20 10th day in history. World Statistics Day (holiday in UN countries)

This date of the second winter month is ready to give all the inhabitants of the planet a huge number of celebrations.

UN events October 20, 2020

World Statistics Day

In 1947, the UN Statistical Commission was created. She was able to establish international methodological standards throughout her work. This commission plays a key role in improving the provision of assistance to states and their statistical reporting. The commission can also ensure an unprecedented degree of data availability.

This celebration was created to draw public attention to the very important work that statistical staff do every day. They must collect objective, accurate and comparable data. All aspects modern life It’s the statistics that pervade.

It also serves as the basis for many government decisions in the public and entrepreneurial activity. Statistics can provide insight and information about the forces and trends that may affect our lives.

World celebrations October 20, 2020

International Chef's Day

Every year on October 20, Chef's Day is celebrated all over the world. The holiday was created in 2004, and the initiator was the World Association of Culinary Societies. The solemn event in more than 70 countries became large-scale.

In addition to the culinary experts themselves, authorities, business owners and employees of travel companies can take part in the organization. All these people organize competitions among chefs, experiment with dishes and conduct tastings. The profession of a cook can be called one of the most popular in the world, as well as an ancient one.

History does not tell us who was the first to decide to cook game meat along with berries that were collected in the forest. The ancient Greeks, for example, had a god of healing, Asclepius. But his faithful assistant was the cook Kulina. She became the patroness of the art of cooking.

International Air Traffic Controller Day

In 1961, on October 20, the International Federation of Aircraft Dispatchers' Associations was founded in Amsterdam. In the history of the development of air transport, such an event became a significant milestone. It was thanks to him that the professional holiday appeared.

For dispatchers, such a celebration was an opportunity to once again emphasize the importance of their profession. Also today you can attract the attention of the entire public to your work and declare your achievements. It is in the hands of these workers that safety in the sky lies.

Employees are entrusted with great responsibility, so very high demands are placed on their professionalism. Air traffic control specialists must not only have perfect professional skills, but also have special psychological training.

International Credit Union Day

This celebration takes place on the third Thursday of October every year. This celebration has been celebrated continuously since 1948. Since then, many events have taken place: charity events, open days of branches and unions, competitions, fairs, and so on. A credit union is an organization for mutual financial assistance of citizens.

This organization is one of the most attractive and widespread for the population. Since the mid-19th century, ideas and concepts of cooperation have come into common use. Then they were able to gain great popularity in European countries. Robert Owen can be considered the founder of the cooperative philosophy.

It should also be noted that the re-establishment date of Credit Union Day was 1948. And in 1927, the first idea for the celebration was voiced.

Russian holiday October 20, 2020

Military Signalman Day in Russia

In our country, every year on October 20, Military Signalman Day is celebrated. This professional celebration is celebrated by all employees and military personnel of the Signal Corps. In 1919, October 20 was the day of the creation of the Signal Corps.

By order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, a communications department was created headed by the head of communications. This service was separated into a special headquarters service, and the signal troops became independent troops. It was then that the structure was laid modern troops communications. Military communications in her development was able to go through difficult and big way, which is inextricably linked with the history of the creation of the Armed Forces.

Today, this system is a complex multifunctional organism. It can also include multilayer communication nodes for various purposes, many thousands of kilometers of radio lines and other types of communication.

Folk calendar for October 20, 2020

Sergey Zimny

On this date, people celebrate the memory of two saints who bore the name Sergius. The first of them was Sergius of Pechersk, who lived in the 13th century. And the second is Sergius Nuromsky, who lived in the 15th century. Both were pure in soul and kind.

The second saint was a disciple of Sergius of Radonezh, whom he came to after hearing about his exploits. And when, many years after his death, Sergius Nuromsky came to the pious man Nikifor, he asked to clear his grave.

Nikifor thought that it was just a dream, and as his punishment he could no longer move. Only at the tomb of Saint Nicephorus was able to receive healing. On such a day, people were not surprised at the frosts that could suddenly come. That’s why Sergei received the nickname – Winter.

Which people celebrate their name day on October 20, 2020

Joseph, Mark, Nikolai, Pelageya, Sergei, Julian.

Historical facts

  • 1714 - Peter I issued a Decree banning stone construction throughout Russia, except St. Petersburg.
  • 1740 – Austrian Archduchess Maria Theresa is declared heir to Charles VI of Habsburg.
  • 1827 – the Battle of Navarino took place.
  • 1880 - the Moscow circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard received its first spectators.

