Committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee, told a correspondent of the Minsk-Novosti agency about home education and external exams.

- General secondary (basic) education can be obtained in several ways. Traditional, attending day school or gymnasium. There are also evening classes in Minsk at general secondary education institutions, but there are few of them left. This form of education is becoming less popular. Perhaps the only evening school that fully enrolls classes and operates stably is No. 127. Another way to obtain an education document is to pass final exams for a basic or secondary school course as an external student. This option is suitable for children who do not study at any institution due to certain circumstances..

Are there age restrictions for completing the external internship procedure? Can, conditionally, a seventh-grader take exams for a basic school course ahead of schedule?

- There have been no such cases yet, but the age of the examinee does not matter, because the main criterion for certification is mastering the program. And if we are talking about gifted children, then they, although infrequently, skipped one grade. Such students, as a rule, are taught according to an individual plan.

What can become the basis for teaching a child according to an individual plan, or, more simply, at home?

- Parents have the right to independently educate their children according to an individual plan, but the final decision is made by the school’s teaching council, taking into account the child’s abilities and the reasons for studying at home. Most often, this form of education is used by gifted schoolchildren, young athletes and artists who often go to competitions, training camps, conferences or tours. Family circumstances are also taken into account. For example, mothers and fathers often go on business trips or temporarily leave the country or city with their child. In this case, the educational institution develops an individual plan for the student based on the curriculum, establishes forms and deadlines for certification. But if the students do not cope well with the program or their performance noticeably decreases, then the school has the right to decide to terminate such training.

- Are there any disadvantages to home schooling and are there many children in the capital who receive it?

- The vast majority of parents prefer that their children go to school. There are about 300 children in so-called home schooling. We are talking mainly about gifted and talented schoolchildren, as well as those who, for good reasons, cannot attend classes permanently or temporarily. If parents have the opportunity to be with their child during the day, they can transfer him to individual learning. But such cases are rare. Responsibility for such families, as a rule, lies with the school administration, and they must be treated very carefully. For example, parents may belong to non-traditional religious groups, and children who do not attend school become even more isolated from society. Or moms and dads themselves are to a certain extent not socially adapted. But if everything is fine in the family, then the school will not interfere with the individual education of children.

- Have we developed a system of distance learning at the general secondary education level?

- This form of education is not legally established in our country, unlike the Russian Federation, where the possibility of distance learning is prescribed. The draft of the new edition of the Education Code, which is currently being considered, provides for distance learning for children with special needs of psychophysical development. Russian-style educational documents are suitable for admission to Belarusian universities. If a child has successfully completed a Russian school course remotely and received a state certificate of the Russian Federation, then there should be no problems with accepting the document in Belarus.

For information

In the last academic year, 16 students were externally certified for 9 classes, 274 for 11 classes. As a rule, in each district of the city one school is determined, on the basis of which certification takes place. The exams are administered by a commission consisting of teachers from the institution.

First of all, in the Republic of Belarus there is no homeschooling, home education or family education, but there is individual curriculum .

Once upon a time, the Republic of Belarus adopted the Law “On Education” and it actually contained an article “On education in the family.” In 2006, the law was rewritten. In the new law “On Education”, family education was prohibited. But! The law has Article 35, which is what we need.

Article 35. Forms of education

1. Education at the levels of general secondary education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of the individual, can be carried out in full-time (day and evening) and correspondence forms, as well as independently with certification as an external student.
2. Correspondence education is allowed only in evening (shift) schools, as well as in classes, educational and consulting centers of general education institutions, where education is carried out according to the curriculum of the evening (shift) school.
3. A combination of various forms of obtaining general secondary education, as well as training according to individual curricula, is allowed.
4. Features of obtaining education independently with certification in the order of external studies, according to individual curricula are determined by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

Externships in Belarus are allowed only in high schools. For primary school - only an individual curriculum.

