Korobkin peredelsky ecology. Peredelsky, Lev Dmitrievich - Karachev. Section I. General ecology

12th ed., supplement. and reworked. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2007. - 602 p.

Laureate of the competition of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the creation of textbooks of a new generation in general natural sciences (Moscow, 1999). The first Russian textbook on the discipline "Ecology" for university students studying technical sciences.

The textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of the current state educational standard and a program recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education. It consists of two parts - theoretical and applied. In its five sections, the main provisions of general ecology, the doctrine of the biosphere, and human ecology are considered; anthropogenic impacts on the biosphere, problems of environmental protection and conservation environment. In general, the textbook forms a new ecological, noospheric worldview among students.

Intended for students of higher educational institutions. The textbook is also recommended for teachers and students of secondary schools, lyceums and colleges. It is also necessary for a wide range of engineering and technical workers involved in environmental management and environmental protection.

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Dear reader! ten
Preface 11
§ 1. Subject and tasks of ecology 13
§ 2. History of development of ecology 17
§ 3. Importance of environmental education 21
Section one. GENERAL ECOLOGY 26
Chapter 1. Organism as a living integral system 26
§ 1. Levels of biological organization and ecology 26
§ 2. Development of an organism as a living integral system 32
§ 3. Systems of organisms and biota of the Earth? 6
Chapter 2. Interaction of the organism and the environment 43
§ 1. The concept of habitat and environmental factors 43
§ 2. Basic ideas about the adaptations of organisms 47
§ 3. Limiting factors 49
§ 4. The importance of physical and chemical environmental factors in the life of organisms 52
§ 5. Edaphic factors and their role in the life of plants and soil biota 70
§ 6. Resources of living beings as environmental factors 77
Chapter 3. Populations 86
§ 1. Static indicators of populations 86
§ 2. Dynamic indicators of populations 88
§ 3. Life expectancy 90
§ 4. Dynamics of population growth 94
§ 5. Ecological survival strategies 99
§ 6. Regulation of population density 100
Chapter 4 Biotic Communities 105
§ 1. Species structure of biocenosis 106
§ 2. Spatial structure of the biocenosis 110
§ 3. Ecological niche. The relationship of organisms in the biocenosis 111
Chapter 5 Ecological Systems 122
§ 1. Ecosystem concept 122
§ 2. Production and decomposition in nature 126
§ 3. Ecosystem homeostasis 128
§ 4. Ecosystem energy 130
§ 5. Biological productivity of ecosystems 134
§ 6. Ecosystem dynamics 139
§ 7. Systems approach and modeling in ecology 147
Chapter 6. Biosphere - the global ecosystem of the earth 155
§ 1. The biosphere as one of the shells of the Earth 155
§ 2. Composition and boundaries of the biosphere 161
§ 3. The cycle of substances in nature 168
§ 4. Biogeochemical cycles of the most vital nutrients 172
Chapter 7. Natural ecosystems of the earth as chorological units of the biosphere 181
§ 1. Classification of natural ecosystems of the biosphere on a landscape basis 181
§ 2. Terrestrial biomes (ecosystems) 190
§ 3. Freshwater ecosystems 198
§ 4. Marine ecosystems 207
§ 5. The integrity of the biosphere as a global ecosystem 213
Chapter 8. The main directions of the evolution of the biosphere 217
§ 1. V. I. Vernadsky’s teaching about the biosphere 217
§ 2. Biodiversity of the biosphere as a result of its evolution 223
§ 3. 0 regulatory impact of biota on the environment 226
§ 4. Noosphere as a new stage in the evolution of the biosphere 230
Section three. HUMAN ECOLOGY 234
Chapter 9. Biosocial nature of man and ecology 234
§ 1. Man as a biological species 235