Popular personalities and their birthdays

  1. Dmitry Donskoy 1350 – Grand Duke Moscow.
  2. Oscar Swan 1847 – Swedish marksman.
  3. James Chadwick 1891 – English physicist.
  4. Enrique Bernat 1923 – Spanish businessman.
  5. Igor Gorbachev 1927 – Russian film and theater actor.
  6. Eremey Parnov 1935 – Soviet writer.
  7. Valery Borzov 1949 – Soviet track and field athlete.
  8. Thomas Newman 1955 – American composer.
  9. Vladimir Solovyov 1963 – Russian journalist.
  10. Callie Minogue 1971 – Australian singer.
  11. Dmitry Alenichev 1972 – Russian football player.

Today, October 20, many UN countries celebrate a holiday - World Statistics Day, the whole world celebrates today International Air Traffic Controller Day and International Chef Day. In Russia, this day is a holiday - Military Signalman's Day, and in Ukraine - All-Ukrainian Day against Breast Cancer. Serbia celebrates Belgrade Liberation Day.

World Statistics Day (holiday in UN countries)

In 1947, on October 20, the UN Statistical Commission was created, which at the 41st session, in 2010, decided to establish October 20 world day statistics, which has since been celebrated in UN countries every year on this day.
During its work, the UN Commission established statistical guidelines and international methodological standards in each area.

International Air Traffic Controller Day (international holiday)

The International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations was created in Amsterdam on October 20, 1961. In honor of this event, a new professional holiday was founded, dedicated to the date - International Day air traffic controller.
The number of IFATCA member associations around the world today is 133, which includes 50 thousand air traffic controllers.

International Chef's Day (international holiday)

On October 20, chefs and cooks all over the world celebrate their professional holiday. This international date was established back in 2004 on the initiative of the World Association of Culinary Societies, which today has about 8 million members from different countries.
Every year, International Chef's Day is celebrated in more than 70 countries. In organizing this festive event Owners of public catering establishments, employees of travel companies and government officials take part in the event.

Military Signalman Day (Russia)

Military Signalman's Day in Russian army celebrated annually on October 20. This professional holiday was established for all workers and military personnel of the Signal Corps by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 31, 2006 for the revival and development of Russian military traditions, as a sign of respect and recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving the problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state and to increase prestige military service. Previously, since 1919, this holiday was celebrated as the Day of Communications of the Russian Armed Forces.

All-Ukrainian Day against Breast Cancer (Ukraine)

Based on the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated January 17, 2005, the annual All-Ukrainian Day against Breast Cancer was introduced on October 20. In Ukraine, as throughout the world, the incidence of breast cancer in women is increasing. On average there is an increase of 1-2% per year. Breast cancer occupies one of the first places in the structure of oncopathology in women. This terrible disease takes the lives of more than seven and a half thousand women every year throughout Ukraine.

Belgrade Liberation Day (Serbia)

On October 20, 1944, the city of Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia, was liberated by Soviet troops together with units of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia during a general offensive operation The Soviet Armed Forces to liberate the territory of this state from the Nazi invaders and their allies during the Second World War.
Participated in this liberation ground troops and the Danube military flotilla.

Unusual holidays October 20

Spectator's Day

I'll look to the right and to the left -
everything in the world is clear to everyone around,
a maiden is so wise,
having learned the truth from the first trousers.

I love to see
how clever the girl is,
when she no longer has clothes on,
from God's eye
hastening to hide,
covers his nakedness with mine.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Sergei Zimny

October 20 is celebrated among Orthodox Christians as a church holiday - Sergei Zimny.
On this day they honor the memory of two saints who bore the name Sergius.
Venerable Sergius Pechersky lived back in the 13th century and completely renounced his own will and obeyed the abbot. For this Sergius was nicknamed the Obedient.
Sergius of Nuromsky, or Vologda, lived in the 15th century. He was a Greek by origin and came to Rus' in order to become a student of Sergius of Radonezh. After some time, with the blessing of his abbot, in order to indulge in solitude, Sergius went north, to the Nurma River, where he survived attacks by robbers and demonic temptations and from which he was saved only by the miracle of prayer. Pilgrims gradually began to gather around Sergius, and thus the Nurom monastery was formed.
The Monk Sergius of Nuromsky, many years after his death, appeared to Nikifor, a pious man, and ordered him to clear his grave. When Nicephorus disobeyed because he considered this miracle an ordinary dream, as punishment he lost the ability to move, and he was cured only at the saint’s tomb.
After Sergius’s grave was put in order, healings began to occur near it.
On this day, people said: “Sergei is starting winter.” According to folk superstitions, if snow fell on this day and the trees have not yet completely shed their leaves, then real winter will have to wait no earlier than Matryona or November 22.
Name day October 20 with Joseph, Mark, Nikolai, Pelageya, Sergei, Julian

Memorable date military history Russia. On this day in 1827, the Russian fleet and its allies defeated the Turkish fleet in the naval battle of Navarino.