In order to study at home, you need to write an application addressed to the school director at the school where your child is studying (or where you have applied) before August 31st about the child’s transition to an individual curriculum. The director's order is written based on the decision of the teachers' council. Moreover, the teaching council cannot refuse you, but without its decision you have no right... Such is the Belarusian play on words. Theoretically, you can write an application in the middle of the school year, but then it will really be “at the discretion of the administration.”

A student who is studying according to an individual curriculum is enrolled in the class, entered in the class register, and can attend any lessons and electives at his own discretion. When writing an application, parents indicate which subjects their child plans to study at home and which at school, and for “home” subjects, current grades are not given in the class register, but only final grades: for laboratory tests, tests, quarter grades and annual grades. The test plan (tests, workbooks, oral examination) is usually drawn up by the head teacher.

With this form of homeschooling, to be honest, it’s a mystery to me why 100% of parents don’t write an application to switch to individual education. You are not limited in any way in the consumption of school services, but you can refuse them at any time. You can, for example, go to school for one quarter, and then sit out all the flu at home, without being bothered by medical certificates, and then go again; You can go to school only for a foreign language (the case of my friends) and/or your favorite electives. In general, electives are an interesting thing. Teachers are paid money for electives, and to open an elective, you need at least 5 interested children, so an elective is usually a very intimate event: why teach 20 people if you can teach 5, and the payment is still the same.

But this is a theory. Practice, as always, is much more interesting.

Due to the fact that in the old law there was a family form of education, and in the new law it was banned and due to the fact that there is no clear legislative basis for the procedure for passing certification for individual entrepreneurs, the fantasies of some educators are blooming in full bloom. Moreover, this does not always happen out of malicious intent, but rather from ignorance, fear of doing “something wrong” and “concern” about the future of children who do not attend school.

For example, on the website of the Ministry of Education, in response to a citizen’s question about whether he has the right to educate his child at home, it was officially stated: “... we inform you that in accordance with Article 35 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 5, 2006. “On general secondary education”, teaching a student independently (in the family) will be prohibited.”

I collected the experience of several mothers about transferring their children to an individual plan. The result is the following picture.

So, you come to school and stutter that you would like to teach your child at home, or are you wondering if it’s possible to teach the child yourself? You’ve heard something like this somewhere, but you’re not sure that so much freedom is given in one hand. Error! In response, you can hear, for example, (in a strictly edifying tone): “Well, this is only possible if your mother is a teacher”; or “Externship can only be taken for the entire course of basic or secondary school”; or “The new Law does not provide for education in the family.”

So, instead of wondering whether it is possible to teach your child at home, you need to immediately hit the spot with the phrase: “Where do you sign up for training according to an individual curriculum?” Do not pay attention to the hysterics and intimidation of teachers and officials, but simply stupidly and politely refer to Article 35 of the Law “On Education”. And remember that they have no right to refuse you.

Here's an example of a story:

“We came to the school at our place of registration and said that we would come to them in the first grade, but in September we would leave until April, so we ask you to provide us with an individual plan and tell us what requirements will be presented to us upon arrival in order to consider the 1st grade to be completed. They immediately began to smile and called the city government, they told us to come to them ourselves.

We went to the city police department, they wrote down our data, they said they would contact Gomel (and we are in Mozyr), and then Minsk, and they would call by the end of the week. That evening they called! They asked to come “to look at the conditions in which the child is being raised.” They came, looked, and asked a bunch of questions. They began to persuade me to formalize guardianship for my grandmother and go quietly without my son. “It would be better for him this way, not to run around and go to school with his grandmother.” I must say that my grandmother really liked this plan, but for me this option is not discussed. Then they said that on an individual education plan, it is necessary to “attend to school at least once a month.”

After that, the city administration finally decided (our question) regarding the form of certification. Among the possible options, an interview or a test upon arrival was discussed.”

Regarding the certification process, here is a good comment from one mother: “Due to the lack of a clear legislative framework on the procedure for passing certification for individual entrepreneurs, there is a difference in the opinions of school principals regarding the frequency of our children’s appearance before the strict eyes of teachers, in my only memory: from daily(! ) visits to a two to three week marathon in June. Well, there are various options within these limits.”