§ 2. Population characteristics of a person 243
§ 3. Natural resources of the Earth as a limiting factor in human survival 250
Chapter 10. Anthropogenic ecosystems 258
§ 1. Man and ecosystems 258
§ 2. Agricultural ecosystems (agroecosystems) 263
§ 3. Industrial-urban ecosystems 266
Chapter 11. Ecology and human health 271
§ 1. The influence of natural and environmental factors on human health 271
§ 2. The influence of social and environmental factors on human health 274
§ 3. Hygiene and human health 282
Chapter 12. Main types of anthropogenic impacts on the biosphere 286
Chapter 13. Anthropogenic impacts on the atmosphere 295
§ 1. Air pollution 296
§ 2. Main sources of air pollution 299
§ 3. Ecological consequences of atmospheric pollution 302
§ 4. Ecological consequences of global atmospheric pollution 307
Chapter 14. Anthropogenic impacts on the hydrosphere 318
§ 1. Pollution of the hydrosphere 318
§ 2. Ecological consequences of pollution of the hydrosphere 326
§ 3. Depletion of underground and surface waters 331
Chapter 15. Anthropogenic impacts on the lithosphere 337
§ 1. Impacts on soils 338
§ 2. Impacts on rocks and their massifs 352
§ 3. Impacts on the subsoil 360
Chapter 16. Anthropogenic impacts on biotic communities 365
§ 1. The value of the forest in nature and human life 365
§ 2. Anthropogenic impacts on forests and other plant communities 369
§ 3. Ecological consequences of human impact on the plant world 372
§ 4. The value of the animal world in the biosphere 377
§ 5. Human impact on animals and the causes of their extinction 379
Chapter 17. Special types of impact on the biosphere 385
§ 1. Pollution of the environment by production and consumption waste 385
§ 2 Noise exposure 390
§ 3. Biological pollution 393
§ 4. The impact of electromagnetic fields and radiation 395
Chapter 18. Extreme impacts on the biosphere 399
§ 1. Impact of weapons of mass destruction 400
§ 2. Impact of technogenic environmental disasters 403
§ 3. Natural disasters 408
Chapter 19. Basic principles of environmental protection and rational nature management 429
Chapter 20. Engineering environmental protection 437
§ 1. Principal directions of engineering protection of the environment 437
§ 2. Regulation of environmental quality 443
§ 3. Protection of the atmosphere 451
§ 4. Protection of the hydrosphere 458
§ 5. Protection of the lithosphere 471
§ 6. Protection of biotic communities 484
§ 7. Protection of the environment from special types of impacts 500
Chapter 21. Fundamentals of environmental law 516
§ 1. Sources of environmental law 516
§ 2. State authorities for environmental protection 520
§ 3. Environmental standardization and certification 522
§ 4. Ecological expertise and environmental impact assessment (EIA) 524
§ 5. Environmental management, audit and certification 526
§ 6. The concept of environmental risk 528
§ 7. Environmental monitoring(environmental monitoring) 531
§ 8. Environmental control and social environmental movements 537
§ 9. Environmental rights and obligations of citizens 540
§ 10. Legal liability for environmental offenses 543
Chapter 22. Ecology and Economics 547
§ 1. Ecological and economic accounting natural resources and pollutants 549
§ 2. License, agreement and limits for the use of natural resources 550
§ 3. New mechanisms for financing environmental protection 552
§ 4. The concept of the concept of sustainable development 556
Chapter 23
§ 1. Anthropocentrism and ecocentrism. Formation of a new ecological consciousness 560
§ 2. environmental education, upbringing and culture 567
Chapter 24. International cooperation in the field of ecology 572
§ 1 International objects of environmental protection 573
§ 2. Basic principles of international environmental cooperation 576
§ 3. Russia's participation in international environmental cooperation 580
Ecological manifesto (according to N. F. Reimers) (instead of a conclusion) 584
Basic concepts and definitions in the field of ecology, environmental protection and nature management 586
Index 591