Battle of Navarino


On October 8 (20), 1827, a naval battle took place in the Navarino Bay of the Ionian Sea between the allied fleet (Russia, England and France) and the Turkish-Egyptian fleet.

After Turkey refused to comply with the requirements of the London Convention of 1827 on granting autonomy to Greece, a combined squadron of Russia, England and France under the command of the senior English Vice Admiral E. Codrington approached the Bay of Navarino, where the Turkish-Egyptian fleet under the command of Muharrem was located -bey.

The English squadron consisted of 3 battleships, 3 frigates, a sloop, 4 brigs and a tender (472 guns in total). The English squadron was commanded by Vice Admiral E. Codrington. In the French squadron of Rear Admiral A. de Rigny there were 3 battleships, 2 frigates, a brig and a schooner (362 guns). Under the command of the Russian Rear Admiral L.P. Heyden there were 4 battleships and 4 frigates (466 guns). In total, the combined fleet consisted of 10 battleships, 9 frigates and 7 small ships and about 1 thousand 300 guns.

The Turkish-Egyptian fleet consisted of 3 battleships, 5 two-deck 64-gun frigates, 18 frigates, 42 corvettes, 15 brigs and 6 fire ships (in total different sources from 2.1 thousand to 2.6 thousand guns). The entrance to the bay was shelled from both sides by 165 guns from coastal batteries located in the Navarino fortress and on the island of Sphacteria. The commander-in-chief of the Turkish-Egyptian troops and fleet was Ibrahim Pasha.

On October 8 (20), 1827, the allied squadrons began to enter the bay in a wake column and take up positions according to the previously accepted disposition. As soon as the ships of the English squadron began to lower their anchors, the Turks opened rapid rifle fire on them and killed an English parliamentary officer who was heading to negotiate with the Turkish admiral. At the same time, the first cannon shot was fired from the Egyptian corvette at the French flagship Sirena, and the fortress batteries opened crossfire at the flagship of the Russian squadron Azov, which was passing at the head of the detachment through the narrow strait into Navarino Bay.

A fierce short-range battle lasted for 4 hours, during which the allied squadrons acted in complete unanimity, providing each other with mutual support. The Turkish-Egyptian fleet was completely destroyed. The Russian squadron under the command of Rear Admiral Heyden acted most decisively and skillfully, destroying the entire center and right flank of the enemy fleet. She took the main blow of the enemy and destroyed most of his ships. The losses of the Turkish-Egyptian fleet amounted to more than 60 ships and vessels, including 3 battleships, 9 frigates, 24 corvettes, 14 brigs. Losses in killed and drowned alone amounted to more than 7 thousand people. At night, the Turks themselves burned almost all of their remaining ships. The Allies did not lose a single ship. Their losses in killed and wounded amounted to about 800 people.

The Russian flagship Azov, under the command of Captain 1st Rank M.P. Lazarev, especially distinguished itself in the battle. “Azov” sank 2 frigates and a corvette, burned a 60-gun frigate under the flag of Tahir Pasha, forced an 80-gun ship to run aground, and then, together with the British, destroyed the Turkish flagship.

For its military exploits, the battleship Azov was awarded the stern St. George flag and pennant for the first time in the Russian fleet. Its commander, Captain 1st Rank M.P. Lazarev, was promoted to rear admiral. Rear Admiral L.P. Heyden became vice admiral, holder of the Order of St. George 3rd degree, the French Order of St. Louis and the English Order of the Bath. Most of the officers of the Russian squadron received Russian, English and French orders and promotions in rank.


Your Mightiness!

According to rumors that reach us from all countries, and from reliable information, we learn that numerous detachments of your army have scattered in different directions throughout the western part of the Morea, devastating it, burning, destroying, uprooting trees, vineyards, all kinds of plants, etc. in a word, they are vying with each other to turn this country into a complete desert.

Moreover, we were informed that an expedition had been prepared against the Maina districts and that some troops had moved there.

All these unusually violent actions take place, one might say, in our eyes and in violation of the truce, which Your Lordship pledged on their word of honor to observe inviolably until the return of your couriers. In violation of such a truce, by virtue of which your fleet was allowed to return to Navarin on the 26th of last September.

The undersigned are in the unfortunate necessity of announcing to you now that such an act on your part and such an amazing violation of your promises puts you, Gracious Sovereign, outside the laws of the people and outside the existing treaties between the high courts of the allies and the Ottoman Porte. To this, the undersigned add that the devastation being carried out at this very time, at your command, is completely contrary to the benefits of your Sovereign, who, due to these devastations, may lose the significant benefits brought to him over Greece by the London Treaty. The undersigned demand from Your Lordship a decisive and prompt answer and present to you the seemingly inevitable consequences of your refusal or evasion.

Vice Admiral E. Codrington,

Rear Admiral Count Heyden,

Rear Admiral Chavalier de Rigny


In the Battle of Navarino battleship"Azov" fought a difficult battle simultaneously with five enemy [ships. This is how Rear Admiral L.P. Heyden described it in a report to Nicholas I: “...The ship “Azov”... while it was itself surrounded by the enemy, it helped the English admiral a lot, who fought with the 80-gun ship, which had the flag of Mukharem Bey, for when the latter, due to the breaking of his spring, turned his stern to the Azov, then 14 guns were immediately detached on this subject from the left side and acted for about half an hour with such success that they smashed, so to speak, his entire aft, and when a fire broke out in the constapel room and his cabin and the people made every effort to extinguish it, the strong grapeshot fire from the Azov destroyed this intention, through which the enemy ship was soon enveloped in flames and, finally, was blown up into the air ...

To the honor of Captain Lazarev, I must add most obediently that strict discipline, daily gun drills and the order in which the servants were always kept were the reason, and to which I am absolutely obliged, that the ship "Azov" acted with such success in defeating and exterminating the enemy. He sank 2 huge frigates and a corvette with his strong fire, shot down an 80-gun ship, which ran aground and was finally blown up, destroyed a two-deck frigate, on which the commander-in-chief Turkish fleet Tahir Pasha had his own flag and it burned down the next day, having, according to the Pasha himself, out of the 600 people of his team, up to 500 killed and wounded.”

About how M.P. Lazarev behaved in battle, P.S. Nakhimov wrote in a letter to his friend Mikhail Reineke: “I still don’t know the worth of our captain. It was necessary to look at him during the battle, with what prudence, with what composure he gave orders everywhere. But I don’t have enough words to describe all his commendable deeds, and I am confidently confident that the Russian fleet did not have such a captain.”

During the battle, future naval commanders showed their worth on the Azov: Lieutenant Nakhimov, Midshipman Kornilov, Midshipman Istomin.


Exactly at 6 o'clock we struck the all-clear, and, having thanked the Almighty in my soul for the glorious victory granted and protection from the destructive flame, I went down to the cockpit to look at my wounded brother. Thanks to God, his wound is not dangerous. There the priest read the funeral service for the dead, the doctor cut the leg of the wounded, the drunk... shouted “Hurray”, and the secretary fussed around the sick. Having delighted the wounded and those in the crew chamber with the news of a complete victory, I ran to the poop deck. It was already dark. It was a beautiful evening, completely calm, and nothing darkened the clear sky while such horrors were happening around us. The officers, having gathered, kissed like brothers, and the joy of seeing everyone safe was immeasurable. Everyone quickly told what happened in his detachment during the battle; As for me, in general I was very happy that day and cannot describe the feeling that possessed me. I was especially happy with our brave sailors, who fought with courage that surpassed all expression, and amazed me with the trust they showed towards their officers.

At half past 7 o'clock an officer from Count Heyden came to the ship to congratulate the captain and officers on the victory and thank him on behalf of the admiral for the quick occupation of the place and the glorious action of the guns. The ship "Azov" lost a lot of people and suffered a lot in its hull. We also have quite a few dead and wounded.

After the prayer service, the people were given a glass of rum and ordered to stand at the guns, where, after eating crackers, they went to bed, leaving two sentries at each gun. The officers, having gathered at the captain's, were very happy to find the rescued roast there, and spent a very pleasant hour at a cheerful dinner. The captain divided us into two shifts, entrusting the command of each of them to a staff officer, who was supposed to take care of putting the ship in order and maintaining the guard. I joined the first shift before midnight, the others went to rest at their guns. We, having examined the sentries, gathered on the poop deck to admire the extraordinary and majestic spectacle. The batteries on all the ships of the united fleet were illuminated, constant detours around the bay were plowed and caused a wide variety of calls from the sentries. "Who's rowing?" - we shouted... the French shouted... on the English ships. All this was mixed with rifle shots and at times drowned out by volleys of flaming Turkish ships or thunderclaps of a sudden explosion. All these sounds, without ceasing, shimmered in the mountains, illuminated by the bright flames of the dying enemy ships, scattered on the shallows off the coast and reflected in the quiet waters of the bay, filled with the dead and drowning, seeking the wrong salvation on the floating wreckage of broken ships. During my watch, from 7 pm to 12 pm, 7 explosions followed one after another. The Turks, in desperation, set their ships on fire themselves. In these cases, each time the fire spread roughly throughout the entire ship; due to the excessive heat, the red-hot cannons fired on their own, and an explosion soon followed. Everything that was above the hook chamber rose into the air, the rest was left to burn out on the water.