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Lectures 8-9. BIOGEOCOENOSIS and its components. CONCEPT, structure. methods for studying phytocenoses.


Korobkin V.I., Peredelsky L.V. Ecology. Rostov on Don: Phoenix, 2005. 576 p. (Higher education)

Stepanovskikh A.S. Biological ecology. Theory and practice: a textbook for university students studying in environmental specialties. M.: UNITI-DANA, 2009. 791 p.

Stepanovskikh A.S. General ecology: A textbook for universities. M.: UNITI, 2001. 510 p.

Lecture 8

1. The concept of biogeocenosis

2. Component composition of BHC

3. Phytocenoses - the main component of biogeocenosis

4. Definition of the concept of "phytocenosis"

5. Structure of phytocenosis

5.1. species structure

Quantitative indicators of species structure

How to correctly describe the floristic composition of a phytocenosis?

Vitality of the species

5.2. Spatial, or morphological structure of the biocenosis

Vertical heterogeneity

Horizontal heterogeneity

Lecture 9

6. Field methods for studying biogeocenoses

Methodology for laying trial plots

Stage Description Methodology

Method for identifying the floristic composition

7. Diagnostic signs of phytocenoses for assignment to a specific association


In one of the first lectures, the concept levels of life organization(biological spectrum). The main levels of life organization: gene, cell, organ, organism, population, community (biocenosis). Or, respectively (according to Y. Odum, 1975):

1) Genetic or molecular

2) Cellular and tissue levels

3) Organ

4) Organismic

5) population-species intermediate between "organismic" and "superorganismal" levels.

6) Ecosystem, biogeocenotic interactions in supraorganismal systems within the biogeocenosis, ecosystem (between populations, groups, organisms within the BGC) are studied.

7) biospheric the highest, the relationship between macroecosystems, biogeocenoses (forest-steppe, forest-swamp, forest-tundra, etc.) is considered, the law of the circulation of substances and energy is studied in a global aspect.

General ecology studies the last three levels of biological organization from organism to ecosystems.

Why starting with the organism? Because he is the first one can exist on its own! There is no life outside of organisms.

 - the main subject of research in the ecosystem approach in ecology are the processes of transformation of matter and energy between biota and the physical environment, i.e. the processes of material and energy exchange in the ecosystem as a whole. It is also the relationship of living organisms (individuals) with each other and with the environment at the population-biocenotic level and levels biological systems even higher rank (biogeocenoses and biosphere).

 - the main object of study is the ecosystem.

The ecosystem of the rank of biogeocenosis in general ecology is considered the most important unit, and the organism or species is the smallest unit, but also belongs to important objects.

Why is it so important and so necessary to study nature at the level of ecosystems, and primarily biogeocenoses? Because, knowing the laws of formation and functioning of ecosystems, it is possible to foresee and prevent their destruction as a result of the impact of negative factors on them, provide for protective measures and, as a result, preserve the human habitat as a species.

1. The concept of biogeocenosis

The term "biogeocenosis" was proposed by Academician V.N. Sukachev in the late 30s. in relation to forest ecosystems.

The definition of biogeocenosis according to V.N. Sukachev (1964: 23) is considered classical - “... this is a set of homogeneous natural phenomena (atmosphere, rocks, vegetation, fauna and the world of microorganisms, soil and hydrological conditions) over a known extent of the earth's surface, having a special specificity of interactions of these constituent components and a certain type of exchange of matter and energy: between themselves and with other natural phenomena and representing an internal contradictory unity, which is in constant motion and development ... ".

Translated into plain language "Biogeocenosis is the totality of species and the totality of environmental factors that determine the existence of a given ecosystem, taking into account the inevitable anthropogenic impact." Last addition taking into account the inevitable anthropogenic impact tribute to modernity. At the time of V.N. Sukachev, there was no need to attribute the anthropogenic factor to the main environmental factors, which it is now. But even then it was clear that the components biogeocenosis do not just exist side by side, but actively interact with each other ( rice. one).

2. Component composition of BHC

Biocenosis, or biological community - a set of three components living together: vegetation, animals and microorganisms.

In nature, there are no single-species groups and settlements, and in biocenoses we usually deal with groups consisting of many species. Biocenoses, as a form of organization of living matter, develop over a fairly long time and therefore are characterized by a fairly well-established structural organization of the organisms included in it and stability.

The main properties of biocenoses are the ability to produce living matter, to haveself-regulation and self-reproducibility .

The size of the biocenosis depends on the size of the territory with homogeneous abiotic properties, i.e. biotope.

Biotope this is a kind of "geographical" space, a place of life of a biocenosis, which is more commonly called ecotope.

Ecotope form the soil with characteristic subsoil, with forest litter, as well as with one or another amount of humus (humus), and atmosphere with a certain amount of solar radiation, with one or another amount of free moisture, with a characteristic content of carbon dioxide in the air, various impurities, aerosols, etc., in aquatic biogeocenoses instead of the atmosphere - water.

Of all the components of the biotope, soil is closest to the biogenic component of the biogeocenosis, since its origin is directly related to living matter. organic matter in the soil, it is a product of the vital activity of the biocenosis at different stages of transformation.

The community of organisms is limited by the biotope (in the case of oysters, by the borders of the shallows) from the very beginning of existence. Biocenosis and biotope function in continuous unity.

The science of biogeocenoses - biogeocenology. It deals with the problems of the interaction of living organisms with each other and with the abiotic environment around them, i.e. inanimate environment.

Biogeocenology is one of the areas of general ecology, corresponding to ecosystem, or biogeocenotic, level of life organization (biological spectrum) .