The author of the notes, Alexander Petrovich Rykachev, in 1816, at the age of thirteen, having excellent training, entered the Marine cadet corps and was immediately enlisted as a midshipman. In 1827, with the rank of lieutenant (on the ship Gangut), he took part in the Battle of Navarino. For the heroism shown awarded the order St. Vladimir 4th degree with bow. 1877 A posthumous edition of A.P. Rykachev’s notes was published in Kronstadt


At the presentation of Codrington to the Order of Victoria - it was impossible not to award him, given the enormous international resonance of this battle - English king wrote: "Deserves a rope, but I have to give him the ribbon." The plans of the British government did not include the complete destruction of the Turkish fleet. When the jubilant public calmed down, Codrington was quietly dismissed.

On October 20, 1827, the Russian fleet with its allies defeated the Turkish fleet in the naval battle of Navarino off the coast of Greece. The Russians did not lose a single ship. The losses of the Turkish fleet amounted to 60 ships. The flagship of the Russian squadron "Azov" alone destroyed 5 Turkish ships.


On October 8 (20), 1827, a naval battle took place in the Navarino Bay of the Ionian Sea between the allied fleet (Russia, England and France) and the Turkish-Egyptian fleet.

After Turkey refused to comply with the requirements of the London Convention of 1827 on granting autonomy to Greece, a combined squadron of Russia, England and France under the command of the senior English Vice Admiral E. Codrington approached the Bay of Navarino, where the Turkish-Egyptian fleet under the command of Muharrem was located -bey.

The English squadron consisted of 3 battleships, 3 frigates, a sloop, 4 brigs and a tender (472 guns in total). The English squadron was commanded by Vice Admiral E. Codrington. In the French squadron of Rear Admiral A. de Rigny there were 3 battleships, 2 frigates, a brig and a schooner (362 guns). Under the command of the Russian Rear Admiral L.P. Heyden there were 4 battleships and 4 frigates (466 guns). In total, the combined fleet consisted of 10 battleships, 9 frigates and 7 small ships and about 1 thousand 300 guns.

The Turkish-Egyptian fleet consisted of 3 battleships, 5 two-deck 64-gun frigates, 18 frigates, 42 corvettes, 15 brigs and 6 fire ships (in total, according to various sources, from 2.1 thousand to 2.6 thousand guns). The entrance to the bay was shelled from both sides by 165 guns from coastal batteries located in the Navarino fortress and on the island of Sphacteria. The commander-in-chief of the Turkish-Egyptian troops and fleet was Ibrahim Pasha.

On October 8 (20), 1827, the allied squadrons began to enter the bay in a wake column and take up positions according to the previously accepted disposition. As soon as the ships of the English squadron began to lower their anchors, the Turks opened rapid rifle fire on them and killed an English parliamentary officer who was heading to negotiate with the Turkish admiral. At the same time, the first cannon shot was fired from the Egyptian corvette at the French flagship Sirena, and the fortress batteries opened crossfire at the flagship of the Russian squadron Azov, which was passing at the head of the detachment through the narrow strait into Navarino Bay.

A fierce short-range battle lasted for 4 hours, during which the allied squadrons acted in complete unanimity, providing each other with mutual support. The Turkish-Egyptian fleet was completely destroyed. The Russian squadron under the command of Rear Admiral Heyden acted most decisively and skillfully, destroying the entire center and right flank of the enemy fleet. She took the main blow of the enemy and destroyed most of his ships. The losses of the Turkish-Egyptian fleet amounted to more than 60 ships and vessels, including 3 battleships, 9 frigates, 24 corvettes, 14 brigs. Losses in killed and drowned alone amounted to more than 7 thousand people. At night, the Turks themselves burned almost all of their remaining ships. The Allies did not lose a single ship. Their losses in killed and wounded amounted to about 800 people.

The Russian flagship Azov, under the command of Captain 1st Rank M.P. Lazarev, especially distinguished itself in the battle. “Azov” sank 2 frigates and a corvette, burned a 60-gun frigate under the flag of Tahir Pasha, forced an 80-gun ship to run aground, and then, together with the British, destroyed the Turkish flagship.

For its military exploits, the battleship Azov was awarded the stern St. George flag and pennant for the first time in the Russian fleet. Its commander, Captain 1st Rank M.P. Lazarev, was promoted to rear admiral. Rear Admiral L.P. Heyden became vice admiral, holder of the Order of St. George 3rd degree, the French Order of St. Louis and the English Order of the Bath. Most of the officers of the Russian squadron received Russian, English and French orders and promotions in rank.


Your Mightiness!

According to rumors that reach us from all countries, and from reliable information, we learn that numerous detachments of your army have scattered in different directions throughout the western part of the Morea, devastating it, burning, destroying, uprooting trees, vineyards, all kinds of plants, etc. in a word, they are vying with each other to turn this country into a complete desert.

Moreover, we were informed that an expedition had been prepared against the Maina districts and that some troops had moved there.

All these unusually violent actions take place, one might say, in our eyes and in violation of the truce, which Your Lordship pledged on their word of honor to observe inviolably until the return of your couriers. In violation of such a truce, by virtue of which your fleet was allowed to return to Navarin on the 26th of last September.

The undersigned are in the unfortunate necessity of announcing to you now that such an act on your part and such an amazing violation of your promises puts you, Gracious Sovereign, outside the laws of the people and outside the existing treaties between the high courts of the allies and the Ottoman Porte. To this, the undersigned add that the devastation being carried out at this very time, at your command, is completely contrary to the benefits of your Sovereign, who, due to these devastations, may lose the significant benefits brought to him over Greece by the London Treaty. The undersigned demand from Your Lordship a decisive and prompt answer and present to you the seemingly inevitable consequences of your refusal or evasion.

Vice Admiral E. Codrington,

Rear Admiral Count Heyden,

Rear Admiral Chavalier de Rigny


In the Battle of Navarino, the battleship Azov fought a heavy battle simultaneously with five enemy [ships. This is how Rear Admiral L.P. Heyden described it in a report to Nicholas I: “...The ship “Azov”... while it was itself surrounded by the enemy, it helped the English admiral a lot, who fought with the 80-gun ship, which had the flag of Mukharem Bey, for when the latter, due to the breaking of his spring, turned his stern to the Azov, then 14 guns were immediately detached on this subject from the left side and acted for about half an hour with such success that they smashed, so to speak, his entire aft, and when a fire broke out in the constapel room and his cabin and the people made every effort to extinguish it, the strong grapeshot fire from the Azov destroyed this intention, through which the enemy ship was soon enveloped in flames and, finally, was blown up into the air ...

To the honor of Captain Lazarev, I must add most obediently that strict discipline, daily gun drills and the order in which the servants were always kept were the reason, and to which I am absolutely obliged, that the ship "Azov" acted with such success in defeating and exterminating the enemy. With his strong fire he sank 2 huge frigates and a corvette, shot down an 80-gun ship, which ran aground and was finally blown up, destroyed a two-deck frigate, on which the commander-in-chief of the Turkish fleet Tahir Pasha had his flag and which burned down the next day, having, according to the pasha himself, out of 600 people on his team, up to 500 were killed and wounded.”

About how M.P. Lazarev behaved in battle, P.S. Nakhimov wrote in a letter to his friend Mikhail Reineke: “I still don’t know the worth of our captain. It was necessary to look at him during the battle, with what prudence, with what composure he gave orders everywhere. But I don’t have enough words to describe all his commendable deeds, and I am confidently confident that the Russian fleet did not have such a captain.”

During the battle, future naval commanders showed their worth on the Azov: Lieutenant Nakhimov, Midshipman Kornilov, Midshipman Istomin.

Zolotarev V. A., Kozlov I. A. Three centuries Russian fleet, XIX - early XX centuries. M., 2004


Exactly at 6 o'clock we struck the all-clear, and, having thanked the Almighty in my soul for the glorious victory granted and protection from the destructive flame, I went down to the cockpit to look at my wounded brother. Thanks to God, his wound is not dangerous. There the priest read the funeral service for the dead, the doctor cut the leg of the wounded, the drunk... shouted “Hurray”, and the secretary fussed around the sick. Having delighted the wounded and those in the crew chamber with the news of a complete victory, I ran to the poop deck. It was already dark. It was a beautiful evening, completely calm, and nothing darkened the clear sky while such horrors were happening around us. The officers, having gathered, kissed like brothers, and the joy of seeing everyone safe was immeasurable. Everyone quickly told what happened in his detachment during the battle; As for me, in general I was very happy that day and cannot describe the feeling that possessed me. I was especially happy with our brave sailors, who fought with courage that surpassed all expression, and amazed me with the trust they showed towards their officers.

At half past 7 o'clock an officer from Count Heyden came to the ship to congratulate the captain and officers on the victory and thank him on behalf of the admiral for the quick occupation of the place and the glorious action of the guns. The ship "Azov" lost a lot of people and suffered a lot in its hull. We also have quite a few dead and wounded.