3. Phytocenoses - the main component of biogeocenosis

Each component of the biocenosis, as well as biogeocenosis, can be an object of attention from an ecological point of view, you can devote not only a special course of lectures to it, but also your entire creative life.

The main, nodal subsystem of biogeocenoses is phytocenoses.

Phytocenoses are:

1) main receivers and solar energy transformers,

2) the main suppliers of products in the biogeocenosis,

3) their structure objectively reflects the processes of formation and transformation of the basis of life on the planet - organic matter, and in general all the processes occurring in the biogeocenosis.

4) at the same time, they are easily accessible for study directly in nature,

5) for them, for several decades, effective field research methods and methods of office processing of actual materials have been developed and are being developed.

It is the main attention that we will pay to phytocenosis and methods of its study. Moreover, many of the patterns inherent in phytocenosis also apply to zoocenosis and microorganisms.

Laureate of the competition of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation on the creation of new generation textbooks in general natural sciences (Moscow, 1999). The first Russian textbook on the discipline "Ecology" for university students studying technical sciences.
The textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of the current state educational standard and the program recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education. It consists of two parts - theoretical and applied. In its five sections, the main provisions of general ecology, the doctrine of the biosphere, and human ecology are considered; anthropogenic impacts on the biosphere, problems of ecological protection and environmental protection. In general, the textbook forms a new ecological, noospheric worldview among students.
Designed for students of higher educational institutions. The textbook is also recommended for teachers and students of secondary schools, lyceums and colleges. It is also necessary for a wide range of engineering and technical workers involved in environmental management and environmental protection.

Here is one of the textbooks of a new generation on the discipline "Ecology" for students of higher educational institutions studying in technical areas and specialties vocational education, written by well-known experts in the field of environmental sciences and passed through a difficult and long path of competitive selection.

This textbook is one of three winners in the discipline "Ecology" All-Russian competition textbooks of a new generation on general fundamental natural science disciplines. This competition is the first in history high school Russia in connection with the reform of the structure and content of programs higher education was initiated by the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia (hereinafter - the Ministry of Education of Russia) and was held during 1995-1998. on the base Russian University Friendship between nations.

Dear reader! ten
Preface 11
§ 1. Subject and tasks of ecology 13
§ 2. History of development of ecology 17
§ 3. Importance of environmental education 21
Section one. GENERAL ECOLOGY 26
Chapter 1. Organism as a living integral system 26
§ 1. Levels of biological organization and ecology 26
§ 2. Development of an organism as a living integral system 32
§ 3. Systems of organisms and biota of the Earth? 6
Chapter 2. Interaction of the organism and the environment 43
§ 1. The concept of habitat and environmental factors 43
§ 2. Basic ideas about the adaptations of organisms 47
§ 3. Limiting factors 49
§ 4. The importance of physical and chemical environmental factors in the life of organisms 52
§ 5. Edaphic factors and their role in the life of plants and soil biota 70
§ 6. Resources of living beings as environmental factors 77
Chapter 3. Populations 86
§ 1. Static indicators of populations 86
§ 2. Dynamic indicators of populations 88
§ 3. Life expectancy 90
§ 4. Dynamics of population growth 94
§ 5. Ecological survival strategies 99
§ 6. Regulation of population density 100
Chapter 4 Biotic Communities 105
§ 1. Species structure of biocenosis 106
§ 2. Spatial structure of the biocenosis 110
§ 3. Ecological niche. The relationship of organisms in the biocenosis 111
Chapter 5 Ecological Systems 122
§ 1. Ecosystem concept 122
§ 2. Production and decomposition in nature 126
§ 3. Ecosystem homeostasis 128
§ 4. Ecosystem energy 130
§ 5. Biological productivity of ecosystems 134
§ 6. Ecosystem dynamics 139
§ 7. System approach and modeling in ecology 147
Chapter 6. Biosphere - the global ecosystem of the earth 155
§ 1. The biosphere as one of the shells of the Earth 155
§ 2. Composition and boundaries of the biosphere 161
§ 3. The cycle of substances in nature 168
§ 4. Biogeochemical cycles of the most vital nutrients 172
Chapter 7. Natural ecosystems of the earth as chorological units of the biosphere 181
§ 1. Classification of natural ecosystems of the biosphere on a landscape basis 181
§ 2. Terrestrial biomes (ecosystems) 190
§ 3. Freshwater ecosystems 198
§ 4. Marine ecosystems 207
§ 5. The integrity of the biosphere as a global ecosystem 213
Chapter 8. The main directions of the evolution of the biosphere 217
§ 1. V. I. Vernadsky’s teaching about the biosphere 217
§ 2. Biodiversity of the biosphere as a result of its evolution 223
§ 3. 0 regulatory impact of biota on the environment 226
§ 4. Noosphere as a new stage in the evolution of the biosphere 230
Section three. HUMAN ECOLOGY 234
Chapter 9. Biosocial nature of man and ecology 234
§ 1. Man as a biological species 235
§ 2. Population characteristics of a person 243
§ 3. Natural resources of the Earth as a limiting factor in human survival 250
Chapter 10. Anthropogenic ecosystems 258
§ 1. Man and ecosystems 258
§ 2. Agricultural ecosystems (agroecosystems) 263
§ 3. Industrial-urban ecosystems 266
Chapter 11. Ecology and human health 271
§ 1. The influence of natural and environmental factors on human health 271
§ 2. The influence of social and environmental factors on human health 274
§ 3. Hygiene and human health 282