After the prayer service, the people were given a glass of rum and ordered to stand at the guns, where, after eating crackers, they went to bed, leaving two sentries at each gun. The officers, having gathered at the captain's, were very happy to find the rescued roast there, and spent a very pleasant hour at a cheerful dinner. The captain divided us into two shifts, entrusting the command of each of them to a staff officer, who was supposed to take care of putting the ship in order and maintaining the guard. I joined the first shift before midnight, the others went to rest at their guns. We, having examined the sentries, gathered on the poop deck to admire the extraordinary and majestic spectacle. The batteries on all the ships of the united fleet were illuminated, constant detours around the bay were plowed and caused a wide variety of calls from the sentries. "Who's rowing?" - we shouted... the French shouted... on the English ships. All this was mixed with rifle shots and at times drowned out by volleys of flaming Turkish ships or thunderclaps of a sudden explosion. All these sounds, without ceasing, shimmered in the mountains, illuminated by the bright flames of the dying enemy ships, scattered on the shallows off the coast and reflected in the quiet waters of the bay, filled with the dead and drowning, seeking the wrong salvation on the floating wreckage of broken ships. During my watch, from 7 pm to 12 pm, 7 explosions followed one after another. The Turks, in desperation, set their ships on fire themselves. In these cases, each time the fire spread roughly throughout the entire ship; due to the excessive heat, the red-hot cannons fired on their own, and an explosion soon followed. Everything that was above the hook chamber rose into the air, the rest was left to burn out on the water.

The author of the notes, Alexander Petrovich Rykachev, in 1816, at the age of thirteen, having excellent training, entered the Naval Cadet Corps and was immediately enrolled as a midshipman. In 1827, with the rank of lieutenant (on the ship Gangut), he took part in the Battle of Navarino. For his heroism he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree with a bow. 1877 A posthumous edition of A.P. Rykachev’s notes was published in Kronstadt


At Codrington’s presentation to the Order of Victoria - it was impossible not to award him, given the enormous international resonance of this battle - the English king wrote: “Deserves a rope, but I am forced to give him a ribbon.” The plans of the British government did not include the complete destruction of the Turkish fleet. When the jubilant public calmed down, Codrington was quietly dismissed.

Video "Battle of Navarino. October 20, 1827"

1341 - Sergius of Radonezh was tonsured a monk. Deciding to become a monk, Sergius transferred his share of the inheritance to his younger brother and, together with his elder brother, founded the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, where in 1353 he became abbot. Sergius possessed a rare combination of such qualities as noble origin, non-acquisitiveness, religiosity and hard work.
1480 - the “standing on the Ugra” began between the troops of the Russian prince Ivan III and the khan of the Great Horde Akhmat, which ended with the final liberation of Russia from the Mongol-Tatar yoke.
1517 - Portuguese nobleman Ferdinand Magellan (Fernao de Magalhaes) arrived in Seville. In 1512-1514. he fought against the Moroccans in North Africa, was wounded and returned to Portugal, where he asked the king for a promotion. The king refused him and ordered him to return to Morocco. At the beginning of 1516, Magellan again appealed to the king and was again refused. Magellan was told that he was free to serve anyone. The offended sailor went to Spain, where he managed to conclude an agreement: ahead of him was a circumnavigation of the world and death in the Philippines.
1671 - all bachelors in New France (North America) are ordered to marry only girls from France.
1696 - Boyar Duma decided to create a regular Russian fleet.
1774 - The American Continental Congress imposed an economic embargo on trade with Britain.

1803 - The US Senate ratifies the Louisiana Purchase.
1812 - second battle of Polotsk.
1818 - England and America established a border at the 49th parallel between Canada and the United States.
1822 - The first issue of The Sunday Times newspaper was published in England.
1852 - Kronstadt left the frigate "Pallada" under the command of Admiral E.V. Putyatin, which set off on a circumnavigation of the world. The writer Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov, who kept a general journal and studied literature with the midshipmen at the admiral’s request, agreed to become the admiral’s secretary. The voyage was interrupted due to an outbreak the following year. Crimean War, but a visit to England, Japan, a trip through Siberia, when Goncharov visited all the Decembrists, allowed him not only to publish travel notes entitled “Frigate “Pallada””, but also to clarify the author’s position in the future novels “Oblomov” and “Breakage”, which existed at the beginning of the voyage only in sketches.
1865 - Ottawa is approved as the seat of the Canadian government.
1868 - the first private commercial bank in Ukraine was created in Kyiv.
1880 - The Moscow Circus opened on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, one of the oldest circuses in Russia.
1891 - The Erfurt Program was adopted, which defined the basic principles of European social democracy.

1911 - R. Amundsen's expedition moved to the South Pole.
- The first meeting of the association “Workshop of Poets” took place, which later created the poetic movement Acmeism.
1914 - Russian Renault JSC was formed, which owned a plant in St. Petersburg for assembling French aircraft engines - now the Plant named after. V. Ya. Klimova.”
1916 - Russian empire. Crimea. The battleship Empress Maria exploded in the city of Sevastopol, killing hundreds.
1920 - British Columbia (Canada) voters vote against Prohibition
- The aircraft manufacturing company Aeronautical Corporation Of America conducted the first test flight of its first aircraft, the Aeronca C-2.
1923 - businessman Leo Deckers proclaimed the independent Republic of Lorraine.
1929 - The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks officially proclaimed complete collectivization.
- First flight of the twelve-engine Dornier-X flying boat with 169 passengers on board.
1930 - Khakass Autonomous Region was formed.
- British authorities in Israel limited the rights of Jews to purchase land from Arabs.
1932 - the Pravda newspaper first published the slogan “Dynamo is a force in motion.”
1944 - Soviet army and Yugoslav partisans liberated Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia.
1945 - Women in France are granted the right to vote for the first time.
1947 - A test pilot school was opened at the Flight Research Institute in Zhukovsky near Moscow. The “Godfather” of the school was the famous Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov, and its first head was Aviation Major General Mikhail Vasilyevich Kotelnikov.
- First flight of the light multi-purpose aircraft “Yak-12”, F. L. Abramov.
- The House Un-American Activities Committee began hearings on communist infiltration of Hollywood.

1951 - Riga plant“Radio Engineering” was named after A. Popov.
1953 - Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 was published in the United States.
- Canada's first private television station opened in Sudbury, Ontario.
1955 - publication of The Return of the King, the last part of The Lord of the Rings.
1956 - a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the medal “For the development of virgin lands.”
1958 - military coup in Thailand.
1959 - first flight of the An-24 turboprop aircraft for short-haul airlines.
1960 - the trial of the novel Lady Chatterley's Lover by David Lawrence, which had been banned for 30 years, opened at the Old Bailey in London. To begin, the judge told the jury to read the novel.
1962 - the Tu-124 jet aircraft entered service.
1963 - France conducts underground nuclear tests.
1964 - The Rolling Stones gave their first concert in Paris. As a result of the unrest, 150 people were arrested.
1965 - mass arrests of communists in Indonesia.
1967 - a giant Sasquatch was captured on videotape in northern California (USA).
1968 - At the Olympic Games in Mexico City, American Dick Fosbury, who invented original way overcome the bar - with your back to it. The new style quickly gained popularity throughout the world.
1970 - the first Sportloto drawing took place in the USSR.
1973 - Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain opened the Sydney Opera House, recognized as one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. The competition for the construction of a new opera building, announced in 1954, was attended by 233 specialists from 32 countries. The winner was the then unknown Dane Jörg Oberg Utzon. The architect's unusual solution was inspired by the sails of yachts in the Sydney port, but the implementation of his plan required solving complex technical problems. As a result, construction was delayed for ten years. The interior of the opera is designed in a style called “space age gothic”. This building houses the world's largest theater curtain and the world's largest mechanical organ with 10,500 pipes.
1977 - Three members of the American band Lynyrd Skynyrd died in a plane crash: lead singer Ronnie Van Zant and two new recruits, Steven Earl Gaines and Cassie Gaines. The rest of the group escaped with injuries. The band had just released their sixth album three days earlier and were flying from city to city on a private jet during their tour. The survivors formed new line-up under the name "The Rossington-Collins Band", but in 1986 they suffered another blow when guitarist Allen Collins (Allen Larkin Collins) was involved in a car accident, during which his girlfriend died and he was paralyzed. Four years later he died. In 1987, Lynyrd Skynyrd reunited for a tour in memory of the tragic anniversary, with the former solo singer becoming the vocalist. younger brother Ronnie Johnny (Johnny Van Zant). Since 1991, the group resumed its activities.
1988 - A. Sakharov was elected to the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
1991 - B. Yeltsin announced the transfer of functions of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Russian ministry.
1992 - first flight of the Yak-112 general purpose aircraft, V. A. Yakimov.
1993 - The Dutch government decided to ban the sale of marijuana and hashish to foreign tourists. This restriction did not affect local citizens.
- A movie star, the spider Belinda, who starred in films about James Bond and Indiana Jones, has died at the London Zoo.
1994 - The Congress of Russian Communities was established in Moscow.
1997 - Microsoft is accused of violating US antitrust laws.
1998 - Internet information server “Cyril and Methodius” was opened.

2002 - an unusual exhibition opened in Veliky Novgorod. The exhibition includes debris found while cleaning the shores of Lake Ilmen and several rivers. Almost half of all waste is car tires. Environmentalists also found many old refrigerators, benches and trash cans from city streets.

Holiday calendar, dates and events of October