Chapter 12. Main types of anthropogenic impacts on the biosphere 286
Chapter 13. Anthropogenic impacts on the atmosphere 295
§ 1. Air pollution 296
§ 2. Main sources of air pollution 299
§ 3. Ecological consequences of atmospheric pollution 302
§ 4. Ecological consequences of global atmospheric pollution 307
Chapter 14. Anthropogenic impacts on the hydrosphere 318
§ 1. Pollution of the hydrosphere 318
§ 2. Ecological consequences of pollution of the hydrosphere 326
§ 3. Depletion of underground and surface waters 331
Chapter 15. Anthropogenic impacts on the lithosphere 337
§ 1. Impacts on soils 338
§ 2. Impacts on rocks and their massifs 352
§ 3. Impacts on the subsoil 360
Chapter 16. Anthropogenic impacts on biotic communities 365
§ 1. The value of the forest in nature and human life 365
§ 2. Anthropogenic impacts on forests and other plant communities 369
§ 3. Ecological consequences of human impact on the plant world 372
§ 4. The value of the animal world in the biosphere 377
§ 5. Human impact on animals and the causes of their extinction 379
Chapter 17. Special types of impact on the biosphere 385
§ 1. Pollution of the environment by production and consumption waste 385
§ 2 Noise exposure 390
§ 3. Biological pollution 393
§ 4. The impact of electromagnetic fields and radiation 395
Chapter 18. Extreme impacts on the biosphere 399
§ 1. Impact of weapons of mass destruction 400
§ 2. The impact of man-made environmental disasters 403
§ 3. Natural disasters 408
Chapter 19. Basic principles of environmental protection and rational nature management 429
Chapter 20. Engineering environmental protection 437
§ 1. Principal directions of engineering protection of the environment 437
§ 2. Regulation of environmental quality 443
§ 3. Protection of the atmosphere 451
§ 4. Protection of the hydrosphere 458
§ 5. Protection of the lithosphere 471
§ 6. Protection of biotic communities 484
§ 7. Protection of the environment from special types of impacts 500
Chapter 21. Fundamentals of environmental law 516
§ 1. Sources of environmental law 516
§ 2. State authorities for environmental protection 520
§ 3. Environmental standardization and certification 522
§ 4. Ecological expertise and environmental impact assessment (EIA) 524
§ 5. Environmental management, audit and certification 526
§ 6. The concept of environmental risk 528
§ 7. Environmental monitoring (environmental monitoring) 531
§ 8. Environmental control and social environmental movements 537
§ 9. Environmental rights and obligations of citizens 540
§ 10. Legal liability for environmental offenses 543
Chapter 22. Ecology and Economics 547
§ 1. Ecological and economic accounting of natural resources and pollutants 549
§ 2. License, agreement and limits for the use of natural resources 550
§ 3. New mechanisms for financing environmental protection 552
§ 4. The concept of the concept of sustainable development 556
Chapter 23
§ 1. Anthropocentrism and ecocentrism. Formation of a new ecological consciousness 560
§ 2. Ecological education, upbringing and culture 567
Chapter 24. International cooperation in the field of ecology 572
§ 1 International objects of environmental protection 573
§ 2. Basic principles of international environmental cooperation 576
§ 3. Russia's participation in international environmental cooperation 580
Ecological manifesto (according to N. F. Reimers) (instead of a conclusion) 584
Basic concepts and definitions in the field of ecology, environmental protection and nature management 586
Index 591
